LWR 3 Mother 19th Century Philippines in The Rizal Context
LWR 3 Mother 19th Century Philippines in The Rizal Context
LWR 3 Mother 19th Century Philippines in The Rizal Context
19th Century
Philippines and
the World in the
Rizal Context
Mr. Ken Joseph Novilla
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the
hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may
be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ
Our Lord, Amen
Learning Competencies
• Trace the historical developments and
philosophical developments of the world
leading to the changes in the Philippines
• Explain how the prevailing philosophical
thinking in Europe affected the rest of the Pre- Attendance Activities
world including the Philippines.
• Describe the social, political, and Follow Commands
economic conditions of the world and the
Philippines While you are listening to the discussion,
commands are “embedded” on some
• Relate the social, political and economic slides. Commands maybe through
conditions of the Philippines to life of Rizal “Discussion Activities” , “Type This” or others.
Just follow what the command asks
• Look back on the developments in 19th
Century world and how it affected the
What happened to the World in the 19th Century?
19th century world
There are challenges during the 19th Century, not just in the Philippines but also in the World. The 19th Century was
extremely dynamic and at a creative age. There are six major changes during this time are the following:
The 19th Century saw many revolted colonies against their rulers. The two major revolutions that influenced the
beliefs and development in the 19th century are the American Revolution and the French Revolution
18th century world
In Photo: The “Surrender of Lord Cornwallis” by John Trumbull which depicts British soldiers
surrendering in Yoktown, Virginia in 1781. Ending the last major campaign of the revolution.
Photo source: Architect of the Capital website (n.d.) https://www.aoc.gov/explore-capitol-
18th century world
Liberalism Conservatism
• Liberty, Equality, and Opportunity • Political doctrine that emphasizes the value of
• Liberals believed that a country should be free from traditional institutions and practices.
domination by another. • Supported monarchy through “Divine Right”
• “Vox Populi, Vox Dei”
19th century world
Advancement in Sciences
▪ John Dalton's formulation of Atomic Theory
▪ Radium element discovery by Marie Curie
▪ Anthrax discovery by Robert Koch
▪ Antiseptics development by Dr. Joseph Lister
▪ Demonstration of the use of anesthesia in surgical
operations by Dr. Crawford
▪ First use of ether for painless tooth extraction
In Photo:
19th century world
The territories that were at one time or another part of the British Empire. The United Kingdom and its • Other British colonies in Asia including Ceylon ,
accompanying British Overseas Territories are underlined in red.
Maldives, Malaya, Singapore and Egypt; and
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Empire#/media/File:The_British_Empire.png Australia and New Zealand in the South Pacific.
19th century world
Colonial empire from 1542 to 1980 Dark Blue: Second colonial empire Light Blue: First colonial empire • Other British colonies in Asia including Ceylon (Sri
Lanka) , Maldives, Malaya (Malaysia), Singapore
and Egypt; and Australia and New Zealand in
the South Pacific.
19th century world
Colonial empire from 1542 to 1980 Dark Blue: Second colonial empire Light Blue: First colonial empire
19th century world
Summary of 19 th
Century World
Mr. Ken Joseph Novilla
English School, Snow Hill, Holburn, London (19th century). Wikimedia Commons
Summary of 19 th Century World
• "Democracy made significant gains through several reforms in government
• Large sums of money were spent for public education; Nationalistic education
was emphasized to teach the people the concept of “nation” with its own
• Science received a great boost from businessmen who spent money for
• Literature centers on daily life at the time as writers wrote based on what they
• Painters and artists painted “life” as it was all around them; Musicians and
In Photo: Suppression of the Taiping Rebellion (c. 1860). Wikimedia
composers showed their feeling of nationalism in using folk songs and national Commons
19th century world
" "Despite all that system, organized, perfected and followed with tenacity by
(Spain) who wished to keep the islands in holy ignorance, there are Filipino
Socio-Political system
during the Spanish
Colonial Period
Mr. Ken Joseph Novilla
The chart below shows the political hierarchy and system of government
BARANGAY OR BARRIO during the Spanish colonial period. Before 19th Century, the Philippines was
headed by the Viceroy of Spain
Political Issues during the Spanish Colonial
Unstable Administration Maladministration of the Law
Political affairs in Spain affects the governance in the There is no equality in the law Filipinos' human rights
Philippines. A new idea called “Liberals” have clashed with were abused by the Spaniards
the people who wanted to maintain the status quo of the
monarchy called “Conservatives”
Racial Discrimination
• The highest government position a Filipino can
attain is Gobernadorcillo only. Racial prejudice
was prevalent everywhere.
• Imposed and collected taxes from the natives.
• Implication of polo y servicio.
• Implementation of Polo y servicio which forces
natives (men) ages 16 - 60 years old, known as
“Polistas” to volunteer for personal services to
community projects for 40 days.
In Photo: Pusod Center in Berkeley exhibits "Colored: Black and White" a collection of posters,
magazines and newspapers which show America's colonialist attitudes at the turn of the Century. Puck Discussion Activity:
Magazine, Jan. 25, 1899 featured Uncle Sam heading a class of kids representing the U.S.'s recent
acquisitions. L to R, kids are the Philippines, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Cuba. Comment the colonies of America
The Philippines During The Spanish Colonization
system during the
Spanish Colonial
Mr. Ken Joseph Novilla
world trade began rise of export economy
Spanish Socio-Economic Policies
Encomienda System Taxation without Representation Types of Taxes
Encomienda is a grant to exercise Income generating mechanisms Cedula : male and female 18 years old
control over a certain place and were introduced by the Spaniards and above will pay 8 reales every year
its inhabitants granted to such as personal tribute and
Meritorious Spaniards. Some income tax, customs duties and Sanctorum: tax for the church amounting
Encomendero’s became abusive Bandala, taxes, and monopolies of to 3 reales
and hoarded staple items like rice special crops. Bandala is an annual
and clothing and sold it at higher enforced sale or requisitioning of Tributo: paid in cash or in kind
price to gain more profit. Filipinos goods particularly rice and coconut
who cannot pay fled to the hills oil. Direct Tax: came from customs duties
and were called “Tulisan” and bandala taxes
Natives are obliged to sell their
Three Types of Encomienda: products to the Spaniards even in Rentas Encantadas : taxes of special
the lowest price, and sometimes crops and items
Royal: Taxes will go to the Spanish Spaniards will just issue promissory
King and the government note in order for them to oblige. Donativo Zamboanga: one half real to
Ecclesiastical : taxes will go to the finance the war in Mindanao against the
Church Muslims
Privado: taxes will go to the friend Discussion Activity: Search the following
of the king who contributed to The Spanish explorers who came to the Philippines
the colonization after Magellan up to Legazpi.
Spanish Socio- Economic contributions
The Royal Philippine Company (1785- Infrastructure
Polo Y Servicios Personal 1814)
Forced labor between drafted created by Charles III for the sole Modern ways of telecommunications
Filipino or Chinese Mestizos aged 16 purpose of uniting the American and was developed in the 19th century.
to 60 years old for 40 days. Some of its Asian commerce. It was granted
negative effects include disruption in exclusive monopoly to bring Philippine, Puente Colgante (Quezon Bridge)
village economy, separation from Chinese and Indian goods and shipped was the first suspension bridge in the
families and decimation of male them directly to Spain via the Cape of Far East designed by Gustave Eiffel.
Good Hope. It met stiff opposition to
other traders including the Dutch and Ships from Manila to Hongkong
English. For the Spaniards, they helped (weekly) and to Barcelona (Monthly).
Filipinos are obligated to give the early growth of agriculture while for
personal service to community Some ships from Japan and other
the Filipinos, this was untold misery as
projects, like construction and repair they are forced to plant exports which Eurasian countries, the United States
of infrastructure, church construction, they do not benefit at all. arrives irregularly. Inter-island travel
or cutting logs in the forests, for 40 was through steamboats.
days The Royal Economic Society of Friends
of the Country (1780-1895) Public lightning system was done
through the use of coconut oil since
was formed by Jose de Basco Vargas 1814. It gradually changed to
Discussion Activity: which aims to form a society of learned kerosene in the 1880’s.
and competent persons capable of
producing useful ideas (in the economy
of the Philippines).
Spanish Socio- Economic contributions
The Manila-Acapulco Galleon Trade
• https://www.slideshare.net/lelolewashawa/the-world-during-rizals-time
• https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/university-santo-tomas
• https://www.britannica.com/place/Philippines/The-19th-century
• https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document
• https://findwords.info/term/principalia
• https://www.philstar.com/opinion/2006/02/07/320534/today-past
• http://www.philippinehistory.net/1901robinson.htm
• https://dimasalanglaonglaan.wordpress.com/philippines-in-the-19th-century/
• History.com (2009, November 9). French Revolution. Retrieved October 17, 2021, from HISTORY website: https://www.history.com/topics/france/french-revolution
• American Revolution | Causes, Battles, Aftermath, & Facts | Britannica. (2021). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from
• Jomar Basto. (2013). 19th century world of Jose RIzal. Retrieved October 17, 2021, from Slideshare.net website: https://www.slideshare.net/jombasto/19th-century-
• nationalism | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica. (2021). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/topic/nationalism
• conservatism | History, Intellectual Foundations, & Examples | Britannica. (2021). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from
• History of Europe - Early 19th-century social and political thought | Britannica. (2021). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from
• Freeman, S. (2017). Liberalism. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.236
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SjqnGfhhm0
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYv6FBu9Xg0
• https://www.britannica.com/place/Philippines/The-19th-century
• https://www.univie.ac.at/ksa/apsis/aufi/chrono4.htm?fbclid=IwAR0qNBrx9MW8e80c50eeEhcc6PdAi6F6pyOCV9wPq9gqV6DIhoPiFiwPZig
• https://pdfcoffee.com/the-philippines-in-the-19th-century-as-rizals-context-pdf-free.html?fbclid=IwAR0saVkX0Q0TW7wTzQTjE-