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Heru Setiawan (E-mail : heru.setiawan@smkn3batu.sch.id)

Supervisor : (I) Dr. Henry Praherdhiono S.Si., M.Pd, (II) Eka Pramono Adi, S.I.P., M.Si
Department of Educational Technology
Faculty of Education, State University of Malang
Jl. Semarang No. 5 Malang

ABSTRAK : SMK is an educational institution that aims to improve students' knowledge and
skills to prepare them as skilled, educated and professional middle-level workers and are able
to develop themselves in line with the development of science and technology. Technology in
education is a tool or method used to facilitate learning activities. Technology that plays an
important role in learning activities can be seen from the learning media used by students as
learning aids. With this learning media will facilitate the delivery of subject matter. Especially
in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic which makes student learning activities at school have
to be abolished and replaced with independent learning from home. Things like making
teachers have to find ways to continue to carry out distance learning online. With obstacles
like this, technological advances are needed, to support effective learning. One of them is
using screencast media for learning. Screencast is a digital recording of computer screen
output, also known as screen capture video, containing audio narration. While screencasting
can be said as a tool, technique or media used to record activities on the monitor screen with
the aim of being re-aired and watched according to its function. This makes it possible for
students to study at home and can be played repeatedly so that the maturity of the material and
applications can increase.
The purpose of this research is to produce a screencast media from adobe illustrator about
vector-based image processing that is validated and effective in learning Basic Graphic
Design Class X Multimedia Expertise Program at SMK.
This study refers to the steps described in the form of a flow chart by Sadiman, et al (2010).
The stages in developing media according to Sadiman's model include the following stages:
(1) analyzing needs (2) formulating learning objectives, (3) formulating detailed material
items that support the achievement of goals, (4) developing success measuring tools, ( 5)
writing media scripts, (6) conducting trials and revisions. Product validation is carried out on
media experts and material experts.
The results of this interactive multimedia development meet the valid criteria and are suitable
for use in the learning process as indicated by the acquisition of a total percentage of 85%
media experts, 95% material experts. Screencast-based multimedia is categorized as effective
for use in learning activities.
Keywords: Multimedia, Media Screencast, Adobe Illustrator, Vector.

Education in this millennial era is very important, especially the function of education
in social life. The main purpose of education is to provide the ability in the form of
knowledge for humans to live in society. This ability is in the form of knowledge and skills,
as well as behavior that can be implemented in the community. A person's ability will be able
to develop optimally if he gets the right learning experience, where that learning experience
can be obtained from various educational institutions. In this case, Educational Institutions
have a broad meaning and have an important role in fostering an appropriate and accurate
learning experience. One of the educational institutions that can be interpreted in this case is a
school. School is a formal education unit that is expected to provide a learning experience that
is in accordance with the potential and interests of students. The school period here is not just
one level, but consists of several levels that students must take to get through that stage in
order to get more experience, starting from the lowest level of education to the highest level.
Seeing the increasingly competitive world of work, vocational students are required to
have competence and expertise. Therefore, at SMK Negeri 3 Batu it is very suitable to be
used as research on multimedia learning, especially with my scope as a writer being a
teaching staff at that school.
The purpose of conducting research using this screencast media for learning is, to
determine the effectiveness of screencast media learning for Adobe Illustrator on the learning
outcomes of grade 10 students in Basic Graphic Design subjects. Especially in the midst of
the Covid-19 or Coronavirus pandemic in Indonesia which has made all learning activities
temporarily suspended in order to create unexpected conditions.
Online learning is considered a solution for teaching and learning activities to continue
in the midst of the corona pandemic. Although it has been agreed, this method reaps a lot of
controversy. For teaching staff, an online learning system like this is only effective for
assignments, in contrast to productive teaching actors who are identical with material,
tutorials and practice. This online learning is considered by students to be very difficult to
understand the material. In addition, each student's technological and economic abilities are
different. Not all students have facilities that support distance learning activities. Unstable
connections, inadequate human resources, and expensive internet quotas are real obstacles in
doing this distance learning. Nevertheless, learning must continue and be implemented. Each
school has its own policy in responding to this rule. Today's teachers have to be extra hard in
structuring their learning process in order to provide knowledge to students so that they still
have their right to education. Educators must be able to adapt to current conditions, and use
various methods and media to continue learning for students with the online system. One of
the ways to do online learning is using advances in science and technology (IPTEK).
The progress of science and technology (IPTEK), especially information and
communication technology (ICT) is very rapid. This progress of course affects various fields
of life, including education. In line with that, educational autonomy and the globalization of
education which emphasizes competition and quality began to take place. The successful
implementation of autonomy and globalization of education can only be achieved by utilizing
information and communication technology in the educational process. Learning is the core of
the educational process. The quality of education describes the quality of learning. Improving
the quality of education can be done through improving the quality of learning. Various
efforts have been made to improve the quality of learning.
Information and communication technology (ICT) offers various possibilities to
improve the quality of learning. ICT can be used to improve and develop the professional
abilities of lecturers/teachers, as a learning resource in learning, as a learning interaction aid,
and as a learning platform (Depdiknas, 2004). ICT can facilitate and assist students and
teachers in learning. ICT can be used for various purposes: from passively for presentation
purposes, seeking information, interacting and communicating, to the most active, to produce
a product. One of the efforts to improve the quality of learning through the use of ICT in
learning is the application of online-based learning media.
Virtual online-based learning media is a tool used in learning, where learning is
carried out more easily despite the distance between educators and students who are far away.
It is expected that students will be interested and enthusiastic in learning activities using
virtual media in the midst of a pandemic and students can listen and understand the video
tutorials that will be broadcast, then students will identify elements of graphic design in
vector-based image processing. Students will also find the tips contained in the video that can
be useful for everyday life, which later after learning by using video media, experimental
class students will be tested for their ability to know learning outcomes using posttest. After
that the learning outcomes will be compared with the learning outcomes of the control class
whose learning uses print media in the form of texts and assignments. After being compared,
it can be known whether video-based virtual media is effective or not for use in basic
Productive Graphic Design learning vector-based image processing materials.
Graphic Design is a design of graphic elements with a certain pattern and is a medium
for communicating between clients against violations through intermediary designers. One of
the duties of a graphic designer is to convey the producer's message to the public. A graphic
designer is required to have expertise in creative visualization of ideas that lead to the creation
of works of art. Graphic visualization has several elements, including line, shape, space, color
and texture by adhering to the principles of unity, harmony, rhythm, dominance, balance and
In learning activities at SMK 3 Batu, especially the Multimedia major for Basic
Graphic Design subjects, the delivery of material still uses the lecture method and practicum
assignments. No media has been used to help explain the material clearly. By utilizing
learning media and technology that is able to display the stages of making a logo from start to
finish, even though in learning at school the material has not been conveyed. Therefore,
students need media that is able to provide interest and to help them understand the material.
So that learning media are additional to the learning carried out with the aim that students
further strengthen the level of mastery of the material presented in the video. In this case, I
chose Screencast because this media is considered capable of describing the logo-making
process until the branding process is complete.
In this case the teacher can use screencast learning media in Basic Graphic Design
learning, so students can see directly the teacher delivering the material without having to go
online directly without being constrained by packages or signals.
The use of this screencast media is expected to solve the problems faced by students in
learning Basic Graphic Design at home in the red zone conditions. By utilizing this screencast
media, students can see the contents of the material directly by the teacher concerned, besides
that by watching the video, the student can play the video of the material that is conveyed
repeatedly and can try to practice it directly from home.


A. Research and Development Model
This research is classified as development research, namely research that records,
examines, and makes improvements to all events related to the learning process, so that
learning methods are found using learning media.

B. Prosedur Penelitian dan Pengembangan

The development procedure is carried out through several stages of development, these
stages are :
(1) Identification of needs,
The first step in developing a screencast on the Basic Graphic Design subject was
observing tenth graders of the multimedia expertise program at SMK Negeri 3 Batu. The
purpose of the observation is to find out and get information, descriptions, and input regarding
the description of appropriate learning materials and media to be developed and combined in
the screencast media for Basic Graphic Design subjects. So that the material that has been
given using screencast media can increase understanding of how to process vector-based
image designs.

(2) Formulation of objectives,
Goals are something important in learning. Learning will be more focused if the learning
objectives can be conveyed properly. The developer's goal is to make a screencast, in order to
achieve an effective learning in the midst of a pandemic.
(3) Formulation of material items,
Formulating the material points is to formulate learning materials that must be studied or
what learning experiences must be done by students so that learning objectives are achieved
while still paying attention to standard rules in the form of Core Competencies and Basic
Competencies, as well as indicators of competency achievement. The material that will be
developed is Processing and Making Vector Image-Based Designs in the Basic Graphic
Design subject.
(4) Formulation of success measurement tools,
The formulation of the success measurement tool is to measure the validity of the media
used for Multimedia Expertise Program Students Class X SMK Negeri 3 Batu. The developer
uses a questionnaire instrument that is used to collect data through a written list, as well as a
google form that has been compiled and distributed.
After the data is collected and processed, conclusions will be drawn whether the
screencast is valid or not as a learning medium.
(5) script writing,
The manuscript is the initial framework of the learning media design that will be
developed, the script contains the display design in the video learning media.
(6) Test / Trial,
The activity at this stage is to prepare screencast media that has been designed to be
tested. Multimedia products at this stage have been declared ready to be used or tested, if
deficiencies are still found, then the multimedia needs to be revised again.
(7) Production,
This production activity is the activity of making finished development media to be
shared or published to the audience.
(8) Revision.
Revision activities are needed for the validity of a screencast development media.
Revisions are carried out to improve the media if there are deficiencies or have not met the
expected criteria after being validated by media experts and material experts at the same time
and then revised by the audience.


In this study, the product development was handed over to a This media expert
validation was carried out to determine the validity of the screencast media in the Basic
Graphic Design subject for Vector-Based Image Processing for class X students majoring
in Multimedia at SMK Negeri 3 Batu. There is one media expert, namely a lecturer in
Educational Technology. This material expert validation was carried out to determine the
validity of the screencast media in the Basic Graphic Design subject for Vector-Based

Image Processing for class X students majoring in Multimedia at SMK Negeri 3 Batu.
There is one material expert, namely the Multimedia Lecturer at SMK Negeri 3 Batu..

1. Presentation of Material Expert Validation

Pilihan Jawaban Skor

A Persentase
No Aspek Yang Divalidasi B C D
(4 ∑X ∑Xi (%)
(3) (2) (1)

Materi dalam media screencast disampaikan

1 √ 4 4 100
dengan jelas.

Materi dalam media screencast disampaikan

2 dengan runtut. √ 4 4 100

3 Alur penjelasan bisa diikuti oleh pebelajar. √ 4 4 100

Penjelasan materi di dalam media screencast

4 √ 3 4 75
tidak bertele-tele.

Setiap sub pokok bahasan disampaikan

5 √ 4 4 100
dalam media screencast sudah tepat.

Penyampaian materi melalui media

6 √ 4 4 100
screencast ini sudah tepat.

Media screencast ini mampu mewakili

7 √ 4 4 100
demonstrasi yang dilakukan di kelas.

Narator menggunakan kalimat yang mudah

8 dipahami pengguna. √ 3 4 75

Materi yang disampaikan dalam media

9 √ 3 4 75
screencast ini mudah dipahami.

Materi dalam media screencast sudah sesuai

10 √ 4 4 100
dengan materi pembelajaran.

Materi dalam media screencast sudah sesuai

11 dengan KI, KD, indikator dan tujuan √ 4 4 100

Materi pada media screencast sesuai dengan

12 prinsip-prinsip pembelajaran yaitu √ 4 4 100
memberikan motivasi dan perhatian siswa

Kemenarikan media screencast dalam

13 penyampaian materi mengenai informasi √ 4 4 100
dalam pembelajaran tersebut

Isi materi dalam media screencast sesuai

14 √ 4 4 100
dengan karakteristik siswa

Keterkaitan materi diambil sesuai dengan
15 √ 4 4 100
kehidupan sehari-hari

Jumlah 57 60 1425

Persentase 95

2. Presentation of Media Expert Validation

Pilihan Jawaban Skor

B Persentase
No Aspek Yang Divalidasi A C D
(3 ∑X ∑Xi (%)
(4) (2) (1)

1 Media screencast ini mudah dijalankan. √ 4 4 100

2 Media screencast ini mudah dilihat. √ 4 4 100

Media screencast ini mudah dijangkau karena

3 √ 4 4 100
ukuran file yang tidak terlalu berat.

Kualitas media screencast ini baik.

4 √ 4 4 100

Kualitas gambar pada media screencast?

5 √ 4 4 100

6 Tingkat volume (audio) pada media screencast √ 2 4 50

Kejelasan dan kejernihan suara pada media

7 √ 2 4 50

8 Durasi dalam media screencast ini tepat. √ 3 4 75

Keterpaduan antar teks, audio, dan gambar

9 √ 3 4 75
dalam media screencast ini sudah sesuai.

10 Penjelasan materi dengan tempo yang tepat . √ 3 4 75

Pergerakan mouse pada layar monitor masih

11 √ 3 4 75
mampu diamati.

Materi yang disampaikan dalam media

12 √ 3 4 75
screencast ini mudah dipahami.

Penjelasan materi pada media screencast

13 √ 4 4 100
sesuai dengan tahapannya.

Media screencast tidak mengalami debug saat

14 dijalankan dan sesuai dengan spesifikasi alat √ 4 4 100
teknologi yang sederhana.

Media screencast dapat diakses setiap waktu.

15 √ 4 4 100

Jumlah 51 60 1250

Rata - Rata 85

3. Presentation of Audience Validation

Pilihan Jawaban Skor
N Persentase
Aspek Pertanyaan A B C D
o ∑X ∑Xi (%)
(4) (3) (2) (1)

1 Apakah video screencast ini mudah 35 18 2 198 220 90.0%


2 Apakah video screencast tersebut mudah 28 18 8 183 220 83.2%


3 Apakah bahasa dalam video screencast 20 25 10 175 220 79.5%

tersebut mudah dipahami?

4 Apakah suara dalam video screencast 14 23 18 161 220 73.2%

tersebut jelas terdengar?

5 Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang kualitas 39 6 9 193 220 87.7%

video screencast tersebut?

6 Bagaimana kejelasan gambar video 37 10 8 194 220 88.2%

screencast tersebut?

7 Bagaimana keterpaduan antara audio dan 22 25 7 178 220 80.9%

gambar dalam video screencast tersebut?

8 Apakah kecepatan audio sesuai dengan 20 27 8 177 220 80.5%

gambar dalam video screencast tersebut?

9 Bagaimana kecepatan penyampaian materi 16 33 5 174 220 79.1%

pada video screencast tersebut?

10 Apakah durasi video screencast sudah sesuai 28 19 7 173 220 83.6%

dengan materi yang disampaikan?

11 Apakah materi dalam video screencast 29 21 5 189 220 85.9%

tersebut disampaikan dengan jelas?

12 Apakah materi yang disampaikan dalam 31 12 12 184 220 83.6%

video screencast tersebut mudah dipahami?

13 Apakah materi dalam video screencast

tersebut sudah sesuai dengan materi
33 18 4
194 220 88.2%
pelajaran yang di ajarkan?

14 Apakah tayangan video screencast tersebut 28 19 7 184 220 83.6%

dari awal sampai akhir dapat kalian pahami?

15 Apakah setelah melihat tayangan video 21 25 6 3 174 220 79.1%

screencast tersebut kalian dapat
mempraktikkan sendiri cara pembuatan logo

yang benar?

Jumlah 3.300 1250.5

Rata-Rata 83,4

A. Validation Data Analysis
(1) Based on the above material expert data processing, the overall percentage result
can be obtained by 95%. Based on the interpretation of the data, it is included in
category A with a percentage of 80% – 100%, then the screencast media developed is
included in the valid qualifications.

(2) Based on the above media expert data processing, the overall percentage result is
85%. Based on the interpretation of the data, it is included in category A with a
percentage of 80% – 100%, the screencast media developed is included in the valid

(3) Based on the audience/student data processing above, the overall percentage result
is 83.4%. Based on the interpretation of the data, it is included in category A with a
percentage of 80% – 100%, the screencast media developed is included in the valid

B. Product Revision
Revision of product development is a conclusion drawn from the results of data
analysis from both media experts, material experts, and audiences about products that
are validated as the basis for revising screencast media for Basic Graphic Design
subjects. To further refine the use of this screencast media, a revision is needed to
make it better.

1. Media Expert Response

Based on the questionnaire given to media experts, the screencast media for Basic
Graphic Design subjects is appropriate for use in the field with a few revisions.
According to media experts, screencast media is generally good enough, it just needs to
be emphasized again on the clarity and clarity of audio sound), if necessary, each stage
can be explained in detail so that the duration can be adjusted, and is equipped with a
comprehensive user manual.

2. Material Expert Response

Based on the questionnaire given to the material expert, the screencast media for the
Basic Graphic Design subject is suitable for use in the field with a few revisions in the
audio and the duration for the material has no problems. According to the screencast
media material experts, it is generally valid and feasible to continue at the next stage.

3. Audience/Student Response
Based on audience/student questionnaires during field trials, the screencast media for
Basic Graphic Design subjects needs to be improved on audio quality, it needs a little
explanation in several parts to make it easier to understand.

Based on the data that has been obtained, the screencast media has been revised in the
audio section, duration and the addition of several material explanations to make it easier
to understand.


A. Product Review
Screencast media that has been developed as a learning media that has been
adequate and in accordance with the needs in learning, especially the Basic Graphic
Design subject for the Multimedia Expertise Program at SMK Negeri 3 Batu in the
midst of the covid-19 pandemic. The developed media is in the form of a screencast
in the form of a soft file. In this case, screencast media is needed to make it easier for
class X students to understand vector-based image processing material, namely logo
creation. The material contained in the screencast media includes how to create a new
File/Document, insert an image in the Adobe Illustrator application, how to create a
logo using manual tracing techniques, how to give effects or colors, how to save
image formats, and combine vector images with bitmap or bitmap-based images.
raster. This media that has been developed can be used in learning activities in the
classroom or independently. This screencast media does not require sophisticated
technological specifications, through computers, laptops, or smartphones it can be
accessed and can be stored with a file capacity that is not too large. So that it can be
studied repeatedly to improve fluency in processing vector-based images. Screencast
media for learning Basic Graphic Design using Adobe Illustrator in processing
vector-based images has carried out a needs analysis through the observation and
validation stages. After analyzing the needs, the researcher developed a screencast
media as one of the learning media for Basic Graphic Design subjects in the
Multimedia Department of SMK Negeri 3 Batu. This media meets the valid criteria
after the validation and testing process, including the following.
The media screencast for Basic Graphic Design subjects was validated by
media experts, material experts, and student responses (audience). Based on the
results of the media expert questionnaire, a total percentage of 85% was obtained, the
results of the material expert questionnaire obtained a total percentage of 95%, and
the response data to the field test obtained a total percentage of 83.4%, based on the
established criteria, it can be concluded that the screencast media for Basic Design
subjects The graphics developed are included in the Valid criteria or are suitable for
use in learning.
Based on the responses from media experts and material experts, the screencast
media product needs to be slightly revised so that it is more feasible to be tested in the
field. But it would be better if it is equipped with a comprehensive material manual.
From the results of field trials, it was found that the screencast media was quite good
and could help and facilitate students in learning. But there are still a few drawbacks,
namely the audio quality that needs to be improved and also a bit of adding an
explanation stage to some parts of the material. The following is an explanation of the
screencast media for learning Basic Graphic Design in processing class X vector-
based images that have been developed

B. Suggestion
Based on the development of screencast media for Basic Graphic Design subjects, the
researchers obtained suggestions regarding the product being developed. The suggestions put
forward include suggestions for utilization, suggestions for dissemination, and suggestions for
product development which are further explained as follows.

1. Utilization Suggestions

The product of this development is a screencast media for Basic Graphic

Design learning which can be used as a learning medium in the classroom or as an
independent learning medium by students at home. For the purposes of utilization,
researchers have the following suggestions:
a. When students use this screencast media to study at home, students should also
immediately practice what they see in this screencast media. So that students can
directly practice and get a better learning experience.
b. If there are some materials that have not been understood or have not been taught
when using this media, students can ask the material to the teacher teaching Basic
Graphic Design subjects.

2. Dissemination Suggestions

In disseminating product development to a wider target, researchers provide the

following suggestions:
a. Researchers only develop screencast media for Basic Graphic Design subjects
with vector-based image processing materials, it is hoped that there will be
developments that include other material on basic graphic design subjects or other
b. When distributing this screencast media using the Whatsapp application, you
should use a file attachment so as not to reduce the resolution or capacity of this
screencast media. Files from Whatsapp are small and can be viewed over and over
again to further hone learning skills.
c. Before distributing this screencast media as a learning medium, you should first
consult with the relevant teacher.

3. Suggestions for Further Development

For the purposes of further media development, researchers have the following
a. Before developing the media, it is better to do a needs analysis with the teacher or
lecturer or teacher.
b. Before developing the media, you should learn more about the material to be used.
c. Make a script so that in delivering the material when recording you don't stutter or
forget what to say.
d. The use of language must also use standard language so that it is easily understood by
the audience.
e. Try to speed up the narration spoken by the narrator in accordance with the steps
shown on the computer screen.
f. Explain each step you take on the computer screen by placing a red tick or zooming in
on the screen when the mouse cursor clicks on something or selects an item.

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