Lessons From Professional Fighting That Translate To Real Life
Lessons From Professional Fighting That Translate To Real Life
Lessons From Professional Fighting That Translate To Real Life
4) Your team helps you prepare. But in the end you’re all alone. It’s
down to you.
12) The basics pay off far more often than the fancy bullshit.
15) Being good is better than looking good. Being good and looking
good is how you teach the top.
This is key. Do you know how often dudes talk to me about the
“fighting” they did when they know about my career?
What they did is NOTHING compared to what I did. They KNOW I don’t
And they make themselves rich and you richer. Only hire people who
respect you enough to want to PROVE their own power to you.
Nobody cares how you bought that velvet Mclaren. Or your bro bought
his Lambo.
They want to learn from you. Talk to you. Girls wanna ride with you.
Results talk.
If nobody cares about your excuses. Why do you even say them?
You’re training yourself that it’s OK TO FAIL.
You’re alone because even the people who care about you don’t care
about your problems.
Feel good words are great but do they fix the problem? Don’t confuse
the two.
5) Does your bank give a fuck that you were too tired to start that
side hustle?
Life’s gona fuck you up the best it can and if you didn’t prepare it will
not be ANY easier on you/
The FIGHT is coming.
17) If you have a problem that can be solved by money you don’t
have a problem.
You keep a straight face after that low kick but I see it in your eyes.
Look her dead in the eye when she says she loves you. Is she lying?
Eyes CAN’T lie.
I let you start telling me your story. I listen and play interested. I’m
looking away.
When it gets to a key part of the story I look you DEAD in the eye
People will do anything you want if they can’t resist your onslaught.
So I put a cam girl outside with flyers saying “this is a family of
She’d hand them out to people on their way in or out. With the true
story saying they robbed this pretty girls money instead of mine.
Customers started complaining to staff
They yelled at the girl and customers were disgusted. “You can’t yell at
her you robbed her!”
It took only 3 days for the brother (not even the man who owed me) to
pay me.
Make people tired. They’ll lose the bravado and try to find a solution.
You don’t need huge action. You need small consistent action to
fatigue an adversary.
You’ll never get paid huge money to beat a nobody until you’ve already
become a somebody.
There is no situation in life with a huge payoff and zero cost for losing.
It wouldn’t be rare.
Scarcity = Value.
The risk is WHY there’s a payday. You can NOT disassociate the two.
Risk = reward.
The best fighters I met were only brave because they didn’t think
losing was possible.
Nobody sat and said. “It’s ok if I lose. Ok if I go to the hospital and my
wife watches me get knocked out. Ok if I die. That’s fine”
Most people who think about losing, who consider the repercussions,
never want to fight at all. They pull out.
Nobody is ready to lose.
If you can sit and ponder and plan for and consider the loss.
And still approach with absolute bravery with the intention of winning.
18) You must prepare for the best possible scenario and the worst
possible scenario.
Lag kills.
Maybe it’s been thought of 10000 times. Why hasn’t it been actioned?
You tell me.
If you approached every girl who ever looked at you 10% of them
would have ended up naked in your bed.
5 times. Go.
Most don’t look in the eyes. Most are afraid of intimate relations. Most
are afraid to have their soul laid bare.
This was the number one email I got from people who learnt my body
language course. How it’s changed their lives forever. HOW and
WHEN to use DIRECT eye contact
How? Well A magician adds jokes and moves his hands to distract
you from the true intention
People say they are too sad to get out of bed. I was too sad to GO to
I am a warrior.
Unhappiness motivates.
“Depression” motivates.
Which is more likely? Which has less risk? More energy efficient?
Basics pay off 99% of the time. You don’t need to over complicate life.
Don’t let vices get out of control. Only enjoy yourself if you earned it.
Willing to learn.
No fluffy bullshit.
Basics WIN.
“Yes I have!”
You haven't.
You have to be prepared to adapt. I never had a game plan before any
In life if your basics are in check, mind is open and your energetic - you
can jump in any direction required to make money.
I had plenty of plans that went totally wrong. But off shoots and
lessons lead me to the right place.
Even if you fail, you will learn a lot. If something isn’t working, no
matter what you change, give up near instantly and swap it out for a
different path.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives but the most
Charles Darwin.
But if you can cultivate attention not at your own expense - by doing
the RIGHT things with a SPIN.
Everyday you bring cupcakes into the office and give them to your
“This is a 500 call cup cake. I’m making 500 calls TODAY”
Trust In Tate,
Andrew Tate:AKA: MR Plenty