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Animal Farm Revision Booklet 2.174819122

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Animal Farm Key Quotations:

Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five
• ‘Mr Jones, of the Manor Farm, • ‘Three nights later old Major died • ‘The pigs did not actually work, but • ‘By the late summer the news • As winter drew on Mollie became
had locked the hen-houses for peacefully in his sleep. His body was directed and supervised the others. of what had happened on more and more troublesome. She
the night, but was too drunk buried at the foot of the orchard.’ With their superior knowledge it Animal Farm had spread across was late for work every morning
to remember to shut the pop- • ‘The work of teaching and organizing was natural that they should half the county.’ and excused herself by saying
holes.’ the others fell naturally upon the assume the leadership.’ • ‘This had long been expected, that she had overslept, and she
• ‘Boxer…was universally pigs, who were generally recognized • ‘Boxer was the admiration of and all preparations had been complained of mysterious pains,
respected for his steadiness of as being the cleverest of the everybody. He had been a hard made. Snowball, who had although her appetite was
character and tremendous animals.’ worker even in Jones’s time, but studied an old book of Julius excellent.’
powers of work.’ • ‘Napoleon was a large, rather fierce- now he seemed more like three Caesar’s campaigns which he • ‘It had come to be accepted that
• ‘Now, comrades, what is the looking Berkshire boar, the only horses than one; there were days had found in the farmhouse, the pigs, who were manifestly
nature of this life of ours? Let Berkshire on the farm, not much of a when the entire work of the farm was in charge of the defensive cleverer than the other animals,
us face it, our lives are talker but with a reputation for seemed to rest upon his mighty operations. He gave his orders should decide all questions of
miserable, laborious and getting his own way. Snowball was a shoulders.’ quickly, and in a couple of farm policy, though their
short…No animal in England is more vivacious pig than Napoleon, • ‘‘Donkeys live a long time. None of minutes every animal was at decisions had to be ratified by a
free. The life of an animal is quicker in speech and more you has ever seen a dead donkey,’ his post.’ majority vote.’
misery and slavery: that is the inventive, but was not considered to and the others had to be content • ‘The pellets scored bloody • ‘At the Meetings Snowball often
plain truth.’ have the same depth of character.’ with this cryptic answer.’ streaks along Snowball’s back, won over the majority by his
• ‘Man is the only real enemy • ‘The others said of Squealer that he • ‘The other animals understood how and a sheep dropped dead. brilliant speeches, but Napoleon
we have. Remove Man from could turn black into white.’ to vote, but could never think of any Without halting for an instant was better at canvassing support
the scene, and the root cause • ‘In past years Mr Jones, although a resolutions of their own. Snowball Snowball flung his fifteen for himself in between times.’
of hunger and overwork is hard master, had been a capable and Napoleon were by far the most stone against Jones’s legs.’ • ‘He walked heavily round the
abolished for ever.’ farmer, but of late he had fallen on active in the debates.’ • ‘‘War is war. The only good shed, looked closely at every
• ‘Man is the only creature that evil days. He had become much • ‘Clover learnt the whole alphabet, human being is a dead one.’ ‘I detail of the plans and snuffed at
consumes without producing.’ disheartened after losing money in a but could not put words together. have no wish to take life, not them once or twice, then stood
• Man serves the interests of no lawsuit, and had taken to drinking Boxer could not get beyond the even human life,’ repeated for a little while contemplating
creature except himself. And more than was good for him.’ letter D.’ Boxer, and his eyes were full of them out of the corner of his eye;
among us animals let there be • A unanimous resolution was passed • ‘Squealer was sent to make the tears.’ then suddenly he lifted his leg,
perfect unity, perfect on the spot that the farmhouse necessary explanations to the • ‘‘Animal Hero, First Class’, urinated over the plans and
comradeship in the struggle. should be preserved as a museum. others. ‘Comrades!’ he cried. ‘You which was conferred there and walked out without uttering a
All men are enemies. All All were agreed that no animal must do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs then on Snowball and Boxer.’ word.’
animals are comrades.’ ever live there.’ are doing this in a spirit of • In the end it was named the • In glowing sentences he painted
• ‘All animals are equal.’ • ‘They explained that by their studies selfishness and privilege? Many of Battle of the Cowshed, since a picture of Animal Farm as it
• ‘It was a dream of the earth as of the past three months the pigs us actually dislike milk and apples. I that was where the ambush might be when sordid labour was
it will be when Man has had succeeded in reducing the dislike them myself.’ had been sprung.’ lifted from the animals’ backs.’
vanished.’ principles of Animalism to seven • ‘Surely, comrades,’ cried Squealer • They dashed straight for
commandments.’ almost pleadingly, skipping from Snowball, who only sprang from
• ‘So the animals trooped down to the side to side and whisking his tail, his place just in time to escape
hayfield to begin the harvest, and ‘surely there is no one among you their snapping jaws.’
when they came back in the evening who wants to see Jones come • ‘If Comrade Napoleon says it, it
it was noticed that the milk had back?’’ must be right.’ And from then on
disappeared.’ he adopted the maxim,
‘Napoleon is always right,’ in
addition to his private motto of ‘I
will work harder.’’
Animal Farm Key Quotations:

Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten
• ‘This work was strictly voluntary, • ‘Starvation seemed to stare them in • ‘A few days later, when the terror • ‘Boxer refused to take even a day • ‘Years passed. The seasons
but any animal who absented the face. It was vitally necessary to caused by the executions had died off work, and made it a point of came and went, the short
himself from it would have his conceal this fact from the outside down, some of the animals honour not to let it be seen that animal lives fled by. A time
rations reduced by half.’ world.’ remembered – or thought they he was in pain.’ came when there was no one
• Nothing could have been • ‘Napoleon rarely appeared in public, remembered – that the Sixth • ‘They knew that life nowadays who remembered the old
achieved without Boxer, whose but spent all his time in the Commandment decreed: ‘No was harsh and bare, that they days before the Rebellion,
strength seemed equal to that of farmhouse, which was guarded at animal shall kill any other animal.’ were often hungry and often except Clover, Benjamin,
all the rest of the animals put each door by fierce-looking dogs. • ‘All orders were now issued cold,’ Moses the raven, and a
together.’ When he did emerge it was in a through Squealer or one of the • ‘About this time, too, it was laid number of the pigs.’
• From now onwards Animal Farm ceremonial manner, with an escort other pigs. Napoleon himself was down as a rule that when a pig • ‘Muriel was dead, Bluebell,
would engage in trade with the of six dogs who closely surrounded not seen in public as often as once and any other animal met on the Jessie and Pincher were dead.
neighbouring farms: not, of him and growled if anyone came too in a fortnight.’ path, the other animal must stand Jones too was dead – he had
course, for any commercial near.’ • ‘Napoleon approved of this poem aside: and also that all pigs, of died in an inebriates’ home in
purpose but simply in order to • ‘When the hens heard this they and caused it to be inscribed on whatever degree, were to have another part of the county.
obtain certain materials which raised a terrible outcry. They had the wall of the big barn, at the the privilege of wearing green Snowball was forgotten.
were urgently necessary.’ been warned earlier that this opposite end from the Seven ribbons on their tails on Sundays.’ Boxer was forgotten, except
• Once again the animals were sacrifice might be necessary, but had Commandments. It was • ‘In April Animal Farm was by the few who had known
conscious of a vague uneasiness. not believed that it would really surmounted by a portrait of proclaimed a Republic, and it him.’
Never to have any dealings with happen.’ Napoleon, in profile, executed by became necessary to elect a • ‘Somehow it seemed as
human beings, never to engage in • ‘Whenever anything went wrong it Squealer in white paint.’ President. There was only one though the farm had grown
trade, never to make use of became usual to attribute it to • ‘Napoleon called the animals candidate, Napoleon, who was richer without making the
money – had not these been Snowball.’ together immediately and in a elected unanimously.’ animals themselves any
among the earliest resolutions • ‘Now when Squealer described the terrible voice pronounced the • ‘Moses the raven suddenly richer – except, of course, for
passed at that first triumphant scene so graphically, it seemed to death sentence upon Frederick.’ reappeared on the farm, after an the pigs and the dogs.’
Meeting after Jones was the animals that they did remember • ‘The very next morning the attack absence of several years. He was • ‘out came Napoleon himself,
expelled?’ it.’ came.’ quite unchanged, still did no work, majestically upright, casting
• ‘Afterwards Squealer made a • ‘That is the true spirit, comrade!’ • ‘The windmill had ceased to exist!’ and talked in the same strain as haughty glances from side to
round of the farm and set the cried Squealer, but it was noticed he • ‘They had won, but they were ever about Sugarcandy Mountain.’ side, and with his dogs
animals’ minds at rest.’ cast a very ugly look at Boxer with weary and bleeding.’ • ‘After his hoof had healed up gambolling round him. He
• ‘It says, “No animal shall sleep in his little twinkling eyes.’ • ‘It was a few days later than this Boxer worked harder than ever. carried a whip in his trotter.
a bed with sheets,”’ she • ‘Napoleon stood sternly surveying that the pigs came upon a case of Indeed all the animals worked like There was a deadly silence.’
announced finally.’ his audience; then he uttered a high- whisky in the cellars of the slaves that year.’ • ‘ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL
• ‘Comrades,’ he said quietly, ‘do pitched whimper. Immediately the farmhouse.’ • ‘Boxer!’ cried Clover in a terrible BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE
you know who is responsible for dogs bounded forward, seized four • ‘But a few days later Muriel, voice. ‘Boxer! Get out! Get out MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS.’
this? Do you know the enemy of the pigs by the ear and dragged reading over the Seven quickly! They are taking you to • ‘The creatures outside looked
who has come in the night and them, squealing with pain and Commandments to herself, your death!’ from pig to man, and from
overthrown our windmill? terror, to Napoleon’s feet.’ noticed that there was yet • And the word went round that man to pig, and from pig to
SNOWBALL!’ he suddenly roared • ‘the air was heavy with the smell of another of them which the from somewhere or other the pigs man again: but already it was
in a voice of thunder,’ blood, which had been unknown animals had remembered wrong.’ had acquired the money to buy impossible to say which was
there since the expulsion of Jones.’ themselves another case of which.’

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