Municipal Accounting
Municipal Accounting
Municipal Accounting
a) Applied competence
I. A fundamental knowledge base of the most important areas of one or more fields or disciplines, in addition to the fundamental
areas of study
II. An informed understanding of the key terms, rules, concepts, established principles and theories in one or more fields or disciplines
III. An understanding of the organization or operating environment as a system within a wider context
IV. An ability to apply essential methods, procedures and techniques of the field or discipline
V. An ability to apply and carry out actions by interpreting information from text and operational symbols or representations
VI. An ability to use their knowledge to solve common problems within relevant parameters to meet the needs of small changes in the
problem or operating context
VII. An ability to adjust an application of a common solution within relevant parameters to meet the needs of small changes in the
problem or operating context
VIII. An ability to motivate the change using relevant evidence
IX. A basic ability in gathering relevant information, analysis and evaluation skills
X. An ability to communicate and present information reliably and accurately in writing and verbally
b) Autonomy of learning
i. A capacity to take responsibility for their own learning within a supervised environment
II. A capacity to take decisions about and responsibility for actions
III. A capacity to evaluate their own performance against given criteria
IV. A capacity to take the initiative to address any shortcomings they find
The Overall purpose of the programme: The Municipal accounting and Risk management
programme aims to equip members with tools to manage risk and perform accounting duties
effectively, efficiently and accurately
Purpose of the How can this What must What must What values are
unit standard purpose be met learners know learners be able embodied in the
(Knowledge) to do (Skills) purpose
U/S 116339 Learners to attend At the end of the At the end of the At the end of the
Apply risk formal lessons programme programme programme
management in where information learners will have learners will be learners will
South African will be imparted knowledge and able to: understand the
municipalities and which will understanding of: importance of:
comprise of;
The person Group exercises Concept of Risk Highlight the role Risk management
accredited with Individual exercises management with of risk in SA municipalities
this standard Plenary and reference to its management in a
will be able to: brainstorming role and municipality Compliance with
sessions importance in a Identify different the legislation
Simulations municipality types of risk and
Apply the core Scenarios Different types of highlight the Accurancy
concepts of risk Oral presentations risk likelihood of non-
management in a Risk management management or Accountability
South African Preparation of formulation poor management
municipality report and process of the identified
assignments types
To inform policy Outline and
decision making describe the
and strategic appropriate steps
decision making to be taken to
processes about manage risk
the importance of
risk management SO2 SO2
in municipalities Legislation on risk Demonstrate the
management with ability to apply the
reference to the legal requirements
municipality to municipal risk
context management in
Different threats to South Africa in
a risk management which the process
systems of identifying
Tools and threats, and
approaches to identifying and
identify and evaluating
evaluate objectives of a risk
objectives of a risk management will
management plan be outlined and
Comprehensive Demonstrate the
knowledge of the ability to
concept of good communicate the
governance concept of good
Main elements of governance
the King and referring to
Cadbury report on relevant elements
governance or discussion in
The relationship King/Cadbury
between risk Report
management and Demonstrate how
good governance good risk
contributes to good
internal control
systems and
explain it in
accordance with
generally accepted
risk management
Specific Outcomes
Critical Outcomes
Use Science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility to the environment
and health of others, e.g. use appropriate computer software for data capturing and document
storage purposes.
Specific Outcome 1
Identify the role played by risk management in a municipality.
Specific Outcome 2
Interpret and apply legislation relevant to municipal risk management in South African municipalities.
Assessment criteria List of Formative Assessment List of Summative
Activities Assessment criteria
AC1 In small groups assign learners to
The requirements for risk identify; describe and interpret
management in South African the requirements for risk in South
municipalities are interpreted in African municipalities in terms of
terms of relevant legislation. relevant legislation. (facilitator to
provide copies of legislation)
AC2 On a pager; each learner to
Threats to a risk management identify; describe and evaluate
system are identified and
evaluated in terms of the degree
threats to a risk management
system in terms of the degree of
of threat they pose.
threat they pose
AC3 In small groups learners to
The objectives of a risk identify and evaluate objectives of
management plan adopted by a a risk management plan adopted
municipality are identified and by a municipality against relevant
evaluated against relevant legislative requirements
legislative requirements.
Specific Outcome 3
Demonstrate how risk management contributes to good governance
Specific Outcome 4
Develop a municipality wide risk management and reporting system.
Specific Outcome 5
Assessment criteria List of Formative Assessment List of Summative
Activities Assessment criteria
Develop a risk management Each learner to develop a risk
process. management process for their
respective municipalities. Learners
to ensure that the process is in
line with the legislative
requirements in regard to risk
management practices .
AC2 In a plenary ask learners to
The risk management process is critically review and comment on
commented on in line with the risk management process in
generally accepted risk line with generally accepted risk
management practice management practice
AC3 In a plenary ask learners to share
Continuous and periodic review their understanding of continuous
processes are consistently applied and periodic review processes and
to risk management procedures how they would apply them to
and policies. risk management procedures and
AC4 In a plenary learners to Ask each learner to describe how
Internal control processes in the recognize; discuss and emphasise they would go about applying
risk management process are the significance of internal control Internal control processes in the
applied in line with generally process risk management process
accepted risk management
practice And
The link between risk of fraud and How they would fortify the
weaknesses in the internal control Internal control systems to
systems is explained in line with manage risk of fraud
generally accepted risk
management practice
effectively, efficiently and accurately
Purpose of the How can this What must the What must the What values are
unit standard purpose be learners know learners be able embodied in the
achieved (knowledge) to do purpose
U/S 116346 Learners to attend At the end of the At the end of the At the end of the
Apply techniques formal lessons programme programme programme
and South where information learners will have learners will be learners will
African statutes will be imparted knowledge and able to: understand the
to cash and and which will understanding of: importance of:
investment comprise of;
management in SO1 SO1
a municipal Group exercises Financial and To apply legislative Compliance with
environment Individual exercises accounting conditions the legislation
Plenary and concepts with governing cash and
brainstorming reference to investment Effective and
The qualifying sessions Cash and management accurate cash
learner is able to: Simulations investment through management
Scenarios management and appropriate Transparency
Apply the Oral presentations the relevant identification; Accountability
requirements of legislation interpretation and Development
South African Preparation of compliance with ( socio-economic)
municipal statutes report and these conditions
related to cash assignments
management, SO2 SO2
investment What are principles Identify and
management and for cash and comply principles
revenue investment of cash and
management. management investment
Ensure the What are the management
effective and legislative
efficient requirements and
management of international
local government practices for
funds through an governing cash and
understanding of investment
the implications of management
the relevant
legislation SO3 SO3
governing cash, Legislation
investment and requirements for
revenue contracts with
management budgetary
Assist in the implications
overall process of
social and
development SO4
Relevant legislation SO4
on credit control
and debt collection
Elements and
conditions of the
National Credit Act
Debt collection and
credit control
requirements and
Modern accounting
techniques in
terms of analyzing
debtors accounts
National treasury SO5
Regulations on National treasury
cash and Regulations on
investment cash and
responsibilities of investment
municipal official responsibilities of
and mayors municipal official
and mayors
1. The ability to apply the legislative conditions governing cash and investment management
2. The ability to comply with sound principles for cash and investment management
3. The ability to implement the requirements of the legislation for contracts that have budgetary
4. The ability to apply the legislative requirements and internationally recognised principles to credit
control and debt collection
5. The ability to apply the legislative requirements and treasury regulations on cash and investment
responsibilities of municipal
amongst the public sector as well as private sector stakeholders.
Specific Outcome 1
Apply the legislative conditions governing cash and investment management
The conditions governing and give an interpretation of the
municipal bank accounts are Ask learners to share their conditions governing municipal
interpreted from relevant knowledge of the municipal bank bank accounts as stipulated in the
legislation accounts legislation
AC2 In small groups learners to use
The legislative requirements the legislation to identify and
governing investments in financial interpret the legislative
securities are interpreted from requirements governing
relevant legislation investments in financial securities
Specific Outcome 2
Comply with sound principles for cash and investment management
Specific Outcome 3
Implement the requirements of the legislation for contracts that have budgetary implications
Assessment criteria List of Formative Assessment List of Summative
Activities Assessment criteria
AC1 Assign each learner to review
Requirements and processes to their municipality process and
be followed when a municipality practice of entering into a
enters into contracts that impose contract that impose financial
financial obligations on the obligations on the municipality
municipality beyond three years beyond three years and advice if
are complied with based on the these processes are adherent to
regulatory framework the requirements and processes
based on the regulatory
AC2 Divide learners in small groups
Investment principles regarding and ask them to identify and
acquisition and disposal are discuss investment principles
selected and applied based on regarding acquisition and disposal
sound business principles. and describe the steps they
would take to select and apply
them based on sound business
Modern financial management Each learner to identify and
techniques are selected and used describe modern financial
to manage the liquidity of a management techniques and
municipality explain of what benefit they
would be in managing the
liquidity of a municipality. Please
ask learner to describe or explain
one or two functionalities of a
specific technique
Specific Outcome 4
Apply the legislative requirements and internationally recognised principles to credit control and debt
Assessment criteria List of Formative Assessment List of Summative
Activities Assessment criteria
AC1 Assign each learner to review
Requirements of the legislation their specific municipality debt
governing debt collection and collection and credit control
credit control of municipalities are processes and advice if these
complied with in terms of the processes are compliant with the
regulatory framework. requirements of the legislation
governing debt collection and
credit control of municipalities
with reference to the regulatory
should be applied
Specific Outcome 5
Apply the legislative requirements and treasury regulations on cash and investment responsibilities of
municipal officials and mayors
Assessment criteria List of Formative Assessment List of Summative
Activities Assessment criteria
AC1 Plenary discussion Assign each learner to explain
The requirements and treasury how they would select and apply
guidelines covering the Ask learners to identify and requirements and treasury
responsibilities of municipal describe the requirements and guidelines covering the
officials in cash and investment treasury guidelines covering the responsibilities of municipal
management are selected and responsibilities of municipal officials in cash and investment
applied in terms of the legislative officials in cash and investment management in terms of the
framework management legislative framework
AC2 Groups
Short-term opportunities for Divide learners in small groups
investing surplus liquid resources and ask them to identify and
are identified and discussed in the discuss Short-term opportunities
context of treasury guidelines. for investing surplus liquid
resources in the context of
treasury guidelines.
Purpose of the How can this What must the What must the What values are
unit standard purpose be learners know learners be embodied in the
achieved (Knowledge) able to do purpose
(Skills) (Attitudes
U/S 119348 Learners to attend At the end of the At the end of the At the end of the
Apply selected formal lessons programme learners programme programme
GRAP (Generally where information will know and learners will be learners will
Recognised will be imparted understand: able to: understand the
Accounting and which will importance of:
Practices) to comprise of; SO1 SO1
periodic Conceptual Explain and
accounting Group exercises framework underlying apply conceptual Participatory
reporting Individual exercises GRAP framework process
process Plenary and Stakeholders and underlying GRAP ( Stakeholder
brainstorming their needs Demonstrate involvement)
sessions Elements of public knowledge of
The qualifying Simulations sector financial stakeholders and Transparency
learner is capable Scenarios statements their needs
of: Oral presentations Financial How to execute Compliance with
measurement tools and analyse the legislation
Defining and Preparation of financial
applying GRAP in report and statements Accurate financial
the context of assignments reporting
public finance and SO2 SO2
administration Financial principles; To prepare a The role of GRAP
Defining a concepts periodic financial
conceptual GRAP principles statement in
framework for Elements of periodic which
accounting financial statement Statement of
reporting changes in Net
Defining asset, financial
measurement position,
criteria for financial
determining performance and
financial position statement of
and performance cash flow will be
Identifying presented
financial reports To prepare and
and identifying and present notes in
resolving support of
discrepancies financial
Financial reporting Demonstrate
What are the knowledge and
statutory provision on comprehension
financial reporting of the
What are the treasury implications of
guidelines on various Acts;
financial reporting provisions; legal
Municipal Financial guidelines and
Management Act requirements
relating to
To compile and
present an
annual reports
and financial
Financial and To analyse and
accounting interpret
documents with financial
specific reference to statements in
financial statements which the
Financial financial
concepts/language performance and
health of the
municipality will
Commented on
Specific Outcomes
Critical Objectives
1. The ability to explain and apply the conceptual framework underlying GRAP
2. The ability present and prepare periodic financial statements in accordance with GRAP
3. The ability explain selected statutory provisions related to financial reporting
4. The ability analyse and interpret financial statements
Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and/or language in the modes of oral and/or
written persuasion to convey information pertaining to accounting reports
Specific Outcome 1
Explain and apply the conceptual framework underlying GRAP.
Assessment criteria List of Formative Assessment List of Summative
Activities Assessment criteria
AC1 In a short report each learner to
Overall objectives of public sector identify and explain overall
financial reporting are explained objectives of public sector
with reference to specific
financial reporting with reference
information needs of stakeholders
to specific information needs of
AC2 In their workbooks; each leaner
The elements of public sector to write down with a brief
financial statements relating description elements of public
to the measurement of sector financial statements
financial positions are relating to the measurement of
identified and applied. financial positions; financial
AC3 performance and; cash flow and
The elements of public sector explain how they would each of
financial statements relating them to perform different
to measurement of financial financial tasks such as preparation
performance are identified of an annual statements etc.
and applied in the preparation
of annual statements.
The elements of public sector
financial statements relating
to cash flow are identified and
applied in the preparation of
financial reports.
AC5 Plenary discussion
The need for conceptual Ask learners to share their
framework and standard of understanding of what they the
financial reporting for the need for conceptual framework
public sector organisation is and standard of financial
clearly understood and reporting and ask them to
applied. highlight the impact of the
misunderstanding of the above
AC6 Assign each learner to identify
Qualitative characteristics of and explain Qualitative
financial information are characteristics of financial
identified and explained with information with reference to
reference to measurement measurement issues.
Specific Outcome 2
Present separate periodic financial statements in accordance with GRAP.
Assessment criteria List of Formative Assessment List of Summative
Activities Assessment criteria
AC1 The statement of changes in Divide learners into 4 groups Individually learners to access the
net assets is presented financial statements of their
AC2 The statement of financial Assign learners to prepare a municipalities and to compile a
position is presented financial statement in which the report ‘changes in net assets;
AC3 The statement of financial following will be highlighted; financial position; financial
performance is presented ‘changes in net assets; performance; and cash flow’
AC4 financial position; financial
The statement of changes in net performance; and cash flow’
assets is presented The first group to give comments
AC5 and feedback on the changes in
The statement of cash flow is net assets; second group on
presented financial position; third group on
financial performance; fourth
group on cash flow
AC6 In the same groups learners to
The notes in support of financial decide on what and how much
statements are presented information should be included in
the notes in support of financial
statements. At the end the notes
must be prepared and presented
AC7 In a plenary ask learners to
Recognition and measurement identify and describe recognition
criteria are understood and and measurement criteria and
applied explain how to go about using
Specific Outcome 3
Explain selected statutory provisions related to financial reporting
Assessment criteria List of Formative Assessment List of Summative
Activities Assessment criteria
AC1 The public financial Brainstorm Assign each learner to compile a
management act disclosure report in which they identify and
requirements are identified and explain the following in the
explained in the presentation of context of presentation of
financial statements financial statements;
AC2 Learners to brainstorm the
The treasury guidelines relating to implications of not complying to The requirements of public
financial reporting are explained the requirements; procedures and financial management act
in the presentation of financial principles of financial reporting disclosure
The treasury guidelines relating to
financial reporting
Specific Outcome 4
Analyse and interpret financial statements
Assessment criteria List of Formative Assessment List of Summative
Activities Assessment criteria
The financial position and Ask learners to include the
performance disclosed in financial In same groups; ask learners to
statements are analysed analyse and interpret financial analysis and interpretation of the
AC2 position; financial performance specified financial data (position;
The financial position and and cash-flow disclosed in performance and cash flow) in the
performance disclosed in separate report that they have prepared
financial statements
financial statements are (refer to SO 3)
The cash-flow disclosed in
financial statements is analysed
The Overall purpose of the programme: The Municipal accounting and Risk management
programme aims to equip members with tools to manage risk and perform accounting duties
effectively, efficiently and accurately
Purpose of the How can this What must the What must the What values are
unit standard purpose be learners know learners be embodied in the
achieved (Knowledge) able to do purpose
(Skills) (Attitudes
Learners to attend At the end of the At the end of the At the end of the
Unit standard formal lessons programme programme programme
where information learners will know learners will be learners will
119350 will be imparted and understand: able to: understand the
Demonstrate an
and which will importance of:
understanding of
comprise of; SO1 SO1
Accounting To demonstrate Compliance with
principles and
Group exercises principles; the ability to stipulated
Individual exercises systems; execute accounting accounting
requirements and
Plenary and techniques and functions by principles; systems
nature of functions
brainstorming reporting applying relevant ; and guidelines and
in public sector sessions requirements in following the Compliance with
Simulations the public sector appropriate the legislation
Scenarios Treasury guidelines guidelines Honesty and
The qualifying Oral presentations principle; using integrity
learner is capable accounting Accuracy
of: Preparation of techniques and
report and reporting which is
Demonstrating assignments in line with the
an understanding framework of
of accounting accounting
principles and reporting
requirements and
nature of functions SO2 SO2
in the public sector Different Be able to identify
Using accounting and use different
accounting techniques and accounting
techniques and approaches and techniques and
approaches to their approaches to
process financial appropriateness in prepare for the
information specific financial processing of
Applying end of information specific financial
period accounting processes information
procedures in the
preparation of
financial SO3 SO3
statements Various Financial Use end of period
Applying statements and accounting to
procedures their purposes prepare; finalise
necessary for Preparation of and present
control over cash these Financial financial
transactions and statements statements
balances Different
Utilising accounting
procedures for procedures with
reporting and reference to End of
recording accounts period accounting
receivables procedures
Various procedures
for cash control To identify and
Cash management apply relevant
Cash transactions procedures for
and balances control over cash
Process of transactions and
Executing Cash balance
transactions and
The concept of
accounts The ability to use
receivables relevant
Relevant accounting
accounting systems; resources
procedures and and procedures to
system for report and record
recording and accounting
reporting accounts receivables
What the concept SO6
of liability in the To establish a
public sector system for the
recording and
reporting of
liabilities in the
public sector
Specific Outcomes
Demonstrate an understanding of accounting principles and reporting requirements and nature of functions
in the public sector
Use accounting techniques and approaches to process financial information
Apply end of period accounting procedures in the preparation of financial statements
Apply procedures necessary for control over cash transactions and balances
Utilise procedures for reporting and recording accounts receivables
Utilise procedures for recording and reporting on liabilities in the public sector
Critical Outcomes
The ability to demonstrate an understanding of accounting principles and reporting requirements and nature
of functions in the public sector
The ability to use accounting techniques and approaches to process financial information
The ability to apply end of period accounting procedures in the preparation of financial statements
The ability to apply procedures necessary for control over cash transactions and balances
The ability to utilise procedures for reporting and recording accounts receivables
The ability to utilise procedures for recording and reporting on liabilities in the public sector
Accounting techniques
Legislation, regulatory frameworks, policies and procedures that apply to accounting in public sector finance
and administration
Financial statements
Organise and manage oneself and one`s activities responsibly and effectively in order to ensure
that accounting reports are completed within given timeframes
and procedures are derived and sector with the aim of evaluating
implemented in the public sector appropriateness and recommend
environment. as to what process to adhere to in
order to ensure appropriate
accounting systems in place
AC4 Divide learners in small groups Learners to prepare a brief report
Treasury guidelines relating to and ask them to identify and outlining how to adopt treasury
accounting are explained. explain treasury guidelines guidelines to the accounting
relating to accounting environment in the public sector
charts of accounts in the public accounts are used for and how
sector is explained they are used in the public sector
in public sector
Specific Outcome 4
Apply procedures necessary for control over cash transactions and balances.
accounts receivable according to
agreed payment terms
The Overall purpose of the programme: The Municipal accounting and Risk management
programme aims to equip members with tools to manage risk and perform accounting duties
effectively, efficiently and accurately
Purpose of the How can this What must the What must the What values are
unit standard purpose be learners know learners be embodied in the
achieved (Knowledge) able to do purpose
(Skills) (Attitudes
Unit Standard Learners to attend At the end of the At the end of the At the end of the
116351 formal lessons programme learners programme programme
Conduct auditing where information will know and learners will be learners will
planning and will be imparted understand: able to: understand the
implementation in and which will importance of:
a South African comprise of; SO1 SO1
municipality Auditing with The ability to Auditing
Group exercises reference to; its show a sound Transparency
Individual exercises purpose, role, comprehension Accontability
People credited Plenary and processes; governing of the nature of Accuracy
with this Unit brainstorming principles and audit in relation Compliance with
Standard are able sessions standards; to purpose, role, the legislation
to: Simulations procedures and processes; Internal controls
Scenarios reporting governing The significance of
Contribute to Oral presentations principles and accountability
the oversight role standards;
of councillors and Preparation of procedures and
risk management report and reporting.
in a municipality. assignments The ability to
Contribute to adhere to the
unbundling of audit principles;
reports prepared processes and
by auditing procedures
professionals when preparing
for an execution
of any audit
work including
The scope of internal Demonstrate the
audit work competency to
The scope of internal critically discuss
audit work and evaluate he
The linkage between linkage between
the two the scope of
Evaluation methods both external
and techniques in and internal
regard to the linkage audit work and
between the external to present this
and internal audit information to
work the management
The role; elements SO3
and significance of To identify and
the concept of describe the
performance auditing role; elements
The role; elements and significance
and significance of of performance
the concept of auditing and
stewardship auditing stewardship
The differences and auditing
similarities between Make a clear
the two concepts distinction
auditing and
What does value for To identify and
money describe various
What are the audit steps in the
processes and audit process for
principle for achieving achieving value
value for money for money
Corporate Identify and
governance context describe the
What the concept of unique role of
accountability means audit in
The processes of encouraging the
internal control environment of
and internal
What the process of To identify and
auditing entails describe the
The key roles in this stages in
process performing an
The process of audit through to
preparing and the report of
reporting audit findings.
findings To identify all
role players in
the process of
performing an
The process of
preparing and
presenting audit
Different audit Able to read and
reporting systems; explain different
procedures forms of audit
and processes reports and be
able to present
the audit
findings to
Specific Outcomes
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of audit and appraise the fundamental principles and
standards that are used to govern its practice
2. Describe and evaluate the scope of both internal and external audit work and audit`s relationship
to management.
3. Contrast the increased importance of performance auditing with the stewardship auditing in the
local government.
4. Identify various steps in the audit process for achieving value for money.
Critical Outcomes
1. The ability to demonstrate an understanding of the nature of audit and appraise the fundamental
principles and standards that are used to govern its practice
2. The ability to describe and evaluate the scope of both internal and external audit work and audit`s
relationship to management.
3. The ability to contrast the increased importance of performance auditing with the stewardship
auditing in the local government.
4. The ability to identify various steps in the audit process for achieving value for money.
Contribute to the solution of financial audit queries.
Unit standard 119351
Specific Outcome 2
Describe and evaluate the scope of both internal and external audit work and audit`s relationship to
Assessment criteria List of Formative Assessment List of Summative
Activities Assessment criteria
AC1 Ask each learner to discuss the
The relationship between external linkage between external and
and internal audit works is internal audit works discussed for
discussed for the benefit of the benefit of management.
AC2 In small groups learners to
The information for purposes of identify and present relevant
evaluating the relationship information for purposes of
between the scope of internal and evaluating the relationship
external audit work is prepared between the scope of internal and
and presented to management external audit work
AC3 In groups learners to discuss
The concept of best value and what contribution could
benchmarking is demonstrated in benchmarking and best value
relation to municipal financial concept make in relation to
management. municipal financial management.
Conduct auditing planning and implementation in a South African municipality
Specific Outcome 7
Explain different forms of audit reports used to report audit findings
Assessment criteria List of Formative Assessment List of Summative
Activities Assessment criteria
AC1 In a short report individual
The process of reporting on audit learners to explain the process of
findings, including reporting reporting on audit findings,
procedures, is explained to including reporting procedures
Purpose of the How can this What must the What must the What values are
unit standard purpose be learners know learners be embodied in the
achieved (Knowledge) able to do purpose
(Skills) (Attitudes
Unit Standard Learners to attend At the end of the At the end of At the end of the
116357 formal lessons programme the programme
Design internal where information learners will know programme learners will
control and internal will be imparted and understand: learners will understand the
control evaluation and which will be able to: importance of:
framework comprise of;
Group exercises The full concept of Engage in the Internal control
Individual exercises internal control process of measures
Plenary and The process of policy developing and Adherence to
brainstorming development and implementing an policies
sessions implementation internal control Compliance with
Simulations Internal control policy policy for a the legislation
Scenarios Principles of good South African
Oral presentations government municipality in
the requirements of accordance with
Preparation of the local government the local
report and legislative framework government
assignments legislative
framework and
principles of
Identify relevant
resources and
role-players in
policy making
Critical areas of To establish and
internal control identify the
Management critical areas of
philosophy internal control
Organisational within a
procedures and municipal
Operation style environment
establishment of
structures for
the creation of a
environment and
of organizational
procedures and
operating styles
Internal control To identify and
procedures establish internal
The process and control
procedures of procedures that
establishing are in
procedures accordance with
Principles of good principles of
governance good
Municipal legislation governance and
with reference to relevant
internal control municipal
procedures legislation
Assessment To identify and
techniques and implement
procedures in terms procedures for
of internal controls the study and
review internal
Specific Outcomes
1. Develop and implement an internal control policy for a South African municipality as required by
the local government legislative framework and principles of good government
2. Develop and identify critical areas of internal control within a municipal government environment.
3. Identify and establish internal control procedures that are in accordance with relevant municipal
legislation and principles of good governance
4. Identify and implement the procedures that should be applied to study and review internal
Critical Outcomes
1. The ability to develop and implement an internal control policy for a south african municipality as
required by the local government legislative framework and principles of good government
2. The ability to develop and identify critical areas of internal control within a municipal government
3. The ability to identify and establish internal control procedures that are in accordance with relevant
municipal legislation and principles of good governance
4. The ability to identify and implement the procedures that should be applied to study and review
internal controls.
Unit standard 119357
control environment are identified structures for the creation of a
and established in a municipal control environment in a
government environment municipal government
AC2 Each learner to identify and
Criteria of a management explain Criteria of a management
philosophy and operating style philosophy and operating style
are implemented appropriate to and explain how they would go
the municipal government about implementing them in the
environment municipal government
Criteria of a management environment
philosophy and operating style
are implemented appropriate to
the municipal government
AC4 In a plenary discussion learners to
Organisational procedures and identify organizational procedures
operating styles are implemented and operating styles based on
based on relevant legislation and relevant legislation and principles
principles of good governance of good governance and explain
how they would go about
implementing them
AC1 In a plenary ask learners to list
Pre-determined standards are and explain the standards that
utilised to evaluate an internal would be utilized to evaluate an
control system in line with internal control system in line with
internationally accepted best internationally accepted best
practice. practice.
AC2 Task each learner to prepare a
A report is prepared on the report on the evaluation of
evaluation of internal control internal control procedures
procedures internal control internal control procedures based
procedures based on inter on inter nationally accepted best
nationally accepted best practice practice. The report should end
AC3 with conclusions and
Recommendations for recommendations for
improvements to internal control improvements to internal control
procedures are made to the procedures
appropriate authorities.
The Overall purpose of the programme: The Municipal accounting and Risk management
programme aims to equip members with tools to manage risk and perform accounting duties
effectively, efficiently and accurately
Purpose of the How can this What must the What must the What values are
unit standard purpose be learners know learners be embodied in the
achieved (Knowledge) able to do purpose
(Skills) (Attitudes
Unit Standard Learners to attend At the end of the At the end of At the end of the
116362 formal lessons programme the programme
Manage a where information learners will programme learners will
municipality`s will be imparted understand and learners will understand the
assets and and which will know: be able to: importance of:
liabilities comprise of;
overdraft etc
The concept of hire Take into
purchase transactions consideration
and leasing the merits of
Merits of hire hire purchase
purchase and leasing of
The risk involved with municipal assets
leasing municipal To assess the
assets risk of leasing
The elements of a municipal assets
lease agreement To engage into a
Legislative leasing contract
requirements in and execute
regard to hire necessary
purchase and leasing activities such as
a lease
agreement by
consulting the
relevant role-
To comply with
the legislative
requirements in
the process of
The concept of To prepare and
liability with reference develop a sound
to contingent plan for
liabilities in a contingent
municipality municipal
The significance of a liabilities
contingency plan
Knowledge of
contingency plan and
how to develop one
Specific Outcomes
1. Describe and prepare proposals to accessing bank finance
2. Provide advice to a municipality on optimising relationships with the financial community.
3. Consider the merits of hire purchase transactions and leasing of municipal assets
4. Plan for contingent municipal liabilities
Critical Outcomes
3. The ability to consider the merits of hire purchase transactions and leasing of municipal assets
4. The ability to plan for contingent municipal liabilities
Unit standard 116362
should apply for considering methods of calculating credit
prevailing financial and economic limits for considering prevailing
conditions are calculated using financial and economic conditions
internationally recognised
AC3 Each learner is tasked to present
Applications for credit from more a motivation why applying for
than one financial institution are credit from more than one
prepared, including motivations financial institution and to
for extending credit demonstrate that they have
AC4 In a plenary learners to explore evaluated the pros and cons of
Term structure of interest rate the concept of term structure of borrowing from different
is described including the interest rate institution and the implications in
reasons for the term terms of interest rates
Legislative requirements for
borrowing are considered and
applied in lease agreement
proper utilisation of assets.
AC4 In a plenary ask learners to
Principles are identified for identify and explain accounting
managing assets using recognised practices that would be
accounting practices appropriate in recognizing
AC5 principles for managing assets
An asset’s performance is
analysed and interpreted to
validate quality of inputs,
processes, and outputs against
recognised standards
AC6 Simulation
Changes to an existing moveable Divide learners into groups. Hand
asset policy are identified and out a moveable asset policy
supported by sound risk (dummy) to groups with
management principles contradicting clauses and
information. Ask learners to
amend and comment on any
information which does not add
up. The groups to give oral
presentations on their findings
and amendments. Ask them to
comment on the sound risk
management principles that could
be used in this regard
AC7 Each learners is asked to identify
Legislative requirement are the legislative requirements in
identified relating to the relation to
acquisition and disposal of assets acquisition and disposal of assets
The learning and teaching activities from the assessment tasks. A month prior to programme
commencement, learners will be pre-assessment or skills audited
1. Are registered with each learner completing personal profile questionnaire; which will also seek to
understand whether the learner has any learning challenges, such as language, audio visuals etc
2. Are taken through course structure and content; relevant unit standards
3. Assessment strategy and appeal procedure, which is signed and filed away