What Is Constitution
What Is Constitution
What Is Constitution
Making Of Indian Constitution
Montagu declaration
✓ 20 August 1917
✓ Responsible Government
Making Of Indian Constitution
➢ Right to Secede
Secretary of State for India President of the Board of Trade First Lord of Admiralty
Making Of Indian Constitution
296 93
Making Of Indian Constitution
Indirectly Elected
Making of Indian Constitution
Making Of Indian Constitution
INC 208
Muslim league 73
Independent 15
Making Of Indian Constitution
Princely States
didn’t Muslim League
First Meeting
✓ 211 Members
✓ 11 December 1946.
H C Mookerjee V. T. Krishnamachari
Third Meeting
✓ 13 December 1946.
✓ Objective Resolution
8 Major 13 Minor
Union Constitution Committee
Union Powers Committee
States Committee
Steering Committee
Rules of Procedure Committee
• Provincial Constitution Committee
✓ 7 Member
✓ 29 August 1947
1. Dr B R Ambedkar (Chairman)
2. N Gopalaswamy Ayyangar
3. Alladi Krishnaswamy Ayyar
4. Dr K M Munshi
5. Syed Mohammad Saadullah
6. N Madhava Rau (He replaced B L Mitter who resigned due to
7. T T Krishnamachari (He replaced D P Khaitan who died in
Drafting Committees
➢ 26 Jan 1950
Important Facts
• 11 sessions
• 15 women's
• rupees 64 lakhs
• Judicial review
United States • Preamble
• Fundamental Rights
• Federal structure of government
• Electoral College
• Independence of the judiciary and separation of
powers among the three branches of the
• President as Supreme Commander of Armed Forces
• Equal protection under law
Borrowing Features Of Constitution
• Emergency provisions
• Judiciary
• Administrative Details
Objective of
Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity
Keywords of Preamble
WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into
its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political; LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief,
faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the
individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;
IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949,
Keywords of Preamble
Types of State
Monarchy Republic
Key words
▪ Concept is taken from Russian revolution
▪ Absence of privilege to any section of society.
Supreme court
High Court
District court
Subordinate court
Features of Indian constitution
Independent Judiciary System
Appointment of judges of Supreme Court and High Courts by collegium
Separation of the judiciary from the executive
Security of tenure of judges
Ban on practice after retirement
Supreme Court judges salaries, pensions, and allowances are charged to
India's Consolidated Fund
Features of Indian constitution
Supremacy of the constitution
Features of Indian constitution
Democratic System
▪ Elected government
Central government
State government
Local government
The union and its territory (Article 1 – Article 4 )
1. India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States.
Legal Rights
History of fundamental Rights
• The Constitution of India Bill 1895 (swaraj Bill)
• Freedom of speech, right to privacy, right of
franchise etc.
• The Motilal Nehru Report of 1928 demanded
indispensible fundamental rights for the people
of India (American Bill of rights )
History of fundamental Rights
Advisory Committee on Fundamental
Rights(January 24, 1947)
History of fundamental Rights
Sapru committee report was published in 1945
Non Justiciable
Justiciable Rights
❖ Fundamental ❖ Directive Principle
Rights of State Policy
Fundamental Rights
➢ Part III
➢ Article 12 – Article 35
➢ Originally - 7
➢ Currently – 6
➢ Justiciable
44th Constitution Amendment Act 1978
Definition of “State”
All local
Government & Government & AUTHORITIES All Other Authority
Parliament of India Legislature of state Municipalities (Statutory & Non
(Union government) (State government) Panchayats Statutory)
Executive,legislative Executive,legislative District Boards LIC , SAIL etc.
Article 13
Laws inconsistent with or in derogation of the fundamental rights
Article 13(1) -All laws in force in the territory of India immediately
before the commencement of this Constitution, in so far as they are
inconsistent with the provisions of this Part, shall, to the extent of
such inconsistency, be void
26 January 1950
Article 13
Laws inconsistent with or in derogation of the fundamental rights
Article 13 (2) - The State shall not make any law which takes away
or abridges the rights conferred by this Part and any law made in
contravention of this clause shall, to the extent of the
contravention, be void.
26 Jan 1950
Right to Equality ( Article 14 -18 )
➢ Article 14 - Equality before law
➢ Article 15 - Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion,
race, caste, sex or place of birth.
➢ Article 16 - Equality of opportunity in matters of public
➢ Article 17 - Abolition of Untouchability
➢ Article 18 - Abolition of titles
Article 14
Equality before Law
➢ The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law
or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of
➢ Everyone should treated equally by law.
Article 14
Equality before law Special
Article 14
The like
should be
Equal Protection of Law
➢ President , governor not answerable to any court fir
performing their duties .
➢ No Criminal proceeding during term of office .
➢ No Arrest during term
➢ Parliament member ( Article 105)
➢ State legislature ( Article 194)
➢ Foreign rulers , diplomats , Ambassadors
(1) The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds
only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them.
No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of
birth or any of them, be subject to any disability, liability, restriction
or condition with regard to—
(a) access to shops, public restaurants, hotels and places of
public entertainment; or
(b) the use of wells, tanks, bathing ghats, roads and places of
public resort maintained wholly or partly out of State funds or
dedicated to the use of the general public.
Protective Discrimination
• Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from making any special
provision, by law, for the advancement of :
➢ women and children.
➢ Socially and educationally backward classes
➢ Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes
➢ economically weaker sections
Religion Sex
Race Descent
Reasonable Discrimination
Place of birth/resident
Backward class
(Not represented properly )
Abolition of Untouchability
• “Untouchability” is abolished and its practice in any
form is forbidden. The enforcement of any disability
arising out of “Untouchability” shall be an offence
punishable in accordance with law.
• No Exception
• Untouchability offense Act 1955
Abolition of Titles
Right to Freedom
Article 19 - 22
Article 19
Article 19 Guarantees Six Freedoms
➢ of freedom of speech and expression.
➢ to assemble peaceably and without arms.
➢ freedom to form associations or unions.
➢ freedom to move freely throughout the territory of India.
➢ freedom to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India.
➢ freedom to practise any profession, or to carry on any
occupation, trade or business.
Article 19
Protection of
Interest of
interest of
General public
schedule tribe
Article 19
Article 19
Right to
Internal External
(Article 19) (Article 21)
Article 19
Freedom to reside and settle in any part of India
Reasonable restrictions
Article 19
• Freedom to practice any profession, or to carry on any
occupation trade or business.
• Not immoral profession
Article 20
Protection in respect of conviction for offences.
Protection against arbitrary and excessive punishment
Article 20
Retrospective Prospective
Protection of life
Protection of lifeand
personal liberty
personal liberty
Right to Personal
life liberty
Article 21
• Right to live with human dignity.
• Right to the decent environment including pollution-free water and air and
protection against hazardous industries.
• Right to livelihood.
• Right to privacy.
• Right to shelter.
• Right to health.
• Right to free education up to 14 years of age.
• Right to free legal aid.
• Right against solitary confinement.
• Right to a speedy trial.
• Right against handcuffing
Article 21
• Right against inhuman treatment.
• Right against delayed execution.
• Right to travel abroad.
• Right against bonded labor.
• Right against custodial harassment.
• Right to emergency medical aid.
• Right to timely medical treatment in a government hospital.
• Right not to be driven out of a state.
• Right to a fair trial.
• Right of prisoner to have necessities of life.
• Right of women to be treated with decency and dignity
• Right against public hanging.
Article 21
• Right to hearing.
• Right to information.
• Right to reputation.
• Right of appeal from a judgment of conviction
• Right to social security and protection of the family
• Right to social and economic justice and empowerment
Article 21
No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except
according to procedure established by law.”
Article 21
No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except
according to procedure established by law.”
Right to die
Article 21(a)
The 86th Constitution Amendment Act, 2002 inserted Article 21-
A in the Constitution of India to provide free and compulsory
education of all children in the age group of six to fourteen years
as a Fundamental Right in such a manner as the State may, by
law, determine
Article 22
Right Against
Article 23 -24
Article 23
Forced labour
Physical Legal
Article 23
It Permits the state to impose compulsory service for public
purpose like military service , social service , for which it is not
bound to pay . However imposing such service ,the state is not
permitted to make any discrimination on grounds of only religion ,
race ,cast or class
Article 24
Prohibition of employment of children in factories
No child below the age of fourteen years shall be employed to work
in any factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous
Right to freedom
of religion
Article 25 - 28
Article 25
Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation
of religion
➢ Right to Profess
➢ Freedom of conscience
➢ Right to Practice
➢ Right to Propagate
Right to freedom of religion
State can intervene when practice of religion contravenes public
order ,morality , health and the objectives of welfare state .
Article 26
Freedom to manage religious affairs.
Religious denominations
(a) Freedom to establish and maintain institutions for religious and
charitable purposes
(b) to manage its own affairs in matters of religion
(c) to own and acquire movable and immovable property
(d) to administer such property in accordance with law.
Article 27
Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular
➢ No person shall be compelled to pay any taxes, the proceeds of
which are specifically appropriated in payment of expenses for
the promotion or maintenance of any particular religion or
religious denomination.
Article 28
Freedom as to attendance at religious instruction or religious
worship in certain educational institutions
Article 28
Administrate by
Institutions state but
wholly establish under Recognized Receive
maintain by any endowment by state aid from
the state or trust state
Cultural and
educational Rights
Article 29 - 30
Article 29
Protection of interests of minorities.
➢ every section of citizens residing in any part of the country have
the right to protect and conserve its own distinct language, script
or culture (it provides the right to a group/section/community of
Article 29
➢ No citizen shall be denied admission into any educational
institution maintained by the State or receiving aid out of State
funds on grounds only of religion, race, caste, language or any of
Article 30
Right of Minorities to Establish and Administer Educational
➢ All minorities, whether based on religion or language, shall
have the right to establish and administer educational
institutions of their choice
➢ The State shall not, when granting aid to educational
institutions, discriminate against any educational institution
on the ground that it is under the management of a minority,
whether based on religion or language.
Article 32
Right to
Article 32
Article 32
”an article without which this Constitution
would be a nullity — I could not refer to any
other article except this one (Article 32). It is
the very soul of the Constitution and the very
heart of it.”
Article 32
Right to Constitutional Remedies
Supreme court
High Court
District court
Subordinate court
➢ This writ is issued by the higher judicial body to lower authorities
in order to restrict their use of power because they have
extended their jurisdiction to act. This writ also ensures that any
government official does not act unfairly.
➢ This writ can only be used against the judicial body and Quasi-
judicial body.
➢ This writ can not be issue against private individual , legislative
body or Administrative Authority .
➢ This writ comes into play when the question of constitutional
validity arises and it is issued by the supreme court or by the high
court to quash the decision of the district court or lower courts .
➢ This writ issues when judgment is already given .
➢ This writ empowers the high court or the Supreme Court who can
correct the decision which is given by the lower court.
➢ Higher court can transfer the cases from lower court ( Preventive
function )
➢ Certiorari can be issue against administrative authority also
By what
➢ The literal meaning of the writ of ‘Quo-Warranto’ is ‘By what
authority or warrant.’ Supreme Court or High Court issue this writ
to prevent illegal usurpation of a public office by a person.
➢ Through this writ, the court enquires into the legality of a claim
of a person to a public office.
➢ Can not be issued against individual or private office .
Article 33
➢ Article 33 gives the Parliament the authority to limit or
abolish the fundamental rights of members of the armed
forces, paramilitary forces, police forces, intelligence
agencies, and similar forces.
➢ Article 33 grants the power to make laws only to Parliament, not
to state legislatures.
Fundamental Duties
▪ The idea of Fundamental Duties is inspired from USSR.
▪ Fundamental Duties were added in Part IV-A of the
Constitution by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act,
1976 on the recommendations of Swaran Singh
▪ A new Article 51 (a) was incorporated .
▪ Originally 10 fundamental Duties were their
▪ One more duty was added through the 86th Constitutional
Amendment Act, 2002.
▪ Duties are also non-justiciable in nature
Fundamental Duties
o Part IV
o Article 36 – 51
o Irish constitution (Spain)
What is DPSP ?
✓ Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the Directive
Principles of State Policy is a ‘novel
feature’ of the Indian Constitution.
What is DPSP ?
Classification of DPDS ?
38,39,41,4 44,45,48,48(A)
2,43,43(a), ,49,50,51
Article 36
▪ The State shall take steps to secure the participation of workers in the
management of industries.
Article 43 (b)
▪ The State shall endeavor to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code
throughout the territory of India.
Article 45
▪ The State shall endeavor to provide early childhood care and education
for all children until they complete the age of six years.
Article 46
▪ The State shall take steps to separate judiciary from the executive in the
public services of the State.
Article 51
▪ Parliamentary form of
Government (‘Westminster’
model of government).
Union Legislature
States Indian Union
81(a) Territories
530 20 2
Composition Of Lok Sabha
Elections Of Lok Sabha
• Direct Elections.
• Universal Adult Franchise (Article 326): Every
citizen who has attained the minimum age of
18 years has the right to vote in the elections
to the Lok Sabha. However, it is essential that
his name should stand included in the voters
list of his constituency.
• 61st constitution Amendment Act voting age
21 to 18
Reservation Of Seats In LS
552 543
5 years
Election System
First Past the post
Simple Majority
Approval of MP
Council Of Ministers
Ministers of States
Cabinet ministers
Deputy ministers
Shadow cabinet
Council Of Ministers
o Appointed by president
o President administer the Oath of Pro tem Speaker
o Have All powers of Speaker
Deputy Speaker Of Lok Sabha
Indian Union
Elections of Rajya Sabha
▪ Indirect Elections
▪ The representatives of each State and two
Union territories are elected by the elected
members of the Legislative Assembly of
that State and by the members of the
Electoral College for that Union Territory in
accordance with the system of proportional
representation by means of the single
transferable vote.
Duration Of Rajya Sabha
➢ Article 84
➢ Must be citizen of India
➢ 30 years of age
Chairman Of Rajya Sabha
Act Signed
What Is Ordinance
6 Month + 6 weeks
▪ President and governor promulgate an ordinance only when
both the houses are not in session or only one house is in
▪ For an ordinance to be promulgated, such circumstances
should be there which deem it necessary for President to
legislate through the ordinance
Type Of Bills
▪ What is a Bill ?
Consolidated fund of
Contingency fund of
Public Account of India
Consolidated Fund Of India Article 266(1)
➢ Under Article 266 (1) of the Constitution of India, ‘Consolidated
Fund of India’ for the Union Government include –
▪ All revenues (for example tax revenue from personal income
tax, corporate income tax, customs, and excise duties as well as
non-tax revenue such as license fees, dividends, and profits
from public sector undertakings, etc.) received by the Union
▪ All loans raised by the issue of treasury bills, internal and
external loans and all money received by the Union
Government in repayment of loans.
Consolidated Fund Of India
Assam 14 Maharashtra 48
Bihar 40 Manipur 2
Chhattisgarh 11 Meghalaya 2
Goa 2 Mizoram 1
Gujrat 26 Nagaland 1
Haryana 10 Odisha 21
Jharkhand 14 Rajasthan 25
Karnataka 28 Sikkim 1
Tamil nadu 39 Lakshadweep 1
Tripura 2 Puducherry 1
Uttar Pradesh 80
Uttarakhand 5
West Bengal 42
Chandigarh 1
Ladakh 1
Important Amendments
▪ Article 52
▪ The President is the Head of Indian State.
▪ He is first citizen of India.
▪ He is Symbol of unity, integrity and
Solidarity of the nation.
Qualification To Be President Of India
▪ Article 58
▪ A citizen of India.
▪ 35 years old.
▪ Qualified for election as a member of
the House of the People.
Qualification To Be President Of India
▪ The impeachment process can be started from any house of the parliament
by levelling charges against him.
▪ The notice bearing the charges against the president must be signed by at
least 1/4th of the members of the house.
▪ 14 days Notice should be given to president.
▪ The resolution to impeach the president must be passed by a special
majority (two-thirds) of total strength in the originating house.
Impeachment Of President (Article 61)
Military Emergency
Financial Diplomatic
Judicial Executive
Judicial Powers
Council of Ministers
(Home Ministry)
▪ He has the power to declare war and peace but his military
power is subject to the regulation of law.
▪ He supreme commander of armed forces.
▪ He appoints Chief of the Army, Chief of the Navy and Chief of
the Air Force.
Diplomatic Powers
➢ Article 66
▪ Is a citizen on India.
▪ He has completed the age of thirty-five
▪ He is qualified for election as a
member of the Council of States.
▪ Should not hold any office of profit .
Election of Vice President?
➢ Article 66
▪ Indirect (Single transferable vote).
(a) Elected members of both Lok Sabha
and Rajya Sabha.
▪ Dispute decided by SC.
Oath And Term Of Office
▪ The President consults the Governor before appointing the Chief Justice
and Judges of the relevant State High Court.
▪ Article 161
▪ State of Haryana vs Rajkumar @ BITTUE
Discretionary Powers Of Governor
▪ Part V
▪ Office of the Accountant General was established
in 1858 (the year the British took over
administrative control of India from the East India
▪ In 1860 Sir Edward Drummond was appointed as
the first Auditor General.
▪ CAG is head of the Indian Audit and Accounts
Department and chief Guardian of Public purse.
Comptroller And Auditor General Of India (CAG)
Money Bill
Head of Indian
financial Department
Comptroller And Auditor General Of India (CAG)
▪ Part V
▪ Article 76 Deals with it.
▪ M.C. Setalvad was appointed as the first Attorney
▪ He/She is the highest law officer of India. As a
chief legal advisor to the government of India, he
advises the union government on all legal matters.
▪ He also is the primary lawyer representing Union
Government in the Supreme Court of India.
Attorney General Of India
▪ The Attorney General is appointed by the
▪ He/She must be a person who is qualified to be
appointed a judge of the Supreme Court.
▪ He/She must be a citizen of India and must have
been a judge of some high court for five years or an
advocate of some high court for ten years, or an
eminent jurist, in the opinion of the president.
▪ The term of office of the Attorney General is not
fixed by the Constitution.
Attorney General Of India
▪ The Constitution does not contain the procedure
and grounds for his/her removal.
▪ He/She holds office during the pleasure of the
president which means that he may be removed by
the president at any time.
▪ He/she may also quit his office by submitting his
resignation to the president.
▪ The remuneration of the Attorney General is not
fixed by the Constitution and receives
such remuneration as the President may determine.
Powers Of Attorney General Of India
Part –XV
quasi-judicial Body
National Voters Day – 25th Jan 1950
Article – 324- 329
First Election – oct 1951
First Election commissioner - Sukumar
Election Commission Of India
Vice president
State Legislature
Composition Of Commission
▪ It’s a 3 Member body with 1 chief election commissioner
and 2 other members . (current).
▪ Till 1989, the election commission was a single-member
body consisting of only the Chief Election Commissioner.
▪ The President appoints the Chief Election Commissioner
and other election commissioners.
▪ 6 years or up to 65 years of age (current).
▪ The tenure of office and the conditions of service of all
the commissioners shall be determined by the country’s
Composition Of Commission
▪ The chief election commissioner and two other election commissioners
have equal powers and receive equal salaries, allowances and other
perks similar to those of a judge of the supreme court.
▪ The secretariat of the commission is located in New Delhi.
▪ Same status as the judge of supreme court.
▪ The constitution provides that the Chief election commissioner cannot be
removed from his office except in the like manner and grounds as a judge of
the supreme court.
▪ Other election commissioners or regional commissioners can be removed from
the office only on the recommendation of the Chief Election Commissioner.
Functions Of Election Commission
▪ Administrative functions
▪ Determine territorial areas of electoral constituencies based on the
delimitation commission act.
▪ It prepares electoral rolls and to register all eligible voters and also revise it.
▪ Allot election symbols to political Parties.
▪ Notify the dates and schedules of elections and scrutinize nomination
▪ Ensure free and fair elections.
▪ It determines the Code of Conduct and cancels polls in the event of any
Functions Of Election Commission
▪ Administrative functions
▪ It has the power to settle disputes related to recognition granted to
political parties.
▪ It also has the power to disqualify a contender who failed to lodge an
account of his election expenses within a given time.
▪ It advises the President and the Governor on matters relating to
disqualification of members of parliament and the state legislature. The
opinion of the commission in all such matters is binding.
▪ It Advise the president whether the elections can be held in a state under
the President's rule to extend the period of emergency after one year.
▪ Electronic Voting Machines (EVM)
▪ EVMs in India are manufactured by Bharat Electronics Ltd
(Bengaluru) and Electronic Corporation of India Ltd
▪ EVMs were used for the first time in India in 1982 in the by-
election to the North Paravur Assembly constituency in Kerala.
▪ Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT)
▪ When a voter presses a button in the EVM, a paper slip is
printed through the VVPAT. The slip contains the poll symbol
and name of the candidate.
▪ It allows the voter to verify his/her choice.
State Election Commission