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Weapons Properties Materials

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Additional weapons, armor variants, and magical materials are described for a homebrew campaign setting.

Weapons like the bastard sword, claymore, double crossbow, and others are described along with unique properties like 'Burst' and 'Versatile'. Shield variants and their properties are also mentioned.

Materials like Stradium, Spidersilk, and Tristone are detailed along with the properties weapons and armor made from them possess, such as dealing electric or force damage.

Additional Weapons,

Properties, and materials.

long with the standard weapons and armors in
dungeons and dragons, I have added some Weapon and Armor
home variants for my world. These properties
are balanced in my world and hopefully they are
Profeciency Variants
the same in yours. Some of the materials listed These variants are meant to allow you to add new items
later are very strong, I balance that by location, without stepping on the profecencies of simple or martial
access, and where they will be when they reach weapons. The armor is meant to add a little flair and a tad
a certain level. You may have to change some of the more roleplay while also balancing armor class.
backstories or properties to fit your game, this is all
homebrew so please take and amend whatver you see fit.
Utility Weapons

Expertise Weapons
Name Damage Weight Properties
Bastard Sword 1d10 slashing 6 lbs. Versatile (2d6)
Claymore 1d8 + 1d6 slashing damage 10 lbs. Heavy, Two-Handed, Unbalanced
Double Crossbow 2d6 piercing damage 10 lbs. Burst (Range 10/30), Loading, Two-Handed
Falcata 1d4 slashing damage 3 lbs. Dexterous, Grip, Momentum
Gladius 1d4 slashing damage 3 lbs. Momentum
Greatbow 1d12 piercing damage 10 lbs. Ammuition (Range 200/800), Heavy, Two-Handed
Katana 1d12 slashing damage 7 lbs. Dexterous, Two-Handed
Kris Knife 1d6 piercing damage 2 lbs. Finesse, Light
Kukri 1d6 piercing damage 2 lbs. Finesse, Light
Saber 2d4 slashing damage 4 lbs. Finesse

Utility Weapons Basic Armor

Name Damage Weight Properties Armor Armor Class (AC) Weight Properties
Machete 1d4 slashing 3 lbs. Landscaping, Robes 11 + 1/2 Dex Modifier 2 lbs. None
damage Light
Hunting 1d4 piercing 1 lb. Finesse, Skinning Basic Armor
Knife damage
Everyone is profecient in basic armor. A class that
benefits from natural armor can still wear basic armor
Expertise Weapons and gain all of its benefits except the additional armor
Expertise weapons take 7 days of moderate use (DMs from dexterity.
discretion) to gain profeciency. An example would be a monks unarmored defense, he can
Weapons in the expertise category are weapons that I was still wear a robe in my world, his AC would benefit from just
missing in my world so I added them, I didn't want to simply unarmored defense but the properties and benefits of the
reskin what was in the players handbook so I made them robes would carry over to him.
more balanced in my world with additonal weapon Basic armor may seem a little odd but it gives me a way to
properties. incorporate different materials to my world, and also give my
NPCs some things that add some flair compared to
Utility Weapons traditional armor.
Weapons in the utility category are weapons with a
specific property making it different then normal
weapons, the user be profecient in the corresponding Armor AC Weight Properties Requirements
skill. Buckler +1 4 lbs. Strap 13 Dex
These are items that i wanted to be used more for cutting
trees and skinning animals then for actual fighting. Tower Shield +3 15 lbs. Superior Dodge 13 Strength

Basic Armor
Buckler Unbalanced
Strap. This shield is light enough to strap to your forearm, When the user chooses to attack with an unbalanced
while doing so you can still cast spells with the somatic weapon all oportunity attacks they make are at
requirement as long as your hand remains free. You may also disadvantage until the beginning of their next turn, due to
hold an item in your shield hand but doing so makes all the focus it takes to wield such a weapon.
attacks at disadvantage due to the weight putting you off Changed this property from no reactions to disadvantage
balance. on opportunity attacks based on reddit user Shircks
Tower Shield
Takes one full action to Don/Doff. Reduces speed by 5 and Utility Weapon Properties
the user has disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks when These weapons are just meant for flavor and as a cool item to
donned. reward the players. If you think they'd add to your campaign
Superior Dodge When this shield is donned and you take please use them.
the dodge action and succeed on a dexterity saving throw, you
take no damage from the attack instead of half.
This item requires proficiency in Intelligence (Nature) to
Weapon Property Variants use. This item deals an additional 1d12 slashing damage to
These variounts are the properties I added to try and balance fibrous environmental objects and plant type creatures.
certain items for my setting. Some may not fit your world so
feel free to adjust or remove anything to fit your campaign. Skinning
This item requires profeciency in Wisdom (Survival) to
Burst use. This item gives you advantage on Wisdom (Survival)
Due to the design of this weapon, it fires 2 bolts at once, checks when skinning beast, humanoids, and monstrosity
expending twice the amount of ammunition. creatures.
This was for a player of mine who wanted to tinker
something that fires two bolts, I agreed as long as it was
more like a shotgun to balance range issues.
Behind the weapons
Bastard Sword
Dexterous This was made for my strength users, I have one who is a two
Weapons with the dexterous property use your dexterity handed fighter and another with a shield, so this lets me drop
modifier for attack and damage rolls. Any user with less something either of them could find useful.
than 13 dexterity have disadvantage on attacks made with
dexterous weapons. Claymore
This was really just my way of making a d12 dexterity
This was made for my first major BBEG, I wanted to make it
weapon that great weapon master wont benefit. Even with it
hit hard and give a visual of a truely large sword. It may be a
being a little too strong with the dexterity benefits I don't have
bit of the either too weak or too strong side depending on
to worry about my players taking advantage of this with their
how you feel about losing reactions, I intially had it as losing
your bonus action but I felt it was way too much.
Grip Double Crossbow
This weapon has a superior grip design, any attempt to
This was an item a player asked for, I thought a 2d6 with a
unarm you is done so at a disadvantage.
limited range would be fine, I do keep moderate count of my
This honestly just made sense for the item, and it adds a bit
players ammunition so two bolts at once can come at a price.
of flavor to the item.

Momentum Falcata
This is the item I created for one of my players who asked for
Due to the design of this blade, you are able to drive it
it, I decided to do something unique and make it extra strong,
down faster and harder then your average weapon. Your
like a spartan, so I made the momentum property. This may
damage modifier is doubled from attacks made from this
be a little too unbalanced even with the ideas I discussed for
weapon (to a maximum of 6 base damage). Momentum
some DMs.
weapons require a free hand to use due to the force
exerted when attacking.
This is easily the strongest property I added, and could Gladius
easily be taken advantage of. I just make sure no finesse Basically a strength based Falcata to keep it even.
weapon, to avoid sneak attack, and no dice above a d4 get put
on it to try and balance it.
Rebalanced thanks to a few reddit users. I didn't take into
account duel wielding or shields.

Greatbow Boonstone
I missed the Greatbow from 4e so I made it, I love the idea of Boonstone is a rare gem that only a group known as "The
a huge bow firing from a crazy range. I know archery is Crusaders" seem to have access to. This gem is said to
already hugely powerful but I liked this, if it becomes an issue contain a brief amount of divine energy, giving it it's dim white
I would toss in a short or long bow that offers some minor glowing appearance.
magical properties. Make my player really think about what Weapons. Boonstone weapons are only carried by
he wants to wield. members of "The Crusaders" except for the very rare
occasions one is granted as a gift, or taken from a slain
Katana member. Any weapon can be made with boonstone, but it is
rare to see axe's made from it. Weapons made from this
Here it is guys, my katana, sure to be conterversial. I know material have the following property: Blessed. Blessed
katans make not be huge weapons, but I have an image of weapons deal an additional 1d6 radiant damage to creatures
someone who really knows how to use this special blade, of evil alignment. A blessed weapon is also considered silver
which is another reason why I made it dexterity only. and emits a dim light within a 10 foot radius when
unsheathed. These properties only activate when wielded by
Kris Knife and Kukri creature of good alignment.
These are simply reskinned daggers I added to different Armor. Boonstone sometimes is smelted down to make
NPCs and enemies for flavor. armor for "The Crusaders", other times parts of their armor
will be adorned with these glowing white gems. Any armor
can benefit from Boonstone as long as no other materials
Saber have tainted it. Armors made from this material have the
This item was made because I love the flavor of it, it may be a following property: Sacred. Heavy armor made from
tad strong and runs the risk of abuse by sneak attack, so it Boonstone grants the user resistance to bludgeoning,
may not fit. piercing, slashing and radiant damage. Light and Medium
armor grant the user resistance to radiant damage only. All
armor emit a dim light within a 10 foot radius. These
weapon and armor properties only activate when donned by creature of good
material variant alignment.

This was a way for me to increase the lore for my world, Jade
places and other items that pertain to my world will be in
some of the writting, just change it to fit your setting. I Jade is a rare deep green hardened crystal found only in the
balance these items out but making sure they make sense for deep pits of the Quan Tunnels. For unknown reasons arcane
their areas. Stronger weapon and armor materials are from magic is dispelled naturally deep in these tunnels. Divine
distant lands or/and cost more . magic does not seem to be affected by this property. The
Quan Ma Dynasty has exclusive rights to mine this material
Adamantine making it very expensive and rare.
Weapons. Jade is primarily used to make bladed weapons
Adamantine is a dark grey, dense metal forged by dwarves in such as daggers, katanas, and claymores. Weapons made of
the Ironheaven Mines. Originally thought to be simple iron, Jade are sleek and entirely green, except for an added handle.
the dwarves quickly found that this metal was much stronger Instead of forging these weapons, a single Jade crystal is
and held an edge almost indefinitely. instead carved into the form of the blade by a master
Weapons. Adamantine is primarily used to make weapons craftsmen. Weapons made from this material have the
favored by dwarves, favoring axes and mauls. Adamantine is following property: Spellbinder. A weapon carved from jade
so strong weapons made from it do not chip or break. prevents the wielder from casting arcane spells while holding
Weapons made from this material have the following it, and imposes disadvantage on concentration checks to
property: Hardedge. Critical hits scored with adamantine arcane users made as a result of taking damage from it. Jade
weapons add an additional die of damage. weapons cannot be affected by spells such as Heat Metal,
Armor. Adamantine is very hard to smelt and can only be Telekinesis, Catapult, etc.
used to forge heavy armor. Due to how dense this armor is Armor. Due to the nature in which Jade armor is made,
weapons have a harder time making a full impact. Armors hand carved by a master craftsman, the process is very
made from this material have the following property: expensive, and even more rare. An adventurer donning the
Durable. Critical hits from melee attacks scored against you sleek, deep green crystal armor is a sight sure to draw
must confirm a critical hit. When an attacking creature rolls a attention. Armors made from this material have the following
critical hit, it must roll a second d20, on a roll of 10 or higher property: Spellbound. Armor carved from jade prevents the
it is a critical hit, on a 9 or lower the armor absorbs a bit of user from casting arcane spells while donning it and it grants
the damage and it is instead a normal hit. Weapons with the the user advantage on saving throws against arcane spells
"Hardedge" property ignore this trait. and other magical effect. Jade armor cannot be affected by
spells such as Heat Metal, Telekinesis, Catapult, etc.

Mithril Stradium
Mithril is a lightweight and flexible metal that shines with a Stradium is an abnormally dark ore that occasionally
pale milky silver. This metal is mined by elves in the crackles with an electric pulse, forged from mines in the
Bellaquesh region, much to the dismay and anger of most Thunderbreak region. The Thunderbreak region is known for
dwarfs. Dwarven pride leads most dwarves to not wear its violent storms, leading most adventurers to refrain from
Mithril, believing they should be the sole miners of Krupesh. travelling there. Due to the danger of this area, it is only
Weapons. Mithril is used only to make light weapons such mined by Svirfneblin (Deep Gnomes) who are accustumed to
as daggers, kris knives, and short swords. These items are living in the darkness and remaining out of the open area.
renowned for their superior handling. Weapons made from Weapons. Stradium ore is much easier manipulated and
this material have the following property: Swift. Bonus made into weapons due to the electric current that crackle
attacks made from Mithril weapons double their damage down ore. A thick amount of rubber is used in place of a
modifier. normal handle or pommel for extra protection against the
Armor. Due to its flexible material, armor made from electric current. Weapons made from this material have the
Mithril is naturally more quiet than most. Mithril is used following property: Electric. Weapons made from Stradium
primarily to forge heavy armor. Armors made from this hold a permanent electric current, adding 1d4 thunder
material have the following property: Silent. This armor does damage per hit.
not impose disadvantage on Dexterity(Stealth) checks when Armor. Stradium is rarely used to make armor, it must be
donned. commissioned by an expert blacksmith or one must be
heavily persuaded to make it. Stradium armor must be
Orichalcum reinforced with a thick plastic interior to protect the user
from the electric current. All Heavy Armor and Medium
Orichalcum is a mixture of stone and steel, smelted together Armor, with the exception of Hide and Scale, can be made
to form grey, sandy like texture making items heavy and very from Stradium. Armors made from this material have the
secure. This process is said to have started in the Tore region following property: Charged. Armor made from Stradium
but artisans have taken the practice and it can be found in grant the person donning it resistance to thunder damage.
many regions. Additionally, after taking thunder damage the user regains
Weapons. Orichalcum is only used to make bludgeoning hitpoints equal to their constitution modifier.
weapons, due to the weight of it. Weapons made from this
material have the following property: Stout. If you score a Spidersilk
critical hit with an Orichalcum weapon the creature struck
must make a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be knocked Spidersilk is a thin, rare fiber that is only found from certain
prone. spiders in the Underdark. Items made from this material are
Armor. Armor forged from orichalcum is heavy but cleverly black as the night sky, with only a light shine of translucence
built to distribute the weight around the wearer's body so it to them. Spidersilk is said to be under control of a Drow
won't tire them out so quickly. Orichalcum is exlusively used matriarchy who use slave labor to make different items from
in Heavy Armor. Armors made from this material have the it.
following property: Stonefeet. This armor grants the user Weapons. Spidersilk is much to fiberious to make
advantage to any check or saving throw that would move the weapons, but occasionally it is used to make bowstrings.
wearer against their will. Bowstrings made from this material have the following
properties: Muffled. When you make a ranged attack and
miss from a weapon with a Spidersilk bowstring and are
Sanguine hidden you can remain hidden without making a
Sanguine is a blood red coral that grows in deepest pits of Dexterity(Stealth) check.
the oceanic floor. For unknown reasons these weapons Armor. Assassins and thieves prize robes and cloaks made
harbor a bit of energy from a darker plane. As land-locked as from Spidersilk due to there natural abilities in the dark. Due
Krupesh is these items are very rare and most do not know to the thin nature of Spidersilk it cannot be used in Light,
the origin of them, except the saltiest of adventurers. Medium, or Heavy Armor. Armor made from this material
Weapons. Weapons made from Sanguine are carved have the following property: Shadowed. This armor grants
similiar to Jade, but the edges are intentionally left rough the user advantage to Dexterity(Stealth) checks when in dim
instead of the sleek look of jade. Simple weapons such as Light or darkness, even against creatures with darkvision.
daggers, spears, and tridents are weapons normally crafted
from Sanguine. Weapons made from this material have the Tristone
following property: Unsound. If you score a critical hit with a
Sanguine weapon the creature struck must make a DC 12 Tristone is a milky, brown looking mineral that is mined in
Wisdom saving throw or be struck with temporary madness. The Dwarven Depths of Jetsborough. This mineral was
(On a failure, DM rolls from "short-term madness chart", PG originally used to build homes and buildings, but was found
259 DMG) Any creature with legendary resistances to have a very unique property in both armor and weapons
automatically succeed on this saving throw. within recent years. Any item made with steel can instead be
Armor. Due to the fraility of Sanguine, armor cannot be made from Tristone.
made from it.

Weapons. Weapons made from Tristone are created using an
eleaborate system that puts a large quanity of the minerals
under extreme pressure. After the process it gives the
weapons a sleek, dark brown appearance. Weapons made
from this material have the following property: Pressure.
Tristone weapons are so dense they deal an additional 1d6
force damage per hit.
Armor. The same process to make weapons is also used to
forge armor, although the time spent making this armor is
nearly tenfold due to the amount of work put into it. Tristone
armor is some of the most expensive armor in Krupesh.
Armors made from this material have the following property:
Pressurized. Armor made from Tristone grants the person
donning it resistance to force damage.

Customize Yo Gear!
First and foremost, thanks to reddit user
some_hippies for his original post that inspired me
making different materials for my world. I reskinned
some of your wording from my jade and mithril
properties and took some liberties.
These are just what I use in my homebrew
campaign. If you don't like them don't use them. If
you have some constructive criticism let me know.
If you plan on using some stuff it'd be cool to know
what you like! Im sure this thing was full of spelling
errors. Oh well. Thanks for looking.

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