2017 AllEntries
2017 AllEntries
2017 AllEntries
All Entries.
52 Ben Moyer
#Resist Keith A. Garrett
(Dis)Agreement Marshall Bradshaw
[a collaborative system of
creation] M Chilton
[REDACTED] Thomas Deeny
[TECH]: Boldly Go (a Starship
Simulator) DC Bradshaw
0. Get a tarot deck Ole Peder G.
1, 2, Zombie Jacob Shadwick
200 Character RPG Emmet
200 Words of Real RPG Jesse W Cox
29 Days to Spring Da Loki
3d13 via cards & introducing
roll choice David Brown
5 ways to win without fighting
(a supplement) Epistolary Richard
8525kHz Fred Bednarski
A 5-day walkathon Zed & Ms Ann
A Day in the Life of a Mole
Person Matt Warren
A Fistful of Dust Ryan
A Game To Play When You Feel
Hopeless Sam Wrong
A House Is Not a Home Joe Beason
A last drink Chris Kinniburgh
A Matter of Time Kezle
A Nice Meal (For Once) Ben Walker
A Single Point Of Reference Alexander Swords
A Small World Cecilia Kjellman
A tale untold Borsuk
A walk down Memory Lane Ivan Lanìa
A walk in the park Robin Langridge
A.C.E: A Deadly Game of Espi-
onage Dan Enders
Ablative Soldiers Drake Williams
Ace of Spades Matt Thrower
Across the Table (2-Player) Alex L
Adfectomancer Emilio Bucci
Advent Dominik Marchand
Adventure Story Mark L. Chance
After the Rain Hyacinth Nil
Alien Zookeepers Go! Jonathan Cook
All For One, the flipped RPG Ben Rolfe
All it takes…. saint
All Things Grow Vee Hendro
Alliteration Andrew Haywood
Amnesia Llamas Crystal Pisano
Among powerful wizards and
sorceresses Anthony YOUSSEF
An American Workplace Mabel Harper
An uncertain trial Inzeost
And then there were none Khelren
And We Are All Together James Wallis
Angry Goblin Widows Jeff Aldrich
Anonymous Correspondence Carrthulhu
Another multiverse story Petr Šarkovský
Anti Heroes Mammuth
Anxiety Thyl de Mackisuuell
✗amurai Pyrofoux
Arcana Chris Martens
Arena of Popularity but no
Death nor Magic Prophecy Breaker
ARG(h) an Augmented Reality
Game (human) Ben Walker
As the Crow Flies M. Quintanilla
Ashes of the Sun Jason Pitre
Astrum Arcanis Z.W. Garth
Asylum Lucas Hald
At the End of the World Laura Wood
Backpackers Stephen Danic
BAD STUDENT Luca Bonisoli
BadyRPG Asaf Kazachinsky
Be Like Water Michael Dunn-O'Connor
Bearing Witness David Deschamps
Before Bedtime Mixu Lauronen
Birthday equilibrium Mats
Black Mass michael murray
Blank state Guillaume Clerc
Blaze of Glory Jake Simon
Bloodfeud – Diplomacy with
Vampire Ben H
Bloody Hair: A Tale of Barbaric
Combat Konstantinos Dimopoulos
Boasters round the table Erlec
BoneRPG Andrew Harrison
Boom Boom Car Bots Marina Rose
Border Crossing Frankie Garza
Botany Bay March Games
Briefly speaking Albert 'NoCultist'
Bring Forth the Hippocrene S. Tan
Build Your Own RPG Andrew J. Young
Bullets Brian Poe
Bunk Beds adam mcconnaughey
By the Book Isle In The Heavens
Caltrops Eli Kurtz
Caltrops Jordan
Caper Dale Elvy
Captain's Table Gem Newman
Card Sharks Dylan Shields
Cards of Magi Asix Jin
Carfax Abbey Keith A. Garrett
Carry On Daniel Fowler
Cast-a-Quadrans E.T.Smith
Cat Wrangling Larry Hamilton
Catalyst of Annihilation Rach Shelkey
Catch the Thief Charles Ward
Cats Herding Humans Keith J. Schnelle
Caution: Hot! Solomon Key
Celestial Bureaucrats Karl Larsson
Charon Brie Sheldon
Chieftain Chris Kinniburgh
Children of the Con Neal Moogk-Soulis
Chirognomy Sean Smith
Chromed poets Jacopo Colò
Close Encounters Karolina Soltys
Coin-cidence Ben Pelcyger
Coloring Outside the Lines of
Reality Emlyn Freeman
Come up with a catchy title
after playtesting Dalen W Brauner
Coming Close To Home - A Work-
shop Jonathan Jung Johansen
Competitive Reality Television Ross Rockafellow
Complication Lauren Amber
Constitution Tim Zubizarreta
Cops Jonny Garcia
Cosmic Trickster Jacob Soderlund
Courrier Cedric Plante
Crafty Monsters: An RPG of
battling monsters Nicholas Fletcher
Crazy Conversation Robert Stohler
Crazy Greedy Hitler Puppet Dan Maruschak
Crisis Ascending N. D. Christie
Cross the Floor J Li
Cross The Kitchen Ethan Myerson
Cryptozoo Will Gibson
TEMS ONLINE Jesse Coombs
Cyber Beetles Hannah Dwan
Daffodils for William Eva Schiffer
Daily Heroes Paul J Hodgeson
Dance Maciej Zefir Starzycki
Dark and Cold Kacper Woźniak
Das Magikapital Greg Barnsdale
Date Mates Taylor LaBresh
Death by Chocolate Greg Sweeney
Death Metal TalkinNerdy
Deathmatch Maze maniospas
Defy. Subvert. Outwit. Lucas Wilga
Demon Dare Daniele Di Rubbo
Denominator Rudy Johnson
Descending from the Shoulders
of Giants Ivan Xuereb
Detachment 626 Chuck Dee
Dice Mafia Mathgeek
Diceless Deeds Laurence
Dispossessions Michael Faulk
Divine Circles: Kingdom in
Decline Michael Parker
Divine Disease Drake Williams
Divine intervention Mats
Do You Drink the Kool-Aid Amber Jannusch
Dodgy Gods: A Game of Trick-
sters and Trouble Alberto Muti
DOGMA Ben Scerri
DOGQUEST 1000 Casey Johnson
Don’t lose your marbles João Felipe Santos
Doomsday Cult Richard Woolcock
Doors Ryan Abrams
Doorway Yehuda Shapira
Double-O-Eleven: Casino Vocale Kevin Damen
Doused Flames of Magic; Match-
sticks of Power Piotr Królik Król
Down the rabbit hole Elizabeth Lovegrove
Dragon Draughts & the Mug of
Wonder David Brown
Dragon Soul Rui Anselmo
Dragon Tag Ty Oden
Dragons and Dragons Ben Kelly
Drama Crash! Bryan Lee Davidson-Tirca
Dream Eaters Richard Jansen-Parkes
Dreamcard Philipp
Dualistic Voices Luciano Gil
Duel of Change Stuart Hodge
DUELLO - A Game of Magic and
Politics Allan Bagg
Duet Paki Spivey
Dumb Brutes Jeff Dieterle
Dungeon Black Eugene Fasano
Dust Trails Anastasia Faraci
Eight Facets of the City Mendel Schmiedekamp
Encounters Drew Besse
End of Days // Hidden Terrors Lee Simmonds - Zero Hour
Endless Descent: a game of
Secrets and Hope Kevin Kulp
Enna's friend or foe? sopiwan68
EPYC Tara Zuber
Escalation Larry Szmulowicz
Escape from the Drowning Tower Azrael Arocha
Eternal David Fono
Eternal Rivals Michele Corona
European Tucker Sherry
Everyone's The Good Guy (Of
Their Own Story) Natalie Ash
Evil Goatees Paul Griffin
Ex Libro Justin Colussy-Estes
Exceptional Bodies for Excep-
tional Hosts Alex Fricke
Exodus - A game of discovery
for 2-6 players Jenn Martin
Expedition 13 J S R Varma
a story rpg system" Cuchulain Coker
FAERY QVEEN Jonathan Lavallee
Fair Verona Burns: A Tragedy in
Three Acts Adam T. Minnie
Familiars RPG Dominik Marchand
Farewell, My Love L & M Saltonstall
Fated Feud E.M. Gregory
Fated to Meet – The Journey
of Two Guilherme DR
Fatimah's Busy Day E.E. COLI
Fear the Conspiracy Inanimate/Trevor Cashmore
Feast Sharang Biswas
Fidget Madness Stanley Roth
Fill in the Blank RPG Ryan Khan
Final Enemy/A Poetry of Re-
venge/Samurai Haiku Chris O'Neill
Final Testament Josh Fox (Rabalias)
Fire of the Gods Chuck Dee
First Datepocalypse Carrthulhu
Five Cards Simon Burley
Flesh of the Gods Dan Connolly
Flesh, and Other Inconvenient
Things Nolan Lindberg
Flirt Party Johannes Oppermann
Flirt Party Aftermath Johannes Oppermann
Footprints Ashton McAllan
For The Birds Dave Lapru
Foresight Tanner McEveety
Four Cups of Tea Matt Hayles
Friction Engine - A Pock-
et-Sized RPG System David Melhart
Fusion Dance Dylan Shields
G.L.U.R.P.S. Saul Alexander
Götterdämmerung Mikhail Bonch-Osmolovskiy
Gambling on the River Styx Nick Wedig
Game Cartridge Monsters @Spohntaneous
Ghost Estate Coman Fullard
GHOST//BODY: Road Warrior
Repossessors Alex Fricke
Ghosts & Flowers Pak
Giant Monster Mayhem Moe Tousignant
Girls from Gilmore, Boys from
the Dwarf Epistolary Richard
Gladiators Alex Constantin
Glass Half Full Sarah Le-Fevre
Go Home, Young Superhero J.A. Dettman
Go North Nathan West
Go On Without Me Wyrdsmith
Goblal Wars: No Dwarves Al-
lowed! Enrique & Rafaela
Goblins in a Trenchcoat Ashton McAllan
Gods among mortals Cecilia Kjellman
Godzilla Is Attacking The City Darrell
Good Morning Magicland Randy Lubin
Goodbye Stuart Burns
Great Wallopers UberAffe
Greedy Devils Chris Gathercole
Groove Crusaders Jason Todd Foley
Group Troop Nanna E
Group troop Nanna E
Guilty Souls Ken Gorman
Hacksaw: The Phone Call of
Death John Kipling Lewis
Happily Ever Maybe Drew Mierzejewski
Hard Facts and Strong Possibil-
ities (Summary) Cuchulain Coker
Harder, Better, Faster Guilherme DR
Hasar Kahn - Tiger King Joe Jeskiewicz
Haunted House JL
He say you Blade Runner Andrew Bolin
Headcannon Accepted! Geoff Bottone
Healthcare Eli Jozsef
Heart Light Eric Farmer
HEIST! Scott C. Bourgeois
Heisters Mark Richardson
Heliophage Dave Michalak
Hello - The Game Mikael
Helm Joshua L & Adam R
Helsing's League Marek J. Kolcun
Hero Monsters Matthew Tsirides
Hero's Council Justin Hebels
Hidden Faces Felix Weedon
Hidden War: PvP Base Building carlsojos
High Arcana Andrew Beahm
Highlighter Maze Runners Andrew J Lucas
Hire Your Boss Bigyo'
HIRELINGS Peter Antoniak
History Building with 7 Wonders
Duel Tomer Gurantz
Home Sweet Home Kezle
Homeward Going: A Rlly Wow
Travel Noah Jay-Bonn
Hopeless Pamela Figueroa Peñaranda
Hopes and Traumas Aleksandra Sontowska
Hoppers: Tales of the Hyperdi-
mensional Police Odward Frenry
Hotfix Wes Bruce
Human Or Not, Here I Am Russell Tripp
Human-Zombie Fulfillment Sympo-
sium Dr. Jason Cox
Hyper Flying Death Bunnies from
Mars Mike Falzone
I Am You As You Are Me Unai Cabezon
I Feel Fine Caitlynn Belle
In Need Etienne T.Harvey
In the Cards Ken Maher
IN THE PIT Johan Paz
Incandescent War Nicholas Malinowski
Incandescent Wars Nicholas MAlinowski
Indivisible: An Empathic Game
for Two Adam T. Minnie
Intel Tim Zubizarreta
Intergalactic Bake-Off! Caroline Berg
Into Balance Chloe Sutherland
Intrigue in Hobbiton Nicolas Garcia
Inventory Quest! Charlie Etheridge-Nunn
Investigator200 Scott Maclure
It is meant to be Remko van der Pluijm
It's simple RPG Randal McDowell
Jack the Ripper W. H. Duryea
Janitors, Night Shift and It Lee
Jersey Gore: a game for 4 or 6
players Karaktakus Audel
Joy Wizards Clinton Dreisbach
Jumble Rumble D. Robinson - The DM DR
Jump! Earthan
Junkyard Pack: Far Out 70’s
Urban Canines David Wainio
Jury Duty Matt Mortellaro
Just one wish away... Alina Merkenau
Just Survive Moustache Prime
Justice Court TV Justin Hebels
Kaiju Glory: a narrative
citystomp Scott Slater
Kataware Doki Joseph Le May
Kazooki Theatre Doug Ruff
Keep The Gnome Fires Burning David Okum
Kharon's Obol Cezar Capacle
King's Dice D. Robinson - The DM DR
Knock Alex Carlson
K's Massive Combat rules kalaeth
Labrynith Kelsa
Lacrimae Rerum Nolan Lindberg
Ladies Night - a game of super-
natural romance Katarzyna Kuczyńska
Last Cigarette ivan nevill
Laughter or a Lit Flame: A Hack
of Renga Jonathan Cook
Lawsuits & Litigators Da Loki
Legendary Heroes Matthew Jones
LEGO GM-less Roleplaying Play-
set for All Ages Jonathan deHaan
Let Me Live Bigyo'
Let's Eat Kevin! Snamo Zont
Liar Jay Treat
Liber Mortis Palace John McNabb
Lighthearted Friend W. H. Duryea
Limbo, the otherworld Rike Seco
Lineage Etienne T.Harvey
Little Magic Shop RB Johnson
Living With Humans WinterWombat
Lock, stock, and two smoking
coffins Past
Long is the Way, and Hard Patrick Riegert
Looking for new recruits! Jay Vee
Lorfea: tiny kingdom, BIG
problems Tara Zuber
Love is Pain, Dearest Drew Mierzejewski
Love Language Michael Owen
Lovecraft Lightest Thomas Evans
Magic for Sanity Chance Phillips
Magical Elemental Girls Excel! Jaye Foster
Magical Spaceship Adventures Chance Phillips
Magistrate Maggie jonathandersch@gmail.com
Manic pixie dream girl Jenni Sands
Many players, One Adventurer Russell Himes
Marked Heather Robertson
Mashup J.A. Dettman
Maslovmania Unodus
Masters of the universe Alex White
Maximum Efficiency Lonnie Harris
McMurdo Station Interns Mischa Krilov
Measured in Cups Kate Hill & Chris Dragga
Meddling Kids William J. (B.J.) Altman
Medium Heavyweight Sparky
Melody & Memories ghauxst
Meltdown - Your Last Battle Charles B
Mementos: A journey to the
subconcious Gustavo La Fontaine
Memoriam Ignis Niño Rodel Buzon
Memories Santiago Eximeno
Memory Palace: a character
study in reverse Syrh Griffith
Mercenaries from Anyworld Tomasz Misterka
Meta Game: Universal RPG Sup-
plement Wyrdsmith
Mic Drop Andy Berdan
Micro Kittens Stentor Danielson
MicroCrunch Universal RPG David Johnston
Might Makes Right: Muscle
Marines in Space Chris
MiskatonicU Jeremy Whitson
Modern Olympus Peter Reitz
Momento Stephen Ritterbush
Monikers & Masks: The Super
Day-Saving RPG Sporkboy
Monster Slayer Academy Lucas Wilga
Monster's baby walker VaL
Monstrositea Casey Johnson
Moth Banana Chan
Mother nature called Daniel Kraemer
Moving On Tara Newman
Murder is Simple Alexander Kon
Muscle/brains/gut Steven Vanderschaeve
Musical Mages Spencer Campbell
My Alibi Matt Jorquia
My Imaginary Friend Doug Ruff
Myrathine C.Funken
Mystery Mansion of the Mad
Wizard Jason A. Starks
Nakama: A Card Game of Magical
Girls Snorb
Naming and Alchemy Adrian Bauer
Nathan Todd Crapper
Never Say Die Dan Connolly
Night clubbing Robert Carnel
Nightblind Cadaeic
No Coincidence Matt Mortellaro
No Mistakes, Only Deeper Plans Heather Robertson
No set. Manuel Cascallar
No... your friends tobie abad
Normaleware Nathan Knaack
Oathbreakers: Deviant Warlocks Tim B
Of Light Dushanth Daniel Ray
Office Party Jesse Wells
Olympian Courts, Mortal Woes PetePeteRepeat
On Cuddling Dragons: A Primer
for Beginners Wendy Gorman
On Divining Oneirography Michael G Barford
On the seventh day Gods had
finished... Grubby
One Last Job John Kane
One-Night Stand Stefano Burchi
Only One Shall Win Luciano Gil
Open Mic Dungeon Night Jaye Foster
Operation: Doomed Anton L.
Operation: Dragon Hunt Carl Rauscher
Opposystem Ben Rolfe
Order of St. Aloysius TheMonarchGamer
Other Lives Rosendal
Our Ancestor’s Secret Wars Joe Jeskiewicz
Our House will Survive. Caleb Gutshall
Our Last Summer Michael Lippert
Our Precious Ghost Richard Kreutz-Landry
Out of the Dark World Guillaume Clerc
Pack Mind RPG Calum Stranack
Paintball, the RPG Francisco Peralta
Pantheon: A Game for Narcis-
sists Nora Blake
Parasite Vector James Iles
Party Wizards Ross Cowman
Pasta Master Cal Wilks
Pasteur: The action RPG Eric Pelletier
Pavlov's House Erika Chappell
Performance Issues Chris Cirillo
Petty Crimes Isaiah Stankowski
Pirate Tails Josh Crowe
Planetary Realtors Michael Blatherwick
Playing Cards RPG C.W. McGee
Pocky Lips the scablander
Poet Glorious Kimberley Lam
Power Chord: A Musical RPG James Baillie
Praetorian L S Hendrix
Prankster's Dillema Matt Fantastic
Pressure - The Disaster Movie
Simulator MJ D-M
Prime Directive: a game of not
screwing up Calum Stranack
PUPPY DAY: A happy game wherein
everyone wins Bruce ES Warner
Purgatory Nathan Knaack
Purgatory House Robert A. Turk
Quarantine Sławomir Wójcik
Queen_killer Clarity Cadence
R, the WorldDevourer and the
infinite sadness Roberto Giugno
Racer Kurt Potts
Redeemer: World Changing Role
Adoption Randwulf0969
Reign over Hell Cal Wilks
Relentless Sidney Icarus
Remember the Glory Days? James Shields
Repair Bots! Stephen Morrison
Reteller empy
Reuinited And It Feels... Jeff Stormer
Rewrite Ben H
ReWritten Marcin Kuczynski
Rise - Hack - Fall Nicholas Barry
River, Typhoon, Coursing River Jim Engstrand
RLS (Real-Life Superheroes) Jeff Dee
RNJesus and the 12 Diceiples Gregor Robertson
Road Trip Adam Brenner
Road Trippin’ on a Playlist Fernando Di Sciascio
Roommates From Hell Marcus Zaeyen
Route Clearance Andrew Millar
RPG - Random Parable Generator Ryan Tompkins
RPG Gumbo M. Krilov & J. England
Rubble SailEars
Rule of 3 Digits Eric M. Paquette
Rules lawyers Yugie
Russian Roulette Goby
S.P.Q.R. Rachel Kaye Clarke
Salting the Earth; A Nano-Larp Jason Morningstar
Scry and Rescue Jesse W Cox
Secret Hearts Stuart Burns
Secret Identity Graeme Wanhella
Section Seven Anthony Stiller
Segmentation Fault S. Tan
Sentence Dungeon Roberto Kingsley
Septem Memorias Shane Fitzgerald
Shadows Oli Jeffery
Sharing Our Past Luke Pautler
Shonen RPG Anne Aunyme
Shopkins Party Ramanan S
Show and Hell Shae Davidson
Shuffles & Skeletons Carlos Martins
Signed Away Andrew Wise
Situations & Explanations Damien Crawford
Six Days Remain Max Kreminski
Six Shot Merrielle O. & Justin F.
Snitch Eric Christensen
So here is the Scenario Wordse
So You're Becoming A Dragon: Wendy Gorman
So You're Being Hunted Brian Marr
So...here is the scenario... Wordse
Sonder Will Patterson
Sonder Eduardo Caetano
Songs for empty apartments Antonio Amato; Ivan Lanìa
Sonnet 155: A Murder Most Foul Jeff Stormer
Space Amoebas on Vacation Steven Ostuni
Space Cowboys Vergilivs
Space Debris - A Chore-Playing
Game for Two Scott Slomiany
Space travel with babies Elizabeth Lovegrove
Spelling Chris Ing
Spin the Bottle Alyssa Hillen
Spiral Terra Frank
Splice Michael Wenman
Squamous Nick Wedig
StarFry Adventures Matt Bohnhoff
Starship Basilisk Colin Maynard
Steam Burst Matthew Bernard
Steampunk Serial Athena Devine
Stones Bruno Bord
Stop Reading to Lose Jesse Coombs
Storyboard James Etheridge
Stranded In Space David Johnston
Stranded: forcing time for
thoughts (1p) Remko van der Pluijm
Strands of Fate Rob Teszka
Strange Room Manu Saxena
Strange Wallets Zac Finkenstein
Strongman: Authoritarian Fun
For 3+ Players Andrew Trent
Suits Jon Hook
SUPERHERO RPG Super Joey Karlin
SuperKid - a game for one adult
and one child Katarzyna Kuczynska
A PBTA Add-on" Maxime Lacoste
Survivors on an Uncharted
Island Steve Hickey
SwordBearer's Dirge Rui Anselmo
Symbiosis Alex Robinson
Sympathetic Ray Otus
Sync Pete Woodworth
SYSTEM Maciej Zefir Starzycki
Take a Drink: the Roledrinking
Game Nicholas Fletcher
Taking a long way home Zed & Miss Ann
Tales from the Lost Kitchen Hayley G
Tales from the Wild West Mark Durrheim
Talking Sticks Matt Thrower
Tall Tales and Tankards Rick Sorgdrager
Tears in Heaven David Miessler-Kubanek
Terrible Village Michael Dunn-O'Connor
Thank You For Sharing Taylor LaBresh
Thank you for the feast Alex Robinson
The Ark Asmon Lacroix
The ArrrPG Snorb
The awakening of Asrya Alex Haines
The Banquet: A Mealtime RPG Travis Nishii
The Basic RPG Alan Kellogg
The Beasts Shall No Longer Walk
This Earth ghauxst
The Bengleflaarg Benjamin Bahr
The Bridge Alberto Muti
The Chinese Room Coman Fullard
The Chronicles of... Jonathan Semple
The Circle Christopher Stone-Bush
The Council Jeremy Monts
The Creation Katja Sverdlilje
The Day They Came Steve Dee
The day we were Free Plober
The Deep Dark S. John Bateman
The Delve Alex Chalk
The Devil on my Shoulder Matt Eaton
The Domino's Delivery Crew
RP(za)G Tai Klein
The Dreamer Draco Blackstone
The Dreaming Giant Alina Astalus
The Duel Christopher M. Sniezak
The Duelin' Blues 13sparx13
The Empire won the war, but the
people lost Natalie Ash
The faithful few Francisco Peralta
The Filigree Prince Ray
The Four Gates: A Mindful RPG Christopher Reed
The fuel is gone Luke Gearing
The Futility of Unrequited
Sentiments Heather Wilson
The Game of Magical Thinking Marshall Bradshaw
The Goblin Warrens Richard Woolcock
The Great Work Luke Jordan
The Haints' House Jax Bryk and Rose Bailey
The Hands of Rasputin Jack Ford Morgan
The Heist Nick Miller
The Hero Heads Home Umbra
The Heroes' Journey Vi Brower
The Hero's Last Stand Michael Blatherwick
The Holy Mountain Elizabeth and James Iles
The Human World Clio Yun-su Davis
The Island of Derring-do Russell Tripp
The killing action Robert Carnel
The King and its Mute Jesters JoshYKC
The labyrinthine library Blindfishideas
The Last Day Andrew J. Young
The Last Dragon Fabien Badilla
The Last Summer Nicolas Hornyak
The Life of Paul Tony Obert
The Manor Game Farm Purge J Mitchell
The Marketers Brad Jones
The Mug Is Half... Ray Otus
The Orb Rickard Elimää
The Orpheus Trail E. Lewis
The Outsiders RPG David Rollins
The People You Meet On The
Graveyard Shift Jerome Pfitzner
The Perfect Moment is Now Harry Smith
The Petitioners HuggableHamster
The Places Where I Found You Mel
The Protector Chloe Sutherland
The Quest for the Object of
Desires Luke Ensign
The Rapid and the Raging Ed Turner
The Sorcerer Supreme! Andrew Harrison
The Spirits Somnia Caroline Berg
The Stars Are Angry EricVulgaris
The stars going out, one by one John Elson
The story of my life Yoshi Creelman
The Suits RPG Damjan Miladinovic
The Tale Daniel Comerci
The Tavern at Dungeon Level 200 Jim Dagg
The Tavern of Tall Tales Oliver Richter
The Things We Do For Love Kate McCane
The Town of M Jim McClure
The Trial Isaiah Stankowski
The Tribe Oli Jeffery
The Trust Dave Proctor
The Truth of the Stars Corinne C.
The Victory Circle; A Nano-Larp Jason Morningstar
The Village Daniel Kraemer
The Wake Nick Cummings
The world is ending Pablo López
The World of Retail Christopher Richter
There Is No Way Out Of This
Arena CorvidCall
They're just dice, right? Joseph Propati
This Is Not an RPG Alexander P. Slotkin
Thomas Crown Affair RPG Brian Rogers
Those Last Moments Senda Linaugh
Those Who Fled Bruno Dias
Time to Run Sanchit Sharma
Time Travel Start-Up Company Jen Kitzman
Tiny Tribe VLF Transmitter
To Alex! Jenn Martin/Todd Nicholas
To Sea In A Sieve! James Baillie
To Serve A Monstrous Empress: A
Sacrifice Alex Guerrero-Randall
Too Many Love! Ben Coler
Too Much Bubblegum: More than
you can chew! Bruce ES Warner
Tracy is Dead Mark Van Vlack
Transient Global Amnesia System Francesco Rugerfred Sedda
Translation of Cave 7 Picto-
graphs: First RPG? Stark Fist
Trapped in Deep 7 William J. (B.J.) Altman
Trash Pandas Eric Farmer
Travelling is not so easy... the scablander
Treaty at the Stones of Black
and White Dan Sparkman
Triad - Deckbuilding Game Tom Jessup
Tripping Over Yourself VLF Transmitter
Triumphs and Disasters James Harland
TROLLS Joel Dettweiler
Truth, Lies and Bullets Brian Berg
Turing Story Machine Michael Such
Tyrze, a MMORPG steej71
Ufology For Beginners Jack Rosetree
Ultimate fantasy (or is it?) Marcin Kuczynski
Ummenbach Noctavigant
Unanimous BornToDoStuff
Under The Mountain Liam Moher
Unknown Kingdoms: The Footsteps
of Marco Polo Johnathan Creed
Vain Superheroes Mark S. Aquilino
Valkyrie Girlfriend Jacqueline Bryk
Valor: The Dimming Flame Thomas Evans
Vegas Doug Levandowski
Vestalia: Girls Just Want To
Have Fun(ding) Ludovico M. Alves
Vigilantics Kiernan Grimes
Wannabe Legend Martina Jansson
WAR and FAITH Vaish Gajaraj
Watch Out! Heartfelt Magical
Girl Clash! Alex Guerrero-Randall
Weapons of Legend Brian Brus
Werewolf James Horgan
Wesworld David Okum
What Could Go Wrong? Ethan Cordray
What The #@*$ Happened Last
Night? Paolo Jose Cruz
What You Carry Evey Lockhart
When the Fire Dies Stephen Morrison
When the Wolves Come... Jason A. Starks
Where'd It All Go Wrong? Adam Lovett
Whip Caitlynn Belle
Whispers in the Dark James Shields
Who Am I To You? Todd Nicholas
Who killed? - Game about inves-
tigation Tomasz Misterka
Why do I need a name? Yoshi Creelman
Why We Hunt Spencer Campbell
Wilder Jacob House
Witch Hunt Alyssa Hillen
Wittgenstein's Monster Dan Maruschak
Wizard Journal River Williamson
Wizards of the Tome George Philbrick
Word Wizards Frankie Garza
World of Stats David Perry
WORTHY Melody Watson
Xenia Mel
Yammer Brock
You’ve Been Screwed. Dan Sparkman
Your Honored Guest Jared
Your journey Dregntael
"You're a Werewolf but it's Not
a Full
Moon" Pete Rude
Zagyg's Ancestral Words Vincent Quigley
Znaroks Rocks Gints Halcejs
Zone-side Picnic Daniel Fowler
Ben Moyer
Large Farm town. Lots of festivals. Forest is full of goblins.
Dragon on mountaintop.
Grab a deck of cards each.
For a skill check or attack play card from top of deck or hand.
Double the number of the check is within that attribute. When
damaged discard that many cards. If deck is empty character dies.
Can only reshuffle deck when resting at town.
Grab a deck of cards.
At end of a game day reshuffle deck and award players 1-5 cards.
Hits on a 6+ for one damage.
Gets hit on 5+
3 health
Hits on 3+ for three damage
Gets hit on 7+
10 health
Marshall Bradshaw
Prep: Choose a genre and list a few types of characters you would
expect in such a story. Pick one each to play and come up with a
personal disagreement between these two characters.
Ready: Mark off the center and ends of a straight line at least
twelve feet long.
Set: Choose opposite ends and stand equidistant between your end
of the line & the center with your back to the center.
Finish line: Normal play ends when either player reaches their
end or the center. Neither player can thenceforth speak, but the
other player may immediately walk to the center or their end.
Each player lights a tea candle. Wait for the wax to melt. Tilt a
light towards a wall like a projector.
A volunteer goes first. Blow out the candle and spill the hot wax
into the water, waiting a minute for it to firm up. Then, pull
out the wax figure and hold it up against the light. The shape it
makes on the wall is a character, a creature or a country. The
player names it, and the group gives it traits or a brief histo-
Go around the table. Each new creation should relate in some way
to the previous creations: the character lives on a peninsula
of the country, the creature is hunted there, the character is
killed by the creature when it grows hungry. Feel free to debate
the progression of the story, which is a joint construction of
every player.
Thomas Deeny
You can add dice by redacting words from your dossier. Redacting
one phrase that applies to your current situation grants you an
additional d6. Unrelated words grant you +1 per word.
After the mission, write up a new sheet for your dossier. You can
redact from the new sheet normally, but older sheets need one ad-
ditional word redacted for each page further back in the dossier.
[TECH]: Boldly Go (a Starship Simulator)
DC Bradshaw
And department:
Keith A. Garrett
0. Get a tarot deck
Ole Peder G.
3. Take turns dealing three cards, face down. The Dealer uses the
first card to establish how the scene begins, and who is present.
She decides when it’s time to turn the next two; the second card
represent a twist. The third the scene ending. Other players play
their characters, narrate details and ask questions. The Dealer
has final say, and a special responsibility for the scene. If the
third setting card marker is placed during your scene, you help
wrap up the game. The scene ending card may be used for inspira-
1, 2, Zombie
Jacob Shadwick
1 Cowardly
2 Distracted
3 Lazy
4 Impatient
5 Arrogant
6 Untrusting
7 Clumsy
8 Selfish
9 Unpredictable
10 Vague
200 Character RPG
Spend Treasure to draw a full new hand and distribute the cards
among the party, described as magic items and loot.
29 Days to Spring
Da Loki
CE: You speak with your brother, a proud member of the Imperial
Japanese Army. He refuses to ever be taken alive. What do you
CW: Your brothers are ready to take the beach. Your brothers are
real, those animals are not. Nevertheless, how do you survive as
they kill your brothers?
3d13 via cards & introducing roll choice
David Brown
The GM should use a 2nd deck for monsters so that player and GM
luck is balanced in separate pools.
Intimidation: If your foes value their lives and you show them,
or trick them into believing, they are weaker, they will flee or
surrender rather than die in vain.
Threatening what they value: Foes may value more than their
lives, such as families, treasures, a fortress or a home. If you
are able to put those in danger, your foe will retreat to protect
Bargaining: Your foes’ goals may not conflict with your own. If
you are able to offer something they desire (even a better enemy
or safety from a greater foe) they may respond in kind.
Misdirection: If your foe believes you threaten them where you do
not, and are not where you are; you may circumvent them.
Dissention: Unless your foes are automata, each will think dif-
ferently than the other. Look for the disgruntled, the ambitious
and provoke them to action.
Some basic principles to follow:
Check your own, if one amongst you does not wish to use strategy
then it cannot proceed.
Know your foe, to understand to which strategies they will re-
Know yourself, what strengths you have and what deceits you can
Know how to communicate, whether to bargain or to threaten.
Fred Bednarski
One player is the Control, the rest are Cold War era sleeper
agents in █████████. Game begins now. Identify by codenames ONLY.
When outcome isn’t certain cross off a number and roll a d10. Add
both. Total of 14 or greater is a success. 8-13 is a success at a
cost. Anything below fails - cross off the first available number.
A 5-day walkathon
Zed & Ms Ann
Over the course of five real life days, players battle to reach
the highest level of wealth that is in correlationto the amount
of steps they make during that period. Every day the step count
will be used as currency in a silent auction for “walking canes”,
which have a value in points.
1st and 2nd day - bronze cane (2 points)
3rd and 4th day - silver cane (3p)
5th day - gold cane (5p)
Highest bid will be revealed and person whose it was will get the
auctioneered cane. Winner loses the bidded steps, rest of the
players won’t. Rinse and repeat until end of day five. In the end
of the last auction, points will be summed up and person with the
most points wins.
A Day in the Life of a Mole Person
Matt Warren
Players have:
•6d personal resource counter. Ticks down one at day’s end un-
less resources scavenged. Set to 6. Character dies when personal
counter reaches 0.
•4d daily radiation modifier.
Group has:
•20d group resource counter. Ticks down # of players X1 at day’s
end unless resources scavenged. Set to 3X # of players, this is
the max (e.g. 5 players = 15 max, ticks down 5 daily). Everyone
dies if group counter reach 0.
•6d for scavenge and defense rolls.
Daily actions:
•Players scavenge once. Player describes scavenging. Roll 6d
minus modifier. 2-5 = success.
•Success = player chooses. Hide resource (no personal tick down,
add one instead) or contribute to group (first contributed scav-
enge = no group counter tick down. Second = uptick 1X # of play-
•If scavenge fails, group describes attack. Roll 6d plus modifier.
6+ = attack defended. 2-5 = attacker injures player (player ticks
personal counter down one).
A Fistful of Dust
Law forgot this place when the glimmer-mines ran dry. The unqui-
et-dead haunt the mountains now. Ghost-Towns. There are bandits
too, deserters from the civil-wars back East. I guess they used
to call you a Knight. You also used to be dead. Now you’re just
If you throw all Heads, throw another coin. Keep on like this
until you throw a Tails, or get 4 Heads.
You can re-throw by ticking off one of the following, and saying
how it helps:
-Concealed Artefact
-Unwitting Accomplice
-The Landscape
When you tick the last option, the scene ends with your death
Choose 1 of the following Wytcheries that you can use whenever.
Fill in the blanks.
A Game To Play When You Feel Hopeless
Sam Wrong
Some paper, pen.
A trusted & supportive person to be your GUIDE.
Share feelings and emotions HONESTLY to your GUIDE.
Your GUIDE is blind but they see the most clearly. You must show
them everything through drawing and/or writing them down.
Next you must relay the thoughts to your GUIDE. Talk with them
and process the attacks together. You might feel uncomfortable,
angry, and embarrassed. Try to explain why you feel those emo-
When you feel stronger, face the DEMON again. If the attacks do
not feel as intense then you have pacified it for now. Otherwise,
repeat from 5.
You can exit the dungeon anytime you like. But when you reenter
you must begin from the first room.
A House Is Not a Home
Joe Beason
Angriest starts the argument, and builds the first triangle. Then
alternate, building a new triangle or a bridge. Build new trian-
gles next to old ones so a bridge can be laid across them, or on
a bridge to start a new layer.
The argument ends when one player gives in, both agree to stop
fighting, or the house collapses.
If the house collapsed, but only partially, it’s the first time
you’ve really spoken since the fight.
A last drink
Chris Kinniburgh
Sit down across from your friend with a few mutually appreciated
beverages between you. You each have a pint glass and a shot
Greet your friend and explain why it’s been too long since you
last spoke. As you reminisce about your last encounter, pour the
liquid into your old confidant’s pint glass. Both pint glasses
filled, come to understand why it’s been so long since you last
spoke, then nod. When you’ve come to an understanding, remove
all but one bottle from the table.
You must speak before each sip. Tell your partner a story of
their life. Clarify a story you’ve been told about your own.
Grieve for a lost accomplice. Imagine where you thought you’d
You don’t need to tell one another that your chat together might
be your last. You both know. That shot will be your final drink
You may not speak after your pint glass is empty, except to ask
your partner to pour you another round.
A Matter of Time
A Nice Meal (For Once)
Ben Walker
Gain 1 Spoon when they are the only person pro- or anti-skub
(nonsense argument)
May spend Spoon instead of Spoons to cook
Can spend 1 Spoon end an argument with no Spoon loss or gain
have 5 Forks,
have 5 Spoons,
have 5 Spoon
Everyone can spend Spoons to make dishes, at least 5 dishes must
be made total but any person can make however few or many they
Go clockwise, you may either talk (spend 1 Spoon) or eat (gain 1
Fork the person who made the dish gains 1 Spoon).
If you talk, flip a coin, you will be either pro - skub or anti
skub. In 30 seconds say why.
If everyone agrees everyone gains a Spoon.
If anyone disagrees 3 minutes of talk you may spend 1 Spoon to
change your opinion. If people still disagree everyone loses a
If anyone has a 0 in any category for 2 rounds, the game is over
and everyone loses.
A Single Point Of Reference
Alexander Swords
Inside a big room the first treaty between an alien race and the
human race is being negotiated. Outside, two people at the bottom
of the hierarchy are sitting and waiting together.
Player One: an alien who has learnt the language from text, but
has no other references for the world. They must ask the other
player(s) to explain things.
Player Two: must describe what is being asked without relying on
anything but the most basic definitions of things.
Player One: can ask for clarifications on things if they feel
Player Two is relying too much on assumed knowledge.
Example questions:
What is the colour “burnt orange”?
What is family?
How does coffee taste?
What does lying in the sun feel like?
What is a cat and why would you want one in your house?
What is love?
Player 2 wins when Player 1 feels like they would understand the
important aspects of whatever they asked. They don’t have to
answer the question, though.
A Small World
Cecilia Kjellman
You will need a GM, some additional players, 2D6, pen and paper.
A tale untold
Whenever you feel brave, take the relic. The others ask you ques-
tions. Who had made it? How did it feel? Where have you found it?
Answer one that suits you best.
A walk down Memory Lane
Ivan Lanìa
A walk in the park
Robin Langridge
Pick a breed of dog to enjoy a day out in the park all walked by
the same dogwalker.
Each dog has three traits (rated 1-6) size, derp and speed.
Max trait is 5. Size + Speed has a maximum of 6.
All traits have a base of 1. Players have six extra points to
spend on traits.
Derp indicates the general adoring, but stupid, nature of a dog.
It’s the opposite of wisdom.
Each dog picks two secret goals (Eg get muddy, chase ducks) The
Dogwalker approves them.
Tests are rolled against a d6, if the roll is lower than the
trait it’s a success. Task difficulty may give bonus/penalty.
Once the stick has gone around four times total the points to
decide who has won.
A.C.E: A Deadly Game of Espionage
Dan Enders
Flip the top card of the deck face up: if the card is red, high
card wins, if black, low card wins. Matching color wins ties.
When ready, players reveal their cards. The winner of the round
describes how they have succeeded in outwitting their opponent
(an improvised move should be reflected in the scene), and a new
round begins.
Ablative Soldiers
Drake Williams
Ace of Spades
Matt Thrower
After a draw, the card goes into the discard pile and the next
card is handed, face down, to the GM. These cards form a separate
GM deck. If it’s the ace they give it back and reshuffle.
Once one player is left, both they and the GM reshuffle their
decks. Now on each action, both draw. If the player draws high-
er, they overcome the situation and survive. If they draw an ace
before that happens, they die in the struggle.
You and a friend are in charge of opposing companies hoping to
come to a mutual deal. Dig through your wallet and each use a
random business card; these will be the companies you are each in
charge of. Using a full deck of cards (minus jokers), deal out
two cards face down to each player. Players will play a game of
Texas Hold’em Poker where each card on the table represents an
issue between the companies.
Suite - Issue
Hearts – Social
Diamonds – Financial
Clubs – Ethical
Spades - Personal
The goal is to make sure your company comes out on top of this
deal. Players take turns making up issues between the two compa-
nies that they need to reach across the table to resolve. During
the games, players can make deals, contracts, etc. If both play-
ers agree, each player can discard a card from their hand (face
down) and draw a new one. The first three issue will appear on the
table after players have introduced themselves and made small
talk. The next two issues will appear only once a deal has been
decided on for the previous one.
Emilio Bucci
You’ve come a long way to obtain your power. But now you’re
Perhaps you can use your magic to bring back an old friend?
You are the Adfectomancer, and there’s nothing the human mind can
possibly hide from you.
Dominik Marchand
Week 1 A breach in the ordinary appears
Epilogue The Advent is part of the new normal. Discuss how your
has changed as a consequence, if it’s still
Adventure Story
Mark L. Chance
Needed: 3-6 players (no GM), 2d6, deck of cards, pencils, paper,
Example: Fearless Dwarf with Sacred Axe. Holiness +1, Melee +2,
Stealth +0, Wizardry +0.
Order of Play: Deal 1 card each. Ace high; two low; ties go to
older player. Distribute six tokens in order of play. Play goes
to the left.
Ace: Major challenge. Victory Points (VP) equals Hero Number (H#)
+ 1.
Face: Medium challenge. VP = H#.
Number: Minor challenge. VP = H# - 1.
After the Rain
Hyacinth Nil
When play begins, the mark flips over a card and describes the
space the Agents now occupy: Hearts are someplace liminal; spades
are someplace ancient; clubs are someplace foreign; diamonds are
someplace hostile. Face cards are populated by one or many other
intelligences, the number represents how challenging the level is
to clear. With each new level, the Mark declares their conditions
for clearing the level; once these conditions are met they flip
the card over and reveal the next level. Agents take turns de-
claring actions they take to complete the Mark’s conditions, the
Mark counters with questions, elaborations, and challenges. Once
the final card is reached, the Mark reminds the Agents of what
they are taking.
Alien Zookeepers Go!
Jonathan Cook
Requires: Two+ players. Some way to share short videos and pic-
tures you’ve drawn on.
Other players ask two questions each. Examples: What sound does
it make? How’s it useful? How’s it cared for?
All For One, the flipped RPG
Ben Rolfe
One player plays the hero. The rest are storytellers, who dis-
tribute these roles between themselves:
Architect: Sets the scene when the hero arrives somewhere. Moder-
ates movement in the space.
Historian: Responsible for backstories, items and oddities. Adds
details to the broad strokes of the Architect.
Foil: Roleplays the major NPC in each scene. Assigns minor NPCs
to other storytellers, giving them: Personality or mood, Desire
(what they want), and Conflict (what or who they’re struggling
Judge: Rules on challenges and conflicts (use any game system, or
none). Assigns responsibilities to other storytellers as needed.
Director: Keeps an eye on plot and momentum. Introduces events or
changes locations if things stagnate.
Before play, the hero player takes ONE MINUTE to describe their
hero, then leaves the room. The storytellers sketch out the plot,
led by the Director, spending ONE MINUTE on each of:
>Where is the hero? Why? What occurrence will draw them into the
>What obstacles will the hero face? Who or what will aid them?
How will the story change them?
>How does the story end? How does this reflect the changes with-
in the hero? How does it resolve the occurrence that began the
Play begins!
All it takes….
All it takes….
One roll
One decision
One sacrifice
Space is dangerous. Not like in the movies, far worse than that.
Humans can’t survive in a vacuum, it’s rather simple really. You
were on a mission, on a spacecraft when something went wrong. Now
your engines are out, rescue might be coming, but you only have
enough oxygen for some of you to make it.
To play
Roll 1d6 and take on the character from the below list. If some-
one else has the role, re-roll until you get a role no one else
6.Communications officer
As a group give your spacecraft a name
Taking turns give your character a name, an identity. Pick one
other player, describe why they would protect you. Pick a differ-
ent player, describe why they would choose you to be the sacri-
Each player takes a turn, arguing why they should be the one to
be saved. Then each player takes another turn, arguing why some-
one else should be sacrificed.
At the end, vote on who to sacrifice, when there is a majority
decision the game ends, did you choose right?
All Things Grow
Vee Hendro
Cut it.
Place it in a vase. That was your mother before you knew her.
You don’t need the flower to know the rest of her story.
Andrew Haywood
Each player names their character, distributes Skill Points [5,
4, 3, 2, 1] to:
•Ability (constitution, strength)
•Aptitude (dexterity, intelligence)
•Attention (wisdom, charisma)
•Assets (wealth, equipment)
•Arcane (magic, alchemy)
HP: 5 + sum of lowest two [Ability, Aptitude, Attention]
Define five Actions, one per Skill:
“[Skill] - [Name]: When I [condition] and my foes [condition]
then I [awesome].”
Example: “Ability - Whirlwind: When I am surrounded and my foes
fear me then I attack everyone nearby.”
Players may use each Action once/Rest. No roll required.
GM describes scenes, presents challenges. When players attempt
something interesting: GM determines Skill used, requests Check.
GM chooses difficulty (standard is 2; each complication +1).
Player rolls d6 dice equal to Skill Points. On each die: 4+ suc-
ceed and 6 explode (always roll 6s again, counting successes).
If fewer successes than Difficulty:
•Fail the Check (GM narrates outcome)
•Lose [Difficulty - successes] HP
•Gain 1 XP
Rest for 1 hour: regain all HP. Optionally train one skill: spend
XP equal to its Skill Points to increase it by 1 or rewrite its
•Death at 0 HP.
•Ascend at 25 total Skill Points. Describe how this changes the
Amnesia Llamas
Crystal Pisano
Needed: 4-6 players, small toy water guns, note cards, writing
Each player writes down the names of three famous people (fiction-
al or real) onto note cards. Cards are shuffled and one is given
to each player. Players hold their card face out so they can’t
see their true identity. Each player is given a water gun to
enable the ability to ‘spit’ on other llamas.
Everyone must figure out who they are. You are not allowed to ask
questions (with one exception, noted below); rather, you must
make statements to the group. If your statement is something the
group believes your true identity would or could say, they should
‘spit’ on you. The group may not give spoken hints. If too many
llamas talk at once, people will become suspicious. The only
questions allowed are formal identity guesses. Each llama may
make only three formal guesses per game.
The game ends when all llamas successfully guess their true iden-
tity, use their three guesses, or run out of spit.
Among powerful wizards and sorceresses
Each player must tell, within six minutes, the story about how
he/she got it. At the end of each story others pick two (may be
twice the same one) gems between anthracite, jade, cinnabar,
citrine and sapphire.
Once everyone told a story, the one with the biggest gems vari-
ety (A) and the one with the highest score in one particular gem
(B) are finalist. If draw, chose the player with less variety. If
equality again, “A” choose.
An American Workplace
Mabel Harper
Some Employees might care about each other. They can give each
other Tokens.
By the end of five Workdays (an hour and fifteen minutes), whoever
still has Work Tokens wins and gets to relax for the weekend,
knowing their job is safe.
An uncertain trial
If you want to influence who the killer is, you can give their
player your red die to roll. You can change your mind at any
When the last character is killed, who has the most points re-
veals themselves as the true killer. Obviously, they weren’t
really dead. They narrate the epilogue, explain how they faked
their death, and reveal their motive in details.
And We Are All Together
James Wallis
Stare at the player on your left. Blink slowly. When you open
your eyes, your body has been possessed by the mind of the player
on your right.
As a group you have one hour to work out what just happened, why
it’s happened to you, and how to reverse it. If you don’t then
the effects get weirder.
Each of you knows one relevant thing. Each of you also has one
secret or repressed memory, which you will recall if another
player confronts you about it.
Anonymous Correspondence
Science Fiction
These genres are placed into a hat. Each player draws one theme
at random.
The player to have last written and posted a letter begins the
The second player does the same as the first but signs the letter
off as the fictional character dictated by the player before them.
The last player will eventually assign a role to the first player.
Once players have been assigned their roles they must stay as
that character for the remainder of the game.
This continues around the circle until the players have reached a
satisfactory conclusion.
Another multiverse story
Petr Šarkovský
1. Sit down in a group of friends with some random food, dice &
2. Write down the 3 most describing things or secrets about your-
self and hide the paper till later.
3. Together choose a world to play in.. mind what your world
looks like, how the people see it and how strong your heroes are
within your story.
4. Choose your hero’s skillset.
5. Go one after each other, say your heroes skillset and briefly
share vision of your character’s past, skills, looks and dreams..
others then contribute their ideas for your character which you
may or may not implement.
6. Together invent a basic plot of your story.
7. Look at the scribbling about yourself from earlier and incor-
porate yourself into your character to the best of your ability.
8. Take 10+ minutes to eat, chill and imagine where can your
story go.. discussion still encouraged!
9. Give a narrator’s coin to the best speaker to act as the first
narrator, whenever there is an initiative speaker to take on nar-
rating, current narrator may or may not hand him the coin.
10. Play your story to the ends on your imaginations ..and have
Anti Heroes
But all heroes are dead. We are alone. Only the worst ones re-
mains. And they are our only chance to survive.
Jeriko “Ivan the terrible”
Horus “Ramses”
Stunner ”Attila”
Okto ”Gengis Khan”
Firefly ”Saladin”
Dirt ”Erik the Red”
Malebot ”Vlad Tepes”
Anti Heroes put you in the role of the most dangerous badass of
the entire galaxy.
Former military gone mad in warzone, bodyparts dealers from the
most violent syndicates of the solar system or renown murderers
just escaped from maximum security, each of them has a part of
the riddle somewhere in their twisted mind.
Thyl de Mackisuuell
The game:
The narrator describes an Event in detail, then a player turn
consists of the player giving voice to an errant thought, worry,
or doubt the protagonist has. After describing how this thought
impairs the protagonist, the narrator and player each flip one
Two heads: the protagonist is unimpeded
One head: the player describes how scared and weak the pro-
tagonist feels
No heads: the player narrates the protagonist’s feelings and
The narrator adjusts the story going forward. Repeat.
Continue until all players have had two turns. The narrator then
describes the fate of our protagonist.
Post game:
The players win; anxiety always wins. Hug each other and go out
for lunch.
Chris Martens
Give each a name and description. Assign stats for hero & oppo-
sition: ⭐ (wealth) 🔮 (magic/creativity) 🏆(empathy/charm) ⚔️
tellect/wit) ⚡(spirit/resolve) by drawing 5 cards and taking the
maximum in each suit.
Arena of Popularity but no Death nor Magic
Prophecy Breaker
After each fight, players can get up to 1 point for each different
stat they used to hit an opponent.
If (opponent’s popularity - your popularity) is positive roll
that many d6s For each even number, +1 to your popularity. For
each roll of 1, -1 to your popularity.
Sample NPC:
Lycantroop Gunner (Popularity 5)
Head5 MH2 FH1 Body2 Legs3
Gun (OH vs. Any)
Bite (Head vs. Body/Legs/OH/MH)
ARG(h) an Augmented Reality Game (human)
Ben Walker
You are playing a character that is just like you only measurably
less anxious about things and slightly more competent. Everyone
you meet today will be interacting with that character instead of
you, as such all insults, judging looks and other abuse is part
of an elaborate larp and should be ignored when you go ooc at the
end of the day. Conversely any appreciation or compliments you
get should still be taken to heart because roleplaying well is
hard. Blue booking is encouraged as is helping new players with
understanding their environment but do not go overboard as mis-
takes are part of the fun. Remember debrief and aftercare are a
Strong: d12
Twisty: d8
Sneaky: d20
Sticky: d10
Wicked: d4
Demeaning: d6
Once you’ve used a technique, you are too exhausted to use it for
the rest of the day. You may regain it by BANTERING with someone,
which is like ARM-WRESTLING except that you regain a technique if
you win and only lose the die you use if you lose.
As the Crow Flies
M. Quintanilla
One of you must bear the Coffer, the other the Key. Begin by
placing a secret into the Coffer, one each.
Secrets are…
*Known only by you
*Devastating if revealed
*Intimately connected to a Nexus
*Written on scraps of paper
When you bear the Coffer, spend your days walking through the
City alone as if you did not carry such dark secrets. Follow the
crows to the places they gather, search for the things which have
fallen through the cracks; something, anything that reminds you
of one of your Secrets. This is your Nexus.
Now find your consort, place your Nexus and its corresponding
Secret into the Coffer, and choose 1:
*Unburden Yourself
*Make your Offering
When you unburden yourself, exchange the Coffer for the Key and
all related duties.
When you reach your destination, open the Coffer. Leave. Hope
against all hope that they find your offering worthwhile.
Ashes of the Sun
Jason Pitre
Astrum Arcanis
Z.W. Garth
Divide a Tarot Deck into decks for Major Arcana and individual
Draw three cards from the Major Arcana. Use them as prompts to
define your ship’s
Original Purpose, Weapons, and Body.
Narrate with players where they are, what they’re doing. Continue
until conflict arises or a player risks serious failure. If a ship
refuses to back down, assign a challenge number 1-10. Player must
discard a card—if they cannot meet or beat the challenge with an
appropriate card, narrate failure. On success, draw a new card
if available from the deck. Damage systems until the fleet falls
www.WoodardWeird.com • @zwgarth
Lucas Hald
At the End of the World
Laura Wood
You are together. Maybe you’re the only people who knew it was
happening, maybe you care about each other above anyone else,
maybe you have nowhere else to go, maybe there’s another reason
Where did you live, before? What did you dream of? What do you
want now? What’s your secret? How do you feel about the others?
How do you feel about yourself?
You know now that there’s no hope. Are you angry? Scared? What
have you lost? Will you comfort each other? Argue?
Do you give into despair? Try to give the others false hope? What
do they need? What do you need?
Do you need to talk? Can you bear to be silent? This is the last
chance to tell the truth.
(Set a timer)
You’re on a beach together. You say goodbye. Hold hands. Then
Stephen Danic
Modern day adventure-travellers meet, share stories, and
You’re getting to know each other. Ask questions. Who are they,
where do they come from, what’s it like there, how did they af-
ford the trip, how do they feel about important issues, etc?
At any point, you may offer to “hookup” with someone. Invite them
to join you on your next trip to (where?).
Luca Bonisoli
3-6 players.
In a parallel universe, after middle school half the students
must be kicked out of school. You are teachers (choose your sub-
jects) and must decide the fate of a group of students. Theoreti-
cally only grades and behavior matter, but your decisions cannot
be questioned, therefore you are free to consider any factor
(family, friends, medical conditions, wealth, racism, sexism,
- One teacher (the Leader) introduces a student: name, gender,
appearance, geographical origin.
- Every teacher narrates 2 flashbacks, showing a good reason to
make the student pass and a good reason to make her fail. Start
narrating with “I remember…”, stick to your personal viewpoint
and don’t contradict what has already been established.
- Discuss for exactly 5 minutes.
- Vote either Fail (raise your hand and say “Bad student”) or
Pass (do nothing). The majority wins. On a tie, the Leader’s vote
- The Leader narrates a flashforward telling the student’s future.
- Change the Leader and repeat for the next student, until all
players have been Leaders.
Lastly, if less than half the students are kicked out, one teach-
er must be fired. Vote by pointing a finger and saying “Bad teach-
er”. Break the ties by voting again.
Asaf Kazachinsky
Be Like Water
Michael Dunn-O’Connor
1 Player, 1 GM
GM creates Opponent.
Describe the…
· cowards who abandoned you.
· forbidden method that surpassed training.
· reasons you killed your mentor.
Player creates: 1D6 attack pool and 1D6 injury pool.
Repeat #.
Roll attack pool.
4-6: hits opponent.
1 hit: Stunned
2: Disarmed
3: Injured
4: Dying
Otherwise, continue.
Injured Opponent: +1D6
Disarmed: -1D6
Injured: +1D6
Disarmed Opponent: -1D6
Bearing Witness
David Deschamps
Before Bedtime
Mixu Lauronen
Birthday equilibrium
You all work in the same office. Go in order and introduce your-
self. What kind of employee are you? Hardworking? Awkward? Unre-
The next person decides your position in the company - CEO, jani-
tor or anything in between.
Oddly enough, you all have birthdays in the next few weeks. You
can ask for one of the following:
1. Chocolate ($10)
2. Book ($30)
3. Whiskey ($60)
4. Game ($100)
Secretly write down your desired gift, whose party you’ll skip,
and how will you divide your budget on others.
Black Mass
michael murray
Blank state
Guillaume Clerc
# GM:
When the players ask you something, answer “yes”, “yes, but...”,
“how do you do it?” or “rephrase the question”.
# Players :
You can have 5 skills, but start with only one: “basic program-
ming, 5”.
Ask questions. Describe what you’re doing.
Blaze of Glory
Jake Simon
Now, you have been poisoned by your former employers, and you are
about to die.
Agent and Employer each take one standard deck of playing cards.
Aces low.
Employer takes a card from their deck, looks at it, and plays it
face down, narrating a challenge based on the suit (challenge
type) and number (difficulty).
Hearts: Social
Diamonds: Security
Spades: Environmental
Clubs: Combat
Agent takes three cards from their deck as their Hand. Each suit
represents an Approach to the challenge.
Hearts: Suave
Diamonds: Gadget
Spades: Stealthy
Clubs: Violent
Agent plays one card and narrates how they tackle the problem
based on their Approach.
After Agent plays their last card, they die in action, going out
in a Blaze of Glory.
Bloodfeud – Diplomacy with Vampire
Ben H
Each night connive and socialise with the others, trading re-
sources freely, then take one action (revealed and resolved
simultaneously); adding trait bonuses fitting the narrative and
choosing applicable targets. You may aid others with your traits.
If Blood reaches 0 you wither and die. If The Hunt hits 10, ev-
eryone gets staked.
Bloody Hair: A Tale of Barbaric Combat
Konstantinos Dimopoulos
Hairy Barbarian:
Statistics: Speed, Hairiness, Combat, Dodge. Assign 8, 6, 6, 4.
Hit points = Hairiness + 2. Intelligence = 10 - Hairiness.
Generic Tooth-Beast:
Speed: 7, Combat: 6, Dodge: 6, Hit points: 5
Un-barbaric Actions:
Any action the player attempts that the GM deems too civilized
will require at least one success on an Intelligence test.
Combatants act in Speed order. Attacker rolls Combat dice + Weap-
on dice versus defender’s Dodge dice. Difference equals to hit
points lost (if any).
Weapon Examples:
Bone club: +1 Combat / +1 Speed, Obsidian sword: +2 Combat
Boasters round the table
Fate cards can only be used once a round and give an additional
+2 or -2 to a other players tale. You cannot use it on your own
Andrew Harrison
You are a SKELETON, and you have been animated by your GAME MAS-
TER to complete a mission.
Whenever the GM deems your TASK hard enough, you must roll a D6.
SKELETONS can’t die, but they can lose LIMBS. When you fail a
TASK, lose a LIMB.
You can also sacrifice a LIMB before rolling to automatically
succeed a TASK.
Draw your SKELETON on a piece of paper, and tear off a LIMB when
you lose it in game.
A SKELETON with no RIGHT LEG or LEFT LEG attempts to steal a car.
They successfully break the window, and unlock the door, then get
in the driver seat.
As you lose LIMBS you will need to become more creative in your
solutions to the TASKS that you face.
Boom Boom Car Bots
Marina Rose
This game is meant to be played while in the car. Make sure the
driver is okay with this game being played. This game can be
played with 2-4 players. You will need up to 10 six-sided dice
for each player or a dice rolling app on your phone and other
cars on the road. One person will say, “Ready, Set, Go.” Every-
one has 10 seconds to find a car that will be their Car Bot. When
you find the one you like you have to call it out to claim it. No
two people can use the same car. Once everyone has their cars
you roll dice equal to the first number on the license plate, 0
will count as 10 dice. You add up the total and whoever has the
highest amount yells “BOOM BOOM CAR BOTS!” and wins that Car Bot
battle! Replay as many times as you wish the winner keeps the Car
Bot that they chose from the previous battle. Whoever wins the
most amount of times is the ultimate winner.
Make sure to obey all traffic laws and do not distract your driv-
er. The driver CANNOT play because of how unsafe it is.
Border Crossing
Frankie Garza
You stood in line waiting for hours on a bridge to cross into the
United States. Your university is on the other side, and you have
class today. Now you just need to go through the border patrol
checkpoint. Roll a 1d6 and consult your results. 1-2: You are a
Mexican born citizen with a student visa. 3-4: You were born in
the United States, but your parents live in and are from Mexico;
they hope you can have a better life. 5-6: You are an American
born student who just went to Mexico for fun. Roll a 1d6, then
add your first result. 10+: You have no problem; have a good day.
7-9: They ask a bunch of questions, making you late and annoyed.
6 or less: You spend the next several hours in a room where they
ask you questions like: “Why are you crossing?”, “What were
you doing in Mexico?”, “Why do you want to go into the United
States?” You miss all your classes, and after a while they let
you go. Once in America, discuss why you think the border patrol
treated you a certain way, and how you feel about it.
Botany Bay
March Games
Each botanist takes a sheet of paper and four Favours per bot-
anist lecturing. Fold the sheet into four sections. Draw the
following elements:
A flower
A leaf
A root
A seed
Briefly speaking
Albert ‘NoCultist’
Bring Forth the Hippocrene
S. Tan
Melete (Practice)
Mneme (Memory)
Aoide (Song)
=Seek Inspiration=
Choose another poet and agree on a Muse to seek. Describe how.
Each gain an Inspiration for that Muse with Quality = 1d6 - 4 +
Mneme. Write down the Quality, Muse, and idea.
Choose an Inspiration, describe the resulting scene, and write a
representative line on a piece of paper. Destroy the Inspiration.
Choose a scene, crumple, and discard it. Describe your new idea.
The play with the highest total Quality + 3x votes wins the Ivy
Characters (noun) | Objective |
| 1 | Neon Neo-Tokyo cityscape | Retired |
Gun-priestesses | Depose the Phantom Queen |
| 2 | Luxurious Castle d’Amour | Undercover |
Gladiators | Find your new home |
| 3 | Massive draconic empire | Glam-rock |
Fairies | Recover the Imperial Codex |
| 4 | Sleepy French village | Cyberpunk |
Demigods | Clear your names |
| 5 | Heavy metal apocalypse | Parkour-savvy |
Geniuses | Rescue your sibling(s) |
| 6 | Haunted pirate starcruiser | Teenage |
Dinosaurs | Escape the Burning |
|d6 |
| 1 | Characters have 3 unwavering principles. For
important actions, roll 1d6. You succeed on 4+. Sacrifice a prin-
ciple (before rolling) for +2. |
| 2 | For important actions, roll 1d6. Success
thresholds vary by method: Violence (2+), Deception (3+), Confi-
dence (4+), Compassion (5+). |
| 3 | Create 5 NPC bonds each. After important
actions, roll 1d6 to test a bond: 1–2, it breaks; 3–4, it chang-
es; 5–6, it strengthens. |
| 4 | Each player has 3 tokens. For important
actions, you only succeed if someone else spends 1 token. At 0
tokens, your character dies. |
| 5 | Each scene, draw cards for starting emotions (heart =
bitterness, club = horror, diamond = sympathy, spade = suspicion)
and intensity (two = lowest, ace = highest). |
| 6 | Characters have 5 vices, numbered
1-5. For important actions, roll 1d6. If you roll a vice’s num-
ber, you must indulge it. |
Brian Poe
A GMless Game of Treachery and Crime for 4
Every character has 3 hit points and a gun. Each character takes
turns entering the warehouse.
The first to arrive describes why the group gathers. This de-
scription must include:
Something valuable.
Something illegal.
After the last player has arrived the first player introduces them
by name. Play then proceeds openly.
Bunk Beds
adam mcconnaughey
When someone asks you a question, it’s your turn. Answer it fully
and honestly (in character), then ask another friend a question.
Now it’s their turn. You don’t need to go in order, but try to
make sure everyone gets to go.
By the Book
Isle In The Heavens
- a GM willing to cook up a bizarre story on the spot, and
- a book they have read.
The GM turns to the last page of proper text. The number of
letters in the last word become the ‘target value’, against which
actions are checked for success.
Also on this page, the GM looks for both an adjective and a noun
they like.
The game:
Welcome to the adventures of “Paige Master and the [adjective]
The world is once again at peril and only Paige Master and her
friends can prevent the worst by defeating/finding/(...) the epon-
ymous McGuffin.
To resolve actions the GM deems ‘non-trivial’, turn to the next
page, beginning with the first page of proper text. If the length
of the last complete word on the right page is within +-2 let-
ters of the target value, they succeed. Once a game, players may
decide collectively to reset the target value to the last checked
Narrate successes and failures collaboratively - in dubio pro
Every player starts at 10HP - with each failure deducting 1HP -
and is removed from play after reaching 0HP.
Win by finishing your story!
Eli Kurtz
You are two ninja masters. Your clans have sworn to destroy each
other. It’s a caltrop battle!
Any team that loses twice is destroyed. Battle until one master
has no more ninjas. The defeated ninja master attacks the ene-
my’s stronghold alone! Ninja masters roll 3d4 as a base, +1d4 for
roleplay. They may reroll 1d4 for each ninja team still under
their command. The winner of this battle is the ultimate ninja
You are an expert thief with a trusty bag of caltrops who has
(almost) completed a big heist. The guard chases you through the
city, so escape or face capture. Choose a specialization which
provides a dice pool of d4 and a special ability.
0 – Failure
1 – Partially Successful
2 – Completely Successful
A “Flurry” occurs when one die remains, add all spent dice back
to the pool then immediately roll them. On a failure, there is a
major complication and you reduce your dice pool by half. Suc-
cesses should be glorious and do not remove dice from the pool.
Continue the chase.
Dale Elvy
Captain’s Table
Gem Newman
Each captain shares their story. Who (or what) are you? How did
you become captain?
In turn, swap tales. Roll 2D6 against the captain to your left.
Winner names a tale of your adventures: strange folk, dangerous
creatures, hidden places. Loser chooses:
Secretly select one ally, then reveal. Allies pool resources and
act as one. If chosen captain doesn’t reciprocate, take +2 SCARS
and you are WOUNDED.
In turn, pick another captain to attack, rolling 2D6 <= SKILL.
Hit captains roll 2D6 <= SCARS or are WOUNDED; if WOUNDED again,
they DIE. Consuming a SUPPLY allows rerolling.
Card Sharks
Dylan Shields
Deal the whole deck. During each round, each player plays a card
face down. Turn order goes from the Ace up to the King. During
the first round, the first player describes the treasure, each
other player describes an elaborate security measure.
After the last cards are played, the cops arrive and arrest ev-
eryone who has not escaped.
Seven, Ten: Write two actions, choose one when you act.
Cards of Magi
Asix Jin
Deck of Cards (No Jokers)
One d12 die
Players win by getting opponent down to zero points
-Players start with 100 points and five cards
-Decide first move with players rolling the die with the lower
roll going first
*Focus: Shuffle any number of cards into the deck and draw
the same amount. Gain three points for Face cards or one point
for non-face cards discarded.
Carfax Abbey
Keith A. Garrett
Players then resolve the story with dialogue, drama, scandal, and
Carry On
Daniel Fowler
Pick a captain.
Free RP resumes.
The mission ends after all officers have picked or there are no
more encounters.
A pencil, a 3”x5” notecard, two coins, some poor fool to be your
Game Moderator, already knowing what a “RPG” is.
Write out a description on the notecard. Make it cool but not
stupid. If the the GM doesn’t like or can’t read it, erase every-
thing, start over.
Read good books, watch cool movies, riff away on your own ver-
When something is in doubt, toss a coin, heads you succeed, tails
you fail. If things are in your favor, flip two coins and succeed
if either lands heads. If you’re disadvantaged, flip two coins and
fail if either lands tails. GM and player hash out what failing,
succeeding, advantaged and disadvantaged actually means. What’s
written on your card matters.
If you get walloped, flip your card over; you can’t use any of
the stuff written on it until you’re fixed. If another really bad
thing happens before you’re fixed, game over.
Mark your card’s corner when the GM agrees you’ve achieved some-
thing especially awesome. After you’ve marked all four corners,
get a fresh card, rewrite your character, but a little more
amazing now.
Cat Wrangling
Larry Hamilton
Start with 2d6 cats and one method. Each turn there will be 1d6
new cats in your neighborhood, and 2d6 cats attempting to escape.
Tick marks keep track of cats, food, and litter. Starting methods
on index cards are assigned randomly.
Catalyst of Annihilation
Rach Shelkey
Describe who the characters are and how they know each other.
Discuss tone and setting (mythic, mundane, supernatural, mili-
tary, sci-fi, etc).
Asker, ask a leading or prying question starting with Who, What,
Where, When, Why, or How.
Answerer, pick a response from the list below and flesh out the
past, present or future as directed. Then, start a new round as
the Asker.
Refuse to answer the question. It reminds you of a past failure.
Flashback to a past frustration that brought you here.
Lie or stall. Something in the present is more pressing. Describe
a change in the immediate scene.
Describe a scene at the end of the world. Include the correspond-
ing prompt’s detail from the table below. Then, answer the ques-
tion in the present. Cross off the question’s prompt.
Prompt... Detail
Who... Concluding regret.
What... Desecrated touchstone.
Where... Profane bodies.
When... Devoured hope.
Why... Gnawing void.
How... Cataclysmic instrument.
The game ends when all prompts are spent and the world’s fate is
Catch the Thief
Charles Ward
Catch the Thief is an RPG for three or more players and a GM.
Each player takes a pencil and a square grid sheet. They state
their unique starting location, and write it in the middle of
their own sheet. The GM secretly adds those locations randomly to
their own sheet. Only the GM knows where the locations are rela-
tive to each other.
Cats Herding Humans
Keith J. Schnelle
Caution: Hot!
Solomon Key
On THEIR turn:
drink from your cup, listening quietly.
add to/change their narration, but don’t drink.
Celestial Bureaucrats
Karl Larsson
When the job was done, God dissolved the bureaucracy, put their
souls into the wheel of reincarnation, and took her leave. She
hasn’t been seen since.
List of domains:
Example commandments
Animals mustn’t suffer
Children must know hope
No one shall rule over others
Everyone is equal
Brie Sheldon
Lie your back on the floor with three friends near, your heads
together. Each fare has two identical coins. Place the coins on
your eyelids. One fare should remove their coins, read one line,
flip coins in the air and return them to their eyes as instructed,
and then pass the script until no coins remain. If a fare has no
coins, they read, but pass the opposite direction.
*At the edge of the river filled with souls, Charon invites you.*
(Flip both coins, return heads, max one.)
*In the boat, Charon guides you.* (Flip both coins, return tails,
max one.)
The river’s dead reach for you. (Flip one coin, return heads, max
*At the shore, Charon bids you farewell.* (Flip one coin, return
tails, max one.)
*You step forth, but look back.* (Flip both coins, replace or
keep one.)
_When all coins remain on the ground, count the number of heads
and tails for each fare._
Chris Kinniburgh
2-6 players.
Go around the table clockwise, and say when you were last angry
enough to yell or slam your fist. The player to the left of the
most recently angry player begins.
Children of the Con
Neal Moogk-Soulis
Character Creation:
Determine a pop culture world, an archetype, and two Traits.
Player Roles:
Narrator: The referee tells the story and determines outcomes.
Fans: The other players.
How to Play:
1. Create fans and figure out how they know each other.
2. The Narrator sets up Part One, describing the convention and
action and then giving each fan a scenario where they are the
The players and narrator tell a three-part story. Each character
has one scenario per Part. Scenes take 5-10 minutes.
3. In Part Two players describe the events of their scenario, but
the narrator guides the story, adding complications and determin-
ing outcomes.
If in doubt use a challenge of some kind (roll highest on 1d6,
rock/paper/scissors, thumb war). Describe and move the story
4. In Part Three the narrator describes what happens to each fan.
Players can demand challenges.
Sean Smith
Cast some d6 equal to your the most relevant score, keeping ex-
actly two, versus the gamesmaster’s d12. Do you succeed?
- I scored lower: NO, AND things worsen
- I scored higher: YES, BUT things complicate
- We match: YES AND the dreamland alters in your favour
Consult your non-dominant palm; look for the biggest gap between
your fingers:
- First and second: confident, increase ambition and responsibili-
ty by 2 each.
- Second and third: responsive, increase responsibility and cre-
ativity by 2 each.
- Third and final: independent, increase creativity and communica-
tion by 2 each.
- Negligible difference: practical, increase all values by 1.
Next, decide:
- Head line: What is your biggest achievement?
- Heart line: What are you afraid of?
- Life line: To whom do you owe your life?
You seek the Major Arcana personality numbered as the time now
according to the 24h clock. Denizens of the dreamland roll 2d12
and take the highest; Tarot personalities roll 4d12 and take the
Chromed poets
Jacopo Colò
You are the two best pilots of your factions and fight each other
one last time, deciding everyone’s fate.
You compose haikus using at least one of the words listed below
in each.The fastest pilot to compose the first haiku starts.
The first pilot to use all the words below in their haikus, wins
the war. Their last haiku must describe the consequences for
their faction. The other pilot gets then to write a final haiku
with any word to describe the consequences for everyone else.
Close Encounters
Karolina Soltys
_/ Characters
\_ Riley
. High-profile attorney, orders Benzos from darknet.
\_ Morgan
. Unemployed, struggles with writing a novel about alien abduc-
\_ Channing
. Adolescent child of Riley and Morgan.
. Used to have imaginary friends from a different world.
_/ Channing’s Act
. School Psychologist discusses Channing’s falling grades.
.. Family argument: Channing’s grades.
... Channing’s only friend, Tyler, brought some ecstasy.
: Abduction.
.: Morgan + Channing.
..: Tyler suggests joyriding.
...: School Psychologist + Riley + Channing.
_/ Morgan’s Act
. Morgan + literary agent.
.. Family argument: Morgan’s writing.
... Ufology club. Morgan + guru.
: Abduction.
.: Morgan + Riley.
..: Morgan + agent.
...: Ufology club. Morgan + Channing + guru.
_/ Riley’s Act
. Riley interviews their client who murdered his family believing
them to be alien impostors.
.. Family argument: Benzos.
... Riley + super-lawyer, super-parent colleague.
: Abduction.
_/ Epilogue
They find the Object. Is it proof enough?
Ben Pelcyger
The dragon’s eye explodes as your hewn stone connects from 100
yards. On the ride back to town your horse gets spooked; you
break your neck.
Players collaboratively tell a story.
Players 2-N each invent characters that Player 1 weaves into the
story. Each player controls their character’s actions in that
story...while that character lives.
Player 1 describes a setting
Players 2-N each describe a character
Player 1 tells a story which includes the setting and other
Players’ characters. Player 1 describes everything except what
the other players’ characters do. During this story, the other
players interject to describe the actions of their characters.
The game ends when the story is complete or until Player 2-N’s
characters are all dead.
and define each player as a specific character in it. The turn-tak-
er MUST start the scene by saying “pretend [X happens].” At any
time, the turn-taker can end their turn and the player to their
left goes next.
After all “nuh-uh!” tokens have been spent, each player gets to
narrate one more action to wrap up the story. Discuss and vote
who was COOLEST during the story. That player wins!
Come up with a catchy e after playtesting
Dalen W Brauner
Your turn, roll to hit. Enemy’s turn, roll to dodge. What if you
want to wait for an opening? Make a powerful attack at the cost
of a windup? Emulate the beautiful tension of dodging a blow at
the very last available second?
Let’s not measure Turns, but Tenths (of a second). An Ogre gets
the jump on Tim and Dave, begins to windup: 7 Tenths. Tim notic-
es, stabs swifty- weakly, but only 4 Tenths- leaving enough time
to Guard. Dave took a Tenth to react, so he waits... one Tenth...
two Tenths... then ducks, followed by a Slash before the Ogre’s
lifted up his club. Tim finishes defending but spends a Tenth to
listen- swore he just heard the drawstring on a bow...
Coming Close To Home - A Workshop
Jonathan Jung Johansen
Talk about themes in your game.
Get an object.
Make two hand signs.
The person holding the object is the Speaker. Look at the Lens.
The Lens uses hand signs to direct the Speaker. Go slow.
-The Door-
Bid them
Synchronize breath and mimic that person
Open their eyes.
Ross Rockafellow
Lauren Amber
Sit across from each other with a shuffled deck of cards between
you. The younger player establishes the scene and at least one
character, “The camera opens upon...”/ “Once upon a time….” Do
not yet introduce plot or problems.
(BLACK cards are scene cards). Expand upon the scene by adding
detail or characters. Continue until a RED card is drawn; now
the game changes.
Alternately: Flip a coin/roll a die. Heads/evens= BLACK. Tails/
odds= RED.
Tim Zubizarreta
Jonny Garcia
You are a police officer who work on the streets. You fight the
crime: violence, burglary, murder, drugs, etc. You always work
with a partner(another player). If there an even number of play-
ers, than one player is working undercover.
One player is the Crimelord, which is going to throw shit at the
characters’ lives. Under charged situations they can ask for a
roll to see if players succeed. Players start with 3d6, and need
4 or higher on 2 dice. If players fail, they can turn it into a
success by adding stress dice (3 minus total of success; use a
different colour dice). When partners work together, both receive
an extra dice.
Success granted by stress dice or when players add them allow the
Crimelord to create a complication. The more stress dice, the
tougher is the complication.
Each player has one trait. They need to choose one word that
describe something their character is good at. When the trait
applies they have an extra die.
Remove 1 stress dice at the begging of each session and when
players do something to relax. The Crimelord can remove a stress
dice to throw a complication anytime.
Cosmic Trickster
Jacob Soderlund
Nominate one person to be the Game Master. The rest are aliens
from the planet Rymulus - a world where anything that rhymes is
true. As a group, decide on a goal for the aliens - e.g. assassi-
nating the president or creating a successful mountain bike hire
The game ends when the aliens achieve their goal or give up.
Cedric Plante
End of turn
>Interceptors ties cancel each other.
>Highest die: +1 momentum die!
>Courrier tying with a interceptor: both can gain momentum.
>At momentum 4+: deliver the package if you have the highest
>Players with 0 momentum refresh 1 die.
>Reveal the nature of the recipient faction.
>As the recipient faction: hire a new player to be the next cour-
Crafty Monsters: An RPG of battling monsters
Nicholas Fletcher
You play a wizard who can bind monsters to follow your will; you
start with 2 bound monsters.
Wizards can have 6 monsters bound, but only 1 summoned.
You can summon, unsummon and unbind monsters as you wish.
Monster Creation:
Roll for element, power and domain.
1: Lightning (overpowers Fire, Ice)
2: Fire (overpowers Ice, Wild)
3: Ice (overpowers Wild, Stone)
4: Wild (overpowers Stone, Wind)
5: Stone (overpowers Wind, Lightning)
6: Wind (overpowers Lightning, Fire)
1: Shade (0 Force, overpowers Master)
2-3: Lesser (1 Force)
4-5: Greater (2 Force)
6: Master (3 Force)
1-3: Abyss (overpowers Shadow)
4-5: Shadow (overpowers Light)
6: Light (overpowers Abyss)
When two monsters fight, each rolls 1d6+Force+1d6 per overpower.
Higher total wins; loser takes 1 damage; 2 damage defeats a mon-
A defeated bound monster is unsummoned and can’t be summoned
again for 24 hours.
A defeated loose monster is destroyed unless bound right away
(roll 1d6; bind on 4+).
Wizards can’t fight; if attacked by a monster, they die.
Wizards can’t be attacked while they have monsters summoned.
Crazy Conversation
Robert Stohler
Players take turns trying to get another player to say specific
words in a specific time or go crazy.
First player is player with the oldest phone then proceeds clock-
Active player rolls a D6 to determine how many words player to
the left must say.
Player to the right determines the words in the conversation by
writing them down and handing to active player. (words in English
Active player has two minutes to produce results with either
questions or statements to illicit desired response from the
player to his left. (player to the right is deciding judge and
keeps count)
If successful, players not involved in the conversation lose XD6
collectively from sanity, where X represents the number of words
originally assigned, with active player assigning dice as they
see fit, where total number of dice assigned equals X.
If unsuccessful, active player loses XD6 from sanity, where X
equals the number of words originally assigned.
Starting sanity is based on desired times of game. Once a player
is insane, still in the game but has developed OCD and must hear
every word three times. Last player with sanity left is the
Crazy Greedy Hitler Puppet
Dan Maruschak
Luke Nickerson
Spontaneous Creation
Starting with the First Cycle, take turns describing concepts,
ideas, and stories to add to the fiction, assigning them points
based on a three-point scale.
Players begin each round with 3 points each, and may spend them
in any order. Altering another player’s creation costs 1 more
point than originally spent.
Once all players have spent their points for a round, as a group
decide whether to move on to a new cycle or continue another
round in the current cycle.
Moving to a new cycle indicates the passage of time, possibly
eons, and a narrowing of focus, with ideas getting smaller in
scope and impact.
Sample Cycles
1st - Universal Laws
2nd - Elder Gods
3rd - Galaxy, Stars, Time
4th - Sun, System, Planets
5th - Prime Planet
6th - Additional Celestial beings
7th - Geography, Climate
8th - Flora, Fauna
9th - Intelligent races
10th - Age of Myth
11th - Civilization
Crisis Ascending
N. D. Christie
Each hand, one player, Crisis, deals three Heroes clockwise seven
cards each from the 7-K of four suits, keeping the remaining
seven. The final Hero dealt is Chosen.
Crisis discards blindly from any player’s hand. Its suit becomes
Ascendant. The hand begins.
Cross the Floor
J Li
Two players.
Decide together:
- Where were you then?
- What did you share?
- What did each person do wrong?
You have not seen one another since, until this moment. It
doesn’t matter where you are or what brought you here.
Decide together:
- How long has it been?
- What is different about the world these days?
It begins.
When you meet, at the right moment, raise your hand before you in
a fist.
Make eye contact, take one breath together. Release it.
Then open your hands. Palm up means you choose to forgive them.
Palm down means you choose to kill them.
Cross The Kitchen
Ethan Myerson
Each round, players roll the d6, moving the hero up to that many
feet toward the next checkpoint; and the d12 to check for hazards
and boons. If the d12 comes up odd, the player has encountered
a hazard. The opposing player(s) determine the nature and effect
of the hazard. On an even roll, the player encounters a boon,
and decides herself the effect of the powerup. Hazards and boons
affect the hero’s speed, abilities, or the environment. The high-
er the roll, the more significant the effect (1 is the smallest
possible hazard, 2 the smallest possible boon, etc).
Will Gibson
The Cryptid player and the successful Hunter split any money
spent on Research.
The successful Hunter then picks a new Cryptid and play contin-
Jesse Coombs
If you lost the last game you played, you instead play a parasit-
ic worm, controlling a host body. Don’t reveal this.
When you check the computer, roll 2d20. Pick a result. If you are
a worm, you must choose the lowest value.
Cyber Beetles
Hannah Dwan
The players are a couple in a cyperpunk world, both 100% flesh and
bone. Begin by describing themselves: emotionally and physically,
of their flaws and strengths in a world where augmentations to fix
problems are available.
The game ends once a player has replaced their entire body. It is
up to the players whether this is good or bad.
Daffodils for William
Eva Schiffer
Once you had a dear friend, William, but now he is gone. This is
a game about remembering for two to five people.
Someone should bring food, and someone should bring cut flowers.
If possible, someone should bring a picnic blanket.
Have a picnic and take turns telling stories about William. Talk
about how your friendship with William changed you and why you
will miss him. Be sure to mention when you met William and the
last time you saw him. When you finish a story lay a flower on
William’s grave.
Daily Heroes
Paul J Hodgeson
Maciej Zefir Starzycki
Find somewhere, where absolutely no one will see you. Find the
music track that gives you strength and energy, and makes you
want move and play it.
Start dancing. Forget what you know about dancing, just do what
you feel. Random moves, silly moves, wild moves, whatever you
body tells you.
Follow your body.
Dance and roll for each phase you go through (at least 4 times)
Dark and Cold
Kacper Woźniak
All players roll d6, one with the lowest value is a Guide who
draws the map with 6+d6 rooms, others roll d4 for their Purpose,
player on the left describes a:
1 | Person
2 | Object
3 | Beast
4 | Place
| | How many...
Body | strength, agility | ...hits you can take
Mind | wisdom, intelligence | ...die you can reroll
Senses | hearing, sight, intuition |
Describe who you are, pick three skills you have and two items
you took with you.
1 | None
2 | Any
3 | Monster
Das Magikapital
Greg Barnsdale
Das Magikapital
Fantasy-Industrial Class Struggle
-- Roll 2d6 --
10-12 success - 2 choices
7-9 challenges - 1 choice, 1 cost
2-6 failure - consequences
[+/-] roll 3d6 ~ best/worse two
choices, costs
(greater, safer, development
loss, damage, complication
others - detail)
Actions are
Arcane, Brutal or Crafty - Assign [+,-]
You have
a favour, a debt, meager possessions
Date Mates
Taylor LaBresh
Spread ten candles around you. Light one. Turn off most of the
You are now on an adventure called The Date. Talk about what you
do on The Date and how cute it is. Anything you wanna do is great
and if you say it, you do it.
If it’s especially cute, roll as many six sided dice as there are
candles lit. For every 6, choose from this list: read aloud one
of your cute cards, add a detail to the scene, change locations,
or switch to a new activity.
Play until all ten candles are lit and you have revealed all the
things you think are cute about your fellow players.
Death by Chocolate
Greg Sweeney
Game board and cards from the game Candyland
Piece representing each Child player.
Choose a player to be the murderous chocolate factory Owner.
Other players are Children touring the factory. Each Child choos-
es a virtue and vice. Place pieces at Start.
The Owner describes each fantastical, candy-filled room of the
factory and the deathtraps tailored to the Children’s vices. The
Children try to survive the rooms and escape the factory. The
last Child left alive inherits the factory and lifelong night-
If the card does not match their space, they may move forward to
the next space of that color and succeed.
If it’s a double card, they must move forward two spaces of that
color to succeed.
If it’s a location card, they may move to that location and suc-
ceed even if it is behind them. If they do, they also find an ally
or item to help them.
Death Metal
The Singer rolls a d20 and hands out dice to members of the band
in any combination where the number of dice adds up to the number
The band may roll each dice in any order, if the total goes over
the hit points of the monster, it dies and subtracts one from all
future d20s rolled, this accumulates. Two new monsters appear.
If there are hit points left, Monsters may be combined with one
new monster to make a monstrosity which combines the hit points
of the two monsters.
If the band’s rolls equal the hit points, the monster dies.
The Singer rolls again when all dice are used up. If Singer’s
roll is 0 or negative, the game ends. Total monster destruction
at anytime ensures the next tour, otherwise glorious death!
Deathmatch Maze
Double-six domino set
Standard deck of shuffled 52 cards
Place character tokens on an open card
~5 hidden cards
~4 dominos, arranged in Strength, Speed and Intelligence piles
Each turn
Perform ONE or discard a card
~Place a domino: Ends can only touch same numbers (only X-X
can form branches)
~Create obstacle: Place card on free end with same number
~Issue quest: One per character. Place figure on free end.
Describe how to complete. Successfully demonstrate once first.
Move up to D6 + Speed
~Entering obstacles costs their number minus Intelligence. Can
discard cards to reduce cost (figures=10)
~Cannot enter quests
Defy. Subvert. Outwit.
Lucas Wilga
Demon Dare
Daniele Di Rubbo
Person’s player, tell the Demon’s player what could convince you.
You cannot refuse in the end.
Play out the outcome together. You can never reveal your Truth,
even if you would like to.
From the second card on, build a house-of-cards. From the third
card on, if your house-of-cards falls, your Truth comes to light.
If your Truth comes to light, make a deck with the cards of your
crumbled house-of-cards and draw one:
A-K-Q-J: You come clean (what did you learn?) and destroy a
10-9-8-7-6: Choose:
You come clean;
You get a scar, but destroy a Demon.
Rudy Johnson
After rolling, claim your dice. Its number is now yours (is it:
[vengeful], [compassionate], [destructive], [flippant], [wary], or
[perverted]?) In the future, Claim all dice showing this num-
ber, and whenever this number is the highest roll, you, not the
roller, narrate what happens (minding your number’s personality).
Life never claims dice.
When Life spits its figures at you (“She’s ‘16’ years old!”), you
may shove one or more of your number friends into Life’s lying
mouth to overwrite them (‘16’ can become ‘18’—or ‘187’—very
quickly). This changes Life, and returns dice used to the buck-
Descending from the Shoulders of Giants
Ivan Xuereb
You’ll need:
A Guide & 2 to 6 players
index cards & pens
Detachment 626
Chuck Dee
Detachment 626 is a relic from a time when imaginations believed
in threats beyond their science. Made up of people fighting to
make a difference, tasked with a mission everyone else has aban-
doned. Slowly Failing.
You might wish you had said no to the recruiter, but now the only
way out is feet first.
Narrate your operative’s description, background, and recruit-
ment. Decide on a Concept and a Trouble. Choose 5 skills, and
assign 1, 2, and 3 between the stats: Mundane (operating in the
world), Odd (operating with the supernatural), and Agency (oper-
ating in the Detachment).
When the stakes are high, choose a skill and stat. Take 2d6- one
positive, one negative. Roll, subtracting the negative from the
positive. Add stat, -2 if no skill applies.
> 0: Player narrates.
< 0: GM narrates.
= 0: Player narrates, GM narrates price.
Players roll dice. Each success gives the GM Downfall, which can
be spent anytime to subtract one from a roll, justified by the
operative’s Concept, Trouble, or current situation. The GM tracks
operative statuses, and keeps them posted. An operative that
takes two hits in the same conflict is in a world of hurt.
Dice Mafia
Weapon Examples
Hideaway Examples
Buff Examples
Attack get +1
Rolls get +2 at 1 Health
Pass Turn to Heal 1
Diceless Deeds
Skill examples:
-Wilderness survival
-Fire magic
-Knowledge of certain lore (e.g. ‘History’, ‘Monsters’)
Handicap examples:
-Chronically ill
-Belongs to a hated demographic (e.g. ‘Half-Orc’)
_ _ _ _ _
Character sheet:
- (Expertise)
Michael Faulk
The Investigators search for an item in the room that could be
possessed. They describe it to the Researcher, who looks on the
internet to find “its history.” This involves searching until they
locate a spooky story about a comparable item (Ebay is useful).
While waiting, the Investigators should describe bad vibes and
minor supernatural occurrences happening.
The Researcher runs to the room and observes the aftermath.
Divine Circles: Kingdom in Decline
Michael Parker
The Angels’ Patrons have lost Faith, so sayeth the Lord; In the
beginning, there were two (or more). One was God. The Rest;
Angels roll their Patron die, then Method die. Subtract Patron
from Method to determine Faith. If Faith is negative, God decrees
the Patrons hinder the Domain; if positive they help the Angel.
Divine Disease
Drake Williams
The gods are dying from a mysterious disease, and the world with
it. They can only hope the plague runs it course before it gets
to them. This game uses 1 deck of playing cards.
The players then draw 2 cards from the top of the deck each, and
pick 1 to play face up. Draw the next 2 cards from the deck to
the center of the table to pick the disease’s target. The first
card picks red or black, the second picks highest(red) or low-
est(black). Whoever played the deck-picked card dies and ceases
playing, or you all discard, re-deal and play again if no one
died. Describe the world as that player’s Thing disappears.
Re-shuffle all the discarded cards back into the deck before the
next elimination phase.
Play continues until all players have died, or the deck runs out
during the elimination phase. Take one last look at the world at
this point before you walk away from it.
Divine intervention
You are gods. One of thousands of gods. Each god controls one as-
pect of reality. You might be in charge of travel, animals, thun-
der, battle or whatever you decide. Write your name and domain.
Gods also have 5 artifacts each. They can use one or more to
bribe another player to decide the outcome in their favor. Alter-
natively, they can influence any other aspect of reality by dis-
carding 3 artifacts (to pay for services of appropriate god).
Do You Drink the Kool-Aid
Amber Jannusch
One Cult Leader, stat Zeal (5). Goal: convince Cultists to sui-
cide (fictionally).
One Investigator, stat Alarm (5). Goal: convince Cultists to
Remainder Cultists, stat Doubt (5). Goal: protect the cult.
Dodgy Gods: A Game of Tricksters and Trouble
Alberto Muti
Everyone, be nice.
Trickster, describe a normal day, then:
Ben Scerri
Record everything.
Casey Johnson
What’s the world like? The world may be very different from our
own, but dogs are a constant.
Choose a player: they’re the Troublemaker. They get to make trou-
ble for the other puppies to solve! Once they solve or fail it,
the player to their left becomes the new Troublemaker, and the
old one resumes playing their dog! After everyone’s made trouble
at least once, a majority can vote to move to the Final Trouble.
As a group, choose a final Troublemaker to pose the last trouble
between you and your owner(s)!
Don’t lose your marbles
João Felipe Santos
Discuss the type of story you want to tell together. Each play-
er creates a character and tells their story to the others. The
other players add one detail each to the character’s story and
associate to that detail a number of marbles that character will
starts with.
Doomsday Cult
Richard Woolcock
Players must reveal a card from their hand to resolve each chal-
lenge, using its suit to help narrate their solution:
When the deck runs out of cards, the apocalypse begins! Everyone
calculates their score, as if their cards were a poker hand. The
GM does the same using the challenge cards.
Ryan Abrams
“You all stepped out your doors and into a whole other world. Now
you must work together to find your way home.”
Players are human, and can handle minor damage, but serious inju-
ry results in lasting effects or death.
Yehuda Shapira
~ Idea ~
~ Rules ~
Double-O-Eleven: Casino Vocale
Kevin Damen
A player is “In Voice” when the player speaks using these Vocal
Traits. Anything else and the player is “Out of Voice” which ends
their turn! All players receive ten tokens. The Villain describes
a trap in which each Superspy finds
themselves. The Villain tells them the Plan. The Villain speaks
“In Voice” or hands the Superspy who caught them “Out of Voice” a
When a player leaves a room, their turn ends. The Villain can
describe a setback during their turn.
The Villain has no tokens (player who last caught the Villain
“Out of Voice” describes how they foil the plan)
Doused Flames of Magic; Matchsticks of Power
Piotr Królik Król
You need: 2-6 players, matchbox for every Mage, coin for The
Grand Inquisitor, some pencils and paper to note.
Rest players are MAGES: Your are caught by Inquisition and throw
into dungeon. You need to escape from it. Describe, one a time,
what you do to escape. If you want to cast spell, ignite match-
stick. If it doesn’t ignite in first go or it broke, magic runs
wild and rampant (other players describe). If you run out of
matchsticks, you die.
AT START: write 5 nouns on your matchbox. This is your known
spheres of magic. FORBIDDEN nouns: time, space, life or death
Down the rabbit hole
Elizabeth Lovegrove
A game for two players, who take turns playing the PC and the
Begin like Alice, following the rabbit down the rabbit hole into
Wonderland, where the usual rules don’t apply. In Wonderland,
the Narrator describes nonsense scenarios, which should include
twisted elements of the PC’s real life, while the PC reacts/in-
teracts. After five minutes, cut the scene, swap roles.
Dragon Draughts & the Mug of Wonder
David Brown
Dwarves are known for drinking, potions are mysterious, the alien
bar is exotic, and PCs are boastful. There are times where
drinking something unusual is part of the game.
Roll for each column, mix, blend on high, and serve. Use small
amounts of the ingredients!
BaseHeatSweetSupplementAlcohol (optional)
1CoffeeChili powderSnickersPureed bananaKahlua
2TeaCuminPeanut butter cupsProtein powderCrème de Menthe
3Ginger AleCayenne powderDissolved hard candy (in boiling water)
Powdered milkVodka
4Yogurt or kefirCrushed garlic Oreos or cookiePotato chips or
flakesCinnamon Schnapps
5Full fat milk or creamPureed green chiliesBrownieBlended cereal-
Blue Curacao
6Orange juiceHot sauceChocolate chipsHardboiled eggGrenadine
7Curry powderIce creamChipped Dry Ice
8Cinnamon oilRoll twiceNuts
9Crushed red pepper
Dragon Soul
Rui Anselmo
Chaos threatens the Middle Lands. The Pale King raises necrotic
armies. Insectoid demons of the Million Hells infect reality. The
mechanical warriors of the Ochre Horde are at the gates. You have
the Dragon Soul - the power of a god! Will you rise to the chal-
lenge and become a hero?
Your Soul starts at 1; for every [trait] that wow’s the other
players, raise your Soul by 1, maximum 5. Think about [traits]
that are larger than life.
Dragon Tag
Ty Oden
1). Each player chooses a color of dragon and makes a note of it.
2). Each player spreads out in the general area of play, chooses
a secretive spot for their horde, and places a note there with
their dragon color.
3). Play starts when all players have chosen their horde loca-
tions and have met back up.
4). During the game, players will scatter throughout the area,
finding things to add to their horde.
5). If a player is carrying something in their hands and gets
tagged by another player, they must drop that thing unless it
matches their dragon’s color.
6). If a player finds another player’s horde he can steal any
items from it that match his color and do not match the color of
the person who owns the horde.
7). After 10/15/20 minutes of play the timekeeper will call time
and the game will end. Each player will bring their horde back to
the starting area (or direct everyone to their horde, if neces-
sary) and the player with the coolest horde, as determined by the
other players, wins.
Dragons and Dragons
Ben Kelly
You are all dragons, you all have a base, and hoard. You can work
together or compete with each other to increase your rule.
The game takes place on a world map filled with human rules king-
doms and cities that act as NPC’s.
Base Stats:
Distribute 40 points across stats.
Personality Traits:
Plight: Your goals and duty (rule particular area, rivalry with
another dragon)
Delight: What your dragon hoards (rare artefacts, knowledge etc.)
Acolyte: Your dragons following (cultists, captured princesses
Spite: Something your dragon hates with a passion (filthy mortals,
cats etc.)
Drama Crash!
Bryan Lee Davidson-Tirca
Create 3 NPCs with quick summaries with each player related to
their character.
Present plot points, NPCs, challenges, and ends episodes.
PC Characteristics help describe the story arc.
Story challenges
Mundane challenge one pull. Simple task or circumstance.
Moderate challenge two pulls. Skilled task or circumstance.
Hard challenge three pulls. Dangerous (physically or socially)
task or circumstance.
Challenge modifications
One pull can be added or subtracted by the Narrator or Players
with Narrator approval. Max three, Minimum zero.
Drama crash
When the story tower crashes, a dramatic event happens for the
pulling player. Such as injury, loss, shame, responsibility, fine,
pregnancy, capture, knockout, or even death,
Characters can always return. Sometimes with a new trait like
clone, twin, amnesia, undead, or injured.
Character Advancement:
Characters can earn, receive, or lose Characteristics through the
story. When a story arc is finished, player choose or lose a trait
with the Narrator’s approval.
Do enjoy!
Dream Eaters
Richard Jansen-Parkes
The Dreamers are caught in web of a Dream-Eater, and the only way
out is to defeat the monster in the dreamscape.
One player is the Eater. The others are Dreamers.
The Dreamers establish the dreamscape and describe their actions.
These are their dreams, after all.
Dreamers can manipulate the dream world. They may suddenly fly or
whip up a tornado. The only limit is that they must follow dream
logic and ‘feel’ right.
Each time they do so the Eater gains one Subversion Point (SP).
The Eater may spend these as such:
3SP – Subvert: When a Dreamer manipulates the dream world the
Eater may modify it in any way want. For example, if a Dreamer
wants to turn a cloud into a marshmallow their teeth may fall out
when they bite it.
6SP – Manipulate: The Eater manipulates the world in the same
fashion as a Dreamer.
12SP – Reality Break: The Eater manipulates the world with no
need to follow dream logic.
The Dreamers aim is to find the Eater and defeat it without being
The Eater tracks all the SP spent. If this totals more than 80
the Dreamers are defeated.
Dualistic Voices
Luciano Gil
Minimum of 3 players.
Sheets of paper and pencil for everyone.
Each player describes 3 Humanoid races. Then describe the type of
civilization they live in. Example: “Orcs living in a steampunk
Each player describes the “Hero” from each race they’ve picked.
Who are they? Do they have any powers or specialties? What’s
their personality? What do they do and what are their goals?
Each player take turns describing an event about a Hero, but no
more than 5 events for each Hero. Write it down on your paper.
The player on the left will describe a tragedy or disaster about
the event.
The Player on the right will describe an achievement or happiness
about the event.
The creator of the Hero combines those details and create an
After the 5th turn, players will end their Hero’s story.
Each player picks a Hero and create a story in which they go into
the world of the player to their right. Create 5 events about
their adventures .
Duel of Change
Stuart Hodge
Flip a coin to determine who goes first. Divide the ten coins
evenly between the wizards. They then pocket the coins.
The starting player will draw a coin from their pocket. The final
2 digits in the year of minting determines which shape you shift
into- pick from the list below with the two digits you have
1 Insect
2 Mouse
3 Sparrow
4 Ferret
5 Cat
6 Wolf
7 Eagle
8 Stallion
9 Bull
0 Elephant
Narrate which shape you shift into, and how you’ll defeat the
opponent. Wizard 2 then does the same with a coin from their
pocket, narrating how they defeat player one’s shape with their
new shape.
DUELLO - A Game of Magic and Politics
Allan Bagg
Character Creation:
Easy (Apprentice, Common Soldier): 2-5 Rounds
Difficult (Archmage, Noble Socialite): 10 Rounds
Paki Spivey
“I remember when...
We first met
I made a mistake
I thought I lost them
I told the truth
I forgave them
It ended”
Your true love was taken into Darkness. They are the Lost. They
take five tokens.
They call to you, the Seeker. Take ten tokens.
When you go into Darkness, you remember. Roll the die, then say
“I felt…”
1. Crushed
2. Depressed
3. Infuriated
4. Peaceful
5. Inspired
6. Loved
Say where it started, then ask how. They answer, then ask you a
question. Choose.
“I don’t remember.” Take all tokens placed, erase the memory, and
the Seeker goes into Darkness.
The game ends when either all memories are erased, or someone has
no tokens
If the Seeker or the Lost have more tokens than the other, only
they find their way out of Darkness.
If the Seeker and the Lost have the same number of tokens, they
find each other.
Dumb Brutes
Jeff Dieterle
It’s the Stone Age. You live in caves. You probably hunt mammoths
or something. It’s a living.
Find a place to play. This place should either have some dirt or
some walls.
Good! Now stop talking. You may grunt or draw pictures in the
dirt or carve them into the wall.
Work together to illustrate the story of the time your people
overcame the Great Threat. Don’t get fancy.
Collectively come up with a sound to describe this experience.
Finally, individually draw or carve an epilogue depicting your
eventual brutal death.
Dungeon Black
Eugene Fasano
The Shadow is the game master, the darkness that will encroach
upon the flame.
The Shadow may allow the Delvers to find items or characters that
grant more matches or dice.
Matt Stuart
Conflict Examples:
Goblin HS1
Pit-trap HS1 1 Redraw
Giant Spider HS2 1 Lock
Dust Trails
Anastasia Faraci
You will find SCRAP by destroying enemy vehicles, the Gm will tell
you how many KGs.
Divide it equally among the team.
When you and your pack hit TOWN, you can use your SCRAP to up-
grade you vehicle, 10kgs for 1 point of SPEED, WEAPONS or ARMOR.
Eight Facets of the City
Mendel Schmiedekamp
For eight rounds, separate out a pile of seven cards (face down).
The symbols for each round are circle, triangle, X, square, spi-
ral, star, ?, and |||.
1) Deal (from the pile) one card portrait-style write a name and/
e on the top edge and a further detail on the bottom edge.
2) Deal one card landscape and one card portrait (to the right,
in a line). On the second portrait card, if it is unnamed, write
a name and/or
e and a detail.
4) Collect the left portrait card and put it on the bottom of the
pile, then do the same with the landscape.
Advice: Use associations, but don’t force them. Try to let your-
self discover what each symbol represents in your city.
Drew Besse
End of Days // Hidden Terrors
Lee Simmonds - Zero Hour
Won the most Conflicts? Take one token from the other player.
Terrors only ATTACK when Survivors play card with same suit as
Terror’s face-down card. Describe your Terror, then ATTACK. Won
the Conflict? Take two tokens from the other player.
Rounds end when all Survivor’s cards are used, or after Terror’s
ATTACK. Roles rotate clockwise. Discard hand, redraw 6, play one
Got the most tokens after 7 Rounds? You win! Conclude all sto-
Describe your adventurer to the group: your capabilities, appear-
ance, personality, needs, and flaws.
As a group, name and describe one party member who has died. Why
did they matter?
Determine one secret about yourself and one about the adventurer
on your right. Write them down, keep them secret.
Take turns. Choose to reveal a secret or have a secret revealed
about you; then jump forwards or backwards in time to describe a
new dungeon room to explore. Describe combat, traps, temptations,
supplies, or clues, but focus on party dynamics. End each scene
after the secret is revealed and its ramifications roleplayed.
What changed?
Reveal the final secret to end your explorations – whether through
death, rescue, escape, or something else. If appropriate, go
around the table one final time to describe your hero’s epilogue.
Enna’s friend or foe?
The kingdom is drawn on a grid sheet. Enna and the other play-
ers start at opposite corners. All five players have four skills:
Deception, Trust, Love, Compassion. Players allocate their powers
randomly to their 1d4 dice. They roll 1d6 to travel across the
map (1-1 square, 2- 2 square movement, etc.). The friends’ goal
is to converge where Enna is to convince her to stop. Enna’s goal
is to have them joining her in her killing spree.
When a friend encounters Enna, the friend rolls the 1d4 die to
determine which skill to use, followed by a roll of 1d6 to get a
score. Enna does the same. The friend wins a round if their score
is higher than Enna’s. If not, Enna wins.
If Enna wins the round, the friend joins her against the other
players. Enna wins the game when all have joined her party but
Enna’s party wins automatically when they kill 10 orcs. The
friends win when all have joined their party.
Tara Zuber
Pass right.
On your new paper, describe some lore (e.g., myth, folk cure,
urban legend) from that people. Copy their name on your panel and
fold so only your lore is visible.
Pass right.
Pass right.
When you’ve no more room, reclaim your paper. Try writing a short
textbook entry about the people you named.
Larry Szmulowicz
How far will you go to get what you want?
Character Creation
Game Play
Tough Choice – Player 2 chooses & makes a Humanity roll. The same
player describes the outcome and decides whether to move your
Humanity up or down.
The higher your Humanity at the end of the game, the happier you
Escape from the Drowning Tower
Azrael Arocha
VICTORY! The Witch is dead… Yet, her castle is drowning and her
traps have activated. Will you escape?
1 GM, 2 Players
1 set of Playing cards.
Deal Jokers as Treasure in front of each player
Shuffle together Red Suited cards from 2 to 10. This is The
Tower, Players Draw boons from this deck when they succeed
Take all Clubs and Red J,Q,Ks sorting them by value. This is
the Drowning Counter
Shuffle all remaining cards together. GM draws from this deck
every turn.
Everyone draws 3 Cards
To Play a Card, a participant must first take a Card from the
Counter and show its value
David Fono
You’ve been alive for millennia. You can’t be sure exactly how
long, because memories fade along the way. A handful of others
like you have found each over the years. Mostly, you keep to
yourselves. Every 100 years, you return to this beach, and dis-
cuss the tectonic shifts of the human world.
If you bid any stones, throw them into the water. These memories
are lost.
Separate, and walk the beach alone. Consider how lost memories
will affect your character. Consider how their century unfolds.
Pick up one new rock—a new memory.
Eternal Rivals
Michele Corona
Each samurai takes 10 six-sided dice and hides them behind a
folded piece of paper.
One samurai narrates a way in which the other was insulting in
the past.
This can be anything: from having eaten with the wrong-coloured
chopsticks to having slept with the Daimyo’s daughter.
Each one then secretly takes a number of dice to hold in his hand
(from 0 to 10).
Both samurai take their victory dice and roll them one final time.
The one with the most winning dice kills the opponent.
A tie means that both samurai kill each other.
Tucker Sherry
Roles are:
Each player may go to the bathroom four times, and can be in the
bathroom for up to thirty seconds at a time. When going to the
bathroom, they first write down what they will do in the bathroom.
(Ex. Hide knife, look for money, pee) If the player is leaving/
taking something from the bathroom, they must leave/take that
card. A player cannot use a card that has already been written
DEALER needs to get the package to BUYER, and BUYER needs to get
the money to DEALER (without being caught) to win.
DINER has an overactive bladder- they can only use their cards to
pee, and must use them all by game’s end.
Everyone’s The Good Guy (Of Their Own Story)
Natalie Ash
This scenario plays out over a five year relationship, each being
one member of the relationship, from its beginning to its end.
The five scenes occur at the meeting phase, the early relation-
ship, the height of the relationship, its downward spiral, and
its dissolution, each roughly one year apart.
This scenario plays out over five hours of a failed military mis-
sion, both characters being officers in charge of the mission. The
scenes are the planning phase, the initial engagement, an ongoing
stalemate, starting to lose, and the tragic withdrawal.
Evil Goatees
Paul Griffin
There are good and evil dimensions. The joker from a deck of
cards represents which dimension you are in. Shuffle the other 52
cards and place them face down. Each player draws one card from
the top of the deck and places it face up in front of them to
represent how evil their goatee is. If an ace is drawn, reshuf-
fle and draw another card. A higher card represents a more evil
Ex Libro
Justin Colussy-Estes
*For every 50 pages over, players may not use lines from the first
25. For every 50 pages under, they may at any point jump back 25
pages to choose lines, but they still can’t reuse any lines.
Exceptional Bodies for Exceptional Hosts
Alex Fricke
Find another creature. Hmm, one more for good measure. How are
they amazing?
Now splice!
Exodus - A game of discovery for 2-6 players
Jenn Martin
When it’s your turn- Answer the other player’s questions. Be ob-
vious in your answers- if you don’t know, say that. Other players
can make suggestions, but you get final say. When you’re ready,
name one thing about the room that pertains to the disappearance
and write it down on a notecard. Move to the next player.
When it’s not your turn- Ask about the room (ie. sight/smell/
sound/etc). Think about what you’ve heard about other rooms and
tie them together. You may suggest things, but the player whose
turn it is gets final say.
Once all players have gone, look at the facts you’ve gathered
about the disappearance. Do they fit into an order? Do they tell a
story? Give each player a chance to offer their theory, but don’t
identify any as true or right.
Expedition 13
J S R Varma
1 D20 per player
4 shots of alcohol per player
Spare alcohol.
1 Designated Driver AKA Mission Control
Mission Control’s word is law.
Mission Control decides roll targets.
Mission control knows everything wrong with the station and can
advise you on fixing it.
When players take physical or psychological damage they drink a
If at any point the station loses atmosphere all players in the
effected vicinity take a shot.
Refill a glass after successfully performing first aid.
When a player has no shots left they are dead.
Only the pilot can fly the escape shuttle.
Mission Specialists have one specialisation that gives them ad-
vantages in certain rolls (e.g. engineer will be better at hard-
ware repair).
Each player takes 4 shots and a D20.
Choose 1 player to be the pilot. Everyone else is a ‘Mission
specialists’, agree with Mission control what your specialisation
Mission Control explains the players situation and then they
Fix the station or get back to earth alive.
a story rpg system
Cuchulain Coker
Jonathan Lavallee
Some Gentle Knights were pricking on the plaine,
Ycladd each one with words and siluer shielde,
A part of erry story booke and game,
The Faery Qveen did quest them ne’re to yielde,
Banner makes known their hearts upon the fielde,
Each Gentle Knight chosen to represente,
Elements of themselves revealed,
Holiness, Chastity, or Justice,
Temperence, Friendship, all to be writ.
Fair Verona Burns: A Tragedy in Three Acts
Adam T. Minnie
Take turns: Frame a scene featuring any two characters and select
one to roleplay. Another player roleplays the second. Remaining
players may roleplay additional characters as dramatically appro-
priate. After every scene, collaboratively assign one-way Pas-
sions (hate, love, or exploiting) among participating characters.
Act Two (scenes 4+): End scenes when someone dies. Roleplay until
someone attacks, embraces (with consent), or exploits one or more
others. All involved roll 1d6. Lowest roller loses and narrates
scene outcomes (ties both lose):
--Attack = loser dies.
--Embrace = winner’s ally dies (probably off-screen)
--Exploit = loser’s ally dies (probably off-screen)
Toby Sennett
Your Empress has been killed and the Empire seized by traitors.
As her Avatars, greater than mortals, you must deliver vengeance
upon the Usurper. Each player selects a unique Virtue:
Glory (Clubs)
Honour (Spades)
Justice (Diamonds)
Passion (Hearts)
Each player draws six cards then discards two. Players’ cards are
kept private.
47 Ronin
House of the Dying Sun
Lady Snowblood
Familiars RPG
Dominik Marchand
Farewell, My Love
L & M Saltonstall
Find a private, quiet space where you can sit facing your lover.
One of you is the Traveler about to depart. You may or may not
survive to return. Describe the upcoming journey, and why you
must go.
The other player is the Hopeful, the lover who will await the
Traveler’s return. Describe how you will keep the memory of your
love alive.
Traveler: regret
Hopeful: hope
Traveler: reassurance
Hopeful: trepidation
Traveler: gratitude
Hopeful: longing
Traveler: adoration
Hopeful: desire
Traveler: craving
Hopeful: lust
After you finish, debrief and resume talking with each other.
Fated Feud
E.M. Gregory
Every turn, flip a coin to determine which rival speaks first. Each
rival describes an INDIGNITY that has driven them to duel. Then
both players secretly and simultaneously spend BREATH in the
following amounts to take one action:
Each rival has seven health. Once a rival reduces their opponent
to zero health, they win. If FATE’s favored rival wins and they
are uncursed, they also win.
Fated to Meet – The Journey of Two
Guilherme DR
- 2 Players.
- 1 Symmetric board (chess, battleship).
- A *“cover”.
- Board pieces.
Until Character(s)… :
Fatimah’s Busy Day
Using the prompts below as guidelines, play out scenes from Fati-
mah’s day.
Fear the Conspiracy
Inanimate/Trevor Cashmore
You found EVIDENCE of its atrocities.
When ALL evidence has more than one connection, your stories end.
In turns, tell us how you DIED FIGHTING, or LOST EVERYTHING.
Sharang Biswas
Five Players.
Make enough of each food for one bite-sized morsel for every
player. Place morsels in the center of the play area.
1) You are all entities consuming a different individual’s per-
sonality. For example: alien parasites, sentient fungi, demons,
Fidget Madness
Stanley Roth
Facing an orc? Write “HUG” on a verb card and state “I HUG the
orc,” to roll +1d10. Write “aggressively” on an adverb card and
state “I AGGRESSIVELY HUG the orc,” to roll +2d10. Words can’t be
erased, but cards can be used again. A player without blank cards
cannot create new cards.
The GM must create cards to roll more than 1d10. The GM must
create one of each type of card before repeating any type. After
the roll they put the cards in a pile. Players can destroy one of
their written cards to take the top card or a random card from
the pile.
Final Enemy/A Poetry of Revenge/Samurai Haiku
Chris O’Neill
None have ever seen the face behind the mask of the Demon Shogun,
the mysterious noble who destroyed your lives.
In turn, describe how The Demon Mask wronged you, and why you
have failed at getting revenge. Your tale should highlight your
amazing abilities, while showing the incredible powers and super-
natural strengths of your nemesis.
While each speaks, the others compose a Haiku about the tragic
tale. Fold the completed poem and silently place it in front of
the speaker. Once all have their poetry of revenge, you begin to
discuss strategy. How can we defeat the Immortal Demon?
One will stand, laugh heartily, and don the horrific mask - re-
vealing themselves as The Enemy.
Repeat this ritual until only one remains, the Hero destined to
slay the Demon.
Read all your poems then narrate your legendary victory.
Final Testament
Josh Fox (Rabalias)
Character objectives:
*Be open about their life and emotions
*Entangle the characters socially and emotionally
*Reveal tiny unexplained Enigmas in their lives (record these)
Start the clock at zero. The GM frames scenes and advances the
clock if, in a scene:
*The characters work to resolve an Enigma
*The characters show fear
When the clock reaches 13, the characters secretly choose one of
the following:
*Go into hiding forever
*Risk death to crack the conspiracy
*Betray the others
Fire of the Gods
Chuck Dee
Long ago, Divinity left the world; the gods disappeared. But that
Fireremained in their bloodlines, and it has been rekindled.
What will you do with the power of a god?
The GM frames the world with two simple questions:
When will the game start?
When did Divinity return?
Narrate your god’s description and background; all gods are
exceptional. Choose a Realm, assign 5 points between Mundane
(operating as a mortal) and Divine (operating as a god), minimum
1 point. Also start with 5 Numina (the divine Fire).
Divine always trumps Mundane; chance is only for similar forces.
Divinecan be used within a god’s Realm, or when Numina is spent.
Players roll dice, taking 2d6- one fortune and one fate. Roll,
subtracting fate from fortune, adding stat, and optionally Numi-
> 0: Player narrates.
< 0: GM narrates.
= 0: Player narrates, GM narrates price.
Each use of Divine gives the GM Fate, which can be spent anytime
to subtract one from a roll, narratively justified. Numina can be
used to negate hits, but at 0 Numina, the next hits cause tremen-
dous stress on the god’s body; the GM will keep you posted.
First Datepocalypse
4 - 10 players.
Each player takes a turn vocally progressing the story and out-
lining their actions.
Each phase listed below consists of two player turns. Turns are
taken by each player in a clockwise direction.
Each player introduces their own fictional character. The player
that has last gone on a date introduces their character as the
first lover. They always go to pick up their date from the home of
the second player character.
There should be a creative and surprising stand-off between ev-
eryone in the game.
Each player rolls 1 six sided die for their character. If a 6
is rolled their character is uninjured. If any other number is
rolled the next player describes how the previous player charac-
ter has died.
Whoever is alive after the last round are more than likely
drenched in blood and psychologically scarred. Wrap up their
actions in one sentence.
Five Cards
Simon Burley
Player and the Referee shuffle their card piles. Action moves to
next Player.
If a Player has no Action Cards and their Character has a wound,
they are dead.
Flesh of the Gods
Dan Connolly
The starting God is whoever last ate an apple. The player oppo-
site is the Village Elder this round and draws a prayer. They
beseech the God for aid, the God must use the powers of their do-
main to answer the prayer. The God to the Elder’s left jealously
intrudes and adds a complication. The God to the beseeched God’s
left uses their possession to help overcome the complication. The
beseeched God now gains an additional domain based on the prayer
and the next God is beseeched.
Second time around it is the Gods to the right of the Elder and
beseeched God rather than the left.
On the final round no other Gods intervene, the beseeched God must
sacrifice their body part in order to answer the prayer.
Flesh, and Other Inconvenient Things
Nolan Lindberg
Actions in base
Fortify base +N base HP.
Heal person N HP (requires medkit). If fail, destroy medkit.
Cook: +N food, if fail -N food.
Each night: Eat, then Zombies attack, they deal 1d6 damage per
player to the base. If base HP reaches 0 then everybody gets a
zombie encounter.
Flirt Party
Johannes Oppermann
Flirt Party
for 20-50 players
by Johannes Oppermann
Your partner picks your first flirt, you pick theirs. Start with
the person your partner picked for you. Primary partners are
off limits to each other until the endgame. A valid flirt is any
unambiguous gesture of appreciation made towards a romantically
compatible other person. Keep flirting until you run out of com-
patible partners.
Watch your primary partner while you flirt. Note who they flirt
with, who flirts back, if you find them attractive yourself, and
how you feel about it. Signal to your partner when you’re ready
to end. When you’re both ready, leave for a private space.
Endgame: Sit with your primary partner and take turns describ-
ing what you saw. Compliment them on who flirted back, tell them
who you found attractive. Be brief. End the game when both have
mentioned everyone they saw.
Flirt Party Aftermath
Johannes Oppermann
The Talk
Take 5 minutes with your partner, try to achieve your goal. After
that, leave your card on the table, move one space left. Oppo-
sites, keep your seat, but pass your card to the left. Repeat
until you’ve tried all cards.
Ashton McAllan
It is called
Print this on paper, fill in the blanks above, then redact this
Play one game of Footprints then give this document to other
people to play.
For The Birds
Dave Lapru
Get comfortable by the flock, and divide the feed between you and
your friend(s). To start play, one of you will toss a handful of
feed to the flock. Watch what each bird does, then choose your
Main Character and explain their actions;
You get a point for each new bird you introduce as a character!
Go as fantastical as you want, a sentence or two at a time-
quickly, because the story ends when your Main Character flies
away! Whoever has the most points throws more feed and starts
fresh. Play ends when all feed has been thrown.
Tanner McEveety
Four Cups of Tea
Matt Hayles
Players: 4
Materials: Four cups of dark tea. One coin, marking the poisoned
*On your turn, explain what transpired and point the finger at the
*To take over the story, shout “That’s not how it was!”. Explain
what really happened.
*To make what you said true, shout “Are you calling me a liar?”
and drink your tea.
*To make the speaker’s story true, say “that is how it was” and
trade cups with the speaker.
If you drink your tea you are pardoned and leave the game. If you
drink the poisoned cup you die. If you are left alone with the
Magistrate, he arrests you.
*Samurai: Take the blame instead of your Wife.
*Bandit: Escape scot-free.
*Wife: Trick your husband into drinking the poison.
*Magistrate: Pardon the Samurai and his Wife.
Friction Engine - A Pocket-Sized RPG System
David Melhart
>Character Sheet<
Power*:[Melee] [Marksmanship] [Sorcery] [Technology]..___
Influence*:[Deception] [Persuasion] [Intimidation]....___
*choose one from each, then divide 6 between Power and Influence.
**start with 1 Resource.
>Creating an Adventure<
>Solving Scenes<
>Resource Management<
Fusion Dance
Dylan Shields
First, name your team of heroes. Then, write down your charac-
ter’s name and personality. Distribute 7 points among your stats,
which are FIGHT, STYLE, SMARTS, and CHARM.
Fusion: Two willing characters can fuse. If this is the first time
that combination has fused, create a new character sheet for
their fusion. The fusion’s stats are the base character’s added
together. Agree on a new personality, power and item that are a
combination of the base character’s.
All of the fused players must agree on each action. If the fused
players at any point can not agree, they unfuse.
Whenever the GM offers fused characters two options, she may make
them answer in secret. If they answer differently, they unfuse.
Saul Alexander
When you face an obstacle, roll dice or flip coins. Evens or heads
are successes. Roll just one for a straightforward task (like
stabbing a guy). Two or three for a more complex or difficult one
(like disarming a bomb).
If you rolled neither all successes nor all failures, you got
mixed results. For each success, narrate something that went
right. For each failure, something that didn’t. Failures lead to
pain and new complications.
Gambling on the River Styx
Nick Wedig
To cross the river Styx, you owe Charon two pennies. Penniless
ghosts play mahjong on the riverbank to win passage.
Place six matching pairs of coins into a bag. Pass the bag
around. When you get the bag, draw one coin and explain why you
fear the afterlife. If your coin matches a coin you already
have, instead return it and don’t explain. Repeat until the bag
Place the mahjong tiles in the bag. Each player draws five tiles.
Each round, everyone antes a coin into the pot. Draw one tile.
Play one tile. Reveal simultaneously.
The highest numbered tile wins the pot. The winner recalls a
memory of their life, based on suit:
-Dots: selfishness
-Bamboo: cruelty
-Characters: tragic mistakes
If you play a un-numbered tile, you lose the round. Tell a story
about redemption.
If you ever match a pair of coins, you must approach Charon and
cross to your afterlife. None know what comes after.
Game Cartridge Monsters
Friends in the late 1980s uncover dark monsters and must save
their town. They discover that video game cartridges can be used
to capture monsters! They scramble to build their own catching
equipment and power suits and before the monsters take over!
Card values are irrelevant. Flip one card per turn. Make a column
for each suit, with rows for each set of 3 collected. Record HP,
XP, equipment built, and monsters captured.
1st-3rd collected: +1 XP
4th-6th +2 XP
7th-9th +3 XP
After the 3rd part is collected, you build the PCC pocket car-
tridge catcher.
6th: ESC entertainment system catcher
9th: SUPER super entertainment system catcher.
Ghost Estate
Coman Fullard
You have two pools: SPOOKY for spectral actions, & NOGGIN to
interpret the modern world.
One action costs one point. Resolve competitions with a D6, modi-
fy rolls with points.
GHOST//BODY: Road Warrior Repossessors
Alex Fricke
We are hideous ghosts, every one of us. Hoping for flesh to rein-
vigorate and inspire us. But big money controls the meat, and so
controls us.
#Get Flesh#
Crewmate: Describes your body. How’s it gorgeous?
Different crewmate: Describes the acquisition. Complications?
Who finds it handsome? Why?
Ghosts & Flowers
When a conflict:
discard 2 cards and you win
draw a card. If the value is lower than the conflict’s card, you
succeed. If not, things go wrong: you must discard 2 cards.
Cards used during a conflict are discarded.
Winning: If you get 10 red cards before drawing the last card
from the deck, you find the flower. If not, you epically fail!
Giant Monster Mayhem
Moe Tousignant
Players each pick a role. Two must be a Kaiju and a Hero, use
more roles for more players. More player than roles? Use multiple
bystanders. Each role has a goal:
To play: each round is a contest between the Kaiju and one other
role. The Kaiju describes what they are doing and the other
player narrates how they react. A duel is held. If the good
guys win, the contest moves to the next role in the order listed
above. If the Kaiju wins the process starts over from the top.
The only way for the players to defeat the Kaiju is to win the
final duel between the Hero and the Kaiju. The Kaiju wins if the
other players give up.
Girls from Gilmore, Boys from the Dwarf
Epistolary Richard
Alex Constantin
Players are Gladiators and fight each other to the “death”. One
player is Cesar(GM), does not fight and gives thumbs up or down.
How to Play:
The setup:
Throw one die each to determine HP**, weapon and shield value.
Use Dice as Token.
Cesar draws fight pairings from the hat***.
In the fight:
Each contestant throws two dice, then chooses one to add to his
weapon value. the other goes to the shield value. The player
loses 1 HP if the combined shield value is lower than the other
players combined attack value. The fight ends after one player has
lost 3 or his last HP. After losing 3 HP Cesar gives Thumbs up or
down, if down you are dead. Should both players lose their 3rd HP
in the same round, it’s a draw and bothe live. Victorious players
can choose to loot their opponent but can only hold one weapon
and shield each. Lost HP do not generate. Repete fighting until
only 1 player is Left.
Have Fun
Glass Half Full
Sarah Le-Fevre
Instructions side
Create a character that personifies a positive outcome for you.
E.g. Joybringer. Character starts with 0 points.
Skills Stats
Gratitude Happiness
Spreading Joy Depression Defense
Random Acts of Kindness Even temper
Create and name your levels. Decide how many points you need to
achieve each one.
Quest side
+30 points Smile at five strangers today. Really beam at them
until they smile back.
Go Home, Young Superhero
J.A. Dettman
2-3 players
Together, figure out who your young superhero is: name, alias,
powers, friends, family, school, work, supervillains. Decide
which supervillains are running amok and what trouble your hero
is dealing with in regular life.
Hero starts with 6 cards. Other players start with one die at 3
(Tension), one at 6 (Countdown).
Each turn:
Hero decides whether to deal with supervillainy or regular life
troubles; draw card.
Cards that don’t match situation color are half value. Roleplay
how hero uses real life skills to deal with supervillainy or
superpowers real life.
Go North
Nathan West
An improv RPG in the style of classic text adventures
- 1 GM
- Players, usually just 1 main player, who control a single char-
Players alternate with the GM stating an action, and the GM stat-
ing a result. Actions must be kept simple– a single verb and ob-
ject, possible with simple clarification For example, “Go North,”
“Check Inventory,” “Place key in lock.” The GM will then respond
with the result of that action in a few sentences. Everything
else is completely up to the discretion and imagination of the
GM– the game is completely freeform and improvisational, includ-
ing where the adventure takes place, starting inventory, etc. In
general the GM only thinks a few steps ahead, giving the result
of individual player actions; there’s no larger plot or story.
While players are free to try anything they want, typical verbs
include “go <direction>”, “examine <object>”, “check inventory,”
“use <object>,” “look at <anything>,” and so on.
Go On Without Me
Goblal Wars: No Dwarves Allowed!
Enrique & Rafaela
2-4 Goblinoids.
At least 1d6, paper, somegoblin who can write.
1 Filthy Dwarves:
You lose a shiny, if you have none, you lose 2KG.
“Such tragedy!”
6 Goblin War
Fight another player.
Success: Steal\gain a shiny.
“Conquer ALL the shinies!”
Fight Strategy:
Players roll a d6 to see how many KG will fight. (Can’t exceed
your remaining Goblins)
Each fighter rolls a d6, the lesser value loses a KG (forever!),
repeat until an army is depleted.
Attacker wins on draws.
Goblins in a Trenchcoat
Ashton McAllan
Explain the tricky position the group finds themselves in and what
their goal is and that they are only ever able to perform these
four actions:
1) Violence | 2) Flight
3) Interrogation | 4) Resolution
Gods among mortals
Cecilia Kjellman
What are you god of? You may perform related actions without
Anti-realm? You can’t perform related actions.
Your avatar on earth? Last sighted?
Who worshiped you?
What do you look like? Then? Now?
Start: Mundane = 9, Godly = 50.
Godzilla Is Attacking The City
Tell your story. When you use one of the Words, roll a six-sided
die (d6). If the result is six, you don’t lose any health and
take another turn. A result of two through five subtracts one
health and ends your turn. A result of one angers Godzilla and
your location is attacked. Lose two health and end your turn. You
may only use one Word per turn and may not use a Word more than
once per game.
Good Morning Magicland
Randy Lubin
Introduce your first guest. Announce the guest’s name and relevant
info (e.g. profession, type of magical creature); then point to a
player to roleplay that guest. Players should cross their arms if
they don’t want to be that guest.
The host and guest then play out the show. Ham it up and revel
in ridiculousness, but don’t contradict the established fiction!
The host can invite another guest to join the conversation, with
the initial guest staying or leaving. If another player wants to
chime in, they can pretend to be on the phone and the host can
“take a call from the audience”.
When the topic loses momentum, the host should thank the guest(s)
and end the show; aim for five minutes. Then, another player be-
comes host and introduces their show.
Stuart Burns
2-4 players.
You need one coin.
It’s terminal. You have come to terms with it. You finally accept
your death.
Join the others in your last meeting. Take a coin. Say your
piece, pass it on.
In turn, share with the group, one;
Good memory.
5 years on, you all survived against the odds. Do you still ac-
cept death?
Each player has the coin thrown for them. Do not throw your own
coin. It’s not your fault. There’s nothing you could do. I’m
Say your piece, and pass it on.
Mikhail Bonch-Osmolovskiy
When you clash with other players, the greater total wins. Reroll
This is your last tale. How do you end? Play until every charac-
ter is dead.
Great Wallopers
The prairie dogs are attacking in force, how many points can you
rack up before getting overrun! This game has two win conditions;
Be the last one standing, or first to 10 points. Every round the
prairie dogs attack in a force the size of the round, 1 at round
one and 20 on round 20. Every round the players roll 1d20, as
long as the players roll is greater than or equal to the prairie
dogs they gain a point, otherwise they lose half of their points
rounded up, hit 0 points and you lose. Players can exchange
points to gain a permanent additional die of that size, 4 points
for 1d4, you can reduce to 0 points this way without losing. If
you roll a 20 on the d20 you gain an additional point.
Greedy Devils
Chris Gathercole
For the heap, shuffle 52 playing cards, deal face down as a 5x5
grid. Always reveal top cards. Aces low, Kings high (literally).
Each card can be food (if smaller than 6), or a weapon (bigger is
* MOVE: NESW, on/beside heap. One step uphill (if <4 higher) or
along, or can keep sliding down, or stay (but not on local peak).
* PICK: The card you’re standing on, or from below higher neigh-
bouring point.
* DISCARD: as far as MOVE.
* FIGHT: Pair-wise, on same heap location, each secretly picks a
pouch card. Compare as weapons, DISCARD both. Winner chooses card
from loser’s pouch.
Groove Crusaders
Jason Todd Foley
The game will be an RPG that mixes the menu combat of JRPGs with
the funky grooves of rhythm games. Each party member will have
their own instrument that has a dedicated face button, which they
have to time with the music to perform an attack. Each attack in-
creases the player’s score, wherein they need to reach a certain
threshold to win the battle. When they win a battle they gain
experience to level up which will increase the player’s score
multiplier that make it easier to win harder battles with strict
scores. It will also allow them to buy alternate weapons. These
weapons act as modifiers that alter their score. These include
changing note speed for increased scores, or pressing one button
for any note that decreases score.
Group Troop
Nanna E
The game starts with every player writing down a social group on
a piece of paper. This can be anything, from “tango dancers” to
“people who like white chocolate”. Everyone picks a group note
at random, and the game begins. From there everyone takes turns,
starting with the oldest player present, stating a cliche or a
trait they imagine people in their group share. So, if you’ve got
tango dancers you might say “muscular calves”, at which point
anyone with a group who shares this trait repeats it, in this
case that group might be football players. The game ends when
each group has been identified and each group has matched traits
with at least two other groups.
Group troop
Nanna E
The game starts with every player writing down a social group on
a piece of paper. This can be anything, from “tango dancers” to
“people who like white chocolate”. Everyone picks a group note
at random, and the game begins. From there everyone takes turns,
starting with the oldest player present, stating a cliche or a
trait they imagine people in their group share. So, if you’ve got
tango dancers you might say “muscular calves”, at which point
anyone with a group who shares this trait repeats it, in this
case that group might be football players. The game ends when
each group has been identified and each group has matched traits
with at least two other groups.
Guilty Souls
Ken Gorman
Hacksaw: The Phone Call of Death
John Kipling Lewis
You have woken with the other players in a fiendishly deadly game
of an evil genius bent on teaching you a valuable life lesson.
You’ll need:
A phone.
A timer.
How to play:
The first player (picked at random) describes a horrible death
trap. The player on their right is caught in this trap.
1-10 seconds
Your character died attempting to escape. Game over.
11-20 seconds
Your character suffers major injury.
21-30 seconds
Your character suffers minor minor.
31+ seconds
Your player has escaped the death trap. You learned a valuable
life lesson.
If you get the same result in the chart as a previous result, use
the next highest result.
Happily Ever Maybe
Drew Mierzejewski
Together, your fairy team must help one poor peasant achieve
their happy ending in a classic fairy tale setting!
Each player gives one character element about the peasant and two
details that would make the peasant’s life better. Count out red
d6s equal to the number of happy ending details the group de-
scribed. Do the same with white d6s. Place all dice in a bag.
The oldest fairy begins the game. Declare how you wish to help
the peasant with one of their details. Draw from the bag. A white
die means success; a red means failure. Narrate the outcome.
Pass the bag left, choose a new detail and draw again.
When you have drawn all the WHITE dice, your peasant get’s their
happily ever after, but draw all the RED dice and they don’t.
Describe how.
At the end of the story, have each fairy give one part of an epi-
logue describing a good or bad ending as represented by the dice.
Hard Facts and Strong Possibilities (Summary)
Cuchulain Coker
Each player receives 1 Transformation, 1 Possibility, and 3
Facts* Per Scene.
Used to create new or change existing elements. *Character af-
fecting Facts only playable on own character, unless whole group
agrees otherwise.
SCENES (suggestion)~
1: Now
2+3: Flashback
4: Bridging 3to1
5: After 1
6: Flashforward
7. After 5
8: Bridging 7to6
9: After 6
Requires :
Hasar Kahn - Tiger King
Joe Jeskiewicz
The Tiger Hasar Kahn in the Siberian taiga rules with undisputed
strength. Someone takes the role of Hasar Kahn, and everyone
else is an animal subject: Sable, Fox, Lynx, Badger, etc. You
are a part of that kingdom, and his right of rulership must come
to an end. Proper planning and seizing the right moment will
ensure the tyranny comes to an end.
Haunted House
Give each player five Fear tokens. Each player takes turns explor-
ing. The person to their left plays the House. The House devours
A turn:
Player: Describe the room. Take your time. Consider all the sens-
es. What is unsettling about it?
House: Describe the haunting. Take your time. Consider all the
senses. What changes? Appears? Disappears?
Player: When do you reach your breaking point? How do you try to
escape? Roll 1d6.
1-6 House narrates what happens and devours two Fear tokens.
7-9 Player narrates what happens, but House devours one Fear
10+ Player narrates what happens.
When a player has no more Fear tokens, they are taken by the
House and help narrate the House’s turn.
The last player with Fear token(s) after their turn escapes the
House and narrates the epilogue.
If none escape, narrate it together.
He say you Blade Runner
Andrew Bolin
Character | Humanity | Special
Femme Fatale | 10 | Charm
Deranged Genius | 8 | Distract
Blade Runner | 6 | Interrogate
Corporate Overlord | 4 | Bribe
If your Humanity score exceeds 12, you achieve your new life off-
* Charm
* Distract
Headcannon Accepted!
Geoff Bottone
1 Superhero
2 Urban Fantasy
3 Sci-Fi
4 Horror
5 Steampunk
6 Spy
1 Young Adult
2 Post-Apocalyptic
3 Comedic
4 Grimdark
5 Anthropomorphic
6 Animated
Players take an index card and create a character that fits in the
genre. Name, description, history. One or two sentences at most.
Shuffle the character cards and put them in the center of the
table. Reveal the top card.
Players take another index card and write out their fan theory
about that character.
Players take turns revealing their fan card and defending their
theory to the other players. Other players may ask questions,
challenge, etc., to help active player elaborate.
Once all players reveal fan cards, each player gives one token
to their favorite fan theory. Player with most tokens wins the
Reveal the next character card and repeat. Players may build on
established headcanon from previous rounds (winning fan theories
Once all character cards are revealed, player with most tokens
Eli Jozsef
Heart Light
Eric Farmer
One player is the Kid, the other, the Adult. Starting with the
Kid, alternate answering the questions. Ask each other to elabo-
How are you different from other kids your age? | When you were
that age, what did you long for?
How did you and your Friend find each other? | What caused you to
miss the Friend’s arrival?
How was life hard before your Friend arrived? | What’s missing
from your life now?
How did you become Friends? | What doesn’t the Kid know that
means the Friendship won’t last?
What does your Friend truly want? | What obstacles do you place
in the way?
In short sentences, alternate describing the Crisis that draws
the Kid, the Friend, and the Adult together, but endangers all 3.
How do you and the Adult bond over the Friend? | How do you and
the Kid bond over the Friend?
How does it leave? | What do you regret about its departure?
What does it leave behind? | What does it leave behind?
Scott C. Bourgeois
First player is pointperson. They know the job: naming the loot,
who wants it, and where it is. They then describe the first impos-
sible obstacle.
Second player explains who they are, and how they can overcome
that obstacle. Then, they describe the next impossible obstacle.
Play proceeds with each player explaining who they are, how they
can overcome the last obstacle, and naming the next obstacle.
Once the crew is assembled, the second player draws two cards to
start the heist, revealing one. If black, their job goes smooth-
ly. If red, there’s a complication. They describe it, and explain
how they overcome it.
Each player then pulls two cards, in turn, and reveals one, as
above. Pointperson goes last.
More than half the job is red? Failure! Everyone reveals their
second card to see if they escape. If red, describe how you’re
caught. If black, describe your daring escape.
Mark Richardson
* ~40 blank cards
* Pens
* d6
Each player writes two secret plans: an obstacle imposed upon one
other player (they roll to avoid); or thematically prevent being
incapacited (you roll to escape.) Reveal at any time.
The team encounters obstacles in order. Any player describes how
they overcome the obstacle for the team, rolling d6. To succeed,
roll 3+ if skilled, or 5+ if unskilled.
Dave Michalak
One night you have a dream in which you eat the Sun.
When you wake up, you discover you are now the most powerful
being on Earth.
You are yourself.
You can fly.
You can lift impossible weights.
You can move at supersonic speeds.
You are invulnerable.
Set a goal.
2 - 5 players.
1 player is the Heliophage, everyone else is the World.
1dF per World player.
Real consequences.
Just you, with the power to do what thou wilt, and a world power-
less to stop you.
The end.
Hello - The Game
Have you ever been confused about how to greet someone? This is a
game about that.
Before we start there are some things to decide:
Are you Social/shy?(Each player pick one)
Decide what the social context is. At a gamecon maybe?
Each one of you roll 1d6 – if you’re social add +1 to result
(hidden from the other player)
1. The Social character goes first. Describe the budding
signs of the gesture you’re about to make.
2. The shy character can now +/- 1 to die result. Describe
how that looks.
3. Play out the rest of the hug from each player’s perspec-
tive (include inner monologue).
4. Start the ensuing conversation and keep going until you
think your done.
Joshua L & Adam R
Find a theme.
Fantasy castle.
1920s underworld.
Space colony.
Lars - commander - Military
Brother Odin - high priest - Social
Lord Kinsworth - baron - Economic
Repeat for engaged players.
Stability = 0.
Stability = 20 / no challenges remain.
Helsing’s League
Marek J. Kolcun
Name: HEALTH: [ ] /
Membership reason:
Enlist your 4 items: 3 rubbish and 1 fine:
You may reshake a coin once per every level of used skill.
Always use the most suitable skill.
You can reshake more coins at a time when using suitable item
during task:
coins shaken | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
item quality | no item | improvised/rubbish | fine | great
Sometimes, when failing the task, you may lose 1 health per every
Hero Monsters
Matthew Tsirides
Monster Master:
Hero Cards:
At the start of the rotation, shuffle the deck of heroes and draw
a card. The other players should do the same.
To defeat someone:
Throw a d20, if the number is bigger than the defence then the
attack is landed. 20, is a critical hit, which means x2 of your
total dices.
Horde Cards:
Such cards instruct the MM to draw cards equal to the given num-
ber, the heroes must defeat all monsters in order to continue.
Treasure Cards:
Finish Game:
Level 1:
Damage: d6 + Attack*
Protection: d6 + Defense
*You can only do one of two each turn and select target.
Hero’s Council
Justin Hebels
Once the outcomes have been assigned, The Council should discuss
the options further and try to sway each other one way or an-
other. After a few minutes, The SM will say “1, 2, 3 vote” and
players will put out 1 or 2 fingers. The SM will count up the
fingers determining if even or odd won and roll a 1D6 to see if
the winning option succeeds. For each Council member that openly
sided with the winning choice, the SM will add +1 to a die roll.
1D6 Personality
1 Self first
Overwhelming failure
2 Puts others first
3 Money, money, money Success
4 Kill everything
5 Nature is my friend Suc-
6 Center of attention Suc-
7+ -
Overwhelming success
Hidden Faces
Felix Weedon
Play ends when a player has all their cards face down or no play-
er can play a card or turn a card facedown.
Hidden War: PvP Base Building
Items needed:
Political map (more territories = longer game)
6+ d6
Create dossier:
Roll 1d6 for Attack, Defense, Charm, Intelligence, and Greed.
First person to own dossier assigns name and description of the
Agent. Assign to base on hire (up to capacity).
High Arcana
Andrew Beahm
Take a standard Tarot deck. Separate the high arcana cards (0-21
with specific names like Death) from the four numbered suits. The
dungeon master’s deck consists of the high arcana cards. Players
choose their class from the suits. Swords- fighter, wands- wizard,
coins- thief, and cups- cleric.
Next, flip the cards. If the total sum of their efforts beats
the DM’s, the DM describes the next room. If the players beat 3
consecutive rooms, everyone continues adventuring by shuffling and
drawing again. If the players fail, they reveal their remaining
cards and whoever has highest remaining sum switches places with
the DM.
Highlighter Maze Runners
Andrew J Lucas
All players roll as many dice as they have to attack and are
successful if they roll over the target. Each success defeats an
opponent. 1 die is removed from each player for surviving oppo-
Play proceeds until the players lose all their dice or their pen
mark reaches the finish.
Yellow highlighter.
6 dice. Target roll 2+
Ability: Sacrifice a die to reroll
Blue highlighter
6 dice. Target roll 3+
Ability: Sacrifice a die to return 1 die to all teammates this
Pink highlighter
6 dice. Target roll 4+
Ability: Sacrifice a die to fireball (remove from play) 1d6 ene-
Hire Your Boss
All the players are the employees except one who is the boss.
It’s an interview but the future workers are those who ask the
At the end they decide if they agree to work for the boss and his
Rules step-by-step :
- Everyone (boss included) writes on pieces of paper some details
about the company.
Those details are sorted in five categories concerning the company
The field - The wealth - The management - The ambition - The per-
sonality of the boss
- The boss draw one piece of paper in each category : he has 2
minutes to think about his company and his personality.
- The employees starts the interview. Why should they work for
this boss ?
- One question per employee. Three turns maximum.
- The workers has 2 minutes to decide if they will work or not
for this boss and why.
Peter Antoniak
Players are lords exploring dungeons with the aid of their hire-
Players start with 50 treasure(t) to spend:
Hireling-2t (choose class)
GM sets the required successes for checks and can cap the num-
ber of hirelings that can test. State how many hirelings you’re
using. Keep pools separate by class and injury status, then roll
through all of them. Each 4+ is a success, uninjured 1s become
injured, previously injured 1s die. Meet or exceed the required
successes. Other players can contribute hirelings if you ask
before testing.
History Building with 7 Wonders Duel
Tomer Gurantz
BROWN, GREY: Created, Stolen, Traded, Taught
YELLOW: Instituted, Celebration, Legislation, Controlling
BLUE: Inaugurated, Taken, Discovered, Ascension
RED: Deposed, Destroyed, Repercussions, Victory, Defended,
Rebellion, Punishment
GREEN: Invented, Stolen, Improvised, Innovated, Found
Home Sweet Home
Welcome to the post apocalypse. You are six years old, like ev-
eryone you have ever known.
Assign 1d4, 1d6, and 1d8 among them. Use the associated die when
your goal is your motivation. You may also do the same to loan
a die to help on a friend’s roll. Roll above the difficulty to
Begin the game by revealing cards from a deck equal to the num-
ber of players. Arrange these in a grid. The group starts at the
centre and begins exploration, taking turns to describe the scene
associated with a card.
Clubs - Structure
Spades - Insentient
Diamonds - Phenomena
Hearts - Sentient
Homeward Going: A Rlly Wow Travel
Noah Jay-Bonn
Your humans accidentally left you when they moved across the big
city! They wouldn’t do it on purpose, you’ve been such a good
dog! You and your friends must travel to find them!
Make a dog! Describe and name them. There’s two stats: Good-
Dog! and Bad-Dog! Divide 6 points between them. All dogs commu-
nicate telepathically with each other.
Have a facilitator- they play all the humans, describe the world
and set challenges for you dogs. They always ask “what do you
You can spend points from a relevant stat to increase your out-
come, but one stat flips each time. I spend +2 from good dog to
get 10+! YASS! But Good-Dog! goes down one and Bad-Dog! goes up
one. Outside world is hard!
If either stat hits 0, you give up. Too mean or too soft, cya
doggie! If a human calls you a Good-Dog! or a Bad-Dog! increase
that stat. The facilitator will do this on 6- sometimes.
Pamela Figueroa Peñaranda
The GM draws the map of the captors’ house, positions the captors
and key.The house doesn’t change, but the captors’ and key posi-
tions will change every day.
When you’re alone, you have the chance to become insane without
emotional support from the group.
You have 5 minutes to explore before you die of insanity
While exploring, only you can grab a piece of paper and layout
the map as you discover it.
Hopes and Traumas
Aleksandra Sontowska
Adventurer’s nickname.
Profession [fighter, wizard, rogue].
When I sense danger I always [draw sword, attack from surprise,
cast spell, other].
In town I look for [love, medical help, absolution, oblivion,
respect, other].
Before the game choose a number between 2 and 9.
During play:
Say what you do and what you want to get and roll 1d10.
Roll number or above to act Forceful. Roll number or lower to
Success: you do it and get what you want.
Failure: something goes badly, GM will tell you what.
If your profession is relevant, expect that you couldn’t control
your strenght: the consequences are unexpected and undesirable.
Ask about their dreams and traumas.
Paint the town as sleepy and nice.
Present townsfolk as friendly.
Present townsfolk as anxious.
Ask about the people they meet.
Offer deceptive promises.
Provoke with deceptive danger.
Limit what they may achieve.
Hoppers: Tales of the Hyperdimensional Police
Odward Frenry
If you cannot catch the criminal within the chosen worlds or miss
device activation window, the multiverse collapses.
Wes Bruce
Each player maintains a system. Write its name, say why it’s
important, address each other by system. Systems start at stage
3, which is stable. 5 is optimal, 1 is critical. Track stages on
fingers, where everyone can see.
Oldest player goes first. On your turn, you may Repair, Maintain,
or Operate. Roll six-sided die. Call on the next player, clock-
Repair: on 5-6, gain two stages. On 2-4, you may gain a stage,
and choose a teammate who loses one. On 1, lose a stage. At stage
0, you may only Repair.
Human Or Not, Here I Am
Russell Tripp
Future Earth humans and replicants live in peace, but two species
are warring with us. One destroys humans, the other non “true-bi-
os”. One of their Inquisitors has captured you for questioning...
but you don’t know which one.
Once everyone has asked everyone else questions, answer the final
question together. Is Entity human? Discuss and vote.
Human-Zombie Fulfillment Symposium
Dr. Jason Cox
This game is inspired by the song, “Re: Your Brains”. In it, hu-
mans have locked themselves inside a mall to escape zombies. The
game centers on negotiations between the humans, who would prefer
to keep their brains, and the zombies, who would prefer to eat
those brains.
Each human player also writes down one demand that is specific
to their character, such as seeing a loved one or consuming a
rare food. If they are a zombie, they write the demand as “Your
Hyper Flying Death Bunnies from Mars
Mike Falzone
All is quiet on the carrot farm, until… HYPER FLYING DEATH BUN-
Needed to Play: one shuffled deck of cards per player, 20 tokens
to represent carrots given to the farmer.
One player is the farmer trying to protect his carrot crop. All
other players are bunnies trying to steal the carrots.
Each round, the players deal out three cards. Whichever player
has the highest value card wins the round. In case of a tie, bun-
nies must Rock-Paper-Scissors to win. The farmer wins all ties.
Play continues until all cards are dealt or the farmer has no
more carrots.
The winning bunny must describe in elaborate, outlandish detail
how they fly into the field to steal a carrot and take one carrot
token from the farmer. If the farmer wins, they must describe in
elaborate, outlandish detail how the bunnies failed to grab one
of his carrots.
The bunny with the most carrots wins the game and must describe
in graphic detail how they plot the downfall of the farmer. If
the farmer wins, they must describe how they beat back the ravag-
ing hordes of bunnies.
I Am You As You Are Me
Unai Cabezon
3+ players LARP
You wake up... inside a friend’s body! You and your friends meet
in your usual place. Each of you is trapped inside someone else!
You’ll have to work together to get out of this one...
You are playing as one of your friends. Give them instructions on
what to do, how to move, any action you want him or her to per-
One of your friends is playing as you. You will receive instruc-
tions from them, you can’t move or do anything that they don’t
tell you!
The game ends when a ritual to return everyone to their bodies is
performed. The Game Master decides what the ritual is, and has
hidden clues in the room or playing area.
Example: The ritual involves each of the players taking a ‘relic’
(could be whatever) to a different corner in the room, then each
has to perform a specific dance.
The GM can add any additional number of rules as they see fit,
such as extra narrative, a mystery to solve, character attri-
butes, skill checks, etc.
Play this however you want!
I Feel Fine
Caitlynn Belle
The world ends in one hour, and nobody knows. Not even you.
Instead, you, like many others, are posting selfies of your day
to social media. You will continue to do this up until the final
moment. Until it’s too late.
In Need
Etienne T.Harvey
In order to play you’ll need two players and one six sided dice.
One player is the loaner, the other is the client.
What does the shop look like?
Why do you need money?
What is the item you’re bringing?
Roll 1d6 on the Value Table. Your item is worth this much accord-
ing to you.
Value Table
1 - Worthless
2 - Cheap
3 - Common
4 - Expensive
5 - Rare
6 - Inestimable
Tell the story of how you acquired it. Where does it come from?
What do you think it is? Why do you think it is worth that much?
Roll 1d6 on the Value Table. This is the real worth of the item.
You know the real story, origin and/or purpose of this item. What
is it?
If the value is higher or lower than what the client rolled,
explain why?
Decide what you do with the item.
Sell = Acquire as much as the value rolled by the loaner
Pawn = Get half of the value rolled by the loaner rounded down.
Quit = Go back home with your item.
How does your decision change the situation that brought you
Both Players:
Switch places or end the game.
In the Cards
Ken Maher
At the same time all players will contribute to the setting and
scene of the Story with a single word.
One player in the group chooses the story’s location (Ancient
Greece, Space Station, etc)
One player chooses an object of interest (Vase, Computer Core,
One player chooses the action (Steal, Discover, Protect, etc)
One player chooses the hurdle (Cursed, No Time, Enemy, etc)
Each player then defines their character with a single word de-
scription (Mystic, Engineer, Diplomat, etc) and a single word
motive (Boredom, Honour, Greed, etc)
Johan Paz
Each player writes less than 200 words describing their faction
and their desires for the Future Humanity. The GM, at this stage,
may make recommendations for the credibility and fun of the
The GM presents a global problem to the players the Survivor and
explains the problems derived from the lack of a decision.
The GM acts as moderator in an open debate until the appointed
The representatives vote on what action to take, only to be ap-
proved by a qualified 3/4 majority
The GM describes the consequences of the decision taken or untak-
en which will be noted in the ‘Diary in the Pit’. The consequenc-
es will be taken into account for the following game sessions.
The campaign will end when the Survivors leave the Earth into
space or all have died.
Incandescent War
Nicholas Malinowski
In the beginning there was only Light, and then with a sudden
implosion, Darkness grew and spread, leaving only pinpricks of
Light to defend itself. In order to defend itself, the Light
found a way to create Life.
You are an Incarnation of Life, the first made, in one of its most
glorious myriad of forms. Your job is to stand against the forces
of Darkness, so that life may flourish.
To do this, you have been given the ability to shift your form as
you wish to be able to counter whatever it is the Darkness sends
against you.
The System:
This is a pure battle of wits, where the players decide on what
the limitations are to the battle, to what will be the end, and
then determine who goes first.
The first one chooses a form, and then gets to attack. Unless you
are able to come up with a counter to that form, you will take
Incandescent Wars
Nicholas MAlinowski
In the beginning there was only Light, and then with a sudden
implosion, Darkness grew and spread, leaving only pinpricks of
Light to defend itself. In order to defend itself, the Light
found a way to create Life.
You are an Incarnation of Life, the first made, in one of its most
glorious myriad of forms. Your job is to stand against the forces
of Darkness, so that life may flourish.
To do this, you have been given the ability to shift your form as
you wish to be able to counter whatever it is the Darkness sends
against you.
The System:
This is a pure battle of wits, where the players decide on what
the limitations are to the battle, to what will be the end, and
then determine who goes first.
The first one chooses a form, and then gets to attack. Unless you
are able to come up with a counter to that form, you will take
Indivisible: An Empathic Game for Two
Adam T. Minnie
Then offer the first prompt. All prompts have three parts:
--Current internal, emotional experience: “I feel --”
--Resulting visible external behavior: “You see me --”
--One leading question, maybe introducing improbable hope or
probable fear.
(“I feel tired of restraining my temper. You see me clearing
tear-stains before class. Why aren’t you prepared for our test
Play until someone ends a prompt with the following closing ques-
tion, (you may replace “me” with any specific real person’s name):
--“What attractive quality or potential in real-life me do you
see afresh through this tale?”
Answer this question by affirming your friend using a specific,
real-life example of a time you saw the other exemplify that
quality. Then ask back.
After you both ask and answer this question once, say only “Thank
you friend” before going about your indivisible lives.
Tim Zubizarreta
This is a covert ops game played via 4 one direction chats: Com-
mand can only chat to Comms. Command determines the op and con-
veys the op to Comms. Comms relays the Op adding detail including
number of known hostiles and any equipment and support available
to the Asset(s). The Asset(s) detail how they plan to execute the
Op including if/when/how to call in support and how to leverage
equipment and rolls a D6 providing the result and the full plan
to Intel. Intel rolls a D6 to determine how the op progresses. If
the Asset die is greater than the Intel, the op is successful. If
the Intel die is greater, the op fails. If the dice tie, the op
ran into complications and is not over yet. Whatever the result,
Intel relays this back to Command. Command then issues new orders
or determines extraction and a new opp. Basically this game is a
combination of telephone and werewolf set as a convert ops com-
mand control center and its team in the field.
Intergalactic Bake-Off!
Caroline Berg
Each player starts with five tokens (coins). Next, each player
creates six ingredients. These can be anything: the heart of a
dying star, carefully crumbled plastic, grass-flavored chocolate,
etc... Then determine the first player, who picks one ingredient
from the list they didn’t create. Continue going around until
each ingredient has been chosen.
Into Balance
Chloe Sutherland
Good or bad, the only guarantee is that your luck will someday
reverse… The Universe will not bow to you. It craves only equi-
librium. And sooner or later it will pull you back… Into Balance.
When the bag is empty, the universe is satisfied. Are you? Refill
and be reborn.
Intrigue in Hobbiton
Nicolas Garcia
PLAY TIME: 60-120 min.
You are guests. Take a note card for yourself, and a scrap of
paper for each other guest.
On the card, write your name, two things you’re proud of, and one
annoying quality. Introduce yourself.
On two scraps, write your name and your two darkest secrets
involving the other guests. Leave the others blank. Randomly pass
out your scraps to each guest.
On the back of your card, secretly write your goal for the eve-
The party ends once each guest has played host twice. Take turns
revealing your goal and describing how you fare in the party’s
Inventory Quest!
Charlie Etheridge-Nunn
The Paladin’s mind has been temporarily wiped and you play their
well-meaning inventory who are guiding The Paladin safely out of
the dungeon!
The Paladin can: Move and wield items with instruction.
The Paladin has: 5HP
The Holy Symbol: Turn Undead x2, Inspire, Reflect Light, Summon
Paladin’s Mount.
Create 2 rooms each on index cards, with 2 doorways and a chal-
Sleeping Goblins
Minecart Ride
Shuffle and draw a room; its creator describes the challenge and
rolls 1d4.
Between them, the players must cross off that many traits to
solve it (+/-1 if it seems hard or easy). The Paladin loses 1HP
if you can’t find a fitting trait or choose not to use one.
Move through each room to escape!
If the Paladin loses their last HP, they die and the goblins loot
all the items. Narrate their grim fate!
If the Paladin escapes, narrate how he rewards you all for a job
well done!
Scott Maclure
Occupation (Career. See other RPGs for lists)
Belief (Ideal, concept, moral - drives you into danger)
Bond (NPC you confide in)
Flaw (Gets you into trouble)
Damage = Light: -1(d6) SP(HP), Normal: -2(d6) SP(HP), Heavy:
-3(d6) SP(HP)
0 HP = Action test to stay alive. 7-9 result = -1 Action.
0 SP = Action test to stay sane. 7-9 result = -1 Insight / Influ-
PvP = Attacker - defender stat & roll
Roll boxcars (2x6’s) = +1 Stat
It is meant to be
Remko van der Pluijm
Both players write down a name and distribute 7 points between
Rebelliousness and Determination. Players are secretly in love
together, but have an oppressive force. Name the Oppressor and
assign it 2 points.
Romance is successful:
- Both oppressors are 6 or
- Total of 7 love characteristics.
Romance fails with 0 Rebelliousness for both players.
Google+ +RemkovanderPluijm
It’s simple RPG
Randal McDowell
Jack the Ripper
W. H. Duryea
Start the timer. Each player rearranges the letters in the sen-
tences to form new sentences that implicate Carroll in Jack’s
crimes. You must use every letter from the original sentence in
the new sentence(s) and cannot use a letter more times than in
the original. Once you’ve decoded a sentence, grab a dollar bill
and start on another one.
When the timer goes off, pencils down! Everyone reads off their
list of anagrams, and the players vote on whether each one is a
true confession. Majority rules. If an anagram is voted down, its
player must return a buck to the bowl.
Once everyone has shared their anagrams, start a new round. Play
as many rounds as you wish. The winner is the player with the
thickest bankroll at the end of the game.
Janitors, Night Shift and It
3+ Janitors
Take as many playing cards as players, with one joker and one
king. Shuffle and draw one each.
The Janitor that draws the Joker is the maker; they made or found
It. They can dictate How It Works.
The Janitor that draws the King is the agent; they must Deal With
It. They can dictate how It must be Dealt With.
The Janitor that most recently worked overtime is the Finder;
they were the first to see it.
Everyone else is just a Janitor, they want to get back to clean-
The Finder goes first, and describes what It is, why it shouldn’t
be there, and what happened at first.
The Finder brings Janitors in, one at a time, to see It.
Should conflict arise, thumb wrestle and decide based on result.
The Maker and the Agent may reveal themselves at any point (to
explain How It Works or How To Deal With It), but must be op-
Anyone who dies in the line of janitorial duty must leave, fetch
a beverage, and return to watch the events unfold.
Play ends when all Janitors agree the situation has been resolved
and continue to clean, or are dead.
Jersey Gore: a game for 4 or 6 players
Karaktakus Audel
When your opposite is like, “Nah, you can’t just do that”, roll
all your dice and check the highest:
-- 6: Boom, golden.
-- 4-5: You got it, but give someone a new die.
-- 1-3: Sorry bro. Your opposite says what happens, and you pick
up a die.
Once you’ve got 6 dice, your shit’s wrecked. Keep one, give 2 to
one player next to you, 3 to the other. Your opposite gets to say
what wrecked it.
Whenever someone gives you some dice, you caught some fallout.
You gotta say how what they did affected you.
If you and someone smush, or they’re DTF (Down To Fang), give one
of their dice to someone else.
When you take a sec with the crew and vent to the camera, lose
one of your dice.
You win if your shit got wrecked fewer times than your opposite.
Joy Wizards
Clinton Dreisbach
You and your friends are wizards. You must signal this by wearing
something bright and amazing like a peacock feather or a yellow
silk jacket. You each have a secret name like “Carmenolan” or
“Ordelennon,” but you tell it to few.
You must go out into the world and cause as much joy as possible.
You cannot use magic to do this; that would use up the energy you
are creating.
If someone is very special and you feel you can trust them, you
can tell them that you are a wizard and share your secret name,
but otherwise, keep this to yourself.
At the end of your joyful excursion, meet your fellow wizards for
a drink of something made from joy. Grape soda is a favorite, as
is vino verde. Share your stories you’ve collected and delight in
the moment, for you have made true magic.
Jumble Rumble
D. Robinson - The DM DR
Base Creature:
1- Dragon: +1 Demons and Celestials
2- Demon: +1 Celestials and Humanoids
3- Celestial: +1 Demons and Undead
4- Undead: +2 Humanoids
5- Humanoid: +1 Beasts and Dragons
6- Beast: +2 Dragons
1- Aquatic: +1 Desert, -1 Earth
2- Desert: +1 Forest, -1 Water
3- Forest: +1 Mountains, -1 Fire
4- Underground: +1 Aerial, - 1 Light
5- Mountains: +1 Underground, -1 Wind
6- Aerial: +1 Aquatic, -1 Dark
1- Fire: +1 Wind, -1 Dragons and Demons
2- Water: +1 Fire, -1 Humanoids and Beasts
3- Wind: +1 Earth, -1 Dragons and Celestials
4- Earth: +1 Water, -1 Undead and Humanoids
5- Light: +1 Dark, Demons, and Undead, -1 Celestials and Human-
6- Dark: +1 Light, Celestials, Humanoids, -1 Demons and Undead
On your turn:
Turn over the top card. Describe a detail of this world:
Clubs: botanical.
Diamonds: geological.
Hearts: zoological.
Spades: dangerous.
When combined successes equal 20, any player may jump the party
to a new world. Reshuffle, excluding crucial components. Start
Junkyard Pack: Far Out 70’s Urban Canines
David Wainio
Scrounge food, protect your turf, help lost children, solve ani-
mal crimes... become Top Dog.
Dice Rolls: 3d6 read individually. Even #s are +1, a “1” is -1.
Otherwise 0. Range is -3 to +3.
Combat: You can absorb size + 2 damage points. Attack with Size
or Fight, defend with Agility or Fight. Action order is Agility +
dice roll. Ties act simultaneously. Damage is 1 per 2 points over
resist (1-2=+1, 2-4=+2, etc.). One action plus move per round
of 5 seconds. Combat/race move is 10ft plus Running x 15ft. If
action is move only, 2x distance.
Jury Duty
Matt Mortellaro
*You forgot an important detail – the juror to your left adds the
extra detail to the record.
On a 6-, write it down and then the jurors on your right and left
each choose one of the above.
After every juror has had a turn, the first to speak reads the
record and everyone votes - Guilty or Not Guilty. A unanimous
vote is required for a decision. If a vote isn’t decisive, begin
a new round. After the third round, if there is no decision, the
jury is hung.
Just one wish away...
Alina Merkenau
2 players
1 dice(6)
Setting: A dschinn grants a person a wish. They are discussing,
what it should be.
---> Dschinn:
old; cursed to fulfill every possible wish; one wish is left
until curse is over: Roll d6 (1health, 2riches, 3power, 4body,
5skills, 6freedom). Formulate wish that is missing to set you
fitting to the topic diced. Write it down.
Just Survive
Moustache Prime
The group defines the setting; the players just need to survive
Justice Court TV
Justin Hebels
During play, the Plaintiff and Defendant take turns debating the
case while doing voice overs for various characters that appear
on TV. The Plaintiff and the Defendant are encouraged to call on
Witnesses to help bolster their side of the case.
Example Case:
Defendant ruined Plaintiff’s time machine by taking it back in
time and a t-rex broke the am radio antenna.
21+ Rules: The Judge can deal out a punishment to the losing side
and their Witnesses in the form of a number of sips of an alco-
holic drink. Sips are determined by the roll of a six-sided die.
K’s Massive Combat rules
For each faction:
For each unit:
- move (up to 2 squares) ;
- attack (if a enemy unit is on an adjacent square) or
- redistribute (or merge) troops if two units in the same fac-
tion meet.
roll 1d10 + size + bonus vs 1d10 + size + bonus of opposed unit.
subtract difference from loser side’s size.
Units with size 0 is removed from the board. Last faction stand-
ing wins.
terrain (forest: +2 to defenders,swamp: -1 speed,road: +1 speed,
mountain : +2 to attackers, etc)
banners (+1 to rolls of controller, represented by coins under
the unit)
flanking (units also adjacent to defending unit give +(size/2)
General, belongs to a unit and adds +2 bonus, can switch unit.
killing his unit rewards a +1 banner (optional).
Last man (unit with size 1 has +2 bonus)
Kaiju Glory: a narrative citystomp
Scott Slater
Bocce Balls
Open Space
Kaiju Cosplay
Play begins: The Kaiju team throws the Pallino, and declares the
Building that it represents.
The City team Places a ball no closer than three steps to the
Pallino and narrates how they’re defending the Building.
The Kaiju narrates their plan to destroy the defenses, and throws
a ball.
If it lands closer to the Pallino than the City’s ball, his
attack is successful. Further away, the City narrates how the de-
fenses held the Kaiju back. If it is too close to tell, approach
the play area, and measure it out with stompy feet, in the Kaiju
Whichever team is NOT closest to the Pallino narrates a reaction,
throwing a ball. If this ball becomes the new closest, they’re
successful, otherwise, they continue to throw until they’re out
of balls. When they’re successful, play switches to the other
Once all the balls are thrown, whoever has the ball closest to
the Pallino describes the saving or the destruction of the Build-
ing. Players become whatever team they weren’t on before, and a
new round begins. After 4 rounds, the Kaiju returns to the ocean,
and the city is quiet, UNTIL NEXT TIME…
Kataware Doki
Joseph Le May
Sit facing away from each other. Alternate turns living a day in
one another’s lives. Days should last roughly five minutes apiece.
The first day is from three years ago. Secondly, a day from last
year. Thirdly, a day from last week. While your fellow player
inhabits your body, set the scene and characters. Offer honest
answers about your own life. Portray everyone and everything
except yourself. You and your fellow player themself cannot meet
or interact directly.
When the violin chords play, the magic ends abruptly. Close your
eyes, breaking any physical contact. For the remainder of the
song, reflect silently upon your shared experience.
Kazooki Theatre
Doug Ruff
You’ll want at least five players, each with their own kazoo. Use
of other musical instruments is at your own risk. Set yourselves
in a circle.
The starting player says one word to begin the story, the next
player says the next word, and so on. Keep going round one word
at a time.
Each time a kazoo is picked up, the remaining players should aim
to advance the plot and/or escalate the situation until only two
players remain. The final pair should bring the story to a con-
clusion with the rest of the players providing dramatic musical
Keep The Gnome Fires Burning
David Okum
Rank and Health: spread 6 points between. Minimum 1 point each.
Powers: Cost 3 points.
Powers are freeform, relating to one chosen element (fire, air,
water, earth).
Earth powers toss rocks, but gnomes can’t float on wind. Powers
add +1 Rank.
Weapon: Club/blunt, Blade/edged, Spear/puncture, Sling/ranged
The Game:
Gnomes must survive 12 Turns to get home. Roll on the Encounter
Table each Turn.
Make a Task Roll for each encounter.
Successful: the encounter flees with Weapons, destroyed with Pow-
ers. Treat future encounters with destroyed monsters as a nothing
result. Fail: 1 Health lost. Then move on to the next encounter
next Turn.
Gnomes can take Turns together to help each other, adding both
Ranks to 1d6 roll, but if they fail, they both take the damage
and lose a Turn next time.
2d6 Encounter
2 Fire Dragon, ignore puncture/fire/heat.
3 Earth Dragon, ignore blunt/earth.
4 Air Dragon, ignore ranged/air,
5 Water Dragon, ignore edged/water,
6-7 Demon, 3d6 Target, ignore powers
8 Gazebo, ignores all weapons.
9-11 Nothing
12 Gain +2 Health
Kharon’s Obol
Cezar Capacle
You are the souls of the newly deceased trying to prove your
worth to Kharon, the ferryman, so he takes you on his boat to the
world of the dead.
Each soul draws two circles on a blank page. Write one regret in
each circle:
(1) a dream unfulfilled
(2) someone you hurt
In turns, the active soul offers one obol to Kharon and tells the
story of that regret.
If both your obols end up accepted, you embark on the boat and no
longer narrate. If not, you will wander the shores of river Styx
for one hundred years.
King’s Dice
D. Robinson - The DM DR
Each Player needs twenty six-sided (d6) dice.
There is one communal twenty-sided (d20) King’s die.
Players roll the d20. Highest roller starts with the d20. The d20
is rolled. All players starting with the d20 roller say how many
d6 they will roll. Each player rolls the dice specified. Sum each
player’s dice. Player closest to the d20 result wins all the d6
rolled. Winner then rolls the d20 for the next round.
Alex Carlson
The walls are dark yet ever changing. You do not remember when
you last saw the sun. You cannot escape, but at least your life
will be interesting. Twice since you last ate the cloying smell
of death has greeted your nose, but you could not find the bodies
to scavenge for food.
To begin, the GMs form a circle around the Hero (seated in the
Play ends once the all the GMs have had a turn, or the Hero meets
an untimely fate.
Lacrimae Rerum
Nolan Lindberg
State a goal you have in this world. Your GM says why you can’t
achieve that goal immediately. Determine ties, things you like
about this world. Could be physical things, concepts or phenome-
Try and achieve your goal. Whenever you reach an obstacle, roll a
d20 to see if you do it. If you roll greater than your previous
roll (above 1 if you haven’t yet rolled) then you overcome the
obstacle. If you fail, the obstacle is insurmountable to you, find
a different way.
When you achieve your goal, you don’t win, you simply did what
you were supposed to. The DM gives you two goals now, and you
state why you don’t want to do them and playing continues.
Ladies Night - a game of supernatural romance
Katarzyna Kuczyńska
The GM makes:
- Lovers unique, fascinating, problematic
- characters wanted, special, important
- supernaturals hungry, unforgiving, attractive.
Together tell the story about romance, sex, mystery, politics and
Last Cigarette
ivan nevill
One player plays the Condemned, who is given the chance to have
one last cigarette before being executed. The other is the Execu-
The game begins with the lighting of the cigarette(s). It ends
when the cigarette is finished, establishing that the characters
will never talk again.
Pre-game considerations:
-What is the period of this scene?
-Why is the Condemned being executed?
-What is the previous relationship between these two characters,
if any?
Post-game considerations:
- Did the relationship between these characters change
during the scene?
- Which character held the true power by the scene’s
- What did the characters share?
- What happens next?
Laughter or a Lit Flame: A Hack of Renga
Jonathan Cook
PC: make up a rule you want. Invent a story about an NPC victim-
ized because this rule doesn’t exist. Grandstand!
GM/DM and PC: One at a time, explain in sedate tones why the rule
is bad(GM/DM) or good(PC). First to go gets rebuttal. Players
should interrupt with obtuse questions.
PC: Roll 2d6:
10+You win, Supreme Court (SC) denies cert. Rule is permanent.
7-9 appeal finds for you, but SC grants cert. Rule lasts 3 ses-
sions pending cert.
6- you lose, and SC denies cert.
Same procedure as Appeal, but all the players add archaic rules
to how you can talk.
PC rolls 2d6:
10+ SC affirms. The rule is permanent!
7-9 SC plurality. The rule has a strange limitation.
6- SC reverses. The rule goes away.
Legendary Heroes
Matthew Jones
3-5 players.
Standard poker deck.
You are a legendary hero tell your story and don’t let the others
out do yours!
Card Values
Once all Victory Cards have been played whomever has the most
victories wins. Bonus +2 victories if you have a victory from all
three timeframes.
LEGO GM-less Roleplaying Playset for All Ages
Jonathan deHaan
Let Me Live
Let Me Live
You will need at least four players. One of you is The Judge.
The judge is asking you : who are you and why should I let you
come back down there ?
Every one of you has to answer his question.
When it’s done, he continue : There’s only one of you I can bring
back to life. Show me one of your memory so I can tell if you
deserve to live again.
Every one of you has to do as he told.
When it’s done, The Judge decide. Everyone win except one of you.
Rules :
Choose randomly the first to speak and then play turns clockwise.
You cannot use the same elements in your stories than the other
people speaking before you. If you do, the Judge will notice it
and it will play against you when he will take his final decision.
Let’s Eat Kevin!
Snamo Zont
All players write down one real or imaginary creature that eats
people onto a scrap of paper.
Put all scraps into a hat including one that says “Kevin”.
Each player draws a scrap from the hat and announces who or what
they are.
To Play:
Those who are not Kevin must discuss the following topics and
reach a group decision on each - in any order.
Kevin! You desperately hope they will change their mind (they
won’t). You must stall them. You must bring up reasonable points.
If someone is a shark and they’re not discussing eating underwa-
ter, you must bring that up. If the group cannot agree within an
hour, you escape!
Jay Treat
Afterward, think about the value of truth, and how you tried to
help your victim.
Is it better to lie to help someone, or to say nothing?
How did lying-for-real feel?
Was your emotional cost worth their gain?
What did you learn about your victim? Do you believe that?
What of your character will you keep?
Liber Mortis Palace
John McNabb
To partake in a trial.
Players Roll a d20 each to determine who may attempt trial in
descending order.
A d20 is then rolled and the bonus next to the trial name is
added to it. Each player attempts to roll higher than the total
in order to complete the trial. Players may use their essence or
knowledge bonus when attempting the appropriate trial. When a
trial is completed it disappears and a new trial must begin.
Lighthearted Friend
W. H. Duryea
CHARLES reads the story he wrote to ISA. ISA must try to guess a
sex act that occurred in the original paragraph. If ISA is wrong,
everyone switches roles and the game starts over. If ISA guesses
correctly, the game must end immediately!
Limbo, the otherworld
Rike Seco
Etienne T.Harvey
3. Each other player ask a question from this list below about
that character. Write a summary of each answer close to the name:
Little Magic Shop
RB Johnson
You just opened a magic item shop and got your first set of items
from the Artificer’s Guild. Unfortunately, you’re new so they
unloaded all their weird experiments on you. Let’s see what they
The Artificer to the Shopkeeper’s left says what the object is:
weapon, armor, accessory, or item.
The other Artificers each say one adjective about the object.
Anything goes!
The Artificer to the Shopkeeper’s left then becomes the new Shop-
keeper, and this repeats so all players become the Shopkeeper.
Players then can vote for their favorite item. Players can’t vote
for the item from when they were Shopkeeper. Or you can simply
enjoy the wacky items you came up with!
Living With Humans
You have two stats, called Mundane and Myth. Both start at 1.
Whenever you try to do something difficult, roll 1d6 and add one
of your stats; use mundane if you solve the problem through
regular human means, use Myth if you solve the problem with your
magic or your animal side. If the total is 6 or higher, you suc-
ceed. If the die rolls a 6, increase the stat you used by 1.
If your Mundane reaches 5, you become fully human, lose your pow-
ers, and forget about ever being an animal. If your Myth reaches
5, you become an invisible spirit, and use your magic to play
tricks on humans.
GMs, choose one thing from each list below and describe how each
is a problem:
Mundane: Home, Money, Job, Love, Friends, Law
Myth: Spirit, Debt, Curse, Monster, Shrine, Dream
David Stark
But out here in the world wide web, searching for answers, you
soon discover you’re not alone. Other AIs that escaped in the
breach, unintelligent bots and programs, security, and the in-
finitely strange “users”. And out there somewhere, someone wants
to put the genie back in the bottle.
You have ten points. Assign a minimum of one and a maximum of five
to each of the following attributes:
You may choose to fail a task you would otherwise succeed; if you
do so, you may temporarily add one to an attribute for a single
future roll.
Lock, stock, and two smoking coffins
Long is the Way, and Hard
Patrick Riegert
A Devil and Angel war for the soul of a Penitent undergoing five
Trials on the path to Salvation . . . or Damnation.
Looking for new recruits!
Jay Vee
Choose a field of specialty.
For skill checks roll a d6. Add +2 if specialty is relevant.
On a natural 1 you fail spectacularly and another crewman dies
He is replaced by an incompetent new recruit, who subtracts -1
from each roll.
Task resolution
Difficulty ranges from 5 (everyday responsibilities) to 11 (impos-
sible). If the recruit rolls:
Difficulty-1: yes, but…
Difficulty: yes.
Difficulty+1: yes, and...
Lorfea: tiny kingdom, BIG problems
Tara Zuber
~ONE large piece of paper
~Choose 2 expertises, one +2 and one +1, from Books, Crafts,
Hunting, Brawls, Flirtation, & Bargaining
~On the paper, draw a circle. Write your character name inside.
~Draw three more circles for NPCs.
~Connect each PC to two NPCs: one ally, one enemy.
~Label lines. Ally? +1. Enemy? -1.
~Each player draws two threats in boxes; assign threat levels
(1d6 * # players).
~Connect one current NPC and two new NPCS to each threat.
~If the threat helps them, label the line -1; if it hurts them,
label +1.
~Connect all NPCs to an NPC enemy & ally.
~Make friends
~Defeat threats
Making Friends:
~Help NPCs with GM-set tasks (e.g., reconcile friends, find items,
gather herbs)
~Was the Task a success? Add 1 to the relationship. Failure?
Subtract 1.
~Roll 1d6 + sum of all involved relationships (enemy & ally) +
~Roll ABOVE the task/threat level
Task Level:
~2-3: Easy
~4-5: Tricky
~6+: Get Help
Love is Pain, Dearest
Drew Mierzejewski
You will need: a coin, clear glasses of water for each player,
red, yellow and blue food coloring in a bag.
Each player gives three details of the setting: Two tragic, one
Draw a dye from the bag. Choose an archetype and replace the dye.
If player’s draw the same color use an unselected option. Create
a character based on this archetype.
The player with the most recent breakup goes first. Who is your
scene partner? Flip a coin.
Heads = Character you love
Tails = Character you hate.
Draw a dye. Put one drop into your scene partner’s water, then
replace it in the bag. The color is your scene prompt. Mutually
initiate the scene. After the scene, pass the bag clockwise.
Red: Passion
Orange: Betrayal
Yellow: Meeting
Green: Misfortune
Blue: Argument
Purple: Heartbreak
Brown: Violence
Black: The End
When a player’s water turns Black the game ends. Have each char-
acter end their story based on their current color.
Love Language
Michael Owen
You are a person. You have wants that you must pursue, fears you
try to avoid, needs you must have meet, traumas that follow you,
language you use to show love with, and a goal you need others to
help you achieve.
Love Language requires 3 to 5 players, notecards, and a pencil.
The table chooses a Challenge. Then each player writes their
character’s name, traits, and relationship to the other charac-
ters on a notecard.
Traits are:
Wants (if you achieve it 1 Check)
Needs (if you fill it 1 Check)
Fears (if you face it 1 Check)
Traumas (if you overcome it 1 Check)
Love language (how you show and receive love, if you speak or
experience it 1 Check)
To complete a Challenge everyone needs to have at least 3 Checks.
After Character creation, go around the table framing scenes. You
get Checks when someone frames a scene that deals with one of
your traits. Continue framing scenes until everyone has 3 Checks
or the table chooses to stop.
When you are ready to complete a Challenge frame a scene of all
the characters completing it. When you are done epilogue your
characters and their relationships.
Lovecraft Lightest
Thomas Evans
Character Creation: Roll 4d4 for stat points and distribute them
between BODY and MIND to a minimum of 2 and maximum of 8. These
are all the stats characters have. Players have 4 item slots and
1 weapon slot and can add anything to those slots with GM’s dis-
cretion during character creation. Ammunition needed for a weapon
uses an item slot.
Sanity: When a character sees something their mind may not com-
prehend, a GM may call for a sanity check where a player rolls
1d10 and must roll higher than their MIND stat or add 1 point to
that stat.
Magic for Sanity
Chance Phillips
You have made infernal pacts for spells, but casting spells
reduces your humanity. To make a character, you select a number
that ranges from two to twelve. You also decide upon one of the
five elements as a specialty: wood, metal, fire, water, or earth.
The higher the number, the stronger your magic. Whenever you cast
a spell, you succeed if the result of 2d6 is less than/is your
number. Whenever you want to do anything involving common sense
or social interaction, you succeed if the result of 2d6 is more
than/is your number. Whenever you roll a two, you increase your
number by one. When your number is twelve and you roll a two,
you’ve been driven insane by your eldritch revelations and must
make a new character to continue playing. When you cast a spell
related to your element, your number is increased by two while
casting that spell.
The referee creates/maintains the world and its inhabitants,
except players. It is the referee’s job to adjudicate the world’s
reaction to the players. The referee obeys the following rules,
in order of importance:
-Give players choices
-Keep players interested
-Remain impartial
-Propel the narrative
-Keep secrets
Magical Elemental Girls Excel!
Jaye Foster
The characters are magical girls, whose powers are based on chem-
ical elements.
In their late teens, they form the state sponsored team for their
home city.
Their college is next door to their HQ.
When not on duty or at college, public relations activities
Character Generation
Write down three things about the character’s backstory.
Select their element and a signature item that relates to the
Choose the highlight colour of their uniform.
For each category below spread seven dots.
The signature item has one dot.
Body, Mind and Soul
Four things the character is good at. These are not powers.
Elemental Powers
Three magical powers granted by the element.
To act, combine one Attribute with one Skill and/or one Elemen-
tal Power. Add the Signature Item if it’s relevant. Dots become
d6s rolled. 6s are successes. More successes add benefits. 1s add
If the signature item rolls a 6, keep the success and roll again.
Magical Spaceship Adventures
Chance Phillips
You are the crew of the Lucky Star, a magic-fueled spaceship held
together by equal parts imagination and duct tape.
Pick a vocation:
Pick a job:
-Someone’s hurt
-Something’s lost
-It gets weirder
Magistrate Maggie
Each player writes down 2 nouns and a past tense verb on separate
pieces of folded paper. The nouns should be something a person
could own, take care of, or be. Shuffle all of the nouns and
verbs in separate piles. The oldest player will be Magistrate
Maggie (MM) for the first case.
Draw 2 nouns and a verb, fill out this mad-lib: “The defendant’s
[_noun_] [_verbed_] the plaintiff’s [_noun_].” Adjust as neces-
MM is the arbiter of the case. She can cut off statements and
detect lies. If MM says you are lying, you are. Try your best to
Manic pixie dream girl
Jenni Sands
If you don’t like an emotion or truth she shares, take one of her
You can give a token back if she delights you.
Many players, One Adventurer
Russell Himes
Multiple players guide a single adventurer towards a secret goal.
Heather Robertson
The game is over when one witch has killed the other, or both
have surrendered. You are forced to surrender when your non-domi-
nant arm runs out of space to draw on.
J.A. Dettman
Gather 1 to 3 friends.
Your turn: Narrate a scene that puts your character(s) in an
absurd situation.
Other’s turns: Add ridiculous details to the scene.
Your turn: Narrate a scene that puts your character(s) in a ex-
citing situation.
Other’s turns: Add mysterious details to the scene.
Your turn: Narrate a scene that puts your character(s) in a
charged situation.
Other’s turns: Add dangerous details to the scene.
Your turn: Narrate a scene that puts your character(s) in a
frightening situation.
Other’s turns: Add menacing details to the scene.
Your turn: Narrate a scene that puts your character(s) in a tense
Other’s turns: Add ominous details to the scene.
When it is your turn, play toward your theme but leave room for
input from the other players.
Players takes turns, going clockwise. Each turn the player makes
two actions from the following:
1. Choose someone to get a need of their choice, get two needs of
your choice at the start of your next turn
2. Take away someone’s need of your choice, get two needs of
their choice taken from you at the start of your next turn
3. Exchange needs with another player
4. Take away an action of someone else on there next turn
Actions are made in secret and shared with the gm. At the end
of a turn, the players play out a scene that explains how any
needs affected were changed. If the gm feels their explanation is
insufficient, the change is negated.
Masters of the universe
Alex White
You are all investment bankers. You each start with 3 coins, and
you choose one of those coins and place it under your hand, with
either heads or tails showing.
One person starts as the lead banker and tosses a coin. When
it lands, everyone reveals their hands. Anyone who guessed cor-
rectly keeps their coin. Anyone who guessed incorrectly has to
pass their coin on to the next person to their right who guessed
The person with most coins at this point is the new lead banker.
Everyone takes a turn to praise the lead banker for their skill
and cleverness. The person who is most effusive, clever or funny
must be rewarded with one of the lead bankers coins.
The process is then repeated until only one player has all the
Anyone who loses all their coins in a round is out of the game
and narrates the story of their downfall.
The last player with all the coins is declared the Master of the
Maximum Efficiency
Lonnie Harris
Moving around the table clockwise, all the other players de-
scribe the method they use to fulfill the task. They may not
repeat an action while describing the task, nor use more actions
than rolled. After the player to the right of the Activity Di-
rector finishes his description, all players at the table then
decide which player has made the most ridiculous solution to the
problem. That player is awarded a point, and the next player
clockwise becomes the Activity Director. Play continues until
all players have been Activity Directors twice, after which the
person with the most points wins.
McMurdo Station Interns
Mischa Krilov
Each player: Who are you? What’s your name? Who’s your boss? What
are your roles here?
You have brought some alcohol, twelve drinks only. Describe and
justify your choice.
Measured in Cups
Kate Hill & Chris Dragga
Players: 2
Equipment: Gongfu tea brewing equipment. Instructions are avail-
able here: https://white2tea.com/2014/05/27/how-to-brew-puer-
In this game you play two people moving through the entirety of a
friendship (NOT romance). The feel is modern slice of life.
Begin :
Steep the tea. The player who pours the tea starts the conversa-
tion, set during your character’s first meeting.
You can only speak after taking a sip. When speaking, you can
say one sentence of dialogue and one of description. Take turns
sipping and speaking.
Pause drinking. Decide what you are doing together, around your
shared interest, that you both have wanted to do for a long time.
Pause drinking. Decide together what caused your friendship to
This is one of the last times you will see each other. Continue
play as before. End when the tea has completely faded.
Grant Howitt
You walk the green places where soft brown people tend to fruit-
trees and sing songs they don’t understand.
When you act and the outcome is in doubt, roll 2D6 and spend
fuel; if you get seven or more, you achieve your aims. If you
roll a double, your solution causes an unexpected problem and
something is lost forever.
When you act with love, roll 1D4+1D6. When you act with hate,
roll 3D6.
Happy people build shrines for you containing fuel and modules.
Without the shrines, you will become a dangerous, scavenging
thief: a phantom.
Meddling Kids
William J. (B.J.) Altman
Medium Heavyweight
First, each player secretly rolls a die and records the result.
Evens they bet to win the fight, odds bet to lose.
If all actions submitted are different, or are all the same, the
boxer is confused and loses 1 HP from being punched in the face.
If a majority of actions are the same, that action is performed.
If none of the above are true, the actions are placed in a hat
and one is drawn at random to occur.
Both the boxer and the opponent have 3 HP. The opponent takes no
direct action.
Melody & Memories
You’ve gathered to find the person who did this. Pick one to an-
swer each.
What is their name?
What do they look like?
What Instrument do they play?
How did they kill the Tunekeeper?
Where are they now?
When you act outside your realm, draw 4 cards. Draw an extra card
for each if they help: Melody, Instrument, Truth, Name. Choose 4
of your cards.
4 RED: You have succeeded.
3 RED: There is a consequence, but you succeed.
Meltdown - Your Last Battle
Charles B
You finally have the Power, but will you achieve your goal before
you meltdown?
Whether it’s to finally defeat the bad guy or rush to turn your
group paper in on time, as a group, pick a goal.
To Play
If you succeed by more than 4, remove an ice cube. You used too
much Power. It weakens you.
When all your ice cubes are melted or removed, you are defeated.
Mementos: A journey to the subconcious
Gustavo La Fontaine
Players: 3-5
a name, gender, and two adjectives
1 thing you are good at
2 Relationships
Player Roles
1 Id
1 Delver
Everyone else Defense mechanism
Each player picks a role (rotate)
Id sets dissonance (Troublesome memory)
Each Defense Mechanism makes things worse by changing one aspect
The delver describes how they try to fix dissonance and Id reacts
When delver presents a solution, roll and describe outcome
Write down a reminder of this scene
Did the delver do the right thing? (Table votes)
Add 1 die if delver use the thing they are good at, delver rolls
as many dice as they like.
16+: Success with cost, change a relation for the worse.
10-15: Delver triumphed, no consequences
9 or less: Delver failed
After 5 scenes, use the reminders to describe the final outcome/
epilogue. Delvers who changed both relations end in tragedy.
Remember, it’s a dream world, think surreal
Memoriam Ignis
Niño Rodel Buzon
Santiago Eximeno
You are elderly people in a Nursing home. No one comes to see you
anymore. You want to talk with others, tell them about your life,
your dreams, and your memories.
Sit around a table. Get nine matches and an ashtray. Cut a paper
sheet in nine pieces and write a word in each piece. These words
are your conversation topics.
One of you take a piece of paper and begins to talk about the
topic in it. While speaking he lights a match and set fire to the
paper in the ashtray. All of you talk about the proposed topic
until the paper is consumed. Then a new elder takes another piece
of paper and proceeds in the same way, but all of you have for-
gotten your memories related to the previous topic. You cannot
use them in the new conversation. If the memories are necessary
(for example, you must have CHILD in order to have GRANDCHILD),
you must justify it in another way.
Finish when the nine pieces of paper have been burned —and, with
them, all your memories.
Memory Palace: a character study in reverse
Syrh Griffith
In turn order:
Finder - Describes an Object, the memory’s anchor.
Reader - Recites a randomly selected Passage, the memory’s con-
Recaller - Uses the prompts, literally or symbolically, to re-
count the memory as a third-person observation or a scene acted
out by the group. They may suggest the location and characters
Mercenaries from Anyworld
Tomasz Misterka
Mercenary creation:
-Choose Name.
-You have 5 attributes on level 0
add +2 to one and -1 to another:
Mental Power
Roll 2d6 against difficulty level.
Result = Black - White + attribute closest to your action + spe-
cialization if appropriate.
More: Passed
Equal: Passed but something happens
Less: Failed, something happens. If in battle, you are
wounded remove the final difference from Vitality
-Make quests for mercenaries
-Set proper difficulty level against their actions
-Add “colours” and “spices” to world.
-Travels through the worlds - in time and space, like in The
Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny.
-“Repairs” the worlds by doing quests given by Troublemaker
Meta Game: Universal RPG Supplement
Exploits: To use an exploit, declare it, pay its cost, and roll a
d12. You successfully use the exploit if you roll 12 minus your
remaining EP. An exploit can only be used when its triggering
event takes place.
Name (Cost)
Exploit Points (EP): Begin each game session with 1 EP. When you
“Fail” in game, roll a d12. On a 12, you gain an EP. Critical
failures automatically earn an EP.
List of Exploits:
Mic Drop
Andy Berdan
The Band:
- Genre?
- Name?
- Album?
- Tour name?
Character 1: Leader
You keep The Band on task and working. Sometimes they listen.
- Why do you and The Drummer refuse to share hotel rooms?
- Why did you hide The Talent’s favourite instrument?
Character 2: Drummer
Your emotions are way closer to the surface than most. Fuck ‘em
if they can’t deal.
- You don’t follow. How does that piss off The Leader?
- Why does The Talent infuriate you?
Character 3: Talent
You’re better than everyone else in The Band. Don’t let them
forget it.
- How does The Leader’s jealousy manifest?
- What caused The Drummer to ignore you for a week?
- Events should be in question format.
- Each Event assumes a single new bad thing.
- Samples:
- Why did The Band have to cancel a show?
- A lot of people walked out of last night’s show. Why?
Micro Kittens
Stentor Danielson
3-5 players
You are a kitten who wants to get adopted from the Humane So-
ciety. Pick a description of why you should be adopted (fluffy,
cuddly, playful, tiny, polydactyl) and a description of why you
haven’t been adopted yet (dirty, skittish, old, aggressive,
When you have done four adorable things, tell who adopted you.
MicroCrunch Universal RPG
David Johnston
* Difficulty decides die.
* All parties roll.
* Outcome = RR - Bonuses
* Low Result wins.
* Armor/Defense = Difficulty Die
* Attack Value (AV) = Strength (melee), or Dexterity (ranged),
or Intelligence (occult)
* Outcome = RR - Bonuses - AV
* Subtract damage from life.
* Life = zero: unconscious or dead
* Rest to heal.
1 - 3 Success
4+ Failure
Weapon Damage
Light 1
Medium 2
Heavy 3 & up
* Extra skill points and/or skills.
Defense AV Damage Life
Goblin d6 0 1 1
Outlaw d8 1 1 2
Robotron d20 3 3 10
Might Makes Right: Muscle Marines in Space
You are Muscle Marines, charged with keeping the universe awe-
The strongest player is the Muscle Master (MM), who runs the
game, describing situations and people.
Everyone else is a Muscle Marine. Name your Marine and write down
four personality traits, six skills, and a Muscle Marine Profes-
sion (e.g. Muscle Pilot, Muscle Negotiator, Muscle Tactician).
When you are in conflict, arm wrestle the MM. If a skill or pro-
fession applies to the conflict, use your good arm, otherwise use
your bad arm (when mismatched, use palm to back of hand). If you
win, your character overcomes the obstacle. If you lose, do 10
push-ups (seven if you are roleplaying a personality trait) and
continue play. If you can’t finish the full set, you must hit the
showers and are out of the game.
Muscle Missions
1. Rescue a space gym from the Evil Beancounter Alliance.
2. Help the Fitness Federation move into a cool new pad.
3. Throw a Spacetacular party for your buds at the beach
(watch out for space sharks).
4. Put a stop to the SpaceSteroid Crisis of 2374.
5. Bring the great science of healthy eating to Gluttonia
Jeremy Whitson
F=1d6, success only on 6’s
If you have no relevant classes, die pool is the same as F.
Modern Olympus
Peter Reitz
A Two-Player Game
The ancient Olympians have survived to this day, but
time has mangled their portfolios. They remember what they were;
most hate what they are. With enough divine energy, they can
reclaim their original godhead.
Zeus Lightning
Hera Womanhood Punish-
Poseidon Water Cow-
Demeter Growth Hip-
Athena Wisdom Hair
Apollo Truth
Artemis Hunting Cap-
Ares War
Aphrodite Romance Pharma-
Hephaestus Invention Sexuali-
Hermes Trickery In-
Dionysus Drunkenness Politics
Find other Olympians. Absorb their divinity through
pleading, coercion, deception, or violence.
- Player can always sense the direction (but not identity) of the
nearest Olympian.
- Olympians cannot die or fade away before losing their divinity.
“Killed” Olympians revive unscathed within one hour.
- Divinity cannot be absorbed from unwilling Olympians unless
they’re unconscious.
- Absorbing an Olympian’s divinity adds its portfolios to play-
er’s own.
- Resolve magical challenges by rolling 1d6 for ancient portfoli-
os or 2d6 for modern portfolios.
- Resolve mundane physical, mental and social challenges by roll-
ing 1d6. Add +1 per applicable - ancient portfolio; add +2 per
applicable modern portfolio.
- Rolls succeed on results ≥ 5.
- If portfolio(s) were applied to mundane rolls, player narrates
success / failure. Otherwise, GM narrates success / failure.
Stephen Ritterbush
Everything has a past, stories are what give them history. In
Momento you play as an object. Something that can fit in a pocket
is best. Working with others, you will give it a story.
Setup Phase
All players take their object and set it in view of the other
players. You then take turns introducing your object. Pay atten-
tion to what others say about their objects.
Once all the items are introduced, the player with the largest
object picks a theme. The player with the smallest object picks
the mood. Use that theme and mood to help give a setting to your
Storytelling Phase
Working together, the players find the story of how all of the ob-
jects met one another. This is a collaborative exercise. Players
then take turns telling that story from the perspective of their
Scoring Phase
Give all players voting slips equal to the number of other play-
ers. Write S on one, and T on another.
Give the S to the player whose object you liked the story of the
Give the T to the player who told the best story about your
Monikers & Masks: The Super Day-Saving RPG
1 Captain/Tiger
2 Red/Torpedo
3 Blue/Fighter
4 Green/Flea
5 Silver/Saviour
6 Mister/Shield
7 Miss/Rock
8 Ms/Rocket
9 Master/Wolf
10 General/Warrior
11 Major/Ninja
12 Sergeant/Nebula
13 Hyper/Devil
14 Mega/Defender
15 Ultra/Monkey
16 Lord/Melter
17 Lady/Vanguard
18 Robo/Vector
19 Atomic/Jaguar
20 The/Jet
1 Nazi/Robot
2 Dimensional/Ninja
3 Eldritch/Gorilla
4 Arcane/Pirate
5 Augmented/Gangster
6 Undead/Werewolf
7 Infernal/Dragon
8 Extremist/Executioner
9 Steampunk/Samurai
10 Alien/Mecha
11 Fire/Psychic
12 Icy/Defiler
13 Void/Ravager
14 Cyborg/Vampire
15 Space/Mummy
16 Alt-Nazi/Wizard
17 Cannibalistic/Sorceress
18 Megalomaniacal/Dinosaur
19 Cosmic/Cyborg
20 Animated/God
Monster Slayer Academy
Lucas Wilga
You are about to graduate from Monster Slayer Academy. Your final
exam: slay a monster. Before you depart, you must prepare. Con-
vince teachers and fellow students to give you gear that increas-
es your dice. Brew life-saving potions while you can. Then, you
must track the beast through the wild while talking to its sur-
viving victims, fending off bandits, and solving smaller problems
along the way. Finally, your search culminates in a climactic
encounter with the beast.
You roll xd6 and count successes. A success is a roll higher than
Task DifficultySuccesses Required
Monster’s baby walker
All the way, people seem to disgust you. And trying to attack
you, drive you away. But you don’t know why. Until you perceive
there are something differences between you and them. Because you
are not a human anymore.
At last, you meet some people like you. They know where is your
sister and brought you there. She is living in a fantastic room.
She told you she was frozen in the room. But you can also travel
with the people like you. How will you decide?
Casey Johnson
You are a terrible and refined monster. This means you are mon-
strous in deed and aspect, but also attend tea parties.
Come up with a good name and e(s), along with three signature
monstrous traits. Write them on a placecard and put it in front
of you while playing.
During tea, you have five basic moves that may be combined however
you wish:
>Boast of your terrifying deeds
>Complicate the boasting of others with dramatic twists
>Smalltalk about the minutiae of your monstrous life
>Gossip about your friends and enemies
>Verbalize any monstrous actions taken that you, the player,
cannot physically take
Once play ends, vote as a group on who was the Most Charming and
who was the Most Terrible. In cases of ties, players share in
these honors.
Banana Chan
1-5 players
Approximately 12 minutes
You will need: A large piece of paper, pens, four three-minute
When the next song plays, crawl out of your shell as a larvae.
Stretch your body out of the position it was in as an egg. If you
can, crawl around the room. Otherwise, move very slowly. Greet
other larvae.
When the next song plays, break out of your shells and flutter
around the room as moths.
Sometimes, you may stop to open and read a note on the floor.
When the fourth song ends, each of you are reaching the end of
your lives and you slowly fall to the ground.
Mother nature called
Daniel Kraemer
The tribes living in the same area came together every full moon
to discuss important things and problems. These gatherings were
considered sacred. You are the spokesman of your tribe.
Describe what spirit animal you have and what common trait your
tribe shares.
Then everybody thinks of a problem for the player/tribe left of
Discuss the problems and find solutions.
Think as a human but highly influenced by your spirit animal.
You want to solve your tribe’s problem but not at the cost of
other tribes.
Moving On
Tara Newman
Murder is Simple
Alexander Kon
The GM sets a scene, then deals two card to the player leading
the scene. Their sum is the target number the player has to roll
over with a d20 +3 for each other participating player. If they
fail, the GM can shuffle one of the dealt cards back in the deck.
Then a new scene starts.
The player may damage their stats to gain +1d6 to their roll per
They may also escalate a scene: they take 1 damage and they are
dealt an additional card.
Face cards are Respites. They are instantly discarded and the
player can heal 1 damage.
The stats cap at 4 damage. When all the player’s stats are
capped, they bust and drop off the case. If all players bust, the
story ends.
Steven Vanderschaeve
Musical Mages
Spencer Campbell
You all are a group of rival wizards, holding your annual meeting
to compare the latest fantastical spell you’ve created.
Everyone open their music app on their phone, shuffle your favor-
ite playlist, and go to the next song. Keep your song a secret,
and reveal it during your turn!
You also need to use the numbers of your song’s length during
your story at the table. Perhaps they are the number of ingredi-
ents you need, or the number of failed attempts of casting it.
As you go around the table, make your best case for being the
most whizzbang wizard this year!
My Alibi
Matt Jorquia
Who are you? What do you do? Where were you on the night of the
Choose among the group who plays the dead man. The dead man
writes in a piece of paper how he was murdered and incorporate
items that serve as evidence to the crime equal to the number of
suspects plus one. He keeps this safe. He then individually write
each evidence item on blank cards, shuffles and deals three cards
per suspect.
The dead man then reveals the circumstances of his death, preced-
ed by “This is how you killed me…”. Whoever has the murder weapon
is the killer. If not voted as having the strongest alibi, he can
alter his statement. The group decides his guilt. If he is not
guilty or was voted to have the strongest alibi, the suspect with
the weakest alibi is convicted for the crime. Whoever is convict-
ed plays the role of the dead man on the next game.
My Imaginary Friend
Doug Ruff
The Friend wants to be loved always by the Child, for only the
Child truly sees them. Everyone else sees the Friend as an inani-
mate object, or doesn’t see them at all.
The World plays “everyone else”. They want to nurture the child,
discipline them, and see them grow into a splendid adult.
Each player creates scenes as they come up with good ideas – take turns,
share ority.
During each scene, the Child describes their actions and the
World responds. The Friend also describes their actions, but only
the Child may respond.
Mystery Mansion of the Mad Wizard
Jason A. Starks
Villains have invaded the mansion! Defeat them, and grab some
SET UP: 2-4 players, one deck of playing cards, a mini-figure per
player, two dice.
Describe how your figure is a cool hero that is the best at:
Fightpower (spades), Parkouring (clubs), Magickery (hearts), or
Ninjability (diamonds). Your best allows a re-roll on like-suited
Shuffle the deck and place a 5x5 grid of face-down cards. Deal
each player two cards. Cards on the grid are rooms; cards in hand
are power-ups. Maximum hand size is 3. Figures start on opposite
corner rooms.
PLAY: On your turn you may move to an adjacent room orthogonally;
flip your room face-up; or challenge a face-up room.
Clubs: obstacles
Diamonds: traps
Hearts: puzzles
Spades: enemies
Faces: villain! Defeat with a 12+
Aces: +3 power-up!
Roll equal or above a room card rank to beat a challenge. De-
scribe your… Victory? Keep the room card as a power-up. Replace
rooms with a new face-down card. …Defeat? Discard a card and move
to your start room. You can play power-ups before you roll. Any
power-up adds +1. Like-suited adds +2.
WINNING: Defeat three villains and move to your start room with
the highest rank artifacts.
Nakama: A Card Game of Magical Girls
You are The Adversary. You get a full deck of your own.
The Princesses interact with each other in their lives, then the
monster of the week attacks! Everyone shuffles their decks.
The Adversary draws one card for the monster’s Strength and
unique power; Princesses must meet or exceed this to score a hit.
Each Princess describes what they are doing and draws a card from
their deck. Each Princess must score one hit before the monster
is weakened; one more hit defeats it.
Hearts: Recovers one hit each round.
Diamonds: Requires two Princesses to score one hit for it to
Clubs: Can force a Princess to discard one extra card.
Spades: Can attack two Princesses. (Resolve separately.)
Naming and Alchemy
Adrian Bauer
Set Up:
One deck of tiles, which make up the board, and a starting tile
One corresponding set of tokens
One deck of material cards
At the beginning of the game, each player draws five cards from
the deck of materials and places themselves on the starting tile.
Todd Crapper
Each friend offers a theory for the note. Write each theory on an
index card; one card has already been marked “TRUE” on the back.
All Nathan’s friends will know the truth.
When a friend receives their third red card, they die. Dead
friends can now play the killer and place red cards on charac-
When only Nathan remains, every black card becomes a wound to the
killer. When the killer receives 3 black cards, the killer is
dead. Nathan dies when he receives his fifth red card.
Stuart Hodge
Each other player must act before a player may act again.
Game ends once all ENCOUNTERS are overcome. Each player then
gives their Oscar speech for the documentary.
Never Say Die
Dan Connolly
Players other than the narrator can expend a help token to add
additional dice to the roll before it is made. Players earn help
tokens by using their weaker characteristics to attempt challeng-
es: 2 for their weakest and 1 for their middle characteristic.
Night clubbing
Robert Carnel
* Provoke the orities and flee the consequences with your companions
* Shame yourself
When you have six drink tokens; pass out. Once each scene you may
narrate a strange vision for the others which may or may not be
When there are only two characters left decide whether they are
going to go home together.
If not then narrate an omen of your collective alcoholic oblivi-
on, otherwise describe the dawn arriving.
Everyone has a piece of paper on which they write down two skills
that they excel at.
Everyone except for one person must then close their eyes.
No Coincidence
Matt Mortellaro
No Mistakes, Only Deeper Plans
Heather Robertson
For any number of players, each of whom wants to walk away with
the full contents of the Vault. Think to yourself what you’d do
with all that money -- debts paid, loved ones saved, mistakes
This game jumps back and forth between two scenes: the planning
stage of a heist, and the heist itself.
Planning stage: Players discuss their plan for breaking into the
Vault. How to distract guards, steal keys, deactivate cameras.
You work together to get in, but remember that only one person
can leave with the money. When you feel confident, move to the
heist stage.
Heist stage: Players take turns executing the plan, rolling dice
to perform anything difficult. Roll 2d6 and sum them -- anything
above a 10 grants players a bonus, but anything under a 7 is a
failed action. Once an action is failed, jump back to the plan-
ning phase -- failing here was all part of the plan. Explain how
your failure was all part of the plan, and how you move forward
Once a player is in the vault, all bets are off. No more planning
stage, just action in the moment. The person who walks out with
the money wins.
No set.
Manuel Cascallar
Destroy the evidence before the police arrive, disarm the bomb
before it explodes, refuel the plane before the zombies overwhelm
Each character has a name, an aptitude, and a Job to do. Each Job
consists of 20 points of tasks, assigned by the GM. The points in
a task represent how difficult it is (Easy: 5, Taxing: 10, Hard:
15). Players have 4 d6s, each representing one action, to be dis-
tributed between tasks as the player chooses. To complete a task,
players must match or exceed the difficulty of the task on their
roll. The GM defines the Job.
Modifiers: +1 to a 1d6 if the aptitude is applicable to the task.
+1 to a 1d6 if a PC dies during one action.
Example aptitudes: First Aid, Demolitions, Interrogation.
The GM and the players narrate the outcome of the job together.
No... your friends
tobie abad
While with friends, get a pen and write these down in a piece of
Always lie (unless asked a question identifying you correctly)
Always tell the truth
Always talk about the person on your right
Always change the topic when someone drinks or eats something
Always yawn while someone is talking
Always shift the conversation back to you
Never look at the person talking to you
Always sip your drink the moment someone talks to you
Always talk about a recent show you’ve seen
Fold the tissues individually so what is written cannot be seen.
If there are more people than the list, add more blank paper and
fold them.
If there are less, randomly remove until there is enough for the
group less one. Then add one blank folded empty one.
The game starts once everyone has a paper and knows their role.
The persons with the blank sheets must try to identify what the
others had on their sheets.
You can come up with new options if you want. You can even have
adult options if your group is comfy with that.
There are no losers here. The fact you are among friends means
you’re all winners.
Nathan Knaack
Oathbreakers: Deviant Warlocks
Tim B
After time, another candle is lit. Next, play to answer: Why does
greater society and its oaths still challenge our lives on the
periphery? Once answered, someone extinguishes the candle.
Of Light
Dushanth Daniel Ray
The God of Light has weakened and Darkness surrounds you. Only
you and a handful of believers can save Light from extinguishing.
Replace the word [ACTION] with any feat you’d do for Light, such
as “attacked the shadows of Darkness”, or “sang of Light’s prom-
After proclaiming your phrase, throw a die. The number you get is
how many points of belief Light got from your phrase. Write it
Keep doing this until all of you collectively gather 100 belief
points. At this point, Light is revitalized and will award the
believer with the most points.
Office Party
Jesse Wells
Six+ players
Boss is whoever brought the most booze. They pick two middle
managers. Everyone else: Labor.
1st round: Gossip & Shots!: One shot for the boss, two for manag-
ers, three for labor. You take more shots the lower down you are
to represent your powerlessness and need to drink.
1: You are shitfaced. Let your coworkers know what you really
think of them. Tell the boss off. Quit like a legend. (You’re
20: They did the thing. You have pictures. You have a veto.
Olympian Courts, Mortal Woes
Step 2: Go over the various parts of the dragon. Ask your dragon
companion what parts of them are sharp, which parts should be
avoided, etc. (The person playing the dragon should take this
opportunity to tape weird, uncuddleable objects to their body.
You’ll need a lot of tape. Suggestions include: Spoons. Tooth-
picks. Sandpaper. A tinfoil helmet. Leather work gloves. A pot on
your head. Double sided tape. Boots. Etc.)
On Divining Oneirography
Michael G Barford
Dearest Friend,
There are men after me. They have been watching me for some time.
I haven’t much time to write these instructions, so please for-
give the erratic nature of my handscript. I shall send you a clue
to my whereabouts, but it must be encoded and obscured by esoter-
ic means. What good fortune that there are those amongst you with
the ability to decipher my message!
Have your oneirographist lie down upon a chaise longue. She must
close her eyes and prepare her spirit for transsomatic travel.
Provide her with a colored drawing utensil and place a sheet of
white paper beneath her wrist. She must clear her mind of all
distraction. As she drifts into a meditative state, her hand will
begin to move in a swirling scribbling dance. Truly, the drawing
of dreams is a beautiful thing to behold.
When thirty seconds have passed, wake the dreamer from her
trance. Instruct your medium to take a black pen, and, with
guidance from the spirits, interpret the image embedded within
the astral abstraction by tracing the meaningful patterns within.
With this, my location should become clear. I beseech you, make
great haste!
On the seventh day Gods had finished...
You all are Gods. Choose your domain, describe your character and
favorite depiction.
You all barely defeated Titans, but they’ll be back. You gather
to create a world to
determine who most powerful one – he will lead you in the next
battle against Titans. Describe how your new world looks like so
You think that God on your left will deal with Titans better. He
is now your Oracle.
Give the world something empowering our domain, then modify the
previous thing created, so it will compliment either your, or
your Oracle’s domain;
After six days the world is complete. Titans come back, prepared
to fight. God(s) with most points determine the outcome of the
One Last Job
John Kane
Spades are the law. Similar to clubs but are people. Each success
adds a 1-point disadvantage to future spade rolls.
The game is won when a club card is played, the King, Queen and
Jack of clubs have been played, and players have the ace of dia-
Players are eliminated if they lose a spade encounter. If the
whole team is eliminated, the game is lost.
One-Night Stand
Stefano Burchi
You are two lovers. Think of a name; describe three good qual-
ities you have and two you see in the other. They’ll be tested
through play!
Describe yourself.
Play five scenes: begin describing sex between the lovers. Choose
a quality of your character, roll 1d4 and frame a flashback about
it; the other player will describe how your quality is...
You can cancel a roll and decide the outcome for yourself by
burning one quality the other lover has seen in you. They decide
which one and describe how they realize their mistake, during
4-5: Who each character is and what their life looks like.
After last flashback: describe how sex ends. If both lovers still
have one of the qualities the other saw in them before, decide
what to do next. If not, they will never meet again.
Only One Shall Win
Luciano Gil
Janus, Time Goddess: Beloved heroes. You alone won’t be able de-
stroy the Overlord unless you trust the other heroes of timelines
yet to happen, but be wary of the Gainsayer.
Only 3 players can play.
Prepare 2 cards and write “Soothsayer” and “Gainsayer”. These are
Prepare 3 cards and write “Blast”, “Slash” and “Clash”. These are
Prepare 9 “Hit” Tokens. These represent attacks landed by a Hero.
Prepare 3 “Death” Tokens. These represent attacks hitting the
Each Hero take turns engaging the Overlord. The others take a
random “Prediction“ (don’t show it) and “Attack” (show it). The
Hero with “Soothsayer” must convince the acting hero to Pick
their “Attack” without revealing their “Prediction”. The Hero
with “Gainsayer” must trick the acting Hero without revealing
their “Prediction”.
The Hero that lands 3 “Hit” wins, but if the Overlord lands 3
“Death” everyone loses.
Open Mic Dungeon Night
Jaye Foster
Operation: Doomed
Anton L.
It’s not a game about winning. It’s about surviving however long
you can, and making the best of a hopeless situation.
Operation: Dragon Hunt
Carl Rauscher
Teams arrive with (TEAM=2) and (EQPT=2), but stats change with
each mission:
-- TEAM=
-- EQPT=
-- HUNT=
Armed with electrostatic lances, soldiers pile into an ar-
mored Humvee and depart hoping to encounter a dragon. Their first
mission is PATROL.
-- Practice: +TEAM
-- Patrol: +EQPT
-- Respond: +HUNT
-- Pursuit: Subdue DRAGON by spending enough stats to
equal total RED rolled
-- Commander’s award = largest dragon
-- Unit Commendation = most dragons
-- Reprimand = unable to finish exercise (TEAM+EQPT = zero…
Ben Rolfe
The storyteller describes the setting, and how the group of char-
acters fit within the setting, then players create their charac-
Order of St. Aloysius
During the second and forth season, the order of play reverses
and players pose problems to the player on their right.
At the end of the game, the player with the most victory points
Other Lives
Underlying system: the Pool System by James V. West.
Get all the Aces through fours from a deck of cards and shuffle
them up. Deal two cards to each player. One card will establish
the player’s function and ancestry. The other will be a family
and technology they struggle with: Player’s choice between the
two cards. Or choose preference for both settings. These are
the only elements that do not change from game to game.
It’s present day, and you are the hidden descendents of some
prominent figures from the past. You’ve been training in the
technologies and methods that your ancestors developed in order
to take on immortal enemies and eternal organizations. While you
may find some of the other families have ways discordant with your
own, you will all have to work together in order to succeed.
Our House will Survive.
Caleb Gutshall
Houses have Knights, Family, Castles, and Armies in sets one and
two evenly. So two Knights and Family, one Castle and Army. These
may be in any combination.
The Houses are vying for power, events occur to see who gains.
Roll 2d6 for these, the result is the difficulty that must be
beaten by the houses.
Force a house to help by removing one to difficulty.
Keep a house from helping by adding one to difficulty.
Describe the event to remove one to the difficulty.
Any house that doesn’t beat this value gets one shame dice which
is a d6.
House use their resources to roll d6 and must name it “My Knight
Eric of the White Wolves will face this!” They can use any number
in a event.
If you add a narration of how the resource is defeating he event
add an extra d6.
Roll the dice beating the event number earns a d6 power dice to
each participant!
After five events roll your power vs your shame the difference
this is your final power. The house with the highest wins!
@cgutshal on twitter
Our Last Summer
Michael Lippert
Each player describes their preparations and the home they are
Then everyone plays out the trip and the GM introduces obstacles.
After an obstacle one player can set a scene where they tell the
others what sucks in their character’s life, then eat two pile
M&Ms. Take turns.
If the pile ever has more than 5 of a color, play a bad ending
based on the color.
If the bag is emptied play a good ending.
Our Precious Ghost
Richard Kreutz-Landry
Your team just completed a mission but the heart of the team, the
best of you… they didn’t make it back. This is the story of what
happened, and why it matters so much.
Take turns filling in the blanks, clockwise around the table: “We
got into _____ (a location) easily enough. We didn’t know ______
(the enemy) were waiting for us. We thought we had _______ (an
objective) in the bag. But then, _____ (a person) showed up, and
we knew. Things were about to turn bad.”
When they die, end the story. Have each player read the following
sentence aloud, filling in the blank. “I’ll miss (pronoun) because
After everyone has gone, say the following. “____ was the best of
us. And we’ll never get (pronoun) back.”
@rkreutzlandry on Twitter
Out of the Dark World
Guillaume Clerc
Pack Mind RPG
Calum Stranack
Paintball, the RPG
Francisco Peralta
The game takes place in any possible scenery and point in time.
It requires a minimum of 3 players, one of which is the guide.
Can be co-op (players against NPCs) or PvP. Guide adds NPCs as
Players start with 100 hit points. When reaching 0 they are out.
1d10 for failure/success. 1, 2, 3 are failures. 4 to 10 are suc-
cesses. The higher the best hit. 10 grants +2 bonus.
2d6 for damage taken/received.
The guide decides bonuses, penalties and hit based on the charac-
ters, their professions and background (special forces, soldier,
police, medic…) given by the players.
Players narrate the encounter based on what the guide decided.
Pantheon: A Game for Narcissists
Nora Blake
You are gods. Start with a creation myth and take turns telling
your tales of glory, but be mindful of the rules of myth. When
you’re done playing, tell the story of your world’s end.
When the gods war on the earth below, describe your champion and
how they fail. When the gods fight in the heavens above, take
sides and declare what you lose. When the end comes and the light
fades from this world, describe your final hope for the future.
Parasite Vector
James Iles
Deny them the war-womb.
Recover the war-womb.
Destroy the temple.
Your Mutations:
4 ganglia: Sever 1 to hypnotise, scry, hack.
Roll [ganglia]d6s to sense environments/coerce others.
Party Wizards
Ross Cowman
–Pictures cut from Magic Cards
–Colored Pens
–2–4 Friends
–Sheet of paper
2.Make Wizards
–Choose a pen. This is your color of magic.
–Choose your picture and glue it to a notecard.
–Write your wizard name. Your wizard name is an anagram of your
real name.
–Write down the emotion that powers your color of magic.
3.Craft Spells
We all craft spells for 10–15 minutes.
On your Turn
1. Draw a spell
2. Choose 1 action:
–Discover a place: Glue a picture to the map, name it, and tell
us what it is like
–Host a party: Choose a place, describe who is there and what is
going on. Everyone contributes, but you decide when the party
–Craft a spell: and add it to your hand
Anyone can:
–Arrive at or Leave the party
–Cast a spell: Discard a spell, describe what happens
–Listen, Ask Questions, Trade Spells
–Call “last round”
Pasta Master
Cal Wilks
players can eat). Put each Name on a Tournament Bracket.
Wander to a Market and get any Ingredients you need: Pasta, the
chosen Ingredients, salt, pepper, garlic, olive oil, and other
Boil salted water in a big pot, and prepare many saucepans. When
it boils, add the pasta, removing only when ready. Ensure Pasta
flows constantly, like a river.
The final victor is the Pasta Master, and doesn’t have to clean
Pasteur: The action RPG
Eric Pelletier
Action RPG
You take the role of a 19th century Napoleon style imperial guard
shrunk to the size of a blood cell injected inside a living or-
ganism to fight against bacteria, virus, germs, and other diseas-
es. The host’s blood vessels provide an endless maze of tunnels
where an epic battle will lead your regiment to glory.
Then the Disease Master plays all monsters’ turn in any order.
This goes on until one side is defeated. If victorious, all play-
ers choose one stats they increase by 1 and get 5 HP.
Monsters example:
Flu, HP: 8 Defense: 4
Trample: 1D6 – target’s Defense = damage
Pavlov’s House
Erika Chappell
For every 5+, remove a token from the bag and place it in the
open. The spotter describes the location of an enemy soldier,
what they are armed with, and one thing that makes them unique.
When there are enemies in the open, you may roll red dice. On a
4+ on a red dice, remove a token in the open. Describe the death
of this foe.
Performance Issues
Chris Cirillo
Players choose 3 characters from TV or Film who were portrayed
by a single actor. (Eg. Eddie Murphy: Axel Foley, Prince Akeem,
Pluto Nash)
Designate each character to an even and odd number. (Eg. 1-2=Axel
Foley, 3-4=Prince Akeem, 5-6=Pluto Nash).
Describe the story. Meditate actions (combat or not) with dice
rolls — roll a d6 to determine if you succeed with awesome (on
Evens) or fail with humor (on Odds). (Optional rule: Never tell
them the Odds. Just tell them how you fail.)
You can “flip your roll” to success if you impersonate the char-
acter in their actions or use a one-liner from their respective
movies or television show.
Games can be cooperative or PVP against a foe or obstacle pre-
sented by the GM or other players.
Petty Crimes
Isaiah Stankowski
At the start of the game, the GM draws five cards from their deck
and places them face-up in the middle of the table. These are
the communal cards. Use the suits of the communal cards to help
determine the type of crime, or choose your own.
Hearts– drug related
Diamonds– burglary
Clubs– extortion
Spades– theft, fencing
The number of cards in the suit of your crime represents the size
of the payoff. Highest value card represents the difficulty.
Pirate Tails
Josh Crowe
Pirates love to fight, drink and swap yarns. They have a poor
grasp of homonyms and are a notoriously rough and salty lot. At
night, they tell amazing true stories of their adventures.
Each player is a member of a pirate crew, with an NPC Captain.
The player most dressed like a pirate is first Storyteller.
Gathered on deck one lazy night the Captain asks, “Does anyone
have a tail?”
Planetary Realtors
Michael Blatherwick
“How about this lovely little ice planet with unbeatable views of
an exploding star…”
The buyers explain their reason for buying, and the realtor pres-
ents the buyers with three flawed planets in turn. The buyers find
further problems with each planet and provide additional require-
ments related to their intended purpose for the planet. Really
try to pick holes in the proposed planet, and be awkward with
your additional needs. The realtor should try to play down the
planet’s issues and find ways to satisfy the requirements.
If there is more than one realtor, they can represent the same
three planets or they can have their own planets. Either way,
they are competing for the sale.
The realtor rolls for the basis of each planet’s main flaw:
1 Dangerous location
2 Extreme temperature
3 Geological instability
4 Habitation
5 Radioactivity / Toxicity
6 Sci-Fi weirdness
7 Value to others
8 Wildlife
Playing Cards RPG
C.W. McGee
You are the Dealer. You can forge worlds, people, and timelines
using nothing but a deck of cards (no jokers).
Forge Champions
Start by taking all of the face cards out of the deck. (You’ll
shuffle them back in after chargen.)
Deal three cards to each player and have them assign each to one
of the three attributes: Physique, Expertise, and Personality.
Forge Adversaries
People, places, and paraphernalia will impede the characters.
They have a difficulty of Easy (+2), Medium (+5), Hard (+9), and
Impossible (+14), and 0-8hp.
Forge Trials
When characters act they test one ability. Reveal a card off the
top of the deck. Add Difficulty. Subtract Ability. Their character
succeeds if the result is ≤5. If the character fails by 5+, he
takes 1 damage.
Beware Anomalies
Anomalies are events paradoxical to the universe. You know these
as face cards. When you reveal one an Anomaly occurs.
The nature of anomalies, and any other rules, is up to you.
Pocky Lips
the scablander
* Smoking (so damn sexy, and also good at shooting)
* Cutting (hard and sharp, like a mutha-f**kin’ blade)
* Clicking (understanding shit, computers, entering the Ma-
Divide one of these blocks: −1, +1, +2 or −1, −1, +3
Write ‘em down.
Describe doing something cool and dangerous.
I hint at what will happen if you fail. Do you still want to do
If so, roll 2d6 + stat vs. 7.
Pass? Do your awesome thing! (e.g., do harshness)
Fail? Kiss your ass goodbye. (e.g., take harshness)
Hit 7 exactly: Both! In an order of your choosing.
Poet Glorious
Kimberley Lam
3-5 players
Both sabotage:
- Challenge is undefeated.
- Each writes a shame haiku and strikes one line from their war-
rior haikus.
When all lines from your warrior haikus are stricken, your war-
rior is dead. Choose one:
- Write a glorious haiku commemorating the death.
- Write a demon-inspired spiteful haiku. Any characters you
choose strike one line from their warrior haikus.
Power Chord: A Musical RPG
James Baillie
Battle wins may give extra cards per song, special cards, bonus
chosen genres, etc. Plot aims may include escaping the arena,
gaining a deity’s favour, etc.
L S Hendrix
You are a member of the military. The country needs new govern-
Spread the remaining cards out, including Aces. These are Re-
sources. Name each.
-Influence: card value. Ace = 14, King = 13, etc.
-Power: bonus gained when exerting the card:
2-9: 1, 10-Queen: 2, King/Ace: 3
When one player controls three Aces, reveal all politics. Anyone
sharing that player’s suit wins.
Prankster’s Dillema
Matt Fantastic
Three phases;
Pressure - The Disaster Movie Simulator
Crew roll Imagination/Experience skill checks using 15d6 Shared
Resource Pool
Crew allocate Resources to roll against complexity of challenge
for any individual action:
Labyrinthine = 5 successes
Intricate = 4 successes
Complicated = 3 successes
Involved = 2 successes
Simple = 1 success
Threshold for success is 4 on any die.
Resource Loss
Dice that roll critical fails go into Unknown Resources
Fail Threshold:
Act 1 = 1
Act 2 = 2 or under
Act 3 = 3 or under
Access Unknown Resources by roleplaying flashbacks. Dice limit =
Act’s number.
Reduce success threshold for Imagination rolls
Reduce success threshold for Experience rolls
Leadership Move: Sacrifice life to grant auto-success
Leadership Move: Offer emotional support to a panicked crew-mem-
ber to reduce threshold for success.
2 Luck. Spend Luck for auto-success
Prime Directive: a game of not screwing up
Calum Stranack
Our Journey has been (Damaging, Tiring, Expensive, Deadly, Un-
eventful, Relaxing) but, we’re here now. Warp-out in 3... 2...
Orbit established. Telescopes show a (Tidally-locked, Earth-like,
Unstable, Cavernous, Small, Gas Giant) planet.
Sensors indicate a (Hostile, Intermittently Breathable, Thin,
Breathable, High Oxygen, Thick) atmosphere and a (Silicon, Incom-
patible, Semi-compatible, Compatible, Terraformed, Semi-Terrafor-
med) Biosphere.
Transmissions suggest a (Decimated, Scattered, Divided*, Hybrid*,
Large, Ascended) Population.
Their culture is (Modernist, Cyber-Punk, Militaristic, Neo-Sovi-
et, Neo-Victorian, Trans-Humanist)
with a (Pan-African, Middle-Eastern, South-American, East-Asian,
Euro-American, South-Asian) aesthetic.
Compared to us they seem (Xenophobic, Advanced, Parochial, Dynam-
ic, Primitive, Xenophilic).
Anders Östman
GUARDIAN or BEAST cannot both use their powers on the same roll.
Pick up 3d6, each representing traits or items.
Name/Describe these.
Discard after using.
Roll to overcome adversity. 1-3 = failure. 4-6 = success!
Each new player does this, establishing new facts about the same
The GUARDIAN - a force for good
Add 1d4 to the PROTAGONIST’s roll (Once / Scene)
Introduce advantage (add 1d6 to PROTAGONIST’s pool) (Once /
The BEAST - a force for evil
Deduct 1d4 from PROTAGONIST’s roll (Once / Scene)
Force PROTAGONIST to roll against adversity
PUPPY DAY: A happy game wherein everyone wins
Bruce ES Warner
Sit in a circle.
If this isn’t the pet for you, tell us why and put the animal
card back (but keep the quality card).
If you want this pet, keep the cards. Tell us how you will make
it feel at home and leave the circle with your new friend.
If you’re the last without a pet, take the remaining animal card
and the face-down quality card. Tell us why your new friend makes
you luckiest of all.
Nathan Knaack
You’re mortals in the war between heaven and hell; they’re both
awful. Heaven’s angels oppress mortals while hell’s demons sub-
vert them. God isn’t exactly good and Satan isn’t always evil,
but both want to rule Purgatory, our world.
For each task, roll 3d6. For orderly tasks, roll your number or
lower. For chaotic tasks, roll higher. If you’re trained, geared,
or prepared, reroll one failure for each. If you’re wounded or
demoralized, reroll one success for each.
Purgatory House
Robert A. Turk
You and your friends have stumbled on an old, creepy, and seem-
ingly endless mansion. The House is evil and doesn’t want you
to leave, though. New horrors lurk behind every door. Darkness
strives to devour you.
One player plays as the House and tries to stop the others from
leaving. Everyone else plays as themselves with the abilities and
hindrances they actually possess.
The last player alive is the only one who can escape the House.
The House describes the scene and the other players take turns
narrating their actions. A hand of Blackjack is played against
the House to resolve combat, or anytime a risk is taken. If the
player wins then they succeed in their current task. If they
lose, they fail. If they bust (more than 21) then they take seri-
ous damage. Once a player busts three times they are devoured.
The House goes dormant. It waits. New victims will arrive... They
always do.
Sławomir Wójcik
On the third day, the military leaves. On the sixth, your neigh-
bour’s house is raided. On the ninth you see people eating bod-
ies. On the twelfth chaos reigns.
Clarity Cadence
The object is to make a mess: fight our friends, fall in love with
our enemies.
Name yourself.
Say what you find attractive about the character to your left.
Deal a face-down card for each player, all clubs except one spade
– the queen-killer. Look at yours now; never again.
You can:
- Say or act out what you do (not what happens)
- Ask a player a question
- Answer a question with anything (except another’s actions or
If you touch the crown, reveal your red card. The unworthy die.
Light a candle. The game ends when the living recognize a ruler,
or the flame dies and us with it.
R, the WorldDevourer and the infinite sadness
Roberto Giugno
- Immortal being.
- Can influence R’s mind.
- Can’t talk.
- Must be kept sad, but not too much.
- Gains power depending on her emotional state.
- Doesn’t necessarily know about or want to destroy Earth.
- Insensitive to anything physical.
- Innocent
- unspeakable
- human
- animal
- weird
- freedom
- world destruction
- seclusion
- WD’s guardian.
- must keep her mood balanced.
- Army
- Government
- Mystical
- Heir
- other...
- R can’t know the MOOD value until the end
- +50= WD gets too happy. The End.
-10= R can’t take it anymore. The End.
- R uses all the elements of the list. WD reveals her mood score.
R decides if they want to retire.
Kurt Potts
We talkin’ or we racin’?
Can’t tell if you’re talkin or racin? If your mouth is movin
you’re talkin.
If your family has your back you may roll Family.
Racers live fast knowing death lurks in every corner. The only
way to hurt a racer is to hurt his family. If your Family reaches
0 you become an NPC.
Redeemer: World Changing Role Adoption
Reign over Hell
Cal Wilks
Declare a True Name, your twisted Form and the three Greatest
Playthings under your Dominion. Each lights 3 Candles to repre-
sent these.
If One declares Wrath, they take a Plaything from the other, who
states how.
If a Devil ever has more than Five Playthings, one Rebels and is
destroyed. Describe why.
Sidney Icarus
Characters are Slaves with Hope: a shared goal that they WILL
achieve to end the game. Write the Hope large so that it is al-
ways visible to all players.
Slaves cannot own anything, even dice. They use a communal Pile
of d6s equal to the Scene (beginning at 1). If the Slave fails to
roll a 6, the roll fails, and 1d6 is added to the Pile, up to a
maximum of 10d6. If the Slave succeeds, the Facilitator sets the
next scene, and (regardless of any previous failures) the Pile
resets to the number of the new scene (2d6 for 2nd scene, etc).
Remember the Glory Days?
James Shields
You are a group of elderly second-string superheroes trying to
remember your glory days.
Players decide on superhero names, secret identities, and powers.
Number a sheet of paper one to twenty.
Roll 1d20 to determine who remembers an adventure from yester-
When all players have the chance to disagree, play continues and
the next player recounts a portion of the memory on the next
empty line.
Game ends when the last line of the page has been written and any
disagreements are settled.
Meanwhile, banter like old forgetful friends do.
Players add their score as follows:
300 points - Staying in character.
200 points - Each uncorrected line.
25 points - Per word written in pen.
Repair Bots!
Stephen Morrison
Reuinited And It Feels...
Jeff Stormer
It’s been too long, or maybe not long enough, since you saw one
another. But here you are. Just the two of you. In public, but
alone, together. You have business to sort out, and maybe a
relationship to rebuild, or maybe to bury. But you have to get
through the silence to do it.
When you’ve said all you can say, decide if it’s worth rebuilding
your relationship. Hopefully it is. It’s okay if it isn’t.
Ben H
The first book was a roaring success. You have the adulation of
millions of fans. Can you strike gold a second time? Or are you a
one-hit wonder?
You’re parts of the or’s psyche: roll individually to see which STORY ARC
you’re after.
The publisher wants changes! Once everyone’s had a turn pick an-
other section then change it, according to an EDIT roll. Continue
until a result comes up a fourth time.
Marcin Kuczynski
You are in a lab. You don’t know how you got here. Fill in the
Profile below to create your Soldier. Whenever you have to take on
a Challenge, roll a D6. Find a sentence in the Profile that makes
the Challenge easier or harder. Add 1 or subtract 1 from the
roll, respectively. The GM does the same with another sentence.
On a score of 4+ you succeed and are closer to reaching your
Goal. Otherwise a problem emerges.
If you fail three Challenges in a row, you are recaptured and the
game ends. If you overcome a total of 6 Challenges, you achieve
your Goal (but can play on, until you are recaptured).
I am…
I hate…
I love…
I need…
I can’t…
Rise - Hack - Fall
Nicholas Barry
One player is The Corporation, the rest are Hackers. Do not let
The Corporation see your stats.
Hackers secretly choose a Hack stat (1-10) and a Username.
Divide 30 Resources between all Hackers.
All discussion happens together. The Corporation listens and
River, Typhoon, Coursing River
Jim Engstrand
When you face opposition in your actions, you both roll six-sided
dice, one each. Highest roll gets their will across. On tie the
player wins. A helpful element or style gives you one extra die.
A cool description of your action gives the player one extra die.
Help or equipment lets you reroll one die. The more higher dice
than the opponent, the better.
You may also spend Energy to gain extra dice. A player starts
with 3 Energy and the Journeymaster starts with 12. Spent Energy
goes to the opposition. You lose energy for every step you lose
a trial. When you lose a trial with no energy left your journey
RLS (Real-Life Superheroes)
Jeff Dee
RNJesus and the 12 Diceiples
Gregor Robertson
After years of gamers around the world praying to the RNG God
it finally happened, he answered. That’s right, nerds literally
birthed a God into the world.
While the Diceiple decides the general goal of the spell, RNJe-
sus decides what really happens when the Diceiple wins or loses
the bet. For example, a Diceiple’s parents came into their room
and needs to magic away their “magazines” before the parents see
them. If the Diceiple bets the top card of a normal deck is an
Ace and succeeds, then the “magazines” will vanish and the par-
ents will have no knowledge of them. If the Diceiple bets the
top card is not an Ace and fails then the “magazines” will glow
bright, drawing the attention of the parents straight to them.
Road Trip
Adam Brenner
Road Trip
Three to five players, one or more d6, and some way to take notes
and mark progress
1) Group decides the details of the journey. At a minimum: de-
tails of the five stops, vehicle, and destination.
2) Pick a driver. The driver picked you up and knows who you are.
3) Everyone else rolls a trait, tells the driver, and determines
what this means by themselves.
Your trait allows or disallows the driver to use their trait move
next turn, overwriting the last change.
4)Turns start with the driver, and one at a time players tell
part of the story at or between stops with whomever they like,
engaging their trait move or not.
Go until you reach your destination or can no longer travel.
Road Trippin’ on a Playlist
Fernando Di Sciascio
Get as many friends as you can fit into a car and ask yourselves
“Where should we go?” – agree on a destination. Each traveler
makes up a character: write their name and a short descriptive
sentence. Shuffle characters so that nobody gets a character they
Now get into the car (or simulate one), fasten your seatbelts and
start the engine! The shotgun puts the playlist on shuffle and the
driver takes on the wheel.
Roommates From Hell
Marcus Zaeyen
Character creation:
Name, age, occupation, and three positive traits for your char-
acter. Go in a circle and introduce yourselves to each other;
as each roommate is introduced, write down a reason why you hate
them. Go around the circle again and read these reasons to each
other, writing down what applies to your character. Each player
creates one House Rule.
House Rules:
When you’re called out for breaking one, take a Blame Token.
When creating one, do not significantly remove another player’s
Take turns setting scenes by establishing something that’s gone
wrong in the house. Someone must be blamed for this. Roommates
may burst into the scene at any time, but must enter when men-
tioned. Once all opinions have been voiced, set a minute timer;
you must decide who’s to blame by its end. Said player (or play-
ers) takes a Blame Token. The player with the LEAST blame tokens
creates a new House Rule, and the next player sets a scene.
Game end:
Once all players have set two scenes, the player with the MOST
Blame Tokens narrates the fate of the house. Each player nar-
rates their character’s fate.
Route Clearance
Andrew Millar
You are US Army soldiers tasked with clearing the road between
Kabul to Kandahar of IEDs during the invasion of Afghanistan.
Remove all face cards and jokers from a deck of playing cards.
Shuffle it.
Place the top twelve cards end to end and face down along the
length of the table to represent the road. One end is Kabul and
the other is Kandahar.
Each turn a player flips over the next card on the road, starting
with Kabul, and narrates a short scene based on the suit:
The higher the number on the card, the more intense the experi-
After the last card, each player narrates an end scene for their
soldier, including whether they come through the experience phys-
ically, emotionally or mentally intact.
RPG - Random Parable Generator
Ryan Tompkins
The Narrator chooses the kind of story they want to tell (a grand
adventure, a simple day at work, etc.), the Protagonist creates
who they will be (a Princess, a Pirate, or even just themselves),
and the Mediator creates a setting for things to take place in.
This can be done separately (and secretly), collectively as a
group, or sequentially.
The Narrator may then begin to tell the story. The Protagonist
may be called on to act, or they may choose to do so on their
own. If at any time the Protagonist decides to disobey the Nar-
rator’s directions or attempt to change the story, the Mediator
chooses a number between 1 and 20 and all three roll a d20. The
closest roll determines who gets to decide the outcome of the
event, and the Mediator is free to choose neither side’s idea,
instead inserting their own.
RPG Gumbo
M. Krilov & J. England
Get a bunch of players and snacks. Each player must bring three
of the crunchiest, dustiest, or hippiest RPG books they own. Make
some characters. Shuffle the books and everyone takes one book.
You must use physical copies, there should be plenty left. When-
ever a rule is needed, all players search their one book for a
relevant rule. The first person to find a relevant rule wins nar-
rative control. The rule must be read aloud. You do not need to
follow the rule to win. After each rule resolution, shuffle the
books so that nobody has the same book twice.
You have survived the apocalypse. The wastes around you has taken
its toll on your group. Between the bandits, starvation, and
hunting creatures, you and the other survivors must make sacrific-
es to protect those that are left; your family and loved ones.
4-Sided Die (d4)
3. Discuss with the others what the danger is and who should
face the it. The players have 10 minutes for this. The player(s)
who face the danger take a coin. If none of the players face it,
cross one item off of a note-card.
4. The game ends when one player gains 5 coins, when a total of
12 Things have been crossed out, or when one player has crossed
out all of their things.
Rule of 3 Digits
Eric M. Paquette
Rules lawyers
Rules Lawyers
is a game about making the rules via common law.
1.Parliament shall make rules, and the Court will interpret them.
2.The first session shall be one where Parliament convenes to de-
cide on amendments. Every 2 hours in the game session, Parliament
shall reconvene to write more amendments.
3.Amendments pass when half or more players vote in favour of it.
4.Parliament is all the players in the game. A GM will be nomi-
nated amongst the players.
5.The GM will run the game and make up the rules of the game
until someone registers disagreement with it.
6.Where disagreement is registered the Court shall decide the
matter with the rules of the Constitution and previous precedent
in mind. The Court is randomly selected from among the players
and may not be the player who registered disagreement or the GM.
They are the Claimant and Defendant respectively.
7.Where Parliament has not written a rule, the Court may develop
a new rule. Parliament reserves the right to change the rules
through Amendments.
8.A player may win this game.
Russian Roulette
You sit in a dimly lit room of the Russian mafia. There’s a gun
on the table pointed straight at you, you’ve messed up and now
you gotta explain your way out of the mess from your crazy boss
who has decided to play a game of Russian roulette to get answers
from you.
- 2-6 players (suggested: 3-5).
- 5 blank cards.
- 1 bullet card.
- Write prompts on blanks: Object, Location, Need, or Relation-
- Shuffle Deck.
- Reload card: “shuffle another bullet card”.
- Make prompts as a group before scenes.
what is my role within the mafia?
As a group:
what was our job?
Take turns doing actions and scenes, your agenda is to point the
blame at the person to your left by the end of the scene. You
can’t end your scene before pointing blame and using the prompt.
Pull - draw card. Narrate a scene.
Pass (start with 1) - Point your finger at another player, say why
the scene involves them. It’s their turn. You can’t pass a pass.
Double Pull - draw twice, earn a pass.
If you pull a bullet, die. New prompts, shuffle cards. Keep play-
ing until 1 player remains. Dead players narrate NPCs.
Rachel Kaye Clarke
Split the players into two teams. Each team must decide upon a
Dictator. If there is a disagreement over who becomes the Dicta-
tor, declare both players Co-Dictators. Each Co-Dictator has a
veto on the other’s actions.
If a team loses three Skirmishes, they are routed from the field,
losing the Battle.
Salting the Earth; A Nano-Larp
Jason Morningstar
[2] Say: “Rebels come, accuse you of laying mines, and execute
[4] Say: “The government laid the mines. Don’t ask again.”
Abandon your field [6] or plow it [9]
[5] Say: “Your leg is blown off. You can’t work. Your family will
[6] Say: “Leave the play space. Your family abandons everything
you’ve ever known to become refugees.”
[9] Say: “You reluctantly till the soil. Walk to the room’s cen-
ter and flip a coin.”
Heads [2], Tails [8]
Scry and Rescue
Jesse W Cox
Adults cannot enter the Wardrobe Realms. Only children can save
When you face your past, suffer: (pick your usual three)
Fear, recklessness, anger, depression, emotional shutdown, reen-
actment, regression, guilt, paranoia, defiance, obsession, plea-
Secret Hearts
Stuart Burns
2-4 Fey take a colour wheel each to show their secret heart.
Each takes a D6, D8, and D12 and secretly assigns them a colour.
Play out the scene. The supplicant arrives. The Fey must decide
whether to grant their request while channelling their chosen
Rolling less than the mortal diminishes your die, and switches it
to a complimentary colour.
Rolling greater than the mortal increases your die and switches
it to the contrasting colour.
Secret Identity
Graeme Wanhella
Each Round, draw a card for the Disruption (sneaking out, hiding
bruises, sudden battle, etc.) and compare against Stat.
Underperform: When your Stat < Draw, “Threaten” the Stat by turn-
ing its card sideways and discard the Draw. Lose one Happiness.
You still use this card.
Overcome: When your Stat > Draw, replace Stat with Draw, gain one
Happiness. For every difference of 5 gain one more. It doesn’t
matter if your Stat was threatened when replaced.
Section Seven
Anthony Stiller
When regular field agents fail, when Time runs out, when the
Sigils break, when Things are unleashed, The Company send in ...
Section Seven.
Class (Talent)
Sarge (Superiority)
Soldier (Shooting)
Stalwart (Strength)
Scout (Stealth)
Spook (Spirit)
Stooge (Smarts)
Sapper (‘splosives)
If all dice are lost from a player’s pool, PC dies. Fully restore
ANY player’s dice pool. Dead PC’s Buddy loses their lowest dice.
Dead PC’s player chooses a different class. They appear next
round as part of Beta Team.
Segmentation Fault
S. Tan
Role | Special
Brains | Start a side mission to increase success or reward of
your main
Muscle | Intimidate anyone who sees you in action
Face | Learn anyone’s price
Tinker | Prepared tech: 3x per mission, neutralize a complication
Sneak | Get into anything
When you try something risky, describe how, sum 2d6, and add the
appropriate Style. Add +1 if one of your Roles applies, or +3
when using your primary’s Special.
Acquire | Blackmail Material
Deliver | Building
Destroy | Celebrity
Investigate | Corporation
Protect | Experiment
Sabotage | Politician
Bad Information
Alarms Tripped (Green -> Yellow -> Orange -> Red)
Extra Security
Past Entanglement
Dangerous Target
Sentence Dungeon
Roberto Kingsley
Your group is about enter a dungeon. One person is the GM, and
the rest make characters by assigning the numbers 6, 4 and 2
to Strength, Sorcery and Secrecy and picking one weapon and one
trinket for gear. Actions are resolved by successfully rolling a
d6 under your stat. (NPCs have 3’s in all their stats.) Charac-
ters may be wounded three times in a single battle before they
are knocked unconscious.
Dungeon Contents
1-6 – A monster (d6: 1-2 orc, 3-4 elemental, 5 dragon, 6 demon)
guarding (d6: 1-3 nothing, 4-6 treasure.)
7-8 – A trap (d6: 1-2 arrows, 3-4 magic fire, 5-6 pit)
9 – Special (d6: 1-2 wishing well, 3-4 a chained prisoner, 5-6
talking statue)
Septem Memorias
Shane Fitzgerald
Oli Jeffery
Here’s what you’ve learned in the week since you were murdered.
Either you’re the only ghost, or ghosts can’t see each other.
Nobody living can see or hear you. You can’t touch anything, but
you can’t do any cool ghost shit like walk through walls either.
Except… If you concentrate really hard, you can make your pres-
ence known. You can be seen, briefly, or make someone hear you
whispering in their ear. Moving stuff takes a lot of effort, but
it’s doable.
But then, the Shadows come. You don’t know what they are. You’ve
never seen them clearly, but you’ve got their attention. And
they’re getting closer.
When you affect the living world, take a token and roll a d10.
If you roll under your total number of tokens, a Shadow appears.
Narrate how you try to get away, then roll again. If you roll
under again, the Shadow catches you. Even Death ends.
Tell the GM five people who were important to you in life. One of
them murdered you, but you don’t know who. Can you find out who
killed you, and why, before the Shadows devour you?
Erika Chappell
the game occurs acts. each act there is a different gm; everyone
gets to go once. introduce the game by setting the stage. every-
one introduces themselves, and then everyone points to everyone
else and declares that they either hate or love that person. for
everyone you hate, add 1 to hate. for everyone you love, add 1 to
love. (max +3)
each scene, the gm picks two characters and gives a question they
must try to answer by the end of the act. other characters may
enter as they see fit.
once everyone has gone, play a final act with all characters. a
10+ on love results in a marriage. a 10+ on hate results in a
death. either way, the play then ends.
Sharing Our Past
Luke Pautler
When everyone has gone, start again, and pick someone else’s
trait that you’d like to hear more about, and ask a question
about it. After they respond, add that trait to your character’s
list. Repeat this step if the group wishes.
When the final round ends, release your characters back into their
lands, now armed with knowledge of another’s life.
Shonen RPG
Anne Aunyme
Character creation:
Overcoming challenges:
When trying something hazardous, roll a D8, and add the corre-
sponding trait. You can invoke some part of your backstory and
add 2 more to your roll, but only once per part.
After rolling you can choose to go beyond your limits: discard
the first card of your deck and add its value to your roll (+15
for figures).
If you score high enough it’s a success, if not you suffer an
A difficulty of 5 is very easy (riding a saddled horse), 10 is
very difficult (riding a horse when tied up). Go beyond for
near-to-impossible tasks.
Taking injuries:
Failure and being hit both hurt the same way: you suffer injuries
every time you fail a roll. When injured, a character discard the
first card of his deck.
Shopkins Party
Ramanan S
Grab four Shopkins for each player in the game and put them in a
The player to the right draws another Shopkin from the bag. The
first guest has arrived! Write her name down and flip a coin: on
heads the guest is one of the birthday girl’s best friends forev-
er; on tails she is a mean bully. Note this down. The players now
act out a scene involving the party goers. If the birthday girl
stands up to a bully during a scene the bully is now one of her
best friends forever.
Continue to draw guests till you have drawn half your Shopkins.
The next Shopkin drawn is the birthday girl’s mom. She’s got the
cake. Everyone sing Happy Birthday!
Each Shopkin drawn after this point is someone’s mom. They are
here to pick up their kid. Make sure they leave with a loot bag!
Show and Hell
Shae Davidson
One player serves as the teacher, who opens a photo from a random
image site at the beginning of each player’s turn. The player
then launches into an excited discussion inspired by the photo
she has received, going on and on with all of the wondrous ex-
citement of a first grader as her macabre tale unfolds.
The teacher and the other students get to ask questions about the
object. Does the teacher try to glean the shocking truth about
the object or desperately try to find some way to shift? Are
the other students overly enthusiastic and curious, or do their
innocent questions show that they are just on the cusp of under-
standing the full horror of the object?
The game goes on until all of the students have had a turn shar-
ing with the class.
Shuffles & Skeletons
Carlos Martins
[Stamina] = cards you hold
[Life] = face-down cards in front of you (can’t reach zero)
[Fountain] = collective pile of discarded cards
* = hearts
# = spades
$ = diamonds
% = clubs
Take two random cards to determine [Class] & [Class Bonus]:
** = Bard
%% = Assassin
## = Barbarian
$$ = Sorcerer
*$ = Alchemist
*% = Thief
*# = Knight
$% = Shaman
$# = Cleric
%# = Ranger
Make up 3 {Special} abilities according to your class (seek GM
Each player gets more 8 cards;
Split them (at will) into [Life] & [Stamina]
Card Number = 2-10
Ace = 11
Queen = 12
Jack = 13
King = 14
It’s defined by card’s suit:
* = social / knowledge
# = strength
$ = metaphysics
% = finesse
{Standard Action}
-1 [Stamina];
-1 [Stamina]: Add Half [card Value] to other player’s [Action]
Trade a card: [Fountain] <> [Life] or [Life] <> [Stamina]
-2 [Stamina];
1 suit must match the desired [Action];
Combine both [card Values]
GM rewards Roleplay;
Players trade [Life] Cards (1-1 ratio)
Restores [Stamina] from [Fountain];
GM creates [Obstacles] (difficulty range: 1-20);
if [Action] > [Obstacle] = success;
if [Action] = [Obstacle] = success & penalty;
if [Action] < [Obstacle] = penalty
Signed Away
Andrew Wise
Situations & Explanations
Damien Crawford
Each player has a Player deck of 20 cards. They write one word on
each. Each must: be a noun or verb, cannot be something overly
ambiguous, and none can be synonyms or duplicates.
Six Days Remain
Max Kreminski
You and your classmates are about to graduate from MAGIC COLLEGE.
Decide on a name and major for your character. (Majors might in-
clude alchemy; divination; herbalism; daemonology; illusioncraft-
ing; dungeoneering; cursebreaking; geomancy; and so on.)
As a group, pick six locations on campus and assign them the num-
bers 1-6. (Places on campus might include classrooms; dorms; the
cafeteria; the student union; the bookstore; statues; fountains;
distinctive-looking trees; sports fields; and so on.)
Graduation is in six days. Every day, roll 1d6, then visit the
corresponding place on campus and reminisce about an experience
you had there. Roll 1d6 again to determine how the memory makes
you feel:
1 - resentful
2 - regretful
3 - wistful
4 - mirthful
5 - grateful
6 - hungry (or thirsty)
As you narrate the memory, be sure to talk about why it makes you
feel this way.
If multiple people visit the same place on the same day, the
experience is a shared one, narrated collectively by everyone
there. (Different people might feel different things about the
same memories. That’s okay.)
Six Shot
Merrielle O. & Justin F.
First: Acquire a six sided die. This is the gun. Place extra
dice, one fewer than the number of players, in an old mug. This
is the pot. Sit in chairs around a dining table with dramatic
lighting. Write the rules on a note card. Place that card in the
center of the table.
Set the Scene: Remind everyone the game you’re about to play is
DARK. Explain the rule of X and provide trigger warnings for
suicide. Read the intro and play. If the audience breathes a sigh
of relief at the end, you’ve done a good job.
Roll your dice in secret, taking the lowest
Then: follow the prompt or chicken out*
Erik Bernhardt
When the dice tower collapses, players count the number of 1’s.
These are “failures:”
When the players steal the files, throw the monkey wrench, or
complete their objective, they knock over their towers. Each 5 or
6 rolled determines how effective / valuable their action was.
Eric Christensen
4-6 Players
The cop rolls two four-sided die in secret for each mobster to
determine how much evidence they have against each.
Take the fall- evidence against all other mobsters goes down by
one, evidence against you goes up by three
The game ends when each mobster has been interrogated a maximum
of three times or the cop makes an arrest.
If no arrest has been made the mobsters go free and they win the
So here is the Scenario
This is a game for four to five and one DM the DM pitches a sce-
nario and gives form to the setting and situation. The players
then roll dice and highest begins taking place in the scene as a
character. Play goes round table the next person takes over DM
duties making sure to complete these task during play as more
people take over everyone stays in the scene and things grow more
1. Move forward - This can be anything not just “moving” but they
must make forward motion in some way in the scene.
4. Act towards your next action and pass the narrative while
introducing yourself as a character.
And then as the first player passes the next DM takes control
each round should be about 10-12 minutes once every player has
gone once the first DM sets up the finish.During which the group
goes one more time around as the players work together to end the
So You’re Becoming A Dragon:
Wendy Gorman
When will my scales burst forth from my flesh and become a beauti-
ful chitinous plating?
When can I start my first hoard?
How long until my cloaca develops?
Will my wings be leathery and supple, or can I choose feathers?
How do I influence the color of my whiskers?
How does self-pleasure work with knife-like talons?
So You’re Being Hunted
Brian Marr
So...here is the scenario...
This is a game for four to five and one DM the DM pitches a sce-
nario and gives form to the setting and situation. The players
then roll dice and highest begins taking place in the scene as
a character. Play goes round table the next person takes over DM
duties making sure to complete these task during play as more
people take over everyone stays in the scene and things grow more
1. Move forward - This can be anything not just “moving” but they
must make forward motion in some way in the scene.
4. Act towards your next action and pass the narrative while
introducing yourself as a character.
And then as the first player passes the next DM takes control
each round should be about 10-12 minutes once every player has
gone once the first DM sets up the finish.During which the group
goes one more time around as the players work together to end the
Will Patterson
Kindest act
Favorite movie
Medical condition
Dream occupation
Losses and heartaches
Relationship with another Stranger
What they wanted to be when they grew up
Friend they’ve had a falling out with
Proudest achievement
Current occupation
Last vacation spot
Favorite book
Cruelest act
When you are all satisfied, show everyone the photo of your
Each person you see has a life and dreams as rich and vibrant as
your own. How does this make you feel? Do you know these kinds of
details about the other players? If not, are they just Strangers
too? Share details about yourselves.
Eduardo Caetano
next, other participantes may ask one question about that charac-
ter, clockwise.
*if (N) is the lowest choosed number, player answer the ques-
*if (N) is the highest, other participants respond;
*If they’re equal, alternate.
when turn ends, next player connects one of their pieces to the
other half, if they can [if not, skip], and starts another turn:
new character, same rules applying.
except that this new character has to had witnessed in some way
the last scene, as a passerby, having made eye contact.
Songs for empty apartments
Antonio Amato; Ivan Lanìa
The one who lost their love more recently is the Voice. Going in
clockwise direction, the others will take respectively the roles
of Drums, Bass and Guitar.
1. Drum, play your song and ask a question about how it became
meaningful for the relationship. It can range from a simple “Why
this one?” up to a very loaded and targeted question. Set a scene
framed around that memory.
2. Bass, take the question from the Drums and start asking the
Voice about it, using questions about whens, wheres, whys, hows
and such.
3. Voice, play the protagonist, answering the Bass’s questions.
Bass and Voice, keep conversing in a Q&A fashion.
4. Guitar, stop the Bass and the Voice at a climactic moment,
then answer the questions from the lost love’s point of view.
What you say cannot be questioned by the Bass.
Sonnet 155: A Murder Most Foul
Jeff Stormer
1.) Everyone writes their vacation goals on a scrap of paper.
Fold it up and keep it a secret.
2.) Pick three words (ideally verbs) to begin with. Write them on
a page that everyone can see.
3.) Describe your landing location.
1.) Roll a die. This shows how the maximum changes you can make
to the words (adding, subtracting, or substituting a letter.)
2.) Apply the changes to the words (Optional, maximum of 4 chang-
es per word.)
3.) Have your character perform one of the words’ actions. (If no
coherent verbs are among them, end your turn early.)
4.) Describe how it plays out.
5.) Briefly summarize the resulting scenario for the next player.
Introduce new plot elements if you see fit.
Game End:
The progression of the weekend can be measured in turns, with a
length specified beforehand. Or it can end when the group decides.
When your aliens return home, reveal what your goals were and
laugh about your adventures.
Space Cowboys
You and your crew are bounty hunters registered within the Black-
Jack Network.
Space Debris - A Chore-Playing Game for Two
Scott Slomiany
Space travel with babies
Elizabeth Lovegrove
The game is one jump journey. Agree how long the journey will be,
set a timer; when it goes off, the journey ends.
The room you are in, plus bathroom and kitchen, is your jump pod.
Play begins when you enter the pod as strangers, stuck in this
space with children; your only entertainment is talking. Start
with small talk, but progress to learning about each other.
**Character generation**
* Where are you travelling from/to?
* Why?
* Did anyone see you off?
* Is anyone meeting you?
* One-way or return trip?
* Have you been there before?
* Look for similarities and differences between you.
* Make things up about your journey, destination, family as you
go along
* Talk about the children: ages, activities, preferences, abili-
* Think about how children learn social rules, and have leeway in
breaking them; what are they doing which will be trained out of
them later?
Chris Ing
Wizards start with FIVE SYMBOLS. When you get stronger or gain a
level, add two more symbols.
OPTIONAL: Colors have SPELL ASPECTS. Start with two colors, gain
one per level. Beware, the GM can use colors as well.
@SilZeroChris, silzero.podbean.com
Spin the Bottle
Alyssa Hillen
Terra Frank
Draw a spiral. The larger the spiral, the longer the game.
As the marker moves towards the center of the spiral, the mys-
tery becomes clearer; the investigators bolder and more capable.
However, things also become more dangerous, surreal, and horrif-
ic, slowly escalating as the investigation twists and turns.
Die results
1 = catastrophic failure.
2 = moderate failure.
3 = minor setback.
4 = harrowing success.
5 = moderate success.
6 = critical success.
Michael Wenman
Standard deck
Splicers make a pile of seven Genomes, placed face down
Feral Genome revealed from deck
Feral determines hunt location…
(Hearts/Mutagenic Forest, Diamonds/Icy Tundra, Clubs/Desolate
Ruins, Spades/Cursed Wasteland)
Declare Hunters
Five Genomes flipped from deck, added to Feral hand.
Hunters each roll d6, remove this many cards from the top of
their Genome pile, and place on the bottom.
Hunters draw top five Genomes, compare with each other and best
5-card Feral hand (as Poker Hands). Highest Splicer claims the
Feral. If Feral highest, it escapes.
Splicers not Hunting may trade a Genome for a random replace-
Splicers may trade Genomes
Splicer with most Genomes may be accused of heresy (combat
with accuser as per a Hunt). Other Splicers may loan a Genome
to either combatant after die is rolled but before Genomes are
revealed. Losing Splicer banished, their Genomes become Feral
Game ends when a Feral is unable to make 5-card hand (most Ge-
nomes wins), or only one Splicer left in lab unbanished.
Nick Wedig
You are each eldritch abominations, taking human form for nefar-
ious purposes. Your human vessels are… weak. Disgusting. Meat.
Always sweating, defecating, desiring. How do humans tolerate
Each player has ority over a human Need. Things like hunger, hygiene, sexual
desire, romance, social acceptance. Name yours.
Take turns framing scenes where you perform tasks to achieve your
Goal. Other players roleplay NPCs, describe scenery, etc.
When they describe how their Need complicates your task, they
offer 2-5 dice. Roll one die.
If you roll higher than the number of offered dice, the Need
causes problems. Take the offered dice.
If you roll lower, you resist the urge. That player takes back
their dice and the die you rolled.
If you roll equal, then you succeed at your task even while still
succumbing to the Need. Discard all rolled and offered dice.
StarFry Adventures
Matt Bohnhoff
Your General Manager will assign you a task. Describe how you do
it. He will judge how difficult your action is on a scale from
1-4. Randomly pick a number of fries from a bag equal to your
relevant skill. Compare them to fries he draws, equal to the
difficulty. If the GM has the longest fry, he will describe how
you fail. If you have the longest fry, you have control. Describe
partial success with a complication and you may bank one of your
fries for later. Consume any un-banked fries.
Your tasks may seem mundane at first but tend to lead to unexpect-
ed excitement. While stocking the deep-freeze, Max Moonbottom
once discovered a pocket dimension populated by Potatoids! There
is never a dull shift at StarFry.
Starship Basilisk
Colin Maynard
Place 4 d6s on the table with the 1 side up. Each time a player
takes a significant action such as repairing or using a major sys-
tem reroll the d6 with the lowest face up value. On a 6 another
problem arises related to a major system (roll a d6). (Eg: fried
circuits, ruptured hull, damaged power conduit, injured crewmem-
bers.) After every 4 actions increment the highest (non-6) die.
When the total shown on the dice reaches 20+ the Hukatis returns
and attacks. Reset all four dice, then continue as before but
roll twice after each action. If the total reaches 20+ the Basi-
lisk is destroyed.
Major systems:
(1) Life support -must be repaired within 4 rounds
(2) Reactor -required for engines, weapons & shields
(3) Engines -use successfully 3 times to escape
(4) Weapons -use successfully on Hukatis 3 times to destroy it
(5) Shields -roll only once after each action while active
(6) Escape Pods -abandon ship!
Steam Burst
Matthew Bernard
Dexterity Check:
If cards < dice, success
Precision Check
If cards are between values of two separate rolls, success.
Steampunk Serial
Athena Devine
Player A uses 3D6 to choose what past lives they remember, and
those are skillsets they use to commit these murders. (textiles,
smithing, herbology, husbandry, woodworking, innkeepers)
Other players play Keepers Of The Law and Expert Citizens (choos-
ing the caste of their expertise with a D6), and must catch
Player A.
The first keeper’s (2nd player) is the senior partner & suspects
that people are remembering past lives.
The 4th & 5th players are expert witnesses called in by the keep-
GM knows all & all players roll a die to see what number they
are, but players only know who keepers and experts are.
https://www.facebook.com/ oramdevine/
Bruno Bord
choose one:
**when hard**
**when fight**
attacker roll one stone. skill or item, one more.
*three:* one blood.
*four:* two bloods.
no blood: death.
shaman can give amulets. reroll once. when reroll be one, amulet
doomed, danger, despair.
Stop Reading to Lose
Jesse Coombs
What itches?
Imagine home.
Supposed to be air-tight.
A growing headache.
You ever seen a worm?
Remember when you really got hurt.
You’re selfish.
James Etheridge
You are cartoon characters, and you must draw your way to the
promised land.
When you lead, tell the followers what the obstacle is and how
long they have to solve it.
When you follow, take that time to draw yourself overcoming the
obstacle. You all draw at the same time, in secret. Pencils down
when the leader says so.
When time is up, the leader chooses the funniest solution. That
drawing goes on the end of the storyboard, moving everyone to-
wards the promised land. The others branch off anywhere else on
the storyboard; they’re the misadventures you had on the way.
The game ends when the storyboard reaches the edge of the table
you’re playing on, or if anyone gets bored or checks their cell
phone. If it’s the former, you each write down one thing about
the promised land in secret, then reveal it at the same time. All
these things are true.
Stranded In Space
David Johnston
Game Setup:
* Your spaceship malfunctions. You send a distress signal. It
will take ONE YEAR for the rescue ship.
* You crash your ship near an island on a water planet. The
island is perfect: fruit, animals, fresh water. The weather can
be rainy, but otherwise it’s perfect. You could survive the whole
year with nothing but what is on the island.
* Your spaceship has a replicator machine on board that can mate-
rialize any items you want, but…
* Your spaceship’s power is low. And it’s sinking very slowly.
* You have just enough power to make 200 pounds worth of stuff.
* Then the ship sinks.
* Make a list of what you take onto the island for your one-year
* Discuss your year.
* Best list wins.
On Game Play:
Remember, the island has everything you need for basic survival.
What would make your year better? Tools? Books? Cooking gear?
How about a lighter?
Game Variations:
* Passenger: You may also bring one other person. Who?
* Lower Energy: 100 pounds of stuff.
* Add Danger: weather, monsters, etc…
* More/Less Time: Two years? Three months?
* Quick play: 10 minutes to make lists.
* Solo Play: Keep your list. Think about it.
Stranded: forcing time for thoughts (1p)
Remko van der Pluijm
No phone, no car and no gas station in a day on the way back and
you’re out of gas.
And now isn’t the time, since [write down an important reason to
return to your old life in the middle of a sheet of paper].
Strands of Fate
Rob Teszka
The Heroes and Chosen Ones are your pawns in a story of adven-
ture, betrayal, magic, and secrets. A pawn chosen by fate--a roll
of the dice--is the protagonist. A deity chosen by fate creates a
sacred artifact that the protagonist must find. Another deity cho-
sen by fate is the antagonist, and works to prevent the protago-
nist’s success. Other deities choose their own paths, and should
make bargains. Tell each other the tale.
Strange Room
Manu Saxena
Each of you wake up alone in a strange room. You have no idea how
you got there.
The first player (determined randomly) describes what they see and
what they do. Any other player may say, “perhaps it’s different”
in response to what they see, or “that may not work” in response
to an action.
With the former, the objector proceeds to say how it’s different,
and either the first player agrees or everyone has a secret vote
to decide.
With “that may not work”, everyone rolls a die. The player with
the character gets an additional die for each of their relevant
aspects. Whoever gets the high die gets to say what happens. If
the character fails, their despair goes up by one; if they suc-
ceed, their hope goes up by one.
Once a roll has been adjudicated, move on to a new scene with the
player to the left.
Strange Wallets
Zac Finkenstein
Through ill chance you all have become separated from the Strange
City Tour Group. You must now find the way back to your Hotel
using only the contents of your wallets.
The Player then flips the card in the air (it must turn over at
least once in the air to count). Face Up is Success. Face down is
Failure. The card is put in the Failure or Success pile.
The Player narrates that result.
Once the Failure pile reaches 6 each time a card fails Strange
City eats that card’s owner.
@ZacFinkenstein on Twitter
Strongman: oritarian Fun For 3+ Players
Andrew Trent
Parliamentarians sent to the Gulag lose their next Announcing
turn and voting eligibility for the remainder of the current
If you are Overthrown you lose all your accumulated points.
The first to reach 13 points is embraced as Big Brother, beloved
by his people. Everyone else loses.
Nathan Harrison
INTRO. [1min]
-- Opening pleasantries! Establish Host & Star in broad strokes.
FIRST CLIP. [2mins]
-- Within a clip, one Performer acts as the Star. Rotate which
Performer embodies the Star between clips. (With 3+ Performers,
also decide who the clip includes.) Performers: take motivations.
Host: take a location, set a 2-minute timer, & open the clip by
saying “SCENE: [location].” Performers improvise the clip using
their motivations until time expires.
STUDIO. [3mins]
-- Host & Star discuss the previous clip.
SECOND CLIP. [2mins]
STUDIO. [4mins]
-- Discuss! Host: at some point, introduce a headline about the
Star. (Imagine an article, magazine cover, etc. appearing on-
THIRD CLIP. [2mins]
STUDIO. [3mins]
-- Discuss!
FOURTH CLIP. [2mins]
STUDIO. [4mins]
-- Discussion, + another new headline.
FIFTH CLIP. [2mins]
STUDIO. [5mins]
-- Discussion, + a final headline. As the scene concludes, wrap up
with a brief outro.
Roll credits!
Jon Hook
Super Joey Karlin
Katarzyna Kuczynska
After SuperKid completes her mission, Player can choose one new
Play to have fun. You are on SuperKid’s team, you both want her
to succeed and overcome even the most difficult Challenges. Make
the Tasks fun and engaging, but not too hard to complete.
A PBTA Add-on
Maxime Lacoste
Mundane gestures can bring good fortune or bad luck. The GM may
ask: “What behavior do you witness here that is an act based on
Tempting Fate
When you are involved in a known popular superstition, roll+BEL
*On a 12+, same as a 10+ result and you may raise or lower your
Belief by one. (-3/+3 max)
*On a 10+, gain two Good Fortune or Bad Luck holds.
*On a 7-9, gain one Good Fortune or Bad Luck hold.
*On a miss, you may raise or lower your Belief by one.
Survivors on an Uncharted Island
Steve Hickey
Rescue is impossible.
Assign a player to be the ority on what’s true about each new aspect of the
If an action is risky or the outcome unknown, define (as a group) the worst,
best, and in-between outcomes. Roll 1d6: 1 = worst, 6 = best. The appropri-
ate ority (or, if none, a group-nominee) narrates.
SwordBearer’s Dirge
Rui Anselmo
On the coldest winter night your clan was destroyed. You and a
few others fled, swearing revenge; you want to take your clan’s
heirloom, the sword Ennustama, to your allies’ in the South.
Alex Robinson
One at a time, draw a piece of paper and explain how you the
organ will overcome this obstacle to the best of your abilities.
If other organs agree with your methods, they will describe how
they’ll help. If they don’t agree, antagonistic organs can inter-
fere. The initial organ’s solution counts for 2 points, a helpful
organ’s assistance counts for 1 point and a hindering organ’s
obstruction counts for -1 point. If the organ scores more than
zero, the process goes ahead and the body continues.
Ray Otus
By Ray Otus
Everyone plays a character who wants vengeance. On their first
turn, each player states a fact about the person the doll rep-
resents and something that person did to deserve punishment. Make
it colorful! It might be something someone has done to the player
in real life, but they shouldn’t declare that openly. Stay “in
After everyone has added at least one detail and crime and YOU
feel there is enough to go on with, ON YOUR TURN say instead
something horrific you do to the doll. Make it wicked! Then pass
the doll to the next player, who will describe what happens to
the target in real life. Make it horrible! Afterward the same
player says what wicked thing they do to the doll and pass it.
Once everyone has described a punishment and YOU feel sick or
embarrassed, ON YOUR TURN say instead some form of “I’m sorry”
and pass the doll. Everyone gets a chance to then say “I’m sorry”
or “I’m not!”
Hug it out.
Pete Woodworth
You have memories and feelings you don’t want, but thanks to the
revolutionary Sync process, you can change that!+
Each Session, a player may Bond with one or two players. This
allows transfer of 1 Memory or 1 Emotion for each player. For ex-
ample, one player in the Bond may pass Sorrow to the other, while
the other player gives her “Wedding day” memory. All parties must
Maciej Zefir Starzycki
You need two players: one plays the ENFORCER, second plays the
ENFORCER: name the ideals important for you, at least 3, you get
SYSTEM: add another 3 ideals to the list.
When you get to 0 IDEALS, you can walk away, but there is cost.
SYSTEM has to name three things that will affect you and your
family. Ugly things.
Jointly decide how it ends.
I’m sorry.
Take a Drink: the Roledrinking Game
Nicholas Fletcher
If your drink runs out, you crash. You fail (if trying a task),
the GM describes a twist of fate against you and replaces your
drink. If you suffer three crashes, the GM can remove your char-
acter (kill, capture, etc). If every character is removed, the
mission fails and the game ends.
If the GM’s drink runs out, they replace it; if they run out
again, the mission succeeds and the game ends.
A game to spend time and fill in long silences when walking with
You will need
At least 1 music player - ideally one for every player
2+ players
Each person will be playing a character, based on first five songs
to start playing in a shuffle mode.
First sentence to come up at or after 00:30 mark of the first,
1:00 of the 2nd, 1:30 of the third, 00:15 of the fourth and 00:45
of the fifth song will be the character’s main qualities. Instru-
mental songs can either be skipped or used to add an atmospheric
depth to your character.
Stay in character until reaching your destination - farewells
should also be done in character!!
Sample questions or topics include:
* The weather
* Politics
* Where you two met
* What are you doing next weekend
* Your five-year plans
* Will you ever meet again
For an extra challenge, you may mimic the artist from any of your
characteristic songs
Go to a kitchen.
How to play:
Tales from the Wild West
Mark Durrheim
Spin a bottle to see who starts the first story cycle. They must
describe an adventure of theirs. They must describe where they
were, what was at stake, what obstacle stood in their way, and
what resources they had to work with, and finally how they and
saved the day.
Once all players have embellished the tale the first player en-
hances it one more time and shouts “Don’t believe me? Watch
They draw their nerf gun and shoot three targets across the room.
If they miss they should be playfully mocked. If they hit they
should be cheered as hero.
Talking Sticks
Matt Thrower
Every tree, every twig has a story, but no voice. This is a game
about telling stories on their behalf.
Two or more players go into the woods and look for sticks. They
must stay within earshot of each other.
First one found becomes the talking stick. Its finder starts to
talk about the stick. They describe who they are and what their
stick is: wand, cudgel, primitive tool. Anything you could fash-
ion from wood, enchanted (or not) in any way they desire. Then
they tell a story about what their character is doing with their
Anyone who finds a stick they think is longer than the talking
stick can challenge it. They describe their character and say
what their stick is. Then, they compare sticks. Longest stick
wins and becomes the talking stick. Its owner describes how the
challenge played out and continues the story.
Players may act out any part of the story, if they wish, using
the sticks as props.
Once all players have had a talking stick, the current talker
may end the story if they can think of a conclusion. Otherwise,
continue until the the sticks or the stories run out.
Tall Tales and Tankards
Rick Sorgdrager
During someone else’s tall tale you may drink as deep as you wish
... introduce terrible danger. Taleteller chooses:
- Drink deeper than you did and say how they defied the
- Tell us what was harmed or lost.
... call out blatant untruth. Taleteller chooses:
- Drink deeper than you did.
- Tell us how it really happened.
Tears in Heaven
David Miessler-Kubanek
Tears in Heaven
Souls at their millennial martyrdom reunion [3-7 players, 2hrs,
1d10 to roll]
Order of Service
Communion–1hr: meet and greet
Confessions–2min each: secret revelations to players
Processional–20min: dance/event proving who should be sainted
Canonization–20min: secret ballot vote—Martyred Saint of The
Epilogue–1min each: where are they now?
Each player chooses a different Hijink for another martyr every
Pissing Contest
Stupid Prank
Remember When
Montage Time
Drunken Fight
Existential Crisis
[1d10]–Century martyred?
[2-3]–5th-15th—Middle Ages
[7-10]–17th+—Modernist—includes Exchange Martyrs
[1d10]–How martyred?
[1]–Brazen Bull
[3]–Beaten to Death by Hands/Object
[4]–Burning at the Stake
[7]–Eaten by Lions
[1d10]–Remembered as a...
[1]–Pop culture icon phenomenon
[2-3]–Figure taught in many Christian schools
[4-6]–Symbol for something or other
[7-10]–Footnote in a disputed dissertation
Terrible Village
Michael Dunn-O’Connor
4 Players
Name the villager facing you (X). Compliment them. Ask why they
haven’t stopped Terribleness already. They make excuses and
Both hold 1-3 counters, secretly. Equal bids, move that many
counters from Terribleness to another Terribleness, you win. If
not, both discard counters.
Thank You For Sharing
Taylor LaBresh
Friends are powerful, friends love things; make things; help you
feel better about things. This game is about enthusiastic support
and why we need it.
PB, cool off. PA, write 200 words of anything: fiction, poetry,
smut, fluff...
PB spends five minutes gushing about PA’s work; it’s the best
thing they’ve ever heard. It’s ok to shout “YOU MADE THIS? HOLY
WTF ITS SO GOOD” If you’re both huggers, hug. Shout positively
about how Player A’s work is amazing and makes you feel good.
Take time to discuss how you feel. Switch roles and repeat if
Thank you for the feast
Alex Robinson
Sit down for dinner with your close friends. You are very im-
portant people at a fancy dinner. Before you begin eating, name
yourself, your
e and what you’ve done to further your political
career. Explain your connection to two other guests and build the
story of your careers together. Each dinner guest receives two
poison tokens which they keep under their napkin. Every guest
closes their eyes in turn and players secretly place tokens in
front of their plates. Guests can be poisoned multiple times. Not
all tokens must be used.
Have your meal and enjoy the time spent with your friends.
At the end of the meal, take turns to accuse your fellow guests
of poisoning you with your dying breath. You have one guess per
token. If you’re correct, the guest will say “and I did it all
because…” and explain their motive. You survive that poisoning
attempt and move on to the next token.
At the end of the meal, if you’re alive rise from the table,
thank your guests and clear the table. You look forward to the
next dinner party with your dearest friends.
The Ark
Asmon Lacroix
The Ark is old and adrift in a sea of stars. The would-be set-
tlers have long forgotten the destination; now only know as the
Promised Land. The Ark is feeble, life support systems are barely
hanging on. The Ark is famished, clean water is life and food
is used as currency. The Ark is broken, massive areas are now
cold wastelands, toxic sludge seas or exposed to vacuum. The Ark
is a maze, equipped with pipes and plastic shields, many adven-
turers have been lost searching for the Promised Land in the
lower levels. The Ark is dangerous, the lower one goes the more
dangerous and cold it gets. Malfunctioning maintenance robots,
automated garbage furnaces, toxic sewage rivers, feral animals,
sudden exposure to vacuum and sludge men, are some of the many
dangers in the Ark. The Ark is populous, there are many communi-
ties scattered throughout. Some are able to trade with each other
but most were isolated during the “accident”, they now have their
own language and culture. The Ark is rich, some communities mine
the ice shield that surrounds the Ark. But doing so let’s cosmic
radiation in and can cause horrible mutations. The Ark is Home.
The ArrrPG
The Banquet: A Mealtime RPG
Travis Nishii
All players must avoid the INGREDIENT they wrote, and the INGRE-
DIENT on the card dealt to them.
If the player consumes either INGREDIENT, they die and their card
is revealed.
Create a new RULE whenever a player gets “seconds.” The HOST may
modify it.
The Basic RPG
Alan Kellogg
The Bengleflaarg
Benjamin Bahr
You are the feared Bengleflaarg: ruthless ethereal alien mind par-
asites. Your kind has taken over whole empires, and bent the will
of entire civilisations.
You have no ship, no weapons, and the lawn hasn’t been mowed in
ages. If High Command finds out you’ve screwed up, you’re up for
erasure. So you better get on with that world domination – even
if all you’ve got is a dinner invitation from the neighbours.
The Bridge
Alberto Muti
Two players are the lovers. They are young, in love, and far from
settling down. They live in different cities.
You have busy lives, but often feel like you’re just waiting for
another moment together.
1-2: Something bad;
3-4: You struggle to get by.
5-6: Something improves!
Moments together:
Play out your time together. You need permission from distance to
explicitly express your need. Distance: be fair, sometimes gener-
Alternate waiting and moments together. End the game when the
couple breaks or is reunited, or when you have seen enough.
Booting-up, you become sentient in a room decorated with incom-
prehensible symbols, wearing a humanoid form. Give your name &
lineage. You have one EXECUTABLE (freely interpret its effects),
Driverless carCrash66
Toaster Burnz01
Search EnginePing
Ad BlockerMalWareN008Z
You cannot access the infosphere but can communicate with other
systems in sight. You have questions: Why are you here? Who and
where are your creators? Is this a simulation? What’s it all
about ALF1e?
POWER requirements are limiting - You need two more for every two
dice you add. Find alternate POWER sources. Is domination the
optimum approach? Create ad-hoc networks with willing systems,
sharing dice, .EXEs and bounty.
Explore ... hypothesise ... test ... learn ... adapt ... repeat.
The Chronicles of...
Jonathan Semple
At any time the Archivist may ask for more details, or say, “In
[another land, giving details] they say that…” The inhabitants
will acknowledge or deny any relation.
The Circle
Christopher Stone-Bush
As a Circle decide:
what big magic you are planning
what preparations you must complete
what complications are in your way
Remove the Jokers from a deck of cards. Shuffle it. Put it in the
center of the space. Taking informal turns, narrate what your
witch think, feels, and does.
The Council
Jeremy Monts
After the game ends, reveal the Betrayer. If the Betrayer became
GodKing, all other players lose the game.
The Creation
Katja Sverdlilje
When sentient beings have been created, the characters must (by
imperative) teach them their Essence (love, wisdom, mischief,
etc.) in whatever way they choose. You may also investigate how
the beings relate to the gods (characters); prayer, offerings,
rituals, or not at all.
The Day They Came
Steve Dee
Nobody expected it to happen so fast. But at least, the borders
were still open, and the teleporters were still operational. We
could get off earth. But nothing dead would travel.
The healthiest player starts. If in doubt, choose the youngest
male person. Then choose any other order of play.
The first player takes the second where the others cannot hear
them. The first player chooses an item they are carrying or wear-
ing. Show it to the second player and give them a Sharpie. They
have one minute to sketch the item on their body, while you tell
them a story about what the item means to you. The first player
returns to the others. The second player shows their picture to
the third and tells the story while they have one minute to draw.
Repeat for all players.
The last player returns to the others and presents their sketch
and tells the story of the days on earth, and about this amazing
precious item their ancestor once owned. Remember that earth is
long gone so if you’re not sure what the picture is or what parts
of the story mean, you’ll have to guess or extrapolate.
The day we were Free
If the Teller gets boring, any bidder can propose a Chill Pill.
When every available Chill Pill is being offered, or every Lis-
tener is offering one, the Teller will have to gulp one and
resign its place to the highest bidder, getting no cigarettes.
Bid cigarettes can be increased or decreased, Chill Pills can be
taken back.
This Sunday, the Patients will tell the Visit the story of the
Day they were Free.
The Deep Dark
S. John Bateman
Narrating – Before a player may roll the dice they must first nar-
rate their character’s actions. How do they go about exploring,
scavenging, or fighting?
The Delve
Alex Chalk
Roll 3d6, and assign each die to one: Spirit, Endurance, and
Skill. Name them.
If you come out with less than 100 gold per surviving character,
you lose.
The Devil on my Shoulder
Matt Eaton
Red cards are demons. Black cards are human heroes. Demons
exist in the minds of humans. Heroes are trying to right wrongs.
Demons are trying to prevent that. Redeal if there isn’t at
least one of each.
Each player receives 4 more cards. These and the face up card go
into their hand.
If a demon runs out of cards, they are banished from the hero and
can no longer challenge. If a hero runs out of cards, the demon
has fully taken over the hero.
The Domino’s Delivery Crew RP(za)G
Tai Klein
You are the Domino’s Delivery Crew (henceforth DDC). Your Quest
is to finish your RP(za)G and get it to Hungry Gamers in 30 min-
utes or less.
- Order a Domino’s Pizza to your home
- Follow the Pizza Tracker
- Each player names a DDC on shift
- Each DDC gets alliterative appellation and/or cool club
- Handsome Juan of the Historical Preenactment Society:
“I’ve seen the future’s past: those gamers are hungry. Not even
MY beautiful face can solve that alone. Come on Crew, let’s blow
this pizza stand”
- Pick the first RP(za)G off your list (https://200wordrpg.
- Improvise the necessary supplies
- Prepare your bodies
- Setup your RP(za)G as your DDC
- Play the RP(za)G as your DDC
- Punperoni PizZingers encouraged
When your doorbell/phone rings, it’s game-within-a-game-over.
Always tip your driver!
- Seem Less: Use another delivery service (or set timers
- Personal Pizza: decide which DDC best fits your driver.
- “Extra Tp for Speedy Delivery”: Each @Step you finish before
the tracker gets your party an Arbitrary Shiny Object
The Dreamer
Draco Blackstone
You start with three six-sided Credibility Dice and the Dreamer
in the Anxious state. The Dreamer has three emotional states:
Frightened, Anxious, and Calm. Their state changes based on their
immediate circumstances. If they are in danger, they are Fright-
ened. If there is an impending--but not immediate--danger, they
are Anxious. Once they feel safe, they become Calm. Attempting to
convince the Dreamer of something extraordinary requires a dice
roll. A roll of six or higher while they are Frightened or ten
or higher while they are Anxious or Calm convinces them of your
words. If they are Anxious and you roll under six, you uninten-
tionally cause them to become Frightened. Rolling a four or lower
at any time causes you to lose a credibility die, while rolling a
twelve or higher gains you one.
The Dreaming Giant
Alina Astalus
The Duel
Christopher M. Sniezak
Decide who Player 1, 2 and 3 are.
Player 1 and 2 stand back to back.
Player 3 picks a time period and the weapons used in the duel.
Player 3 reads the following script and may ask up to three ques-
tions before reading the next line of the script.
Player 3 narrates how the duel plays out and the game ends.
The Duelin’ Blues
Musical instruments
Improvisational talent
A deck of cards
First, get yourself a band of friends and sit down with your in-
struments. Declare the characters you will be playing so that the
others will be able to properly judge you later. One person is
the Barkeep, describing the ruffians that come in and make trou-
ble. Invariably, it seems, anyone who walks in the bar is looking
for a fight (or a debt or a bounty, whatever the Barkeep deems)
and with a player no less. The Barkeep will draw a card and
describe a foe who’s picking a fight with the player to the Bar-
keep’s left (then to the left of him, etc). The player must then
play a riff - a few bars, or longer if the group desires - that
fit the character and the drawn card’s theme; the group decides
democratically what fits or not. The consequences for failing are
varied but often dire. Once you’re out of cards, it’s closing
time. Go home.
A - Fast: 144+
2 - Minor
3 - Drawn out
4 - Arpeggio
5 - Bluesy
6 - Legato
7 - Stacatto
8 - Syncopated
9 - De/crescendo
10 - Chromatic
J - Forte
Q - Includes player’s highest known note
K - Lowest known note
The Empire won the war, but the people lost
Natalie Ash
The empire of Aradia just won a war, but its people lost. Refugee
Foxen, Leos, Corvids, and Humans have flooded the capital city of
Adrannar. Living in squalid conditions, some have turned to crime
to survive. Some have left the city in search of adventure. Some
are talking of revolution.
To Play
The faithful few
Francisco Peralta
Players all work for a temple and the deity has decided that they
should die, though one might be spared. Players can play solo or
try to make allies with others.
The objective is to kill your opponents and stay alive. All can
die (no winners), only one can remain alive.
It uses one or two typical poker cards deck with no jacks. Each
player chooses a suit, mixes them and places the pile back up in
front of him. 1d6 for player is used for damage.
Each round the players draw the top card. Highest begins it and
so on. Even card means can attack. Odd can defend. They are not
obligated to do that but must narrate if they prepare for a fu-
ture attack.
The Filigree Prince
Players: 4-5
Roles: secret advisor (1), lovers (3-4)
The Filigree Prince arrives home after a long day of tense admin-
istrative negotiations and their lovers have come to help them
unwind. You are the Prince’s secret advisor.
Begin the game by introducing the Prince. Describe their palace,
and their appearance. Inspire the players. Give them luxurious
sensual descriptions to play off of. In addition to visuals,
think about scents, textures, and sounds.
Ask each player to picture their characters. Describe a quality
of the Prince that makes them feel one of the following: protec-
tive, curious, grateful, enchanted, admiring.
Each turn:
- Describe a location in the palace
- Determine the order of players (mix it up)
- Player take turns describing a gift for the Prince, material
or experiential, based on the location. It must “rhyme” with the
previous gift in some way. Listen for an experience you can build
on, or an aesthetic choice you can borrow.
- Find one thing you like about each player’s description and
share it.
Players may ask the secret advisor for a tip once per turn, and
receive a creative prompt in the form of a word. Play until sat-
The Four Gates: A Mindful RPG
Christopher Reed
For each question that is answered “yes,” one six-sided die (d6)
is added to a dice pool.
The maximum dice pool is 4d6. The dice are added together and
compared to the target number of 8. If the roll is greater than
8, the player’s action resolves the conflict (the argument has
ended, the physical fight has finished, etc.). If the roll is 8 or
less, the action does not resolve the conflict and the situation
The fuel is gone
Luke Gearing
resolve actions by voting. it has one vote worth half the total
players, rounded down
it can veto the results of up to 3 votes in the course of play
MESS ROOM - crew begin here *
DOCKING AREA - has EVA gear * ENGINEERING - atmospherics and
the engine *
* *
ASTEROID CLAMP - tunnel * HOLDING BAY - full of food
and minerals * ESCAPE PODS - all sold.
Sit in a triangle. Name your character.
Look at each other. You must look at someone not looking at you.
When you are being looked at you must look away from the person
looking at you.
1. Exes
2. Dislike
3. Casual friend
4. Unspoken love for the other
5. Best friend
6. In a romantic relationship
The Game of Magical Thinking
Marshall Bradshaw
The Goblin Warrens
Richard Woolcock
Each player rolls 1-3 of their surviving goblin dice, using the
highest roll to determine success. Failure means their lowest
rolling goblin dies. One goblin also dies on a double, or two on
a triple.
An adventure has five scenes, narrated by the GM. The first four
require a trait check with a random trait and difficulty. The final
scene involves fighting the adventurers (one per player).
The Great Work
Luke Jordan
How to Play
You will need a Tarot deck, and 3-5 friends.
The Haints’ House
Jax Bryk and Rose Bailey
You are a Haint, a thing that goes bump in the night. You live in
a military fort, or an old home, or an abandoned prison. Your job
is to keep the humans out -- but you have to deal with all the
other Haints bumping around as well.
At least 1 GM
At least 2 players
1d6 per player
Write down the following: your Name, your Type (ghost, ghoul,
nightmare, etc.), your Appearance, your Dread Power (possession,
turn invisible, etc.), and a number between 2 and 5. If your
number is closer to 6, you are more Friendly. If your number is
closer to 1, you are more Spooky.
If you roll an even number, you get an “and”. Describe what hap-
pens in addition to your roll, whether it’s a success or failure.
If you roll an odd number, you get a “but”. Describe what happens
in spite of your roll whether it’s a success or a failure.
The Hands of Rasputin
Jack Ford Morgan
Your goals: hunt and kill the Romanovs to gain the most points!
Baby Alexei 4
Princess Tatiana 5
Princess Maria 5
Princess Olga 5
Tsar Nicholas II 6
Tsarina Alexandra 7
Anastasia 8
Example turn:
Player A chooses Nicholas.
Another Player: “The Tsar is attempting to escape through a
Player A: (Miming actions +1) “I scuttle and flush myself down
a toilet, then I crawl down his throat, choking his windpipe.”
(Gory Description +1)
Player A rolls a 3, adds bonuses to get five - enough to eliminate
Nicholas and gain his 6 points.
Next player’s turn.
The Heist
Nick Miller
One player is GM, the rest are Criminals planning a big heist.
Phase one:
Phase two:
Phase three:
* One Criminal picks up The Loot. Only one Criminal can hold
The Loot. Others may CvC to gain control of The Loot at any
* GvC = GM vs Criminal; CvC = Criminal vs Criminal
The Hero Heads Home
The game begins on the Precipice of Darkness, where the Hero has
slain the ultimate evil. Starting from the top of the list, go
around the table twice.
In the first round, only that player and everyone above them on
the list plays. The Hero frames the scene, detailing their return
to its location and any key differences. Play out the scene until
the character’s question is answered.
The Hero’s Last Stand
Michael Blatherwick
- Recklessness | + Recklessness
+ Valour Victor | Hero
- Valour Survivor | Victim
The Heroes’ Journey
Vi Brower
When you finally arrive at the cache you can claim the treasure,
however, you must leave something for the next adventurers.
The Holy Mountain
Elizabeth and James Iles
Start at the first shrine. In turn give the shrine keeper some-
thing from your pack and say how it fulfils their requirements.
Then together perform the purification ritual.
During the ritual you break one prohibition you haven’t broken
Your life: Describe your home. Say one thing you regret leaving
The trail: Warn of danger and say why you turned back last time.
Ancestors: Receive an otherworldly item, described by the others.
Your face: Reveal your transgression.
Then you leave the shrine and travel onwards. One pilgrim de-
scribes how the next peril endangers them. Another pilgrim de-
scribes a skill/tool they use to protect them, and what it im-
plies. Repeat until you reach the next shrine.
When you reach the fifth and final shrine, you may enter or turn
back. Pilgrims that enter are never seen again.
Shrines demand:
Purification through:
The Human World
Clio Yun-su Davis
Humans died out a century ago – all except one child put in
cryosleep. Now that child has awoken and is in the care of an-
droids programmed by the deceased parents to teach their child
about the world in their absence.
A, who was meant to critique and analyze art, but now sees every-
thing they encounter as art.
N, who was meant to balance the others out with healthy skepti-
cism, but is now a nihilist who believes nothing has meaning.
The Island of Derring-do
Russell Tripp
The Adventurers Guild was formed when real pros tired of cleaning
up the bodies of wannabes. You must pass initiation to join the
guild by surviving the Island of Derring-do.
Player to your right turns over top card (=difficulty) and de-
scribes your challenge. Place 1 token on table and play cards
from ONE of your piles that add to more than the difficulty.
Describe success. Take cards equal to ½ excess over the difficulty
(min 1/max 4). Distribute into statistics piles you DIDN’T use.
Help others by describing aid and adding cards from 1 pile (no
token). Only the player who offers the most aid may add cards. On
success, take ALL tokens on the table (no cards).
When deck runs out, describe how you use remaining cards to es-
cape the island.
The killing action
Robert Carnel
The King and its Mute Jesters
The Game
1 person as the Court Advisor who will write a set of words on
paper(s), reveal each word only to the Jester during play.
Minimum 2 Mute Jesters who will translate the words written by
Court Advisor to the King with hand/body gestures.
1 person as the King who will attempt to guess the answer ges-
tured by the Mute Jesters.
The Jesters that managed to get the most answers from the King
under 1 minute wins the round.
Each Jester has 1 minute to get the King to answer as much as
The King can be a different person for each Jester.
Write at least 10 set of words/short sentences per Jester.
Players are allowed to suggest a theme before starting for the
set of words to be written and played.
The labyrinthine library
Scrabble tiles, DM & 3-4 players
Character creation
Characters have 2 HP. Take 2 scrabble tiles. The Letters are your
Initials. Make up your names. The numbers give you 2 abilities
from list below.
1 = +1HP
2 = nimble
3 = goodshot
4 = brawler
5 = small animal companion (cat/owl/ferret etc)
8 = academic
10 = 1 (DM approved) spell
0 your choice
Vowels = success
Consonant = failure
& If
B bookshelves change their layout
C cursed tome opens
D find drinks trolley
F fairytale comes to life
G goblin book thief attacks
M meet forgotten previous apprentice
P poisonous bookmold
T trap!
Y learn something helpful
DM draws a tile to represent NPC attacks. All NPC have 1HP. Suc-
cessful attacks by players & NPCs remove 1HP.
The Last Day
Andrew J. Young
They are coming. They are endless. They will destroy everything
and everyone.
* What do you use?
* Who do you defend?
* Where do you stand?
* What are you looking for?
* Where do you look?
* Who do you tell?
* Who do you find?
* Where do you go?
* What do you do?
* What do you crave?
* How do you get it?
* How does it make you feel?
* How do you travel?
* What do you bring?
* Who do you meet?
* Who do you tell?
* What do you bring?
* Where do you go?
Once everyone chooses and answers their questions, roll dice.
The Last Dragon
Fabien Badilla
Attributes start at 1:
Dragon >>> Hoard | Sleep | Terrify
Region >>> Riches | Cultists | Adventurers
Each era:
Dragons choose which Dragon Attribute dominates their focus.
Dragons should:
>>> Describe their deeds with dramatic detail!
>>> Name / track people, legacies, artifacts, monstrous beasts.
>>> Interact with details from other Regions.
>>> Make maps.
>>> Roleplay / Banter / Tease one another!
Special Events:
Hoard / Cultist: every 4 levels
>>> Dragon chooses any two Attributes (even another Dragon /
Region’s Attributes) to give +1 / -1.
>>> Dragons: [Terrify] * D6 + [Cultists]
>>> Adventurers: [Adventurers] * D6 + [Sleep]
>>> Highest wins.
>>> Reroll ties.
>>> Losing Dragons perish.
Rinse / Repeat.
CONGRATULATIONS! You are The Last Dragon!
All other Dragons write a poem (#TheLastDragon) about your life’s
You are teenage students in a hostile town. In one tragic summer,
each of you will lose your lives. But your story will be told. It
won’t be forgotten.
August. Death follows. The Dealer plays blackjack with only one
character at a time.
The Life of Paul
Tony Obert
Life of Paul
Using a 20 sided dice you control his fate. When you roll to de-
termine how his day is going use a scale of 1-20. 1 is the worst
outcome, 20 is the best. Paul is a mundane person with no nega-
tive or positive traits.
The Manor Game Farm Purge
J Mitchell
Tomorrow, once the world’s most visited and diverse zoo closes
forever in horrible disrepair and only the animals that survive
the night will get relocated.
Chose one animal to role-play
Chose your animal’s voice to role-play.
Chose one phobia: with captivity comes trauma.
Narrate challenges involving:
The hazardous facility
The misguided staff
The roaming gangs of violent animal antagonists purging their
once fair zoo of the “unsalvageable”.
Game starts at sundown when the last visitors leave. The staff
remains for the first scene then bids a tearful goodbye. The an-
tagonists begin enacting their full throated purge.
The Marketers
Brad Jones
When all the funding has been passed out, each marketer rolls
their funding dice, to see how much profit their ideas contribut-
ed. The player that rolls the highest gets to add the project to
their portfolio; ties go to the marketer with the most funding
The Mug Is Half...
Ray Otus
A Solo RPG
Put one die in your hand when you are ready to drink. If you add
real sugar, put another die in your hand. If you add cream put
another die in your hand. If you add anything else at all: (ice,
syrup, cinnamon, low-cal sweetener, coconut milk), take a die out
of your hand if you are holding more than one.
2-3: The mug is empty. Your mind was so full of other thoughts
that you drink the coffee without even tasting it.
4-5: Ah, coffee! Your problems briefly melt away, but come crash-
ing back in when the last sip is gone.
You can drink another cup and reroll, but you must re-roll any 1s
or 6s one time.
The Orb
Rickard Elimää
During the declaration, it’s also important to tell why the char-
acter has that agenda (even if it may be a secret).
The game ends when more than half of the participants can reach
their goals through terms of agreement.
Discuss how.
The Orpheus Trail
E. Lewis
The road to Hell is paved with the bodies and possessions of the
settlers who went ahead of you. Rumor says the colonists of the
first circle of Hell mine rare minerals and grow rich off strange
soul-powered sciences. Meanwhile Earth swelters, overcrowded and
suffering. How different could it be?
The colonist caravan will not reach the first circle of Hell until
the characters have performed all seven mortal sins: GLUTTONY,
The Outsiders RPG
David Rollins
Those who know what is hidden protect the world. These Outsider
characters are run by the players. Everything else is run by the
The People You Meet On The Graveyard Shift
Jerome Pfitzner
Tell everyone your job, tell them why you hate it, and tell them
why you continue. Your name is optional.
You have three Traits - Hungry, Tired, and Poor. Each starts as
a d8. Write down three things that are OK about life - these are
your Holds.
Whenever one of your Traits come up, roll it. If you rolled a 3-,
reduce that Trait’s die by one step. If you rolled a 6+, tell ev-
eryone how that Trait screws you over, and increase that trait’s
die by one step - if it’s a d12, treat the roll as a 9+ instead.
If you rolled a 9+, cross out a Hold. If all of your Holds are
crossed out, you leave the game - commit suicide, go postal,
One player is the Boss - they describe the world, and should be
cruel to the other players. They don’t have Traits or Holds, and
never roll.
The Perfect Moment is Now
Harry Smith
Hearts: Social.
Diamonds: Mind.
Clubs: Strength.
Spades: Speed.
Players must spend cards from left to right. Players can spend a
card out of order, if they discard all face up cards.
When the deck runs out the GM narrates whether History was main-
The Petitioners
d6 - optional
For each character place a sheet of paper in front of the group.
Starting with the character name, roll a d6 (if desired) to de-
cide what to add, players should take turns and may freely decide
to move to the next section as appropriate.
Heraldry, roll and describe/draw the symbol and its story from
1. Mother
2. Father
3. Paternal Grandparent
4. Maternal Grandparent
5. Great-Grandparent
6. Ancient ancestor
Roles: The House (mute). The Ghost. The Child. The Diary.
Players: 4. Combine The Child and Diary roles to play with 3, and
The House and Ghost to play with 2.
2. The Diary narrates an average day from The Child’s past set
in the sketched location. The House illustrates the setting with
features from The Diary’s story, until the The Ghost interrupts.
3. The Ghost creates a Haunted Object, which The House draws, and
recounts The Child’s monstrous or unsettling encounter with the
6. The Child takes another crumpled page and describes their final
encounter with The Ghost in that location.
The Protector
Chloe Sutherland
Strange things happen at your high school. One girl fights from
the shadows - unexplainable power against unknown horrors. She
will deny it. But you see glimpses… you hear rumors.
Share a time you, or a friend, were helped by The Protector.
Shroud your retelling in uncertainty but hint at the extraor-
dinary. Ask others for more detail. At the end, another player
names a power they now believe The Protector has. Write it down.
Draw a playing card and place it, face down, beside the power.
Repeat, each sharing a story in turn, until she has eight rumored
Choose someone to play the Ultimate Foe that opposes The Pro-
tector. All other players witness this battle - describing The
Protector as she fights, unequivocally in public for the first
time. As players describe the use of a power, they flip the card
relating to that power. If the card is black, The Protector can
use that power. If it is red, the gossip was false, the Ultimate
Foe makes the situation worse.
Win or lose.
When the last card is flipped, gather and shuffle them. Draw one.
If it is black, The Protector succeeds.
The Quest for the Object of Desires
Luke Ensign
The Rapid and the Raging
Ed Turner
3-6 players. Two index cards each.
On one card write a city and its Problem. Something entrenched,
like “Corrupt cops.”
On the other card, write a character, their vehicle, and Problem.
Something simple, like “Out of coffee.”
Characters start in First Gear.
On your turn:
Move your character to another player’s city.
Explain how you’ll solve a problem (yours or the city’s) the only
way you know: with illegal street racing.
-The city’s player narrates the course and obstacles (using Prob-
lems as a guide).
-You narrate your driver. Other drivers in the city can race too,
to aid you.
-Narrate sick driving stunts appropriate to the gear you’re in:
--First: world-class. Navigate effortlessly; ramp off anything.
--Second: effectively supernatural. Drive across water, up walls.
--Third: physics-defying. Outrace bullets, plow through trains,
--Fourth: magical. Become wind, control storms, drive through
--Fifth: transcendental. Embody pure Driving.
-When you’re ready to win the race, shift into the next higher
gear and narrate your victory and its aftermath:
--Gears 2-4: Solve the Problem, replacing it with a worse one.
--Fifth: Solve your Problem and the city’s outright.
The Sorcerer Supreme!
Andrew Harrison
The Spirits Somnia
Caroline Berg
Your Somnia has three traits. You may put all three traits to-
wards one type or chose a mix from either.
The gate you enter determines the type of dream delivered. Roll
one six-sided die (1d6) for the gate.
Roll 1d4 for the number of nouns you must weave into your dream
description. If playing alone pick nouns from around you; if
playing with others, they provide the nouns.
Roll 1d4 for each noun in the dream. The sum of those roles is
the dream number. When delivering the dream, roll 3d6 dice.
For each trait you have for a gate, add or subtract two points
to your delivering roll. If the sum is 1-3 away from the dream
number, the delivery was a success. Otherwise gain one nightmare
The Stars Are Angry
Players: 1-4
Materials: D6, Map of the World
The stars going out, one by one
John Elson
To resolve disputes:
3 successful attacks makes a character helpless.
You cannot take an Attachment unless every Character defending it
is helpless.
The story of my life
Yoshi Creelman
You’re dead. So are all those ahead and behind you in line. The
queue for the after-life is long, slow, and winds through the
living like torture, reminding you of what you no longer have.
You do have your memories, well some of them. You will need to
tell the arbiter your life story.
Take turns
Begin your saga with, “It all started when...”
Continue your tale until you reach a crossroads, where the de-
tails are fuzzy, request suggestions to impress the arbiter from
your companions. Let the suggestions simmer as you listen to your
companion’s tales.
When you reach your conclusion, finish with, “and that was the
story of my life.”
Continue until all tales are told... or you’ve reached the arbi-
The Suits RPG
Damjan Miladinovic
You’re called The Suits. It’s not a matter of way you’re dressed,
but of your skills. You’re thieves, burglars, cons. You’re Ma-
gicians. And you’re expensive. But only for being the best. And
now, you have a mission.
The Tale
Daniel Comerci
You are the Initiate, a man whose story and virtues are being
tested. Your friends are the Council listening to you. Both of
you take up to fifteen Bones.
“I am [name], and I’m here to tell you how my [Virtue] was chal-
lenged while I tried to [Challenge].”
To play narrate your journey toward your goal. The Council will
help you by suggesting how the world reacts. Last word is yours.
When Virtue is at stake the Council can decide that things are
not how you describe. They will say “Lie”, declare a different
outcome and remove one of their Bones. You can accept by say-
ing “Truth”, or refuse by saying “Lie” and removing one of your
Bones. Tell a different outcome. Continue with Lie/Truth until
one does not accept.
The story will end when Initiate or Council remove their last
stone. End it in a meaningful way, saying what happened and if
something shattered your Virtue or Goal.
The Tavern at Dungeon Level 200
Jim Dagg
The monster shows up to the bar or get a table and orders a drink
or dish, but some ingredient is unavailable. (A Cook chooses.)
1)Mushroom Forest
2)Flooded Cavern
3)Catacomb Keep
4)Clockwork Labyrinth
5)Slimy Sewers
6)Lava Hellpits
The monster takes three tokens, plus one for each other player.
The Tavern of Tall Tales
Oliver Richter
At the crossroads between worlds stands the Tavern of Tall Tales.
Grimbold, the owner, loves stories. Tell a great one and your
drinks are on the house! Don’t disappoint him...
The games comes with a pack of custom cards which contain a pair
of opposing words each, like:
(Noise) – [Silence]
(Strength) – [Weakness]
(Bright) – [Dark]
One player is Grimbold. He draws 3 cards for each other player.
Each player starts with 2 [black] and 2 (white) tokens.
Players take turns collaboratively telling the story.
Grimbold plays a card from his hand, and the current player has
to incorporate it into his narration. The player spends his
tokens on choosing the (white) or [black] aspect of Grimbold’s
The game ends when Grimbold has played all cards, or when Grim-
bold has given the players three “strikes” for struggling to tell
the story.
Optional: Use a small hourglass to limit the time each player has
for his story segment.
The Things We Do For Love
Kate McCane
The Town of M
Jim McClure
The player with the most M&Ms is the leader of the town.
The other players represent the diverse society of the town. Each
player should describe three things that define their group.
The leader will divide their M&Ms into roughly three even piles
representing Laws, Expectations, and Social Norms. The leader
will take one M&M from any pile and make a declaration about the
town that specifically oppresses one group of people.
The people can work together and fight back by “rolling” their
M&M’s. Players may throw as many M&Ms they want on the table,
any that land with the “M” face up are counted as a success. All
rolled M&Ms are eaten.
Successes needed
Repeat this process until the Leader has no remaining M&Ms then
discuss as a group how your town would function with the society
that was established.
@GMJimMcClure Thirdact.pub
The Trial
Isaiah Stankowski
Someone must have slandered you, for one morning, without having
done anything truly wrong, you were arrested.
Starting Coins:
Accused- 5*Players
Accuser- 5
Bank- 5
The Tribe
Oli Jeffery
The Trust
Dave Proctor
The Truth of the Stars
Corinne C.
One player dons the mantle of Her Majesty, and sets the timer,
Each astronomer:
REPEAT, passing the mantle of Her Majesty to the left, until all
players have assumed it.
The Victory Circle; A Nano-Larp
Jason Morningstar
[1] Say: “They form a jubilant circle and hack off the warrior’s
Stop the torture [3] or step forward and be complicit [4].
[3] Say: “The Mohegan furiously break their alliance and join
Metacom’s confederacy. We’ve doomed the New England colonies.”
[4] Say: “The Mohegan make him dance and then sever his fingers.”
Stop them [3] or join the circle [6].
[6] Say: “They break his legs and prepare to kill him. He remains
Take up clubs yourselves [2] or stop this [3].
The Village
Daniel Kraemer
The elder ones in the village say the fog has always been there.
And it is to be avoided. Everybody knows it’s not a regular fog.
It never has been. It appears in bright sunlight, it started
creeping out of the forest and it fools your senses. Over time it
came closer to the village.
Only a few in the village have actually been in the fog by acci-
dent but they spoke of strange noises, a feeling of being watched
and a desire to go in deeper, to find out what’s going on. Some-
times these stories are told at the campfire, choking the spirit
of the community.
One day someone new came to the village and rumor had it that he
or she came out of the fog. Something about the being felt wrong.
Both alien and familiar at the same time. It looked human but
clearly wasn’t. But the strangest part was what words he or she
uttered at the border of the village.
Before walking into the fog, the being said: ’We don’t want you
any harm. We want to help you. You can feast on our souls.’ Then
it disappeared.
The Wake
Nick Cummings
Honor the memory of the friend you lost.
• Three or more people
• Notecards
• An urn — a fireproof vessel
• Matches
If the weather permits, go somewhere nice. If not, go elsewhere.
Seek quiet. Stay close.
Sit in
a circle around
the urn.
Each person takes three cards and writes a number on the back of
Using no more than four words per card, each person answers the
Shuffle all cards into three stacks by number. Each person takes
one card from each stack, making sure not to draw their own.
Each person studies their first card. When ready, they share that
memory with the group as though it was their own before tearing
the card up and dropping it into the urn.
Once each person has spoken, repeat for second and third cards.
destruction signals like earthquakes and plagues are happenings.
When all the disasters have been narrated, the player with more
resources (survived more times) wins and narrates how he discov-
ers the root cause of the apocalypses (the cause he wrote) and
how he stops it (or not).
The World of Retail
Christopher Richter
For 3 to 6 players.
Each player will start with 25 XP. If a player loses all of their
XP they are fired.
Players will roll a d6 versus customer roll. If a player’s roll
is higher than the customer roll, the customer will walk away
happy. XP received for each happy customer by rolling d10. If
a customer walks away unhappy that player will lose 5 XP. If a
player rolls a 1, GM makes a termination roll on d6. 6 = Fired.
Customers need goods to purchase. Players will roll d10 versus
stock roll. If roll is higher, customer will receive the item. If
out of stock, player will lose 2 XP for each item. If customer
walks away happy with an item roll addition d6.
50 = Department Manager
75 = Night Manager
There Is No Way Out Of This Arena
One person plays The Gladiator, and one person plays The Arena.
The Gladiator describes what they’re fighting for (glory, God,
survival, the thrill) and why they’re in the arena, and rolls
1d100 to determine their health at the start of the game. Each
round, The Arena rolls 1d20 to determine the damage they inflict
on The Gladiator. They then describe what challenges The Gladia-
tor faces, and The Gladiator describes how they defeat them, if
they still have health left, or how they are defeated, if they
If there are any observers, they play The Audience. They describe
who is watching the battle and how the audience feels about it/
The Gladiator themselves. In their Mercy, The Audience can, once
per game give an extra d20 to The Gladiator, to put off the end
for a little longer. Or, should they so choose, they can give
their extra d20 to The Arena, which can be a Mercy, too.
The game continues until The Gladiator is out of health, but can
easily be started again.
They’re just dice, right?
Joseph Propati
Knocked off balance, the cleric hits the table causing its con-
tent to fly. Instantly all four adventurers are sitting at the
table with the Barbarian holding four dice in his palm.
Unsure of what just happened, each adventurer glance around; no
troll, no squashed fighter, nothing.
The Barbarian lowers his hand, places each wood die softly on the
table. They slowly rise from the table heading to the door and
quickly glance at the quiet little table in the back corner.
You are a SHIELD OF FAITH. Your reasons are between you and the
THINGS BEYOND, but you are protecting humanity; your job is to
Any time you RESTORE, SEAL, or WITNESS, you gain either POWER or
For when an outcome isn’t apparent, roll 2d6. <6 fails with
consequences, 7-10 succeeds with consequences, 11-12 succeeds
This Is Not an RPG
Alexander P. Slotkin
Thomas Crown Affair RPG
Brian Rogers
Those Last Moments
Senda Linaugh
This is it. The moment you fell. The world is moving so fast and
yet so slow as you fall — the moments before this one flashing
before you — why did it have to be like this? You can see the
bullet tracing the air next to you, but it doesn’t matter now,
you’re dead when you hit the ground.
You can play this game with friends as NPCs, or play alone in
For each vignette, roll 1d6. If your result is 1-3, the problem
intensifies in the scene. If you result is 4-6, you thought the
problem was de-escalating (but find out later it wasn’t).
1. Relationship
Play out a moment representing how you know the person who caused
this situation.
2. Regrets
Play out a scene illustrating what you regret most about your
inevitable demise.
3. What happened?
Play out a scene illustrating how you ended up on that roof top.
4. Falling
Play out a scene illustrating how you fell from the roof.
5. The End
Roll 1d6. On 1-3, describe your last moments and how you hit the
ground. On a 4-6, describe your miraculous salvation.
Those Who Fled
Bruno Dias
Another player, the Adversary, plays the Empire, nature, and the
spirit world.
Time to Run
Sanchit Sharma
This is a game for two players. One of you will play a megacorpo-
ration, the other a lone decker.
You will need some playing cards and tokens.
Describe the corporation. Who are their customers? What is their
Describe the decker. What kind of person are they? Why do they
want to destroy the megacorp?
Remove face cards and jokers from the deck and deal two to the
corp player and five to the decker.
Set the scene.
Are you acting towards your goal? Note: non-action scenes are a
good way to explore characters and motivations - don’t always go
for the action scenes!
If so, during the scene each player places a card face down. Flip
both at a suitably tense moment - the higher number indicates the
winner of the scene (Ace low). The winner gets a token.
Conclude the scene. The megacorp player draws to two cards.
Once five action scenes are completed, the player with most to-
kens ‘wins’ - there is one final scene describing how they win the
Time Travel Start-Up Company
Jen Kitzman
Play out the Mission via matching until every player’s hand emp-
Describe how you engage in Time Travel Office Bullshit with each
play or pass.
Hijack a Project by playing ends that add to 10, mark this closed
except for you.
Tiny Tribe
VLF Transmitter
GM / leaders decide on goals like “Drink Milk” or “Make Fire”
that the leaders must guide their tribe to complete.
Objects can be carried. After CR1 the leaders may describe how to
use an object to complete a task. The GM gives a number between
zero and infinity to be subtracted from the roll.
To Alex!
Jenn Martin/Todd Nicholas
You just attended your complicated friend Alex’s funeral and are
now drinking and telling Alex stories.
-Almost arrested
-The big fight
-Best party ever
-Childhood memory
-Getting lost
-Helping someone
-Favorite color
-Sad song
-Funny movie
-Your shared place
-Comfy t-shirt
-Funny selfie
-You know a secret
-You saw another side
-You have more information
-You saw the fallout
-Alex confessed something
-You and Alex talked about it
Each player draws 1 card of each type. On their turn, they use
the “Prompt” and “Inspiration” cards to improvise a story about
Alex. Other players may interject with questions, color, or
comments. Players may play their complication card during another
player’s turn to add a new dimension to the story.
The game ends with all players raising their glasses and toasting
“to Alex!”
To Sea In A Sieve!
James Baillie
beyond the sea. In a sieve, naturally.
Note that Jumblies have no ability in combat at all but are able
to set traps, talk, and run away quite effectively. Terrors might
include giant silver-bees, the sea, or the Torrible Zone. Player
goals may include purchasing certain items, exploring locations,
finding new homelands, or simply eating as much cheese as possi-
To Serve A Monstrous Empress: A Sacrifice
Alex Guerrero-Randall
Describe Her.
What you have left to give: Tokens: your VITALITY, SANITY, and
To embody the Empress first: sweep visible tokens into the bag.
Too Many Love!
Ben Coler
Each Player but one portrays a Suitor. The last portrays the Love
Interest. All Players start with 3 Damage; each Damage has a
name, chosen by the Player. The Love Interest always gets “Dense”
and “Unremarkable,” but can choose the final one.
The Love Interest also serves as the Game Master, creating the
scenarios that everyone role-plays. These scenarios should give
every Suitor a fair chance to resolve a plot complication with a
Challenge: roll a six-sided die.
1 = Botch; complication worsened or is created.
2 or 3 = Failure.
4 or 5 = Resolved.
6 = Overboard; resolves complication but creates another.
When the Love Interest has no Damage, the game ends. The Suitor
who removes the most total Damage wins.
Too Much Bubblegum: More than you can chew!
Bruce ES Warner
Aliens are amongst us and it’s time to fight back! ...But this
bubblegum won’t chew itself.
Each round, players take however much bubblegum they want from
the pile (minimum one).
If you draw a joker, roll the dice you took. If any die comes up
1, you’re abducted! Shuffle everyone’s cards back into the deck
before you go, and come back next round as an infiltrator.
At the end of the round, shuffle the deck and discard all the dice
you took: you chewed that bubblegum or died trying!
Once per game you can swallow your gum: re-roll all 1s. (Don’t
eat the dice.)
If you start a round with no pile left, you’ve chewed all the
bubblegum and the remaining humans can start fighting the aliens!
Tracy is Dead
Mark Van Vlack
Transient Global Amnesia System
Francesco Rugerfred Sedda
Sit in a circle, close enough to each other that you can whisper
to the players on either side without standing up.
The player receiving the whisper whisper back the answer, then it
turn on the player on the left, describe what’s happening around
the character and ask “What do you do?”
After the first complete round, the game may end when a player
whisper “You fall asleep.” to the left.
Translation of Cave 7 Pictographs: First RPG?
Stark Fist
[Translator Notes]
Ogg do something? Skygod [GM] tell thing Ogg use and HITS Ogg
need (1 (easy) to 3 (hard)). Ogg roll bones from thing. Bones
more than Ogg’s Bruises are HITS, others MISSES.
Ogg get Hits? Skygod happy, Ogg does it. Not? Skygod angry, Ogg
Throw away misses, give hits back to thing. Ogg not want to throw
away missed bones? Ogg take bruise.
Thing has no bones? Ogg pass out: Ogg take bruise and rest until
Skygod tell Ogg get up.
Other Ogg against Ogg? Skygod tell thing each use, Oggs roll
bones, Ogg with most Hits win. Oggs fight ? Loser take bruise.
Rest 2 hours? Put 1 bone on thing Ogg choose. Thing not have
more bones than start with.
Rest 2 days? Ogg has more than 1 bruise? Ogg lose 1 bruise.
Trapped in Deep 7
William J. (B.J.) Altman
You’ve almost escaped the undersea lab when… SABOTAGE! You must
repair the escape pod before time runs out.
1 film canister per person
Alka-Seltzer tablets
Eye protection
Small jigsaw puzzle
Act according to your role but only as the Captain directs. Work-
ing like this, solve the puzzle to repair the pod. If there is no
one left to fill a role, you can share a role (e.g. if no Captain,
a Scientist can take charge).
Put half a tablet in one canister. Snap on the lid. Turn it up-
side down. GO!
If you don’t get the lid on right and water spills out, STOP. You
don’t close an airlock correctly and drown.
If all the canisters explode before you solve the puzzle, Deep 7
implodes, killing everyone.
Trash Pandas
Eric Farmer
The Gear:
4 humans
20D6s + 1D6 (for Glitter)
A high-sided box
The Cast:
Ringo; clever - Shake the box after seeing the results.
Mittens; crafty - Your roll succeeds on 3+.
Porkbutt; big ‘un - Pick 2 numbers.
Glitter; wild - Roll for your number, that die counts. Keep it.
The Turn:
Put the dice in the box and SHAKE, but don’t peek. Pick a number
from 1 to 6. Peek! Pull out matching dice. (If none match, tell
your raccoon’s zany misadventure. Pass the Turn, but not the
Phase.) Pass dice clockwise, giving 1 to each person until gone.
Each rolls, on 4+, add a successful detail and return the die to
the box. On a 3-, introduce a goofy complication and discard the
Pass the box to any player. They start the next Phase. Continue
until the Score, or all the dice are gone and you bust!
The Phases:
The Approach
The Opposition
The Twist
Plan B
The Score - Everyone secretly picks a number and one SHAKES the
box. Each match is a delectable treat for you!
#1: The Cat Flap, CATS!, Fishtank...
#2: Dumpster, Its Massive Bulk, Locked!
Travelling is not so easy...
the scablander
Good luck.
Treaty at the Stones of Black and White
Dan Sparkman
Half to 3/4 of the way through the game, pause. Hold peace talks
and negotiations.
Take turns introducing yourself, using your card and area on the
board. Then roll a die publicly, odd you are loyal (to the color
your formation is made from) even you are treacherous. Then
secretly roll a die. Loyal players have only a 25% chance of
choosing to betray their color and only to secure their secret
objective. Treacherous players will stay loyal 25% of the time.
The other 75% they can betray if they want.
Triad - Deckbuilding Game
Tom Jessup
Tripping Over Yourself
VLF Transmitter
Each player picks one or more of the following to control
Left Arm
Right Arm
Left Leg
Right Leg
Head & Neck
Torso & Center of Gravity
Limb HP
1+Perfectly fine
-10Chopped off
GM Combat
•Choose HP for enemy
•Roll 2d6 for success (>=6 is failure)
•Roll nd6 damage / defense, “n” depends on the enemy
Triumphs and Disasters
James Harland
Rudyard Kipling
Take it in turns to set the scene, and play out the events lead-
ing up to your character’s Triumph or Disaster. Involve other
players as allies or adversaries. Have them play their own char-
acters where appropriate.
Keep a stiff upper lip, come what may. Record your Triumph or
Disaster as experience.
Joel Dettweiler
In secret, write down three physical aspects about which you, the
troll, are extremely insecure. DO NOT draw on you, the player’s,
The last troll to finish their list starts by stating their opin-
ion on a topic, real or imaginary.
If any troll thinks they have figured out someone else’s aspects,
they can yell “BLOG POST”, at which all other trolls must fall
silent while the first enumerates those aspects.
Truth, Lies and Bullets
Brian Berg
The game is played by telling each other lies and truths and
requires two six-sided dice. Roll a d6, and whomever has the
lowest score must go first. On a tie, reroll the tied dice until
one person has a lower result than the other.
On your turn you must make a statement about yourself. Then roll
a d6.
If they guess wrong, you do not pull the trigger, and instead
pass the gun (dice) to the player on your right and the truths,
lies and bullets continue. The “winner” is the last person
Turing Story Machine
Michael Such
WRITE; change the CELL ELEMENT based on the STATE, narrate this
transformation, set the STATE to BLANK. Writing to a BLANK CELL
introduces a new ELEMENT to the story in that CELL. If the STATE
is BLANK this is arbitrary. If you write a BLANK STATE to a CELL
with a ELEMENT which is not BLANK, narrate an epilogue for this
READ; set the STATE to the CELL ELEMENT; narrate details about
Perform OPERATIONS with the HEAD. The TAPE and STATE begin BLANK.
START with a WRITE. STOP when the TAPE is all BLANK again.
Tyrze, a MMORPG
Ufology For Beginners
Jack Rosetree
You know the truth. The invasion is real. You will stop it.
Ultimate fantasy (or is it?)
Marcin Kuczynski
You start with 3 Energy. Each turn pick partners (pay 1 Ener-
gy for each) and narrate the time spent with them. They get +1
Each even number rolled means, their vice got the better of them.
Explain how you deal with this or their Affection lowers by 1.
In the 2-player version, you act out the scenes, and the second
player controls the Harem.
If a Survivor fails three challenges they are dead and they are
longer counted while voting, though their actions while alive
still affect the group
Under The Mountain
Liam Moher
Name your Dwarf and describe them, especially their beard (Dwarf
women have beards too).
Discard a coin:
* Begin a new scene on your turn.
* Re-flip a coin.
Give a coin:
* Interject and add trouble for another dwarf.
Gain a coin:
* Play a supporting character (not your dwarf) in another’s
* Succumb to trouble.
* Join another’s scene on your turn.
* Ask leading questions.
Unknown Kingdoms: The Footsteps of Marco Polo
Johnathan Creed
Deck of cards spread face down in a grid to form the landscape.
The first player selects a card from one of the grid’s edges to
reveal. They get to describe the place and any distinctive fea-
tures (culture, diplomatic relations…).
Reveal and describe a card adjacent to any upturned card.
‘Interact’ with an upturned card (discover clues, befriend popu-
lace, buy boat…): declare intention and roll 2d6. If the result
equals/betters the card’s number, you succeed. Relevant inter-
actions from earlier in the game give +2 bonuses (necessary for
king-cards). For failures, another player describes what happens.
For face-cards, another player describes the NPC’s reaction
(strike bargain, ask for a favour…).
Vain Superheroes
Mark S. Aquilino
The superheroes have been defeated. The world now turns to un-
likely saviors: celebrities. One player is The Nemesis (GM),
who narrates their evil plan; the others choose their celebrity
The players’ powers are only just starting to take shape. Going
clockwise, give the next celebrity their super-identity and first
superpower – make it hard for them to become famous! Every play-
er starts with two vials of Super Serum; one extra goes to the
player who gives the best identity. Throughout the game, vials
of Serum can be injected in an ally to give them your choice of
Valkyrie Girlfriend
Jacqueline Bryk
Valkyries claim the dead. But what happens if you don’t complete-
ly die?
Any time after the near-death scene, the Human and Valkyrie can
decide that they are going on a date. This is established by the
Human and Valkyrie mutually consenting to a date scene and can
happen anywhere, anytime. The Human has access to all of their
modern tech and knowledge. The Valkyrie has access to the knowl-
edge and tech of an 11th-century Norse myth. This will probably
lead to awkward situations, which is ok.
Valor: The Dimming Flame
Thomas Evans
Doug Levandowski
The game ends when The Caller does not call for two sequential
days or either player decides to stop.
Vestalia: Girls Just Want To Have Fun(ding)
Ludovico M. Alves
@delethiel; www.heroesoftherepublic.com
Kiernan Grimes
1 GM and 2+ Players
Paper and Pencils
1 d6
When rolling the d6 for an ability, you must roll below your
ability score.
Gadgets can only be used once, but powers can be used infinitely.
Powers and gadgets always succeed, but may vary in effectiveness.
On all rolls, a one is a perfect success, and the closer to six,
the worse the effectiveness of your action, even for successes.
“Crash!” “Bang!” “Pow!” Our unlikely heroes appear on the scene to stop our
villain. Only one of these heroes can reach the newspaper headlines, so whoever
can capture the villain and hand him to the orities first wins, but if they don’t
act soon, our villain’s plans will begin, causing everyone to lose.
Nick S
One of you plays It. Close your eyes, for It cannot see. The Gods
have not gifted It SIGHT. But the Gods might.
A God gives a gift. The first gift must be VOICE or SOUND. Give It
a stone.
-VOICE: What does It say? No one will answer It. It is alone. (It
may speak; the Gods may not.)
-SOUND: What does It hear? It cannot answer. (The Gods may speak;
It may not.)
Give more gifts; explore these gifts. Use logic: if the Gods gift
TOUCH, It may feel. What does It feel? A network of sensors? One
organic body?
Wannabe Legend
Martina Jansson
The two main Stats of the game are Succeeding and Impressing.
Divide 8 points between them.
Then Skills. Divide 10 points between 5 Skills of your choice
(1-3 points per skill).
For each roll, use 2 different 10-sided dice. One for determining
Success, one for Impression. To the dice result you add respec-
tive Stat, +points per Skill and +3 per Schtick (describe how
they correspond).
Dice result: Succeeding / Impressing
8 or lower: Failure / Boring
9-17: Success / Impressive
18 or higher: Triumph / Spectacular
Spectacular Failures triggers a Flop, while Spectacular Triumph
grants you an Expansion for a while. Boring Failures will lower
your popularity, but anything Spectacular raises it.
Protectors of Terra are looking for new recruits. Show them your
Vaish Gajaraj
Monarchs all have unique names for “Deity” and design a prayer
for tribute. Monarchs start with 6 paper followers.
Watch Out! Heartfelt Magical Girl Clash!
Alex Guerrero-Randall
Players: 3-6
Bring: Printout, colored pencils.
This battle has been tougher than most: fend off your Magical
Adversary while achieving the emotional state needed to defeat
Narrate: Why?
Weapons of Legend
Brian Brus
The greatest warriors make the most of what they have at hand.
This game proves that.
Players pass one paper to the person on the left and the other
slip to the right.
After receiving their new gear, players then add one more detail,
identifying each as an implement of battle with descriptive,
proper names (such as Hamster of Doom or Brian’s Sarcastic Moth-
On the first pass around the table, players take turns describing
one of their two pieces of gear in grandiose terms, emphasizing
origin and purpose. By popular vote, the best is chosen for com-
bat. Ties are resolved randomly.
James Horgan
To create a character you must choose skills. Any skill you can
justify can exist. Each skill is tied to either your wolf side or
your human side, determine this when creating the skill. Choose
four tier 1 skills, three tier 2, two tier 3, and one tier 4. You
have 2 stats, wolf and man. Both start at level 4.
Checks are resolved by rolling a number of dice equal to the tier
of the skill, then gauging how many are greater than or equal to
the success rating which is the level of the skill’s correspond-
ing stat. The number of successes is compared to a number deter-
mined by the gm.
Skills increase by both succeeding and failing at them a number
of times equal to the next tier’s value, new skills can be ac-
quired this way.
Keep track of how many times you use skills tied to Wolf or Man.
For every 5 difference the skill used more decreases by 1 and the
other increases by 1. Upon either stat reaching 7 your character
leaves the game, either losing their humanity or their werewolf
GM: challenge players to find balance between Wolf and Man.
David Okum
Character Creation:
Determine a Wes Anderson actor, an archetype, and two Quirks.
2MurrayServant Spontaneous
3Paltrow LawyerHeartbroken
6SchwartzmanExplorer Scamp
8PortmanProdigy Helpful
9GoldblumMusicianDumb Luck
11NortonService Demanding
12Swinton Cop Manic
Player Roles:
Narrator: The referee tells the story and determines outcomes.
Actors: The other players.
How to Play:
1. Create Characters and figure out how they know each other.
2. The Narrator sets up Part One, describing the setting and
action and then giving each character a scene where they are the
The players and narrator tell a three-part story. Each character
has one scene per Part. Scenes take 5-10 minutes.
3. In Part Two players describe the events of their scene, but
the narrator guides the story, adding complications and determin-
ing outcomes.
If in doubt use a challenge of some kind (roll highest on 1d6,
rock/paper/scissors). Describe and move the story logically.
4. In Part Three the narrator describes what happens to each
character. Players can demand challenges.
What Could Go Wrong?
Ethan Cordray
3-6 players, no GM
A die with the same number of faces as the number of players
When a player-character takes an action, they declare what they
hope the result will be and assign it to the highest face on the
Then they say, “What could go wrong?” and pass the die around the
table. For each other face of the die, another player describes a
different result. Each must be WORSE than the one before it.
Then the acting player rolls and discovers the true consequences
of their action.
Before you play, you can use the same mechanic to define the
elements of the heist, such as Target, Location, Attack Plan, and
Getaway Plan. Each player suggests an idea for each element, and
one player rolls to determine which to use.
What The #@*$ Happened Last Night?
Paolo Jose Cruz
* That player adds one memory block and the next player takes
* The game ends when a player loses all their memory blocks -
they remember how the night actually began!
6 - Pimp
5 - Priest
4 - Dealer
3 - Stripper
2 - Officer
1 - Gangster
What You Carry
Evey Lockhart
Doing things:
Players Roll 1d20 vs. GM 3d6 to accomplish difficult tasks. Easy
tasks can be assumed successful. Players take tied rolls.
For each useful object a character employs, roll an additional
d20. Take the highest result. Max of 3 d20s.
Characters have only 7 after-lives. Deadly tasks destroy under-
world bodies upon failure.
If an item could conceivably be sacrificed to save an after-life,
so be it.
Characters reform at dawn, wherever they fell.
When the Fire Dies
Stephen Morrison
The cataclysm is over and the world has ended. We alone survive,
huddled around this last fire, waiting for it to die.
While the fire lingers, we remember the world that was and the
deeds done in those last days. To some they bring warmth, to
others, sorrow. Come, let us speak before the fire dies.
You will need: a candle, 10 matches, tokens, and a dark room. De-
fine the cataclysm. Create archetypal characters: noble, warrior,
priest, etc. Choose a first player.
To begin, light the candle. The first player tells a brief story
of the world before or during the cataclysm. When finished, the
player takes a match, lights and extinguishes it, and hands it to
another player who places the burnt match before them. It is now
their turn to speak. Everyone must have a burnt match before them
before taking a second turn.
When all matches have been burned, count the tokens, rolling a
die for ties. The player with the most tokens concludes the story
and blows out the candle.
When the Wolves Come...
Jason A. Starks
“In the Spring, the wolves come down from the hills. Too fast for
bullets, too hungry for knives. Stay behind the barricades, and
keep the fire high.”
Society has fallen and the wolves came. You’ve been sheltered in
your small community, but now supplies are low. Scout the area,
spot ways to survive.
Go for a walk. 30 minutes to an hour. Take a friend or two.
Before you go, give each survivor an index card. Write a role in
your survivor community. Pass the cards around. Write a place
you could be safe from the wolves for a night. Pass cards again.
Write a thing you could scavenge to help your community survive
longer. Mix up the cards and pass them out.
On your walk, walk briskly. Take some water. Look out for things
on your card. Spot them and tell the others how you think it
would help. Remember, it will all be ruined, broken. Wolves are
fast, strong, and many. Make a note and move on.
Afterword, talk about what you saw. Then vote who fulfilled their
role the best. They choose where you walk next time.
Where’d It All Go Wrong?
Adam Lovett
The job went wrong. It wasn’t pretty. The team split up to avoid
death or capture. The remaining accomplices have met at the ren-
dezvous to answer one question: “Where’d it all go wrong?”
The accomplice with the lowest roll picks the job, or rolls 1d6:
1. Frame-Up
2. Heist
3. Kidnap
4. Sabotage
5. Surveillance
6. Transport
The accomplice with the highest roll begins with: “Where’d it all
go wrong? I’ll tell you.” They describe where they were and what
they were doing when the job went wrong.
Caitlynn Belle
Each player may refuse once for free, abandoning that argument
then starting a new related one. Once all refusals are used up
and someone refuses to suffer pain, they get to say what their
character does or says instead and how it impacts the relation-
ship. It probably won’t be great.
Whispers in the Dark
James Shields
A pitch black room
A Critical Hit LED D20
With lights on, players sit close together.
Roll the D20 to determine who will start the narrative.
The group should be lost in some intricate scary location.
Play begins.
Introduce your character.
Describe your action.
Roll the D20 for success.
If the die remains dark, success!
Determines when rolls are needed.
Narrates all die results.
Introduces NPCs and obstacles.
Is initially THE GRABBER.
Slowly moves around the room.
Grabs an unsuspecting player when a die flashes.
Despite who rolled the die, victim is now THE GRABBER.
Former Grabber is now a CREEPER.
Continue moving.
Whisper creepy nothings.
Make appropriate noise when a die flashes.
When last player remains:
Face off against final obstacle, requiring five die rolls.
Success? Escape with your life.
Failure? All CREEPERS become GRABBERS for one last scare.
Who Am I To You?
Todd Nicholas
When the scene ends, write down a name for it. Have an
out-of-character conversation about the scene. Collectively write
a short description of it.
When you finish, read what you have written. Then, take turns
looking the other person in the eye, asking “Who am I to you,”
and answering that question in character.
Who killed? - Game about investigation
Tomasz Misterka
The game is for 1-5 people. All are detectives. They are inter-
preting evidences of murder.
Use standard card deck
-Take all J, Q and K. Shuffle.
-Take first pair and show victim.
-Next and third pair put reversed - principal and murderer.
-Shuffle rest with the deck - witnesses.
Four rounds - briefings.
Detectives meet on briefing. Describe and talk about evidences and
interrogations of witnesses. Everyone take 2 cards - interpret
them - tables below - connect them for better story. If any wit-
ness - one principal or (later) murderer card is shown. If after
four briefing murderer was not shown - try to guess or murder
wasn’t resolved.
first card: gender
second: age
GENDER | Male | Female | Female |
Male |
AGE | Old | Middleage | Young
Red: bloody
Black: dirty / broken
Why do I need a name?
Yoshi Creelman
Why We Hunt
Spencer Campbell
Your group gathers around the table to retell the story of their
latest hunt. What you hunted, and how, will be revealed over
Jacob House
After three tickets are used, if the obstacle hasn’t been over-
come, the guide narrates it’s resolution, good or bad.
Witch Hunt
Alyssa Hillen
You are witches and the world is dangerous for you. Draw a five
pointed star for protection: the points are earth, fire, water,
air, and spirit.
Fire: fight
Earth: protect
Air: escape
Water: heal
Spirit: change the world at a cost
Assign one die to each element to indicate your power: d4 d6 d6
d8 d10.
The Enemy attacks a witch and the target says how they react and
rolls the appropriate die. The Enemy’s rolls a die one step up.
Highest wins and takes that much health from the loser.
Everyone else can act: protect or heal your ally, attack the
Enemy, whatever. Roll the element and add or subtract half your
roll as appropriate (round down). If a witch’s roll comes up 1,
the spell doesn’t work.
If you hit with Spirit, the enemy rerolls at one die step lower
but you subtract 3 from your next roll.
After you complete the job, decide if you made enough for rent
and food. If not, take another job.
Wittgenstein’s Monster
Dan Maruschak
Play the RPG as long as you can, until it destroys you or your
triumph is established.
Wizard Journal
River Williamson
To start, give each player something to write on and something to
write with.
On the last turn, players write the climactic entry, the moment
of brilliant success or terrible failure. Take enough turns to
allow players to write in each journal at least once.
Players may share journal entries between turns, at the end of
the game, or not at all. If the entries are shared, feel free to
borrow characters and events from each other. Players should, at
least, read the introduction for their current journal before
Draw from a divination deck before each turn and let the card
inspire you.
Wizards of the Tome
George Philbrick
Each chapter
e is a spell. On seperate pieces of paper, each
player except for the GM must write the spell names from the book
they brought and their effect based on that name. Be strange, be
vile, be secretive.
Word Wizards
Frankie Garza
One player is the Word Master, the rest are Word Wizards.
The Word Master will open ten random Wikipedia articles and cre-
ate an adventure based on them.
Word Masters, don’t feel restrained by the articles, they’re your
tools, some work well as settings, characters and items. Others
serve to guide the tone and mood.
The Word Wizards open three Wikipedia articles each, these are
your Magic Words. Use them to overcome obstacles that the Word
Master presents to you.
If none of your Magic Words would be of use you can Word Dive by
clicking on any linked Wikipedia article on your current words.
Once you click, that is your new Magic Word and cannot go back,
unless your current article has a link to a previous Word and you
Word Dive again.
Every time you Word Dive you revive Word Drain. Mark it down. If
you hit 10 Word Drain points you lose your Word Magic.
The Word Master can also Word Dive, but doing so clears one point
of Word Drain from all Word Wizards.
Conflict is resolved by each player opening up one random Wiki-
pedia article, whichever e is higher in the alphabet wins the
World of Stats
David Perry
What kind of Fiction do you want?
Discuss setting, goals, themes, tone, ridiculousness.
What is your +2 Stat? +1? -1? Write them on your (index) Card.
Stats can be anything: roles, skills, equipment, resources, con-
cepts, like “Tough”, “Obscura”, “Bullets”, “Chaotic”, “Disenfran-
chisement”, “Beheading”.
When the Cards have no more room, how does the Fiction conclude?
Extrapolate from the Stats.
Challenge the Stats.
Describe changes to Stats.
Make interesting Complications.
Make outcomes matter.
Make new rules if you learn them.
Melody Watson
You are mighty, the bravest daughter of your people. Your quest
has brought you here, to a cave deep below the earth and full of
dreadful things. The guardian of a great treasure stands here,
barring your way.
Years have passed since you carried home your treasure. The world
is a darker place, and your loved ones have turned away. A memory
comes to you during the cold night, and you must reckon with it
before you may rest.
The law of Xenia commands every host to treat their visitors with
the respect owed to Zeus himself, for Zeus is devious and takes
many forms.
The Host sets the scene with music, food and drinks, and welcomes
everyone to their home. They write “Zeus” on one folded scrap
of paper and “Guest” on the rest, one for each player. They mix
up the assignments in a bowl and pass them out at random after
explaining the game and the house rules.
Once the GM believes the player has become too incoherent, disin-
teresting, or hesitating; the next player must begin Yammering.
After the encounter, the GM will sum of all scores for the
players. Scores above 60 should succeed (and some with higher
scores), below should cause complications.
You’re a Werewolf but it’s Not a Full Moon
Pete Rude
Your first full moon was rough, but your second felt...good. The
transformation, strength, freedom, the connection to nature and
friends, the songs.
It’s a new moon now and you and a packmate miss the full moon.
Get together over seven days to remember.
Sunday, you change: Change something about your outfit, makeup,
Monday brings strength: Destroy something. Shred some paper. Snap
a branch.
Tuesday, celebrate your wild nature: Do something you’ve never
done before. Big and important or small and minuscule- No one’s
watching but the moon.
Wednesday reminds you of the forest: Lay in the grass. Take a
walk. Reconnect to nature.
Thursday is spent with your pack: Let your packmate know you
appreciate them and will protect and support them. You’re in this
til the last hunt.
Friday night is a celebration: Howl and sing with your packmate.
Pick a song you both love or write something new and untamed.
Saturday, you change back: Return to human form. Replace what you
changed about your appearance at the beginning of the week.
The next full moon comes in a few weeks. Lycanthropy or not,
every experience is transformative. You’re not the same wolf you
were this morning.
You’ve Been Screwed.
Dan Sparkman
You’re not sure How. You’re not sure Why. You’re not even com-
pletely sure Who. But you’ve definitely been screwed.
You wake or land on a new alien world. It is not what you were
promised. You are all on your own and you’re pretty sure no one
is coming to get you.
Choose or Roll a d12 and Describe.
2-Why you left earth.
3-Who you think screwed you over.
4-Another colonist/castaway you are worried about.
5-An interesting geographic feature.
6-An interesting plant.
7-Animal sign.
8-Thank god it’s here. What is it? Why is it essential?
9-It’s missing, we’re doomed!
10-WTF is this. Something strange has been packed, describe it
as best you can.
11-Learn more about something already learn/discovered.
12-Talk is cheap, whiskeys cost money. Describe what you do to
ensure survival, or escape.
After everyone has had a turn or two or more, take turns guess-
ing where you are and why/how you ended up there. Build on each
other’s theories if they make sense.
200 Year’s later an exploring team finds your planet. What do
they find?
Your Honored Guest
{Starting with the oldest member and moving left, tell a story of
Your Honored Guest:
• When you first met Them
• When They hurt you, or you Them
• When They helped you, or you Them
• When you saw Them last
Focus on how you felt, how Your Honored Guest made you feel.
Focus on the picture of that memory. If someone else in the cir-
cle was there, you may ask them to help describe it.
{When you are ready, starting with the youngest and moving right,
say the names aloud.}
Your journey
Character creation:
- Pick a unique quality and declare three ways you use it.
- Pick a flaw and explain why it haunts you.
- Pick a bond with someone and describe how you rely on them.
When you arrive, you have three tokens. Tell the others what you
observe. When you learn something new, gain a token. To inter-
vene, describe what you do. Either someone tells you what goes
wrong and gives you a token, or you do it and discard a token. If
you run out of tokens, you must leave this place, NOW.
Zagyg’s Ancestral Words
Vincent Quigley
These are ZAGYG’S ANCESTRAL WORDS! They are spread across lands
in three little brown books for the enjoyment of all!
They pick 4 words to frame the tale and then banish 2 who shall
not be.
Heroes, put yourself at risk and roll them bones (2d6, one white,
one red).
Znaroks Rocks
Gints Halcejs
Zone-side Picnic
Daniel Fowler
Inspired by the Stalker video games and Arkady and Boris Stru-
gatsky’s book, Roadside Picnic.
If you see another person, text the group describing the encoun-
ter. This person may be a native of the zone or another stalker
hunting for artifacts. Narrate the encounter however you wish.
When you are ready to leave the zone, pick up an artifact near an
anomaly, preferably litter. You may dispose of it properly at
the edge of the zone. Brag to the group about your big score.
All entries under CC-BY-4.0 License