EU4200C Operating Manual 61748456 02 01 Man 1 en
EU4200C Operating Manual 61748456 02 01 Man 1 en
EU4200C Operating Manual 61748456 02 01 Man 1 en
R&S S4200
R&S EU4200C
VHF Compact Receiver
Operating Manual
6174.8456.02 – 01
Operating Manual
The Operating Manual describes the following R&S®S4200 EU4200C VHF Compact
Receiver models and options:
● 6144.7800.02
● 6144.7800.12
● 6162.4521.02 (GS4202-EUC) Option Key E1-Interface
● 6162.4644.02 (GS4203-EUC) Option Key VoIP
● 6174.7620.02 (GS4205-EUC) Option Key Voice Recorder
● 6174.7689.02 (GS4206-EUC) Option Key 7 VoIP Sessions
● 6174.7720.02 (GS4207-EUC) Option Key Simultaneous Transmission Detection
● 6164.7092.02 (GS4208-EUC) Option Key Scan Mode
● DS4200V R11.2x
6164.7286.0x (DS4200V SW-CD R11.2x) Radio SW Package
6164.7263.0x (DS4200V R11.2x) Bin-File
The software contained in this product makes use of several valuable open source
software packages. For information, see the "Open Source Acknowledgment" on the
software CD-ROM.
Rohde & Schwarz would like to thank the open source community for their valuable
contribution to embedded computing.
Throughout this manual, products from Rohde & Schwarz are indicated without the ® symbol, e.g. R&S®S4200 is indicated as
R&S S4200.
R&S EU4200C
1 User Information
General Features, Explanation of a Model, Required Power Supply, Design,
Functioning, General Data, Accessories, Storage
3 Operation
Control Elements and Interfaces, Introduction, Configuring with the R&S ZS 4200,
Local Control (Local Mode), Remote Control (Remote Mode), Main/Standby
Operation (1:1) in Analog and VoIP Mode, External Automatic Filters, External
Automatic Filters with R&S Protocol, In-Band Signaling, RSSI Output
Characteristic, ACARS Mode (External Modem), Best Signal Selection, Audio via
E1 Interface (Optional), Radio in VDL Mode 2, Audio via VoIP (Optional),
Simultaneous Transmission Detection (Optional), Channel Scanning Software
(Optional), Software Download
4 Malfunction
Visual Inspection, Troubleshooting
5 Maintenance
Scheduled Maintenance, Fan Maintenance, Cleaning
6 Technical Information
Specifications, Interface Description, Remote Control Commands
7 Index
8 Appendix
0.1 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C
6174.8456.02-01 0.2
R&S EU4200C
Table of Contents
3 Operation ..............................................................................................3.1
3.1 Control Elements and Interfaces ................................................................................ 3.2
3.1.1 Front View ...................................................................................................................... 3.2
3.1.2 Rear View....................................................................................................................... 3.3
3.2 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 3.4
3.2.1 Control Interfaces ........................................................................................................... 3.4
3.2.2 Modes of Control ............................................................................................................ 3.5 Non-Controlled Mode ..................................................................................................... 3.5 Remote Mode................................................................................................................. 3.6 Local Mode..................................................................................................................... 3.7 Service Mode ................................................................................................................. 3.8
3.3 Configuring with the R&S ZS 4200 ............................................................................. 3.9
3.3.1 Factory Default Settings ................................................................................................. 3.9
0.3 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C
6174.8456.02-01 0.4
R&S EU4200C
0.5 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C
4 Malfunction...........................................................................................4.1
4.1 Visual Inspection.......................................................................................................... 4.1
4.1.1 Cabling Check ................................................................................................................ 4.1
4.1.2 Checking the LED State ................................................................................................. 4.2
4.1.3 Checking the CBIT State ............................................................................................... 4.3
4.2 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................... 4.4
4.2.1 RX CBIT Events ............................................................................................................. 4.4
4.2.2 Unexpected Radio Restart ........................................................................................... 4.11
5 Maintenance .........................................................................................5.1
5.1 Scheduled Maintenance .............................................................................................. 5.1
5.2 Fan Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 5.3
5.3 Cleaning ........................................................................................................................ 5.4
6174.8456.02-01 0.6
R&S EU4200C
7 Index .....................................................................................................7.1
8 Appendix ..............................................................................................8.1
0.7 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C
6174.8456.02-01 0.8
R&S EU4200C
Table of Figures
0.9 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C
6174.8456.02-01 0.10
R&S EU4200C
0.11 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C
6174.8456.02-01 0.12
Hinweis gemäß dem Funkanlagengesetz (FuAG) und der Europäischen Richtlinie 2014/53/EU:
Dieses Produkt darf innerhalb des EWR nicht uneingeschränkt betrieben werden, da der verwendete Fre-
quenzbereich auf nicht harmonisierten Bändern erfolgt. Nationale Vorschriften / Genehmigungen sind zu
beachten. Das Gerät ist 4 Wochen vor Inverkehrbringen bei der jeweils zuständigen nationalen Behörde
für die Frequenzhoheit zu notifizieren. Informationen hierzu im Internet unter folgender Adresse:
For operation in the European Economic Area (EEA) and for civil use.
Note pursuant to the German Radio Equipment Act and the European Directive 2014/53/EU:
Operation of this product within the EEA is subject to restrictions since the frequency bands used are not
harmonized. National provisions / authorizations shall be complied with. The product shall be notified to
the competent national frequency management authority four weeks before the product is put on the mar-
ket. For more information refer to:
Pour une exploitation dans l’Espace Économique Européen (EEE) et une utilisation civile.
Note selon la loi allemande sur les équipements radio ainsi que la Directive europé-
enne 2014/53/UE :
L’exploitation de ce produit au sein de l’EEE est soumise à restriction, les bandes de fréquence utilisées
n’étant pas harmonisées. Respecter les prescriptions et autorisations nationales en vigueur. Le produit
doit être notifié quatre semaines avant la mise en circulation auprès de l‘autorité nationale compétente de
la gestion des fréquences. Pour plus d’informations voir :
6190.0733.05 ─ 02
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Hinweis zu Geräteschildern
Die in dieser Dokumentation verwendeten Gerätedarstellungen sollen über den grundsätzlichen Aufbau,
die externen Schnittstellen sowie die Anzeige- und Bedienelemente informieren. Alle anderen dargestell-
ten Details wie Zertifizierungs- oder Kennzeichnungsschilder sind in diesem Zusammenhang ohne Bedeu-
tung und können von der tatsächlichen Kennzeichnung abweichen.
The product pictures in this documentation have been included to inform about the general design, exter-
nal interfaces as well as control and and display elements. All other details such as certification or marking
labels are irrelevant in this context and may differ from the actual marking on the hardware.
Les images du produit faisant partie de cette documentation visent à informer sur la conception générale y
compris les interfaces externes ainsi que les éléments d'affichage et de commande. Tous les autres
détails tels que les étiquettes de certification ou de marquage n'ont aucune importance dans ce contexte
et peuvent différer du marquage réel sur l'appareil.
6190.1400.05 ─ 01
User Information
This Manual provides all information the operators and service staff need to maintain level 1
of repairs.
lt contains all necessary information and instructions concerning the installation, putting into
operation and control of the unit, plus troubleshooting instructions down to unit level. In case
of trouble this allows straightforward error localization as well as easy replacement of the
Measuring Units
In this Manual the basic SI measuring units and units coherently derived from them are used
by preference. In exceptional cases units legally derived from the SI units acc. to DIN1301
may also be used.
0.17 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C
6174.8456.02-01 0.18
General Features R&S EU4200C
1 User Information
User Information\User information "Radio ".doc
User Information\\User information Transceiver STANDARD. doc
This chapter This chapter describes the use of the receiver and provides information on
Further Chapter 3.1 contains an overview of receiver control elements, indicators,
information etc.
Chapter 3 describes how to put the receiver into operation.
VHF radio
VHF Receiver
112 to 156 MHz
45 W PSU
EU 4200C
Description Type Stock No.
MINI Housing incl. Front
KK 4250C 6144.7816.x2 X
AC/DC Power Supply
Unit 45 W
IN 4210 6130.2175.xx X
Note: The frequency ranges are valid for the complete manual. Some
screenshots and parameters shown in the manual may vary from these
1.1 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Required Personnel
Note: See chapter 2.4 for basic cabling and further information.
6174.8456.02-01 1.2
Design R&S EU4200C
1.5 Design
Moduls \Mo duls "Radio".doc
Main fan
1.3 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Functioning
1.6 Functioning
Bloc k Diagram \Block diagram "Radio ".doc
6174.8456.02-01 1.4
Functioning R&S EU4200C
Function of the The receiver R&S EU4200C contains the R&S EU 4250 receiver module,
R&S EU4200C which is powered by the R&S IN 4210 power supply unit.
Front panel The front panel control unit A8 with LCD and keyboard A9 make local
control unit control of the radio possible on a lab bench or for activities such as
installation and maintenance. You can audio-monitor to the demodulated
analog voice in the receiver module at any time by using the built-in
loudspeaker or headphone. You can control the volume by means of the
arrow keys on the front panel.
The main fan is controlled and monitored by the control unit A8.
USB interface You can configure and make basic settings for the radio via the USB
interface on the front panel. In addition you can download software of all
firmware components via the USB. The main backplane A6 connects the
receiver module, MMI board A8, FAN and power supply. The USB board
A7 contains a USB hub for receiver’s and MMI’s USB interface controller.
Remote control Remote control is performed as standard via the Ethernet − LAN interface
“Ethernet − LAN Remote Control X9” using the powerful R&S remote-
control protocol GB2PP.
Power supply The radio can be powered by AC and/or DC voltage. If the AC source fails,
the radio automatically switches to the DC source.
Display LEDs indicate the current operating state at all times. You can display the
operating settings, radio configuration, analog measurement values and
status in detail on an eight-row LCD.
Audio interface On the system side the 600 ohm audio interface “RX Audio Basic X10” is
connected to the rear panel and the squelch state can be signalled here via
a contact.
Note: Audio interface can also support digital audio interfaces of E1 and
Main and For redundant system installations with 1:1 switchover, the main and
standby function standby radios are connected with each other via hardware contacts. This
allows a quick switchover without any delay in the event of a failure.
Extended DSUB The 15-contact extended DSUB interface “RX Audio Extended X11“
interface provides discrete digital control contacts as well as the analog output for
RSSI received signal strength.
Receive antenna The receive antenna is connected to the BNC input "RX Input X8". The
receiver consists of the analog RF board A3 with its VCO/synthesizer and
600 ohm audio interfaces as well as the digital interface module A5 with
the main VCXO/clock processing unit, DSP, LAN and USB controller. The
received signal is mixed and converted to the first intermediate frequency
(IF). The remaining processing is performed digitally, where the various
channel spacings 8.33 kHz/25 kHz and modulation schemes AM and
ACARS are processed via the software.
Main TCXO The main TCXO on the A6 backplane board serves as the reference for the
radio and can be easily adjusted via the USB interface.
1.5 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C General Data
1.8 Accessories
1.9 Storage
Storage\Storage "Radio".doc
Storage of radios For data such as permissible storage temperature see the data sheet.
Store the unit in a dry dust-free place. Otherwise pack the unit (e.g. seal it in
antistatic foil).
Unless otherwise specified, we recommend putting the unit into operation
every two years for at least twenty-four hours. This helps to extend the
unit's service life, in particular the durability of the electrolytic capacitors (by
preventing disintegration of dielectric) and the fans (by preventing glue of
bearing) contained in the unit.
6174.8456.02-01 1.6
R&S EU4200C
Before putting the receiver into operation, make the following checks:
Ensure that the ventilation holes are free of obstructions.
ATTENTION Ensure that there are no unsuitable signal voltages connected to the
The receiver’s outputs may not be overloaded and correct polarity must
be ensured.
The radio may be damaged if the above checks are not performed.
2.1 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Unpacking and Checking
6174.8456.02-01 2.2
Installation into a 19" Rack R&S EU4200C
5. 7.
Note: To remove one of the radios, follow the reverse procedure. Radios
can be replaced separately.
2.3 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Installation into a 19" Rack
5. 3.
Installation 1. Prepare the rack by installing the guide rails (see chapter 2.3.1).
instruction 2. Using the supplied screws, fasten the front handles of the receiver and
0. the blank panel together, creating a rigid unit.
3. Screw-connect the included L-mounting brackets on both sides of the
rigid unit.
4. Slide the rigid unit into the rack so that the sides lie on the guide rails
(see chapter 2.3.1, instruction 3.).
5. Fasten the rigid unit to the rack with screws.
6174.8456.02-01 2.4
Basis Cabling R&S EU4200C
Danger of burns on the rear panel\Danger of burns on the rear panel "Name".doc
Note: The DC input/battery input (X2) of the radio is intended for a DC-only
supply of the radio or connection of the external backup battery stacks for
bridging interruptions of an AC supply of the radio. Rohde & Schwarz
recommends using DC cables with a length of < 3 m and an appropriate
wire gauge.
Note: Do not connect/disconnect any cable when the radio is operating.
Connect all other cables before the radio is connected to AC and/or DC
2.5 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Basis Cabling
Rear Cabling \Rear cabling "Radio ".doc
3. 5.
. 6.
2. 1. 4.
. . .
6174.8456.02-01 2.6
Basis Cabling R&S EU4200C
Do not connect the power cable with the “cold” connector until all rear
ATTENTION cables have been connected!
The radio may be damaged if the above checks are not performed.
Instruction of rear cabling\Ins truction of rear cabling "Radio ".doc
Instructions for rear 1. Connecting the audio basic X10 with a 10-pin patch cable, especially
cabling of the audio RX lines and SQ contact if required.
receiver 2. Ethernet – LAN: Connecting the Ethernet − LAN remote control X9 via
LAN to the remote control computer.
E1: Connecting the E1 – Communication data port X13 to the voice
communication system.
3. Connecting the receive antenna to the BNC input X8.
4. Connecting the main AC supply 115/230 V to X1.
The power supply unit completely covers the voltage range 115 V and
230 V without a separate switchover. You do not need to select and
preset the voltage manually.
5. Connecting DC battery supply 28 V to X2.
The radio can operate from either an AC or DC supply. If both voltages
are connected, the radio will automatically switch to the DC battery
input if the AC supply fails.
Note: To meet the requirements of applicable EMC standards, double
shielded cables are recommended on the LAN remote control (X9) and
E1 – Communication data port (X13).
2.7 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Basis Cabling
Introduction In actual operation, the radio is usually operated via the rear panel system
interfaces, thus eliminating the need for front panel cabling. The radio is
preconfigured with the factory settings and can be operated without any
further configuration.
The front panel interfaces are needed during installation and maintenance.
The radio can be operated in the local mode via the headset. The USB
interface is used to set configuration parameters or to perform complete
software updates. Rohde & Schwarz supplies the Service and Maintenance
Tool R&S ZS 4200 for this purpose.
Front Cablin g\Fro nt cablin g "Radio". doc
Front cabling 1. Connecting the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200:
(optional) Software download
2. Connecting a headphone.
6174.8456.02-01 2.8
Switching On/Off R&S EU4200C
ATTENTION Before putting the receiver into operation, make sure that the following
minimum requirements are met:
Antenna is connected
2.9 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Function Test
ATTENTION The receiver does not contain any parts the operator can repair. Only
properly qualified technicians are allowed to repair the radio. When
performing service procedures, follow the requirements of VDE 0701.
Function test LED SQ lights up if an RF receive signal is present at the set channel
of the receiver frequency on X8.
You can audio-monitor the AM-demodulated voice signal by using the
built-in loudspeaker. You can adjust the volume using the
horizontal arrow keys. The demodulated audio can also be heard in the
headphone instead of the loudspeaker at the same time and you can also
control its volume.
If no RF receive signal is present, you may hear a noise signal depending
on how the SQ switch (SQ button) is set. In the default state with the factory
settings, the SQ muting function is deactivated and the noise signal is
present at the output.
After you press the LOC key, you can toggle the SQ key.
6174.8456.02-01 2.10
R&S EU4200C
3 Operation
Operation\\Operation "Rad io".doc
This chapter This chapter describes all receiver functions and their application. The
sequence of the individual sections is based on the procedure for working
with the receiver:
Control Elements (see chapter 3.1)
Configuration (see chapter 3.3)
Local Control (see chapter 3.4)
Remote Control (see chapter 3.5)
Main/Standby Operation (see chapter 3.6)
External Automatic Filters (see chapter 3.7)
In-Band Signaling (see chapter 3.8)
RSSI Output Characteristic (see chapter 3.9)
ACARS Mode (External Modem) (see chapter 3.10)
Best Signal Selection (see chapter 3.11)
Audio via E1 Interface (see chapter 3.12)
Radio in VDL Mode 2 (see chapter 3.13)
Audio via VoIP (Optional) (see chapter 3.14)
Simultaneous Transmission Detection (see chapter 3.15)
Channel Scanning Function (see chapter 3.16)
Software Download (see chapter 3.17)
3.1 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Control Elements and Interfaces
8 7
6174.8456.02-01 3.2
Control Elements and Interfaces R&S EU4200C
18 17 16
11 12 13 14
3.3 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Introduction
3.2 Introduction
Operation Operation can be performed locally on the built-in front panel control unit or
remotely via the USB or Ethernet − LAN interface. Operational parameters
such as setting the frequency, changing the channel spacing or activating
presets can be controlled. In addition the current status information and
indications such as GO, ACTIVE, SQ can be received from the receiver and
Maintenance Maintenance status parameters can be read out via the USB or
Ethernet − LAN interfaces, and the built-in front panel control unit. The
receiver delivers the result of the continuous built-in test (CBIT) and the
event list, which saves all events with the time information of occurrence.
Maintenance activities can be performed and controlled via the built-in front
panel control unit and remotely via the USB or Ethernet − LAN interface.
The receiver provides commands for switching over from main to standby
(and vice versa). In addition the device can be reset or the real time clock
(RTC) can be initialized locally or remotely.
Performance values Performance values can be read out over the built-in front panel control unit
or over the Ethernet − LAN interface. Parameters such as temperatures,
voltages, received signal strength (RSSI) and audio level can be measured.
Configuration Configuration of the receiver can be performed with the Service and
Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200, which runs on a standard PC or laptop.
Connected via service PC, the radio provides easy and fast configuration of
the radio basic parameters such as IP address, power audio levels and
preset pages.
The configuration files can be saved and loaded to the receiver. The
configuration process is very convenient and allows you to quickly configure
an entire rack. In case of service, the defective radio can be “cloned” and
the parameters loaded to a replacement radio.
Preset loading Up to 200 preset pages can be loaded via the USB or Ethernet − LAN
Inventory All hardware and software components can be read out on all the USB or
Ethernet − LAN interfaces and are visible on the built-in display.
Software update The R&S DS 4200 software is delivered as a CD ROM and contains all
software components, which are automatically loaded to the radio modules
via the USB interface. The Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200
provides a software download manager, crosschecks the hardware and
software and ensures a proper software download.
6174.8456.02-01 3.4
Introduction R&S EU4200C
Description This radio mode means that either there is no client connected to the radio
or all connected clients have monitoring sessions only. The connected
remote clients can retrieve parameters from the radio without affecting the
operation of the equipment.
Modes of Control \Modes of control "Radio ".doc
Description This radio mode means that either there is no client connected to the radio
or all connected clients have monitoring (read-only) sessions only. The
connected remote clients can retrieve parameters from the radio without
affecting the operation of the equipment.
R&S EU4200C AM receiver, active, frequency 124.608333 MHz, spacing 8.33 kHz,
example non-controlled mode
E U 4 2 0 0 C 2 1 : 0 4 : 1 3
MU E NC H E N 4 RACK 1 RAD 1 7
124 610
3.5 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Introduction
Description A radio module is in remote mode when one of the connected RC clients
has a fixed session. The remote RC client controls the radio and can
change parameters.
Remote Mode\Remote mode "Rad io".doc
Description A radio module is in remote mode when one of the connected RC clients
has a fixed session. The RC client with the fixed session can control the
radio and change parameters.
R&S EU4200C AM receiver, active, frequency 124.608333 MHz, spacing 8.33 kHz,
example Remote client with authorization for fixed session
E U 4 2 0 0 C 2 1 : 0 4 : 1 3
124 610
6174.8456.02-01 3.6
Introduction R&S EU4200C
Description Local mode using the built-in front panel control unit of the radio allows the
maintenance staff to operate the radio locally with the highest priority.
In order to change to local control, the LOC key on the radio keypad must
be pressed. If local mode is entered, all possible existing fixed sessions of
remote RC clients change back to monitoring session. In case of local mode
disabled (configurable via service PC), the LOC key does not work.
Local mode cannot be interrupted by remote control. After leaving local
mode, all parameter settings remain valid.
Local Mode\Local mode Compact Receiver Standard.doc
R&S EU4200C AM receiver, active, frequency 124.608333 MHz, spacing 8.33 kHz,
example local mode
E U 4 2 0 0 C 2 1 : 0 4 : 1 3
124 610
3.7 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Introduction
Description The interactive service mode of the receiver is used during the configuration
of basic parameters such as IP address, preset pages and installation info.
Using the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200, you can change
the basic parameters via service PC after entering the interactive service
All existing remote connections and any local mode will be interrupted. The
display shows that the radio is in service.
After all configurations have been completed, the receiver performs a reset
in order to activate the basic parameters. Leaving service mode requires a
Co n f i g P a r a me t e r s
a r e c h a n g e d
R e s e t Ra d i o t o e x i t
6174.8456.02-01 3.8
Configuring with the R&S ZS 4200 R&S EU4200C
Introduction The receiver is equipped with LAN and USB interfaces to allow
communication with the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200.
The following activities can be carried out:
Software download
Preset setup
Inventory list
Read/Clear event log
Parameter adjustment
Cloning of configuration parameters
Operational parameters setting
Note: For configuring with the R&S ZS 4200, see the Service and
Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 software manual.
Switching on The radio is preconfigured with the factory default settings. These settings
for the first time will be activated the first time the radio is switched on.
Switching on All radio parameters are stored in the non-volatile memory. The settings
in general active at the time of a power failure are restored when the radio is switched
back on.
Changing the radio The radio is preconfigured with the factory default settings. These settings
parameters can be changed via service PC with the Service and Maintenance Tool
R&S ZS 4200.
Properties The properties of the parameters can have the following status:
A – Adjustment parameter (updated immediately after a change)
C – Cloning parameter
O – Operating parameter (updated immediately after a change while
radio is in Local Mode)
For more details please refer to the Service and Maintenance Tool
R&S ZS 4200 software manual.
Default setting \Default setting "Radio ".doc
3.9 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Configuring with the R&S ZS 4200
6174.8456.02-01 3.10
Configuring with the R&S ZS 4200 R&S EU4200C
3.11 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Configuring with the R&S ZS 4200
6174.8456.02-01 3.12
Configuring with the R&S ZS 4200 R&S EU4200C
3.13 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Configuring with the R&S ZS 4200
RX Audio Level This parameter refers to the audio output of the AM receiver
(connector X10.2/3). With the default setting of 0 dBm, an effective level of
775 mV is applied at 60 % AM modulation of the current receive signal.
The output can be configured from −30 dBm to + 10 dBm in accordance
with the line infrastructure.
S/N Squelch The threshold value for the signal to noise (S/N) ratio can be set for the
Threshold squelch. If the squelch is activated, the RX audio output is muted until an
RF receive signal with a sufficient S/N ratio is applied.
The S/N threshold can be set in a range between 6 dB and 20 dB.
Note: The thresholds are defined for S/N. The corresponding value of
SINAD will be 2 dB higher (SINAD 12 dB value corresponds with S/N
10 dB value).
RSSI Squelch The RSSI threshold is based on the received signal level at the receiver’s
Threshold input. The RSSI threshold can be set in a range between 1 μV and 50 μV.
Carrier Override This parameter refers to opening the squelch in presence of a carrier which
is higher than –85 dBm, even if other squelch criteria like S+N/N of the
audio signal are not met.
Note: If the parameter is enabled and the input level is above –85 dBm,
the other squelch settings S/N Squelch Threshold, RSSI Squelch
Threshold and S/N RSSI Logical Operation are insignificant.
S/N RSSI Logical It is possible to combine the S/N-squelch and RSSI-squelch. By default
Operation both mechanisms are “OR” conjunct. The squelch opens the audio path if
only one condition is fulfilled. In case of the “AND” conjunction both
thresholds must be exceeded in order to open the audio path.
Note: For offset reception it is recommended to configure the conjunction
type to “OR”.
Note: If the "AND" conjunction type is selected, the squelch attack time
can be longer for levels above the RSSI Squelch Threshold than in "OR"
conjunction type. If the "OR" conjunction type is selected for input signals
below the RSSI Squelch Threshold, the attack time can be longer.
RX Audio AGC The automatic gain control in the AM demodulator can be switched on and
off. It ensures that the dependency of AF amplitude on modulation depth
signal is compensated. In the range from 30 % to 90 % of the modulation
depth, the signal (RX Audio) remains constant.
ACARS Data Mode With this parameter the radio can be configured for voice (disabled) or
ACARS data operation (enabled) (2400 Bps).
The Voice setting is optimized for voice processing and squelch muting.
The ACARS is setting available for receiving ACARS data. In this case a
faster RF front-end control is in action. The attack and decay time is in
accordance with the ETSI EN 300676 standard.
If the radio is operating in ACARS data mode, only the 25 kHz spacing can
be used and the parameter RX Audio AGC must be deactivated.
6174.8456.02-01 3.14
Configuring with the R&S ZS 4200 R&S EU4200C
Select Audio Interface This parameter is used to select the audio interface of the radio. If the
Analog Audio is selected, the RX Audio Basic interface X10 is used. If the
E1 is selected, the E1 – Communication Data interface X13 (RX) is used.
For more information on E1 interface please refer to chapter 3.12 Audio via
E1 Interface. If VoIP is selected, audio data will be transmitted via Ethernet
by the data interface X6 (RX) (see chapter 3.14).
RX Input Sensitivity There are two settings for the sensitivity of the receiver:
The Low Distortion (LD) setting is recommended for strong interference
signals at the antenna input. It reduces sensitivity, and thus improves
The Low Noise (LN) setting increases the sensitivity, and thus improves
the reception of weak signals.
Set/Get Values for 200 preset pages can be stored in the radio and called up. Each contains
Preset Page the frequency, offset (insignificant for RX module) and spacing parameters.
These parameters can be set for each preset page.
Installation Info Information (up to 20 characters) can be entered to describe the radio
more precisely.
Location Info Only the first 20 characters entered by using the R&S ZS 4200 appear on
the radio display.
IP Address An IP address must be assigned for each radio module, which allows each
module to be uniquely identified and operated in remote operating mode.
Additionally, specifying the netmask and the gateway makes it possible to
work within different subnets via a router.
Second IP Address The radio supports 2 IP addresses on the same physical LAN port
Enabled ("IP Aliasing"). This parameter enables or disables the use of the second
IP address.
If disabled, the radio serves all LAN connections on the primary interface
(parameter "IP Address").
If enabled, VoIP services (SIP/RTP) are only accessible via the primary IP
address (parameter "IP Address"), while all other service types (e.g.
GB2PP, SNMP) can be accessed via the second IP interface (parameter
"Second IP Address").
Second IP Address This parameter configures the Second IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 mode if
the functionality "Second IP Address Enabled" has been enabled.
ACL Here you can enter the IP addresses of the remote control systems or
(Access Control List) clients that are allowed to access the radio. This protects the radio against
unwanted/unknown accesses. If the list is blank (default), then any client
with any IP address can access to the radio.
BSS Enable The parameter is used to enable or disable the Best Signal Selection
functionality. For more information please refer to chapter 3.11 Best Signal
3.15 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Configuring with the R&S ZS 4200
Main/Standby Type The main/standby type declares if a radio should start up as an active main
radio or as an inactive standby radio. If the common AC- or
DC-supply of a main/standby installation is powered up, then the radio will
boot accordingly.
Note: The parameter Main/Standby Type is also used for the Best Signal
Selection if this functionality is enabled.
Line Interface in In local mode, the rear and front panel audio interfaces as well as the VoIP
Local Mode and E1 data streams operate in parallel (default). The rear panel audio line
interface (including SQ contact and audio output) as well as the VoIP and
E1 data streams can be disabled for the local mode. This allows
independent use of the radio for a service technician where unwanted SQ
indication or line output must be prevented.
Local Mode You can disable the LOC button on the radio to prevent the radio from
being switched from remote mode to local mode.
Local Mode Timeout Local mode will be quit automatically if there is no further
activity on the front-panel radio keys. Timeout can be set between 60 s and
900 s, or disabled.
Single Channel Fixed frequency cannot be changed. Frequency must be configured before
activating this function.
Motor Tuned Filter It is possible to connect an external automatic filter to the radio. Either a
Telsa, an R&S or a third-party filter can be used. In order to activate the
RS-422 interface, the configuration parameter has to be enabled by
selecting the proper protocol type. The filter has to be connected to X11.
Note: The X-cross adapter KG42-Z75 is required for operation with the
R&S filter Fx22x.
Note: Enabling the external automatic filter will limit the frequency range of
the radio to 118 MHz … 155.9916 MHz.
Frequency Blocking Up to eight frequency blocking ranges can be defined. The device will
Ranges refuse any set frequency command done by the MMI local operation or via
remote control which is within these frequency blocking ranges.
The configured frequency blocking ranges have to fit the radio's frequency
range from 112 MHz to 155.991666 MHz.
SQ/RSSI Signaling The radio allows to signal the SQ status, RSSI (see chapter 3.8 InBand
Signaling), and occurrence of STD events (see chapter 3.15 Simultaneous
Transmission Detection (STD)) via in-band tones on demodulated audio
irrespective of the used voice mode (Analog, E1, VoIP). A small range
around the configured in-band tone frequency is suppressed by a notch
SQ Signaling The frequency of the in-band tone for SQ, RSSI, and INVSQ signaling is
Frequency variable within a specified range.
Note: We recommend using a different in-band tone for SQ and STD. Only
in this case the VCS can separate the 2 events.
STD Inband Signaling The frequency of the in-band tone for STD signaling is variable within a
Frequency specified range.
Note: We recommend using a different in-band tone for SQ and STD. Only
in this case the VCS can separate the 2 events.
6174.8456.02-01 3.16
Configuring with the R&S ZS 4200 R&S EU4200C
SQ/RSSI Signaling The level of the in-band tone generator is variable within specified range
Level and is related to nominal audio signal level set by “RX Audio Level”.
Note: In case of low absolute levels, the S/N ratio in the system must be
taken into account. Make sure that the S/N ratio does not fall below a
specific value. The applicable value in each case is calculated from the
audio level minus the signaling level for the receiver. If the setting with 0 dB
in-band signaling is selected, the headroom for the sum level is reduced by
6 dB.
RSSI Output RSSI analog output can provide various linear curves depending on
received signal strength. Curve “R&S Standard” is predefined, curve “User
defined“ has variable parameters.
RSSI Output Curve RSSI analog output: Curve ”User defined” has the slope configurable.
RSSI Output Curve RSSI analog output: Curve ”User defined” has the offset configurable.
RSSI Output Curve RSSI analog output: Curve ”User defined” has the minimum output voltage
Min. Voltage limit configurable.
RSSI Output Curve RSSI analog output: Curve ”User defined” has the maximum output voltage
Max. Voltage limit configurable.
TCXO Adjustment The parameter is used to adjust the accuracy of the crystal oscillator
(TCXO). Due to the natural aging of the crystal oscillator (TCXO), it is
advisable to check the frequency accuracy in a regular way and readjust
the parameter if required (see 5.1.
SNMP Community Name of the SNMP communication community. It is used to restrict the
String network access.
SNMP Enable The parameter is used to enable and disable the SNMP functionality of the
radio on the LAN interface.
If the parameter is set to "Disable", the SNMP functionality is disabled and
only GB2PP protocol is supported via LAN. If the parameter is set to
"Enable", both GB2PP and SNMP protocols are supported.
Note: It is strongly recommended to disable the SNMP protocol if only the
GB2PP protocol is used.
E1 Alarm for Inactive The parameter is used to enable/disable the transfer of the inactive
Warning warning via the E1 interface.
DC-Battery The voltage during battery operation can be monitored. If the voltage is too
Supervision low, two responses in the radio can be triggered.
The Warning setting generates the CBIT warning 0401, which is output via
the connected remote system.
The NOGO setting sets the TEST_OC signal at the output
(connector X10.4) and initiates a switchover to the standby radio. This
setting is recommended if, for example, two separate DC networks are
used for the main and standby radios.
3.17 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Configuring with the R&S ZS 4200
AC-Main The voltage during network operation can be monitored. If the voltage is
Supervision too low, two responses in the radio can be triggered:
The warning setting generates the CBIT warning 0402, which is output via
the connected remote system.
The NOGO setting sets the TEST_OC signal at the output
(connector X10.4) and initiates a switchover to the standby radio. This
setting is recommended if, for example, two separate AC networks are
used for the main and standby radios.
Note: If the AC-Main fails, operation automatically switches to the standby
radio. Otherwise the DC battery of the main radio would be
unnecessarily discharged.
VoIP radio URI RX This is the unified identifier for VoIP communication of the RX module. This
identifier consists of two parts concluded with the “@” sign
user@<IP Address> or user@<Full Qualified Domain Name> eg.
The URI can be up to 64 characters. Characters and other naming
conventions have to follow the RFC 3986 rules. Using the reserved
characters makes the URI invalid and thus the VoIP operation is not
The default value of URI RX module is rx@
Emergency VoIP URI The VoIP mode of the radio offers the possibility to configure the access for
ACL VoIP connections. Each entry contained in the URI ACL grants access to
establish VoIP connections to the radio. In default configuration the URI
ACL is a whitelist. This means that accessing the radio via VoIP is not
restricted. The URI ACL can contain up to 20 entries with a maximum of 64
characters per entry.
Emergency VoIP URI ACL stores URI of the VoIP clients which are allowed
to access the radio with either normal or emergency call priority.
Normal VoIP URI ACL Compared to Emergency VoIP URI ACL the Normal VoIP URI ACL stores
URI of the VoIP clients which are allowed to access the radio with normal
call priority.
Permit Only ACL URI This configuration parameter enables or disables acceptance of the VoIP
Call session requests which only have URIs matching the VoIP URI ACL lists.
Primary Domain Name This parameter is used to setup an IP address of a Domain Name Server.
Secondary Domain This parameter is used to setup an IP address of a Domain Name Server
Name Server which is used for backup purposes.
RTP Port Range Start The real time transport protocol uses several IP ports for communication
with VCS or the R&S GB4000V. This parameter sets the start port for the
port range which can be used for VoIP audio streams.
DSCP Value The radio supports Differentiated Services (DiffServ) as defined by RFC
2474 and RFC 2475 in such a way that each different traffic type can be
marked with a specific differentiated service code point (DSCP) value.
Audio Delay This parameter is used for delay setting on the audio line.
6174.8456.02-01 3.18
Configuring with the R&S ZS 4200 R&S EU4200C
FTP Login The parameter needs to be configured to allow remote software download.
If left empty, the Remote Software Download cannot be used (see chapter
3.17 Software Download).
Note: The FTP Login cannot have values “FTP” and “Anonymous”.
FTP Password The parameter needs to be configured to allow remote software download.
If left empty, the Remote Software Download cannot be used (see chapter
3.17 Software Download).
Frequency Operating frequency in Hz. Only the values compatible with the selected
channel spacing are accepted.
Channel spacing Channel spacing. Only the spacings compatible with the current operating
frequency and mode are accepted.
Modulation Mode Radio operating mode. Only the modes compatible with the current
operating frequency and channel spacing are accepted.
Preset Page Number Number of the selected preset page. Zero is displayed in case of an
individual frequency setting, channel spacing, modulation mode, and offset.
RX Audio Level E1 This parameter refers to the E1 audio output of the AM receiver (connector
X13). With the default setting of −4 dBm0, an effective level of –4dBm0 is
applied at 60 % AM modulation of the current receive signal (–0.5 dBm0 at
90 % modulation). The output can be configured from −30 dBm0 to
–4 dBm0 in accordance with the E1 infrastructure.
RX Audio Level VoIP This parameter refers to the VoIP audio output of the AM receiver. With the
default setting of −4 dBm0, an effective level of –4dBm0 is applied at 60 %
AM modulation of the current receive signal (–0.5 dBm0 at 90 %
modulation). The output can be configured from −30 dBm0 to –4 dBm0 in
accordance with the VoIP infrastructure.
Note: The default setting ensures the compliance with the ED-137
requirement of −10 dBm0 at 30% AM modulation depth. If the VoIP
infrastructure complies with the ED-137, the default value shall be left
RX Audio AGC E1 The automatic gain control in the AM demodulator can be switched on and
off. In the range from 30 % to 90 % modulation depth, the signal (E1 RX
Audio) remains constant.
RX Audio AGC VoIP The automatic gain control in the AM demodulator can be switched on and
off. In the range from 30 % to 90 % modulation depth, the signal (VoIP RX
Audio) remains constant.
IPv6 Enabled This parameter is used to enable IPv6 IP-version. The radio can use either
IPv4 or IPv6 for LAN communication. Simultaneous operation of IPv4 and
IPv6 is not possible. If this parameter is set to “Enabled”, IPv6 will be used
and IPv4 will be automatically disabled.
Note: DHCP will be automatically disabled if IPv6 is enabled by the user.
Note: Both IP configuration and Access Control List of the RX module
must be configured according to the selected IP-version.
3.19 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Configuring with the R&S ZS 4200
DHCP Enabled This parameter is used to enable dynamic host configuration (DHCP). If
enabled, the radio uses DHCP and can learn an IP address from a DHCP
server installed in the network.
Note: DHCP is supported in IPv4 network only. It is not possible to enable
DHCP while IPv6 is being used.
NTP Server If this parameter is set to a valid IP address or a fully qualified domain
name (FQDN) of an NTP server, the radio starts to periodically synchronize
time with the NTP server.
Note that dynamic delay compensation in multi-carrier offset operation (see
ED137B-1) may require the use of the NTP. For such applications, it may
take some time until NTP time synchronization is sufficiently accurate.
STD User Out Enabled This parameter enables signalling of detected simultaneous transmission
events via the User Out port (pin X11.6). If enabled, the signalling is active
as long as the simultaneous transmission lasts.
STD Outer Band This parameter is disabled by default and should be only enabled if the
Check device operates in a multi-carrier offset operation environment (CLIMAX). If
enabled, the implemented simultaneous transmission detection algorithm
will raise an alarm if it detects both a signal at a Climax offset and a signal
at the nominal channel frequency. If disabled, the algorithm will only raise
an alarm if it detects two signals around the nominal channel frequency.
STD CCIR Threshold This parameter is used to configure the carrier-to-carrier interference range
(CCIR) Threshold. The radio signals double transmissions to the user if the
CCIR value which is internally measured by the algorithm is below the
configured CCIR threshold.
STD Event Counter This parameter is a 32bit counter which is incremented by 1 whenever a
double transmission occurs. The counter can be configured for a specific
(initial) value. If the maximum counter value is reached, the value is reset
to 0. The counter is set to 0 upon restart of the radio.
STD Overlap Time This parameter defines the minimum overlap time of a simultaneous
Threshold transmission necessary to generate an STD event.
The overlap time threshold can be set to 800 ms, 1200 ms, 1600 ms and
2000 ms. The default value is 800 ms.
The user has the possibility to increase the overlap time threshold, to adapt
the function to every operational condition.
6174.8456.02-01 3.20
Configuring with the R&S ZS 4200 R&S EU4200C
Recording Enabled This parameter enables or disables digital voice recording according to
ED137B Volume 4 "Recording".
Two options are possible for enabling the recording:
• "On SIP": enables the connection to the configured digital voice recorder
in presence of at least one SIP session to a VCS (ED137B compliant
• "On Startup": enables the connection to the configured digital voice
recorder just after the radio startup, independently of any existing SIP
connection to VCSs.
If enabled on the RX module, the radio records a single audio stream
received from the antenna (related to a single radio channel). If enabled on
the TX module, the radio records a single audio stream sent to the antenna
(related to a single radio channel).
Digital voice recording requires both an ED137B-compatible digital voice
recorder and a valid option key "Voice Recorder" installed on the radio.
Note: Digital voice recording is only possible when the radio is set to VoIP
Recorder Addresses This parameter needs to be configured with the RTSP URLs of the voice
Both RX and TX modules allow 2 concurrent voice recordings to 2 different
Recording Codec This parameter selects the audio codec (A-law or u-law) that is used for
ED137B-4 voice recording.
Max. Number of VoIP This parameter configures the maximum number of concurrent VoIP
sessions sessions (SIP/RTP) that are accepted by the radio. By default, the radio is
able to operate with 2 concurrent VoIP sessions. Up to 7 concurrent VoIP
sessions can be configured with this parameter if the respective option key
for "7 VoIP Sessions" is installed.
Scan Mode Enable This parameter enables or disables the channel scanning function of the
radio (see chapter 3.16). A valid option key “Scanning Mode” is required.
Scan Begin Preset This parameter defines the first channel of all channels which shall be
scanned. All channels which shall be scanned have to be configured in the
preset channel list.
Scan End Preset This parameter defines the last channel of all channels which shall be
scanned. Please, note that “Scan End Preset” has to be higher than “Scan
Begin Preset”.
Scan Priority Channel The user can specify a priority channel which is scanned in every second
iteration. If a priority channel (P) is configured, then the channel scanning
sequence shall be as follows: P -> 1 -> P -> 2 -> P -> 3 …
No priority channel is specified if the parameter is set to 0. In that case the
channel scanning sequence shall be as follows: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> …
Scan Search Time This parameter defines the time the radio waits for a squelch on the
currently tuned frequency before continuing the scan on the next channel.
The default value is set to 100 ms. The parameter can be set to up to 60
seconds (in steps of 100 ms).
3.21 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Configuring with the R&S ZS 4200
Scan Auto Continue The parameter defines the time after which the scan continues if SQ
Time becomes inactive on the current channel (dwell time). It is configurable in
the range between 1 to 60 seconds in steps of 1 seconds. The default
value is set to 5 seconds.
If the value 0 is configured, then the scan shall be paused if SQ becomes
inactive on the current channel.
Scan Squelch Timeout If the scan detects a squelch and the squelch lasts for more than “Scan
Squelch Timeout” seconds, then the scan automatically continues with the
next channel from the list. The squelch timeout is configurable in the range
of 1 seconds to 1000 seconds in step of 1 second. If the timeout is
configured to 0, then the squelch timeout is disabled.
SQ Signalling Logic When the noise suppression is disabled (e.g. by pressing the SQ button),
two different behaviours of the squelch signalling are possible which are
configurable by that parameter.
Value "R&S Type":
Even if the noise supression is disabled and the audio is never muted, the
SQ signalling (analog SQ relay, VoIP SQ bit, E1 SQ pattern, SQ LED)
reports anyway the status of the receiver, i.e. RSSI AND/OR (S+N)/N
above/below the SQ thresholds
Value "Standard":
The SQ signalling (analog SQ relay, VoIP SQ bit, E1 SQ pattern, SQ LED)
reports the status of the corresponding audio interface, i.e. permanently not
Local Mode Warning The radio can be configured in such a way that pressing the LOC button on
the radio generates the CBIT warning 0415, which is output via the
connected remote system.
USB Connect Warning The radio can be configured in such a way that a USB access via a service
PC generates the CBIT warning 0414, which is output via the connected
remote system.
PSU Fan Warning The rotation of the power supply fan is internally monitored and will cause
a warning if the fan is not running as expected.
The NOGO warning PSU fan 0201 will be sent to the connected remote
control system if the power supply fan is not working well.
The warning can be configured as NOGO warning in order to request a
main/standby switchover via TEST_OC X10.4.
Main Fan Warning The rotation of the main fan is internally monitored and will cause a NOGO
warning if the fan is not running as expected.
The NOGO warning main fan 0103 will be sent to the connected remote
control system if the main fan of the radio is not working well.
The warning can be configured as NOGO warning in order to request a
main/standby switchover via TEST_OC X10.4.
Inactive Warning The radio can be configured in such a way that if the radio is inactive, it
generates the CBIT Warning 0101 which is output via the remote system
User Contact Warning The radio can be configured in such a way that a warning will be generated
if the user contact X11.15 is high. The USER CONTACT WARNING 0430
will be sent to the remote control system.
6174.8456.02-01 3.22
Configuring with the R&S ZS 4200 R&S EU4200C
E1 RAI Warning The transmission on the E1 interface is monitored. If errors are occurring
on the transmission system, they are indicated with an alarm indication
The NOGO warning E1 RAI (CBIT 0437) will be sent to the connected
remote control system if the remote alarm (RAI) is indicated.
The warning can be configured as NOGO warning in order to request a
main/standby switchover via the TEST_OC X10.4.
E1 CRC4 ERROR The bit error rate in the E1 interface is monitored. If bit errors are occurring,
Warning they are indicated with an excessive bit error rate (CRC4) CBIT.
The NOGO warning E1 CRC4 ERROR (CBIT 0438) will be sent to the
connected remote control system if the excessive bit error rate (CRC4) is
The warning can be configured as NOGO warning in order to request a
main/standby switchover via the TEST_OC X10.4.
E1 LOF Loss of frame alignment and channel associated signaling (CAS) (without
recovery in timeout).
The NoGo warning E1 LOF (CBIT RX 0436) will be triggered if the frame
alignment and CAS on E1 interface is lost.
The NoGo warning can be disabled. This is useful to avoid a main/standby
switchover request via the TEST_OC X10.4 (RX).
3.23 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
Function The CBIT parameters can be configured as shown in the table below.
CBIT ty pe configuration \CBIT ty pe configuration "Radio ".doc
Note: If the radio is set to local mode (LOC), remote control commands will
be refused. Local mode has the highest priority and interrupts any remote
control fixed sessions. Parameters can only be monitored remotely when
the radio is in local mode.
In the receive mode, the front panel receiver audio signal is always audible.
In other words, the internal loudspeaker and the headphone audio
connector are always active and the volume of the two can be controlled by
the left and right arrow keys on the front-panel keyboard.
Note: The local mode causes the termination of all active VoIP connections
if the parameter “Line Interface in Local” mode is disabled. As long as the
radio is in local mode, all VoIP connection requests are rejected.
All parameters and measurements can be displayed in the remote and local
6174.8456.02-01 3.24
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
Boot Display
Operating Display
Main Menu
ESC Enter
Preset No Supply
ESC Component
No 2
Mode Temperature ESC
Frequency RX Thresholds
Component Options
No N
Audio Delay
Menu control The receiver is menu-driven using the keypad (see chapter 3.4.2).
The MENU key takes you to the main menu at any time. From the main
menu, you can reach lower menus/submenus by using the cursor keys and
the ENTER key. Pressing the ESC key takes you to the next-higher menu.
If you are in the main menu, you can go to the standard operating display
by pressing the ESC key.
3.25 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
Introduction The receiver is operated using menus in conjunction with a keypad. The
keypad comprises the following sections:
Numeric keys 0 to 9
Cursor keys ▲▼◄►
MENU key
ESC key
SQ key
LOC key
1 2 3 MENU
4 5 6 ▲
7 8 9 ▼
SQ 0 ◄ ►
Fig. 3.8 Keypad.
Function As well as the numeric keys, the cursor keys are used for entering
parameters and to navigate through the menus.
The cursor keys have the following functions:
– The ▼ and ▲ cursor keys are used to navigate within menus and
selection fields.
– The ◄ and ► cursor keys are used to move the cursor to the
desired position within the numeric line.
– The ▼ and ▲ cursor keys decrement and increment the radio
parameter when making numeric entries.
6174.8456.02-01 3.26
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
Function Pressing the MENU key will take you to the main menu at any time.
Function The ENTER key is used to navigate within the menus and to accept
The ENTER key has the following functions:
– Open submenus
– Open selection and entry fields
– Directly initiate a function or toggle a setting
– Confirm an entry; the new value will be accepted
Function The ESC key is used to navigate within the menus and to terminate
The ESC key has the following functions:
– Close submenus
– Close selection and entry fields
– Cancel an entry; the previous value will be retained
– Initiate a radio reset if pressed and held longer than five seconds
Note: If you press and hold the ESC key for longer than five seconds, the
radio will perform a complete reset (cold start).
3.27 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
SQ Key \SQ Key "Radio". doc SQ Key
Function By using the SQ key, you can open or close noise suppression (squelch) at
any time independently of the current menu. The only precondition is the
local mode.
Squelch behavior The noise suppression (squelch) mutes the output of all audio interfaces
(analog, VoIP, E1, MMI), depending on the RSSI and the S/N squelch
thresholds. The thresholds can be configured using the Service and
Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 (see chapter 3.3 with the R&S ZS 4200).
The current status of noise suppression (squelch signalling) is reported by
all audio interfaces with a dedicated signal:
analog: Squelch relay
VoIP: SQ bit in VoIP protocol
E1: SQ pattern in the signalling timeslot
If the noise suppression is disabled by pressing the SQ button, the audio
interfaces are never muted and noise can be present on the audio
interfaces, in case any or a very weak signal is present at the RX antenna
When the noise suppression is disabled, two different behaviours of the
squelch signalling are possible and they can be selected configuring the
parameter SQ Signalling Logic via USB, GB2PP or SNMP.
R&S Type (standard behaviour up to R11.05).
Even if the noise supression is disabled and the audio is never muted, the
SQ signalling (analog SQ relay, VoIP SQ bit, E1 SQ pattern, SQ LED)
reports anyway the status of the receiver, i.e. RSSI AND/OR (S+N)/N
above/below the SQ thresholds.
Standard (new behaviour introduced in R11.1x).
The SQ signalling (analog SQ relay, VoIP SQ bit, E1 SQ pattern, SQ LED)
reports the status of the corresponding audio interface, i.e. permanently not
6174.8456.02-01 3.28
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
3.29 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
Function on radio The LOC key enables you to switch between local and remote mode at any
time independently of the current menu. The local mode has priority over
remote accesses, i.e. a remote fixed session over the Ethernet − LAN
interface will automatically be terminated if you select local mode by
pressing this key. If you press the key a second time, local mode will be
terminated, at which point a remote client must re-initiate the session to the
device (or to the modules).
By pressing the LOC key the radio will enter the local mode.
Note: The local mode causes the termination of all active VoIP connections
if the parameter “Line Interface in Local” mode is disabled. As long as the
radio is in local mode, all VoIP connection requests are rejected.
Deactivation You can deactivate the LOC key from the service PC (USB configuration),
thus blocking local mode altogether (protection from improper use).
Key operation By using the service PC (USB), you can configure whether a local access
messages leads to a warning message or not. The local mode state would then be
reflected in the CBIT status. In addition, the start and end of the local mode
will be stored in the event log together with time information. If applicable,
this information will also be sent to the fault management system.
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Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
Display parameter The start display is an independent screen containing the radio name and
type. After booting the receiver is started (see chapter
Display parameter The boot display is an independent screen containing a progress bar and
boot messages. The progress bar displays the current boot process state of
the receiver.
Booting of the receiver is completed when the standard operating display
appears (see chapter
Boot d isplay \Bo ot display "Name".doc
5 0%
R X : I n i t L AN OK
Fig. 3.11 Boot display.
In case of boot error Boot errors are handled by a special error routine which allows the radio to
end the booting process and start the operation. This is indicated by the
RX CBIT 0434. This error can be than read out via remote control.
Note: If the booting stops and the message “Boot Error” is displayed, switch
the receiver off and on. In case the error persists, return the receiver to our
service center for checking.
3.31 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
Display parameter During an operation the LCD indicates the most important settings and
status messages.
R&S EU4200C E U 4 2 0 0 C 2 1 : 0 4 : 1 3
124 675
4 0 2 AC MA I N W
Fig. 3.12 Standard operating display.
6174.8456.02-01 3.32
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
Display of menus During menu-guided settings, the LCD shows the corresponding menus
together with their functions.
M a i n M e n u
O p e r a t i o n
T i m e / D a t e
M e a s u r e m e n t
C B I T S t a t u s
I n v e n t o r y
C o n f i g u r a t i o n
Operation Dual-purpose menu for manual operation and see chapter
preset operation
Time/Date For displaying and setting the radio clock see chapter
Measurement Measurement of receive parameters, supply voltage see chapter
and operating temperatures
CBIT status Continuous built-in test (CBIT) error message see chapter
Inventory Hardware and software inventory see chapter
Configuration Display of configuration parameters see chapter
Volume Control Disp lay \Volume control disp lay "Radio".d oc
3.33 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
CB I T - S T A T U S O K
Fig. 3.14 Volume control display.
3. Use the ► or ◄ cursor keys to change the setting.
The left arrow key decreases the volume and the right arrow key
increases it.
4. Press the ENTER key or wait approximately three seconds until the
window disappears.
Brightness setting It is possible to set up brightness and contrast anywhere in the menu by
pressing the cursor keys.
5. Press the ► or ◄ cursor keys for approximately one second.
A setting window (volume, brightness or contrast) with a shifter
6. Use the ▼ or ▲ cursor keys to select the brightness window.
E U 4 2 0 0 C 2 1 : 0 4 : 1 3
MU B r i g h t n e s s 1 7
1 II -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I II
1 0 0 %
CB I T - S T A T U S O K
Fig. 3.15 Brightness setting display.
7. Use the ► or ◄ cursor keys to change the setting.
The cursor will move to the right, or left and luminance of the display
will intensify, or reduce accordingly.
8. Press the ENTER key or wait approximately three seconds until the
window disappears.
6174.8456.02-01 3.34
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
Contrast setting 9. Press the ► or ◄ cursor keys for approximately one second.
A setting window (volume, brightness or contrast) with a shifter
10. Use the ▼ or ▲ cursor keys to select the contrast window.
E U 4 2 0 0 C 2 1 : 0 4 : 1 3
MU C o n t r a s t 1 7
1 II -- -- -- -- -- I -- -- -- -- -- II
5 0 %
CB I T - S T A T U S O K
Fig. 3.16 Contrast setting display.
3.35 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
Indication via LED s\Indication via LEDs "Name".doc
Status display The LEDs on the front of the radio show the status of various settings and
operating modes.
6174.8456.02-01 3.36
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
Introduction The receiver is operated via menus. After you press the menu key, all
menus will be listed. Depending on the menu you select, various radio
functions will be displayed.
Main menu 1. Press the MENU key.
0. Note: Pressing the MENU key always takes you directly to the main
M a i n M e n u L OC
O p e r a t i o n
T i m e / D a t e
M e a s u r e m e n t
C B I T S t a t u s
I n v e n t o r y
C o n f i g u r a t i o n
Note: If the LOC key is pressed, the statement LOC is displayed in each
3.37 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
Call up submenu\Call up s ubmenu "Name".doc
Submenu 2. Using the ▼ or ▲ cursor keys, select a menu, e.g. CBIT STATUS.
The current selection will be indicated with the inverse display.
CB I T S t a t u s
CB I T S t a t u s
R X CB I T S t a t u s
Press the ENTER key.
The submenu will be opened and the radio status displayed.
R X CB I T S t a t u s
1 0 1 I NAC T I V E W
1 0 2 NOGO E
2 0 1 P S U F AN W
2 0 3 P S U T EMP W
4 0 1 R X DC BA T W
4 0 7 I F OV E R L OAD W
4 1 0 S Y N T H UN L OCK E
Fig. 3.19 Submenu.
Note: The scroll bar on the right indicates that you can display further
entries by using the ▲ or ▼ cursor keys.
Exit 5. Press the ESC key.
submenu The submenu will be exited (returned to parent menu).
6174.8456.02-01 3.38
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
Note: All parameter changes can be set only in the local mode. Press the
local button to activate the local mode. The statement LOC appears in the
LCD display above on the right in each menu.
Introduction After you select a menu, various radio functions will be displayed. You can
switch several radio functions on or off by repeatedly pressing the ENTER
key (toggling).
For example: 1. Press the MENU key.
Switch radio The cursor will point to the OPERATION submenu.
activation on/off
0. 2. Press the ENTER key.
Togglin g settings\Toggling setting s "Radio". doc
The OPERATION submenu will be opened and the radio functions will
be displayed. The cursor will point to ACTIVATION.
O p e r a t i o n L OC
A c t i v a t i o n O n
P r e s e t N o - -
M o d e A M
F r e q u e n c y 1 2 3 . 8 1 5
A c t i v a t i o n O f f
A c t i v a t i o n O n
Fig. 3.20 Toggling a setting.
3.39 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
Introduction After you select a menu, various radio functions will be displayed. Some
0. functions have a further submenu from which you can select a parameter
after you press the ENTER key.
Selecting setting s\Selecting settings "Rad io".d oc
O p e r a t i o n L OC
A c t i v a t i o n O n
P r e s e t N o - -
M o d e A M
F r e q u e n c y 1 2 3 . 8 1 5
P r e s e t N o L OC
4. Using the ◄ or ► cursor keys, change the number of the preset page
e.g. 001.
5. Press the ENTER key.
The selection menu will be closed and the setting will be active.
P r e s e t N o 0 0 1
Fig. 3.21 Selecting settings.
6174.8456.02-01 3.40
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
Introduction You can enter numeric parameters by using the numeric keys and the ►
and ◄ cursors.
You can enter the value directly via the numeric keypad. Start with the
foremost position. After each digit, the cursor will jump to the next position.
After you enter the last digit, the cursor will remain at that position. To
accept the value, press the ENTER key. The system will automatically
check for valid limit values and consistency.
R&S EU4200C 1. Press the MENU key.
example The cursor will point to the OPERATION submenu.
O p e r a t i o n L OC
A c t i v a t i o n O n
P r e s e t N o - -
M o d e A M
F r e q u e n c y 1 2 3 . 8 1 5
F r e q u e n c y 1 2 3 . 8 1 5
3.41 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
Enter new value 5. Overwrite the old value by using the numeric keys, e.g. 117.675 MHz.
F r e q u e n c y L OC
1 1 7.6 7 5
E n t e r i n I CAO F o r ma t
Fig. 3.22 Frequency entry.
6174.8456.02-01 3.42
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
Content M a i n M e n u
of menus
O p e r a t i o n
T i m e / D a t e
M e a s u r e m e n t
C B I T S t a t u s
I n v e n t o r y
C o n f i g u r a t i o n
Operation Dual-purpose menu for manual operation and see chapter
preset operation
Time/Date For displaying and setting the radio clock see chapter
Measurement Measurement of receive parameters, supply voltage see chapter
and operating temperatures
CBIT Status Continuous built-in test (CBIT) error message see chapter
Inventory Hardware and software inventory see chapter
Configuration Display of configuration parameters see chapter
3.43 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
Meaning O p e r a t i o n L OC
of entries
A c t i v a t i o n O n
P r e s e t N o - -
M o d e A M
F r e q u e n c y 1 2 3 . 8 1 5
6174.8456.02-01 3.44
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
118.0000 25 118.000
118.0000 8.33 118.005
118.0083 8.33 118.010
118.0167 8.33 118.015
118.0250 25 118.025
118.0250 8.33 118.030
118.0333 8.33 118.035
118.0417 8.33 118.040
118.0500 25 118.050
118.0500 8.33 118.055
118.0583 8.33 118.060
118.0667 8.33 118.065
118.0750 25 118.075
118.0750 8.33 118.080
118.0833 8.33 118.085
118.0917 8.33 118.090
118.1000 25 118.100
3.45 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
Channel Spacing
Frequency (MHz) Channel
6174.8456.02-01 3.46
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
Meaning T i me / D a t e
of entries
1 4 : 0 2 : 1 5
2 0 1 3 / 0 4 / 1 3
Note: For setting time and date you can select the digit entry by using the
cursor keys and overwrite the old value by using the numeric keys.
Meaning M e a s u r e m e n t
of entries
R X P a r ame t e r
S u p p l y
T e mp e r a t u r e
O p e r a t i n g H o u r s
3.47 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
Meaning R X P a r ame t e r
of entries
– 1 2 0 d Bm 1 0 4 9
Meaning S u p p l y L OC
of entries
B A T T E R Y 3 1 . 4 V
D C S E C 2 7 . 7 V
6174.8456.02-01 3.48
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
Meaning T emp e r a t u r e
of entries
R X B o a r d 4 3 ° C
P S U n i t 4 2 ° C
Meaning O p e r a t i n g H o u r s
of entries
C o u n t e r 6 8 1 h
3.49 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
Meaning CB I T S t a t u s
of entries
R X CB I T S t a t u s
6174.8456.02-01 3.50
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
Meaning R X CB I T S t a t u s
of entries
1 0 2 NOGO E
2 0 1 P S U F AN W
2 0 3 P S U T EMP W
4 0 7 I F OV E R L OAD W
4 1 0 S Y N T H UN L OCK E
Note: See chapter 4.2 Troubleshooting for the detailed CBIT event
3.51 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
Meaning I n v e n t o r y
of entries
D E V E U 4 2 0 0 C
SWM OD D S 4 2 0 0
HWM OD KK 4 2 5 0 C HOU S I
HWM OD I N 4 2 1 0 S U P P L Y
HWM OD E U 4 2 5 0
Fig. 3.36 INVENTORY menu.
6174.8456.02-01 3.52
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
Meaning D E V E U 4 2 0 0 C
of entries
I D 6 1 4 4 . 7 8 0 0 . X 2
S E R 1 0 0 0 0 1
V E R S 1 1 . X X
D A T E 2 0 1 3 / 0 4 / 1 3
3.53 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
Meaning C o n f i g u r a t i o n
of entries
I P A d d r e s s
F r e q u e n c y B l o c k
D i s p l a y Se t t i n g s
R X T h r e s h o l d s
O p t i o n s
A u d i o D e l a y
A u d i o I n t e r f a c e
Fig. 3.38 CONFIGURATION menu.
6174.8456.02-01 3.54
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
Meaning I P A d d r e s s
of entries
R X Mo d u l e
IP Configuration
Meaning R X Mo d u l e
of entries
I P C o n f i g
U R I r x @1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 0 5 2 . 1
4 1
3.55 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
IPv4 Configuration
Meaning I P C o n f i g L OC
of entries
I P 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 5 2 . 1 4 2
GA T E 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 5 2 . 1
MA S K 2 5 5 . 2 5 5 . 2 5 5 . 0
Meaning L OC
of entries
1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 0 5 2 . 1 4 2
6174.8456.02-01 3.56
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
Meaning GA T E L O C
of entries
1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 0 5 2 . 0 0 1
Meaning MA S K L O C
of entries
2 5 5 . 2 5 5 . 2 5 5 . 0 0 0
3.57 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
IPv6 Configuration
Meaning I P C o n f i g L OC
of entries
I P 2 0 0 1 : d b 8 : : 1 0 / 6 4
GA T E 2 0 0 1 : d b 8 : : 1
Meaning L OC
of entries
2 0 0 1 : d b 8 : : 1 0 / 6 4
6174.8456.02-01 3.58
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
Meaning GA T E L O C
of entries
2 0 0 1 : d b 8 : : 1
3.59 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
Meaning F r e q u e n c y B l o c k
of entries
1 1 2 . 0 0 0 0 – 1 1 4 . 9 9 1 6 B
1 2 2 . 5 7 5 0 – 1 2 2 . 6 5 0 0 B
1 3 0 . 7 5 0 0 – 1 3 6 . 0 0 0 0 B
1 4 0 . 0 0 0 0 – 1 4 2 . 0 0 0 0 B
6174.8456.02-01 3.60
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
Meaning D i s p l a y S e t t i n g s
of entries
B r i g h t n e s s
C o n t r a s t
S c r e e n s a v e r
L o a d d e f a u l t s
S a v e s e t t i n g s
Brightness Setting
D i s p l a y S e t t i n g s
of entries
B B r i g h t n e s s
S II -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I II
L 1 0 0 %
3.61 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
Contrast Setting
D i s p l a y S e t t i n g s
of entries
B C o n t r a s t
S II -- -- -- -- -- I -- -- -- -- -- II
L 5 0 %
Meaning S c r e e n S a v e r
of entries
N o n e
5 m i n
1 0 m i n
1 5 m i n
2 0 m i n
2 5 m i n
3 0 m i n
Fig. 3.52 Screen saver timeout setting.
6174.8456.02-01 3.62
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
D i s p l a y S e t t i n g s
of entries
B D i s p l a y
S D e f a u l t s u s e d
S P r e s s E S C
D i s p l a y S e t t i n g s
of entries
B D i s p l a y
S S e t t i n g s s a v e d
S P r e s s E S C
3.63 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
Meaning R X T h r e s h o l d s
of entries
R S S I SQ T HR 4 8 u V
S / N SQ T HR 6 d B
6174.8456.02-01 3.64
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
of entries
5 1 u V
QS Q S e t t i n g
O u t o f r a n g e
P r e s s E S C
3.65 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
Meaning S / N S Q T HR L O C
of entries
1 6 d B
Meaning O p t i o n s
of entries
GS 4 2 0 2 – E 1
GS 4 2 0 3 – V o I P
6174.8456.02-01 3.66
Local Control (Local Mode) R&S EU4200C
of entries
A u d i o D e l a y
R X M o d u l e 2 5 0 m s
3.67 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Local Control (Local Mode)
of entries
A u d i o I n t e r f a c e
R X M o d u l e A n a l o g
R X M o d u l e E 1
R X M o d u l e V o I P
6174.8456.02-01 3.68
Remote Control (Remote Mode) via LAN R&S EU4200C
Note: The remote control and fault management features of receiver are
based on the typical customer systems. For a detailed description of the
remote control commands, see chapter 6.3.
3.69 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Main/Standby Operation (1:1) in Analog and VoIP Mode
This chapter This chapter provides information about the cabling and configuration of the
radio pair for the main/standby operation.
3.6.1 Introduction/Overview
6174.8456.02-01 3.70
Main/Standby Operation (1:1) in Analog and VoIP Mode R&S EU4200C
Overview The following figure shows a typical system setup for main/standby
operation in analog and VoIP mode:
3.71 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Main/Standby Operation (1:1) in Analog and VoIP Mode
Description Both radios have to be powered up. If there is no failure, the radios are
booting and will get into the following state: The radio configured as "Main"
has to indicate the "GO" and "VOP" LEDs and to show the status "ACT" on
the display, the radio CBIT status is "OK" (see Fig. 3.63). The second radio
configured as "Standby" has to indicate the "GO" LED while the "VOP" LED
remains dark. In addition, the display shows the status "INACT". The figures
below show the radios displays after booting (see Fig. 3.64).
The inactive standby radio becomes active after switching to local mode, as
long as the radio is in the activation state “AUTO”. The main active radio
becomes inactive. After leaving the local mode both radios will keep their
E U 4 2 0 0 C 2 1 : 0 4 : 1 3
D E V I C E 1 MA I N
119 125
E U 4 2 0 0 C 2 1 : 0 4 : 1 3
119 125
1 0 1 I NAC T I V E W
Fig. 3.64 Inactive device.
6174.8456.02-01 3.72
Main/Standby Operation (1:1) in Analog and VoIP Mode R&S EU4200C
A c t i v a t i o n O n
P r e s e t N o - -
M o d e A M
F r e q u e n c y 1 2 3 . 8 1 5
S p a c i n g 2 5
A c t i v a t i o n AU T O
P r e s e t N o - -
M o d e A M
F r e q u e n c y 1 2 3 . 8 1 5
S p a c i n g 2 5
Description When the command "MS_GO" has been sent via remote control, the radio
switches to ACTIVE state irrespective of the previous state. Referring to the
settings mentioned above, the radio which got this command becomes
active and the partner device (cross-connected via X10) becomes inactive.
The "MS_GO" command is ignored by the radio if at least one of its
modules is set to OFF state. A radio can be set to OFF or to AUTO state
using the "MS_AC" command. When the command "MS_AC" with the
“OFF” parameter was sent via remote control, the radio switches to
INACTIVE state irrespective of the previous state. The partner device
(cross-connected via X10) gets ACTIVE if it is in AUTO state.
There are different ways to switch between the radio states. Using the
remote control mode, it is possible to send the "MS_GO" or "MS_AC"
command to toggle the radio state. In the local mode, it is possible to
change the activation state of the radio. After leaving the local mode, the
radio will keep this state.
3.73 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Main/Standby Operation (1:1) in Analog and VoIP Mode
Description If an error or NOGO warning occurs on the "Main" radio, the "Standby"
radio, will be activated via the TEST_OC line. The "Standby" device will
become active and switches the "Main" radio inactive using the cross-
connected *OFF line.
If an error disappears on the inactive "Main" radio, the "Standby" radio will
stay active. In case there will be an error on the active "Standby" device, a
switch-over to the "Main" radio will be done if no error is active on this radio.
Error or NOGO See Fig. 3.64 VOP = inactive See Fig. 3.63 VOP = active
warning on Inactive device GO = inactive Active device GO = active
Device 1 after
Description Both radios (the active and the inactive one) allow the setup of VoIP
The active radio receives the signal from the antenna and sends the
demodulated audio and the SQ ON information to the VCS.
Voice recorder: The active and inactive radio will establish a RTSP
connection to configured voice recorders, but only the active radio will send
audio data, when receiving. No data will be sent by the inactive radio.
6174.8456.02-01 3.74
Main/Standby Operation (1:1) in Analog and VoIP Mode R&S EU4200C
3.6.3 Configuration
Setting using 1. Use the R&S ZS 4200 to configure one of the two devices as “Main (0)”
the R&S ZS 4200 and the other one as “Standby (1)” unit.
Setting on the radio 2. The following settings have to be done in the local mode or via the
or via remote remote control system.
control Both radios have to be set to "AUTO" via the remote control command
"MS_AC" or they could be configured to activation state "ON" in the
local mode (see Fig. 3.65).
After leaving the local mode, the device will automatically switch to the
"AUTO" mode and will be ready for the main/standby switch-over (see
Fig. 3.66).
Note: The operation of the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 is
described in detail in the corresponding operating manual.
3.75 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Main/Standby Operation (1:1) in Analog and VoIP Mode
6174.8456.02-01 3.76
Main/Standby Operation (1:1) in Analog and VoIP Mode R&S EU4200C
3.77 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Main/Standby Operation (1:1) in Analog and VoIP Mode
3.6.5 Limitations/Notes
Please note that there are certain limitations for the main/standby operation:
Main and Standby radio configuration with NoGo state on radios wired
as 1:1 M/S pair must be avoided
Note: If one radio is in local mode while the other one is in remote mode,
then the locally operated radio is active and the second one is inactive. This
setting remains even when the local mode is left. The main/standby switch-
over capability of the radio pair is now available.
Note: The “Inacitive Warning” parameter should be set to “Disable” to avoid
the inactive "Standby" radio shows the CBIT event “INACTIVE WARNING”.
Note: Set the “Line Interface in Local Mode” parameter to “Enabled”. Radio
in local mode will switch from state INACTIVE to state ACTIVE but does not
close VoIP sessions.
Note: Make sure that all operational parameters are equal on both radios
(with exception of IP address).
6174.8456.02-01 3.78
External Automatic Filters R&S EU4200C
This chapter This chapter provides information about cabling and configuration using the
Telsa external automatic filter together with the radio. Introduction/Overview
Introduction The radio supports several Telsa Automatic Cavity Filters with single and
double cavity.
The Telsa external automatic filter is optional hardware equipment and it is
not contained in a standard shipment. Cabling
Instructions 1. Connect the filter to the RS-485 interface of the radio via X11.
3.79 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C External Automatic Filters Configuration
Setting using Use the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 to activate the Telsa
the R&S ZS 4200 external automatic filter.
1. Set the “Motor Tuned Filter” parameter to “Telsa” on the radio.
Note: The operation of the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 is
described in detail in the corresponding operating manual. Limitations/Notes
Limitations Please note that there are certain limitations to radio operation if a Telsa
Automatic Cavity Filter is used:
Enabling the Telsa external automatic filter will reduce the frequency
range. Please refer to the specification of the filter
Note: If more than one radio is used, each radio needs its separate filter.
Note: The timeout for tuning the filter is set to 60 seconds. If the filter has
not tuned to the correct setting by this time, the radio will generate a CBIT
This chapter This chapter provides information about cabling and configuration using the
R&S external automatic filter R&S®Fx22x together with the radio. Introduction/Overview
Introduction The radio directly supports serial control of Telsa Automatic Cavity Filters.
With help of R&S®KG42-Z75 X-cross adapter the R&S®Fx22x automatic
filters can be used together with the R&S®Series4200 radios.
The R&S external automatic filter is optional hardware equipment and it is
not contained in a standard shipment.
6174.8456.02-01 3.80
External Automatic Filters R&S EU4200C Cabling
Instructions 1. Connect the X-cross adapter R&S®KG42-Z75 to the RS-485 interface
of the radio.
2. Connect the filter to the X-cross adapter R&S®KG42-Z75.
X11 X1 X3
X-Cross Filter
R&S Fx22x
KG42-Z75 Configuration
Setting using Use the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 to activate the
the R&S ZS 4200 R&S external automatic filter.
1. Set the “Motor Tuned Filter” parameter to “Telsa” on the radio.
Note: The X-cross adapter converts the radios' serial protocol into a
parallel BCD signal required for the R&S filter.
Note: The operation of the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 is
described in detail in the corresponding operating manual. Limitations/Notes
Note: If more than one radio is used, each radio needs its separate filter.
Note: The timeout for tuning the filter is set to 60 seconds. If the filter has
not tuned to the correct setting by this time, the radio will generate a CBIT
3.81 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C External Automatic Filters
This chapter External automatic filters from different vendors, supporting the R&S filter
commanding and controlling protocol, can be used together with the radio.
This chapter provides information about cabling and configuration using
these external automatic filters. Introduction/Overview
Introduction The radio supports a proprietary R&S protocol for commanding and
controlling external automatic filters.
External automatic filters with single and double cavity from different
vendors can be used together with the radio.
The external automatic filter is optional hardware equipment and it is not
contained in a standard shipment. Cabling
Instructions 1. Connect the filter to the RS-485 interface of the radio via X11.
+28V 1
6174.8456.02-01 3.82
External Automatic Filters R&S EU4200C Configuration
Setting using Use the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 to activate the R&S
the R&S ZS 4200 filter commanding and controlling.
1. Set the “Motor Tuned Filter” parameter to “RS” on the radio.
Note: The operation of the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 is
described in detail in the corresponding operating manual. Limitations/Notes
Limitations Please note that there are certain limitations to radio operation if an
External Automatic Cavity Filter is used:
• Enabling the R&S external automatic filter protocol will reduce the
frequency range of the radio to 118 MHz … 155.9916 MHz (although
the filter could support a wider frequency range).
Note: If more than one radio is used, each radio needs its separate filter.
Note: The timeout for tuning the filter is set to 60 seconds. If the filter has
not tuned to the correct setting by this time, the radio will generate a CBIT
3.83 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C In-Band Signaling
This chapter This chapter provides information about the functioning, configuration and
conditions of the radio for the in-band signaling.
3.8.1 Introduction/Overview
Introduction To reduce the number of lines, in particular for transmitting signals over
long distances, the use of the bidirectional in-band technique via a 2-pair
AF/telephone line per radio unit (receiver, transmitter or transceiver) is
The R&S Series 4200 radios support the following in-band functions:
Signaling of SQ on receiver side
Audio in-band tones for RSSI signaling on receiver side
6174.8456.02-01 3.84
In-Band Signaling R&S EU4200C
3.8.2 Configuration
Note: The operation of the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 is
described in detail in the corresponding operating manual.
Note: The frequency of the in-band tone for SQ, RSSI, INVSQ, and STD
signaling is variable within a specified range. We recommend using a
different in-band tone for “STD+SQ”, “STD+RSSI”, or “STD+INVSQ”. Only
in this case the VCS is able to separate the 2 events.
Setting using 1. Set the “SQ/RSSI Signaling” parameter to “RSSI”, or “STD+RSSI” on
the R&S ZS 4200 the radio.
2. Set the “SQ/RSSI Signaling Level” parameter to configure the tone
level related to the RX audio level.
Setting using 1. Set the “SQ/RSSI Signaling” parameter to “STD”, or “STD+SQ”, or
the R&S ZS 4200 “STD+RSSI”, or “STD+INVSQ” on the radio.
2. Set the “STD Inband Signaling Frequency” parameter to a value of
1225 Hz, 2040 Hz, 2175 Hz, 2440 Hz, 2970 Hz or 3300 Hz.
3. Set the “SQ/RSSI Signaling Level” parameter related to the RX audio
3.85 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C RSSI Output Characteristic
This chapter This chapter provides information about the characteristic and configuration
of the analog RSSI output on the radio.
3.9.1 Introduction/Overview
6174.8456.02-01 3.86
RSSI Output Characteristic R&S EU4200C
User defined The “User defined” configuration allows configuring the output characteristic
of the RSSI indication within the following parameters:
Offset of the output level (RSSI Output Curve Offset)
Slope of the output level (RSSI Output Curve Slope)
Minimum output level (RSSI Output Minimum Voltage)
Maximum output level (RSSI Output Maximum Voltage)
3.9.2 Configuration
Setting using Use the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 to configure the RSSI
the R&S ZS 4200 output pin characteristic of the radio.
1. Set the “RSSI Output” parameter to “R&S Standard” or “User defined”
on the radio to select the RSSI Output Type.
User defined setting After selecting the RSSI Output Type “User defined” you can configure the
output characteristic of the RSSI indication.
2. Set the offset of the output level via the “RSSI Output Curve Offset”
3. Set the slope of the output level via the “RSSI Output Curve Slope”
4. Set the minimum output level via the “RSSI Output Minimum Voltage”
5. Set the maximum output level via the “RSSI Output Maximum Voltage”
Note: The operation of the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 is
described in detail in the corresponding operating manual.
3.87 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C ACARS Mode (External Modem)
3.9.3 Limitations/Notes
Note: The adjustment of the RSSI output curve parameters does not
require rebooting the radio. The parameters will be set directly after they are
changed using the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200.
Note: Changes done on the RSSI output characteristic via the Service and
Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 will be valid only for the “User defined”
setting even if the “R&S Standard” configuration is selected.
This chapter This chapter provides information about the cabling and configuration of
ACARS mode.
3.10.1 Introduction/Overview
Introduction The radio can be configured for ACARS data operation (2400 Bps).
In this case a faster RF front-end control is in action. The attack and decay
time is in accordance with the ETSI EN 300676 standard. An external
ACARS modem needs to be used for ACARS operation. Communication
between the modem and the radio is via 2 tones: 1200 Hz (bit change from
previous) and 2400 Hz (no bit change from previous).
3.10.2 Cabling
Instructions 1. Connect the RX audio and SQ signals with the ACARS modem.
SQ– 9 Modem
6174.8456.02-01 3.88
ACARS Mode (External Modem) R&S EU4200C
3.10.3 Configuration
General The ACARS mode activation must be done in two steps:
1. Configuration with the R&S ZS 4200.
2. Activation on the radio (MMI) or via the remote control.
ACARS mode Use the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 to configure the radio
configuration using in ACARS mode.
the R&S ZS 4200
3. Set the configuration “ACARS Data Mode” parameter to “Enable”.
4. Then set the modulation to “ACARS” in at least one preset page.
Note: The operation of the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 is
described in detail in the corresponding operating manual.
ACARS mode You can use the radio (MMI) to configure the radio in ACARS mode. This
activation on the can be done in two different ways:
Set the radio to “ACARS” via Mode setting in operation menu on MMI.
O p e r a t i o n L OC
A c t i v a t i o n O n
P r e s e t N o 0 1
M o d e ACA R S
F r e q u e n c y 1 2 3 . 8 2 5
3.89 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C ACARS Mode (External Modem)
ACARS mode You can use the remote control to configure the radio in ACARS mode.
activation via the
remote control Send a set-preset-page command to the radio. The preset chosen must
have the modulation set to “ACARS”.
E U 4 2 0 0 C 2 1 : 0 4 : 1 3
MU E NCH E N 4 RACK 1 R AD 1 7
124 675
3.10.4 Limitations/Notes
Limitations Please note that there are certain limitations to radio operation if the
ACARS mode is active:
Only the 25 kHz spacing can be used
The “RX Audio AGC” parameter must be deactivated
6174.8456.02-01 3.90
Best Signal Selection R&S EU4200C
This chapter This chapter provides information about the cabling, configuration and
conditions when using a pair of radios for best signal selection (BSS).
3.11.1 Introduction/Overview
3.91 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Best Signal Selection
3.11.2 Cabling
Note: The maximum permissible length of the cables between the two
radios depends on the cable type. Make sure that the DC loop resistance
remains < 100 Ohm for each cable.
6174.8456.02-01 3.92
Best Signal Selection R&S EU4200C
Note: Using the E1 interface together with the BSS function is not possible.
Note: With the AUDIO_RxA and AUDIO_RxB signals connected in parallel
the output impedance will be halved to a value of 300 Ohm.
3.11.3 Configuration
Configuration of Use the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 to configure the
radios using radios for control of the best signal selection function.
the R&S ZS 4200
1. Configure one of the two radios as the "Main (0)" and the other one as
the "Standby (1)" radio.
2. Set the “BSS Enable” parameter to "Enable" on both radios.
3. Set the “RSSI Output” parameter to "R&S Standard" on both radios.
Conditions For the following parameters identical settings must be made on both
SN Squelch Threshold
RSSI Squelch Threshold
S/N RSSI Logical Operation
RX Input Sensitivity
Note: The operation of the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 is
described in detail in the corresponding operating manual.
3.11.4 Limitations/Notes
Limitations Please note that there are certain limitations to radio operation if the best
signal selection function is active:
The radios cannot be operated in the main/standby mode as described
in chapter 3.6 Main/Standby Operation (1:1). Both radios must be
operated in active mode
The USER_OUT2 output cannot be used for remote control of a user
via the management system (UO (user out) GB2PP code)
Note: If the signal strength is nearly identical on both radios, it may happen
that the radio with the weaker signal is connected to the distant station
because of measurement tolerances.
Note: The thresholds are defined for S/N. The corresponding value of
SINAD will be 2 dB higher (SINAD 12 dB value corresponds with S/N 10 dB
3.93 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Audio via E1 Interface (Optional)
This chapter This chapter provides information about the cabling, configuration and
conditions for using the E1 interface.
Enabling E1 Using E1 requires to install a valid option key "E1 Interface". The E1
interface is only available for the AM mode with "Audio Interface" set to
"E1", see chapter 3.14.6.
3.12.1 Introduction/Overview
Introduction The radio is equipped with an E1 interface for the digital transmission of
audio signals.
Description of the The E1 interface is implemented according to ITU standards G.703, G.704,
E1 interface G.711 and G.732. The frame structure is CAS multiframe. The PCM coded
audio signal (A-law) is transmitted in timeslot TS1 and the signaling is
transmitted in timeslot TS16. The channel associated signaling (CAS) used
in TS16 is specified below.
Signaling code The signaling is coded in bits A, B, C, D as follows (first bit = A):
CAS coding for direction from receiver (RX)
Squelch closed/Device status OK: 0101
Level < 6 μV: 0011
Level > 6 μV to 30 μV: 0110
Level > 30 μV: 1100
Device status NOGO: 1111
Reserved: all other states
CAS coding direction to receiver (RX)
Reserved: all states
Note: Once the SQ criteria are met, the signal strength is evaluated. An
appropriate CAS code is selected and kept unchanged for the whole period
(until the SQ release).
Error handling The squelch signaling is overwritten by the "Device status NOGO" signaling.
The „Alarm for Inactive Warning“ parameter can be used to enable or
disable the sending of AIS also when the radio goes to inactive mode
(stand-by). This allows implementing an automatic switchover to another
radio if the multiplexer used on site supports such function.
For remote control it is required to have additional LAN connection to the
remote control system (see chapter 3.5 Radio Control (Remote Mode)
via LAN).
6174.8456.02-01 3.94
Audio via E1 Interface (Optional) R&S EU4200C
3.12.2 Cabling
Cabling Radio
RX1_TIP 3 E1
TX1_RING 5 MUX Transmission VCS
TX1_TIP 6 Network
GND 4, 7
Note: See chapter 6.2 for additional information about the E1 interface.
3.12.3 Configuration
E1 interface Use the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 to configure the E1
configuration using interface.
the R&S ZS 4200
1. Set the “Select Audio Interface” parameter on the radio to “E1”.
2. Configure the “RX Audio AGC E1” and adjust the “RX Audio Level E1”
as required in your E1 audio infrastructure.
3. Set the “E1 RAI Warning” and “E1 CRC4 ERROR Warning” parameters
as necessary for your redundancy configuration.
4. Set the “Alarm for Inactive Warning” parameter as necessary for your
redundancy configuration.
3.95 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Audio via E1 Interface (Optional)
3.12.4 Limitations/Notes
Limitations Please note that there are certain limitations to radio operation if the E1
interface is active:
Voice transmission is in AM mode. The ACARS and VDL Mode 2
modes are not supported
Parameter “Audio Delay” is not applicable to E1 interface
Parameter “Line Interface in Local Mode” is not applicable to E1
interface of the RX module. Audio over E1 interface is not muted in
Local Mode when the parameter is disabled
6174.8456.02-01 3.96
Radio in VDL Mode 2 R&S EU4200C
This chapter This chapter provides information about the cabling and configuration of
digital data mode (VDL Mode 2).
3.13.1 Introduction/Overview
Introduction The radio supports the VDL Mode 2 in the split-site configuration. A VDL
ground computer (VGC) is connected to the radio via the LAN port. The
VGC is always connected to the LAN port of the receiver. In case of split-
site installation a connection between the transmitter and receiver needs to
be established to pass carrier sense information between receiver and
3.13.2 Cabling
Instructions 1. Connect the receiver and transmitter via connector X13 and X14 (E1
Note: Max cable attenuation is 14 dB at 2 MHz.
2. Connect the receiver and transmitter via the connectors X6 and X9 to
the LAN network.
3.97 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Radio in VDL Mode 2
3.13.3 Configuration
General The VDL Mode 2 activation on the radio can be done using the MMI or via
the remote control.
VDL Mode 2 Use the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 to set the modulation
configuration using to “VDL Mode 2” in at least one preset page.
the R&S ZS 4200
Note: The operation of the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 is
described in detail in the corresponding operating manual.
Note: Activation of VDL Mode 2 is only possible if the configuration
parameter “Select Audio Interface” has been set to “Analog Audio” by
using the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200.
VDL Mode 2 You can use the radio (MMI) to configure the radio in VDL Mode 2. This can
activation be done in two different ways:
on the MMI
Set the radio to “VDL Mode 2” via Mode setting in operation menu on
O p e r a t i o n L OC
A c t i v a t i o n O n
P r e s e t N o 0 1
M o d e V D L 2
F r e q u e n c y 1 2 3 . 8 2 5
6174.8456.02-01 3.98
Radio in VDL Mode 2 R&S EU4200C
VDL Mode 2 You can use the remote control to configure the radio in VDL Mode 2:
activation via the
remote control Send a set-preset-page command to the radio
Use the mode command to switch the radio to VDL Mode 2
E U 4 2 0 0 C 2 1 : 0 4 : 1 3
MU E NCH E N 4 RACK 1 R AD 1 7
124 675
V D L 2
3.13.4 Limitations/Notes
3.99 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Audio via VoIP (Optional)
This chapter This chapter provides information about the VoIP mode. The R&S S4200
radio offers the possibility of digital audio transmission via voice over
internet protocol (VoIP). VoIP is a protocol driven communication standard.
VoIP is implemented according to EUROCAE ED-137B. The following VoIP
options are supported by the S4200 radio.
Option Key "VoIP" This option key provides the mandatory features of ED137B Volume 1
"Radio", i.e. transmission of audio data between a VCS and the radio via
the VoIP protocol. It includes sophisticated extensions such as linked
sessions or dynamic delay compensation (relative and absolute delaying of
packets in Climax scenarios).
Option Key "7 VoIP With a valid option key installed, the radio will accept up to 7 simultaneous
Sessions" SIP sessions.
Option Key "Voice This option key activates support for digital voice recording according to
Recorder" "ED137B - Volume 4 Recorder". Up to two independent recorders can be
served simultaneously if the radio is in the VoIP mode. The radio controls
the recorder via the real-time streaming protocol (RTSP). Recording
payload is sent via the "RTP over independent TCP" approach, see
ED137B-4. The status of recording can be controlled (remotely) via the
command "Recording Active" or via the event list. The codec to be used for
voice recording can be configured to either A- or u-law via the parameter
"Recording Codec" irrespective of the codec used in the VoIP sessions.
3.14.1 Introduction/Overview
Introduction This chapter explains basic mechanisms of VoIP communication. VoIP for
Air Traffic Management (ATM) represents an IP communication standard
which is adapted for ATM requirements.
Note: VoIP is used for communication between a voice communication
system (VCS) or the R&S GB4000V over an IP network.
VoIP for ATM VoIP standard uses the following protocols:
SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)
Application layer protocol for establishing, modifying and terminating
multimedia sessions based on RFC 3261.
SDP (Session Description Protocol)
Application layer protocol used for defining and negotiation of session
parameters which are used for a two-way RTP communication based on
RFC 4566.
RTP (Real-Time Transport Protocol)
Application layer protocol used for transporting audio data via network
based on RFC 3550.
R2S Protocol (R2 Signaling Protocol)
Protocol which offers a mechanism for “Keep Alive” signalling to control the
connection between the VCS or the R&S GB4000V and the radio.
6174.8456.02-01 3.100
Audio via VoIP (Optional) R&S EU4200C
3.14.2 Cabling
Instructions Connect the radio via the connector X9 to the LAN network.
VoIP + X9
3.14.3 Configuration
VoIP interface Use the Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 to configure the VoIP
configuration using interface.
the R&S ZS 4200
1. Set the “Select Audio Interface” parameter on the radio to “VoIP”.
2. Configure the “VoIP radio URI RX“.
3. Configure the “Emergency VoIP URI ACL”.
4. Configure the “Normal VoIP URI ACL”.
Note: The default settings (see chapter 3.3.1) ensures the compliance with
the ED-137 requirement of 30 % AM modulation depth at −10 dBm0 audio
level. If the VoIP infrastructure complies with the ED-137, the default value
shall be left unchanged.
5. Configure the “RX Audio AGC VoIP” and adjust the
“RX Audio Level VoIP” as required in your VoIP audio infrastructure.
Note: The default settings (see chapter 3.3.1) ensures the compliance
with the ED-137 requirement of −10 dBm0 at 30% AM modulation depth. If
the VoIP infrastructure complies with the ED-137, the default value shall be
left unchanged.
3.14.4 Limitations/Notes
Limitations Please note that there are certain limitations to radio operation if the VoIP
interface is active:
Voice transmission is in AM mode. The ACARS and VDL Mode 2
modes are not supported
Parameter “Audio Delay” is not applicable to VoIP interface
3.101 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Audio via VoIP (Optional)
Introduction This chapter describes behavior on the standard operation screen while the
radio is running in VoIP mode.
The standard operation screen informs the user about active SIP sessions
of the radio. This information contains the number of active SIP sessions for
the RX (0) and TX (1) module.
The information of active SIP sessions replaces the information
“ACT/INACT” on the standard operation screen.
E U 4 2 0 0 C 2 1 : 0 4 : 1 3
119 125
. + 0 . 0
L OC S I P 0 / 1
The number directly following “SIP” indicates the number of active SIP
sessions on the RX module. The number following the slash sign indicates
active SIP sessions on the TX module. If both modules manage active SIP
sessions, the standard operation screen summarises them.
E U 4 2 0 0 C 2 1 : 0 4 : 1 3
119 125
. + 0 . 0
L OC S I P 2
6174.8456.02-01 3.102
Audio via VoIP (Optional) R&S EU4200C
3.103 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Audio via VoIP (Optional)
Introduction This chapter explains the way from session initiation to audio transmission
via VoIP. The explanation of the connection establishment is independent
from the radio modules.
VoIP is a session-based communication standard. This means that audio
data transmission requires a mechanism to synchronize the two endpoints
(RX/TX and VCS/R&S GB4000V) also called user agents (UA). This
synchronization of endpoint capabilities is done by SIP (see chapter 3.14.1)
and SDP (see chapter 3.14.1). In this case SIP is used to initiate a session
and SDP is used for negotiating the endpoint capabilities.
The connection establishment between two user agents contains two
Session initiation (see chapter 3.14.3)
Audio communication (see chapter 3.14.3)
Session Initiation During session initiation the user agent one (VCS or R&S GB4000V) tries to
connect to the user agent two (R&S S4200) by using the session initiation
protocol (SIP). The identification between the two user agents is done by
unified resource identifier (URI). The user agent two (R&S S4200) checks
its Emergency and Normal VoIP ACLs whether the requesting user agent is
allowed to connect. The VoIP ACL contains the URIs being allowed to
Note: The VoIP ACL can be used as a whitelist. This allows all user agents
to connect to the radio (no URI restriction).
Note: If the parameter “Second IP Address Enabled” is set to TRUE, SIP
sessions have to be established via the primary IP address.
By using the session description protocol (SDP) both user agents negotiate
their capabilities (e.g. used codec etc.). If the whole negotiating process
succeeds, the session between both user agents is established. This
establishment is the basis for the audio communication. This means that
without an established SIP session no audio data can be transferred.
Note: The SIP session keeps existing until one of the user agents
terminates the session or the network connection fails.
Audio After successful establishment of a SIP session the result of the negotiating
Communication process between both user agents will be used to configure the RTP-based
audio transmission (e.g. codec to use, ports to use etc.).
Note: The real time transport protocol uses even ports higher than 5004.
If one user agent terminates the SIP session, the corresponding RTP
connection will also be terminated.
6174.8456.02-01 3.104
Audio via VoIP (Optional) R&S EU4200C
3.105 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Simultaneous Transmission Detection (Optional)
6174.8456.02-01 3.106
Channel Scanning Function (Optional) R&S EU4200C
3.107 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Channel Scanning Function (Optional)
R&S EU4200 E U 4 2 0 0 C 2 1 : 0 4 : 1 3
D E V I C E 1 MA I N
119 125
Fig. 3.90 MMI display during scan
6174.8456.02-01 3.108
Software Download R&S EU4200C
Introduction The software download can be done using the Service and Maintenance
Tool R&S ZS4200. There is a possibility to perform the software download
remotely via the LAN interface (see Fig. 3.91) or by using the local USB
interface (see Fig. 3.92).
Note: For details (e.g. IP address), please refer to the Service and
Maintenance Tool R&S ZS4200 software manual.
Partition The radio is equipped with two different partitions; each of them can be
management updated with a certain software version. The software versions in a partition
1 may be different from the version in a partition 2.
The radio may be booted from each partition. The partition to be booted can
be selected with the LAN command “RU_SI” or by using the
Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200. For more details, see the
Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 software manual and the ICD.
Note: As the R&S EU4200C contains 2 modules (receiver and MMI
modules), there is a partition 1 and a partition 2 in each module.
3.109 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Software Download
USB Download If the radio is updated via USB interface, always the first partition is
updated. The Service and Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 switches the
radio into an update mode, which interrupts the operation and disables all
After the software download the radio always boots from the partition 1.
Remote Download The software download on the LAN interface can be done in parallel to the
via LAN operation of the radio. The update is always done into the partition which
was not used for booting. This means that if the radio was booted from the
partition 1, the remote download will be done into the partition 2 and vice
After the download has been completed the user can choose when to
switch the radio into the updated partition. This is done by selecting the
partition which has been updated as the boot partition and then
commanding the radio to reboot. Then, the radio always reboots from the
same partition until the partition is changed manually via a remote control
Recovery The radio is equipped with a recovery mechanism. In two defined situations,
mechanism the radio will automatically switch from one partition and try to boot the
other, currently an inactive partition:
1. The radio is rebooted after a software update and this reboot fail.
2. The user manually switches the partition and the succeeding reboot
Note: The normal booting time of the radio is less than 1 minute.
Last Page of C ha pter 1\\La st Page of Cha pte3 "R adio". doc
6174.8456.02-01 3.110
Visual Inspection R&S EU4200C
4 Malfunction
This chapter This chapter provides information concerning visual inspection and
Further Chapter 3.1 contains an overview of receiver control elements, indicators,
information etc.
Chapter 3 describes how to put the radio into operation.
Cabling check 1. Check external cabling between the complete receiver and external
0. equipment.
2. Check all connectors for good contact and the cables at the rear for
mechanical damage.
If necessary, replace cables with new ones, one at a time, until the
defective connection has been found.
Note: Obvious damage of minor importance can be eliminated on the
spot, provided that the appropriate equipment is available. In case of
severe damage, the receiver must be sent to the nearest repair facility.
4.1 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Visual Inspection
Introduction The LEDs on the front panel of the radio display the status of various
settings and operating modes. If the LEDs AC, DC, GO or Vop are not
illuminated, there are a number of possible reasons.
6174.8456.02-01 4.2
Visual Inspection R&S EU4200C
Displayed warnings For detection of device and system failures, continuous built-in test (CBIT)
and/or error functions are implemented in the equipment.
The CBIT starts directly after switching on the receiver.
Warnings and/or error messages produced during ongoing operation
are displayed in the CBIT STATUS menu (see chapter
When malfunctions (warning or error message) are detected, the failure
is signalled to the connected remote control unit.
CBIT always indicates the existing state, which means that as long as a
message is being indicated by CBIT, this problem persists.
4.3 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Troubleshooting
4.2 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting\Tro ublesho oting "Radio". doc
CBIT events If an event occurs on the radio, it will be stored in the event log of the radio.
The event log can be read out via LAN interface or using the Service and
Maintenance Tool R&S ZS4200. The following chapters give an overview
about all the possible CBIT events.
Note: In most cases of error, the receiver will need to be transferred to the
nearest service.
Description of Column Description
Code Code is the unique number for this kind of event.
Message Message is the designation of this event.
Level Level is a ranking of this event (W = warning; E = error;
— = information). Warnings and errors will be logged into
CBIT status list and Event List. Errors and NOGO
warnings additionally cause NOGO (LED GO not
illuminated, error code 102). Information are only logged
into Event List.
Config Config states the configurability of each event:
W = event can be configured as warning,
N = event can be configured to cause NOGO.
Notes Notes describes the reasons and if necessary the
reaction of the radio when the event occurs.
Action Action describes what the user can do to eliminate the
cause of the event.
6174.8456.02-01 4.4
Troubleshooting R&S EU4200C
4.5 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Troubleshooting
6174.8456.02-01 4.6
Troubleshooting R&S EU4200C
4.7 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Troubleshooting
6174.8456.02-01 4.8
Troubleshooting R&S EU4200C
4.9 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Troubleshooting
6174.8456.02-01 4.10
Troubleshooting R&S EU4200C
This chapter This chapter describes the process of troubleshooting and possible restart
triggers in case of an unexpected restart of the radio.
4.11 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Troubleshooting
6174.8456.02-01 4.12
Troubleshooting R&S EU4200C
Digital Signal
RX Not controlled by WD
not equal
not equal
Note: In case the radio was restarted on the basis of the WD RESTART
trigger and the consequent boot process was interrupted by switching the
radio off (mains failure), the original restart event (e.g. 409 RX WD
RESTART) is logged in the event log.
4.13 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Troubleshooting
Bit 11 set to 1 – comparison failed, SW version number between Rx and Tx module not equal,
Bit 10 set to 1 – comparison failed, SW version number between MMI and Tx module not equal,
Bit 9 set to 1 – comparison failed, SW version number between MMI and Rx module not equal,
Bit 8 set to 1 – comparison failed, Part number between Rx and Tx module not equal,
Bit 7 set to 1 – comparison failed, Part number between MMI and Tx module not equal,
Bit 6 set to 1 – comparison failed, Part number between MMI and Rx module not equal,
Bit 5 set to 1 – comparison failed, Booted partition between Rx and Tx module not equal,
Bit 4 set to 1 – comparison failed, Booted partition between MMI and Tx module not equal,
Bit 3 set to 1 – comparison failed, Booted partition between MMI and Rx module not equal,
Bit 2 set to 1 – Internal communication problem on Tx module,
Bit 1 set to 1 – Internal communication problem on Rx module,
Bit 0 set to 1 – Internal communication problem on MMI
Example (for Transceiver): c = ‘DB0’ (‘110110110000’) means that MMI and Rx module booted up from partition 1
(R11.05) but Tx module booted up from partition 2 (R11.02).
6174.8456.02-01 4.14
Scheduled Maintenance R&S EU4200C
5 Maintenance
This chapter This chapter provides information concerning scheduled maintenance and
Further Chapter 3.1 contains an overview of receiver control elements, indicators,
information etc.
Chapter 3 describes how to put the radio into operation.
TCXO adjustment Due to the natural aging of the crystal oscillator (TCXO), it is advisable to
check the frequency offset after the first year of operation and readjust it if
necessary. We recommend a further adjustment interval of 1 year in order
to ensure the specified frequency accuracy for the TCXO.
Test connection
CMS 54
X10 D.U.T. X8
Test procedure
DUT is controlled via the R&S ZS 4200 (see chapter 3.3).
The minimum warm-up time is 1 minute for the TCXO.
Test frequency: 120 MHz (see chapter
Mode: AM (see chapter
Measure the deviation of the intermediate frequency using a radio
communication service monitor, e.g. the R&S CMS 54, and adjust the
TCXO value using the Service & Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4200 (see
chapter 3.3).
Connect the audio output signals X10.2 and X10.3 to the radio
comunication monitor.
Automatic test procedure on the R&S CMS radio communication
service monitor should be used in order to check the intermediate filter
bandwidth and deviation of the center frequency.
5.1 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Scheduled Maintenance
1. Undo the two screws (see Figure 5.2) fixing the cover of the front panel.
2. Carefully remove the cover.
3. Remove the filter mat from the cover.
4. Clean the filter mat by using compressed air. If necessary, replace the
filter mat.
5. Re-insert the cleaned or replaced filter mat into the cover.
Note: The top-side of the filter mat is softer than the bottom-side.
6. Perform the steps 1. and 2. in the reverse order.
6174.8456.02-01 5.2
Fan Maintenance R&S EU4200C
Introduction The main fan of the radio prevents the radio from overheating in case of
high external temperature. The fan of the PSU (power supply unit) ensures
that the power supply does not overheat. Therefore, the temperature inside
the radio is constantly measured and the rotation speed of the fans is
adapted accordingly and monitored.
Inspecting Inspect the air intake on the front panel for dust build-up and clean it if
the air intake necessary. The inspection interval depends on the environmental conditions
under which the receiver is operated.
Note: Due to the long service life of the fan, no regular maintenance is
required here besides cleaning. The speed of the fan is monitored by
means of the continuous built-in test (CBIT), and a warning is promptly
generated (see chapter 4.2).
Maintenance of the If a fan wears out, it is recommended to exchange the fan to prevent the
main and PSU fans radio from subsequent failure. An indication to replace the fan is the
occurrence of a CBIT warning message. If a “warning” occurs, the radio is
still operational, but the fan must be replaced soon.
If one of the following CBIT messages occur more than once or over a
prolonged period of time, it is recommended to replace the main fan or the
PSU fan as a preventive action.
On the receiver:
0103 MAIN FAN WARNING, possibly in conjunction with a
temperature warning 0411 RX TEMP WARNING
0201 PSU FAN WARNING, possibly in conjunction with a
temperature warning 0203 PSU TEMP WARNING
Replacement of the fan is described in the service manuals of the radios,
where also the order number for the spare part is listed.
5.3 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Cleaning
5.3 Cleaning
Danger of burns on the rear panel\Danger of burns on the rear panel "Name".doc
Wear goggles when working with compressed air in order to avoid injuries.
ATTENTION Direct compressed air first toward ground until no more condensed water is
contained in the air jet.
Keep a minimum distance of 20 cm between compressed air and receiver.
Preparation Such measures involve cleaning and touching up slight blemishes in the
varnish coat of the receiver. The following materials are required:
Soft brush
Cleaning compound, e.g. suds, household detergent
Cleaning 1. First clean the surfaces of the unit with compressed air.
0. 2. Continue cleaning with a soft brush or a duster.
3. Clean heavily contaminated surfaces, especially grease stains, with a
soft, lint-free cloth moistened with suds.
Last Page of Chapter 5\\Last Page of Chap ter 5 "Rad io".d oc
6174.8456.02-01 5.4
Specifications R&S EU4200C
6 Technical Information
This chapter This chapter contains a description of the receiver’s interfaces.
Further Chapter 3.1 contains an overview of receiver's control elements, indicators,
information etc.
Chapter 3 describes how to put the radio into operation.
6.1 Specifications
Specifications \Specification s "Radio ".doc
Note: The series R&S 4200 radios have been developed and designed to
allow a service life of 10 years and more when used in normal conditions.
For details see Specifications in the Appendix.
Note: Signal names with a leading "/" are low-active (e.g. /TEST_OC).
6.2.1 AC Input X1
6.1 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Interface Description
Ethernet – LAN remote control X6\E thernet – LAN remote control X6 « Radio» .doc
6174.8456.02-01 6.2
Interface Description R&S EU4200C
6.2.3 RX Input X8
GND – A – X8.2
6.3 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Interface Description
2 9
6174.8456.02-01 6.4
Interface Description R&S EU4200C
1 10
6.5 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Interface Description
15 9
6174.8456.02-01 6.6
Interface Description R&S EU4200C
6.7 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Interface Description
Communication Data Con nector X13\Communication Data Co nnector X13 "Radio ".doc
6174.8456.02-01 6.8
Interface Description R&S EU4200C
1 10
6.9 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Interface Description
USB-B-S-S-B-TH (4 pins)
2 1
3 4
6174.8456.02-01 6.10
Remote Control Commands R&S EU4200C
The radio can be remotely controlled and monitored via its IP-interface.
Remote control is possible either via SNMP or the Rohde & Schwarz
GB2PP protocol. SNMP and GB2PP can be used in parallel, with a
maximum of 4 remote control clients, having an active connection (TCP for
GB2PP, UDP for SNMP). However, when using GB2PP/TCP only, a
maximum of 6 remote control clients is permitted.
With respect to SNMP, the Series 4200 radio provides a full implementation
of the Generic ATC Radio MIB according to ED137B Volume 5
"Supervision" and supports relevant MIB-II objects as specified in RFC
1213, in addition to its own Radio specific MIB.
SNMPv3 USM features (User-Based Security Model, RFC 3414), e.g. user
authentication, and fine-grained access control via VACM (View-Based
Access Control Model, RFC 3415) are available to the user if the parameter
"SNMP Enable" is active. SNMPv3 configuration tasks can be performed
based on the existing SNMP admin user (username: "InitialUser",
Password: "InitialUser") as starting point and based on USM and VACM
MIB commands.
The S4200 radio persistently stores the SNMPv3 user configuration. To
restore the empty default configuration with the initial user, it is necessary to
(temporarily) deactivate SNMP via the parameter "SNMP Enable".
Note: The MIBs are available on request.
6.11 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Remote Control Commands
6174.8456.02-01 6.12
Index R&S EU4200C
Last Page of Chapter 6\\Last Page of Chap ter 6 "Rad io".d oc
7 Index
7.1 Index
7.1 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Index
Key assignment ................................................ 3.43 OFF (Activation) ................................................ 3.70
Keypad ............................................................. 3.26 On (Activation)................................................... 3.70
Keys Operating display .............................................. 3.32
Cursor keys .................................................. 3.26 Operation
ENTER key .................................................. 3.27 Configuring...................................................... 3.9
ESC key ....................................................... 3.27 Local ............................................................. 3.24
LOC key ....................................................... 3.30 Manual .......................................................... 3.25
MENU key .................................................... 3.27 Operation (Main/Standby) ................................. 3.70
Numeric keys................................................ 3.26 OPERATION (menu) ......................................... 3.44
SQ key ......................................................... 3.28 OPTIONS (menu) .............................................. 3.66
E1 ................................................................. 3.66
L GS ................................................................. 3.66
LAN................................................................... 3.69 VoIP .............................................................. 3.66
LEDs (indication) .............................................. 3.36 Outputs ................................................................ 6.1
LOC (control mode) ............................................ 3.7
LOC key (description) ....................................... 3.30 P
Local mode ....................................................... 3.24 Parameter entry
Low (RF-Pwr) ................................................... 3.40 Numeric entry................................................ 3.41
Selection ....................................................... 3.40
M Toggling ........................................................ 3.39
MAIN................................................................. 3.43 Personnel, required ............................................. 1.2
Main menu display ............................................ 3.33 Preparation for use .............................................. 2.1
Main/Standby Operation ................................... 3.70 Putting into operation .......................................... 2.1
Cleaning ......................................................... 5.4 R
Fan ................................................................. 5.3 R&S Filter .......................................................... 3.80
Scheduled maintenance ................................. 5.1 Radio
Malfunction ......................................................... 4.1 Functions ...................................................... 3.43
MEASUREMENT (menu) ................................. 3.47 Restart .......................................................... 4.11
Menu Settings (factory) ............................................. 3.9
AUDIO DELAY ............................................. 3.67 Rear
Calling and changing .................................... 3.37 View ................................................................ 3.3
CBIT STATUS .............................................. 3.51 REM (remote mode) ................................... 3.6, 3.69
CONFIGURATION ....................................... 3.54 Remote control ......................................... 3.69, 6.11
Display ......................................................... 3.33 Remote update ................................................ 3.109
DISPLAY SETTINGS ................................... 3.61 Required
FREQUENCY BLOCK .................................. 3.60 Personnel ........................................................ 1.2
INVENTORY ................................................ 3.52 Restart ............................................................... 4.11
IP-ADDRESS ............................................... 3.55 RF-Pwr (menu) .................................................. 3.40
MAIN ............................................................ 3.43 RS-422 ................................................................ 6.8
MEASUREMENT ......................................... 3.47 RSSI .................................................................. 3.85
OPERATION ................................................ 3.44 RSSI Output Characteristic ........................... 3.86
OPTIONS ..................................................... 3.66 RX PARAMETER (menu) .................................. 3.48
Overview ...................................................... 3.43 RX THRESHOLDS Menu .................................. 3.64
RX PARAMETER ......................................... 3.48 S
Software download ..................................... 3.109 Safety
SUPPLY ....................................................... 3.48 Precautions ..................................................... 2.1
TEMPERATURE .......................................... 3.49 SC (display) ....................................................... 3.32
TIME/DATE .................................................. 3.47 Screen
Update........................................................ 3.109 Boot display .................................................. 3.31
VoIP ........................................................... 3.100
6174.8456.02-01 7.2
Index R&S EU4200C
7.3 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Index
6174.8456.02-01 7.4
Appendix R&S EU4200C
8 Appendix
8.1 Appendix
General Data
Mechanical Interface Description
8.1 6174.8456.02-01
R&S EU4200C Appendix
6174.8456.02-01 8.2