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Group 2 Final

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19 Century Philippines as Rizal’s Context positively affects the development of agricultural

th exports, which brought economic prosperity to
The 19 century was a century that began on January 1,
1801 and ended on December 31, 1900. The 19th native indios or the so-called “ilustrados”.
century saw large amounts of social change, slavery These also paved the way for Filipino “ilustrados” to
was abolished, and the first and second Industrial
send their children to universities in Europe .
Revolution led to massive urbanization and much higher
levels of productivity, profits and prosperity. Economic: Opening of ports to world Trade
ECONOMIC CONTEXT Governor-general Felix Berenguer de Marquina
On a global scale, Rizal lived during the first era of recommended that the King of Spain open Manila to the
globalization, a period of increasing cross-national world commerce. A royal decree was issued and the
economic integration marked by the trade in bulk world trade was opened on September 6, 1834.
commodities and the reduced importance of the silver
currency. Manila was a great harbor (the shape of the bay
protected trade boats from rough waters). It became one
Economic: End of Galleon Trade of the best cities to trade with, luring American, British,
and Asian merchants to its shore.
Galleon Trade was the longest running shipping
line of its time. It carries silver, gold, spices, silks The economy of the Philippines rose rapidly, and its
and many more. It was the fundamental income- local industries developed to satisfy the rising demands
generating business for Spanish colonist living in of an industrializing Europe.
the Philippine Island with a total of 110 Manila
Economic: Monopolies
galleons set sail in the 250 years of the Manila-
Acapullo Galleon Trade (1565-1815) Tobacco as a smoke and snuff became very popular to
the Spaniards, other foreigners in the Philippines and
The Manila Galleon or Manila-Acapullo Galleon
Filipinos alike. However, the colonial government
sailed the pacific for almost three centuries,
learned to exploit its popularity only in the latter part in
bringing to Spain their cargoes of luxury goods,
the 18th century.
economic benefits and cultural exchange.
Maintaining a colony was a serious drain to the Spanish
Positive results of the galleon trade were the
empire thus prompted the royal fiscal assigned in Manila
intercultural exchanges between the Philippines to devise a plan allowing the Philippines to raise revenue
and the Americans. on its own. This royal fiscal was Francisco Leandro de
The mango de manila, Tamarind and rice, the Vianna, who first proposed creating a tobacco
carabao, cockfighting, Chinese tea and textile, monopoly.
fireworks display, tuba (coconut wine) making came The king of Spain issued a royal decree on February 9,
to Mexico through the trans-pacific trade. 1780 setting in motion the plan.
In exchange the return voyage brought A monopoly was created which remained in operation for
innumerable and valuable flora and fauna into the hundred years.
Philippines; avocado, guava, papaya, pineapple,
horses, and cattle. Social: Education

On September 14, 1815, the galleon trade Not until 1863 was their public education in the
between the Philippines and Mexico ended few Philippines, and even then, the church controlled the
years before Mexico gained independence from curriculum. Less than one-fifth of those who went to
Spain in 1821. The last galleon arrived in Manila in school could read and write Spanish, and far fewer could
1815. speak it properly. The limited higher education in the
colony was entirely under clerical direction, but by the
Economic: Opening of the Suez Canal 1880s many sons of the wealthy were sent to Europe to
study. There, nationalism and passion for reform
The new route was opened on November 17, 1896 blossom in the liberal atmosphere. Out of this talented
and it was built for 10 years by a French company group of overseas Filipino students arose what came to
led by Ferdinand de Lessep. be known as the Propaganda Movement.
The Suez Canal in Egypt paved the way for the Parochial schools opened in parishes-religion, reading,
Philippines direct commercial relations with Spain writing, arithmetic, vocational, arts. Latin instead of
instead of via Mexico. As travel time from the Spanish were the language taught.
Philippines to Spain and vice-versa was shortened
to 30 days from more than 2 months. This
Magazines, poetry, and pamphleteering flourished. Jose Political: Liberalism
Rizal, this movement’s most brilliant figure, produced
two political novels-Noli me tangere (1887; touch me Shocked by the arrest of Rizal in 1892, these activists
not) and El filibusterismo (1891; the reign of greed)- quickly formed the katipunan under the leadership of
which had a wide impact in the Philippines. In 1892 Rizal Andres Bonifacio, a self-educated warehouseman. The
returned home and formed Liga Filipina, a modest Katipunan was dedicated to the expulsion of the Spanish
reform-minded society, loyal to Spain that breathed no from the islands and preparations were made for armed
word of independence. But Rizal was quickly arrested by revolt.
the overly fearful Spanish, exiled to a remote island in Liberalism includes a wide range of political philosophies
the south, and finally executed in 1896. Meanwhile, that consider individual rights and equality of opportunity.
within the Philippines there had developed a firm
commitment to independence among a somewhat less Political: Impact of Bourbon Reforms
privileged class.
Spanish Bourbon King Phillip V (1702-1746) ascended
Social: Rise of the Chinese Mestizo to the throne he and his successors Ferdinand VI,
Charles III advocated a century-long effort to reform and
The Chinese mestizos were an important element of the
th modify the Spanish empire.
Filipino society in the 19 century. They played a
significant role in the formation of the Filipino middles This policy changes known collectively as the Bourbon
class, in the agitation for reforms, in the 1898 revolution, Reforms attempted to curb contraband commerce,
and in the formation of what is now known as the Filipino regain control over transatlantic trade, curtail the
nationality. In the contemporary times their role in nation- church's power, modernize state finances to feel
building continues. depleted royal coffers, and establish tighter political and
administrative control within the empire.
Filipinos with Chinese blood in their vein have occupied
important positions in the highest levels of government. Political: Cadiz Constitution
The Chinese mestizos are significant elements in the
Philippine society for three reasons. During the Napoleonic occupation of Spain, a liberal
constitution was promulgated in Cadiz in March 1812. It
1. The Chinese mestizo was numerous as there was put into practice in almost all the areas of Hispanic
greater infusion of chinses blood than any other Monarchy.
blood in the Filipino.
The chinses mestizos were readily assimilated o Birth of Life
into the fabric of the native society. o Birth of many nation-states around the globe
2. The Chinese mestizos assume important roles o Period of massive changes in Europe, Spain,
in the economic, social, and political life of the and Philippines

The development of the agriculture in the archipelago

resulted in the presence of new class along with the
church emerged haciendas of sugar, coffee, and hemp
owned by Chinese-Filipino mestizos.

Social: Rise of the Inquilino

The hacienda structure consisted of three strata: the
estate owner, the leaseholder or Inquilino and the
tenant-sharecropper. Between the owner and the
inquilino was the administrator who often demanded a
share of the produce over and above the stipulated land
An Inquilino is a laborer indebted to a landlord who
allows him to form a farm in parts of his property (usually
in the marginal land to keep away intruders) and in
exchange works without pay for the landlord. The
inquilinos provided key manpower to carry out task like
the gathering of livestock and slaughter.

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