BoLinkedObject Enumeration
BoLinkedObject Enumeration
BoLinkedObject Enumeration
0 - 694791)
BoLinkedObject Enumeration
Member lf_None lf_UserDefinedObject lf_GLAccounts lf_BusinessPartner lf_Items lf_SalesEmployee lf_TransactionTemplates lf_JournalPosting lf_LoadingFactors lf_RecurringTransactions lf_ProductTree lf_CheckForPayment lf_PaymentTermsTypes lf_Deposit lf_PredatedDeposit lf_Warehouses lf_ImportFile lf_BudgetSystem lf_SalesTaxAuthorities lf_SalesTaxCodes lf_RunExternalsApplications lf_DueDates lf_UserDefaults lf_FinancePeriod lf_SalesOpportunity lf_ConfirmationLevel lf_ConfirmationTemplates lf_ConfirmationDocumnets lf_Drafts lf_GoodsIssue lf_GoodsReceipt Value -1 0 1 2 4 53 55 30 62 34 66 57 40 25 76 64 69 78 126 128 86 71 93 111 97 120 121 122 112 60 59 No target object User-defined object G/L account object Business Partner object Item object Sales employee object Transaction template Journal Posting object Loading Factor object Recurring Transaction object Product Tree object Check for Payment object Payment Terms object Deposit object Predated Deposit object Warehouse object Import File object Budget System object Sales Tax Authorities object Sales Tax Codes object Run External Application object Due Date objects User Defaults object Financial Period object Sales Opportunity object Confirmation Level object Confirmation Template object Confirmation Document object Draft object Goods Issue object Goods Receipt object Description
lf_ProjectCodes lf_ContactWithCustAndVend lf_JournalVoucher lf_ProfitCenter lf_VendorPayment lf_Receipt lf_Quotation lf_Order lf_DeliveryNotes lf_DeliveryNotesReturns lf_Invoice lf_InvoiceCreditMemo lf_PurchaseOrder lf_GoodsReceiptPO lf_GoodsReturns lf_PurchaseInvoice lf_PurchaseInvoiceCreditMemo lf_CorrectionInvoice lf_StockTransfers lf_WorkInstructions lf_AlertsTemplate lf_SpecialPricesForGroups lf_CustomerVendorCatalogNumber lf_SpecialPrices lf_SerialNumbersForItems lf_ItemBatchNumbers lf_UserValidValues lf_UserDisplayCategories lf_AddressFormats lf_Indicator lf_CashDiscount lf_DeliveryTypes lf_VatGroup lf_VatIndicator lf_GoodsShipment
Project Code object Contact object Journal Voucher object Profit Center object Vendor Payment object Receipt object Quotation object Order object Delivery Note object Delivery Note Return object Invoice object Invoice Credit Memo object Purchase Order object Goods Receipt PO object Goods Return object Purchase Invoice object Purchase Invoice Credit Memo object Correction Invoice object Stock Transfer object Work Instructions object Alerts Template object Special Prices object Customer/Vendor Catalog Number Special Prices object Serial Numbers for Items object Item Batch Numbers object User Valid Values object User Display Categories object Address Format object Indicator object Cash Discount object Delivery Type object VAT Group object VAT Indicator object Goods Shipment object
lf_ExpensesDefinition lf_CreditCards lf_CentralBankIndicator lf_BPBankAccount lf_DiscountCodes lf_PaymentBlock lf_AgentPerson lf_PeriodIndicator lf_HolidaysTable lf_Employee lf_PredefinedText lf_Territory lf_User lf_ProductionOrder lf_BillOfExchange lf_BillOfExchangeTransaction lf_AddressFormat lf_AccountSegmentationCode lf_FileFormat lf_StockRevaluation lf_PickList lf_DunningTerms lf_ServiceContract lf_ContractTemplete lf_InstallBase lf_ServiceCall lf_ServiceCallSolution lf_ItemGroups lf_PackageType lf_SalesForecast lf_PaymentMethod lf_WithHoldingTax
125 36 161 187 3 159 177 184 186 171 215 200 12 202 181 182 131 143 183 162 156 196 190 170 176 191 189 52 206 198 147 178
Expense Definition object Credit Card object Business Partner Central Bank Indicator object Business Partner Bank Account object Discount Code object Block Payment object for vendors and customers Agent Person object Period Indicator object for document numbering Holidays Table object Employee object Pre-defined Text object for sales and marketing documents Territory (geographic location, brand, or item) object SAP Business One User object Production Order object Bill of Exchange object Bill of Exchange Transaction object Address Pattern object Account Segmentation Code object File Format object Stock Revaluation object Inventory Pick List object Dunning Term object Service Contract object Contract Template object Install Base object Service Call object Service Call Solution object Item Groups object Package Type object Sales Forecast object Payment Method object Withholding Tax object