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125 – marzo 2018

Brenner Base Tunnel & Isarco River Underpass Section:

several technical and operational solutions
Giuseppe Lunardi
Managing Director of Rocksoil S.p.A.
Giovanna Cassani
Technical Director of Rocksoil S.p.A.
Martino Gatti
Head of Technical Department of Rocksoil S.p.A.
Luca Bellardo
Geological Department Rocksoil of S.p.A
Alberto Palomba
Project Manager of Isarco River S.c.a.r.l.

The Brenner Base Tunnel is part of the TEN-T SCAN-MED corridor and allows for works for the two main tunnels for a total
overcoming the natural barrier of the Alpine ranges. The Isarco River Underpass length of roughly 4.3 km, as well as two
represents the southernmost construction lot of the Brenner Base Tunnel, links the interconnecting tunnels for a total length
Brenner Base Tunnel with the existing Brenner line and the railway station in Fortezza. of 2.3 km that connect with the existing
The work is scheduled to be completed in 2023. The paper summarizes design choices railway line. Construction will be extremely
made for the specific construction lot which are mainly related to critical logistic issues. complex from a technical point of view: both
Moreover, as loose fluvioglacial materials and groundwater layer will be crossed, it will be the main tunnels and the interconnecting
necessary to adopt specific ground consolidation procedures including ground freezing tunnels will pass under the Isarco River, the
and the jet grouting. The high speed railway of the Brenner Basis Tunnel underpasses A22 motorway, the SS12 motorway and the
the Isarco River, near Fortezza, with four 10 m diameter tunnels, two of them as an Verona-Brenner railway line with a minimal
interchanging to the existing line, with very shallow cover, ranging between 5 and 8 m leeway (Fig. 1).
under the river bed. To minimise environmental impact of the works it was proposed to Before the start of construction, several
build these tunnels by conventional method. The excavation will start then from shafts preliminary activities have been carried out
on the riverbanks, after ground improvement and soil freezing made all along tunnels on the surface, including the re-routing of
profiles. the national road SS12, the construction
of two bridges over the Isarco River and
the Rio Bianco and the realization of the
interconnecting area on the A22, which has
1. Introduction and allows for overcoming the natural bar- been be required to facilitate the transport
rier of the Alpine ranges. For this reason, and supply of construction materials for the
The Trans-European Transport Network the EU is prioritising this tunnel among its Project (Fuoco et al., 2016). The construc-
(TEN-T) aims to develop an integrated mul- infrastructural projects. tion works are performing by the "Isarco"
timodal transport network allowing people Under the Brenner Pass, the longest railway Consortium composed by Salini-Impregilo,
and goods to move quickly and easily link in the world is being built: the Brenner Strabag Consorzio Integra.
across the EU. This is intended to support Base Tunnel (BBT). The Brenner Base Tun-
the development of the internal market and nel stretches for about 55 km between
reinforce economic and social cohesion. Innsbruck train station and Fortezza train 2. Geographical and geological
The Scandinavian-Mediterrean Corridor station. Together with the existing Inns- overview
(5) is the longest of the TEN-T Core Net- bruck bypass, the tunnel will reach 64 km
work Corridors and is based in part on a and reduce travel time for freight and pas- The project area is located in Val d’Isarco
series of former Priority Projects. It links the senger traffic significantly. in the municipality of Fortezza, at an al-
major urban centres in Germany and Italy to The “Isarco River Underpass” Section is the titudes varying between 750 and 850 m
Scandinavia and the Mediterranean whilst southern segment of the Brenner Base Tun- above sea level. The geological sector is
crossing 7 different Member States: Fin- nel, before entering the railway station at the southernmost sector of the BBT and
land, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Fortezza. It is situated approximately one extends from the Rio Bianco (at the north
Italy and Malta. The Brenner Base Tunnel kilometer North of Fortezza, Prà di Sopra, side) to Fortezza (at the south side). The
is part of the TEN-T SCAN-MED corridor Bolzano (Italy). The section will include civil corridor of the route is divided into two

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G. Lunardi - G. Cassani - M. Gatti - L. Bellardo - A. Palomba

Fig. 1 – Isarco River Underpass overview map (www.bbt-se.com).

Fig. 2 – Isarco River Underpass Geological Profil.

n. 125 – marzo 2018
Brenner Base Tunnel & Isarco River Underpass Section: several technical and operational solutions

Fig. 3 – Geological Profile: detail of Isarco River Underpass.

Tab. 1 – Rock Mass geotechnical parameter. Quarzifera di Bressanone. The Bressanone

Rock Type σcm γ ϕ c’ ES Granite is the most widespread rock in the
[MN/m2] [kN/m3] [°] [kN/m2] [MN/m] project area.
The Isarco River Underpass passes
Granite: Granodiorite 54
GA-BG-01 26,5 62 1900 15000 through the alluvial deposit of the valley
large - medium fracturing (39-69)
Granodiorite 22 bottom and through the dejection conoids
GA-BG-02 26,5 58 1000 5000 of the tributary rivers. These loose depos-
large - medium fracturing (12-22)
1,4 its, heterogeneous both in composition
GA-BG-03 Brixen Granite 26,7 30 2600 500
(0,8-2,2) and in granulometry, consist of gravels
GB-G-GA 6 Brixen Granite 44 26,7 64 1800 19000 and rounded sand, with frequent boul-
Brixen Granite ders and thick layers of sandy silt (Figure
GB-G-GA 7 7,4 26,7 52 300 1700 2 & Figure 3). The flanks of the valley are
Rio Bianco fault
covered by coarse particle size material,
Tab. 2 – Soil Mass geotechnical parameter. composed by slope debris, alluvial sedi-
Soil Type γ ϕ c’ ES ments and weather material. The most vo-
[kN/m3] [°] [kN/m2] [MN/m] luminous rock fragments, up to 1 m, are
made of granite. Except for the silty levels,
A- Debris Flow 21,0 30 10 60
which in any case constitute a minority,
B- Slope Debris 21,0 35 0 60 the loose deposits are characterized by
C- Alluvional Sediments 20,5 36 2 60 friction angle value varying between 30o
D- Weathered Material 21,0 30 0 30 and 40o. Table 1 and Table 2 summarize
respectively rock mass and ground mass
geotechnical parameters.
sectors by the River Isarco with NW-SE di- buildings are distributed in the project area A large survey campaign has been car-
rection. The valleys of Rio Bianco, Rio Val- too. ried out during each design stage. Final
laga and Rio Riol depart transversally from From the geological point of view, this con- design required additional in situ and
the direction of the main valley. The most struction lot is ascribing to the Southern laboratory tests to check stratigraphy,
prominent relief within the project area is Alps sector. The railway alignment enters ground’s strength and deformability pa-
Mount Riol (1547 m), with its steep side into the South-Alpine crystalline basement, rameters.
south and SE oriented known as “Hohe on the southern side of the Periadriatico The water table flows along the same di-
Wand”. Line (Zurlo et al., 2013), consisting of rection of the Isarco River while remaining
The main residential areas in the Isarco Val- the Granite-Granodioritic Pluton of Bres- independent from it. The water table is
ley between Fortezza and Rio Bianco are the sanone, Gabbro del “Monte del Bersaglio” bounded at the sides and at the base of
villages of Pra di Sopra and Fortezza itself. and the metamorphosis of encasing (Fil- the rock surface by the Bressanone gran-
In addition to these villages some farms and ladi, micascisti granitiferi) of the Fillade ite. Hydrogeological studies were carried

n. 125 – marzo 2018
G. Lunardi - G. Cassani - M. Gatti - L. Bellardo - A. Palomba

Fig. 4 – Isarco River Underpass Lot.

Fig. 5 – today faces’ positions.

out in the valley bottom sector, near future

tunnels, with the aim of assessing the char-
acteristics of the aquifer and in particular
determining the maximum permeability and
speed values of the water table, which are of
considerable importance for the success of
the consolidation intervention preparatory
for the tunnel excavation. Alluvial depos-
its have a maximum hydraulic conductivity
equal to 1.9 x 10-3 m / s, with a maximum
speed, estimated by tracer tests, equal to
approximately 14-16 m / g.

3. Project description and design

Fig. 5a – Conventional excavation method section type for rock mass - Single track & dual track tunnels.
With reference to Figure 4, the Isarco Ri-
ver Lot could be subdivided in three main dejection conoids of the tributary rivers, starting from the shafts located near the
sectors: 1) the tunnels north of the Isarco are present. Isarco’s banks as the last sector of the Lot.
river, mainly interested by Granite of Bres- The tunnels in rock will be excavated full- The southern tunnels in rock are single and
sanone (GB-G-GA6 and 7) with the spe- face, according to ADECO-RS Approach double track tunnels (double track tunnels
cial passage through the Rio Bianco fault; (Lunardi P., 2015) and by conventional from chainage 55+485 towards south) and
2) the tunnels south of the Isarco River, excavation with D&B, with several confine- they are being excavated by a mid-access,
interested by the Brixen Granite and gra- ment actions, such as steel bolts and ribs, named NA4, which gives the possibility to
nodiorite (BG-01, 02) and 03) the Isarco shotcrete and, locally in fault zones, fore- work from four face, two toward south por-
river valley, where soft soil, mainly allu- polings (Fig. 5a). The northern tunnels are tal and two toward the Isarco river; in Fig. 6
vial deposit of the valley bottom and the double track tunnels and will be excavated the today faces’ positions are represented.

n. 125 – marzo 2018
Brenner Base Tunnel & Isarco River Underpass Section: several technical and operational solutions

For soft soil tunnels, located into the Isar-

co River, several technical solutions will be
applied depending on ground -level interfe-
rences, overburdens and local geotechnical
context. Where ground-level is clear, grou-
ting from surface by jet-grouting techno-
logy has been used, by this way tunnels’
construction process switches between
excavation and final lining casting, without
stops because of grouting treatments
(Fig. 5b). This solution speeds up tunnels’
excavation. Where it was not possible to
operate grouting from surface, it was plan-
ned to carry out the consolidation activities
from the tunnel to guarantee the stability
of the core-face (Fig. 5c), alternating exca-
Fig. 5b – Conventional excavation method section type for debris mass. Ground improvement by vertical jet grouting - Sin- vation and consolidation to the final lining
gle track & dual track tunnels. casting. This construction process will be
applied in particular in the northern section
for the underpass of the A22 motorway and
for the underpass of S.S.22 state road. For
these soft tunnels the ADECO-RS Appro-
ach has been adopted too.
This delicate river underpass consists of 4
tunnels to be excavated, under the riverbed
and the banks, without depressing the wa-
ter table and without proceeding with any
deviation of the watercourse. The under-
pass is safely performed starting from the
4 shafts previously excavated, thanks to the
use of an eco-compatible technology that
consists in freezing a crown of soil around
the entire perimeter of excavation, after
pre-treatment of the ground made by injec-
tion of cement mixtures and ecocompatible
Fig. 5c – Conventional excavation method section type for debris mass. Ground improvement by vertical jet grouting - Sin- chemical supplements (Fig. 5d).
gle track & dual track tunnels. The project choices foresee to totally avoid

Fig. 5d – Conventional excavation method section type for

river underpass ground improvement and ground freeze-
ning on the excavation face - single track. Fig. 5e – cut & cover ground improvement by vertical jet grouting columns.

n. 125 – marzo 2018
G. Lunardi - G. Cassani - M. Gatti - L. Bellardo - A. Palomba

al tunnel and 787.07 m in Cut&Cover.

Tunnels will be excavated full-face; the
variable geological context required dif-
ferent section for excavation. For good
quality rock mass “A” sections have been
designed, “B” sections for fractured rock
mass, “C” sections in case of debris flow
and soft soils according to ADECO-RS
Approach. The water table drawdown has
been avoiding by grouting which provides
waterproofing effect. Stability of the
core-face is regulated by the intensity
of the measures applied (Lunardi, 2015).
Special guidelines allow to fine tuning
the pre-confinements and confinements
actions in order to control the face and
cavity deformations and, consequently,
the surface settlements. In the following,
Fig. 6 – Excavation face interested by granite in very good conditions, with GSI values ranging between 60 and 75. detailed description for the main project
sections is reported.
the lowering of the water table and to eli- water flow both underground and at the
minate any interference with the flow of the surface level, both during construction 4.1. Rock tunnels
Isarco River, thus reducing enviromental and during operation. The project also
impact. In addition the adopted technical drastically reduced the amount of mate- The excavation, through the good quality
solutions, on respect to a cut&cover solu- rial coming out from excavations and its rock mass, will be performed by drill & blast,
tion with temporary deviation of the river, movement outside the construction sites, with rounds ranging between 3.0 m to 5.0
allows to: reducing a lot the transit of construction m, applying the “A” sections: A0, A1 and
– reduce the connection sections between vehicles to depot and towards recycling A2, with GSI values ranging between 50
different excavation technologies, thus centres or other areas for final confer- and 70. The subsequent phases consider
reducing potential discontinuities and ment. the installation of radial steel bolts, Swellex
infiltrations; Finally, some sections, preliminary to the L=3.0-4.0 m capacity 200 KN with mesh
– reduce the extension of construction relocation of the historical line, will be con- approximately 1.20-1.5 m × 2.20-2.50 m,
areas; structed by cut&cover (Fig. 5e and Fig. 5f). fibre reinforced shotcrete (thickness 5.0-
– simplify the constructive process and to 10.0cm with wiremesh 610HD), the rein-
achieve faster and controlled progress, forced concrete invert (thickness 50.0 cm)
reducing the likelihood of unforeseen 4. Underground project sections and the concrete lining (thickness 36.5 cm
events and the risk to workers; - details for plain concrete and 41.5 cm for rein-
– considerably reduce the volume of exca- forced concrete). Very small diametric con-
vated ground. The project has a total length of vergence, 1.0-3.0 cm, are expected consid-
The project guarantees the continuity of 5’628.65 m, 4’841.58 m in convention- ering an elastic behaviour of the core-face.

Fig. 7a – First meters of excavation with “super wedge” to reduce vibrations - 7b. Concrete portal.

n. 125 – marzo 2018
Brenner Base Tunnel & Isarco River Underpass Section: several technical and operational solutions

Fig. 8 – Excavation section type C1.

The excavation, through the fractured rock ribs step and the distance, from the face, set up, to collect the geotechnical condi-
mass or in case of fault zones, will be per- to cast the final lining, invert and crown. tions of the face, by means of a continuous
formed by hydraulic hammer, applying the With this purpose a monitoring system was face-mapping, and the topographic mea-
“B” sections: B0 for GSI in the range 35-50,
B0V for GSI in the range 25-35 and B2V Tab. 3 – Jet grouting parameters.
for GSI less than 25. The subsequent phase column diameter cm 200 200
considers the installation of steel pipe um-     H > 20.00 m H < 20.00m
brella (for the sections B0V and B2V), di- column theoretical volume mc/m 3,14 3,14
ameter 88.9/10 mm, with interaxis 40 cm cement per cubic meter of treated soil kg 430 389
and overlapping 5 m, steel arch (2IPN160
jet grouting mix C/A 1 1
installation step 1.50m, 2IPN180 instal-
cement kg 100 100
lation step 1.00m for sections B0V and
water l 100 100
B2V), fibre reinforced shotcrete (thickness
grout density γ kg/l 1,51 1,51
25.0-30.0 cm), reinforced concrete invert
grout per meter of column l/m 1786 1483
(thickness 65.0-80.0 cm) and reinforced
concrete lining (41.5-116.0 cm thickness). jet pressure bar 400 400
For the section type B2V the reinforcement number of nozzles no 1 1
of the core-face, by means of fiberglass el- nozzles diameter mm 7 7
ements, is also provided, to stabilize the air capacity l/min 10.000 10.000
face; a shotcrete layer, thickness 10-25 cm, air pressure bar 10 10
is placed too. The expected deformations, jet pump capacity l/min 540 540
in term of diametric convergence, are in step cm 5 5
the range 3.0-8.0 cm; basing on the de- stand-by per step sec 10 9
formation response is possible, according speed rotation n/min 6,00 6,00
to defined Guidelines, calibrate the steel Specific energy MJ/m 72,00 63,12

n. 125 – marzo 2018
G. Lunardi - G. Cassani - M. Gatti - L. Bellardo - A. Palomba

cal steel pipes will be placed in advance.

The excavation sector will have a truncated
cone shape with a length of 7.00 m, thus
guaranteeing a double overlapping of the
boundary interventions; the excavation
will be performed for single step of 1.0
m, followed by the installation of steel ribs
(HEA160/1.00 m) incorporated into shot-
crete, 30 cm thickness (see Figure 8). To
check the grouting benefits before starting
the excavation, permeability tests will be
performed in the pre-treated area by ce-
ment injections, looking for a reduced per-
meability: from 1×10-4 m/s up to 1×10-6
m/s. Additional interventions, or new injec-
tions, will be executed if the waterproofing
effect is not achieved. Considering the het-
erogeneity of the soil, especially the pres-
ence of limes strata, the grouting activities
should be calibrated during the construc-
tion process: injections up to 200 lt/valve
are expected. The final lining will be casted
in situ: the invert, 85 cm thickness, will be
Fig. 9 – Tunnels &Shafts of the river underpass. casted within 10-15 m from the face; the
crown, with truncated cone shape, 66-150
surements. Figure 6 shows a typical face around the cavity and at the core-face, cm, will be casted within 30-40 m from the
condition: the excavation interests mainly aimed creating the conditions of stabil- face; these distances could be regulated
granite in very good conditions, with GSI ity and waterproofing of the natural soil. during the construction according to the
values ranging between 60 and 75. The The design requires that excavation is per- deformation response (predicted conver-
good quality of the rock is confirmed by formed without reducing the groundwater gence value in the range 5.0-7.0 cm).
the measurement of the convergences that, level, in hydrostatic conditions. For this rea-
up to now, have recorded maximum values son it is necessary to create a grouted arch 4.3. Tunnels in soil – Grouting
around of 1.00cm. around the cavity and a plug at the face, so performed from surface
The mid-adit to excavate rock tunnels, that the advance core is waterproofed. The
named NA4, is placed in a hard rock slope. interventions at the face are characterized An extension part of the tunnels in soils will
To prepare the starting face for the tunnels, by injections of cement mixture and wa- be realised using jet-grouting treatments
hydraulic flat-jack have been used in order terproofing chemical mixture through PVC executed from the surface. It’s a very inter-
to avoid the vibrational disturbance linked pipes with valves (“tube-a-manchette”), esting technical solution because it allows
to the drill&blast solutions; a concrete por- in the measure of 3 valves/meter. Half of to separate the grouting phase from the
tal has been casted in situ to protect the these PVC pipes will also be reinforced by excavation one. The “double-fluid” system
excavation face (see Figure 7). glass fibre structural elements, to increase will be adopted to reach nominal diameter
the stability and the rigidity of the advance of 2000 mm; it should be really considered
4.2. Tunnels in soils – Grouting executed core, as well as providing an easier grip for that very important grouted area will be ex-
in advance the concrete sprayed on the excavation ecuted so it possible to consider a “mas-
face. The stability of the tunnel’s crow will sive” behaviour of the grouted soil. Very
Excavation section C1 is applied in case of be ensured by horizontal “monofluid” jet important it is the grouting sequence: the
loose soils of quaternary origin. Particularly grouting interventions, ∅=650mm L=18.0 drilling mesh will be realised in three step in
in the Northern sector, in correspondence m, which will be performed after a prelimi- order to gradually close the unconsolidated
of the Debris Flow with unstable behaviour, nary intervention by cement mixtures in- area and to obtain a treatment as widely as
to underpass the motorway A22 and the jections through PVC pipes, to reduce the possible. The grouted soil must guarantee
SS12; the overburden is ranging between permeability of the soil and facilitate the an increase of the mechanical strength of
25 to 30 m. It is applied in the Southern realization of the Jet Grouting interventions soil (> 5.0 MPa) and a reduced permeabil-
sector too, in correspondence of the de- (avoiding seepage effects). In correspon- ity (< 1×10-7-1×10-8 m/s), so to proceed
tritus conoids where unstable core-face dence of the invert, only cementitious and with the excavation in stable conditions and
behaviour is expected. This section type waterproofing chemical mixture injections without water leakage.
considers pre-consolidation intervention will be used. In presence of boulders lo- Referring to the area located at the north

n. 125 – marzo 2018
Brenner Base Tunnel & Isarco River Underpass Section: several technical and operational solutions

table; in transitional phase, the piezometric

head acts on the extrados of the treated
soil partition, while in the long term it is
expected that the final lining is able to fully
support the piezometric head considered
at the design stage, substantially coinciding
with the ground level (-1 m from g.l.).
The jet-grouting technology is used to re-
alize grouted soil of significant dimensions
(massive thicknesses between 3.0 m and
4.5 m and develop of several hundred me-
ters); a square mesh (1.65m x 1.43m) has
been adopted also taking into account pos-
sible deviations of the perforation. Given
the massive characteristics of the treatment,
it is however logical to expect a “group ef-
Fig. 10 – Tunnel section type designed for river underpass tunnels. fect”, in which the treatment of a portion
of soil can take place from several injec-
side of the river, this technical solution sections, quite large in correspondence tion points, with the effect of voids seal-
will be applied in the odd track from km of the shaft, characterized by a diameter ing. It’s indeed necessary to consider that
54+465,00 to km 54+607,00 and in around 22.0 m, progressively reduce their the jet-grouting geometry is not necessarily
even track from km 54+440,00 to km dimensions to an excavation diameter of circular shaped, the geometry is a conse-
54+608,25; south between 54+700 and 13.50 m. In this sector of the alignment, quence of the previous treatments that are
54+968 for the even track, and between the overburden ranging from about 10.0 gradually performed. It has been possible
54+711 and 54+889 for the odd track . m up to 16.0-17.0 m, suitable for consoli- to observe this phenomenon during the
The northern section required the appli- dation intervention from the ground level. execution of the shaft trial test: during the
cation of complex excavation geometries The tunnel has been subdivided into sec- execution of the “closure” treatments, an
related to the transition between the 4 tors through the execution of treated soil outflow of higher and constant wastewater
single-track tunnels under the crossing of partitions, executed also by the jet-grout- has been observed compared to the ones
the Isarco river and the existing double- ing technology. The excavation is then per- related to the primary treatments, testify-
track tunnels at the mileage point km formed by full section under conditions of ing the success of the secondary closing jet
54+608 approximately. The excavation hydrostatism, without depressing the water treatments. The operational parameters for

Fig. 11 – Job Site field tests.

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Fig. 12b – Permeability test showed reduced soil permeabilities about two orders of magnitude after injection.

Fig. 12a – Job Site tests: a) ground freezing; b) permeability

test showed reduced soil permeability about two orders of
magnitude after the injection.

the execution of jet treatments are shown

in Table 3 and they have been defined after
several tests, as discussed in chapter 4.5..
To check the efficiency of the grouted per-
formed, pumping tests will be executed for
each excavation sector (between two treat-
ed soil partitions) to verify the absence of
defects in the treatments by estimating the Fig. 13 – Trial test of jet-grouting from surface.
residual leakage.
of an annular r.c. structure. For the tunnels shafts. The adopted ground improvement
4.4. River underpass by ground freezing excavation, ground improvement by means techniques have been defined on the basis
of cement injections and ground freezing of a job site test results (see chapter 4.5)
The river underpass has to be performed will be adopted. The 4 tunnels (Fig. 9) have and will be executed from the 4 shafts too
with low overburden (5.00-8.00m) within a length variable between 56 m and 63m with a central overlapping of 4-5 m.
a complex geotechnical and hydrogeologi- and they will be excavated starting from the Preliminary soil improvement by cement
cal context (cfr. par. 2), for this reason the mixture injections is required with a dou-
underground excavation could take place Fig. 13 – Excavation data (16.01.2018 www.bbt-se.com). ble scope: strengthening the soil mechani-
only after ground improvement. Different cal properties and reduce the soil’s per-
ground improvement techniques have been Total Cross meability, to successfully freeze the soil.
Length Section
designed for the execution of the shafts, at [m]
[m] [m2]
It’s important to take into account that
the river bank, and of the underpass tun- freezing will be performed very close to
nels. Main the river, so that it will be affected by the
1’255 4’200 60 - 150
For the excavation of the shaft, elliptical in water flow. The pre-grouting intervention
shape, depth up to 30 meters, “double- Connecting
497 1’500 60 - 80
allows to minimize the water flow. The typi-
fluid” jet grouting is adopted with the same tunnels cal section of advancing is represented in
criteria of the chapter 4.3; three rows of jet- Connecting Figure 10: it considers 66 drill holes for
grouting columns will be placed all around 56 240 35 - 45 the execution of the cement grout and
side tunnels
the shaft in addition to the bottom plug. The 88 drill holes for the installation of freez-
excavation of the shafts will be executed by tunnel 192 192 65 ing probes with length up to 35 meters.
single step of 2.5 m, followed by the casting (completed) Drillings will be executed by “simmetrix”

n. 125 – marzo 2018
Brenner Base Tunnel & Isarco River Underpass Section: several technical and operational solutions

mometric probes the frozen soil. A new interesting trial test

will be placed all was executed in autumn 2016, performing
around the tunnel a tunnel section by jet-grouting from sur-
cavity to verify the face, as illustrated in Figure 13. The scope
continuity of the of the test was to check the efficiency of
freezing, moreover the “massive” jet-grouting treatment: a mi-
a drainage will be ni tunnel was confined by jet-grouting co-
placed in the tunnel lumns, so to perform a pumping test inside
axis so to check the and to check the hydraulic seal of the grou-
absence of water ted mini-tunnel. The experimental program
leakage in the core- provided also coring of the grouted soil, to
face to be excavat- control the RQD value and the compressi-
Fig. 14 – beginning of construction of the four shafts. ed. The excavation ve strength, and seismic analyses, able to
will be made for investigate the continuity of the treatment.
system (140 mm) to place PVC pipes for single step of 1.00
injections and using steel pipes (114 mm) m, followed by the steel rib and shotcrete
for freezer probe. The preventer will be placing and finally by the final lining cast- 5. State of work
installed to avoid water drainage; topo- ing.
graphic control will be performed for drill- The current phase (main construction
ings to consider deviation (generally in the 4.5. Testing activities phase I) provides for the construction of
1.0-1.5% range). four shafts, 25-30 meters deep, to access
The cement grout sheath has a W/C ra- To develop in detail soil treatment technolo- the faces of excavation of the Isarco River
tio equal to 1.0, while cement mixture for gies, several trial tests have been performed, Underpass (Figure 14). Furthermore, it in-
waterproofing (silicate based) has a W/C starting from the spring 2015 up to now. The cludes the excavation - already completed
ratio variable between 1.2 and 1.4 with a first field test was executed in the jobsite at - of the access tunnel on the right side of
48 hours compression resistance not lower the foundation shaft of the “Isarco Bridge”, the valley using drill and blast, and of part
than 3MPa; this cement mixture will be in- as showed in Figure 11, south on respect of the main tubes and the connecting tun-
jected by PVC pipes equipped by valves (3 to the Isarco River Underpass. To define nels in rock, to be built with the drill and
vlv/meter); the injection will be executed the best parameters for jet-grouting, test blast method.
with pressure equal to 15-25 bar and re- columns were executed with different com- As a preparatory measure for the reloca-
sidual pressure of 5 MPa, with flow about binations of extraction and rotation speed, tion of the existing line which will be car-
5-8 lt/min and the goal to inject 180-200 pressure and nozzles’ number and dimen- ried out during the following construction
lt/valve. Once soil improvement is reached, sion. The diameter columns, investigated by phase, slope stabilization and earthmoving
reducing the permeability value to 1×10-5 excavation, were ranging from 0.80-1.0 m measures will be implemented.
m/s, the freezing stage can start. The pri- for “mono-fluid” system to 1.80-2.20 m for Table 4 summarizes the excavation data up
mary purpose of artificial ground freezing “double-fluid” system. Other jet-grouting to 2018 middle of January.
is to draw heat from the ground until its tests were executed in the north part of the
temperature falls below the freezing point jobsite, where fine sand and silt are pres-
of the groundwater (freezing stage) and ent to make more difficult the jet-grouting References
then to maintain the temperature level execution at depth (more than 25-30 m).
reached by appropriately regulating the The best parameters, chosen for the execu- Fuoco S., Zurlo R., Marini D., Pigorini A.,
flow of heat extracted until excavation and tion of the works, are reported in Table 3. (2016) – Tunnel Excavation Solution in Highly
construction operations have been com- In spring 2015 too, inside the shaft for Tectonized Zones, Excavation through the Con-
pleted (maintenance stage). Freezing will the “Isarco bridge” foundation, a real test tact between Two Continental Plates. Proceed-
be obtained thanks to circulation of “liq- for freezing was performed, as showed in ings of World Tunneling Congress 2016. San
uid nitrogen” inside the freezing probes (at Figure 12a. Starting from the shaft wall, Francisco (U.S.A.).
temperature between -100oC and -60oC) drillings, equipped by PVC pipes, were Lunardi P., (2015) – Muir Wood Lecture 2015
equipped with two concentric pipes: an executed to improve soil by cement injec- – Extrusion Control of the Ground Core at
external AISI Inox piping, 76 mm, and an tions. This allowed to define the technical the Tunnel Excavation Face as a Stabilisa-
internal copper piping, 25 mm, till the tem- specifications for injections; permeability tion Instrument for the Cavity. Proceedings
of World Tunnel Congress 2015. Dubrovnik
perature of -10oC will be reached in the soil test showed reduced soil permeabilities
at 0.50 m at a distance from the freezing after injection, able to control the water
probe, so to obtain a minimum freezing di- flow on respect to freezing (see Figure Zurlo R., Rea G., Roccia M., (2013) – Galleria
di Base del Brennero. Descrizione dell’opera ed
ameter of 1.0 m; the frozen soil exhibits a 12b). After soil treatment, freezing pro- avanzamento attraverso la faglia Periadriatica.
compressive strength of 5 MPa. Freezing cedures by liquid nitrogen were tested, Proceedings on the Italian Tunneling Society
maintenance will be got by “brine”. Ther- experiencing the designed temperature in Congress. Bologna: pages 628-643.

n. 125 – marzo 2018
G. Lunardi - G. Cassani - M. Gatti - L. Bellardo - A. Palomba

Riassunto di:
Galleria di Base del Brennero: alcune soluzioni
tecniche e operative per il sottoattraversamento del
fiume Isarco

G. Lunardi
Amministratore Delegato, Rocksoil S.p.A.
G. Cassani
Direttore Tecnico, Rocksoil S.p.A.
M. Gatti
Coordinatore degli Uffici Tecnici, Rocksoil S.p.A.
L. Bellardo
Servizio Geologico, Rocksoil of S.p.A
A. Palomba
Project Manager, Isarco S.c.a.r.l.

La Galleria di Base del Brennero è parte Prima dell’avvio dei lavori di costruzione rappresentano senza dubbio una sfida
del corridoio TEN5, Scandinavia-Mediter- delle gallerie sono state svolte una serie ingegneristica molto importante, avendo
raneo, e rappresenta l’opera che consen- di attività propedeutiche in superficie, previsto la loro realizzazione con scavi
te il superamento della catena montuosa ivi compresi lo spostamento della strada in sotterraneo con coperture assai ri-
delle Alpi. La Galleria di Base del Brennero statale SS12, la costruzione di due pon- dotte, 5÷8 m, senza modifiche al corso
è l’elemento centrale della nuova linea fer- ti sul fiume Isarco e sul Rio Bianco e la del fiume, facendo affidamento ad estesi
roviaria del Brennero, che collega l’asse da realizzazione dell’area di carico/scarico interventi di pretrattamento dei terreni
Monaco a Verona. Una volta completata, sull’A22, necessaria per il trasporto e interessati dagli scavi (Fig. 9). Le mo-
con i suoi 64 km di sviluppo, rappresenterà la fornitura dei materiali di costruzione. dalità di esecuzione degli interventi di
il collegamento ferroviario sotterraneo più Nell’ambito delle fasi realizzative dell’in- consolidamento rivestono una notevole
lungo del mondo. tervento è inoltre prevista la deviazione importanza nel successo di scavi in sot-
Il lotto di costruzione denominato “Sotto- definitiva della linea ferroviaria storica terraneo come quelli in esame; per que-
attraversamento Isarco”, costituisce la parte Verona – Brennero per un tratto di circa sto motivo le specifiche di esecuzione dei
estrema meridionale della Galleria di Base 1 Km. trattamenti, sono state verificate e tarate
del Brennero prima dell’accesso nella sta- L’articolo presenta le scelte progettuali sul posto, mediante specifico campo pro-
zione di Fortezza, ed è ubicato ca. 1 Km condotte per la costruzione delle opere, ve (Figg. 10 – 13), al fine di tenere conto
a nord dell’abitato di Fortezza, in località tenendo conto del delicato contesto di delle caratteristiche peculiari dei terreni
Prà di Sopra in provincia di Bolzano. Il lotto inserimento della nuova infrastruttura, da trattare e del contesto idrogeologico
comprende la realizzazione delle opere ci- sia per la presenza di diverse interferen- locale. Attualmente sono in fase realiz-
vili delle due canne principali per un totale ze in superficie, quali l’Autostrada A22, la zativa i quattro pozzi, profondi 25÷30
di circa 4,3 Km e delle due gallerie di inter- SS12, il corso fluviale dell’Isarco, sia per metri per l’accesso ai fronti di scavo del
connessione che si allacciano alla linea sto- le caratteristiche dei terreni di fondoval- Sottopassaggio del fiume Isarco (Figura
rica, per un totale di circa 2,3 Km (Fig. 1). le, alluvionali e fluvioglaciali (Figg. 2-3), 14). La tabella 4 riepiloga i dati di sca-
La realizzazione dei lavori è tecnicamente che hanno reso necessario introdurre di- vo fino a metà gennaio 2018, a tale data
molto complessa: le gallerie delle canne verse tecnologie di consolidamento dei risultava completato lo scavo in roccia
principali e delle interconnessioni passe- terreni per la realizzazione delle opere, della galleria di accesso sul lato destro
ranno al di sotto, con un franco minimo, quali il jet-grouting, la tecnologie di inie- della valle, di parte delle gallerie princi-
del fiume Isarco, dell’autostrada A22, della zione di miscele cementizie e la tecnica pali e della galleria di collegamento, il cui
strada statale SS12 e della linea ferrovia del congelamento (Figg. 4-8). Le opere contesto geologico ha permesso lo scavo
storica Verona-Brennero. di sottoattraversamento del fiume Isarco mediante drill&blast.

n. 125 – marzo 2018

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