Admissions Handbook
Admissions Handbook
Admissions Handbook
ENTRY 2011
Welcome A Panoramic View Sustainability at DkIT Transport to DkIT Student Admission & Entrance Requirements Mature Student Application Northern Ireland/UK Applications EU Applications FETAC-Linked Programmes Northeast Further and Higher Education Alliance (NEFHEA) Open Days Study Abroad Library IT Services Supporting You at DkIT Work Placement Opportunities Fun from A-Z (DkIT Clubs and Societies) Regional Development Centre Institute Personnel
1 2 4 5 8 12 13 15 17 18 20 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 33
School of Informatics & Creative Arts Computing Programmes Creative Multimedia, Video & Film & Applied Music Programmes School of Engineering School of Health & Science Nursing, Midwifery & Health Programmes Applied Science Programmes School of Business & Humanities Business Programmes Humanities Programmes Hospitality Programmes Campus Guide 85 95 103 109 67 75 35 47 55
This handbook sets out the very broad range of programme and career options that await you here at Dundalk Institute of Technology. The handbook describes each programme of study in detail. It also identifies the many different careers available to graduates in our graduate profiles.
At DkIT we pride ourselves in providing a learning experience that is unique. You will learn in small groups, with excellent support from your lecturers and other learning-support staff, and your assessments will not be based solely on end-of-semester examinations, but
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As well as looking after your academic needs, the Institute also provides a range of support services including a medical unit, a careers service, a counselling service and chaplaincy service, an access service and on-campus accommodation. I do hope that Dundalk Institute of Technology is for you!
on a combination of work undertaken through the semester, and semester examinations. Life at college is not only about studying, but also about your personal development through participation in a vibrant student community. While studying at DkIT you will also have opportunities to participate in many sports, clubs, societies and enjoy a lively social life. Details of these clubs and societies are also contained in this handbook.
Cumm ins
, M.Sc.,
DkIT Student Population 2010 Total Student Population: Full-time students: Part-time students: International Students: Mature Students (23+): 5029 4021 1008 266 650
Students at DkIT from the following counties of the northeast region: Co. Louth Co. Monaghan Co. Meath 44% 13% 16% Co. Cavan Co. Dublin Northern Ireland 7% 9% 1%
Hospitality Building
A Panoramic View
Blackbox Theatre
Student Accommodation
Crowne Plaza
Sustainability at DkIT
DkIT is recognised for its commitment to Sustainability and this theme will become increasingly present in our programmes, on the campus and in our research. DkIT is already well advanced in promoting the social, environmental and economic aspects of Sustainable Development. Initiatives include: DkITs support for increasing access and participation in education Our promotion of learning and learner-centred pedagogies in teaching and research programmes Wind-energy generation; Already 60% of electricity is generated from the Institute Wind Turbine, saving about 900 tonnes of CO2 emission every year Integration of an Ice Bank into the newly renovated Carroll Building, which reduces the need for expensive air conditioning and cooling Use of Fair Trade tea and coffee Growing-Food-on-Campus initiative Extensive Recycling programme (paper, cardboard, floppy disks, aluminium cans, plastic bottles, glass, copper pipe and copper wire, steel, printer cartridges, batteries, and cooking oil). The Institute recycles 43% waste, 39% dry recyclables, and 18% compost; Promotion of Green Transport; CANDI Initiative (Computer-Automated-Nightly-Shutdown). PCs on campus are shut down every night at 10pm, resulting in a 60% reduction in energy consumption. The automatic shutoff not only saves power, but also extends the useful life of each pc, thereby reducing the equipment replacement costs and DkITs carbon footprint; Guest Speakers from leading business practitioners of Sustainability such as IKEA and Marks & Spencer; Our support for education in the Developing World; At DkIT you will get to be part of sustainability in action and will have an opportunity to develop your knowledge and skills in this area.
Transport to DkIT
Dundalk Institute of Technology . . . right up your street!
40 minute drive from Dublin Airport 85km from the city of Belfast 50 minutes by rail from Dublin (Connolly Station) 13 trains daily 60 minutes to Dublin with Matthews Coaches and Bus Eireann Route 5 Kingscourt, Corduff, Carrickmacross, DkIT Route 4 Clonee, Dunboyne, Dunshaughlin, Ashbourne, Ratoath, Duleek, DkIT Route 2 Route 3 Bailieborough, Kingscourt, Kilmainamwood, Nobber, Drumconrath, DkIT Trim, Navan, Slane, Collon, DkIT Daily return bus services to the Institute also operate from the following routes: Route 1 Moynalty, Kells, Navan, Wilkinstown, Castletown, DkIT
Apprenticeships to obtain an apprenticeship, you must be recruited by a prospective employer who will register you with FS and only then can the training programme begin.
Ordinary Degree Programmes (Level 7) * The standard minimum entry requirement for first year admission to three-year Bachelor Ordinary Degree, Level 7 programmes is six Passes in the Leaving Certificate, including Mathematics and either English or Irish, and either one Grade C3 in a Higher Level paper, or an overall points total of 200.
The Institute continually works to improve access for people with disabilities and/or specific learning difficulties to its programmes. The admissions route is the same for all applicants i.e. through the CAO system. If your disability and/or specific learning difficulty is such that it requires supplementary/alternative arrangements being made to facilitate your study, it is essential that you indicate this in the relevant section of the CAO application form. We can then invite you to discuss your requirements with us and, insofar as is possible, make the appropriate arrangements. It is also possible to arrange a pre-entry orientation of the built environment if required: this is particularly of benefit to those with mobility and/or sensory disability. Please contact the Disability & Student Quality Office at 042 9370237. Standard Applicants Entrance Requirements Higher Certificate Programmes (Level 6) The standard minimum entry requirement for first year admission to Higher Certificate programmes is five Passes in the Leaving Certificate including Mathematics and either Irish, or English. Note: The standard minimum entry requirement for first year admission to Culinary Arts (Level 6) and Hospitality Studies (Level 6) is five Passes in the Leaving Certificate including Irish or English.
Honours Degree Programmes (Level 8) * The standard minimum entry requirement for first year admission to Honours Degree programmes is six Passes in the Leaving Certificate including Mathematics and either English or Irish, with at least Grade C3 in two Higher Level papers, together with at least Grade D3 in four Ordinary Level papers. Note: A grade E in the Leaving Certificate Higher Level paper in Mathematics (HE) meets the entry requirement in Mathematics for those ab initio Level 6 and 7 programmes that do not have a special Mathematics requirement that is above the normal eligibility requirements. (See also note on page 10 on Foundation Level Mathematics).
For Information on Application Fees see CAO Handbook 2011 or CAO Website. (
The following programmes have a specific Mathematics entry requirement: DK740 Engineering Electrical & Electronic Systems Ordinary Level Grade C3, or Higher Level Grade D3 DK742 Engineering Mechanical Engineering Ordinary Level Grade C3, or Higher Level Grade D3 DK744 Engineering Civil Engineering Ordinary Level Grade C3, or Higher Level Grade D3 DK820 Games Development Ordinary Level Grade B2, or Higher Level Grade D3.
Note: Applicants are advised that despite the fact that Foundation Level Mathematics may meet the minimum Mathematics requirement for entry into some academic courses, some employers require Ordinary Level Mathematics or higher to meet minimum educational attainment for some positions.
The interview follows later in the spring / early summer and is your chance to demonstrate your abilities to the interviewers in an encouraging environment.
Dundalk IT Qualification
Higher Certificate Ordinary Degree Honours Degree
For Level 7/6 (i.e. Ordinary Bachelor Degree/Higher Certificate) programmes, the requirements are:
Matriculation Meet the matriculation requirement of 5 subjects, which must include Mathematics and English. These may be drawn from recognised subjects at GCSE (Grade A, B, or C only) or AS Level (Grades A-E) or A Level (Grades A-E). At least one subject must be at A Level, at Grade E, or better. Points A minimum of one A Level (Grade E or better) plus 3 other passes at AS Level.. The AS Levels must be in different subjects to those taken at A-Level and may be carried over from a previous sitting.
Minimum standard in English (or Irish) and Mathematics In all cases, applicants require at least GCSE Grade C in English, or Irish and Mathematics (unless otherwise stated by the Institute see additional entry requirements on page15) to be eligible for consideration. Exception: The B.A (Hons.) in Humanities does not require a specific Mathematics Grade.
285 270 255 250 240 235 225 220 210 200 195 190 175 160 A* A 150 145 135 120 100 80 D A B C 75 65 60 50 40 35 20 B C
All subjects carry equal points and points for A-Level grades must be obtained at one sitting. The AS Levels must be in different subjects to those taken at A-Level and may be carried over from a previous sitting. Matriculation and course requirements may be satisfied by an accumulation of subjects over more than one year. Applied A-Levels/AVCEs are considered equivalent to A Levels for the purpose of meeting entry requirements at Dundalk Institute of Technology. BTEC National Certificates and BTEC National Diplomas can be considered for entry to Level 6 and Level 7 programmes only.
All other programmes with a language require a Pass at A Level or a B in your GCSE in your chosen language except programmes with Spanish, where no prior knowledge is required.
EU Applicants
Applications from other EU nationals will be assessed on academic achievements to date. You will enjoy the same entitlements as Irish students. Applications must be made through CAO.
Non-EU Applicants
All Non-EU applicants are normally required to apply through CAO. Apply to: CAO, Tower House, Eglinton Street, Galway.
Applications from non-EU nationals will be assessed on academic achievements. Applicants must provide certified evidence of all relevant qualifications held to date, including, where appropriate, evidence of proficiency in English. Entry to undergraduate
programmes requires a proficiency in English at 6.0 on the IELTS scale or equivalent. Entry to postgraduate programmes requires a proficiency in English at 6.5 on the IELTS scale or equivalent.
Non-EU nationals are required to pay tuition fees in full, prior to Registration, in accordance with our Fees Schedule. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that visa and resident permits are in order.
Late applications may be accepted under certain circumstances. For further details, please visit our website at
w Application forms are available from the Admissions Office or the relevant Department office in the Institute, or online at _life/ admissions/undergraduates.
FETAC-linked Programmes
The admissions policy in relation to FETAC-linked Programmes has been widened since 2005 to allow a greater variety of progression routes. The minimum entry requirement for graduates of FETAC Level 5 and 6 awards to: Higher Certificate (NQAI level 6) programmes is a full FETAC Level 5 or 6 award. Ab-initio Ordinary Degree (NQAI level 7) programmes is a full FETAC Level 5 or 6 award, plus one Distinction or two Merits. Ab-initio Honours Degree (NQAI level 8) programmes (with the exception of nursing & midwifery programmes) is a full FETAC Level 5 or 6 award including a Distinction grade in at least three modules. In these three cases, a general specific requirement for Mathematics or a language will not apply. Notwithstanding the minimum entry requirements listed above, relevant cognate courses and/or specific pre-requisite FETAC modules may be required for some programmes. Details are available from the Admissions Office or the FETAC Information section of the CAO website ( In some programmes, a specific module such as a Mathematics or language module is a mandatory component of the FETAC award being presented. This requirement may be waived if the applicant has evidence of equivalent achievement from other examinations (such as previous Leaving Certificate award). It is the responsibility of the A full FETAC award normally contains 8 modules. A full award may be accumulated over more than one academic year. In such cases, it is the responsibility of the student to apply to FETAC for a full award where courses are taken over more than one year. A record of achievement or component certificate does not meet these minimum entry standards. An overall point score is calculated based on the best 8 modules presented. D20001 D20002 D20032 C20006 Anatomy and Physiology Introduction to Nursing and Human Growth and Development or Biology FETAC Links to Nursing Honours Degree Programmes The following qualifications meet the general requirements for Honours Bachelor Degree Programmes in General Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Intellectual Disability Nursing, and Midwifery: FETAC Level 5 award in Nursing Studies (DCHSN) Or Community and Health Services (DCHSX) Or Healthcare Support (DHSXX) with Distinctions in at least 5 modules which must include: Scores are adjusted pro rata to take account of credit values other than 1 for the module. Scores are also adjusted pro rata to take account of the module level; level 1 scores are multiplied by 0.5, level 2 scores are multiplied by 1.0, and level 3 scores are multiplied by 1.25. Pass Merit Distinction 20 points 35 points 50 points applicant to provide such evidence directly to the Admissions Office. For modules with a credit value of 1, scores awarded are as follows:
Accountancy or Statistics in Level 5 or 6 Award advisable Minors in Computer Applications and Web Design (Level 6)
The alliance is a ladder of opportunity for students who may not have achieved the requirements for direct entry to DkIT. By availing however of further education programmes throughout this region that will lead to a FETAC award, students will be provided with (in most cases) advanced access to degree-level
18 Bachelor of Arts in Communications in Creative Multimedia DK762
Pass Grade in: Surveying (L32667), Environmental Studies (L32319), Reinforced Concrete Detailing (A300232), plus a Pass grade and at least one Level 5 credit from the following modules: Design (A20209), Maths for Engineering (C20174), Safety & Health at Work (D20165) Merit grade in the following modules: Multimedia Technology (E30172), Multimedia Project Development (E30173), Communications (G30001), plus a Merit grade and at least one Level 5 Credit from the following modules: Design (A20209), Media Analysis (E20008), Communications (G20001)
programmes at DkIT.
NEFHEA continued
DkIT Programme DkIT Programme Code
Applications for Advanced Entry should be made to the Admissions Office at Dundalk Institute of Technology on or before Friday, 1st April, 2011
Entrants must successfully complete the Stage 1 clinical placement in addition to Stage 2 modules before progressing to Stage 3 of the programme. Number of places is limited and candidates will be selected according to academic merit. Merit Grade in Web Authoring at Level 6 (C30148). Merit Grade in Networks at Level 6 (C30143). Distinction Grade in Systems Maintenance at Level 6 (C30146)
Advanced Cert in Computer & Network Technology (CCNTX), or Advanced Cert in Networks & Software Systems (CNSSX), or Advanced Cert in Advanced IT & Business Administration (BAXXX) Advanced Cert in Computer & Network Technology (CCNTX), or Advanced Cert in IT (CCNTX), or Advanced Cert in Networks & Software Systems (CNSSX)
Merit Grade in Web Authoring at Level 6 (C30148). Distinction Grade in Networks at Level 6, or in Network Administration (Level 6), or in Network Models & Technologies (Level 6). Merit Grade in Systems Maintenance (Level 6)
Advanced Cert in Computer & Network Technology (CCNTX), or Advanced Cert in IT (CCNTX), or Advanced Cert in Networks & Software Systems (CNSSX)
Merit Grade in Web Authoring at Level 6 (C30148). Distinction Grade in Computer Programming or Software Development (C20013). Distinction Grade in Object Oriented Programming at Level 6 (C30144), or Windows Programming at Level 6 (C30149). Distinction Grade in Mathematics at Level 6 (C20139), or in Mathematics for Engineering at Level 6 (C20174), or in Mathematics for Computing at Level 6 (C20175)
Open Days
The best way to discover the campus, find out about our programmes, meet with staff and students is to come and visit our annual Open Day and Open Evening in October. (Further Details from the School Liaison Office at 042 9370208 or email The School Liaison Office can help you find out more about the Institute and introduce you to all that DkIT has to offer you in a number of ways: The Institute also hosts a CAO Information Evening in January of each year, where you can come and find out more information and get assistance with filling up your CAO form.
Open Day, Friday 15th October 2010 Open Evening, Thursday 16th October 2010
School Visits
A visit from the School Liaison Office to your school, Further Education College, or Outreach Centre, with a presentation on programmes at DkIT, and the practical things you need to know about going to college.
Taster Days
We are always delighted to welcome visiting school groups, large and small, to our Institute. Taster Days particularly suit Transition Year and 5th Year students who want to get a gentle introduction into a subject-area, and get a visit of the campus. Any school wanting to participate in a Taster Day should make contact with the School Liaison Office.
t 042 9370208
t 042 9370230
t 042 9370237
Study Abroad
Partner Colleges
At DkIT we are proud of our links with more than 40 partner colleges throughout Europe and Asia. For over a decade, scores of our students have taken advantage of the opportunity to undertake part of their studies at one of these colleges. This has been for them an enriching educational experience, which has later served to enhance their careers. Students who choose such an option will face many challenges academically, linguistically and socially, but derive great benefits from their time spent living and studying abroad. Study abroad in the third year is mandatory on the following programme: For Two Semesters DK812 Bachelor of Business in Marketing (study abroad through English) France IPAC Annecy IUT du Havre IUT de Caen IUT de MontpellierBziers-Ste Study abroad in the third year is optional on the following programme: DK710 Bachelor of Business in Management and Administration (2 Semesters) Universit Catholique de Lyon Bulgaria Finland EVTEK University of Programmes DK710, DK711, DK750, DK752 (French, or German: Ordinary Level grade B3 or Higher Level grade D1 in Leaving Cert) Spanish: No prior knowledge needed. Participation in the European Exchange Programme is organised within the framework of the ERASMUS Programme. Applied Sciences Kymenlaakso University of Lithuania ISM University Applied Sciences Satakunta University of Applied Sciences Germany FH Heilbronn FH Giessen-Friedberg FH Nrtingen FH Wedel Sweden Umea University Estonia Tallinn University of Technology University of National and World Economy Portugal Instituto Politecnico de Setubal
Denmark Ingenirhjskole Copenhagen
Spain Universidad de Extramadura Universidad de Len Universidad Politcnica de Valencia Universidad de San PabloCEU Madrid
The Netherlands Avans Hogeschool University of Applied Sciences China Shanghai Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics (This one-year exchange programme does not receive Erasmus funding.)
Studying Abroad
France Universit de Caen Universit dAvignon Universit de Nantes Universit de Toulouse Universit de La Rochelle Germany Germany FH Oldenburg, Ostfriesland,Wilhelmshaven FH Trier-Birkenfeld Universit dAvignon FH Heilbronn Universit de Nantes FH Giessen-Friedberg Spain Universidad Politcnica de Valencia Spain Universidad Europea de Madrid Universitt Hildesheim Hochschule fr angewandte Wissenschaften Harz Fachhochschule Heilbronn FH Merseburg Spain Universidad de Extramadura Unversidad Europea de Madrid United Kingdom Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama Austria FH, Salzburg Germany FH Trier FH Heilbronn FH Giessen-Friedberg Norway Stord/Hausgesund University College
Cultural Studies
France Universit de Bourgogne (Dijon) Universit dArtois (Arras) Universit de Limoges
Denmark Ingenirhjskole Copenhagen France IUT Angers
France Universite dArtois Universite de Caen
Note: To be eligible to study abroad, students must achieve a satisfactory standard in examinations and have appropriate language competence, where
relevant. Students are registered as full-time students in both DkIT and the host college at no extra fee. Capitation fees must be paid to DkIT. Maintenance grants are transferable when studying abroad. Students must pay their own travel and living expenses. Small Erasmus grants may be granted in certain cases. Where the study abroad experience is optional, students are subject to interview and to the attainment of a Merit grade in Higher Certificate examinations.
DkIT Library plays a central role in the academic life of the Institute. It provides learning support, access to information and services and a variety of study spaces. Access is available once you register with the Institute. Your Student ID card is also your library card; please ensure you have your card with you when you use the library.
See our web pages at for: information on services and facilities access to online resources access to your Library Account details of Information Skills tutorials that will help you use the Library more effectively The Library is zoned to provide a choice of study spaces. All open plan areas, except the designated Group Study space, are for individual, quiet study. Rooms are available for group work. See the Library Code of Conduct ( for regulations concerning the appropriate use of services and facilities. Access to the Library and its services is available once you register with the Institute.
IT Services
We provide a state-of-the-art IT service for students on campus. A web email service is available to all students registering at the Institute at We have 110 public access PCs available in the library area for students to use. A printing service is available for students, allowing users to print documents from a central print service to any printer of choice using the follow me printing system. We have a wireless service (15 nodes) to allow students with laptops to access the internet at For more information on these services an more check out our website
Access Office
The Access Office promotes access to the Institute from groups that have traditionally been under-represented in third-level education including mature students, students from a background of socio-economic disadvantage and those from the Traveller community.
Careers Office
Research career options best suited to your skills, and abilities with the help of the Careers Office. Support and advice is also available on further study options, C.V. preparation, interview techniques, and the use of Internet-based guidance. (Visit
Restaurant on Campus
The main Campus Restaurant accommodates 650 diners. There are additional coffee outlets dotted around the main campus.
Student Accommodation
You now have the option to live up on campus and enjoy the student-life on campus 24/7. The new apartments can accommodate up to 200 students. Apartments are all fitted out to a high spec. with all mod cons. and wireless broadband. Further details on accommodation can be obtained from the Students Union.
Campus Bar
The campus bar is situated on the first floor of the Student Services Building.
Students Union
Run by two elected student officers and one staff member, the Students Union provides a range of support services to students on a day-to-day basis, liaises with the Institute in providing the Accommodation Service and co-ordinates the activities of Clubs and Societies.
The Chaplaincy team provides personal and pastoral support to all members of the Institute community. DkIT has a full-time Roman Catholic Chaplain and two part-time (Church of Ireland and Presbyterian) Chaplains.
Support services of the Placement Office include: Central contact and information point for all parties involved in student placement Preparation Workshops for students Profession Skills Profiling, CV and Interview preparation Follow-up one-to-one student support and guidance Co-ordination of associated requirements for placement additional training, health & safety requirements Developing linkages with employers and host organisations Providing information and resource packs for students, host organisations and academic staff relevant to each specific placement programme Feedback from placement experience to improve the process and to inform course development
All work placements are officially approved by the Placement Office and primarily involves the process of CV selection and competitive interview, but can also be secured by direct matching. The process is be determined by the host organisation.
The Centre achieves this through the following range of programmes and activities: Research & Development and Technology Transfer Entrepreneurial Development Programmes Incubation Facilities for Knowledge and Technology-Based Enterprises Applied Research with industry. Sectoral and Regional Development Initiatives in the areas of innovation for SMEs (Small-Medium Sized Enterprises), succession planning for family owned business and digital media Spearheading and Supporting EU and Cross Border Development Initiatives Networking with Agencies and Organisations at Regional, National and International Level
The Centre provides both on-and off-campus-based incubation facilities to accommodate new or start up technology or knowledge-based businesses in their early developmental phases. The on-campus facilities at the Regional Development Centre are located just 40 minutes North of Dublin Airport with off-campus incubator facilities at Millmount, Drogheda. The Centre also provides a range of entrepreneurial development programmes.
The Regional Development Centre also spearheads the growth and development of the digital media sector in the North East and cross-border area in the areas of film, animation, gaming, television and video production and music technology (
Further Information
Industrial Services Office Regional Development Centre Dundalk Institute of Technology
Institute Personnel
Institute Management
Institute President Registrar Financial Controller Head of Development Mr. Denis Cummins, M.Sc. Mr. Stephen McManus, M.Sc. Mr. Peter McGrath, B.Comm., FCMA. Mr. Gerry Carroll, B.Sc. (Eng.), C. Eng., Eur. Ing, MIEI.
School of Engineering
Head of School of Engineering Head of Department of Electronics & Mechanical Engineering Head of Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Head of Department of Construction Mr. Noel McKenna M.Sc., B.Sc., H.Dip. F.R.I.C.S, F.S.C.S, F.BEng., M.I.B.C & Surveying Dr. John Dallat, Ph.D Dr. Tim McCormac, Ph.D Ms. Linda Murphy, B.B.S Mr. Conor Lait, B. Eng., MIEI. Mr. James McCahill, MBA., MBCS., C.Dip.AF. Ms. Marie Madigan Ms. Irene McCausland B.Sc., MBA. Ms. Lorna OConnor Mr. Gerard O'Driscoll, B. Comm. Mr. Fergal Smyth Ms. Noreen Carney M.A. H.Dip.Ed. Mr. Michael Stewart, B.A School of Informatics & Creative Arts Head of School Head of Department of Mathematics & Computing Head of Department of Music and Mr. Cathal Kearney, B.Comm., M.B.A Mr. Shane Hill, DMS, M.B.A., MMII Dr. David Getty, D.Phil., B.Sc. (Hons.), PGCUT Ms. Brianin Erraught Creative Media Dr. Gerard Bob McKiernan, Ph.D Dr. Christian Horn, Ph.D Dr. Eibhls Farrell, B.Mus, M.Mus, LLCM, FRSA, Member of Aosdna, Ph.D, Mr. Pat McCormick Mr. Eugene Roe, B.Sc. (Eng.), C.Eng., MIEI. Dr. Daniel O'Brien, M.Sc., Ph.D, M.l.E.I.CEng.
Computing Programmes
Bachelor of Science in Computing incorporating 3 awards Bachelor of Science in Software Development Bachelor of Science in Computing in Applications and Support Bachelor of Science in Computing in Networking and Support
36 37 39 38 40 41 42 43 44
Dr. Gerard Bob Mc Kiernan Head of School of Informatics & Creative Arts
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing in Commercial Computing (add-on) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing in Information Technology Management (add-on) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing in Games Development Higher Diploma in Science in Computing
DK820 DKA22
Postgraduate Studies
including M.Sc in Computing, M.B.S in Software Entrepreneurship, M.Sc in Music Technology and M.Sc/PhD (by research) in Computing
YEARS 1 - 4
YEARS 1 - 4
YEARS 1 - 4
YEARS 2 + 3
YEARS 2 + 3
YEARS 2 + 3
College Entry
(incorporating three awards)
Computing Schools and Team
B.Sc. in Computing (incorporating three awards) Code DK721 Level 7 Places 120 (in total) Duration 3 years (Common first year plus additional two years on specialist programme)
Students will enter a common first year at the end of which they will opt to progress to second year on one of the following three programmes: Bachelor of Science in Computing in Software Development Bachelor of Science in Computing in Applications and Support Bachelor of Science in Computing in Networking and Support
three programmes you wish to pursue: Software Development, Applications and Support, or Networking and Support.
Further Information
Dr. Christian Horn Head of Department of Computing and Mathematics t 042 937 0283 or Dr. Michelle Graham Retention and Recruitment Officer t 042 937 0289 e or The Computing Liaison Team e
Software Development
I studied in DkIT for a while after finishing school, but then left to work in the IT industry with Icon Technologies in Dundalk for 8 years. I trained on-the-job in industry, but decided when the downturn came to return to college and study Computing.
I applied through the CAO as a Mature Applicant and started in DkIT in September 2009. Its been a great decision. Im delighted with my choice. First year Computing gives you a good overview of the different computing streams. Im
planning to take the Software Development stream next year, and hopefully continue to Level 8. My class has been quite an even mix of school-leavers and mature students, which has made the transition to
college easier. Im involved in some of the sports clubs and am on the Soccer team. There is a great mix of clubs for all interests.
process is about much more than just writing the computer programs to perform these tasks. You will learn to: Develop advanced problem solving Acquire detailed understanding of software engineering methodologies and the design and implementation of database systems Develop as a team player, capable of working as part of a multi-disciplinary development team
Career Options
As a graduate of this programme you will be capable of filling a range of positions in the software industry. Programmer/Analyst Programmer Web/Multimedia Programme Database Analyst
Note: Students who have successfully completed the first two years of this programme and who wish to leave after two years, may be awarded a Level 6 Higher Certificate in Computing.
Progression Routes
On achieving an average mark of at least 50% in the award year of this degree, students become eligible for the one-year add-on programme, B.Sc. (Honours) in Computing in Commercial Computing. Entry to this honours degree programme is then subject to the number of places available in any given year.
Apply to
B.Sc. in Computing in Software Development Code DK721 Level 7 Duration 3 years (Common first year plus an additional two years to complete the Software Development programme)
Further Information
Dr. Christian Horn Head of Department of Computing and Mathematics t 042 937 0283 or Dr. Michelle Graham Retention and Recruitment Officer t 042 9370289 e or The Computing Liaison Team e w Apply to CAO
Apply to
You will learn to: Develop advanced problem solving Acquire skill in the development of web applications, the implementation and administration of database systems and in delivering effective customer support Gain specialised knowledge of computer hardware and networking Develop as a team player, capable of working as part of a multi-disciplinary development team
B.Sc. in Computing in Applications & Support Code DK721 Level 7 Duration 3 years (Common first year plus an additional two years to complete the Applications & Support programme)
the growth of a large service and support industry to manage and administer computer systems, to provide technical hardware and software support and to train and support both customers and users in the effective use of computer resources. In addition, there is a continual need for the development and support of web sites and software applications for small to medium-sized working environments.
Career Options
As a graduate of this programme you will be capable of filling a range of positions in the IT support industry as well as in website development and database administration. Typical job titles include: Systems Administrator Computer/Software Trainer; IT Support Technician/Specialist Database Administrator Website Developer Webmaster/Web Editor
Progression Opportunities
On achieving an average mark of at least 50% in the award year of this degree, students become eligible for the one-year add-on programme, B.Sc. (Honours) in Computing in IT Management. Entry to this honours degree programme is then subject only to the number of places available in any given year. Note: Students who have successfully completed the first two years of this programme and who wish to leave after two years, may be awarded a Level 6 Higher Certificate in Computing.
Further Information
Dr. Christian Horn Head of Department of Computing and Mathematics t 042 937 0283 or Dr. Michelle Graham Retention and Recruitment Officer t 042 9370289 e or The Computing Liaison Team e w Apply to CAO
Apply to
Typical Subjects Include:
Web Client Programming Networking Broadband Technologies Computer Hardware Internetworking Wireless Technologies Database Programming WAN Protocols Network Management
B.Sc. in Computing in Networking & Support Code DK721 Level 7 Duration 3 years (Common first year plus an additional two years to complete the Networking & Support programme)
You will learn to: Develop advanced problem-solving Acquire skills in defining, analysing and choosing methods for solving problems across a variety of areas relating to IT support Provide effective IT support to customers Specialise in local and wide area network technologies and data communications Develop as a team player, capable of working as part of a multi-disciplinary development In addition, students completing this course will have sufficient knowledge and skill to undertake CISCO CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) certification. DkIT is a certified Cisco Academy.
Progression Opportunities
On achieving an average mark of at least 50% in the award year of this degree, students become eligible for the one-year add-on programme, B.Sc. (Honours) in Computing in IT Management. Entry to this honours degree programme is then subject to the number of places available in any given year. Note: Students who have successfully completed the first two years of this programme and who wish to leave after two years, may be awarded a Level 6 Higher Certificate in Computing.
Career Options
As a graduate of this programme you will be capable of filling a range of positions in the network and IT support industry. Typical job titles include: Network Administrator Network Technician Systems Technologist Systems Administrator Computer Trainer IT Support Technician/Specialist
Further Information
Dr. Christian Horn Head of Department of Computing and Mathematics t 042 937 0283 or Dr. Michelle Graham Retention and Recruitment Officer t 042 9370289 e or The Computing Liaison Team e w Apply to CAO
Commercial Computing
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B.Sc. (Honours) in Computing in Commercial Computing Code DKA20 Level 8 Duration 1 year (post-Level 7 B.Sc.)
Career Options
Work in specialist positions in the software development industry. Typical job titles include: Software Engineer Systems Analyst Systems Architect
Progression Routes
Graduates with a satisfactory level of achievement will be able to undertake postgraduate studies. See the Postgraduate Handbook for further details. The B.Sc. Honours in Commercial Computing is recognised as fulfilling the Degree requirements for registration as a second-level Teacher.
Entry Requirements
Applicants to this programme should have successfully completed the B.Sc. in Computing in Software Development, or equivalent with an overall Pass and a minimum overall average of 50%.
Further Information
Dr. Christian Horn Head of Department of Computing and Mathematics t 042 937 0283 or Dr. Michelle Graham, Retention and Recruitment Officer t 042 9370289 e or The Computing Liaison Team e w Apply to DkIT
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I was very involved in the Fencing Club at college. Class sizes were small too, which meant that there was good interaction in classes and a much friendlier and better atmosphere than in some of the larger universities.
Be conversant with recent developments in ICT and in a number of specialised computing topics
Career Options
Pursue a career in any organisation across the business, manufacturing, or services sector that rely on IT services. Typical job titles include: IT Manager Computer Services Manager Network Analyst Database Administrator
Progression Routes
Graduates with a satisfactory level of achievement will be able to undertake postgraduate studies. See the Postgraduate Handbook for further details.
B.Sc. (Honours) in Computing in Information Technology Management Code DKA21 Level 8 Duration 1 year (post-Level 7 B.Sc.)
I am originally from the Ukraine, but have been living in Dundalk for 12 years. I applied to DkIT after leaving school and have really enjoyed my years in college here.
Entry Requirements
Applicants to this programme should have successfully completed the B.Sc. in Computing in Applications & Support, or B.Sc. in Computing in Networking & Support, or equivalent, with an overall Pass and a minimum overall average of 50%.
Further Information
Dr. Christian Horn Head of Department of Computing and Mathematics t 042 9370283 or Dr. Michelle Graham, Retention and Recruitment Officer t 042 9370289 e or The Computing Liaison Team e w Apply to DkIT
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Typical Subjects Include:
Computer Programming Object Oriented Development Software Engineering Web Development Digital Media, Computer Networking Multimedia Operating Systems Database Systems Artificial Intelligence
Career Options
As a graduate of this programme you will have a skill set that will enable you to gain employment in industries in which there is a constant demand for software developers, particularly in the ever-expanding Internet sector.
I like the course. Its relevant to what I want to do in the future either work in the IT industry as a Software Developer, or maybe set up my own business.
Progression Routes
Graduates with a satisfactory level of achievement will be able to undertake postgraduate studies. See the Postgraduate Handbook for further details.
Further Information
Mr. Derek OReilly Programme Director Department of Computing and Mathematics t 042 9370399 e or e
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I am originally from Lithuania, but am living in Ireland 8 years now. I heard about DkIT from friends of mine, and decided to apply to college as a Mature Applicant.
Games Development
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Typical Subjects include:
Graphical Game Design Games Physics 3D Modelling 3D Animation Designing for Cultural Diversity Special Effects Mathematics for Games Sound Technology Programming Web Development Software Engineering Computer Hardware Computer Networking Operating Systems Databases Software Engineering Artificial Intelligence
B.Sc. (Honours) in Computing in Games Development Code DK820 Level 8 Duration 4 years Places 40
product. An essential part of the programme is the final year project which involves the development of a substantial implementation of a computer game; develop as a team player, capable of working as part of a multi-disciplinary development team.
Career Options
As a graduate of this programme you will have a skill set that will enable you to gain employment in the games industry, working as part of a development team, or in any area of the software development industry. Typical job titles include: Software Engineer Multimedia & Web Developer Systems Architect Games Specialist Games Developer
Progression Routes
Graduates with a satisfactory level of achievement will be able to undertake postgraduate studies. See the Postgraduate Handbook for further details.
I first came to DkIT as a Transition Year student on a Taster Day programme. DkIT was one of the few colleges offering a Games Development Degree, so it was my first choice. DkIT has been great for me. The Games Development programme is really
interesting. I enjoy the Maths and programming elements, but I like the creative side too. I am hoping to a Masters in Games Computing, possibly in Trinity College.Its easy to get to know people in DkIT and to make friends. There is a good choice of clubs here.
Ive been involved in the Kempo society, and of course, Dundalk Town is good for socialising!
Further Information
Mr. Derek OReilly Programme Director Department of Computing and Mathematics t 042 9370399 e or e w
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(Higher Diploma)
The aim of this programme is to provide graduates with up-to-date knowledge of the core elements of computing, and to prepare them for a career in quality assurance, project management or business analysis.
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Who Should Apply?
Graduates of non-computing disciplines who wish to pursue a career in IT. It is expected that graduates will follow one of the following career paths: Quality Assurance; Software Testing; Software Project Management; Business Analysis. Due to the nature of these roles it is expected that most graduates will initially gain employment at an entry level in the software industry. However, they will be equipped with specialist skills that will enable them to progress quickly in their chosen career path. At present there is a shortage of business analysts and software project managers within the Irish software industry that have domain experience. Therefore, graduates of this course, who already possess desirable domain experience, will not only be extremely attractive to employers, but may also be able to enter the software industry at a more senior level.
Higher Diploma in Science in Computing Code DKA22 Level 8 Duration 1 year (full-time), or 2 years (part-time)
Subjects Include:
Core Computing 1 and 2 Software Engineering End User Computing Business Enterprise Computing Web Development Software Design Fundamentals Database Management Systems Business Analysis Software Testing Software Project Management
How to Apply
Application forms can be obtained from the Admissions Office, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dublin Road, Dundalk, Co. Louth. t 042 9370230 e Note: Fees apply to this programme. Please contact the Admissions Office for details.
Graduates of this course will be able to: Identify the different roles and responsibilities that exist through the software development lifecycle and IT projects in particular; Work as part of a team to perform the following roles within a software development organisation: Software quality assurance and testing Software project management Business analysis Evaluate the applicability and strategic impact of emerging technologies in the corporate environment.
The programme will run on a full-time basis for 12 months, or in part-time mode for 24 months.
Entry Requirements
Applicants must hold a Level 8 qualification (Honours Degree) or demonstrate an equivalent capacity to succeed, based on experiential learning acquired through extensive industrial experience.
Further Information
Dr. Christian Horn Head of Department of Computing and Mathematics t 042 9370283 Or Dr. Michelle Graham, Retention and Recruitment Officer t 042 9370289 e Or The Computing Liaison Team e w to DkIT
Interactive Entertainment
(in development)
About this Programme
This is a four-year, full-time honours degree programme which, subject to full validation, will commence in September 2011. This Programme has been developed to offer students a strong mix of computing and creative media. Graduates will have a detailed knowledge and understanding of both the creative and developmental strands within the computer-driven entertainment industry and will be skilled in the use of a range of digital media. This exciting degree builds on the technical and creative skills within DkITs School of Informatics and Creative Arts and aims to provide skilled people who will be needed to grow the multimedia and other software industries within the Northeast region in the coming years. Graduates will be equipped to follow career paths in Web and/or multimedia development and design, or in the Software sector as a Computer Analyst, designing commercial computing systems or an Applications Programmer, developing commercial computing systems with highly attractive user interfaces.
DK762 DKA61 DK765 DKA64 DK861
Bachelor of Arts in Communications in Multimedia Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Communications in Creative Multimedia (add-on) Bachelor of Arts in Video and Film Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Video and Film Production (add-on) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Applied Music Bachelor of Arts in Music and Audio Production
48 49 50 51 52 53
M.A / M.Sc. in Music (taught & research) M.A / M.Sc. in Music Technology (taught & research)
College Entry
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Ruairi Murphy Dundalk Level 7 Degree in Multimedia (DkIT) Level 8 (Honours) Degree in Creative Multimedia (DkIT)
After finishing in DkIT, I went on to do a Masters Degree in Multimedia Systems in Trinity College, Dublin. I then got a job in Griffith College Dublin, initially as a part-time Lecturer, but I have now been made a full-time Lecturer there, and am lecturing on their Masters Degree in Applied Digital Media.
and your practical skills will become highly developed. You will also be encouraged to develop the theoretical skills necessary to analyse critically the media and information society, both in terms of its technological manifestation and its social impact. In the final year you will also get the opportunity to realise, develop and showcase your creative ideas and skills to the public and prospective employers.
Subjects Include:
Graphic Design Photography Film Studies Audio-Visual Techniques Interactive Authoring Audio Digital Editing Video Production 3-D Studies Culture, Society and Creative Media Multimedia Practical Project Development For a full subject listing visit
Career Options:
Web-site Design Graphic Design Interactive Design Multimedia Production Content Editing Project Management DVD/CD-ROM Authoring Media Research Digital Television
Progression Routes
Progress to the one-year, add-on Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Communications in Creative Multimedia.
Further Information
Ms. Caroline OSullivan Head of Creative Media Programmes Department of Music and Creative Multimedia t 042 9370399 e w Apply to CAO
Facilities at DkIT were really good, and I really liked the course. Staff were very enthusiastic and passionate about their subject. The course covers a broad range of subjects in Multimedia, and gives you a great grounding in the field.
Entry Requirements
Six Leaving Certificate subjects, including English, or Irish (Grade 0B3 or HD1) and Mathematics with: at least grade C3 in one Higher Level paper, together with at least grade D3 in five Ordinary Level papers, or at least grade D3 in six Ordinary Level papers (and 0B3 in English, or Irish) and 200 points. Note: Students who have successfully completed the first two years of this programme and who wish to leave after two years,may be awarded a Level 6 Higher Certificate in Arts.
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Entry Requirements
B.A in Communications in Multimedia, or equivalent. Semester 1 Multimedia Project Development 1 Current Issues and theories in Creative Media Industries Research Methodologies for Creative Media 1 User Theories Semester 2 Multimedia Project Development 2 Research Methodologies for Creative Media 2 Entrepreneurship
B.A (Honours) in Communications in Creative Multimedia Code DKA61 Level 8 Places 20 Duration 1 year (post-Ordinary Degree)
Elective Modules* Semester 1 Media and Society Narrative and Creative Media Advanced Web Applications Semester 2 Technical Writing E-Learning Media Discourse and Analysis *Not all elective modules may be offered each year. Applicants will have to demonstrate experience in core competencies before selecting electives.
Career Options
Technical Writer Graphic Designer Multimedia Author Web Author Flash Integrator Digital Audio/Video Editor Web Content Editor Interactive Designer Web Designer Media Scriptwriter Media Researcher
Students will be required to study four core modules and one elective in semester 1 and three core modules and one elective in semester 2.
Progression Routes
Progress to the Masters Degree programme at DkIT in Future Communications in Creative Technologies.
Further Information
Ms. Caroline OSullivan Head of Creative Media Programmes Department of Music and Creative Multimedia t 042 9370399 e w
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Career Options:
Producer Director Scriptwriter Sound Engineer Mixer Technician Camera-Operator Focus-Puller Editor and Graphics editor Location Manager Production Manager Researcher
B.A in Video and Film Production Code DK765 Level 7 Places 35 Duration 3 years
To work in Film and TV, its vital to understand how the film-making industry works and how to create your own opportunities. This course features regular masterclasses from guest-speakers working both within the industry in Ireland and internationally. The course team has fostered links with local training and industry bodies, often providing opportunities for students to work in real-world situations. Students are encouraged to constantly develop and work on their own projects.
Subjects Include:
Film Studies Camera & Lighting Project Documentary production: theory and practice Screenwriting Multimedia Audio Film and Media Theory Media Studies Finance for Film & Television Photography Culture, Film and Society Editing The Cinema Industry
Progression Routes
Add-on Level 8 Degree in Video and Film Production in DkIT. Successful graduates holding a Level 8 qualification would then be eligible to pursue a wide range of related postgraduate courses available in Ireland and the UK, in either theory or practice.
Entry Requirements
Six Leaving Cert subjects, including Mathematics and English, or Irish, with: at least grade C3 in one Higher Level paper, together with at least grade D3 in five Ordinary Level papers, or at least grade D3 in six Ordinary Level papers, and at least 200 points.
I really like the hands-on aspect of this programme and want to work in the industry after my degree.
Further Information
I heard about DkIT through my Guidance Counsellor at school and I am delighted with my course choice. There are some particularly interesting modules on the Video and Film Degree programme, like Script-Writing, Editing, and Culture, Film & Society. opportunities for clubs and social life. The Institute Media Society is very good. It films some of the student events and of course there is DSTV (Dundalk Student TV). Ms. Yvonne Igoe Programme Co-ordinator Department of Music and Creative Multimedia t 042 9370399 e w
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Location Manager Producer Production Designer Production Manager Production Assistant Scriptwriter Sound Recordist/Mixer
B.A (Honours) in Video & Film Production Code DKA64 Level 8 Places 20 Duration 1 year (post-Ordinary Degree)
Career Options
Graduates will be equipped with the core competencies to engage in further professional training for any of the following careers: Art Director Assistant Director Camera Operator Director Editor (on/off-line) Focus-Puller Lighting Cameraman/Director of Photography
Further Information
Ms. Sarah McCann Programme Coordinator Department of Music and Creative Multimedia t 042 9370399 e w
Entry Requirements
Applicants to this programme should have successfully completed the B.A in Video & Film Production with an overall Pass and a minimum overall average of 50% achieved in one sitting. Students who have completed Bachelor programmes to the minimum level in similar subjects at other institutions are also eligible to apply.
I am going to the US for the summer to teach film editing and then on to Canada to get further film experience.
Apply to DkIT
I found out about DkIT while at school and opted for the degree course in Video and Film. I have got great hands-on experience on this course. I did a work placement with Still Films in Dublin in my final year, which was really good. There is a good mix of theory and practice on this course, and the film equipment available is excellent.
Applied Music
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Core Subjects:
Music and western civilisation Traditional Irish music Music theory Composition and arranging Performance of Irish, classical and contemporary music Applied musicianship Vocal performance Recording techniques and technology Acoustics Music production Sound editing Popular music and contemporary culture Music analysis Electroacoustic music and composition Music Theatre Dissertation
B.A (Honours) in Applied Music Code DK860 Level Duration 4 years Places
8 30
rock/pop and Irish traditional groups. Our students perform regularly at a number of performances throughout the academic year, both in the Institute and externally. Regular concerts and masterclasses are given by visiting professionals. In years three and four we offer specialisms in composition, solo performance (classical, traditional, rock/pop), music technology, music education and community, and ethnomusicology. Our honours degree programme is also approved for entry into the Postgraduate Diploma in Education for second-level school teaching.
Career Options
A degree in music can give access to many other careers and music graduates are sought after in professions which demand a high level of personal confidence, communication skills and expressive ability. Careers include: Music teaching in schools (on completion of a PGDip, or H.Dip.Ed.) Music teaching privately and in private schools Music technology & music software development Composing, arranging, publishing, realization and editing Production and management Broadcasting employment opportunities Music performance: solo or ensemble Library, archival work Community arts employment Arts administration Performance sound applications Research and postgraduate study at DkIT and elsewhere
Entry Requirements
Two C3 grades in Higher Level papers, and at least a grade D3 in four Ordinary Level papers at Leaving Cert. (or equivalent). Leaving Cert. Music (or an equivalent qualification, or demonstrative performance ability) is also desirable. Applications are invited from students with diverse music backgrounds including Traditional/Folk, Classical, Popular, Contemporary, Jazz. Applicants will be required to undertake an interview and aural test at Easter. Instrumental, vocal or other performance will be a key part of this, and points will be awarded for the audition. Applicants with an interest in composition may submit a portfolio of their works. The criteria for assessment will be aural aptitude, performance ability and general music knowledge.
Damien Kelly Clondalkin B.A (Hons.) in Applied Music (2009) This course was very good. It gave you a broad exposure to different Music genres, and gave you the option to focus on Music Technology, or Performance. I chose Performance, and have since gone on to study for a Masters Degree in Music at DkIT. I am hoping to continue to Ph.D studies next. I moved up to Dundalk from Clondalkin and really enjoyed the student life in the town. The Institute has a great choice too of clubs and societies. I would really recommend Dundalk!
Further Information
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Entry Requirements
Six Passes in the Leaving Certificate, including Mathematics and either English, or Irish, and either one Grade C3 in a Higher Level paper, or an overall points total of 200. Dundalk Institute of Technology actively encourages applications on mature grounds. Applications by mature candidates must be made to the CAO by the 1st February 2011 and applicants will subsequently be called for interview, at which relevant work experience, prior study/qualifications etc. will be assessed.
B.A in Music and Audio Production Code DK768 Level 7 Places 20 Duration 3 years
Subjects Include:
Music Production Content Analysis Microphone Application Techniques The Recording/Playback Chain Acoustics Musicianship Demo to Production Directive Audio Signal Processing Multimedia Project Management The Studio Environment Music Production Projects Audio Electronics Vocal Production Production Development Advanced Mixing Sound Design Culture, Society and Popular Music
Career Options:
Record/Music Producer Recording Engineer Sound Reinforcement Engineer Sound Designer Radio Music Production Studio Manager Promotional and Advertising Manager Programmer Education Publishing Retail Music-related Journalism
Further Information
Mr Patrick McCaul Department of Music and Creative Multimedia t e 042 9370399
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School of Engineering
DK740 DK742
Mr. Eugene Roe Head of School of Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronic Systems Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Sustainable Design (add-on) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Engineering Entrepreneurship (add-on)
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering Bachelor of Science in Construction Technology Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Building Surveying Standards-Based Apprenticeships
Postgraduate Studies
(including M.Sc. in Renewable Energies)
College Entry
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B. Eng. in Electrical & Electronic Systems Code DK740 Level 7 Places 40 Duration 3 years
Career Options
There are over 60,000 people involved in the Electronic / Electrical area in Ireland, designing, testing, manufacturing, selling, installing and maintaining equipment. Practically every major electronic and IT company in the world has a presence in Ireland including Apple, Hewlett Packard, Ericsson, Intel, IBM, Microsoft, Analog Devices, Xilinx, etc. You may work for one of these major companies. Alternatively you may find yourself in Eircom, the ESB or BT. You may become an installation/maintenance engineer in a Biotech, Chemical or other manufacturing facility or even in the Army, Garda Siochana, Local Authority or government department. The world is becoming more technology-oriented, but fewer people understand its underlining principles. All employers in the electronic/IT area are greatly concerned that we are not producing enough Engineers at the present time. Graduates of this programme currently meet the education standard for the title of Associate Engineer with Engineers Ireland.
Progression Routes
B.Eng. (Hons.) in Sustainable Design B.Eng. (Hons.) in Engineering Entrepreneurship (NEW) Masters in Renewable Energies Technology (with Bridging Studies)
The key subject every year is Projects. This is where you design and build real working products - such as remote controlled robots, computer or sound systems. You will learn a considerable amount of computer programming as the distinction between software and hardware becomes more blurred. Other core subject areas are Electronics, Electrical circuits, Computers, Engineering Maths and Science.
Both programmes I studied at DkIT were excellent - really motivating. The industry work placement at the end of 2nd year was really good. I was placed with Abbott Ireland in Cootehill, where I got experience working on a range of projects. The add-on honours Degree in Sustainable Design offered a good mix of practical and theoretical subjects, with a focus on Renewable Energies in the first semester. I am hoping to work in the area of design engineering, or in the maintenance end of renewable energies, e.g with wind-turbines.
Entry Requirements
Six Leaving Certificate subjects, including English, or Irish with at least grade C3 in one Higher Level paper, together with at least grade D3 in five Ordinary Level papers, or at least grade D3 in six Ordinary Level papers and at least 200 points. A minimum grade of C3 in Mathematics (Ordinary Level) is also required. Holders of National Craft Certificates can avail of advanced entry.
Further Information
Dr. Daniel OBrien Head of Department of Electronic and Mechanical Engineering t 042 9370273 e w
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Eileen McCarey Monaghan B.Eng. in Electrical & Electronic Systems (graduated in 2009) B.Eng. (Hons.) in Sustainable Design Engineering (completed 2010)
Mechanical Engineering
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Engineering Drawing and Computer-Aided Design Engineering Design Practice. For a full subject listing go to Note: Students who have successfully completed the first two years of this programme and who wish to leave after two years, may be awarded a Level 6 Higher Certificate in Engineering.
advancement, development and effective redeployment of renewable sources of energy and in reducing the environmental impact of materials and energy consumption. The core of this 3-year programme is focused on Engineering Science and Technology, engineering materials and manufacturing methods. There is also an emphasis, through project work, on applying these scientific principles and technologies to the solution of mechanical engineering design problems, and transferring those design solutions to manufactured articles.
Career Options
Graduates may work as Technician Engineers in the areas of mechanical engineering product design, product development and test, equipment support, manufacturing systems planning, production management. Graduates of this programme currently meet the education standard for the title of Associate Engineer with Engineers Ireland.
Entry Requirements
Six Leaving Certificate subjects, including English, or Irish and Mathematics with: at least grade C3 in one Higher Level paper, together with at least grade D3 in five Ordinary Level papers, or at least grade D3 in six Ordinary Level papers and at least 200 points. In addition, a minimum grade of C3 in Mathematics (Ordinary Level) is also required. Holders of cognate National Craft Certificates can avail of advanced entry
Subjects Include:
Theory of Machines Properties of Materials Engineering Science Energy Systems Engineering Materials & Manufacturing Processes Mathematics & Computing Electrical Fundamentals Automation & Control Technology
Progression Routes
B.Eng. (Hons.) in Sustainable Design Masters in Renewable Energy Systems (with Bridging Studies) This programme also provides the foundation for transfer routes to honours degree programmes in other Institutes of Technology and in Universities.
Further Information
Dr. Daniel OBrien Head of Department of Electronic and Mechanical Engineering t 042 9370273 e w
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Michelle Daly Armagh Mechanical Engineering (graduated with Level 7 Degree, 2009), Sustainable Design Completed Level 8 Degree, May 2010 Awarded the Peter Rice Medal (2009), accredited by Engineers Ireland (for project in design of sustainable water pumps for Uganda
7 50
I heard about DkIT at a Careers Evening in my second-level school, The Sacred Heart Grammar, Newry. After attending at Open Day at DkIT I decided that DkIT was the college for me! Dundalk is so close to Newry, and offers a really viable alternative to other third-level institutions in the North. The atmosphere at DkIT was great. I found Lecturers to be veyr helpful, and there was good support from fellow-students. Facilities in the Institute were good generally, and unlike larger universities, the atmosphere here is friendly and informal.
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Elective Subjects in Electronic Engineering
Embedded Systems 1& 2 Control Systems 1 & 2 Power Electronics
B. Eng. (Honours) in Sustainable Design Code DKA40 Level 8 Places 40 Duration 1 year (post-Ordinary Degree in Electronic, or Mechanical Engineering, or equivalent).
Subjects Include:
Sustainable Design Sustainable Economics, Ethics and Policy Enterprise Management Sustainable Design Practice 1&2 Mathematics 1 & 2
Entry Requirements
Applicants to this programme should have successfully completed a Bachelor of Engineering (Ord.) in Mechanical, or Electronic Engineering, or equivalent, with an overall Pass and a minimum overall average of 50% achieved in one sitting. Applicants holding different award titles are invited to apply to the Institute in order to determine the suitability of their award for admission to this programme.
Career Options
In a rapidly developing industry, new job titles will inevitably emerge. The list indicates potential career positions: Engineering Management Sustainable Design Engineer Energy Consultant Energy Component Designer Energy Systems Designer Sustainability Consultant Mechanical Engineer Electronic Engineer Conformance Engineer Patent Examiner
Further Information
Dr. Daniel OBrien Head of Department of Electronic and Mechanical Engineering t 042 9370273 e w
Apply to DkIT
Engineering Entrepreneurship
About this Programme
This new programme is multidisciplinary, combining Engineering with Business. The aim of the programme is to produce graduates who are not only competent in the core engineering skills, but who also have a mindset capable of recognising and pursuing business opportunities. The programme is ideal for Level 7 graduates, with a broad engineering background who want to develop entrepreneurial, problem-solving and analytical abilities. Applicants to the programme will be expected to have a business idea to be developed over the two semesters, which incorporates the marketing, financial and legal aspects of the business idea.
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Progression Opportunities
Masters in Technology Entrepreneurship in Blanchardstown Institute of Technology.
B.Sc. (Honours) in Engineering Entrepreneurship Code DKA41 Level 8 Places 20 Duration 1 year (post-Level 7 Degree)
Entry Requirements
The programme is open to applicants who have successfully completed a Level 7, Bachelor of Engineering degree, or equivalent technological programme, with an overall Pass and a minimum overall average of 50% achieved in one sitting. In addition, students will be expected to have a business proposal for a technical idea capable of being utilised as part of the New Venture Development modules 1 & 2. Details of the proposal will be submitted at the time of applying to the programme. Applicants holding different award titles are invited to apply to the Institute in order to determine the suitability of their award for admission to the programme. For detailed information on applying to this programme contact Mr. Pat McCormick.
Career Opportunities:
Design Engineer Engineer within specific disciplines Technical Sales and Marketing Customer Engineer Technical Change Engineer Business Development Project Management Systems Engineer New Product Development Engineer Technical Writer The flexible learning initiatives utilised in the programme may see a small number of graduates setting up and developing their own business interests, with the resources available in the Regional Development Centre at Dundalk Institute of Technology.
Further Information
Mr. Pat McCormick Head of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering t 042 9370274 e w
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Civil Engineering
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Subject Areas include:
Materials Technology Mathematics Technical Communications Surveying Engineering Drawing Practice Civil Engineering Construction Structural Mechanics CAD Engineering Science Structural Design Hydraulics Procedures and Documentation Soil Mechanics Structural Design Structural Analysis Highways and Transportation Engineering Environmental Engineering Civil Engineering Management Geotechnical Engineering Project Graduates of this programme currently meet the education standard for the title of Associate Engineer with Engineers Ireland.
The provision and maintenance of water supplies and sanitary services including environmental pollution control The analysis, design, construction and maintenance of civil engineering and building structures, including bridges and their foundations The financial and managerial topics common to all civil engineering programmes. As a student on this programme you will acquire skills in the following areas: Civil engineering drawing and detailing (manual- and computer-aided) Materials specification and testing Surveying and setting out Measurement and costing of civil engineering work Civil engineering work organisation Document preparation and interpretation Computer-aided analysis, design and draughting.
Progression Routes
Honours degree-level studies in Civil Engineering, with appropriate exemptions, currently at other Institutes of Technology, or universities in Ireland and abroad. Note: Students who have successfully completed the first two years of this programme and who wish to leave after two years, may be awarded a Level 6 Higher Certificate in Engineering.
Entry Requirements
Six Leaving Certificate subjects, including English, or Irish with at least grade C3 in one Higher Level paper, together with at least grade D3 in five Ordinary Level papers, or at least grade D3 in six Ordinary Level papers and at least 200 points. In addition, a minimum grade of C3 in Mathematics (Ordinary Level) is also required. Holders of cognate National Craft Certificates can avail of advanced entry.
Further Information
Mr. Pat McCormick Head of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering t 042 9370274 e w
Career Options
Career opportunities for civil engineering technologists exist in all areas of activity associated with civil engineering project development and use.
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Construction Technology
About this Programme
The building industry is concerned with the provision, maintenance and renewal of Irelands building assets. Any new building, be it for residential, industrial, commercial, educational, medical or other purposes, must be designed, constructed, maintained, operated and removed in a sustainable way. This is done to ensure that the visual appearance, structure, thermal, visual, aural and space conditions of the building are in keeping with its purpose, while ensuring the ease of movement and health and safety of its occupants. Likewise, existing buildings must continue to effectively and efficiently meet owner and user aesthetic and functional requirements. In this context, building conservation, refurbishment, renewal, modification and upgrading to current standards are of ongoing importance. In particular, property owners, developers and purchasers are encouraged to assess more closely the life-cycle performance of proposed and existing buildings and the possible reuse of existing buildings as an alternative to demolition and rebuilding. In such a climate, there is a growing demand for building expertise with a building surveying emphasis. The programme is designed to develop your knowledge and understanding of the principal functional, technological, economic, social and legal factors which influence the design, construction and use of buildings. Document Preparation and Interpretation Materials Technology Building Science Surveying and Setting Out Drawing and Design Specification Testing For a full subject listing visit
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professional bodies such as the Society of Chartered Surveyors, the Association of Building Engineers and the Chartered Institute of Building. Note: Students who have successfully completed the first two years of this programme and who wish to leave after two years, may be awarded a Level 6 Higher Certificate in Engineering.
I did a FETAC course in Cavan Institute and then applied for the Level 7 Building Degree at DkIT. The subjects I studied throughout the 3 years have given me a good technical understanding, which will stand to me in my future career. The course has given me a good technical foundation and a good understanding of the career paths within Building that are open to me. I am hoping to progress next year onto the Honours Degree in Building Surveying at DkIT. I have made wonderful friendships with the students on my course, and have had great support from the lecturing staff in the Institute.
Career Options
Work as a Building Technologist in all areas of activity associated with the development and use of buildings. Graduates will be able to undertake responsibility and exercise independent judgement, under supervision, for much of the day-to-day technical work associated with the evaluation and optimisation of building performance in use.
Entry Requirements
Six Leaving Certificate subjects, including English, or Irish and Mathematics with at least grade C3 in one Higher Level paper, together with at least grade D3 in five Ordinary Level papers, or at least grade D3 in six Ordinary Level papers and at least 200 points.
Subjects Include:
Building Technology and Construction Mathematics Building Drawing Practice Structural Detailing Construction and Control Building work organisation Measurement and Valuation Mechanics Building Services Administration and Management
Progression Routes
Progress, with appropriate exemption, to the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Building Surveying. It is envisaged that this programme will be considered for appropriate recognition by relevant
Further Information
Mr. Noel McKenna Head of Department of Construction and Surveying t 042 9370275 e w
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Building Surveying
About this Programme
This Honours Degree in Building Surveying trains students to the appropriate standard for entry into building surveying practice, and for providing a professional building surveying service. There is a growing demand for building surveying expertise. Environmental awareness, sustainability issues, economic restraint and building legislation dictate that increasing emphasis be placed on the effective utilisation of proposed and existing buildings. In particular, property owners, developers and purchasers are encouraged to assess more closely the life-cycle performance of proposed and existing buildings and the possible reuse of existing buildings as an alternative to demolition and rebuilding. The roles of the professions associated with the development and use of buildings are continually changing in response to changes in owner/user attitudes and needs, building technologies, legislation, the economic environment, work practices and information technology. In this regard, this Honours degree programme prepare graduates for a building surveying profession which, with its broad-based education and training encompassing physical and social sciences, is well placed to provide, directly and indirectly, an ever-increasing range of services to those seeking to develop and utilise building assets.
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Subjects Include:
Building Technology Building Design & Graphics Group Project Building Design & Performance Project & Maintenance Management Materials Technology Building Services Information Technology Land Development & Planning Building Structures Building Surveys Management Research project Economics Law
B. Sc. (Honours) in Building Surveying Code DK830 Level 8 Places 40 Duration 4 years
Career Options
Career opportunities for professional Building Surveyors exist in the private and public sectors and, in particular, in all areas of employment associated with the development and use of buildings. Graduates may, subject to fulfilling experiential requirements, progress to Chartered Building Surveyor membership of the Society of Chartered Surveyors and/or Corporate Building Engineer membership of the Association of Building Engineers. Accreditation is subject to ongoing review.
This programme is currently recognised for the teaching of Construction Studies in secondary schools subject to the completion of a suitable postgraduate course. For further details visit
Gordon McDonagh Blackrock, Co. Louth Level 6, Higher Cert. in Building Science (DkIT) Level 7 Degree in Building (DkIT) Level 8 Degree in Building Surveying (DkIT)
DkIT has given me a wonderful education! The programmes I did were excellent, and gave a great opportunity to progress through the different levels. The student life and atmosphere was really good.
DkIT was my number one choice when I applied to CAO. At DkIT I discovered the right career path for me. I am currently applying for the H.Dip.Ed. and hope to teach Engineering at second-level.
Further Information
Mr. Noel McKenna Head of Department of Construction and Surveying t 042 9370275 e w
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Core Subjects
The Education and Training structure is common to all Trades and consists of the following Phases: Phase 1 On-the-Job With the Employer (12 Weeks) Phase 2 Off-the-Job With FS (20 - 22 Weeks) Phase 3 On-the-Job With the Employer Phase 4 Off-the-Job Institute of Technology (10 - 11 Weeks) Phase 5 On-the-Job With the Employer Phase 6 Off-the-Job Institute of Technology (10 or 11 Weeks) Phase 7 On-the-Job With the Employer On successful completion of the 7 Phases, the Apprentice may apply to FS for the National Craft Certificate. Dundalk Institute of Technology provides the educational service for Phase 4 and Phase 6 of the Standards Based Apprenticeship system in the following Trades: Carpenter /Joiner Electrician Motor Mechanic Plumber
Further Information
Mr. John Carolan Head of Department of Engineering Trades t e 042 9370276
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Motor Mechanic
Phase 4 consists of 7 Modules (10 Weeks): Welding Engines Auto Electricity/Ignition systems Brake systems Transmission systems Petrol/Fuel Tests Compression Ignition Tests Assessment at Phase 4 is carried out at the end-of-term. P1 to P7 and TI Theory Test T2 Theory Test
Phase 6 Consists of 5 Modules (10 Weeks): Programmed Ignition/Engine Management Steering /Suspension Brakes Transmission Systems Auxiliary Electrical Equipment Assessment at Phase 6 is carried out at the end-of-term. P1 to P7 and TI Theory Test T2 Theory Test
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Phase 6: Thermal Processes Advanced Pipework/Water and Waste Water Systems Heating and Air conditioning Gas Installations Plant and Process Systems Assessment at Phase 6 is carried out at the end-of-term: P1 to P6 and TI Theory Test T2 Theory Test
Phase 4 consists of 4 Modules (11 Weeks in total): Advanced Pipework Thermal Processes and Industrial Pipework Oil fired heating systems Pipework Systems Assessment at Phase 6 is carried out at the end-of-term: P1 to P4 and TI Theory Test T2 Theory Test T3 Theory Test T4 Drawing Test
DK870 DK871 DK874 DK875 DK872 DK873
Mr. Myles Hackett Head of Department of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Studies
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in General Nursing
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Health and Physical Activity Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Early Childhood Studies
72 73
Postgraduate Studies
B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing in: General Nursing, Intellectual Disability Nursing Psychiatric Nursing
College Entry
General Nursing
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Entry Requirements
A minimum grade of C3 in two Higher Level papers in the Leaving Certificate (or equivalent), together with at least a grade D3 in four Ordinary Level papers in the following subjects: English, or Irish Mathematics (not Foundation Level) A Laboratory Science subject (Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Physics & Chemistry (joint), or Ag. Science. And three other subjects * Any applicant who does not meet the minimum educational requirements and who is 23 years of age or older on January 1st 2011 may apply as a mature applicant. Written assessment and interview with An Bord Altranais required to determine suitability. Offers of places on this programme are subject to applicants successfully passing Garda vetting and health status clearance from the Health Service Executive (Northeast) occupational health department.
B.Sc. (Honours) in General Nursing Code DK870/ DK871* (Mature Entry) Level 8 Duration 4 years Places 40
Subjects Include:
Biological and Related Sciences Nursing Practice Studies Health Studies and Research Social and Behavioural Sciences Personal and Professional Development Clinical Placement For a full subject listing visit
During three years of this four-year programme students do not receive any financial assistance other than that pertaining to other third-level students. In the fourth year of the programme there is a 36-week, internship period, during which time students are paid a salary from the health services.
Career Opportunities
Apply to practice as a Registered General Nurse in Ireland and throughout the UK and EU. Graduates can apply for positions at Staff Nurse grade in the Irish healthcare sector.
The clinical exposure we get on the programme is second to none and the lecturing support is excellent!
Further Information
Nursing Careers Centre An Bord Altranais, 18/20, Carysfort Avenue Blackrock, Dublin t 01 6398500 or
Mr. Myles Hackett Head of Department of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Studies Dundalk Institute of Technology e t 042 9370263 w Apply to CAO
I did a pre-Nursing FETAC course in OFiaich College, Dundalk and got 10 Distinctions. I then applied to DkIT for a place on General Nursing. I absolutely love this course! Its competitive and challenging, but very rewarding.
Psychiatric Nursing
About this Programme
Psychiatric Nursing is concerned with improving the mental health of people who have psychiatric problems, and in promoting positive mental health in the community. A major focus of psychiatric nursing is to rehabilitate patients so that as many of them as possible can live full lives in community settings, and to support those already living in the community. Over the course of this four-year programme, you will learn to develop the professional knowledge, skills, and attitude needed to communicate with people experiencing psychiatric problems, and to form a therapeutic relationship with them and their families. Within the professional acquisition of psychiatric nurse training we facilitate the development of your learning and communication skills with the use of our tailor-made interview rooms and simulated community based apartment so as you gain the sense of an acute and chronic mental health setting prior to the real exposure. The policy in Ireland is to achieve a shift in the care of mentally ill patients from institutions to community settings. As a Psychiatric Nurse you will learn the importance of multidisciplinary team-working with Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Social Workers and others. You will learn how to use various therapies and interventions to restore and maintain patients mental health and have an educational role in the prevention of psychiatric illness. The work is very challenging and can be most rewarding.
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Subjects Include:
Biological and Related Sciences Nursing Practice Studies Health Studies and Research Social and Behavioural Sciences Personal and Professional Development Clinical Placement For a full-subject listing visit
B. Sc. (Honours) in Psychiatric Nursing Code DK874/DK875* (Mature Entry) Level 8 Duration 4 years Places 20
Entry Requirements
A minimum grade of C3 in two Higher Level papers in the Leaving Certificate (or equivalent), together with at least a grade D3 in four Ordinary Level papers in the following subjects: English, or Irish Mathematics (not Foundation level) A Laboratory Science subject (Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Physics & Chemistry (joint), or Ag. Science. Three other subjects *Mature Applicants Entry Requirements Any applicant who does not meet the minimum educational requirements and who is 23 years of age or older on January 1st 2011 may apply as a mature applicant. Written assessment and interview with An Bord Altranais required to determine suitability.
Offers of places on this programme are subject to applicants successfully passing Garda vetting and health status clearance from the Health Service Executive (Northeast) occupational health department.
During three years of this four-year programme students do not receive any financial assistance other than that pertaining to other third-level students. In the fourth year of the programme there is a 36-week internship period, during which time students are paid a salary from the health services.
Career Options
Apply to practice as a Registered Psychiatric Nurse in Ireland and throughout the UK and EU. Graduates can apply for positions at Staff Nurse grade in the Irish healthcare sector.
Further Information
Nursing Careers Centre An Bord Altranais, 18/20, Carysfort Avenue Blackrock, Dublin t 01 6398500 or Mr. Myles Hackett Head of Department of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Studies Dundalk Institute of Technology e t 042 9370263 w Apply to CAO
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*Mature Applicants Entry Requirements Any applicant who does not meet the minimum educational requirements and who is 23 years of age or older on January 1st 2011 may apply as a mature applicant. Written assessment and interview with An Bord Altranais required to determine suitability.
B. Sc. (Honours) in Intellectual Disability Nursing Code DK872/DK873* (Mature Entry) Level 8 Duration 4 years Places 20
Career Options
Apply to practice as a Registered Intellectual Disability Nurse in Ireland and throughout the UK and EU. Graduates can apply for positions at Staff Nurse grade in the Irish healthcare sector.
I did a pre-Nursing course in Cavan Institute and then applied to DkIT as a Mature Student. I love this course at DkIT. There is a lot of study involved, but its all worth it. Workplacements with clients in Drumcar have been very rewarding and satisfying. Being at college as a Mature Student is great. The lecturing support is excellent, and I have found it easy to integrate with students of all ages on this programme.
Entry Requirements
A minimum grade of C3 in two Higher Level papers in the Leaving Certificate (or equivalent), together with at least a grade D3 in four Ordinary Level papers in the following subjects: English, or Irish Mathematics (not Foundation Level) A Laboratory Science subject (Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Physics & Chemistry (joint), or Ag. Science Three other subjects Offers of places on this programme are subject to applicants successfully passing Garda vetting and health status clearance from the Health Service Executive (Northeast) occupational health department.
During three years of this four-year programme students do not receive any financial assistance other than that pertaining to other third-level students.
Subjects Include:
Biological and Related Sciences Nursing Practice Studies Health Studies and Research Social and Behavioural Sciences Personal and Professional Development Clinical Placement For a full subject listing visit
Further Information
In the fourth year of the programme there is a 36-week internship period, during which time students are paid a salary from the health services. Nursing Careers Centre An Bord Altranais, 18/20, Carysfort Avenue Blackrock, Dublin t 01 6398500 or
Mr. Myles Hackett Head of Department of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Studies t 042 9370263 e w Apply to CAO
About this Programme
As a student on this programme you will develop the professional knowledge, skills and understanding needed to fulfill the role of a midwife. The role involves caring for mothers and their babies during pregnancy, labour and the postnatal period in collaboration with multidisciplinary health care teams. Our simulated clinical skills laboratories with the latest sophisticated simulators will afford you the opportunity to engage in the professional practice and skills related to all areas of midwifery practice. The assimilation of your learning will be realised in the use of these resources when you become exposed to the actual clinical setting.
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Subjects Include:
Biological and Related Sciences Nursing Practice Studies Health Studies and Research Social and Behavioural Sciences Personal and Professional Development Clinical Placement For a full subject listing visit
B.Sc. (Honours) in Midwifery Code DK877/DK878* (Mature Entry) Level 8 Duration 4 years Places 20
Progression Routes
Opportunities for postgraduate study at both postgraduate diploma and masters level in related areas may include: M.Sc. (Midwifery) in UCD, TCD and QUB PG Cert in Professional Education in QUB PG Dip./M.Sc. Specialised Midwifery Practice in UU
Entry Requirements
A minimum grade of C3 in two Higher Level papers in the Leaving Certificate (or equivalent), together with at least a grade D3 in four Ordinary Level papers in the following subjects: English, or Irish Mathematics (not Foundation level) A Laboratory Science subject (Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Physics & Chemistry (joint), or Ag. Science Three other subjects
*Mature Applicants Entry Requirements Any applicant who does not meet the minimum educational requirements and who is 23 years of age or older on January 1st 2011 may apply as a mature applicant. Written assessment and interview with An Bord Altranais required to determine suitability. Offers of places on this programme are subject to applicants successfully passing garda vetting and health status clearance from the Health Service Executive
During three years of this four-year programme, students do not receive any financial assistance other than that pertaining to other third-level students. In the fourth year of the programme there is a 36-week internship period, during which time students are paid a salary from the health services.
Career Options
Apply to practice as a Registered Midwife in Ireland and throughout the UK and EU. Graduates can apply for positions as Staff Midwives in the Irish health care sector.
Further Information
Nursing Careers Centre An Bord Altranais, 18/20, Carysfort Avenue Blackrock, Dublin t 01 6398500 and/or Ms. Jill Atkinson Head of Midwifery Section t 042 9370264 e w
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Career Options
Graduates can expect to gain employment in health settings such as: Physical Activity Co-ordinator Offices within the Health Service Executive Corporate Health and Fitness Leisure Facilities Sports Clubs Sports Coordinators Community Groups Active Retirement Groups Sports Partnerships
B. Sc. (Honours) in Health and Physical Activity Code DK880 Level 8 Places 40 Duration 4 years
Larry Torris Dunleer Health and Physical Activity (Year 2) I applied to DkIT as a Mature Student and am very happy with my course choice. There is a strong focus in the programme on health and human performance. I particularly like Clinical Exercise Prescription, which involves prescribing exercise for health benefits. I am hoping to get experience on my work placement in Year 3 in the area of Fitness Testing, or Gym Instruction. When I finish my degree, I intend to do a Masters Degree in Exercise Physiology.
This four year, honours degree programme is concerned with health awareness, physical activity and well-being. You will learn how to assess, plan, promote and evaluate physical activity programmes for healthy individuals. The focus is on enhancing life quality and reducing risk factors associated with an unhealthy lifestyle. You will also have some exposure in the programme to health behaviour changes and physical activity interventions designed for people suffering from chronic illness and people who have sensory, physical and intellectual disabilities. Within the programme students have the opportunity to acquire qualifications in gym instruction, circuit training, advanced fitness instructor and as a personal trainer. Supervised work placement is part of this programme in third and fourth year. The third year involves a full-time, thirteen-week placement in a general setting (Physical Activity
Co-ordinator offices within the Health Service Executive, Sports Council, Leisure facilities etc). The second placement involves part-time work and exposure to a specific, special population setting (for example, The Irish Wheelchair Association, Special Olympics Ireland, Irish Heart Foundation etc.) for 1 day per week over a period of 10 weeks.
Entry Requirements
A minimum entry is six Passes in the Leaving Certificate, or equivalent, including English, (or Irish) Maths and a Laboratory Science subject. At least 2 C3 grades in Higher Level papers must be achieved. Note: Because of the work placement on this programme, applicants must successfully pass Police/Garda vetting for all jurisdictions where the student was/is resident.
Subjects Include:
Sociology Anatomy & Physiology Physical Activity Prescription Biochemistry Nutrition Pathophysiology Physical Activity Leadership Placement Health Policy & Legislation Lifestyle & Disease Prevention Exercise Physiology First-Aid
Progression Routes
Graduates of this honours degree programme are eligible to apply for a Masters degree in Physiotherapy (pre-Registration) at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Leeds Metropolitan University, Kings College, London, and Northumbria University, Newcastle.
Further Information
Mr. Myles Hackett Head of Department of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Studies e t 042 9370263 w
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Career Options
Childcare Practitioner Childcare Manager Early Years Specialist Pre-School Assistant Residential Care Worker Project Manager Learning and Childcare Support Officer Training Officer Family Support Worker Inspector Government Adviser contributing to policy-making and legislation.
B.A (Honours) in Early Childhood Studies Code DK876 Level 8 Places 25 Duration 4 years
Subjects Include:
Education Sociology Psychology Health Entrepreneurship Research Workplacement Law Social Policy
Entry Requirements
Six Passes at Leaving Certificate, to include 2 subjects at Higher Level Grade C3 or above, and 4 subjects at Ordinary Level, Grade D3 or above. Subjects must include English, or Irish at Ordinary Level, grade D3 or higher, and Mathematics at Ordinary Level grade D3, or higher. Note: Because of the work placement on this programme, applicants must successfully pass Garda/Police vetting for all jurisdictions where the student was/is resident.
Aislinn Creavin Meath Health and Physical Early Childhood Studies (Year 4) I applied to DkIT after finishing school and am delighted with my course choice.
The workplacements were very relevant and gave us good exposure to different settings. In 1st and 2nd Year I worked in a Creche, and a Primary School for children with special needs. During my 3rd Year I worked in Royal Manchester Childrens
Hospital, and in my final year at DkIT, I was part of the team who facilitated a Parent & Child Group. I plan to do a one-year, M.Sc. Degree in Child Studies in Kings College, London.
Further Information
Ms. Isolde Gavin School of Health and Science e t 042 9370399 w Apply to CAO
DK781 DKA83 DK783 DKA82 DK685 DK785
Bachelor of Science in Applied Bioscience Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Biology (add-on) Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Science Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biopharmaceutical Science (add-on) Higher Certificate in Science in Agriculture Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (add-on) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sustainable Agriculture (add-on) Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Nursing
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
DKA80 DK784
Postgraduate Studies
B.Sc. Agriculture
College Entry
Applied Bioscience
About this Programme
If you have a keen interest in Biology and enjoy studying subjects like Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Ecology, then this programme is for you. You will learn about the aspects of modern Biology that underpin the production of drugs and other medical products and the control of pollution. You will also learn how to integrate this knowledge into a range of applied Biosciences such as Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering, Industrial Microbiology, Bio-pharmaceutical Science and Pollution Control. There is an option for graduates of this programme to specialise further through an add-on, honours degree programme at DkIT in Biopharmaceutical Science, or Environmental Biology.
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Subjects Include:
Animal and Plant Biology Environmental Studies Cell Biology Microbiology Chemistry for Scientists Biochemistry Organic Chemistry Environmental Biotechnology Biotherapeutics GMP & Regulatory Affairs Pharmacology and Toxicology Molecular Biology
Career Options
This programme will provide students choosing to study Biology with a high-quality degree leading to a wide choice of careers across a number of sectors, including pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, healthcare, medical devices, food and drink and environment.
Progression Routes
One-year, add-on Honours Degree Programmes in: Biopharmaceutical Science, or Environmental Biology.
Entry Requirements
Six Leaving Certificate subjects, including English, or Irish and Mathematics with: at least grade C3 in one Higher Level paper, together with at least grade D3 in five Ordinary Level papers, or at least grade D3 in six Ordinary Level papers and at least 200 points. A Leaving Certificate Science subject is desirable.
DkIT is a very accessible college from Dublin, with great motorway connectionS.
I discovered DkIT through the Admissions Handbook and then applied as a Mature Student to do Applied Bioscience. There were several other mature students in my class, and the Mature Students Society was very proactive.
The lecturers were very accessible and approachable. The course gave me an excellent grounding in Science. I got a bursary each year of my studies, and got practical experience working with the Marine Institute and with the EPA during the summers.
I am now in the first year of a Masters in Renewable Energy by research, based in the Regional Development Centre.
Further Information
Dr. Breda Brennan Head of Department of Applied Sciences t 042 9370265 e w
Apply to CAO
Environmental Biology
About this Programme
B.Sc. graduates in Biology or Environmental Science have an opportunity to progress to this one-year, full-time honours degree programme. On this course you will develop high-level knowledge, technical skills and competencies in biological methods of pollution assessment and control.
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Career Options:
Industry Environmental consultancies Local authorities and state bodies (e.g Environmental Protection Agency)
B. Sc. (Honours) in Environmental Biology Code DKA83 Level 8 Places 16 Duration 1 year (Post-Applied Science Degree, or equivalent)
Environmental Field Studies (one-week field trip in Sept.) Soil and Water Management Research Methods and Bioethics Biological Tools for Environmental Management Environmental Risk Assessment Advanced Environmental Biotechnology Environmental Review and Critique Statistics and GIS Environmental Project
Progression Routes
Postgraduate research at DkIT, or another third-level institution.
Entry Requirements
B.Sc. in Applied Bioscience from DkIT, or equivalent qualification in Biology, or Environmental Studies from another institution. Overall Pass and minimum credit-weighted average of 50% required.
Further Information
Dr. Breda Brennan Head of Department of Applied Sciences t 042 9370265 e w
Apply to DkIT
Pharmaceutical Science
About this Programme Subjects Include:
Maths/Statistics Safety Aromatic and Natural Product Chemistry Physical Chemistry Analytical Instrumentation and Techniques Biochemistry Industrial Microbiology Biotherapeutics GMP and Regulatory Affairs Pharmaceutical Synthesis and Natural Products Organic Chemistry For a full subject listing visit
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Career Options
There are excellent career opportunities for graduates as: Lab Technician Chemist Process Development Technician Project Assistant Quality Control Technician Research Assistant Validation/Manufacturing Technician
Entry Requirements
Six Leaving Certificate subjects, including English, or Irish and Mathematics, with at least grade C3 in one Higher Level paper, together with at least grade D3 in five Ordinary Level papers, or at least grade D3 in six Ordinary Level papers and at least 200 points. A Leaving Certificate Science subject is desirable.
Progression Routes
Graduates can progress to the one-year, add-on Honours Degree in Biopharmaceutical Science.
Adebole Akande Nigeria Pharmaceutical Science, graduated in 2009 I studied for an Honours Degree in Pharmacy in Nigeria, and moved subsequently to Ireland, where I applied to DkIT to do the final year of the Pharmaceutical Science degree. I have had a positive experience at DkIT. The Pharmaceutical Science programme gives you a good grounding for employment in chemical, biological, or biopharmaceutical industries.
This programme will provide you with the skills and knowledge to work in the rapidly expanding pharmaceutical industry in Ireland and worldwide. Years one and two focus on the fundamental sciences. In year three there is an emphasis on relevant applied modules, including Industrial Microbiology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Regulatory Affairs and Quality Management. As well as getting a good grounding in all science subjects, you will learn how drugs and other medical products are manufactured and about drug regulatory issues.
Further Information
Dr. Breda Brennan Head of Department of Applied Sciences t 042 9370265 e w
I opted to continue to postgraduate study. I am doing an M.Sc. in Smooth Muscle Research at DkIT, and I am planning to transfer to Ph.D studies to work as a Researcher.
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Biopharmaceutical Science
About this Programme
Graduates of the B.Sc. in Applied Bioscience and B.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Science can progress to this one-year, full-time honours degree programme, As a student on this programme, you will develop high-level knowledge, skills and competencies in the key areas of biopharmaceuticals, development and processing.
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Entry Requirements
B.Sc. in Applied Bioscience, or B.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Science, or equivalent, with an overall Pass and a minimum credit-weighted average of 50%.
B.Sc. (Honours) in Biopharmaceutical Science Code DKA82 Level 8 Places 16 Duration 1 year (post-Ordinary Degree)
Subjects Include:
Biopharmaceutical Processing (Upstream) Biopharmaceutical Processing (Downstream) Biomolecular Therapeutics Geonomics and Bioinformatics Research Design, Statistics and Ethics Recombinant Drug Manufacturing and Engineering Biopharmaceutical Analysis Biopharma Project Students will also spend a week of semester 2 in the National Pharmaceutical Education Centre in IT Tallaght.
Career Options
Employment in the following sectors: Biopharmaceutical Biomedical Pharmaceutical Medical Devices Health Care Nutraceuticals Biotechnology Postgraduate research at DkIT, or at another third-level institution.
I did a 12-week work placement with the pharmaceutical company Pfizer in Kent as part of my Honours Degree. They kept me on after my work placement and I have been working for them since in their Cork plant.
The job is really interesting. I am working in a laboratory, examining cell cultures and purification. My course at DkIT helped me a lot in the work I am doing today
Further Information
Dr. Breda Brennan Head of Department of Applied Sciences t 042 9370265 e w
Apply to DkIT
About this Programme
Farm management has become more demanding in recent times and farmers increasingly need to be aware of such issues as environmental protection, food safety, animal welfare, operation of machinery and financial and business management. This programme combines Science, Business and Animal Husbandry to train students to become effective farm managers. Farmers increasingly require some knowledge of economics and business management skills. The programme is based in Ballyhaise Agricultural College in Co. Cavan and Dundalk Institute of Technology, with transport provided to DkIT. Students can avail of facilities in both institutions.
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Subjects Include:
Animal Production Crop Production Science and Mathematics for Agriculture Farm Business Management Agricultural Mechanisation Agricultural Marketing Fabrication Work Placement For a full subject listing visit
Higher Certificate in Science in Agriculture (in conjunction with Ballyhaise Agriculture College in Cavan) Code DK685 Level 6 Places 35 Duration 2 years
Career Options
Graduates from this programme are prepared for a successful full-time, or part-time career in farming.
Progression Routes
Graduates from this programme can progress to a one-year, add-on degree in Science in Agriculture at DkIT.
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About this Programme
This programme builds on the skills and knowledge developed through the Higher Certificate programme, reflecting the importance of business skills and good agricultural practices that are environmentally sustainable. The programme also covers the processing of consumer foods, allowing graduates the option of part-time, or full-time employment in the Agri-Food sector. The programme includes a 3-month work placement on a farm, or in the Food and Drink industry. This programme is based in DkIT, with transport provided to Ballyhaise, where required.
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Subjects Include:
Agri-Production and Management Systems Financial Management Systems Quality Management on the Farm Marketing for Agri-Business Agri-Entrepreneurship Business Management Nutrient Management Planning Agriculture and the Environment Quality Management in the Food Industry Food Processing Development and Analysis Research Methods Internship (3 months)* * Internships available in New Zealand, US, or Europe)
B.Sc. in Agriculture (in conjunction with Ballyhaise Agriculture College in Cavan) Code DK785 Level 7 Places 20 Duration 1 year (post-Higher Certificate)
Career Options
As a graduate of this programme you will have a solid grounding in agricultural science, business and financial management, environmental protection, quality assurance and food safety. Skills acquired in marketing and entrepreneurship, as well as food production and analysis will enable you to diversify into land-based businesses, or have a career as a production, or quality manager in the agri-food sector. Graduates may also have the option of transferring into Year 3 of the B.Sc. in Food and Agri-Business Management in UCD.
Note: A one-year, add-on Level 8 Honours Degree in Sustainable Agriculture is now available at DkIT.
Entry Requirements
Higher Certificate in Agriculture, or equivalent.
James Callaghan Agriculture (Green Cert. in Ballyhaise College Cavan) Degree in Agriculture (DkIT)
I did my work placement with Donegal Meats. At the end of the placement they offered me a full-time position, so studying at DkIT definitely
Further Information
Dr. Breda Brennan Head of Department of Applied Sciences t 042 9370265 e w
Apply to DkIT
Sustainable Agriculture
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About this Programme
B.Sc. in Agriculture graduates can progress to this one-year, full-time programme, commencing in September 2010. On this course, you will develop high-level knowledge and skills in emerging areas of Agriculture and Agri-Food Production, with a focus on economically and environmentally sustainable technologies and systems. Graduates of the programme will be capable of responding effectively to future developments in Irish Agriculture. The programme is based at DkIT with one day per week in Ballyhaise Agricultural College, Cavan. Transport is organised between DkIT and Ballyhaise.
B.Sc. (Honours) in Sustainable Agriculture Code DKA80 Level 8 Places 20 Duration 1 year
Subjects Include:
Agricultural Policy Agri-Food Business Excellence Value-added Agri-Food Products Sustainable Rural Development Herd Health and Biosecurity Large-Scale Farming Agricultural Biotechnology and Bioenergy Pollution Prevention and Control Agri-Science Project
Entry Requirements
B.Sc. in Agriculture, or closely related discipline. Minimum of overall Pass with a credit-weighted average of 50% is required.
Career Options:
Researchers Agricultural Advisors Inspectors within the State or Private Sectors Commercial Farmers Farm Managers Rural Entrepreneurs Supervisors/Managers in the Agri-Food Sector Advisors or Sales Representatives in Ancillary Industries
Further Information
Dr. Breda Brennan Head of Department of Applied Sciences t 042 9370265 e w
Apply to DkIT
Veterinary Nursing
About this Programme
This programme will provide the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to work as a professional Veterinary Nurse in Irish and European veterinary practices.Graduates will have knowledge of and skills in Animal Biology, Veterinary Nursing, Laboratory Analysis, Office Management and customer care. All relevant practical competencies will be covered in relation to dogs, cats, horses, farm animals and exotic species.
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Career Options
Graduates from this programme will mainly find employment in large animal, companion animal, equine and mixed veterinary clinics and hospitals. Opportunities will also exist in animal welfare facilities, kennel premises and veterinary product businesses. Employment prospects for Veterinary Nurses in Ireland are very good at present and for the foreseeable future, due to the increasing number and sophistication of veterinary practices. Accreditation: DkIT has received Preliminary Accreditation from the Veterinary Council of Ireland for this programme.
Subjects Include:
Anatomy and Physiology Cellular Biology Biochemical Science Computing Applications Medical Nursing Clinical Work Placement (28 weeks) Theatre Practice Equine Nursing Nutrition and Feeding Large and Small Animal Husbandry Ethics and Regulatory Affairs
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Business Programmes
DK812 DK810
Mr. Cathal Kearney Head of School of Business and Humanities
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Marketing Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Accounting and Finance Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Public Relations Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Business Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Business (add-on) Bachelor of Business in Management and Administration Bachelor of Business in Business and Information Systems Bachelor of Business in International Business (add-on) Bachelor of Business in Small Enterprise Support
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94
DKA10 DK710
Mr. Shane Hill Head of Department of Management and Financial Studies
Postgraduate Studies
(including M.A in Accounting, M.B.A, M.B.S)
College Entry
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Subjects Include:
Accountancy Microeconomics Management Entrepreneurship Marketing Business Law Marketing Communications Consumer Psychology e-Business Business Ethics New Venture Development Research & Writing Skills
B.B.S (Honours) in Marketing Code DK812 Level 8 Places 40 Duration 4 years (Year 3 is a compulsory study year abroad through English)
Career Options:
Customer Service Market Research Advertising Public Relations Sales Management International Marketing Brand Management Marketing Management
Progression Routes
Master of Business Studies at DkIT. Note: Students who have passed year one of this programme may be considered for transfer to year two of Level 8 Business programmes at DkIT. This is subject to an interview and places being available. Entry requirements for Year 1 still apply for transfer into Year 2. a good student atmosphere and the courses were challenging but enjoyable. My course at DkIT had the right balance of theory and practical work. I had plenty of opportunities to do presentations, work in different groups and do projects for real companies. This in turn has helped me become more confident in actual business scenarios. I spent my third year abroad at Zheijiang University of Finance and Economics in Hangzhou, China. At the moment I'm working for DkIT in Beijing, China as an International Marketing Intern.
Entry Requirements
A minimum entry is six Passes in the Leaving Certificate including English (or Irish) and Mathematics and at least two C3 grades in Higher Level papers.
Graduate of BBS in Marketing and E-business in DkIT I chose Dundalk because I had heard from friends that it had
Mr. Shane Hill Head of Department of Financial, Management & Professional Studies t 042 9370254 e w
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About this Programme
The Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting & Finance provides you with an interesting and challenging opportunity to gain a broad education through the study of Accounting and related disciplines. The programme will give you a sound basis for future employment in Accountancy and will give you the option of further study in Accounting and related areas.
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Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) F1 Accountant in Business F2 Management Accounting F3 Financial Accounting F4 Corporate and Business Law F5 Performance Management F6 Taxation F7 Financial Reporting F8 Audit and Assurance F9 Financial Management * To gain the Audit & Internal Review exemption, graduates must take Auditing in award year. Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CPA) F1 Economics & Business Environment F1 Business Law F1 Business Maths & Quantitative Methods F2 Financial Accounting F2 Management Accounting F2 Taxation F2 Information Systems P1 Corporate Reporting P1 Managerial Finance P1 Auditing * Students must have taken Auditing elective in Semesters 5 and 6.
B.A (Honours) in Accounting & Finance Code DK810 Level 8 Places 60 Duration 3 years
Career Options:
Professional Accountant (on Qualification) Banker, Financial Consultant; Work with Insurance Companies, Building Societies Financial functions in industry, commerce, private & public sector Small Business Management Secondary Teaching (Postgraduate Diploma in Education required)
Subjects Include:
Business Law Company Law Microeconomics The Macro Economy of Ireland Financial Accounting Cost Accounting Management Accounting Marketing Research & Writing Skills Business Planning Business Strategy Corporate Reporting & Accountability Strategic Financial Management
Progression Opportunities
Postgraduate and professional studies. The B.A. (Honours) in Accounting and Finance is recognised as fulfilling the Degree Requirements for registration as a Secondary School Teacher. M.A in Accounting at DkIT (Exemptions from Professional Examinations). Note: These are subject to change and are for indicative purposes only.
Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland (ICAI) CA Proficiency 1: Paper 1 Finance Paper 2 Management Accounting Paper 3 Financial Accounting Paper 4 Taxation Law for Accountants
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) Currently under review Note: Students who have passed year one of this programme may be considered for transfer to year two of the Level 8 programme at DkIT in Marketing. This is subject to an interview and places being available. Entry requirements for Year 1 still apply for transfer into Year 2.
Further Information
Mr. Shane Hill Head of Department of Financial, Management & Professional Studies t 042 9370254 e w
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Public Relations
About this Programme
Developed in close consultation with leading Irish public relations practitioners, this Honours Degree in PR responds to a clear demand for well-trained graduates to enter the popular and rapidly-growing field of PR in Ireland. The new programme, which has a strong focus on multimedia as a communication tool, will equip students with the necessary skills to work within this vibrant and rapidly evolving industry. The B.A (Hons.) in PR inludes a five-month industry work placement an extremely valuable opportunity for students to fully experience life as a public relations professional in one of Irelands consultancies, or in-house PR departments.
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Career Options:
In-house or consultancy roles in areas such as: financial and investor relations corporate communication business-to-business communication crisis management sponsorship and event management product PR and branding political lobbying intercultural communication.
B.A (Honours) in Public Relations Code DK815 Level 8 Places 40 Duration 4 years
Subjects Include:
PR Theory PR Writing Media Law PR Planning Media Relations PR Management Event Management Contemporary Irish Politics PR Planning & Production Project Communication Advertising Management Accounting Business Finance Marketing Entrepreneurship Human Resource Management PR Strategy Crisis Management International PR
Progression Routes
Graduates of the B.A in PR will be qualified to enter postgraduate programmes in a wide range of related fields. Note: Students who have passed year one of this programme may be considered for transfer to year two of another Level 8 Business programme at DkIT. This is subject to an interview and places being available. Entry requirements for Year 1 still apply for transfer into Year 2.
I originally studied Office Information Systems at DkIT, before graduating with an add-on Degree in Marketing & PR from GMIT, and with an Honours Business Degree from DkIT.
I am now back in Ireland and am hoping to get job in Dublin, and possibly move to London in a few years.
Further Information
Mr. Shane Hill Head of Department of Financial, Management & Professional Studies t 042 9370254 e w
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I have been working in LA for the last 8 months, as part of a PR/Communications Team for DaVita, a Fortune 500 Company. I have got great work experience there, handling crisis management, monitoring media coverage, organizing media events, and writing articles.
About this Programme
The Bachelor of Business (Hons.) at DkIT is a management award that will give you the opportunity to complete an Honours, Level 8 degree in 3 years. The programme will promote your academic, intellectual and personal development while enabling you to work as a business professional who will develop, lead and sustain Irish industry on a national and international basis.
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Subjects Include:
Financial Accounting Strategic Management Macroeconomics Marketing Microeconomics Research and Writing Skills Computer Applications Technology Information Management Business Law Management Business Ethics
Career Options
The skills and business knowledge acquired on this course will prepare you for work in a variety of different managerial and business contexts, including small business management and within the indigenous and multinational sectors.
Progression Route
Graduates can progress to the Master of Business Studies at DkIT. Note: Students who have passed Year 1 of this programme may be considered for transfer to Year 2 of level 8 programmes in Marketing or Accounting and Finance. This is subject to interview and places being available. Entry requirements for Year 1 still apply for transfer into Year 2.
Entry Requirements
A minimum of six subjects including English (or Irish) and Mathematics with at least Grade C3 in two Higher Level papers, together with at least a Grade D3 in four other subjects of the Leaving Certificate.
Further Information
Mr. Shane Hill Head of Department of Financial, Management & Professional Studies t 042 9370254 e w
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About This Programme
This one-year, add-on Honours Business Degree will enhance your understanding of concepts and theories of business. You will learn how to critically analyse and diagnose businss problems and in turn learn to solve problems, make decisions, and generate long-term solutions to business problems.
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Core Subjects Include:
Applied Economics 1 Management Control Systems 1 Strategic Management 1 The European Union Electronic Commerce Plus one subject from: Finance Human Resource Planning Operations Management For full subject listing visit
Progression Routes
Master of Business Studies in Entrepreneurship and Marketing at DkIT. The Bachelor of Business Studies Degree is recognised as fulfilling the Degree requirement for registration as a Secondary School Teacher, providing the complete programme of study has been undertaken at DkIT.
Career Options:
Secondary Teaching (Postgraduate Diploma in Education required) Small Business Management Investment Marketing Human Resources Management Professional Accountant (on qualification).
Entry Requirements
Applicants to this programme should have successfully completed the Bachelor Degree in Business, or equivalent, with an overall Pass and a minimum overall average of 50% achieved in one sitting.
I did a FETAC Level 5 course at Monaghan Institute of Further Education, before progressing to DkIT, where I did a Level 7 Degree in Management
There were great opportunities to get involved in clubs and social life at DkIT. I was very involved in the college Soccer Team and was a student class rep. Dundalk is a really good student town!
Further Information
Mr. Shane Hill Head of Department of Financial, Management & Professional Studies t 042 9370254 e w
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and Administration. From there, I did the add-on Level 8 Degree in Business. John Scott Monaghan Honours Business Degree (DkIT) I have now applied to do the M.B.S in Entrepreneurship and Marketing.
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Progression Routes
Add-on Bachelor of Business (Honours) Degree (Level 8). Note: Students who have successfully completed the first two years of this programme and who wish to leave after two years, may be awarded a Level 6 Higher Certificate in Business.
B.B.S. in Management and Administration Code DK710 Level 7 Places 120 Duration 3 years
Subjects Include:
Introduction to Management Understanding People Creativity and Innovation Economics Business Software Applications Human Resource Management Accounting Electives (Modern Language, or Intercultural Studies, or Tourism). For a full listing of all subjects and electives visit
Career Options
General office administration in the private or public sector, sales administration across a broad range of industry sectors, with the potential to progress to management level. Note: Students who have passed Year 1 of this progamme, with an average mark of 70% across all subjects, may be considered for transfer to Year 2 of a Level 8 Business programme at DkIT. This is subject to interview and to places being available.
Entry Requirements
Six Leaving Certificate subjects, including English or Irish and Mathematics with: C3 in one Higher Level paper together, with at least grade D3 in five Ordinary Level papers. or at least grade D3 in six Ordinary Level papers and at least 200 points.
Further Information
Mr. Cathal Kearney Head of School of Business and Humanities t 042 9370252 e w
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Career Options:
Office Administration Sales Support IT Systems IT Support Web Design
B.B.S in Business and Information Systems Code DK711 Level 7 Places 60 Duration 3 years
Progression Routes
Add-on Honours Degree in Business at DkIT. Note: Students who have successfully completed the first two years of this programme and who wish to leave after two years, may be awarded a Level 6 Higher Certificate in Business.
Entry Requirements
Six Leaving Certificate subjects, including Maths, and English, or Irish, with: C3 in one Higher Level paper, together with at least grade D3 in five Ordinary Level papers, or at least grade D3 in six Ordinary Level papers, and at least 200 points.
Further Information
Mr. Cathal Kearney Head of School of Business and Humanities t 042 9370252 e w
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Further Study
One year, add-on Bachelor of Business Honours Degree (BBS). Candidates should have an overall Pass and a minimum overall average of 50%.
B.B.S in International Business Code DKA12 Level 7 Places 60 Duration 1 year (add-on Degree)
Entry Requirements
Applicants to this programme must have satisfactorily completed the first 2 years of a Level 7 degree in Business Studies. In addition to normal entrance requirements, we also require you to attend for an interview. This is to assess your suitability for the exchange programme, in particular your fluency in the relevant language.
Career Options
Work with firms of all sizes in the international marketplace in: International Product Management International Telemarketing Advertising Tourism and Financial Services
Further Information
Mr. Shane Hill Head of Department of Financial, Management & Professional Studies
Apply to DkIT
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Study & Learning Skills New Venture Finance Operations Management Marketing New Firm Development and Growth Business Consultancy Small Firm Management and Strategy Business Plan and Integrating Project Regulatory Environment for Business Entrepreneurship for New Business Development
Higher Diploma in Business in Small Enterprise Support Code DKA11 Level 8 Places 20 25 Duration 1 year
Learning Outcomes
Through the completion of the programme, you will learn to: Explore the main issues in starting a new business and how these may be addressed Identify a business idea and carry out the necessary research to assess the feasibility of your idea Develop a business plan for a new venture Explain the entrepreneurial process and analyse why some individuals are more enterprising than others Critically evaluate the theories of small firm growth and their implications for practice Understand the key elements in finance, marketing and operations management of a small enterprise Analyse the main sources of Irish law and their impact on the legal environment for business Evaluate the importance of business strategy and the impact of the business environment on the direction of the firm.
Entry Requirements
Applicants with a Business Level 7 award, or a Level 8 award in another discipline, or equivalent, are eligible to apply for this course. Applicants matching the entry requirements will be interviewed and places will be allocated on the basis of academic qualification, relevant work experience and motivation to complete the programme. Experiential learning will be assessed under the Institutes Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) process.
The programme will run on a part-time basis from September to August. The programme will be delivered over 21 days in six 2-day and three 3-day blocks (Friday and Saturday and Thursday to Saturday). The Business Plan will be submitted in August.
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Humanities Programmes
DK766 DK763 DKA62
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Humanities Bachelor of Arts in Performing Arts Bacherlor of Arts in Community Sports and Youth Work Leadership Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Community Sports Leadership (add-on) Bachelor of Arts in Community Youth Work Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Care
96 97 98 99 100 102
Postgraduate Studies
(including M.A in Cultural Innovation for the Arts)
College Entry
About this Programme
The Web and Internet Technology are revolutionising the way we create and experience culture. This new degree will deepen your understanding of particular fields of academic study in the traditional areas of the Humanities, while applying Internet Technologies in order to become a successful and creative practitioner in this new field of Digital Culture. As a graduate of this degree, you will be academically qualified in a range of core Humanities disciplines, such as Archaeology, History, English Literature & Culture or Politics & Society, whilst also becoming a sophisticated creator and user of digital resources.
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Elective Modules Include:
History Archaeology English Literature and Culture Politics and Society Performance Film and Media culturally aware, whilst also being sophisticated creators and users of digital resources. For more detailed information on modules visit
All Students must take the Digital Humanities modules in all three years of the degree. Most students will concentrate on specific subjects, e.g., Archaeology, or History or Politics & Society, or Literature & Culture, thus creating your own learning pathway through the elective modules. However, to partner the mandatory Digital Humanities stream, most students will elect to specialise in two subject areas (History with Archaeology for instance, or Literature & Culture with Politics and Society). It may be possible to do single additional modules across the subject areas (selecting particular modules in subject areas). Students will develop linkages between the Humanities and creative media. This will result in graduates who are academically qualified in traditional humanities disciplines, are socially and
Entry Requirements
Six Passes in the Leaving Certificate, either English, or Irish, with at least Grade C3 in two Higher Level papers, together with at least Grade D3 in four Ordinary Level papers. Grade C3 in Honours English, or an A grade in Ordinary Level English is a requirement.
Further Study
M.A Degree in Cultural Innovation for the Arts at DkIT, or other postgraduate degrees in other Higher Education Institutes.
Further Information
Dr. Martin Maguire Humanities Department e w
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Performing Arts
(Acting Studies)
About this Programme
The Bachelor of Arts in Humanities in Performing Arts is a three-year, full-time professional actor-training programme which encourages students to become intelligent actors, who are versatile and adaptable, equipped with a variety of performance and transferable work skills. You will become proficient in a number of acting, movement and voice skills, as well as studying the history of theatre and important key performance styles and plays. As you move into the third year, you will focus on professional performance, taking part in a number of major public performances as well as appearing in a showcase for invited agents. Research practice and critical evaluation skills form part of your overall professional development.
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Progression Routes
B.A. (Honours) in Humanities (Cultural Resource Studies) at Dundalk Institute of Technology; Postgraduate certificates in Acting, Directing, Film, and Stage Management from a number of drama colleges in Ireland, Britain and Europe; Postgraduate Diploma in Drama, or Arts Administration; P.G.C.E. following the B.A in Humanities, with specialisation in Drama, Dance or Movement.
B.A in Performing Arts (Acting Studies) Code DK766 Level 7 Places 25 Duration 3 years
Core Subjects:
Theatre Studies Acting Movement Voice Scene Studies Performance Professional Development Performance Analysis and Criticism Film For a full programme listing visit
Entry Requirements
Six Leaving Certificate subjects, including English or Irish and Mathematics with: at least grade C3 in one Higher Level paper, together with at least grade D3 in five Ordinary Level papers. or at least grade D3 in six Ordinary Level papers and at least 200 points. Applicants are also required to pass a competitive audition process. Application is through the CAO. All students will be notified after applying through the CAO of the details of the audition, which will take place in the spring. The Humanities Section specially welcomes applications from mature students and other non-standard applicants. I am really enjoying the course and it is everything and more than I expected it to be!
Career Options:
Performance -Theatre, Mime, Film, Radio, Television Community Drama Theatre in Education Workshop Leader/Facilitator Education - Drama, Dance or Movement at a primary level Self Employment - Arts consultancy, teaching, voice or movement coaching Cultural Tourism Festival and Event Management Business Development in the Arts. Note: Students who have successfully completed the first two years of this programme and who wish to leave after two years, may be awarded a Level 6 Higher Certificate in Arts.
I came to DkIT directly from secondary school and have just completed Year 1 of Performing Arts.
I had done a lot of semi-professional shows, and short films before coming to college. If you want to become a professional actor, then this course is the one for you!
Further Information
Mr. Mark Fearon Department of Humanities t 042 9370399 e w
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There is a strong practical element. There are lots of acting opportunities on it and I am developing my acting skills every day.
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Career Options:
Outdoor Pursuits Teacher/Coach Youth Worker Sports & Leisure Centre Manager Community Sports Development Officer Community Development Officer Health Promotion Officer
B.A in Community Sports Leadership Code DK763 Level 7 Places 40 Duration 3 years
Subjects Include:
Sports Studies Exercise and Health Studies Community Development Applied Coaching Studies Nutrition Land-based Adventure Activities Exercise for Special Groups Sports Development Youth Work Group Work
Progression Routes
One-year, add-on Honours Degree in Community Sports Leadership.
Further Information
Mr. David Cranny Department of Humanities t 042 9370399 e w
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This course gives you great experience in working with people, whether with young children, people with special needs, or community groups.
I loved my time at DkIT. Lecturers were very supportive to us, and the sports facilities are good at
This course has given me great grounding and experience. I would really recommend it!
Career Options
Community development Sports development Management in the sports industry Fitness instruction Youth work Health promotion
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B.A (Honours) in Community Sports Leadership Code DKA62 Level 8 Places 50 Duration 1 year (post-Ordinary Degree)
I have just finished the add-on Level 8 degree this year and I am going to take time out to go travelling before continuing with postgraduate education, hopefully primary school teacher-training.
There is great diversity in the work placements offered, and you get to meet and work with all different kinds of people, which is something I really loved about the course.
DkIT; multi-purpose centre, gym, sports pitches, running track everything you need is there.
Further Information
Mr. Michael McCorry Department of Humanities t 042 9370399 e w
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Minimum Entry Requirements
Six Leaving Certificate subjects including Maths, and English or Irish; C3 in one Higher Level paper together with at least grade D3 in five Ordinary Level papers Or At least grade D3 in six Ordinary level papers and at least 200 points. The Institute will also consider non-standard applications from mature students or other qualifications. Mature students are those who will be 23 years of age on January 1st of the year of application. Note: Because of the nature of the placements on this programme, applicants will be required to successfully pass Garda/Police vetting.
Bachelor of Arts in Community Youth Work Code DK767 Level 7 Places 25 Duration 3 years
Subjects Include:
Working with Young People Equality Studies Theories & Concepts of Community Youth Work as an Agent of Change Creative Studies Workplace Communication Skills Youth Work Responses to Young People Research Methods and IT skills Sociology Community Entrepreneurship Work Placement Community Development
Career Options:
Youth Worker Community Development Officer
Progression Opportunities
One-year, add-on Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Community Youth Work at DkIT (in development). Note: Students who have successfully completed the first two years of this programme and who wish to leave may be awarded a Level 6 Higher Certificate in Arts.
Further Information
Dr. David Getty Head of Humanities Dundalk Institute of Technology Dublin Road Dundalk Co. Louth t 042 9370255 e w
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Social Care
About this Programme
This programme is about social care, a profession characterised by working in partnership with people who experience marginalisation, or disadvantage, or who have special needs. You will explore and analyse the development of current and future trends in social care in Ireland and how legislation in this area is drafted and regulated. As well as learning about different models of social care and their appropriateness to different situations, you will also learn how to deliver a social care service, both alone and as part of a team, to people in community, day-care and residential settings.
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Core Subjects Include:
Issues in Social Care Skills Development Health and Well-being Legal Framework for Social Care Working with Vulnerable Children Research Methods Personal and Professional Development Social Care and Disability Psychology Work Placement Sociology Gender Studies
B.A (Honours) in Social Care Code DK862 Level 8 Places 35 Duration 4 years
Career Options
There are various career options within Social Care. These include working with: Children and adolescents in residential childcare People with learning or physical disabilities The homeless People with alcohol or drug dependency Families in the community Older people Recent emigrants to Ireland The state sector (for example the Departments of Health and Children, Education and Science, and Equality and Law Reform) The voluntary sector, (which includes organisations like Bernardos and the Brothers of Charity, many of which are fully or partially funded by the government).
Progression Routes
Graduates may progress onto postgraduate study. Note: Upon successful completion of Year 1 and 2, students may exit with a Higher Certificate Award. Upon successful completion of Year Three, students may exit with a Level 7 Ordinary Degree.
I applied to DkIT after my Leaving Cert and am really happy with my course choice. The work placements were very good excellent opportunity to put the theory into practice. Lecturers had direct experience of the Social Care profession. I am going to take a year out and hopefully go on to do a Masters in the area of social care.
Entry Requirements
A minimum of six Passes in the Leaving Certificate, including Maths and English (or Irish), and at least two C3 grades in Higher Level papers. Note: Because of the nature of the placements on this programme, applicants will be required to successfully pass Police/Garda vetting for all jurisdictions where the applicant was/is resident.
Further Information
Ms. Patricia Rahill Department of Humanities t 042 9370399 e w
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Hospitality Programmes
DK650 DK651 DK750 DK752
Higher Certificate in Culinary Arts Higher Certificate in Hospitality Studies Bachelor of Business in Hospitality Management Bachelor of Business in Event Management
104 105 106 107
Postgraduate Studies
College Entry
Culinary Arts
About this Programme
This programme prepares you for employment as a professional Chef in the tourism and hospitality industry. As a chef in the skilled profession of cookery, you need to be creative with food. You also have to understand the science of food (including food safety), changing kitchen technologies and the business aspects of catering operations. Training covers the theory and practice of professional cookery and includes four, six-months paid work placement in businesses each year.
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Entry Requirements
A Pass grade D3 or better in Ordinary Level papers in five Leaving Certificate subjects including English, or Irish.
Higher Certificate in Culinary Arts Code DK650 Level 6 Places 32 Duration 2 years (full-time)
Subjects Include:
Year 1 Culinary Skills 1 Culinary Operations Pastry 1 Culinary Science and Nutrition Information Technology Restaurant Service Communications Personal Development. Year 2 Culinary Skills 2 Global and Contemporary Cuisine Pastry 2 Business Operations Applied Culinary Science with Gastronomy Classical Cuisine Work-based Learning For a full subject listing visit
Career Opportunities
There is always a need for qualified Chefs in hotels, restaurants, licensed trade, cruise ships, industrial and hospital catering and in other food-related businesses. Career promotion can be rapid from Commis Chef, to Chef De Partie and ultimately Head Chef, or Executive Chef. These
opportunities are open equally to men and woman. Many graduates in the area of culinary arts have had very successful careers and have also opened their own businesses.
Progression Opportunities
Progress to the Bachelor of Business in Hospitality Management, or the Bachelor of Arts in Culinary Arts, where available.
Further Information
Ms. Brianain Erraught Department of Humanities t 042 9370256 e w 104
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Hospitality Studies
About this Programme
This full-time, Level 6 programme will prepare you for a variety of positions in the Hospitality Industry. You will acquire a wide range of skills such as, Restaurant Service, Accommodation Service, Bar Service Food Production and Front Office Service.
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Progression Opportunities
Progress to year two of the Bachelor of Business in Hospitality Management.
Higher Certificate in Hospitality Studies Code DK651 Level 6 Places 20 Duration 2 years (full-time)
Entry Requirements
A Pass grade D3 or better in Ordinary Level papers in five Leaving Certificate subjects including English, or Irish.
Career Opportunities
Graduates of this programme will be proficient and competent in the key operational areas of food, beverage and rooms division. On completion of the programme, you will have the competence to work in a multi-functional capacity in a wide variety of operational roles within the Irish/international tourism and hospitality industry. Due to the multi-skilled nature of the programme, you may find employment in medium-sized hotels, guesthouses, pubs, catering businesses, leisure and activity centres, cruise liners and tourist attractions, working in the restaurant, bar and accommodation services or in the front office.
Subjects Include:
Year 1 Food and Beverage Service Rooms Division (accommodation operations) Hospitality with Culinary Skills Communications and Personal Development Tourism Studies Year 2 Advanced Food and Beverage Service Front Office with IT Business Operations Professional Orientation Work-based Learning For a full subject listing visit
Further Information
Ms. Brianain Erraught Head of Section of Hospitality t 042 9370256 e w
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Hospitality Management
About this Programme
The hospitality industry is one of the world's fastest growing industries. It offers excellent career opportunities both in Ireland and internationally for suitably qualified people. The starting point for your management career in this industry is this Degree from Dundalk Institute of Technology, which has been designed to help you acquire the business management skills and the specialist knowledge of the industry that you will need to succeed. The Bachelor of Business in Hospitality Management is based around specific industry studies and a core of business and management subjects. Each year is split into two 15-week semesters; you will study six modules per semester. The programme is organised into three levels, ranging from introductory modules at year 1 to advanced topics at year 3. The Professional Internship Training takes place between semesters four and five.
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Professional Recognition
HCIMA IHCI Financial and Marketing bodies to be confirmed
B.B in Hospitality Management Code DK750 Level 7 Places 15 Duration 3 years (Compulsory 24 week Internship in year 2)
Career Options
Graduates of this programme are highly employable and have a wide range of opportunities to choose from. Large service sector organisations are looking to 'fast-track' recruits with specialisms to offer, for positions of responsibility. The hospitality industry also allows you to be mobile and there will be opportunities for international travel. Your career prospects will not be limited to the hospitality sector; our graduates have a broad range of transferable skills to offer. Their customer orientation is very attractive to all organisations with service activities.
opportunity in second year to do a 7-month internship in the HR Department of the Merrion Hotel in Dublin. I spent 10 months in Australia after my studies and after returning home, I was employed as a HR Administrator in the Ashbourne Marriott Hotel. In April 2008 I joined the Hilton Hotels as Human Resource Officer at the Hilton Dublin Airport where I am responsible for all aspects of Human Resources under the direction of the Director of Human Resources for Hilton Hotels Ireland.
Entry Requirements
Six Leaving Certificate subjects, including English or Irish and Mathematics with: at least grade C3 in one Higher Level paper, together with at least grade D3 in five Ordinary Level papers, or at least grade D3 in six Ordinary Level papers and at least 200 points. Students taking the Hospitality Management stream with French or German must have attained a minimum of B3 in French or German on an Ordinary Level Leaving Certificate paper or a minimum of D1 in French or German on a Higher Level Leaving Certificate paper. No prior knowledge of Spanish is necessary for this programme.
I took the Human Resources option within Hospitality Operations in my second year and was fortunate to have the
Progression Routes
Bachelor of Business Honours Degree (one add-on year) Note: Students who have successfully completed the first two years of this programme and who wish to leave after two years, may be awarded a Level 6 Higher Certificate in Business.
Further Information
Ms. Brianain Erraught Head of Section of Hospitality t 042 9370256 e w
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Event Management
About this Programme
Do you aspire to work within the Meetings, Incentive Travel, Conferences and Exhibitions sector? If so, then this degree is for you! Successful managers are needed within this industry, and our course has been developed to enable graduates keep abreast of current issues, emerging trends and contemporary management practices. This innovative, vocationally relevant and challenging degree will prepare you for career progression to senior levels.
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Subjects Include:
Introduction to Management Introduction to the Events Industry Business Software Applications Events, Conferences and Corporate Hospitality Modern Language (French, German, or Spanish) Tourism Principles and Practices Event Food and Beverage Operations Sales and Marketing The Geography of Travel and Tourism Business Maths Micro and Macro Economics Irish Law Arts, Festivals, and Sports Management Tourism Operations Management For a full subject listing visit
B.B in Event Management (Students choose an elective in either Tourism, or a Modern Language) Code DK752 Level 7 Places 40 Duration 3 years
Career Opportunities
Graduates of this programme are highly employable and have a wide range of opportunities to choose from, with employment opportunities at junior management level across a broad range of industries, but with an accelerated path to management level. Choose from employment in: Municipal government Tourism and Economic Development Charitable non-profit organisations Convention Centres International Hotel Groups Incentive Travel Non-profit and profit-making community festivals Sports and Leisure Entrepreneurial and Consultancy Enterprise
Further Study
Bachelor of Business Honours Degree (one-year, add-on Level 8). Note: Students who have successfully completed the first two years of this programme and who wish to leave after two years, may be awarded a Level 6 Higher Certificate in Business.
Entrance Requirements
Six Leaving Certificate subjects, including English or Irish and Mathematics with: at least grade C3 in one Higher Level paper, together with at least grade D3 in five Ordinary Level papers, or at least grade D3 in six Ordinary Level papers and at least 200 points.
Students who choose to take the Modern Language elective French or German- must have attained a minimum of B3 in French or German on an Ordinary Level Leaving Certificate paper or a minimum of D1 in French or German on a Higher Level Leaving Certificate paper. No prior knowledge of Spanish is necessary for this programme.
Further Information
Lisa Mullaney Dundalk Graduate of Event Management Degree DkIT Now working as an Event Management Coordinator for Gordon Ramsay Holdings in London. Ms. Brianain Erraught Head of Section of Hospitality t 042 9370256 e w
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Campus Guide
The Admissions Office Dundalk Institute of Technology Dundalk County Louth Ireland t f e + 353 42 9370200 + 353 42 9330201