Gravity Survey
Gravity Survey
Gravity Survey
Planning a survey
All the decisions are made in order to reduce the total cost while
maintaining a survey design that provide best possible results.
Requirement of gravity reference station (base station)
Since the gravimeters can measure only the relative gravity variations , we
need a
reference station called the base station, where the absolute gravity is
Reference gravity base stations generally will be established by agencies/
involved in gravity surveys by tying to primary gravity base (In India it is
through a network of secondary base station.
Useful to eliminate the instrument drift and temporal gravity changes (tidal
In general we will reoccupy the base station within 2-3 hours (within the
tidal cycle)
Forward looping
Drift has two components
At least two samples, better three, should be sampled within this range to
avoid aliasing effects.
The distance between the base stations should be selected in such a way
that we will be in a position to reoccupy the base or reach the nearest
base within 2-3 hours after occupying all intermediate points.
Effect of station spacing on gravity anomaly
Selection of traverse length and direction
Traverse length should be selected sufficiently long so that expected
anomalies related to structures are completely mapped.
Generally for survey along proles gravity traverses are considered
perpendicular to the geological strike.
Position and Elevation requirement
In the case of regional gravity surveys, a general practice is to depend on
maps compiled from toposheets or carryout elevation measurements
using aneroid
barometers (10m accuracy), micro barometers (5m accuracy), digital
accuracy). It is useful to plan the survey with the help of topographic
maps nalize the
route to be followed and mark locations of stations with the help of land
For detailed gravity surveys both station location and height will be
measured by the
survey team before/alongwith the gravity survey team using theodolites
provide elevation to a precision of 0.1m . Though hand held GPS is useful
for an
Survey procedure - summary
Establish a base or network of bases well in advance to monitor the
instrument drift and tidal effect.
Make the traverses perpendicular to the geological strike of the target
Mark the stations with the desired interval
Measure the latitude, longitude and elevation of the each station (GPS,
Instrument must be leveled at each station
Reoccupy the reference base or secondary base for every two hours or
at interval demanded by the linearity of the drift curve
Observe the surrounding topography- signicant topography means
that a terrain correction may be needed
To achieve the accuracy of 0.01 mGal the precision required for
intermediate stations is 2-5 cm in elevation and 12m in horizontal
Data Reduction on Land
In order to convert eld measurements into gravity anomalies that are
meaningful and caused by geological structures, a series of correction
have to be employed
Drift and Earth tide correction
Station measurements between different base loops have to be
corrected by assuming linear drift.
In order to accurately correct for instrument drift and tidal effects, the
time measurements during the data acquisition are very important.
Using the appropriate calibration chart, the gravimeter scale readings can
be converted into relative gravity values in mGals. At the end of these
corrections, base ties with a reference primary base provide us with
absolute gravity values (gobs ) at each eld station.
For example
International gravity formula 1980
= -0.3104mGal/m
Considering R at the poles as R=6357km
per each meter
= -0.3073mGal/m
For an ellipsoid Earth, precise formula taking into effect of latitude(Φ) is
Bouguer correction
The appropriate formula for the effect of innite horizontal plate of density
contrast ∆ρ and thickness h is
δBouguer slab = 2π G∆ρh
= 0.04193 ∆ρh ;
In the gure below, the topographic mass (Hill) above the gravity station
exerts an upward pull on the gravity meter, the effect is negative and the
correction is positive.
The valley ,on the other hand, occupies a region that the Bouguer
correction assumed to be lled with rock that would exert a downwards
gravitational pull. This rock does not exist. The terrain correction must
compensate for an over-correction by the Bouguer plate and is again
This correction can be done manually
by placing the transparent Hammer
chart on the topographic map with the
center at the gravity station (as shown
in gure) and the difference between
the average height of the terrain and
the height of the station is estimated
for each compartment. The
corresponding corrections are then
obtained from tables .
(after Milson,2003)
Once the terrain correction is computed, the complete Bouguer
anomaly can be computed as
∆g B.A (complete) = (gobs + δF.C – δB.S+ εt ) – g Ø
This can be simplied as
= (gobs + (0.3086-0.0419.ρ)h+ εt ) – g Ø
εs =2π G∆ρ(μh-λR)
in which δ F , the free air reduction vanishes at sea; ( δb) 2D , is the two
dimensional line integral value of ocean lled with rock; and ( δic) 2D is the two
dimensional line integral value of the antiroot compensating the 2D lled in