Mit14 04f20 Exam1
Mit14 04f20 Exam1
Mit14 04f20 Exam1
Please answer all four questions. There are 80 points in total. You have 80mins to
complete the exam.
x is not Pareto-optimal. However, there is not enough information in the
given statement to say whether x is Pareto-optimal or not.
e) (6 pts) Describe the experiment Jensen and Miller performed with poor
households in China. Summarize the evidence for and against Giffen be-
Solution: They experimentally subsidize the price of several staple food
items, and find Giffen good behavior with rice and weakly with wheat
purchases. Lowering the price for these staple goods reduced household
demand for them. These results are stronger in Hunan because households
have fewer substitution possibilities and are much poorer, as predicted by
Here π(s) = 1/2 for s = H, S. The agent can pay for insurance which will lead
consumption to be 2 − p in both states, eliminating all risk. We can think of p
as the cost of insurance.
a) (10 pts) What is the expected utility of the agent without insurance and
with insurance?
(2 − p)1−θ
E[u(c)] =
b) (10 pts) Solve for the highest amount the agent would be willing to pay for
insurance p∗ .
Solution: The highest the agent would be willing to pay is to set the
two expected utilities equal.
21−θ (2 − p)1−θ
1 1
+ =
2 1−θ 1−θ 1−θ
With some rearrangement and simplication, the solution is
1 1
p∗ = 2 − ( + 2−θ ) 1−θ
3 p
max Ct
Ct ,St
s.t. C1 = R1 − S2
C2 = R2 + S2 − S3
C3 = R3 + S3
b) (4 pts) Notice that the utility function is strictly concave and there is no dis-
counting over time. Do you have any conjectures about what the optimal
consumption plan looks like?
Solution: Since utility is strictly concave, we do not want extreme amounts
of consumption in each period. Since there is no discounting, we value con-
sumption in each time period equally, and therefore utility is maximized
by setting consumption equal across time.
c) (6 pts) Write the FOCs for the optimal consumption and storage amounts
Ct for t = 1, 2, 3 and St for t = 2, 3
Solution: We can rewrite the maximization problem by subbing in R1 , R2 ,
plugging Ct into the objective so we have a function in S2 , S3
p p p
max 4 − S2 + 1 + S 2 − S3 + S3
leading to the FOCs
1 1
− (4 − S2 )−1/2 + (1 + S2 − S3 )−1/2 = 0
2 2
1 1
− (1 + S2 − S3 )−1/2 + (S3 )−1/2 = 0
2 2
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