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MSschme 13 Aprl17

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Reg. No.

L34 S 51



(scHEME - 2013)
Time: Hours
3 Max. Marhs: 70
Note: (i) Question No.l is compulsory and it must be answered first in
sequence at one place only
(ii) Answer any FOUR from the remaining.
Question No.1 carries 10 marks and remaining questions
carry 15 marks each.
1. Ansrver the following. (10 x 1 = 10)
(a) What is meant by over hanging beam?
(b) Write shear stress distribution across T-section..
(c) What is the ratio of maximum shear stress to the average shear stress for
the rectangular section?
(d) Write torsion equation.
(e) Define principai planes and principal stresses.
(0 Write the formula for deflection of a fixed beam with uniformly
distributed 1oad.
(g) List out the mod.es of failure in thin cyiindrical shell due to an internal
(h) Define thick cylinders.
(i) Write the Euler's formula for both end fixed.
0) What are the factors that affect the strength colurnn?
Z. A Simpiy supported beam of length 6 metres carries a UDL of 20 kN/m
throughout its length and a point of 30 kN at 2 metres from the right support.
Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram. Also find the position and
magnitude of maximum Bending moment. (15)

B. A beam is having a T-shaped cross section with flange width 125 mm, flange
thickness 25 mm depth of web 175 mm and thickness of web 25 mm' If a
bending moment of 2.5 kN-m is acting at the section, draw the bending stress
distribution. (15)

Turn Over
4. Design diameter of solid shaft for resisting torque of 2500 N-m. AIso design
cross-section of hallow'shaft made of same material assuming internal
diameter as 0.7 times the external diameter for the same torque. Hence,
Comment on percentage saving in weight and angle of twist per unit length of
shafts. Take permissible shear stress for shaft material = 60 MPa. (15)

Calculate the maximum deflection of the beam shown in figure 5. by

Macaulay's method. Take E =200 GPa,I =l.Z}xh}s rnm.a. (15) I
r00 kN 200 kN

2.5 m _l_ Z.S m

Figure 5

6. A thick cylinder having 300 mm internal diameter and 70 mm thickness is

subjected to a fluid pressure of 70 N/mm2. Determine the maximum and
minimum intensity of radial stress. Also sketch the radial pressure
distribution and radial stress distribution across the cross section. (15)

7. (a) Distinguish between long column and short column. (5)

(b) Find theEuler's crippling load for a hollow cylindrical steel column of
38 mm external diameter and 2.5 mm thick. Take length of the column as
2.3 m and hinped at its both ends. Take E =2O5kN tmmz. AJso determine
the crippling load by Rankine's formula. Take
Rankine constant (a) = ll7100 and yield stress =335N/mm2. (10)

r34 s 51

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