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MoTeC M400-M600-M800 ECU

MoTeC M400-M600-M800
ECU Technical documentation
Release 1.02

AIM has developed special applications for many of the most common ECU: by special
applications we mean user-friendly systems which allow to easily connect the vehicle ECU
to our hi-tech data loggers: user needs only to install harness between the logger and the
Once connected, the logger displays (and/or records, depending on the model and on the
ECU data stream) values like RPM, engine load, throttle position (TPS), air and water
temperatures, battery voltage, speed, gear, lambda value (air/fuel ratio) analog channels...
All AIM loggers include – free of charge – Race Studio 2 software, a powerful tool to
configure the system and analyze recorded data on your PC.
once the ECU is connected to the logger, it is necessary to set it in the logger
configuration in Race Studio 2 software. Select Manufacturer “MoTeC” and Model:
“M800-M600-M400” for firmware version up to 2.30S
“M800-M600-M400-1M” for firmware version 2.30S or later
“M800-M600-M400_1M-v3” from firmware version “3.x” onward.
Refer to Race Studio Configuration user manual for further information concerning
the loggers configuration.
As far as any further information concerning ECU firmware/software settings is
concerned, it is always recommended to address to your ECU dealer.

MoTeC M400-M600-M800
ECU Technical documentation
Release 1.02

0 1 – Technical documentation
MoTeC M400-M600-M800 ECU can communicate with AIM loggers through the CAN
BUS. This communication can be wrong for different reasons related to Hardware,
firmware or software.

1 1.1 – Hardware check

MoTeC CAN bus communicates with two wires: CAN High (corresponding to AIM CAN+)
and CAN low (corresponding to AIM CAN-). To check if hardware is ok:
• ensure that a 120 Ohm “line-end resistor” is installed between CAN+ and CAN-; use
a multimeter; disconnect AIM logger from the ECU and make this check on both
sides (ECU and logger);
• check if the amplitude of each bit is 2V (or at least 1.8); using a scope ground the
probe on CAN- while measuring CAN+. Please ensure that no filtering feature is
enabled on the scope: this because of high baud rate of this line.

2 1.2 – Firmware check

When selecting the ECU model in Race Studio Configuration it is necessary to check the
ECU firmware version. To say:
• select “M800-M600-M400” Model for firmware version lower than 2.30S;
• select “M800-M600-M400-1M” Model for firmware version 2.30S or higher
• select “M800-M600-M400-1M_v3” Model for firmware version “3.x”
• select “M800-M600-M400-500k_v3” Model for firmware version “3.x”
Please note that CAN-bus speed is 400Kbit for the first Model, 1Mbit for the 2nd and
3rd models and 500Kbit for the 4th.

3 1.3 – Software check

For MoTeC ECU to correctly communicate with AIM loggers it is necessary to configure it
using MoTeC “ECU Manager” software “3.x” version and keeping the ECU connected and
switched on. Here follows the correct procedure.
• Run “ECU Manager software” and load the ECU selecting File/Open ECU and
selecting the correct one.

MoTeC M400-M600-M800
ECU Technical documentation
Release 1.02

MoTeC M400-M600-M800
ECU Technical documentation
Release 1.02

• Check Communications parameters following this path Tools/Options.

• This window appears.

• Select “Communication” layer and check that “CAN data rate” is set on “1 mbit

MoTeC M400-M600-M800
ECU Technical documentation
Release 1.02

Set CAN communication parameters following the path: Adjust / General Setup /
Communications / CAN Setup.
• This window appears. It is necessary to set “CAN 0 Data” and “CAN 0 Address”
parameters (highlighted in the image here below).

• Select “CAN 0 Data” row and press “1”. This window appears:

• Enter value “1”.

• Press “OK” and the software comes back to the previous window.

MoTeC M400-M600-M800
ECU Technical documentation
Release 1.02

• Select “CAN 0 Address” row and press “1”. This window appears:

• Enter value “1520”.

• Press “OK” and the software comes back to the previous window.
• Close and save following this path: File/Close & Save”

• Send the configuration to the ECU

MoTeC M400-M600-M800
ECU Technical documentation
Release 1.02

4 2 – CAN Communication setup

MoTeC ECU are equipped with a CAN communication protocol whose standard setup is
shown here below.

Warning: if MoTeC communication cable is connected to the PC, this last one takes
priority and AIM logger will not receive data. It is thereby strongly recommended to
disconnect MoTeC communication cable after ECU configuration.

5 3 – Connecting MoTeC ECU with AIM logger

Connection of MoTeC ECU with AIM logger can be done in two ways: directly or using a
Deltron CAN connector (part number 716-0-0501 – following MoTeC documentation).
7 3.1 – Connecting MoTeC ECU directly to AIM logger
MoTeC M400-M600-M800 ECU are equipped with two male connectors: a 34 pins male
connector labelled “A” and a 26 pins male one labelled “B”, indicated in the image here

MoTeC M400-M600-M800
ECU Technical documentation
Release 1.02

Here below is the draw showing MoTeC M400-M600-M800 pinout.

With reference to the draw here below, to connect Motec M400-M600-M800 ECU directly
to AIM logger:
• connect AIM cable labelled CAN+ to pin 23 of 26 pins “B” male connector;
• connect AIM cable labelled CAN- to pin 24 of 26 pins “B” male connector;
• connect AIM cable labelled GND to pin 14 of 26 pins “B” male connector.
8 3.2 – Connecting MoTeC ECU using a Deltron connector
It is possible to connect MoTeC M400-M600-M800 ECU to AIM loggers using a DB9
connector and a Deltron connector whose part number, following MoTeC documentation,
is 716-0-0501. To connect the devices:
• connect AIM cable labelled CAN+ to pin 5 of Deltron Connector connected to pin 23
of 26 pins “B” male connector;
• connect AIM cable labelled CAN- to pin 4 of Deltron Connector connected to pin 24
of 26 pins “B” male connector;
• connect AIM cable labelled GND to pin 1 of Deltron Connector connected to pin 5 of
DB9 connector connected to pin 14 of 26 pins “B” male connector.

Warning: in case this second connection does not work, please address to MoTeC
or to one of its dealers for further information.

MoTeC M400-M600-M800
ECU Technical documentation
Release 1.02

6 4 – M400-M600-M800 ECU communication protocol

Channels received by AIM loggers depend on the ECU firmware version.
9 4.1 – M800-M600-M400 communication protocol
Channels received by AIM loggers connected to MoTeC M400-M600-M800 ECU with
firmware version lower than 2.30S (select ECU Model M800-M600-M400) are:


ECU_2 M800_THROTPOS Throttle Position sensor
ECU_3 M800_MANIFPRES Manifold pressure
ECU_4 M800_AIRTEMP Intake air temperature
ECU_5 M800_ENGINE_TEMP Engine temperature
ECU_6 M800_LAMBDA1 Lambda value 1
ECU_7 M800_LAMBDA2 Lambda value 2
ECU_8 M800_EXHAUST_PRESS Exhaust gas pressure
ECU_9 M800_AIR_CHARGE Air/fuel ratio
ECU_10 M800_FUELTEMP Fuel temperature
ECU_11 M800_FUELPRESS Fuel pressure
ECU_12 M800_OILTEMP Oil temperature
ECU_13 M800_OILPRESS Oil pressure
ECU_14 M800_GEARVOLT Gearshift voltage
ECU_15 M800_KNOCKVOLT Knock sensor voltage
ECU_16 M800_GEARSHIFTFORCE Gearshift force
ECU_17 M800_EXHTEMP1 Exhaust temperature 1
ECU_18 M800_EXHTEMP2 Exhaust temperature 2
ECU_19 M800_CHANN1 Custom channel 1
ECU_20 M800_CHANN2 Custom channel 2
ECU_21 M800_CHANN3 Custom channel 3
ECU_22 M800_CHANN4 Custom channel 4
ECU_23 M800_BATTVOLT Battery supply
ECU_24 M800_ECUTEMP ECU temperature
ECU_25 M800_SPEED1 Vehicle speed 1
ECU_26 M800_SPEED2 Vehicle speed 2
ECU_27 M800_SPEED3 Vehicle speed 3
ECU_28 M800_SPEED4 Vehicle speed 4
ECU_29 M800_GROUNDSPEED Ground speed
ECU_30 M800_DRIVESPEED Dashboard speed
ECU_31 M800_SLIP Driven/dragged speed difference
ECU_32 M800_AIMSLIP Target slip value
ECU_33 M800_LAUNCHRPM RPM at launch
ECU_34 M800_GEAR Engaged gear

MoTeC M400-M600-M800
ECU Technical documentation
Release 1.02

10 4.2 – M800-M600-M400-1M communication protocol

Channels received by AIM loggers connected to MoTeC M400-M600-M800 ECU with
firmware version 2.30S or higher (select ECU Model M800-M600-M400-1M) are:


ECU_2 M800_THROTPOS Throttle position sensor
ECU_3 M800_MANIFPRES Manifold air pressure
ECU_4 M800_AIRTEMP Intake ar temperature
ECU_5 M800_ENGINE_TEMP Engien temperature
ECU_6 M800_LAMBDA1 Lambda value 1
ECU_7 M800_LAMBDA2 Lambda value 2
ECU_8 M800_EXHAUST_PRESS Exhaust gas pressure
ECU_9 M800_AIR_CHARGE Air/fule ratio
ECU_10 M800_FUELTEMP Fuel temperature
ECU_11 M800_FUELPRESS Fauel pressure
ECU_12 M800_OILTEMP Oil temperature
ECU_13 M800_OILPRESS Oil pressure
ECU_14 M800_GEARVOLT Gearshift voltage
ECU_15 M800_KNOCKVOLT Knock sensor voltage
ECU_16 M800_GEARSHIFTFORCE Gearshift force
ECU_17 M800_EXHTEMP1 Exhaust gas temperature 1
ECU_18 M800_EXHTEMP2 Exhaust gas temperature 2
ECU_19 M800_CHANN1 Custom channel 1
ECU_20 M800_CHANN2 Custom channel 2
ECU_21 M800_CHANN3 Custom channel 3
ECU_22 M800_CHANN4 Custom channel 4
ECU_23 M800_BATTVOLT Battery supply
ECU_24 M800_ECUTEMP ECU temperature
ECU_25 M800_SPEED1 Vehicle speed 1
ECU_26 M800_SPEED2 Vehicle speed 2
ECU_27 M800_SPEED3 Vehicle speed 3
ECU_28 M800_SPEED4 Vehicle speed 4
ECU_29 M800_GROUNDSPEED Gruond speed
ECU_30 M800_DRIVESPEED Dashboard speed
ECU_31 M800_SLIP driven/dragged speed difference
ECU_32 M800_AIMSLIP Target slip value
ECU_33 M800_LAUNCHRPM RPM at launch
ECU_34 M800_GEAR Engaged gear
ECU_35 M800_OILP_PSI Oil pressure in PSI
ECU_36 M800_FUELP_PSI Fuel pressure in PSI

MoTeC M400-M600-M800
ECU Technical documentation
Release 1.02

11 4.3 – M800-M600-M400-1M/500K_v3 communication protocol

Channels received by AIM loggers connected to MoTeC M400-M600-M800 ECU with
firmware version “3.x” (select ECU Model M800-M600-M400-1M_v3) are:


ECU_2 M800_THROTPOS Throttle position sensor
ECU_3 M800_MANIFPRES Manifold pressure
ECU_4 M800_AIRTEMP Intake air temperature
ECU_5 M800_ENGINE_TEMP Engine temperature
ECU_6 M800_LAMBDA1 Lambda value 1
ECU_7 M800_LAMBDA2 Lambda value 2
ECU_8 M800_EXHAUST_PRESS Exhaust gas pressure
ECU_9 M800_AIR_CHARGE Air/fule ratio
ECU_10 M800_FUELTEMP Fuel temperature
ECU_11 M800_FUELPRESS Fuel pressure
ECU_12 M800_OILTEMP Oil temperature
ECU_13 M800_OILPRESS Oil pressure
ECU_14 M800_GEARVOLT Gear voltage
ECU_15 M800_KNOCKVOLT Knock sensor voltage
ECU_16 M800_GEARSHIFTFORCE Gearshift force
ECU_17 M800_EXHTEMP1 Exhaust gas temperature 1
ECU_18 M800_EXHTEMP2 Exhaust gas temperature 2
ECU_19 M800_CHANN1 Custom channel 1
ECU_20 M800_CHANN2 Custom channel 2
ECU_21 M800_CHANN3 Custom channel 3
ECU_22 M800_CHANN4 Custom channel 4
ECU_23 M800_BATTVOLT Battery supply
ECU_24 M800_ECUTEMP ECU temperature
ECU_25 M800_SPEED1 Vehicle speed 1
ECU_26 M800_SPEED2 Vehicle speed 2
ECU_27 M800_SPEED3 Vehicle speed 3
ECU_28 M800_SPEED4 Vehicle speed 4
ECU_29 M800_GROUNDSPEED Ground speed
ECU_30 M800_DRIVESPEED Dashboard speed
ECU_31 M800_SLIP Driven/dragged speed difference
ECU_32 M800_AIMSLIP Target slip value
ECU_33 M800_LAUNCHRPM RPM at launch
ECU_34 M800_GEAR Engaged gear
ECU_35 M800_OILP_PSI Oil Pressure in PSI
ECU_36 M800_FUELP_PSI FUEL Pressure in PSI


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