Environmentally beneficial composites can be made by replacing glass fibres with various types of cellulose fibres. Fibres from pine or
eucalyptus wood and also one-year crops such as coir, sisal, etc. are all good candidates. The poor resistance towards water absorption is one
of the drawbacks of natural fibres/polypropylene composites. New natural fibres/polypropylene composites were made and the water
absorption in them was studied by immersion of the composites in water at three different temperatures, 23, 50 and 70 8C. The process of
absorption of water was found to follow the kinetics and mechanisms described by Fick’s theory. In addition, the diffusivity coefficient was
dependent on the temperature as estimated by means of Arrhenius law. A decrease in tensile properties of the composites was demonstrated,
showing a great loss in mechanical properties of the water-saturated samples compared to the dry samples. The morphology change was
monitored by scanning electron microscopy studies of the samples before and after exposure to water and the devastating effect of water on
the fibre structure was shown.
q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: A. Polymer–matrix composites (PMCs); B. Mechanical properties; Water absorption
authors [9]. The most favourable properties were obtained constants. The value of coefficient n shows different
by modification with PPgMA, which was demonstrated to behaviour between cases; for Fickian diffusion n ¼ 1=2;
be the most suitable compatibilization method for this type while for Case II n ¼ 1 (and for Super Case II n . 1). For
of composites. anomalous diffusion, n shows an intermediate value ð1=2 ,
However, several considerations have to be taken into n , 1Þ: Moisture absorption in natural fibre reinforced
account in the design of natural fibres/PP composites. One plastics usually follows Case I Fickian behaviour, so, further
of the most important issues is the degradation behaviour of attention will be focused on its study.
the composites exposed to environmental conditions such as As mentioned before, apart from diffusion, two other
humidity, sunlight or microorganisms. The poor resistance minor mechanisms are active in moisture exposure of
of the fibres to water absorption can have undesirable effects composite materials. The capillary mechanism involves the
on the mechanical properties and the dimensional stability flow of water molecules into the interface between fibres
of the composites [10 – 15]. Therefore, it is important to and matrix. It is particularly important when the interfacial
study in detail the water absorption behaviour in order to adhesion is weak and when the debonding of the fibres and
estimate not only the consequences that the water absorbed the matrix has started. On the other hand, transport by
may have, but also how this water uptake can be minimized microcracks includes the flow and storage of water in the
in some way. cracks, pores or small channels in the composite structure.
Moisture penetration into composite materials is con- These imperfections can be originated during the processing
ducted by three different mechanisms. The main process of the material or due to environmental and service effects.
consists of diffusion of water molecules inside the The objective of this work was to relate kinetics and
microgaps between polymer chains. The other common characteristics of the water absorption in natural fibres/poly-
mechanisms are capillary transport into the gaps and flaws propylene composites. Water uptake leads to the degra-
at the interfaces between fibres and polymer, because of dation of the fibres and the fibre – matrix interface resulting
incomplete wettability and impregnation; and transport in a loss of mechanical performance. The differences in
by microcracks in the matrix, formed during the comp- mechanical properties due to type of fibre, type of matrix
ounding process [11,16]. In spite of the fact that all three and fibre content are reported [11,15].
mechanisms are active jointly in case of moisture exposure
of the composite materials, the overall effect can be
modelled conveniently considering only the diffusional 2. Experimental
In general, diffusion behaviour in glassy polymers can be For the preparation of composites, two different kinds of
classified according to the relative mobility of the penetrant polypropylene were used: a polypropylene homopolymer
and of the polymer segments. With this, there are three HH 315MO supplied by Borealis, Sweden and a post-
different categories of diffusion behaviour [16]. industrial polypropylene containing around 3 wt% of
Case I, or Fickian diffusion, in which the rate of diffusion ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA), PP/EVA supplied
is much less than that of the polymer segment mobility. The by Polykemi, Sweden. Four different fibres were used as
equilibrium inside the polymer is rapidly reached and it is fillers for the composites: cellulose fibres from the Kraft
maintained with independence of time. pulping process supplied by Komotini, Greece; sisal fibres,
Case II (and Super Case II), in which penetrant mobility coir fibres and Luffa sponge fibres supplied by the
is much greater than other relaxation processes. This Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University
diffusion is characterized by the development of a boundary of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In order to improve the
between the swollen outer part and the inner glassy core of compatibilization between the fibres and the matrix,
the polymer. The boundary advances at a constant velocity polypropylene –maleic anhydride copolymer, PPgMA Epo-
and the core diminishes in size until an equilibrium lenew supplied by Eastman, USA was employed.
penetrant concentration is reached in the whole polymer. The fibres were physically and chemically characterized.
Non-Fickian or anomalous diffusion occurs when the The physical characterization was realized using a Fiber-
penetrant mobility and the polymer segment relaxation are master equipment getting detailed information about
comparable. It is then, an intermediate behaviour between diameter, length and ratio aspect of the fibres. The chemical
Case I and Case II diffusion. characterization consisted of two methods: the SCAN-
These three cases of diffusion can be distinguished CM49 for determination of the acetone extract and the
theoretically by the shape of the sorption curve repre- AH23-18 for determination of the carbohydrates, the Klason
sented by lignin and the acid soluble lignin.
Mt Blends of the different polymeric matrix and different
¼ ktn ð1Þ fibre matrix varying in contents from 10 up to 30 wt% of
fibre were prepared in a Brabender mixer at 190 8C and
where Mt is the moisture content at time t; M1 is the 70 rpm at approximately 10 min. The resulted blends were
moisture content at the equilibrium; and k and n are chopped and then films were prepared by compression
A. Espert et al. / Composites: Part A 35 (2004) 1267–1276 1269
Table 1
Physical characteristics and chemical composition of the fibres
Fibre Average length (mm) Average diameter (mm) Average shape factor (%) Cellulose Hemicelluloses Lignin Others
Cellulose from pulp 0.624 29.6 90.01 71.71 13.80 3.92 10.57
Sisal 0.615 25.9 94.36 56.52 16.49 10.62 16.36
Coir 0.838 38.4 93.36 33.00 17.91 36.14 12.95
Luffa sponge 0.500 34.5 92.59 50.15 15.57 14.41 19.87
moulding at 190 8C during 3 min. Compression moulded universal electromechanical testing machine using a gauge
was chosen since only small quantities of material were distance of 32 mm and a load of 0.1 kN at a strain speed of
available. The conditions in which compression moulding 5 mm/min. The specimens used were rectangular, 70 mm
was performed were chosen in order to reduce the formation long £ 5 mm wide and a thickness of 0.5 mm.
of voids and to improve the fibre distribution. The fibres in In order to understand better the effect of water on the
the films were randomly oriented. The films were cut in composites structure, scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
specimens 70 mm £ 5 mm £ 0.5 mm in order to perform experiments were also performed.
the water absorption experiments and the posterior tensile
Water absorption studies were performed following the 3. Results and discussion
ASTM D 570-98 standard. Six specimens of every sample
were submerged in distilled water at different temperatures, 3.1. Characterization of fibres
23, 50 and 70 8C. The specimens were removed from the
water at certain periods of time and weighted in a high By physical characterization, lengths and shape of the
precision balance and then submerged again in water. The fibres are given. These parameters may influence the
content of water was calculated by the weight difference. resulting mechanical properties of composites. The results
When the content of water remained invariable in the from the physical characterization of the fibres are presented
specimens, they were removed and tensile tests were in Table 1. The shape factor describes the degree of
performed in order to determine the mechanical properties. extension of the fibre. This measure goes from 0 to 100%,
Tensile tests were performed both in the dry and the where 100% means a completely straight fibre. In this case,
water-saturated samples in order to determine the influence the fibres analysed present very high values of average
of the water content in the mechanical properties following shape factor, which could be in some way expected since the
the ASTM D-882 standard. Tensile tests were performed at fibres are not so long, usually a longer fibre has a lower
23 8C and 40% relative humidity in an Instron 5566 shape factor.
The chemical characterization revealed the proportion of the cellulose that presents the lowest. If we compare them,
each component in the fibres. The results are presented in coir is taken from the coconut fruit, which presents high
Table 1. Important differences were found depending on the rigidity and hardness, indicating its high content of lignin.
different types and precedence of the fibres, especially in On the other hand, cellulose fibres have already been treated
what refers to cellulose and lignin contents. Coir is the fibre to eliminate the lignin and only have the lignin remaining
that presents the highest content of lignin in contrast with after the pulping process.
Fig. 4. Comparison of the experimental data and the theoretical curves for PPEVA/cellulose composites with different fibre content at 50 8C. The points
represent the experimental data and the lines are the theoretical curves.
A. Espert et al. / Composites: Part A 35 (2004) 1267–1276 1273
where D0 is the permeability index, Ea is the activation due to the effect of the water molecules, which change
energy of the diffusion process and R is the universal gas the structure and properties of the fibres, matrix and the
constant. interface between them. Once the moisture penetrates
Fig. 5 is an example of the Arrhenius dependence of the inside the composite materials, the fibres tend to swell.
diffusion coefficient with temperature for different cellu- The matrix structure can also be affected by the water
lose-PP/EVA composites. Table 4 presents the results of the uptake by processes such as chain reorientation and
Arrhenius parameters, activation energy of the diffusion shrinkage. Hydrothermal ageing may also lead to the
process Ea and permeability index D0 : degradation of natural fibres by a hydrolysis mechanism.
Water absorption and their resulting effects contribute to
3.3. Effects of water absorption on the mechanical the loss of compatibilization between fibres and matrix,
properties which results in debonding and weakening of the
interface adhesion.
Mechanical tests were performed in all the samples Concerning the stress at maximum load, their values are
before and after water absorption. Figs. 6 –8 present somewhat reduced after water absorption for all the
these results. In general, the mechanical properties of composite blends. This effect is particularly evident for the
these materials are decreased after the moisture uptake, composites with higher fibre content, in which the maximum
Table 4
Arrhenius parameters for the dependence of the diffusion coefficient with the temperature
Fig. 6. Effect of the water absorption on the Young’s modulus for cellulose/PP composites.
stress gets drastically reduced. High temperatures of the the composite material, which should lead to an increase
moisture absorption also favour the decrease in the stress at of the maximum strain for the composites after water
maximum load. absorption [15]. Such an increase is shown for compo-
The changes in the strain at maximum load with sites with a low fibre content immersed in water at low
hydrothermal ageing are more complex. It has been temperatures, and in particular for those that employed
reported that water molecules act as a plasticizer agent in recycled PP as matrix. However, the maximum strain is
Fig. 7. Effect of the water absorption on the stress for cellulose/PP composites.
A. Espert et al. / Composites: Part A 35 (2004) 1267–1276 1275
Fig. 8. Effect of the water absorption on the strain for cellulose/PP composites.
Fig. 9. Scanning electron micrographs for 20sisal-PP/EVA composite before (a) and after (b) hydrothermal ageing at 50 8C.
1276 A. Espert et al. / Composites: Part A 35 (2004) 1267–1276
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