Dsa 0055371
Dsa 0055371
Dsa 0055371
® Brief
10/100BASE-TX/FX Mini-Φ™ Transceiver
• Power Supply: 2.5V or 3.3V • Low power and intelligent power management
• Increased active working time
• Integrated voltage regulator to allow operation from a single • Prolonged battery life in active standby
supply source
• Increased reliability
• Power Consumption: <175 mW • Improved ease of use and installation, reduced support cost
• Unique energy detection circuit to enable intelligent power management • Straight-through or crossover cables are accommodated, and such
accommodation is independent of installation
• HP Auto-MDIX • Advanced cable diagnostic features to enable remote
monitoring and debug of cabling infrastructure
• Cable length indication • Resistance to cable-sourced electrostatic discharge (CESD) to
reduce product destruction and product returns
• Cable noise level indication
• DSP-based Signi-PHY™ architecture to ensure performance
• Robust CESD tolerance over temperature, voltage, and process variation
• Cable length greater than 145 meters • Proven in over two billion Fast Ethernet ports
• Well under 10 PPM defect ratio quality • Ease of manufacturing with JTAG support
System Bus Access MII/RMII 10/100 BASE-TX RJ-45
CPU Controller Connector
(MAC) Single-Channel
PHY Transceiver Magnetics
The BCM5221: Lowest-Power Fast Ethernet PHY CESD is a recently discovered phenomenon that occurs when an
With a power dissipation of 175 mW, the BCM5221 is the industry’s electrically charged network cable is plugged into a networked product,
lowest-power Fast Ethernet PHY. It features an integrated voltage an issue becoming more prevalent with recent cable installations. The
regulator, and can be supplied by either a 2.5V or 3.3V power source. In BCM5221 has been designed and tested to withstand over 5 KV of
addition, the BCM5221 has several intelligent power-down states that CESD which, unlike other transceivers, prevents the device from being
conserve power, yet allow products based on it to automatically turn on destroyed in a CESD event.
when needed.
DSP-Based PHY Technology
The BCM5221 includes a unique Intelligent Power-Management feature
The BCM5221 builds on Broadcom's proven DSP PHY design and full
that powers down the device if energy is not detected on the cable. This
custom circuit design techniques to create a highly integrated and robust
feature is especially useful for portable and power-sensitive applications
physical layer solution. DSP techniques allow the BCM5221 to achieve
such as laptop LAN card adapters. The BCM5221 allows PCMCIA or
high interoperability and to exhibit robust performance across voltage
CardBus adapters to remain plugged in and draw virtually no energy
(±10%), temperature (–40°C to 85°C), and process variations.
even if the client is no longer connected to the network. Because most
Broadcom's DSP-based, Digi- Φ™ technology has been proven in the
laptop users do not remove their LAN PC card when working remotely,
shipment of over two billion Fast Ethernet ports. Broadcom's superior
this feature results in a noticeably extended battery life for laptop
quality has resulted in a failure rate well under 10 PPM.
computer users.
The BCM5221 can be set to periodically wake up at a user-defined Applications
interval, allowing the product to initiate keep-alive traffic on the Applications for the BCM5221 that take advantage of its low power and
network. For lowest power consumption, the BCM5221 can be put in a high network tolerance:
power-off state (<2.5 mW).
• Servers - Network Controller - Sideband • Cable modems
Network Tolerance Interface (NC-SI) using RMII interface
The BCM5221 includes features that simplify the installation and • Digital TV • Set-Top boxes
maintenance of local area networks. One such feature is the HP Auto- • PCMCIA/CardBus cards • Print servers
MDIX capability, which automatically detects and corrects crossed • LAN on motherboard (LOM) • Wireless Access Points
cables. With HP Auto-MDIX, the installer does not need to know what (WAP)
is on the other end of the network cable: the BCM5221 automatically • IP phones • Embedded telecom
switches its transmit and receive circuitry to accommodate the link
partner’s polarity.
Broadcom®, the pulse logo, Connecting everything®, the Connecting everything logo, Signi-PHY™,
and Digi- Φ™ are among the trademarks of Broadcom Corporation and/or its affiliates in the United
States, certain other countries and/or the EU. Any other trademarks or trade names mentioned are the
property of their respective owners.