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Renewables 2011 Global Status Report - REN21

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Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber Ministry of Foreign Affairs United Arab Emirates ivind Johansen Ministry of Petroleum and Energy Norway Mahama Kappiah ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) Cape Verde Manfred Konukiewitz Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Germany Kadri Nassiep National Energy Research Institute South Africa

Adnan Z. Amin International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Corrado Clini Ministry for the Environment and Territory Italy Robert Dixon Climate and Chemicals Team Global Environment Facility Michael Eckhart Citigroup, Inc. United States of America Mohamed El-Ashry United Nations Foundation Deepak Gupta Ministry of New and Renewable Energy India

Rajendra Pachauri The Energy and Resources Institute India Wolfgang Palz World Council for Renewable Energy

Saliem Fakir World Wide Fund for Nature South Africa

Hans-Jorgen Koch Danish Energy Agency Ministry of Climate and Energy Denmark

Emani Kumar ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability, South Asia Office Andr Correa do Lago Ministry of External Relations Brazil

Mark Radka Division of Technology, Industry and Economics United Nations Environment Programme

Peter Rae International Renewable Energy Alliance

Amal Haddouche Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment Morocco David Hales College of the Atlantic United States of America Kirsty Hamilton Chatham House United Kingdom St. John Hoskyns Department of Energy & Climate Change United Kingdom

Junfeng Li National Development and Reform Commission, Energy Research Institute/ Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association China Bindu Lohani Asian Development Bank Ernesto Macas Galn Alliance for Rural Electrification

Athena Ronquillo Ballesteros World Resources Institute/ Green Independent Power Producers Network Steve Sawyer Global Wind Energy Council Maria Sicilia Salvadores Iberdrola Spain Griffin Thompson Department of State United States of America

Didier Houssin Directorate of Energy Markets and Security International Energy Agency

Pradeep Monga Energy and Climate Change Branch United Nations Industrial Development Organization Paul Mubiru Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development Uganda

Ibrahim Togola Mali Folkecenter/ Citizens United for Renewable Energy and Sustainability Piotr Tulej DG Climate Action European Commission

Tetsunari Iida Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies Japan

Disclaimer: REN21 issue papers and reports are released by REN21 to emphasize the importance of renewable energy and to generate

Nebojsa Nakicenovic International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Austria

Veerle Vandeweerd Energy and Environment Group United Nations Development Programme Arthouros Zervos European Renewable Energy Council

discussion of issues central to the promotion of renewable energy. While REN21 papers and reports have benefited from the considerations and input from the REN21 community, they do not necessarily represent a consensus among network participants on any given point. Although the information given in this report is the best available to the authors at the time, REN21 and its participants cannot be held liable for its accuracy and correctness.

Renewable eneRGy POlICy neTwORk fOR The 21ST CenTuRy

REN21 convenes international multi-stakeholder leadership to enable a rapid global transition to REN21 connects governments, international institutions, nongovernmental organizations, of renewable energy worldwide.

renewable energy. It promotes appropriate policies that increase the wise use of renewable energies in developing and industrialized economies. Open to a wide variety of dedicated stakeholders, industry associations, and other partnerships and initiatives. REN21 leverages their successes and strengthens their influence for the rapid expansion

Table Of COnTenTS

Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Selected Indicators and Top Five Countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

01 Global Market Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Power Generation Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Heating and Cooling Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Transport Fuels Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

02 Investment Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 03 Industry Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 04 Policy Landscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Policy Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Green Energy Purchasing and Labeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Heating and Cooling Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Transport Policies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 City and Local Government Policies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Power Generation Policies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Reference Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Note on Accounting and Reporting of Installed Capacities. . . . . . . . . 94 List of Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

05 Rural Renewable Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Note on Further Information and Sources of Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Endnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

Report Citation REN21. 2011. Renewables 2011 Global Status Report (Paris: REN21 Secretariat).

Table 1 Table 2 Table 3

Renewable Energy Support Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Transition to Renewable Energy in Rural (Off-Grid) Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Status of Renewable Energy Technologies: Characteristics and Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Sidebar 1 Sidebar 2 Sidebar 3 Sidebar 4 Sidebar 5 Sidebar 6 Sidebar 7 Sidebar 8

Investment Trends in Early 2011 . . . . . . . . 37 Sustainability Spotlight: Rare-Earth Minerals and PV Recycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Jobs in Renewable Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Ocean Energy Technology and Commercialization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Figure 1 Figure 2

Renewable Energy Share of Global Final Energy Consumption, 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Average Annual Growth Rates of Renewable Energy Capacity and Biofuels Production, 20052010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Grid Integration and Complementary Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Lighting Africa: Lessons in Market and Technology Innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 What Is a Feed-in Tariff? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Figure 3 Figure 4

Renewable Energy Share of Global Electricity Production, 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Renewable Power Capacities, Developing World, EU, and Top Five Countries, 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Wind Power, Existing World Capacity, 19962010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

RefeRenCe TableS
Table R1 Table R2 Table R3 Table R4 Table R5

Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9

Wind Power Capacity, Top 10 Countries, 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Solar PV, Existing World Capacity, 19952010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Solar PV Capacity, Top 10 Countries, 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Solar Heating Added Capacity, Top 12 Countries, 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Added and Existing Wind Power, Top 10 Countries, 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Solar PV Additions and Existing Capacity, 20062010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Renewable Energy Added and Existing Capacities, 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Renewable Electric Power Capacity, Existing as of 2010. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Table R6 Table R7

Solar Hot Water Installed Capacity, Top 12 Countries/EU and World Total, 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Share of Primary and Final Energy from Renewables, Existing in 2008/2009 and Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Share of Electricity from Renewables, Existing in 2009, and Targets . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Other Renewable Energy Targets. . . . . . . . 81 Biofuels Production, Top 15 Countries and EU Total, 2010. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Figure 12 Global New Investment in Renewable Energy, 20042010. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Figure 13 Market Shares of Top 10 Wind Turbine Manufacturers, 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Figure 14 Market Shares of Top 15 Solar PV Manufacturers, 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Figure 15 EU Renewable Shares of Final Energy, 2005 and 2009, with Targets for 2020 . . . . 50

Table R10 Cumulative Number of Countries/ States/Provinces Enacting Feed-in Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Table R9

Table R11 Cumulative Number of Countries/ States/Provinces Enacting RPS/ Quota Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Table R12 Biofuels Blending Mandates. . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Table R13 City and Local Renewable Energy Policies: Selected Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87


Figure 10 Solar Heating Existing Capacity, Top 12 Countries, 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Figure 11 Ethanol and Biodiesel Production, 20002010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Table R8

The Ren21 RenewableS GlObal STaTuS RePORT anD RenewableS InTeRaCTIVe MaP
REN21 was established in 2005 to convene international leadership and a variety of stakeholders to enable a rapid global transition to renewable energy. REN21s Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) was first released later that year; it grew out of an effort to comprehensively capture, for the first time, the full status of renewable energy worldwide. The report also aimed to align perceptions with the reality that renewables were playing a growing role in mainstream energy markets and in economic development.

Over the years, the GSR has expanded in scope and depth, in parallel with tremendous advances in renewable energy markets and industries. The report has become a major production that involves the amalgamation of thousands of data points, hundreds of reports and other documents, and personal communications with experts from around the world. Initially researched and written in its entirety by Eric Martinot, with input from many international contributors, the report has become a true collaborative effort among several authors, REN21 Secretariat staff and Steering Committee members, regional research partners, and more than 100 individual contributors and reviewers. The increasing need to optimize the process of GSR data collection led to the launch in 2010 of REN21s Renewables Interactive Map. Today, it is a streamlined tool for gathering and sharing information online about developments related to renewable energy. With interactive features that allow access to regularly updated policy and market overviews by country, region, technology, and sector, the map makes relevant information more accessible and dynamic. It also offers GSR researchers and readers the possibility to contribute on an ongoing basis while connecting with the broader renewable energy community. The Renewables Interactive Map can be found at www.map.ren21.net.


Since the last Renewables Global Status Report was released one year ago, the world has seen many significant developments that have had an impact both direct and indirect on renewable energy.

The global economic recession entered a new phase in 2010, marked by massive public finance crises felt most acutely in Europe that led several governments to announce incentive cuts for solar energy. Natural gas prices remained low due to advances in technology for extracting gas from shale rock, temporarily reducing the competitiveness of renewable energy.

Beyond China and the other big economies of India and Brazil, major developments were seen elsewhere in the developing world in terms of policies, investments, market trends, and manufacturing. Of the 119 countries that now have renewable energy policy targets or support policies, at least half of them are in the developing world. The increased activity in developing countries is a highlight of this years report. It is an encouraging trend, since most of the future growth in energy demand is expected to occur in developing countries. Further, the spread of renewables to more regions and countries helps more of the world's people gain access to energy services not only to meet their basic needs, but also to enable them to develop economically. Today, more people than ever before derive energy from renewables as capacity continues to grow, prices continue to fall, and shares of global energy from renewable energy continue to increase. This years Renewables Global Status Report again has brought all the data together to provide a clear picture of the global momentum.

At the same time, worldwide developments have highlighted the security, economic, and human costs of relying so heavily on fossil and nuclear energy. The three-month long BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico caused extensive damage and continues to affect the economy and welfare of people in the region. The Arab Spring of popular unrest has triggered oil-price volatility and added instability to energy markets, while at the same time the global demand for oil is outpacing the capacity for production. And Japans Fukushima nuclear catastrophe has led many countries to rethink the role of nuclear energy in providing low-carbon electricity. Average global surface temperatures in 2010 tied those in 2005 as the warmest on record. Despite the economic recession, greenhouse gas emissions increased more than ever before during 2010, making the international goal to limit the rise in global temperatures to 2 C above preindustrial levels even harder to reach.

Despite the recession, total global investment in renewable energy broke a new record in 2010. Investment in renewable power and fuels reached $211 billion, up 32% from $160 billion the previous year. As shown in the recently released UNEP report Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2011, the GSRs companion publication, developing country investments in renewable energy companies and utility-scale generation and biofuel projects exceeded those of developed countries, with China attracting more than a third of the global total.

Mohamed El-Ashry Chairman, REN21


A positive constant amid this turbulence has been the global performance of renewable energy. Renewable sources have grown to supply an estimated 20% of global final energy consumption in 2010. By years end, renewables comprised one-quarter of global power capacity from all sources and delivered close to one-fifth of the worlds power supply. Most technologies held their own, despite the challenges faced, while solar PV surged with more than twice the capacity installed as the year before. No technology has benefited more than solar from the dramatic drop in costs.

On behalf of the REN21 Steering Committee, I would like to thank all those who have contributed to the successful production of the Renewables 2011 Global Status Report. These include lead author/research director Janet L. Sawin, author and expert advisor Eric Martinot, project manager Rana Adib and the team at the REN21 Secretariat headed by Virginia Sonntag-OBrien, as well as the growing network of authors, researchers, contributors, and reviewers who participate in the GSR process. Special thanks go to the German and Indian governments for their financial support, and to the Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Internationale Zusammenarbeit and the United Nations Environment Programme, hosts of the REN21 Secretariat, for their administrative support. We hope you will find this years report more comprehensive and inspiring than ever, and we look forward to receiving your feedback.


This report was commissioned by REN21 and produced in collaboration with a global network of research partners. Financing was provided by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety (BMU), the Indian Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, and the Asian Development Bank. A large share of the research for this report was conducted on a voluntary basis.

Africa, Sub-Saharan: Mark Hankins (African Solar Designs); Safiatou Alzouma Nouhou (IRENA)

n lead Country and Regional Researchers

Africa, West: Bah Saho and Martin Lugmayr (ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency); Ibrahim Sani (Ministry of Mines and Energy, Niger); K. A. Otu-Danquah (Energy Commission, Ghana) Australia: Mark Diesendorf (University of New South Wales) Brazil: Renata Grisoli and Suani T. Coelho (Brazilian Reference Center on Biomass, CENBIO) Canada: Jos Etcheverry (York University) China: Junfeng Li and Ma Lingjuan (Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association) Europe, Eastern: Kerstin Schilcher and Eva Lacher (Austrian Energy Agency, enerCEE); Lili Ilieva Europe, Western: Lukas Hermwille, Jan Burck, Tatjana Regh, and Hanna Schmole (Germanwatch); Thomas Nieder (ZSW) Italy: Francesco Francisci and Daniele Guidi (Ecosoluzioni) Indonesia: Chayun Budiono (Chazaro Gerbang International); Martha Maulidia India: Tobias Engelmeier, Ali Adil, and Ashok Thanikonda (Bridge to India)

Research Director and lead author

Janet L. Sawin (Sunna Research and Worldwatch Institute)

Egypt: Maged Mahmoud (Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency RCREEE, Egypt)

Research Director/lead author emeritus

Eric Martinot (Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies and Worldwatch Institute) Douglas Barnes Eric Martinot Jodie Roussell Janet L. Sawin

Section authors

Angus McCrone (Bloomberg New Energy Finance) Ralph Sims (Massey University) Rana Adib (REN21 Secretariat) Virginia Sonntag-OBrien (REN21 Secretariat)

Korea: Kwanghee Yeom (Friends of the Earth Korea and Freie Universitt Berlin); Sanghoon Lee (Energyvision) Latin America and Caribbean: Gonzalo Bravo (Bariloche Foundation, Argentina)

Ren21 Project Management

Ren21 Research Support and Supplementary authorship

Jonathan Skeen, Evan Musolino, Rana Adib, Lily Riahi (REN21 Secretariat) Lisa Mastny, editor (Worldwatch Institute) weeks.de Werbeagentur GmbH, design

editing, Design, and layout

REN21 Secretariat and Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH


Mexico: Odn de Buen Rodriguez (Energa, Tecnologa y Educacin) MENA region: Ashraf Kraidy (RCREEE, Egypt); Mustapha Taoumi (IRENA) Palestine: Basel Yaseen (Palestinian Energy and Environment Research Center) Philippines: Rafael Senga (WWF); Amalie Obusan (Greenpeace Philippines) Portugal: Lusa Silvrio and Lara Ferreira (DGEG/DSACIA) Russia: Lili Ilieva South Africa: Amanda Luxande (REEEP) South Asia: Govind Pokharel (SNV Netherlands Development Organization); Benjamin Sovacool Spain: Miquel Muoz (Boston University); Josep Puig (ECOSERVEIS); Hugo Lucas (IRENA) Thailand: Chris Greacen (Palang Thai) Tunisia: Ulrich Laumanns (GIZ) Turkey: Yasemin Biro (World Bank) United Kingdom: Miguel Mendonca United States: Janet L. Sawin; Matthias Kimmel and Will Bierbower (Worldwatch Institute)


Bioenergy: Rana Adib (REN21 Secretariat); Dunja Hoffmann (GIZ); Rita Ramanauskaite (European Biogas Association)

n lead Topical Researchers

Cities: Eric Martinot (Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies); Monika Zimmermann (ICLEI World Secretariat); Maryke Van Staden (ICLEI Europe) Geothermal energy: John Lund (Oregon Institute of Technology); Ruggero Bertani (ENEL Green Power) Grid integration: Carlos Gasco (IEA); Eric Martinot Green energy pricing: Lori Bird (NREL) Industry: Jodie Roussell

Concentrating solar thermal power: Frederick Morse (Morse Associates); Kurt Klunder (Klunder Consulting) Feed-in tariffs: Miguel Mendonca; Davis Jacobs (IFOK)

Hydropower: Lau Saili (International Hydropower Association); Munof von Rudloff (Canadian Hydropower Association) Investment flows: Virginia Sonntag-OBrien (REN21 Secretariat); Angus McCrone (Bloomberg New Energy Finance) Jobs: Sven Teske (Greenpeace International) Policy: Ada Marmion (IEA) Policy targets: Janet L. Sawin; Jonathan Skeen and Evan Musolino (REN21 Secretariat) Rural renewable energy: Douglas Barnes; Simon Rolland (Alliance for Rural Electrification)

Solar heating: Werner Weiss (AEE INTEC - Arbeits gemeinschaft Erneuerbare Energie)

Solar PV: Denis Lenardic (pvresources.com); Gatan Masson (European PV Industry Association)

Wind power: Birger Madsen (BTM Consult/Navigant); Shi Pengfei (Chinese Wind Energy Association); Andrew Kruse (Southwest Windpower)

Rafee Alhallak (National Energy Research Centre, Syria); Fabiani Appavou (REN21 Secretariat); Marlon Arraes (Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy); Ana Bachurova (GIZ); Richard Bain (NREL); Sabin Basnyat (International Finance Corporation); Morgan Bazilian (UNIDO); Amel Bida (RCREEE); Georg Bonsiepe (Bro Hans-Josef Fell MdB); Cao Boqian (CWEA); Milena Breisinger (InterAmerican Development Bank); Uli Brunner (KfW); Kanika Chawla (REN21 Secretariat); Helena Chum (NREL); Ester del Monte (OLELA); Nikhil Desai; Brbel Epp (Solrico); Karin Ericsson (Lund University); Matthias Fawer (Sarasin Bank); Lisa Feldmann (GIZ); Solomone Fifita (Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme); rni Finnsson (Icelandic Nature Conservation Association); Lisa Frantzis (Navigant); Rachel Gelman (NREL); Stefan Gsnger (World Wind Energy Association); Vashti Guyadeen (Ministry of Energy, Trinidad and Tobago); Andreas Hberle (PSE AG); Robert Heine (GIZ); Amy Heinemann (North Carolina Solar Center); Issao Hirata (Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy); St. John Hoskyns (UK Department of Energy and Climate Change); Lian Jiang (Himin Solar); Oivind Johansen (Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Norway); Thomas B. Johansson (Lund University); Mahama Kappiah (ECREEE); Claus Keller (F.O. Licht); Doug Koplow (Earth Track); Diana Kraft (GIZ); Amit Kumar (TERI); Arun Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology); Ole Langniss (Fichtner); Philippe Lempp (GIZ and German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development); Diane Lescot (ObservER); Christine Lins (EREC); Carlos Alberto Fernandez Lopez (IDAE); Ludger Lorych (RCREEE); Abraham Louw (Bloomberg New Energy Finance); Fred Marree (SNV Netherlands Development Organization); Hironao Matsubara (ISEP); Jasmin Metzler (UNEP); Lars J. Nilsson (Lund University); Matt Nocella (National Hydropower Association); Mika Ohbayashi (IRENA); Martina Otto (UNEP); Alexandra Parvulsecu (REN21 Secretariat); Vishal Persad (Ministry of Energy, Trinidad and Tobago); Magdolna Prantner (Wuppertal Institute); Tim Raabe (GIZ); rni Ragnarsson (ISOR); Bernhard Raninger (GIZ); Robert Rapier (CTO, Merica International); Peter Rechberger (AEBIOM); Kilian Reiche (iiDevelopment GmbH); Wilson Rickerson (Meister Consultants Group); Denish Samanta (Waterhealth International); Steve Sawyer (Global Wind Energy Council); Tormod Schei (Statkraft AS); Martin Schpe (BMU); Maria Sicilia (Iberdrola); Djaheezah Subratty (UNEP); Paul Suding (GIZ/IADB); Vicky C.L. Tan (Asian Development Bank); Jun Tian (Asian Development Bank); Frederic Tuille (ObservER); Bjrn Verse (REN21 Secretariat); Salvatore Vinci (IRENA); Arthur Wellinger (EBA); Christine Wrlen (Arepo Consult); Dimitrios Zevgolis (Global Environment Facility); Aiming Zhou (ADB), and others not listed who shared specific available data.

n Other Contributors, Researchers, and










Renewable energy continued to grow strongly in all end-use sectors, and global investment reached new highs. As policies spread, the geography of renewables is also expanding.










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Changes in renewable energy markets, investments, industries, and policies have been so rapid in recent years that perceptions of the status of renewable energy can lag years behind the reality. This report captures that reality and provides a unique overview of renewable energy worldwide as of early 2011. The report covers both current status and key trends; by design, it does not provide analysis or forecast the future.


Global energy consumption rebounded in 2010 after an overall downturn in 2009. Renewable energy, which experienced no downturn in 2009, continued to grow strongly in all end-use sectors power, heat and transport and supplied an estimated 16% of global final energy consumption. Renewable energy accounted for approximately half of the estimated 194 gigawatts (GW) of new electric capacity added globally during the year. Renewables delivered close to 20% of global electricity supply in 2010, and by early 2011 they comprised onequarter of global power capacity from all sources. In several countries, renewables represent a rapidly growing share of total energy supply, including heat and transport. For example: China added an estimated 29 GW of grid-connected renewable capacity, for a total of 263 GW, an increase of 12% compared with 2009. Renewables accounted for about 26% of Chinas total installed electric capacity, 18% of generation, and more than 9% of final energy consumption in 2010. In the United States, renewable energy accounted for about 10.9% of domestic primary energy production (compared with nuclears 11.3%), an increase of 5.6% relative to 2009.

Across most technologies, 2010 saw further growth in equipment manufacturing, sales, and installation. Technology cost reductions in solar PV in particular meant high growth rates in manufacturing. Cost reductions in wind turbines and biofuel processing technologies also contributed to growth. At the same time, there was further industry consolidation, notably in the biomass and biofuels industries, as traditional energy companies moved more strongly into the renewable energy space, and as manufacturing firms continued to move into project development.

By early 2011, at least 119 countries had some type of policy target or renewable support policy at the national level, up from 55 countries in early 2005. There is also a large diversity of policies in place at state/provincial and local levels. Developing countries, which now represent more than half of all countries with policy targets and half of all countries with renewable support policies, are playing an increasingly important role in advancing renewable energy. As policies spread to more and more countries, the geography of renewable energy use is also changing. For example, commercial wind power existed in just a handful of countries in the 1990s but now exists in at least 83 countries. Solar PV capacity was added in more than 100 countries during 2010. Outside of Europe and the United States, developed countries like Australia, Canada, and Japan are experiencing gains and broader technology diversification, while (collectively) developing countries have more than half of global renewable power capacity. China now leads in several indicators of market growth: in 2010, it was the top installer of wind turbines and solar thermal systems and was the top hydropower producer. India is fifth worldwide in total existing wind power capacity and is rapidly expanding many forms of rural renewables such as biogas and solar PV. Brazil produces virtually all of the worlds sugar-derived ethanol and has been adding new hydropower, biomass, and wind power plants, as well as solar heating systems.

Trends reflect strong growth and investment across all market sectors. During the period from the end of 2005 through 2010, total global capacity of many renewable energy technologies including solar PV, wind power, concentrating solar thermal power (CSP), solar water heating systems, and biofuels grew at average rates ranging from around 15% to nearly 50% annually. Biomass and geothermal for power and heat also grew strongly. Wind power added the most new capacity, followed by hydropower and solar PV.

One of the forces propelling renewable energy policies and development is the potential to create new industries and generate new jobs. Jobs from renewables number in the hundreds of thousands in several countries. Globally, there are more than 3.5 million direct jobs



Germany met 11% of its total final energy consumption with renewable sources, which accounted for 16.8% of electricity consumption, 9.8% of heat production (mostly from biomass), and 5.8% of transport fuel consumption. Wind power accounted for nearly 36% of renewable generation, followed by biomass, hydropower, and solar photovoltaics (PV). Several countries met higher shares of their electricity demand with wind power in 2010, including Denmark (22%), Portugal (21%), Spain (15.4%), and Ireland (10.1%).

At least 20 countries in the Middle East, North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa have active renewable energy markets. Manufacturing leadership continues to shift from Europe to Asia as countries like China, India, and South Korea increase their commitments to renewable energy. The increasing geographic diversity in markets and manufacturing is boosting confidence that renewables are less vulnerable to policy or market dislocations in any specific country.


in renewable energy industries, about half of them in the biofuels industry, with additional indirect jobs well beyond this figure.

n 2010 Market and Industry highlights

wInD POweR. The market maintained its 2009 level, with 38 GW added for a total of about 198 GW. For the first time, the majority of new wind power capacity was added in developing countries and emerging markets, driven primarily by China, which accounted for half the global market. Trends include continued offshore development, the growing popularity of community-based projects and distributed, small-scale grid-connected turbines, and the development of wind projects in a wider variety of geographical locations. Average turbine sizes continued to increase in 2010, with some manufacturers launching 5 MW and larger machines, and direct-drive turbine designs captured 18% of the global market.

Also driving renewables development are state-owned multilateral and bilateral development banks, which have been pillars of investment in renewable energy during recent, troubled years for the world economy. More public money went to the renewable energy sector through development banks than through government stimulus packages during 2010.

and Ongoing Trends

Total investment in renewable energy reached $211 billion in 2010, up from $160 billion in 2009, continuing the steady annual increase seen since tracking first began in 2004. Including the unreported $15 billion (estimated) invested in solar hot water collectors, total investment exceeded $226 billion. An additional $4045 billion was invested in large hydropower. Asset finance of new utility-scale projects (wind farms, solar parks, and biofuel and solar thermal plants) accounted for almost 60% of the total and was the largest investment asset class. Investment in small-scale distributed generation projects (mainly solar PV) amounted to $60 billion and accounted for more than 25% of total investment in renewable energy. For the first time, investment in renewable energy companies and utilityscale generation and biofuel projects in developing countries surpassed that in developed economies. China attracted more than a third of global investment during 2010, making it the leader for the second year in a row.

SOlaR PhOTOVOlTaICS (PV). The PV industry had an extraordinary year, with global production and markets more than doubling in 2010. An estimated 17 GW of capacity was added worldwide (compared with just under 7.3 GW in 2009), bringing the global total to about 40 GW more than seven times the capacity in place five years earlier. The EU dominated the global PV market, led by Italy and particularly Germany, which installed more PV in 2010 than the entire world did the previous year. The trend toward utility-scale PV plants continued, with the number of such systems exceeding 5,000 and accounting for almost 25% of total global PV capacity. Cell manufacturing continued its shift to Asia, with 10 of the top 15 manufacturers located in the region. Industry responded to price declines and rapidly changing market conditions by consolidating, scaling up, and moving into project development. COnCenTRaTInG SOlaR TheRMal POweR (CSP). After years of inactivity, the CSP market has come back to life with nearly 740 MW added between 2007 and the end of 2010. More than half of this capacity was installed during 2010. Parabolic trough plants continued to dominate the market. Dramatic reductions in PV costs are challenging the growing market for CSP, at least in the United States, where several planned projects were redesigned to use utility-scale PV technologies. At the same time, project development is moving beyond the U.S. southwest and Spain to other regions and countries, particularly the MENA region. SOlaR hOT waTeR/heaTInG. Solar heating capacity increased by an estimated 25 GWth in 2010 to reach approximately 185 GWth, excluding unglazed swimming pool heating. China continues to dominate the world market for solar hot water collectors. Europes market shrank during 2010 due to the economic recession, despite the emergence of some new players, but it continued to rank a distant second. While virtually all installations in China are for hot water only, there is a trend in Europe toward larger combined systems that


provide both water and space heating. A number of solar industrial process heat installations came online during 2009 and 2010 in China, Europe, the United States, and elsewhere.

Biomass power and heat. Biomass supplies an increasing share of electricity and heat and continues to provide the majority of heating produced with renewable sources. An estimated 62 GW of biomass power capacity was in operation by the end of 2010. Biomass heat markets are expanding steadily, particularly in Europe but also in the United States, China, India, and elsewhere. Trends include increasing consumption of solid biomass pellets (for heat and power) and use of biomass in combined heat and power (CHP) plants and in centralized district heating systems. China leads the world in the number of household biogas plants, and gasifiers are used increasingly for heat applications in small and large enterprises in India and elsewhere. Biomethane (purified biogas) is increasingly injected into pipelines (particularly in Europe) to replace natural gas in power and CHP plants. Biofuels. Liquid biofuels provided about 2.7% of global road transport fuels in 2010. The global ethanol industry recovered in response to rising oil prices, with production increasing 17% in 2010, and some previously bankrupt firms returned to the market. The United States and Brazil accounted for 88% of global ethanol production; after several years as a net importer, the United States overtook Brazil to become the worlds leading ethanol exporter. The EU remained the center of biodiesel production, but due to increased competition with relatively cheap imports, growth in the region continued to slow. The diversity of players in the advanced biofuels industry continued to increase with the participation of young, rapidly growing firms, major aviation companies, and traditional oil companies. Geothermal power and heat. Geothermal power plants operated in at least 24 countries in 2010, and geothermal energy was used directly for heat in at least 78 countries. Although power development slowed in 2010, with global capacity reaching just over 11 GW, a significant acceleration in the rate of deployment is expected as advanced technologies allow for development in new countries. Heat output from geothermal sources increased by an average rate of almost 9% annually over the past decade, due mainly to rapid growth in the use of ground-source heat pumps. Use of geothermal energy for combined heat and power is also on the rise. hydropower. Global hydropower production represented about 16% of global electricity production in 2010. An estimated 30 GW of capacity was added during the year, with existing global capacity reaching an estimated 1,010 GW. Asia (led by China) and Latin America (led by Brazil) are the most active regions for new hydro development.

ocean enerGy. At least 25 countries are involved in ocean energy development, and wave and tidal technologies saw significant progress toward commercial generation during 2010. At years end, an estimated total of 6 MW of wave (2 MW) and tidal stream (4 MW) capacity had been installed, with most of this capacity in Europe.

Continued strong growth is expected in all renewable energy sectors in the coming years, with projects at various stages of development around the world. China alone plans to install more than 30 GW of wind power capacity during 2011 and 2012, and significant additional capacity is under construction in India, the United States, United Kingdom, and other countries. At least 5.4 GW of solar PV capacity was under contract in the United States by the end of 2010. Globally, nearly 2.6 GW of additional CSP capacity was under construction by years end, with all plants expected to be operational by 2014. Significant geothermal power capacity (and CHP) was in project pipelines around the globe by year-end, with 46 countries forecast to have new geothermal capacity installed within the next five years. Major developments are under way for hydropower, ocean energy, and other renewable technologies as well. For more 2010 data and country rankings, see the Selected Indicators and Top Five Countries tables on page 15.

n a dynamic policy landscape

Renewable energy support policies continued to be a driving force behind the increasing shares of renewable energy, despite some setbacks due to the lack of longterm policy certainty and stability around the world in 2010.

Renewable power generation policies have been implemented in 95 countries and represent the most common type of renewables support policy. The feed-in tariff (FIT) remains the most widely implemented policy, in place in at least 61 countries and 26 states/provinces worldwide. Most FIT-related activity in 2010 focused on revisions to existing policies in response to strong


RENEWABLES 2011 GloBal status report

National targets now exist in at least 98 countries. These targets represent commitments to shares of electricity production (typically 1030%), total primary or final energy, heat supply, installed capacities of specific technologies, and shares of biofuels in road transport fuels. Many targets also exist at the state, provincial, and local levels. Although some targets were not met or were scaled back, many countries achieved or exceeded their targets set for 2010; two countries Finland and Sweden passed their targets for 2020. Existing targets were raised in a number of countries including Finland, Germany, Spain, and Taiwan, and entirely new targets were adopted in South Africa, Guatemala, and India, among others.


markets that exceeded expectations, particularly in the case of PV. New FIT policies were implemented in several developing/transition countries in 2010 and early 2011. Renewable portfolio standard (RPS)/quota policies have been enacted at the national level in 10 countries and in at least 50 other jurisdictions, including 30 U.S. states (plus Washington, D.C.) and the Canadian province of British Columbia, which requires that 93% of new power capacity be renewable. Many additional types of policies are being implemented to support renewable power generation, including direct capital investment subsidies, grants, or rebates; tax incentives; energy production payments or credits; and public financing. Net metering, or net billing, policies exist in at least 14 countries, including Italy, Japan, Jordan, and Mexico, and in almost all U.S. states. Green energy purchasing and labeling programs are growing with more than 6 million green power consumers in Europe, the United States, Australia, Japan, and Canada.

n Rural Renewable energy

In even the most remote areas, renewable energy is increasing access to basic energy services including lighting and communications, cooking, heating and cooling, and water pumping and generating economic growth. PV household systems, wind turbines, microhydro powered or hybrid mini-grids, biomass-based systems or solar pumps, and other renewable technologies are being employed in homes, schools, hospitals, agriculture, and small industry in rural and off-grid areas of the developing world. The number of rural households served by renewable energy is difficult to estimate as the sector becomes driven increasingly by individual project promoters or private companies, but it runs into the hundreds of millions. Small solar PV systems provide power to a few million households, and micro-hydro configured into village- or county-scale mini-grids serves many more. Over 44 million households use biogas made in household-scale digesters for lighting and/or cooking, and more than 166 million households now rely on a new generation of more-efficient biomass cookstoves.

Although enacted less aggressively than policies to promote renewable electricity or biofuels, many policies to support renewable heating and cooling have emerged in recent years. New policies introduced since the beginning of 2010 include the United Kingdoms innovative Renewable Heat Incentive and a grant program in South Africa. Governments have traditionally relied on direct capital grants and tax credits to spur investment in renewable heating systems, but new policies providing public budget neutrality have been gaining favor. Solar hot water mandates for new construction projects represent a growing trend at both national and local levels.

Mandates for blending biofuels exist in 31 countries at the national level and in 29 states/provinces. Subsidies and tax exemptions are also used to promote biofuels. Finland, Ethiopia, Thailand, and Spain all revised existing biofuels policy legislation in 2010, and South Korea and Jamaica implemented new blending mandates.

Off-grid renewable solutions are increasingly acknowledged to be the cheapest and most sustainable options for rural areas in much of the developing world. This will have an impact on market development in the long term, especially if the barriers to accessing information and financing products are addressed.

City and local governments continue to become increasingly important players in promoting the local generation and use of renewable energy. Local support policies include renewable energy targets; urban planning that incorporates renewable energy; building codes that mandate or promote renewable energy; tax credits and exemptions; investment in renewable energy for municipal buildings and transit; subsidies, grants, or loans; as well as a variety of informal, voluntary actions to promote renewable energy at the community level.



Global new investment in renewable energy (annual) Hydropower capacity (existing) Wind power capacity (existing) Solar PV capacity (existing) 2008 billion USD GW GW GW GW GW GW GWth billion liters billion liters

Renewables power capacity (existing, not including hydro) Renewables power capacity (existing, including hydro) Solar PV cell production (annual)

1,150 950



2009 160


2010 211 312


R 250

121 67

Ethanol production (annual)

Biodiesel production (annual) Countries with policy targets

Solar hot water capacity (existing)


6.9 12 79


R 980 R R

R 1,230 R 159 76 23 11

R 1,320 R 1,010 R R R R R R R R R R 198 40 24 185 86 19 98 87 63 60

R 160 R R R R R

States/provinces/countries with feed-in policies

States/provinces/countries with RPS/quota policies States/provinces/countries with biofuels mandates New capacity investment Germany Italy China Wind power Spain India China

# #


60 55


17 89 61 57

n TOP fIVe COunTRIeS annual additions in 2010

Solar PV Italy Germany

1 2 3 4 5

United States Brazil

United States Germany

Solar hot water/heat2 Germany India Turkey China

Ethanol production Brazil China

United States


Czech Republic

United States

Biodiesel production Brazil Germany Argentina




United States


n TOP fIVe COunTRIeS existing capacity as of end-2010

(not including hydro) (including hydro)

1 2 3 4 5

Notes: Rankings are based on absolute amounts of power generation capacity or biofuels production; per capita rankings would be quite different for many categories. Country rankings for hydropower would be different if power generation (TWh) were considered rather than power capacity (GW) because some countries rely on hydropower for baseload supply while others use it more to follow the electric load and match peaks. 1 Feed-in policies total for 2010 also includes early 2011. 2 Solar hot water/heating numbers are for 2009. Many figures in the above table and throughout the report are rounded to two significant digits, so some totals may not exactly reflect underlying data due to rounding.





United States

Germany/ India



United States





United States






United States





United States

United States












Renewables power capacity

Renewables power capacity

Wind power

Geothermal Biomass power power

Solar PV

Solar hot water/heat2


GlObal MaRkeT OVeRVIew

installed electric capacity worldwide in 2010, and they are becoming increasingly important in the heating and transport sectors.

represented half of newly




Global energy consumption rebounded strongly in 2010 after an overall downturn in 2009, with annual growth of 5.4%, well above the historical average.1* Renewable energy, which had no downturn in 2009, continued its strong growth in 2010 as well.

01 GlObal MaRkeT OVeRVIew

In 2009, renewable energy supplied an estimated 16% of global final energy consumptionI counting traditional biomass, hydropower, wind, solar, geothermal, modern biomass, and biofuels.2 (See Figure 1.) Traditional biomass, which is used primarily for cooking and heating in rural areas of developing countries, accounted for approximately 10% of the total renewable energy share. Hydropower represented 3.4% and is growing modestly but from a large base. All other renewables accounted for approximately 2.8% in 2009 and are growing very rapidly in many developed countries as well as in some developing countries. Renewable energy replaces fossil and nuclear fuels in four distinct markets: power generation, heating and cooling, transport fuels, and rural/off-grid energy services. This section provides an overview of recent developments in the first three markets; rural/off-grid energy in developing countries is covered in the Rural Renewable Energy section.

concentrating solar power (CSP), solar water heating systems, and biofuels grew at average rates ranging from around 15% to nearly 50% annually. Solar PV III increased the fastest of all renewables technologies during this period, followed by biodiesel and wind. For solar power technologies, growth accelerated during 2010 relative to the previous four years. At the same time, growth in total capacity of wind power held steady in 2010, and the growth rates of biofuels have declined in recent years, although ethanol was up again in 2010.3 (See Figure 2, page 18.)

Hydropower, biomass power and heat, and geothermal heat and power are growing at more ordinary rates of 39% per year, making them more comparable with global growth rates for fossil fuels (14%, although higher in some developing countries).4 In several countries, however, the growth in these renewable technologies far exceeds the global average. (See Table 1 for a summary of the main renewable energy technologies and their characteristics and costs.)

n POweR GeneRaTIOn MaRkeTS

During the period from the end of 2005 through 2010, total global capacityII of many renewable energy technologies including solar photovoltaics (PV), wind,

Renewable energy accounted for approximately half of the estimated 194 GW of new electric capacity added globally during 2010. Existing renewable power capacity worldwide reached an estimated 1,320 gigawatts (GW) in 2010, up almost 8% from 2009.5 Renewable capacity
Wind/solar/biomass/ geothermal power generation 0.7% Biomass/solar/geothermal hot water/heating 1.5%

figure 1. Renewable energy Share of Global final energy Consumption, 2009

Fossil fuels 81%

Renewables 16%


* Endnotes are grouped by section and begin on page 96. I) Note that the 16% figure is the share of final energy consumption, which is a different but equally valid indicator compared to the more traditional indicator for share of primary energy consumption used in many statistical sources. The European Union uses share of final energy consumption for its 2020 targets. The Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) has used share of final energy consumption consistently since 2007; see Sidebar 1 of the 2007 edition for further explanation. Note also that the 2011 IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation provides a figure of 13% global share from renewables, but that is for share of primary energy. Further, the IPCC figure of 13% is based on the direct equivalent method for calculating share of primary energy; if the substitution method were used, the IPCC figure also would be 16% (as given in Table A.II.1 in Annex II of the IPCC report). II) This section includes energy data where possible but focuses mainly on installed capacity data. See Note on Accounting and Reporting of Installed Capacities on page 94. III) Starting with this edition, the Renewables Global Status Report covers all PV (on- and off-grid) together rather than focusing primarily on grid-connected PV. Figure 2 includes both all PV and grid-connected-only PV to demonstrate the impact of this change on average annual growth rates. See Note on Accounting and Reporting of Installed Capacities for more on PV coverage.

Nuclear 2.8%



Traditional biomass 10%

Hydropower 3.4%

Biofuels 0.6%

Source: See Endnote 2 for this section


GlObal MaRkeT OVeRVIew

figure 2. average annual Growth Rates of Renewable energy Capacity and biofuels Production, 20052010
Solar PV (grid-connected only) Solar PV
49% 60% 25% 27% 25% 3% 4% 3% 3% 16% 16% 17% 7% 23% 38% 77% 72% 81%

Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Solar hot water/heating Biodiesel production Ethanol production Geothermal power

Wind power


Source: See Endnote 3 for this section

2010 only

figure 3. Renewable energy Share of Global electricity Production, 2010

Fossil fuel 67.6 % Other 3.3% Renewables (non-hydro) Hydro- 16.1% power

are not readily available to provide a global ranking for categories such as increased share of electricity from renewables or per capita consumption, although these would be valuable measurements of progress.

end 20052010 Five-Year Period

Source: See Endnote 6 for this section

now comprises about a quarter of total global powergenerating capacity (estimated at 4,950 GW in 2010) and supplies close to 20% of global electricity, with most of this provided by hydropower. 6/I (See Figure 3.) When hydropower is not included, renewables reached a total of 312 GW, a 25% increase over 2009 (250 GW).7 (See Table R4.) Among all renewables, global wind power capacity increased the most in 2010, by 39 GW. Hydropower capacity increased by about 30 GW during 2010, and solar PV capacity increased by almost 17 GW.

Nuclear 13 %

In the United States, renewable energy accounted for an estimated 25% of electric capacity additions in 2010 and 11.6% of existing electric capacity at years end; during the year, renewables provided just over 10.3% of total domestic electricity.9 Further, renewables accounted for about 10.9% of U.S. domestic primary energy production (compared with nuclears 11.3% share), an increase of 5.6% relative to 2009.10 China led the world in the installation of wind turbines and solar thermal systems and was the top hydropower producer in 2010. The country added an estimated 29 GW of grid-connected renewable capacity, for a total of 263 GW, an increase of 12% compared with 2009.11 Renewables accounted for about 26% of Chinas total installed electric capacity in 2010, 18% of generation, and more than 9% of final energy consumption.12

The top five countries for non-hydro renewable power capacity were the United States, China, Germany, Spain, and India. Including hydropower, China, the United States, Canada, Brazil, and India tied with Germany, were the top countries for total installed renewable energy capacity by the end of 2010.8 (See Top Five Table on page 15 for other rankings; see also Figure 4.) Data

In the European UnionII , renewables accounted for an estimated 41% of newly installed electric capacity in 2010, with PV accounting for more than half of the total.13 Although the share was significantly lower than the more than 60% of total capacity added in 2009, more renewable power capacity was added in Europe than ever before (22.6 GW), with total installations up 31% over the previous year (17.5 GW).14 Renewable energys share of total electricity generation in the EU was nearly 20% in 2009 (42% of which was non-hydropower); the share of total gross inland energy consumption increased from 5.4% in 1999 to 9% in 2009.15 In 2010, Germany met 11% of its total final energy consumption with renewable sources, which accounted for


I) These data include pumped storage, currently at about 136 GW globally, as part of hydropower capacity. This practice will be revisited with the Renewables 2012 Global Status Report. Although pumped storage is not an energy source and is often used to store fossil or nuclear energy, it can play an important role in enabling the increased penetration of variable renewable sources for electricity generation. II) The use of European Union, or EU throughout refers specifically to the EU-27.


figure 4. Renewable Power Capacities*, Developing world, eu, and Top five Countries, 2010
Gigawatts 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 94 56 50 49 135



Geothermal power Solar PV Biomass power Wind power

World total

16.8% of electricity consumption, 9.8% of heat production (mostly from biomass), and 5.8% of transport fuel consumption.16 The share of electricity generation from renewables was up from 16.3% in 2009, despite a 4.3% increase in Germanys total electricity consumption in 2010. Wind power (102 terawatt-hours, TWh) accounted for nearly 36% of renewable generation, followed by biomass, hydropower, and PV.17 In Spain, renewables accounted for 13.2% of final energy production and generated 32.3% of electricity, up from 9.3% and 26%, respectively, in 2009.18 India added an estimated 2.7 GW of grid-connected renewable power capacity during 2010 mainly from wind but also from biomass, small hydropower, and solar capacity for a total of nearly 19 GW by January 2011.19 Significant off-grid renewable capacity was added as well.20 Large hydropower generated about one-quarter of Indias electricity in 2010, with other renewables accounting for just over 4% of generation.21 (See Tables R7 and R8 for national shares of renewable energy.)

Developing Countries


United States

Nevertheless, the annual global wind power market held steady in 2010, just slightly above 2009 capacity additions, due to slower growth in the United States and Europe brought on by policy uncertainty in key countries (e.g., the U.S. and Spain), by the continuing economic

The European Union installed nearly 9.5 GW in 2010, down slightly compared with the 2009 market but bringing the total to about 84 GW.36 For the first year since 2007, wind power did not account for the largest share of new electric capacity additions and came in third behind natural gas and solar PV.37



New wind power capacity added during 2010 reached 39 GW, more than any other renewable technology and over three times the 11.5 GW of wind added worldwide just five years earlier.22 (See Figure 5.) As a result, existing capacity increased more than 24% relative to 2009, with total global capacity nearing 198 GW by years end.23 At least 52 countries increased their total existing capacity during 2010, and 83 countries now use wind power on a commercial basis.24 Over the period from end-2005 to end-2010, annual growth rates of cumulative wind power capacity averaged 27%.25

wind Power

The United States added just over 5 GW in 2010, compared with more than 10 GW the previous year, bringing total wind power capacity to 40.2 GW, a 15% increase over 2009.32 By year-end, wind accounted for 2.3% of electricity generation (up from 1.8% in 2009), enough to supply electricity for more than 10 million U.S. homes.33 The state of Texas, with 10.1 GW, had more than onequarter of existing U.S. capacity at the end of 2010, but 14 of the 38 states with utility-scale wind projects had more than 1 GW each installed.34 The United States and Canada together accounted for about 15% of the global market.35

This growth was driven primarily by China, which accounted for 50% of global capacity additions in 2010, up from 4.4% in 2005.28 (See Figure 6.) China added 18.9 GW of new wind capacity, a 37% increase over the 2009 market, bringing the country into the global lead with a total of 44.7 GW.29 However, about 13 GW of this total capacity had not yet been commercially certified by yearend, although all but 2 GW was in fact already feeding electricity into the grid. The process of finalizing the test phase and getting a commercial contract with the system operator takes somewhat longer, accounting for the delays in reporting.30 More than 30% of Chinas installed capacity was in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, followed by Gansu (10%), Hebei (10%) and Liaoning (9%) provinces.31

crisis that reduced access to financing, and by depressed electricity demand in many developed countries.26 As a result, for the first time, the majority of new turbine capacity was added in developing countries and emerging markets rather than in winds traditional markets.27







*excluding hydropower

Source: See Endnote 8 for this section



Figure 5. Wind Power, Existing World Capacity, 19962010

Gigawatts 200 150 100 159 198

121 94 74.6 39.4 47.6 59.3


50 0









Spain again led Europe in new installations, adding nearly 1.8 GW for a total of more than 20.7 GW, making it the worlds third largest market for new wind.40 Although above the government target for the 200510 period, Spain saw its slowest growth since 2003 in absolute terms.41 Despite having less capacity in operation than Germany did, Spain produced more electricity with wind (43 TWh) in 2010, due largely to high winds in Spain and to more-advanced turbines.42 France (1.1 GW), Italy (0.9 GW), and the United Kingdom (adding just under 0.9 GW) were the other top markets in Europe.43 Emerging-market EU countries helped to offset the decline in mature EU markets, with significant growth in Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania; in addition, Cyprus installed its first wind turbines (0.08 GW).44 India was also one of the top markets in 2010, adding 1.4 GW to reach nearly 13.2 GW of capacity and maintaining its fifth-place ranking for total capacity.45/I

Germany maintained the lead in Europe with a total of 27.2 GW operating at the end of 2010, generating 36.5 TWh of electricity during the year.38 Nevertheless, the annual addition of 1.6 GW represented a 19% reduction in new capacity relative to 2009 and the smallest annual German wind market since 1999; if dismantled systems are accounted for, net capacity additions totaled 1.5 GW.39
















Figure 6. Wind Power Capacity, Top 10 Countries, 2010

United States India Italy China
+ 18.9 + 5.1 + 1.5 + 1.8 + 1.4 + 0.9 + 1.1 + 0.9 + 0.7 0 + 0.3 10 20 30

Germany Spain


United Kingdom



2009 total

added in 2010

Other markets around the world are starting to take off. In Latin America and the Caribbean, total installed capacity rose 54% during 2010, with Brazil and Mexico each adding about 0.3 GW.46 However, Latin America still accounts for a very small share of global wind power capacity. The same is true in Africa and the Middle East, although at least 11 countries in the region had commercial wind installations by the end of 2010.47 Egypt added 0.1 GW for a total of 550 megawatts (MW), the most of any African country, and Morocco inaugurated the

I) The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) reported that India added 2.1 GW in 2010, for a total of 13.1 GW. If this (higher) GWEC number is used, India's ranking changes to third for capacity added in 2010.

Although its share of total wind capacity remains small, the offshore wind industry continued to pick up speed, increasing by 1.2 GW to 3.1 GW at the end of 2010, with most of this capacity in Europe and the rest in China (0.1 GW) and Japan (0.02 GW).50 The European offshore market grew more than 50% during 2010, bringing total capacity to 3 GW.51 The U.K. led the world by adding almost 0.7 GW, ending the year with more than 1.2 GW; it was followed by Denmark, with nearly 0.9 GW of total offshore capacity, and the Netherlands, with 0.2 GW.52

Dahr Saadane wind project (140 MW).48 Iran did not add capacity during 2010, but it remains the only country in the Middle East with large-scale wind projects (0.9 GW total).49

50 Gigawatts

The first major offshore wind farm outside of Europe, Chinas 0.1 GW Donghai Bridge near Shanghai, officially began operation in July 2010; three months later, China began construction of four projects off the coast of Jiangsu, totaling 1 GW and due to be completed by 2014.53 Elsewhere, the Cape Wind project (nearly 0.5 GW) off the U.S. east coast, first proposed in 2001, completed its federal permitting process.54 A significant number of projects were at various stages of development by years end. China alone planned to install more than 30 GW during 2011 and 2012; by early 2011, significant additional capacity was also under construction in the United States (5.6 GW) and U.K. (1.9 GW).65 New European players include Bosnia (planning its first wind farm) and Romania, which in 2010 began constructing what will be Europes largest onshore wind farm.66 There are also encouraging signs from Latin America (particularly in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Uruguay) and Africa, where projects are planned or under way in Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Tunisia, and Tanzania including Kenyas 0.3 GW Lake Turkana project and 0.7 GW of capacity under construction in Morocco.67

Total existing wind power capacity by the end of 2010 was enough to meet an estimated 2.02.5% of global electricity consumption.59 Existing wind capacity installed in the EU by year-end could meet 5.3% of the regions electricity consumption in a normal wind year (up from 4.8% in 2009).60 Several countries met higher shares of their electricity demand with wind power in 2010, including Denmark (22%), Portugal (21%), Spain (15.4%), Ireland (10.1 %), and Germany (6%).61 In addition, four German states met well over 40% of their electricity needs with wind in 2010.62

At the same time, interest in community wind power projects is on the rise in countries such as Canada. The use of small-scaleI turbines is also increasing, driven by the need for electricity in rural areas, the development of lower-cost grid-connected inverters, and government incentives.56 The United States added an estimated 0.02 GW of small-scale wind turbine capacity during 2010, while the U.K. small-scale turbine market increased 65% compared with 2009, for a total of almost 0.04 GW.57 As of 2009, Chinas small-scale turbines were providing electricity to an estimated 1.5 million people.58

There is a trend toward increasing the size of individual wind projects, both offshore and onshore, driven mainly by cost considerations (including infrastructure such as substations or grid connection points as well as licensing and permitting costs). By the end of 2010, the worlds largest operating onshore wind farm (almost 0.8 GW) was located in the United States, as was the biggest then under construction.55

I) Small-scale wind systems are generally considered to include turbines that produce enough power for a single home, farm, or small business. The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), for example, defines small-scale as less than 100 kW, but size can vary according to needs and/or laws of a country or state. II) Note that municipal organic waste (the organic/biogenic share of municipal solid waste) that is incinerated is not including in GSR data or in Tables R1 and R4. See Note on Accounting and Reporting of Installed Capacities for more on this topic and the challenges of reporting on global biomass energy developments. III) Biogas can be produced from methane capture at landfills (landfill gas) or by anaerobic digestion of urban wastewater and effluent treatment plants (sewage gas) and of slurry, crop residues, food processing waste, household, and/or green waste.

The European Unions gross electricity production from biomass increased nearly 10.2% between 2008 and 2009, from 79.3 TWh to 87.4 TWh.73 Solid biomass accounted for 62.2 TWh about 71% and biogas



The state of Iowa led in the United States, meeting more than 15% of electricity needs with wind power during 2010; in the territory of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which covers 85% of the states electric load, wind generated 7.8% of electricity in 2010.63 China generated 1% of its electricity with wind (nearly twice the production of the previous year), although winds share was far higher in several provinces including Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (12%) as well as Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces and Xinjiang Autonomous Region (4% each).64

The United States continued to lead the world for total biomass power generation in 2010. Other significant producers included the EU, led by Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, and Brazil, China, and Japan.69 Less than 0.3 GW of biomass power capacity was added in the United States during 2010, bringing the total to 10.4 GW (excluding municipal organic waste), and it generated about 48 TWh during 2010.70 Most U.S. biomass electricity is derived from wood and agricultural residues and black liquor burned as fuel for cogeneration in the industrial sector.71 An increasing amount is derived from landfill gas, which accounted for 8 TWh in 2010; as of mid-April 2011, more than 550 plants were fueled with landfill gas, totaling 1.7 GW capacity (up from 1.4 GW in 2008).72

Biomass is commonly used to produce power and/or heat, and some is transformed into liquid biofuel for transportation. (See later sections on Heating and Cooling Markets, including heat from combined heat and power plants, and on Transport Fuel Markets.) Technologies for generating electricity from biomass include direct firing or co-firing (with coal or natural gas) of solid biomass, municipal organic wasteII, biogasIII, and liquid biofuels. Significant increases in biomass use for power production were seen during 2010 in a number of European countries, the United States, and in China, India, and several other developing countries. Globally, an estimated 62 GW of biomass power capacity was in place by the end of 2010.68

biomass Power


GlObal MaRkeT OVeRVIew

Although biogas experienced the most significant increase in the EU (up almost 18%), generation from all biomass sources has increased rapidly in the region.75 For example, EU electricity production from solid biomass tripled between 2001 and 2009, and by early 2010 some 800 solid biomass power plants (an estimated 7.1 GW) were operating in Europe.76 Growth of biomass for power and heat in the EU has been driven greatly by supportive policies, which in many countries are coupled with taxes on fossil fuels or carbon dioxide emissions, as well as EU regulations that require reductions in landfilling of organic waste.77 The top three countries in Europe Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom accounted for nearly 50% of the regions electricity production from biomass in 2009; Germany alone accounted for about 50% of the EUs biogas generation and almost 30% of total EU electricity generation from biomass.78 Other significant biomass power producers included Finland, Poland, Italy, and the Netherlands; future high growth, particularly in biogas use, is expected in Italy, France, Spain, and the U.K., and new markets are emerging in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia.79 Although Denmark is not one of the top producers, its share of generation from biomass has increased rapidly, from 3.1% of total electricity generation in 2000 to 8.1% in 2009.80

accounted for the remainder. About half of Europes biomass power production came from electric-only facilities and half came from combined heat and power (CHP) plants, but the breakdown varies by country.74

in 2010, excluding co-firing with coal.88 Elsewhere in Asia, Chinas capacity rose about 25% in 2010 to 4 GW of capacity using a combination of sugarcane bagasse, solid biomass, organic waste, and biogas (including from livestock wastes).89 In India, biomass resources are used for power generation through three general applications, including grid-connected biomass power plants, off-grid distributed biomass power applications, and cogeneration via sugar mills and other industries.90 India added about 0.3 GW of biomass power capacity in 2010 for a total of 3 GW at year-end.91 Thailand added only 0.003 GW of solid biomass capacity in 2010, ending the year with a total of 1.3 GW, but it nearly doubled its biogas capacity in 2009 to 0.05 GW and increased it a further 37% in 2010 to 0.07 GW.92 Malaysia also is seeing significant biogas power expansion.93

Germanys total power output from biomass increased by an annual average of more than 22% during the past decade, to an estimated 28.7 TWh with a total of 4.9 GW capacity in 2010.81 By the end of 2010, bioenergy accounted for 5.5% of Germanys total electricity consumption, making it the countrys second largest renewable generating source after wind power.82 Most biomass power in Germany comes from biogas, with capacity increasing more than 20% during 2010, and generating enough electricity for 4.3 million households.83 Germany generated about 13.8 TWh with biogas in 2010, followed by the U.K. (6.8 TWh) and Italy (2.1 TWh).84 Brazils biomass power capacity, nearly all cogeneration, has also been increasing steadily. Capacity reached 7.8 GW by the end of 2010, generating a total 28 TWh of electricity.85 Most generation is from CHP plants at sugar mills using sugarcane bagasse as feedstock. During the 2010 sugar harvesting season, sugarcane bagasse generated 18.5 TWh of electricity, including 8.8 TWh of excess electricity that was exported into the grid.86 Biomass power has also grown significantly in several other Latin American countries, including Costa Rica, Mexico, and Uruguay.87 Japan generated an estimated 10 TWh with biomass

In addition to facilities that operate on 100% biomass, many existing coal- and gas-fired power plants are undergoing conversion to co-firing biomass with fossil fuels.96 In 2010, the United States had about 40 such plants and Australia had around 10.97 Japan had several coal plants that were demonstrating co-firing with biomass.98 Germany and the United Kingdom also generate increasing amounts of electricity with solid biomass through co-firing, and an estimated 100 co-firing plants operated throughout Europe in 2010.99

There is increasing interest in Africa and the Middle East as well, where several countries including Cameroon, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda have existing biomass power capacity or plans for future development.94 Construction of biogas projects (particularly landfill gas) in South Africa, Egypt, Tunisia, and Jordan, among others, has been driven in part by the Kyoto Protocols Clean Development Mechanism.95


I) Starting with this edition of the GSR, PV data include both on- and off-grid statistics unless otherwise noted.

Total existing capacity of all PV grew 72% relative to 2009, with the average annual growth rate over the 2005 to 2010 period exceeding 49% (for grid-connected only, corresponding growth rates were 81% and 60%). For the first time since 2005, thin films share of the market declined, from 17% in 2009 to 13% in 2010, although sales continued to increase.102 The PV market was driven by falling costs (see Industry section), new applications, strong investor interest, and continued strong policy

Solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity was added in more than 100 countries during 2010, ensuring that PV remained the worlds fastest growing power-generation technology.100 An estimated 17 GW of PV capacity was added worldwide in 2010 (compared with just under 7.3 GW in 2009), bringing the global total to about 40 GW more than seven times the capacity in operation five years earlier.101/I (See Figure 7.)

Solar Photovoltaic Power


figure 7. Solar PV, existing world Capacity, 19952010

Gigawatts 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.2 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.8 3.9 9.5 5.4 7 40

23 16

The EU dominated the global PV market, accounting for 80% of the world total with about 13.2 GW newly installed enough to meet the electricity consumption of some 10 million European households.104 (See Figure 8.) For the first time ever, Europe added more PV than wind capacity during 2010, led by Germany and Italy.105 Germany added more PV (7.4 GW) in 2010 than the entire world did the previous year, ending 2010 with 17.3 GW of existing capacity.106 During the first quarter of 2011, Germany generated 2.75 TWh of electricity with PV, an increase of 87% over the same period in 2010.107 Italy added an estimated 2.3 GW of new PV capacity to the grid by the end of the year, bringing the official total to nearly 3.5 GW.108 Actual installations may have been higher, however; by the beginning of June 2011, total capacity officially connected under the nations feed-in tariff (FIT) totaled 5.8 GW, some of which may have been
figure 8. Solar PV Capacity, Top 10 Countries, 2010
Germany 44 %

support, but also by accelerated tariff digressions in some countries.103









installed in 2010.109 In the Czech Republic, the combination of high FIT rates and the reduction in PV equipment costs led to a second strong year (1.5 GW), lifting the country from virtually zero capacity in 2008 to nearly 2 GW of existing capacity by the end of 2010.110








Source: PV News, EPIA

Other major European installers in 2010 included France (adding 0.7 GW), which more than tripled its additions relative to 2009, followed by Belgium (0.4 GW) and Greece (almost 0.2 GW), which more than quadrupled its 2009 additions.111 Spain saw a second consecutive year with installations well below the 2008 peak as a result of a cap on ground-mounted systems and uncertainties associated with the new regulatory framework; less than 0.4 GW were added in 2010, bringing total PV capacity to 3.8 GW.112 Beyond Europe, the largest PV markets were Japan (nearly 1 GW), the United States (0.9 GW), and China (0.6 GW).113 The Japanese and U.S. PV markets almost doubled relative to 2009, with Japans total existing


Rest of the World South Korea Other EU Belgium China France

2% 2% 2% 2% 3%


Japan Italy United States


9% 9% 5% 6%

Czech Republic




GlObal MaRkeT OVeRVIew

Other countries with utility-scale facilities by early 2011 included Bulgaria, China, Egypt, India, Israel, Mali, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi) or a total of at least 30 countries.123 As with wind power, the trend is toward increasing project size, with nine of the worlds 15 largest PV plants completed in 2010.124 At the end of 2010, the worlds largest PV plant in operation was the 0.08 GW Sarnia facility in Ontario, Canada, which is expected to power 12,800 homes.125

The trend toward utility-scaleI PV plants continued, with the number of such systems exceeding 5,000 in 2010, up from just over 3,200 in 2009.119 These facilities totaled some 9.7 GW of capacity by the end of 2010, an increase of more than 3 GW during the year, and accounted for almost 25% of total global PV capacity.120 The EU continued to lead with 84% of the global total by years end, with Germany alone accounting for about one-third of global additions.121 By year-end, Spain had 32% of total installed utility-scale capacity, followed by Germany (26%), Italy (16%), the United States (7%), and the Czech Republic (6%).122

capacity reaching 3.6 GW and the United States passing the 2.5 GW mark.114 More than one-fourth of capacity added in the United States was in utility-scale projects, and electric utilities are becoming a key driver of future growth in the country.115 At least 5.4 GW of additional U.S. capacity was under contract by year-end.116 California still leads the nation with 30% of the market (down from 80% in 2004/05).117 South Koreas market (0.1 GW) declined for the second year in a row, but Australias market (0.3 GW) grew fourfold relative to 2009.118


The vast majority of installed PV capacity today is grid-connected, with the off-grid sector accounting for a declining share with each passing year.129 Yet there is growing interest in off-grid and mostly small-scale systems, particularly in developing countries but also in developed countries. In Australia, an estimated 70% of solar PV is off-grid at remote homes, farms, and other locations, including the countrys largest PV tracker system, installed in 2010 as part of a hybrid solar/diesel power station in Western Australia.130

Interest in concentrating PV (CPV) is also on the rise, with as much as 0.02 GW connected to the grid worldwide during 2010 and early 2011, including projects or demonstrations in the U.S. state of California and in several countries, including Australia, Egypt, France, Italy, Jordan, Mexico, Spain, and South Africa.126 A number of large U.S. projects were announced in 2010, and power purchase agreements were signed for 0.3 GW with the utility Southern California Electric.127 Interest in building-integrated PV (BIPV) also increased in 2010 and extended beyond the traditional markets of France and Germany, with the largest BIPV project to-date commissioned in China.128

The three largest plants commissioned in 2010 were in New Zealand (the largest single-shaft turbine project ever developed, at 0.1 GW), Italy (0.04 GW), and Kenya (just under 0.04 GW).136 The addition in Kenya increased the plants capacity to 0.1 GW, making it the largest in Africa, and brought the countrys total installations above 0.2 GW.137 The United States added less than 0.2 GW of utility-scale geothermal power in 2010, down slightly compared with 2009.138 Turkey and Mexico also added capacity during the year.139 By the beginning of 2011, geothermal power plants were operating in at least 24 countries, but the vast majority of global capacity was located in eight countries: the United States (3.1 GW), the Philippines (1.9 GW), Indonesia (1.2 GW), Mexico (just under 1 GW), Italy (0.9 GW), New Zealand (nearly 0.8 GW), Iceland (0.6 GW), and Japan (0.5 GW).140 Iceland, the leader on a per capita basis, generated about 26% of its electricity with geothermal

By the end of 2010, total global installations came to just over 11 GW, up an estimated 240 MW from 2009, and geothermal plants generated about 67.2 TWh of electricity during the year.133 Although geothermal developments slowed in 2010 relative to 2009, the lull was expected to be temporary.134 The lack of available drilling rigs (due to competition with the oil and gas industry) has hindered geothermal developers worldwide, while the lack of a qualified workforce has presented challenges in Kenya and elsewhere; it has been projected that by 2013, the need for drilling rigs in the United States alone will rise almost 150%.135

Geothermal resources provide energy in the form of direct heat (see section on Heating and Cooling Markets) and electricity. Since 2005, significant additions of electric capacity have occurred in Iceland, Indonesia, New Zealand, the United States, and Turkey, and global electricity production from geothermal has increased more than 20%.131 Countries with lower capacity levels but high growth rates during this period include El Salvador (35%), Guatemala (58%), Papua New Guinea (more than 800%), and Portugal (81%).132

Geothermal Power

I) Utility-scale PV plants are defined as larger than 200 kilowatts (kW).

power in 2010, and the Philippines generated approximately 18%.141 guarantees, permits for use of federal lands, and state renewable energy mandates (see Policy Landscape section).153

In response to a Royal Decree that provided an attractive price premium for solar energy, Spanish firms focused on CSP development, and significant capacity began to come on line in 2009. Spain added another 400 MW in 2010, taking the global lead with a total of 632 MW in operation.149

After years of inactivity, the concentrating solar thermal power (CSP) market has come back to life with about 740 MW added between 2007 and end-2010.146 More than half of this capacity (approximately 478 MW) was installed during 2010, bringing the global total to 1,095 MW.147 The global market was dominated by parabolic trough plants, which account for 90% of CSP plants and for nearly all of the existing capacity in operation.148

Iceland expects to add nearly 0.1 GW to an existing plant in 2011, and much more capacity is in project pipelines around the globe, with 46 countries forecast to have new geothermal capacity installed within the next five years.144 By late 2010, Germany had an estimated 150 projects in the pipeline, and projects were under development in Chile (0.2 GW), Costa Rica (0.4 GW), India (nearly 0.3 GW), and the U.K. (0.01 GW), among others.145

As the geothermal power market continues to broaden, a significant acceleration in the rate of deployment is expected, with advanced technologies allowing for development of geothermal power projects in new countries.142 As of early 2011, nearly 0.8 GW of new capacity was in the drilling or construction phase in the United States and was expected to be generating by 2015; a total of 123 confirmed projects (accounting for up to 1.4 GW of resources) in 15 U.S. states were at some stage of development.143

Concentrating Solar Thermal Power

At the same time, dramatic reductions in PV costs are challenging the growing CSP market, at least in the United States. During 2010, several planned projects in the country were redesigned to use utility-scale PV technologies rather than CSP.158 Such substitutions toward PV may represent a growing trend, according to some experts, while others expect that the ability to provide thermal storage and enable dispatchability will remain an attractive attribute to utilities and thereby justify a moderately higher price for CSP.159

Interest is also notable in North Africa and the Middle East, where at least 1.2 GW capacity is in the pipeline, including plants under construction in the United Arab Emirates and planned in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, and Morocco, which aims to have 2 GW of solar power by 2010.154 Several CSP projects are under construction in India, and China has indicated intentions to install CSP plants including cogeneration designs to provide electricity and space heat and/or process heat.155 Australia, South Africa, Mexico, and Italy also have initiated new projects or MW-sized pilot plants with announced intentions to proceed further.156 Globally, nearly 2.6 GW of additional CSP capacity (most of this in the United States and Spain) was under construction by late 2010, with all plants expected to be operational by 2014.157

In early 2011, an additional 50 MW plant (Extresol-2) was officially inaugurated in Spain, a 20 MW CSP/natural gas hybrid plant began operating in Morocco, and the 20 MW CSP El Kuraymat hybrid plant in Egypt began partial operation.151 CSP growth is expected to continue at a rapid pace. As of April 2011, another 946 MW were under construction in Spain with total new capacity of 1,789 MW expected to be in operation by the end of 2013.152 In the United States, a further 1.5 GW of parabolic trough and powertower plants were under construction as of early 2011, and contracts had been signed for at least another 6.2 GW of capacity, stimulated in great part by federal loan

China added 16 GW during 2010 to reach an estimated 213 GW of total hydro capacity, a significant increase over the 117 GW in operation at the end of 2005.166 Brazil brought about 5 GW into operation, bringing its existing capacity to 80.7 GW, with a further 8.9 GW under construction.167 Canada generated about 348 TWh of electricity with hydropower in 2010, and added 500 MW of capacity to end the year with 75.6 GW.168 More than



The United States ended the year with 509 MW of total capacity after adding 78 MW, including two hybrid plants a 2 MW add-on to a coal plant and a 75 MW add-on to an integrated-gas combined cycle power plant (the first in the state of Florida).150

The top countries for hydro capacity are China, Brazil, the United States, Canada, and Russia, which account for 52% of total installed capacity.163 Ranked by generation, the order is China, Canada, Brazil, the United States, and Russia, because some countries (e.g., Canada) rely on hydropower for baseload supply whereas others (e.g., the United States) use it more to follow the electric load and match peaks.164 By region, Asia leads for share of installed global capacity, followed by Europe then North and South America, with Africa at a distant fifth.165

Hydropower is currently in use in some 150 countries.160 Global hydropower production increased more than 5% in 2010, due greatly to new capacity and wet weather in China, and represented about 16% of global electricity production.161 An estimated 30 GW of capacity was added during 2010, with existing global capacity reaching an estimated 1,010 GW.162



GlObal MaRkeT OVeRVIew

Development in the United States has slowed recently due to the economic recession, but just over 0.02 GW of new hydro began operating in 2010 for a total of 78 GW (plus 20.5 GW of pumped storage), producing 257 TWh during the year (up from 233.6 TWh in 2009).170 Russia has an estimated 55 GW, which represents about onefifth of the countrys total electric capacity.171

11 GW of new projects were under construction across Canada by early 2011, with an estimated 1.3 GW due to become operational before the end of 2012.169

and for the application of pumped storage.188

Many other countries continue to develop hydropower on large to small scales.177 During 2010, projects were completed in Ecuador (0.2 GW), Turkey (0.02 GW), and Uzbekistan (0.05 GW).178 Operation began at Australias first hydropower plant to use treated sewage water; this plant, in New South Wales, captures the potential energy as water falls down a 60-meter shaft.179

The largest projects completed in 2010 included the 1.1 GW Nam Theun 2 hydropower plant in Laos, Chinas 2.4 GW Jinanqiao plant, Brazils 0.9 GW Foz do Chapeco plant, and two facilities (0.5 and 0.3 GW) in Ethiopia.175 Vietnam began partial operation of what will eventually be Southeast Asias largest hydro station (2.4 GW.)176

Brazil and Canada generate roughly 80% and 61%, respectively, of their electricity with hydropower.172 Many countries in Africa produce close to 100% of their gridbased electricity with hydro, as does Norway.173 Norway, Iceland, and New Zealand lead the world in per capita generation of hydropower.174

Pumped storage entails pumping water from a lower to a higher reservoir to store energy for later use; it involves conversion losses and is not a source of energy. Interest in pumped storage is increasing, particularly in regions and countries where variable renewable resources are achieving relatively high penetration.189 Pumped storage is also used to capture higher power prices during times of peak demand. The vast majority of pumped storage capacity is in Europe, Japan, and the United States.190 About 4 GW of capacity was added globally in 2010 including facilities in China, Germany, Slovenia, and the Ukraine with approximately 136 GW operating worldwide by years end, up from 98 GW in 2005.191 By early 2011, a further 5 GW of capacity was under contract, and the market was expected to rise 60% over the next five years. 192

Asia (led by China) and Latin America (led by Brazil) are the most active regions for new hydro development.184 An additional 140 GW are planned for construction in China over the next five years.185 In collaboration with Iran, China also plans to build the worlds tallest dam a 1.5 GW project in Irans Zagros Mountains.186 Brazil plans two major projects in the Amazon region, including a 3.2 GW reservoir project due for completion in late 2011.187 North America and Europe, also constructing new plants, are the main centers for modernization of existing plants

India, which ranks sixth worldwide for total hydro capacity, with an existing capacity of more than 40 GW (including 37.4 GW of large-scale), added about 0.3 GW of small-scaleI hydro in 2010 for a cumulative small-scale hydro capacity of 2.9 GW at year-end; another 0.9 GW of small-scale hydro were under construction as of early 2011.180 Brazil had 53 small-scale hydro projects (0.7 GW) under construction by early 2011, and 149 additional plants (2.1 GW) had been authorized.181 Canada, Iran, Kazakhstan, and Switzerland also had significant amounts of small-scale hydropower under construction or in the planning stages.182 Rwanda aimed to have 0.04 GW of small-scale hydro capacity by 2015.183

The 240 MW La Rance tidal barrage began generating power off the French coast in 1966 and continues to produce about 600 GWh annually.194 Additional tidal projects came on line over the years in Canada, Russia, and China, with an estimated 262 MW of capacity in operation by 2001.195 Otherwise, ocean energy saw little further development until recently. By the end of 2010, only tidal barrage systems had achieved commercial scale, and they accounted for most of the worlds installed ocean energy capacity.196 However, in 2010 there were a handful of pre-commercial projects generating power with a range of technologies. Although existing capacity remained low relative to other renewable technologies, numerous projects were in development or under contract, and at least 25

Ocean energy is the least mature of the technologies considered in this report, but interest is growing in a wide range of possible technologies.193 (See Sidebar 1.) Ocean energy technologies for generating electricity include wave, tidal (barrages and turbines), osmotic power, and ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) systems.

Ocean energy

I) Note that small-scale hydropower is generally defined as less than 10 MW, but there are a number of exceptions including India (up to 25 MW) and Brazil (less than 30 MW). See Glossary for more information, and see Note on Accounting and Reporting of Installed Capacities for treatment of hydropower in this report.

countries were involved in ocean energy development activities.197 At years end, an estimated total of 6 MW of wave (2 MW) and tidal stream (4 MW) capacity had been installed by the 18 member countries of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Implementing Agreement on Ocean Energy Systems.198 Most of these projects were in Europe, with the majority operating off the coasts of Portugal and the United Kingdom for short-term testing and demonstration, and a few prototypes were initiating first steps toward commercialization.199 three separate wave sites during 200810 due to site or cost concerns, wave energy is advancing elsewhere in the United States.205 In 2010, a 0.04 MW wave converter was connected to a power grid on a U.S. marine base in Hawaii, and construction began on what could eventually be a utility-scale wave project off the Oregon coast.206

Ocean energy advances in 2010 included the launch of at least 0.04 MW of wave demonstration projects in Sweden and continued development of 5 MW in Western Australia.202 In Norway, the 1.5 MW Morild II floating tidal plant opened in November.203 Elsewhere, a 0.075 MW Pelamis wave device began tests with the German utility company E.ON.204 Although a California utility abandoned

Also during 2010, the first commercial-scale gridconnected wave generator (0.25 MW) marked its tenth year of operation, having fed electricity into the grid for around 60,000 hours and achieving an average annual availability of 98%.200 In addition, the worlds first commercial-scale tidal turbine (1.2 MW) passed the milestone of providing 2 GWh of electricity to the U.K. electricity grid from the waters off Northern Ireland.201

Sidebar 1. OCean eneRGy TeChnOlOGy anD COMMeRCIalIZaTIOn

Commercial application of ocean energy technologies remains limited, but activities leading to future markets increased in 2010. The year saw more than 100 ocean energy projects exceeding 1 GW in cumulative capacity reach various phases of development; meanwhile, rising financial and political support accelerated the development of infrastructure required to test new prototypes. In 2010, offshore testing facilities were deployed in the United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden, and Canada. By early 2011, new facilities were under development in Portugal, Spain, Norway, Ireland, and the United States. The relative immaturity of ocean energy technology has prompted a wide range of exploratory R&D activities, with various devices racing to reach commercial readiness. This diversity of concepts is clearest in the wave energy sector. Companies in the United Kingdom, Australia, and the United States have tested prototypes of point absorber systems, which are typically small relative to wave size and are designed to absorb energy in all directions. Linear absorbers typically larger relative to wave size and operating in parallel with wave direction also have been tested at sea. Other concepts under development include wave terminators, which focus and absorb or terminate incoming waves, and

Construction of Asias first commercial tidal current power plant could start in 2011: an initial 50 MW will be built off the coast of the Indian state of Gujarat, with a future total of 250 MW planned.209 In South Korea, several small projects are under way, and construction of the 254 MW Sihwa tidal barrage power plant, expected to be operational in 2011, will increase global existing tidal barrage capacity to nearly 520 MW.210 Other countries assessing technologies include Australia, Canada, France, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, and the United States.211

For the future, projects are planned in a number of countries around the globe. In the United Kingdom, a total of 7.4 MW of prototypes were in the advanced stages of planning and manufacture for deployment during 2011, with another 11 MW of projects awarded consents and a further 23 MW in the U.K. planning system.207 Plans are under way for wave power off the Turkish coast and various ocean energy projects in Indonesia, Italy, and La Reunion in the Indian Ocean.208

oscillating water columns, which use wave action to compress air and drive generator units.

Similar variety exists in the tidal energy sphere. In the past four years, horizontal axis turbines have been launched by several companies in Europe and North America, and an oscillating hydrofoil prototype was tested in 2009. Vertical axis (or cross-axis) turbines have reached the operational testing phase.

As wave and tidal technologies progress, other ocean energy technologies including those tapping energy from thermal and salinity gradients are gaining prominence on national research agendas. In general, ocean energy technologies remain in an emerging phase of development. While the sector is 1525 years behind wind energy, it is poised to follow a similar path to wider commercialization.

Source: See Endnote 193 for this section



These developments have been strongly backed by public R&D funding, particularly in Europe, North America, and South Korea. Governments in these regions are contributing grants and funding, typically in the range of $10100 million per project or program, for testing facilities, demonstration projects, and basic research. Recent investments have been made by Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, Portugal, South Korea, and the United States.


GlObal MaRkeT OVeRVIew

n heaTInG anD COOlInG MaRkeTS

Modern biomass, solar, and geothermal energy currently supply hot water and heat for tens of millions of buildings worldwide. Solar hot water collectors alone are used by more than 70 million households (most of them in China), as well as in many schools, hospitals, hotels, government, and commercial buildings. There is also a growing trend to use solar resources to generate process heat in industry, and interest is increasing in the use of solar energy for cooling purposes. Biomass and geothermal energy supply heat for industry, homes, and agriculture as well. Passive solar building designs provide a significant amount of heat (and light), and their numbers are also on the rise; due to lack of global data, however, they are not included here.

rise and, for the first time, biomasss share (32%) of Swedens total energy supply (heat, power, and transport) exceeded that of oil (31%).217 Denmark generates an estimated 10% of its power and a significant share of its heat from biomass in CHP plants.218

Globally, modern biomass continues to provide the majority of heating produced with renewable sources. This includes heat derived from burning solid, liquid, and gaseous biomass for purposes ranging from cooking, to heating of water and space, to process heat. Applications range from individual residential-scale units to large district-heating systems, including combined heat and power (CHP) plants. Worldwide use of modern biomass for heat production totaled 11,600 petajoules (PJ) in 2008, the most recent year for which global data are available.212

biomass heating

Sweden, Finland, and Denmark lead the European biomass heating market, together producing almost 70% of all biomass heat sold into district networks in the EU. Finland leads Europe for per capita heat production from solid biomass.215 However, total heat production declined slightly in Sweden and Finland during 2009, particularly in Finland where output continued to drop as the economic crisis caused further contraction in the wood product and paper pulp industries.216 In Sweden, biomass became the primary energy source for household heating in 2008, used either directly in heating appliances or via connections to district heating schemes. Although total heat sales to district networks were down in 2009, solid biomass sales continued to

An estimated 234.5 PJ (5.6 mtoe) of heat from solid biomass and biogas were sold into district heat markets in Europe during 2009, with 97% using solid biomass. Heat is produced from a combination of CHP (64%) and heat-only plants (36%), with the mix varying by country depending on resource availability, the current energy supply system, and supporting policies. Domestic heating, whether through individual household systems (e.g., wood stoves) or district heat systems, accounts for the majority of solid biomass sold in Europe. 213 Biomass heat markets are expanding steadily in Europe, with Hungary, Poland, and the Netherlands seeing the highest growth rates in 2009.214

Biomass pellets are also becoming an increasingly common fuel in the EU. Whereas they are used primarily for electricity generation in Belgium and the Netherlands, in Sweden and Denmark pellets are burned mainly in CHP plants; elsewhere, they are used widely to heat residential and commercial buildings. The EU consumed more than 11 million tonnes of wood pellets in 2010, an increase of 7% over 2009.222 Sweden was the largest consumer in 2010 at 2 million tonnes, and Germany consumed almost 1 million tonnes.223 As a result, wood pellet exports to Europe from Canada (1 million tonnes in 2010) and the United States (0.6 million tonnes) doubled between 2008 and 2010.224

Biomethane (purified biogas) has been used for power and heat in Europe for decades. It is injected into the natural gas grid and used primarily in gas-powered cogeneration plants. This application is growing in several countries, including Austria, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland.219 The top producers of heat with biogas are Germany, the Netherlands, France, Poland, and Denmark.220 Germany did not begin developing biomethane until 2006 but is now far ahead of the rest of Europe. The number of projects has grown rapidly, driven greatly by a national feed-in tariff. By November 2010, 44 plants were injecting into the gas grid, with a total of 60 plants expected to be connected by years end, providing total production of 40,000 cubic meters per hour.221

Among developing countries, it is common to produce small- to large-scale power and heat from agricultural residues such as rice or coconut husks.226 The use of bagasse for power and heat production is significant in developed and developing countries that have a large sugarcane industry, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Cuba, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Mauritius, the Philippines, Tanzania, Thailand, and Uganda.227 For example, most of Thailands solid biomass capacity (see Biomass Power section) is from bagasse used for CHP.228

Domestic firewood for heating is becoming increasingly popular as well. In the United States, the number of homes using firewood or pellets for heat increased in several states by 50% or more between 2000 and 2010. An estimated 12 million wood and pellet stoves and inserts were installed by early 2011, meaning that about one in every ten U.S. households had a biomass stove. Between 2.1 million and 2.6 million homes used wood as their primary or sole heat source.225


The use of small-scale biogas plants is on the rise as well. China, where an estimated 50 million households use biogas, leads the world in the number of plants.229 India

added more than 60,000 small biogas plants during 2010 for a total of 4.3 million plants nationwide that are used to meet energy needs for cooking.230 Biomass gasifiers are used increasingly for heat applications in micro, small, and medium enterprises, and mixed-feed plants to produce biogas and bottle it or distribute it via pipelines are also becoming popular, with the residual digested solids used for soil fertilizers.231 installations declined for the second year in a row (off 26% relative to 2009) due greatly to the temporary halt and restructuring of the national rebate program, and to decreasing natural gas market prices.237 Germany added about 0.8 GWth for an existing capacity of 9.8 GWth by years end.238 The share of combination systems for both water and space heating increased to about two-thirds of the market.239 Austria (3.2 GWth) and Greece (2.9 GWth) continue to rank second and third, respectively, for total installed capacity.240

In 2010, existing solar water and space heating capacity increased by an estimated 25 gigawatts-thermal (GWth), or about 16%, to reach approximately 185 GWth, excluding unglazed swimming pool heating.233 China added an estimated 17.5 GWth (25 million m2 of collectors) for a total of just under 118 GWth (168 million m2).234

Solar water heating technologies are becoming widespread and contribute significantly to hot water production in several countries. China, Germany, Turkey, India, and Australia led the market for newly installed capacity during 2009, with China, Turkey, Germany, Japan, and Greece taking the top spots for total installations by the end of that year.232 (See Figures 9 and 10, and Table R5.)

Solar heating and Cooling

Brazil added about 0.6 GWth in 2010.241 The Brazilian market has been increasingly rapidly in recent years, with most of the installations in the southeastern states.242 Elsewhere in Latin America there are very small but growing markets, including in Chile and Uruguay.243

The European Union accounted for most of the remaining global added capacity. However, due to the economic recession, new installations continued to decline in some key European markets, including Austria, Germany, and France. The Greek and Italian markets increased slightly, while Spains market held constant in 2010 after increasing about 21% the previous year.235 Growth in developing European markets including the Czech Republic, Denmark, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland, and the U.K. did not make up for the decrease in larger markets. Total EU additions in 2010 came to 2.6 GWth, down 10% relative to 2009 and nearly 19% below the 2008 market, bringing existing capacity to 25.1 GWth.236 Germany remained Europes largest installer, accounting for nearly one-third of EU additions, but new

The U.S. market (excluding unglazed swimming pool heating) is still relatively small but is gaining ground. California appears to have overtaken Hawaiis lead, and these states are followed by Florida and Arizona.245 An estimated 35,500 systems (nearly 0.2 GWth) were installed nationally in 2010, representing 5% market growth and bringing total capacity close to 2.3 GWth.246 The slower rate of growth relative to 2009 was due to the economic crisis and to the low cost of competing home-heating fuels, which extended the payback period for solar heat systems.247

Outside of China, Japan and India represent the largest markets in Asia. During 201011, India added about 0.35 GWth (0.5 million m2) of solar heat capacity for an estimated total of 2.8 GWth (3.97 million m2) at the end of January 2011.244

In Africa, markets were expanding in Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco, Namibia, South Africa, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe, among others.248 For example, Egypt had an estimated 1 GWth (700,000 m2) of solar thermal systems by the end of 2010, and Moroccos collectors totaled an estimated 0.2 GWth (280,000 m2).249

figure 9. Solar heating added Capacity, Top 12 Countries, 2009

China 80.3 %

Germany Turkey India Italy Australia

3.1 % 1.8 % 1.1 % 1.0 % 0.9 % 0.4 % 0.7 %


8.2 %


Austria, Spain, Brazil Israel, France

0.5 %

Source: Weiss and Mauthner, 2011


GlObal MaRkeT OVeRVIew

figure 10. Solar heating existing Capacity, Top 12 Countries, 2009


64 %

existing capacity
Source: Weiss and Mauthner, 2011



5% 5% 2%

Solar space heating and cooling are gaining ground as well, particularly in Europe. The most advanced solar thermal markets are in Austria, Germany, and Spain, where applications include water and space heating for dwellings of all sizes, hotels, and large-scale plants for district heating, air conditioning, and cooling.252 An estimated 115 solar supported heating networks and 11 solar cooling systems were operating in Europe by the end of 2009.253

Although it ranked 18th overall, Cyprus remained the world solar heating leader on a per capita basis at the end of 2009, with 554 kilowatts-thermal (kWth) per 1,000 inhabitants, followed by Israel (391 kWth).250 Austria, which had 315 kWth per 1,000 inhabitants in 2009, remained the leader in continental Europe, followed by Greece (266 kWth) and Germany (102 kWth).251


12 %

Japan, Greece Israel, Brazil, Austria India, United States Australia, Italy

Solar heat and steam can be used for various industrial processes as well, although this is the least developed solar thermal technology. A number of solar industrial process heat installations came on line during 2009 and 2010, but only about 100 projects are operational worldwide.256 Temperatures below 100C can be produced with typical flat plate or vacuum tube collectors such as those used in smaller systems that are often mounted on rooftops.257 Higher temperatures require parabolic trough or linear Fresnel collectors and good solar resources comparable to CSP, but generally with

Canada and Saudi Arabia also had significant systems installed. A 0.03 GWth system commissioned in Riyadh in early 2011 to provide hot water and space heat for 40,000 university students overtook an installation in Marstal, Denmark, to become the worlds largest.254 What may become the worlds largest solar cooling plant (3,900 m2, or 0.003 GWth) was under construction in Singapore in early 2011.255

Global direct use of geothermal energy continued to rise in 2010, with capacity reaching an estimated 51 GWth by year end.260 Over the past decade, heat output from geothermal sources increased by an average rate of almost 9% (4% if heat pumps are not included), reaching about 439 petajoules (PJ) annually.261 Most of this increase is associated with ground-source heat pumps, which have grown an average of 25% annually over the past decade.262

smaller systems that are often mounted on rooftops and that require lower operating temperatures.258 By early 2011, the biggest solar process-heat application was believed to be operating in Hangzhou, China; other plants also were operating in China and plans were under way to install systems in South Africa and elsewhere.259
Geothermal Direct use


I) The share of heat use is lower than the share of capacity for heat pumps because they have a relatively low capacity factor. This is due to the fact that heat pumps generally have fewer load hours than other uses. As the share of heat pumps rises, output per unit of geothermal heat capacity is declining. Heat use is estimated with a coefficient of performance of 3.5.

At least 78 countries used direct geothermal energy in 2010, up from 72 in 2005 and 58 in 2000.265 The United States led the world for installed capacity, with just over 12.6 GWth, followed by China (9 GWth), Sweden (4.5 GWth), Germany (2.5 GWth, including 2.2 GWth from heat pumps and 0.1 GWth deep geothermal for district and building heat), and Japan (2.1 GWth).266 These five countries accounted for 64% of total global capacity in 2010.267

In 2010, ground-source heat pumps, at 35.5 GWth, accounted for some 70% of global direct geothermal capacity and nearly 50% of direct heat use (214.8 PJ).263/I Almost 25% of geothermal direct heat was used for bathing and swimming applications; more than 14% for heating (primarily district heat); and the remainder for greenhouses, industrial purposes, aquaculture pond heating, agricultural drying, snow melting, cooling, and other uses.264

China led in actual annual energy production at 21 TWh, followed by the United States (15.7 TWh), Sweden (12.6 TWh), Turkey (10.2 TWh), Japan (7.1 TWh), and Iceland (6.8 TWh).268 Accounting for the average annual energy use per person, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, New Zealand, and Denmark led the way.269 About 90% of Icelands heating demand was derived from geothermal resources in 2010.270 used primarily in bus and car fleets.277 In 2010, biogas made up 11% (on an energy basis) of the total 5.7% biofuels share of transport fuels in Sweden.278

Installed heat pump capacity has more than doubled since 2005, with use increasing from 33 countries in 2005 to 43 in 2010.271 An estimated 2.9 million ground-source heat pumps were operating worldwide during 2010, with most installations in the United States, China, and Europe.272 The United Kingdom, South Korea, Ireland, Spain, and the Netherlands saw large increases in installed capacity of direct-use geothermal between 2005 and 2010, with heat pumps accounting for all additions.273 Use of geothermal energy for CHP is also on the rise. In late 2010, 130 MWth of heat capacity began operating at Icelands Hellisheii power plant near Reykjavik (eventually it will be one of the worlds largest, with 300 MW electric and 400 MW of thermal capacity).274 Other geothermal CHP plants under construction by early 2011 included the first commercial geothermal plant in Cornwall, England, and a 10 MW German facility in Bavaria, which will provide electricity and district heat.275

Liquid biofuels make a small but growing contribution to fuel usage worldwide, providing about 2.7% of global road transport fuels in 2010.279 They accounted for higher shares in some countries (e.g., 4% in the United States) and regions (3% in the EU) and provided a very large contribution in Brazil, where ethanol from sugar cane accounted for 41.5%I of light duty transport fuel during 2010.280 The United States was the worlds largest producer of biofuels, followed by Brazil and the European Union.280/II Despite continued increases in production, growth rates for biodiesel slowed again in 2010, whereas ethanol production growth picked up new momentum.282 (See Figure 11.) This section focuses on biofuels for transport, which include ethanol made primarily from corn and sugar cane and biodiesel, produced from virgin plant oils, waste vegetable oil, animal fats, fish oil, and algae (not yet produced on a commercial scale). Corn accounts for more than half of global ethanol production, mainly in the United States, and sugar cane accounts for more than one-third, mainly in Brazil.III Most biofuel is used for road transport, with a limited amount in the marine transport sector, and interest is growing in the use of biodiesel as a potential fuel for aviation (still at the pilot stage).283 In 2010, global production of fuel ethanol reached an estimated 86 billion liters, an increase of 17% over 2009.284 (See Figure 11 and Table R6.) The United States and Brazil accounted for 88% of ethanol production in 2010, with the United States alone producing 57% of the worlds total.285

Renewable energy is used in the transport sector in the form of electricity, renewably produced hydrogen, biogas, and liquid biofuels.

n TRanSPORT fuel MaRkeTS


Limited but growing quantities of biogas are fueling trains, buses, and other vehicles.276 In Austria, France, Germany, Sweden, and Switzerland, biomethane is being

I) These are energy-based values; in terms of volume, ethanol accounted for 48% of Brazilian light-duty transportation fuels. II) Note that there is a difference between the production of biofuels and the source of biomass feedstock. Some countries produce large volumes of biofuels but import much of the raw biomass feedstock from elsewhere. III) The environmental, social, and other costs of biofuels, including lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions, can be significant without safeguards and vary according to several factors including feedstock, land use changes, and refining processes. In general, ethanol made from corn has higher associated environmental impacts than that made from sugar cane. For more information and efforts to improve the sustainability of biofuels production and use, see Sidebar 7 in the Renewables 2010 Global Status Report.

Long the worlds leading ethanol exporter, Brazil continued to lose international market share to the United States, particularly in its traditional markets in Europe.290



Electricity is used to power trains, subways, and a small but growing number of electric passenger cars and bicycles. The EU Renewable Energy Directive, which includes renewable electricity in the 10% transportation target, will help drive this sector forward. As the number of electric vehicles increases and the share of electricity from renewables rises, renewable energys role in the transport sector will increase as well; electric vehicles also can enable increased penetration of variable renewables by helping to balance demand and supply. (See Sidebar 7 on grid integration.) However, due to the small scale and lack of data, renewable electricity is not included in this section. Hydrogen is not included for the same reason.

The United States accounted for most of the increase, producing 8.4 billion more liters in 2010 than in 2009, for a total of 49 billion liters.286 Well over 90% of U.S. gasoline was blended with ethanol.287 Approximately 3% of the worlds grain supply was used to produce this ethanol, with almost 32.5 million tonnes of animal feed as a co-product.288 After several years as a net importer, the United States became a net exporter in 2010, sending a record 1.3 billion liters of fuel ethanol overseas, mainly to Canada, Jamaica, the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates, and Brazil.289


GlObal MaRkeT OVeRVIew

figure 11. ethanol and biodiesel Production, 20002010

Billion liters 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 17 0.8

Ethanol Biodiesel
39 21 24 29 31

86 73 66 50

19 1.0

Source: F.O. Licht

China, at 2 billion liters, remained Asias largest ethanol producer, followed by Thailand and India, which more than doubled its annual production to 0.4 billion liters.294 In the European Union, the United Kingdom saw the largest increase with annual production rising about 325% to 0.32 billion liters.295 France and Germany remained the largest European producers in 2010.296 Other important producers included Canada, Colombia, Poland, and Spain.297 Africa represents a tiny share of world production but saw continued rapid growth in production during 2010.298

Adverse weather conditions hampered global harvesting of sugar cane, pushing up prices.291 As a result, U.S. corn-based ethanol became relatively cheaper in international markets (although it was subsidized, unlike Brazilian ethanol).292 However, Brazils ethanol production increased more than 7% in 2010, to 28 billion liters, and the country accounted for nearly one-third of the global total.293
















Indonesia). This trend is leading to plant closures from reduced domestic production requirements, an expansion of tariffs on imports, and increases in some blending mandates.302 Biodiesel production declined in several EU countries, including Belgium, Slovakia, Spain, and the United Kingdom; France held level with its 2009 output.303 Germany remains the worlds top biodiesel producer at 2.9 billion liters in 2010, followed by Brazil, Argentina, France, and the United States.304 Consumption in Germany has declined significantly since the elimination of Germanys biodiesel tax credit. The greatest drop in demand has been in pure vegetable oil and B100 (100% unblended biodiesel). In contrast, the use of blended biodiesel has increased during this period due to the national blending quota, and total production rose in 2010.305






Global biodiesel production increased 7.5% in 2010, to nearly 19 billion liters, giving a five-year average (end-2005 through 2010) of 38% growth. Biodiesel production is far less concentrated than ethanol, with the top 10 countries accounting for just under 75% of total production in 2010.299 The European Union remained the center of global biodiesel production, with more than 10 billion liters and representing nearly 53% of total output in 2010.300 Biodiesel accounted for the vast majority of biofuels consumed in the EU, but growth in the region continued to slow, with production increasing only 2% in 2010, down from a 19% growth rate in 2009 (and 65% growth rate in 2005).301


The greatest production increase was seen in Brazil (up 46% to 2.3 billion liters) and in Argentina, which continued its rapid growth with production up 57% over 2009 to 2.1 billion liters, three-quarters of which was exported.306 In the United States, biodiesel production fell more than 40%, the second year of decline.307 Almost 12% of biodiesel production occurred in Asia (up from 10% in 2009), with most of this from palm oil in Indonesia and Thailand.308


The slowdown in many countries was due to increased competition with relatively cheap imports from outside the EU (including Canada, Argentina, and increasingly


Table 1. Status of Renewable energy Technologies: Characteristics and Costs

Typical energy Costs Technology Typical Characteristics

Plant size: Plant size: 110 MW 10 MW18,000 MW
(U.S. cents/kilowatt-hour)

n Power Generation
Off-shore wind On-shore wind Small hydro

Large hydro

Solar PV (module) Rooftop solar PV

Solar PV (concentrating) Concentrating solar thermal power (CSP) Biomass heating Utility-scale solar PV

Geothermal power

Biomass power

Efficiency: Efficiency: Plant size: Types: Size: Plant size: Types:

Peak capacity: 25 kWpeak

Plant size: Types:

Plant size:

Turbine size:

Turbine size:

Peak capacity: 200 kW to 100 MW 120 MWth

crystalline 1219%; thin film 413% 25%

1100 MW; binary, single- and double-flash, natural steam

120 MW

1.55 MW; Rotor diameter: 70125 meters

1.53.5 MW; Rotor diameter: 60100 meters

1020 512 47

512 59


n hot water/heating/Cooling
Solar hot water/heating Geothermal heating

50500 MW (trough), 1020 MW (tower) trough, tower, dish 25 m2 (household); 20200 m2 (medium/multi-family); 0.52 MWth (large/district heating); evacuated tube, flat-plate

1418 (trough)

1734 1530 16

n biofuels


Plant capacity: 110 MWth Types: heat pumps, cooling, direct use, chillers Feedstocks: Feedstocks:

220 (household) 115 (medium) 18 (large) 3050 cents/liter (sugar) 6080 cents/liter (corn) (gasoline equivalent) 4080 cents/liter (diesel equivalent) 512 730 n/a 812 0.52

n Rural energy
Biogas digester Micro-hydro Pico-hydro


Notes: Data are unchanged from 2010 report edition with the exception of solar PV costs, which have been updated per EPIA to reflect recent trends in solar PV costs and characteristics in Europe. A full update of all costs was not done for the 2011 edition but will be done in 2012. In particular, a number of new publications in 2011 provide new cost data, which will be synthesized with expert estimation for the next edition. All costs in this table are indicative economic costs, levelized, and exclusive of subsidies or policy incentives. Typical energy costs are under best conditions, including system design, siting, and resource availability. Optimal conditions can yield lower costs, and less favorable conditions can yield substantially higher costs. Costs of off-grid hybrid power systems that employ renewables depend strongly on system size, location, and associated items such as diesel backup and battery storage. Costs for solar PV vary by latitude and amount of solar insolation. Costs for biomass power depend on type of biomass resource. Source: Data compiled from a variety of sources, including NREL, World Bank, IEA, and various IEA implementing agreements. Many current estimates are unpublished. Historically, no single published source has provided a comprehensive or authoritative view on the costs of all technologies, although recent sources in 2011 are more comprehensive. For further cost references, see IPCC, Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation, May 2011, at http://srren.ipcc-wg3.de/; World Bank/ESMAP, Technical and Economic Assessment: Off Grid, MiniGrid and Grid Electrification Technologies (Washington, DC: 2007); and IEA, Deploying Renewables: Principles for Effective Policies (Paris: 2008). PV costs data from Gatan Masson, European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), personal communication with REN21, 5 April 2011.

Village-scale mini-grid Solar home system

System size: System size:

101,000 kW 20100 W

25100 4060



Household wind turbine

Small wind turbine

Biomass gasifier

Digester size: Turbine size: Turbine size Size:

Plant capacity: 1001,000 kW Plant capacity: 1100 kW Plant capacity: 0.11 kW 68 m3 205,000 kW

soy, rapeseed, mustard seed, palm, jatropha, waste vegetable oils, and animal fats

sugar cane, sugar beets, corn, cassava, sorghum, wheat (and cellulose in the future)

0.13 kW

3100 kW


1525 1535


InVeSTMenT flOwS







Total global investment in renewable energy including financial new investment and small-scale investment jumped in 2010 to a record $211 billion. China attracted nearly $50 billion, making it the leader for the second year in a row.




02 InVeSTMenT flOwS

Total investment in renewable energy reached $211 billion in 2010,I up from $160 billion in 2009,II including reported asset finance, venture capital, private equity investment, public markets (stock purchases), and corporate and government research and development. (See Figure 12.) If the unreported $15 billion (estimated) invested in solar hot water collectors is included, then total investment exceeded $226 billion. An additional $4045 billion was invested in large hydropower.

If only total investment in new renewable energy capacity (excluding large hydro) is counted, the total comes to $203 billion. This $203 billion includes utility-scale asset finance (large wind farms, solar parks, and biofuel plants), distributed generation capacity (mostly rooftop solar PV less than 1 MW in size), and hot water/heating capacity. Within the overall figure, financial new investment, which consists of money invested in renewable energy companies and utility-scale generation and biofuel projects, rose 17% in 2010 to $143 billion.
250 200 150 100 50 0 22 40.9 62.8 Billion US Dollars

rose $17 billion to more than $72 billion, while in OECD countries it increased less than $4 billion to $70.5 billion. China attracted $49 billion (up 28% over 2009), which was more than two-thirds of developing country investment and more than a third of global investment in renewable energy during 2010, making China the leader for the second year in a row. The United States ranked second for financial new investment, with just over $25 billion, an increase of 58% over 2009. Germany enjoyed financial new investment of $6.7 billion in 2010, but this was dwarfed by its $34.3 billion in small-scale projects, mainly rooftop solar PV.

figure 12. Global new Investment in Renewable energy, 20042010

Although total financial new investment was higher in developing countries, growth rates in a number of developed countries exceeded those in some major developing economies. For example, Belgium saw an increase in investment of 40%, Canada 47%, Italy 248 %, and the United States 58%, whereas growth rates in India and Brazil were 25% and minus 5%, respectively. Italy moved from ninth to third place in global renewable energy investment as asset finance in solar PV surged on the back of generous feed-in tariffs. Increases in developing countries, as well as in the United States, were due to an increase in asset finance, dominated by wind, for which global asset finance rose by $23 billion to $90 billion. Chinas lead was due mainly to the growth in wind power capacity in 2010. China continued to benefit from a $46 billion green stimulus package, which had been announced at the height of the financial crisis in 2008. By the end of 2010, 70% of the funds had been spent, although data about the details are unclear. China also dominated public markets, with $5.9 billion (out of the total $49 billion) in new investment in renewables. India ranked eighth in the world for renewable energy investment. Investment rose 25% to $3.8 billion, dominated by wind power projects ($2.3 billion), followed by $400 million each for solar and biomass power (including waste-to-energy ).III


160 130 103.5








I) This section is derived from UNEP, Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2011 (Paris, 2011), the sister publication to the GSR. The figures are based on the output of Bloomberg New Energy Finances (BNEF) database unless otherwise noted. The following renewable energy projects are included: all biomass, geothermal, and wind generation projects of more than 1 MW, all hydro projects of between 0.5 and 50 MW, all solar power projects of more than 0.3 MW, all ocean energy projects, and all biofuel projects with a capacity of 1 million liters or more per year. BNEF defines utility-scale solar parks as greater than 500 kW in capacity. For more detail, please refer to the UNEP Global Trends report. Note that all dollar and cents figures in this report are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated. II) Revised upward from $150 billion as reported in the Renewables 2010 Global Status Report. III) In this section, waste-to-energy includes all waste-to-power technologies, but not waste-to-gas.



The top countries for total investment in 2010 were China, Germany, the United States, Italy, and Brazil. For the first time, financial new investment in renewable energy in developing countries surpassed that in developed economies. (Note that in the two areas not included in the financial new investment measure, namely small-scale projects and R&D, developed countries remain well ahead.) Financial new investment

n Investment by Region

In Brazil, new investment dropped 5% to $7 billion. This seemingly weak performance can be explained by the fact that the focus was on consolidating the biofuel sector, so that most money went into mergers and acquisitions, which does not count as new investment. Latin America (excluding Brazil) saw the biggest absolute increase in renewable energy investment among the regions of the developing world. The largest gain within Latin America was achieved by Mexico (348%). This


InVeSTMenT flOwS

growth was a result of the successful financing of large wind projects and one geothermal project following the governments 2009 announcement that it was increasing its renewables target from 3.3% to 7.6 % by 2012. Argentina saw investment increase by 568%, to $740 million; Perus investment doubled to $480 million; and Chile saw a 21% increase to $960 million.

2010 and by uncertainty over feedstock supplies.

Africa achieved the largest percent increase in renewable energy investment among developing country regions apart from China, India, and Brazil. Total investment rose from $750 million to $3.6 billion, largely as a result of strong performances in Egypt and Kenya. Asset finance of new utility-scale renewable energy projects (wind farms, solar parks, biofuel and solar thermal plants), the largest investment asset class, reached a record $128 billion in 2010, or almost 60% of the total. This represents an increase of 20% over 2009, which had seen a drop of 6% compared to 2008.

Financing for small-scale hydropower was down 43%, to $2 billion, hit by a post-financial crisis lull, regulatory restrictions in Europe, and concerns about the risk of rainfall variations affecting the performance of some projects.

Ocean energy continued to be at an immature stage of development, managing just $40 million of asset financing. However, ambitious plans emerged during 2010 for multi-MW projects off the coasts of countries such as the U.K. and Portugal.

n Investment by Type

The resumption of utility-scale asset finance growth in 2010 is due mainly to the Asia and Oceania region, which accounted for about 44% of the total new-build asset finance during the year. China in particular took first place in new-build clean energy in 2010, with asset finance of $43.8 billion, the largest for any single country. The United States was second on the list, with $19.6 billion in asset finance, or less than half that of China. China and the United States together accounted for more than half of the total new-build asset finance in 2010. Several European countries, led by Germany, Italy, and Spain, were among the top 15 countries. So were Brazil, Canada, India, and Mexico. Asset finance for the 3rd- to 15th-ranked countries ranged from $1.4 billion (Poland) to $6.9 billion (Brazil).

Other types of investment activities in 2010 were notable as well. Venture capital and private equity investment in renewable energy companies increased 19% over 2009, to $5.5 billion, despite a significant drop in the third quarter of the year. All of the growth was in venture capital (both early and late stage), while private equity expansion capital continued to drop, following the trend in 2009. Early-stage venture capital rose 41% to $930 million, and late-stage venture capital increased 71% to $1.5 billion. Early-stage venture capital was still 38% below its 2008 peak, but late-stage established a new record high, almost 9% above its 2008 level. Meanwhile, investment of private equity expansion capital dropped by $20 million, to $3.1 billion, following the decline in 2009, and was less than half the value of its 2008 peak. Private equity continued to face challenges over fundraising, valuations, and exits in 2010. The regional leader in venture capital and private equity investment was North America. In terms of technology, most investment went into solar.

Wind power dominated the utility-scale asset finance sector (70%), with $90 billion invested in projects, a 33% rise over 2009. Large-scale solar power plants represented the second largest sector under utility-scale asset financing, at $19 billion in 2010. This was about 5% higher than the financing secured in 2009, although still below the 2008 record of $23 billion due to the sharp decline in PV panel prices. Geothermal also saw an increase in asset finance in 2010 compared to 2009. Financing for biomass (including waste-to-energy), biofuels, small hydro, and ocean power in 2010 was lower than it was the previous year. Asset financing for biomass (including waste-to-energy) was down 10% to $10.2 billion in 2010. The sector continued to be plagued by feedstock supply challenges and uncertainty over future feedstock prices. The biofuel sector saw a 19% drop in asset finance, to $4.7 billion. This was one quarter of the $20 billion of asset financing that the sector secured in 2007, and less than one third of the 2008 amount ($16 billion). The downward trend was driven by lower crude oil prices in

Renewable energy investment in public markets increased 23% in 2010, to $15.4 billion, an increase over the previous year. Research and development (R&D) on renewable energy rose to $9 billion in 2010, with most R&D worldwide going into solar ($3.6 billion) followed by biofuels ($2.3 billion). For the first time, governments spent more on R&D for renewables ($5 billion, up from $2 billion in 2009) than the private sector did ($3 billion, down from $4 billion in 2009). This is because green stimulus money was still being spent during 2010, most strongly in Asia and Oceania (excluding China and India), where government R&D investment in renewable energy increased 27-fold spurred by national stimulus packages in Australia, Japan, and South Korea.


In 2010, $60 billion was invested in small-scale distributed generation projects, accounting for more than 25% of total investment in renewable energy. This small-scale investment was largely solar PV, which is benefiting from generous support programs, falling prices for solar modules, and a growing base of installers that are marketing to consumers. Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) estimates that 86% of the investment in small-scale solar took place in countries that have introduced feed-in tariffs. Germany, which continues to have the worlds largest solar PV market, took the lead with a 57% global investment share. Counting both utility-scale solar

and small-scale solar, total solar power investment in 2010 grew to $79 billion, driven largely by distributed generation projects in Europe.

There are no reliable figures for the value of investment in solar water heaters worldwideI, but on the basis of installation, investment can be estimated at around $15 billion.

Sidebar 2. INveStmeNt treNDS IN early 2011

State-owned multilateral and bilateral development banks have been pillars of investment in renewable energy during recent, troubled years for the world economy. In 2010, more public money went to the renewable energy sector through development banks than through government stimulus packages.

n Development and National Bank Finance

Given the rush to complete a number of big investment transactions in the closing weeks of 2010 in some cases to catch attractive subsidy deals before they expired it was little surprise that activity in the first quarter of 2011 was relatively subdued. Financial new investment in renewable energy totaled $31 billion, down from $44 billion in the fourth quarter of 2010 and below the $32 billion figure for the first quarter of 2010. In asset finance, the biggest reductions in terms of absolute dollars came in U.S. wind power and European solar power. The brightest spots of JanuaryMarch 2011 were wind power in China, up 25% relative to the same quarter in 2010, and in Brazil, which saw investment double from a year earlier. Key wind power projects going ahead included the 211 MW IMPSA Ceara wind auction portfolio and the 195 MW Renova Bahia portfolio, both in Brazil, and the 200 MW Hebei Weichang Yudaokou village wind farm in China. In Europe, there were several large offshore wind infrastructure commitments, including the Dan Tysk project off the coast of Germany, the Skagerrak 4 project off Denmark, and the Randstad project off the Netherlands.

Data compiled by BNEF show that 13 development banks worldwide provided $13.5 billion of finance for renewable energy projects in 2010, up from $8.9 billion in 2009, $11 billion in 2008, and just $4.5 billion II in 2007. Almost all of this funding took the form of loans, although there were also a few equity finance deals, notably in Eastern Europe by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The three leading development banks, in terms of financing of renewables projects in 2010, were the European Investment Bank ($5.4 billion), Brazils BNDES ($3.1 billion), and Germanys KfW ($1.5 billion). The EIBs contribution grew almost fivefold between 2007 and 2010. BNDESs activity in 2010 was double its 2007 level, but the banks contribution actually peaked at $6.2 billion in 2008, when Brazils ethanol investment boom was at its height. KfWs project finance footprint doubled as well between 2007 and 2010. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) invested $819 million in renewable energy projects in 2010. The World Bank Group committed $748 million in direct renewable energy project finance, with over two-thirds of this coming from loans from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA). Roughly a third came from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), much of it to energy efficiency projects (which are not covered in this report).

In public market investment, transactions included a $1.4 billion share sale by Sinovel Wind and a $220 million offering by solar manufacturer Shandong Jinjing Science & Technology both in China. In venture capital and private equity investment, the largest transaction of the first quarter of 2011 was a $143 million expansion capital round for U.S. biomass and waste-to-energy specialist Plasma Energy.

One uncertainty relates to the China Development Bank, which in 2010 announced some $36 billion in credit lines to Chinese clean energy manufacturers. However, CDB shows up as the confirmed lender to only some $600 million of renewable energy projects. It is likely that the banks contribution to projects is much larger than has been revealed as of publication of this report. The Global Environment Facility (GEF), which was not included in the BNEF analysis, approved funding in 2010 for 25 renewable energy projects, with a total direct GEF contribution of $40.4 million. Total co-financing for these projects from all sources was $382.1 million.

I) Solar water heaters are not included in BNEFs overall data for investment in small-scale renewable energy projects. II) These data are based on a combination of deals recorded on BNEF Desktop, deal-specific disclosures in the annual reports, and communication with the related organizations. According to BNEFs revised methodology, the data cover only development banks project finance loans and equity contributions. Excluded are loans from commercial lenders to the same projects, equity provided by other investors, as well as development banks investment in renewable energy companies. Development banks made significant contributions to large hydro projects, which are not included in the investment figures.


RENEWABLES 2011 GlOBal StatUS rePOrt

March 2011 brought a series of tragic events with potentially far-reaching consequences for energy, including renewable energy. The Japanese earthquake and tsunami, and the ensuing crisis at the reactors at Fukushima Daiichi, cast into doubt the future of nuclear power in Japan and also in other countries such as Germany. Initially, the result was a sharp rise in the share prices of renewable energy companies. But natural gas-fired generation, rather than renewable power, could prove to be the primary, short-term beneficiary of nuclear energys problems.



Strong growth continued in manufacturing, sales, and installation despite a changing policy landscape in many countries, while consolidation and internationalization continued.



03 InDuSTRy TRenDS

Across most renewable energy technologies, renewables industries saw continued growth in equipment manufacturing, sales, and installation during 2010. Technology cost reductions in solar PV in particular meant high growth rates in solar PV manufacturing. Cost reductions in wind turbines and biofuel processing technologies also contributed to growth. At the same time, industry consolidation continued, notably in the biomass and biofuels industries, as traditional energy companies moved more strongly into the renewable energy space. The year 2010 saw the emergence of increasingly vertically integrated supply chains. And the trend continued for manufacturing firms to move into project development.

Longstanding trends in internationalization of the industry also continued. Global wind turbine manufacturers focused their attention on the Chinese market, and solar PV manufacturers in China also sold more products in Europe than ever before. At the same time, a changing policy landscape in many countries (see Policy Landscape section) contributed to some industry uncertainties or negative outlooks, for example with biodiesel production in the United States and solar PV installations in Spain.1

In China, firms Sinovel, Goldwind, Dongfang, and United Power saw strong growth driven by continued political and regulatory support and lower labor and manufacturing costs. Continued technology development at these firms also meant a smaller and closing gap in technological parity with overseas firms. Sinovel, for example, launched a 5 MW turbine model in 2010.5 It appeared that industry consolidation might be on the horizon in China as a draft government policy called for narrowing the industry to far fewer than the existing 100-plus firms. The major developers of wind projects in China remained predominately state-owned enterprises: Longyuan, Datang, Huaneng, Huadian, CPI, and Guohua.6 In Europe, industry activity focused increasingly on offshore technologies and on project development in Eastern Europe. The largest turbine to be financed so far, RePowers 6 MW model, was deployed in C-Powers 300 MW Thornton Bank project in Belgium, one of nine offshore wind farms developed in 2010.7 And Transpowers high-voltage cable transmission infrastructure is being installed in the North Sea, laying the base for German offshore connectivity by 2013. Project developers became more aggressive in Eastern Europe, for example in Ukraine, where at least 10 project developers were active in 2010 due to a new feed-in tariff.8

Growth opportunities were focused mainly on China and other emerging markets as GE Wind supplied turbines to Brazil; Gamesa planned to triple investments in China by 2012; and Repower and Suzlon signed contracts in Turkey and Bulgaria.3 Among the top 10 global manufacturing firms, Vestas of Denmark easily retained its number-one ranking, but Sinovel of China edged ahead of GE Wind in 2010 to take second place.4 (See Figure 13.)

n wind Power Industry

Although the wind power industry saw manufacturing volumes remain constant at their 2009 levels, manufacturing capacity increased substantially during 2010.2 Project developers were challenged by competition with natural gas prices at three-year lows (leading to reduced sales), the continued challenge of obtaining project finance, and access to transmission. Industry leaders Vestas, Gamesa, Hansen Transmissions, and GE Wind all lowered sales forecasts during 2010.

In the United States, 14 new turbine manufacturing plants were established in 2010 9. The U.S. industry was hampered, however, by late extension by the U.S. Congress

Vestas, Denmark Sinovel, China GE Wind, USA


10.7% 9.3%


United Power, China Siemens, Denmark Gamesa, Spain Dongfang, China

20.2% 5.7% 6.7% 6.4% 4.1%

Goldwind, China

Enercon, Germany



Suzlon Group, India




figure 13. Market Shares of Top 10 wind Turbine Manufacturers, 2010

Source: BTM Consult ApS - a part of Navigant Consulting



The small-scale wind industry continued its expansion in 2010. The Nordic Folkecenter has identified 106 companies in 29 countries that are manufacturing wind turbines of 50 kW and smaller.13 In the United States, an estimated 95 manufacturers were producing turbines of 100 kW and smaller (up from 60 active firms in 2001), with half of the firms still developing prototype turbines.14 In China, 80 manufacturers were reported to be active in 2010, selling turbines within China and exporting to Mongolia.15 With strong incentives for small wind in the U.K., installations grew 65% to 3,280 systems deployed in 2009 with over 20 domestic manufacturers and a number of foreign manufacturers active in the market. Roughly 55% of small wind turbines produced in the U.K. are exported, and 45% are used domestically.16

Direct-drive turbine designs captured 18% of the global market, led by Enercon (Germany), Goldwind (China), and Hara XEMC (China). Preferred turbine sizes were 2.5 MW in the U.K., 1.4 MW in China, and 1.2 MW in India. Globally, the average turbine size increased to 1.6 MW, up from 1.4 MW in 2007.11 Vestas launched the largest commercial turbine thus far, the dedicated offshore V164 7 MW turbine, targeting North Sea opportunities.12

of the Investment Tax Credit (ITC), low natural gas and electricity prices, and transmission access issues, so that project developers managed only half the number of projects they did in 2009. Leading owners of wind power projects in the United States include NextEra, Iberdrola Renewables, Horizon-EDPR, MidAmerican/PacifiCorp, and E.ON Climate & Renewables.10

The production of biogas is also increasing. Historically a fuel produced in small quantities at the household, farm, or community level in rural agricultural areas of developing countries (see section on Rural Renewable Energy), biogas has become a mainstream commercial fuel produced from passive methane capture at landfills, from urban wastewater and effluent treatment plants, and from energy conversion methanization plants fed with slurry, crop residues, food processing waste, and household and green waste.20

worlds largest, targeting pellet sales to Scandinavia.18 In the United States, Point Bio Energy was constructing a 400,000 tonne/year pellet plant in Louisiana, targeting European markets starting in 2012.19

n biomass Power and heat Industry

The growth of wood pellet production facilities, in particular, continues to be a notable trend in the biomass industry. Significant developments during 2010 include a new deal agreed by Brazilian pellet producer Suzano to supply eucalyptus pellets to U.K. developer MGT Power; Biowood Norways launch of wood pellet exports from its 450,000 tonne/year facility; and an announcement by the Finnish-Swedish venture Stora Enso of a EUR10 million investment in a 100,000 tonne/year plant in Estonia.

The biomass power and heat industry supplies and uses solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels from forestry, agricultural, and municipal residues. Much of this diverse industry is centered in Europe where, despite fiscal austerity, manufacturing and project-development firms saw modest growth in 2010, reflecting the continued push from EU targets and national action plans for renewables. Leading biomass conversion equipment manufacturers are located primarily in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Austria, Poland, and Germany. Europe has the largest wood pellet production industry in the world, with 670 pellet plants under operation, producing 10 million tonnes in 2009.17

Leading producers of biomass boilers for homes and small businesses (4.51,000 kW capacity) include Froeling (Austria), HDG Bavaria (Germany), ETA Heizteknik (Austria), and KWB (Austria). Industrial and municipal-scale plants and boilers (250 kW to 45 MW capacity) are manufactured by Compte-R (France), Weiss France (France), MW Power Oy (Finland), Foster Wheeler AG (Switzerland), and Babcock & Wilcox (USA), among others. Many electric utility companies, such as E.ON, Dalkia, and GDF Suez, also continued to increase their investments in biomass power plants during 2010.

The biogas industry has been moving beyond its historic focus on waste treatment and management into energy generation, including the use of purpose-grown green energy crops in some countries. German firms have led in manufacturing and project development, driven by strong domestic demand and a feed-in tariff for biogas. By the end of 2010, there were roughly 6,800 biogas production plants in Germany.21 Leading biogas manufacturing firms include Axpo Kompogas (Switzerland), Organic Waste Systems (Belgium), Strabag Umweltanlagen (Austria), and Agroferm Group, MITEnergie, Biotechnische Abfallvertungen, Biogas Nord, Weltec BioPower, Envitec Biogas, and Schmack Biogas, all in Germany.22

By early 2011, Vyborgskaya Cellulose planned to start operations at its 900,000 tonne/year plant in Russia, the

Expansion of manufacturing capacity dominated industry attention in 2010. By years end, capacity stood at roughly 27 GW. Nearly 50% of this capacity was in China, followed by Taiwan (15%), the EU (10%), and Japan and the United States (both less than 10%).29 Given the high growth rates alongside continued market uncertainty, many Chinese manufacturers took unusual steps that included the preemptive construction of manufacturing factory buildings without installing the production equipment itself.

n Solar PV Industry

The solar PV industry had an extraordinary year in 2010, with global cell and module production more than doubling over 2009 levels. An estimated 23.9 GW of cells and 20 GW of modules were produced in 2010. The large PV cost reductions seen in 2009 continued in 2010, with module prices falling a further 14% in 2010 according to some sources (following a reported 38% drop in 2009), into the the $1.301.80/Wpeak range.23 Price reductions were aided by a sufficient supply of polysilicon and wafers due to rapid expansion of manufacturing capacity in China and elsewhere. The fact that manufacturers were sold out a full quarter in advance, from June to December of 2010, indicated that the supply of cells and modules tightened in the second half of 2010.24

Although crystalline silicon production continued to dominate the market, and thin films market share declined to 13%, production of thin-film increased in 2010 by a record 63% to reach 3.2 GW. Thin-film production became more diversified as well, being spread among a larger number of firms beyond the traditional thin-film industry leader First Solar.25 The top 15 solar cell manufacturers produced 55% of the 23.9 GW of global production.26 (See Figure 14.) Cell manufacturing continued its marked shift to Asia, and by 2010, ten of the top 15 manufacturers were located there.27 Firms in mainland China and Taiwan alone accounted for 59% of global production in 2010, up from 50% in 2009. Europes share dropped to 13% in 2010 and Japans share dropped to 9%. The North American share was 5%, although North America produced a disproportionally large share of thin-film products. Almost half of North American production was thin-film, compared to the global average of 13%.

The year 2010 also saw diversification of manufacturing to new regions and new partners. For example, Germanys SolarWorld announced a joint venture with Qatars government to invest $500 million in a 3,600 tonnes/year polysilicon facility that is expected to start production in 2012.32 South Koreas Hanwha Corporation acquired a 49% stake in Chinese Solarfun, and the Korean corporations Samsung, LG, Hyundai, and STX all expanded their cell manufacturing capacity. Chinese leader Suntech acquired 100% of Japans MSK Corporation and became the first Chinese firm to establish a U.S. manufacturing presence, with the opening of a 30 MW manufacturing facility in Arizona in October. 33 The emergence of new thin-film producers reduced First Solars dominance to a 44% global market share in 2010, its lowest since 2006. Japans Solar Frontier opened the worlds largest thin-film plant, with 1 GW/year capacity.34 Many solar PV manufacturing firms continued their vertical integration in 2010 by expanding into project
Hanwha-SolarOne, China Neo Solar, China Canadian Solar, China Sunpower, USA REC, Norway Gintech, Taiwan Sharp, Japan Motech, Taiwan Kyocera, Japan Q-Cells, Germany 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 3% 3% 3% 3% 4% 5%

In the United States, growth rates for the manufacture of PV components and materials were 97% for wafers (to 624 MW), 81% for cells (to 1,058 MW), and 62% for modules (to 1,205 MW).30 New U.S. plants are under construction in Tennessee (Wacker Chemies polysilicon), California (Flextronics module), and Mississippi (Stions CIGS); however, some facilities were closed during 2010, including a BP plant in Maryland, a Spectrawatt plant in New York, and an Evergreen Solar plant in Massachusetts.31

figure 14. Market Shares of Top 15 Solar PV Cell Manufacturers, 2010

Other 45%

JA Solar, China

First Solar, USA

Yingli Green Energy, China


6% 6%

Yingli Green Energy, China Trina Solar, China




Suntech of China moved into first place among all manufacturers, up from second place in 2009, and JA Solar of China moved to second place, up from sixth. The U.S. firm First Solar dropped from first place to third place, even though its annual production continued to increase.28

Source: PV News



Sidebar 3. SuSTaInabIlITy SPOTlIGhT: RaRe-eaRTh MIneRalS anD PV ReCyClInG

As renewable energy markets and industries continue to expand, so does their use of raw materials. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that clean energy technologies (which include PV cells, wind turbines, electric vehicles, and fluorescent lighting) now account for approximately 20% of the global consumption of critical materials, including the rare-earth elementsI and other key elements such as indium, gallium, tellurium, cobalt, and lithium.

Rising demand has exposed uncertainties in the supply chains of these materials, which are critical in the manufacture of both PV films as well as the permanent magnets and batteries used in wind turbines and electric vehicles. China, which possesses roughly 36% of the worlds rare-earth deposits, currently produces around 97% of the global supply. It is projected to fall short of meeting the annual 1015% growth in rareearth demand within two to three years. China also is implementing more stringent controls over its formerly under-regulated rare-earths industry, exacerbating uncertainties in global supplies. Citing concerns over environmental impacts and overexpansion, the government cut rare-earth exports 72% in early 2010 and a further 11% in the first half of 2011. It also introduced tough pollution controls in late 2010 that are likely to further restrict rare-earth extraction and processing. As a result, 2010 saw price increases of 300700% for various rare-earth elements. Policymakers have responded with a variety of measures aimed at stabilizing the rare-earth risk. Some countries, such as Japan, are actively supporting the expansion of rare earth mining activities beyond their own borders while also investing in stockpiles of strategic minerals. Others are developing their own reserves: in Canada alone, 26 companies are involved in exploration, and rare-earth mines are expected to come on line soon in Australia, the United States, Canada, South Africa, and Kazakhstan.

been echoed in the European Union, South Korea, and Japan, as well as in private industry, where a number of firms are developing ferrite magnets to replace magnets based on rare-earths such as neodymium. In addition, the U.S. government is investing $35 million in the development of batteries free of rare-earth elements, with similar programs under way in Japan, the EU, and South Korea. In the long term, public and private nanotechnology research programs are looking to use nano-composites to reduce the rare-earth content of permanent magnets. At the other end of the product life-cycle, burgeoning production, operation, and decommissioning processes have highlighted growing environmental and materials issues. In the solar PV sector in particular, questions about material and energy flows, environmental impacts, and the reprocessing of used components have become increasingly central. With total installed global solar PV capacity increasing by seven times between 2005 and 2010, these practices have come under greater scrutiny, driving innovations in efficient manufacturing, new production equipment, recycling of process-water and other resources, and the on-site generation of renewable process energy. Of growing importance is the recycling of solar panels that have reached the end of their service life. While current quantities of disused PV modules remain too small to fully support an extensive recycling operation, it is predicted that around 130,000 tonnes of end-oflife PV panels will be ready for disposal in Europe by 2030. In anticipation of this, the PV industry has launched initiatives such as the Solar Scorecard operated by the nonprofit Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, which ranks the overall environmental impact of numerous solar manufacturers. In Europe, a network of recycling depots and collectors for end-of-life solar PV panels has been established by the organization PV Cycle. By March 2011, the group had recorded the collection of around 150 tonnes of end-of-life PV modules, many of which are now in various stages of the recycling process.

The U.S. government has allocated $15 million for R&D on rare-earth elements and for the development of substitutes for rare-earth magnets. These efforts have

Source: See Endnote 37 for this section.


I) The rare earths are a group of 17 elements that exhibit unique catalytic, magnetic and optical properties. They include scandium, yttrium, lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, and lutetium.

development, a trend first noted in 2008. In Japan, manufacturers have become involved in direct retailing, installation, and after-sale service. Some traditional energy companies have diversified by expanding their operations into renewable energy: Saudi Arabian energy firm KA-CARE announced a 10 MW PV plant for desalination in 2010, and oil company Saudi Aramco is co-developing a 12 MW power plant with Solar Frontier.35 Firms also began to expand their technology development efforts to include molten salt technology. Examples are Bass and Yara of Spain. Development of new designs for molten salt towers and even trough systems was continuing in expectation of new Spanish policy for CSP beyond 2012. Such new policy would allow for new designs and technologies, in contrast to the existing but limited feed-in tariff, which applies only to alreadyplanned and designed projects.40

In response to Indias National Solar Mission, with its ambitious target of 20 GW of solar power installed nationwide by 2022, Indias domestic solar manufacturing industry saw new growth in 2010. Indian firms include Bharat Heavy Industries, Central Electronics, HHV Solar Technologies, Indosolar, KSK Surya Photovoltaic, Moser Baer, Tata BP, Websol Energy Systems, XL Telecom & Energy, Jupiter Solar Power, and Bhaskar Silicon. Moser Baer India led in new project installations during 2010, including the commissioning of a 1 MW thin-film power plant in Maharashtra.36

The Spanish industry leads the world in CSP plant design and operation with over 80 active firms.41 Leading project development firms worldwide include Abengoa (Spain), Acciona (Spain), BrightSource (United States), Schott (Germany), and Siemens (Germany).42 Leading mirror manufacturers include Saint-Gobain (France), Flabeg (Germany), and Rio Glass (Spain). Other notable CSP firms include Areva (Spain), eSolar (USA), Solar Millennium (Germany), and Solar Reserve (USA).43 Geothermal power technologies include conventional hydrothermal, enhanced geothermal systems (hot rocks, EGS), and co-production or geopressure systems. Plants are typically 50200 MW and take 57 years to develop from discovery to commercial development. The risk to developers is similar to oil or mining projects where the size of the resource is unconfirmed until drilling takes place.

n Geothermal heat and Power Industry

n Concentrating Solar Thermal Power (CSP) Industry

The year 2010 saw some notable trends in the CSP industry. Although industry activity continued to focus in the two leading markets of Spain and the United States, the industry expanded its attention to other markets in Algeria, Australia, Egypt, Morocco, and even China. Still, most industry expansion took place in Europe and the United States. For example, Schott of Germany doubled its production of receiver tubes in its facility in Seville, Spain. Rio Glass of Spain, a relatively new company that has become a major producer in recent years, was building a manufacturing plant in the United States and also planning for plants in India and China.38



The industry also saw several acquisitions by major energy players seeking to enter the CSP market. Siemens bought Solel (Israel), ABB bought Novatech, GE bought E-Solar, and Ariva bought Ausra. Alstrom also entered into a joint venture with Bright Source. The industry remained vertically integrated, with individual companies involved in many parts of the value chain, but this was expected to change as markets expand and as companies specialize in specific parts of the value chain.39

The U.S. industry is the global leader, developing approximately one-third of the worlds new projects, all in its domestic market. Japanese firms Mitsubishi, Toshiba, and Fuji Electric supply 70% of the steam turbines at geothermal plants worldwide. Leading firms in conventional geothermal include Borealis Geopower, Calpine, CalEnergy, Chevron, Enel SpA, GeoGlobal, Gradient Resources, Magma Energy Corp., Mighty River Power, Nevada Geothermal Power, Ormat Technologies, Oski Energy, POWER Engineers, Ram Power, Terra-Gen Power, ThermaSource, and U.S. Geothermal. Leaders in EGS Geothermal include AltaRock Energy, EGS Energy, Geox, Geodynamics, and Potter Drilling.44



The most mature of the renewables industries, the hydropower industry in developed markets such as the United States, the EU, Russia, Canada, and Japan is characterized by a focus on repowering, relicensing, and pumped storage development to complement increasing shares of variable renewable electricity. Elsewhere, particularly in emerging markets, the focus is on construction of new hydropower capacity.

n hydropower Industry

n Ocean energy Industry

During 2010 in Brazil, developers like PCH Brasil put projects on hold in response to rates of return below 1214%.45 The small hydro industry suffered in the EU, where conflicting national-level implementation demands associated with the Renewable Energy Directive and Water Framework Directive resulted in delays and permitting difficulties.46

Alstom, Andritz, IMPSA, and Voith lead in the manufacture of hydropower equipment, accounting for approximately 4050% of the global market. The remaining 5060% market share is controlled by regional players, including American Hydro (North America), Bharat Heavy Electrical (India), CKD Blansko Holding (former Eastern Bloc), Energomashexport (Russian Federation and former Eastern bloc), and Hitachi and Toshiba (Japan and North America). Chinese equipment manufacturers Harbin Electric Machinery and Zhejiang Machinery & Equipment are also emerging as global players.48

The largest active hydropower industry is in China, where there are hundreds of small entrepreneurs and municipal governments, as well as a number of large players. India has a wide manufacturing base for smallscale hydropower equipment, with 20 active domestic manufacturers with equipment manufacturing total capacity of 300 MW per year. In addition, there are about five manufacturers producing equipment for microhydro and watermills.47

Manufacturers of wave energy devices include Pelamis Wave Power, Wave Dragon, Voith Hydro Wavegen, Ocean Energy Ltd., AWS II BV, Fred Olsen, Ocean Power Technologies, Aquamarine, and Wello Oy. Manufacturers of tidal current energy technologies include Hammerfest Strom, Verdant Power, Voith Hydro Ocean Current Technologies, Marine Current Turbines, Clean Current Power Systems, Ponte di Archimede, Open Hydro, Atlantis Resources, Minesto, Pulse Tidal, Tidal Energy, Tidal Generation, TidalStream, and VerdErg Renewable Energy.49 At least 32 companies are active in the development and evaluation of prototype wave projects funded by the U.K. government, with the industrys long-term outlook growing following the auctioning of leases by the Crown Estate. The U.S. industry currently has more than 50 active companies.50 In 2010, a number of traditional hydropower firms joined the industry, including Andritz Hydro, Alstom Hydro, and Voith Hydro in 2010. Utilities that joined include Iberdrola-ScottishPower, Vattenfall, RWE, E.ON, Scottish & Southern Energy Renewables, and Scottish Power Renewables.51

Wave and tidal technologies saw significant progress toward commercial generation in 2010, benefiting from a mix of government policies and financial grants and new entrants. Industry development in the U.K. led this nascent industry, with development also occurring in the United States and Canada. The focus continues to be on the design and evaluation of demonstration prototypes.


from eight registered suppliers in 2008 when the subsidy scheme was first launched. The national association SESSA has grown from 200 to 500 corporate members, primarily installers, in two years.60

n Solar heating and Cooling Industry

China has dominated the world market for solar water heating for several years and is also the world leader in manufacturing. Chinese manufacturers of solar water heaters produced 49 million m2 of collector area in 2010. More than 5,000 firms were active in the Chinese industry, with most of them operating at the regional and/or national levels; however, approximately 20 of these firms were active internationally.53 The largest Chinese firms include Himin, Linuo, Sunrain, and Sangle. A major issue for Chinese manufacturers continues to be the need for systematic improvements in quality and product standardization. Most Chinese production is installed domestically, but increasingly China has been exporting to developing countries in Africa and Central and South America, regions with warmer climates where thermo-siphon systems can be sold. Chinese-made systems have also begun to enter the European market.54

n ethanol Industry

The global ethanol industry recovered in 2010 in response to rising oil prices. Some previously bankrupt firms returned to the market, and there were a number of acquisitions as large traditional oil companies entered the industry.61 The corn ethanol industry continued to grow in the United States. Ethanol manufacturers in 29 U.S. states operated a total of 204 plants with a capacity of 51 billion liters, and 10 of these plants were undergoing expansion to increase capacity by 2 billion liters.62

In Europe, the solar hot water/heating industry has been marked by acquisitions and mergers among leading players, solid annual growth, and a shift toward increased use of systems for space heating in addition to hot water. Leading manufacturers include Alanod, Almeco-TiNOX, Bosch, Bluetec, GreenOneTec, the Ritter Group, and Solvis. In 2010, leading manufacturers in Germany, Italy, Austria, and Spain began looking increasingly beyond domestic/regional markets to the emerging markets of India and Brazil. Leading European systems suppliers in 2010 included GreenOneTec, Viessman, Schueco, Thermosolar, Solvis, Ritter Solar, Wolf, Kingspan Solar, Vaillant, KBB Kollektobau, Riello Group, Ezinc, and Bosch Thermoteknik. As a result of a 26% drop in system sales in Germany during 2010, due to a temporary suspension of rebates, a number of firms in Germany declared bankruptcy and closed facilities.55

The line between biofuel innovators and traditional oil players was blurred in 2010 with a number of prominent acquisitions. U.S. oil refiner Valero Energy established itself as one of the largest ethanol firms in the United States, acquiring 4.2 billion liters of production capacity at the conclusion of a process that began in 2009. By years end, Valero Energy operated 10 ethanol plants, nine of which previously belonged to Verasun.

Brazilian firms are emerging as major manufacturers of solar hot water systems. In 2010, Brazilian production of solar collectors reached almost 1 million m2, an increase of 20% over the previous year.58 In 2010, the industry consisted of 200 manufacturers and approximately 1,000 installers.59 In South Africa, following the doubling of the solar hot water subsidy in response to rising electricity rates, the market is booming and the industry has expanded as a result. Eskom, the South African national utility, recorded that 108 accredited suppliers, 245 registered distributors, and 124 registered independent installers participated in the incentive program during 2010, up

In Brazil during 2010, multiple vertically integrated sugarcane groups emerged in the ethanol space that was previously occupied only by market leader Cosan during 2010. Shell launched a joint venture with Cosan to generate electricity and produce ethanol and advanced biofuels, and thereby became Brazils largest ethanol producer, with 23 mills producing sugar and ethanol. In addition, Shell and Cosan began jointly developing



European installed system prices have not declined in the past 10 years, although tank and collector prices have decreased slightly.56 By contrast, in Brazil the installation cost is typically only 10% of the total system price, reflecting the lower labor costs relative to the EU.57

In addition, refiner Flint Hills acquired 830 million liters of production capacity from Hawkeyes plants in Kansas; Sunoco acquired Northeast Biofuels 379 million liter ethanol plant in New York; and Murphy Oil acquired a 416 million liter North Dakota facility from Verasun. Producer Pacific Ethanol returned from bankruptcy in 2010, reopening four plants.63 POET, the integrated biorefiner, operated 26 plants and produced more than 6 billion liters of ethanol (about 12% of the national total) and 4 million tonnes of animal feed in 2010.64



By the end of 2010, sugar prices rose to the point that Brazilian ethanol could no longer be exported economically to the United States. Around 44% (up from 42% in 200809) of the sugarcane harvest was allocated to sugar production, leaving only 55% for ethanol production.66 In response to strong demand and the need for increased production, Brazil approved a plan in 2010 to invest over $400 billon in the industry in order to meet domestic demand while also targeting a future tripling of ethanol exports to 9.9 billion liters/year.67

second-generation fuels with Iogen Energy of Canada. Bunge acquired Moemas five crushing plants, and Louis Dreyfus acquired Brazils second largest sugarcane group, Santelisa Vale.65

Producers in the EU continued to lead the biodiesel industry in 2010. However, affected negatively by rising rapeseed oil costs and cheaper imports, many EU producers operated at an average of 50% capacity or lower, similar to their 2009 levels. The 245 biodiesel plants in the EU-27 had 25 billion liters (21.9 million tonnes) of capacity, but produced only 10 billion liters of biodiesel in 2010.68 Palm oil imports from Indonesia stood at 135 million liters (120,000 tonnes) in 2010, and were expected to rise to 565 million liters (500,000 tons) in 2011; further pressure comes from recycled oil, which is taking a share of the market from biodiesel refiners. Following complaints that low-cost U.S. B99 biodiesel was being sold through Canada and Singapore to the EU starting in late 2006, the European Commission initiated a probe in August of 2010.69 Consolidation in the sector continued in the EU, with deals such as Glencores GLEN.UL takeover of Biopetrol.70

n biodiesel Industry

In Brazil, biodiesel production increased 50% over 2010, mostly in response to a domestic biodiesel blending mandate of 5% that was established in January 2010. By the end of 2010, there were 68 biodiesel plants operating in Brazil.71 The countrys largest firms are Granol, Brasil Ecodiesel, Caramuru, Petrobras, and ADM Brasil.72

One of the fastest growing biodiesel industries is found in Argentina, where 23 biodiesel suppliers have responded to the increased national blending requirement for B7 (up from B5 in September).74 The industrys growth was driven by the depreciation of the peso and by a strong soybean harvest. Argentinas largest firms are YPF, Shell, Eso, and Petrobras.75

In November 2010, Nestle Oil opened the worlds largest renewable diesel plant so far, in Singapore. The companys vegetable oil-based NExBTL process plant will produce about 900 million liters (800,000 metric tonnes) of fuel per year.73

The companies Algenol, Martek, Solix, BioArchitecture, Accelergy, and Synthetic Genomics were also actively developing algae-based fuels during 2010. Overall, approximately 25 of the estimated 100 firms active in the algae space have made the transition from the laboratory to the pilot phase during the recession.78 Pilot and demonstration plants operating in 2010 included Solixs 28,000 liter plant and Sapphire Energys 2.6 million liter facility. The current cost estimate for photosynthetic microalgael biofuel production is $7 per liter.79

The aviation industry, which has committed almost exclusively to advanced biofuels, made major strides in 2010. Commercial airlines such as Lufthansa, Virgin Atlantic, Quantas, KLM, and Alaska Airlines, as well as the Royal Dutch Air Force and the U.S. Air Force, launched bio-ethanol initiatives or test flights. British Airways and Quantas launched a joint venture with Solena Fuels to support commercial biofuels refineries that convert wood and agricultural wastes to aviation fuels. In Brazil, a coalition led by developer Curcas launched the worlds largest aviation bio-kerosene plant jointly with BP, Airbus, TAM Airlines, and Brasil EcoDiesel.76 Producers of advanced biofuels including Amyris, ClearFuels, Sapphire Energy, Solazyme, and Solena Fuels have all made aviation fuels a focus.77

Although advanced biofuels were not yet being produced commercially at scale during 2010, the diversity of players in the advanced biofuels industry continued to increase. Participants included traditional oil companies, major aviation companies, and young, rapidly growing firms.

n advanced biofuels Industry

Traditional oil companies have begun to enter the algae industry. ExxonMobil has arranged a deal with Synthetic Genomics, and Shell with Cellana; Conoco Philips, Petrobras, and Neste Oil are supporting academic research or conducting internal studies.80 Choren and Neste Oil both made advanced-biofuels investments in Europe prior to 2010, and Abengoa Bioenergys 480 million liter facility in Rotterdam opened in April 2010.81


Sidebar 4. JObS In Renewable eneRGy

Worldwide, jobs in renewable energy industries exceeded 3.5 million in 2010. (See Table.) A 2008 report by UNEP on jobs in renewable energy observes that while developed economies have shown the most technological leadership in renewable energy, developing countries are playing a growing role and this is reflected in employment. China, Brazil, and India account for a large share of global total employment in renewables, having strong roles in the wind power, solar hot water, and/ or biofuels industries. In addition to manufacturing, many of these jobs are in installations, operations, Industry Biofuels Wind power estimated jobs worldwide ~ 630,000 ~ 300,000 ~ 350,000 > 1,500,000

and maintenance, as well as in biofuels feedstocks. Jobs are expected to grow apace with industry and market growth, although increasing automation of manufacturing and economies of scale in installation services may moderate the rate of jobs growth below that of market growth. Some countries keep track of total jobs from renewable energy. For example, the German government estimates 370,000 jobs currently, and the Spanish government estimates more than 70,000 jobs currently.

Brazil 730,000 for sugarcane and ethanol production China 250,000 / Spain 7,000

Selected national estimates

Solar hot water Solar PV Biomass power Hydropower Geothermal Biogas Solar thermal power

China 150,000 / Germany 100,000 / United States 85,000 / Spain 40,000 / Italy 28,000 / Denmark 24,000 / Brazil 14,000 / India 10,000 China 120,000 / Germany 120,000 / Japan 26,000 / United States 17,000 / Spain 14,000 Europe 20,000 / United States 8,000 / Spain 7,000 Germany 13,000 / United States 9,000 Germany 20,000 Germany 120,000 / United States 66,000 / Spain 5,000

Total estimated

> 3,500,000

~ 15,000

Spain 1,000 / United States 1,000

Source: See Endnote 82 for this section.



Note: Figures are rounded to nearest 1,000 or 10,000 as all numbers are rough estimates and not exact. There are significant uncertainties associated with most of the numbers presented here, related to such issues as accounting methods, industry definition and scope, direct vs. indirect jobs, and displaced jobs from other industries (net vs. gross job creation). The greatest uncertainties occur in biofuels jobs estimates, where the distinction between direct and indirect jobs can be interpreted and analyzed using different methods and definitions; Renner, Sweeny, and Kubit (2008) estimated 1.2 million jobs from biofuels, including indirect jobs. See also Kammen, Kapadia and Fripp (2004) for general discussion of jobs estimates. In addition, it is possible to estimate the number of direct jobs associated with a specific technology through the use of employment factors. For example, jobs associated with the on-shore wind industry are 15 person-years in construction and manufacturing per MW produced, and 0.4 jobs in operations and maintenance per MW existing, according to the European Wind Energy Association (2009). Similar estimates for the solar PV sector are 38 person-years per MW produced and 0.4 jobs per MW existing, according to the European Photovoltaics Industry Association. These factors do not account for indirect jobs. The employment factors method was employed in analyses done specifically for the 2005 and 2007 editions of this report, which estimated 1.7 million jobs in 2004 (including 0.9 million jobs in biofuels production) and 2.4 million jobs in 2006 (including 1.1 million jobs in biofuels production).


POlICy lanDSCaPe

The number of countries with renewable targets or support policies more than doubled between 2005 and early 2011, from 55 to 119, and an increasing number of city and local governments are promoting renewable energy.



Policies to support renewable energy investments continued to increase in number during 2010 and early 2011.1 Only a few countries had renewable energy support policies in the 1980s and early 1990s, but many more countries, states, provinces, and cities began to adopt such policies during the period 19982005, and especially during the period 20052011. The number of countries with some type of policy target and/or support policy related to renewable energy more than doubled during this latter period, from an estimated 55 in early 2005 to 119 by early 2011.2

04 POlICy lanDSCaPe

(such as simply providing a tax credit). In general, the global renewable energy market remains in a state of flux as policymakers continue to be challenged to set realistic and achievable targets and to link them with appropriate long-term policy mechanisms. This section surveys the landscape of existing renewable energy targets and policies, including new and amended policies at the national, state/provincial, and local levels. For a fuller history of renewable energy policies enacted since 2005, refer to past editions of this Renewables Global Status Report.

At the national, state/provincial, and local/municipal levels, policies have played a major role in driving renewable energy markets, investments, and industry developments. However, not all policies have been equally effective in supporting these developments.3 The success of such efforts depends not only on policy choice, but also on policy design and implementation. (For further discussion of policy design and effectiveness, see the IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources discussed in Sidebar 5.) Consequently, governments continue to update and revise policies in response to design and implementation challenges and in response to advances in technologies and changes in the marketplace.

In addition, each year the synergies between policies that promote renewable energy and those that encourage energy efficiency improvements become clearer. One example of such synergy is the potential for reductions in energy supply as the energy demand in buildings is reduced.4 Policies for building renovations and new construction standards are increasingly integrating on-site renewable energy and energy efficiency. In 2010, the lack of long-term policy certainty and stability in many places around the world became a stronger factor for renewable energy markets. In response to continuing cost reductions for several technologies (particularly solar PV) and the global financial crisis that began in late 2008, many governments undertook reductions in tax and financial incentives for renewables, and others were contemplating significant policy overhauls. As a result, several national- and state-level renewable energy support mechanisms saw funding cuts in 2010, including in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, the Czech Republic, and the United Kingdom.5 Nevertheless, supporting policies continued to exert substantial influence on the rate of increase of the shares of renewables in the electricity, heat, and transport markets. The renewable energy industry, along with many other players, continued to push for stable, long-term policies and effective policy mixes. In many instances, a combination of policies (such as offering an incentive in parallel with running a related education program) has proved more successful than taking a single approach

Policy targets for various penetration levels of renewable energy as part of the future energy supply continue to grow in number.6 Targets now exist in at least 98 countries, more than half of which are developing countries. (See Reference Tables R7R9.) Most targets are for shares of electricity and typically aim at 1030% of total electricity within the next 12 decades. Other types of targets include renewable energy shares of total primary or final energy, share of heat supply, installed capacities of specific technologies, and shares of biofuels in road transport fuels.7 Targets typically apply to a specific future year, although some apply to a range of years. Many targets existed for 2010 and, although some data for that year were still not available by mid-2011, it appears that many countries and states met their 2010 targets. In other cases, targets either were missed or were scaled back. However, because some targets are more ambitious than others, and because the supporting policies needed to help achieve them are not always implemented strongly or consistently, caution is needed when judging the success of policy targets.


Within the EU, many individual countries met their targets for 2010 or were about to do so. Two countries Finland and Sweden even passed their 2020 targets by 2010. Scotland is on track to exceed its target, set in 2007, for 31% of total electricity generation coming from renewables by 2011.12 Consequently, the Scottish government raised its 2020 target for the renewable



The European Unions 2010 targets for wind power (40 GW), solar PV (3 GWpeak), CSP (1 GW), and heating/ heat pumps (5 GWth), were all surpassed.8 By the end of 2010, wind power capacity had reached 86 GW and solar PV exceeded 29 GW.9 These strong growth trends are expected to continue and mean that the EU could well surpass its 2020 target of having 20% of energy come from renewables.10 (See Figure 15, next page.) However, neither the Renewable Electricity Directive nor the Biofuels Directive targets for 2010 were fully met (targets were 21% and 5.75% shares of electricity and transport fuels, respectively).11

* Both Sweden and Finland in 2009 exceeded their targets, achieving 50.2% and 29.8% respectively.

POlICy lanDSCaPe

figure 15. eu Renewable Shares of final energy, 2005 and 2009, with Targets for 2020
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Total (EU 27)

Portugal Denmark Finland Estonia Slovenia Romania

Sweden Latvia Austria




55 50 %*

42 % 34 % 31 % 30% 28%* 25% 25% 24% 23% 23% 20% 18% 18% 17% 16% 16% 15% 15% 14% 14% 13% 13% 13% 13% 11% 10%

Source: EC and EurObservER

share of total electricity generation from 50% to 80%. In Germany, the 2010 target of 3.5 GWp for newly installed solar PV capacity under the Renewable Energy Act (EEG) was easily exceeded.13 This led to an agreement with the PV industry for an annual reduction in feed-in-tariffs (FITs) if a cap of 3.5 GW is surpassed.14 Australia met its original 2010 target of 9.5 TWh for renewable electricity well before 2010.15 A consequent revision of the scheme, legislated in June 2010 as a result of separate state targets encouraging many small projects, resulted in a new 45 TWh target by 2020. This target will be met in part through a Small Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) with uncapped fixed-price certificates bought and sold in a national certificate market. That scheme will help support an overall target for annual electricity generation to reach 10.4 TWh by 2011 and then increase to 41 TWh by 2020. (An additional 4 TWh of the total target is to come from the SRES.) In China, favorable government policies have resulted in a significant increase in installed wind power capacity every year since 2005.16 Wind power in China reached nearly 45 GW in 2010 (although not all was operating;

Germany Greece Italy Bulgaria Ireland Poland United Kingdom Netherlands Slovak Republic Belgium Cyprus Czech Republic Hungary Luxembourg Malta

France Lithuania Spain

Baseline for 2005 (as reference) Existing in 2009 Target for 2020


Some countries did not achieve their 2010 targets. For example, India missed its target for 2 GW of added wind power in 2010.20 And some countries have scaled back their existing targets for a variety of reasons. For example, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reduced its mandate for about 950 million liters of advanced cellulosic biofuels by 2011 (as originally envisioned in the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007) to just around 25 million liters, citing the difficulty of securing sufficient finance to set up commercial production

see Global Market Overview section).17 This was well above the former national targets for wind (5 GW by 2010 and 30 GW by 2020), as issued by the National Development and Reform Commission in 2007. A new target for wind power of 130 GW by 2015 was set in the 12th Five-Year Plan (201115), with a further unofficial target of 150200 GW by 2020.18 Chinas previous target for a 10% share of total primary energy from renewables by 2010 was almost met, as the share exceeded 9%, but attention has shifted to the new target for 2020, a 15% share of non-fossil (renewables and nuclear) final energy by 2020 (a metric that appeared to reach about 9.1% renewables and 0.4% nuclear in 2010).19

facilities.21 Spain has reduced its goal for 8.3 GW of solar PV cumulative total capacity for 2020 down to 6.7 GW.22 Both Chile and Israel have reduced their 2020 electricity targets from 10% down to 8% and 7% respectively. 2020 to 20,000 MW through a number of incentives30; the U.S. state of Oklahoma setting a target for 15% of total electricity generation capacity to be derived from renewable sources, including hydropower, by 201531; the U.S. territory of Puerto Ricos renewable electricity target of 12% of total power generation for 201519 ramping up to 20% by 203532; the Cook Islands, following its Pacific Island neighbor Tonga, aiming for 50% renewable electricity by 2015 and 100% by 2020, supported by a a feed-in tariff (FIT)33; and the United Arab Emirates targeting 5% of energy by 2030.34 In India, the recent Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission was responsible for the increased 2013 and 2020 targets for PV and CSP.35 At the regional level, a handful of targets exist, such as the EU 2009 Renewables Directive and the Mediterranean Solar Plan (which would add 20 GW of renewables by 2020), but no new regional targets were adopted in 2010.36

On the other hand, several governments have raised existing targets. Finland increased its existing target for transport biofuels, which was for up to 6% by 2014, to 20% by 2020.23 Spain increased its minimum biofuel blend level from 5.8% in 2010 to 6.2% in 2011, and 6.5% in 2012.24 Germany introduced a goal in 2010 to achieve 35% renewable electricity in 2020 as part of a new Energy Concept that would extend the still-official policy target of 30% by 2020, as established in 2008.25 Taiwan is now aiming for a 16% renewable electricity share by 2025 compared with the previous 15.1% target.26 And Jordans 2020 target for total share of renewable energy was increased from the previous 1% to 10% based around individual technology targets such as 30% of solar for water heating, 1,000 MW of wind power, and 300600 MW of solar thermal electricity.27

New targets introduced by countries, states, and territories (see Tables R7, R8, and R9) include South Africas 1 million new SWH installations by 201428; Guatemala offering tax breaks on equipment to project developers in its aim to generate 60% of total electricity from hydro and geothermal by 202229; India aiming to increase its 2013 target for 10 MW of grid-connected renewable capacity to 1,000 MW of solar power (from both PV and concentrating solar power (CSP) equally) and by The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation in mid-2011 after over two years of effort by more than 100 authors, including some of the authors of this Renewables Global Status Report. The IPCC special report provides broader coverage of renewable energy than was included in the IPCCs latest climate change assessment report (in 2007), as well as stronger policy linkages and more substantial information for policymakers. In addition to comprehensive technical coverage, the special report assesses existing policy experience and policies needed for further progress in developing renewables. The report notes that government policies play a crucial role in accelerating the deployment of renewable technologies. Under most conditions, increasing the share of renewable energy in the energy mix will require policies to stimulate changes in the energy system. There is no one-size-fits-all policy, and the details of design and implementation are critical in determining a policys effectiveness and efficiency.


At least 95 countries now have some type of policy to support renewable power generation. More than half of these countries are developing countries or those considered emerging economies. Such policies are the most common type of renewables policy support, although many other policy types exist to support renewable energy for heating, cooling, and transport. 37 (See Table 2 and following sections.) Systematic development of policy frameworks that are transparent and sustained in order to reduce risks, and that enable attractive returns over a timeframe relevant to the investment, can facilitate deployment of renewable energy and the evolution of low-cost applications. The existence of an enabling environment in parallel can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of policies to promote renewable energy deployment.

Sidebar 5. IPCC SPeCIal RePORT On Renewable eneRGy SOuRCeS

The full IPCC report and the policymaker and technical summaries can be downloaded from www.ipcc.ch or http://srren.ipcc-wg3.de/.



The report is expected to create a more informed and broader-based policy dialogue on support for renewable energy, as well as a better understanding of the role of renewables in climate change mitigation and overall energy system development. The report will contribute to international climate change debates and agreements and represents a milestone in access to understanding of renewable energy matters for many types of stakeholders.


POlICy lanDSCaPe

Table 2. Renewable energy Support Policies

Biofuels obligation/ mandate Feed-in tariff (incl. premium payment) Electric utility quota obligation/ RPS

Reductions in sales, energy, CO2, VAT, or other taxes

PublIC fInanCInG
Energy production payment Public competitive bidding Public investment, loans, or grants

Heat obligation/ mandate

Some states/ provinces within these countries have state/provinciallevel policies but there is no nationallevel policy.

Canada Cyprus Croatia





Finland France Greece Israel Italy

Denmark Estonia Germany

Czech Republic

Hungary Ireland Latvia Malta Japan

New Zealand Poland Portugal Slovenia Singapore Norway



Slovakia Spain2 Sweden


South Korea1 Trinidad & Tobago


United Kingdom United States

Capital subsidy, grant, or rebate

Investment or production tax credits

Tradable REC

Net metering


Table 2. Renewable energy Support Policies (continued)

Biofuels obligation/ mandate Feed-in tariff (incl. premium payment) Electric utility quota obligation/ RPS

Reductions in sales, energy, CO2, VAT, or other taxes

PublIC fInanCInG
Energy production payment Public competitive bidding Public investment, loans, or grants

Heat obligation/ mandate

Brazil Chile

Bosnia & Herzegovina Botswana Bulgaria





Kazakhstan Lithuania Malaysia Panama Peru Serbia Mexico Macedonia Mauritius Romania Turkey



Costa Rica

Dominican Rep.


Note: Countries are organized according to per capita income level as follows: high is $12,196 or more, upper-middle is $3,946 to $12,195, lower-middle is $996 to $3,945, and low is $995 or less. Per capita income levels from World Bank, 2010. Only enacted policies are included in table; however, for some policies shown, implementing regulations may not yet be developed or effective, leading to lack of implementation or impacts. Policies known to be discontinued have been omitted. Many feed-in policies are limited in scope or technology. 1 In South Korea, the current feed-in tariff will be replaced by an RPS policy in 2012. 2 In Spain, the Value Added Tax (VAT) reduction is for the period 201012 as part of a stimulus package. 3 In Mozambique, the biofuel blend mandate approved but not yet specified. Source: See Endnote 37 for this section.




South Africa

Capital subsidy, grant, or rebate

Investment or production tax credits

Tradable REC

Net metering


POlICy lanDSCaPe

Table 2. Renewable energy Support Policies (continued)

Biofuels obligation/ mandate Feed-in tariff (incl. premium payment) Electric utility quota obligation/ RPS

Reductions in sales, energy, CO2, VAT, or other taxes

PublIC fInanCInG
Energy production payment Public competitive bidding Public investment, loans, or grants

Heat obligation/ mandate

Some states/ provinces within these countries have state/provinciallevel policies but there is no nationallevel policy.

* The Palestinian Territories are not included in the World Bank country classification, they have been placed using the 2008 Occupied Palestinian Territory GNI per-capita provided by the UN ($1,595)

Armenia Bolivia China Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Guatemala Honduras India Indonesia Jordan Marshall Islands Moldova Mongolia Morocco Nicaragua Pakistan Palestinian Ter.* Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Tunisia Ukraine Vietnam Bangladesh Ghana Kenya Mali Nepal Ethiopia Gambia Kyrgyzstan Tanzania Rwanda


n lOw InCOMe COunTRIeS

Mozambique3 Uganda Zambia


Capital subsidy, grant, or rebate

Investment or production tax credits

Tradable REC

Net metering

Of all the policies employed by governments, feed-in tariffs (also called premium payments, advanced renewable tariffs, and minimum price standards) remain the most common. By early 2011, at least 61 countries and 26 states/provinces had FITs, more than half of which had been enacted since 2005.38 (See Table R10.) existing single-rate FIT with technology-specific FIT rates over a 10-year term for wind, geothermal, biomass, biogas, and solar, with bonus payments if hardware components are made in Turkey.

Another common policy in some jurisdictions, particularly at the state/provincial level in the United States, Canada, India, Australia, and a growing number of other regions, is the quota or renewable portfolio standard (RPS). A quota/RPS is an obligation (mandated and not voluntary) placed by a government on a utility company, group of companies, or consumers to provide or use a predetermined minimum share from renewables of either installed capacity, electricity generated, or electricity sold.55 A penalty may or may not exist for non-compliance.



Several of the existing FIT policies around the world are presently under review. In particular, many countries are revising solar PV FITs to dampen the booming rate of installations, which in many cases are far exceeding expectations due to the unprecedented price reductions in solar PV that occurred in 2009 and 2010. In late 2010, the Czech Republic passed new legislation to slow the rate of PV installations as total capacity increased from 65 MW at the end of 2008 to nearly 2 GW by the end of 2010 in part out of concern for the impact of the FIT on average electricity prices.42 Effective from March 2011, the country cut all FIT rates for ground-mounted PV installations that were not yet interconnected with the grid. In May 2011, Italy cut tariffs for solar PV by 2230% for 2011, by 2345% for 2012, and by 1045% for 2013 (ranges apply to different scales of installation). A project ceiling of 1 MW on rooftops and 0.2 MW for groundmounted systems was also imposed to limit the total cost to EUR 67 billion by the end of 2016, when roughly 23 GW are expected to be installed.43 Many other FIT changes took place in 2010. In Spain, the EUR 0.42/kWh FIT level for solar PV, as set in 2007, still remains, but new legislation now caps the annual hours rewarded by the FIT, and some uncertainty arose regarding retroactive cuts to existing systems.44 Greeces financial problems led to the government blocking a backlog of project applications for support incentives worth over EUR 2 billion, but the restriction was lifted in September 2010 and new projects continued. The United Kingdom decided in 2010 to replace its existing quota policy with a FIT, starting in 2013, for low carbon generation.45 Bulgaria, through its new Renewable Energy Act of June 2011, put an annual cap on new projects receiving the FIT prices by applying a quota.46 And Turkey enacted a long-awaited renewable energy law that replaces the

There are many variations of FITs, and no single definition applies.39 (See Sidebar 6.) In one variation of a new FIT, the U.S. State of Louisianas Public Utility Commission announced in 2010 that electric utilities would be required to implement a limited standard offer tariff that is undifferentiated by project size, technology, or resource intensity. This type of tariff represents the utilitys avoided cost of generation plus an environment premium fixed at U.S. 3 cents/kWh. The tariff also sets total floor and ceiling prices of 6 cents/kWh and 12 cents/kWh, caps total capacity at 30 MW per utility, and applies to projects between 25 kW and 5 MW.40 The additional costs are passed on to ratepayers through a fuel adjustment clause, an approach normally used to cover increases in the cost of fossil fuels.41

Although most policy activity in developed countries involves revisions to existing FITs, at least three new FIT policies were introduced or implemented in developing countries in 2010 and early 2011. Malaysias policy aims to meet a 3,000 MW renewables target by 2020, with one-third of that expected from solar PV and another third from bioenergy.51 Ecuador adopted a new system of FITs in early 2011, following an earlier FIT policy from 2005.52 And Uganda began implementation of its existing FIT in early 2011 for 11 separate technologies.53 Many other developing countries saw increasing capacity of renewables from previously enacted FIT policies.54

In Australia, the federal government in December 2010 adjusted the solar rooftop PV credit scheme in order to wind it down faster than was originally planned due to the impact on electricity prices, continuing strong industry growth, and the resulting lower demand for other clean energy technologies such as solar water heaters.47 In May 2011, it reduced the AUD 1.5 billion Solar Flagship program, which aims for four gridconnected power stations, by AUD 220 million.48 New South Wales reduced its solar PV FIT incentive by a third, to AUD 0.40/kWh, and cut the scheme for new participants because the measure had cost the state some AUD 1.9 billion since its inception in 2009.49 Conversely, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) expanded the existing FIT for rooftop solar PV so it also applies to 30200 kW grid-connected generation systems, up to a total installed capacity cap of 240 MW.50


POlICy lanDSCaPe

Sidebar 6. whaT IS a feeD-In TaRIff?

A basic feed-in tariff (FIT) is a renewables promotion policy that pays a guaranteed price for power generated from a renewable energy source, most commonly for each unit of electricity fed into the grid by a producer, and usually over a fixed long-term period (typically 20 years). A FIT also can be developed for units of heat supplied from biomass, solar thermal, or geothermal energy sources.

two remuneration components exist instead of one: a reduced FIT payment, plus the hourly market price for electricity. To ensure that the combination of the two does not pay producers either too little or too much, the Spanish version uses a lower floor and upper cap. The policy community broadly agrees that a true FIT includes three key provisions: 1) guaranteed grid access, 2) long-term contracts for the electricity (or heat) produced, and 3) prices based on the cost of generation plus a reasonable rate of return. However, formulating a definition that is broad enough to encompass all of the instruments claimed to be FITs by their legislative creators is difficult. The range of policies and their provisions vary widely year-by-year. Moreover, experts may disagree about whether or not a given policy should be called a "true" FIT, based on price levels, capacity limits, administrative provisions, or other factors. For the purposes of this report, policies are classified as FITs if they are defined as such by the jurisdictions enacting them, rather than relying on an absolute set of criteria that would be difficult to apply in practice.

The FIT payment is usually administered by the utility company or grid operator and is derived from an additional per-kWh charge for electricity (or other energy source, such as heat) that is imposed on national or regional customers, often spread equally to minimize the costs to individuals. Tariffs may be differentiated by technology type, size, and location, and they usually decline over time. The basic FIT has been popularized in its modern form by Germany, which serves as a reference point for all similar policies. It could be called a market-independent mechanism. Another variation of a FIT policy is a premium FIT, a market-dependent mechanism developed principally by Spain and emulated elsewhere. Here,


In the United States, 30 states (plus Washington, D.C.) have RPS policies, and six more have non-binding policy goals.56 U.S. RPS policies continue to evolve and expand actively each year. For example, in early 2010, the New York Public Service Commission expanded the states RPS requirement for investor-owned utilities from 24% by 2013 to 29% by 2015.57 In California, utilities will probably reach their 20% RPS target in 2012, four years early. After some years of debate, California enacted a new RPS target in early 2011 for 33% of electricity by 2020.58 The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) also authorized the use of tradable renewable energy credits (TRECs) for RPS compliance.59 Delaware amended its RPS in 2010 to require municipal utilities within the state, as well as the major investor-owned utility, the Delaware Electric Cooperative, to purchase a 25% share by 2026 from in-state sources, including 3.5% from solar PV systems.63 And Iowa adopted new interconnection rules that mandate that renewable energy standards apply to distributed generation facilities of up to 10 MW. 64

Quota/RPS policies are also known as renewable electricity standards, renewable obligations, and mandated market shares, depending on the jurisdiction. Quota/RPS policies can be linked with certificate schemes to add flexibility by enabling mandated entities (utilities) to meet their obligations through trading. By early 2011, quota/RPS policies existed in 10 countries at the national level and in at least 50 other jurisdictions at the state, provincial, or regional level. (See Table R11.)

Developing countries are a growing part of the policy landscape for policies beyond FITs and quota/RPS policies. In recent years, many developing countries have established comprehensive national laws and frameworks for renewable energy, as noted in past editions of this Renewables Global Status Report. In 2010, Jordan became one of the recent entries in this category when it established a renewable energy support fund and passed a new law to accelerate the development of both renewable energies and energy efficiency and to allow investors to present unsolicited proposals for grid-connected renewable energy investments.68 In Malaysia, targets were adopted for solar PV and biomass, while Zambia relaxed tax policies in mining areas to stimulate investment in power capacity, with a preference for renewable energy technologies including hydro and solar.69 Trinidad

Elsewhere, quota/RPS policies continued to emerge and evolve in 2010. In South Korea, the government announced that by 2012 the existing FITs for wind and solar PV will be replaced with a quota system. The quota will mandate that 14 utilities generate 4% of electricity from renewables in 2015, increasing to 10% by 2020.65 The new policy mandates 350 MW per year of additional renewable capacity up to 2016, and thereafter 700 MW per year through 2022.66 As part of the policy, renewable energy projects will receive a 5% tax credit and local governments will receive capital subsidies up to 60% and low-interest loans. And in Canada, British Columbias clean energy requirement of 93%, enacted in 2007, was legislated under the Clean Energy Act of 2010.67

and Tobago also adopted measures for the promotion of renewable energy, introducing a variety of tax credits, exemptions and allowances for wind turbines, solar PV and solar hot water systems.70

Across the policy landscape, many other types of policies are promoting renewable power generation. (See Table 2.) At least 52 countries offer some type of direct capital investment subsidy, grant, or rebate. Investment tax credits, import duty reductions, and/or other tax incentives are also common means for providing financial support at the national level in many countries, and also at the state level in the United States, Canada, and Australia. Energy production payments or credits, sometimes called premiums, exist in a handful of countries. These are typically a fixed price per kilowatt-hour, or may be a percentage of other utility tariffs or baselines. A variety of countries, states, and provinces have established special renewable energy funds used to directly finance investments, provide low-interest loans, or facilitate markets in other ways, for example through research, education, and quality or performance standards. Countries continue to employ public competitive bidding for fixed quantities of renewable power capacity, in a variety of formats and levels. Net metering (also called net billing) is an important policy for rooftop solar PV (as well as other renewables) that allows self-generated power to offset electricity purchases. Net metering laws now exist in at least 14 countries and almost all U.S. states. And finally, new forms of electric utility regulation and planning are emerging that target the integration of renewables into power grids at increasing levels of penetration.71 (See Sidebar 7.)

n GReen eneRGy PuRChaSInG anD labelInG

There are currently more than 6 million green power consumers in Europe, the United States, Australia, Japan, and Canada.72 Green power purchasing and utility green pricing programs are growing, aided by a combination of supporting policies, private initiatives, utility programs, and government purchases. The three main vehicles for green power purchases are: utility green pricing programs, competitive retail sales by third-party producers enabled through electricity deregulation/liberalization (also called green marketing), and voluntary trading of renewable energy certificates.73 Germany has become the worlds green power leader, with a market that grew from 0.8 million residential customers in 2006 to 2.6 million in 2009.74 These consumers purchased 7 TWh of green electricity in 2009 (6% of the nations total electricity consumption). In addition to residential consumers, 150,000 business and other customers purchased over 10 TWh in 2009 (9.5% of total electricity consumption). Other major European green power markets are Austria, Finland, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, although the market share of green power in these countries is less than 5%.

Some governments require that utilities offer green energy options to their consumers. In the United States, where green pricing programs are offered by more than 850 utilities, regulations in several states require utilities or electricity suppliers to offer green power products.77 More than 1.4 million U.S. consumers purchased 30 TWh



Australias 900,000 residential and 34,000 business consumers collectively purchased 1.8 TWh of green power in 2008. In Japan, the green power certificate market grew to 227 GWh in 2009 with more than 50 sellers.75 The Green Heat Certificate Program began in 2010 for solar thermal, with biomass joining in 2011.76 In South Africa, at least one company offers green power to retail customers using renewable electricity produced from bagasse combustion in sugar mills.


POlICy lanDSCaPe

Sidebar 7. GRID InTeGRaTIOn anD COMPleMenTaRy InfRaSTRuCTuRe

As the share of renewable power increases in electricity grids around the world, the technologies and policies for grid integration to handle the variability of some renewables are advancing as well. On some national power grids, non-hydro renewables already make up large shares of total generation, for example 21% of Spains electricity and nearly 14% of Germanys. (See the Global Market Overview section of this report.) Variable renewable sources particularly wind and solar are growing rapidly in these countries, as well as in Denmark, Portugal, Ireland, some U.S. states, and many other places. Traditionally, electric power supply systems have provided enough flexibility to meet variable power demands, which can differ significantly by time of day and season of year. Conventional power plants offer some flexibility to adjust their output, on a response scale that ranges from minutes for natural gas and hydro plants (including pumped hydro storage) to hours for coal plants. Nuclear plants offer the least flexibility.

pioneering example of a separate power control center (CECRE) dedicated to renewable energy, which allows the transmission operator Red Elctrica to monitor and control, in real time, renewable power generation around the country.

Smart grid controls and intelligent load management (also called demand response or load control) have begun to extend the level of flexibility of power systems in ways that make higher shares of renewable energy possible at competitive economic cost. Such complementary technologies and practices support renewable energy development, especially in the presence of facilitating regulations and policies, although they can go only so far in extending the flexibility of traditional power grids. In the longer term, advanced technologies and practices such as grid-connected energy storage (batteries or other forms of storage) and electric vehicles with vehicle to grid capability that functions as a form of storage, may allow even higher levels of renewable penetration, although some experts are convinced that intelligent load control by itself could provide enough additional flexibility without the need for more advanced storage technologies.

The existing flexibility of power grids offers some capability for integrating variable renewables up to a certain level of penetration. This level depends on the strength of the transmission grid, the degree and capacity of interconnection, the amount of existing reservoir or pumped hydro capacity, and the amount of generation that can be run on a flexible basis. The share of renewable generation that can be accommodated from this existing flexibility may vary from just a few percent on weak, inflexible grids to 30% or more on strong, flexible grids. Power dispatch models that incorporate day-ahead weather forecasts for wind speeds and solar insolation have also become standard power system tools for handling more variable renewables. Beyond these standard tools, Spain in 2007 established a

Geographic distribution of renewable energy project sites can also help to reduce variability by increasing resource diversity. Policies that influence the location and siting of wind and solar resources can explicitly enhance this diversity, as can policies for transmission grid planning and strengthening. In addition, having a diverse portfolio of renewable technologies that naturally balance each other, and including dispatchable renewables like hydro and biomass, can enable higher penetration levels.

Source: See Endnote 71 for this section.


of green power in 2009, up from 18 TWh in 2007.78 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys Green Power Partnership grew to more than 1,300 corporate and institutional partners that purchased more than 19 TWh of electricity by the end of 2010.79 The largest consumer, Intel, nearly doubled its purchases in 2010, to 2.5 TWh. Other innovative green power purchasing models are emerging in the United States. For example, some utilities enable customers to purchase shares in a community solar project and then obtain a credit on their utility bill equivalent to their share of the project output.80

n heaTInG anD COOlInG POlICIeS

The European Energy Certificate System (EECS) framework has 18 member countries and allows the issue, transfer, and redemption of voluntary renewable energy certificates (RECs). It also provides guarantee-of-origin certificates in combination with RECs to enable renewable electricity generators to confirm origin. During 2009, 209 TWh of certificates were issued, more than triple the number in 2006.81 Norway, a major hydropower producer, issued 62% of all certificates under the EECS, virtually all of which were hydropower. In other European countries, green power labels such as Grner strom and Ok-power in Germany and Naturemade star in Switzerland have been introduced to strengthen consumer confidence.

Renewable energy heating and cooling policies are not being enacted as aggressively, nor implemented as rapidly, as policies for electricity or transport biofuels. Still, many more policies for heating and cooling have emerged in recent years, reflecting the significant potential for heating from modern biomass, direct geothermal, and solar hot water/heating. Already the energy from these forms of heating exceeds, in total final energy terms, the energy from all non-hydro renewable electricity as well as all biofuels.89 (See Figure 1.) Heat is supplied through district heating systems in a number of countries, but for most buildings and industries it is supplied on-site using a wide range of individual appliances and fuels.90 Recent policies for renewable heating and cooling have favored regulatory approaches that mandate energy shares or equipment requirements, although policy approaches based on quotas are gaining momentum. Governments have traditionally relied on direct capital grants and tax credits for purchasing and installing renewable heating technologies, but new policies that provide public budget neutrality have been gaining favor.91

Voluntary purchases of green energy by consumers are most commonly made for renewable electricity, but they also are possible for renewable heat and transport biofuels. For example, in New Zealand one independent transport fuel company, to distinguish itself commercially from the major oil companies in the market, offers a 10% ethanol blend and a 5% biodiesel blend.86 These fuels were initially sold at a higher green price, but with recent oil price increases they have actually become a cheaper option. The 2009 New Zealand Biodiesel Grant scheme and Emission Trading Scheme have also helped to promote green energy purchases.87

One example of a recent new policy is the 2010 solar hot water/heating National Strategic Reference Framework (QREN) in Portugal.93 The QREN is a protocol established with several commercial banks to facilitate investment in solar hot water/heating for residential installations and also installations by small (45% non-refundable grant) and medium-sized (40% grant) enterprises. Another example is the Brazilian program Minha casa, minha vida (My House, My Life), which is targeting 300,000400,000 solar water heaters in social housing projects.94 The Brazil program targets 15 million m2 of total solar collector area by 2015, up from 6 million m2 in 2010. In Spain, in addition to the national solar hot water



Price premiums for green power over conventional electricity tariffs have tended to decline in recent years.82 For example, retail green power premiums for residential and small commercial consumers in the United States were typically U.S. 13 cents/kWh over the past several years, but recently some premiums have fallen below 1 cent/kWh.83 Disclosure of renewable energy shares on consumer bills is used in Italy and elsewhere to help drive demand.84 In general, green labeling programs provide information to consumers about energy products. They are either government mandated or voluntary guarantees that the products meet pre-determined sustainability criteria, including specified shares of renewable energy content. Labeling can therefore facilitate voluntary decisions for green energy purchasing. However, having several different labels can cause confusion for electricity consumers.85

In particular, mandates for solar hot water in new construction represent a strong and growing trend at both the national and local levels. Israel for a long time was the only country with a national-level mandate, but Spain followed with a national building code in 2006 that requires minimum levels of solar hot water in new construction and renovation. Many other countries have followed suit. Indias nationwide energy conservation code requires at least 20% of water heating capacity from solar for residential buildings, hotels, and hospitals with centralized hot water systems.92 South Koreas new 2010 mandate requires on-site renewable energy to contribute at least 5% of total energy consumption for new public buildings larger than 1,000 square meters. Uruguay mandates solar hot water for some types of commercial buildings with high hot water requirements like hotels and sports clubs. In 2009, Hawaii became the first U.S. state to mandate solar hot water in new singlefamily homes, a policy that entered into force in 2010.


POlICy lanDSCaPe

Another example of new policies, the newly implemented Irish guaranteed support price, ranging from EUR 8.5 cents/kWh to 15 cents/kWh depending on the technology deployed, includes heating from anaerobic digestion, combined heat and power (CHP), biomass CHP, and biomass heat, including provision for 30% co-firing of biomass in the three existing peat-fired power stations that are operating.102 In Hungary, the National Renewable Energy Action Plan has a target of 4.4% share of heating and cooling from renewables by 2020.103 This includes providing subsidies to help promote geothermal and biomass heat projects as well as for the installation of solar thermal systems.104 The South African Department of Energy announced in 2010 its intention to offer 200,000 individual grants for a mass roll-out of the national solar water heating program under the Industrial Policy Action Plan.105 Solar water heating is also gaining support in India where a 30% capital subsidy and/or loan at 5% has been made available.106

New policies introduced since the beginning of 2010 include the United Kingdoms innovative Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI), which started in June 2011 and will continue to 201415. The total program investment budget of GBP 850 million was retained, against the trend of wider government budget cuts.98 Householders will receive a grant upon installing a renewable heating appliance, with long-term tariff support to be introduced in 2012. Businesses will receive Renewable Heat Premium payments quarterly over a 20-year period with exact support levels yet to be announced. Technologies include injection of biomethane into natural gas pipelines for heat applications.99 The government aims to obtain 12% of U.K. heating from renewable sources by 2020, compared with about 2% at present, although the countrys 4 pence/kWh biomethane tariff is lower than other key European biomethane heat markets such as Germany and France.100 Germany rejected an approach similar to the U.K.s in favor of a heat obligation, in part because heat metering costs are relatively high for smaller applications.101

Balancing policy costs against policy effectiveness has led to the re-evaluation of some heating support measures in recent years. For example, in 2010 the German Ministry of Finance initially did not approve continued funding for a market incentive program to support solar hot water/ heating, biomass heating, and efficient heat pumps.96 After some months of public campaigning, however, the suspension was lifted.97 Policies continue to support liquid biofuel production and blending for use as transportation fuel. Common policies include biofuel subsidies, tax exemptions, or blending mandates. Blending mandates now exist in 31 countries at the national level and in 29 states/ provinces around the world. (See Table R12.) Fuel-tax exemptions and production subsidies exist in at least 19 countries, including 10 EU countries and four developing countries.107 However, in some countries, recent reductions of support schemes has resulted in the closure of some biofuel production plants. Recent years have also seen increased attention to biofuels sustainability and environmental standards, most notably under the EU Renewable Energy Directive.108

mandates mentioned earlier, the Biomcasa program, which is promoting the use of biomass for heat in buildings, provided EUR 5 million to certified energy service companies to offer a biomass alternative and ensure that building occupants receive a 10% minimum decrease in their heat bill.95


Countries that have recently introduced biofuels blending mandates include South Korea (2% biodiesel and fuel-tax exemption incentives from 2012) and Jamaica (supporting policies for the development and expansion of bioethanol from sugar cane and biodiesel).109 Several countries also enacted amendments to existing biofuel policy legislation in 2010. Finland increased the current mandated E4 biofuel blend (4% ethanol) to E6 for 201114, and then to E20 by 2020.110 Ethiopia boosted the E5 blend to E10 in March 2011.111 Thailand increased its subsidy on B3 and B5 diesel fuels to keep retail prices below THB 30 per liter.112 And Spain increased the minimum biofuel blend for 2011 and mandated biodiesel blending to increase from the previous B3.9 to B6 in 2011 and then to B7 in 2012.113

In addition to mandated blending, several biofuels targets and plans define future levels of biofuels use. The EU is targeting 10% of transport energy from renewables by 2020, counting both sustainable biofuels and electric vehicles. The U.S. renewable fuels standard requires fuel distributors to increase the annual volume of biofuels blended to 36 billion gallons (136 billion liters) by 2022.114 China targets the equivalent of 13 billion liters of ethanol and 2.3 billion liters of biodiesel per year by 2020. South Africas strategy targets 2% biofuels.

In the United States, tax-cut legislation at the end of 2010 extended tax credits for the blending of ethanol and biodiesel through 2011. Those credits provide a 45 cents/gallon (13 cents/liter) subsidy for ethanol blending and a $1.00/gallon (28 cents/liter) subsidy for biodiesel. The legislation also extended federal cash grants providing up to 30% of the capital cost of new large-scale renewable biofuel production facilities. In other developments from the United States, the U.S. Air Force now aims to have its entire fleet certified to fly on biofuels by 2011, and the U.S. Navy has mandated that all its aircraft and ships be powered by a 50-50 biofuel/ gasoline blend by 2020.115 Policies to support electric vehicle deployment are also starting to appear, although such policies do not necessarily require or imply that the electricity used will be renewable. Several countries have announced targets that together would result in over 20 million electric battery vehicles (EVs) operating by 2020, equating to around 2% of light-duty vehicle stocks.116 EVs could become part of a future smart grid with integrated storage from their batteries enabling higher shares of electricity from variable renewable sources.117 (See Sidebar 7.)

n CITy anD lOCal GOVeRnMenT POlICIeS

Local government commitments continued strongly in 2010. For example, the Mexico City Climate Pact was launched in November 2010 and was subsequently signed by over 180 local governments representing 300 million people.127 Signatories voluntarily commit to a 10-point action plan to implement low-carbon programs and register emissions inventories in a measurable, reportable, and verifiable manner. The Pact reflects the increasing role of cities in combating climate change globally and the value of city-to-city cooperation. One provision of the Pact envisages that signatories report



London boroughs have received support from Transport for London to provide on- and off-street recharging.119 Owners of electric vehicles are exempted from paying the London congestion charge and, from January 2011, purchasers of EVs can receive a GBP 5,000 U.K. government subsidy.120 The government is committed to mandating a national recharging network for EVs and further investment in research and development activities supporting advanced vehicle technologies.121 In Paris, more than 110 recharging points already exist.122 Israel is aggressively promoting EVs and aims to become independent of oil by 2020.123 Israel has invested in a recharging grid and battery-swap stations and will reduce the 90% purchase tax on conventional vehicles down to 10% for EVs purchased by early adopters including fleet owners.124 The governments of Ireland, Portugal, and Denmark are developing similar policies.125

Several cities, at times supported by national and state funding, have anticipated the expanding use of EVs (including both two- and four-wheel designs and plug-in hybrids) by providing public recharging infrastructure.118 And some cities are mandating that the electricity supplying these recharging stations be provided through green power purchases, a first step toward linking renewable electricity with EVs.

More and more local governments are setting targets for increasing the generation and use of renewable energy, whether within wider programs and city cooperation projects or as individual council decisions. Interest in aiming for 100% local renewables is growing, mainly among smaller communities that face a simpler transition process. This is influenced by unstable energy prices, the need for secure and safe energy, and the recognition among leaders that their communities have green development potential. The role of cities and local governments in international climate policy has also strengthened in recent years. In 2010, local governments received official recognition for the first time in international climate negotiations, where they are now designated as governmental stakeholders.

City and local governments around the world continue to enact policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote renewable energy. Their motives are multi-faceted, including climate protection, improved air quality, energy security, and sustainable local development. And these governments can play multiple roles as decisionmakers, planning authorities, managers of municipal infrastructure, and role models for citizens and businesses. National governments are progressively taking note that multiple local and decentralized actions can effectively pool efforts toward national energy security, albeit still at a small scale at this stage.126


POlICy lanDSCaPe

In Europe, the Covenant of Mayors has seen tremendous growth, with more than 2,000 signatories committing to go beyond the EU 2020 target of a 20% reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) and at least a 20% share of renewables in local energy supply.129 Cities and towns in the Covenant agree to create and implement action plans to achieve these reductions. This initiative provides a practical framework for commitment and reporting, with cities and towns obtaining practical assistance, such as from national energy agencies, sub-national governments, and city networks. The Covenant of Mayors underlines the strong interest from the European Commission in seeing energy and climate change addressed at the local level in substantial ways. A 2011 companion report from REN21, the Global Status Report on Local Renewable Energy Policies, provides an overview of municipal policies and activities to promote renewable energy, surveying 210 cities and local governments in Europe, the United States, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, China, South Korea, and Japan. It considers local policies in five main categories: target setting; regulation based on legal responsibility and jurisdiction; operation of municipal infrastructure; voluntary actions and government serving as a role model; and information, promotion and raising awareness. Some of the main findings in these five categories are summarized below. The report also gives many specific examples of these policies, some of which are summarized in Table R13.

their climate commitments, performance, and actions regularly through a new Carbon Cities Climate Registry, established in 2010 to serve as a central data collection point.128

levels) by 201012, consistent with the form of Kyoto Protocol targets. CO2 targets for 2020 and beyond have appeared in recent years and are typically for 2040% reductions by 2020, with some CO2 targets now even extending to 2050. Other cities have targets to become fully or partially carbon neutral (zero net emissions) by a future year. One novel type of CO2 target is emissions per capita, with several cities targeting future reductions in this indicator. There are several types of renewable energy-specific targets. One is for the renewable share of total electricity consumption, with several cities in the range of 1030%. Some cities target the share of electricity consumed by the government itself, for its own buildings, vehicle fleets, and operations. Such own-use targets can range from 10% to 100%. Another type of target is total share of energy from renewables (e.g., including transport and heating, not just electricity), or share of energy just for a specific sector such as buildings. Some targets are for total amounts of installed renewable energy capacity, such as megawatts of solar PV or wind power, or the number or total surface area of solar hot water collectors.


Almost all cities working to promote renewable energy at the local level have established some type of renewable energy or CO2 emissions reduction target. Of the cities and local governments surveyed, at least 140 have some type of future target for CO2 and/or renewable energy. CO2 emissions-reduction goals are typically a 1020% reduction over a baseline level (usually 1990

Regulation related to municipal responsibility and jurisdiction can take many forms. One common aspect is urban planning that incorporates renewable energy. Most plans call for integrating renewable energy in some systematic and long-term fashion into city development. Some plans are relatively short term, for example five years or less, while many others extend to 2020, 2030, or even 2050. Of the cities and local governments surveyed, at least half have some type of urban planning that incorporates renewable energy. Another type of regulatory policy emerging in recent years is incorporation of renewable energy in building codes or permitting. Some policies mandate solar water heating in all new construction above a certain size threshold. Other types of mandates are for design reviews prior to construction that reveal the opportunities for integrating solar into building designs, or for

building designs to include stub-outs or other features that permit easy future installation of renewables. Of the cities and local governments surveyed, at least 35 have some type of building code or permitting policy that incorporates renewable energy. Beyond their formal regulatory roles, many cities undertake additional voluntary actions to promote renewable energy or to serve as a role model for the private sector and other groups. Demonstration projects are very common. Subsidies, grants, and loans for end-users to install renewable energy are common in some specific countries or regions; of the cities and local governments surveyed, at least 50 have some type of subsidies, grants, or loans. Other voluntary actions include government investment funds and a variety of ways to support or facilitate private and community initiatives. Many other initiatives at national, regional, and global levels have been supporting cities to work together for renewable energy. Examples are the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement involving more than 700 U.S. cities, the World Mayors Council on Climate Change, the European Solar Cities Initiative, the Australia Solar Cities Program, the India Solar Cities Program, the U.S. Solar America Communities Program, the China Low Carbon City Program, the Japanese Eco-Model City Project, the ICLEI Local Renewables Model Communities Initiative, and the ICLEI Cities for Climate Protection campaign.130 For many of these initiatives and associations, the number of participating cities continues to increase year by year. For example, the India Solar Cities Program started with 20 cities in 2008 and by early 2011 it had expanded to 48 cities, with a further target of 60 cities by 2012.131

Many other regulatory measures for renewable energy are being adopted. Where cities have regulatory authority over some type of taxation, tax credits and exemptions for renewable energy at the local level are possible, although these do not appear to be common. Of the cities and local governments surveyed, only 12 were found to have some form of these policies. Property tax credits or abatement for residential installations appear to be the most common. Other unique examples of regulatory measures include a Portland, Oregon (USA), mandate for blending biofuels with all gasoline and/or diesel fuel sold within city limits; a Betim, Brazil, mandate that all taxis use biofuels; a feed-in tariff for solar PV in Gainsville, Florida (USA), and a Tokyo, Japan, mandate for a carbon cap-and-trade system on large businesses within city jurisdiction.

Incorporation of renewable energy into municipal infrastructure and operations takes many forms. Some cities have decided to purchase green power for municipal buildings and operations. Others are purchasing biofuels for municipal fleet vehicles and/or public transit vehicles. Many cities also invest in renewable energy installations for municipal buildings, schools, hospitals, recreation facilities, and other public facilities. Cities with community- or district-scale heating systems may also invest in renewable heating infrastructure, for example biomass cogeneration plants.




RuRal Renewable eneRGy

Even in the most remote areas of the world, renewable technologies are providing access to energy services and fostering economic development.



Renewable energy can play an important role in providing modern energy services to the billions of people who depend on traditional sources of energy. Globally, some 1.5 billion people still lack access to electricity, often relying on kerosene lamps or candles for lighting and on expensive dry-cell batteries to power radios for communications.1 Approximately 3 billion people more than a third of the worlds population cook their food and warm themselves on open fires fueled by wood, straw, charcoal, coal, or dung, which are very inefficient and damaging to health.2

05 RuRal Renewable eneRGy

As a consequence, it is difficult to detail the progress of renewable energy in off-grid areas for all developing countries; however, statistics are available for many individual programs and countries. This section reviews trends in some of the more critical energy service sectors.

In many rural areas of developing countries, connections to electric grids are economically prohibitive and/or may take decades to materialize. Today, there exists a wide array of viable and cost-competitive alternatives to traditional biomass energy and to grid electricity and carbon-based fuels that can provide reliable and sustainable energy services. Renewable energy systems offer an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate the transition to modern energy services in remote and rural areas.

Household lighting is one of the most important benefits of rural electricity.5 Many small and affordable renewable energy technologies are available to deliver high-quality lighting to households that lack access to grid electricity. These technologies are evolving toward smaller, cheaper, and more efficient systems that are better adapted to end users in developing countries. Such advances are due in part to programs such as Lighting Africa (see Sidebar 8) but are also the result of private sector efforts in this field.

n household lighting and Communications

n Rural Transition to new and

Renewable energy Systems

Unfortunately, statistics on renewable energy use in rural areas of developing countries are not being collected systematically. For many years, public programs were the primary stakeholders responsible for rural electrification; today, however, many initiatives are driven by individual project promoters or private companies, making these efforts more dispersed. In addition, a large portion of the market for small-scale renewable systems is paid in cash, even in the most remote areas.

In Tanzania, recent World Bank activity has focused in part on the promotion of renewable energy off-grid electricity solutions, particularly mini-hydropower generation, biomass cogeneration, and solar energy. The Bank has invested some $22.5 million for support of a Rural Energy Agency, established in 2007, that will test new off-grid electrification approaches that are expected to be scaled up in the future.10 Several African rural electrification programs launched since the early 2000s have involved large concessions of SHS, especially in western Africa (Mali, Senegal, and



In even the most remote areas, renewable energy technologies such as household PV systems, micro-hydro powered mini-grids, biomass-based systems, and solar pumps can provide sustainable energy services ranging from basic necessities including quality lighting, communications, and heating and cooling to services such as motive power that generate economic growth.4 Table 3 describes many of the rural services that can be provided in more modern ways through renewable technologies.

A rural transition from traditional to more modern forms of energy is possible in households, communities, and small industries in most developing countries. Traditional and modern refer both to the type of fuel and to the technologies that use it. Wood, for example, can be burned very inefficiently in a traditional open fire that emits high levels of pollutants; or, wood chips can be gasified and burned as a high-quality modern cooking fuel with high combustion efficiency and very little pollution. Candles and kerosene are traditional forms of lighting that offer poor quality light and low efficiency; by contrast, electric lamps (powered by solar or other sources) give off up to 100 times more light.3

Household lighting requires very little power, especially with new lighting technologies such as light emitting diodes (LEDs). However, recent field studies by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) suggest that although there is clearly a vector of progress, many of the solar lamp systems available on the market and/or offered in some programs do not provide enough light or are not robust enough to provide the level of lighting desired by rural households.6

In Africa, more than 500,000 solar PV systems were in use in 2007, with more than half of these in South Africa and Kenya.8 As of 2005, Kenya was home to just over 150,000 solar PV systems, with a median size of 25 Wpeak, and coverage had reached a reported 300,000 households.9 Beyond these two countries, most African solar home system (SHS) or pico-PV system projects are relatively small, although there are encouraging developments.

The renewable energy technology that is connected most directly with improving household lighting is solar PV, including whole-home systems and solar lamps. Although worldwide achievements are difficult to estimate, there have been many significant accomplishments.


RuRal Renewable eneRGy

Table 3. Transition to Renewable energy in Rural (Off-Grid) areas

Rural energy Service existing Off-Grid Rural energy Sources Candles, kerosene, batteries, small diesel generators, central battery recharging by carting batteries to grid examples of new and Renewable energy Technologies Hydropower (pico-scale, micro-scale, small-scale) Solar home systems

Lighting and other small electric needs (homes, schools, street lighting, phone charging, hand tools, vaccine storage, refrigeration)

Biogas from household-scale digester

Small-scale biomass gasifier with gas engine Village-scale mini-grids and solar/wind/ hydro hybrid systems Hydropower (pico-scale, micro-scale, small-scale) Solar home systems Pico-scale PV System, including solar lamps Biogas from household-scale digester Pico-scale PV System Small-scale biomass gasifier with gas engine Village-scale mini-grids and solar/wind/ hydro hybrid systems

Communications (televisions, radios, mobile phones)

Dry cell batteries, small diesel generators, central battery recharging by carting batteries to grid

Cooking (domestic, commercial stoves and ovens) Heating and cooling (crop drying and other agricultural processing, hot water)

Burning wood, dung, or straw in open fire at about 15 percent efficiency Mostly open fire from wood, dung, and straw

Improved cooking stoves (fuel wood, crop wastes) with efficiencies above 25 percent Biogas from household-scale digester and biogas stove Solar cookers Improved heating stoves Solar crop dryers

Biogas from small- and medium-scale digesters Solar thermal for heating and cooling Small and large solar home systems Small wind turbine

Process motive power (small industry) Water pumping (agriculture and drinking water)

Diesel engines and generators

Fans from small grid renewable systems Mini-grid with hybrid system (e.g., combination of microhydro, gasifiers, direct combustion, large biodigesters, and other renewables) Mechanical wind pumps Solar PV pumps Mini-grid with hybrid system

Diesel pumps and generators


Sidebar 8. lIGhTInG afRICa: leSSOnS In MaRkeT anD TeChnOlOGy InnOVaTIOn

The Lighting Africa program, implemented jointly by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the World Bank, provides small technical-assistance grants to promote private sector innovation and new lighting technologies. It aims to facilitate the commercialization of environmentally friendly, affordable, high-quality lighting for off-grid rural households across Africa. The program promotes solar-charged, battery-operated light emitting diode (LED), and fluorescent lighting devices by building an enabling environment and market infrastructure, without providing product subsidies.

the industry by facilitating business linkages through its interactive business-to-business website and by organizing international and domestic conferences, trade fairs, and workshops. Together with GIZ, Lighting Africa has helped create initial testing methods and standards for lighting devices, and it is in the process of developing a publicly recognized certification label. In addition, Lighting Africa has conducted consumer awareness and information campaigns in various countries. It also has provided grant funds for innovations in technology development, marketing, and implementation strategies.

In Bangladesh, an estimated 30,000 solar home systems are being sold each month nationwide. In the early 2000s, the Bangladeshi government and international banks and bilateral donors established a rural energy fund, implemented by the Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL), that has enabled a group of 30 participating sales and service companies to install some 750,000 SHS most of them 5075 Wpeak.16 A third of these systems were installed in 2010 alone, and the number of participating organizations has doubled in the last few years.

Sri Lankas Renewable Energy for Rural Economic Development (RERED) project relies on consumer credit and a network of microfinance institutions and solar companies. Solar companies sell solar home systems and offer operation and maintenance services through dealer networks. A memorandum of understanding between the microfinance institution and the solar company outlines the buyback scheme and the consumer/service responsibilities of the two parties. Applying this model, Sarvodaya Economic Enterprises Development Services REREDs partner in SHS financing had financed nearly 130,000 systems by 2010, an increase of more than 100,000 since 2002.18 This multi-stakeholder approach, based on wellconceived public-private partnerships and supported by



Progress in Asia is also notable. Under Chinas Renewable Energy Development project, which ended in mid2008, more than 400,000 SHS were sold to residents of northwestern China, most of them herders who transported the systems by animal back as they moved to new pastures.12 In India, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy estimates that nearly 600,000 solar home systems and 800,000 solar lamps had been purchased nationwide as of 2010.13 This amounts to an increase that year of some 37,000 new home lighting systems, more than 3,500 solar lamps, and around 1,500 solar street lighting systems.14 In Sri Lanka, some 60,000 SHS had been purchased as of 2007, most during the previous decade; by 2010, that number had increased to more than 125,000.15

Mauritania). Whether through fee-for-service programs or household-based schemes (micro-finance or cash), the SHS market in Africa is continuing to take off.11

There are striking parallels between the issues that Lighting Africa has tackled and those faced by other efforts to develop and market improved or advanced biomass stoves. Through its interaction with leaders in the lighting industry, for example, Lighting Africa revealed that major manufacturers lacked information about African markets and that an enabling environment was important. To improve this environment, the program has provided intelligence to

Recognizing the important role of finance, Lighting Africa is working to meet financing needs by assisting in the development of market-appropriate solutions and financial products. For example, it is providing trade finance and working capital to small and medium-sized distributors of off-grid lighting products.

Key to the programs success have been high-quality system standards and guarantees, combined with aftersales service, and the active participation of microfinance organizations such as Grameen Shakti and BRAC, which have facilitated sales and have guaranteed system quality. Since its inception in 2002, the program has expanded to include a national biogas initiative, solar micro-grids, solar pump irrigation, and biomass based power. The program illustrates the benefit of having a dedicated organization (IDCOL) to coordinate outreach for renewable energy in rural areas. Other Asian countries, such as Cambodia and Laos, are developing ambitious rural electrification programs based on SHS concessions. They also are embracing community electrification schemes that utilize hybrid systems or hydropower plants.17

Source: See Endnote 7 for this section.


RuRal Renewable eneRGy

a grant from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), also has been used to develop a village mini-grid network using a small hydropower plant.19

n Cooking and heating

Similar to household lighting, communication technologies require small amounts of power that can be covered by household and individual solar systems. Traditionally, these needs were covered by costly, inefficient, and unsustainable automotive batteries that were charged either on village generators or directly on the national grid. With the expansion of the global communications network, mobile phone charging also is becoming an increasingly important need (and recurrent business) in developing countries. It has become a driver for the purchase of many solar PV systems, some of which integrate mobile charging.

Estimates of the prevalence of improved cookstoves defined as a closed stove with a chimney or an open fire with a hood vary. The World Health Organization and United Nations Development Programme (2009) compiled information from surveys in 140 countries and estimated that 3 billion people rely on solid fuels such as wood, straw, dung, and coal for cooking.20 The study found that approximately 830 million people are using improved cookstoves. This amounts to some 166 million households, including 116 million in China and more than 13 million in the rest of East Asia, 20 million in South Asia, 7 million in sub-Saharan Africa, and over 8 million in Latin America.21

In rural areas of developing countries, most of the energy used for cooking is in the form of wood, straw, and dung that is burned in stoves that are often basic and inefficient. Emissions from such cooking practices cause serious health problems and, in some cases, collection of the fuel results in unsustainable harvesting of biomass.

Significant developments have been made in promoting improved stoves in developing countries. In 2010, the United Nations Foundation launched the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (GACC), which advocates for implementing programs to improve biomass cookstoves for developing countries.24 The GACC is dealing with issues related to standards and testing methods; encouraging stove adoption; developing financing techniques to spread out the upfront costs of stoves; and raising awareness with the goal of helping to promote more than 100 million stoves by 2020.25 GACC will complement existing efforts such as the Energising Development program sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS) of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This program, which works to establish sustainable markets for energy-efficient cookstoves, focuses primarily on providing grants to develop the technology and create markets for better stoves, rather than on subsidizing the purchase of the stoves themselves. Interventions have been implemented in 12 countries worldwide, with a focus on Africa. By the end of 2010, nearly 7.2 million people had gained access

These figures do not include the newer stoves that are now being developed and manufactured, in some cases with the backing of large international companies.22 These new stoves are designed with the goals of improving the energy efficiency of cooking, reducing indoor air pollution, and reducing the labor or cash requirements for the worlds poorest people. Generally, these stoves are made of durable materials that will last 510 years or even longer, and many are sold at affordable prices with guarantees.23 The market potential for biomass stoves in developing countries is large.


to modern cooking technologies through the program.26

In 2010, India announced a large initiative for advanced biomass cookstoves that could potentially reach millions of people who currently use traditional biomass cooking methods.27 The program will focus on five key areas: technical issues, including research and development related to testing and standards; delivery procedures; potential programs for fuel processing and supply; an innovation contest for next-generation cookstoves; and a study on what can be accomplished with community cookstoves. The use of factory-manufactured improved stoves still lags considerably behind the use of locally produced stoves, and most factory stove manufacturers have been in business for less than five years. The combustion efficiency and lifetime of factory stoves appears to be superior to locally made ones. Although marketing of factory stoves began only recently, approximately half a million units have been sold to date, with major programs in India, South Africa, Uganda, Honduras, and Guatemala.28

n Motive Power, Irrigation, and

Larger applications, such as motive power and village electrification, require tailor made power systems that generate much higher output than household or small individual systems. For power generation, an example of a larger system is a small electricity grid that is supplied by a hybrid power system using PV, wind, hydro, and/ or biomass, usually with a battery bank and a diesel generator as backup.35 Larger individual systems that use PV, small-scale wind, small-scale hydropower, or biomass also exist for providing motive power, pumping water, and for desalination.

Village-Scale Systems

Since 1994, Groupe Energies Renouvelables, Environnement et Solidarits (GERES) has been working in Cambodia to develop energy-efficient solutions to preserve the environment and improve living conditions. Between 2003 and 2010, sales of the New Lao stove exceeded 1 million units, with some 200,000 units sold in 2010.29

Such applications, whether used for business enterprises or for supplying communities, raise different financial issues than smaller applications and require specific business and banking models.36 Even so, the lifetime system costs are still generally cheaper than the traditional alternatives such as grid extension and diesel generators and can be very quickly compensated in the case of business applications (hotels, telecommunication stations, fisheries, etc.). The main financial barrier is the upfront investment cost. Nepals Village Micro Hydro Program has benefited from more than 30 years of low-cost technology development and from the evolution of community-managed administration systems. The program has expanded steadily and now covers some 41,000 households in 40 of the 51 districts that were identified as having potential for this type of power generation.37 The main obstacles to promoting such systems are the relatively high costs and the need for community-level support. Nepals program works with communities to overcome these obstacles and helps villagers cope with the initial capital costs via financing mechanisms. Brazil has reached what some have called the last mile for rural electrification. Although the national grid currently reaches more than 95% of households, the Luz Para Todos program continues to expand access to rural areas both by extending grid power and by using off-grid community and household systems. By 2010, the program had reached about 13 million people (more than 2.6 million households) with isolated grid systems of various types, mostly in northeast Brazil.38

Nepals Biogas Support Programme, which involves the private sector, microfinance organizations, community groups, and NGOs, has resulted in a steady increase in biogas systems during the last decade. Some 25,000 systems were adopted in 2010, bringing the nationwide total to nearly 225,000.34



As the result of renewed efforts through the Ministry of Agriculture, China added an estimated 22 million biogas systems between 2006 and 2010 to reach a total of some 40 million systems in early 2011.31 India is home to some 4 million systems, and Vietnam has installed some 20,000 systems annually in recent years, to reach more than 100,000 by 2010.32 Cambodia, Laos, and Indonesia have smaller programs, each adding some 1,000 systems in 2010.33

In addition to these new varieties of stoves, smaller niche cooking technologies such as biogas systems and solar cookers can play a significant role in improving cooking practices.30 The introduction of biogas for cooking has been a slow and steady process in developing countries, in part because the manure feedstock limits the market for household biogas systems to animal owners. But the technology itself is undergoing a rebirth after roughly 25 years of design experimentation.


RuRal Renewable eneRGy

n Trends in financing Off-Grid

In many cases, the high initial capital costs of renewable energy systems relative to household incomes have resulted in the slow adoption of renewables in off-grid rural areas. Historically, the main problem for financing such projects has been the small project size, which has discouraged financial institutions from providing loans. Problematic legal frameworks, poor tax or subsidy structures, and the dearth of local groups or retailers to develop local markets have deterred private investors as well. Grid-based electricity systems generally do not face such barriers because their financing needs tend to be larger, and loans can be provided directly to dedicated electricity companies. Many governments have come to realize that such challenges can be addressed in ways other than simply providing subsidies for grid extension. Increasingly, the trend has been to integrate grid extensions and off-grid renewable energy into the same project.

Renewable energy

The government estimates that 300,000 isolated rural households cannot be reached by extending the electricity grid and will need to be served by renewable energy.41 With support from the project, distribution companies that own individual PV systems will provide regulated electricity service to the countrys most isolated consumers, who will in turn pay a tariff for this service. Other countries in Latin America are considering similar financing models. Carbon credits are another growing source of project finance. One such project, initiated in China in late 2008, involves the promotion of biogas digesters to produce energy for domestic heating, lighting, and cooking using animal waste.42 More than 33,000 households in lowincome rural communities (or approximately 165,000 people) are benefiting from the installation of domestic digesters, displacing carbon-intensive domestic fuels such as coal and coke.43

With regard to the financing of off-grid and mini-grid power projects, the trend during the past decade has been to provide large amounts of funding to local private or public financing institutions that are committed (or trained) to support rural and renewable energy projects. Typically, such banks or funds develop a portfolio of possible projects, although they also can react to requests for new lines of financing by reviewing project proposals. They do not provide financing to households directly; rather it is up to the private companies, concessionaires, NGOs, and microfinance groups to organize the demand for the energy service and to apply for project funding after developing a sound business plan to serve rural consumers. This successful model has been implemented in many countries, including Bangladesh, Mali, Senegal, and Sri Lanka. As a result, renewable household systems, improved biomass stoves, and village or community small-grid systems can all be serviced by the same financing agency. In practice, many of these funds specialize initially in a single technology, such as solar home systems, but they are expanding increasingly to other renewable energy systems as well as to non-renewable energy access.

Grants and other forms of technical assistance are becoming a common means for supporting rural solar home systems markets and sustainable access to other modern energy services.44 A variety of grant sources are available to public agencies and private firms to cover items such as training, delivery networks, business model development, product development, and pilot projects.45 Another form of grant social and community block grants provides assistance to entire communities, which can lead to more equitable and socially-appropriate approaches to off-grid renewable energy services. Lines of credit from microfinance organizations are often enhancing these approaches. In summary, several key trends have emerged in off-grid and rural renewable energy markets. The first is that offgrid renewable solutions are increasingly acknowledged to be the cheapest and most sustainable options for rural areas. This will have an impact on market development in the long term, especially if the barriers to accessing information and financing products are addressed. Second is the broadening of the focus of energy access to include enhanced access (targeting beyond the most simple electricity needs) and sustainable access (addressing the problem of security of diesel supply). Third, it is clear that the increasing diversity of support programs and their more-dispersed nature will further complicate the process of monitoring, documenting, and learning from these experiences.

Another emerging option involves utility financing of solar home systems. In Peru, with the support of the government, electricity distribution companies have initiated a new program to reach out to remote residents by providing SHS at no initial cost; instead, households pay a monthly fee.39 The fee-for-service approach has been used in many other countries, including extensively in Africa.40

Argentina, meanwhile, has introduced a nationally regulated tariff for solar PV systems in certain provinces, making it the first Latin American country to do so.

Table R1. Renewable Energy Added and Existing Capacities, 2010

Wind power

Added during 2010

Existing at end of 2010 198 62 40

n Power generation (GW)

Biomass power Solar PV Hydropower Ocean power

Geothermal power

Concentrating solar thermal power (CSP)

Biomass heating (modern) Ethanol production Geothermal heating

n Hot water/heating (GWth)

+ 39 + 24 + 17 + 0.2 + 0.5 + 30 + > 0 + 30

n/a n/a

1,010 280 0.3 185 19 86



Solar collectors for hot water/space heating

n Transport fuels (billion liters/year)

~ 51

Note: Numbers are rounded; for more precise data, see Global Market Overview section and relevant endnotes. Source: See sources for Tables R2R6 and relevant endnotes in Global Market Overview section.

Biodiesel production

+ 12 + 1.5

Table R2. Added and Existing Wind Power, Top 10 Countries, 2010

Country China1 Spain India Italy


Cumulative at end of 2009 (GW) 17/25.8 11.8 4.6 4.4 35.1

Added in 2010 (GW)

United States Germany

25.7 18.9

United Kingdom Canada Denmark

3.3 3.5

5.3 4.0 3.8

Note: Country data are rounded to nearest 0.1 GW; world data are rounded to nearest GW. Rounding is to account for uncertainties and inconsistencies in available data; where totals do not add up, the difference is due to rounding. Figures reflect a variety of sources, some of which differ to small degrees, reflecting variations in accounting or methodology. 1 For China, the lower figure is the amount classified as operational by the end of 2010; the higher is the total installed capacity. See Global Market Overview section and relevant endnotes for further elaboration of these categories. 2 The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) reported that India added 2.1 GW in 2010, for a total of 13.1 GW. If this (higher) GWEC number is used, Indias ranking changes to third for capacity added in 2010; Indias ranking for cumulative capacity at year end remains unchanged. Source: GWEC; WWEA; CREIA; CWEA; EWEA; AWEA; BMU; IDAE; MNRE; GSE; DECC; BTM Consult A part of Navigant Consulting. For specific sources and notes on data points, see relevant endnotes in Global Market Overview section.

World Total


+ 39






+ 14/18.9 + 5.1 + 1.5 + 1.8 + 1.4 + 0.9 + 1.1 + 0.9 + 0.7 + 0.3

Cumulative at end of 2010 (GW) 31/44.7 40.2 27.2 5.8 5.7 20.7 13.2


Table R3. Solar PV Additions and Existing Capacity, 20062010

Germany Spain Italy Japan United States France China Belgium

Added 2006 845 290 145 10 10 130 25 20 2 10 90


2007 560 210 205 10 20 20 45 35 80 3 70

1,950 2,600 230 340 340 60 45 40 70

2008 MW

3,795 145 480 715 475 400 220 160 285 170 7,260 180 285



Existing 2006 2007 2.9 0.2 1.7 0.6

7,405 370 990

4.2 0.7 1.9 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.2 1.3 9.5

2008 GW

6.1 3.3 2.1 0.5 1.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 1.4 16



9.9 17.3 3.4 2.6 1.2 1.6 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 1.7 23

3.8 3.6 3.5 1

2,320 1 880

Czech Republic South Korea Other EU Total Added

0.05 0.03 0.08 0.03 0.2 1.2 7

1,490 720 550 425 130 515 865

0.04 0.02 0.08

0.07 0.09 0.09

2.5 2 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 1 2.6

Other World World Total

275 6,170 100 145





Note: Added capacities are rounded to nearest 5 MW (with a few exceptions for very low totals), existing capacities are rounded to nearest 0.1 GW, and world totals for 20082010 are rounded to nearest 1 GW. This is to reflect uncertainties and inconsistencies in available data (see Global Market Overview section and related endnotes for more specific data and differences in reported statistics). Added and existing figures may be slightly inconsistent due to rounding and reporting differences from year-to-year. Where totals do not add up, the difference is due to rounding. Starting with this edition of the GSR, data for solar PV include both on- and off-grid capacity; all columns above reflect this change, including retroactive changing of 20062009 data, which thus differ from data in previous editions of this report. See Note on Reporting and Accounting of Installed Capacities for more information. 1 For Italy, actual installations in 2010 and year-end capacity may have been higher. See Global Market Overview section and related endnotes for more information. Source: All data are derived from EPIA with the exception of national data for Germany (BMU), Spain (IDAE), Italy 2010 (GSE), and China (CREIA). For specific sources and notes on data points, see relevant endnotes in Global Market Overview section.


Table R4. Renewable Electric Power Capacity, Existing at End of 2010

World Total Technology Wind power 198 40 11 62

Developing Countries

EU-27 84 1

United States 40


Total renewable power capacity (not including hydropower) Total renewable power capacity (including hydropower)

Ocean (tidal) power

Solar thermal power (CSP)

Solar PV

Geothermal power

Biomass power

1,010 1




n/a 0

27 0 5


1,320 1








0.5 56 0

2.5 3.1



China 45 4

Germany 27 5 0

Spain 21 0

India 13 0 3

~0 50 0 0


17.3 0 0

0.6 26 0



~0 0 0





78 2










40 2



Note: Small amounts, on the order of a few MW, are designated by ~ 0. Figures should not be compared with prior versions of this table to obtain year-by-year increases as some adjustments are due to improved or adjusted data rather than to actual capacity changes. World total reflects other countries not shown; countries shown reflect the top five countries by total renewable power capacity (excluding hydropower). Biomass power figures do not include waste-to-energy capacity (MSW)see Note on Accounting and Report of Installed Capacities for explanation. Biomass power figures are adjusted from 2009 to reflect updated IEA data for biogas and solid biomass power statistics from individual country submissions to this report. Hydropower added in 2010 was 27 GW (large-scale only) according to BNEF and 2935 GW according to IHA; the total here reflects the 2009 total of 980 GW and roughly 30 GW added for 2010. The world hydro total and some national hydro data include some amount of pumped storage capacity because country-by-country hydro statistics are not consistent in stating whether pumped hydro is part of the country total or not. There was an estimated 136 GW of pumped storage capacity in 2010, according to IHA, although the meaning of this figure is not clear because some pumped storage capacity is counted as capacity of conventional hydro facilities that include pumped storage, and some as standalone pumping capacity only. Further investigation is planned for next years edition of this report. Note that the IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (2011) reported 926 GW of conventional hydropower in 2009 from the International Journal on Hydropower and Dams, World Atlas & Industry Guide (Wallington, Surrey, UK: 2010). If the estimated 30 GW is added to this, the global total for conventional hydro for 2010 becomes about 956 GW. This is 55 GW lower than our estimate, which is based on IHA data for 2009 and 2010, and reflects the middle of the range of 2010 capacity (9701,060 GW) estimated by the IHA. Pumped storage capacity could account for much of this difference. 1 Data rounded to nearest 10 GW. 2 Data for the United States, Germany, and India reflect only conventional hydropower capacity. Source: Sources cited in Tables R2R3 and in the Global Market Overview section; IEA, Renewables Information 2010 (for OECD biomass power capacity) and Electricity Information 2010; WEC, Survey of Energy Resources 2009; submissions from report contributors; historical databases going back to 2005 report edition as maintained by Eric Martinot.

Table R5. Solar Hot Water Installed Capacity, Top 12 Countries/EU and World Total, 2009

Country/EU China 1

Additions 2009 29

Turkey Japan Israel India Italy Greece Brazil

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +


0.7 1.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.3 37


Existing 2009 102








United States Australia Rest of World World Total EU-27




+ ~ 3.0

160 21.2

~ 19



Note: Figures do not include swimming pool heating (unglazed collectors). World additions are gross capacity added; existing figures include allowances for retirements; China and world data are rounded to nearest GWth. Weiss and Mauthner estimate that their survey covers 8590% of the global market. The world total and other figures above take this into account, adding a conservative 5% to the global total capacity. Note that Brazil had an estimated 3.7 GWth at the end of 2009 per Renata Grisoli, CENBIO, Brazil, personal communication with REN21, February 2011. However, Weiss and Mauthner data have been used in the above table to ensure consistency across all numbers. By accepted convention, 1 million square meters = 0.7 GWth. 1 Numbers for China were revised downward in 2010 relative to those reported in previous report editions due to past accounting for a large number of systems installed in recent years that are no longer operational. In previous editions, data for China accounted only for cumulative added capacity and did not account for systems becoming non-operational. (Note that this is different than system retirements in other countries due to aging; in China, relatively new systems are becoming non-operational well before their design lifetimes.) In addition, there were some past discrepancies in terms of systems manufactured in China and exported versus those installed in China. These discrepancies and corrections significantly affect the global solar hot water picture for past report editions and mean that the figures in this edition should not be compared with figures in previous editions. Note for 2010 estimate of total global capacity used elsewhere in report (e.g., Global Market Overview section; Table R1): Solar collector capacity of 185 GWth for 2010 is estimated from Weiss and Mauthner, which provides a 2010 year-end total of 196 GWth for all collectors. Subtracting an estimated 1011% market share for unglazed collectors brings the total to 176 GWth, adjusted upward by 5% to 185 GWth to account for those countries not included in the Weiss and Mauthner survey. The gross added capacity during 2010 of 30 GWth is estimated based on the difference between 2009 and 2010 existing unglazed totals in the Weiss and Mauthner survey (25 GWth), and on the assumption that 5 GWth were retired globally during 2010 (5% annual retirement rate for systems outside of China, and 2 GWth becoming non-operational in China during 2010). Source: Werner Weiss and Franz Mauthner, Solar Heat Worldwide: Markets and Contributions to Energy Supply 2009 (Paris: IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme, May 2011).


Table R6. Biofuels Production, Top 15 Countries and EU Total, 2010

Country 1. United States 2. Brazil 5. China 7. Spain 3. Germany 4. France

Fuel ethanol 49 28

billion liters 1.2 2.3 2.9 2.0 0.2 2.1 1.1 0.2 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.3 10 19


Total 50.2 30.3 4.4 3.1 2.3 2.3 1.7 1.6 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 105 14.5 0.7

1.5 1.1 2.1 0.1 0.6 1.4 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 4.5

6. Argentina 8. Canada 10. Italy 9. Thailand 13. Poland

11. Indonesia 12. Belgium 14. United Kingdom 15. Colombia World Total EU Total




Note: All figures are rounded to nearest 0.1 billion liters except world totals and U.S. and Brazil ethanol figures, which are rounded to nearest billion liters. Ethanol numbers are for fuel ethanol only. Table ranking is by total biofuels production. Figures are by volume, not energy content. Where reported in tonnes, figures were converted to liters using factors 1,260 liters/tonne ethanol and 1,130 liters/tonne biodiesel; where reported in cubic meters, ethanol data were converted to liters using 1,000 liters/cubic meter. Source: F.O. Licht, March 2011; IEA, Medium Term Oil and Gas Markets 2011 (Paris: June 2011). Brazil ethanol data from Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), provided by Renewable Fuels Department, Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy, communication with REN21, 28 April 2011; Germany ethanol and biodiesel data from BMU, Renewable Energy Sources 2010, provisional data as of 23 March 2010. F.O. Licht and IEA reported that Brazil produced 26 billion liters of ethanol, and that Germany produced 0.9 billion liters of ethanol and 2.7 (F.O. Licht)/2.9 (IEA) billion liters of biodiesel. In the 2010 edition of this report, data for this table came from the IEA, whereas F.O. Licht was the primary source for the current edition; small discrepancies of 0.1 billion liters or less may be noted between these two sources, with the exception of the following from IEA: United States (50.1 billion liters ethanol, 1.0 billion liters biodiesel); France (0.7 billion liters ethanol, 2.6 billion liters biodiesel); China (2.3 billion liters ethanol, 0.4 billion liters biodiesel); Spain (0.4 billion liters ethanol); Poland (0.3 billion liters biodiesel); Indonesia (0.4 liters biodiesel). Note that the IEA ranks Indonesia after Belgium, Poland, United Kindom. and Colombia. For total ethanol production, F.O. Licht reported 85.6 billion liters and IEA 86.3; for total biodiesel production, F.O. Licht reported 18.7 billion liters and IEA 19.3.

Table R7. Share of Primary and Final Energy from Renewables, Existing in 2008/2009 and Targets

Country/Region EU-27

Existing Share (2008/2009)1 8.2% 3.0% 5.1% 2.1% 18% 11% 25% 5.3% 29%

Albania Austria

Primary Energy R

Future Target

Existing Share (2009) 11.6% 3.8% 9.1% 3.8% 12% 29%

Belgium Burundi China3 Egypt Fiji Cyprus

Botswana Bulgaria

18% by 2020

Final Energy R R R R R R R R R R R R

Future Target2 20% by 2020 34% by 2020 2.1% by 2020 15% by 2020 13% by 2020 13% by 2020 30% by 2020 20% by 2011 25% by 2020 13% by 2020 16% by 2020 1% by 2016

Czech Republic Denmark2 Estonia France Gabon Finland Germany2 Greece Israel Italy Hungary2 Ireland Japan

14% by 2020

8.5% 20% 23% 30% 9.7% 9.5% 12%

7.5% 8.9% 5.1% 5.8% 5.0% 3.8% 6.0% 35% 10% 12% 30% R

R 38% by 2020 R R R R R R R 23% by 2020 80% by 2020 18% by 2020 30% by 2030 45% by 2040 60% by 2050 18% by 2020 16% by 2020 50% by 2020 17% by 2020 40% by 2020 12% by 2020 23% by 2020 11% by 2020 54% by 2020 10% by 2020

R 100% by 2013

Indonesia Jamaica Jordan Latvia Lebanon Malawi Mali


17% by 2025 20% by 2030 10% by 2020 7% by 2015 10% by 2020 20% by 2025 15% by 2020 7% by 2020

7.9% 5.1% 7.8% 37% 17%

R 14.7% by 2020 R 13% by 2020 R R R




Luxembourg Madagascar Malta

3.6% 0.5%

2.8% 0.7%


Table R7. Share of Primary and Final Energy from Renewables, Existing in 2008/2009 and Targets (continued)

Country/Region Mauritius Moldova Niger Morocco Poland

Existing Share (2008/2009)1 18%

Netherlands Portugal Senegal Slovakia Spain Syria Slovenia Sweden Tonga

2.7% 3.4% 5.7% 5.2% 2.5% 9.3% 6.4% 3.1% 32% 16% 12% 20% 14%

Primary Energy

Future Target

Existing Share (2009)

R 35% by 2025 R 20% by 2020 R R 10% by 2020 R 14% by 2020 R 15% by 2025 R 4.3% by 2015 R 6.1% by 2020 R 11% by 2030 R 24% by 2020 R 4.3% by 2011 R 20% by 2022 R 61% by 2017 R 5% by 2020 R 8% by 2025 R 11% by 2050 8% by 2012

Final Energy

Future Target2

Palestinian Territories Romania

4.2% 26% 22% 10% 18% 13% 50% 17%


10% by 2012 14% by 2020 20% by 2012 15% by 2020 31% by 2020 24% by 2020 14% by 2020 20% by 2020 50% by 2020


South Korea Switzerland Thailand Uganda

R 25% by 2020


United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Vietnam


R 100% by 2013 R 5% by 2030 R

15% by 2020

Note: Actual percentages rounded to nearest whole decimal for figures over 10%. Many existing shares and targets shown exclude traditional biomass. In general, existing shares are indicative and not intended to be a fully reliable reference. Share of primary energy can be calculated using different methods. See Sidebar 1 of Renewables 2007 Global Status Report for further discussion. In particular, the physical energy content and the substitution/equivalent primary methods will yield different results depending on the mix of renewables. Reported figures often do not specify which method is used to calculate them, so the figures in this table for share of primary energy are likely a mixture of the different methods and thus are not directly comparable or consistent across countries. IEA Renewables Information (2010) gives primary energy shares for all OECD countries according to the physical energy content method, and these numbers are generally consistent with the primary energy shares reported here, although there are some differences: for example, IEA gives Austria as 26.9% while the REN21 database reports 29%; the difference could stem from calculations using different (and equally valid) methods. 1 Primary energy share figures are given for end 2009, except for the following cases where share figures refer to end 2008: EU-27, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mauritius, Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and Thailand. 2 Final energy targets for all EU-27 countries are set under EU Directive 2009/28/EC. The governments of Denmark and Hungary have set additional targets that are shown above the EU targets. The German targets for 2030, 2040, and 2050 are also additional targets set by the German government, and are not mandatory. 3 Chinas target changed in 2007 from a 15% share of primary energy from renewables to a 15% share of final energy from renewables and nuclear combined; however, there remains some question as to whether the target now represents final or primary share of energy. The 9.1% actual share of final energy is for 2010. Source: REN21 database; submissions by report contributors; various industry reports; EurObservER, The State of Renewable Energies in Europe, 10th EurObservER Report (Paris: 2011). For online updates, see the Renewables Interactive Map at www.ren21.net.



Table R7 Annex. Primary Energy Shares of Countries without Primary or Final Energy Targets

Argentina Australia Belarus Bolivia Brazil Chile Cuba Canada Croatia Barbados


Existing Share (2009) 9.1% 5.1% 9.3% 9.5% 47% 17% 81% 23% 86% 11% 30% 14% 73% 95% 97% 83% 11% 10% 37% 63% 46% 22% 10% 27% 11% 11% 43% 23% 66%

Bosnia & Herzegovina Colombia

Costa Rica Ecuador Guyana Haiti Iceland Mexico

Dominican Republic El Salvador Grenada Guatemala Honduras


100% 100% 100% 8.3%

Macedonia1 Nicaragua Norway Peru Serbia


Montenegro Panama

New Zealand Paraguay

100% 100% 0.1% 8.2%

Note: See previous page for relevant notes. 1 All shares for primary energy production at end 2009, except for Macedonia where the number refers to final energy consumption at end 2009. 2 Including both Serbia and Montenegro. Source: REN21 database; submissions by report contributors; various industry reports; EurObservER, The State of Renewable Energies in Europe, 10th EurObservER Report (Paris: 2011). For online updates, see the Renewables Interactive Map at www.ren21.net.

Suriname Turkey Uruguay


Trinidad & Tobago United States Venezuela

Table R8. Share of Electricity from Renewables, Existing in 2009, and Targets

Country/Region Global1 EU-271

Existing Share
(end 2009)

Existing Share Future Target R 21% by 2010 Country/Region Portugal Russia2 Rwanda Spain Romania
(end 2009)


Argentina3 Australia Brazil2 Chile2 Egypt China2

0.8% 7.2% 6.0% 0.8% 6.3% 2.6% 16% 10% 12% 6% 29%

18% 20%

R 5% by 2017 R 20% by 2030 R 40% by 2015 R 20% by 2020 R 16% by 2020 R 50% by 2020 R 5% by 2015 R 10% by 2020 R 8% by 2020 R 3% by 2020 R 10% by 2015 R 25% by 2020 R 20% by 2020 R 8% by 2015 R 35% by 2020 R 50% by 2030 R 65% by 2040 R 80% by 2050 R 10% by 2020 R 10% by 2012 R 5% by 2016 R 7% by 2020 R 15% by 2020 R 5% by 2020 R 10% by 2020 R 30% by 2030 R 75% by 2020 R 20% by 2020 R 42% by 2020 R 90% by 2025 R 38% by 2011 R 40% by 2020 R 7% by 2025 R 10% by 2012

Bangladesh Cape Verde

South Africa Sri Lanka2 Thailand Tonga Tunisia Turkey

0.1% 1.7% 0.1% 8.1% 1.0% 20% 26%

44% 27%

5560% by 2020 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R

Future Target

2.5% by 2015 4.5% by 2020 90% by 2012

35% in 2015 38% by 2020

Czech Republic Estonia Ghana India4 Israel Italy Japan Libya

Dominican Republic

R1617% by 2030

10% by 2017 14.1% by 2022 10.6% by 2011 14.1% by 2022 50% by 2012 11% by 2016 25% by 2030 30% by 2023 7% by 2020 5% by 2020

4% by 2013 13% by 2020 14% by 2050 40% by 2020

Source: REN21 database; submissions by report contributors; various industry reports; ObservER, Worldwide Electricity Production from Renewable Energy Sources: Stats and Figures Series. Twelfth Inventory Edition 2010 (Paris: 2010). For online updates, see the Renewables Interactive Map at www.ren21.net.


United Arab Emirates

United Kingdom Vietnam Scotland

Jamaica1 Kuwait

0.1% 3.0% 2.2% 64% 37% 16% 73% 29% 33% 0% 21%


R 26.4% by 2020 R 1.63% by 2014 R 65% by 2028

Mauritius Mongolia Nigeria2 Morocco5 Pakistan

New Zealand6 Nicaragua


3.0% ~ 0% ~ 0%

R2025% by 2020

Palestinian Territories


R 10% by 2020




Note: Actual percentages are rounded to nearest whole decimal for figures over 10%. The United States and Canada have de-facto stateor provincial-level targets through existing RPS policies (see Table R11), but no national targets. Some countries shown also have other types of targets (see Tables R7 and R9). See text of Policy Landscape section for more information about sub-national targets. Existing shares are indicative and are not intended to be a fully reliable reference. Share of electricity can be calculated using different methods. Reported figures often do not specify which method is used to calculate them, so the figures in this table for share of electricity are likely a mixture of the different methods and thus not directly comparable or consistent across countries. In particular, certain shares sourced from ObservER are different from those provided to REN21 by Bariloche Foundation (for example, ObservER lists the shares for Argentina and Cuba as 29% and 3%, respectively, while Bariloche Foundation lists these shares as 36% and 9%, respectively). The difference likely stems from calculations using different (and equally valid) methods. 1 Global share is for end 2008. EU-27 2009 share is preliminary (19.9% per EC Joint Research Centre, Renewable Energy Snapshots (Brussels: May 2010). Dominican Republic (DR) and Jamaica shares are estimations from Bariloche Foundation, which, in some cases, used extrapolations of the previous years data. It appears DR met its 2015 target, but this may be due the use of different methods in setting the target or calculating share value. 2 For certain countries, existing shares exclude large hydro, because corresponding targets exclude large hydro. With large hydro included, shares for these countries are: Brazil 89%, Chile 50%, China 16%, Japan 10%, Nigeria 28%, Pakistan 31%, Russia 17%, and Sri Lanka 42%. Shares excluding hydro have been calculated from data published by ObservER (source below). 3 Argentina also has a target of 8% of electricity by 2016 from sources excluding large hydro. 4 India has already reached this target. 5 Moroccos second target of 42% by 2020 refers to installed capacity. 6 New Zealands target is not mandatory and is intended as a guide for government policy.

7.0% R10.4% by 2010/11 R15.4% by 2015/16 R 100% by 2020 R

Table R8 Annex. Existing Renewables Share of Electricity Production in Countries without Targets

Country/ Region Austria

Existing Share (end 2009) 0.2% 35% 29% 73%

Country/ Region Haiti1

Existing Share (end 2009) 46% 63%

Country/ Region Panama1

Existing Share (end 2009) 35% 59%

Bosnia & Herzegovina Canada Chile Bulgaria Columbia Cuba




9.2% 61%


Costa Rica Croatia Cyprus

Cte dIvoire Denmark Ecuador


Note: See previous page for relevant notes. 1 Shares for Bolivia, Ecuador, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Panama and Paraguay, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago are sourced from estimations from the Bariloche Foundation, which, in some cases, used rough extrapolations of the previous years data. 2 Figure includes Montenegro and Serbia. 3 Renewable energy share of electricity in Mozambique and Namibia is derived entirely from large hydro. 4 Share value for Nepal refers to end-2010. Source: REN21 database; submissions by report contributors; various industry reports; ObservER, Worldwide Electricity Production from Renewable Energy Sources: Stats and Figures Series, Twelfth Inventory Edition 2010 (Paris: 2010). For online updates, see the Renewables Interactive Map at www.ren21.net.

Guatemala Guyana1

France Gabon

El Salvador Ethiopia Finland

0.3% 54% 60% 81% 31% 27%


95% 36% 55%

50% 68%



Indonesia Ireland Jordan




100% 3.6% 0.8% 12%


Kazakhstan Kenya Latvia Lithuania

0.5% 7.0% 8.9% 13% 26% 94% 58% 64%


Poland Serbia Sudan



Papua New Guinea Paraguay1

100% 6.0% 11% 62% 29% 20% 31% 55%


Slovenia Sweden

South Korea Suriname1

1.1% 62% 60% 57%




14% 15%



Netherlands Norway

Mozambique Nepal4 Namibia



Luxembourg Malawi




100% 9.6% 97% 97% 71%

2.0% 27%

Trinidad & Tobago Uruguay Zambia Ukraine United States Uzbekistan

Switzerland Taiwan

0.0% 7.0% 66% 69% 10%






Table R9. Other Renewable Energy Targets

Country/ Region EU-27

Targets Transport All EU-27 countries are required to meet 10% of final energy consumption in the transport sector with renewables by 2020

Argentina Australia Austria


Wind: CSP: Solar PV: Cogeneration: Renewable generation:

Renewable capacity: Renewable generation: Wind:

100 MW by 2015 170 MW by 2015 5.1 MW by 2015 450 MW by 2015

1,000 MW by 2012, including 500 MW wind, 150 MW biofuels, 120 MW waste-to-energy, 100 MW biomass, 60 MW small-scale hydro, 30 MW geothermal, 20 MW solar, and 20 MW biogas 2,500 MW by 2016 Additional 45 TWh per year from large-scale renewable power sources by 2020 (equal to 20% of generating capacity) 2.5 million units by 2015 Annual generated hydropower to increase by 12.6 PJ (3,500 GWh) by 2015. Annual generated wind power to double by 2020 (an increase of 10 PJ or 2,778 GWh)

Bangladesh Cambodia Canada China1 Croatia Egypt

Rural off-grid solar:

Renewable generation:

Renewable capacity: Solar hot water: Wind: Offshore wind: : Ocean


362 GW by 2020, including 300 GW hydro, 30 GW wind, 30 GW biomass, and 1.8 GW solar PV/CSP 150 million m2 (105 GWth) by 2010; 300 million m2 (210 GWth) by 2020 500 MW by 2015 400 MW by 2030 1,020 MW by 2012 500 MW by 2020

4,600 MW by 2020 (Ontario); 4,000 MW by 2016 (Quebec); 1,200 MW by 2015 (Maritime Provinces); 1,000 MW by 2016 (Manitoba); 400 MW by 2016 (New Brunswick)

15% of rural electricity supply from solar and small hydro by 2015

Dominican Republic Wind: Ethiopia

Finland France India

Wind: Hydro: Geothermal: Transport: Ocean: Wind: Solar PV:

Wind: Hydro: Other renewables:

760 MW new installed capacity by 2013 5.6 GW new installed capacity by 2015 450 MW new installed capacity by 2018 14% by 2020

12% by 2020 (or more than 7,200 MW) 6% by 2020 2% by 2020

20% renewable energy share in transport by 2020 78.7 GW renewable capacity to be added during the period from 20072012 10.5 GW added 20072012 1,400 MW added 20072012 1,700 MW added 20072012 0.4 GW added 20072012 15 million m2 (10.5 GWth) by 2017; 20 million m2 (14 GWth) by 2022 12 GW by 2022, including 10 GW grid-connected and 2,000 MW off-grid 20 million by 2022 255 MW by 2025 9,500 MW by 2025 810 MW by 2025 870 MW by 2025 500 MW by 2025


Renewable heating:


Renewable capacity: Wind: Small hydro (< 25 MW): Biomass cogeneration: Waste-to-energy: Solar hot water: Solar PV: Rural lighting systems: Wind: Geothermal: Biomass power: Solar: Hydro:

800 MW of ocean power by 2020 25 GW by 2020, including 6 GW offshore 4.9 GW by 2020

Table R9. Other Renewable Energy Targets (continued)

Country/ Region Targets

Iran Ireland Italy Japan Jordan Kenya Libya Wind: Ocean:

Solar PV: Renewable heating: Solar PV: Wind: Solar PV: Waste-to-energy: Wind: Biomass:

1,500 MW by 2013 500 MW by 2020 23 GW by 2016 16% by 2020 4.8 GW by 2010; 14 GW and 5.3 million homes by 2020; 53 GW by 2030

Lithuania Malaysia Mexico

Renewable capacity: Geothermal power:

600 MW by 2015, with a further 600 MW by 2020 300 MW by 2015, with a further 300 MW by 2020 3050 MW Double installed capacity by 2012 4 GW by 2030 1,000 MW by 2015 70% of centralized heating by 2020



Small-scale hydro: Solar PV and CSP: Wind: Solar hot water:

Share of installed capacity:

Renewable capacity:

Renewable capacity: Rural:

Namibia Nepal

Non-hydro renewable capacity: 40 MW by 2011 Rural: Solar: Wind:

Nigeria Peru

Pakistan Portugal




Renewable capacity:

Renewable capacity: Hydro: Renewable capacity: Ocean: Wind: Solar: Biomass: Geothermal: Energy efficiency:

Renewable generation:

Renewable share of power capacity: 5% by 2013 Renewable capacity: Transport biodiesel: Biomass power:

30 TWh of increased annual production of renewable energy by 2016 compared to 2001. 14 TWh annual production by 2020 5% by 2030 10.6 GW by 2030; 4.5 GW added during 20032013 1,885 million liters annually by 2030 76 MW by 2010; 94 MW by 2015; 267 MW by 2030

7% of rural electricity from renewables; electrification of 150,000 households using 15 MW of micro-hydropower; installation of 150 solar drinking water and micro-irrigation projects, 2,000 solar dryers/cookers, 90,000 domestic biogas plants, 50 community biogas plants, and 75 institutional biogas plants; installation or refurbishment of 4,500 water mills; installation of 300,000 improved stoves and other biomass systems in certain areas. All by 2012/2013. 3 MW by 2012/2013 1 MW by 2012/2013 16 GW by 2015

2,000 MW each from wind, solar, and hydro Installation of PV systems for lighting (50,000), refrigerators (5,000), TVs (2,000), water pumping (5,000). and community services (20,000); installation of 1,000 biodigesters; installation of 3,000 wind pumping systems; installation of 5,000 renewable-energy-based productive systems; installation of 100,000 solar heaters. Dates not specified for these targets.

400 MW by 2015 2,000 MW to provide 20% of electricity by 2020 1,440 MW by 2015; 2,000 MW by 2020 400,000 m2 (0.28 GWth) by 2012; 1.7 million m2 (1.2 GWth) by 2020

7.6% by 2012, including wind power 4.34%, small hydro 0.77%, geothermal 1.65%, and biogas/biomass 0.85%

3,000 MW of new renewables by 2020, including 1,250 MW of solar PV and 1,065 MW from biomass


9,548 MW by 2010 19.2 GW by 2020 250 MW by 2020 6,875 MW by 2020, including 75 MW of offshore wind power 1,500 MW by 2020 952 MW by 2020 75 MW by 2020 20% reduction of energy use by 2050

Table R9. Other Renewable Energy Targets (continued)

Country/ Region Rwanda Serbia


South Africa South Korea Spain

Small hydro:


Renewable generation: Solar hot water: Onshore wind: Offshore wind: All wind: Solar PV: Ocean: Wind: Solar PV:

Renewable generation: CSP: Solar PV:

42 MW by 2015

increase by 7.4% (735 GWh) by 2012, from 2007 levels 50,000 m2 (0.035 GWth) by 2012 2,390 MW to be built in 2012 100 MW by 2013; 1 GW by 2015; 2.5 GW by 2019 Cumulative capacity of 15.7 GW by 2022 1,300 MW by 2012 6% by 2010; 10% by 2016

10,000 GWh, 3,100 MW by 2013, including 500 MW wind and 50 MW CSP 43 TWh annually by 2030 14% of generated electricity by 2050 10 MW by 2016; 100 MW by 2020 38 GW by 2020, including 35 GW on-shore and 3 GW off-shore 10 GW by 2020 115 MW by 2011; 375 MW by 2016; 800 MW by 2022 55 MW by 2011; 95 MW by 2016; 500 MW by 2022 185 MW by 2011; 281 MW by 2016; 324 MW by 2022 2,800 MW by 2011; 3,220 MW by 2016; 3,700 MW by 2022 Additional 25 TWh annually by 2020 compared to 2002

Sri-Lanka Sweden Tunisia Thailand

Rural off-grid households served by renewable energy: Wind: Solar PV: Hydro: Biomass: Wind:

Renewable generation: Renewable capacity: Wind: Solar PV: Solar hot water:




Note: Countries on this list may also have primary energy or electricity targets (see Tables R7 and R8). 1 In China, increased targets of 150 GW wind and 2 GW solar exist as draft or unofficial targets. Source: REN21 database compiled from all available policy references plus submissions from report contributors. For online updates, see the Renewables Interactive Map at www.ren21.net.



Small hydro, biomass, and geothermal: Solar hot water: Biogas: Renewable capacity:

188 MW by 2017 30,000 heaters by 2017 100,000 digesters by 2017 500 MW by 2015

20 GW by 2023

1,000 MW by 2016; 4,700 MW by 2030 330 MW by 2011 15 MW by 2011 750,000 m2 (0.5 GWth) by 2011

Table R10. Cumulative Number of Countries/States/Provinces Enacting Feed-in Policies

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 (early) 2010



Cumulative Number 1 2 3 4 10 11 14 14 17 23 29 34 41 46 56 69 80 85 84 6 9

United States Germany Italy Switzerland Sri Lanka Sweden

Countries/States/Provinces Added That Year

Denmark, India

Luxembourg, Spain, Greece Portugal, Norway, Slovenia Armenia, France, Latvia Algeria, Austria, Brazil, Czech Republic, Indonesia, Lithuania Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, South Korea, Slovak Republic, Maharashtra (India) Israel, Nicaragua, Prince Edward Island (Canada), Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh (India) Karnataka, Uttaranchal, and Uttar Pradesh (India); China, Turkey, Ecuador, Ireland

Ontario (Canada), Kerala (India), Argentina, Pakistan, Thailand

South Australia (Australia), Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Finland, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Uganda Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales and Victoria (Australia); Hawaii, Oregon, and Vermont (USA); Japan; Kazakhstan; Serbia; South Africa; Taiwan Bosnia and Herzegovina, Malaysia, Malta, United Kingdom

Queensland (Australia); California (USA); Chattisgarh, Gujarat, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal (India); Kenya; the Philippines; Tanzania; Ukraine

Total existing


Louisiana (USA) See note below

Note: Cumulative number refers to number of jurisdictions that had enacted feed-in policies as of the given year. Total existing discounts three countries that are known to have subsequently discontinued policies (Brazil, South Korea, and the United States) and adds five countries that are believed to have feed-in tariffs but with an unknown year of enactment (Costa Rica, Honduras, Mauritius, Peru, and Panama). See Endnote 236 of the Renewables 2010 Global Status Report for further details. Many policies have been revised or reformulated in years subsequent to the initial year shown for a given country. For example, Indias national FIT from 1993 was substantially discontinued but a new national FIT was enacted in 2008. Source: All available policy references, including the IEA online Global Renewable Energy Policies and Measures database, published sources as given in the endnotes for the Policy Landscape section of this report, and submissions from report contributors.


Table R11. Cumulative Number of Countries/States/Provinces Enacting RPS/Quota Policies

1983 1994 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total existing 2010


Cumulative Number 1 2 3 12 6 9 13 15 18 19 34 38 39 44 50 51 63 53

Countries/States/Provinces Added That Year Iowa (USA) Minnesota (USA) Arizona (USA)

Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada (USA) New Jersey and Texas (USA); Italy New Mexico (USA) Flanders (Belgium); Australia

Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin (USA) California (USA), Wallonia (Belgium), United Kingdom Japan, Sweden, Maharashtra (India) Washington State (USA) Kansas (USA)

Colorado, Hawaii, Maryland, New York, and Rhode Island (USA); Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Prince Edward Island (Canada); Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, and Orissa (India); Poland District of Columbia, Delaware, and Montana (USA); Gujarat (India) Illinois, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Oregon (USA); China Michigan, Missouri, and Ohio (USA); Chile; India; Philippines British Columbia (Canada); South Korea See note below



Note: Cumulative number refers to number of jurisdictions that had enacted RPS/Quota policies as of the given year. Jurisdictions are listed under year of first policy enactment; many policies shown have been revised or renewed in subsequent years, and some policies shown may have been repealed or lapsed. Total existing adds 10 jurisdictions believed to have RPS/Quota policies but whose year of enactment is not known (Kyrgyzstan, Portugal, Romania, Uruguay, and the Indian states of Haryana, Kerala, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal). In the United States, there are six additional states with policy goals that are not legally binding RPS policies (Alaska, North Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia). Three additional Canadian provinces also have non-binding policy goals (Alberta, Manitoba, and Quebec); see Endnote 241 of the Renewables 2010 Global Status Report for further details. The Netherlands is not listed in this table as utilities were implementing voluntary quota goals but no national quota policy exists. Source: All available policy references, including the IEA online Global Renewable Energy Policies and Measures database, published sources as given in the endnotes for the Policy Landscape section of this report, and submissions from report contributors.

Table R12. Biofuels Blending Mandates

Source: All available references, including the IEA online Global Renewable Energy Policies and Measures database, published sources in the endnotes for the Policy Landscape section, and submissions from report contributors.

Australia Belgium Bolivia Brazil China Canada


E5 and B5 E6 in New South Wales As of mid-2009, all registered fossil fuel companies in Belgium must incorporate 4% of biofuels in fossil fuels that are made available in the Belgian market B2.5 by 2007; B20 by 2015; E10 B5 by 2013; E20E25 currently E10 in nine provinces B10 by 2012 B3.5 E10 E15 and B2 by 2015 B7; B20 by 2012; E8 by 2010

Colombia Ethiopia Finland India Italy

Costa Rica

National: E5 by 2010 and B2 by 2012. Provincial: E5 and B3 currently, and B5 by 2012, in British Columbia; E5 and B2 in Alberta; E7.5 in Saskatchewan; E8.5 and B2 in Manitoba; E5 in Ontario

Czech Republic Germany Malaysia Norway Peru Pakistan Panama

Dominican Republic

Mandatory blending rate of 5.75% B5 by 2008 B3.5

Biofuels share of 6.75% by 2010 and 7.25% by 2012; biodiesel 4.4%; ethanol 2.8% increasing to 3.6% by 2015 B10 and E10 as of 2008; B20 and E20 by 2017 4% for 2011; 4.5% for 2012; 5% by 2014 Renewable fuel share 4% B5 by 2015; B10 by 2025 E18E24; B5

Netherlands Paraguay Portugal Spain

E2 by April 2013; E5 by April 2014; E7 by April 2015; E10 by April 2016 B5 by 2011; E7.8 by 2010 in northern districts and by 2011 nationwide (except in five low-population density districts) B10 by 2011; E10 in August 2011 B2 by 2012 B3.25 Mandatory incorporation of biofuels for the years 20112020, growing up to 10% (in energy content) by 2020 and the mandatory incorporation of biofuel for substitute gasoline of 2.5% (minimum % in energy content) for the period 20152020; B7 by 2010 Biofuels share of 6.2% currently; 6.5% for 2012; biodiesel 6% currently, increasing to 7% by 2012 B3 and E10 B2 through 2011; B5 from 2012; E5 by end of 2014

Philippines South Korea Thailand Uruguay United Kingdom United States


Note: E denotes ethanol, B denotes biodiesel; E5 is a blend of 5% ethanol and 95% regular gasoline. Where no target date is provided, the mandate is already in place. Table shows binding obligations on fuel suppliers; there are other countries with future indicative targets that are not shown here; see Transport Policies in the Policy Landscape section, as well as the Biofuels obligation/mandate column in Table 2. Victoria province in Australia has an aspirational biofuels target of 5% for 2010, which includes biodiesel. Chile has voluntary guidelines for E5 and B5. Bolivia has an indicative mandate under the 2005 Biodiesel Act. Ecuador has instituted an E5 pilot program in the province of Guadalajara. South Africa has proposed mandates of B2 and E8 by 2013. Mozambique has an approved but unspecified blend mandate. Some entries from previous years were removed based on updated research, including 13 Indian provinces.

National biofuels blending mandate of 13.95 billion gallons (53 billion liters) for 2011 and 36 billion gallons (136 billion liters) annually by 2022. State-level mandates: B5 in Oregon; E10 in Iowa, Hawaii, Missouri, and Montana; E20 in Minnesota; B5 in New Mexico; E2 and B2 in Louisiana and Washington State; 0.9 billion gallons (3.4 billion liters) of biofuels annually by 2017 in Pennsylvania.

Table R13. City and Local Renewable Energy Policies: Selected Examples

n CO2 Emissions Reductions Targets

Austin TX, USA Oslo, Norway Barcelona, Spain Copenhagen, Denmark Hamburg, Germany Seoul, South Korea Stockholm, Sweden San Francisco CA, USA

Zero net emissions (carbon-neutral) by 2020 Reduce 50% by 2030 (base 1991)

Reduce per capita emissions to 3.15 tons of CO2- equivalent. by 2010 Reduce 20% by 2015; zero net emissions by 2025 Reduce 20% by 2012 (base 1990) Reduce 25% by 2020 (base 1990) Reduce 40% by 2020 and 80% by 2050 (base 1990)

Sydney, Australia Tokyo, Japan

Reduce 70% by 2030 (base 2006) Reduce 25% by 2020 (base 2000)

Reduce per capita emissions to 3 tons of CO2 by 2015 (base 5.5 tons 1990)

n Targets for Share of Renewable Energy by All Consumers

Beijing, China Rajkot, India Calgary AB, Canada Madrid, Spain Mnster, Germany Sams, Denmark Tokyo, Japan Vxj, Sweden 30% of total energy by 2036 20% of total energy by 2020 100% of total energy 20% of total energy by 2020 20% reduction in fossil fuel use by 2020

4% of electric power capacity and 6% of heating by 2010 10% reduction in conventional energy by 2013 100% of total energy (fossil fuel-free) 30% by 2020

Stockholm, Sweden

80% of district heating from renewable sources

n Targets for Share of Renewable Electricity by All Consumers

Austin TX, USA Adelaide, Australia Freiburg, Germany Taipei City, Taiwan Sydney, Australia Ann Arbor MI, USA 15% by 2014 20% by 2015 10% by 2010 12% by 2020 25% by 2020



Cape Town, South Africa

10% by 2020

Table R13. City and Local Renewable Energy Policies: Selected Examples (continued)

n Targets for Installed Capacity of Renewable Energy

Kunming, China Leister, UK Adelaide, Australia Barcelona, Spain

Los Angeles CA, USA Shanghai, China Tokyo, Japan

San Francisco CA, USA

6 million m2 surface area covered by solar PV and solar hot water, with at least 100 MW of solar PV 1,000 buildings with solar hot water by 2010 1 GW of added solar PV by 2010 200300 MW of wind and 10 MW of solar PV by 2010 50 MW of renewables by 2012, including 31 MW of solar PV

2 MW of solar PV on residential and commercial buildings 100,000 m2 (0.07 GWth) of solar hot water by 2010

1.3 GW of solar PV by 2020: residential, commercial, city-owned facilities

n Targets for Government Own-Use Purchases of Renewable Energy

Austin TX, USA Bristol, UK Bhubaneswar, India Calgary AB, Canada Houston TX, USA Portland OR, USA Sydney, Australia 100% of own-use electricity by 2012 100% of own-use electricity by 2012 100% of own-use electricity by 2010 25% of own-use electricity by 2012 Reduce conventional energy use 15% by 2012 15% of own-use electricity (14% currently) 50% of own-use electricity (currently)

Hepburn Shire, Australia

100% of own-use energy in public buildings; 8% of electricity for public lighting

Toronto ON, Canada Cape Town, South Africa Dezhou, China Oxford, UK Iida City, Japan Kunming, China

100% of own-use electricity in buildings; 20% for street lamps

n Targets for Share of Buildings with Renewable Energy

30% of homes with solar PV by 2010

50% of buildings with solar hot water by 2010

50% of buildings with solar hot water and/or solar PV by 2010; 90% of new construction 10% of homes with solar hot water and/or solar PV by 2010 Tax credits for residential solar Rebate of sales and use taxes for solar Property tax abatement for solar PV

10% of homes with solar hot water by 2010

n Tax Credits and Exemptions

Belo Horizonte, Brazil Boulder CO, USA Nagpur, India Caledon ON, Canada New York NY, USA

Property development fee discount of 5% if projects include renewables

Property tax credit of 10% for solar hot water in new residential buildings


Table R13. City and Local Renewable Energy Policies: Selected Examples (continued)

n Urban Planning
Adelaide, Australia Berlin, Germany Shanghai, China Tokyo, Japan Vxj, Sweden Gteborg, Sweden

Hamburg, Germany Porto Alegre, Brazil Toronto ON, Canada

Adelaide City Development Plan calls for green buildings and renewables Berlin Energy Action Plan Gteborg 2050 envisions being fossil fuel-free Program for Solar Energy in Buildings Sustainable Energy Action Plan Tokyo Renewable Energy Strategy (2006) Wilhelmsburg model urban district with renewables

Regulations of Renewable Energy Development in Shanghai Yokohama Energy Vision targets electric vehicles, solar, green power 60% solar hot water in all new buildings and major renovations Solar hot water in new residential buildings larger than 150 m2 and in hospitals and other public buildings Fossil Fuel Free Vxj targets per capita CO2

Yokohama, Japan Barcelona, Spain Rajkot, India

n Building Codes and Permitting

Lianyangang, China Rio de Janeiro, Brazil San Francisco CA, USA

Solar hot water in all new residential buildings up to 12 stories and in new construction and renovation of hotels/commercial buildings Solar hot water for 40% of heating energy in all public buildings New buildings over 100,000 ft2 (9,290 m2) must supply 5% of energy from solar

Tokyo, Japan

Property developers must assess and consider possibilities for solar hot water and other renewables and report assessments to owners

n Transport Infrastructure and Fuels Mandates, Operation, Investment, and Subsidies

Adelaide, Australia Betim, Brazil Ann Arbor MI, USA Mandates for biofuels in public transport and taxis (plan through 2017); preference to flex-fuel vehicles for municipal vehicle fleet purchases B5 and B20 used in municipal fleet vehicles Operate electric public buses charged with 100% solar electricity Subsidies for public-access biofuels stations

Stockholm, Sweden

Plan to have 50% of all public transit buses run on biogas or ethanol by 2011, and 100% of buses by 2025; metro and commuter trains run on green electricity; additional biofuels stations.



Calgary AB, Canada Portland OR, USA

Mandate for biofuels blending B5 and E10 for all diesel and gasoline sold within city limits; biofuels investment fund to enhance production, storage, distribution; biofuels infrastructure grants; use of biofuels in municipal fleet

Table R13. City and Local Renewable Energy Policies: Selected Examples (continued)

n Municipal Electric Utility Policies

Austin TX, USA Boulder CO, USA Gainesville FL, USA New York NY, USA

Mexico City, Mexico

Renewable portfolio standard 30% by 2020 Net metering for solar PV

Minneapolis MN, USA Oakville ON, Canada Sacramento CA, USA Adelaide, Australia Aspen CO, USA Berkeley CA, USA Berlin, Germany Kawasaki, Japan Rome, Italy Boulder CO, USA

Carbon tax on fossil fuel electricity purchases Net metering up to 2 MW capacity

Feed-in tariff for solar PV (32 cents/kWh for 20 years) Local utility voluntary green power sales

Feed-in tariff for eligible generation starting January 2010 (by SMUD) Subsidy for solar PV (AUD1,000/watt for > 1kW)

Renewable portfolio standard 30% by 2020 (for Xcel Energy)

n Subsidies, Grants, and Loans

Subsidies for solar PV ($1,500 per kW for systems > 2kW) Small loan program ($3,0005,000 loans) Grants for solar hot water in buildings Lower permit costs for solar hot water

Loans to households repaid through property tax bills (up to $37,500) Subsidies for solar PV (40%) and solar hot water (30%) on apartment buildings Subsidies for solar PV for households (JPY70,000/kW up to 3.5 kW) Subsidies for solar hot water (to 30%), solar PV (to 60%) Sustainable energy fund low-interest loans

Christchurch, New Zealand Porto Alegre, Brazil Toronto ON, Canada Beijing, China

n Government Funds and Investments

Edinburgh, Scotland, UK Kunming, China Montreal QC, Canada Toronto, Canada San Francisco CA, USA

RMB13 billion ($2 billion) investment fund to achieve 4% energy target Fund for solar PV industry development and solar PV projects CAD24 million energy fund over six years Solar Energy Bond issue of $100 million Climate Change Fund totaling GBP18.8 million

CAD20 million Green Energy Fund to support renewable energy investments

Source: REN21, Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies, and ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability, Global Status Report on Local Renewable Energy Policies (Paris: 2011).


BNEF CHP CO2 carbon dioxide


concentrating solar (thermal) power feed-in tariff gigajoule Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves Renewables Global Status Report UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change kilowatt / kilowatt-hour square meters municipal solid waste petajoule million tons of oil equivalent electric vehicle

combined heat and power

Bloomberg New Energy Finance

cOPyrIGhT & ImPrInT

European Union (specifically the EU-27)

REN21 Secretariat 15 rue de Milan 75441 Paris Cedex 09, France


Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (formerly GTZ) International Energy Agency

Gesellschaft fr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Dag-Hammarskjld-Weg 1-5 65726 Eschborn, Germany


GW/ GWh gigawatt / gigawatt-hour IPCC kW/ kWh mtoe NGO PJ PV MSW

Page 12: istockphoto, Pedro Castellano Page 24: Geothermal Plant, pictures courtesy of NREL Page 26: weeks.de Page 40: Woodpellets, istockphoto, Berca Page 43, bottom left: CSP plant, pictures courtesy of NREL Page 43, bottom right: Geothermal Plant, pictures courtesy of NREL Page 44, upper right: SeaGen, photo courtesy of Dr. I. J. Stevenson

MW/ MWh megawatt/ megawatt-hour OECD REN21 RPS SHS TWh UNEP

non-governmental organization Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development solar photovoltaics solar home system terawatt-hour

Page 44, upper left: Dam of hydroelectric power station Russia, Image Copyright Shutterstock, used under license from Shutterstock.com

Page 45: Ethanol Plant, pictures courtesy of NREL Page 55: Solar panel installation, istockphoto, Elena Elisseeva Page 57: istockphoto, Hans Slegers Page 60: istockphoto, Rafa Irusta Page 61: Mexico City, Bob Thomas

United Nations Environment Programme

Page 62, upper left: Solar water heaters in Africa Page 62, upper right: Faade-integrated photovoltaics in a gymnasium in Burgweinting, Fraunhofer ISE Page 68, bottom left: Solar Cooker in Kenya Page 68, middle left: Mongolian Family Uses Solar Energy to Power Home


Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century renewable portfolio standard

Page 46: Production of micromass for regenerative power supply, istockphoto, annedde


Biodiesel A fuel used in diesel engines installed in cars, trucks, buses, and other vehicles; and also used in stationary heat and power applications. Biodiesel is produced from oilseed crops such as soy, rapeseed (canola), and palm oil, and from other vegetable oil sources such as waste cooking oil and animal fats. Biofuel A wide range of liquid and gaseous fuels derived from biomass. Biofuels including ethanol, biodiesel, and biogas can be combusted in vehicle engines as transport fuels, in stationary engines for heat and electricity generation, and used for domestic heating and cooking (for example, as ethanol gels or di-methyl ether).

electricity generators. Some policies provide a fixed tariff whereas others provide fixed premium payments that are added to wholesale market- or cost-related tariffs. Other variations exist, and feed-in tariffs for heat are evolving. Fiscal Incentive An economic incentive that provides actors (individuals, households, companies) with a reduction in their contribution to the public treasury via income or other taxes, or with direct payments from the public treasury in the form of rebates or grants.

Biomass energy/bioenergy Biomass is any material of biological origin, excluding material that is embedded in geological formations. Biomass energy (or bioenergy) can take many forms, including biofuels, biogas, biomethane (similar to natural gas and derived by removing impurities including carbon dioxide, siloxanes, and hydrogen sulfides from biogas), solid biomass from dedicated plantations, and biomass waste and residues from forestry, agriculture, industrial processes, and wet and solid municipal waste. Capital subsidy, consumer grant, rebate One-time payments by a government or utility to cover a percentage of the capital cost of an investment, such as a solar water heater or a solar PV system.

Biogas digester A unit that converts animal and plant organic material into biogas, which is made up predominantly of methane. Biogas can be used as fuel for lighting, cooking, heating, electricity generation, and transport. It can also be upgraded to biomethane.

Geothermal Heat energy emitted from within Earths crust, usually in the form of hot water or steam, which can be used to produce electricity or as direct heat for buildings, industry, and agriculture. In addition, ground-source heat pumps use shallow geothermal heat (up to around 20 meters depth but that can also be deemed to be stored solar heat) to heat and cool water and space. Gigajoule/Petajoule A unit of energy that is equal to 1 billion (109) joules. Approximately six gigajoules represent the amount of potential chemical energy in a barrel of oil, when combusted. A petajoule is 1015 joules.

Combined heat and power (CHP)/Cogeneration Plants Facilities that recover waste heat that is otherwise discarded from power generation processes that produce thermal energy. Biomass, geothermal, and solar thermal resources can be used in such plants. Ethanol A liquid fuel made from biomass (typically corn, sugar cane, or grains) that can replace ordinary gasoline in modest percentages for use in ordinary spark ignition engines (stationary or in vehicles), or that can be used at higher blend levels (usually up to 85% ethanol, or 100% in Brazil) in slightly modified engines such as those provided in flex-fuel vehicles that can run on various fuel blends or on 100% gasoline.

Hydropower Electricity that is derived from the energy of water moving from higher to lower elevations. Categories of hydropower projects include run-of-river, storage (reservoir)-based capacity, and low-head in-stream technology (the least developed). Pumped storage plants pump water from a lower reservoir to a higher storage basin using surplus electricity, and reverse the flow to generate electricity when needed; they are not energy sources but means of energy storage. Hydropower covers a continuum in project scale from large (usually defined as more than 10 MW installed capacity, but the definition varies by country) to small-, mini-, micro-, and pico. Investment In this report, total investment includes venture capital, corporate and government research and development, private equity, public markets new equity, re-invested investment, asset finance, and small-scale distributed capacity. It excludes mergers and acquisitions, which are based on previously invested money changing hands. Financial new investment includes venture capital and private equity investment (VC/PE), public markets investment, and asset finance of utility-scale projects;

Green energy purchase Voluntary purchase of renewable energy, usually electricity, by residential, commercial, government, or industrial consumers, either directly from a utility company, from a third-party renewable energy generator, or through the trading of renewable energy certificates (RECs).


Feed-in tariff A policy that: (a) sets a fixed, guaranteed price over a stated fixed-term period at which small or large generators can sell renewable power into the electricity network, and (b) usually guarantees grid access to renewable

Regulatory policy A rule to guide or control the conduct of those to whom it applies. In the renewable energy context, examples include mandates or quotas such as renewable portfolio standards, feed-in tariffs, biofuel blending mandates, and renewable heat obligations.

Public Competitive Bidding An approach under which public authorities organize tenders for a given quota of renewable supplies or capacity, and remunerate winning bids at prices that are typically above standard market levels.

Traditional biomass Unprocessed solid biomass, including agricultural residues, animal dung, forest products, and gathered fuel wood, that is combusted in stoves, furnaces, or open fires to provide heat energy for cooking, comfort, and smallscale agricultural and industrial processing, typically in rural areas of developing countries.


Net metering A power supply arrangement that allows a two-way flow of electricity between the electricity distribution grid and customers that have their own generation system. The customer pays only for the net electricity delivered from the utility (total consumption minus self-production). A variation that employs two meters with differing tariffs for purchasing electricity or exporting excess electricity off-site is called net billing. Production tax credit A taxation measure that provides the investor or owner of a qualifying property or facility with an annual tax credit based on the amount of renewable energy (electricity, heat, or biofuel) generated by that facility.

Modern biomass energy Heat, electricity, and/or transport fuels that are produced from biomass-fueled technologies other than those using traditional biomass. Technologies include combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, cogeneration of power and heat, and anaerobic digestion to produce biogas and landfill gas. Liquid biofuel also is a form of modern biomass.

Mandate/obligation A measure that requires designated parties (consumers, suppliers, generators) to meet a minimum, and often gradually increasing, target for renewable energy such as a percentage of total supply or a stated amount of capacity. Costs are generally borne by consumers. In addition to electricity mandates through renewable portfolio standards/quotas, mandates can include building codes or obligations that require the installation of renewable heat or power technologies (often in combination with energy efficiency investments); renewable heat purchase mandates; and requirements for blending biofuels into transportation fuel.

Investment tax credit A taxation measure that allows investments in renewable energy to be fully or partially deducted from the tax obligations or income of a project developer, industry, building owner, etc.

these categories are highlighted because data are available in greater detail in the BNEF database, quarterby-quarter.

Renewable portfolio standard (RPS) (also called renewable obligation or quota). A measure requiring that a minimum percentage of total electricity or heat sold, or generation capacity installed, be provided using renewable energy sources. Obligated utilities are required to ensure that the target is met; if it is not, a fine is usually levied.

Renewable energy target An official commitment, plan, or goal by a government (at local, state, national or regional level) to achieve a certain amount of renewable energy by a future date. Some targets are legislated while others are set by regulatory agencies or ministries.

Solar water heating Solar collectors, usually rooftop mounted but also on-ground at a larger scale, that heat water and store it in a tank for later use as hot water or for circulation to provide space or process heating.

Solar home system (SHS) A small solar PV panel, battery, and charge controller that can provide modest amounts of electricity to homes, usually in rural or remote regions that are not connected to the electricity grid.

Solar photovoltaic (PV) A PV cell is the basic manufactured unit that converts sunlight into electricity. Cells can be used in isolation (such as on a wristwatch or garden light) or combined and manufactured into modules and panels that are suitable for easy installation on buildings. Thin-film solar PV materials can be applied as films over existing surfaces or integrated with building components such as roof tiles. Some materials can be used for building-integrated PV (BIPV) by replacing conventional materials in parts of a building envelope, such as the roof or faade. A pico PV system is a small solar home system such as a solar lamp or an information and communication technology (ICT) appliance with a power output of 110 W peak. Renewable energy certificate (REC) A certificate that is awarded to certify the generation of one unit of renewable energy (typically 1 MWh of electricity but also less commonly of heat). Certificates can be accumulated to meet renewable energy obligations and also provide a tool for trading among consumers and/or producers. They also are a means of enabling purchases of voluntary green energy.


nOTe On accOUnTInG and rePOrTInG OF InSTaLLed caPacITIeS

A number of issues arise when accounting for and reporting installed capacities of renewable energy. Five of these issues are elaborated below, along with some justification for the approaches chosen in this report.
1. capacity vs. energy data.

In 2009 and 2010, the solar PV and wind markets saw increasing amounts of constructed capacity that was not yet connected to the grid, or capacity that was connected but not yet deemed officially operational. This phenomenon is particularly prominent with wind power in China but also became evident with PV during 2010, notably in Italy (see text). Differences among constructed, connected, and operational capacities are due to the inability of public administrators, utilities, and others to keep up with the pace of construction, for example in terms of technical interconnection, testing, approval, contracting, and certification. This situation will likely persist in future years if high rates of installation continue. Where feasible, this report focuses on constructed capacity because it best correlates with actual flows of capital investment during the year. Biomass energy is derived from organic residues and waste from forestry, agriculture, and industry; the biogenic portion of municipal waste; and energy crops grown specifically as fuel. Biomass cuts across all energy end-use sectors providing power, heat, and transport as well as many other sectors, including food and agriculture, forestry, industry, and waste. There exist numerous bioenergy routes, or pathways from feedstock to final energy. Biomass can be transformed into energy through direct combustion or it can be used to produce a combustible liquid or gaseous fuel, such
3. complexities of biomass energy.

The Global Market Overview section includes energy (i.e., GWh) data where possible but focuses mainly on capacity (i.e., GW) data for three reasons. First, capacity data are generally more readily available and, in countries where updated annual data are not available, capacity expansion is easier to extrapolate from yearto-year than energy production. Second, capacity is less prone to seasonal and annual variations that are common for many forms of renewable energy. Third, capacity data better mimic investment trends over time. (For a better sense of potential energy production, see capacity factors in Table 1.) For heating, output is provided in Joules where production data are available; otherwise, capacity data are given in Watts-thermal (Wth). Biofuels data are consistently provided as annual volumes (billion liters/year) produced.
2. constructed capacity vs. connected capacity and operational capacity.

as ethanol, methanol, biogas, biomethane (a substitute for natural gas), or synthetic gas. Increasingly, facilities that process biomass are integrating the production of electricity, heat, and (depending on the pathway) even fuels. Much of the bioenergy used around the world, especially for heat, is highly decentralized and difficult to track comprehensively. As a result, statistics for many countries do not exist or are incomplete, dispersed, and difficult to obtain and consolidate. This report strives to provide the best available data regarding biomass energy developments given these complexities and constraints. Note that energy derived from incineration of the biogenic, or organic, share of municipal solid waste (MSW) is not included in the main text and tables of this report (although where official data are specified, they are included in the Endnotes). Explicit data on the organic vs. non-organic waste shares are unavailable for many countries, and thus it is not possible to track capacity or output on a global scale. Even where the share of organic feedstock is known, there is no clear or universally accepted methodology for calculating the energy output (which varies depending on waste composition) derived from the organic component of waste. As biogas and landfill gas are derived exclusively from the organic component of waste, these energy carriers and the energy produced are included in GSR statistics, where available. Grid-connected and off-grid PV were reported separately in past editions of this report, with the focus being on grid-connected capacity. Initially, the purpose of this practice was to highlight the dynamic shift from off-grid to grid-connected PV that took place after 2005. Until 2005, off-grid PV accounted for most of the global market, but by 2010 the market share of grid-connected had risen above an estimated 9095%. Starting with this edition of the report, only total PV data will be reported in tables; where available and of possible interest, data and information regarding off-grid installations will continue to be provided in the text. The reasons for this change are two-fold: (1) as with small-scale hydropower (see below), it is becoming increasingly difficult to track global off-grid developments; and (2) it seems logical to report on statistics for the total PV market rather than just one (although the most significant) segment of it. It is important to note that this change affects the reported growth rates for PV because the total PV market has not grown as quickly over the past five years as the gridconnected market has, as seen in Figure 2. The change also retroactively affects data for years prior to 2010, particularly in Table R3.
4. Total Pv vs. grid-connected and off-grid Pv.


In past editions of this report, small-scale hydro data were reported separately from total hydro in reference tables for a variety of reasons: (1) the relatively large scale of large hydropower significantly exceeds all other renewable capacity combined and would mask the dynamic growth in capacity of small-scale hydro and other renewables if all were counted together; (2) small-scale hydro is reported separately by a number of countries and is sometimes treated differently in terms of planning or national support policies; and (3) the technical, economic, social, and environmental challenges often differ by scale. As a result, small-scale hydro was reported separately in the interest of capturing as rich a picture as possible of renewables development. Since 2005, however, small-scale hydro reporting has suffered
5. Total hydro vs. small- and large-scale hydro.

from lack of statistics which, combined with inconsistent definitions across countries (for example, small-scale in Sweden is 1.5 MW; Norway 10 MW; India 25 MW; Brazil and the United States < 30 MW; Canada and China 50 MW), makes it difficult to derive reliable global data. Thus, global data for small-scale hydro are no longer reported separately in this report, although where available, national data are included in the text. Dynamic growth of non-hydro renewables is shown by presenting data with and without all hydropower, but where appropriate we continue to highlight where policy frameworks and other developments distinguish between small- and large-scale hydro. Hydropower statistics are not provided according to category of plant (run-of-river, reservoir, in-stream) due to lack of data.


Most figures of global capacity, growth, and investment portrayed in this report are not exact, but are approximate to two significant digits. Where necessary, triangulation of conflicting, partial, or older information is made using assumptions and growth trends. Each edition draws from hundreds of published references, plus a variety of electronic newsletters, numerous unpublished submissions from contributors, personal communications, and Web sites.

This 2011 report edition follows five previous editions in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, and 2010. The knowledge base of information used to produce these reports continues to expand, and readers are directed to the previous report editions for historical details and elaborations that have formed the foundation for the present report.

nOTe On FUrTher InFOrmaTIOn and SOUrceS OF daTa

There has generally been no single source of information for any fact globally, as most existing sources report only on developed (OECD) countries or on regional or national levels, such as Europe or the United States, although global sources have emerged in recent years for wind power, solar PV, solar water heating, and biofuels. Some global aggregates must be built from the bottom up, adding or aggregating individual country information. Very little material exists that covers developing countries as a group. Data for developing countries is often some years older than data for developed countries, and thus extrapolations to the present must be made from older data, based on assumed and historical growth rates. More precise annual increments to capacity are generally available only for wind, solar PV, and solar hot water.


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1 BP, Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2011. 2 Figure 1 shows shares of final energy consumption, which is different than shares of primary energy consumption. For an explanation of the differences, see Sidebar 1 on page 21 of REN21, Renewables 2007 Global Status Report (Paris: 2007). Figure 1 is based on the following data for 2009: (a) global final energy consumption of 8,340 Mtoe including traditional biomass, which is derived from the 8,428 Mtoe for 2008 from International Energy Agency (IEA), Key World Energy Statistics 2010 (Paris: IEA/OECD, 2010), and then adjusted (downward) for 2009 using the -1.1% growth rate in global primary energy for 2009 found in BP, Statistical Review of World Energy 2010 (London: June 2010); (b) traditional biomass final consumption of 800 Mtoe, which is based on the 746 Mtoe (2008) in the residential sector of developing countries per IEA, World Energy Outlook 2010 (Paris, 2010), p. 342, which likely undercounts traditional biomass because much of this use is in the informal or non-commerical sector, adjusted upward for final consumption of charcoal in the informal sector as given in Chapter 8 of IPCC, Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (2011); this 800 Mtoe of traditional biomass final consumption is less than previously estimated in previous editions of the Renewables Global Status Report from other sources;; (c) hydropower of 3,272 TWh and 282 Mtoe for 2009 from BP, op. cit. this note; (d) nuclear of 2,698 TWh and 233 Mtoe from BP, op. cit. this note; (e) non-hydro renewables for 2009 from BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2011 for non-hydro power generation (607 TWh) and for biofuels (52 Mtoe); and from REN21 Renewables 2007 Global Status Report figures using capacity increases and additional industry data. Figures estimated for 2009 are: biomass power 190 TWh, wind power 370 TWh, geothermal power 70 TWh, solar and other power 40 TWh, solar hot water 390 petajoules (PJ), geothermal heat 330 PJ, biomass heat 4,600 PJ, ethanol 1,660 PJ, and biodiesel 460 PJ. So total non-hydro renewable power generation for 2009 is calculated as 670 TWh (an estimate which is slightly higher than the BP figure of 607 TWh, but which makes no difference in terms of final shares), and total final energy from non-hydro renewables is calculated as 236 Mtoe. All traditional biomass supply is considered final energy consumption for purposes of this analysis. For heat from modern biomass, there is some ambiguity as to what constitutes final energy consumption. Typically, it includes the heat content of steam and hot water produced from central biomass boilers and heat-and-power plants, but analyses can vary depending on how building-level heating boilers are counted. Few global estimates exist for modern biomass heat consumption, including district heating supply and direct industry use. The IEA gives 4,000 PJ heat from modern bioenergy, per IEA, Renewables for Heating and Cooling (Paris: IEA/OECD, 2007), and Johansson and Turkemburg give 730 TWh(th), or 2,600 PJ final heat in 2001, per T. Johansson and W. Turkemburg, Policies for Renewable Energy in the European Union and Its Member States: An Overview, Energy for Sustainable Development, vol. 8, no. 1 (2004), pp. 524. Figures from the IEA and other sources suggest that biomass for final heat consumption in industry is substantial (although there are few published studies on this topic), and therefore renewable heating/hot water could be higher than shown in Figure 1. Further discussion of the different methods for calculating share of energy from renewables can be found in Eric Martinot et al., Renewable Energy Futures: Targets, Scenarios and Pathways, Annual Review of Environment and Resources, vol. 32 (2007), pp. 20539. 3 Growth rates and Figure 2 based on the following sources: historical PV data from Paul Maycoc k, PV News, various editions, and from REN21, Renewables 2005 Global Status Report (Washington, DC: Worldwatch Institute, 2005) current data from European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics Until 2015 (Brussels: 2011); Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), Global Wind Report: Annual Market Update 2010 (Brussels: 2011); BTM Consult A part of Navigant Consulting, World Market Update 2010 (Ringkbing, Denmark: March 2011; World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), World Wind Energy Report 2010 (Bonn: April 2011); Ma Lingjuan, Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association (CREIA),

GLObaL marKeT OvervIeW

7 8 9

Beijing, personal communications with REN21, May and June 2011; Indian Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Annual Report 201011 (Delhi: 2011); Morse Associates, provided by Fred Morse and Kurt Klunder, personal communications with REN21, March, April, and May 2011; Ruggero Bertani, Enel Green Power, S.p.A, personal communication with REN21, 21 April 2011; International Journal on Hydropower and Dams (Wallington, Surrey, U.K.: various editions); Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), Clean Energy - Analyst Reaction, Investment in Large-hydro - How Large? Table 1, 12 January 2011; Lau Saili, International Hydropower Association (IHA), London, personal communication with REN21, March 2011; Werner Weiss, Irene Bergmann, and Gerhard Faninger, Solar Heat Worldwide 2007: Markets and Contribution to the Energy Supply 2005 (Gleisdorf, Austria: IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme, May 2007); Werner Weiss and Franz Mauthner, Solar Heat Worldwide: Markets and Contribution to the Energy Supply 2009 (Gleisdorf, Austria: IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme, March 2011); F.O. Licht, 2011; IEA, Medium Term Oil and Gas Markets 2011 (Paris: June 2011). The low end of this range is for hydropower and geothermal power, although it should be noted that hydropower is growing from a relatively large base; the high end is for geothermal direct heat. Fossil fuel consumption growth rates are for period 2005 through 2010, with average annual growth rates over this period for oil at 0.8%, natural gas 2.6% and coal 3.4%, based on data from BP, op. cit. note 1. Note that single-year growth rates in 2010 were higher, with oil at 3.1%, natural gas 7.4%, and coal 7.6%. Half and 194 GW based on 92 GW of fossil capacity added, and 5 GW of nuclear capacity added from UNEP, Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment (Nairobi: 2011), p. 25, and on renewable energy data noted in this report. See Table R4; data based on the following: sources provided in note 3; IEA, Renewables Information 2010 (Paris: 2010) (for OECD biomass power capacity); IEA, Electricity Information 2010 (Paris: OECD, 2010); WEC, Survey of Energy Resources 2009 (London: 2009); submissions from report contributors; historical databases going back to 2005 report edition as maintained by Eric Martinot. Figure 3 from BP 2011, op. cit. note 1, Excel supplementary data tables. Global electricity production according to BP was 21,325 TWh in 2010; hydro was 3,428 TWh; nuclear was 2,767 TWh; and other (non-hydro) renewables were 701 TWh. Global power capacity estimate of 4,950 GW is based on IEAs 4,500 GW installed in 2007, adjusted for an average growth rate of 3% for 20082010, per IEA, World Energy Outlook 2009 (Paris: IEA/ OECD, 2009), p. 102. World electricity generation estimated at 20,700 TWh in 2009, based on 2008 generation of 20,269 TWh from IEA, Electricity Information 2010 , op. cit. note 5, adjusted by 2.1% growth for 2009 (assuming same growth rate as 2008). Hydropower accounts for an estimated 16% of global electricity generation (and other renewables 2%), from IHA, Advancing Sustainable Hydropower, 2011 Activity Report (London: 2011). See Table R4 for 2010 data; increase over 2009 based on data for total renewable electric capacity including small hydropower in 2009, less the small-scale hydro total, from REN21, Renewables 2010 Global Status Report (Paris: 2010), Table R4, with adjustments for restated solar PV and biomass data for 2009. Figure 4 based on data in Table R4; see sources for Figure 2, op. cit. note 3; also based on IEA, Renewables Information 2010 (for OECD biomass power capacity) and Electricity Information 2010, both op. cit. note 5; WEC, op. cit. note 5; submissions from report contributors; historical databases going back to 2005 report edition as maintained by Martinot. Capacity shares based on 2009 nameplate capacity from U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Annual Electric Generator Report, Generator Y09 File, Exist tab, EIA Form 860, www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/electricity/page/eia860.html, viewed 13 June 2011; proposed additions (total, biomass without MSW and hydro without pumped storage) for 2010 from EIA, Annual Electric Generator Report, Generator Y09 File, Proposed tab, EIA Form 860, 2010; 2010 geothermal additions from Geothermal Energy Association (GEA), Annual U.S. Geothermal Power Production and Development Report (Washington, DC: April 2011); wind additions from American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), U.S. Wind Energy Industry Finishes 2010 with Half the

Installations of 2009, Activity Up in 2011, Now Cost-competitive with Natural Gas, press release (Washington, DC: 24 January 2011); solar PV additions from EPIA, op. cit. note 3, and from U.S. Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), U.S. Solar Market Insight: 2010 Year in Review, Executive Summary (Washington, DC: 9 March 2011); CSP additions from Morse Associates, op. cit. note 3, and from SEIA, op. cit. this note. Note that wind and solar accounted for an estimated 96% of renewable capacity added in 2010; hydro accounted for almost 59% of total existing renewable capacity at the end of 2010. Share of generation based on data from EIA, Monthly Energy Review, March 2011, pp. 15, 105. In absolute numbers, renewable energy output increased from 7.751 quad Btu in 2009 to 8.182 quad Btu in 2010. 10 Based on data from U.S. EIA, Monthly Energy Review, March 2011, pp. 15, 105. In absolute numbers, renewables increased from 7.751 quadrillion Btu in 2009 to 8.182 quadrillion Btu in 2010. 11 Ma Lingjuan, CREIA, Beijing, personal communication with REN21, 21 June 2011. 12 Ibid. 13 Figure of 41% from European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), Offshore and Eastern Europe New Growth Drivers for Wind Power in Europe, www.ewea.org; and from EWEA, Wind in Power: 2010 European Statistics (Brussels: February 2011). This was the fifth consecutive year in which renewable share of EU annual power capacity additions exceeded 40%; wind accounted for nearly 17% of new electric capacity and solar PV for 21.7%, from EWEA, Wind in Power, op. cit. this note; PV accounted for 21% according to EPIA, cited in Jackie Jones, Italy Overhauls its PV Incentives. RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 19 May 2011. 14 EWEA, Offshore and Eastern Europe, op. cit. note 13; EWEA, Wind in Power, op. cit. note 13. 15 Share of electricity generation in 2009 from Hans Bloem et al., Renewable Energy Snapshots 2010 (Ispra, Italy: European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy, June 2010); 1999 and 2009 share of gross inland consumption from Renewable Energy Contribution to the EU27 Energy Supply Almost Doubled Over the Last Decade, Newsletter EnergyMarketPrice.com, 12 April 2011. 16 Renewables share of total final energy consumption is up from 10.4% in 2009. Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)/ Arbeitsgruppe Erneuerbare Energien-Statistik (AGEE-Stat), Renewable Energy Sources 2010, provisional data as of 23 March 2011, www.erneuerbare-energien.de/files/english/pdf/application/ pdf/ee_in_zahlen_2010_en_bf.pdf. 17 Biomass (33%, including solid and liquid biomass, biogas, landfill and sewage gas, biogenic share of waste), hydropower (19%), and PV (12%); renewables share of electricity generation increased in 2010 despite a decline in wind output relative to 2009, from 38.6 billion kWh (2009) to 37.5 billion kWh (2010); PV output was up 82% relative to 2009; all from Ibid. Renewables accounted for 55.7 GW of capacity at the end of 2010: 4.8 GW hydro; 27.2 GW wind; 4.9 GW biomass; 1.5 GW biogenenic share of waste; 17.3 PV GW; 7.5 MW geothermal. According to the Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V., renewables represented 32.9% of Germanys electric capacity in 2010. Data provided by the office of Hans-Josef Fell, Berlin, personal communication with REN21, June 2011. 18 Spains 2010 primary energy and electricity shares from Alfonso Beltrn Garca-Echniz, Director General of Instituto para la Diversificacion y Ahorro de la Energa (IDAE), Balance energtico 2010 y Perspectivas 2011: Energas Renovables y Eficiencia Energtica, presentation in Madrid, 28 March 2011. Note that wind provided 15.4% of Spains 2010 electricity and solar PV 2.5%, per Ibid; 2009 share of final energy from Eurostat, Share of Renewable in the EU27 Energy Supply Almost Doubled between 1999 and 2009, press release (Luxembourg: 11 April 2011); 2009 share of electricity from ObservER, Worldwide Electricity Production from Renewable Energy Sources: Stats and Figures Series, Twelfth Inventory - Edition 2010 (Paris: 2010), at www.energies-renouvelables.org/observ-er/html/inventaire/ Eng/sommaire.asp#chapitre3. 19 This was up from 3.5 GW of renewable capacity (not including large hydropower) installed in April 2002, per MNRE, op. cit. note 3. 20 Ibid. 142 MW of off-grid capacity (about half from non-bagasse biomass CHP, and 23% from PV) were installed by 31 March 2011, per MNRE, www.mnre.gov.in/achievements.htm. 21 MNRE, op. cit. note 3. Note that large hydro came to 37.4 GW and other renewable energy grid-connected capacity came to 18.8 GW; total power capacity was 172.3 GW. 22 Figure of 39 GW based on 37.6 GW from WWEA, op. cit. note 3; 38.3 GW from GWEC, CREIA and CWEA, China Adds 18.9 GW of New Wind Power Capacity in 2010, press release (Beijing/ Brussels: 6 April 2011); 39.4 GW from BTM Consult A part of Navigant Consulting, op. cit. note 3; 11.5 GW in 2005 from GWEC, op. cit. note 3. Figure 5 based on sources in this note and on data from previous editions of this report. 23 There are a range of estimates of added wind capacity and total installations, based on when data are collected, what new capacity is included (e.g., capacity once it begins feeding into the grid or once it is officially operational), and other possible factors and assumptions. Data here are based on 196.6 GW from WWEA, op. cit. note 3, and from GWEC, provided by Steve Sawyer, GWEC, Brussels, review comment, May 2011; on 199.5 GW from BTM Consult A part of Navigant Consulting, op. cit. note 3; and on national data from sources provided elsewhere in this section. 24 Estimates of 52 and 83 from WWEA, op. cit. note 3. 25 Based on 59 GW at end of 2005, per GWEC, op. cit. note 3. 26 U.S. from GWEC, Global Wind Capacity Increases by 22% in 2010 Asia Leads Growth, press release (Brussels: 2 February 2011), and from Jesse Gilbert and John Catillaz, SNL Energy Analysis: Wind Industry Q310 Update, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 23 November 2010; Spain from Wind Power Installed Capacity in Spain Increased by 1,516 MW in 2010, Slowest Rhythm in Seven Years, 3 February 2011, www.aeeolica.es/en; causes of depressed demand from GWEC, op. cit. note 26; Gilbert and Catillaz, op. cit. note 26; GWEC, op. cit. note 3; IEA, Clean Energy Progress Report (Paris: OECD, 2011). 27 GWEC, op. cit. note 3; WWEA, op. cit. note 3. 28 Figure of 4.4% based on REN21 and Worldwatch Institute, Renewables 2006 Global Status Report (Paris and Washington, DC: 2006). Note that the 2004 share was 2% based on just below 200 MW added that year, per Shi Pengfei, CWEA, personal communication with REN21, May 2010. Figure 6 based on multiple sources cited in these notes. 29 Additions and total from Li Junfeng, CREIA, communication with REN21, June 2011; Shi Pengfei, CWEA, communication with REN21, 17 March 2011, and from GWEC, CREIA and CWEA, China Adds 18.9 GW of New Wind Power Capacity in 2010, press release (Beijing/Brussels: 6 April 2011); percent increase based on 13.8 GW added in 2009 from Shi Pengfei, CWEA, personal communication with REN21, May 2010. 30 Ma Lingjuan, CREIA, personal communication with REN21, May 2011. Note that China had 25.8 GW installed at the end of 2009, but only 17 GW were then considered officially operational; 44.7 GW were installed and 31.1 GW of capacity were officially operational the end of 2010, according to China Electricity Council, data provided by Shi Pengfei, CWEA, personal communication with REN21, 17 March 2011; and also State Grid Corporation of China, white paper, cited in China Grids to Connect 90 m kW of Wind Power by 2015, China Daily, 16 April 2011. The difference is explained by the fact that there are three prevailing statistics in China: installed capacity (turbines installed according to commercial contracts); construction capacity (constructed and connected to grid for testing); and operational capacity (connected, tested, and receiving tariff for electricity produced). At the end of 2010, operational capacity was 31 GW, construction capacity was 40 GW, and installed capacity was 44.7 GW according to Li Junfeng, CREIA, personal communication with REN21, 3 June 2011. 31 China Electricity Council, data provided by Shi Pengfei, CWEA, personal communication with REN21, 17 March 2011. 32 Based on 5,115 MW added in 2010, per AWEA, op. cit. note 9. 33 Amount of generation from Debra Preikis-Jones, AWEA, Washington, DC, personal communication with REN21, 8 June 2011; number of homes from AWEA, The Report is Out: US Wind Industry Continues Growth, Despite Slow Economy and Unpredictable Policies, Wind Energy Weekly, 8 April 2011. 34 AWEA, op. cit. note 9.



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35 Estimate of 15% based on Canada additions of 690 MW in 2010, for a total of just over 4,000 MW from WWEA, op. cit. note 3, and from GWEC, op. cit. note 3. 36 Data based on the following sources: 9,259 MW added and 84,074 MW total from EWEA, Wind in Power.., op. cit. note 13, and from GWEC, op. cit. note 3; 9,970 added for a total of 85,983 MW from WWEA, op. cit. note 3; 10,980 MW added in 2010 from BTM Consult A part of Navigant Consulting, op. cit. note 3. WWEA and BTM both cover Europe more broadly (e.g., they include Turkey, which added an estimated 528 MW during 2010 according to BTM). The reduction relative to 2009 varies from negligible from BTM Consult to 5% from WWEA, to 8% from EWEA. 37 EWEA, Offshore and Eastern Europe , op. cit. note 13; natural gas accounted for 51% of added capacity in 2010, followed by solar PV (21.7%) and wind (16.7%), per EWEA, Wind in Power, op. cit. note 13. 38 Germany added 1.49 GW net in 2010 for a total of 27,204 MW, per BMU/AGEE-Stat, op. cit. note 16; 2009 data in Table R2 from idem. Germany 2010 total also from J.P. Molly, Status der Windenergienutzung in Deutschland Stand 31.12.2010, DEWI, www.dewi.de; generation data from BMU/AGEE-Stat, op. cit. note 16. 39 BMU/AGEE-Stat, op. cit. note 16. 40 Spain added 1,752 MW in 2010, ending the year with 20,744 MW, per Beltrn Garca-Echniz, op. cit. note 18. Note that Spain added 1,516 MW in 2010, for a total approaching 20.7 GW, according to GWEC, Global Installed Wind Power Capacity (MW) Regional Distribution (Brussels: February 2011), and EWEA, Wind in Power, op. cit. note 13. Capacity added was 1,094 MW according to Red Elctrica de Espaa, cited in AE Eolica, Spain Becomes the First European Wind Energy Producer after Overcoming Germany for the First Time, 25 April 2011, www.aeeolica.es/en. The 2009 data in Table R2 are based on 2010 additions and total capacity. 41 AE Eolica, op. cit. note 40. Government target set in the 20052010 Renewable Energies Plan was 20,155 MW, whereas estimated capacity at year-end 2010 was 20,676 MW. 42 Generation from the Spanish Wind Energy Association (Asociacin Empresarial Elica, AEE), per John Blau, Spanish Wind Generated More Power than German Wind in 2010, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 15 April 2011. 43 France added 1,108 MW in 2010 for a total of 5,729 MW by February 2011, per Miriam Sperlich, Bureau de coordination nergies renouvelables/Koordinierungsstelle Erneuerbare Energien e.V., Wind Energy in France after Grenelle II Future Developments and Regional Planning Rules, presentation in Hannover, 6 April 2011, slide 3, www.enr-ee.com/fileadmin/ user_upload/Downloads/Messen/Praesentation_Hannover_ Messe_2011.pdf. Note that France added 1,086 MW, for a total of 5,660 MW, per EWEA, Wind in Power, op. cit. note 13, GWEC, op. cit. note 3, and WWEA, op. cit. note 3. Italy added an estimated 948 MW, per Gestore Servizi Energetici (GSE), Incentivazione delle fonti rinnovabili: Certificati Verdi e Tariffe Onnicomprensive. Bollettino aggiornato al 31 dicembre 2010 (Rome: April 2011); the year-end total was 5,797 MW per EWEA, Wind in Power, op. cit. note 13 (GWEC and WWEA provided the same data). Note that cumulative, incentivized GW at end 2010 was 4.7 GW, per GSE, at www.gse.it/attivita/Incentivazioni%20Fonti%20Rinnovabili/ Pubblicazioni%20informative/Bollettino%20energia%20da%20 fonti%20rinnovabili%20-%20anno%202010.pdf. The U.K. added 400 MW offshore and 476 MW onshore, for a total of 5,300 MW, per Energy Statistics Team, U.K. Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), London, personal communication with REN21, 6 June 2011. Note that additions were 1,192 MW per Nick Medic, BWEA/RenewableUK, London, personal communication with REN21, 6 June 2011. Both DECC and RenewableUK estimated almost the same existing capacity at year-end, so the difference in additions is likely due to when a site is classified as operational, per Energy Statistics Team, DECC, personal communication with REN21, 8 June 2011. In addition, Denmark, which is included in Table R2, added 323 MW net for a total of 3,805 MW from Energinet.dk, from Danish Energy Agency, and BTM Consult A part of Navigant Consulting, all provided by Birger Madsen, Ringkbing, Denmark, personal communication with REN21, 7 June 2011. 44 Bulgaria more than doubled its capacity to 375 MW; total capacity increased more than 50% in Lithuania (154 MW) and Poland (1,107 MW); Romania increased installations 33-fold

(to 462 MW) or 40-fold to 591 MW, depending on the source. All from EWEA, Wind in Power.., op. cit. note 13 except for Romania 40-fold increase, which is from WWEA, op. cit. note 3. Belgium also increased capacity more than 50%, to 911 MW, per EWEA, Wind in Power.., op. cit. note 13, or to 886 MW per WWEA, op. cit. note 3. 45 Figure of 1,377 MW added for total installed capacity of 13,184 MW from MNRE, Wind Energy Programme, in Annual Report 2010-2011, op. cit. note 3; 2009 total in Table R2 derived by subtracting additions from 2010 total. Note that India added 1,259 MW, for total of 13.1 GW, per WWEA, op. cit. note 3; and added 2,139 MW for total of 13,065 MW per GWEC, op. cit. note 3. 46 Latin America and Caribbean from GWEC, op. cit. note 40; Brazil added 325 MW per ANEEL - National Electric Energy Agency of Brazil (ANEEL), Generation Data Bank, January 2011, at www.aneel.gov.br/aplicacoes/capacidadebrasil/capacidadebrasil. asp; 326 MW per GWEC, op. cit. note 40; and 320 MW per WWEA, op. cit. note 3. Mexico from Secretara de Energa, Prospectiva del Sector Elctrico 2010-2025, Direccin General de Planeacin Energtica, Editor (Mexico DF: 2011), p. 227. Note that Mexico added 316 MW per GWEC, op. cit. note 3; and added 104 MW per WWEA, op. cit. note 3. 47 GWEC, op. cit. note 40. 48 Egypt from WWEA, op. cit. note 3; Morocco from Sahara Wind Project, Current Wind Farms Operating in North Africa, www. saharawind.com/index.php?Itemid=55&id=38&option=com_ content&task=view&lang=en, viewed 15 June 2011, and from Gamesa, Inauguration of a 140 MW Wind Farm Equipped with Gamesa Turbines, press release (Vizcaya, Spain: 28 June 2010). Note that Morocco added only 33 MW for a total of 286 MW in 2010, per WWEA, op. cit. note 3 and GWEC, op. cit. note 3. The total appears to be consistent with other data found. 49 GWEC, op. cit. note 3. 50 Offshore capacity increased by 1,162 MW to a total of 3,118 MW, from WWEA, op. cit. note 3, and from Stefan Gsnger, World Wind Outlook: Down But Not Out, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 25 May 2011. Note that Japans year-end total installed wind capacity was 2.3 GW, per GWEC, op. cit. note 3. 51 Figure of 2,978 MW from WWEA, op. cit. note 3; the total was more than 2.9 GW according to EWEA, Wind in Power, op. cit. note 13; 3.05 GW from EurObservER, Wind Barometer (Paris: February 2011). 52 U.K. additions from Nick Medic, BWEA/RenewableUK, London, communication with REN21, 6 June 2011 (additions were 652.8 MW for total of 1,192.3 MW); existing totals from Europe Close to 3 GW Offshore Wind Power, RenewableEnergyFocus.com, 20 January 2011. 53 Donghai Bridge from Ivan Tong and Ben Warren, Quick Look: Renewable Energy Development in China, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 14 December 2010; four projects from Chinas Goldwind Plans to Invest More in Offshore Turbine Production, Xinghua, 17 April 2011. 54 AWEA, EPA Permit in Hand, Cape Wind Turns to Financing, Wind Energy Weekly, 14 January 2011. 55 The Big List: 2010s Biggest Renewable Energy Projects, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 28 December 2010; Franz Alt, Worlds Largest Wind Project Is Underway, sonnenseite.com, 6 August 2010. 56 Community wind projects from Stefan Gsnger, WWEA, Bonn, personal communication with REN21, May 2011; Canada from WWEA, op. cit. note 3; small-scale turbines from Andrew Kruse, Southwest Windpower Inc., personal communication with REN21, 21 May 2011. 57 About 24 MW were added in the U.S. from AWEA data provided by Kruse, op. cit. note 56; 8.6 MW were added in the U.K., from RenewableUK, Summarized Statistics, in Small Wind Systems UK Market Report 2011 (London: April 2011). 58 Katie Christensen, Catalogue of Small Wind Turbines 2010 (Hurup Thy, Denmark and Beijing: Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy and CWEA, May 2010). Small-scale wind turbines are also being used in many countries for water pumping, as in India, where there were 1,351 installed at the end of January 2011, per MNRE, op. cit. note 3, Table 5.6, 2011. Note that there exists only limited data available for small-scale wind turbine markets

and other developments, so it is not possible to provide global statistics here. 59 Estimate of 1.92% from BTM Consult A Part of Navigant Consulting, provided by Birger Madsen, personal communication with REN21, May 2011; 2.5% from WWEA, op. cit. note 3. 60 EWEA, Offshore and Eastern Europe, op. cit. note 13. 61 Denmark from energinet.dk and Danish Energy Agency, provided by Birger Madsen, communication with REN21, 7 June 2011. Note that 2010 was an 84% wind year; in a normal wind year, the coverage would have been 26%. Portugal from Lusa Silvrio, Directorate General for Energy and Geology (DGEG), personal communication with REN21, April 2011; Spain from Beltrn Garca-Echniz, op. cit. note 18; 16.4% in Spain from AE Eolica, op. cit. note 40. Note that wind power covered 43% of Spains national electricity demand on 9 November 2011, per Red Elctrica de Espaa (REE), The Spanish Electricity System: Preliminary Report 2010 (Madrid: December 2010); Ireland from EWEA, Wind in Power, op. cit. note 13; Germany from BMUAGEEStat, op. cit. note 16. EWEA says winds share in Germany was 9.3%. 62 J.P. Molly, Status der Windenergienutzung in Deutschland Stand 31.12.2010, DEWI, www.dewi.de. 63 Iowa leads the U.S. with 15.4% of all electricity generated from wind (8,799 MWh of 57,135 MWh total) in 2010, based on EIA, Monthly Energy Review, March 2011, at www.eia.doe.gov/pub/ electricity/epm0311.zip. Note that winds share is up to 20% according to George C. Ford, Iowa Wind Energy Industry Expected to See Slow Recovery, Eastern Iowa Business, 30 January 2011; Texas from About ERCOT, www.ercot.com/about/; AWEA, U.S. Wind Industry Year-End 2010 Market Report (Washington, DC: January 2011). 64 Figure of 1% from IEA, op. cit. note 26, p. 44; nearly twice the production is based on 27.6 TWh generated in 2009 and 50.1 TWh in 2010, from China Electricity Council, data provided by Shi Pengfei, CWEA, personal communication with REN21, 17 March 2011; provincial data from Shi Pengfei, CWEA, personal communication with REN21, May 2011. According to another source, in 2010 China s wind turbines operated for 2,097 hours on average and constituted 21.1% of local power consumption in the eastern part of Inner Mongolia, 8.7% in the western part of Inner Mongolia, 5.6% in Jilin Province, and 4.6% in Heilongjiang Province, per State Grid Corporation of China, as cited in China Grids to Connect 90 m kW of Wind Power by 2015, China Daily, 16 April 2011. 65 China from Shi Pengfei, CWEA, China country report, in WWEA, Wind Energy International 2011/2012 (Bonn: May 2011); United States from AWEA, U.S. Wind Industry Continues Growth, Despite Slow Economy and Unpredictable Policies, press release (Washington, DC: 7 April 2011); the UK also had 3.3 GW with consent and awaiting construction, but there is no guarantee this will be built, per Energy Statistics Team, U.K. Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), London, 6 June 2011. 66 Energy & Enviro Finland, Bosnia to Kick Off Hydro, Wind Projects, www.energy-enviro.fi/index.php?PAGE=3&NODE_ ID=5&LANG=1&ID=3456, 31 December 2010; Romania from Andrew Lee, Country Profile: Romania Opens Up to Green Energy, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 5 October 2010. 67 Greenpeace celebra inauguracin de parque elico en La Rioja y reclama que sea el inicio de una verdadera revolucin energtica, Greenpeace Argentina, 20 May 2011; Greenpeace International and European Renewable Energy Council (EREC), Energy [R]evolution. A sustainable energy future for Argentina (Buenos Aires and Brussels: July 2009); Brazil and Mexico from GWEC, Global Wind Capacity Increases by 22% in 2010 Asia Leads Growth, 2 February 2011, at www.gwec.net; Chile and Uruguay from WWEA, op. cit. note 3; Costa Rica and Nicaragua from Gonzalo Bravo, Bariloche Foundation, Argentina, personal communication with REN21, May 2010; Egypt from WWEA, op. cit. note 3; Ethiopia from Steve Sawyer, GWEC, Brussels, communication with REN21, May 2011; Tunisia from Franz Alt, Solar Plans Lit Up by $5bn Fund, www.sonnenseite.com, 26 August 2010; Tanzania from Fumbuka Ngwanakilala, Tanzania Plans $120 Million 50 MW Wind Power Project, Reuters, 29 December 2010; Nigeria from Franz Alt, First Wind Park Project in Nigeria, sonnenseite.com, 12 October 2010; Kenya from http://laketurkanawindpower.com/default.asp. The project is expected to add about 30% to Kenyas total installed electric capacity and is the first wind project in Kenya registered with the Clean Development Mechanism. Morocco from Renewable Energy in Morocco: Interview with HE Amina Benkhadra, Minister of Energy, Mines, Water, and Environment, Marcopolis.net, 21 January 2011. 68 Biomass power figures do not include waste-to-energy capacity (MSW) see Note on Accounting and Report of Installed Capacities for explanation. Biomass power figures are adjusted from 2009 to reflect updated IEA data for biogas and solid biomass power statistics from individual country submissions to this report. 69 IEA, op. cit. note 26, p. 52. Due to lack of available data it is not possible to rank countries according to newly installed capacity. 70 Additions in 2010 from U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Energy Infrastructure Update, December 2010; 2010 additions and existing capacity also based on 212 MW planned additions for 2010 (excluding 5.5 MW of MSW), from EIA, Annual Electric Generator Report, Generator Y09 File, Proposed tab, EIA Form 860, 2010, and on total 2009 nameplate capacity of 10,153 MW (excluding 2,676 MW of MSW) from EIA, Annual Electric Generator Report, Generator Y09 File, Exist tab, EIA Form 860, www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/electricity/page/ eia860.html, viewed 13 June 2011; generation based on total (including MSW) of 56.5 TWh less generation from MSW (8.2 TWh), EIA, 2010 December EIA-923 Monthly Time Series, Forms EIA-923 and EIA-860, 2011, www.eia.gov/cneaf/electricity/page/eia906_920.htm, viewed 10 June 2011. 71 This includes the pulp and paper industry, from U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, 2009 Renewable Energy Data Book (Washington, DC: August 2010), and from EIA , 2010 December EIA-923 Monthly Time Series, op. cit. note 70. 72 Generation from EIA, 2010 December EIA-923 Monthly Time Series, op. cit. note 70; 2010 data from EPA, Landfill Methane Outreach Program, National and State lists of landfills and energy projects, www.epa.gov/lmop/projects-candidates/ index.html#map-area, updated 12 April 2011; 2008 data from EIA, Table 1.12 U.S. Electric Net Summer Capacity, 20042008, in Renewable Energy Trends in Consumption and Electricity 2008 (Washington, DC: 2009), at www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/solar. renewables/page/trends/trends.pdf. 73 Not including municipal organic waste. EurObservER, Solid Biomass Barometer (Paris: November 2010), pp. 125, 127; EurObservER, Biogas Barometer (Paris: November 2010), p. 108. 74 Further, about 63% of solid biomass power was from CHP, whereas the vast majority (81%) of biogas-derived power was from electric-only plants. Ibid. 75 Solid biomass generated 62.2 TWh, biogas 25.2 TWh and the renewable share of MSW 15.4 TWh in 2009, Ibid and EurObservER, Renewable Municipal Waste Barometer (Paris: November 2010), p. 94. 76 Production increased from 20.8 TWh in 2001 to more than 62 TWh in 2009, per EurObservER, Solid Biomass Barometer, op. cit. note 73; 800 plants from Ecoprog and Fraunhofer Umsicht survey reports, cited in idem. 77 EurObservER, ibid and EurObservER, Biogas Barometer, op. cit. note 73, p. 107. 78 Data exclude MSW, per EurObservER, Solid Biomass Barometer, op. cit. note 73, p. 125, and EurObservER, Biogas Barometer, op. cit. note 73, p. 108. Germany is also the top biogas producer in Europe, both in total and in per capita production, per EurObservER, idem, p. 111. 79 Data exclude MSW. Future growth and new markets from EurObservER, Biogas Barometer, op. cit. note 73, p. 115. 80 Danish Energy Agency, Energistatistik 2009 (Copenhagen: September 2010). 81 Figure of 28.7 TWh provided by Thomas Nieder, Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Wrttenberg (Zentrum fr Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Wrttemberg ZSW), affiliated with BMU/AGEE-Stat, personal communication with REN21, 6 April 2011; 22% annually from IEA, op. cit. note 26, p. 52; Germany 2010 data exclude organic domestic waste and green waste, per BMU/AGEE-Stat, Zeitreihen zur Entwicklung der erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland (Berin: March 2011).



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Of this 4.9 GW total, 2.1 GW was solid biomass, 330 MW was liquid, 2.1 GW was biogas, 200 MW sewage gas, and 160 MW landfill gas. (Including power output of biogenic share of waste, biomass power capacity was 6.4 GW, generating 33.5 TWh or 5.5% of total electricity consumption, per BMU/AGEE-Stat, op. cit. note 16. 82 Includes all biogenic energy sources, including biogenic share of waste, per BMU/AGEE-Stat, op. cit. note 16. 83 Figure of 4.3 million and 20% based on data from Rita Ramanauskaite, Policy Adviser, European Biogas Association (EBA), Brussels, personal communication with REN21, 26 April 2011. According to EBA, German biogas capacity in 2010 was 2,279 GW and it generated 12.8 TWh of electricity in 2010, per BMU/AGEE-Stat, op. cit. note 16. Biogas represented almost 53% of Germanys biomass power production in 2009, based on data from EurObservER, Solid Biomass Barometer, op. cit. note 73, p. 125, and from EurObservER, Biogas Barometer, op. cit. note 73, p. 108. 84 Ramanauskaite, op. cit. note 83. 85 Capacity from IEA, op. cit. note 26, p. 52; generation from Issao Hirata, Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy, personal communication with REN21, May 2011; 7.8 from Renata Grisoli, CENBIO, personal communication with REN21, February 2011. 86 Figures of 18.5 TWh and 8.8 TWh from Renewable Fuels Department, Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy, personal communication with REN21, 28 April 2011. Another source says that during the 2009/2010 harvesting season the sugar mills produced 20.03 TWh of electricity with bagasse, and 7.3 TWh of this total was fed into the grid, per CONAB National Company of Food Supply. A Gerao Termoeltrica com a Queima do Bagao de Cana-de-Acar no Brasil, 2011, www.conab.gov.br/OlalaCMS/ uploads/arquivos/11_05_05_15_45_40_geracao_termo_baixa_res.. pdf (in Portuguese). 87 Costa Rica from Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Istmo Centroamericano: Estadsticas Del Subsector Elctrico, April 2010; Mexico from La Comisin Reguladora de Energa (CRE), Permisos para la Generacin Privada 2009, 10 March 2010, at www.cre.gob.mx/articulo. aspx?id=171; Uruguay from Gonzalo Bravo, Bariloche Foundation, Argentina, personal communication with REN21, May 2010. 88 Based on a 3% growth rate and on generation for April 2009 March 2010 of an estimated 9.8 TWh (excluding municipal waste), per Japan Renewable Energy Policy Platform and Institute for Sustainable Energy Policy (ISEP), Renewables Japan Status Report 2010, Executive Summary, 2011, www.re-policy.jp/jrepp/ JSR2010SMR20101004E.pdf. 89 Capacity up from 3.2 GW in 2009, per Ma Lingjuan, CREIA, personal communication with REN21, May 2011. Another source says capacity totaled 5.5 GW in 2010 (4.0 GW biomass; 1 GW biogas; 0.5 GW landfill gas, plus more than 0.8 GW from bagasse, saisonaler Betrieb), per Dewey & LeBeouf LLP, Chinas Promotion of the Renewable Electric Power Equipment Industry, March 2010, pp. 11, 30; GTZ, Energy-Policy Framework Conditions for Electricity Markets and Renewable Energies, Chapter on China, 2007, p. 12; and Green Gas, Power Tariff and Power Connection for Biogas Power Generation in China, 2010, all cited in GIZ, Regenerative Energietechnologien zur Stromerzeugung mit Fokus auf Entwicklungs- und Schwellenlndern: berblick, in cooperation with Institut fr Angewandtes Stoffstrommanagement, 2011, p. 61. Biomass feedstock based on 2009 data from Li Junfeng and Ma Lingjuan, Renewable Energy Development in China, CREIA, China RE Entrepreneurs Club (CREEC), provided to REN21 March 2011; and on 2010 data from Ma Lingjuan, CREIA, personal communication with REN21, 2 April 2011. 90 D.S. Arora et al., Indian Renewable Energy Status Report: Background Report for DIREC 2010, NREL/TP-6A20-48948 (Golden, CO: NREL, October 2010). 91 MNRE, Renewable Energy in India Progress, Vision & Strategy, Annex II, circulated at the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit, February 2011. 92 Thailand year-end total from Chris Greacen, Palang Thai, personal communication with REN21, February 2010; biogas data from EPPO (2010), Electricity purchased from SPP by fuel type as of October, 2010, www.eppo.go.th/power/data/STATUS_SPP_Oct 2010.xls; and from EPPO (2010), Electricity purchased from VSPP by fuel type as of October, 2010, www.eppo.go.th/power/ data/STATUS_VSPP_Oct 2010.xls, viewed 28 February 2011.

93 Malaysia from Hanim Adnan, Felda Tapping Biomass Waste to the Max, The Star, 22 February 2010. 94 Cameroon Ties up with Forbes Energy for Supply of Renewable Energy, Cameroon-Today.com, January 2011; 26 MW of CHP capacity in Kenya, including 1 MW added in 2010, from Mark Hankins, African Solar Designs, Kenya, personal communication with REN21, 14 March 2011; Tanzania from Mark Hankins, African Solar Designs, Kenya, personal communication with REN21, May 2010; Uganda has 26 MW of CHP capacity, all fueled with bagasse, and 17 MW of this is grid connected, per Republic of Uganda, National Development Plan (2010/2011-2014/2015), April 2010. 95 South Africa from Siseko Njobeni, South Africa: Landfill Gas Gaining in Popularity, Business Day, 5 October 2010, and from Africas First Landfill Gas Clean Development Mechanism Project Earns Commendation, Civil Engineering, November/ December 2007, pp. 810; Egypt, Tunisia, and Jordan from Agnes Biscaglia, Carbon Finance Unit, World Bank, Lessons Learned from Developing CDM Projects in the MENA Region: CDM Carbon Projects in the Mediterranean Area: Today and Tomorrow, CDC Side Event, Carbon Expo Cologne, 27 May 2010, at www. cdcclimat.com. 96 Ron Pernick et al., Clean Energy Trends 2010 (San Francisco/Portland: Clean Edge, March 2010), p. 12. 97 According to IEA, cited in Elisa Wood, Hybrid Technology: How Mix and Match Is Boosting Renewable Load Factors, Renewable Energy World, September-October 2010, pp. 102. 98 Japan Renewable Energy Policy Platform and ISEP, op. cit. note 88. 99 Germany and U.K. from Uwe Fritsche, ko-Institut, Germany, personal communication with REN21, March 2010; 100 plants from European Biomass Industry Association, cited in Wood, op. cit. note 97. 100 More than 100 countries from Solarbuzz, Solarbuzz Report World Solar Photovoltaic Market Grew to 18.2 Gigawatts in 2010, Up 139% Y/Y, Solarbuzz.com, 15 March 2011. 101 Based on figure of 16,630 MW and global total from EPIA, op. cit. note 3. Other estimates for 2010 additions include 17.5 GW according to IMS Research, per Solar PV Installations Reached 17.5 GW in 2010, RenewableEnergyFocus.com, 18 January 2011; 17.5 GW from Shyam Mehta, 27th Annual Data Collection Results, PV News, May 2011; 18.2 GW according to Solarbuzz, op. cit. note 100; 2009 additions from Shyam Mehta, op. cit. this note; five years earlier based on 5.4 GW installed at the end of 2005 per EPIA, op. cit. note 3; and on 5.5 GW (3.5 GW grid- connected and 2 GW off-grid) per Paul Maycock, PV News, various editions. Figure 7 based on Paul Maycock, PV News, various editions, and on EPIA, op. cit. note 3. 102 Mehta, op. cit. note 101. 103 EPIA, cited in Isabella Kaminski, Solar PV Leads Renewable Growth in Europe, RenewableEnergyFocus.com, 24 February 2011. 104 Figure of 80% of world and EU added capacity based on data from EPIA, op. cit. note 3; 10 million based on 30 GW of capacity generating 35 TWh of electricity, and on average household consumption of 3500 KWh per year, per Ibid and provided by Gatan Masson, Senior Economist, EPIA, personal communication with REN21, 10 June 2011. Note that Solarbuzz puts EU total added at 14.7 GW, per Solarbuzz, op. cit. note 100. Figure 8 from EPIA, op. cit. note 3; GSE, Rapporto Statistico 2010: Solare Fotovoltaico (Rome: April 2011), p. 10, at www.gse.it; Korea Photovoltaic Industry Association (KOPIA), Analysis on 2011s Korean PV industry, www.kopia.asia/inc/ fileDownBoard.jsp?sBoardSeq=269&sFile=1, viewed 27 January 2011; BMU/AGEE-Stat, op. cit. note 16; Beltrn Garca-Echniz, op. cit. note 18. Note that Italys total could be higher, and thus its share of the global total could be higher than noted here. See text in this section for further details. 105 More PV than wind from EWEA, Wind in Power, op. cit. note 13. 106 Germany from BMU/AGEE-Stat, op. cit. note 16; world in 2009 from EPIA, op. cit. note 3. For Germany in Table R3, all total data and 2010 additions from BMU/AGEE-Stat, op. cit. note 16; 200609 additions derived from annual totals. See Table R3 for additional data. Note that BMU data differ from EPIA data by only a few MW, with the exception of 2008 (EPIA reports

1,809 MW added; 5,979 MW total), 2009 (EPIA reports 3,806 MW added; 9,785 MW total), and 2010 (EPIA reports 17,193 MW total). 107 Germany Hits New Solar Power Record in Q1 2011, Newsletter, EnergyMarketPrice.com, 4 May 2011. 108 EPIA, op. cit. note 3; GSE, op. cit. note 104, p. 10. Data for 200609 in Table R3 are from EPIA. Note that a total of 9.4 MW in 2006; 87 MW in 2007; 431 MW in 2008; 1,144 MW in 2009; and 3,470 MW in 2010 were reported (2006 data) in GSE, Totale dei Risultati del Conto Energia, provided by Salvatore Vinci, IRENA, Abu Dhabi, personal communications with REN21, May 2011 (2006 data), and (200710 data) in GSE, op. cit. note 104. EPIA data are 2530 MW higher than GSE, with the exception of 2007 (+40 MW), probably because GSE tracks only grid-connected projects that qualify under the FIT. 109 GSE, Atlasole Web site, http://atlasole.gse.it/atlasole, viewed 2 June 2011. Note that approximately 13 MW of PV were being connected daily under Italys FIT as of early June 2011. This is because many installments readied in 2010 or earlier were re-considered and determined to qualify under the FIT by law 129-2010, and were connected in early 2011, together with new systems, per GSE, www.gse.it/attivita/ContoEnergiaF/servizi/ Pagine/Legge129-2010.aspx. 110 Amount of 1,490 MW added in 2010 for total of 1,953 MW, and all data in Table R3, from EPIA, op. cit. note 3. 111 France and Belgium data in Table R3; all data sourced from Ibid. 112 Figure of 369 MW added and 3,787 MW total from Beltrn Garca-Echniz, op. cit. note 18. An estimated 371 MW of PV capacity was installed in 2010, per Asociacin Empresarial Fotovoltaica, cited in www.europapress.es/castilla-lamancha/ noticia-energia-fotovoltaica-produjo-57-mas-2010-siendo-lmmayor-potencia-853-mw-20110407161241.html. Spain data in Table R3 from the following: 2009 additions from IDAE, La industria fotovoltaica espaola en el contexto europeo (Madrid: 2010); 2009 existing from Ministerio de Industria Turismo y Comercio, La Energa en Espaa 2009, Table 8.5, p. 207, at www.mityc. es/energia/balances/Balances/LibrosEnergia/Energia_2009. pdf; 2008 from Ministerio de Industria Turismo y Comercio, La Energa en Espaa 2008, Table 8.6, p. 198, at www.mityc. es/energia/balances/Balances/LibrosEnergia/ENERGIA_2008. pdf; 200507 data from past editions of this report. See Table R3 for additional data. Note that EPIA data vary from IDAE data by only a few MW, with the exception of 2006 (EPIA reports 102 MW added; 148 MW total), 2007 (EPIA reports 542 MW added); 2008 (EPIA reports 2,708 MW added; 3,398 MW total), and 2009 (EPIA reports only 17 MW added). 113 Japan and U.S. from EPIA, op. cit. note 3; U.S. also from SEIA, op. cit. note 9. Another source put the U.S. total at 937 MW, per Henning Wicht, Photovoltaic Market in Europe to Account for 70 Percent of World Total in 2011, isuppli.com, 14 March 2011; 550 MW for China (includes additions of 525 MW grid-connected and 25 MW off-grid, making a total of 861 MW PV) from Ma Lingjuan, CREIA, communication with REN21, May 2011. Note that other sources say 0.4 GW for China, per Greentech Media (Greentech Solar), PV News, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2011); and 520 MW added for total of 893 MW from EPIA, op. cit. note 3. China added 9 MW off-grid in 2006; 18 MW off-grid in 2007; 19 MW off- and 20 MW on-grid in 2008; 18 MW off- and 140 MW on-grid in 2009; and 25 MW off- and 525 MW on-grid in 2010. Cumulative capacity was 60 MW in 2006, 114 MW in 2007, 153 MW in 2008, 311 MW in 2009, and 861 MW in 2010. Data differ from EPIA by no more than a few MW, with the exception of 2008 (EPIA reports 145 MW total), 2009 (EPIA reports 228 MW added; 373 MW total), and 2010 (EPIA reports 520 MW added). 114 Japan total here and in Table R3 from EPIA, op. cit. note 3. U.S. existing capacity of 2,528 MW, and data in Table R3, from idem. Note that the U.S. 2010 total was 2.1 GW (grid-connected only) per SEIA, op. cit. note 9; SEIA reported that the 2009 total was 1.2 GW, excluding about 40 MW of off-grid, per SEIA, U.S. Solar Industry Year in Review 2009 (Washington, DC: 15 April 2010). 115 Utility-scale projects from Eric Wesoff, U.S. Solar Market Insight: 2010 Year in Review, GreentechMedia.com, 10 March 2011; future growth from Current U.S. Utility PV Contracts Exceed 5 GW, GreentechMedia.com, 30 November 2010. 116 United States from The Future of the Utility Scale PV in the U.S., GreentechMedia.com, 1 December 2010. As of 15 April 2011, just shy of 7.5 GW of utility scale PV were under contract, per Utility-scale project pipeline (as of April 15, 2011), PV News, May 2011. 117 Figure of 80% from SEIA, op. cit. note 9. Also of note, 16 states installed at least 10 MW each during 2010, per Wesoff, op. cit. note 115; Lindsay Morris, Solar Market Heats Up, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 12 October 2010. In the first full year of its solar FIT, the municipality of Gainesville, Florida, added nearly 4 MW, per Alliance for Renewable Energy, Little Interest in Hawaii Feed-in Tariff Program Says Report, www.allianceforrenewableenergy.org, January 2011. 118 EPIA, op. cit. note 3. Note that EPIA data only very slightly from 2009 and 2010 data from KOPIA, op. cit. note 104. 119 Data for 2009 and 2010 from Denis Lenardic, pvresources.com, personal communications with REN21, 31 March 2011 and April and May 2010. Note that it is not possible to estimate the exact number of power plants because many of the large-scale PV power plants consist of several small (very often MW-ranged) PV power plants. 120 Denis Lenardic, pvresources.com, personal communication with REN21, 26 February 2011 and May 2011; GSE, Atlasole, at http://atlasole.gsel.it/atlasole/, viewed May 2011; share based on data from Lenardic and from EPIA, op. cit. note 3. 121 Lenardic, 26 February 2011, op. cit. note 120. 122 Data from Denis Lenardic, internal data and www.pvresources. com/en/top50pv.php; Denis Lenardic and Rolf Hug, Groe Photovoltaik-Kraftwerke: 2010 mehr als 3 GW neu an das Netz angeschlossen, Solarserver.de/Solar Magazin, 16 February 2011, www.solarserver.de; and Italy from GSE, Atlasole, online database, http://atlasole.gsel.it/atlasole/, viewed 21 January 2011. 123 Bulgaria and China from Greentech Media (Greentech Solar), PV News, February 2011; Egypt from Maged Mahmoud, Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Efficiency (RCREEE), Egypt, personal communication with REN21, May 2011. Note that the first grid-connected PV facility of 600 kW was commissioned in Egypt in 2010. India from Trina Solar Completes 5 MW Indian Solar Power Plant, RenewableEnergyFocus.com, 5 January 2011; Israel from Ari Rabinovitch, Israeli Firm Inaugurates 2 MW Solar Project, Reuters, 30 December 2010, and from Israel Signs Unprecedented Deal to Buy Solar Energy, The Jerusalem Post, 21 November 2010; Mali from Robert Heine, First Grid-connected Solar Power Plant in Mali: An Example of a Successful PPP in Oulssbougou/Mali, Energypedia.com, 11 March 2011; Thailand from Greentech Media, PV News, December 2010; UAE from SunPower Constructs 1 MW Solar System at Masdar City, RenewableEnergyFocus.com, 6 December 2010, and from Franz Alt, Solar Plans Lit Up by $5bn Fund,sonnenseite.com, 26 August 2010; at least 30 countries from Denis Lenardic, personal communication with REN21, April 2011. 124 The other six were completed in 2008 and 2009. Denis Lenardic and Rolf Hug, Groe Photovoltaik-Kraftwerke: 2010 mehr als 3 GW neu an das Netz angeschlossen, www.solarserver.de, 16 February 2011. 125 AC power capacity (official) from Denis Lenardic, personal communication with REN21, April 2011, and from www.pvresources. com/en/top50pv.php. 97 MW is DC power; 80 MW, worlds largest, and 12,800 homes from Worlds Biggest Solar Project Powers Up in Canada, Reuters, 4 October 2010. 126 Solar CPV Reaches Commercialization, RenewableEnergyFocus. com, 25 November 2010; EPIA Releases CPV Figures, Solar: A PV Management Magazine, 11 November 2010; California from Brett Prior, The Year of CPV PPAs (or the End of CPV), PV News, January 2011, p. 6, and from SolFocus, Installations, www.solfocus.com/en/installations/, viewed 16 June 2011; other projects or demonstrations from David Appleyard, San Diegos New CPV Solar Giant, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 7 June 2011, and from SolFocus, op. cit. this note. 127 Prior, op. cit. note 126. In March 2011, California-based utility San Diego Gas and Electric signed a PPA for a 150 MW CPV project scheduled for completion in 2015, per Concentrating Photovoltaics: Soitec Announces 150 MW Solar Power Project in Southern California, Solar Magazine, 10 March 2011.




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128 BIPV project of 6.7 MW from GTM Research, cited in BIPV on the Upswing, RenewableEnergyFocus.com, 3 August 2010. 129 The off-grid sector accounted for approximately 6% of demand in 2008, falling to 5% in 2009 and an estimated 3% in 2010, per Paula Mints, Solar PV Market Analysis: Unstable Boom Times Continue for PV Market, Renewable Energy World International Magazine, July-August 2010. 130 Figure of 70% from Jackie Jones, Country Profile: Australia, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 20 December 2010. Largest tracker system is 0.5 MW in Western Australia, per idem. 131 Ruggero Bertani, Geothermal Power Generation in the World 2005-2010 Update Report, Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2010, Bali, Indonesia, 2529 April 2010; more than 20% based on data for 2005 (55.7 GWh) and 2010 from Bertani, op. cit. note 3. 132 El Salvadors capacity increased from 151 MW in 2005 to 204 MW in 2010, Guatemala from 33 MW to 52 MW, Papua New Guinea from 6 MW to 56 MW, and Portugal from 16 MW to 29 MW, from Bertani, op. cit. note 3. 133 Figure of 240 MW derived from estimate of 340 MW global additions from Bertani, op. cit. note 131, minus 100 MW for Iceland that were not added during 2010. This compares with at least 405 MW added in 2009, 456 MW in 2008, and 315 MW in 2007, per Bertani. 134 Stephen Lacey, U.S. Installs Only One Geothermal Plant in 2010, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 3 February 2011. 135 Projection made by Islandsbanki. All information from Stephen Lacey, East Africa Sees a Flurry of Geothermal Activity, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 1 February 2011. 136 New Zealand (134 MW), Italy, and Kenya from Bertani, op. cit. note 131; New Zealand additions of 132 MW (and same data for Italy and Kenya) from Lacey, op. cit. note 134; The Big List, op. cit. note 155. 137 The Big List,op. cit. note 155; more than 250 MW from Lacey, op. cit. note 135. Kenya total was an estimated 202 MW per Bertani, op. cit. note 131. 138 Figure of 15 MW from Geothermal Energy Association, Annual U.S. Geothermal Power Production and Development Report (Washington, DC: April 2011). 139 An estimated 9 MW were added in Turkey, 7 MW in Mexico, 3 MW in Costa Rica, and 3 MW in Guatemala, per Bertani, op. cit. note 131. Note that Costa Rica and Guatemala are not in the text because additions could not be confirmed and were not included in ECLAC, Centroamrica: Mercados Mayoristas De Electricidad Y Transacciones En El Mercado Elctrico Regional, May 2011, www.eclac.org. 140 Twenty-four countries, United States (3,098 MW), Philippines, Italy, New Zealand, and Japan from Bertani, op. cit. note 131. Indonesia based on 1,189 MW from Indonesia to Lure More Geothermal investments: Firm, Jakarta Post, 9 February 2011; on Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, MEMR Geothermal Development in Indonesia, 18 November 2010; on 1,197 MW according to slandsbanki, Geothermal Power: Top 10 Countries, Installed Capacity in MW, 1990-2010, http://datamarket.com/data/set/1c7w/#ds=1c7 w|qy2&display=table, viewed March 2011; and on Bertani, op. cit. note 131. Mexico from slandsbanki, op. cit. this note; from Organizacin Latinoamericana de Energa, http://siee.olade. org/siee/default.asp, provided by Gonzalo Bravo, Bariloche Foundation, Argentina, communication with REN21, May 2011; and from United Nations Mexico, per Anne Elliot, Mexico Leads in Geothermal Energy, Latin Daily Financial News, 24 April 2011. Note that other U.S. estimates include 3.1 from Geothermal Energy Association (GEA), Annual U.S. Geothermal Power Production and Development Report (Washington, DC: April 2011), and 3.3 GW derived from Ventyx Global LLC, Velocity Suite, cited in FERC, Office and Energy Projects, Energy Infrastructure Update for December 2010, www.ferc.gov/legal/ staff-reports/01-19-11-energy-infrastructure.pdf, viewed March 2011. Note that Mexicos total was 965 MW per Bertani, op. cit. note 131; Italys total was 863 MW per slandsbanki, op. cit. this note; Iceland from Orkustefna fyrir sland, Drg Til Umsagnar, Reykjavik, 12 January 2011, p. 5. Japans total was 536 MW per slandsbanki, op. cit. this note.

141 Iceland data is estimated for 2009, from Orkustofnun, rsskrsla Orkustofnunar 2010, Reykjavik, March 2011; Philippines from Alison Holm et al., Geothermal Energy: International Market Update (Washington, DC: GEA, May 2010). 142 Holm et al., op. cit. note 141. 143 Expected resources from confirmed projects ranges from 1,377 to 1,393 MW; when accounting for unconfirmed projects the range of planned capacity additions in development is 1,6131,664 MW, per GEA, op. cit. note 140. 144 An estimated 90 MW (2x45MW) will be added to the Hellisheidi power plant, per rni Ragnarsson, Iceland GeoSurvey, Reykjavik, personal communication with REN21, April 2011; and Fririk marsson, 133 MW Geothermal Energy Plant Commissioned, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 12 February 2011. Pipeline includes projects in the initial development phase, per US Geothermal Industry Grew 26% in 2009, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 14 April 2010. Note that other, less recent sources estimated up to 6.4 GW under development in the United States, per Geothermal Industry Expects to Treble in USA over Coming Years, RenewableEnergyFocus.com, 26 January 2010, and US Geothermal Industry Hits 3-GW in 2009, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 29 January 2010. Forecast for 2015 from Bertani, op. cit. note 131. Does not include India, which is planning to install capacity (projected date of operation unknown), per Indias First Geothermal Power Plant to Come Up in AP, http://ibnlive.in.com, 31 August 2010. 145 Germany and U.K. (with 10 MW) from Drilling to Begin for Cornwall Geothermal Power Plant in 2011, The Guardian, 16 August 2010; and from Bavaria Builds 10 MW Geothermal Power Plant, RenewableEnergyFocus.com, 23 November 2010; Chile and U.K. from Bertani, op. cit. note 131; Costa Rica from Istmo Centroamericano: Estadsticas Del Subsector Elctrico, ECLAC, April 2010; India from Indias First Geothermal Power Plant, op. cit. note 144. Note that a 30 MW plant is also under development in Argentina (per Bertani), but while a company has won the public bidding for developing the project, it is at a standstill due to legal claims by future potential neighbors, according to Gonzalo Bravo, Bariloche Foundation, Argentina, personal communication with REN21, May 2011. 146 During this period, Spain installed 582 MW, the United States 154 MW, Australia 3 MW (plus another 1 MW in 2004), per Morse Associates, op. cit. note 3. Note that another 5 MW may have come online in 2010 with the 5 MW Archimedes prototype plant in Sicily, per U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), www.nrel.gov/csp/solarpaces/project_detail.cfm/projectID=19, updated 20 January 2011; in addition, France added a 1 MW prototype plant (La Seyne-sur-Mer), per EurObservER, Solar Thermal and Concentrated Solar Power Barometer (Paris: May 2011). 147 Additions in 2010 based on 78 MW added in U.S. and 400 MW in Spain, per Morse Associates, op. cit. note 3, and Beltrn Garca-Echniz, op. cit. note 18. Global year-end total based on 739 MW added between end-2005 and end-2010, plus 356 MW installed earlier (including 354 MW of SEGs plants installed in the U.S. during 19851991; 1 MW installed in Arizona, U.S., during 2006; 1 MW installed in Australia, during 2004). Data from Morse Associates, op. cit. note 3. 148 Based on data from Morse Associates, op. cit. note 3. 149 Beltrn Garca-Echniz, op. cit. note 18; 632 MW also from IEA, op. cit. note 26, p. 46. 150 Morse Associates, op. cit. note 3; 78 MW and Florida also from SEIA, op. cit. note 9. 151 Extresol-2 from NREL, www.nrel.gov/csp/solarpaces/project_ detail.cfm/projectID=11, updated 30 March 2011; Morocco based on data from Morse Associates, op. cit. note 3. El Kuraymat is a total of 140 MW Integrated Solar Combined Cycle, with 20 MW of solar. Partial operation from Egyptian New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA), provided by Maged Mahmoud, RCREEE, personal communication with REN21, May 2011. 152 Based on 996 MW under construction and 1,839 MW expected to come on line by end of 2013, per Beltrn Garca-Echniz, op. cit. note 18, and subtracting 50 MW that began operating in March 2011, per NREL, op. cit. note 151.

153 Capacity under construction and signed contracts from Morse Associates, op. cit. note 3. See also Feds Surge Forward on Solar Projects in the Southwest, PoliticsDaily.com, 17 January 2011, and Sarah McBride, Big Push Could Be Over For California Solar, Reuters, 29 December 2010. Note that at the end of 2010 there were 6.5 GW under contract in the United States; that had declined to 6.238 GW as projects shifted from CSP to PV. The main hurdles remaining for these projects are permitting and financing, per Morse Associates, op. cit. note 3. There are 10,918 MW of CSP projects under construction or development (in the pipeline) in the United States, per GTM Research, Concentrating Solar Power 2011: Technology, Costs and Markets, www.gtmresearch.com, 12 January 2011. 154 In the pipeline and Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia from Chandrasekar Govindarajalu (World Bank), Manufacturing Opportunities in MENA along the Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Value Chain, slide 5, presentation for Third Saudi Solar Energy Forum, Riyadh, 3 April 2011, at http://ssef3. apricum-group.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/2-WorldBank-Govindarajalu-2011-04-03.pdf. Egypt and Algeria also from Morse Associates, op. cit. note 3. Algeria plant (ISCC Argelia) to be 150 MW, originally due to begin operation in 2010, from NREL, Concentrating Solar Power Projects, www.nrel. gov/csp/solarpaces/project_detail.cfm/projectID=44, updated 27 May 2009. UAE is 100 MW Shams-1 plant under construction; from Fred Morse, Morse Associates, personal communication with REN21, April 2011; from Ucilia Wang, Abu Dhabi: Rise of a Renewable Energy Titan? RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 25 January 2011; and from Stephen Lacey, Abu Dhabi To Build 100 MW CSP Plant, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 25 August 2010; Moroccan Solar Plan from Renewable Energy in Morocco: Interview with HE Amina Benkhadra, Minister of Energy, Mines, Water, and Environment, Marcopolis.net, 21 January 2011, www.marcopolis.net/renewable-energy-in-morocco.htm, and from Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy, Moroccan Solar Plan, www.masen.org.ma/, viewed 13 June 2011. 155 Morse Associates, op. cit. note 3; CHP in China from Israeli Solar Combined Heat and Power Provider Signs Landmark Agreement with Chinese Government, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 22 February 2011. 156 Morse Associates, op. cit. note 3. 157 Beltrn Garca-Echniz, op. cit. note 18; United States (1,536 MW) and others from Morse Associates, op. cit. note 3. 158 These projects amounted to about 1 GW, per Kurt Klunder, Klunder Consulting, personal communication with REN21, 29 April 2011. 159 Decrease from GTM Research, Concentrating Solar Power 2011: Technology, Costs and Markets, cited in CSP Market Threatened by Rise of Solar PV, RenewableEnergyFocus.com, 18 January 2011; others from Kurt Klunder, Klunder Consulting, personal communication with REN21, May 2011. 160 Figure of 150 from International Hydropower Association (IHA), 2010 International Hydropower Association Activity Report (London: 2010). 161 Increase in 2010 from BP, op. cit. note 1; 16% from IHA, Advancing Sustainable Hydropower, 2011 Activity Report (London: 2011). 162 Additions of 30 GW based on 27.1 GW large hydro estimate, based on research on nearly 90 projects of more than 50 MW each, from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), Clean Energy Analyst Reaction. Investment in Large-hydro How Large? Table 1, 12 January 2011; and on 2935 GW from Lau Saili, IHA, London, personal communication with REN21, March 2011. Existing capacity estimate based on IHA data for 2009 and 2010, and reflects the middle of the range of 2010 capacity (970 1,060 GW) estimated by the IHA. The IHA global data may include pumped storage as well. The IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (2011) reported 926 GW of conventional hydropower in 2009, citing the International Journal on Hydropower and Dams, World Atlas & Industry Guide (Wallington, Surrey, U.K.: 2010). If the estimated 30 GW is added to this, the global total for conventional hydropower for 2010 becomes about 956 GW. The range of added and total existing capacity is quite wide because there remains a significant gap in data on hydropower at the global level. Note that exact figures are difficult to calculate in part because many projects are constructed over a period of several years, with incremental capacity added each year, and because those concerned do not always provide regular progress updates. BNEF, op. cit. this note. In addition, according to IHA: As to current installed capacity and generation of hydropower, up-to-date information is lacking and/or inconsistent. Compared with other energy sectors, there is a substantial data gap on hydropower deployment. IHA, op. cit. note 161. Hydropower data for Table R4 not noted elsewhere in this section include Germany (4.8 GW conventional hydro) from BMU/AGEE-Stat, op. cit. note 16; and other data based on EIA, International Energy Statistics Electricity Capacity, Online Database, www.eia.gov/ cfapps/ipdbproject/IEDIndex3.cfm?tid=2&pid=2&aid=7, viewed June 2011; submissions from report contributors; historical databases going back to 2005 report edition as maintained by Eric Martinot. 163 Ranking based on 2008 data, Richard Taylor, Hydropower, Chapter 7 in World Energy Council, 2010 Survey of Energy Resources (London: 2010), pp. 287336; 52% from IEA, Key World Energy Statistics (Paris: 2010), and International Journal on Hydropower and Dams, op. cit. note 3. (These countries together account for 55% of global hydropower generation.) 164 Ranking from IEA, Key World Energy Statistics, op. cit. note 2, and from International Journal on Hydropower and Dams, op. cit. note 3. Baseload vs. following based on 2008 data in Taylor, op. cit. note 163, and on EIA, Canada: Country Analysis Brief, www.eia.doe.gov/countries/cab.cfm?fips=CA, updated April 2011. 165 Based on 2008 data in Taylor, op. cit. note 163. 166 Data of 16 GW and 213.4 GW are official data, provided by Ma Lingjuan, CREIA, personal communication with REN21, May and June 2011; 2005 data from IEA, op. cit. note 26, p. 48. 167 National Electric Energy Agency of Brazil (ANEEL), Generation Data Bank, www.aneel.gov.br/aplicacoes/capacidadebrasil/ capacidadebrasil.asp, January 2011. 168 Canadian Hydropower Association, Ottawa, personal communication with REN21, 27 April 2011. 169 Ibid. 170 Development slowed from IHA, op. cit. note 161; conventional hydropower and pumped storage capacity based on proposed 2010 additions of 20.5 MW conventional hydro and zero pumped storage from EIA, Annual Electric Generator Report, Generator Y09 File, Proposed tab, EIA Form 860, 2010, and on total 2009 nameplate capacity of 77,910 MW conventional hydro and 20,538 MW pumped storage from EIA, Annual Electric Generator Report, Generator Y09 File, Exist tab, EIA Form 860, viewed 13 June 2011, at www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/electricity/ page/eia860.html; 257 TWh from EIA, Electric Power Monthly, Table 1.13.B. Net Generation from Hydroelectric (Conventional) Power by State by Sector, Year-to-Date through December 2010 and 2009, 14 April 2011, at www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/solar. renewables/page/hydroelec/hydroelec.html. 171 Figures of 55 GW and 20% from Frost and Sullivan, Changing the Future of Energy Hydrovision Russia 2011, www.frost.com, 18 February 2011. 172 The share depends on weather conditions in any given year. Brazil from IEA, op. cit. note 26, p. 49; Canada from Canadian Hydropower Association, op. cit. note 168. 173 For example, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, and Zambia, per Mark Hankins, African Solar Designs, Kenya, personal communication with REN21, March and April 2011; Lesotho, Malawi, and Mozambique, per Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP), country data reports (2009), provided to REN21, 1 March 2011. Norway from Arun Kumar, IIT Roorkee India, personal communication with REN21, 6 June 2011. 174 Saili, op. cit. note 162. In 2010, Iceland generated 73% of its electricity with 1,883 MW of hydropower capacity (and 22.3% with geothermal), per Strihpur um mtun heildstrar orkustefnu (Steering Committee for formulation of a comprehensive energy policy), Orkustefna fyrir sland, Drg Til Umsagnar (Energy Policy for Iceland, Drafts for Review), Reykjavik, 12 January 2011, p. 5. 175 Laos Inaugurates 1,070-MW Nam Theun 2 Hydro Project,




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HydroWorld.com, 9 December 2010; China from BNEF, op. cit. note 162; Brazil and Ethiopia from The Big List, op. cit. note 155; One Unit of Beles Hydropower Project in Ethiopia Begins Generating Power, HydroWorld.com, 10 May 2010; also Tana Beles plant (460 MW), per IHA, op. cit. note 161. 176 2,400-MW Son La Hydro Project Starts Generating Power in Vietnam, HydroWorld.com, 21 December 2010. 177 See, for example, International Small Hydro Atlas at www.small-hydro.com; Kizito Sikuka, Africa Aims to Harness its Huge Hydropower Potential, AllAfrica.com, 20 August 2009; Consultative Committee on Power Meets to Discuss Nations Hydro Power Development, TheIndian.com, 17 February 2010; International Small-Hydro Atlas: Nepal, at www.small-hydro. com/index.cfm?Fuseaction=countries.country&Country_ID=54. 178 Ecuador Inaugurates 160-MW Mazar Hydroelectric Power Plant, HydroWorld.com, 6 January 2011; Turkey from Damlapinar Hydropower Project in Turkey Begins Commercial Operations, HydroWorld.com, 8 September 2010; Uzbekistan from Gissarak Hydropower Plant Begins Operation in Uzbekistan, HydroWorld.com, 24 August 2010. 179 The plant is 4.5 MW, per First Wastewater Hydropower Project in Australia Begins Operations, HydroWorld.com, 3 May 2010; capacity from Sonal Patel, Australia Gets Hydropower from Wastewater, Power Magazine, 1 July 2010. 180 Large-scale hydropower from MNRE, op. cit. note 3. There were 2,954 MW of small-scale hydro installed as of the end of January 2011, per MNRE, Small Hydro Power Programme, www.mnre. gov.in/prog-smallhydro.htm, viewed 27 April 2011. 181 Agncia Nacional de Energia Eltrica of Brazil (ANEEL), Ministrio de Minas e Energia, Capacidade de Gerao do Brasil, 2011 (viewed January 2011 and information provided by CENBIO to REN21), at www.aneel.gov.br/aplicacoes/ capacidadebrasil/capacidadebrasil.asp (in Portuguese). 182 Data as of end-2008 for Canada (1,784 MW), Kazakhstan (1,643 MW), Switzerland (354 MW), and Iran (304 MW) from Taylor, op. cit. note 163. 183 Engineering News, cited in Rwanda Looks to Small Hydropower, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 19 August 2010. 184 Taylor, op. cit. note 163. 185 Announcement by National Energy Administration, per David Stanway, China to Develop Controversial Nu River Hydro Projects, Reuters, 2 February 2011,. 186 Iran, China Planning Worlds Tallest Dam, Hydro Project, HydroWorld.com, 3 March 2011. This is the Bakhtiari Arch dam, at 315 meters, per Arun Kumar, IIT Roorkee India, personal communication with REN21, 6 June 2011. 187 3,150-MW Santo Antonio Hydro Project in Brazil to Launch in December 2011, HydroWorld.com, 16 August 2010. The other project, at 11 GW, is due to start generating electricity in 2015, per Elzio Barreto and Carolina Marcondes, Brazil Approves Building of $17 Billion Amazon Power Dam, Reuters, 28 January 2011, and 11,200-MW Belo Monte Hydro Project Gets Green Light for Construction, HydroWorld.com, 27 January 2011. 188 For example, Portugal plans 4.4 GW of new capacity and upgrades; new hydro capacity is under construction or planned in Austria (480 MW to come on line 2011), Switzerland (1 GW by 2015), and the U.K.; and Norway plans significant extensions of existing plants. Portugal from Lusa Silvrio, Directorate General for Energy and Geology (DGEG), personal communication with REN21, April 2011; Austria, Norway, and Switzerland from David Appleyard, Roundup of Hydro Activity in Europe, Renewable EnergyWorld.com, 26 January 2011; U.K. from EA: Hydropower on the increase in the UK, HydroWorld.com, 18 January 2011; main centers from Saili, op. cit. note 162. 189 Taylor, op. cit. note 163. 190 Ranking from EIA, International Energy Statistics - Hydroelectric Pumped Storage Electricity Installed Capacity (Million Kilowatts), online database, www.eia.gov, viewed June 2011. In 2010, the United States had an estimated 20.5 GW based on 2010 planned additions, per EIA, Annual Electric Generator Report, Generator Y09 File, Proposed tab, EIA Form 860, 2010, and on total 2009 nameplate capacity from EIA, Annual Electric Generator Report, Generator Y09 File, Exist tab, EIA Form 860, www.eia.doe.gov/ cneaf/electricity/page/eia860.html, viewed 13 June 2011; Japan

had 26.1 GW of pumped storage capacity at the end of 2010, per Hironao Matsubara and Yuka Ueno, Institute for Sustainable Energy Policy (ISEP), Tokyo, and Mika Ohbayaski, IRENA, Abu Dhabi, Japan Country Contribution, personal communication with REN21, May 2011. 191 GW added and total from Saili, op. cit. note 162; China from Jixi Pumped-storage Hydro Plant Begins Operation in China, HydroWorld.com, 14 July 2010; Germany from Waldeck 1 Pumped-storage Hydro Plant in Germany Begins Operation, HydroWorld.com, 1 June 2010; Slovenia from Slovenias First Pumped-storage Hydropower Project Begins Operation, HydroWorld.com, 5 April 2010; Ukraine from Ukraine Launches First Unit of Dnister Pumped-storage Hydroelectric Plant, HydroWorld.com, 7 January 2010; 2005 total from EIA, International Energy Statistics - Hydroelectric Pumped Storage Electricity Installed Capacity (Million Kilowatts), www.eia.gov/ cfapps/ipdbproject/iedindex3.cfm?tid=2&pid=82&aid=7&cid=r egions&syid=2004&eyid=2009&unit=MK. 192 Taylor, op. cit. note 163; Appleyard, op. cit. note 188. 193 Sidebar 1 is based on the following sources: IHS Emerging Energy Research, Global Ocean Energy Markets and Strategies: 20102030 (Cambridge, MA: October 2010); IEA, op. cit. note 196; Aquamarine Power, Projects: Bilia Croo (Oyster 1), 2009, at www.aquamarinepower.com/projects/billia-croo-orkneyoyster-1; Carnegie Corporation, Development Timeline, 2011, at www.carnegiecorp.com.au/index.php?url=/ceto/developmenttimeline; Ocean Power Technologies, Projects: Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii Project at Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH), 2010, at www.oceanpowertechnologies.com/projects.htm; Pelamis Wave Power, Latest News: Pelamis Completes Launch of Second P2 Machine, press release (Edinburgh: 14 April 2011); Wave Dragon, Projects: Wave Dragon Projects, at www.wavedragon.net; Ocean Energy, Technology: Platform, at www.oceanenergy.ie/oe-technology/platform.html; Alok Jha, Environment: Wave Tidal and Hydropower: First Tidal Power Turbine Gets Plugged In, The Guardian (U.K.), 17 July 2008; Open Hydro, News: Open Hydro Successfully Deploys 1 MW commercial tidal turbine in the Bay of Fundy, press release (Dublin: 17 November 2009); Atlantis Resources Corporation, Giant Tidal Turbine Successfully Installed on the Seabed at the EMEC Facility, press release (Orkney, U.K.: 24 August 2010); Hydra Tidal, Press Room: Norwegian Minister of Oil and Energy Kicks Off for Morild II Tidal Power Plant and the Test Period, press release (Harstad, Norway: 25 November 2011); RER, Turbines: Test Project Details, 2010, at www.rerhydro. com/turbinesProject.php; Hammerfest Strm, Research and Development: Testing: Kvalsund, 2011, at www.hammerfeststrom.com/research-and-development/testing/kvalsund/; Tidal Generation Web site, www.tidalgeneration.co.uk; Verdant Power, Free Flow System, 2010, at http://verdantpower.com/whatsystemsint; Pulse Tidal, Proven in the Ocean, 2009, at www. pulsetidal.com/40.html; Ponte di Archimede International S.p.A., Projects: Kobold, 2006, at www.pontediarchimede.it; Neptune Renewable Energy, Latest News: Neptune Renewable Energy ready for commercial deployment after full-scale testing of Proteus Tidal Stream Generator, press release (North Ferriby, East Yorkshire, U.K.: 2 November 2010); An Overview of Ocean Renewable Energy Technologies, Oceanography, Vol. 23, No. 2 (2010). 194 European Commission, Ocean Energy Technical Background, http://ec.europa.eu/research/energy/eu/research/ocean/ background/index_en.htm, viewed 13 May 2011. 195 These included La Rance (France), Annapolis (Canada, 18 MW, 1984), Kislaya Guba (USSR, 0.4 MW, 1968), and Jiangxia (China, 3.9 MW, 1985), per A.M. Gorlov, Tidal Energy, in Tidal Energy, 2001, pp. 295560, at www.gcktechnology.com/GCK/Images/ ms0032%20final.pdf. Canada (at 20 MW) also from Nova Scotia Joins Tidal Power Boom (Canada), Offshorewind.biz, 16 March 2011. Note that another 0.5 MW went online in Russia around 2005 according to Tidal Energy Latest Development in Renewable Energy Sector, 10 May 2010, at http://hydropowerstation.com/?tag=tidal-energy. 196 IEA, Annual Report: Implementing Agreement on Ocean Energy Systems (Paris: 2010). 197 Ibid; Bedard et al., An Overview of Ocean Renewable

Technologies, Oceanography, June 2010; Susi Global Research Centre, www.susiresearch.com/research.html, viewed April 2011; Department of Ocean Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madra, www.oec.iitm.ac.in/Research.html, viewed April 2011; Non-Carbon Energy Research Center, GuangZhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences, http://english. giec.cas.cn/rh/rd/200907/t20090715_23439.html, viewed April 2011; AW Energy, Vantaa, Finland, www.aw-energy.com, viewed April 2011; European Marine Energy Centre, Ltd. (EMEC), Orkney, Scotland, www.emec.org.uk/wave_energy_developers. asp, viewed April 2011. 198 As of December 2010, 18 countries were members of the OES-IA. In order of joining the Agreement, they are: Portugal, Denmark, United Kingdom, Japan, Ireland, Canada, United States, Belgium, Germany, Norway, Mexico, Spain, Italy, New Zealand, Sweden, Australia, South Korea, and South Africa, per IEA, op. cit. note 196. 199 Portugal had 4.2 MW of installed capacity by the end of 2010, per Renovveis Estatsticas Rpidas, November 2010, DGEG 2011. As of March 2011, the U.K. had 3.4 MW of installed ocean energy capacity, 50% of which was added during 2010; this included 1.31 MW of wave energy capacity and 2.05 MW of tidal stream capacity, per RenewableUK, Wave and Tidal Energy in the UK, State of the industry Report (London: March 2011), p. 8. 200 This was the Voith Hydro Wavegens LIMPET. Figure of 60,000 and 98% from IHA, London, personal communication with REN21, April 2011; from Limpet Wave Power Plant Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary, HydroWorld.com, 29 November 2010; and from RenewableUK, op. cit. note 199, p. 4. The LIMPET had over 70,000 successful operating hours by the date of publication, per RenewableUK. 201 The Marine Current Turbines SeaGen. Tidal Turbine Passes 2 GWh Milestone, RenewableEnergyFocus.com, 17 August 2010. Generation exceeded 2.5 GWh to the U.K. grid by date of publication of RenewableUK, op. cit. note 199. 202 IEA, op. cit. note 196. 203 Floating Tidal Power Plant Opened in Norway, Renewable EnergyFocus.com, 24 November 2010; www.hydratidal.com/ #!news/vstc2=plant-opened; www.hydratidal.com/#!technology. 204 Stephen Lacey, When Will Unconventional Hydro Compete? RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 2 December 2010. 205 Utility was Pacific Gas & Electric Company, per Lacey, ibid. 206 Hawaii from Virginia Bueno, Navy Connects Buoy to Power Grid at Hawaii Marine Corps Base, Navy.mil, 27 September 2010, and from Lacey, op. cit. note 204; Ocean Power Technologies Begins Wave Power Farm Development Off Oregon Coast, HydroWorld.com, 22 February 2010; OPT Begins Ocean Trials of Wave Energy Generator, Power Magazine, 9 May 2011. 207 RenewableUK, op. cit. note 199. 208 Langlee Wave Power AS and Turksih nmaksan have agreed to build five wave power systems totaling 600 kW in Turkey. This will be a test park that will be built over two years, and the plan is to build two parks with a total capacity of 52 MW; see Langlee Wave Power Builds Wave Energy Plants in Turkey, RenewableEnergyFocus.com, 17 November 2010. Indonesia and Italy from IEA, op. cit. note 196. A prototype of 120150 kW is being built to be placed in the Lomboc Island, Indonesia; and a 100 kW prototype is likely to be installed by the end of 2011 near Venice, Italy. A three-stage project in La Reunion has a total of 15 MW planned, per www.carnegiecorp.com.au/index. php?url=/projects/lareunionproject. 209 India to Build Asias First Commercial Tidal Power Plant, RenewableEnergyFocus.com, 14 January 2011; State of Gujarat to Install Asias First Commercial Scale Tidal Current Power Plant in the Gulf of Kutch in India at Vibrant Gujarat 2011 Summit, www.renewable-energy-sources.com. 210 IEA, op. cit. note 196. 211 Australia, France, Ireland, Portugal, and South Korea from IHS Emerging Energy Research, cited in Energy from the Ocean and Tides Starting To Look Promising, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 1 November 2010; South Korea also from Jennifer Kho, Renewables Hit the Big Time, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 25 May 2010; Canada and United States from Wave and Tidal Energy Spending to Hit US$1.2bn by 2015, RenewableEnergy Focus.com, 25 January 2011; Japan, New Zealand, and Spain from IEA, op. cit. note 196. 212 Based on 278 million tons of oil equivalent (mtoe) from IEA, op. cit. note 26, p. 52. Biomass heat data in Table R1 based on individual country submissions to this report and on historical databases going back to 2005 report edition as maintained by Eric Martinot. 213 EurObservER, Solid Biomass Barometer (Paris: December 2009), p. 9. 214 Based on 2009 data from EurObservER, Solid Biomass Barometer (Paris: November 2010), and on EurObservER, Biogas Barometer (Paris: November 2010). 215 Finland produces 1.2 toe per person, and is followed by Sweden, Latvia, Estonia, and Austria; Germany ranks 14th. EurObservER, Solid Biomass Barometer (Paris: November 2010). 216 Ibid, pp. 126, 127, 129; EurObservER, Biogas Barometer (Paris: November 2010), p. 110. 217 Biomass Generates 32% of All Energy in Sweden, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 2 June 2010. 218 Ten percent of electricity from Danish Energy Agency, cited in Ron Pernick et al., Clean Energy Trends 2010 (San Francisco/ Portland: Clean Edge, March 2010), p. 12. Regarding heat, 60% of Danish consumers receive heat through district heating systems, which in 2007 obtained more than 41% of their heat from biomass (19.3% of this was from waste, but the source does not specify the kind of waste). Danish Energy Agency, Basic Facts on Heat Supply in Denmark, www.ens.dk/en-US/supply/Heat/ Basic_facts/Sider/Forside.aspx, viewed 15 June 2011. 219 Deutsche Energie-Agentur (DENA), Biogas Partner, Biomethane Feed-in Project, www.biogaspartner.de/index.php?id=10210&L =0&fs=%2Ftrackback&L=1, viewed 14 May 2011; DENA, Biogas Partner, Market Development in Europe, www.biogaspartner.de/ index.php?id=11872&L=1&fs=0%5C%27, viewed 14 May 2011. 220 Rita Ramanauskaite, Policy Adviser, European Biogas Association (EBA), Brussels, personal communication with REN21, 26 April 2011. 221 Deutsche Energie-Agentur (DENA), Biogas Partner, Biomethane Injection Projects in Germany, www.biogaspartner.de/index.php ?id=10074&L=1&fs=%2Ftrackback, viewed 14 May 2011; DENA, Biogas Partner, The German Market Development, www.biogaspartner.de/index.php?id=11871&L=1&fs=0%5C%27, viewed 14 May 2011; DENA, Biogas Partner, Biomethane Feed-in Project, www.biogaspartner.de/index.php?id=10210&L =0&fs=%2Ftrackback&L=1, viewed 14 May 2011. 222 Anna Austin, Report: North American Wood Pellet Exports Double, Biomass Magazine, 8 March 2011. Note that about 7.5 million tonnes were consumed in Europe in 2008, up 25% since 2005, based on data from EurObservER, Solid Biomass Barometer (Paris: December 2009), p. 9, and from REN21, op. cit. note 2. Another source says that EU imports of wood pellets were up 42% in 2010, per Gerard Wynn, Analysis: Wood Fuel Poised to Be Next Global Commodity, Reuters, 20 May 2011. 223 European Wood Pellet Markets: Current Status and Prospects for 2020, cited in Lisa Gibson, Report Analyzes European Pellet Markets, Biomass Magazine, 21 April 2011. 224 North American Wood Fiber Review, cited in 2010 Wood Pellet Exports from North America to EU Reach 1.6m Tonnes, Bioenergy Insight, 15 March 2011, and from Anna Austin, Report: North American Wood Pellet Exports Double, Biomass Magazine, 8 March 2011. 225 In some states, such as Connecticut, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, and Wisconsin, the number of Americans heating with wood rose 5080% between 2000 and 2010, per Alliance for Green Heat, Residential Wood Heat Report Card: How States Balance Heating Needs with Health Concerns (Takoma Park, MD: 15 February 2011). 226 REN21, op. cit. note 2. 227 Australia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Cuba, India, and Philippines from REN21, op. cit. note 2; Guatemala and Argentina from Gonzalo Bravo, Bariloche Foundation, Argentina, personal communication with REN21, May 2010; Mauritius from Stephen Karekezi et al., Scaling up Bio-energy in Africa, presentation for International Conference on Renewable Energy in Africa, Dakar, Senegal, 1618 April 2008; Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda from Godefroy Hakizimana et al., Renewable Energies in East Africa




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Regional Report on Potentials and Markets 5 Country Analyses, prepared for GTZ on behalf of Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) (Eschborn Germany: 2009). 228 EPPO, Electricity Purchased from SPP by Fuel Type as of October, 2010, www.eppo.go.th/power/data/STATUS_SPP_Oct 2010.xls, and Electricity Purchased from VSPP by Fuel Type as of October, 2010, www.eppo.go.th/power/data/STATUS_VSPP_ Oct 2010.xls, both viewed 28 February 2011. 229 Warren Weisman, Gas from the Past: Biogas 101, Renewable EnergyWorld.com, 4 January 2011. The number of household digesters for individual use reached 40 million in 2010, per B. Raninger GIZ China, personal communication with REN21 (via Dunja Hoffmann), 18 May 2011. 230 Figure of 60,000 from MNRE, cited in Panchabhutha, Key Highlights and Achievements of Renewable Energy in India 2010, 1 January 2011, at http://panchabuta.com /2011/01/01/ key-highlights-and-achievements-of-renewable-energy-inindia-2010/. Note that as of end-January 2011, India had added 73,281 family-type biogas plants during 201011, for a total of 4.3 million, per MNRE, op. cit. note 3. 231 Enterprises from MNRE, op. cit. note 3; Panchabhutha, op. cit. note 230. 232 Rankings and data in figures 9 and 10 based on Weiss and Mauthner, op. cit. note 3. 233 Solar collector capacity of 185 GWth for 2010 is estimated from Weiss and Mauthner, op. cit. note 3, which provides a 2010 yearend total of 196 GWth for all collectors. Subtracting an estimated 1011% market share for unglazed collectors brings the total to 176 GWth, adjusted upwards by 5% to 185 GWth to account for those countries not included in the Weiss and Mauthner survey. The gross added capacity during 2010 of 30 GWth is estimated based on the difference between 2009 and 2010 existing unglazed totals in the Weiss and Mauthner survey (25 GWth), and the assumption that 5 GWth were retired globally during 2010 (5% annual retirement rate for systems outside of China, and 2 GWth becoming non-operational in China during 2010). Weiss and Mauthner, op. cit. note 3, and Werner Weiss, AEE Institute for Sustainable Technologies, Gleisdorf, Austria, personal communication with REN21, 6 April 2011. Note that Weiss and Mauthner report includes 53 countries representing 4.1 billion people, or about 61% of worlds population. Installed capacity represents an estimated 8590% of installed solar thermal capacity worldwide; the GSR estimates an additional conservative 5% to make up for this unrepresented share. Growth rate based on 2009 data from Weiss and Mauthner, op. cit. note 3. 234 Figure of 25 million m2 added and total of 168 million m2 from Ma Lingjuan, CREIA, personal communication with REN21, 2 April and 21 June 2011. Note that an estimated 2 million m2 were considered non-operational, so net additions were closer to 23 million m2. Numbers were revised downward for China for 2010 relative to those reported in previous report editions due to past accounting for a large number of systems installed in recent years that are no longer operational. In previous editions of this report, data for China accounted only for cumulative added capacity and did not account for systems becoming non-operational. (Note that this is different than system retirements in other countries due to aging; in China relatively new systems are becoming non-operational well before their design lifetimes.) In addition, there were some past discrepancies in terms of systems manufactured in China and exported vs. those installed in China. These discrepancies and corrections significantly affect the global solar hot water picture for past report editions, and mean that the figures in this edition should not be compared with figures in previous editions. However, there is no explanation for why Chinas added capacity is so much lower than markets in 2008 (22 GWth) or 2009 (29 GWth); data will be adjusted in the next edition of this report. 235 Decline from Brbel Epp, Solrico, Can Europe Compete in the Global Solar Thermal Market? RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 21 March 2011; from Brbel Epp, Greece Mandates Solar for New and Refurbished Buildings, SolarThermalWorld.org, 15 December 2010; and from Isabella Kaminski, European Solar Heating and Cooling Market in Decline, RenewableEnergyFocus. com, 10 June 2011. Greek and Italian markets from Kaminski,

idem; Spain added 0.24 GWth (348,000 m2) in 2010 for a total of 1.65 GWth (2.4 million m2), per Beltrn Garca-Echniz, op. cit. note 18; Spains 2009 growth rate from IDAE, La energa en Espaa, 2009, Spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, 2010, www.mityc.gob.es/energia/balances/Balances/ LibrosEnergia/Energia_2009.pdf. 236 EurObservER, op. cit. note 146. 237 Brbel Epp, Germany: Steep Decline in Collector Sales in 2010, SolarThermalWorld.org, 2 February 2011; Ole Langniss, Fichtner, personal communication with REN21, May 2011; one-third based on 31% from EurObservER, op. cit. note 146. Note that EurObservER puts the decline at nearly 28% relative to 2009, per idem. 238 Germany added about 0.8 GWth in 2010 (compared with about 1.1 GWth in 2009) for an existing capacity of 9.8 GWth by years end, according to BMU/AGEE-Stat, op. cit. note 16; German Solar Industry Association (BSW-Solar), Fact Sheet 01/2011, www. bsw-solar.de. Note that this is not consistent with the 2009 total of 8.4 GWth in Table R5 from Weiss and Mauthner, op. cit. note 3. 239 Epp, Germany: Steep Decline in Collector Sales in 2010, op. cit. note 237. 240 EurObservER, op. cit. note 146. 241 Based on 0.56 GWth (800,000 m2) added in 2010 from Renata Grisoli, CENBIO, communication with REN21, February 2011; and on 0.7 GWth added from Brbel Epp, Can Europe Compete in the Global Solar Thermal Market? op. cit. note 235; Brazil had an estimated 3.6 GWth (5.2 million m2) in place by the end of 2009, per Grisoli, op. cit. this note. 242 In the four states of So Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, and Espirito Santo, all located in the southeast of the country, per DASOL, the Solar Heating Department of the association ABRAVA in Brazil, cited in Brbel Epp, Brazil: South-east Dominates Solar Thermal Market, SolarThermalWorld.org, 3 August 2010. 243 Weiss and Mauthner, op. cit. note 3; Werner Weiss and Franz Mauthner, Solar Heat Worldwide: Markets and Contribution to the Energy Supply 2008, prepared for IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme (Gleisdorf, Austria: May 2010). 244 MNRE, op. cit. note 91. 245 SEIA, op. cit. note 9. Note that data for Hawaii (and thus the state rankings) are uncertain for 2010. This is because 2010 was the first year that solar thermal systems were required on new homes; the rebate, which provided the ability to track new systems, was thus eliminated. Brbel Epp, Hawaii: Is the Strongest Solar Thermal Market in the US in Trouble? SolarThermalWorld.org, 20 January 2011. 246 Number of systems added, capacity added, and market growth rate from SEIA, op. cit. note 9; 2.3 GWth based on 2.1 GWth at the end of 2009 from SEIA, op. cit. note 114. 247 SEIA, op. cit. note 9. 248 Egypt from New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA), Annual Report 2010, Ministry of Electricity and Energy, Egypt, January, 2011, cited in GSR country report from Maged K. Mahmoud, RCREEE; South Africa from Brbel Epp, South Africa: Eskoms Incentive Programme Shows a Steep Ramp Up, SolarThermalWorld.org, 8 February 2011; Ethiopia and Kenya from Mark Hankins, African Solar Designs, Kenya, personal communication with REN21, May 2010; Tunisia and Zimbabwe from Weiss and Mauthner, op. cit. note 243; Namibia from Weiss and Mauthner, op. cit. note 3. 249 Egypt from NREA, op. cit. note 248; Morocco from Brbel Epp, Morocco: The National Market Offers Huge, But Insufficiently Exploited Potential, SolarThermalWorld.org , 23 March 2011. 250 Weiss and Mauthner, op. cit. note 3. 251 Ibid. 252 Ibid. 253 Ibid. 254 Ibid. Saudi Arabia also from Brbel Epp, Saudi Arabia: Largest Solar Thermal Plant in the World with 36,305 m2, SolarThermalWorld.org, 2 July 2010. 255 Weiss and Mauthner, op. cit. note 3; 3,900 m2 from Brbel Epp, Singapore: Austria Delivers and Finances Biggest Solar Cooling Installation Worldwide, SolarThermalWorld.org, 31 August 2010.

256 H. Schweiger et al., POSHIP: Potential of Solar Heat in Industrial Processes, www.solarpaces.org/library/docs/poship_final_report. pdf; Stefan Hess et al.. SO-PRO Solar Process Heat Generation: Guide to Solar Thermal System Design for Selected Industrial Processes, 2011, www.solar-process-heat.eu; T. Mller et al., PROMISE: Produzieren mit Solarenergie, 2004, www.nachhaltig- wirtschaften.at/nw_pdf/0401_promise.pdf. See also, e.g., Frito- Lay Solar System Puts the Sun in SunChips, redOrbit.com, 4 April 2008. 257 Andreas Hberle, A Snapshot on Solar Heat for Industrial Processes, PSE AG, Freiburg, Germany. 258 Ibid. 259 Hangzhou from Weiss and Mauthner, op. cit. note 3; other plants in China include a Himin Solar Corporation food drying application in Qingdao and a sludge processing application in Jinan, per Lian Jiang, Himin Solar Corporation, personal communication with REN21, 9 June 2011. As of early 2011, SAB-Miller (South African brewery) intended to install a 1.52 MWth system in Polokwane, and Heineken (one of the leading brewing companies) planned to install solar thermal systems for three breweries (total capacity 56 MWth), per Werner Weiss, AEE Institute for Sustainable Technologies, Gleisdorf, Austria, personal communication with REN21, 6 April 2011. 260 John W. Lund, Derek H. Freeston, and Tonya L. Boyd, Direct Utilization of Geothermal Energy: 2010 Worldwide Review, in Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress 2010, Bali, Indonesia, 2529 April 2010; updates from John Lund, Geo-Heat Center, Oregon Institute of Technology, personal communication with REN21, March, April, and 7 June 2011. 261 Lund, Freeston, and Boyd, op. cit. note 260; updates from Lund, op. cit. note 260. 262 Ibid. 263 Ibid. 264 Ibid. 265 Lund, Freeston, and Boyd, op. cit. note 260. 266 Ibid; updates from Lund, op. cit. note 260. China (8.9 GWth) also from Li Junfeng and Ma Lingjuan, Renewable Energy Development in China, CREIA, China RE Entrepreneurs Club (CREEC), provided to REN21, March 2011. 267 Lund, Freeston, and Boyd, op. cit. note 260; updates from Lund, op. cit. note 260. 268 Note that U.S. production is lower than Chinas despite the higher capacity in the United States due to the high share of heat pumps that provided 95% of geothermal direct use energy in 2010. EIA, Monthly Energy Review, February 2011, www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/ mer/overview.html, viewed 29 March 2011. Lund, Freeston, and Boyd, op. cit. note 260; updates from Lund, op. cit. note 260. 269 Lund, Freeston, and Boyd, op. cit. note 260 updates from Lund, op. cit. note 260. 270 Holm et al., op. cit. note 141. 271 Lund, Freeston, and Boyd, op. cit. note 260; updates from Lund, op. cit. note 260. 272 Figure of 2.9 million from Robert Crowe, Demand for Geothermal Heat Pumps to Grow 14% by 2015, RenewableEnergyWorld. com, 14 January 2011; most from Lund, Freeston, and Boyd, op. cit. note 260; China also from Li and Ma, op. cit. note 266. 273 Lund, Freeston, and Boyd, op. cit. note 260; updates from Lund, op. cit. note 260. 274 Figure of 130 MWth added and expected total capacity from Orkuveita Reykjavkur, Hellisheii Geothermal Plant, www. or.is/English/Projects/HellisheidiGeothermalPlant, viewed 28 April 2011. Eventually it will be one of the worlds largest, with 300 MW electric and 400 MW of thermal capacity, per Fririk marsson, 133 MW Geothermal Energy Plant Commissioned, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 12 February 2011. 275 Drilling to Begin for Cornwall Geothermal Power Plant in 2011, The Guardian (U.K.), 16 August 2010; Bavaria Builds 10 MW Geothermal Power Plant, RenewableEnergyFocus.com, 23 November 2010. 276 See, for example, Nicolaj Stenkjaer, Biogas for Transport, Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, November 2008, at www.folkecenter.net/gb/rd/transport/biogas_for_transport; Switzerland from Dunja Hoffmann, GIZ, personal communication with REN21, 29 April 2011. 277 Natural and Bio Gas Vehicle Association (NVGA Europe), www.ngvaeurope.eu, viewed March 2011. Sweden also from Stenkjaer op. cit. note 276; Switzerland also from Hoffmann, op. cit. note 276. See also Stephan Kabasci, Boosting Biogas with Heat Bonus: How Combined Heat and Power Optimizes Biogas Utilization, Renewable Energy World, September/October 2009. 278 Swedish Energy Agency, Transportsektorns energianvndning 2010, (Energy Use in the Transport Sector 2010) (Eskilstuna, Sweden, 2011). 279 IEA, op. cit. note 26, p. 55. 280 U.S. and EU from Ibid; Brazil data from Datagros Bulletin, Year 2011 Number 02E 03/15/2011, at www.datagro.com. br/section/1/informativo. These data include fuels used by light vehicles, including ethanol, gasoline, and natural gas. 281 F.O. Licht, April 2011; IEA, op. cit. note 3. 282 Figure 11 based on F.O. Licht, op. cit. note 281; IEA, op. cit. note 3. 283 Camelina-based biofuel has been used successfully in test flights of U.S. military aircraft, and jatropha-based biofuel blends have fueled a variety of other aircraft including commercial airliners. See Camelina-Based Biofuel Breaks Sound Barrier on U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor Test Flight, Business Wire, 21 March 2011, and Jim Lane, Lufthansa to Commence 6-month Aviation Biofuel Trial on Commercial Routes, Biofuels Digest, 29 November 2010. 284 Figure of 86 billion liters based on 85,600 m3 from F.O. Licht, op. cit. note 281, and on 86.3 billion liters from IEA, op. cit. note 3; 2009 data from IEA, op. cit. note 3. Note that biofuels data are expressed in volumetric terms, not in terms of energy content. Where reported in tonnes, figures were converted to liters using factors 1,260 liters/tonne ethanol and 1,130 liters/ton biodiesel; where reported in cubic meters, ethanol data were converted to liters using 1,000 liters/m3. 285 Based on data from F.O. Licht, op. cit. note 281, and on IEA, op. cit. note 3. 286 F.O. Licht, op. cit. note 281; 49.2 billion liters based on 13 billion gallons (converted at 1 US gallon = 3.78541178 liters) from Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), Building Bridges to a More Sustainable Future: 2011 Ethanol Industry Outlook (Washington, DC: February 2011). Note that the United States produced 50.1 billion liters per IEA, op. cit. note 3. 287 RFA, op. cit. note 286. 288 Ibid; 3% from U.S. Department of Agriculture and RFA, cited in RFA, ibid. 289 Net exporter and 1.3 billion based on 350 million gallons from RFA, op. cit. note 286; Canada et al. from U.S. Ethanol Enters Global Market Place, Energy Tribune, 18 October 2010. 290 Brazilian Supply Company (CONAB), Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Supply, December 2009, data provided by Renata Grisoli, CENBIO, personal communication with REN21, May 2010; U.S. from Inae Riveras, US 2011 Ethanol Exports Seen at 500 Mln Gal CHS, Reuters, 30 March 2011. 291 Marcos Jank, President and CEO of UNICA, the Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association, 2011, http://english.unica.com.br/opiniao /show.asp?msgCode=37DE2608-81F3-4EC4-8383-F67E685C29EF. 292 Cheaper from Riveras, op. cit. note 290. 293 Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), provided by Renewable Fuels Department, Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy, personal communication with REN21, 28 April 2011. Note that Brazils production in 2010 was 26.1 billion liters according to IEA, op. cit. note 3, and 26.2 billion liters according to F.O. Licht, op. cit. note 281. Share of global total based on data from idem and from IEA, op. cit. note 3. 294 Based on data from F.O. Licht, op. cit. note 281. China produced 2.3 billion liters, India 0.2 billion liters, and Thailand 0.4 billion liters, per IEA, op. cit. note 3. 295 Based on data from F.O. Licht, op. cit. note 281. Note that U.K. production was an estimated 0.35 billion liters per IEA, op. cit. note 3. 296 Based on data for France (1.05 billion liters) from F.O. Licht, op. cit. note 281, and Germany (1.5 billion, based on 1.16 million tonnes) from BMU/AGEE-Stat, op. cit. note 16, and Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) Official Petroleum Data, www.bafa.bund.de. Note that F.O. Licht puts France slightly ahead of Germany, whereas Germanys production (0.94 billion liters) exceeded that of France (0.7 billion liters), per IEA, op. cit. note 3.




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297 Based on data from F.O. Licht, op. cit. note 281, and from IEA, op. cit. note 3. 298 Based on data from F.O. Licht, op. cit. note 281. 299 Ibid. 300 Ibid. 301 Ibid; 2005 growth rate from European Biodiesel Board, 20082009: EU Biodiesel Industry Shows Resilience Amid Unfair International Competition and Degraded Market Conditions, press release (Brussels: 15 July 2009). Note that the change in EU shares and jump in total production relative to 2009 are due in part to the difference between IEA (2009) and F.O. Licht (2010) datasets. 302 Sybille de la Hamaide, Diester Sees No Respite for EU Biodiesel Industry, Reuters, 13 March 2011; Thomas Saidak, Four Irish Biodiesel Plants Mothballed Due to Cheap Imports, Biofuels Digest, 22 April 2011; domestic production requirements and punitive tariffs from Jim Lane, Argentina Protests New Spanish Regs on Local Biodiesel Content, Biofuels Digest, 10 May 2011, and from Meghan Sapp, US Biodiesel Producers Lash Out at EU Punitive Tariffs, Biofuels Digest, 7 April 2011; blending mandates from Spanish Biofuels Producers Eye Mothballs, ArgusMedia.com, 23 March 2011. 303 F.O. Licht, op. cit. note 281; Spains production increased 80% according to F.O. Licht but declined 3% in 2010 according to La capacidad de produccin de biodiesel en Espaa supera los 4,2 millones de toneladas, Europe Press, undated, at www.labolsa.com. 304 Germany (2.6 million tonnes or 2.9 billion liters) from BMU/ AGEE-Stat, op. cit. note 16. Note that Germanys production was 2.7 billion liters per F.O. Licht, op. cit. note 281, and 2.8 per IEA, op. cit. note 3. Ranking from F.O. Licht, op. cit. note 281. Note that the IEA puts France ahead of Brazil and Argentina. 305 Jim Lane, Annual Report on German Biodiesel Published, Biofuels Digest, 5 November 2010; German Biodiesel Consumption Falls in September, ArgusMedia.com, 15 December 2010; production increase from BMU/AGEE-Stat, op. cit. note 16. 306 Brazil and Argentina from F.O. Licht, op. cit. note 281; Argentina and amount exported also from INDEC, in El Crnista, provided by Gonzalo Bravo, Bariloche Foundation, personal communication with REN21, May 2011. Note that the IEA puts Brazil at 2.4 billion liters, with an increase of 47% over 2009, per IEA, op. cit. note 3. 307 More than 40% based on data from F.O. Licht, op. cit. note 281; second year from U.S. Census Releases 2010 Biodiesel Production Estimates, www.biodieselmagazine.com, 9 March 2011, and from IEA, op. cit. note 3. 308 F.O. Licht, op. cit. note 281.



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Solar, Global Solar, United Solar Systems, Abound Solar, Ascent Solar, DayStar Technologies, EPV Solar, Miasole, Nanosolar, Power Films, Signet Solar, Solo Power Inc, Solyndra, Suniva, and Xunlight Corporation. 31 SEIA, op. cit. note 30, p. 11. 32 SolarWorld, SolarWorld Concludes Joint Venture with Qatar Foundation, press release (Bonn, Germany and Doha, Qatar: 1 March 2010). 33 Suntech Corporation, Suntech Begins Manufacturing in the United States, press release (Goodyear, AZ and San Francisco: 8 October 2010). Increased imports of Chinese modules resulted in the United Steelworkers filing complaint to the U.S. Trade Representative in September 2010 for reputedly illegal practices utilized by the Chinese to develop their green sector. Chinese solar and wind manufacturers received $27 billion in 2010 from the China Development Bank at discounted interest rates, but Chinese manufacturers typically buy manufacturing equipment from U.S. and European suppliers, with the U.S. net exports of $723 million of solar energy products, led by $1.1 billion in polysilicon exports in 2009. 34 Solar Frontier Opens Largest Thin-film Plant in the World, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 28 April 2011. 35 Clean Energy in the GCC States Whats in the Pipeline? Bloomberg New Energy Finance Monthly Briefing, December 2010, p. 15. 36 First Solar PV Company in India to Achieve 100 MW of Installations Globally Under Its Own Brand, SolarThermalMagazine. com, viewed 23 March 2011. 37 Sidebar 3 based on the following sources: U.S. Department of Energy, Critical Materials Strategy (Washington, DC: December 2010); Knowledge @ Wharton, Finance and Investment: Chinas Rare Earth Dominance: Another Global Resource Scramble in the Making? 5 April 2011, at http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/ arabic/article.cfm?articleid=2646&language_id=1; Rare Earth Industry and Technology Association Web site, www.reitausa.org; Clean Edge, Clean Energy Trends 2011 (San Francisco: March 2011); China Caps Emissions for Rare Earth Miners, Agence France Presse, 28 February 2011; China Cuts Rare Earth Export Quotas, U.S. Concerned, Reuters, 29 December 2010; EPIA and PV Cycle, More than 200 International Experts Pave the Way for Photo- voltaic Module Recycling, press release (Berlin: 26 January 2010); Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, Solar Scorecard 2010 (San Jose: 2010); PV Cycle, Summary Activities Report PV Cycle for 2010, at www.pvcycle.org. 38 Luis Crespo, Asociacin Protermosolar, Madrid, personal communication with REN21, June 2011. 39 Ibid. 40 Ibid. 41 Asociacin Protermosolar Web site, www.protermosolar.com, viewed 26 March 2011. 42 Fred Morse, Morse Associates Inc., personal communication with REN21, FebruaryJune 2011. 43 Abhishek Shah, List of Top Solar Thermal/Concentrated Solar Power(CSP) Companies, www.greenworldinvestor.com, 1 March 2011. 44 Pike Research, Geothermal Power - Renewable Energy Generation from Conventional, Enhanced Geothermal Systems, and Co-Produced Resources: Market Analysis and Forecasts (Boulder, CO: 2011), p. 83. 45 Stephan Nielsen, Small Hydro in Brazil: Struggling to Compete with Cheaper Wind Power, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Monthly Briefing, August 2010, p. 11. 46 Mike Scott, Small Hydro in Europe: Hobbled by Regulation, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Monthly Briefing, September 2010, p. 13. 47 Government of India, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Small Hydro Power Programme, www.mnre.gov.in/progsmallhydro.htm, and List of Equipment Manufacturers of Small Hydro Turbines, www.mnre.gov.in/manufacurers-sht.htm, both viewed 5 April 2011. 48 International Hydropower Association (IHA), with contributions from the Hydro Equipment Association (HEA), communications with REN21, FebruaryMarch 2011. 49 International Energy Agency (IEA), Ocean Energy Systems,

1 Following the new policies of 200910, the industry grew markedly beyond traditional markets in the United States, the EU, and China to new markets such as Sudan, Kenya, Ukraine, Argentina, and Saudi Arabia. 2 Steve Sawyer, Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), personal communication with REN21, 19 April 2011. 3 Rikki Stancich, 2010 in Review: Peaks and Troughs for the International Wind Energy Sector, WindEnergyUpdate.com, 6 December 2010. 4 Note that Suzlon Energy (IND) and Repower (GE) are listed as a Suzlon Group for the first time in BTM Consults World Market Update. Rankings and data in Figure 13 from BTM Consult A Part of Navigant Consulting, World Market Update 2010 (Ringkbing, Denmark: 2011), provided by Birger Madsen, BTM Consult, personal communication with REN21, March and June 2011. Note that the total quantity of capacity supplied exceeds 100% of the global market because some capacity was in transit or under construction and not yet commissioned at year-end. Data were adjusted for Figure 13 such that the sum of shares supplied totals 100%. 5 Sinovel, SL5000, www.sinovel.com/en/procducts.aspx?ID=148, viewed 19 April 2011. 6 Shi Pengfei, Chinese Wind Energy Association and GWEC, personal communication with REN21, April 2011. 7 Repower Corporation, REpower: 295 MW Contract Signed for Thornton Bank Offshore Wind Farm, press release (Hamburg/Antwerp: 25 November 2010). 8 Vanya Drogomanovich, Can Wind Turn Ukraines Orange Revolution Green? Bloomberg New Energy Finance Monthly Briefing, October 2010, p. 12. 9 American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), Wind Energy Weekly, 8 April 2011. 10 Emerging Energy Research, North America Wind Plant Ownership Rankings 2010: Trends and Review (Cambridge, MA: 31 March 2011). 11 Chris Red, Wind Turbine Blades: Getting Bigger and Bigger, CompositesWorld.com, viewed 20 June 2011. 12 BTM Consult A Part of Navigant Consulting, Wind Market Update 2010, Executive Summary (Ringkbing, Denmark: March 2011). 13 Katie Kristensen, Catalog of Small Wind Turbines 2011 (Hrup Thy, Denmark: Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, 2011). 14 AWEA, U.S. Wind Industry Annual Market Report 2010 (Washington, DC: 2011). 15 Andrew Kruse, Southwest Windpower, personal communication with REN21, May 2011. 16 RenewableUK, Small Wind Systems: UK Market Report (London: April 2010). 17 Richard Sikkema et al., The European Wood Pellet Markets: Current Status and Prospects for 2020, Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, May/June 2011, pp. 25078. 18 Rohan Boyle, Sector Round-up: Q4 2010 Development in Wind, Solar, Biofuels and Biomass, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Monthly Briefing, December 2010, p. 8. 19 Point Bio Energy, Point Bio Energy LLC, Signs 4,000,000 mt 10 Year Contract, press release (New York: 13 July 2009). 20 EurObservER, Biogas Barometer, November 2010, pp. 10519. 21 Ibid. 22 Ibid, p. 116. 23 Ron Pernick et al., Clean Energy Trends 2011 (San Francisco: Clean Edge, March 2011), p. 3. 24 Globally, more than 300 firms manufacture cells. 25 PV News, Greentech Media, May 2011, p. 4. 26 PV News, Greentech Media, April 2011. 27 Solarbuzz, Marketbuzz annual report, Solarbuzz.com, March 2011. 28 Ibid. 29 European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics Until 2015 (Brussels: 2011). 30 Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), U.S. Solar Market Insight: 2010 Year in Review, Executive Summary (Washington, DC: 2010), p. 3. U.S. firms include: First Solar, Suntech, Evergreen

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Ocean Energy: Opportunity, Present Status and Challenges, www.iea.oceans.org, viewed 23 March 2011. 50 The Washington, D.C.-based Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition counted 58 industry firms as members in 2010, per OREC Web site, www.oceanrenewable.com, viewed 26 March 2011. 51 Energy from the Ocean and Tides Starts to Look Promising, HydroWorld.com, 3 March 2010. 52 IEA, op. cit. note 49. 53 20082010 Study Report on Solar Thermal Industry, China, provided by Lian Jiang, Himin Solar, personal communication with REN21, April 2011. 54 Werner Weiss, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Erneuerbare Energie Institut fr Nachhaltige Technologien (AEE INTEC), personal communication with REN21, April 2010; Matthias Fewer and Magyar Balzas, Solar Industry: The First Green Shoots of Recovery (Basel: Bank Sarasin, November 2009). A thermo-siphon hot water circulating system relies on the principle that hot water rises, and does not require a pump. In such a system, the water heater must be below system fixtures in order to work. 55 Baerbel Epp, Germany: Solar Thermal Sector Layoffs, www.solarthermalworld.org/node/1608, 16 February 2011. 56 Ibid. 57 Baerbel Epp, Can Europe Compete in the Global Solar Thermal Market? RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 21 March 2011. 58 Ibid. 59 Renata Grisoli, CENBIO, Brazil, personal communication with REN21, 19 April 2011; Departamento Nacional de Aquecimento Solar da ABRAVA, www.dasolabrava.org.br/quem-somos/. 60 Baerbel Epp, South Africa: Eskoms Incentive Programme Shows Steep Ramp Up, www.solarthermalworld.org/node/1599, viewed 5 June 2011. 61 See, for example, Roberto Samora,Cosan: Biofuels JV Deal with Shell to Close Soon, Reuters, 16 August 2010, and Laura MacInnis, Oil Majors Invest in Ethanol, Expect 2011 Recovery, Reuters, 4 November 2010. 62 Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), Building Bridges to a More Sustainable Future: 2011 Ethanol Industry Outlook (Washington, DC: February 2011); RFA, Statistics, www.ethanolrfa.org/pages/ statistics, viewed 19 March 2011. 63 Rohan Boyle, Latest Developments in Solar, Wind, Biofuels and Marine, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Monthly Briefing, March 2010, p. 6. 64 POET, POET Opens 27th Ethanol Plant, press release (Sioux Falls, SD: 15 March 2011). 65 Boyle, op. cit. note 63, p. 7. 66 Ibid. 67 Katia Cortes, Brazil to Need $550 Billion Energy Investment by 2019, Businessweek.com, 29 November 2010. 68 Based on 21.9 million tonnes production capacity in 2009, per European Biodiesel Board (EBB), Statistics: The EU Biofuel Industry, www.ebb-eu.org/stats.php, viewed 19 March 2011; production data for 2010 from F.O. Licht, 2011. 69 EBB, European Commission Initiates Probe into US Biodiesel Circumvention, press release (Brussels: 12 August 2010). 70 Sybille de La Hamaide, Diester Sees No Respite for EU Biodiesel Industry, Reuters, 14 March 2011. 71 Renata Grisoli, CENBIO, personal communication with REN21, 11 May 2011. 72 Marlon Arraes and Issao Hirata, Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy, personal communication with REN21, 28 April 2011. 73 Neste Oil Opens Giant Renewable Diesel Plant in Singapore, BioFuelsDigest.com, viewed 11 March 2010. 74 Bariloche Foundation, communication with REN21, 31 May 2011. 75 Camaras Argentina de Energias Renovables (CADER), State of the Argentine Biofuels Industry, May 2010; Bariloche Foundation, op. cit. note 74. Additional domestic firms include Vicentin-Glencore, LDC Argentina, Terminal 6 Industrial (bunge-AGD), Explora, Unitec Bio (Eurnekian), Molinos, and Viluco. 76 Airbus and Brazilian carrier TAM Airlines have joined with a group of specialist companies to establish a bio-kerosene jet fuel processing plant in Brazil. The group is led by Curcas, which specializes in renewable energy project development, and biofuel

producer Brasil Ecodiesel. In parallel, Airbus and AirBP (the jet fuel distribution unit of BP) are providing support to the project, with Airbus also sponsoring sustainability studies. The plant is expected to start operations in 2013 with an initial processing capacity of 80,000 tonnes (around 26.4 million U.S. gallons) of jet biofuel per year. In Brazil in November 2010, TAM performed a jatropha-based biofuel flight using an Airbus A320 aircraft, the first in Latin America, per Airbus and TAM Airlines to Support Jatropha-based Bio-kerosene Jet Fuel Processing Plant Project in Brazil, www.greenaironline.com, 10 December 2010. 77 Pernick et al., op. cit. note 23, p. 12. Clean Edge notes that IATA estimates 15% of jet fuel to be bio-derived by 2020, and 50% by 2040. 78 Will Thurmond, Top 11 Algae Biofuel and Biochemical Trends From 2011-2020, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 30 May 2011. 79 Pernick et al., op. cit. note 23, p. 12. 80 Harry Boyle, Algal Biofuel: Investors Take the Long View, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Monthly Briefing, April 2010. pp. 1314. 81 Ibid. 82 Sidebar 4 is based on the following sources: GWEC/Greenpeace 2010, GWEC 2010, WWEA 2009, EPIA 2010, BSW 2010, Solar Paces 2010, BMU 2010, CREIA 2010, Martinot and Li 2007; Navigant 2009; Nieto 2007; REN21 2005 and 2008; Suzlon 2007; UNEP 2008; U.S. Geothermal Industry Association 2009; SEIA 2009. Data adjusted based on submissions from report contributors and other sources, along with estimates for biofuels and solar hot water by Eric Martinot. Earlier estimates were made by UNEP in 2008 (1.7 million global total) and by Sven Teske and Greenpeace International in 2009 (1.9 million global total), not including biofuels and solar hot water. Brazil ethanol estimate from Labor Market Research and Extension Group (GEMT, ESALQ/USP). Solar hot water employment estimate uses the figure of 150,000 for China in 2007 cited in Martinot and Li 2007, adjusted for growth in 20082009, and assuming employment in other countries is in proportion to Chinas global market share.


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conclusively separate and categorize targets by type or source of authority across all countries. 7 Actual country primary energy shares from renewable energy in recent years are listed in the annual IEA report Renewables Information, www.iea.org/publications/free_new_Desc.asp?PU BS_ID=2037, viewed 15 March 2011. A detailed description and comparison of the different methods of calculating the share of primary energy is contained in the IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (May 2011) which, after detailed deliberations, chose to use the direct equivalent method commonly used in IPCC long-term scenarios rather than the physical accounting method as used by the IEA or the substitution method as used by BP in their Energy Outlook and the U.S. Energy Information Administration; see also Sidebar 7 of the Renewables 2007 Global Status Report. 8 European Commission (EC), Energy for the Future: Renewable Sources of Energy (Brussels: 26 November 1997). 9 Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), Global Installed Wind Power Capacity, at www.gwec.net; Franz Alt, 2010 Renewables Exceed EU Targets, www.sonnenseite.com, 5 October 2010. 10 Europe Tops Its Renewables Targets, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 3 September 2010. Figure 15 based on the following sources: EurObservER, The State of Renewable Energies in Europe, 10th EurObservER Report (Paris: 2010); European Commission (EC), Energy: Renewable Energy: Targets, http://ec.europa.eu/ energy/renewables/targets_en.htm. 11 EC, Renewable Energy Progressing Towards the 2020 Target, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council (Brussels: 31 January 2011). 12 The Scottish Government, Target for Renewable Energy Now 80 Percent, press release (Edinburgh: 23 September 2010). 13 German Solar PV Degression Could Reach 13 Percent, RenewableEnergyFocus.com, 5 October 2010. 14 Deutsche Bank Group, The German Feed-in Tariff for PV, 23 May 2011, www.dbcca.com/dbcca/EN/_media/German_FIT_for_PV.pdf; M. Osborne, Agreement Reached on New German Feed-in tariff Maximum 12 Percent Degression, PV-Tech.org, 14 January 2011. Starting in January 2011, feed-in tariffs will be adjusted downward every year if the installation capacity goes over the fixed cap of 3.5 GW/year. Tariffs will decrease 3% for each GW of additional installed capacity and increase 2.5% if the fixed limit is not reached. 15 J. Jones, Country Profile: Australia, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 20 December 2010. 16 Chinese Wind Energy Association (CWEA), 2010 China Wind Power Installed Capacity Statistics (Beijing: 2011). 17 CWEA Web site, www.cwea.org.cn; GWEC, op. cit. note 9; China Electricity Council, www.cec.org.cn, as quoted in China Country report of the Wind Energy International 2011/2012 yearbook, May 2011. 18 It should be noted that Chinas previous targets for wind set in the 2007 Medium and Long Term Renewable Energy Development plan needed to be revised as wind power capacity has developed much more rapidly than expected in recent years. Existing formal documents covering new targets for wind power for 2020 have not yet been officially released, but an unofficial target is now considered at least 150 GW by 2020, and possibly 200 GW. 19 Data from the Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association (CREIA). Also see Wind Power Industry Facing Big Challenges, Peoples Daily, 20 January 2011. 20 S. Chakrabati, S. Das, and J. Khatrani, Renewable Energy Development in India. Ernst and Young Country Attractiveness Industries, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 20 December 2010. 21 J. Lane, Is Brazil the Big Winner? RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 1 December 2010. 22 C.F. De Saravia, A.D. Rosell, and J. Siemer, Coup de Grce: A New Royal Decree Slashes Tariffs and Opens the Door to Retroactive Changes for Spanish PV, Photon International, January 2011, pp. 6668. 23 EnviroFinland, Finland Takes Concrete Steps to Promote Renewable Energy, 15 January 2011, at www.energy-enviro.fi. 24 Meghan Sapp, Spain Sets 6.2% Biofuels Target for 2011, Higher for 2012, Biofuels Digest.com, 12 April 2011. 25 German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Concept for an Environmentally Sound, Reliable and Affordable Energy

1 This section is intended only to be indicative of the overall landscape of policy activity and is not a definitive reference. Policies listed are generally those that have been enacted by legislative bodies. Some of the policies listed may not yet be implemented, or are awaiting detailed implementing regulations. It is obviously difficult to capture every policy, so some policies may be unintentionally omitted or incorrectly listed. Some policies may also be discontinued or very recently enacted. This report does not cover policies and activities related to technology transfer, capacity building, carbon finance, and Clean Development Mechanism projects, nor does it highlight broader framework and strategic policies all of which are still important to renewable energy progress. For the most part, this report also does not cover policies that are still under discussion or formulation, except to highlight overall trends. Information on policies comes from a wide variety of sources, including the International Energy Agency (IEA) Renewable Energy Policies and Measures Database, the U.S. DSIRE database, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, press reports, submissions from country-specific contributors to this report, and a wide range of unpublished data. Much of the information presented here and further details on specific countries appear on the Renewables Interactive Map at www.ren21.net. It is unrealistic to be able to provide detailed references to all sources here. 2 Policy statistics in this section are the result of considerable and careful analysis based on many sources of published and unpublished information, in an attempt to ensure that the statistics and comparative data are as accurate as possible. However, the evaluation of renewable energy policies is a complex process. Accounting methods used to assess primary and final consumer energy vary but are poorly understood and often confused or ignored in the literature. Definitions of specific renewable energy policies differ widely, and this can be exacerbated by the varying interpretations used when presenting information in the databases and literature upon which this section is based. As one simple example, 30 U.S. states are listed by the U.S. Department of Energy as having a Renewable Portfolio Standard, a quota imposed on their electricity utilities. However, a further six states have voluntary standards that are not strictly within the normally accepted definition of a quota policy. In addition, the definition of renewable energy varies among these states with, for example, most but not all excluding new large hydropower projects and only around half including biogas produced from anaerobic digestion plants. 3 Policy impacts and lessons learned have been discussed in Chapter 11 of the IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and also in a forthcoming IEA report Deploying Renewables: Worldwide Prospects and Challenges. 4 Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy (DSIRE), www.dsire.org; D. Gold, Renewable Energy Standards, Savvy or Silly? RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 22 March 2011. 5 In December 2010, France suspended solar PV projects of less than 3 kW for three months to evaluate subsidy cuts and measures to limit industry growth following a boom. The PV capacity installed at the end of 2010 will cost EUR 560 million a year for 20 years in subsidies paid for through a tax to electricity consumers. France is targeting 5,400 MW of solar PV capacity by 2020, per French Government Plans Solar Energy Tender, Modifiable Rates, Besson Says, http://budurl.com/mercomftmr; J. Jones, Italy Overhauls Its PV Incentives, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 20 May 2011; E. Hughes, Cuts Conundrum Investigating Likely Feed-in Tariffs Worldwide, PV Tech, 25 August 2010. 6 The term target is used rather loosely in this section and encompasses many different types of policy processes, such as legislative mandates, executive or ministerial statements and programs, other types of announced goals and plans, and pledges made as part of international action programs (from Bonn Renewables 2004, Beijing International Renewable Energy Conference 2005, Washington International Renewable Energy Conference 2008 (WIREC), and the Delhi International Renewable Energy Conference 2010 (DIREC)). Targets counted in this section include such ministerial statements and announced plans, not necessarily backed by specific legislation. It is very difficult to

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Supply, 28 September 2010; P. Gipe, Germany Ups Renewable Energy Target Again, Alliance for Renewable Energy, 4 August 2010. 26 Y. Sun, Taiwan Increases Its Renewable-Energy Target to 16 Percent After Law Spurs Demand, Bloomberg.com, 29 September 2010. 27 Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, RCREEE Newsletter, August 2010. 28 B. Khumali, Department of Energy Offers 200,000 Subsidies for Solar Water Heating Programme, press release (Pretoria: Department of Energy, Republic of South Africa, 29 July 2010). 29 S. Grainger, Central America Taps Volcanoes for Electricity, Reuters, 22 September 2010. 30 Government Approves 1000 MW Grid-connected Solar Power Projects, The Hindu, 30 August 2010. See also India Mandates Use of Local Components in New Solar Policy, Bloomberg.com, 25 July 2010. 31 American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE), Renewable Energy in Oklahoma, February 2011, www.acore.org/files/pdfs/ states/Oklahoma.pdf. 32 D. Hemlock, Big Wind Project Could Spur Renewable Energy Revolution in Puerto Rico, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 6 December, 2010. Corrected to 12% for years 201519, 15% for years 202027, a yet-to-be-determined target for years 202834, and 20% by 2035. 33 B. Clark, Cook Islands Moves Towards 100 Percent Renewable Electricity, Aus/NZ/Oceania Affairs, Suite101.com, 7 April 2011. 34 Dubai Energy Forum Gets Underway: Emirate Targets 5% of Energy Needs to Be Met Through Renewable Sources by 2030, emirates247.com, 18 April 2011. 35 In that scheme, if applications exceed 150 MW total capacity, the incentives will be awarded to projects that offer the highest discount on the proposed tariff. Already, competitive bidding has reduced the original tariffs by 32% for solar PV and 38% for CSP. 36 Resources and Logistics, Identification Mission for the Mediterranean Solar Plan, Final report, January 2010, http:// ec.europa.eu/energy/international/international_cooperation/ doc/2010_01_solar_plan_report.pdf. 37 Table 2 from sources listed in Endnote 1 for this section. 38 Some question the inclusion of the United States (1978) in Table R10. The U.S. national feed-in law was the Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA) of 1978, although some analysts do not consider PURPA to have been a true national feed-in law. Several states actively implemented PURPA but most discontinued implementation in the 1990s. Some jurisdictions are not listed in Table R10 due to the limited scope of their policies for example, the U.S. state of Washington, which has enacted limited FITs for solar PV but restricts the amount of capacity that can be installed and is capped at $5,000/year per project. Other policies are listed even though they are limited also: Californias FIT is limited to 750 MW; Oregon and Vermonts FITs are limited to 25 MW and 50 MW, respectively, and are considered pilot programs. In addition, some utilities in the U.S. states of Michigan and Wisconsin offer limited FITs but there is no state-level policy. The Australian Northern Territory had a limited FIT for a small number of systems in Alice Springs. 39 There remain significant differences of opinion among experts as to what constitutes a feed-in tariff. For Table 2, the Netherlands MEP policy is considered a premium and is classified as an energy production payment, rather than a feed-in policy. Costa Rica, Panama, Peru, and Iran may be the same, although some claim these countries have FITs. FITs shown for some other countries might better be classified as energy production payments as well. Indonesias 2002 FIT covers generators less than 10 MW (revised from 1 MW in 2006) but at low tariff levels and is thus not considered by some to be a true FIT. Indias national FIT from 1993 was substantially discontinued but new national FITs were enacted in 2008. 40 P. Gipe, Louisiana PUC Orders Limited Feed-in Tariff, 2010, www.wind-works.org/FeedLaws/USA/LouisianaPUCOrders LimitedFeed-inTariff.html. The tariff is offered only for a limited five-year term, which is considerably shorter than most FIT terms. 41 By building three renewable energy projects, one at least 5 MW and the others up to 300 kW each, a utility can avoid offering any standard offer contracts. 42 Mercom Market Intelligence Report, 20 September 2010.

43 Italy Changes Solar FITs, RenewablesInternational.net, 9 May 2011. 44 This was done to reduce the total cost of the mechanism and also to avoid old solar PV plants being repowered using much cheaper PV modules. 45 P. Gipe, Britain to Abandon RPS & Move to Feed-in Tariffs, December 2010, www.wind-works.org/FeedLaws. Any existing projects contracted under the Obligation can be constructed up till 2017. The fledgling marine energy industry is lobbying for further support policies for wave and tidal projects; see RenewableUK, Wave and Tidal Energy in the UK State of Industry Report (London: March 2011). (Note: RenewableUK was known previously as the British Wind Energy Association.) 46 Bulgarias New Renewable Energy Act Cools Down Investors Hopes, www.novinte.com, 21 April 2011. Geothermal and biomass received 20 year contracts and wind 12 years. 47 Solar Credits Scheme Reduced, ecogeneration.com, 5 May 2011. 48 New Renewable Energy Hotspots Occur as Incentive Roll Backs Continue, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Newsletter, 17 May 2011. 49 Ibid. 50 Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Expands Solar Feed In Tariff Program, EnergyMatters.com, 14 September 2010. 51 Malaysian Renewable Energy Bill 2010 was adopted on 9 April 2011 and was to be enacted in May 2011 along with the creation of the Sustainable Energy Development Authority. See Renewable Energy Bill 2010, at www.parlimen.gov.my/files/ billindex/pdf/2010/DR472010E.pdf. 52 P. Gipe, Ecuador Adopts Feed-in Tariff, 6 May 2011, www.windworks.org/FeedLaws/Ecuador/EcuadorAdoptsFeed-inTariffs.html. The FIT also applies for the Galpagos Islands, and applies to several technologies and differentiates biogas and hydro by size. 53 See Electricity Regulatory Authority of Uganda, www.era.or.ug/FeedInTariffs.php. 54 For example, following the introduction of a FIT (with tariffs out to 2035 declining over time), the Indian state of Gujarat has seen growing interest in solar PV electricity generation. 55 Gold, op. cit. note 4. 56 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Renewable Power & Energy Efficiency Market: Renewable Portfolio Standards, www. ferc.gov/market-oversight/othr-mkts/renew/othr-rnw-rps.pdf. For states with non-binding policy goals, see references for Table R11. 57 New York RPS Expanded to 30 Percent by 2015, IREC State & Stakeholder Newsletter, 27 January 2010. The assumption is that an additional 1% will take place outside of the standard from voluntary green power purchasing programs. Compared to the original projections made in 2004 for a 25% standard, this should require only a modest increase in renewable energy generation because the revised projections incorporate a 15% reduction in energy use by 2015 under the states Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (EEPS). 58 California Legislature Passes 33% RPS Bill, Platts.com, 29 March 2011. 59 Until 31 December, 2013, utilities may use TRECs to satisfy no more than 25% of their requirement. The price of a TREC is capped at $50 but this will be removed in 2014 as will the limit on the number of TRECs that may be used for RPS compliance. DSIRE, California: Incentives/Policy for Solar, www.dsireusa.org. In addition to the RPS and FIT policies, California has a competitive bidding mechanism, the Renewable Auction Mechanism (RAM) program, which requires the states three investor-owned utilities (IOUs) to purchase electricity from renewable energy systems up to 20 MW in size within their service territories. Each utility is authorized to acquire a portion of the 1 GW cap. Competitive auctions are then to be held twice a year for two years, for 250 MW each. Also see ACORE, Renewable Energy in California, February 2011, www.acore.org/files/pdfs/states/ California.pdf. 60 Deleted in proof. 61 Deleted in proof. 62 Deleted in proof. 63 ACORE, Renewable Energy in Delaware, February 2011, www.acore.org/files/pdfs/states/Delaware.pdf. For eligible renewable energy resources, the cost threshold is 3% of total retail electricity costs during the same year and 1% for PV, per DSIRE,

Delaware: Renewables Portfolio Standard, www.dsireusa.org; Delaware also expanded its Net Metering and Interconnection policy in July 2010 by allowing a customer to aggregate individual meters and to participate in net metering via a community-owned system, per DSIRE, Delaware: New Metering, www.dsireusa.org. 64 The new rules apply to all facilities not subject to FERC regulation. For facilities larger than 10 MW, the standards are used as a starting point, per ACORE, Renewable Energy in Iowa, www.acore.org/files/pdfs/states/Iowa.pdf. 65 South Korea Boosts Support for Renewable Energy, 7 January 2011, www.energy-enviro.fi/index.php?PAGE=3&NODE_ID=5&LANG= 1&ID=3465. 66 An estimated $34 billion will be invested by 2015 under the new policy, including $19 billion by 2013 from the nations largest industrial groups. 67 As of late 2010, all 2.3 GW of new electricity investment in the province has been in renewable energy capacity acquired at the lowest possible cost because of the confidential, closed-envelope bidding system and the freedom of the utility, BC Hydro, to pick the lowest bids. 68 RCREEE, op. cit. note 27. 69 Malaysia from P. Gipe, Malaysia Adopts Sophisticated System of Feed-in Tariffs, RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 28 April 2011; Zambia Cuts Tax on Power Plants to Boost Output, Reuters, 17 March 2011. 70 Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of Energy & Energy Affairs, Facing the Issues: Turning the Economy Around, National Budget Statement 2010/2011 (Port of Spain: 8 September 2010). 71 Sidebar 7 based on IEA, Harnessing Variable Renewables: A Guide to the Balancing Challenge (Paris: OECD, 2011). See also www.kombikraftwerk.de/. 72 There are no published sources of green energy consumers so this information is compiled country-by-country based on submissions from country contributors. 73 Renewable energy certificates in some countries may also enable utilities and other firms that are subject to quotas to meet their obligations; this is a role distinct from voluntary trading. 74 Bundesnetzagentur fr Elektrizitt, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen, Monitoringbericht 2010 (Berlin: 20 November 2010). 75 Green Energy Certification Center, Japan, http://eneken.ieej.or.jp/greenpower/eng/index.htm. 76 Ibid. 77 L. Bird and J. Sumner, Green Power Marketing in the United States: A Status Report (2009 data) (Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, September 2010). 78 Ibid. 79 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), EPA Partners Continue Large Green Power Purchases: One Corporation Nearly Doubles its Green Power Usage, press release (Washington, DC: 1 February 2011). 80 Unpublished examples cited by GSR contributors. 81 Association of Issuing Bodies, Annual Report 2010 (Brussels: 2010). 82 Bird and Sumner, op. cit. note 77. 83 EPA, op. cit. note 79. 84 GSE, Mix fonti energetich, www.gse.it/attivita/MIX/Pagine/default .aspx. This is the result of an EU 2003 Directive on disclosures, also supported by initiatives on reliability (www.reliable-disclosure.org/) and standards (www.eped.eu/portal/page/portal/EPED_HOME). 85 ko-Strom wenig gefragt in deutschen Haushalten, UmweltJournal.de, 21 February 2009. 86 Gull New Zealand is a subsidiary of Gull, Australia. See www.gull.co.nz, www.environfuels.com/news.html#gull, and www.gull.co.nz/assets/ Press-Releases/110207-Bio-Fuel.pdf, viewed 7 February 2011. 87 Biodiesel grants scheme description, strategy and policy, May 2009, www.eeca.govt.nz/node/3055 and www.eeca.govt.nz/ sites/all/files/biodiesel-scheme-description-july10.pdf. The New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme requires the transport sector to surrender NZ units for emissions that occur from 1 July 2010 till 31 December 2012 for NZD 12.50 per unit which relates to around NZD 0.03/liter of gasoline or diesel with biofuels exempt. See www.climatechnage.govt.nz/emissions-trading-scheme. 88 Deleted in proof. 89 IEA, Renewables for Heating and Cooling Untapped Potential (Paris: OECD/IEA, 2007). 90 P. Connor et al., Overview of RES-H/RES-C support options, Section D4 of Working Party 2 report on the EU RES-H policy, 2009, www.res-h-policy.eu/downlaods/RES-H_Policy-Options_ (D4)_final.pdf. 91 See Chapter 11 of IPCC, Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (2011), http://srren.ipcc-wg3.de/report. 92 Indias national codes are initially voluntary but will later become mandatory. 93 Unpublished data from L. Ferreira, EC Directorate General for Energy and Geology (DGEG), Brussels, personal communication with REN21, 2010. 94 B. Epp, Brazil: How the My Home, My Life Programme Can Help the Solar Water Heater Sector, www.solarthermalworld.org, 15 December 2009. 95 Biomcasa, Informes tcnicos IDAE Programa Biomcasa, at www.idae.es. 96 German Federal Agency for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Rttgen begrt MAP-Entsperrung (Berlin: 7 July 2010). 97 L. Hermwille, Germanwatch, personal communication with REN21, spring 2011. See also, BMU, Rttgen begrt MAP-Entsperrung, press release nr. 105/10 (Berlin: 7 June 2010), http://www.bmu.de/pressemitteilungen/ aktuelle_pressemitteilungen/pm/46203.php www.bmu.de/ pressemitteilungen/aktuelle_pressemitteilungen/pm/46203.php 98 G. Wynn, UK First to Green Ignored Heating Sector, Reuters, 29 October 2010; U.K. Department of Energy and Climate Change, Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) Scheme, www.decc.gov.uk. 99 P. Gipe, Britain Proposes Feed-in Tariffs for Renewable Heat, Solar Domestic Hot Water and Pipeline Injection of Biogas Included, 2010, www.wind-works.org. 100 Biogas Partner, Overview Acts and Regulations, www.biogaspartner.de. 101 V. Brger et al., Policies to Support Renewable Energies in the Heat Market, Energy Policy, vol. 36 (2008), pp. 315059. For more on the German Renewable Energies Heat Act, see BMU, Heat from Renewable Energies: What Will the New Heat Act Achieve? (Berlin: July 2008). 102 Irish Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Minister Ryan Announces New Government Support Price for Bioenergy, press release (Dublin: 24 May 2010). 103 Ministry for National Economy, Hungary, New Szchenyi Plan, 2010, www.ngm.govhu and http://solarthermalworld.org/files/ New_Szechenyi_Plan.pdf?download. 104 B. Epp, Hungary: New Solar Thermal Association and New Incentive Programs, www.solarthermalworld.org, 29 March 2011. 105 Khumali, op. cit. note 110; L. Buthelezi, Ipap2 Will Yield 129,000 Jobs, Pretoria News, 11 April 2011. 106 Solar Applications in Rural India Get MNRE Support, March 2011, http://pib.nic.in/newsite/erelease.aspx?relid=70687. 107 Specific data on countries with production subsidies and/or fuel tax exemptions was not updated from the 2010 edition of this report. The 2010 edition shows production subsidies in Argentina, Bolivia, Canada (including five provincial-level subsidy policies), Colombia, Paraguay, and Portugal, and fuel tax exemptions in Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Colombia, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States (including subsidy policies at the state level in several states). 108 In June 2010, the European Commission adopted a new certification scheme for sustainable biofuels, per EC, Commission Sets Up System for Certifying Sustainable Biofuels, press release (Brussels: 10 June 2010). From 2017 onward, the greenhouse gas emission savings of biofuels produced in existing production plants must be at least 50% compared to fossil fuels. The greenhouse gas emissions of biofuels produced in new installations will have to be at least 60% lower than those from fossil fuels. 109 Unpublished data from K. Yeom and S. Lee, Friends of the Earth




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Korea, 2011; Ministry of Energy and Mining, Jamaica, Jamaica Aims to Cut Oil Imports to 30 Percent by 2030, www.gov.jm/ News_Stories/oil_bill_reduction.htm, viewed 2 April 2011. 110 Finland Takes Concrete Steps to Promote Renewable Energy, www.energy-enviro.fi/index.php?PAGE=3&NODE_ID=5&LANG =1&ID=3475. 111 H. Alemayehu, Ethiopia: E10 petroleum Coming in Weeks, 2011, www.newsdire.com/news/1569-e10-petroleum-coming-inweeks.html. 112 50 Satang Prop for B3, B5 Approved, Bangkok Post, 1 June 2011. 113 Spanish Government Announces Increase in Biofuel Quota, F.O. Lichts World Ethanol and Biofuels Report, 25 March 2011; Spanish Biodiesel Producers Eye Mothballs, ArgusMedia.com, March 2011. 114 Targets also exist for 2011, see U.S. Department of Energy, EPA Proposes Percentages for 2011 Renewable Fuel Standards, http://apps.eere.energy.gov/news/news_detail.cfm/news_ id=16157, viewed 1 April 2011. 115 E. Rosenthal, U.S. Military Orders Less Dependence on Fossil Fuels, New York Times, 5 October 2010; R. Pernick and C. Wilder, Clean Edge Trends 2011 (San Francisco: March 2011). 116 IEA, Clean Energy Progress Report (Paris: IEA/OECD, March 2011). 117 Chapter 8, Integration, in IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources (2011). 118 A. Wiederer and R. Philip, Policy Options for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in C40 Cities, 2010, www.innovations. harvard.edu/cache/documents/11089/1108934.pdf. 119 Electric vehicle permits have been made available by Camden Council, London, U.K. for local vehicle owners to utilise the public recharging points, per Camden, Electric Vehicle Permits, www.camden.gov.uk/ccm/content/transport-and-streets/parking/where-to-park/-parking-electric-vehicles-in-camden.en. 120 City of London, Electric Vehicles for London, www.london.gov. uk/priorities/transport/green-transport/electric-vehicles, and Electric Vehicle Delivery Plan for London, www.london.gov.uk/ sites/default/files/uploads/electric-vehicle-plan.pdf. 121 U.K. Parliament, Hansard report, 15 November 2010, www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201011/cmhansrd/ cm101115/text/101115w0002.htm. 122 Paris, Bornes de recharge lectrique, www.paris.fr/pratique/ voitures-deux-roues-motorises/bornes-de-recharge-pourvehicules-electriques/p5775. 123 Institution of Mechanical Engineers, U.K., Electric Vehicles, Transport Policy Statement, www.imeche.org/Libraries/ Position_Statements-Transport/ElectricVehiclesIMechEPolicy. sflb.ashx, viewed 1 April 2011. 124 M. Yoshai, Better Place to Begin Electric Car Sales in August, www.globes.co.il/serveen/globes/DocView.asp?did=10004281 68&fid=1725, viewed 1 April 2011. 125 Institution of Mechanical Engineers, op. cit. note 123. 126 Most of the information in this section comes from REN21, Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies, and ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability, Global Status Report on Local Renewable Energy Policies (Paris: 2011). The report provides preliminary policy information, some of which remains unverified. Subsequent versions are expected. A good general source of information about local policies is the Local Renewables Web Portal, http://local-renewables.org. For further examples and in-depth discussion see IEA, Cities, Towns and Renewable Energy (Paris: OECD, 2009). 127 See www.worldmayorscouncil.org/the-mexico-city-pact. 128 See www.citiesclimateregistry.org. 129 See www.eumayors.eu. 130 The World Mayors and Local Governments Climate Protection Agreement builds on the existing commitments of local governments and their associations, including the ICLEI Cities for Climate Protection Campaign, World Mayors Council on Climate Change, U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement, C40 Climate Leadership Group, and United Cities and Local Government (UCLG) Jeju Declaration. See www.iclei.org/ climateagreement. The C40 Large Cities Climate Summit in the United States is not mentioned in the text because it is primarily aimed at helping cities finance energy efficiency improvements.

The Australian Solar Cities program has now selected four cities: Adelaide, Blacktown, Townsville, and Alice Springs. ICLEIs Local Renewables Initiative began in 2005 and aims to create a network of model cities, with initial activities in Europe, India, and Brazil. 131 See Development of Solar CitiesA Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) Govt. of India Programme, www.iclei.org/?id=11672, viewed 25 June 2011.


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27 Indian Institute of Technology and The Energy and Resources Institute, New Initiative for Development and Deployment of Improved Cookstoves: Recommended Action Plan, prepared for MNRE (New Delhi: 2010). 28 Stove numbers from the following manufacturer websites: www.envirofit.org, www.stovetec.net/us, www.onilstove.com, and www.treeswaterpeople.org/stoves/programs/honduras.htm. 29 Groupe Energies Renouvelables, Environnement et Solidarits (GERES), Dissemination of Improved Domestic Cooking Stoves [Cambodia], www.geres.eu/en/household-energy/34-activnrjmenages-cambg-foyers; World Bank, op. cit. note 22. 30 Worldwide experiences with solar cookers are summarized in GTZ, Here Comes the Sun: Options for Using Solar Cookers in Developing Countries (Eshborn, Germany: 2007). The use of solar cookers depends on the purpose and cultural habits of those cooking, and the cooking must generally be done during daytime hours. It is quite relevant for foods that require slow cooking. 31 Rural Biogas Develops Rapidly, TheBioenergySite.com, 5 January 2011. The Ministry of Agriculture calculates 40 million as the number of cumulative installations minus those that are no longer functional as of end-2010. It is not clear how the data were collected and processed from a technical point of view. 32 India from MNRE, Renewable Energy in India: Progress, Vision and Strategy (New Delhi: 2010); Vietnam from SNV Netherlands Development Organization (SNV), Domestic Biogas Newsletter, Issue 3, August 2010. 33 SNV, op. cit. note 32. 34 Nepal Biogas Sector Partnership, Biogas Support Programme Achievements, 2010, at www.bspnepal.org.np/achievements. 35 See, for example, Alliance for Rural Electrification, op. cit. note 4 and Alliance for Rural Electrification and USAID, Hybrid Mini-Grids for Rural Electrification: Lessons Learned (Washington, DC: 2010). 36 Alliance for Rural Electrification and USAID, op. cit. note 35. 37 Sudeshna Banerjee Avjeet Singh Hussain Samad, Power and People: Measuring the Benefits of Renewable Energy In Nepal (Washington, DC: World Bank, South Asia Energy, 2010). 38 Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), Newsletter, No. 27, at www.mme.gov.br/luzparatodos/asp/. 39 World Bank, Light and Hope: Rural Electrification in Peru, World Bank IBRD Results Note (Washington DC: 2010). 40 Rolland, op. cit. note 11. 41 World Bank, op. cit. note 39. 42 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Factsheet for Hubei Eco Farming Biomgas Project, 2010, http://cdm.unfccc.int/about/ccb/CDM_Cobenefits_Hubei_China.pdf. 43 Ibid. 44 The Dutch-German Partnership Energising Development, or EnDev, is an initiative to provide 6.1 million people in developing countries access to modern energy services by 2012. 45 See, for example, the following sources: U.K. Department for International Development (DFID) Web site, www.dfid.gov.uk; Global Village Energy Partnership (GVEP) Web site, www.gvepinternational.org: World Bank Energy Strategy Management Assistance Program Biomass Energy Initiative in Africa, Washington, DC.

1 World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), The Energy Access Situation in Developing Countries: A Review Focusing on the Least Developed Countries and Sub-Saharan Africa (New York and Geneva: 2009). 2 Ibid. 3 See Kyran OSullivan and Douglas F. Barnes, Energy Policies and Multitopic Household Surveys: Guidelines for Questionnaire Design in Living Standards Measurement Studies, World Bank Working Paper No. 90 (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2006). The original source for much of this work on lighting is the background study F. Nieuwenhout, P. Van de Rijt, and E. Wiggelinkhuizen, Rural Lighting Services, paper prepared for the World Bank (Petten: Netherlands Energy Research Foundation, 1998). 4 For more information about the different rural electricity applications see, for example, Alliance for Rural Electrification, Rural Electrification with Renewable Energy: Technologies, Quality Standards and Business Models (Brussels: 2011). 5 World Bank, Rural Electrification and Development in the Philippines: Valuing the Social and Economic Benefits, ESMAP Report (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2002). 6 Kilian Reiche, iiDevelopment GmbH, personal communication with REN21, April 2011. 7 Sidebar 8 from Lighting Africa Web site, www.LightingAfrica.org; World Bank and Internatonal Finance Corporation, Lighting Africa: Catylizing Markets for Modern Lighting (Washington, DC: 2008). 8 Mark Hankins, African Solar Designs, Kenya, personal communication with REN21, May 2010. 9 Kenya Bureau of Statistics, Kenya Integrated Household Budget Survey 2004/05 (Nairobi: 2005). 10 World Bank, Energy Development and Access Expansion Project (TEDAP), Additional Financing, Project Information Document (Washington, DC: 2011); Rural Energy Agency, Tanzania, About Us, www.rea.go.tz/ABOUTREA/Aboutus/tabid/56/Default.aspx. 11 Simon Rolland, Alliance for Rural Electrification, Brussels, personal communication with REN21, 16 June 2011. 12 World Bank, Renewable Energy and Development Implementation Completion Report (Washington DC: World Bank, 2009). 13 Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India, Renewable Energy in India: Progress, Vision and Strategy (New Delhi: 2010). 14 MNRE, Annual Report 200910 (New Delhi: 2010). 15 DFCC Bank, Renewable Energy for Rural Economic Development Project (RERED) Web site, www.energyservices.lk/statistics/esd_rered.htm. 16 International Development Company Limited (IDCOL) Website, www.idcol.org. 17 Rolland, op. cit. note 11. 18 Chandra Govindarajalu, Raihan Elahi, and Jayantha Nagendran, Electricity Beyond the Grid: Innovative Programs in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, ESMAP Knowledge Exchange Series No. 10 (Washington, DC: 2008); Renewable Energy for Rural Economic Development Project (RERED), Statistics, 2010, www.energyservices.lk/statistics/esd_rered.htm. 19 Rolland, op. cit. note 11. 20 WHO and UNDP, op. cit. note 1. 21 Ibid. 22 New types of stoves being manufactured in factories and workshops include Stovetec, Envirofit, Protos, Onil, and World stoves. See World Bank Environment Department, Household Biomass Cookstoves, Environment, Health, and Climate Change: A New Look at an Old Problem (Washington, DC: 2011). 23 Estimate of 510 years from Ibid. Environment, Health, and Climate Change: A New Look at an Old Problem (Washington, DC: 2011). 24 Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves Website, http://cleancookstoves.org. 25 Ibid. 26 Robert Heine, Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), personal communication with REN21, April 2011.

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