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Homi Jehangir Bhabha – The Father of Indian Nuclear Programme

“”My success will not depend on what A or B thinks of me. My

success will be what I make of my work”

Project By -
S.Suddershan, XII-A



Name : Batch no :

Class : Regd. No:


Certified that this is a bonafide report of project work done by ……………….... in

PHYSICS LABORATORY during the year 2022 – 2023.

Teacher - In – Charge

Submitted for the Practical Examination in ……………………………………. at

…………………………………………………... held on ……………………

Principal Internal Examiner External Examiner


In the accomplishment of this project successfully, many people

have bestowed their blessings and heart pledged support upon
me, I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all, who
have been instrumental in the successful completion of this

Primarily, I express my deep sense of gratitude to the luminary,

The Correspondent, Shri. M.V.M. VEL MOHAN, The Principal,
And Head Master Mr. GIRIDHARAN for providing the best of
facilities and environment to bring out innovation and spirit of
inquiry through this venture.

I am deeply indebted to my teacher ____________________ , without

whose constructive feedback, this project would not have been
successful. The valuable advice and suggestions for correction,
modifications and improvement did enhance the quality of the

I would also like to thank my parents, friends and all the

members who contributed to this project was vital for the
success of the project.

I am grateful for their constant support and help.

What is Nuclear energy

History of Nuclear energy

Nuclear fission and

creation of Nuclear energy

Uses of Nuclear energy

Disadvantages of Nuclear

Nuclear reactor

Nuclear fusion in stars


1. Nuclear energy :

Nuclear energy present in the core of an atom’s nucleus. Atoms are the
fundamental unit of all the objects present in the universe. They bind
together, break away to create, destroy and constitute the nature as it is
known to us. They are very interesting amount of completely untapped
energy source of the world. The above said energy is present inside the
core of the atom and is only released during fusion or fission. Not all the
atoms in the world produce such an exhilarating amount of energy like
the human race expects, but few species of atoms are said to release
energy in good amount, thus contributing to the worlds energy needs.
There is a huge amount of energy in an atom's dense nucleus. In fact, the
power that holds the nucleus together is officially called the "strong
force." Nuclear Energy is discharged by nuclear reactions either by
fission or fusion. In nuclear fusion, atoms combine to form a larger
atom. In nuclear fission, the division of atoms takes place to form
smaller atoms by releasing energy. Nuclear power plants produce energy
using nuclear fission. The Sun produces energy using the mechanism of
nuclear fusion.
Nuclear reactions cause changes in the nucleus of atoms which in turn
leads to changes in the atom itself. Nuclear reactions convert 1 element
into a completely different element. Suppose if a nucleus interacts with
any other particles and then separates without altering the characteristics
of other nuclei then the process is called as nuclear scattering rather than
specifying it as a nuclear reaction. This does not imply radioactive
One of the most evident nuclear reactions is the nuclear fusion reaction
that occurs in fissionable materials producing induced nuclear fission.
2. History of Nuclear Energy
The discovery of nuclear fission occurred in 1938 following over four
decades of work on the science of radioactivity and the elaboration of
new nuclear physics that described the components of atoms. Soon after
the discovery of the fission process, it was realized that a fissioning
nucleus can induce further nucleus fissions, thus inducing a self-
sustaining chain reaction. Once this was experimentally confirmed in
1939, scientists in many countries petitioned their governments for
support of nuclear fission research, just on the cusp of Worldwar-II, for
the development of a nuclear weapon.
In the United States, these research efforts led to the creation of the first
man-made nuclear reactor, the Chicago Pile-1, which
achieved criticality on December 2, 1942. The reactor's development
was part of the Manhattan Project, the Allied effort to create atomic
bombs during World War II. It led to the building of larger single-
purpose production reactors for the production of weapons-grade
plutonium for use in the first nuclear weapons. The United States tested
the first nuclear weapon in July 1945, the Trinity test, with the atomic
bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki taking place one month later.

The launching ceremony of the USS Nautilus January 1954. In 1958 it

would become the first vessel to reach the North Pole.

The Calder hall nuclear power station in the United Kingdom, the

world's first commercial nuclear power station.
Despite the military nature of the first nuclear devices, the 1940s and
1950s were characterized by strong optimism for the potential of nuclear
power to provide cheap and endless energy. Electricity was generated
for the first time by a nuclear reactor on December 20, 1951, at
the EBR-I experimental station near Arco, Idaho, which initially
produced about 100 kW.  In 1953, American President Dwight
Eisenhower gave his "Atoms for Peace" speech at the United Nations,
emphasizing the need to develop "peaceful" uses of nuclear power
This was followed by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 which allowed
rapid declassification of U.S. reactor technology and encouraged
development by the private sector.
The first organization to develop practical nuclear power was the U.S.
Navy, with the S1W reactor for the purpose of
propelling submarines and aircraft carriers. The first nuclear-powered
submarine, USS Nautilus, was put to sea in January 1954. The S1W
reactor was a pressurized water reactor. This design was chosen because
it was simpler, more compact, and easier to operate compared to
alternative designs, thus more suitable to be used in submarines. This
decision would result in the PWR being the reactor of choice also for
power generation, thus having a lasting impact on the civilian electricity
market in the years to come.
On June 27, 1954, the Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant in
the USSR became the world's first nuclear power plant to generate
electricity for a power grid, producing around 5 megawatts of electric
power. The world's first commercial nuclear power station, Calder
Hall at Windscale, England was connected to the national power grid on
27 August 1956. In common with a number of other generation I
reactors, the plant had the dual purpose of
producing electricity and plutonium-239, the latter for the
nascent nuclear weapons program in Britain.

3. Nuclear Fission and creation of

Nuclear energy.

Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei are

combined to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic
particles (neutrons or protons). The difference in mass between the
reactants and products is manifested as either the release or absorption
of energy. This difference in mass arises due to the difference in nuclear
binding energy between the atomic nuclei before and after the reaction.
Nuclear fusion is the process that powers active or main
sequence stars and other high-magnitude stars, where large amounts of
energy are released.
A nuclear fusion process that produces atomic nuclei lighter than iron-
56 or nickel-62 will generally release energy. These elements have a
relatively small mass and a relatively large binding energy per nucleon.
Fusion of nuclei lighter than these releases energy
(an exothermic process), while the fusion of heavier nuclei results in
energy retained by the product nucleons, and the resulting reaction
is endothermic. The opposite is true for the reverse process,
called nuclear fission. Nuclear fusion uses lighter elements, such as
hydrogen and helium, which are in general more fusible; while the
heavier elements, such as uranium, thorium and plutonium, are more
fissionable. The extreme astrophysical event of a supernova can produce
enough energy to fuse nuclei into elements heavier than iron
The release of energy with the fusion of light elements is due to the
interplay of two opposing forces: the nuclear force, which combines
together protons and neutrons, and the Coulomb force, which causes
protons to repel each other. Protons are positively charged and repel
each other by the Coulomb force, but they can nonetheless stick
together, demonstrating the existence of another, short-range, force
referred to as nuclear attraction.[7] Light nuclei (or nuclei smaller than
iron and nickel) are sufficiently small and proton-poor allowing the
nuclear force to overcome repulsion. This is because the nucleus is
sufficiently small that all nucleons feel the short-range attractive force at
least as strongly as they feel the infinite-range Coulomb repulsion.
Building up nuclei from lighter nuclei by fusion releases the extra
energy from the net attraction of particles. For larger nuclei, however, no
energy is released, since the nuclear force is short-range and cannot
continue to act across longer nuclear length scales. Thus, energy is not
released with the fusion of such nuclei; instead, energy is required as
input for such processes.
Fusion powers stars and produces virtually all elements in a process
called nucleosynthesis. The Sun is a main-sequence star, and, as such,
generates its energy by nuclear fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium. In
its core, the Sun fuses 620 million metric tons of hydrogen and makes
616 million metric tons of helium each second. The fusion of lighter
elements in stars releases energy and the mass that always accompanies
it. For example, in the fusion of two hydrogen nuclei to form helium,
0.645% of the mass is carried away in the form of kinetic energy of
an alpha particle or other forms of energy, such as electromagnetic
It takes considerable energy to force nuclei to fuse, even those of the
lightest element, hydrogen. When accelerated to high enough speeds,
nuclei can overcome this electrostatic repulsion and be brought close
enough such that the attractive nuclear force is greater than the repulsive
Coulomb force. The strong force grows rapidly once the nuclei are close
enough, and the fusing nucleons can essentially "fall" into each other
and the result is fusion and net energy produced. The fusion of lighter
nuclei, which creates a heavier nucleus and often a free neutron or
proton, generally releases more energy than it takes to force the nuclei
together; this is an exothermic process that can produce self-sustaining
Energy released in most nuclear reactions is much larger than
in chemical reactions, because the binding energy that holds a nucleus
together is greater than the energy that holds electrons to a nucleus. For
example, the ionization energy gained by adding an electron to a
hydrogen nucleus is 13.6 eV—less than one-millionth of
the 17.6 MeV released in the deuterium–tritium (D–T) reaction shown in
the adjacent diagram. Fusion reactions have an energy density many
times greater than nuclear fission; the reactions produce far greater
energy per unit of mass even though individual fission reactions are
generally much more energetic than individual fusion ones, which are
themselves millions of times more energetic than chemical reactions.
Only direct conversion of mass into energy, such as that caused by
the annihilatory collision of matter and antimatter, is more energetic per
unit of mass than nuclear fusion. (The complete conversion of
one gram of matter would release 9×1013 joules of energy.)
Research into using fusion for the production of electricity has been
pursued for over 60 years. Although controlled fusion is generally
manageable with current technology (e.g. fusors), successful
accomplishment of economic fusion has been stymied by scientific and
technological difficulties; nonetheless, significant progress has been
made. At present, controlled fusion reactions have been unable to
produce break-even (self-sustaining) controlled fusion
The nuclear fuel cycle begins when uranium is mined, enriched, and
manufactured into nuclear fuel (1), which is delivered to a nuclear power
plant. After use, the spent fuel is delivered to a reprocessing plant (2) or
to a final repository (3). In nuclear reprocessing 95% of spent fuel can
potentially be recycled to be returned to use in a power plant (4).
4. Uses of nuclear energy
1. Low-cost energy
Although building nuclear power plants has a high initial cost,
it’s relatively cheap to produce energy from them and they have low
operating costs. 
Also, nuclear power doesn’t experience the same kind of price
fluctuations that traditional fossil fuel energy sources like coal and
natural gas do. Because of that, the price of nuclear energy can be
predicted well into the future. 
That price is likely to remain low, or get even lower, as technologies

2. Reliable
One of the biggest benefits of nuclear energy is that it is a reliable power
generation source. 
Unlike solar and wind energy, which need the sun to be shining or the
wind to be blowing, nuclear power can be generated at any time
throughout the day. This means that a nuclear power plant can produce
energy nonstop, and you won’t have to experience any delays in energy

3. Zero carbon emissions

Nuclear power reactors do not produce any carbon emissions. This is a
huge advantage over traditional sources of energy, like fossil fuels,
which releases tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 
Excess carbon dioxide is one the leading causes of climate change. So,
the less carbon and greenhouse gas emissions an energy source has, the
In fact, according to the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), nuclear
electricity production prevents 528 million metric tons of carbon dioxide
from being released into the atmosphere annually. 

4. Promising future energy supply

Nuclear fusion is the holy grail of harnessing energy. If we can learn to
control atomic fusion (the same reactions as those that fuel the sun), we
could practically have unlimited energy. 
At the moment, this method has some serious challenges that need to be
worked out if we are to start using them on a larger scale. However, the
potential it has is important to keep in mind when thinking about energy
generation in the future. 

5. High energy density

It is estimated that the amount of energy released in a nuclear fission
reaction is ten million times greater than the amount released when
burning fossil fuels. 
Therefore, the amount of nuclear fuel required in a nuclear power plant
is much smaller compared to those of other types of power plants. This
helps contribute to the low cost of nuclear energy. One nuclear power
plant can produce thousands of megawatt hours of energy. 

. 5.Disadvantages of nuclear energy

1.Environmental impact
Although nuclear power plants release zero carbon emissions, nuclear
power still has a substantial impact on the environment, mainly through
mining and water discharge. 
The uranium used to produce nuclear energy has to be mined. Mining of
any kind has a negative impact on the surrounding area. Uranium mining
in particular is known for releasing arsenic and radon. This has had a
negative impact on the health of those living around uranium mines,
which consists largely of members of the Navajo nation. 
Nuclear power plants also cause something called ‘thermal
pollution’. Most nuclear power plants are located on a body of water,
like a lake or the ocean. The power plant uses water from the lake or
ocean, referred to as cooling water, to condense steam back into water. 
This process causes the cooling water to increase in temperature, and is
then released back into the body of water. This hot water, usually around
100 degrees fahrenheit, significantly changes the chemistry of the ocean
or lake it is discharged into, making it inhabitable to most aquatic life. 
2. Water intensive
Nuclear power plants require a lot of water to produce energy. In 2015,
the United States consumed 320 billion gallons of water to produce
nuclear power. That’s more water than what is used for coal processing. 
As water becomes more scarce, especially in the face of climate change,
this enormous consumption of water could become unsustainable. 

3. Risk of nuclear accidents

Nuclear power plants have very strict safety measures in place.
However, accidents can happen no matter how careful you are. A
meltdown at a nuclear plant can have a catastrophic impact on the
surrounding areas, which we know from events like the Fukushima
disaster, Chernobyl, and Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania. 
In the event of a nuclear meltdown, harmful radiation can leak, which
can cause adverse effects on the environment and on human health. The
1986 incident at Chernobyl ultimately led to thousands of deaths, with
estimates ranging from 4,000 to 60,000 dead as a result of the incident.
Not only that more than two million  are still struggling with health
problems related to Chernobyl. Today, over 30 years later, access is still
limited within the 19-mile Chernobyl exclusion zone.
It is important to keep in mind, however, that these types of accidents
are rare. Plus, many studies show that the fossil fuel industry is
substantially more deadly than the nuclear industry, even when you
include catastrophes like Chernobyl. 

4. Radioactive waste
Generating nuclear power does not emit harmful greenhouse gases in the
air, however, it does create hazardous waste. The waste created by
nuclear power plants remains dangerously radioactive for thousands of
years after it is created. Many issues arise when trying to figure out how
to store this radioactive waste. 
Waste continues to accumulate at nuclear power plants, as there is no
long-term storage facility for it. The accumulation of hazardous nuclear
waste will become an issue once power plants run out storage space. 
Plus, if there is a compromise in the storage facility, such as a leak, the
radioactive material could cause significant damage to surrounding
areas. The federal government started looking for a place stable enough
for nuclear waste disposal in 1982, however, no such site has been

5. Non-renewable
A renewable energy resource is defined as a source of energy that is not
depleted when it is used, or that can be replenished within a human
lifetime. Solar power is an example of a renewable resource because as
we turn solar energy into usable electricity, we do not decrease the
power of the sun. 
Nuclear energy, on the other hand, is a non-renewable energy source.
This is because the fuel used in nuclear reactors, uranium, is a finite
resource. As we mine uranium, we deplete the amount that is available,
and more will not be produced within a human lifetime. 
Right now, experts believe that there is about 200 years’ worth of
uranium available, assuming we stay at the same rate of nuclear
production. But, if we become more reliant on nuclear power in the
future, the supply of uranium will deplete faster, which may cause
problems in the years ahead.

6. Nuclear Reactors

A nuclear reactor, or power plant, is a series of machines that can

control nuclear fission to produce electricity. The fuel that nuclear
reactors use to produce nuclear fission is pellets of the element uranium.
In a nuclear reactor, atoms of uranium are forced to break apart. As they
split, the atoms release tiny particles called fission products. Fission
products cause other uranium atoms to split, starting a chain reaction.
The energy released from this chain reaction creates heat.

The heat created by nuclear fission warms the reactor's cooling agent.

A cooling agent is usually water, but some nuclear
reactors use liquid metal or molten salt. The cooling agent, heated
by nuclear fission, produces steam. The steam turns turbines, or wheels
turned by a flowing current. The turbines drive generators, or engines
that create electricity.Rods of material called nuclear poison can adjust
how much electricity is produced. Nuclear poisons are materials, such as
a type of the element xenon, that absorb some of the fission products
created by nuclear fission. The more rods of nuclear poison that are
present during the chain reaction, the slower and more controlled the
reaction will be. Removing the rods will allow a stronger chain
reaction and create more electricity.As of 2011, about 15 percent of the
world's electricity is generated by nuclear power plants. The United
States has more than 100 reactors, although it creates most of
its electricity from fossil fuels and hydroelectric energy. Nations such as
Lithuania, France, and Slovakia create almost all of their electricity from
nuclear power plants.
7. Nuclear Fusion in Stars
Nuclear Fusion reactions power the Sun and other stars. In a fusion
reaction, two light nuclei merge to form a single heavier nucleus. The
process releases energy because the total mass of the resulting single
nucleus is less than the mass of the two original nuclei. The leftover
mass becomes energy. Einstein’s equation (E=mc2), which says in part
that mass and energy can be converted into each other, explains why this
process occurs. If scientists develop a way to harness energy from fusion
in machines on Earth, it could be an important method of energy

Fusion can involve many different elements in the periodic table.

However, researchers working on fusion energy applications are
especially interested in the deuterium-tritium (DT) fusion reaction. DT
fusion produces a neutron and a helium nucleus. In the process, it also
releases much more energy than most fusion reactions. In a potential
future fusion power plant such as a tokamak or stellarator, neutrons from
DT reactions would generate power for our use. Researchers focus on
DT reactions both because they produce large amounts of energy and
they occur at lower temperatures than other elements.

8. Conclusion
 The advantages of nuclear energy are that it produces low-cost
energy, it is reliable, it releases zero carbon emissions, there is a
promising future for nuclear technology, and it has a high energy
 The main disadvantages of nuclear energy include its
environmental impact, it is extremely water-intensive, there is a
risk of nuclear accidents, management of radioactive waste is
problematic, and it is non-renewable.
 Nuclear energy is one of the most controversial energy sources, but
it is critical in reducing our greenhouse gas emissions.
9. Bibliography
Class 12 NCERT textbook part-2
Salute to the man who foresaw an energy
independent India…..

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