October 13 2022
October 13 2022
October 13 2022
Apr ‘22
trade-off between growth and 6.07 Aug ‘22
Data point to yet another inflation doesn’t really exist at this 5 Feb ‘22
rate hike by RBI in Dec juncture.
This means the Centre’s reliance 4.35
BANIKINKAR PATTANAYAK on the Budgetary capex, as a credi- 3
New Delhi, October 12 ble growth lever, will rise substan- Sept 2021 Sept 2022
tiallyin the next fiscal aswell.States
RETAIL INFLATION INCHED up to maygettospendapartofthiscapex IIP
7.41% in September from 7% in without any stringent conditions. (% change, y-o-y)
IN THE NEWS August, official data showed on Finance minister Nirmala Sithara-
Wednesday.Also, industrial output cal authorities. man has already said growth con-
SC to hear Sebi unexpectedly shrank 0.8% in The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) cerns would be the next Budget’s
August from a year ago, against a will now be forced to raise the top priority.
review against RIL modest rise of 2.2% in July. benchmark lending rate,yet again, While base effect will remain
Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman with US treasury secretary Janet
The first contraction in indus- in December, while striving to inconducive for the computation
on October 19
Yellen during their meeting in Washington DC on Tuesday.
trial production in one-and-a-half ensurea“soft-landing”fortheecon- of retail inflation in October, it 1 1 2
THE SUPREME COURT years in August, albeit on an omy. may turn out to be favourable for
on Wednesday did a U- LISTS OIL PRICES AS A BIG WORRY unfavourable base, and a further The government, meanwhile, the index of industrial production
Aug ‘21
Jan ’22
turn and decided to rise in inflation to a five-month will have to scourforways to stimu- (IIP).
hear in chambers -- and peakinSeptemberjustcomplicated lategrowthwithoutstokingfurther
FM says growth
Source: MoSPI
not in open court - Sebi’s petition the tasks of both monetary and fis- price pressure.The choice of a strict Continued on Page 13
seeking a review of its August 5
judgment that had directed it to
share certain documents with RIL,
Part of HZL residual stake to Govt grants oil
reports Indu Bhan in New Delhi.
The next date of hearing is
October 19. ■ PAGE 5
In fresh restructuring, Byju’s to lay off 2,500 employees
FE BUREAU senior leadership to further build Mohit, CEO, Byju's India business,
Bengaluru, October 12 As a mature organisation IN THE FIRING LINE operationalstrength. said.
“There will also be retargeting of Thesemovesareexpectedtoresult
that takes its responsibility ■ The layoffs will be ■ Byju's said it plans
the marketing budget towards more insizeablesavingswithnoimpacton
towards investors and across Byju's subsidiaries to hire 10,000 more
edtechstartupByju’ssaidonWednes- efficient growth. Since significant growth,the company said.“None of
Toppr, Meritnation, teachers in the
day that it will lay off around 2,500 stakeholders seriously, we brand awareness has been created in these measures will have any impact
TutorVista, Scholr and coming year, adding Indiaoverthepastfewyears,thereisa on our revenue run rate,” added
workforce – across various sub- aim to ensure HashLearn to “avoid to its current scopetooptimisemarketingbudgets Mohit.
sidiaries including Toppr, Meritna- sustainable growth redundancies” strength of 20,000 locally and prioritise spending to Thisisthesecondroundoflayoffs
tion, TutorVista, Scholr and Hash- alongside strong increasebrandawarenessinoverseas atByju’sinthecurrentyearafteritini-
Learnto“avoidredundancies”inroles. ■ These moves ■ This is the second markets,”the statement stated fur- tially fired around 500 employees
HP Spectre x360: A The edtech firm said that these revenue growth. are expected to round of layoffs at ther. acrossitstwosubsidiariesWhitehatJr
businesses,whichcametoitaspartof —MRINAL MOHIT, CEO, result in sizeable Byju’s in the current Byju's said that it will focus on andTopprback in June.However,the
good laptop for acquisitions,willnowbe consolidated BYJU'S INDIA BUSINESS savings for the year after firing growing overall profitability in the total number of layoffs in June was
work and play asonebusinessunit.OnlyAakashand edtech firm around 500 in June nextfewquarters.“Asamatureorgan- believedtobeamuchhigher.
Great Learning,whichwere acquired isation that takes its responsibility Toppr,WhitehatJr, Meritnation,
Sleek and lightweight, this in 2021 and 2022 respectively,will towards investors and stakeholders TutorVista,Scholr,andHashLearnare
HP laptop has a bright continue to function as separate “Toavoidredundanciesanddupli- tent,media,andtechnologyteamsin atotalof10,000moreteachersinthe seriously,we aim to ensure sustain- afewofthe17companiesthatByju’s
OLED screen and a sharp organisations. cationofroles,andbyleveragingtech- a phased manner,” the company said coming year, adding to its current ablegrowthalongsidestrongrevenue acquired till date in what was touted
webcam The layoffs will be in a phased nology better, around 5% of Byju's inastatement. strengthof20,000teachers.Tofuelits growth.These measures will help us asamajorconsolidationspree.
■ Gadgets, P7 manner, spread over the next six 50,000-strongworkforceisexpected Even as it continues to lay off growth, the company also plans to achieve profitability in the defined
months. toberationalisedacrossproduct,con- employees,Byju's said it plans to hire expand its team strength across the time frame of March 2023,”Mrinal Continued on Page 13
Nirmala Sitharaman, finance minister
The grouping of the top 20 economies of the
world has great potential to work towards the
global public good... India stack, for instance, can
become a global stack. Efficient cross-border
payments and cheaper remittances are all the
benefits which we can derive out of it.
said,“Due to insufficient bidder downward pressure on the sover- Nevertheless,the country will Source: MoSPI
interest in proceeding further
with the transaction,GoI,with
eign ratings could emerge, espe-
cially if large government deficits
India's debt ratio projected to be probablycontinue to gain from the
active use of its currency in inter- like textiles and garments and
the approval of Alternative are left unchecked”, it cautioned. 84% of its GDP by 2022-end: IMF national transactions and its abil- Factory output shrinks chemicals have registered a slow-
Mechanism (Empowered S&P has retained its sovereign ity to fund itself via local currency 0.8% in August down, while both consumer
Group of Ministers).has rating for India at the lowest INDIA'S DEBTRATIOisprojected ment, International Monetary debt markets. durables and non-durables seg-
decided to annul the EoI and investment grade of “BBB-” for 15 to be 84% of its GDP by the end Fund, said there's still not a However, any deeper-than- ments contracted. The growth in
thereby terminating the years now.Its outlook forthe coun- of 2022, which is higher than whole lot of clarity on the fiscal anticipated global economic FE BUREAU capital goods, a gauge for invest-
present transaction.” try remains“stable”. many emerging economies, but anchor. slowdown could adversely affect New Delhi, October 12 ments, remained far from impres-
In a credit FAQ titled“Can India its debt is a little bit easierto sus- “It would be very important to the country’s economic perfor- sive. Textiles output dropped
FY23 growth rate to Sovereign Ratings Withstand the tain, a senior IMF official give reassurance to people and mance this fiscal and the next, it INDUSTRIAL OUTPUT SHRANK 12.2% in August from 8.6%a year
Global Sputter”,the agencysaid the has said. to investors that things are cautioned. Tighter global mone- 0.8% in August from a year before, before, while that of garments
be 6-7% : PHDCCI country, despite strong external Stressing that it is important for under control, and things are tary conditions, extended period the first contraction in 18 months, shrank 18.3% against 15.2%.Even
PHDCCI ON balance sheet, has not quite India to now have a very clear going to become less vulnerable of elevated inflation, and poor thanks to an unfavourable base, the output of chemical products
WEDNESDAY said escaped the difficult landscape the medium-term objective on the over time,” Mauro, told PTI in investment or consumer senti- slowdown down in export orders grew at a slower pace of 5.3%
going by the current rest of its emerging market peers fiscal, Paolo Mauro, Deputy an interview. ment both at home and abroad and heavy monsoon downpour in against 6.9%.
trend,it is expecting have faced over the course of the Director, Fiscal Affairs Depart- — PTI pose upside risks to the economy. select regions. This also suggests a Crisil chief economist DK Joshi
the Indian economy to grow at year.More severe conditions could "In ourview,India's economy is credible industrial recovery is still said there are signs of slowdown
6-7% during current fiscal year. exert downward pressure on unlikely to downshift for an far away, especially due to the fact seeping to other segments as well.
India's sovereign credit ratings. and globally," S&P Global Ratings lence. "We expect these strengths extended time on this basis alone, that production didn’t improve The IIP dropped for capex-related
BHEL to set up 2 coal "India is facing a mixture of fac- sovereign analyst Andrew to help neutralise the risks inher- especially given its predomi- even in the build-up to the festive segments, such as infrastructure
tors that may shake its sovereign Wood said. ent in the treacherous global envi- nantly domestic orientation.Still, season. However, the index of and construction goods (1.7% vs
gasification plants credit metrics. Amid external tur- However, it also acknowledged ronment,"it added. in the event of a prolonged down- industrialproductionwillrecoverin 3.8% in the previous month) and
STATE-OWNED BHEL on bulence, its foreign exchange that India's sound economic The agency has kept its FY23 turn in real and nominal GDP September, as the unfavourable capital goods (5% vs 5.7%). The
Wednesday said it has entered reserves are falling,and its current growth has long been a key coun- economic growth forecast at 7.3%, growth,material downward pres- base effect wanes. The IIP had drop in the domestic-oriented con-
into two separate agreements account deficit is rising. Mean- terbalance to its high fiscal deficit higher than the predictions made sure on the sovereign ratings grown13% inAugust 2021 butjust sumer non-durables just worsened
with Coal India and NLC India while, the economy is battling and debt burdens.Its strong exter- by some other agencies, including could emerge, especially if large 4.4% in September last year. to 9.9%--theworst slide sinceApril
Ltd to set up coal gasification faster inflation and tightening nal balance sheet also offers cush- the IMF and the World Bank, in government deficits are left What worries analysts are the 2020 and compared with 2.8%
based plants. financial conditions both at home ion against global market turbu- recent weeks. unchecked,"Wood said. facts that export-sensitive sectors in July.
TheIMFonTuesdayinitsWorldEconomicOut- tion, the central bank will be con- medium-term target of 2-6% targeted band. According to the
6 6
look projected a growth rate of 6.8% in 2022 as strained to raise the repo rate in for a ninth straight month inflation-targetting framework,
compared to 8.7% in 2021 for India. Decemberaswell.But the quantum through September,the Reserve which came into effect in 2016,
The projection for 2023 slides down further to of the hike will hinge on the infla- Bank of India (RBI) will have to the central bank has to submit
6.1%.More than a third of the global economy will tion print in October. Any further submit a report to the govern- the report if inflation breaches
contract in 2023,while the rise in inflation in October will ment for the first time,explain- its target forthree straight quar-
The IMF on three largest economies -- mean another rate hike of 50 basis ing the reasons for its failure to ters. --FE BUREAU
OlivierGourinchas,theEco- 5.85% in the previous month, pri- thereby posing a material upside both, the supply (from food infla-
nomic Counsellor and the marilyduetoelevatedpricepressure risk to the food inflation outlook. tion-cerealsandvegetables)andthe
8.7% in 2021
for India Director of Research of the in the clothing, footwear and hous- However,the impact of the same on demand side (recovery in demand,
IMF, in his forward to the ing segments, according to the year-on-year food inflation particularly in services).”
underlying headwinds. One, of course, is financial
US Euro Area China India* Japan conditions tightening because central banks and
India.Indiaishavinganeffectwithexternaldemand THE UNION CABINET on Wednes- societies ofwhich around 1,500 are ensure financial discipline, besides
-7.8 coming down.Also,domestically,inflation has been day approved amendments to the MSCS.The government is planning enabling the raising of fun.
2020 6
rising. “What the RBI has done is that it's tightened Multi-State Cooperative Societies to introduce the Multi-State Coop-
monetary policy. Rightfully so.They have been in a (MSCSs) Act to bring in trans- erative Societies (amendment) bill,
2021 10.1 proactivetighteningmonetarypolicy,”hesaid.“Now, parency and accountability in the 2022 in the forthcoming winter 1.1 million railway staff
what that means is there has been a bearing on governance structure. session of the parliament. The act TheUnionCabinethasapproved
domestic demand.You have inflation,which affects "The amendments have been was last amended in 2002. the payment of productivity-linked
2022 (P) 4.3 consumer demand, and when you try to address introduced to improve governance, Thakur said the proposed bonus (PLB) equivalent to 78 days
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
inflation,that by tightening monetary policy,it will reform the electoral process, amendments have been brought in wages to about 1.1 million non-
2023 (P) 2.5 (P) (P) (P) (P) bearuponinvestment.Andso,bothforbothreasons, strengthen monitoring mecha- to improve the ease of doing busi- gazetted railway employees for the
you see some slowing in India, and that's why we nisms and enhance transparency ness.The bill also proposes to intro- financial year 2021-22. The maxi-
Source: IMF EM & DM: Emerging market & developing economies revised it to 6.8% this year and to 6.1% the next andaccountability,"AnuragThakur, duce electronic submission and mum amount payable per eligible
year,”Srinivasan added. union ministerforinformation and issuanceofdocumentsforensuring employee is `17,951.
Ramon Laguarta, chairman & CEO, PepsiCo
...Our global business momentum remains
strong. Given our year-to-date performance,
we now expect our full-year organic revenue to
increase 12% and core constant currency earnings
per share to increase 10%.
Our ongoing
in high-
position us extremely well to serve
help them face the challenges of an
uncertain macro environment with
company,whichcurrentlyhas31gar- Bengaluru, October 12 confidence,” Delaporte said.
Jalan-owned firm yet densinAssam and two in Dooars.
growth Operating margin narrowed to
to get formal response MK Shah Exports,which made a IT SERVICES MAJOR Wipro on strategic 15.1% in the September quarter
counter offer to the lenders by Wednesday said its net profit rose areas have from17.8%ayearago,butshoweda
from lenders on offer putting forward a proposal to pur- 3.7%sequentiallyto`2,659crorein marginalimprovementonasequen-
chase tea gardens from McLeod to the September quarter.It was below allowed us tial basis from 15% in the preceding
help the company reduce debt and Bloombergestimateof`2,847crore. to steadily threemonths.“Weachievedmargins
MITHUN DASGUPTA realise the restructuring plan,is also On an annual basis, however, net of 15.1% in Q2 after absorbing the
Kolkata, October 12 waiting to hearfrom them.MKShah profit declined about 9% due to a increase our impact of salary increases and pro-
Exports, India’s largest producer of higher one-time tax benefit in the win rate... motions.Our margin improvement
CARBON RESOURCES, WHICH orthodox varieties of tea, has pro- same quarterof the previous fiscal. was led by better price realisations
had earlier submitted a non-bind- posed to extend its support to exist- Revenue for the quarter grew and strong operational improve-
ing letter of intent to lenders of CUP OF WOES ing promoters in the ongoing 14.6% annually and 4.7% on a mentsinautomation-ledproductiv-
McLeod Russel to acquire a control- restructuringplan. sequential basis to `22,540 crore on ity,” JatinDalal,CFO,Wipro,said.
■ According to Sept offer,
ling stake in the debt-laden tea “The lenders have acknowledged the back of a strong demand envi- ber quarter. Unlike Infosys, which double-digitgrowthforthefullfiscal. The voluntary attrition rate, on
major, is now planning to make a Carbon Resources would thereceiptofourletterofintent.They ronment for cloud,digital engineer- guides for the full fiscal,Wipro typi- The IT services revenue in dollar thelast12-monthbasis,forthequar-
binding proposal, two sources infuse upfront equity of will call us, but all these things take ing and cybersecurity services.The callyguides forthe quarterahead. terms grew 4.1% sequentially and ter rose to 23% from 20.5% a year
familiarwith the matter told FE. `300 cr & `945 cr debt time,” Himanshu Shah, chairman, revenuenarrowlymissedBloomberg The modest guidance is keeping 13% on a year-on-year basis in con- ago,indicating that demand fortech
Both Carbon Resources and for McLeod Russel dues MKShah Exports,told FE. estimate of `22,581 crore. in mind a challenging macro-eco- stantcurrencyto$2.80billiononthe talent continues to outpace supply,a
anothercompany,MKShahExports, “If the biggest player such as Thecompanyexpectsrevenuefor nomicenvironmentandaseasonally backofsomelargedealwinsaswellas trend seen across the industry.On a
are yet to receive formal responses ■ Secured lenders would McleodRusselgetsdisruptedandbro- thethirdquarterendingDecemberto weakthirdquarter,saidThierryDela- expansion in smaller deals. “Our sequential basis,it,however,moder-
from the lenders on their offers for be paid in full, while ken up,the tea industry suffers defi- beintherangeof$2.81-2.85billion, porte, chief executive officer and ongoinginvestmentsinhigh-growth atedfrom23.3%intheJunequarter,
McLeod Russel. unsecured lenders would nitely.Wewantedtokeeptheintegrity which translates to a sequential managing director,Wipro, address- strategic areas have allowed us to indicatingthatitisgraduallycoming
The carbon products manufac- have to take a 45% haircut andimpeccabilityoftheleadingcom- growth of 0.5-2.0%, lower than the ing the media in a conference.Wipro steadily increase our win rate and down.“We expect further modera-
turer alleged that lenders are“drag- pany.Now,they are in a problem.As 3-5% it had guided for the Septem- is, however, confident of achieving enhance the quality of our tion in Q3,” Delaporte said.
■ On the other hand, MK
ging their feet” on its `1,245-crore their debt restructuring proposal is
offer for the troubled company,part Shah Exports put forward goingonandthereisanissueoffunds,
a proposal to purchase
Magor group. “Carbon Resources'
offer is still on the table. However,
McLeod tea gardens to
help the company reduce
we are there to pitch in to bring back
the incumbent promoter and let
Moonlighting: Contracts need to be respected, says CEO
lendersaredraggingtheirfeet...They debt and realise the tobuygardensfromthem,itwillhelp FE BUREAU humanresourcesofficer,said“noth- leadership team to come in three impactoftwoincrementalmonthsof
are stonewalling the efforts to pro- restructuring plan them reduce the company debt to a Bengaluru, October 12 ing has changed from the past”. days aweek”. salaryincreases,” Delaporte said.
vide documents. For around three sustainablelevel,”Shahsaid. Some IT companies, including The company further said it had Wipro added 605 employees in
years, McLeod has been an NPA “The talks on debt restructuring WIPROONWEDNESDAYreiterated Wipro,haveopenlyopposedtheidea rolled out quarterly promotions in Q2, sharply lower from 15,446 last
account.Certain loan amounts have The lenders to the teamaker are proposal,putforwardbythepromot- that it does not tolerate the idea of of employees moonlighting. Last Julyandalsoincreasedsalaries,effec- quarter.“InQ1wehaddoneanexcep-
already been written off from the ICICI Bank, State Bank of India, ers,havebeengoingonformorethan moonlighting as it was strictly month, Rishad Premji, chairman, tive September.That likely helped it tional amount of hiring,we did that
books,” the sources cited above said, Indian Bank, RBL Bank, Axis Bank, ayear.Becauseofthepandemic,itgot unethical.“There are contracts and Wipro, had said the company had bringdownitstrailingtwelvemonth because we had a huge amount of
adding: “The company is now plan- HDFC Bank, UCO Bank, Punjab delayed.Inbetween,lendersreceived theyneedtoberespected,inparticu- fired 300 employees after theywere (TTM) attrition rate to 23%,moder- demandandknewitwouldtaketime
ning to make a bindingoffer.” National Bank, Yes Bank and an offer from a company (Carbon lar when people are taking up a job foundworking forcompetitors. ating from Q1FY22’s 23.3%. before we utilise this talent — that is
According to the offer made in IndusIndBank.WithpromoterKhai- Resources), which wants a hostile that has a conflict of interest with Wipro also asked its staff to It expects operating margins in what we have done in Q2,” he said.
September, Jalans-owned Carbon tans having only a little over 6.2% takeover. As a counter, this is the Wipro’sbusiness,”ThierryDelaporte, return to the office starting October Q3FY23 to be impacted from the “We’re also focused on hiring fresh-
Resources would infuse upfront stake in the company,debt stands at actionwhichhasbeentaken,”hesaid. CEO and MD,Wipro,said. 10 at least thrice a week. Without salaryincreases,whilesayingthatfor ers,we have hired several thousands
equity of `300 crore and a debt of over`1,700 crore. Meanwhile,McleodRusselchair- Asked if Wipro had introduced revealingwhatpercentagewereback thefullyear,itexpectsstrongdouble- offreshersandwillcontinuetofollow
`945 crore to resolve Mcleod’s out- Carbon Resources had picked up man Aditya Khaitan told sharehold- newpoliciestoreininonmoonlight- in office, it said its office was open digit growth.“Our margin in Q3 will this strategy over the coming quar-
standingdebt.Securedlenderswould a5.03%stakeinMcLeodRusselfrom ersatitsannualgeneralmeetingheld ing practices, Saurabh Govil, chief four days a week and “expects the have some headwinds. That is the ters,” he added.
bepaidinfull,whileunsecuredwould the open market last month. It said on September 30 that banks have
have to take a 45% haircut as the the stake purchase was to show “concluded”intermsofwhatthedebt
Jalans proposed to take over. lenders that it is keen to acquire the restructuring resolutionshould be.
HCLTech Q2 profit at `3,487 cr; Vedanta
IiAS red-flags Future shareholders
QUICK raises full-year revenue guidance approve
VIEW Lifestyle Fashion’s FE BUREAU shifting of
PVR shareholders
motion to sell assets Mumbai, October 12
approve merger Mumbai, October 12 “It is unclear how the company net profit of `3,487 crore on a seq- Q1FY22 FE BUREAU
with rival INOX will be able to operate at its current uential basis for the quarter ended Mumbai, October 12
PROXY ADVISORY FIRM Institu- scale without these assets. Further, September30,led bystrong growth Q2 FY22
MULTIPLEX tional Investor Advisory Services except that the sale of assets will be across all verticals. (Sept) LONDON-BASED VEDANTA
OPERATOR PVR India (IiAS) has advised sharehold- at least at bookvalue,there isno fur- Its net profit on a year-on-year Resources, helmed by billionaire
on Wednesday said ers against supporting Future ther disclosure on the proposed dis- basis rose 6.86% to `3,263 crore. Anil Agarwal, has received
it has received the LifestyleFashions(FLFL)motionfor posal.The board needs to provide a Revenue from operations rose shareholders’ approval of its
nod from its shareholders for the sale of fixed assets to repaydebt plan to the company’s shareholders 5.2% to `24,686 crore on a sequen- Indian unit to move funds into its
the scheme of mergerwith as this would reduce its scale of on the potential continuation of the tial basis from `23,464 crore posted balance sheet.
rival Inox Leisure.The proposal operations.However,it business in light of the in the June quarter and a 19.5% rise The company had held a meet-
was passed by over 99% of the asked them to support The proxy advisory sale of a dominant por- from `20,655 crore from the same ing of shareholders of its India-list
number of valid votes cast two other motions, tion of assets,”it added. quarter of last year.A consensus esti- unit,Vedanta Ltd,in which it holds
both appointments of firm asked the In the postal ballot matebyBloombergwasexpectingthe Revenue from Ebitda Ebit PAT about 70% stake, on October 11.
Tata Power’s 7MWsolar independentdirectors. shareholders to notice,FLFLhadsought firm to post a net profit of `3,419 operations The special resolution by
The Future Group support two other authorisation to sell, croreonrevenueof`24,459.10crore. Vedanta was favoured with a total
project in Uttarakhand firm had earliersought motions, both lease, rent, transfer or “Our services business grew revenue guidance for FY23. headcount to 2.19 lakh. Its IT ser- 99.97% ofvotes cast,ofwhich pro-
TATAPOWERonWednesdaysaid theconsentofitsmem- appointments dispose of fixed assets 5.3%q-o-qand18.9%y-o-yincon- “Our first-half growth and deal vices attrition stood at 23.8% on a moters and promoter groups
itwill set up a 7 MWsolarproject bers for the sale of in- of independent (in-store retail infra stant currency, led by strong wins leadus toincrease ourrevenue last 12-month trailing basis. approved it with 100% votes.
forTata Motorsin Pantnagar. storeretailinfra-assets, assets)whichwerelying demand forcloud,engineering and guidance to 16-17% for services “We expect to onboard 30,000 Public institutions supported
The project once completedwill which will be used for at non-operational digital services. Our bookings and and 13.5-14.5% at the company freshers this year,” Ramachandran it with 99.98% and non-public
generate 215 million units of the repayment of debt stores. The board had pipeline continue to be strong,that level,reflectiveofourstronggrowth Sundararajan,chiefpeopleofficerat institutions with 99.97% of votes,
electricity,,mitigating over0.17 and other operational proposedtousethepro- augurs well for our future growth,” visibility. Our Ebit guidance is now HCLTech said. according to a stock exchange
million tonne of CO2,the liabilities. It is seeking approval ceeds for repayment of debt and HCLTech CEO and MD C Vijayaku- in a narrower range of 18-19%,” On moonlighting,the company update.
companysaid. through an e-voting,which ends on other operational liabilities,which mar said.“We had a very good first HCLTech chief financial officerPra- said it does not approve of doing a According to a stock exchange
Thursday. would help the company reduce its half, we had excellent bookings in teek Aggarwal said. job for another company while notice convening the meeting of
Mercedes-Benz crosses “While we understand that the debt“considerably”. the first half, which will result in The company had expected rev- working with HCL Technologies. shareholders, the proposed
company will need funds to keep The board believed that with the good revenue growth in the coming enuetogrowat12-14%inconstant “Everybody who signs up to work scheme of arrangement between
2021 sales in 9 months itself afloat, the approval sought is remainingassets,FLFLwillbeableto quarters,”he added. currency terms and Ebit margin to with HCLTech is signing an Vedanta and its shareholders pro-
MERCEDES-BENZ for disposal of assets worth `1,390 continue its business operations. HCLTech alsowon 11 large deals be at 18-20% for FY23. Its board employment contract which vides for capital reorganisation of
India sold more crore,whichcontributedto64.2%of IiAS has asked shareholders to (8in servicesand 3inproducts).The alsodeclaredaninterimdividendof requires exclusivity, confidential- the company. This is to provide
cars in the January thecompany’srevenuesinFY21and support two other motions — to totalcontractvalueofnewdealwins `10 per share. ity and non-compete provisions for transfer of amounts standing
to Septemberperiod 32%ofthecompany’stotalassetsas appoint Bharat Ram and Neelam rose 16% from the previous quar- The firm added 8,359 employ- among others. We expect our to the credit of the general reserves
thisyearcomparedwith the ofMarch2022.Thiswillsignificantly Chhiberasindependentdirectorsfor terand 6%y-o-yto $2,384 million. ees,including 10,339 freshers,dur- employees to honour these com- to the retained earnings of
totalvehicles sold in the reduce the scale of the company’s fiveyears from July19,2022. HCLTechnologiesalsorevisedits ing the quarter, taking its total mitments,”he added. the company.
entire CY2021.
BNY MELLON plans to convert
Sahyadri sets up subsidiary to raise funds, IPO also on the cards
its corporate vehicles fleet into GEETA NAIR pany and the company has set a rev-
electric in India by 2025.The Pune, October 12 12 years of groundwork, enue target of `1,191 crore and
company has a total fleet of
restructuring of
Ebitda of`140 crore forFY23. Sahyadri FPC’s corporate structure
700 diesel-powered multi- THE BUZZATtherecentlyheld12th Sahyadri supplies to some big
purpose vehicles (MPVs). annualgeneralmeetingofSahyadri operations and the names such as HUL, BigBasket, move to set a trend for others
Farmers Producer Company at the Mother Dairy, Del Monte,Veeba, an
KettleboroughVC Sahyadri campus in Mohadi, Din- recent funding will see Reliance.Itgotintoamanufacturing SAHYADRI FARMER PRO- However,regulatorshavestip-
closesfirst$5-mfund dori, in Nashik was different this Sahyadri get into a partnershipwithHUL in2019forthe DUCER Company (FPC) receiv- ulated that the shareholding of
time.Thefarmerproducercompany Kissan range of products.This gave ing the required regulatory the parent FPC in the subsidiary
KETTLEBOROUGH (FPO) has created a new subsidiary new growth phase. them the confidence of making a approvals to split the farmer should not fall below51%.
VC,an early-stage with an aim to raise capital from VILAS VISHNU SHINDE, foray into the retail segment with facilitationandpost-harvestcare Rahul Rai, partner, Incofin
venture capital,has overseas to scale up their business. CMD, SAHYADRI FARMERS their own brand of value-added and business could set a trend for India, an investment firm, said
raised $5 million to An IPO is also on the cards. PRODUCERS COMPANY ready-to-eat food products. FPCs. Till now, only Sahyadri FPC would become a
invest in technology-centric The horticulture-focused com- Sahyadri currently sources from producers/farmers could be FPC model for other FPCs to follow,
startups in their seed stage. panyhasalreadyreceivedtheregula- Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, shareholders and capital could give confidence to the sectorand
toryapprovaltohiveoffitspost-har- lastmonthfromagroupofEuropean farmer producer companies (FPCs). AndhraPradesh,Rajasthan,Kashmir only be raised from them or show them the pathway to scale.
eBikeGotosetup vest business division into a new investors who picked up a 16.6% Shinde, a first-generation entrepre- and Himachal Pradesh. They will through internal accruals. Alpen Capital, strategic advi-
corporate entity. The 100% sub- stakeinthefirm,whichwasvaluedat neur, and his family, own 52.8% in expand into Punjab, Kerala, Tamil Vilas Vishnu Shinde, chair- sors to Sahyadri Farms for the
subsidiaryinSpain sidiary,SahyadriFarmsPost-Harvest `2,000 crore. Shinde added that SFPC, 32.9% is held by small and Nadu,Telangana and the NorthEast. man,Sahyadri FPC,said the new transaction, said Sahyadri had
ELECTRIC TWO-WHEELER Care Limited,will house all the post- Sahyadriwould be going publicwith marginal farmers, and 14.3% by Multiple pilots are on for a direct corporate structure has enabled overcome the most difficult part
platform eBikeGo on harvest business,including the pro- anIPOplannedinthenext3-4years. largefarmers andFPCs. retail business and to supplydirectly farmers to continue with collec- of the process and cleared all the
Wednesday announced cessing business,retail,logistics,and Thiscouldbethefirst-of-its-kindlist- The firm’s FY22 revenueswere at to street vendors and retailers.“12 tive farming and be part ofvalue legal hurdles and therewould be
its plans to set up a wholly- newlines of business. ing forfarmerproducercompanies. `785.7 crore, Ebitda at `66.4 crore, yearsofgroundwork,restructuringof creation through the subsidiary, no roadblocks to the expansion
owned subsidiary in Spain to Vilas Vishnu Shinde, CMD at Sahyadriisownedby731farmers and net profit at `23 crore.Around operations and the recent funding which could raise growth capital and growth of the FPC.
cater to the demand from the SahyadriFarmers,saidthesubsidiary, with681farmersdirectlyowningthe 71% revenues come from the will see Sahyadri get into a new from non-producer investors. —FE BUREAU/PUNE
European market. Sahyadri Farms, raised `310 crore company and the rest through 48 Sahyadri Farms Post Harvest Com- growthphase,” Shindesaid.
umeofdigitaltransactionsisrisingrapidly.However,evenifitisusedinalim- ROWING INEQUALITY dle-men syndrome flourished under the
itedfashion,theCBDCwouldstrengthenthepaymentssystembyproviding IN income and wealth,
CKG NAIR APMCs too. Several committees and
experts suggested the need for substan-
anotherlayer.Even today,cash accounts fora large share of transactions; in
FY22, currency in circulation was up nearly 10%, at over `31 trillion, and
tion of the number of bil-
& MS SAHOO tive disintermediation, and some policy
measures have been taken to bring the
the savings from simply printing notes,not to mention the cost of storing global socioeconomic concern in recent Respectively, director, National Institute of
producers and buyers closer.While this
Securities Markets, and distinguished professor,
and transporting them, could be enormous. Last year, RBI is estimated to times.This is attributed mostlyto hi-tech National Law University, Delhi domesticpolicybattleremainsprotracted
have spent close to `5,000 crore on just printing notes.Among the reasons intermediation/aggregation platforms, Views are personal and inconclusive, it seems we have wel-
why cash is used in such large quantities is that it provides anonymity.The whicharefastemergingasaggregatorsof comed the aggregation-intermediation
central bank is right in pointing out that ensuring anonymity for a digital concern. Consequently, global debates model of the new global monopoly/oli-
overtaxationofsuchplatformsandother massive and fast changes have suddenly Monopoly usually has control over gopolyin distribution.
currency particularly does pose a bit of challenge,given all digital transac- networking entities are raging. Equally brought enormous challenges for pro- supply:quantityandprice.However,these These distribution platforms are get-
tions would leave some trail.At the same time, it finds merit in providing vehement is the debate and regulatory ducers, producer-distributors, distrib- platforms are going one step ahead.They tingbiggerandmoreconcentrated;mak-
some degree of anonymity for small value transactions, as is the case with actioninvariousjurisdictionstoreinthem uters,andsmall-andmedium-scaleoper- also have control over customers. For ingincomedistributionfurtherskewedin
physicalcash.TheCBDCcouldbedesignedtoenablesomedegreeofprivacy. in from abusing their dominance.Their ators in almost all integrated economies instance, a ride-hailing service scores their favour. Being the aggregator of
The central bank prefers the indirect CBDC model inwhich consumers powerandinfluenceoverpeopleandlives around the world,something like the tail everyrideronascaleof5,enablingdenial aggregators, they have effective control
will hold their CBDC in an account or a wallet with a bank, or a service are creating hugely complex sociopoliti- wagging the dog. The macroeconomic ofservicetoariderwhoscoreslow.Itmay over tributary/distributary aggregators.
cal and economic issues, more serious effects of these changes on employment, wipe out or marginalise other taxis from Till these e-commerce giants became
provider.As it rightlypoints out,a direct model,inwhich the central bank
than the so-called multinationals and prices, and incomes, including income the market but may deny a ride to some omnipresent, the domestic distribution
interacts directly with the end customers would result in disintermedia- othernear-monopoliesin the past. distribution, are massive, with huge customers. Similar AI-based algorithms chains were at times competitive, with
tion,somethingforwhichtheIndianbanksarenotreadyyet.Moreover,the An equally interesting angle, though groundswell of gigs and ‘read’andevaluatethepref- manyplayers in the system.However,the
central bank too would be overburdened if it needs to manage customers not much debated,is the type of services temps, predatory pricing, erence of each user or con- global platforms on boarded them too
and operate a retail ledger.Also, such a framework could end up stifling provided by such entities. The largest and other anti-competitive Till the e-commerce sumerof theirservices and aggressively, wiping out even the sem-
innovation in the payments system.Ultimately,financial intermediaries transport company doesn’t own a single practices. A 2018 book by lurethemtoaddictivecon- blanceof anycompetition.
vehicle,the largest retailer doesn’t own a Tom Goodwin captures giants became sumerism. Like the sirens Such monopoly has been entrenched
are best-suited to cater to the needs of consumers. Even in the Universal omnipresent, the
single retail store, and the largest food these new developments in attracting passers-by with throughthetraditionalmethodsofpreda-
Payments Interface (UPI) ecosystem,forinstance,it is the GooglePays and delivery company does not own a single the title of his book,‘Digital melodious music in Greek tory pricing,M&As,sharp business prac-
PhonePes that have drawn in customers onto the platform. restaurant.Most of them are engaged in Darwinism: Survival of the mythology. tices,promotingconsumerism,etc,aswell
In this context,opting for a non-interest bearing CBDC would be bet-
distribution chains
distribution;theyrarelyproduceanything Fittest in the Age of Business Indian policymakers as through the power of new, high-cost
terin today’s environment.As experts have pointed out,an interest-bear- (goods orservices). Disruption’. were at times had been concerned about frontier technology. Coupled with
ing instrument might make monetary policy more effective as trans- Thenetworkmediadonotevencreate In 1879, Henry George competitive the cost and inefficiencies monopolisation in the payment system,
missionwould shift from the overnight moneymarket rate to the deposit thecontentontheirplatforms.Itisallcre- propounded that agricul- of long chains of distribu- thesegiantdistributionplatformscancre-
ated by the users,though at times not to ture is the only productive tion intermediaries (mid- ateserioussituationstothefinancial,eco-
rate. However, a deposit-like CBDC could result in some degree of disin- thelikingofmany.Intheprocess,theyare humanactivityandadvocatedasingletax dle-men)operatinginmultipleareas,par- nomic,and political systems of nations.
termediation.In otherwords,if customers decide to hold CBDC deposits, facing requests/demand for removing systembasedonthevalueofland.Though ticularly in the primary sector.The major There are several other issues with
banks would be deprived of funds with which to pursue lending activity. suchcontent.Mostoftheonline/stream- nosovereignborrowedtheideainexacti- concerns were that the farmers/produc- monopoly/oligopoly e-platforms.They
To prevent an exodus of customers,lenders would need to price deposits ing entertainment companies,which are tude, tax systems had been fairly simple ers of agricultural and other primary can change shape and location easily, do
at rates that might make it unviable for them to run the business effi- fast becoming global oligopolies,are also till the late 19th century.Industrial revo- products would get very low prices while not provide any direct employment
ciently without taking on too much risk. One key reason for the intro- mainly aggregators,with a few in-house lution,andlater,the explosionof services the end consumers pay substantially except providing fluctuating and uncer-
creationsthrowninbetween.Eveneduca- of umpteen types, created considerable higherpricesbecauseofseveralroundsof tain opportunity for gig workers. Anti-
duction of a CBDC is RBI’s discomfort with crypto-currencies.Given the
tion,oncethepreserveoffamedbrickand complexity in the tax structures of mark-up by these layers of middle-men. labour practices, dodging taxes are very
risks that cryptos pose to financial stability, the CBDC will provide the wood/mortar universities,is being taken nations.Now,the tech platforms,practi- Given the magnitude of such collective common.Therefore,thevalueadditionof
public with a risk-free alternative to work with virtual currencies. over by platform models, some of them cally doing no “productive” activity but mark-up just in the distribution chain,it theiractivitiestotheeconomyislowwhile
Togetherwith the much-needed financial stability,the CBDC would also with their overblown hype and capsuled almostfullyoccupyingthespaceofman- resulted in skewed and undesirable incomegenerationanddistributionshift
help further financial inclusion. The blockchain technology will enable tutorial/coaching models. aging global distribution of nearlyevery- incomedistributioninfavourofthemid- heavily in their favour.We wanted com-
offline transactions,which are needed to ensure wider usage.As the cen- Inshort,justthedistributionofgoods thingasaservice,arethenewreality.Afew dle-menandagainsttheproducersaswell petitive but limited layers of intermedia-
tral bank has pointed out, as of now, just 825 million people have inter- andserviceshasbecomeamajorbusiness global platforms for everyone,including as consumers.Even the Agricultural Pro- tion.What we got are a few giant global
globally.They have become colossal oli- for social interaction, communications, duce Marketing Committee (APMC) intermediaries, crushing everything
net access, and offline transactions would of be of immense help in gopoly platforms,disrupting global sup- and entertainment, seem to be the ulti- enactments by almost all states did not aroundthem,perhapswithlimited,short-
remote locations. In addition, a CBDC will make cross-border transac- ply-chain ecosystems drastically. Such mate destination. help solve the problem; rather, the mid- run gains forsome savvyconsumers.
tions and even local wholesale payments a lot more efficient.
Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE, has said. He could not be more right. Browsing ARTICLE 280 OF the Constitution men- differential sources of revenue.Alterna- In 1936, Otto Niemeyer faced the same sured through geographical area and
throughthethird-quartertradingupdatefromLVMH,youwouldbeforgivenforthink- tionsFinanceCommission(FC).Thereisa tively,cost of delivering that basket may conundrum.Heconcluded,itwouldbefair population,surrogate indicators that go
ing the world wasn’t facing geopolitical turmoil,soaring inflation and sinking stock history behind evolution of federal vary, across geographical zones. Over to“fix the scale of distribution partly on backtoNiemeyer.Toquotefrom15thFC,
markets.Theblingbehemothreporteda19%increaseinsales,excludingmergersand finance. The obvious bit is Section 142 time,villages of course get depopulated. residence and partly on population.”At “ThepopulationofaStaterepresentsthe
acquisitionsandcurrencymovements,inthethreemonthstoSeptember30.Fashion from Government of India Act (1935). They are reclassified, get absorbed into best, these are surrogate indicators.The needsoftheStatetoundertakeexpendi-
andleathergoodsorganicrevenuerose22%.Bothresultstrouncedanalysts’expecta- “Such sums as may be prescribed by His larger agglomerations, or disappear UnionFChasaverticaltask,dividingdivis- ture for providing services to its resi-
tions.Investorsshouldstillbecautious.Thethirdquarterwasalwaysgoingtobeablock- MajestyinCouncilshallbechargedonthe because of migration. For instance, in iblepoolbetween theUnion government dents.” “All Finance Commissions since
busterwith travel restrictions easing and manyAmericansventuring back to Europe revenuesoftheFederationineachyearas 2021Census,CurlewIslandnolongerhas and states. It also has a horizontal task, the FC-Xhave used area as anothercrite-
withastrongdollartomakethemostof.AndnowLVMHhassetaveryhighbarforthe grants in aid of the revenues of such anyinhabitants.Untilthen,theStatecan- dividing state share between different rion in the devolution formula on the
forthcomingreporting season—at a timewhen risks are growing. Provinces as His Majesty may determine not abdicate its responsibility of provid- states. Accordingly,from 1st to 15th,FCs ground of need—the larger the area,
Although Europe has shone,the most important drivers of top-end demand are to be in need of assistance,and different ingthebasket.“Itcannotbe have adopted different for- greater is the expenditure requirement
USandChineseconsumers.Andthereareconsiderableuncertaintiesaroundboth.US sums may be prescribed for different provided in such a remote mulae,with an attempt to for providing comparable services.” But
big spenders are more vulnerable to shocks than slowing economic growth, and so Provinces.” But there were reports too.To location. Therefore, also create incentives, by the point is this.ThewayI understand it,
recentstockmarketgyrationsareaaworry.DemandfromUScustomerswas“moreor name three—Indian Financial Enquiry migrate.”That would be a No Finance attaching weights to fiscal geographical area is the estimated area
less”in line with the second quarter,LVMH said.But a slowdown at Tiffany is worth Report(NiemeyerReport,1936),Krishna- most perverse argument. Commission has efficiency and even demo- ofaplane.Itisn’ttopographicalarea.Isit
watching.The company said weakness in the silver business was due to an inflation- machary Enquiry Committee Report Migration is a voluntary tried to do this yet, graphic performance.This more expensive to deliver physical and
ary environment,where customers prefer gold.But it is also possible that some mar- (1948) and Committee on Financial Pro- decision, often driven by but it can certainly leavesvariableslikepopula- socialinfrastructureonalevelplain,orin
ginalluxurybuyers are beingmore carefulwith theirbudgets. visions of Union Constitution (Sarkar pull(andpush)ofeconomic tion, geographical area, a hilly area? Clearly, the latter.There is a
LVMH’ssalestomainlandChinesecustomerswereflatamidCovid-19restrictions. Committee,1948).WhyshouldProvinces forces.Thatvoluntarydeci- be done. Australia is incomedistance,infrastruc- ranking of states by geographical area. I
That’s an improvement on the second quarter but far needassistance?Equityistheidea.Thereis sion cannot be replaced by likely trying to ture distance and forest haven’tseenasimilarcalculationaccord-
fromarecovery.Demandinthecountryremainsclouded abasketofgoodsandservicesthatshould fiat. Indeed, depopulation measure topography cover. To quote from 15th ing to topographical area, though it is
bypandemiclockdownsandadarkeningeconomicout- be delivered by the State.It is best not to isnotnecessarilydesirable. FC,“There are three broad logicallyobvioustherewillbedifferences
look.Evenwhenlifereturnstonormal,aftertwoyearsof call them public goods, since “public Think of remote villages, approaches to measuring betweenthetwo.Inthisdayandage,with
yo-yoing between lockdowns and freedom, there is no goods”haveaspecificmeaningforecono- along the border, in Arunachal Pradesh. fiscal capacity for formula-based trans- improvements in information technol-
guarantee that consumers will spend with the same mists and this basket has items that are With China forcibly populating villages fers:(a)expenditureequalisationbasedon ogy,can’twecomputetopographicalarea
gusto as they did when China reopened after the first typically collective private goods.Curlew near the border,it is strategically impor- needs/costsofpublicservices;(b)revenue objectivelyandusethatinstead,asabet-
Covidwave in 2020. IslandisinAndamanandNicobarIslands. tant that our remote villages do not get equalisationmeasuredbytheabilityofthe ter surrogate indicator? No FC has tried
Onewildcardistravel.Thestrongdollarcouldbeatail- Till 2011 Census, it had a population of depopulated.Indeed,inthelastfewyears, state to raise revenue from one or more to do that yet, but that doesn’t mean it
wind to more US spending as trips to Europe continue two.PulomiloIsland,alsoinAndamanand physical and social infrastructure in sources; and (c) macro-indicators cover- can’t be done. (Forest cover doesn’t ade-
ANDREA intothefinalquarter.Anysignificantlooseningofrestric- Nicobar, had a population of twenty in remote and border areas have vastly ing broader economic or non-economic quately capture topography.) If I have
tions in China could lead to more Chinese tourism in 2011.At the time of elections,we read of improved, countering incentive to indicators that approximate fiscal capac- understood it right,Australia’s National
FELSTED Europe—and more lavish spending in Paris or Milan— astoundingattemptsmade,sothatvoters migrate.This brings us to the question of itywheredataconstraintsmakeitdifficult Productivity Commission seeks to mea-
Bloomberg thoughthat still looks awayoff rightnow. in remote locations can vote. No one costofdeliveringthatphysicalandsocial toapplytheotherapproaches.”Let’sthink sure topography. It’s probably not used
LVMH looks best placed among the luxury compa- should be disenfranchised because of infrastructure,thebasket,andpercapita, about (a),especially the costs part.Forest forfiscal devolution,as opposed to plan-
nies. It is the biggest and has a muscular balance sheet remotenessof location. itisnotuniformthroughoutthecountry. coverisn’tnecessarilythat,sincethereare ning. However, this seems to be an idea
thatismovingtowardanetcashpositioninearly2024,accordingtoBloombergIntel- Bythe same token,a resident,regard- Union-state and intra-state devolution positiveexternalitiesassociatedwithfor- worth toying with. Think of small vil-
ligence.That gives it the clout to invest in marketing as others cut back,and possibly less of location, must be entitled to that should be a function of that. estcoverand it is an end in itself. lages in Arunachal Pradesh, at altitudes
make acquisitions.It iswell diversifiedthrough drinks andbeauty,and itowns twoof basket. Provinces, now states, can have Computingthesecostsisnoeasytask. Needs/costs are sought to be mea- of more than 10,000 feet.
the industry’s most successful brands,LouisVuitton and Christian Dior.If the luxury
spend more on a single item. LVMH and rival Hermes International should benefit
from this. The biggerworrywill be forlessernames.The exception here is Prada SpA.
It is enjoying a Gen Z revival,withyounger shoppers snapping up its bucket hats and
logoed loafers.If the Italian company can translate this into lucrative handbag sales, Gujarat a pipe dream Congress went down to the wire in expansion ahead?", only recently, our without optimum utilisation of
thenit could surpriseon the upside. 2017, and elections are due later this finance minister invoked Lord existing capex, no company would
The macro environment is more challenging for Kering SA,which is managing for the AAP? year. AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal is Hanuman in the context of Indian like to invest further. And improving
Gucci’s transition to classic from cutting edge.The luxuryconglomerate should ben- The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is trying spending a lot of time in the state. His Inc's capabilities as she exhorted credit quality of customers tells a
efit from the strength of its other houses,such asYves Saint Laurent and Balenciaga, to expand its footprint beyond its main hope is anti-incumbency them to invest in the India growth strong story about Indian Inc.
but reorienting its biggest brand through an industrydownturnwill be hardwork. cradle of Delhi. It is also seeking to favouring his party. But this may be a story. Data for the first half of the Despite unseasonal rains recently,
BurberryGroup Plc is also in the midst of a turnaround andvulnerable.That said, capitalize on its success in Punjab, day dream. ongoing fiscal are encouraging with which will adversely impact standing
ifnewdesignerDanielLeecancreatethesortsofwinningbagsandshoeshedelivered where it formed a government earlier --CK Subramanian, Ghaziabad that regard, because, if capacity crops, we may yet achieve a 7% GDP
atKering’sBottegaVeneta,Burberrymaybeabletonavigatethecomingchoppywaters. this year, and which boosted that utilisation is close to 75%, then we in the current financial year.
“Everyone is talking about the recession,but nobodyhad seen ityet,” said LVMH’s ambition. The party is now eyeing are reaching the desired situation --Bal Govind, Noida
Guiony.If andwhen it does arrive,the giant should be the most resilient.But if“luxo- Gujarat, where the contest between Capex thrust ahead where Indian companies start
nomics”goes in thewrong direction,even itwon’t be immune. Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) and the Apropos of the article "Capacity contemplating fresh capex. Because, ●Write to us at feletters@expressindia.com
R.N.I. Reg. No. MAHENG/2010/34809 Printed and published by Vaidehi Thakar on behalf of The Indian Express (P) Ltd and printed at The Indian Express (P) Ltd Press, Survey No. 288, Plot 1 and 2, Raisoni Industrial Park, Village Maan, Taluka Mulshi, District Pune-411027
and published at The Indian Express (P) Ltd, Express House, Plot No. 1205/2/6, Shirole Road, Shivajinagar, Pune-411004. Phone: 67241000. Chairman of the Board: Viveck Goenka, Editor: Shyamal Majumdar, Editor (Pune): Shobhana Subramanian* (*Responsible for selection of news under PRB Act)
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Rekha M Menon, Chairperson & Senior MD, Accenture
As businesses set ambitious ESG goals,
success will be determined by the
ability to transform via twin engines of
technology & sustainability.”
A medicine-reminder app
opted for getting pill reminders in
the form of calls.“On an average,
between 8 am and 9:30 am,we are
doing 70,000 to 75,000 calls a
day,”he said.
Can AI be my
to make your life easier
The app, which went live last
year and is only available on
Android-based smartphones, has
currently over 75,000 monthly
active users. to better understand the conver-
But what makes Karma Dost Some people might sation between therapists and
Karma Dost improves TECH TO THE different from other medication- find it easier to talk clients.Suchtoolscanhelpensure
reminder apps is the Karma fea- high standards of service.
medical adherence RESCUE ture and hence the name Karma
and open up to a bot
in patients Dost. If a user takes the medicine Counselling with AI
■ Less than 7% of Indians
on time, say for the next seven One of the main benefits of
adhere to their doctor's
days,theyearn KD coinswhich can usingAI in clinical care is its abil-
ANUJ BHATIA be used for social causes. ity to collect massive amounts of
■ The Karma Dost app is Dawaa Dost, co-founded by data and gather insights from it.
WHEN A DOCTOR prescribes you useful for those who take ChoudharywithYash Harlalka and mental health professionals can
a medicine, the timings and dura- multiple medications Anirudh Batwara in 2018, is an use these data resources and col-
tion of the doses can be a bit con- Around 80 to 85% of omnichannel pharmacy retail lectclinicallyactionabletargetsto
fusing, especially if you have lost ■ The Android app chain that aims to address India’s ■ AJAY MALGAONKAR provide more effective and per-
the prescription or forgot to take a currently has over 75,000
users who are mammoth healthcare problems sonalised care to theirpatients.
pill accidentally.These are some of monthly active users using the app have by making medicines available at THE WORLD IS witnessing a
the most common causes of poor affordable rates. The Jaipur-based severe mental health crisis.
adherence which could have dra- ■ A large section of these opted for getting pill startup primarilyfocuses on tier-2 AccordingtoareportbytheWHO,
matic side effects if patients have are elderly people reminders in the and 3 cities and also owns plat- around 56 million Indians suffer
chronic issues like diabetes or form of calls” forms such as Medwiki which from depression, and 38 million
■ App is end-to-end
heart ailments. That’s where offers short-form videos on treat- experience some kind of anxiety
encrypted, ie, data
Karma Dost comes in, a smart- AMIT CHOUDHARY, CO- ments and Karma Dost. disorder. The country’s mental
is secure
phone app that nudgesyou to take FOUNDER & CEO, DAWAA DOST Choudhary says the Karma health workforce is also gravely
medicines on time. Dost app will continue to get understaffed with there being a
“Fora long time,the traditional improvements through new fea- severe shortage of psychiatrists
model has been that someone topic in healthcare. In fact, half of and then stop a 5-day course mid- out any assistance from a family tures and experiences. and psychologists compared to
reminds us to take medicine and if Americans with chronic illnesses way because they are feeling bet- memberand ensure the treatment Karma Dost is end-to-end the number of people suffering
they forget…I also forget. We stop taking medications within a ter,” he said, adding that people plan is followed. The app lets you encrypted, meaning the company from mental illness.
picked up that theme and said year of the initial prescription, often don’t stick to the prescrip- create a list ofyourmedications by can’t read or otherwise access the Artificial Intelligence (AI) can
what if we recreate that environ- according to the Centres for Dis- tion plan due to fearof adapting to uploading the prescription or just data. Choudhary admits health- prove to be a powerful tool in the At World Well-Being Project
ment in a digital-first environ- ease Control and Prevention. In a new schedule and lack of infor- by typing the name of the medi- care data is critical and that keep- fight against the mental health (WWBP) in Philadelphia, resear-
ment,” Amit Choudhary, co- India, although there is no scien- mation on when to take medicine. cine.You can then schedule notifi- ing data secure is keyto protecting crisis.Here are its benefits: chers used anAI algorithm to col-
founder and CEO of Dawaa Dost, tific data available,experts say the The concept of a medication- cations on your phone when it’s patient privacy. The app will get a Reduces the burden on lectdatafromseveralsocialmedia
describes the idea behind the adherence rate is well below 10% reminder app like Karma Dost is time to take them exactly as pre- two-factorauthentication feature, mentalhealthprofessionals:AI users to examine their posts for
Karma Dost app. which is on the lower side. simple: let your smartphone scribed.You can indicate the form which adds an additional layer of can provide immense support to identification of linguistic cues
Medication adherence is a less- “Most people in India take a remindyouwhen to take medicine of medicine – tablet or capsule by security to the authentication mental health professionals. that could predict depression.AI
discussed and often overlooked medicine for the first three days as prescribed by your doctor with- its colour and size. process. Algorithmscanbeusedtoanalyse alsohasthepotentialtopickupon
and process data; suggest appro- vocalfeaturesthehumanearcan’t
priate treatments as well as track and analyse vocal cues to predict
a patient’s progress.AI and men- mental illnesses like depression,
Google working towards a waste-free world tal health professionals can work
Easyaccessto all: AI tools are
post-traumatic stress disorder
and schizophrenia.
Several companies today are
pollution is more prevalent, said using technology to solve circular- cohort will comprise 10-15 organ- reducethestigmaaroundaccess- counsellingservicestoemployees
Introduces a new Mike Werner, Lead for Circular itychallenges,he informed. isations using technology to tackle ing treatment. These tools can byanalysing theirusage ofwords
accelerator for circular Economy, Google Global Sustain- TheGoogleforStartupsAcceler- circulareconomychallenges.These either be used as stand-alone in theirconversations.
abilityTeam. ator is a ten-week virtual accelera- challenges include reuse, refill, treatment agents or as a supple-
economy startups Recently, the tech giant intro- tor programme for Seed to Series A recycling, composting, fashion, ment to traditional therapy. Future prospects
ducedanewacceleratorprogramme technology that is “designed to food, safe and circular materials, Tracking progress and per- The primary results of inclu-
thatisgearedtosupporttechnology bring the best of Google’s pro- and the built environment.Partici- sonalised care: It is evident that sion of AI in mental health are
SUDHIR CHOWDHARY startups and non-profit organisa- grammes, products, people, net- pants will also be assigned a dedi- theuseofAIwithinmentalhealth promisingandthefutureoflong-
tions based in North America and workandtechnologytothosework- cated success manager for even servicescanbeagame-changer.It term efficacy is yet to be deter-
EVERY YEAR, HUMANITY con- AsiaPacificthatfurtheracircular ing towards a waste-free world.” In more support that is specific to not only gives a deeper insight mined. Despite it being depen-
sumes far more than what the economy.“At Google, we want to additiontomentorshipandproject their organisation. into a patient’s needs but also dent on several factors, if the
planet can naturally replenish. support efforts to create a circular supportontechnicalsubjectslikeAI Selected organisations will helps track theirprogress. industry is able to overcome cer-
While this linear economic model economy and build a sustainable and machine learning, geospatial receivetrainingindesign,marketing tain major obstacles,AI will defi-
hasledtoagreatdealofprogressfor future without waste,”said Werner. and Google Cloud, the accelerator and leadership, strategic support, Quality control nitely appear as an adjunct in
humanityinashorttime,ithasalso Building on the success of itsAccel- will focus on product design, cus- earlyaccess to newGoogle products Several mental health clinics mental healthcare delivery.
createdenvironmentalharm,injus- erator: Climate Change (which has tomer acquisition, leadership andtoolsandmentoringfrommore are experimenting with auto-
tice, and disparities — particularly supported companies like 75F, development, expert-led circular than 20 Google teams.Applications mated ways to monitor the qual- The writeris offshore head of
for lower-income and under- AmpUp, Carbon Limit and Char- Mike Werner, Lead for Circular economy deep dives, workshops arenowopentillNovember14,2022 ityoftherapysessions.Techfirms engineering,Prolifics,a digital
resourced communities that are geNet),Google forStartupsAcceler- Economy, Google Global and leadership development. andtheprogrammewillcommence areworkingontoolsthatcanhelp and engineering consulting firm
located nearindustrial areaswhere ator:CircularEconomyisfocusedon Sustainability Team According to Werner, each in February2023.
Gadgets ● REALME 9i 5G
Christine Lagarde, president, European Central Bank
We need to have cooperation among ourselves —
central bankers —- to understand what the spillovers
will be, what the spill backs could be, what impact we
have on each other and what ramifications it will take
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2022 because financial markets are extremely integrated.
Percentage change
October 12 20
Ukraine's major general Eduard Moskaliov, Ukraine's defense minister Oleksiy Reznikov, US secretary of part of a “conspiracy network” -10
defense Lloyd Austin and US chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark A. Milley attend a meeting of focused on rigging the foreign
BoE warns the Ukraine Defence Contact Group during a NATO defence ministers meeting in Brussels REUTERS exchange market, a lawyer said in
opening arguments in an antitrust
households suit against the bank. -40
CPC Congress: Xi Jinping all set ● XPENG’S FLYING CAR HITS THE SKIES Yen falls to
new 24-yr low
to bring back ‘one leader rule’
K J M VARMA Cultural Revolution during which
Beijing, October 12 millions of intellectuals were exter-
minated and wiped out much of the
CHINA'S RULING COMMUNIST country’scivilisationalpasttocreate
Party is set to slide back to its a newsocialist order.
founder Mao Zedong’s era soon as Mao’s mercurial leadership was
President Xi Jinping is set to break markedbybrutalcampaignstopurge
the decades-old 10-year term rule the remnants of the capitalists and
to cling in power and perhaps for traditional elements from society
life, amid mounting pressure from and implement his brand of Com-
the US-led West against Beijing’s munism called Mao Zedong
aggressive quest to become a dom- Thought.Itendedupdisastrouslydri-
inant world power. ving the communist nation to near
On Sunday, 2,296 delegates bankruptcy. Mao’s successor, Deng
“elected”undertheideologicalpara- Xiaoping, who earned the title of MARY BIEKERT
meters set by 69-year-old Xi, will ParamountLeaderforhissedateand October 12
attendthecarefully-choreographed avertthedangeroftheonepartystate pragmatic leadership putting the
Communist Party’s once-in-a-five- becoming a country with a single country on the path of economic THE YEN WEAKENED to a fresh
year Congress which is widely leaderdominatingthepoliticalscene. development reversing Mao’s hard- two-decade lowafterBank of Japan
expected to endorse his continua- In the century-old history of the linepolicies,introducedthecollective Governor Haruhiko Kuroda vowed
tioninpower.Theoutcomeofthein- CPC,Maoremainedatthehelmuntil leadership system with a ten-year XPeng Aeroht, an affiliate of Chinese electric-vehicle maker XPeng, staged the first public flight of to keep monetary policy loose in
cameraPartyCongressisexpectedto his death in 1976, ruling the most term limit and 68-year age limit to its X2 flying car in Dubai this week, displaying a vehicle designed for low-altitude city trips such as order to support an economic
endtwoverystrictfive-yeartermlim- populouscountryandsubjectingitto avoid the ills of the one leader domi- sightseeing and medical transportation. BLOOMBERG
recovery, fueling speculation over
its followed by Xi’s predecessors to his ideological experiments like the nationof the party. —PTI whether Japanese authorities
would step in once more to prop up
the currency.
sales of Dior, LV, Mercedes booming down as Covid returns level that had previously prompted
Japan’s nearly $20 billion interven-
tion to buytheyen in September,the
BLOOMBERG issuedbyCovid preventionoffices. firstinterventiontosupportthecur-
October 12 Authorities said there’s no city- rencysince 1998.
ANGELINA RASCOUET assailing retailers — luxury goods. wideschoolshutdownafterspecula- “We have to continue our mon-
October 12 Gyrating markets,surging infla- SHANGHAI IS QUIETLY shutting tion rippledvia social media that the etary easing until we achieve the
tionandgatheringeconomicgloom down schools and a raft of other measurewould be rolled out.But the 2% target in a sustainable and sta-
THE LEAP IN sales reported by have proven no barrier to demand venues as officials try to rein in a creeping suspensions, as well as a blemanner,”Kurodasaidatanevent
LVMH, the owner of Louis Vuitton among the well-heeled for hand- flareup that’s hit the financial hub rampupinotherrestrictionslikethe at the Institute of International
and Christian Dior,suggests that at bags, watches, jewelry and cars. just days before one of China’s most lockdown of neighborhoods & indi- Finance in Washington.“The econ-
least one segment of the economy That’s evident in the 22% jump in importantpoliticalevents. vidual residential compounds have omyisstillrecoveringfromthepan-
remains immune to the crises sales of LVMH’s fashion and leather Several schools dotted through- left Shanghai’s residentson edge. demic so we have to continue to
assailing retailers — luxury goods. goods last quarter. out the city have suspended in-per- Schools, venues like gyms and support the economy to recover.”
Gyrating markets,surging infla- “The relief of getting out of the son classes as the fear of infection bars have shut in the Shanghai dis- Earlierthisweek,JapanesePrime
tionandgatheringeconomicgloom pandemicalivehastrumpedanybad spread grows, according to parents tricts of Changning, Putuo, Jiading, Minister Fumio Kishida also sig-
have proven no barrier to demand news, as consumers who can and social media posts.At least five Yangpu,and Qingpu.Shanghai Dis- naled his support for the Bank of
among the well-heeled for hand- embrace a ‘carpe diem’ attitude,” districts have closed entertainment ney Resort said on Saturday that Japan’s ultra-easy monetary policy
bags, watches, jewelry and cars. Bernstein analyst Luca Solca said in venues,including cinemas,bars and some facilities have been shut and despite the yen’s plunge this year,
That’s evident in the 22% jump in anotetoclients.“Nobodywantstobe gyms,inanefforttostampouttrans- performances canceled to followthe the Financial Times reported.
sales of LVMH’s fashion and leather the richest person in the graveyard.” mission, according to statements Covidcontrol requirements. The Bank of Japan is one of the
goods last quarter. That attitude has caused lines to world’sfewremainingcentralbanks
“The relief of getting out of the build up outside Christian Dior and maintaining rock-bottom rates
pandemic alive has trumped any ChanelboutiquesinParis,Berlinand Europe likely to witness another wave while the majority of its peers are
bad news, as consumers who can London,inscenesreminiscentofthe aggressively lifting rates to combat
embrace a ‘carpe diem’ attitude,” pre-pandemic era when Chinese ANOTHER WAVE OF Covid-19 Wednesday.“Althoughwe are not inflationandkeeppacewiththeFed-
Bernstein analyst Luca Solca said in and London, in scenes reminiscent dollars and Europeans who are tourists took advantage of lower infections may have begun in where we were one year ago, it is eral Reserve’s tightening regime.
a note to clients.“Nobody wants to of the pre-pandemic era when Chi- doing the buying. pricesinEurope.Onlynow,withChi- Europe as cases begin to tick up clear that the Covid-19 pan- Koruda’s comments re-empha-
be the richest person in the grave- nese tourists took advantage of The leap in sales reported by neseshoppersstilllargelyabsentdue across the region, the World demic is still not over,” WHO’s sized the central bankwon’t be piv-
yard.” lower prices in Europe. Only now, LVMH, the owner of Louis Vuitton to their country’s Covid policies,it’s Health Organisation and Euro- Europe director,Hans Kluge,and oting from its loose policy anytime
That attitude has caused lines to with Chinese shoppers still largely and Christian Dior,suggests that at Americans with strong dollars and pean Centre for Disease Preven- ECDC’sdirector,AndreaAmmon, soon. That sharpens the policy
build up outside Christian Diorand absent due to their country’s Covid least one segment of the economy Europeanswhoaredoingthebuying. tion and Control (ECDC) said on said in a statement. —REUTERS divergencebetweentheBOJandthe
Chanel boutiques in Paris, Berlin policies, it’s Americans with strong remains immune to the crises —BLOOMBERG Federal Reserve. —BLOOMBERG
The one-year to five-year part of the curve has
EXPERTVIEW repriced significantly, taking cognizance of both
monetary as well as liquidity tightening.
—Amit Tripathi, CIO — fixed income investments,
Nippon Life
Markets have become more effi- among the investor community is Government Bond Index in the first theperformanceofactivelymanaged
AU SFB hikes FD
Brokers return `32,000 crore ANALYST CORNER SBI home
rates by 60 bps
AU SMALLFINANCE Bank on to clients on settlement day Margin pressure sees loan AUM
Wednesdaysaidit has hiked fixed
deposit rates by60basispointsto
7.5% forregularcustomers.
Mumbai, October 12
bers was shortened on October 7
with a view to carry out the settle-
moderation for TCS crosses
Seniorcitizenswillget an interest
of 8%on theirfixed deposits. FUNDS TO THE tune of `31,884
ment process on time.
The time window was extended COMFORTABLE NUMBERS
`6 trillion
crore were released to about 12.3 byclearing corporations foraccept-
TCS’s 15.4% y-o-y organic cc growth rate was similar to Q1 . Although
Dish TV,four others million clients on account of the ing release request of cash/fixed
the street may continue to have legitimate concerns about FY24/25
runningaccountsettlementcarried deposit receipts from members. Mumbai, October 12
settle case with Sebi out by brokers last Friday. The settlement of running
growth given macro uncertainty, we remain comfortable with USD
revenue growth of 7-8% CAGR over FY24/25e
DISHTVINDIAand Of this, clearing corporations account of client funds was STATE BANK OF India (SBI) on
fourothershavesettled released funds and fixed deposit FUND RELEASE required to be carried out by all the Organic y-o-y cc growth Wednesdaysaidithas added`1tril-
withmarketsregulator receipts of `30,173 crore to trading trading members as per revised 25.0 Accenture 15.4% lion in its assets under manage-
Sebiacasepertaining members, a joint note put out by ■ Clearing corporations guidelines that came into force ment(AUM)underhomeloansdur-
toallegednon-disclosureofvoting brokers on Tuesday said. released funds and fixed on October 7. 18.0 Infosys ing the past 18 months. The bank
resultsofthecompany'sannual Brokers expect a large portion of deposit receipts of `30,173 Brokers who don't have ade- 11.0 3.0% TCS now has AUM of `6 trillion in the
generalmeeting(AGM)heldon this amount to come back in the crore to trading members quate funding capabilitieswill bear 4.0 homeloansegment,comparedwith
December30,2021. form of margin money from active the brunt of the new norms. `5 trillion in January 2021.
clients over the next few days. ■ Brokers expect a large According to earlierregulations, -3.0 SBIisthefirstbankinthecountry
LIC sells over2% in Around 10-15% of the money, portion of this amount to brokers had to settle the client's -10.0
Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
to achieve `6-trillion AUM in the
however, may not come back into come back as margin money unused funds lying in the trading home loan segment, the lender said
PowerGridin5months the system, according to industry accounts at least once in 90 days FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 inarelease.TheloanbookofHousing
LICHASSOLDover2%holdingin officials. (every quarter) or 30 days. Source: Company data, HSBC estimates Development Finance Corporation
PowerGridoverthepastfive Overall, this could result in a ber of steps in order to ensure This was on a rolling settle- (HDFC) on an AUM basis stood at
monthsfor`3,079.43crore,the lower float for brokers, impacting smooth implementation of the sin- ment basis and referred to as“run- `6.71trillionasof
insurersaidonWednesday.There revenues, and will necessitate a gle-day settlement process. ning account settlement” or HSBC get PE multiple of 26x for TTM 2Q June 30, 2022. Of
isadeclineof2.003%inholding higherworking capital. The regular cut-off time to dis- “quarterly settlement of funds”. FY24e EPS. Our target valuation is this, the retail
duringtheperiodfromMay18, The regulator, exchanges and seminate certain files by market The aim was to prevent misuse of TCS REPORTED A slight beat on now near the 5-year average (25x), home loan book
2022toOctober11,2022. clearing corporations took a num- infrastructureinstitutionstomem- excess cash by brokers. both revenues and margins in the limiting downside. wasof`5.363tril-
second quarter, but those will have That said,lowupside risk to rev- lion and the non-
little impact on FY24/25 estimates. enue expectations for the sector individual loan
TVS Motor overtakes Hero Moto to It posted a revenue growth of 4% limits meaningful re-rating poten-
QoQ in CC terms and EBIT margins tial.
of 24% (vs Street estimate of 3.5%
growth and 23.8% margins).
Our estimates for FY23, FY24
and FY25e change marginally as
book stood at
SBI's market
share in home
become 6th most-valued auto firm While the current demand envi- the decline in growth due to cross-
ronment and deal pipeline remain currency headwinds and margins
steady, the manage-
ment did admit uncer- While the current
are largely offset by
the weaker rupee
Dinesh Khara, loans is 33.3%.
chairman, SBI Banking sector
lending to hous-
ing segment,includingprioritysec-
FE BUREAU MCAP (` crore) taxes, depreciation, and amortiza- tainties around demand against the dollar. tor, grew 16% year-on-year in
New Delhi, October 12 tion (Ebitda) margin recently 2023/FY24 growth as environment and Rating and tar- August, with total outstanding
1,40,000 1,04,881.07 touching 10% mark and potential clients face business deal pipeline remain get price: Our target being `17.8 trillion.
TVS MOTOR COMPANY has Hero MotoCorp forfurthermargin expansion led to risks/uncertainties, price of Rs 3,330 “Weareextremelygratefultoour
1,20,000 steady, the
become the sixth most-valuable earnings upgrade and valuation and hence mayhave to implies c7% upside. customers, comprising more than
listed automobile company,with its Bajaj Auto expansion over the last two quar- recalibrate their tech management did We maintain our 28lakhfamilies,whohavetrustedus
1,00,000 admit uncertainties
share prices zooming 72% so far in ters, taking the market cap to new budgets. 'hold' rating largely and chosen us to be their partner in
2022, beating the world's largest highs. Despite challenging busi- Some of the long- around 2023/FY24 due to the premium the home-ownership journey,” SBI
80,000 51,675.22
two-wheeler maker Hero Moto- ness environment for the two- term deals/projects growth valuations and lim- chairman Dinesh Khara said.
Corp. Data from the BSE show that 60,000 wheeler sector during past two have already slowed ited upside risk to the To mark this occasion, SBI will
TVS Motors reached a market capi- quarters because of rural slow- down,and as expected, revenue growth. offera concession of up to 0.25% on
talisation of `51,675 crore after its 40,000 down, the company has recorded TCS is targeting more cost-trans- Upside risks: A stronger-than- home loans,0.15% on top-up loans,
shares scaled 1.9% on Wednesday 15,721.44 TVS healthyvolumes and all-time-high formational work from clients. expected pick-up in the BFSI and and0.30%onloanagainstproperty.
to `1,087.70.The stock has surged 20,000 8,749.74 quarterly profitability. Positively,margin pressures are retail segments, aggressive large The interest rate for buyers of new
over 100% since its March lows. 50,955.67 AnalystsbelieveTVSwillkeepon moderating and TCS reiterated its dealconversion and depreciation in homeloansaswellastakeoversstarts
The market capitalisation of 0 910.98 delivering superior earnings target to achieve 25% margins by the rupee are upside risks to our at 8.40% and the same for top-up
Hero MotoCorp stood at `50,956 May 26, 2008 October 12, 2022 growth compared to other two- the end of this year, despite a sea- estimates. Increase in pricing is a loans starts at 8.80%.The bank has
crore with its shares trading flat at wheeleroriginal equipment manu- sonallyweak H2. potential upside risk if TCS were also completely waived off process-
`2,548 and reporting a 3.77% rise facturers (OEMs) due to a combina- Cloud adoption remains the key able to push it across to its cus- ingfeesonhomeloansuptoJanuary
year-to-date. Reliance Securities,told FE thatTVS pany. Its improving brand equity tion of new models, revenue driver of tech spend and TCS tomers. 31.Earlier,SBI had said that itwould
Maruti Suzuki India remained Motor has strongly outperformed has helped TVS Motor on domestic diversification as well as its com- remainswell positioned to leverage Downside risks: A deep and charge 50% of processing fees on
the country's most-valued auto the Niftyaswell as the auto index in volume front,while betterproducts mitment to electric vehicles. The this trend. prolonged recession in the US and homeloansduringthefestiveperiod.
company, followed by Mahindra & 2022, primarily due to strong have led to market share gain in demandis likelytoremainstrongat Valuation: TCS remains a Europe could plunge IT spending, Banks’ share in the home loan
Mahindra, Tata Motors, Bajaj Auto exports and operating margins overseas markets, specifically least till the festive period in Sep- leader in terms of both size and and increasing competition from segment has risen to around 62%
and Eicher Motors. touching double-digit mark for the African markets. tember-October, led by the pre- market positioning in emerging global competitors for digital deals as of March 2022, ratings agency
Mitul Shah, head of research at first time in the history of the com- Its earnings before interest, mium segment,they said. technologies.WevalueTCS on a tar- may impact the growth outlook. Crisil said in a report.
Providing FHTC to various zones- package II
EMD : Rs. 500000
Tender fee : Rs. 15000
Last Date for submitting Tender: 07-11-2022 04:00:pm
TUSHAR GOENKA off 150 employees, citing a “We’ve laid off employees that he had a runway of over
Phone : 04852835637 Bengaluru, October 12 cash crunch. Since April, the from the sales and marketing 24 months.
Website : www.kwa.kerala.gov.in
www.etenders.kerala.gov.in company’s employee strength team. Over years, we have “However, our belief in the
Superintending Engineer
PH Circle LIGHTSPEED-BACKED FRON- has come down from around realised that building based on market and the need is still
KWA-JB-GL-6-899-2022-23 Muvattupuzha
TROW, the edtech startup, has 500 to 40 now. heavy marketing is not a sus- extremely strong… we’ll con-
laid off 75% of its workforce,
impacting about 130 employ-
As reported earlier,
FrontRow was also in talks to
tainable model, we are now
realigning to be a product-first
a revamped avatar.
leaner team of about 40
raise a fresh round.Itwas look-
ing at a $30-40 million round
company and hence had to lay
off around 130 employees.
“We remain bullish on
the space and what we’re third fund
staffers,its foundertold FE. at a valuation of $200 million, “We are now a much leaner building and have sufficient
This is the second round of but that deal seems to have team with about 40 people,” capitalandagreatteamtocon- TUSHAR GOENKA
layoffs at the Gaurav Munjal- fallen through now, resulting Ishaan Preet Singh, IshaanPreetSingh,co-founder tinue to solve this problem,” Bengaluru, October 12
backed firm.In May,it had laid in the layoff. co-founder, FrontRow of FrontRow, told FE, adding Singh added.
FM says growth
"So, it will have to again be front. Also, the re-introduc- “There is many a slip after the Securities and Open Offer for acquisition of up to 13,15,860 (Thirteen Lakhs Fifteen Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty) Equity Shares representing 26.00%
a very carefully structured tion of LPG subsidy under the between cup and lip,” Pandey Exchange Board of India (Sebi) (Twenty-Six Percent) of the Voting Share Capital of the Target Company, Indergiri Finance Limited, at an offer price of `10.30/- (Rupees Ten
and Thirty Paise Only) per offer share, made by Roshan Shah (Acquirer 1), Anand Devendra Tiwari (Acquirer 2), Wunnava V Shanker (Acquirer
Budget in which growth Ujjwala Yojana –under which said referring to the with- cancelled Brickwork Ratings' 3) and Mohit Agarwal (Acquirer 4) (Collectively known as 'Acquirers') in accordance with the provisions of Regulations 3 (1), 4 and such other
momentum will have to be THE IIP,therefore,will stage a up to 12 LPG cylinders a year drawal of the strategic sale licence to operate as a credit applicable provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011,
and subsequent amendments thereto, ('SEBI (SAST) Regulations') ('Offer').
sustained," she said. recovery in September, while are given to 90 million people process of fuel retailer-cum- rating agency for allegedly not This Post-Offer Advertisement is being issued by CapitalSquare Advisors Private Limited ('Manager'), for and on behalf of the Acquirers and pursuant
India’s growth momen- inflation may remain sticky. at the rate of `200/cylinder — refiner BPCL in May due to following proper rating to the provisions of Regulation 18 (12) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, in respect of the Offer in Financial Express (English daily) (All Editions), Jansatta
tum has been affected in The incremental price in May 2022 is seen to cost uncertainties in the petro- process,procedural lapses and
(Hindi daily) (All Editions) and Mumbai Lakshadeep (Marathi daily) (Mumbai Edition), wherein the Detailed Public Statement dated Monday, March 14, 2022
was published on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 14 (3) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations ('Newspapers').
recent months, as a demand pressure has mostly origi- `6,100 crore in FY23. leum sector. The Centre’s conflict of interest. Sebi has This Post-Offer Public Announcement should be read in continuation of, and in conjunction with the:
slowdown in key markets hit nated from elevated food Budgetary LPG subsidy 52.98% stake sale in BPCL directed Brickwork Ratings to (a) Public Announcement dated Wednesday, March 09, 2022 (‘Public Announcement’) ;
its exports. Even industrial inflation, which climbed by came down from `24,172 could have fetched `40,000- wind up operations in six (b) Detailed Public Statement dated Monday, March 14, 2022, which was published on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, in the Newspapers (‘Detailed
Public Statement’)
recovery has remained almost two percentage points crore in FY20 to `11,896 50,000 crore, helping the months. (c) Draft Letter of Offer dated Tuesday, March 22, 2022 (‘Draft Letter of Offer’);
patchy. The escalating over the past two months to crore in FY21. The subsidy government to easily exceed Brickwork Ratings, which (d) Letter of Offer dated Monday, May 16, 2022, along with the Form of Acceptance-cum-Acknowledgement and Form SH-4 Securities Transfer Form
Ukraine war and the recent 8.6% in September. It may was just `241 crore in FY22. FY23 disinvestment target of received licence in 2008,is one (‘Letter of Offer’) ;
decision of Opec+ to reduce force the government to con- Given that other fuels, `65,000 crore. Disinvest- of the seven credit rating
(e) Corrigendum to the Letter of Offer dated Monday, May 16, 2022, which was published in the Newspapers on Tuesday, May 17, 2022
(‘Corrigendum to the Letter of Offer’) ;
production from November sidermore measures --includ- including petrol and diesel, ment receipts stood at agencies registered with Sebi. (f) Recommendations of the Committee of Independent Directors of the Target Company dated Saturday, May 21, 2022, which was published in
to prop up oil prices pose ing curbs on hoarding and on are decontrolled,the Centre’s `24,544 crore so far in the The others are Crisil, ICRA, the Newspapers on Monday, May 23, 2022 (‘Recommendations of IDC’) ;
fresh risks to the Indian econ- exports of spices and certain Budget was almost com- current fiscal or 38% of the CARE, Fitch, Infomerics Rat- (g) The dispatch confirmation of Letter of Offer advertisement dated Monday, May 23, 2022, which is being published in the Newspapers on Tuesday,
May 24, 2022 (‘Dispatch Confirmation Advertisement’) ;
omy. A weak rupee, too, has other non-basmati varieties pletely freed from the burden FY23 target. ings and Acuite Ratings & (h) Pre-Offer Advertisement cum Corrigendum to the Detailed Public Statement dated Monday, May 23, 2022, which was published in the Newspapers
made imports more expen- beyond the broken rice - to of fuel subsidy in FY22,mark- The government will come Research.The markets regula- on Tuesday, May 24, 2022 (‘Pre-Offer Advertisement’) ;
sive. Of course, any sharp ease domestic supplies. ing an end to a sticky and out with EoI for Air India Air tor had conducted a joint (i) Intimation of Extension of Offer Period Advertisement dated Saturday, June 18, 2022, which was published in the Newspapers on Monday, June
20, 2022 (‘Extension of Offer Period Advertisement’) ;
slowdown in global demand, Key monitorables for politically-sensitive item of Transport Services (AIATSL) inspection with the RBI of the (j) Corrigendum to Offer for Revision of Offer Price dated Thursday, September 29, 2022, which was published in the Newspapers on Friday,
thanks to the interest rate authorities would be the deci- revenue expenditure it strug- and Air India Engineering records and documents of September 30, 2022 (‘Corrigendum to the Offer for Revision of Offer Price’), and
hikes, will ultimately weigh sion of Opec+ to cut oil out- gled long to get rid of. Services (AIESL), former sub- Brickwork Ratings between (k) Joint Public Notice pursuant to RBI Approval dated Monday, October 03, 2022, which was published in the Newspapers on Tuesday, October
04, 2022 (‘Joint Public Notice’)
down commodity prices put from November, the pace Since June 2020, the sub- sidiaries of now disinvested January 20 and 24,2020. The Public Announcement, Detailed Public Statement, Draft Letter of Offer, Letter of Offer, Corrigendum to the Letter of Offer, Recommendations
(most of them have already of commodity price modera- sidies on domestic LPG have Air India. There are plenty of The Sebi action on Brick- of IDC, Dispatch Confirmation Advertisement, Pre-Offer Advertisement, Extension of Offer Period Advertisement, Corrigendum to the Offer for
eased from their peaks this tion in the wake of the inter- been limited to small potential buyers for AIATSL work Ratings is seen possibly
Revision of Offer Price, and Joint Public Notice are hereinafter referred to as the ‘Offer Documents’.
1. Name of the Target Company Indergiri Finance Limited
year). est rate hikes across the globe, amounts of freight subsidies (ground handling firm) and as the first instance bythe reg- 2. Name of the Acquirers and PACs Mr. Roshan Shah (Acquirer 1), Mr. Anand Devendra Tiwari (Acquirer 2), Mr. Wunnava V
Sitharaman said the gov- the rupee depreciation and for far-flung regions. The AIESL (engineering services), ulatorof cancelling the licence Shanker (Acquirer 3) and Mr. Mohit Agarwal (Acquirer 4).
ernment is closely monitor- the domestic demand sce- higher fuel subsidies may put Pandey said. of a credit rating agency. 3. Name of Manager to the Offer
There is no person acting in concert with the Acquirers for this Offer.
CapitalSquare Advisors Private Limited
ing external headwinds, nario during the key festival further stress on the govern- Non-core assets of Air In its order dated October 4. Name of Registrar to the Offer Link Intime India Private Limited
including elevated commod- season. ment finances,already under India and its subsidiaries 6, Sebi highlighted several 5. Offer Details
ity prices. But it has made pressure due to about `2.4 (book value of `14,718 crore violations by Brickwork,
Govt grants oil
5.1 Date of Opening of the Offer Wednesday, May 25, 2022
sure that the poor and the trillion in additional subsi- as on August 31, 2021) were including failure to follow a 5.2 Date of Closing of the Offer Tuesday, June 07, 2022
vulnerable sections in India PSUs `22K cr dies announced for FY23, not a part of the AI disinvest- proper rating process and
6. Date of Payment of Consideration Tuesday, October 04, 2022*
*Due to delay in receiving RBI approval, payment to shareholders was delayed and same was made
are protected from high mainly for food and fertiliser. ment transaction and were exercising due diligencewhile on Tuesday, October 04, 2022. However, the payment of interest to the shareholders was delayed
energy, fertiliser or food for LPG losses It had also cut excise duty on transferred to Air India Asset according ratings. by 5 (Five) working days and the interest payment was made on Wednesday, October 12, 2022.
prices. petrol and diesel which will Holding Company (AIAHL), Sebi has barred the agency 7. Details of the Acquisition
Particulars Proposed in the Offer Documents Actuals
The excise duty on fuel THE THREE state-run retail- likely result in about `85,000 100% owned by the Centre. from taking any new clients. (Assuming full acceptance in this Offer)
7.1 Offer Price `10.30/- `10.60/-#
7.2 Aggregate number of Equity Shares tendered 13,15,860 1,97,671
MCLR by 15 bps
7.5 Shareholding of the Acquirers before the Share Purchase Agreement/ Public Announcement
a) Number of Equity Shares 7,80,894 7,80,894
b) % of fully diluted Equity Share capital 15.43% 15.43%
FE BUREAU 7.6 Equity Shares acquired by way of Share Purchase Agreement
a) Number of Equity Shares 20,69,620 20,69,620
Mumbai, October 12 b) % of fully diluted Equity Share capital 40.89% 40.89%
7.7 Equity Shares acquired by way of Offer
UNION BANK OF India onWednesdayincreased a) Number of Equity Shares 13,15,860 1,97,071
marginal cost of funds based lending rates b) % of fully diluted Equity Share capital 26.00% 3.89%
(MCLR) by 15 basis points (bps) to 7.90%. The 7.8 Equity Shares acquired after the Detailed Public Statement
M OV E ahead with
Every Monday & Thursday in
The Indian EXPRESS,
For Advtg. details contact: 67241000
from Reliance
Estate, Mumbai - 400 001. •Tel.: 022-22651128 / 29, •Email: cb6289@canarabank.com
E-Auction Sale Notice for Sale of Immovable Properties under the Securitization and
Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 read
Retail stores
with provision to Rule 8 (6) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002.
Notice is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the Borrower(s) and
Guarantor(s) that the below described Immovable Properties Mortgaged/ charged to the
Secured Creditor, the Symbolic Possession of which has been taken by the Authorized
Officer of Canara Bank, will be sold on “As is where is”, “As is what is” basis on 29.10.2022
SLAM DUNK ■ Merchandise is for recovery of Rs.18,48,60,757.16 (as on 30.06.2022 plus further interest and charges
thereon) being dues to Canara Bank ARM II Mumbai Branch from M/s. SPIRO LIFECARE
■ Reliance Retail available for fans at PRIVATE LIMITED, B-208/209, Classique Centre, Plot No. 26, Mahal Industrial Estate, Off
introduced a select Reliance Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093, represented by its Directors/ Guarantor
selection ofNBA Retail stores and Mr. Sanjeev Anant Gupte, Mr. Rajesh Shripad Ghangurde, Mr. Vinod Anant Dali and
on Reliance Mr. Hitesh Parmanand Asrani:
team and league- Reserve Earnest Money
branded products, Retail’s e- Description of the Property
Price Deposit
including adult and commerce
All part and parcel of Land and Building measuring
youth apparel, platforms 12000 Sq. Mtr. built up area of 3132.73 Sq. Mtr. at Plot
accessories, toys, under a No. F- 1/2, MIDC Jejuri, Additional Jejuri Industrial
collectibles, etc multi-year Area, Near Shalina Laboratories, Jejuri Nira Road, Rs. Rs.
deal with Village Jejuri, Taluka Purandar, Dist. Pune - 421303, 11,15,00,000/- 1,11,50,000/-
NBA Maharashtra along with plant and machineries
■ Fans who visit installed therein in the name of M/s. Spiro Lifecare
Pvt. Ltd.
the stores will get
The Earnest Money Deposit shall be deposited on or before 28.10.2022 upto 5.00 p.m.
interactive NBA Details of EMD and other documents to be submitted to service provider on or before 28.10.2022
experiences, upto 5.00 pm. Date up to which documents can be deposited with Bank is 28.10.2022 upto
including NBA 5.00 pm.
Date of inspection of properties with prior appointment with Authorised Officer is 25.09.2022
game highlights For detailed terms and conditions of the sale, please refer the link “E-Auction” provided in
and related Canara Bank’s website (www.canarabank.com) or may contact Mr. Paritosh Kumar, Chief
content on Manager, Canara Bank, ARM II Branch, Mumbai (Ph. No. 022 22651128/ 29/ Mob. No.
in-store 8828328297) or Mr. Smit. Jaiswal, Manager, (Mob. No.: 7223002272) E-mail id:
cb6289@canarabank.com during office hours on any working day or the service provider M/s.
TVs C1 India Pvt. Ltd., Udyog Vihar, Phase - 2, Gulf Petrochem Building, Building No. 301, Gurgaon,
Haryana. Pin-122015,Mr. Haresh Gowda Mob. No. 9594597555 (Contact No.+911244302020/
21/ 22 / 23 / 24, support@bankeauctions.com, hareesh.gowda@c1india.com.
Date : 12.10.2022 Authorised Officer
Place : Mumbai Canara Bank, ARM-II Branch