Title of Book: Selected Themes in the Study of
Philosophical Anthropology
Name of Author: Damian Tersoo Anyam
Reviewer: Zaato M. Nor, Ph.D
Year of Publication: Not Available
Number of Pages: 89
Man is a dynamic and complex being. It is basically from
this understanding of man that the existentialists,
particularly Jean-Paul Sartre, see man as a being that lacks
a comprehensive and holistic definition. It is also premised
on man’s dynamism and complexity that diverse academic
disciplines as well as scientific methods to understudy him
became evolved. Philosophical Anthropology is one of such
academic endevours whose sole aim is to provide (a) holistic
philosophical answer(s) on the question; ‘who is man?’ in
contradistinction to the question; ‘what is man?’. Several
works have been lavishly put up by scholars in this regard.
The book: Selected Themes in the Study of Philosophical
Anthropology by Damian Tersoo Anyam also takes a cue
from the understanding that man need to be studied
absolutely. The book is pointedly, according to the author
in the preface: “aimed at inculcating firsthand knowledge
to beginners in the area of philosophical anthropology”.194
He stresses that by constant reflection on the selected themes
as advanced in the book, one would enhance his/her
understanding of the different dimensions of man. He adds
that by so doing, the sense of human life and value of
existence would become manifest. These objectives clearly,
constitute the focus of the work.
However, rather than an all-embracing approach to the
study of man, the work selectively adopts themes for its
discourse based on an existing work as clearly demonstrated
in the title the book. The author during the ‘assemblage’ of
the book, contentedly assures the reader that the book herein
referred to as “this piecemeal” is actually “an accumulative
efforts of my lectures in this area for the past years” (sic).195
What the author intended to say is that the book is a product
of his accumulated years of research and teaching in the
area of Philosophical Anthropology. However, there are
some philosophical solicitudes arising from the assemblage.
194. Anyam, Damian Tersoo, Selected Themes in the Study of Philosophical Anthropology, (Makurdi:
Obeta Continental Press, 2007),P. iv.
195. Anyam, Damian Tersoo, Selected Themes in the Study of Philosophical Anthropology, P. iv.
196. Hornby, A. S., Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, (7th edition) (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2006), P. 74.
who designed the model that is (are) ingenious. Here, we
may recall the Peugeot Assembly of Nigeria (PAN) in
Kaduna, Nigeria where components parts are brought in
and fitted together to have Peugeot cars. But this is at the
level of technology where one is licensed to do so. At the
level of ideas, it is unlawful to begin to “assemble” other
persons’ ideas without authorization either from the author
or the publishers of such a work or copyright owners. Of
course, no serious academic is ignorant of the consequences
of assembling from an existing form without adequate
acknowledgements. What the author has confessed doing
is to have acted in the latter. This essay shall elaborate on
this with relevant citations from Selected Themes in the Study
of Philosophical Anthropology.
198. See Page 29- 34 of Anyam, Damian Tersoo’s Selected Themes in the Study of Philosophical
and illogicalities. For instance, the ‘assembler’ says:
“Freedom is hardly a new idea in our history”.199 In other
words, freedom to the ‘assembler’ is a mere idea in human
history. By this, freedom is reduced to an intangible being
and thus, by implication cannot be practically applied and
evaluated. Apparently, this view rules out the possibility
of assessing or measuring freedom in human situation. He
stresses that: “It is vital to note that freedom is an illusive
(sic) and important question in human existence”.200 Clearly,
there are two propositions here that are quite consequential
when x-rayed from the logical laws of thought. They are:
1. ‘It is vital to note that freedom is an elusive question
in human existence’ and
2. ‘It is vital to note that freedom is an important
question in human existence’.
199. Anyam, Damian Tersoo, Selected Themes in the Study of Philosophical Anthropology, P. 35.
200. Anyam, Damian Tersoo, Selected Themes in the Study of Philosophical Anthropology, P. 35.
201. Nwala, T. U., A Modern Introduction to Philosophy and Logic, (Nsukka: Niger Books and
Publishing, 1997), P. 17.
202. Anyam, Damian Tersoo, Selected Themes in the Study of Philosophical Anthropology, P. 35.
being intrinsic to the worldview of a people. By this, the
relationship between Philosophy and Anthropology
becomes very obvious (as disciplines concerned with the
total ways of life of a people in a socio-cultural context).
Nevertheless, what appears ridiculous in the book is the
direct association of the origin of culture with the origin of
language variations as narrated in the biblical account of
the Towel of Babel. The “author” makes the point that: “at
the beginning of human beings, there was common
perception, common understanding, as well a common
problems and solutions”.203 In other words, humanity at
large shared a common language and by implication,
participated in a common culture informed by language.
This is in addition to sharing common problems and
collective solutions. The implication of this argument is that
culture is synonymous with language. It is like saying that
there is culture because there is language. This thinking is
simply fallacious. Language which is non-material culture
is just an aspect of culture and culture cannot be reduced
to language. If this is erroneously made the case, then
invariably material culture ceases to be as it simply will
become part of language which is distinctively seen as non-
material culture. Culture encompasses language and other
aspects of life of a people which can be exemplified in
material forms. It is basically from this understanding that
Edward B. Tylor defines culture as: “That complex whole
which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom,
and habits acquired by man as a member of society”.204
Clearly, it is misleading to make culture synonymous with
language. For instance, my ability to speak English language
does not make me an Englishman or that I practice English
203. Anyam, Damian Tersoo, Selected Themes in the Study of Philosophical Anthropology, P. 52.
204. Gbor, John W. T., The Concept of Culture and Tiv Cultural Values, (Jos: Seye Prints, 2008),
P. 1.
209. Anyam, Damian Tersoo, Selected Themes in the Study of Philosophical Anthropology, P. 4.
210. See Battista Mondin’s Philosophical Anthropology, P. 3.
211. Anyam, Damian Tersoo, Selected Themes in the Study of Philosophical Anthropology, P. 4.
ANTHROPOLOGICAL TREND, and have also given an
anthropocentric foundation to their discipline”.212 There is
no use stating the obvious from the foregoing. The contort
brought about by the removal of the words put in capital
letters is grave. Thus, the deformation has completely
altered Mondin’s idea and in addition, falsified what he
considers as the influence on theologians. Suffice it to say
that, like the other prominent features of misrepresentation,
and/or verbatim reproduction of other scholars’ ideas, the
assembled book has a resounding obsession for distortion.
If not for the distortions, the appropriate title of the work
Mondin who died only in 2015, precisely on the 29th of
January, was given a copy of the work ‘assembled’ in 2007,
he would have died earlier because of the disgusting
distortions of his ideas.
Amazingly, the work which considered several themes
under Philosophical Anthropology, reduced everything in
its conclusion to human existential predicament, the
position advanced by Professor Joseph I. Omoregbe in his
Inaugural Lecture titled: “The Human Predicament: Has
Human Life On Earth Any Ultimate Purpose, Any Ultimate
Meaning? –An Existential Inquiry”. The assembler in his
book reproduced Omoregbe’s conclusion verbatim and also
recommended religion as a panacea to the meaning of “who
is man?” According to him:
213. Anyam, Damian Tersoo, Selected Themes in the Study of Philosophical Anthropology, P. 75.
214. Anyam, Damian Tersoo, Selected Themes in the Study of Philosophical Anthropology, P. 76.
See Joseph Omoregbe’s Inaugural Lecture entitled “The Human Predicament: Has Human Life
on Earth Any Ultimate Purpose, Any Ultimate Meaning? – An Existential Inquiry”, delivered at
the University of Lagos (Lagos: University of Lagos Press, 2001) for a detailed exposition of the
thoughts of Omoregbe on the subject matter under consideration and the context of usage.
blaze the trial? Which is the authentic religion (as other
religions are always despised by a particular one for being
inferior)? Are all religions the same? Is it all religions that
have the conception of maker or creator in them and heaven
and hell in them?
Away from the very obvious flaws as evaluated, the
assembler exhibited no trace of clearly defined
methodology and perspective of approach. The works
consulted for the assemblage are quite minimal as this is
clearly shown in the themes assembled and how the
explanations were handled. The work shows clearly a
dearth of any discernable style and originality. It is not
expository, evaluative, analytical, comparative or narrative,
etc. More so, the assembler has no articulated position
which he wanted to communicate to others. In this wise,
the reader especially the students may only gain little or
nothing from reading this work. The reader is not
stimulated nor challenged in any way as the work opened
no new vista in the annals of knowledge or scholarly world.
For instance, there are lots of misinformation, disinformation
and falsehood put forward such as the assembler’s
contention that ‘Judaism and Islam are western theistic
religions’.215 These contentions coming from a scholar are
Again, quotations are immediately followed by new ones
such as those found on pages 75 and 76, etc of Selected Themes
in the Study of Philosophical Anthropology. At the same time,
there are catalogues of meaningless expressions like:
215. Anyam, Damian Tersoo, Selected Themes in the Study of Philosophical Anthropology, P. 75.
Concluding Remarks
In spite of all the philosophical solicitudes, the assembler
had nevertheless, published. No doubt, people publish for
basically two purposes: posterity and other benefits which
are best known to the author. The publication under
consideration is no doubt motivated by the latter reason.
But all the same, in academics, Professor Peter Bodunrin
strongly commends criticism saying that: “The greatest
compliment you can pay a philosopher and any scholar for
that matter is to criticize his work”.220 This article is a critical
consideration of Selected Themes in the Study of Philosophical
Anthropology. It is thus, the greatest compliment paid to the
author and ‘scholar’ for assembling a scholarly write-up.
Meanwhile, it suffices to say that apparently the subject
matter undertaken by author lacks an in depth treatment.
Moreover, the right language, the scope and the logics of
addressing the primitive issues relating to the holistic study
of man are kept in abeyance. Accordingly, the author more
220. Peter Bodunrin (ed), Philosophy and Africa: Trends and Perspectives (Ile-Ife: University of Ife
Press, 1985), P. xv.