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Professionalism in education entails interacting appropriately and respectfully with students, colleagues,
administrators, parents, and other community members in order to promote a successful learning
environment. The teacher's passion for teaching, with teaching serving as the teacher's soul, is crucial to
enabling the growth of kids in the first place. The teacher needs to understand that they are shaping the
most potent resource below the earth, on the earth, and above the earth—not just learners but ignited
youths. Only when a teacher can raise a mediocre student to excellent performance while maintaining
their whole dedication to the noble task of educating can they become truly outstanding teachers.

The Three Ways of Teaching.

The teaching profession can be regarded in three ways:

 Teaching as a profession
 Teaching as a mission
 Teaching as a vocation


The word profession is synonymous to occupation, job, work, career. Means long and arduous years of
preparation, a striving for excellence, a dedication to the public interest, and a commitment to moral
and ethical values.


You must be willing to go through a long period of preparation.

You must be willing to go through continuous development of potential.

You commit yourself to moral, ethical, and religious values, and dedicate yourself to



From the Latin word “misio”- to

send. Means an important task or duty that is assigned, allotted, or self-imposed. An important goal or

purpose that is accompanied by Strong conviction.


You teach with dedication; you commit yourself to the total transformation of the

learner. You consider teaching as your lifetime commitment, thus aiming through the years

towards quality teaching.


From the Latin word “vocare”- to call. Means a strong feeling of sustainability for a particular career or
occupation. A strong desire to spend your life doing a certain kind

of work.


 You agreed to accept the call to teach.

 You pledge to be fully committed to the learner's change.
 You view teaching as a lifetime career and strive to improve your craft over time.

Teaching: Mission and/or Job?

If you are doing it only because you are paid for it, it’s a job.

If you are doing it not only for the pay but also for service, it’s a mission.

If you quit because your boss or colleague criticized you, it’s a job;

If you keep teaching out of love, it’s a mission.

If you teach because it does not interfere with your activities, it’s a job.

If you are committed to teaching even if it means letting go of the other activities, it’s a mission.

If you quit because no one praises or thanks you for what you do, it’s a job.

If you remain to teach even though nobody recognizes your efforts, it’s a mission.

It’s hard to get excited about a teaching job;

It’s almost impossible not to get excited about a mission.

If our concern is a success, it’s a job;

If our concern is success plus faithfulness, it’s a mission.

An average school is filled with teachers doing their teaching job;

A great school is filled with teachers involved in the mission of teaching.

The Professional Ethics.

The “Pwede na yan” Mentality

PWEDE NA YAN is a way of thinking that says, "oh, that will do," even though there is always room for
improvement. Although contentment is a desirable quality, it is undeniable that when you are satisfied
with your present circumstances, mediocrity sets in. You must give your all while acknowledging your
limitations if you want to be content in the correct way. Unfortunately, a lot of Filipinos frequently
invoke the concept of PWEDE NA YAN until the situation deteriorates, which leads to a number of

Strong character attributes such as perseverance, honesty, respect, lawfulness, fairness, patience, and
unity must be exhibited by teachers. Teachers are expected to treat all students fairly and respectfully
without exhibiting any bias or preference. To fulfill the ethical duty to meet the educational
requirements of all students, teachers must acknowledge, comprehend, and show appreciation for the
perspectives, cultural backgrounds, values, and motivational styles that each student brings to class. A
teacher must offer non-discriminatory professional education services. A teacher is not permitted to use
their connections with students, parents, and coworkers for personal gain.

“Once a teacher, forever a student”

A teacher must understand and research every subject they will be covering; being a teacher does not
imply that you are an expert in all areas. Once a teacher, truly always a student. Someone says that
learning never stops. You'll never get out of bed or go to sleep without learning something.

The Element of a Profession

“The term professional is one of the most exalted in the English language, denoting as it does, long and
arduous years of preparation, a striving for excellence, a dedication to the public

interest, and commitment to moral and ethical values.”

-Hon. Hermogenes P. Pobre

“It has been said that teachers who have been teaching for twenty years may be divided into two
categories: those with twenty years’ experience and those with one year’s experience repeated twenty
times” -Ur 1996, p. 317

“You can train me, you can educate me, but you can’t develop me-- I develop” -Piai 2005:21, in Harmer,

Professional Development Strategies



A good teacher-pupil relationship is very important. A teacher must know that he or she is teaching, not
only a subject but a child. A good teacher, by their methods, will be able to motivate the pupil, awaken
his interest, and arouse their curiosity. A teacher who ceases to learn becomes irrelevant.

What is vocation?

The word vocation derives from the Latin vocare "to call." a storng feeling of sustainability for a
particular career or occupation. An innate desire to share their love of learning and of a subject. it's not
an occupation where you can simply turn up, go through the motions and collect your salary- you have
to give a piece of yourself to it every time you step into the classroom, but in return you get so much

Teaching is not just a profession

we consider teaching a vocation because of the dedication that one exerts to provide quality learning
atmosphere to their students. A teacher spends most of his or her time teaching inside and outside the
four walls of the classroom. Even if he or she goes home, teaching is always in his or her mind because
of the need to prepare for the activities of the coming days unlike in other professions where the
activities end up inside the four walls of their offices or in their places of work.
Characteristics of Teaching as a Vocation

Expert communication skills’

 Superior listening skills

 Deep knowledge and passion for their subject matter
 The ability to build caring relationships with students
 Friendliness and approachability
 Excellent preparation and organization skills
 Strong work ethic
 Community-building skills
 High expectations for all

Teaching as a Mission

-it comes from the Latin word “missio” which means “to send”.

- means it is the task entrusted to you in this world.

-to teach is to influence every child entrusted in your care to become better and happier because life
becomes more meaningful.

-"Task Assigned" by Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary which means you are sent to accomplish an
assigned task.

-the phrase "mission accomplished" from a soldier in the activity phase they are sent to do an assigned
task, a mission and so if they faithfully accomplish an assigned task, they proclaim "mission

-you responded to the call to be a teacher and so your mission in the world is to teach, the task
entrusted to you in this world.

-You were called for a purpose and that is how vocation and mission are related.

-As the saying goes "once a teacher, forever a student"

Teaching is indexed your Mission

If you are doing it not only for the pay but also for a service.

If you keep on teaching out of love.

If you are committed to teaching even if it means letting go of other activities.

If you remain teaching even though nobody recognizes your efforts.

It makes you get excited.

If your concern is success plus faithfulness.



A teacher simply teaches, but a professional teacher educates.


One who went through long years of preparation to earn a degree.

Collegiate Academic Program

Teaching License

Continuous Professional Development





A. ROBERT MARZANO'S Casual Teacher Evaluation Model of four domains

1. Classroom strategies and behaviors

2. Planning and Preparing

3. Reflection on Teaching
4. Collegiality and Professionalism

B. CHARLOTTE DANIELSON Framework for Teaching

1. Planning and Preparation

2. The Classroom Environment

3. Instruction

4. Professional Responsibilities

C. JAMES STRONGE - Teacher Effectiveness Performance Evaluation SYSTEM (TEPES)

1. Professional Knowledge

2. Instructional Planning

3. Instructional Delivery

4. Assessment of/for Learning

5. The Learning Environment

6. Professionalism

7. Student Progress

D. THE McREL MODEL (Mid - Continent Research for Education and Learning)

1. Teacher demonstrate leadership

2. Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of


3. Teachers know the content they teach

4. Teachers facilitate learning for their students

5. Teachers reflect on their practices

To teach effectively:

1. Prepare and plan very well for instruction.

2. Execute or deliver the instruction plan very well because he/she has professional knowledge (mastery
of subject matter)

3. Create a conducive or favorable learning environment for diverse groups of learners.

4. Assess and report learner progress

5. Demonstrate professionalism as he/she deals with superiors, colleagues, students, and parents.

" Professional TEACHERS isn't only a NEED of our SOCIETY, it's already a DEMAND"

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