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Cpe 408 Final Project

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FINAL PROJECT ( Offline Database)

This simple project covers Lay outing, Multipage Intent, and SQLite integration. The simple project is a
login system that has these features:

 User Type
User type Description
Super Admin Has all the privilege: add, edit, delete of users and admin
Has default: username: admin and password: admin
Admin Has the privilege: add, edit, delete of the users
(Can’t delete admin)
User Go to User Page only

 Login System Page: (Refer to Image#1 below)

1. Enter Username and password.
2. Automatically sent the super admin and admin to Admin Page when login
3. Automatically sent the user to User Page when login
4. Dialog box or Toast for the notification (Login Successful or Login Failed)
 User Page
1. Only User can go here
2. Has a Sign-out Button where can go back to Login Page
3. Username will be display in the User Page in a text view refer to Image #3 below
 Admin Page
1. Add Button
a. Super admin can add admin and user
b. Admin can only add user (admin radio button is disabled)
2. View Button
a. Can view all the data
b. Optional (Output all the data in another components like table or Textbox)
Additional points if accomplished this.

3. Update Button
a. Update User
4. Delete
a. Super admin can delete admin and user
b. Admin can only delete user

Login System Page:

Admin Page:
User Page
 Codes
 Output
 Conclusion

CPE 408- Rubric for Final Project

Intended Learning Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exemplary

Outcomes 1 2 3
Develop a mobile Unable to develop Able to develop a Able to develop
application a mobile application mobile application a mobile
but with errors application
without errors
Applying U.I. Layout in a Unable to apply U.I. Able to apply U.I. Able to apply
mobile application Layout in a mobile Layout in a mobile U.I. Layout in a
development application application mobile
development development application
but with errors development
without errors
Applying event handling Unable to apply Able to apply event Able to apply
event handling handling but with event handling
errors without errors

Use the data storage Unable to Use the Able to Use the data Able to Use the
option data storage option storage option data storage
option without
Other comments/observation: Total Score
RATING = (total score) x 100%

Evaluated by: Date:

Printed Name and Signature of Faculty Member

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