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Microsoft - LeetCode

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  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

138 Copy List with Random Pointer (/problems/copy- 30.2% Medium


151 Reverse Words in a String (/problems/reverse- 18.4% Medium


 1 Two Sum (/problems/two-sum) 44.7% Easy

 54 Spiral Matrix (/problems/spiral-matrix) 31.9% Medium

146 LRU Cache (/problems/lru-cache)  28.3% Medium

 88 Merge Sorted Array (/problems/merge-sorted- 37.3% Easy


277 Find the Celebrity (/problems/find-the-celebrity) 38.8% Medium

 8 String to Integer (atoi) (/problems/string-to- 14.8% Medium


 206 Reverse Linked List (/problems/reverse-linked-list) 57.8% Easy

165 Compare Version Numbers (/problems/compare- 25.1% Medium


 273 Integer to English Words (/problems/integer-to- 25.3% Hard


103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal 43.9% Medium

  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

402 Remove K Digits (/problems/remove-k-digits) 27.2% Medium

 2 Add Two Numbers (/problems/add-two-numbers) 32.2% Medium

 42 Trapping Rain Water (/problems/trapping-rain- 45.5% Hard


 5 Longest Palindromic Substring 28.2% Medium


17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number 43.7% Medium


186 Reverse Words in a String II (/problems/reverse- 40.1% Medium

words-in-a-string-ii) 

218 The Skyline Problem (/problems/the-skyline- 32.8% Hard


 53 Maximum Subarray (/problems/maximum- 45.0% Easy


 200 Number of Islands (/problems/number-of-islands) 43.5% Medium

116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node 40.2% Medium


10 Regular Expression Matching (/problems/regular- 25.9% Hard


33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array 33.3% Medium


25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group (/problems/reverse- 38.5% Hard


445 Add Two Numbers II (/problems/add-two- 51.8% Medium


 4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays (/problems/median- 27.7% Hard


236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree 40.7% Medium


348 Design Tic-Tac-Toe (/problems/design-tic-tac-toe) 51.6% Medium

171 Excel Sheet Column Number (/problems/excel- 52.6% Easy

  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

722 Remove Comments (/problems/remove- 32.3% Medium


 253 Meeting Rooms II (/problems/meeting-rooms-ii) 44.0% Medium

 75 Sort Colors (/problems/sort-colors) 43.7% Medium

21 Merge Two Sorted Lists (/problems/merge-two- 49.8% Easy


 168 Excel Sheet Column Title (/problems/excel-sheet- 29.8% Easy


105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder 44.0% Medium
Traversal (/problems/construct-binary-tree-from-

 73 Set Matrix Zeroes (/problems/set-matrix-zeroes) 41.3% Medium

20 Valid Parentheses (/problems/valid-parentheses) 37.5% Easy

48 Rotate Image (/problems/rotate-image) 51.6% Medium

24 Swap Nodes in Pairs (/problems/swap-nodes-in- 47.0% Medium


223 Rectangle Area (/problems/rectangle-area) 36.6% Medium

557 Reverse Words in a String III (/problems/reverse- 66.2% Easy


 240 Search a 2D Matrix II (/problems/search-a-2d- 41.8% Medium


 121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (/problems/best- 48.6% Easy

297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree 43.5% Hard


235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search 46.9% Easy

Tree (/problems/lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-

419 Battleships in a Board (/problems/battleships-in- 67.0% Medium


 344 Reverse String (/problems/reverse-string) 64.6% Easy

13 Roman to Integer (/problems/roman-to-integer) 53.7% Easy

141 Linked List Cycle (/problems/linked-list-cycle) 38.7% Easy

  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

 98 Validate Binary Search Tree (/problems/validate- 26.6% Medium


 117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II 36.1% Medium


72 Edit Distance (/problems/edit-distance) 40.1% Hard

174 Dungeon Game (/problems/dungeon-game) 28.3% Hard

 23 Merge k Sorted Lists (/problems/merge-k-sorted- 36.8% Hard


160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists 36.4% Easy


 44 Wildcard Matching (/problems/wildcard-matching) 23.6% Hard

43 Multiply Strings (/problems/multiply-strings) 32.0% Medium

 51 N-Queens (/problems/n-queens) 42.2% Hard

535 Encode and Decode TinyURL (/problems/encode- 78.1% Medium


12 Integer to Roman (/problems/integer-to-roman) 52.6% Medium

224 Basic Calculator (/problems/basic-calculator) 34.5% Hard

153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array 43.8% Medium


 140 Word Break II (/problems/word-break-ii) 28.7% Hard

229 Majority Element II (/problems/majority-element-ii) 33.5% Medium

 134 Gas Station (/problems/gas-station) 35.6% Medium

450 Delete Node in a BST (/problems/delete-node-in- 41.0% Medium


564 Find the Closest Palindrome (/problems/find-the- 19.2% Hard


 49 Group Anagrams (/problems/group-anagrams) 50.5% Medium

443 String Compression (/problems/string- 38.9% Easy


285 Inorder Successor in BST (/problems/inorder- 37.0% Medium

successor-in-bst) 

143 Reorder List (/problems/reorder-list) 33.0% Medium

  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

22 Generate Parentheses (/problems/generate- 58.0% Medium


 208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) 41.8% Medium


15 3Sum (/problems/3sum) 25.1% Medium

61 Rotate List (/problems/rotate-list) 28.3% Medium

37 Sudoku Solver (/problems/sudoku-solver) 39.5% Hard

384 Shuffle an Array (/problems/shuffle-an-array) 51.2% Medium

 139 Word Break (/problems/word-break) 37.2% Medium

36 Valid Sudoku (/problems/valid-sudoku) 45.4% Medium

71 Simplify Path (/problems/simplify-path) 30.1% Medium

173 Binary Search Tree Iterator (/problems/binary- 51.5% Medium


 3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 29.1% Medium


 295 Find Median from Data Stream (/problems/find- 39.6% Hard


 155 Min Stack (/problems/min-stack) 39.5% Easy

287 Find the Duplicate Number (/problems/find-the- 51.6% Medium


 76 Minimum Window Substring 32.4% Hard


142 Linked List Cycle II (/problems/linked-list-cycle-ii) 34.1% Medium

836 Rectangle Overlap (/problems/rectangle-overlap) 47.7% Easy

212 Word Search II (/problems/word-search-ii) 30.8% Hard

328 Odd Even Linked List (/problems/odd-even- 51.0% Medium


 56 Merge Intervals (/problems/merge-intervals) 37.1% Medium

 79 Word Search (/problems/word-search) 32.8% Medium

102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 50.8% Medium

  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

234 Palindrome Linked List (/problems/palindrome- 37.3% Easy


636 Exclusive Time of Functions (/problems/exclusive- 50.0% Medium


794 Valid Tic-Tac-Toe State (/problems/valid-tic-tac- 31.4% Medium


706 Design HashMap (/problems/design-hashmap) 57.8% Easy

99 Recover Binary Search Tree (/problems/recover- 36.2% Hard


227 Basic Calculator II (/problems/basic-calculator-ii) 35.0% Medium

 239 Sliding Window Maximum (/problems/sliding- 39.9% Hard


322 Coin Change (/problems/coin-change) 32.4% Medium

 237 Delete Node in a Linked List (/problems/delete- 56.5% Easy


31 Next Permutation (/problems/next-permutation) 31.3% Medium

 149 Max Points on a Line (/problems/max-points-on- 16.3% Hard

a-line) 

238 Product of Array Except Self (/problems/product- 57.3% Medium


204 Count Primes (/problems/count-primes) 30.1% Easy

232 Implement Queue using Stacks 45.7% Easy


 346 Moving Average from Data Stream 68.1% Easy


92 Reverse Linked List II (/problems/reverse-linked- 36.5% Medium


428 Serialize and Deserialize N-ary Tree 56.2% Hard


 268 Missing Number (/problems/missing-number) 49.5% Easy

 106 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder 41.7% Medium
Traversal (/problems/construct-binary-tree-from-
  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

 283 Move Zeroes (/problems/move-zeroes) 55.6% Easy

 191 Number of 1 Bits (/problems/number-of-1-bits) 45.5% Easy

74 Search a 2D Matrix (/problems/search-a-2d- 35.5% Medium


19 Remove Nth Node From End of List 34.6% Medium


225 Implement Stack using Queues 41.5% Easy


 46 Permutations (/problems/permutations) 58.4% Medium

545 Boundary of Binary Tree (/problems/boundary-of- 36.8% Medium

binary-tree) 

 127 Word Ladder (/problems/word-ladder) 26.3% Medium

189 Rotate Array (/problems/rotate-array) 32.0% Easy

 84 Largest Rectangle in Histogram 32.7% Hard


93 Restore IP Addresses (/problems/restore-ip- 32.8% Medium


 50 Pow(x, n) (/problems/powx-n) 28.8% Medium

669 Trim a Binary Search Tree (/problems/trim-a- 61.2% Easy


133 Clone Graph (/problems/clone-graph) 29.6% Medium

591 Tag Validator (/problems/tag-validator) 33.4% Hard

59 Spiral Matrix II (/problems/spiral-matrix-ii) 49.7% Medium

135 Candy (/problems/candy) 29.7% Hard

148 Sort List (/problems/sort-list) 38.0% Medium

 94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal (/problems/binary- 59.3% Medium


 123 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III 35.3% Hard

 242 Valid Anagram (/problems/valid-anagram) 54.1% Easy

114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List 45.0% Medium

  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array 42.4% Easy


215 Kth Largest Element in an Array (/problems/kth- 50.7% Medium


651 4 Keys Keyboard (/problems/4-keys-keyboard) 51.5% Medium

449 Serialize and Deserialize BST (/problems/serialize- 49.4% Medium


70 Climbing Stairs (/problems/climbing-stairs) 45.4% Easy

407 Trapping Rain Water II (/problems/trapping-rain- 40.2% Hard


 78 Subsets (/problems/subsets) 56.1% Medium

11 Container With Most Water (/problems/container- 47.5% Medium


 457 Circular Array Loop (/problems/circular-array-loop) 28.2% Medium

 85 Maximal Rectangle (/problems/maximal-rectangle) 35.1% Hard

 289 Game of Life (/problems/game-of-life) 49.1% Medium

378 Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix 51.2% Medium


110 Balanced Binary Tree (/problems/balanced-binary- 42.0% Easy


9 Palindrome Number (/problems/palindrome- 45.5% Easy


 128 Longest Consecutive Sequence 43.1% Hard


 347 Top K Frequent Elements (/problems/top-k- 57.4% Medium


 91 Decode Ways (/problems/decode-ways) 23.2% Medium

 7 Reverse Integer (/problems/reverse-integer) 25.5% Easy

 403 Frog Jump (/problems/frog-jump) 37.4% Hard

179 Largest Number (/problems/largest-number) 26.9% Medium

126 Word Ladder II (/problems/word-ladder-ii) 19.4% Hard

  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

252 Meeting Rooms (/problems/meeting-rooms)  53.3% Easy

468 Validate IP Address (/problems/validate-ip- 21.9% Medium


28 Implement strStr() (/problems/implement-strstr) 33.2% Easy

415 Add Strings (/problems/add-strings) 45.1% Easy

86 Partition List (/problems/partition-list) 38.9% Medium

38 Count and Say (/problems/count-and-say) 42.2% Easy

 493 Reverse Pairs (/problems/reverse-pairs) 24.0% Hard

351 Android Unlock Patterns (/problems/android- 47.1% Medium

unlock-patterns) 

642 Design Search Autocomplete System 40.9% Hard


68 Text Justification (/problems/text-justification) 24.9% Hard

529 Minesweeper (/problems/minesweeper) 55.3% Medium

81 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II 32.8% Medium


 152 Maximum Product Subarray 30.3% Medium


 29 Divide Two Integers (/problems/divide-two- 16.2% Medium


118 Pascal's Triangle (/problems/pascals-triangle) 48.7% Easy

 41 First Missing Positive (/problems/first-missing- 30.1% Hard


 69 Sqrt(x) (/problems/sqrtx) 32.4% Easy

 316 Remove Duplicate Letters (/problems/remove- 33.7% Hard


 380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) (/problems/insert- 44.4% Medium


62 Unique Paths (/problems/unique-paths) 50.0% Medium

230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST (/problems/kth- 54.2% Medium


412 Fizz Buzz (/problems/fizz-buzz) 60.4% Easy

  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

161 One Edit Distance (/problems/one-edit-distance) 32.1% Medium

 125 Valid Palindrome (/problems/valid-palindrome) 33.0% Easy

 124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum 31.5% Hard


64 Minimum Path Sum (/problems/minimum-path- 49.4% Medium


362 Design Hit Counter (/problems/design-hit-counter) 60.9% Medium

652 Find Duplicate Subtrees (/problems/find- 47.6% Medium


917 Reverse Only Letters (/problems/reverse-only- 56.5% Easy


39 Combination Sum (/problems/combination-sum) 51.6% Medium

679 24 Game (/problems/24-game) 44.2% Hard

560 Subarray Sum Equals K (/problems/subarray- 43.1% Medium


269 Alien Dictionary (/problems/alien-dictionary)  33.0% Hard

 32 Longest Valid Parentheses (/problems/longest- 26.7% Hard


623 Add One Row to Tree (/problems/add-one-row-to- 48.0% Medium


 304 Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable 34.9% Medium


286 Walls and Gates (/problems/walls-and-gates)  51.2% Medium

695 Max Area of Island (/problems/max-area-of-island) 59.4% Medium

300 Longest Increasing Subsequence 41.6% Medium


162 Find Peak Element (/problems/find-peak-element) 42.1% Medium

167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted (/problems/two- 51.8% Easy


333 Largest BST Subtree (/problems/largest-bst- 34.3% Medium

subtree) 
  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

 647 Palindromic Substrings (/problems/palindromic- 58.4% Medium


 214 Shortest Palindrome (/problems/shortest- 28.4% Hard


490 The Maze (/problems/the-maze)  49.3% Medium

 122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II 53.5% Easy


387 First Unique Character in a String (/problems/first- 50.9% Easy


280 Wiggle Sort (/problems/wiggle-sort)  62.0% Medium

150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation 33.9% Medium


516 Longest Palindromic Subsequence 49.2% Medium


 692 Top K Frequent Words (/problems/top-k-frequent- 47.8% Medium


 77 Combinations (/problems/combinations) 50.6% Medium

397 Integer Replacement (/problems/integer- 32.1% Medium


688 Knight Probability in Chessboard 46.2% Medium


172 Factorial Trailing Zeroes (/problems/factorial- 37.6% Easy


460 LFU Cache (/problems/lfu-cache) 31.0% Hard

82 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II 34.5% Medium


169 Majority Element (/problems/majority-element) 54.7% Easy

267 Palindrome Permutation II (/problems/palindrome- 34.8% Medium

permutation-ii) 

729 My Calendar I (/problems/my-calendar-i) 49.1% Medium

622 Design Circular Queue (/problems/design-circular- 41.4% Medium


101 Symmetric Tree (/problems/symmetric-tree) 44.9% Easy

  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

314 Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal 42.4% Medium


417 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow (/problems/pacific- 38.6% Medium


448 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array 54.5% Easy


228 Summary Ranges (/problems/summary-ranges) 37.3% Medium

107 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II 48.8% Easy


108 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree 53.5% Easy


394 Decode String (/problems/decode-string) 47.1% Medium

935 Knight Dialer (/problems/knight-dialer) 42.6% Medium

405 Convert a Number to Hexadecimal 42.7% Easy


270 Closest Binary Search Tree Value 45.2% Easy

(/problems/closest-binary-search-tree-value) 

628 Maximum Product of Three Numbers 46.7% Easy


442 Find All Duplicates in an Array (/problems/find-all- 62.8% Medium


 210 Course Schedule II (/problems/course-schedule-ii) 37.0% Medium

112 Path Sum (/problems/path-sum) 39.1% Easy

662 Maximum Width of Binary Tree 39.5% Medium


969 Pancake Sorting (/problems/pancake-sorting) 62.8% Medium

83 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List 43.7% Easy


 231 Power of Two (/problems/power-of-two) 42.5% Easy

 207 Course Schedule (/problems/course-schedule) 39.8% Medium

  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

708 Insert into a Cyclic Sorted List (/problems/insert- 31.1% Medium

into-a-cyclic-sorted-list) 

733 Flood Fill (/problems/flood-fill) 52.2% Easy

572 Subtree of Another Tree (/problems/subtree-of- 42.8% Easy


463 Island Perimeter (/problems/island-perimeter) 62.1% Easy

805 Split Array With Same Average (/problems/split- 25.4% Hard


543 Diameter of Binary Tree (/problems/diameter-of- 47.7% Easy


716 Max Stack (/problems/max-stack)  41.4% Easy

772 Basic Calculator III (/problems/basic-calculator-iii) 41.2% Hard

95 Unique Binary Search Trees II (/problems/unique- 37.5% Medium


 45 Jump Game II (/problems/jump-game-ii) 29.2% Hard

258 Add Digits (/problems/add-digits) 55.0% Easy

367 Valid Perfect Square (/problems/valid-perfect- 40.5% Easy


216 Combination Sum III (/problems/combination- 53.6% Medium


611 Valid Triangle Number (/problems/valid-triangle- 46.7% Medium


518 Coin Change 2 (/problems/coin-change-2) 44.9% Medium

 55 Jump Game (/problems/jump-game) 32.8% Medium

 568 Maximum Vacation Days (/problems/maximum- 38.8% Hard

vacation-days) 

 109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree 43.3% Medium


40 Combination Sum II (/problems/combination-sum- 44.2% Medium


147 Insertion Sort List (/problems/insertion-sort-list) 38.8% Medium

  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

136 Single Number (/problems/single-number) 61.9% Easy

 523 Continuous Subarray Sum 24.3% Medium


284 Peeking Iterator (/problems/peeking-iterator) 42.4% Medium

 416 Partition Equal Subset Sum (/problems/partition- 41.7% Medium


373 Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums (/problems/find- 34.8% Medium


63 Unique Paths II (/problems/unique-paths-ii) 33.7% Medium

426 Convert Binary Search Tree to Sorted Doubly 55.2% Medium

Linked List (/problems/convert-binary-search-
tree-to-sorted-doubly-linked-list) 

257 Binary Tree Paths (/problems/binary-tree-paths) 47.9% Easy

724 Find Pivot Index (/problems/find-pivot-index) 42.2% Easy

354 Russian Doll Envelopes (/problems/russian-doll- 34.6% Hard


57 Insert Interval (/problems/insert-interval) 32.1% Hard

14 Longest Common Prefix (/problems/longest- 34.3% Easy


 329 Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix 41.4% Hard


199 Binary Tree Right Side View (/problems/binary- 50.3% Medium


18 4Sum (/problems/4sum) 31.8% Medium

582 Kill Process (/problems/kill-process)  57.9% Medium

698 Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets 44.0% Medium


 221 Maximal Square (/problems/maximal-square)  34.5% Medium

65 Valid Number (/problems/valid-number) 14.5% Hard

430 Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List 45.5% Medium


349 Intersection of Two Arrays 57.7% Easy

  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

784 Letter Case Permutation (/problems/letter-case- 60.0% Easy


958 Check Completeness of a Binary Tree 50.2% Medium


266 Palindrome Permutation (/problems/palindrome- 60.7% Easy

permutation) 

406 Queue Reconstruction by Height 61.5% Medium


209 Minimum Size Subarray Sum 35.9% Medium


510 Inorder Successor in BST II (/problems/inorder- 55.5% Medium

successor-in-bst-ii) 

 30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words 24.4% Hard

words) 

 97 Interleaving String (/problems/interleaving-string) 29.4% Hard

 190 Reverse Bits (/problems/reverse-bits) 33.6% Easy

567 Permutation in String (/problems/permutation-in- 39.5% Medium


863 All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree 50.8% Medium


470 Implement Rand10() Using Rand7() 45.5% Medium


694 Number of Distinct Islands (/problems/number-of- 53.0% Medium

distinct-islands) 

 279 Perfect Squares (/problems/perfect-squares) 43.4% Medium

 104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree 62.8% Easy


671 Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree 43.1% Easy


 632 Smallest Range Covering Elements from K Lists 49.7% Hard

  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

 158 Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple 29.1% Hard

times (/problems/read-n-characters-given-read4-
ii-call-multiple-times) 

438 Find All Anagrams in a String (/problems/find-all- 39.1% Medium


67 Add Binary (/problems/add-binary) 41.2% Easy

383 Ransom Note (/problems/ransom-note) 51.0% Easy

414 Third Maximum Number (/problems/third- 29.6% Easy


547 Friend Circles (/problems/friend-circles) 55.8% Medium

90 Subsets II (/problems/subsets-ii) 44.3% Medium

612 Shortest Distance in a Plane (/problems/shortest- 56.2% Medium

distance-in-a-plane) 

431 Encode N-ary Tree to Binary Tree 67.0% Hard

(/problems/encode-n-ary-tree-to-binary-tree) 

203 Remove Linked List Elements (/problems/remove- 36.7% Easy


245 Shortest Word Distance III (/problems/shortest- 54.4% Medium

word-distance-iii) 

220 Contains Duplicate III (/problems/contains- 20.3% Medium


 159 Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct 48.2% Hard

Characters (/problems/longest-substring-with-at-
most-two-distinct-characters) 

528 Random Pick with Weight (/problems/random- 43.3% Medium


16 3Sum Closest (/problems/3sum-closest) 45.7% Medium

217 Contains Duplicate (/problems/contains-duplicate) 53.8% Easy

540 Single Element in a Sorted Array 57.5% Medium


100 Same Tree (/problems/same-tree) 51.1% Easy

176 Second Highest Salary (/problems/second- 28.9% Easy


198 House Robber (/problems/house-robber) 41.4% Easy

  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

202 Happy Number (/problems/happy-number) 47.3% Easy

 6 ZigZag Conversion (/problems/zigzag-conversion) 33.8% Medium

60 Permutation Sequence (/problems/permutation- 34.5% Medium


767 Reorganize String (/problems/reorganize-string) 44.8% Medium

 340 Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct 41.6% Hard

Characters (/problems/longest-substring-with-at-
most-k-distinct-characters) 

 317 Shortest Distance from All Buildings 39.4% Hard


 843 Guess the Word (/problems/guess-the-word)  45.2% Hard

905 Sort Array By Parity (/problems/sort-array-by- 73.0% Easy


670 Maximum Swap (/problems/maximum-swap) 41.1% Medium

768 Max Chunks To Make Sorted II (/problems/max- 46.9% Hard


341 Flatten Nested List Iterator (/problems/flatten- 50.1% Medium


658 Find K Closest Elements (/problems/find-k- 39.1% Medium


332 Reconstruct Itinerary (/problems/reconstruct- 33.2% Medium


721 Accounts Merge (/problems/accounts-merge) 43.8% Medium

 852 Peak Index in a Mountain Array (/problems/peak- 70.3% Easy


676 Implement Magic Dictionary 52.6% Medium


459 Repeated Substring Pattern (/problems/repeated- 40.7% Easy


27 Remove Element (/problems/remove-element) 46.0% Easy

509 Fibonacci Number (/problems/fibonacci-number) 66.7% Easy

 979 Distribute Coins in Binary Tree 68.0% Medium

  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

704 Binary Search (/problems/binary-search) 49.8% Easy

621 Task Scheduler (/problems/task-scheduler) 46.9% Medium

111 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree 36.1% Easy


213 House Robber II (/problems/house-robber-ii) 35.7% Medium

427 Construct Quad Tree (/problems/construct-quad- 59.0% Medium


785 Is Graph Bipartite? (/problems/is-graph-bipartite) 45.2% Medium

129 Sum Root to Leaf Numbers (/problems/sum-root- 44.4% Medium


365 Water and Jug Problem (/problems/water-and- 29.6% Medium


503 Next Greater Element II (/problems/next-greater- 52.7% Medium


541 Reverse String II (/problems/reverse-string-ii) 46.5% Easy

973 K Closest Points to Origin (/problems/k-closest- 61.3% Medium


472 Concatenated Words (/problems/concatenated- 38.1% Hard


437 Path Sum III (/problems/path-sum-iii) 44.1% Easy

739 Daily Temperatures (/problems/daily- 61.1% Medium


759 Employee Free Time (/problems/employee-free- 63.2% Hard

time) 

494 Target Sum (/problems/target-sum) 46.0% Medium

938 Range Sum of BST (/problems/range-sum-of-bst) 78.4% Easy

819 Most Common Word (/problems/most-common- 43.1% Easy


290 Word Pattern (/problems/word-pattern) 35.8% Easy

884 Uncommon Words from Two Sentences 61.5% Easy


1185 Day of the Week (/problems/day-of-the-week) 64.7% Easy

  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

 680 Valid Palindrome II (/problems/valid-palindrome-ii) 35.3% Easy

575 Distribute Candies (/problems/distribute-candies) 60.3% Easy

 977 Squares of a Sorted Array (/problems/squares-of- 71.8% Easy


211 Add and Search Word - Data structure design 32.7% Medium

515 Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row 58.8% Medium


796 Rotate String (/problems/rotate-string) 49.4% Easy

701 Insert into a Binary Search Tree (/problems/insert- 77.6% Medium


876 Middle of the Linked List (/problems/middle-of- 65.4% Easy


 34 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted 34.5% Medium

Array (/problems/find-first-and-last-position-of-

 939 Minimum Area Rectangle (/problems/minimum- 51.6% Medium


787 Cheapest Flights Within K Stops 36.6% Medium


47 Permutations II (/problems/permutations-ii) 42.9% Medium

1027 Longest Arithmetic Sequence (/problems/longest- 52.0% Medium


66 Plus One (/problems/plus-one) 41.7% Easy

1122 Relative Sort Array (/problems/relative-sort-array) 66.5% Easy

350 Intersection of Two Arrays II 49.5% Easy


953 Verifying an Alien Dictionary (/problems/verifying- 55.6% Easy


650 2 Keys Keyboard (/problems/2-keys-keyboard) 47.5% Medium

452 Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons 47.6% Medium

  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

513 Find Bottom Left Tree Value (/problems/find- 59.7% Medium


631 Design Excel Sum Formula (/problems/design- 30.2% Hard

excel-sum-formula) 

654 Maximum Binary Tree (/problems/maximum- 77.5% Medium


672 Bulb Switcher II (/problems/bulb-switcher-ii) 50.3% Medium

871 Minimum Number of Refueling Stops 30.4% Hard


886 Possible Bipartition (/problems/possible- 41.6% Medium


901 Online Stock Span (/problems/online-stock-span) 51.9% Medium

972 Equal Rational Numbers (/problems/equal- 40.3% Hard


1006 Clumsy Factorial (/problems/clumsy-factorial) 53.5% Medium

1013 Partition Array Into Three Parts With Equal Sum 56.7% Easy

1019 Next Greater Node In Linked List (/problems/next- 56.7% Medium


1053 Previous Permutation With One Swap 46.9% Medium


1198 Find Smallest Common Element in All Rows 74.3% Medium

rows) 

1092 Shortest Common Supersequence 49.6% Hard


 1093 Statistics from a Large Sample 44.7% Medium


1246 Palindrome Removal (/problems/palindrome- 42.2% Hard

removal) 

1114 Print in Order (/problems/print-in-order) 60.1% Easy

1131 Maximum of Absolute Value Expression 52.2% Medium

  # Title Acceptance Difficulty Frequency 

1206 Design Skiplist (/problems/design-skiplist) 60.7% Hard

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