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Drill 1

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1. What is the aim of Drill?

a. produce a soldier who is proud, alert and obedient.

b. Provide the basis for teamwork.

2. What is the sequence of instructions?

a. Form a squad
b. Demonstration
c. Explanation
d. Question
e. Practice

3. Name four (04) aids to drill?

a. Voice
b. Pacestick
c. Drum
d. Metronome

4. Name the qualities of an instructor?

a. Patience
b. Enthusiasm
c. Consistency
d. Humanity
e. Personality

5. A word of command is broken down into 3 parts, what are they?

a. Introductory
b. Cautionary
c. Executive

6. What is the distance between files in two ranks?

24 inches.

7. What is the distance between files in three ranks?

One arms distance.

8. There is a pause between cautionary and executive words of command. Of what duration should this be?

a. In quick time - 4/6 paces

b. In slow time - 3 paces
c. At the halt - Regulation pause

9. What is the reason for forming?

To change direction without changing formation.

10. Name the basic formations for instruction and when they are used?

a. Straight line - Foot drill

b. Half circle - Rifle exercises
c. 3 Ranks inclined - Saluting

11. Recruits copy their instructors and it is by example that they learn. List four ways to ensure that you
show a good example?

a. Good Turnout.
b. Correct demonstrations.
c. Do not swear.
d. Drill as you wish students to.
e. Never exaggerate your drill.
f. Stand to attention when drilling recruits.

12. What is the distance between ranks when?

a. In close order (3 ranks) 30 inches

b. In open order (2 ranks) 90 inches

13. What is meant by?

a. Alignment - A straight line on which troops are formed or about to be formed.

b. Dressing - The act of taking alignment correctly.
c. Depth - A space taken up by a body of men front to rear.
d. Single file - Men behind each other on a frontage.
e. Rank - A line of men side to side.
f. Directing Flank The flank where a body of men take their dressing from.

g. Blank file A file where there is no centre or rear man.

h. Frontage The extent of ground taken up by a body of men flank to flank.

i. Interval The lateral space measured by bodies of men on the same alignment.

j. Distance - Space between men.

14. What is the rate of march in quick time?

116 paces to the minute.

15. The rate of march in double time?

180 paces to the minute.

16. The length of pace when stepping out?

33 inches.

17. The length of side pace?

12 inches.

18. The length of a pace in slow time?

30 inches.

19. Rate of march in slow time?

65 paces to the minute.

20. Length of pace when stepping short?

21 inches.

21. Maximum number of side paces that can be ordered?

Eight (08).

22. What is meant by the regulation pause?

A pause between two movements which allows forty movements to the minute.

23. What is the composition of a full Guard of Honour?

a. Guard Commander
b. Lieutenant
c. Ensign
d. Warrant Officer i/c Colours
e. Warrant Officer conducting the parade
f. 2 x escorts to the Colours
g. Left and Right Guides
h. 96 rank and file + 4 reserves
24. What is the composition of a half guard of honour?

a. Guard Commander
b. Ensign
c. Warrant Officer i/c Colours
d. Warrant Officer conducting the parade
e. 2 x escorts to the Colours
f. Left and Right Guides
g. 48 rank and file + 2 reserves

25. What is the composition of a bearer party?

a. Officer
b. Warrant officer / SNCO i/c
c 6/8 Men
d. 2 x hat orderlies’
e. 2 x reserves

26. What is the composition of the firing party?

a. SNCO i/c
b. JNCO marker
c. 12 Rank and file
d. Piper/Bugler

27. When the Queen’s Colour is on parade when should it be lowered?

Royal salute

28. On what occasion should no compliment be paid to an un-cased Colour?

On a military funeral

29. As a Warrant Officer, if you were given the task of preparing a funeral what checks would you carry

a. Read ceremonial for the army

b. Collect all information
c. Recce the route
d. Speak with the padre
e. Check gravesite
f. Check on special instructions with grave diggers
g. Speak with head of the family
h. Speak to the funeral director

30. Name the objects placed on top of the coffin?

a. headdress
b. Medals
c. Belt
d. Wreath
e. Union jack

31. What are the two main qualities that should be practiced in sword drill?

a. Accuracy
b. Gracefulness

32. The sword should always be held at the carry when drawn with the exceptions. What are they?

a. Salute
b. Colours are sloped
c. Marching at ease
d. Standing at ease
33. What are the four rules governing rifle exercises?

a. Salute given on the left foot.

b. Movements carried out on consecutive feet.
c. Orders are given on the side the rifle is carried.
d. In rifle exercise the arm is swung to the rear.

34. How many paces are taken in review order?

Fifteen (15) (14 one /two)

35. Give two (02) methods used in the development of the word of command?

a. Communication drill
b. Mutual drill

36. What are the two (02) purposes of calling out the time?

a. So that every member of the squad has got the regulation pause fixed in his head
b. The squad learns to act together.

37a. Give in your own words the origin of the salute.

The salute with the hand, the present arms with the rifle and the salute with the sword were methods by
which the person paying compliments could show the person to whom the compliment was paid that no
offence was meant. They are all gestures, symbolic of loyalty and trust.

37b. To whom are compliments paid?

All compliments derive their origin from the sovereign, to whom the highest compliment, the Royal
Salute is paid. Because of their link with the sovereign, the following are also paid the same form of

a. Members of the Royal Family.

b. Governors and Ministers to whom the Sovereign delegates authority.

c. Formed bodies of troops on the Sovereign business.

d. All Standards, Guidons and Colours of Regiments of the Army and their equivalent in the
Royal Navy, Royal Marines and Air Force.

e. All Officers, as holders of the Sovereign’s commission.

38. Describe how the occupants of a military vehicle would pay compliment properly.

a. Drivers would never salute

b. Those beside him will salute with the hand
c. Soldiers other than these will sit to attention

39. Is saluting with the left hand permitted?

Yes, if the soldier has an injury with is right hand

40. State why there are 13 studs on ammunition boots?

It is the best way to distribute the weight of the body equally over the foot

41. What angle are the toes when standing to attention?

30 degrees.

42. What is the rate of march recommended for recruits?

140 paces to the minute.

43. What is the pace of march for the light infantry?

a. 140 paces to the minute quick time

b. 180 paces to the minute double time

44. On which foot is the about turn in quick time given?

Right foot strikes the ground

45. On what foot is the about turn given in slow time?

Right foot passes the left foot

46. Give two (02) examples of when you would step off on the right foot?

a. Funeral drill
b. Completion of the about turn

47. At what angle are the toes in the final position of the present arms?

30 degrees.

48. At what angle is the rifle held in the high port?

45 degrees.

49. When in the position of the salute how far is the tip of the sword from the ground?

12 inches.

50. In your own words give a short history of the origins of Colours.

The origin of the custom of Colours goes back to the days of early man who fixed his family badge to a
pole and held it aloft in battle for the dual purpose of indicating his position and acting as a rally point
should the occasion arise. Medieval Chivalry followed the same idea when armorial bearings were
placed on their banners so that these could be seen well above the melee. When armies were beginning
to adopt a system of regimentation at the end of the 17th century each company was allotted a colour, a
custom which persisted for about 100 years.

51. In your own words give a short history of the origins of standards and guidons?

These have evolved from the banners of the knights of the middle ages. The standard (Square banner)
was then carried by a knight, the guidon (an ensign or standard ending with a tail or a point, now
swallow tail) being carried by a banneret.

52. When the Colours are lowered how far is the top of the pike off the ground?

Just clear of the ground.

53. Over which shoulder is the Colour belt worn?


54. What obvious point would you as supervising WO make to the deceased family prior to a military
funeral taking place?

That the planning and liaison is left to you as supervising WO.

55. What is the composition of a pace stick team?

a. l x WO
b. 4 x Sgts
56. What is the purpose of a pace stick competition?

To provide uniformity in the use of the pace stick, and for the attainment of a high standard of
steadiness and cohesion amongst instructors.

57. Why did the pace stick come into being?

From the Royal Artillery to ensure the correct distance between field guns.

58. What is the composition of a half company for street lining?

Normally 120 men but may vary to suit the ground.



1. What are the duties of the Colour escorts and why are they necessary?

a. To Escort the Colours

b. To protect the Colour and the Ensign

2. What is the purpose of turning out a Guard?

a. To test the readiness and alertness of the Guard

b. To deal with any situation that arises in the area of responsibility

3. What should be checks when the Guard is turned out?

a. The Guard will be turn out at the double fall in and remain at the shoulder compliments
to be carried out under the Non-Commissioned Officer of the Guard. There should be no delay
whatsoever in Guard turning-out.

b. A detail inspection of the Guard to include weapons and ammo, Guard Room and
precincts. The Guard Report will be checked. Standard of dress and dress of the Guard on
turnout will be noted.

4. Outline the format for dismounting a Guard?

a. The Guard form up on the Battalion Square.

b. NSP carried out.

c. The Guard Commander leave the Guard at attention goes to the Orderly Room where he
seek the permission from the Adjutant/Duty Officer to dismiss the Guard.

d. One permissioned granted he will give shoulder arms dismiss then all members of the
Guard turn to there right observe the pause bend their knees, salute and march smartly off the
Square under the Command of the Guard Commander.

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