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Jerome Finley-Heart Song

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By Jerome Finley

All rights reserved.

No part or portion of this manuscript may be
reproduced or transmitted in any shape or form by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy,
recording, or retrieval system without prior consent and
permission in writing from the author.
Thank you.
Cover artwork by Iain Dunford
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 4
THE EFFECT.................................................................................................................................................... 7
THE HISTORY ................................................................................................................................................. 9
THE METHOD IN ACTION ............................................................................................................................ 11
THE PERFORMANCE .................................................................................................................................... 15
THE MEDITATION ........................................................................................................................................ 18
MY PREFERRED HANDLING ......................................................................................................................... 20
IN PARTING ................................................................................................................................................. 23
Thank you all for your investment, ongoing support, constant encouragement and
years of lasting friendship. I love and appreciate each and every one of you, truly.

The following routine is something particularly special and incredibly potent that
I’ve been using in my every day work and impromptu performances, professional
stage shows and paid walk around/strolling events for about 5 years now.

Before we get into the actual effect and the specific mechanics behind it, let’s look
at a few of the highpoints inherent within my signature “Heart Song” routine and

To begin, this unique offering is 100% impromptu and requires no preparation of

any kind whatsoever. It’s a real workhorse – you’ll be using this piece all the time
and in nearly every setting and venue imaginable. It’s a deluxe routine to use
anytime you’re performing with 2 or more people present.

It works great as an opener, middle piece or closer, can be demonstrated with a

longer formal presentation lasting 10+ minutes or more or, alternatively, shared
with another person and group of people very quickly in just 1-2 minutes.

Being as flexible as she is, “Heart Song” is a miracle worker’s dream come true
and has nearly everything there is to be desired intact and self contained within one
unique and extremely beautiful, magical piece of art.

“Heart Song” is naturally propless and gaffless; it uses nothing in the way of
physical objects for its inner working. At no time is instant cueing, stooging or
dual reality of any kind entering play. The effect works exactly as described and it
is 100% surefire, meaning it works as described every time, without fail.

Adding to this, “Heart Song” contains naturally strong visual, auditory and
physical/kinesthetic qualities and elements that are rare in mentalism today and
strongly desired in the world’s strongest close up magic, stage performances,
strolling work and street styled hypnosis.
Further, “Heart Song” is naturally beautiful, poetic, romantic and compelling by
nature while being deeply magical, mysterious and empowering for the performer,
participants and any/all observers. It can be used in practically any venue or
performance situation, setting and circumstance you might find yourselves in and
the routine itself is guaranteed in its working, final effects and end results.

There is no guesswork involved here, no mathematics, no memorization, nothing

to hide, nothing to find, nothing to lose or fix or check or replace.

Once learned, you’ll have this incredible demonstration ready to go at anytime you
wish and it never fails to garner and evoke deep lasting memories, strong feelings
of balance and connection and numerous positive experiences attached directly to
the performer and mystery worker as a direct result of its active use and

“Heart Song” is a major effect in a micro-package…and it packs an incredible


I’ve used and continue to employ H.S. in my close up performances, walk around
work, psychic home parties, in private readings and on stage prior to my Q&A and
mind reading demonstrations…I even use it during my group hypnotherapy
sessions, personal development classes and as a tool for my students during their
4th level Advanced Hypnosis Training through my accredited school and training

The implications brought forth using this demonstration as the channel and mode
of delivery coupled with each of the greater suggestions presenting themselves as
the naturally occurring byproducts of this routine and its use are staggering to the
mind, heart and imagination.

This is a perfect example of a unique discovery and powerful application that must
be jealously protected by those who use it and have purchased this manuscript.

Once the method taught here is shared/learned, anybody with the prolonged
intention to do so could instantly replicate the effect and we certainly want to keep
this one special, unique to us (a relatively small, select group of “Heart Song”
practitioners) and away from the magic and mentalism masses. If nothing else, I
want full credit for now and all time to come for this unique discovery and perfect
“Finley” application – “Heart Song” is destined to become a staple and classic of
contemporary magic, mentalism, hypnosis and psychic entertainment…it’s just
that good.

Speaking personally now, I feel that my “Heart Song” is easily one of the most
beautiful, strong yet gentle and deeply affecting pieces of sympathetic magic that
has or will ever be devised and released to the magic, mentalism or hypnosis
underground. It’s a massive effect in a microscopic package that’s as close and as
immediately accessible as your breath, your blinking and your heartbeat is. Her
beauty is intense – the heart song is pure.

With the above foremost in mind, let’s take a close look at the basic effect and,
finally, exactly how to create it with others.
At any point during your show, performance or demonstration you propose a
simple exercise to help further connect with the minds and thoughts, hearts and
feelings of your audience members and active participants.

As a group together, each person takes their pulse at their neck with their LEFT

Using their free RIGHT HAND, each person is instructed to “tap out” their pulse
and heartbeats in unison. Using the table top or bar, rapping against the arm of
their chair with a fingernail (or using a key, coin, pen, etc) or gently stomping their
feet and/or slapping their leg and thigh with each coming pulse, the room is filled
with the sound of our combined heartbeats.

As you can imagine, the theatre turns into pure auditory pandemonium and the air
is filled with the chaos of dozens and dozens of “disconnected pulses.” In other
words, nothing syncs up or remains connected and this is obvious after just 10-20
seconds of this combined pulse taking.

Next, the performer stops the group and leads them all through a short centering,
balancing and connecting exercise in which our hearts are all symbolically opened
and connected with golden beams of white, pink and golden light, glistening
iridescent bubbles and waves of high vibration energy.

Finally, each person present and participating takes their and pulse and taps it out
again just like we did before…only this time the group is also asked to notice the
startling effects of our short meditation and how effective it is in connecting us
with the hearts, thoughts, feelings and group energy of the people and environment
around us.

Shockingly, this time as the heartbeats and pulses of the audience members are
tapped out, a beautiful sound emerges…the hearts of your audience members are
now beating in perfect synchronicity, total connection and utter perfection as
evidenced by the “Heart Song” produced, evoked and experienced simultaneously
by everyone present.
It’s a remarkable sight and sound to behold and never fails to generate gasps of
amazement, smiles all around and leaves us with a huge number of people
effectively “in state” and ready to continue with the remaining performance, show,
program or demonstrations.
As you can see, “Heart Song” is a major effect, utterly magical, incredibly potent
and simple to use. The end result is immediately noticeable, clear and deeply
moving…you’re going to get a lot of mileage out of this piece – it really is
beautiful and amazing to experience!

I stumbled onto the method and inner workings that make the “Heart Song” effect
possible in 2008 during my training and education with the Monroe Institute
(founders of the popular “HemiSync” brainwave entrainment and binaural beats
technology for whole brain learning and hemispheric synchronization).

During my classes, workshops, live seminars, intensive events and personal

training with the Institute we worked closely with the connected brain and heart,
subtle energies and elevated brainwave activities of each person to perform
seemingly impossible stunts, effects and demonstrations such as energetic healing,
spoon bending and PK, psychic seed sprouting, lighting fluorescent light bulbs
with our hands and energy fields, advanced attraction/creation/manifestation
techniques, even affecting controlled dice rolls and random number generators
with the greatest ease and repeated success.

It was during these various and ongoing experiments and experiences that we, as a
group, were led in various meditations and self hypnosis programs using
HemiSync technology and its approaches to connect deeply and completely with
another person, any local objects and the environment surrounding us.

This was done by taking the pulse of the person across from you and using it as a
working meditative device to engage the mind/body connection and help lead the
participants into deeper and deeper states of trance, relaxation and increased
energetic awareness.

It was also around this time that my close friend and comrade Bill Montana
released his own dynamic heartbeat syncing method titled “PULSE.”

It was through my repeated performances and demonstrations of “PULSE” in a

group environment that led me to experiment with the early methods and variations
of my “Heart Song” technique and resulting demonstration. I had found myself in
a unique position wherein I was working closely with the effects of sound as
mentioned earlier…brainwave entrainment techniques utilizing binaural beats with
a group, but also in my work as a Paranormal Researcher drawing upon the mind
expanding effects of white noise, EVP & Instrumental Trans-Communication
using scanning radios and audible “ghost box” technology for the purposes of
possible spirit communication, picking up on messages and information originating
from extraterrestrials and even as a telepathic training aid or “Mental Radio” one
might use to dial directly into the thoughts, feelings, memories and consciousness
of another person, plant, animal or even metals, minerals and gemstones.

My findings, discoveries, applications and personal firsthand experiences in and

out of the field were unique and interesting to say the least. “Heart Song” is one of
them. There will be more to come, and they are just as beautiful.

Taking all I had learned and experienced about the brain and neuroscience, the
human body, anatomy, biology and physiology, sound and the effects of sound
upon our mood, energy fields and level of consciousness/awareness, the human
heart, white noise and the ambiguous effects of group induced visual/optical
hallucinations and mass auditory experiences, “Heart Song” was born and after
several months of constant work and application, the kinks had all been worked out
and I was left with one of the most powerful, magical, romantic, poetic, hypnotic
and strikingly beautiful demonstrations that I have ever laid hands on.

I’ve been using this dynamite performance piece, resulting demonstration and
unique applications in my regular work and professional performances nearly
every day since then and it’s often one of the first things I do once my show,
program or planned performance begins.

“H.S.” truly is a marvel of contemporary hypnotic engineering and how “Heart

Song” works both method-wise and effect-wise is simply ingenious. The core
method in use here, its principles and the many diverse layers which make it work
and function as it does are all fantastic to say the very least and almost as good as
the group pulse syncing effect itself.
Amazingly, you can start using this fabulous and dynamic showpiece right
now...the whole working and big secret hinges on a few astounding, naturally
occurring and completely self-working principles known as pareidolia, apophenia
and white noise.

The biggest and perhaps most important of these harmonious inner workings and
psychological nuances centers around what I call the “time and duration
subtlety” and the fact that the FIRST TIME I instruct the group to take their pulse
and tap out their heartbeats we only continue the exercise and tapping out the
pulses for about 15-20 seconds...it's pure chaos and lasts just long enough for
everyone to realize and confirm for themselves, firsthand and experientially, that
all our pulses are happening at random and nothing about our heartbeats is in tune,
nothing lines up, syncs up or is found in any sort of alignment.

It’s obvious during this SHORT FIRST ROUND that our heartbeats and pulses are
happening at completely different times, in seemingly random patterns, at various
rates and speeds and tempos, varies from all the others and that our individual
pulses and heartbeats are unique to us.

After just a few moments (less than 30 seconds) we end this SHORT FIRST
ROUND and enter the “connection exercise” and guided meditation to attune our
hearts, minds, thoughts, feelings and subtle energies.

Now pause for a moment and consider this…if this short “first round” of pulse
taking wasn’t stopped after 15-30 seconds and instead was simply allowed to
continue for a longer period of time and duration (such as a full minute and a half
or two minutes VS those short 15-30 seconds we use in the first round) something
wonderful would begin to happen easily, naturally and automatically as the taps,
resulting sounds produced and now audible heartbeats of the entire group start to
line up, become perfectly in sync and totally in tune without effort, work or worry.

The illusion of our shared pulse rates and heartbeats syncing up completely and
totally aligning is a natural occurrence and happens for a number of reasons, those
being the aforementioned pareidolia, apophenia and resulting white noise being
produced by your participants, which we’ll discuss again shortly.

In “Heart Song” all we’re really doing is providing a BELIEVABLE PROCESS

and unique method by which this astounding effect occurs.

In other words, during H.S. we’re taking credit for something that would begin to
happen, unfold and take place naturally and all by itself were it allowed to its own
devices and allowed to continue – we merely draw attention to the occurrence,
happening and phenomena, frame and present it properly, provide an experiential
and immediately verifiable process and take credit for its occurrence.

These methods are guaranteed effective every time they are applied or employed
and the foundation for “Heart Song” lies in the way our brain works, processes
information and seeks both patterns and meaning in seemingly random
external/environmental chaos, in this case, a sort of group-formed “white noise”
that, with a little bit of time (about 30 to 120 seconds) of being exposed to this
noise, the brain of any individuals present and listening begins to find “waves”,
patterns and periods of complete and total harmony, full synchronization and
perfect alignment in the sounds, pulses and audible heartbeats being produced.

Think of this as a sort of auditory hallucination or audio-based “pareidolia.”

To better understand this startling effect and how it works, let’s take a brief look at
the words “pareidolia”, “apophenia” and “white noise.”
Basically, pareidolia is a natural psychological phenomenon involving a vague and
random stimulus, such as an image or sound, being perceived as significant – a
form of apophenia.
Apophenia is the experience of seeing patterns or connections in random data, such
as the above mentioned images or sounds.
Common examples include seeing pictures, faces, animals and images from nature
and other objects in the clouds or hearing “spirit voices” and messages from aliens
in audio-static and “white noise.”
White noise is defined as any constant noise or sound that is a mixture of many
different sounds. Common examples are the noise produced from a television or
radio that is turned on but in-between channels/stations or not receiving a clear
signal. It could also be the constant baseline, neutral sounds and audio chaos
produced by a rapidly scanning radio (such as a “ghost box”) or the constant noise
and ongoing sounds made by a waterfall, fountain or group chanting “OM.”
In the case of “Heart Song”, our white noise will be the shared pulses, heartbeats
and sounds produced by the group/audience members/participants as a result of
taking their pulse with one hand and audibly tapping out the beats with their free
We rely upon the human brain and how it works naturally to seemingly “hear” and
experience connections in the noise, in this case and example, what sounds exactly
like our individual hearts beating together in perfect alignment and total
synchronicity with the group as ONE SHARED BEING.
Further, we have a few more things going for us in creating this effect:

1). Amidst the chaos and randomness of the produced sound & audio, dis-
harmonies collide and produce a readily apparent and seemingly coherent result.
There will be several moments during “Heart Song” in which MANY people are
on practically the same heartbeat pattern and pulsing wavelength, even if it’s only
momentarily and thus the illusion is strengthened even further still.

2). It's really hard to do this and NOT be lulled into a soft, meditative state or
directly affected by the sounds, rhythm, heartbeats and pulses of the people around
you. We become naturally relaxed and easily hypnotized into following them, the
more obvious group patterns and enter another pattern completely that often has
nothing to do with our pulses and tapped out heartbeats and more to do with
following the group beat, tone and tempo. Again, this is a natural occurrence and
happens automatically. It’s very easy to become mindful, relaxed and begin
following an altogether different beat and rhythm.
3). As a result of the meditation, visualization, deep breathing and suggestions to
relax and connect in mind and heart to the people around them, the audience
members as a collective enter a light and relaxing meditative state which instantly
helps to lower their heart rate, draw their attention inward and make them more
susceptible to our focused suggestions, the effects of pareidolia and increased
pattern recognition in the ambient “white noise.”
4). You can take credit for the smallest change, shortest temporary window of
harmonic pulses and synchronized heartbeats, pulses speeding up, slowing down
and becoming so faint they could be mistaken as missing or gone entirely and
much, much more. This is a very jazzy, flexible and naturally spontaneous
performance piece and you’ll do well by keeping this in mind and having fun with
your “Heart Song” demonstrations. Few things are stronger, deeper and more
intimate, as hypnotic, poetic, romantic, artistic, mysterious, magical, miraculous,
positive, healing, reliable, dependable and 100% surefire as this dynamic heart-
centered marvel you’re currently learning is.
Allow these factors above to work for you.
Together with the “time & duration subtlety”, the natural workings of the human
brain and how it functions, seeks meaning & patterns and processes information
combined with the principles of pareidolia, apophenia and white noise, the world
of magic and mentalism now has a bulletproof method and world-class workhorse
sporting several potent applications and ones that are immediately available and
accessible once you’ve learned the “Heart Song” method.
It’s easy to see how and why showpieces and demonstrations like my trademark
“Heart Song” as seen and featured here for the very first time are so priceless in
terms of professional value to the working performer and contemporary reality
“Heart Song” is terribly beautiful, astonishing and magical, magnificent in its final
effect and startling in the end results it produces; she truly is incredible, totally
moving and utterly convincing.
Your connected hearts will all produce gigantic smiles that fill your body and
lights up the room each and every time you perform with this piece, guaranteed!
Now that you’ve learned the basic methods and driving principles that make
“Heart Song” work so favorably and miraculously, let’s discuss how we put it all
together and approach it as a self contained performance, stand alone
demonstration and contemporary masterpiece of mentalism and modern psychic
The most important thing to remember is that the pulse syncing effect is naturally
occurring. Given enough time and by extending the length/duration of the group’s
“pulse taking procedure” your brain will begin to pick up on, create/generate and
start to follow an ongoing pattern, waves, hubs, ebbs, flows, peaks, valleys and
both temporary states and continuous periods of complete synchronization and
total alignment which is why we only allow the audience “pulse taking procedure”
to continue briefly in the first round and then STOP to do the group meditation and
centering exercise which follows.
It’s this meditation and the process we provide during it which “seemingly” creates
the connected heart rate, aligned beating and group pulse syncing effect.
Because “Heart Song” is so flexible and can be used at anytime during your
shows, programs and live performances…and especially because while it’s plenty
strong and affecting enough to be a perfect standalone piece, it still adds numerous
levels, layers and dimensions to all of your other mind reading routines, effects and
As such, you’ll have to decide for yourself when and how best to present “Heart
Song” during your own work and performances as our individual styles,
performance pace and tempo, effects and set lists, unique approach, premise,
framing and scripting (etc) are all so different.
In my own performances of “Heart Song” I present this piece in a very
straightforward manner:
“What we’re about to engage in together as a group is a truly profound and
beautiful experience. Based on an ancient 4,000 year old secret technique and
given to me in sacred plant ceremony by a Quechua shaman, medicine man and
traditional healer in the Peruvian Amazon when I traveled there on my way to live
and study plant medicines and spiritual healing in the Bolivian jungles and
Amazonia nearly 10 years ago, he called this technique singing our “Heart Song.”
I can personally promise and guarantee each and every one of you that what
you’re about to see, hear, feel and experience with me over the next several
moments has the power and potential to positively impact and alter your life in
very deep and beautiful ways for years and years to come…it’s one of those things
that tends to stick with a person always and remains within us as a guiding light, a
token of our shared connection and personal awakening and an incredibly potent
and empowering experience…one that you’ll not only remember and share with
others very fondly but carry within you always and draw upon this special shared
connection whenever needed or desired.”
This is just one short example of an effective presentation I myself use.
Here’s another that I favor and employ with great passion and frequency –
“Tonight I would like to provide all of you with a very strong and beautiful
experience…a working example of *mind over matter* using nothing more than
our thoughts, feelings, intentions and subtle energies to alter, affect and positively
influence physical matter and the material world around us.
We’re literally going to utilize our minds to control our bodies and synchronize
our beating hearts, natural physiology, brainwave patterns and pulse rates of this
entire group and audience in the process.
It’s absolutely astonishing how this works and something you’re likely to
remember and share with others time and time again for years and years to come,
because it’s so magical and strong and beautiful.
Just follow my simple instructions and notice how you FEEL after this exercise is
You can see there are many different ways you can play this and, depending on the
length and complexity of your group meditation, “Heart Song” can be a huge
effect that plays very quickly *OR* a much longer formal routine and dedicated
The method is so effective and the effect so surefire that when I’m performing
“Heart Song” back to back during my walk around gigs, street hypnosis, roving
palm and tarot readings and magical strolling performances I use hardly any verbal
presentation at all and simply let the effect speak for itself. The most I say in these
situations is,
“Everybody come in just a little closer now, I’d like to share something really
special with all of you…something you’ll never forget and that will leave you
feeling refreshed and revitalized, positive in your thoughts, feelings, actions and
attitudes and what some might call spiritually turbo charged and psychically
super-empowered for the next several days or even weeks to come.”
“This special meditation exists to instantly connect our minds, hearts and subtle
energy fields directly to one another so that we’re able to have the shared
experience of being so deeply and completely connected with the whole that as a
group we all begin to think the very same thoughts, have the exact same feelings
and even our physical bodies will start to link up, synchronize, move and behave in
very like and similar manners…together we’ll use the power of this connection and
our combined mind power to control our bodies and synchronize our beating
hearts, natural physiology, brainwave patterns and pulse rates of this entire group
and audience in the process.”
As usual, I take my audience members, impartial observers and active participants
through a short meditation to apparently create the pulse syncing effect.
This meditation needs little to no explanation. In the vast majority of cases I just
stop the group “pulse taking”, ask each of them to sit up straight in their chairs,
feet flat on the floor, hands palm down in their lap and take a few deep breaths
with me as they close their eyes and listen closely to the sound of my voice and my
At times I might add a short description and verbal explanation of the process and
again, this is entirely optional and up to you depending on your performance style
and the context in which you’re sharing “Heart Song.”
“This short meditation expands the mind and elevates the consciousness, opens up
the heart and connects our subtle energy fields to help us enter into a deeper
relationship and greater conversation together AS ONE WHOLE LIVING BEING
and prepares each of us for the readings and healings, blessings, clearings and
energy balancing to come.”
The meditation used in “Heart Song” can literally be anything you wish for it to
be. In addition to meditation, the “Heart Song” effect can be initiated and directed
with other tools instead and can draw upon practically any believable process, such
as an energetic clearing and psychic balancing session, chanting mantras or
holding mudras, clearing the subtle energy fields and psycho-spiritual light body
with techniques and movements from qigong, yoga, Reiki, Deeksha, GeoTran, Jin
Shin, Touch for Health, Quantum Touch, Matrix Energetics and other advanced
energetic techniques and modalities.
As well, you can perform and lead the meditation with people’s eyes open OR
closed, it doesn’t really matter. With eyes open, you can incorporate a visual
elements should you wish, and by closing the eyes the audible syncing effect tends
to happen (become noticed) a bit faster. Now I just give my audience members the
choice to close their eyes if they wish to or feel free to keep them open during the
meditation if preferred.
My goal for the meditation is to keep it simple and lead the group through a short
breathing and visualization sequence in which they imagine our physical heart and
energetic heart centers opening up, expanding, contracting, radiating beautiful
white, gold, pink, crimson and iridescent rays of light and serving to connect the
group deeply and completely with each other, but also with me.

In the middle of our chest, beneath our breastbone, is what I call our spiritual heart.
It is from here that our deepest fulfillment and happiness arises. Our spiritual heart
is the source of the love and the wisdom that we are all searching for in life and it
is the only place where unhappiness can be instantly transformed into happiness.

Our spiritual heart is the place from which we can reconnect with our higher
consciousness and form deep and lasting bonds with the people, places and things
around us.

In my own group meditation, I lead the group through seeing or sensing the
spiritual heart in the middle of your chest. While you instruct the group to breathe
in and out, visualize and radiate the colors of white, gold, pink and iridescence
throughout your entire body and surround yourself with a bubble of loving joyful
When you breathe in, just relax. The more relaxed and open you become, the more
we’re able to align and connect our physical and spiritual hearts. The more we
connect and align or attune our physical and spiritual hearts, the better we’re able
to pick up on and experience the subtle thoughts, feelings and energy fields of
other people.

Your meditation can be long or short and as simple or involved as you wish.

Remember, it’s just a process and an easy method to relax the group and provide
them with a believable REASON WHY our hearts are about to become so
perfectly attuned, totally connected, completely aligned and instantly in sync.

The method takes care of itself and we’re nearly home free!

After the meditation and heart-centered process has been delivered, we’re ready to
stop and tap out the group pulse again, this time with the experience and results of
our heart beats and pulses becoming 100% synchronized.
Over the many years now that I’ve been performing “Heart Song” I’ve tinkered
with nearly every alternative handling and potential variation that one could
possibly think of.
These assorted incarnations and experimental adaptations ranged from slight
changes and different ways to produce the audible “heart beat”, various areas and
methods to take a clear pulse and proper heart rate, textured presentations and
theatrical frameworks, helpful external props and training aids such as a drum,
rattle, pendulum or metronome (all of which still have their rightful time and place
in the performance of “Heart Song” as we’ll soon discuss!) and more.
After countless trials, months and months of rigorous testing, back to back and
oftentimes repeated performances in a number of changing venues, under different
settings and diverse conditions and aside from the basic/original method which
you’ve already learned, this next handling and approach is the only other one I use
in my own work and performances.
In my preferred handling, everything about the approach and basic presentation
remains identical – and it all stays the same as far as delivery. What differs in this
handling is the methods by which we A). Take the pulse and B). Make our
heartbeats audible.
This is the true “Heart Song”
The handling is simple…
Instead of taking our pulse at the neck and tapping out the beats with our free hand,
I guide everyone to take their pulse in the wrist (in classic fashion) with their index
and middle finger of EITHER HAND and instead of “tapping out the beats” each
person purses up their mouth and whistles/makes a short, sharp, brief whistling
sound with each new pulse and heartbeat.
Enough said!
The benefits of this method should be clear…the audible pulses, heart song and
whistling sounds produced is undeniably haunting and beautiful, especially when
Also, this is a very comfortable and practical handling because the pulse can easily
be taken with either hand at the wrist (more familiar to the lay public) and most
people of practically any age can whistle, hum, tone or even exhale loudly and
purposefully to create the “Heart Song” effect.
If a person cannot whistle (hey, they’re out there!) I simply guide them in the
original method and instead of whistling they tap out their heartbeats and pulse rate
with their free hand. They can also tap their feet while taking the pulse in their
wrist or at their neck if that’s more comfortable for them or you desire it for new
sounds and textures. Along these same lines, the participants can take their pulse
with one hand and snap their fingers at each beat with their free hand. You can
even “mix and match” to produce the perfect “Heart Song” for you and your
As mentioned elsewhere in this book, you can set this up right in the middle and
heat of performance if you wish and do it purposefully so that a portion of your
audience is tapping out their heartbeats with their free hands, another portion is
lightly tapping or stomping their feet, another portion of the group slapping their
legs/thighs with each pulse and yet another portion whistles out their heartbeats.
This creates a very textured “Heart Song” whose incredible sounds and positive
inner effects will stay with you, continue to guide you and be remembered forever.
Alternatively, you can also combine the VISUAL ELEMENT of “Heart Song” so
another portion of your audience is making physical movements with each coming
pulse and passing heartbeat (such as shifting their weight from foot to foot, rocking
and swaying gently back and forth or raising and lowering their hands and arms in
tandem and synchronicity with their heartbeats and so on).
This also works amazingly well with pendulums swinging back and forth with
each pulse, to and fro with every heartbeat and helps to make this piece more
visual when desired OR anytime you wish as a performer to help keep the rhythm,
pace and tempo of the group sounds and synchronized heartbeats.
With the students in my 4th level advanced hypnosis training we create a “Heart
Song” together TWICE A DAY, every day for the entire 9-day intensive
wilderness training and experiential ropes courses, sweat lodges and fire walks. In
this environment I arrange for drums, rattles and small whistles for the students
and fire walking/sweat lodge participants which creates a very shamanic feeling
and texture, cleansing vibe and necessarily primal/tribal/indigenous sounding
“Heart Song.” The effect is incredibly strong and is guaranteed to move anyone
that hears it or participates in creating it.
The implications from such a simple act, process and shared experience are
astounding. Imagine what would happen if we were ALL deeply and completely
connected beyond a point of separation. What would life and the world be like?
What would YOU be like? What would I be like? What might WE become
together? How would we treat each other? The environment? Other life forms?
This is the bare bones of my pet effect, routine and demonstration of “Heart
This manuscript is short and sweet by design. In time after you’ve all had ample
time to apply and appreciate the “Heart Song” in its most basic uses I’ll be
offering a supplementary manuscript (much like I did with “Thought Channel”) at
a nominal fee for those of you interested. The applications and various uses or
ways one can employ my “Heart Song” are extensive and breathtaking, as you’ll
soon discover.
Until then, please take great care of this piece, keep it to yourself and by all means,
if you discover unique applications during your own work with “Heart Song” I
would love to hear about them!
Finally, if you love this incredible routine as much as I do and can see its real
world use and potential in your own work and career, I would be honored to
receive your thoughts, feedback, reviews and testimonials in private for future
marketing and advertising purposes.
Thanks again, gentlemen!
I’ll be in touch soon!
Your friend and brother,
Jerome Finley, May 2014

All rights reserved.
No part or portion of this manuscript may be
reproduced or transmitted in any shape or form by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy,
recording, or retrieval system without prior consent and
permission in writing from the author.
Thank you.

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