Bir Forms
Bir Forms
Bir Forms
7 Registered Address (Indicate complete address. If branch, indicate the branch address. If the registered address is different from the current address, go to the RDO to update registered address by using BIR Form No. 1905)
7A ZIP Code
8 Category of Withholding Agent Private Government 8A If private, top withholding agent? Yes No
9 Contact Number 10 Email Address
11 In case of overwithholding/overremittance after the year-end adjustments on compensation, 11A If Yes, specify the date
have you released the refund/s to your employee/s? Yes No of refund (MM/DD/YYYY)
Total amount of overremittance on Tax
12 13 Month of First Crediting of Overremittance (MM)
withheld under compensation ●
Signature over Printed Name of Taxpayer/Authorized Representative/Tax Agent Signature over Printed Name of President/Vice President/Authorized Officer
(Indicate Title/Designation and TIN) or Representative/Tax Agent (Indicate Title/Designation and TIN)
Tax Agent Accreditation No./ Date of Issue Date of Expiry
Attorney’s Roll No. (if applicable) (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY)
*NOTE: The BIR Data Privacy is in the BIR website (
Republic of the Philippines
For BIR BCS/ Department of Finance
Use Only Item: Bureau of Internal Revenue
BIR Form No.
Monthly Remittance Return
1601-C of Income Taxes Withheld on Compensation
January 2018 (ENCS) Enter all required information in CAPITAL LETTERS using BLACK ink. Mark all applicable boxes with
Page 1 an “X”. Two copies MUST be filed with the BIR and one held by the Taxpayer.
1601-C 01/18ENCS P1
1 For the Month (MM/YYYY) 2 Amended Return? 3 Any Taxes Withheld? 4 Number of Sheet/s Attached 5 ATC
Yes No Yes No WW010
Part I – Background Information
6 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) / / / 7 RDO Code
8 Withholding Agent’s Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name for Individual OR Registered Name for Non-Individual)
9 Registered Address (Indicate complete address. If branch, indicate the branch address. If the registered address is different from the current address, go to the RDO to update registered address by using BIR Form No. 1905)
9A ZIP Code
10 Contact Number 11 Category of Withholding Agent Private Government
12 Email Address
13 Are there payees availing of tax relief under Yes No 13A If yes, specify
Special Law or International Tax Treaty?
Part II – Computation of Tax
14 Total Amount of Compensation ●
Less: Non-Taxable/Exempt Compensation
15 Statutory Minimum Wage for Minimum Wage Earners (MWEs) ●
16 Holiday Pay, Overtime Pay, Night Shift Differential Pay, Hazard Pay (for MWEs only) ●
18 De Minimis Benefits ●
19 SSS, GSIS, PHIC, HDMF Mandatory Contributions & Union Dues (employee’s share only) ●
23 Less: Taxable compensation not subject to withholding tax (for employees, other than MWEs, receiving P250,000 & below for the year)
26 Add/(Less): Adjustment of Taxes Withheld from Previous Month/s (From Part IV-Schedule 1, Item 4) ●
33 Interest ●
34 Compromise ●
Signature over Printed Name of Taxpayer/Authorized Representative/Tax Agent Signature over Printed Name of President/Vice President/
(Indicate Title/Designation and TIN) Authorized Officer or Representative/Tax Agent (Indicate Title/Designation and TIN)
Tax Agent Accreditation No./ Date of Issue Date of Expiry
Attorney’s Roll No. (if applicable) (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY)
Part III – Details of Payment
Particulars Drawee Bank/Agency Number Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Amount
37 Cash/Bank Debit Memo ●
38 Check ●
* NOTE: Please read the BIR Data Privacy Policy found in the BIR website (
BIR Form No.
Part IV - Schedule
Schedule I – Adjustment of Taxes Withheld on Compensation from Previous Months (attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)
Previous Month/s Date Paid Drawee Bank/Bank
Number Tax Paid (Excluding Penalties for the Month)
(MM/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) Code/Agency
1 2 3 4 5
1 ●
2 ●
3 ●
2 ● ●
3 ● ●
Guidelines and Instructions for BIR Form No. 1601-C [January 2018 (ENCS)]
Monthly Remittance Return of Income Taxes Withheld on Compensation
Who Shall File
This monthly remittance return shall be filed in triplicate by every withholding agent (WA)/payor a. Willful neglect to file the return within the period prescribed by the Code or by rules
required to deduct and withhold taxes on compensation paid to employees. and regulations; or
If the person required to withhold and pay/remit the tax is a corporation, the return shall be made b. A false or fraudulent return is willfully made.
in the name of the corporation and shall be signed and verified by the president, vice-president, or any 3. Interest at the rate of double the legal interest rate for loans or forbearance of any money
authorized officer. in the absence of an express stipulation as set by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas from the
If the Government of the Philippines or any of its agencies, political subdivisions or date prescribed for payment until the amount is fully remitted: Provided, That in no case
instrumentalities, or a government-owned or controlled corporation, is the withholding agent/payor, shall the deficiency and the delinquency interest prescribed under Section 249 Subsections
the return shall be accomplished and signed by the officer or employee having control of disbursement (B) and (C) of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended, be imposed
of income payments or other officer or employee appropriately designated for the purpose. simultaneously.
With respect to a fiduciary, the return shall be made in the name of the individual, estate or trust 4. Compromise penalty as provided under applicable rules and regulations.
for which such fiduciary acts and shall be signed and verified by such fiduciary. In case of two or
more joint fiduciaries, the return shall be signed and verified by one of such fiduciaries. Violation of Withholding Tax Provisions
Any person required to withhold, account for, and pay/remit any tax imposed by the National
Authorized Representative and Accredited Tax Agent filing, in behalf of the taxpayer, shall also
Internal Revenue Code (NIRC), as amended, or who willfully fails to withhold such tax, or account
use this return to pay/remit the creditable taxes withheld.
for and pay/remit such tax, or aids or abets in any manner to evade any such tax or the
In the case of hazardous employment, the employer in the private sector shall attach to BIR Form
payment/remittance thereof, shall, in addition to other penalties provided for under the Law, be
No. 1601-C, for return periods March, June, September and December a copy of the list submitted to
liable upon conviction to a penalty equal to the total amount of the tax not withheld, or not
the Department of Labor & Employment Regional/Provincial Offices–Operations Division/Unit. The
accounted for and paid/remitted.
list shall show the names of the Minimum Wage Earners who received the hazard pay, period of
Any person required under the NIRC, as amended, or by rules and regulations promulgated
employment, amount of hazard pay per month and justification for payment of hazard pay as certified
thereunder to pay/remit any tax, make a return, keep any record, or supply correct and accurate
by said DOLE/allied agency that the hazard pay is justifiable. In the same manner, for the
information, who willfully fails to pay/remit such tax, make such return, keep such record, or supply
aforementioned return periods, employer in the public sector shall attach a copy of Department of
such correct and accurate information, or withhold or pay/remit taxes withheld, or refund excess
Budget and Management (DBM) circular/s or equivalent, as to who are allowed to receive hazard pay.
taxes withheld on compensation, at the time or times required by law or rules and regulations shall,
When and Where to File and Pay/Remit in addition to the other penalties provided by law, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine
The return shall be filed and the tax paid/remitted on or before the tenth (10 th) day of the month of not less than ten thousand pesos (P = 10,000.00) and suffer imprisonment of not less than one (1)
following the month in which withholding was made except for taxes withheld for December which year but not more than ten (10) years.
shall be filed and paid/remitted on or before January 15 of the succeeding year. Every officer or employee of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines or any of its
Provided, however, that with respect to non-large and large taxpayers who shall file through the agencies and instrumentalities, its political subdivisions, as well as government-owned or
Electronic Filing and Payment System (eFPS), the deadline for electronically filing the return and controlled corporations, including the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, who, under the provisions of
paying/remitting the taxes due thereon shall be in accordance with the provisions of existing the NIRC, as amended, or regulations promulgated thereunder, is charged with the duty to deduct
applicable revenue issuances. and withhold any internal revenue tax and to pay/remit the same in accordance with the provisions
The return shall be filed and the tax paid/remitted with the Authorized Agent Bank (AAB) of the of the NIRC, as amended, and other laws and who is found guilty of any offense herein below
Revenue District Office (RDO) having jurisdiction over the withholding agent's place of specified shall, upon conviction of each act or omission, be fined in a sum not less than five
business/office. In places where there are no Authorized Agent Banks, the return shall be filed and thousand pesos (P = 5,000) but not more than fifty thousand pesos (P = 50,000) or imprisoned for a
the tax paid/remitted with the Revenue Collection Officer (RCO) of the RDO having jurisdiction over term of not less than six (6) months and one day but not more than two (2) years, or both:
the WA’s place of business/office, who will issue an Electronic Revenue Official Receipt (eROR) a. Those who fail or cause the failure to deduct and withhold any internal revenue tax under
therefor. any of the withholding tax laws and implementing regulations;
When the return is filed with an AAB, taxpayer must accomplish and submit BIR-prescribed b. Those who fail or cause the failure to pay/remit taxes deducted and withheld within the time
deposit slip, which the bank teller shall machine validate as evidence that payment/remittance was prescribed by law, and implementing regulations; and
received by the AAB. The AAB receiving the tax return shall stamp mark the word “Received” on the c. Those who fail or cause the failure to file a return or statement within the time prescribed,
return and also machine validate the return as proof of filing and payment/remittance of the tax by the or render or furnish a false or fraudulent return or statement required under the withholding
taxpayer. The machine validation shall reflect the date of payment/remittance, amount paid/remitted tax laws and regulations.
and transactions code, the name of the bank, branch code, teller’s code and teller’s initial. Bank debit If the withholding agent is the Government or any of its agencies, political subdivisions or
memo number and date should be indicated in the return for taxpayers paying/remitting under the instrumentalities, or a government-owned or controlled corporation, the employee thereof
bank debit system. responsible for the withholding and payment/remittance of tax shall be personally liable for the
Payment/Remittance may also be made thru the epayment channels of AABs thru either their additions to the tax prescribed by the NIRC, as amended.
online facility, credit/debit/prepaid cards, and mobile payments.
A taxpayer may file a separate return for the head office and for each branch or place of Required Attachments:
1. For Private Sector, copy of the list submitted to the DOLE Regional/Provincial Offices
business/office or a consolidated return for the head office and all the branches/offices. In the case of
– Operations Division/Unit.
large taxpayers only one consolidated return is required.
2. For Public Sector, copy of Department of Budget and Management (DBM) circular/s or
Penalties equivalent.
There shall be imposed and collected as part of the tax:
1. A surcharge of twenty-five percent (25%) for the following violations: Note: All background information must be properly filled out.
The last 5 digits of the 14-digit TIN refers to the branch code
a. Failure to file any return and pay the amount of tax or installment due on or before the due
All returns filed by an accredited tax agent on behalf of a taxpayer shall bear the following
b. Filing a return with a person or office other than those with whom it is required to be filed, information:
unless otherwise authorized by the Commissioner; A. For Individual (CPAs, members of GPPs, and others)
c. Failure to pay the full or part of the amount of tax shown on the return, or the full amount a.1 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN); and
of tax due for which no return is required to be filed on or before the due date; a.2 BIR Accreditation Number, Date of Issue, and Date of Expiry.
d. Failure to pay the deficiency tax within the time prescribed for its payment in the notice of B. For members of the Philippine Bar (Lawyers)
assessment. b.1 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN);
2. A surcharge of fifty percent (50%) of the tax or of the deficiency tax, in case any payment b.2 Attorney’s Roll Number;
has been made before the discovery of the falsity or fraud, for each of the following b.3 Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) Compliance Number; and
violations: b.4 BIR Accreditation Number, Date of Issue, and Date of Expiry.
Republic of the Philippines
For BIR BCS/ Department of Finance
Use Only Item: Bureau of Internal Revenue
8 Registered Address (Indicate complete address. If branch, indicate the branch address. If the registered address is different from the current address, go to the RDO to update registered address by using BIR Form No. 1905)
8A ZIP Code
Signature over Printed Name of Taxpayer/Authorized Representative/Tax Agent Signature over Printed Name of President/Vice President/Authorized Officer or Representative/Tax Agent
(Indicate title/designation and TIN) (Indicate title/designation and TIN)
Tax Agent Accreditation No. / Date of Issue Expiry Date
Attorney’s Roll No.(If applicable) (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY)
Part III – Details of Payment
Drawee Bank/
Particulars Bank Code/Agency Number Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Amount
Machine Validation/Revenue Official Receipt (ROR) Details (if not filed with an Authorized Agent Bank) Stamp of Receiving Office/AAB and Date of Receipt
(RO’s Signature/Bank Teller’s Initial)
Schedule 1 - Monthly Alphalist of Payees from Whom Taxes were Withheld (format only) (Submit in electronic attachment for eFPS or email to
TIN Name of Payees Amount of Income Amount of Tax Withheld
Seq. No. (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name for Individual)/ ATC Tax Rate
(Registered Name for Non-Individual)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)= (5x6)
Total Taxes Withheld and Remitted
Table 1 – Alphanumeric Tax Code (ATC)
Tax on Carriers and Keepers of Garages 3% WB 030
Franchise Tax on Gas and Utilities 2% WB 040
Franchise Tax on radio & radio & TV broadcasting companies whose annual gross receipts do not exceed P10M &
3% WB 050
who are not VAT-registered taxpayers
Tax on Life Insurance Premiums 2% WB 070
Tax on Overseas Dispatch, Message or Conversation from the Philippines 10% WB 090
Business tax on Agents of Foreign Insurance Companies – Insurance Agents 4% WB 120
Business tax on Agents of Foreign Insurance Companies – Owner of the Property 5% WB 121
Tax on International Carriers 3% WB 130
Tax on Cockpits 18% WB 140
Tax on amusement places, such as cabarets, night and day clubs, videoke bars, karaoke bars, karaoke television,
18% WB 150
karaoke boxes, music lounges and other similar establishments
Tax on Boxing exhibitions 10% WB 160
Tax on Professional basketball games 15% WB 170
Tax on jai-alai and race tracks 30% WB 180
Tax on sale, barter or exchange of stocks listed and traded through Local Stock exchange 6/10 of 1% WB 200
Tax on shares of stock sold or exchanged through initial and secondary public offering:
- Not over 25% 4% WB 201
- Over 25% but not exceeding 33 1/3% 2% WB 202
- Over 33 1/3% 1% WB 203
Tax on Banks and Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries Performing Quasi Banking Functions
A. On interest, commissions and discounts from lending activities as well as income from financial leasing, on
the basis of the remaining maturities of instrument from which such receipts are derived
- Maturity period is five years or less 5% WB 301
- Maturity period is more than five years 1% WB 303
B. On dividends and equity shares and net income of subsidiaries 0% WB 102
C. On royalties, rentals of property, real or personal, profits from exchange and all other items treated as gross
7% WB 103
income under the Code
D. On net trading gains within the taxable year on foreign currency, debt securities, derivatives and other
7% WB 104
similar financial instruments
Tax on Other Non-Banks Financial Intermediaries not Performing Quasi-Banking Functions
A. On interest, commissions and discounts from lending activities as well as Income from financial leasing, on
the basis of the remaining maturities of Instrument from which such receipts are derived
- Maturity period is five years or less 5% WB 108
- Maturity period is more than five years 1% WB 109
B. On all other items treated as gross income under the code 5% WB 110
Persons Exempt from VAT under Sec. 109BB (creditable)-Government Withholding Agent 3% WB 080
Persons Exempt from VAT under Sec. 109BB (creditable)-Private Withholding Agent 3% WB 082
Persons Exempt from VAT under Section 109BB (final) (Section 116 applies) 3% WB 084
8 Registered Address (Indicate complete address. If branch, indicate the branch address. If the registered address is different from the current address, go to the RDO to update registered address by using BIR Form No. 1905)
8A ZIP Code
Signature over Printed Name of Taxpayer/Authorized Representative/Tax Agent Signature over Printed Name of President/Vice President/Authorized Officer or Representative/Tax Agent
(Indicate title/designation and TIN) (Indicate title/designation and TIN)
Tax Agent Accreditation No. / Date of Issue Date of Expiry
Attorney’s Roll No.(If applicable) (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY)
Part III – Details of Payment
Drawee Bank/
Particulars Bank Code/Agency Number Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Amount
28 Cash/Bank Debit Memo .
29 Check .
30 Tax Debit Memo .
31 Others (Specify below)
Machine Validation/Revenue Official Receipt (ROR) Details (if not filed with an Authorized Agent Bank) Stamp of Receiving Office/AAB and Date of Receipt
(RO’s Signature/Bank Teller’s Initial)
*NOTE: The BIR Data Privacy Policy is in the BIR website (
BIR Form No.
Monthly Remittance Returns
1600-VT of Value-Added Tax Withheld
January 2018
Page 2 1600-VT 01/18 P2
Schedule 1 - Monthly Alphalist of Payees from Whom Taxes were Withheld (format only) (Submit in electronic attachment for eFPS or email to
TIN Name of Payees Amount of Income Amount of Tax Withheld
Seq. No. (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name for Individual)/ ATC Tax Rate
(Registered Name for Non-Individual)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)= (5x6)
Total Taxes Withheld and Remitted
VAT Withholding on Purchases of Goods (with waiver of privilege to claim input tax credit) (final) 12 % WV014
VAT Withholding on Purchases of Services (with waiver of privilege to claim input tax credit)
12 % WV022
VAT Withholding on Purchases of Services (with waiver of privilege to claim input tax credit) (final) 12 % WV024
9 Registered Address (Indicate complete address. If branch, indicate the branch address. If the registered address is different from the current address, go to the RDO to update registered address by using BIR Form No. 1905)
9A ZIP Code
10 Contact Number 11 Category of Withholding Agent Private Government
12 Email Address
Part II – Computation of Tax
ATC Tax Base (Consolidated for the Quarter) Tax Rate Tax Withheld (Consolidated for the Quarter)
13 ● ●
14 ● ●
15 ● ●
16 ● ●
17 ● ●
18 ● ●
24 Other Payments Made (please attach proof of payments – BIR Form No. 0605) ●
28 Interest ●
29 Compromise ●
Signature over Printed Name of Taxpayer/Authorized Representative/Tax Agent Signature over Printed Name of President/Vice President/
(Indicate Title/Designation and TIN) Authorized Officer or Representative/Tax Agent (Indicate Title/Designation and TIN)
Tax Agent Accreditation No./ Date of Issue Date of Expiry
Attorney’s Roll No. (if applicable) (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY)
33 Check ●
Machine Validation/Revenue Official Receipt Details (if not filed with an Authorized Agent Bank) Stamp of Receiving Office/AAB and Date of Receipt
(RO’s Signature/Bank Teller’s Initial)
*NOTE: The BIR Data Privacy Policy is in the BIR website (
BIR Form No.
10 Registered Address (Indicate complete address. If branch, indicate the branch address. If the registered address is different from the current address, go to the RDO to update registered address by using BIR Form No. 1905)
15 Less: Amount Remitted from Previously Filed Form, if this is an amended form ●
17 Add: Penalties
17A Surcharge ●
17B Interest ●
17C Compromise ●
Signature over Printed Name of Taxpayer/Authorized Representative/ Tax Agent Signature over Printed Name of President/Vice President/
(Indicate Title/Designation and TIN) Authorized Officer or Representative/Tax Agent
(Indicate Title/Designation and TIN)
Tax Agent Accreditation No./ Date of Issue Date of Expiry
Attorney’s Roll No. (if applicable) (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY)
20 Check ●
Machine Validation/Revenue Official Receipt Details (if not filed with an Authorized Agent Bank) Stamp of Receiving Office/AAB and Date of Receipt
(RO’s Signature/Bank Teller’s Initial)
*NOTE: Please read the BIR Data Privacy Policy found in the BIR website (
Republic of the Philippines
For BIR BCS/ Department of Finance
Use Only Item: Bureau of Internal Revenue
BIR Form No.
Annual Income Tax Return
1701 Individuals (including MIXED Income Earner), Estates and Trusts
January 2018 (ENCS) Enter all required information in CAPITAL LETTERS using BLACK ink. Mark applicable boxes with
Page 1 an “X”. Two copies must be filed with the BIR and one held by the Tax Filer.
1701 01/18ENCS P1
1 For the Year (YYYY) 2 Amended Return? Yes No 3 Short Period Return? Yes No
II011 Compensation Income II015 Business Income - 8% IT Rate II017 Income from Profession – 8% IT Rate II016 Mixed Income – 8% IT Rate
8 Taxpayer’s Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name)/ESTATE OF (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name)/ TRUST FAO: (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name)
9 Registered Address (Indicate complete address. If the registered address is different from the current address, go to the RDO to update registered address by using BIR Form No. 1905)
9A ZIP Code
10 Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) 11 Email Address
8% in lieu of Graduated Rates under Sec. 24(A) & Percentage Tax under Sec. 116 of NIRC
[available if gross sales/receipts and other non-operating income do not exceed Three million pesos (P3M)]
PART II – Total Tax Payable (DO NOT enter Centavos; 49 Centavos or Less drop down; 50 or more round up)
Particulars A. Taxpayer/Filer B. Spouse
22 Tax Due (From Part VI Item 5)
23 Less: Total Tax Credits/Payments (From Part VII Item 10)
24 Tax Payable/(Overpayment) (Item 22 Less Item 23)
25 Less: Portion of Tax Payable Allowed for 2nd Installment to be paid on or before October 15
(50% or less of Item 22)
33 Number of Attachments
Printed Name and Signature of Taxpayer/Authorized Representative
PART III - Details of Payment
Particulars Drawee Bank/Agency Number Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Amount
34 Cash/Bank Debit Memo
35 Check
36 Tax Debit Memo
37 Others (specify below)
Machine Validation/Revenue Official Receipt Details (if not filed with an Authorized Agent Bank) Stamp of Receiving Office/AAB and Date of Receipt
(RO’s Signature/Bank Teller’s Initial)
*NOTE: The BIR Data Privacy Policy is in the BIR website (
BIR Form No.
II011 Compensation Income II015 Business Income - 8% IT Rate II017 Income from Profession – 8% IT Rate II016 Mixed Income – 8% IT Rate
5 Spouse’s Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name)
8% in lieu of Graduated Rates under Sec. 24(A) & Percentage Tax under Sec. 116 of NIRC
[available if gross sales/receipts and other non-operating income do not exceed Three million pesos (P3M)]
PART V – Computation of Tax
Schedule 1 – Gross Compensation Income and Tax Withheld (Attach Additional Sheet/s, if necessary)
On Items 1 and 2, enter the required information for each of your employer/s and mark (X) whether the information is for the Taxpayer or the Spouse. On Item 3A, enter the Total
Gross Compensation and Total Tax Withheld for the Taxpayer and on Item 3B, for the Spouse. (DO NOT enter Centavos; 49 Centavos or Less drop down; 50 or more round up)
a. Name of Employer
1 Spouse b. Employer’s TIN
2 Spouse b. Employer’s TIN
(Continuation of Table Above) c. Compensation Income d. Tax Withheld
Gross Compensation Income and Total Tax Withheld for
3A TAXPAYER (To Part V Schedule 2 Item 4A and Part VII Item 5A)
Gross Compensation Income and Total Tax Withheld for
3B SPOUSE (To Part V Schedule 2 Item 4B and Part VII Item 5B)
Schedule 2 – Taxable Compensation Income (DO NOT enter Centavos; 49 Centavos or Less drop down; 50 or more round up)
Particulars A. Taxpayer/Filer B. Spouse
4 Gross Compensation Income (From Part V Schedule 1 Item 3Ac/3Bc)
5 Less: Non-Taxable / Exempt Compensation
6 Taxable Compensation Income (Item 4 Less Item 5)
7 Tax Due-Compensation Income (Item 6 x applicable Income Tax Rate)
Schedule 3 – Taxable Business Income (If graduated rates, fill in items 8 to 24; if 8% flat income tax rate, fill in items 25 to 30)
3.A – For Graduated Income Tax Rates
8 Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees
9 Less: Sales Returns, Allowances and Discounts
10 Net Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees (Item 8 Less Item 9)
11 Less: Cost of Sales/Services (applicable only if availing Itemized Deductions)
12 Gross Income/(Loss) from Operation (Item 10 Less Item 11)
Less: Deductions Allowable under Existing Laws
13 Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions (From Part V Schedule 4 Item 18)
14 Special Allowable Itemized Deductions (From Part V Schedule 5 Item 3 and/or Item 6)
15 Allowance for Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) (From Part V Schedule 6 Item 8 and/or Item 13)
16 Total Allowable Itemized Deductions (Sum of Items 13 to 15)
17 Optional Standard Deduction (OSD) (40% of Item 10)
18 Net Income/(Loss) (If Itemized: Item 12 Less Item 16; If OSD: Item 10 Less Item 17)
Add: Other Non-Operating Income (specify below)
21 Amount Received/Share in Income by a Partner from General Professional Partnership (GPP)
22 Total Other Non-Operating Income (Sum of Items 19 to 21)
23 Taxable Income-Business (Sum of Items 18 and 22)
24 Total Taxable Income – Compensation & Business (Sum of Items 6 and 23)
25 Total Tax Due-Compensation and Business Income (under graduated rates)
(Item 24 x applicable income tax rate ) (To Part VI Item 1)
BIR Form No.
8 Registered Address (Indicate complete address. If the registered address is different from the current address, go to the RDO to update registered address by using BIR Form No. 1905)
8A ZIP Code
9 Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) 10 Email Address
16 If married, spouse has income? Yes No 17 Filing Status Joint Filing Separate Filing
Part III – Total Tax Payable (DO NOT enter Centavos; 49 Centavos or Less drop down; 50 or more round up)
Particulars A) Taxpayer/Filer B) Spouse
26 Tax Due (Either from Part V.A Item 47A/B OR Part V.B 53A/B)
27 Less: Total Tax Credits/Payments (From Part V.C Item 58A/B)
28 Net Tax Payable/(Overpayment) (Item 26 Less Item 27) (From Part V Item 59A/B)
29 Less: Portion of Tax Payable Allowed for 2nd Installment to be paid on or before October 15
(50% or less of Item 26) (applicable only to employee subject to regular IT rates)
30 Amount of Tax Payable/(Overpayment) (Item 28 Less Item 29)
Add: Penalties 31 Surcharge
32 Interest
33 Compromise
34 Total Penalties (Sum of Items 31 to 33)
35 Total Amount Payable/(Overpayment) (Sum of Items 30 and 34)
36 Aggregate Amount Payable/(Overpayment) (Sum of Items 35A and 35B)
I declare under the penalties of perjury that this return, and all its attachments, have been made in good faith, verified by me, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, are true and correct,
pursuant to the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and the regulations issued under authority thereof. Further, I give my consent to the processing of my information as
contemplated under the **Data Privacy Act of 2012 (R.A. No. 10173) for legitimate and lawful purposes. (If signed by an Authorized Representative, indicate TIN and attach authorization letter)
37 Number of Attachments
39 Check
Machine Validation/Revenue Official Receipt Details [if not filed with an Authorized Agent Bank (AAB)] Stamp of Receiving Office/AAB and Date of Receipt
(RO’s Signature/Bank Teller’s Initial)
47 Tax Due [Item 46 x Applicable Income Tax Rate (refer to tax table below)] (To Part III Item 26)
Part V.B – Subject to 25% Flat Rate for NRANETB
48 Gross Compensation Income (From Schedule 1 Item 5Ad/5Bd)
53 Tax Due (Item 52 x 25% Flat Rate) (To Part III Item 26)
Part V.C - Tax Credits/Payments (attach proof)
54 Tax Withheld per BIR Form No. 2316, if applicable (From Schedule 1 Item 5Ae/5Be)
58 Total Tax Credits/Payments (Sum of Items 54 to 57) (To Part III Item 27)
59 Net Tax Payable/(Overpayment) (Either Item 47 OR Item 53 Less Item 58) (To Part III Item 28)
Part VI - Schedule
Schedule 1 – Gross Compensation Income and Tax Withheld (Attach Additional Sheet/s, if necessary)
Gross Compensation Income and Tax Withheld (On Items 1, 2, 3 and 4, enter the required information for each of your employer/s and mark (X) whether the information is for the Taxpayer or the Spouse (should be separate item nos.
even if both have the same employer). On Item 5A, enter the Total Gross Compensation and Total Tax Withheld for the Taxpayer and on Item 5B, for the Spouse. (DO NOT enter Centavos; 49 Centavos or Less drop down; 50 or more round up)
a. Name of Employer
1 Spouse
b. Employer’s TIN
2 Spouse
b. Employer’s TIN
3 Spouse
b. Employer’s TIN
4 Spouse
b. Employer’s TIN
Continuation of Schedule 1 (Enter the amount of compensation and tax c. Compensation Income Subject d. Compensation Income
e. Tax Withheld
withheld corresponding to the above employer ) to Regular/Graduated Rates Subject to 25% Flat Rate
II015 Business Income - 8% IT Rate II017 Income from Profession – 8% IT Rate II016 Mixed Income – 8% IT Rate
9 Taxpayer/Filer’s Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name for Individual) / ESTATE of (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name) / TRUST FAO:(First Name, Middle Name, Last Name)
10 Registered Address (Indicate complete address. If branch, indicate the branch address. If the registered address is different from the current address, go to the RDO to update registered address by using BIR Form No. 1905)
13 Citizenship 14 Foreign Tax Number (if applicable) 15 Claiming Foreign Tax Credits?
Yes No
16 Tax 16A Method of Deduction
Rate* Graduated Rates per Tax Table- page 2 Itemized Deduction Optional Standard Deduction (OSD)
(choose one, (Choose Method of Deduction in Item 16A) [Sec. 34(A-J), NIRC] [40% of Gross Sales/Receipts/Revenues/Fees [Sec. 34(L), NIRC]
for income
from business/ 8% on gross sales/receipts & other non-operating income in lieu of Graduated Rates under Sec. 24(A)(2)(a) & Percentage Tax
profession) under Sec. 116 of the NIRC, as amended [available if gross sales/receipts and other non-operating income do not exceed Three million pesos (P3M)]
17 Spouse’s TIN - - - 0 0 0 0 0 18 RDO Code
19 Filer’s Spouse Type Single Proprietor Professional Compensation Earner
20 ATC II012 Business Income-Graduated IT Rates II014 Income from Profession-Graduated IT Rates II013 Mixed Income - Graduated IT Rates II011 Compensation Income
II015 Business Income - 8% IT Rate II017 Income from Profession - 8% IT Rate II016 Mixed Income - 8% IT Rate
21 Spouse’s Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name)
Signature and Printed Name of Taxpayer/Authorized Representative/ Tax Agent (Indicate Title/Designation and TIN)
Particulars Drawee Bank/Agency Number Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Amount
32 Cash/Bank Debit Memo
33 Check
34 Tax Debit Memo
35 Others (specify)
Machine Validation/Revenue Official Receipt Details (if not filed with an Authorized Agent Bank) Stamp of Receiving Office/AAB and Date of Receipt
(RO’s Signature/Bank Teller’s Initial)
NOTES: * I understand that this choice is irrevocable for this taxable year. However, the 8% Income Tax (IT) Rate option if initially selected shall automatically be
changed to graduated IT rates when gross sales/receipts and other non-operating income exceed Three million pesos (P3M)
** Please read the BIR Data Privacy Policy found in the BIR website (
BIR Form No.
63 Tax Payable/(Overpayment) (Item 46 or 54, Less Item 62) (To Part III, Item 28)
Schedule IV - Penalties
64 Surcharge
65 Interest
66 Compromise
67 Total Penalties (Sum of Items 64 to 66) (To Part III, Item 29)
68 Total Amount Payable/(Overpayment) (Sum of Items 63 and 67) (To Part III, Item 30)
TABLE 1 – Tax Rates (effective January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022) TABLE 2 – Tax Rates (effective January 1, 2023 and onwards)
If Taxable Income is: Tax Due is: If Taxable Income is: Tax Due is:
Not over P 250,000 0% Not over P 250,000 0%
Over P 250,000 but not over P 400,000 20% of the excess over P 250,000 Over P 250,000 but not over P 400,000 15% of the excess over P 250,000
Over P 400,000 but not over P 800,000 P 30,000 + 25% of the excess over P 400,000 Over P 400,000 but not over P 800,000 P 22,500 + 20% of the excess over P 400,000
Over P 800,000 but not over P 2,000,000 P 130,000 + 30% of the excess over P 800,000 Over P 800,000 but not over P 2,000,000 P 102,500 + 25% of the excess over P 800,000
Over P 2,000,000 but not over P 8,000,000 P 490,000 + 32% of the excess over P 2,000,000 Over P 2,000,000 but not over P 8,000,000 P 402,500 + 30% of the excess over P 2,000,000
Over P 8,000,000 P 2,410,000 + 35% of the excess over P 8,000,000 Over P 8,000,000 P 2,202,500 + 35% of the excess over P 8,000,000
Republic of the Philippines
For BIR BCS/ Department of Finance
Use Only Item: Bureau of Internal Revenue
BIR Form No. Annual Income Tax Return
1701A Individuals Earning Income PURELY from Business/Profession
[Those under the graduated income tax rates with OSD as mode of deduction
January 2018 OR those who opted to avail of the 8% flat income tax rate]
Page 1 Enter all required information in CAPITAL LETTERS using BLACK ink. Mark applicable boxes with an “X”.
Two copies must be filed with the BIR and one held by the Tax Filer.
1701A 01/18 P1
1 For the Year (MM/YYYY) 2 Amended Return? Yes No 3 Short Period Return? Yes No
9 Registered Address (Indicate complete address. If the registered address is different from the current address, go to the RDO to update registered address by using BIR Form No. 1905)
9A ZIP Code
10 Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) 11 Email Address
Part II – Total Tax Payable (DO NOT enter Centavos; 49 Centavos or Less drop down; 50 or more round up)
Particulars A) Taxpayer/Filer B) Spouse
20 Tax Due (Either from Part IV.A Item 46 OR Part IV.B Item 56)
22 Net Tax Payable/(Overpayment) (Item 20 Less Item 21) (From Part IV Item 65)
23 Less: Portion of Tax Payable Allowed for 2nd Installment to be paid on or before October 15
(50% or less of Item 20)
24 Amount of Tax Payable/(Overpayment) (Item 22 Less Item 23)
26 Interest
27 Compromise
31 Number of Attachments
Printed Name and Signature of Taxpayer/Authorized Representative
Part III - Details of Payment
Particulars Drawee Bank/Agency Number Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Amount
32 Cash/Bank Debit Memo
33 Check
Machine Validation/Revenue Official Receipt Details (if not filed with an Authorized Agent Bank) Stamp of Receiving Office/AAB and Date of Receipt
(RO’s Signature/Bank Teller’s Initial)
*NOTE: The BIR Data Privacy Policy is in the BIR website (
BIR Form No. Annual Income Tax Return
1701A Individuals Earning Income PURELY from Business/Profession
[Those under the graduated income tax rates with OSD as mode of deduction
January 2018
OR those who opted to avail of the 8% flat income tax rate]
Page 2
1701A 01/18 P2
TIN Tax Filer’s Last Name
0 0 0 0 0
Part IV – Computation of Income Tax
If Optional Standard Deductions (OSD), fill in items 36 to 46; if 8%, fill in items 47 to 56 (DO NOT enter Centavos; 49 Centavos or Less drop down; 50 or more round up)
IV.A – For Graduated Income Tax Rates A) Taxpayer/Filer B) Spouse
36 Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees
37 Less: Sales Returns, Allowances and Discounts
38 Net Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees (Item 36 Less Item 37)
39 Less: Allowable Deduction - Optional Standard Deduction (OSD) (40% of Item 38)
40 Net Income (Item 38 Less Item 39)
Add: Other Non-Operating Income (specify below)
43 Amount Received/Share in Income by a Partner from General Professional Partnership (GPP)
44 Total Other Income (Sum of Items 41 to 43)
45 Total Taxable Income (Sum of Items 40 and 44)
46 TAX DUE (Item 45 x Applicable Tax Rate based on Tax Table below) (To Part II – Item 20)
IV.B – For 8% Income Tax Rate (Those whose sales/receipts/others did not exceed P3M and opted at the initial quarter for this rate)
47 Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees
48 Less: Sales Returns, Allowances and Discounts
49 Net Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees (Item 47 Less Item 48)
Add: Other Non-Operating Income (specify below)
52 Total Other Non-operating Income (Sum of Items 50 and 51)
53 Total Taxable Income (Sum of Items 49 and 52)
54 Less: Allowable reduction from gross sales/receipts and other non-operating income of PURELY self-employed
individuals and/or professionals in the amount of P 250,000
55 Taxable Income/(Loss) (Item 53 Less Item 54)
56 TAX DUE (Item 55 x 8% Income Tax Rate) (To Part II - Item 20)
IV.C - Tax Credits/Payments (attach proof)
57 Prior Year’s Excess Credits
58 Tax Payments for the First Three (3) Quarters
59 Creditable Tax Withheld for the First Three (3) Quarters
60 Creditable Tax Withheld per BIR Form No. 2307 for the 4th Quarter
61 Tax Paid in Return Previously Filed, if this is an Amended Return
62 Foreign Tax Credits, if applicable
63 Other Tax Credits/Payments (specify) _______________________________________
64 Total Tax Credits/Payments (Sum of Items 57 to 63) (To Item 21)
65 Net Tax Payable/(Overpayment) (Item 46 OR 56 Less Item 64) (To Part II - Item 22)
Part V – Background Information on Spouse
66 Spouse’s Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 67 RDO Code 68 Filer’s Spouse Type
- - - 0 0 0 0 0 Single Proprietor Professional
69 Alphanumeric Tax Code (ATC) II012 Business Income - Graduated IT Rates II014 Income from Profession – Graduated IT Rates
II015 Business Income - 8% IT Rate II017 Income from Profession – 8% IT Rate
70 Spouse’s Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name)
4 Employee's Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name) 5 RDO Code 29 Basic Salary (including the exempt P250,000 & below)
or the Statutory Minimum Wage of the MWE
30 Holiday Pay (MWE)
6 Registered Address 6A ZIP Code
6D Foreign Address
33 Hazard Pay (MWE)
35 De Minimis Benefits
9 Statutory Minimum Wage rate per day 36 SSS, GSIS, PHIC & PAG-IBIG Contributions
and Union Dues (Employee share only)
10 Statutory Minimum Wage rate per month
37 Salaries and Other Forms of Compensation
Minimum Wage Earner (MWE) whose compensation is exempt from
withholding tax and not subject to income tax 38 Total Non-Taxable/Exempt Compensation
Part II - Employer Information (Present) Income (Sum of Items 29 to 37)
12 TIN
13 Employer's Name
39 Basic Salary
41 Transportation
15 Type of Employer Main Employer Secondary Employer
42 Cost of Living Allowance (COLA)
Part III - Employer Information (Previous)
16 TIN
- - - 43 Fixed Housing Allowance
I/We declare, under the penalties of perjury that this certificate has been made in good faith, verified by me/us, and to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, is true and correct, pursuant to
the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and the regulations issued under authority thereof. Further, I/we give my/our consent to the processing of my/our information
as contemplated under the *Data Privacy Act of 2012 (R.A. No. 10173) for legitimate and lawful purposes.
53 Date Signed
Present Employer/Authorized Agent Signature over Printed Name
54 Date Signed
Employee Signature over Printed Name Amount paid, if CTC
CTC/Valid ID No. Place of
Date Issued
of Employee Issue
To be accomplished under substituted filing
I declare, under the penalties of perjury that the information herein stated are I declare, under the penalties of perjury that I am qualified under substituted filing of Income Tax Return
reported under BIR Form No. 1604-C which has been filed with the Bureau of (BIR Form No. 1700), since I received purely compensation income from only one employer in the Philippines
Internal Revenue. for the calendar year; that taxes have been correctly withheld by my employer (tax due equals tax withheld); that
the BIR Form No. 1604-C filed by my employer to the BIR shall constitute as my income tax return; and that BIR
Form No. 2316 shall serve the same purpose as if BIR Form No. 1700 has been filed pursuant to the provisions
55 of Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 3-2002, as amended.
Present Employer/Authorized Agent Signature over Printed Name
(Head of Accounting/Human Resource or Authorized Representative) 56
Employee Signature over Printed Name
*NOTE: The BIR Data Privacy is in the BIR website (
Republic of the Philippines
For BIR BCS/ Department of Finance
Use Only Item: Bureau of Internal Revenue
BIR Form No.
Certificate of Creditable Tax
January 2018 (ENCS) Withheld at Source 2307 01/18ENCS
Fill in all applicable spaces. Mark all appropriate boxes with an "X".
1 For the Period From (MM/DD/YYYY) To (MM/DD/YYYY)
Money Payments Subject to Withholding of
Business Tax (Government & Private)
We declare under the penalties of perjury that this certificate has been made in good faith, verified by us, and to the best of our knowledge and belief, is true and
correct, pursuant to the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and the regulations issued under authority thereof. Further, we give our consent to
the processing of our information as contemplated under the *Data Privacy Act of 2012 (R.A. No. 10173) for legitimate and lawful purposes.
Fill in all applicable spaces. Mark all appropriate boxes with an "X"
1 For the Calendar Fiscal 3 Quarter 4 Due Date ( MM / DD / YYYY) 5 No. of Sheets 6 ATC
2 Year Ended Attached
( MM / YYYY ) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
7 Return Period ( MM / DD / YYYY ) 8 Tax Type Code BCS No./Item No. (To be filled up by the BIR)
13 Taxpayer's 14 Telephone Number
(Last Name, First Name, Middle Name for Individuals) / (Registered Name for Non-Individuals)
15 Registered 16 Zip Code
19 Basic Tax / Deposit / Advance Payment
20 Add: Penalties Surcharge Interest Compromise
20A 20B 20C 20D
22A 22B
Signature over Printed Name of Taxpayer /Authorized Representative Title/Position of Signatory Signature over Printed Name of Head of Office
Part III D e t a i l s of P a y m e n t
Who Shall File One set of form shall be filled-up for each kind of tax and
for each taxable period.
Every taxpayer shall use this form, in triplicate, to pay
taxes and fees which do not require the use of a tax return such Note:
as second installment payment for income tax, deficiency tax, • All background information must be properly filled-up.
delinquency tax, registration fees, penalties, advance payments,
deposits, installment payments, etc. • For voluntary payment of taxes, BIR Form 0605 shall be
signed by the taxpayer or his authorized representative.
When and Where to File and Pay
This form shall be accomplished: • For payment of deficiency taxes at the Revenue District
1. Everytime a tax payment or penalty is due or an advance Office level and other investigating offices prior to the
payment is to be made; issuance of Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN)/Final
2. Upon receipt of a demand letter/assessment notice and/or Assessment Notice (FAN), BIR Form 0605 shall be
collection letter from the BIR; and approved and signed by the Revenue District Officer
3. Upon payment of annual registration fee for new business (RDO) or Head of the investigating offices.
and for renewals on or before January 31 of every year.
• For payment of deficiency taxes with issued Preliminary
This form shall be filed and the tax shall be paid with any Assessment Notice/Final Assessment Notice, BIR Form
Authorized Agent Bank (AAB) under the jurisdiction of the 0605 shall be signed by the taxpayer or his authorized
Revenue District Office where the taxpayer is required to representative.
register/conducting business/producing articles subject to
excise tax/having taxable transactions. In places where there • The last 3 digits of the 12-digit TIN refers to the branch
are no AABs, this form shall be filed and the tax shall be paid code.
directly with the Revenue Collection Officer or duly
Authorized City or Municipal Treasurer of the Revenue District Attachments
Office where the taxpayer is required to register/ conducting For Voluntary Payment:
business/producing articles subject to excise tax/ having taxable 1. Duly approved Tax Debit Memo, if applicable;
transactions, who shall issue Revenue Official Receipt (BIR 2. Xerox copy of the return (ITR)/ Reminder Letter in case
Form No. 2524) therefor. of payment of second installment on income tax.
Where the return is filed with an AAB, the lower portion For Payment of Deficiency Taxes from Audit/ Delinquent
of the return must be properly machine-validated and stamped Accounts:
by the Authorized Agent Bank to serve as the receipt of 1. Duly approved Tax Debit Memo, if applicable;
payment. The machine validation shall reflect the date of 2. Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN)/ Final
payment, amount paid and transaction code, and the stamp Assessment Notice (FAN)’ Letter of Demand;
mark shall show the name of the bank, branch code, teller’s 3. Post Reporting Notice, if applicable;
name and teller’s initial. The AAB shall also issue an official 4. Collection letter of Delinquent/ Accounts Receivable.
receipt or bank debit advice or credit document, whichever is
applicable, as additional proof of payment. ENCS