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CAMSRep User Manual

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Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions are applicable to all residents of India holding
or desiring to open e Insurance account for holding the insurance
policies and binds on the e Insurance Account holder on successful
opening of the account.

The e Insurance Account holder shall mean the person who has accepted
and opened the e-insurance account with CAMSRep (“the repository”).

The terms and conditions are subject to change at the discretion of the
repository and in accordance with the laws as applicable from time to

The statements made in this document are only for information

purposes and shall not be construed as an offer or solicitation to sell
any security, products or services. CAMSRep shall be under no liability P WER
whatsoever to you in respect of any liability either directly or indirectly.

The repository may require the applicants evincing interest in the Your insurance policies
e Insurance Account to produce/submit such KYC documents as may be
required at its sole discretion or as stipulated by the applicable law
thereto. with
In case of any discrepancy noticed in the e insurance statement of
account, it is mandatory to inform the repository in writing on the
identified discrepancy and the repository shall correct the discrepancy

Disclosure: The e-Insurance account holder hereby expressly

authorizes the repository, for the purposes of know your customer
(KYC) verification process or protection of its interest, disclose
all/any information or documents relating to the account holder
upon default to IRDA, Income Tax Authorities, tribunals, courts,
judicial bodies, insurers or any other authorized representative in
conformity with disclosure norms as applicable from time to time.

Where the repository acts on good faith in response to any oral or

eIA User Guide
electronic instruction or inquiry by the e insurance account holder
in respect of any matter in relation to the account, the account
holder will not be entitled to claim or allege any loss, damage
liability, expense etc., attributable directly or indirectly, to any
such good faith action of the repository and the account holder
agrees to hold the repository harmless in respect thereof.

All published information is correct and complete at the time of

printing. The repository cannot assume responsibility for changes
which occur after printing.

References to any gender shall include all genders and reference to

single number shall include reference to plural numbers and vice versa
in context thereto.

Toll Free: 1800 200 7737

You have read and understood the terms and conditions and agree to
bind by all the conditions stated therein. visit: www.camsrepository.com
You accept that terms and conditions, and other documents with regard
to the e Insurance Account have been explained in the language CAMS Repository Services Limited
TVH BELICIA Towers, Tower II, 6th Floor Block
understood by you and that you have understood the entire meaning of No: 94, MRC Nagar, Chennai - 600028, India.
various clauses.
CAMS Repository Services (CAMSRep) Offline request for conversion: Fill out a separate request for each
paper policy that you wish to convert to electronic form. These e Policy Services
requests, duly signed, can be submitted at the respective Insurance
Welcome to the world of CAMSRep, a whole new way to manage your
Companies or at any of CAMSRep’s APs including CAMS. Upon
insurance policies in electronic form! i. Converting Physical p`olicies to ePolicies: You can convert your
accepting your request, the Insurance Company will convey the policy
details to CAMSRep. Your existing policy in e form will then be duly existing physical policies into ePolicies by submitting a conversion
The concept of Insurance Repository for safe keeping of all insurance request to us (CAMSRep), mentioning clearly the policy numbers
credited to your e IA with CAMSRep and a confirmation email will be
policies in electronic form is the first of its kind in the world and sent to you. and eIA number. If you do not have an eIA, you can create one
CAMSRep is proud to be among the first to offer this pioneering through our website or submit the conversion request along with
service. Online access to e Policies in your e IA an application for opening an e IA. CAMSRep will send you an
email/SMS notifying you when your policies are converted.
Please go through this User Guide carefully to learn all about your e Having e policies under a single e IA gives you the power to manage ii. Change of Authorized Representative (AR): An AR is a person
Insurance Account (e IA), electronic policies and repository services all your policies online by logging on to your e IA at authorized by the account holder to operate the eIA after the
so that you can make the most of your e Insurance Account. www.camsrepository.com. death of the policy holder or if he /she is incapacitated. You can
By logging into your eIA account with your unique ID and password, change or add your AR as and when you wish just by providing a
Your e Insurance Account (e IA) you must enter all the essential details of your policy like Insurance request to CAMSRep. You can also do this online by logging in to
company name, Insurance type (life, Health or General) and Policy our website
With your e Insurance Account, you can now buy and keep all your number, once your policy is converted. You, can access the following iii. Change of Bank details: You can change your bank details by
insurance policies – be it life, health or general – in electronic mode. information about each of your policy like, name of life insured, plan submitting a request through our website using your CAMSRep eIA
No more worries about safe keeping of paper policies! Safeguard your name, sum assured, instalment premium, premium payment or submit a form along with a cancelled cheque to the nearest
insurance policies by converting all your policies into e-policies at Zero frequency, next premium due date, policy term, premium paying CAMSRep AP office. We will execute your request and update the
cost term, policy status etc. If you so desire, you can generate a statement bank details in your eIA.
of account for your entire holding of e policies. You can also register iv. Change of address and contact details: You change your address
Your eIA comes with an unique 13 digit e Insurance Account Number a complaint online, if you have any or raise any query with respect to and contact details by submitting a request through our website
that identifies your account – this e IA number has been sent to you your eIA and ePolicies. using your CAMSRep eIA or walk in to any office of our Approved
along with this guide, on opening your e Insurance account. Please Persons (APs) and submit a request for change of address along
remember to quote your e IA number in all your correspondence Benefits of holding e Policies in your e IA with proof of the new address. CAMSRep will process your request
with CAMS Repository Services (CAMSRep). You should also quote and update your new address and contact details in your
your e IA number in all your proposals for any future purchase of eInsurance Account as well as in all your ePolicies. This eliminates
insurance. As your personal details had been verified at the time There are multiple benefits in holding insurance policies in electronic the need to submit change of address request to each of the
of opening your e IA (address proof, ID proof and date of birth), you form under a single eInsurance Account (eIA). These benefits include: Insurance Companies separately!
need not produce any KYC documents for any future purchase of v. Statement of Holdings & Annual statement of Insurance policy:
electronic policy under your e IA, as long as there is no change in 1. 100% Safe and Secure: There is no risk of loss or damage of a policy Login to www.camsrepository.com with your eIA to
your personal details. document as may happen with paper policies; the electronic form view/download your statements. The statement will have all
ensures that the policies are in safe custody and can be easily essential details of all your in force ePolicies including policy
accessed when needed. details like policy number, plan name, life assured, sum assured,
You can view your eIA details and electronic policies online by logging 2. Convenience: All insurance policies, be it Life, Health or General, instalment premium, frequency, policy period, premium paying
into your account at our website www.camsrepository.com. Activate can be electronically held under a single eIA. This means all details term and maturity date. You could also call our Toll Free number
your account by creating your password, then add your insurance of all ePolicies are available in a single account (place). The details or email us to request for your statements.
policy details to convert and manage your policies online and avail of any of the ePolicies can be accessed at any time by logging on to vi. Grievances: If you have any grievances with regard to your
other benefits. the online portal of CAMS Insurance Repository ePolicies or repository services, you can call us on our toll free
(www.camsrepository,com). Other important policy servicing number 1800 200 7737 or email your grievance to
Crediting e Policies to your e IA activities like instant update of personal details across all your info@camsrepository.com. You can also register your grievance
policies can be done instantly and many service requests or online by logging on to our website www.camsrepository.com. We
Once you have an e Insurance Account, you can purchase insurance complaints can be logged at this website. CAMSRep will be launching would be happy to attend to your grievance on priority and redress
policies in electronic form. Just make sure that you quote your unique over 20 new features in the next few months the same.
eIA number and indicate your preference for the policy to be issued 3. Single Point of Service: All service requests in respect of eIA or any vii. Other Policy service requests: You can also submit requests to us
in electronic form, when you submit your proposal for a new insurance of the electronic policies held under the eIA can be submitted online on other policy services such as A. Assignment B. Loan C.
policy. By opting for an e policy, you will have less paper work to do, at www.camsrepository.com or at any of CAMS Insurance Withdrawals D. Surrender E. Change of nominee(s) F.
as your KYC has already been completed when you opened your e IA. Repository's service points - there is no need to go to the offices of Addition/deletion of rider benefits G. Changes in sum assured,
individual insurance companies for service. policy/premium term, frequency of payment etc. We will arrange
The Insurer, on accepting your proposal for purchase of a new policy, 4. Less Paper work: When you want to buy a new electronic insurance to process your service requests and update the same in your
will issue the policy in electronic form and convey the policy details policy under an existing eIA, you do not have to go through KYC ePolicies.
to CAMSRep. Your e policy will then be credited to your e IA with verification all over again, if there are no changes to your KYC
CAMSRep within 2 days and a confirmation email will be sent to you. details already recorded in your eIA. Further, if you change your In case you need any clarification, In case of any discrepancy,
personal details like address or contact number, it is enough to please write to us at info@camsrepository.com, quoting your eIA
change the details in your eIA with CAMS Insurance Repository number or call us at 1800-200-7737 (9am-6pm on Mon-Fri. 9am-
Online request for conversion: Once you have an eIA, you can also by submitting a single request - CAMSRep, in turn, will inform all
convert your existing paper policy to electronic mode, by visiting our 1pm on 2nd and 4th Saturday)
the insurance companies with whom you hold electronic policies,
site i.e. www.camsrepository.com about the changes.

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