Installing and Running Tomcat 5.5: Obtaining and Unpacking The Distribution
Installing and Running Tomcat 5.5: Obtaining and Unpacking The Distribution
Installing and Running Tomcat 5.5: Obtaining and Unpacking The Distribution
The examples for the Ajax chapter of jQuery in Action require the services of server-side resources in order to operate. In order to address the needs of a variety of readers, the back-end code has been provided in PHP and in JSP format. If you wish to use the JSP examples, it is necessary to set up an application server that is Servlets 2.4 and JSP 2.0 capable. But not to fear! Not only has the downloaded example code for that chapter already been set up so that it is a ready-to-go web application (theres no need for you to build anything), the free and easilyobtained Tomcat 5.5 web server is a snap to set up. No knowledge of Java on your part is required to do so. This document will walk you through obtaining and setting up your Tomcat server. This, of course, assumes that you have Java itself installed upon your system. If not, please visit the Sun site for details on installing Java 1.5 for your operating system. (This is also a not-too-arduous task).
At the time that this document was written, version 5.5.23 was the latest stable build. You should probably download the most recent stable version if 5.5.23 has been superceded. For Windows youll want to grab the Core .zip file (avoid the Windows Service Installer it does a much deeper installation than is needed for simply running the examples). For OS X and other UNIX systems, download the Core .tar.gz file. See figure 1:
Be sure to avoid the pgp and md5 links you dont need encrypted downloads. Choose a location to unpack the .zip or .tar distribution. On Windows, you probably want to avoid any folders with spaces in their names, so I usually unpack the distribution right to C:\. On OS X, a typical location to place such installations is in the /Library folder. You can also choose the /Applications folder if you like, but many people like to reserve the /Applications folder for GUI applications. On other UNIX systems, the typical location is the /usr/local folder. You could also use this folder on OS X, but /Library is more typically used on that platform as it makes the files accessible via the Finder. Using the appropriate program (WinZip is a popular choice on Windows), unpack the folder to the desired location. On OS X, you should just be able to double-click on the downloaded .tar file. This will create a folder hierarchy rooted at a folder named apache-tomcat-5.5.23. We will refer to this folder as CATALINA_HOME in the remainder of this section, and this is the environment variable name that Tomcat will use to refer to this location. In case you were wondering, Catalina was the code name for Tomcat 4 and it just sort of stuck.
Setting up JAVA_HOME
In order to let Tomcat know where your Java implementation is located, you need to set up the JAVA_HOME environment variable. Depending upon how you installed Java previously, this might already be defined. If so, just skip along to the next section. On Windows, if youre using Cygwin as your shell you can set up the environment variable as you would any other in your .bash_profile script. Otherwise, youll need to use the Windows Control Panel to set up JAVA_HOME as a system-level environment variable (Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables). Set the value of the variable JAVA_HOME (case is important!) to point to the root folder of your Java installation. On my XP system, that folder is C:\jdk1.5.0_06. On my OS X box, its value is set to / System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Home. On UNIX systems (to include OS X), set up the environment variable in the startup script for your particular shell (e.g. .bash_profile for the bash shell).
Note that the context path prefixes are used to let the server know which web application is to be accessed. These URLs also assume that the default Tomcat port of 8080 is being used. Setting up the contexts is easy. All that you need to do is to create a small XML file that defines the context and drop it into the appropriate folder in the Tomcat installation. Lets assume that you have downloaded and unpacked the code for this book onto your file system at C:\jqueryinaction. This folder is already set up to be the root (or document base) of a self-contained, working web application. Well assign the name /jqia (for JQuery in Action) to the application context for the books web application. Note that the screen shots in the book all assume that this is the name of the context path. If you decide to use another name, you will need to adjust your URLs accordingly. To define the context, create a file named after the context, jqia.xml, and within it place a single line (case counts):
<Context path="/jqia" docBase="c:\jqueryinaction"/>
The value of the docBase attribute is set as appropriate for wherever the expanded folders ended up on your file system. The above example assumes a Windows installation, of course. Drop this XML file into the $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost folder and youre good to go!
Starting Tomcat
Start the Tomcat server by executing a script that you will find in the $CATALINA_HOME/bin folder. For Windows use the startup.bat script, and for UNIX (including OS X) use When it comes time to shut down, youll find the corresponding shutdown scripts in this same folder. To make sure that Tomcat is up and running (after giving it a few seconds to get on its feet, of course), open a browser and enter the URL:
You should see a display as shown in figure 2. If you do not see this page, go back and check your work. Unless you made a typo in the context files, or failed to set up the JAVA_HOME environment variable correctly, theres really no reason that Tomcat should not be up and running at this point.
Once Tomcat is running, the URL to the books web application will be:
The :8080 in the URL specifies the port that Tomcat is running upon. It must be specified in the URL as shown otherwise the default of port 80 is used. You can change the port that Tomcat runs on if youd like in the $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml file, but it is recommended that you leave it at 8080 to avoid any conflicts with other servers (such as Apache) unless you have a really good reason to change it. Just remember to include the :8080 in your URLs when using Tomcat to serve your files. If all you want to do is run the example applications, thats all there is to it. If you plan on making changes to the example applications, or just want to know more about managing Tomcat, read on to the next section.
In the copy, if you make changes to the HTML files or JSP pages, you do not need to restart anything. Tomcat will detect any such changes and automatically handle serving up the new HTML files, or retranslating the JSP pages on your behalf. However, if you make a change to the deployment descriptors (web.xml), or add, change and recompile servlets, the web application context needs to be restarted to pick up those changes. The specific mechanics of compiling Java classes is beyond the scope of this document, but be sure to place the resulting class files in the proper location under the WEB-INF/classes folder for the context you are making changes within. Note that you do not need to stop and restart Tomcat itself. Tomcat provides a built-in context management application that you can use to stop and start individual contexts without affecting the other contexts. To access this manager application, use your browser to hit the following URL:
While it may seem a nuisance at the moment, this level of security is quite necessary. After all, you dont want just anyone to access the manager application, giving them the ability to stop and start your web applications, do you? In order to gain access to the manager application, you will need to set up a privileged Tomcat user whose credentials you will use to log into the app. Its actually quite simple: open the file $CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml in any text editor. You will see the contents of the file as shown in listing 1:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <tomcat-users> <role rolename="tomcat"/> <role rolename="role1"/> <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/> <user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/> <user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/> </tomcat-users>
to the end of the role elements, and add the following line to the end of the user elements, substituting a username and password of your choosing.
<user username="wallace" password="gromit" roles="manager"/>
Save the file. Shutdown and restart Tomcat, and when its back up and running, hit the manager URL again. Enter the username and password you specified in the users file when prompted. After logging in, you will see the manager application as shown in figure 4. With this application, you can easily and quickly stop and start individual application contexts (via the Stop and Start links for each) whenever you make a change requiring a restart. Note the entry for the application context that we set up for the jqia application. You will see one of these entries for any application contexts that you set up in this manner. Now were ready to dig into those examples!