Condo and Brokerage Reviewer
Condo and Brokerage Reviewer
Condo and Brokerage Reviewer
A lot owner and developer may convert a condominium units and common area
property into a condominium project by D. Unit area divided by total floor area of
executing a legal document called condominium building
____________________ and registering E. None of the above
the same with the _____________. Answer: B. Unit Area
Answer: Master Deed Total Common Area
Register of deeds
2. Unless the condominium corporation is 8. In the absence of any provision in the
earlier dissolved, the life of a condominium master deed of a condominium project, the
corporation is ________________. share of the unit owners in the common
A. Proportionate to his unit area
3. The document which provides guidelines, B. Based on the value of his unit
rules and regulations regarding the rights C. Equal to all other unit owners
of condominium unit owners in the use, D. Decided by the majority of owners
occupation, ownership and disposition of E. Determined by the condominium
units is called _____________. corporation
Answer: C
Answer: Declaration of restrictions
4. The required number of vote of registered 9. In mixed use condominium projects, the
owners to authorize a condominium master deed may be amended by simple
corporation to sell, or otherwise dispose of majority of the unit owners. Majority is
the common areas in a condominium based on: (Read Section 4)
project is ___________. A. Number of condominium units
Answer: Simple Majority B. Floor area of ownership
C. Total area of condominium units
5. Amendment to the master deed of a D. Any of the above
condominium project approved by majority Answer: Floor Area Ownership
of registered majority of unit owners.
Majority is based on: 10. Amendment to the master deed of a
A. Number of condominium units condominium project approved by majority
B. Floor area of ownership of the registered owners need also be
C. Total area of condominium units approved by the city/municipal engineer
D. Any of the above and _______________.
E. None of the above Answer:HLURB
Answer:Any of the above
11. Traditional ownership is evidenced by
6. A petition may be filed by one or more unit _____________.
owners of condominium project when Answer :TCT
damage to the project has rendered one-
half or more of the units untenantable and 12. For a space to be considered a
unit owners holding more than ______ condominium unit. It must:
percent interest in the common areas are A. Be encompassed by the interior surface
opposed to repair or restoration of the of the wall, floors, ceiling
project: B. Be managed by a condominium
Answer: 30%
7. When the interest of participation of C. Be susceptible of independent use and
condominium unit owners in the common ownership
area is proportionate, the formula applied D. Be unencumbered by any restriction
Amswer: C
A. Unit area divided by total area of the
13. Per BIR 28-98, the ground floor of a
common area
condominium project shall be considered
B. Unit area divided by total area of all
as commercial and an additional rate shall
condominium units
be added to an established residential
C. Unit area divided by total area of all
zonal value.
A. Ten percent 21. For the purpose of the ingress and egress,
B. Twenty percent a condominium unit owner has
C. Twenty-five percent _____________ to the common area.
D. Fifty percent Answer: NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT
E. None of the above
Answer: 20% 22. ________ percent of the units in a
condominium project could be sold to
14. ________________ is sometimes referred foreigners/balikbayans who are American
to as vertical subdivision. Citizens.Answer: 40%
Answer: Condominium
23. The organization of a
15. Which of the following projects cannot be ______________________________ is
given Condominium Certificate of Title? always mandatory in a condominium
A. subdivision lots project.
B. industrial warehouse Answer: CONDOMINUM CORPORATION
C. two level rowhouse
D. one level rowhouse 24. _________ is a part of the condominium
E. none of the above project intended for any type of
Answer: Subdivision lots independent use or ownership.
Answer: UNIT
16. Condominium Act.
A. RA 4727 25. Whenever the common areas in a
B. RA 2774 Condominium Project are held by a
C. RA 4726 Condominium Corporation, such
D. RA 7427 corporation shall constitute the
E. none of the above _____________of the project.
Answer: C. RA 4726 Answer: MANAGEMENT BODY
17. Condominium Developers are mandated to 26. Statements defining the limitation of
form a: ownership of condominium unit which
A. cooperative binds all unit owners are called
B. charitable organization _____________ and are registered with
C. condominium corporation the _____________.
D. homeowner association REGISTRY OF DEEDS
E. social club
Answer: C. CONDOMINIUM CORPORATION 27. Refers to weight bearing walls, columns
and beams, stairways, halls, elevators, etc.
18. *Enumerated are the advantages of
A. condominium unit
Condominium Concept, which does not
B. cooperatives
C. condominium project
A. Easy to maintain
D. common areas
B. With CCT as proof of ownership
E. condominium
C. Enhances affordability Answer: D. COMMON AREAS
D. Economy in land space
E. Wider market for it can be sold to 1) Subdivision and Condominium Buyers'
foreigner subject to limitation Protective Decree
Answer: B. WITH CCT AS PROOF OF OWNERSHIP The governing law for the protection of buyers
who are buying residential condominium units
19. Any amendment to the master deed of a on installment basis is referred to as
condominium project decided by the
majority of owners must be approved by 2) Equal share
the HLURB and ______________. Absent any provision in the Master Deed, the
Answer: CITY / MUNICIPAL ENGINEER share of unit owners in the common areas
shall be
20. Condominium title is also called as
3) Provision for Management body of the project
In general, it is not considered part of the
Master Deed of a condominium project 12) On the taxes on his unit
- As owner of a condominium unit, the owner
(a. Land on where the project is located would be liable to pay real estate taxes
b. Number of buildings and stories per building
c. Provision for Management body of the 13) Simple majority of the condominium members
(50% + 1)
The condominium corporation may also be
d. Extent of share in the common areas)
dissolved in a general or special meeting duly
4) Coterminus with the life of the project
called for the purpose by affirmative vote of
The condominium corporation has a term of
14) Condominium Unit
existence under the law for a period up to
It is referred to as the space encompassed by
5) 40% of the units
the interior surface of the floor, ceiling, walls,
Ownership of foreigners in a townhouse project and exterior doors and windows, which is
located in the city is limited to susceptible of independent use and ownership
Sharing of broker with other brokers Only the broker earns professional fees
The following is not contained in an authority to A major difference between the real estate
sell a house and lot located in a subdivision broker and the real estate dealer is
(a. Type of improvements
b. Taxes to be paid Broker guilty of breach of trust
c. Broker's professional fee The following is a ground for non payment of
d. Sharing of broker with other brokers) professional fee to the real estate broker
Exclusive agency listing Obtain license from PRC and register with
The owner gave a listing wherein the exclusive HLURB
broker will not be entitled to commission if the The real estate broker in deciding to sell
owner himself sells the property to his buyer. subdivision projects, must undertake the
This authority is referred to as following before engaging in practice
P 356,250 Courts
(7,500,000 x 0.05 = 375,000 In case a real estate broker is not paid
375,000 x 0.05 = 18,750 commissions due by the owner, the broker, to
375,000 - 18,750) demand and claim the commission, will have to
What is the net commission before tax of a go to
broker who sold a house for P 7,500,000 if 5%
of the 5% is given to Mr. B as referral fee. Real Property
includes all the rights,
Non-exclusive listing interests and benefits related to the ownership
An authority granted to two or more brokers to of real estate.
lease a property
Open listing
Transfer the title in the name of the buyer _______ is a kind of listing that can be given to
The following is not part of the functions of a more than two (2) brokers.
real estate broker
Accredited by PRC and registered with An agreement between an owner and a broker
HLURB to sell a real estate property is called ______ .
The real estate broker may hire real estate
salespersons to handle project selling provided Commission, Profit
the real estate salespersons are A real estate broker received a _____ while a
real estate dealer earns a _____ from his
Direct buyer investments.
A buyer of a house and lot bought it without
engaging the services of a real estate broker Owner/Seller, Buyer
and such buyer would be referred to as Option is a contract between _____ and _____.
The Contract of Agency is extinguished by the A listing broker is authorized by:
death, civil interdiction, insanity or _____ of the a. The owner of his attorney-in-fact
principal or of the agent. b. The buyer or purchaser
c. Co-broker
Multiple listing d. Agent
______ is a cooperative agreement among
broker who are members of a realty A broker is entitled to the commission upon:
association where properties for sale are a. Perfection of the Contract
circulated to all member and commission is b. Consummation of the Sale
shared between the listing and selling member, c. Presentation of the Client
with a nominal percentage going to the d. Registration of the Client
association as a service fee.
The scopes of brokerage are as follows, but
a. authority to look for a property The act of the broker who is instrumental in
b. engagement to look for a buyer effecting the meeting of the minds between the
c. procurement of insurance for properties seller and the buyer as to price and terms and
secured by real estate is one of the requisites for entitlement to
d. procurement of loans secured by real estate commission.
e. procurement of tenants for rental properties a. Procuring cause
b. Acceptance of earnest money
The following are the requirements for the c. Conformity to listing authority
entitlement of a commission except: d. Exclusive right to sell
a. Procurement of a ready, willing and able e. Holdover clause
b. The broker must be a licensed real estate An agreement between an owner and a broker
appraiser to sell a real estate property is called:
c. Authority from the principal a. Authorization
d. Broker closed the sale at terms, price and b. Listing
conditions authorized by the principal c. Joint venture
e. Procuring cause for the sale d. Power of Attorney
e. None of the above
Exclusive right or authority to sell,
Owner/Seller, Broker Which type of broker's accreditation that
An ________ listing is a written agreement clearly states the promotion and selling of
between the________ and________ giving the projects by a developer on an exclusive
later the right to collect a commission if the arrangement?
property is sold by anyone during the term of a. Exchange Agency
his agreement. b. Procurement Agency
c. Exclusive Agency
Holdover clause d. Purchase Agency
With ________ in the authority to sell, the e. Listing Agency
broker is still entitled to the commission even if
he closed the sale after the period of his A sale cannot be extinguished by:
authority, by registering in writing the a. Transfer of residence of principal or
prospective buyer to the seller. agent
b. Expiration of the authority
Buyer's market c. Revocation by the principal of the agency
If there are many sellers in a particular area d. Death, insanity, civil interdiction or
against very few buyers, this situation is called insolvency of principal or agent
________. e. Accomplishment of the "purpose"
Per Sec 30 of IRR RESA, all positions in Annual
government requiring the services of registered Under Sec 32, the partnership or corporation
and licensed real estate service practitioners shall regularly submit a list of its real estate
within ____ years from effectivity shall be filled service practitioners to the Commission and
only by registered and licensed real estate SEC as part of its _______ reportorial
service practitioners.3 requirements.
120 20
Per Sec 31 of IRR RESA, Board may accredit There shall be at least 1 licensed real estate
real estate salesperson until July 30, 2011 if broker for every ___ accredited salesperson
they registered with DTI and in the active per Sec 32.
practice for at least 3 years as may be certified
by a licensed broker or real estate developer Full-time duly
prior to effectivity of RA 9646 and with ___ Divisions or departments of partnership and
training hours in real estate brokerage and corporation engaged in marketing or selling
have submitted NSO certificate of live birth, any real estate development project in the
NBI clearance, certificate of education regular course of business must be headed by
attainment or it's equivalent, notarised a _______ registered licensed real estate
certificate of training center seminar, and broker in accordance with Sec 32.
notarized certificate of their supervising
licensing broker as may be required by the Duly registered and licensed
board. Branch office be manned by a ______ real
estate brokers, appraisers, consultants as the
Authorized accreditation case may be.
No real estate salesperson, either directly or
indirectly can negotiate, mediate or transact 15
any real estate transaction for and in behalf of In case of termination or resignation from office
a real estate broker without first securing an of a real estate practitioner, the same shall be
reported by employer to the Board within a _________ refers to and consist of real estate
period not to exceed ____ days from effectivity. consultants, real estate appraiser, real estate
assessor, real estate broker, real estate
Independent salesperson.
Subject to the provisions of the Labor Code, a
corporation or partnership may hire the Real Estate Broker
services of registered and licensed real estate ________ refers to a duly registered and
brokers, appraisers, consultants on licensed natural person who for a professional
commission basis to perform real estate fee act as an agent for real estate transaction.
services and the latter shall be deemed
________ contractor and not employees of Real Estate Salesperson
such corporation. ________ refers to a duly accredited natural
person who performs service for and in behalf
Rising Sun of a real estate broker registered and licensed
The ______ of the official seal of PRBRES by PRC.
signifies the vital role of real estate service
practitioners in the social, political, economical AIPO
development and progress of the Philippines. _______ is the natural and integrated
professional organization of natural persons
Gold duly registered and licensed as a real estate
The _______ of the official seal of the service practitioners. To be recognize by the
PRBRES signifies ethical standards and Board as the only accredited organization of
prosperity. real estate practitioners. It is mandatory to join
for those registered with the PRB-RES.
RA 9646 AIPO
An act regulating the practice of Real Estate The Board shall adopt and promulgate the
Service in the Philippines or within the Code of Ethics & Responsibilities for real
Philippines jurisdiction is ________. estate practitioners which shall be prescribed
by the ______. (see RA 9646, Art IV, Sec 35)
The Board
________ refers to the Professional Board of 2
Real Estate Service. The Real Estate Practitioner who fail to comply
with the necessary CPE requirements within
Real estate consultant, real estate assessor, ___ years after effectivity of RA 9646 on or
real estate appraiser, real estate broker and before July 30, 2011 shall be required to take
real estate salesperson the Board Exam.
Real Estate Service Practitioners shall refer to
___________. 3 years
The duration of the Professional indemnity
Real Estate Appraiser insurance of Real Estate Broker is ________.
_________ refers to a person who conducts
valuation and possesses the necessary 100,000.00
qualifications, license, ability, and experience. Per sec 39, any violation of RA 9646 including
violations of the IRR by a licensed/accredited
Real Estate Assessor person shall be meted the penalty of fine of not
_________ refers to an official in the local less than P________ and/or 2 years
government unit, who performs appraisal and imprisonment.
assessment of real properties, including plants,
equipment, and machineries essentially for 200,000.00
taxation purpose. Per sec 39, any violation of RA 9646 including
violations of the IRR by an unlicensed/not
Real Estate Service Practitioners accredited person shall be meted the penalty
of fine of not less than P_______ and/ or 4 2009 with 24 CEP units earned from 2007 to
years imprisonment. July 30, 2011.
b. Passed 2006 DTI exam and prior years but
Prosecutor failed to secure license upon effectivity of RA
The Board shall be assisted by the 9646 with earning s of 120 CEP credit units;
Commission in carrying out the provisions of c. Passed 2007 DTI exam but failed to secure
RA 9646 & IRR. The lawyers of the license on July 30, 2009 and with 18 CEP units.
Commission shall act as _______ against Passed 2008 & 2009 DTI exam but failed to
illegal practitioners and other violators. secure license upon effectivity of RA 9646 and
with 15 CEP units.
45 d. Passed the 2011 exam but failed to secure
RA 9646 or RESA law has _____ sections. license prior to June 1, 2011.
Coverage of those who shall be registered by
the Board without examination except:
a. Active practitioners with 15 CEP units during
the effectivity of the RA 9646 as of July 30,
2009; failed to renew license prior to July 30,