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Britannica Student Article

There is a sea of language around us. From that sea comes a constant flow of messages in Brooklynese and
Basque, teenybop and Tibetan. And all those messages are wrapped in sounds and silences and signals.

What Is Language?
In a sense, animals talk to one another. But it is different from human talk. Every human language uses
sounds. Not all animal languages do, however. The language of the bees and some other kinds of insects, for
instance, uses body movements.

Every person has to learn his language. A human baby raised by apes would learn only the language of apes
and other animals. To learn a human language, a human baby would have to hear it from humans. But much
animal talk is not learned. On the contrary, it's inborn. A cat will purr and meow even if it never hears
another cat.

With any human language, a person can talk about the future and the past. He can discuss ideas—kindness,
truth, honesty, justice. He can make almost any number of sentences—including sentences he never heard
before. No animal language is so rich in uses and possibilities.

Speech is what most writing starts out from. Writing is a secondhand method of trying to say what the
sounds and the signals of language say. (See also punctuation; spelling.)

Written language is separate from spoken language. Children learn to speak without any special training.
But reading and writing—written language—have to be specially taught.

Written language has a life of its own. Every written language was invented long after spoken language
began. In fact, not all languages have a written form (see writing).

Written language also has its own style. For one thing, written language doesn't change as fast as spoken
language. For another thing, people do not commonly write the way they speak. Often writing is more
formal. (See also grammar.)

The Sounds of Language

Sounds are what language comes wrapped in. But not all sounds made by people are language. For example,
a person can't say a sneeze. Or a burp. Burps and sneezes are sounds he can't usually help. The sounds of
language are those a person wants to make. They are sounds that carry a message.

Bits of Sound

There are strings of sound called sentences, strings of sound called words, strings of sound called
syllables. Syllables are strings of vowel and consonant sounds. And the smallest bits of sound people
recognize are vowels and consonants. But even vowels and consonants are strings of smaller sounds.

Strictly speaking, no two language sounds are ever the same. But a person learns to ignore some
differences between sounds, depending on his language. To a speaker of English, the sounds of p in pot
and spot are alike. Actually, the first p is followed by a small puff of air. The second p isn't. But whether

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or not the p is puffed, the meanings of pot and spot do not change. So in English, no one pays attention to
the difference. In other languages, however—Northern Chinese, for instance—a puffed p may change the
meaning of a word. So speakers of Northern Chinese learn to hear the difference.

English has one p sound. Northern Chinese has two—a puffed p and an unpuffed one. Such classes of
sounds are called phonemes. A phoneme is the smallest bit of sound that may change meaning. Most often
phonemes are vowels or consonants.

Phonemes combine in patterns. And these patterns vary from language to language. In Spanish, for
instance, the sp combination never begins a word. But many words in English begin with sp. So an English
word like Spanish is difficult for a Spanish speaker to pronounce. Often he will say Espanish.

In English the sound ng comes only at the end of a syllable—ring, ringer, ringworm. But in some languages
of Africa, ng may begin a syllable as well as end a syllable. The last name of Kenyan novelist James Ngugi
is an example.

Strings of Sound

Most phonemes have no meaning. But they form strings of sound that do. The smallest string of sound with
meaning is called a morpheme. A morpheme can be what we call a word, or it can be a piece of a word.
Take eater, in English. Eat is a morpheme—it can't be broken down into anything smaller with meaning.
The other morpheme is -er, meaning “someone who --s.” In eaters, there is still a third morpheme, -s,
meaning “plural” or “more than one.”

The Trouble with Words

If eater is a word, eat is a piece of that word. But in anteater, eater is only a piece of a word. Of course,
eater can be used as a word in English. So can eat and ant. So on that basis they might be called words.
This would set them apart from morphemes like -er and -s, which are commonly used only as pieces of

All languages have what might be called words. But the nature of a word varies from language to language.
For instance take Chukchi, a language spoken in Siberia. In Chukchi, the-big-reindeer-a-person-has-killed
is one unit, one word. It can't be broken up into smaller units the way it would be in English. There are
many such words in Chukchi, Inuit, and other languages. In Northern Chinese, on the other hand, many
syllables—and even parts of syllables—are what might be called words in English.

Boundaries between words may shift or disappear in actual speech. In English, for instance, found it often
comes out foun dit; don't know becomes dunno; and so on. This is one of the things that makes it hard for
people learning a second language to understand speakers of that language.

Spoken Signals

The sounds of language include spoken signals. The voice rises and falls. It stresses some sounds. And it
pauses between some sounds.

Such spoken signals may change meaning. In English, stress makes a difference between con′ tract and con
tract′. A pause makes a difference between careless and care less. And pitch—the rise and fall of the
voice—makes a difference between “Really?” and “Really.”

In languages such as English, pitch is added in a sentence. And it belongs to a place in the sentence, not to
a word. Compare “Really?”; “Truly?”; “Honest?” The rising pitch goes with a certain place in that type of
sentence. It doesn't matter what the word is. In fact the same words will take different pitches in other

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But in some languages, called tone languages, certain pitches belong to certain words. In Northern
Chinese, for instance, chyan spoken in a level tone means “thousand.” In a rising tone it means “money”;
in a dipping tone, “shallow”; in a falling tone, “owe.” In such languages, the same pitches and the same
words always go together.

The Mechanics of Language

Language is found in strings of sound. And it's in spoken signals. And these sounds and signals fit together in
different ways.

Word Clumps and Word Order

Words and pieces of words clump together to form larger words. Prefixes and suffixes are added to a root.
Or words are combined to form a compound word. How words combine with other words and pieces
depends on the language. In English, for instance, nouns often add -s or -es to form the plural (book,
books; box, boxes).

Some languages, such as Japanese, usually add no endings for the plural. Japanese hon means “book” or
“books”; hako means “box” or “boxes.” But Japanese verbs, like many English verbs, add an ending for
past tense (-mashita). Arukimasu (walk) becomes arukimashita (walked).

Languages most often add prefixes and/or suffixes to a root. But sometimes changes are made inside the
root itself. Thus, the Arabic bint (girl) becomes banāt (girls), and the English mouse becomes mice.

Words are placed together in groups called phrases. Again, the order in which they are placed is governed
by the language. An Arabic speaker would say the apple rotten instead of the rotten apple. Instead of the
phrase in the kitchen, a Swahili speaker would use the word kitchen-in.

Each language has its own special phrases. One type is what might be called a usage group. These are
words grouped together so often that they sound odd in any other order. Stars and stripes and bread and
butter are examples in English.

Another type of special phrase is the idiom. An idiom doesn't mean what its individual words mean. In
Italian, “In the mouth of the wolf” is an idiom. It means “Good luck.” And kick the bucket in English has
nothing to do with buckets.

Words also are grouped together in clauses, but how the parts of a clause are arranged also is governed by
the language. In English, a common arrangement is subject-verb-direct object, such as Bobby Joe
(subject) ate (verb) my fortune cookie (direct object). In many other languages, the same clause would be
ordered as subject-direct object-verb: Bobby Joe (subject) my fortune cookie (direct object) ate (verb).

Parts of Speech

Chunks of speech are often grouped by types, such as nouns or verbs. These are sometimes called parts of
speech. Parts of speech are not the same in every language. Nor is the way they act the same. Turkish, for
instance, has postpositions instead of prepositions. Instead of in your hat, a Turkish speaker would say

Parts of speech have a variety of jobs to do. Nouns in English, for instance, may act as subjects. And verbs
may act as predicates.

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The Shapes of Spoken Signals

The spoken signals of language form patterns in phrases and clauses. No two languages have exactly the
same patterns. In many languages, however, a statement commonly has a special shape. Often it drops at
the end and fades into silence, as in “I guess I'll get the papers and go home.” A question that can be
answered yes or no often has a different shape. At the end it usually goes up and breaks off, as in the
question “Did you see that?” (See also grammar.)

The Meaning of Language

Language is, above all, meaning. Meanings are attached to pieces of words, to words, or to groups of words.
Meanings are attached to the spoken signals of language. Meanings are attached to the shifts and changes of

Meaning and No Meaning

The sounds of words have no meaning to begin with. People attach a meaning to them.

Every day someone thinks up a new word. Or someone uses an old word in a new way. Someone might
suddenly say, “Hey, that's like zonko, you know? Boy, that's totally zonko!” If no one pays much attention,
that's the end of zonko. But maybe friends and other people begin to use the word, too—“Wow! Zonko!”
Then another word has been born.

Meaning More or Less

Some words have more of what might be called outside meaning than others. Orange, for instance, means
“a reddish-yellow color, a fruit,” etc. But it also means tigers and sunsets and excitement—meanings
outside the dictionary definitions. Words like the, and, to have little outside meaning. They are
sometimes called function words (see grammar).

Much-repeated words may mean less after a while. Clichés are an example. A cliché is an expression that
loses its punch through overuse. Used sparingly, “That's really great!” may get a listener's special
attention. If it's used too often, however, it does not mean much to most listeners.

Common expressions of courtesy often lose meaning. Chances are that a casual acquaintance who asks
“How are you?” doesn't really want to know.

Same and Different Meaning

Few words have exactly the same meaning. Not only are the Burmese and Arabic words for “house”
different, they mean different things to a Burmese villager and a desert Arab.

Return and take back are much alike in English. But like all synonyms they do not always mean the same.
There's a world of difference between “We took Ralphie back to the monkey house” and “We returned
Ralphie to the monkey house.” But in practice, speakers accept certain words as more or less the same.
This helps them communicate more easily.

The same word often has different meanings, depending on how it's used with other words. In English, go
can mean “leave,” as in the phrase “Please don't go”; “work,” as in “My watch won't go”; and “reach,” as
in “It doesn't go far enough.” Homonyms, or homophones, like bear and bare are more or less the same
word to a listener. It's how they're used with other words that gives them different meanings.

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Not only do the same words have different meanings; the same groups of words often do. “She drove into
the bank this morning” is an example. Was it a drive-in bank? Or did she zig when she should have zagged?
Or what? The surrounding sentences will give clues to the meaning.

A phrase or clause doesn't always mean the same as its words. Idioms are an example. Another example is
the way the words are spoken. “Oh, sure I will!” in a sarcastic tone means something very different from
what the words say.

Ways of Meaning

A word commonly has different ways of meaning. What a word refers to is only one way it means. Thus,
the word prunes refers to a food. But much of the meaning of words has to do with the speaker's attitude.
So the meaning of prunes depends also on how the speaker feels about them. The word has a pleasant
meaning if he likes them, an unpleasant meaning if he doesn't.

The meaning a word refers to is its denotation. What a word suggests because of the speaker's or listener's
attitude is its connotation.

Languages have different ways of separating meaning. The Inuit language has separate words for falling
snow and snow on the ground, while English uses only one word for both—snow. Shona, a language of
Zimbabwe, has three words for all the colors. One word means “red, purple, orange.” Another means
“white, yellow, green.”

Social Meaning

People don't usually talk to themselves. They talk to other people. And their talk has social meaning.

Only part of the social meaning of a conversation is carried by words. Take saying hello or talking about
the weather. Often such talk has little dictionary meaning. It is a way of being friendly or polite.

Choice of language often has social meaning. An informal “Yeah” in the neighborhood carries a relaxed
meaning. Often it is replaced by a formal “Yes” in a classroom or at a job interview.

Spanish-speaking Americans often switch from Spanish at home to English in the classroom. The same
principle applies to other bilingual students. Use of special work words may mean a speaker is an architect
or plumber or foundry worker. In many countries, the words a speaker uses label him a member of the
upper or lower classes.

Swear words have social meaning. So do expressions using God's name in vain. The same goes for
conversation about such things as using the toilet. Usually these are no-no's, and they have that meaning
attached to them.

Grammatical Meaning

Some meanings attach to words. These are dictionary meanings. And some meanings, called grammatical
meanings, attach to the signals of grammar.

The form a word takes may have grammatical meaning. In English, -s or -es added to a noun means
“plural” or “more than one.” A mashita ending on a Japanese verb means “past tense.”

Word order may have grammatical meaning. Take the English sentence “Mary bit John.” In English, the
common order for statements is subject-verb-direct object. So Mary means “subject,” and John means
“direct object.” It's Mary who does the biting, John who gets bitten.

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Function words have grammatical meaning. In English, the or a means that a noun is coming up. Quién
(who) at the beginning of a Spanish sentence means that the sentence is a question.

Spoken signals can have dictionary meaning. Pitch in the words of tone languages is an example. But
spoken signals can also have grammatical meaning. In English, for example, stress on sus- in suspect
signals that the word is a noun. Stress on -spect, on the other hand, means “verb.” At the end of a clause,
a drop in pitch with a fading into silence commonly means “statement.”

The Trouble with Translation

The words of one language seldom mean the same as the words of another. Take the Russian “Ja
govorila.” It can be translated into English as “I said.” But the meanings are not exactly the same. The
verb govorila tells a Russian speaker that “I” is a female, and that “I” spoke more than once or hadn't
finished speaking. Neither of these meanings is carried by the English words.

In some cases, the same word may not have the same meaning in two different languages. English
borrowed the word sputnik from Russian. It means “artificial satellite.” But in Russian, the word also
means “fellow-traveler” and “guide.” So sputnik in English does not mean the same as sputnik in Russian.

A translation, at best, conveys something similar to the original language. It tries to transfer meanings
from one language to another. But different words and different mechanics of language must be used.
Take the Japanese “Musukosan wa hebi wo tabemashita.” Word by word this reads, “Your son + wa +
snake + wo + ate.” But that's not a translation. Wa and wo have no dictionary meaning, only grammatical
meaning—wa comes after a subject, wo after a direct object. So wa and wo are dropped in translation.
This leaves us with the translated phrase, “Your son snake ate.” But in English the direct object (snake)
should follow the verb (ate). So the words must be switched around to read “Your son ate snake.” That's
still not comfortable English, though. Japanese has no word for a, so it must be added. The result is “Your
son ate a snake.” But even that doesn't carry over all the meanings of the original Japanese phrase.
Musukosan, for instance, has a meaning of respect that is missing in the English your son. Just the same,
it's a good translation. And it is important to note that a Japanese speaker trying to translate “Your son
ate a snake” from English into Japanese faces the same problems in reverse.

A translation doesn't usually take the same form as the original. Sometimes a noun can be translated by a
noun, and a phrase can be translated by a phrase. But it doesn't work that way very often. The German
phrase “Guten Tag” means “Good day,” but it's better translated as “Hello”—people don't usually say
“Good day” in English. The French phrase s'il vous plaît (if it pleases you) is better translated in English as

As we can see, the idea of only one correct translation leads to problems. For instance, the Italian “La
casa è a Sua disposizione” can be translated as “The house is at your disposal” or perhaps as “Make
yourself at home.” It is both a matter of choice and a matter of style. Much depends on the
circumstances—for example, whether the words were used in a formal or informal way.

When computers are used to translate material, the result is called machine translation. A computer can
work much faster than a human in looking up a word. But the machines have many problems. They have
trouble identifying the same sounds made by different people. Sometimes different sounds are spelled
with the same letters. For example, compare the sounds of the s in cats and in dogs. Computers have
trouble distinguishing those sounds. And computers have much trouble with meaning—words with different
possible meanings, sentences with different possible meanings.

A computer is only as good as the information put into it. And that's the heart of the machine translation
problem. No one has all the answers to how any language works.

Beyond Language

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When people talk, they don't stop short at language. They use their voices in ways that go along with
language. People also talk with their bodies. And they use substitutes for language.


The voice carries more than the sounds of language. It carries sounds that go along with language.

A voice may tell whether the speaker is sick or healthy, sleepy or wide awake, drunk or sober. A voice can
cry or laugh, moan, groan, or giggle—apart from the words. A voice can drawl. It can hiss or hesitate. It
can even fall silent in a special way—the silence of shame, the silence of anger, the silence of bitter
disappointment. None of these sounds is language. They are paralanguage, sounds that go along with

Body Talk

Body movements, too, go along with language. Sometimes they take the place of actual speech.

Some body signals probably can't be helped. Someone who says “Wha-a-at?” may show disbelief by actions
as well as words. His eyes may widen, his mouth open a little wider perhaps. Eyebrows may draw together
as angry words are spoken. A slight hunch of the shoulders may go along with a confession of fear.

Body signals that can't be helped sometimes contradict the messages of spoken language. A look may say
no, even if the words say yes. The way a person stands may say “I don't like you,” even if the words say
“We're friends.”

Some body signals are deliberate. Deliberate signals, called gestures, have to be learned. People in
different places use different gestures and attach different meanings to them. In many places, an
up-and-down nod means yes. But in the Middle East, an upward jerk of the head may mean no. Western
Europeans often shake the head from side to side to say no. But in some Arab countries, that same gesture
means yes. Most Chinese motion “Come here” with palm down instead of palm up. French people often
substitute a shrug for “I don't know.”

Even among the same group of people, a gesture can have many possible meanings. In the United States,
for instance, a wink can mean “Hi, there.” Or it might mean “This is our secret,” or “You'll get a laugh out
of this,” and so on.

Language Substitutes

People have many ways of getting through to one another (see communication). And some of these are
substitutes for language.

Most written languages are substitutes for spoken language. Morse code and semaphore code, too, are
language substitutes. Their signals stand for letters of the alphabet, which in turn stand for spoken
language. The same is true of Braille, the reading alphabet for the blind. Another substitute for language
is the hand alphabet for deaf-mutes. (See also Braille; signaling.)

Another system of hand signals is the sign language used by some Native American peoples. But it isn't a
substitute for language, at least not in a direct way. This type of sign language is used by people speaking
different languages. So the signs cannot stand for words. Instead the signs themselves have meaning. For
instance, two spread fingers moving past the mouth mean “lie,” or “forked tongue.” Each person
translates the meaning of the hand signals into the words of his own language.

Other language substitutes include whistle talk and drum talk. Whistle talk is used for communicating over
long distances by people of the Canary Islands. Drums are used to send messages in many parts of Africa.

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The signals of these systems stand for the words of spoken language.

Language Change
A language is always changing. And it keeps changing as long as it is spoken.

Borrowing from Without

One way a language changes is by borrowing words from other languages. It's easier to borrow a word for a
new thing than to make one up. English, for instance, borrowed hula from Hawaiian, karate from
Japanese, pizza from Italian. Words are often borrowed from a language that has prestige. In the Far East,
Chinese culture was much admired from early times. As a result, many Chinese words were adopted into
other languages of Asia. In Europe, Greek culture had great prestige. Today there are many Greek words in
European languages.

Borrowed words are often changed somewhat. For one thing, they're not pronounced the same.
Sauerkraut, for instance, begins with a z sound in the original German. For another thing, borrowed words
often don't mean exactly the same. The word dancing, borrowed from English, means “nightclub” in
French, for instance.

Not just words are borrowed. Sometimes a way of saying something is borrowed, though the actual words
are not. For instance, German Wolkenkratzer (cloud-scratcher) is borrowed from English skyscraper.
Sounds also are borrowed. A few languages of South Africa, for instance, have borrowed a kind of click
sound from neighbor languages. Sometimes even a way of putting words together is borrowed. For
example, compare the phrase “the children want that they eat” with “the children want to eat.” Balkan
languages have borrowed such an arrangement from each other.

Borrowing from Within

Borrowing from other languages is a way a language changes from the outside. But some changes come
from the inside.

Sometimes a language borrows from itself. New words are coined from the old, or old words take on new
meanings. Hamburger dropped the ham to become cheeseburger, chiliburger, and so forth. The French
traire, which meant “to pull,” now means “to milk.”

Sometimes old words take on new sounds, new forms, and even new ways of acting. English brethren
became brothers. Bug stopped being just a noun (“Eek! A bug!”) to become a sometime verb used in slang
(“Don't bug me.”).

Sometimes there is a sort of minus borrowing—words slowly fade out of use. Hardly anyone wears breeches
anymore. People rarely say verily or “Lo!” And lamplighters and organ grinders, iceboxes and 3-D movies
are mostly things of the past.

Changing the Rules

Another way of changing from within has to do with the way a language works. A language changes its
rules, so to speak.

In Old French a phrase like my back used to have the in front of it—the my back. French doesn't, however,
work that way any more. In English, not used to follow any verb. Now it can follow only a few. Thus,
people still say “You had better not” or “I did not.” But they would no longer say “I like it not” or “The
mailman comes not.”

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Language sounds, too, work by what might be called rules. In Latin, a word of fewer than three syllables
was stressed on the first syllable. Thus, nav′ is (ship), and pu′ er (boy). But in French, one of the languages
that grew out of Latin, stress no longer works that way. Thus, we get che val′ (horse) and a mi′ (friend).

Kinds of Language
People speak many kinds of language. There is the language of different places, and there is the language of
different groups.

Language and Dialect

A speaker of Arabic and a speaker of Malay have different speech habits and don't understand one
another's speech. A speaker from the Tennessee hills and a speaker from Chicago have different speech
habits too. But they can pretty much understand each other. Arabic and Malay are called languages.
Chicagoese and Tennessee mountainese are called dialects. A dialect is a variety of a language.

The line between languages and dialects is not always clear. Dialects are sometimes called languages, and
languages are sometimes called dialects. Northern Italians and Sicilians commonly do not understand each
other's speech. Yet both speak so-called dialects of Italian. Danish and Norwegian are called different
languages. Yet Danes and Norwegians pretty well understand one another.

A country's boundaries can be marked on a map. But language boundaries can't be readily distinguished—at
least, not in the same way. A line between two languages would mean everyone on one side of the line
spoke one language. It would also mean everyone on the other side of the line spoke another language.
But language just doesn't work that way.

For one thing, some people use two or more languages. French and English are spoken by many Canadians,
especially by those living in Quebec. Quite a few Swiss can speak both German and French. Many people of
Paraguay are fluent in both Spanish and Guarani, an Amerindian language. Quite a number of Israelis
understand Hebrew, Yiddish, and a European language, such as Russian.

For another thing, languages have dialects. And often the dialects of one language merge into the dialects
of a neighbor language. Take French and Italian. Anyone going from Paris to Naples can hear small
language differences between each town and the next. At no point can a sharp line be drawn. Yet the
French of Paris and the Italian of Naples are different languages.

The Difference in Dialect

Differences in speech habits are what make dialects. Speakers pronounce words differently. They use
different words for the same thing. And they sometimes put words together in different ways.

A London cockney will say 'arry for Harry, 'orrible for horrible. Hot dog, frankfurter, wiener, and red hot
are all words for the same thing in the United States. “Goin' git me some” and “I'm going to get some” are
two ways of saying much the same thing. Each way of pronouncing words, of using words, is right for a
particular dialect. No dialect is better or worse than another—only different.

All Kinds of Dialects

Strictly speaking, no two people have exactly the same dialect. Every speaker pronounces at least some
words a little differently from everyone else.

Probably no two persons know exactly the same set of words. Everyone puts his words together in his own
ways. And to complicate matters, a person's dialect is always changing.

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Just the same, there are patterns of dialect. People in certain neighborhoods, certain cities, certain
regions speak a lot alike—even if there are some differences. Many New Yorkers have a way of speaking
that sets them apart. The speech of most people from the Southern United States is also distinctive.
American English is distinct from Australian English, which is distinct from the British English spoken in
England. Such dialects, spoken by people of different places, might be called geographical dialects.

Another type of dialect is the social dialect. Social dialects are spoken by people of different groups. In
many countries, people in high society speak differently from working-class people. People who work
together—astronauts, doctors, social workers, auto mechanics—often share special work words, a sort of
shop talk. The language of older people often is not the same as that of the young.

In many places one dialect has more social standing than the others. Often it becomes the language of
government and is taught in the schools. Such a dialect is called a standard dialect. Take the dialect of
Paris. Originally it was one of many dialects spoken in what is now France. As Paris became a center for
government and culture, the Parisian dialect became relatively more important. Now it is the standard
French dialect.

All people have more than one dialect. A person's dialects depend on where he lives, what groups he
moves with, his education, and so on. For instance, a Tokyo engineer from Kyoto might use his own Kyoto
dialect at home but would speak the standard dialect of Tokyo while at work. His speech would differ in
some ways from that of his wife. And it would differ from that of his teenage son. With other engineers he
would use a kind of engineering shop talk. Such switching from one dialect to another is common.

People also have more than one way of using their dialects. There is a relaxed way, such as the way one
speaks with friends, for instance. And there is a formal way of talking, such as the way you would talk to a
job interviewer.

Standard Languages

Language has no boundaries. Speakers of the same language may live in many countries. And every country
has many languages. But often, one of the languages of a country is chosen as the standard language. And
this is the language taught in the schools and used for official business. The standard language is used for
easier communication. It is also used to unite the people of a country.

In France, for instance, the standard language is French. But not all French people speak French. There
are German speakers in Alsace-Lorraine, Breton speakers in Brittany, and Basque speakers in the Pyrenees
mountains. In southern France the Provençal dialects are so different from standard French that they can
be considered a separate language.

Often a standard language does make communication easier. French is taught in all the schools of France,
so most French people can get through to each other. For instance, a Basque speaker can use French to
talk to a Breton speaker. A standard language can also help give speakers of different languages a feeling
of oneness. An example is Modern Hebrew, the standard language of Israel.

The trouble is, a standard language doesn't always work the way it's supposed to. There are no first-class
or second-class languages. But because a standard language is the official language, it often has a higher
social standing. And nonstandard languages are often considered less important, and may even be looked
down upon. In such instances, nonstandard speakers learn the standard language only if they have to. And
even then they resent it. The resentment may take the form of not learning it well—just enough to get by.
Or they may simply refuse to learn it at all.

Some countries have more than one standard language. Belgium uses French and Flemish. Canada uses
French and English. Switzerland has three standard languages—French, Italian, and German. India has two
standard languages—Hindi and English—but more than 20 ethnic languages are also widely spoken.

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Problems arise because one language is—or seems to be—more favored than another. In Belgium, Flemish
speakers have protested the favored position of French. In India, many have protested the favored
position of Hindi. Problems also arise because most people in most places use only one language. So unless
all a country's languages are taught in the schools, which usually isn't practical, most people can't
understand speakers of another language.

In some countries, an outside language is sometimes chosen as a standard language. Take Ghana. Its
people speak perhaps 50 or more languages. So English was adopted as an official language. And it was
used for teaching in the schools.

Second Languages

Most people speak only their first language—the language learned in the home. But many also learn a
second language. There are several kinds of second languages. One kind is the language of the other
speaker. When a Basque speaker uses French to talk to a French speaker, for instance, he is using the
other speaker's language.

But sometimes speakers of different languages don't use the language of the other speaker. They use a
third language. Such a language is sometimes called a lingua franca. A speaker of Telugu from southern
India and a speaker of Hindi from northern India may talk to each other in English. Then English is being
used as a lingua franca. A Ukrainian speaker and a Sakha speaker from Siberia may use Russian as their
common language. In that case, Russian is their lingua franca.

Another kind of second language is a pidgin language. Pidgins are often used for brief contacts between
people—between two traders, say. A pidgin is a sort of hybrid of both the speakers' languages. But the
vocabulary is greatly reduced. And the way words fit together is greatly simplified.

The first known Pidgin English was used by English speakers and Native Americans. Russonorsk was a pidgin
of Russian and Norwegian used by Russian and Norwegian fishermen for roughly a hundred years before
World War I. A pidgin of Dutch and Malay, known as Bazaar Malay, was used in the Dutch East Indies.
Bahasa Indonesia, the official language of Indonesia, is based on Bazaar Malay.

Sometimes a pidgin becomes the first language of a group of speakers. When this happens, it becomes
known as a creole language. In the Caribbean, African slaves from the same tribe were often separated.
This was done to reduce the danger of revolt. So the slaves on a plantation had no common language.
They could only talk to each other in a pidgin of their owner's language—such as Pidgin French or Pidgin
Spanish. In time the slaves married and had children. The children learned the pidgin as their only
language. At that point, their language was a creole language.

Gullah is a creole language. It is spoken on and near the Sea Islands off Georgia. Louisiana Creole is a
French-based language. Another French-based creole is Haitian Creole, the language of Haiti. Speakers of
Louisiana Creole and Haitian Creole commonly understand each other. Jamaican Creole is an English-based
language of Jamaica. So-called Hawaiian Pidgin English is actually a creole language. It is the speech of a
large number of people brought up in the Hawaiian Islands.


The Old Testament tells of a time when there was one world language. It tells of how Nimrod ruined it all
by building a tower to reach Heaven, and how the Lord made the workmen speak different languages. So
the Tower of Babel was never finished.

The idea of a world language, or interlanguage, is very old. Hundreds have been invented. But few have
received much attention. The first one to become well known was Volapük. It was introduced by a
Bavarian clergyman, Johann Martin Schleyer, in 1880. Schleyer based his language mostly on German and

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English, with many words also from languages like Latin—French, Italian, Spanish, and so on. The name
Volapük meant “world speech.”

Volapük was popular in Europe for a while, but it didn't last. For one thing, some of its sounds were
difficult for non-German speakers. The ü sound in Volapük is an example. For another thing, the way its
words fit together was complicated. Volapük went out of use shortly after the invention of another—and
simpler—interlanguage, Esperanto.

Esperanto is probably the best-known interlanguage. It was introduced in 1887 by a Polish doctor, L.L.
Zamenhof. The name Esperanto is based on a word for “hope.” Zamenhof felt that language was at the
root of problems between people. He believed a world language would bring peace and understanding.

Esperanto is based mostly on languages like French, Italian, and Spanish, with a number of words also from
German and Greek. Both the sounds and the mechanics of the language are fairly simple—for most
Europeans. Esperanto is used in many countries. Schools teach it, and books are published in Esperanto.

The trouble with world languages is that in actuality, they're not spoken worldwide. Mostly they are made
for speakers of English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and a number of related languages.
A speaker of Northern Chinese, for instance, would have as much trouble with Esperanto as with French or
German. The same is true of a speaker of Inuit or a speaker of Tamil, a language of southern India.
Esperanto ignores the sounds and mechanics and meanings of most of the world's languages.

Another problem with world languages has to do with language change. Suppose Esperanto, say, were
adopted as a world language. It would soon be spoken in many different dialects. For one thing, people
have different speech habits. For another thing, language is always changing. Dialects of people far apart
would become more and more different. This would be especially true of people in remote places, people
having little or no contact with speakers of other dialects. It would probably also be especially true of
people who felt that Esperanto was not “their” language, that it represented the languages of other
people. Given time enough, resistance or resentment enough, and separation enough, speakers of
different dialects would no longer be able to understand one another. And a new interlanguage would
have to be invented all over again.

Related Languages

Languages have dialects. And some of those dialects grow so far apart that they become languages. And
the new languages separate into dialects. And some of those become languages. Such related languages
are called a language family.


The family to which English belongs is the Indo-European family. It consists of many groups of
languages. The Germanic, or Teutonic, group includes the Scandinavian languages—Danish, Norwegian,
Swedish, and Icelandic. German is commonly divided into High German and Low German. High German
includes the dialects of southern Germany, the dialects of Austria, and the German dialects of
Switzerland. Dutch, Flemish (spoken in Belgium), and the dialects of northern Germany make up Low
German. Afrikaans, an offshoot of Dutch, is spoken in South Africa. English, which is also a Germanic
language, is closely related to Dutch. But even closer to English is Frisian, spoken mostly in the
northern Netherlands. Yiddish, a language of the Jewish people, is for the most part a High German of
the Middle Ages.

The Romance group of languages descended from Latin. After the Roman Empire fell apart, the Latin
dialects of the different regions grew farther and farther apart. Best known of the Romance languages
are French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Romanian. Provençal, a name for the dialects of southern

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France, is sometimes considered a separate language. Catalan is spoken mostly in eastern Spain.
Romansh is spoken in Switzerland.

The Balto-Slavic group consists of the Baltic languages and the Slavic languages. Lithuanian and Latvian
(or Lettish) are Baltic languages. The Slavic languages include Russian, spoken in Russia; Ukrainian,
spoken in Ukraine; and Belarusian (or White Russian), spoken in Belarus. Czech and Slovak, spoken in
the Czech Republic and Slovakia, are closely related. Indeed they might be called varieties of the same
language. Serbo-Croatian is one language written in two alphabets—Croatian in Roman letters, Serbian
in the Cyrillic alphabet. It is spoken chiefly in Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Other Slavic
languages include Polish and Bulgarian. (See also writing.)

The Celtic group of languages, once spoken over a large territory, today is used only in the British Isles
and northwestern France. The number of speakers is small. Irish Gaelic and Scottish Gaelic are Celtic
languages. Welsh, spoken in Wales, and Breton, a language of Brittany in northwestern France, form
another branch of Celtic.

The Indo-Iranian group consists of Indic languages and Iranian languages. Persian (or Farsi) is an Iranian
language. So are Pashto (or Pushtu), spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan; and Kurdish, spoken in
Kurdistan. Baluchi, spoken mostly in Pakistan and Iran, also is an Iranian language. Sanskrit is an Indic
language. It is the oldest living Indo-European language, and is now used chiefly as the sacred language
of Hinduism. Hindi, the leading language of northern India, and Urdu, the national language of
Pakistan, are also Indic languages. Both Hindi and Urdu are varieties of the same language. But Urdu
has more Persian and Arabic words and is written with a different alphabet. Other Indic languages
include Bengali, Panjabi, Gujarati, Marathi, Rajasthani, Bihari, Kashmiri, Oriya, Sindhi, Assamese, and
Nepali. Sinhalese, spoken in Sri Lanka, is also an Indic language. And so is the Romany language of the
Rom people, a group formerly referred to as Gypsies.

Greek belongs in a separate language group within the Indo-European family. The same is true of
Armenian and of Albanian. An Indo-European language called Tocharian was once spoken in what is now
Xinjiang, China. The language of the Hittites, a people who inhabited Anatolia in ancient times, was
also Indo-European.


The Uralic language family has two main groups: Finno-Ugric and Samoyed. Of the Finno-Ugric group,
the best-known Ugric language is Hungarian (called Magyar in the language itself). Finnish, Estonian,
and Lapp are the best-known Finnic languages. Sami, or Lapp, is the language of the Sami people of
Lapland and is spoken mostly in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Two other Finnic languages, Mordvin
and Cheremis, are spoken in Russia. The Samoyed languages are spoken in Siberia.


The Altaic family is commonly divided into three main groups: Turkic, Mongolian, and Manchu-Tungus
(or Manchurian). Turkish is the best-known Turkic language. Other Turkic languages include
Azerbaijanian, spoken in Azerbaijan; Uzbek, spoken in Uzbekistan; Kazakh, spoken in Kazakhstan;
Tatar, spoken in Russia; Kyrgyz, spoken in Kyrgyzstan; and Turkmen, spoken in Turkmenistan.
Azerbaijanian is also spoken in Iran. Another Turkic language, spoken mostly in what is now Xinjiang,
China, is Uighur. Sakha, spoken in Siberia, is also a Turkic language. The Mongolian group of languages
is spoken in Mongolia and China. The Manchu-Tungus group of languages is spoken in Manchuria and


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The Sino-Tibetan family has many groups of languages. Of these, the best known is the group called
Chinese. Chinese has about half a dozen main dialects, so-called. But they are, for practical purposes,
separate languages. They are very different—in sounds and vocabulary mostly. And the speakers of one
dialect cannot understand the speakers of another. Northern Chinese (or Mandarin) is considered the
standard language of China. Other Chinese languages include Wu, Min (or Fukienese), Hakka, and
Cantonese (or Yue). Most Chinese in Taiwan speak Min. Cantonese is used by most of the Chinese
speakers in the United States.

Tibetan and Burmese also belong to the Sino-Tibetan family. Sometimes they are considered one
group, sometimes two. Another group includes Thai and Lao. Thai is spoken in Thailand mostly, Lao
mostly in Laos. The Miao-Yao languages are sometimes considered Sino-Tibetan. They are spoken by
tribespeople in southwest China, northern Myanmar, and Indochina.


The Austronesian, or Malayo-Polynesian, family is spoken from Madagascar, off the coast of Africa, to
Hawaii. One of its best-known languages is Malay. The standard languages of Malaysia and Indonesia are
varieties of Malay. Tagalog, Visayan, and Ilocano, all spoken in the Philippines, also belong to this
family. So does Malagasy, a language spoken on the island of Madagascar.

Maori, spoken in New Zealand, is an Austronesian language. And related languages are spoken in many
of the South Sea Islands. These include Fiji in the Fiji Islands, Samoan in the Samoan Islands, Tahitian
in the Society Islands, and Hawaiian in the Hawaiian Islands.


The Congo-Kordofanian family has two main groups: the Niger-Congo and the Kordofanian. The
Kordofanian languages are spoken in the Sudan. The Niger-Congo languages are spoken over a great
part of central and southern Africa.

Well-known languages of the Niger-Congo group include Ibo, Yoruba, and Efik, spoken in Nigeria. Fulani
(or Fula) is spoken mostly in Nigeria and Guinea; Mandingo mostly in Mali, Côte d'Ivoire, and Guinea.
Twi has many speakers in Ghana. Mossi, Wolof, Ewe, and Tiv also are Niger-Congo languages.

The numerous Bantu languages are only one branch of one division of the Niger-Congo group. A few
better-known Bantu languages are Swahili, Rwanda and Rundi, Sotho and Tswana, Ganda, Kongo,
Kikuyu, Xhosa, Zulu, Swazi, and Shona.


The Afroasiatic family is divided into four main groups. The best known is Semitic. Arabic, with its
many dialects, is the most widely used Semitic language. It is spoken in many countries of the Middle
East and North Africa. Modern Hebrew, the standard language of Israel, is also a Semitic language. So is
Amharic, the standard language of Ethiopia.

The other groups of Afroasiatic are Berber, Cushitic, and Chadic. The Berber languages are spoken in
North Africa. The Cushitic languages are spoken over a wide area in East Africa. Somali is the
best-known Cushitic language. Hausa, the best-known Chadic language, is widely spoken in West Africa.

Other language families

The Dravidian family of languages is spoken mostly in southern India. They include Telugu, Tamil,

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Kanarese (or Kannada), and Malaya-lam. Tamil is also spoken in Sri Lanka. Brahui, a Dravidian language,
is used in Pakistan and Iran.

The Munda family consists of a few languages in central India. The Mon-Khmer family is spoken in
Southeast Asia. Its best-known language is Cambodian, or Khmer, spoken in Cambodia. Most Mon
speakers live in Myanmar and Thailand.

Among the better-known languages of the Nilo-Saharan family are Kanuri, Dinka, Luo, and Masai. Kanuri
is spoken in Nigeria and Niger, Dinka and Luo in Kenya, Masai in Tanzania. The Khoisan family of
languages is spoken mostly in South Africa by the Khoikhoi and San peoples. These languages, including
Nama and !Khung, use special click sounds. Some of these sounds have spread to nearby Bantu
languages like Zulu, Sotho, and Xhosa.

Japanese seems to be the only member of its family. The same is true of Korean and also of
Vietnamese. Basque is spoken mostly in the Pyrenees mountains region of France and Spain. It has no
ties with any other language. Another language without ties is Burushaski. It is spoken in and around
Hunza, in the Karakoram mountains of Kashmir. Andamanese, spoken by a handful of people in the
Andaman Islands, has no known relatives. Neither has Ainu, once the language of a non-Japanese
people of northern Japan. The Ainu people survive, but only a few words of their language are still
used in communication today.

About 25 or so languages spoken in the Caucasus Mountains have no known relatives. Some of them
seem to be related, but the language picture there as a whole is not clear. Among the better known of
these languages are Circassian and Georgian. How the languages spoken in Australia are related also is
not known. The same is true of most languages of Papua New Guinea. Sometimes they are divided into
two groups, a northern group and a southern.

A few languages of Siberia do not belong to families elsewhere. These are sometimes called
Paleosiberian languages. Some of these are related. But it is not certain that all are. Probably the most
numerous group, the Chukchi group, includes Chukchi and Koryak.

The American Indian languages in North and South America are sometimes called Amerindian
languages. Like the Paleosiberian languages, they are not clearly understood. Some Amerindian
languages are related—Inuit and Aleut, for instance. And most seem to fit into families such as
Iroquoian or Siouan. But many do not.

Language Through Language: Guidelines for a Model Second-Language

No language is hard for a child. He picks up any language easily and naturally—by listening and talking. But
that ability soon fades. And then he must learn a new language through the one he already has. And that's
where the second-language teacher comes in. The following are some guidelines for a model
second-language program.

1. Sounds are first. Students concentrate on listening and speaking, especially to begin with.

2. Students get lots of practice in listening—to the teacher, to records and tapes, and so on. Then they
imitate. They try to hear groups of words, not just one word at a time.

3. Students get lots of practice in speaking, too. Everyone gets to do some talking every period, especially
slow learners. And the students do most of the talking—the teacher already knows the language.

4. Learning a new language is hard. Students are told—slow learners especially—not to worry about making
mistakes, that everybody makes them.

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5. The teacher explains about the new language when necessary. But mostly students practice using the
language to help them understand how it works.

6. Students get drill. They need it to break old language habits and form new ones. But the teacher doesn't
overdo drill and tries to make it interesting.

7. Students don't translate from the new language to English. That builds the wrong skill—making sentences
in English. And they go easy on translating from English. Instead they concentrate on thinking in and using
the new language.

8. Students are surrounded with second language. As much as possible, the teacher teaches in it.

9. Students practice in lifelike situations—asking directions, ordering a meal, shopping, and so on. That way,
they get to feel the new language is as alive as their own. And they get to understand about varieties of

10. Students learn the body talk that goes along with language. They watch live speakers. Or they see films
and videotapes. Then they practice using language and body talk together.

11. Class time is used for live language interchange—between teacher and student, between student and
student. Outside time is set aside for language lab work, for practice work of various kinds.

12. Many kinds of materials are used—no one kind works best with all students. Practice materials are
available for use outside of class.

13. Students use the hardware of second-language learning—a language lab, tape recorders, records, and
other aids. These are sometimes used at random. But they are also part of every student's program.

14. The teacher uses many approaches to language learning. He knows the best method is the one that
works with a particular student at a particular time.

15. The teacher adjusts the program to each student's abilities, especially with slow learners.

16. Classes are small—small enough for everyone to have a chance to talk every day, small enough for the
teacher to get around to everyone.

17. The teacher aims for interest and excitement in materials and in the daily work.

Linguistics: The Theory of the Little Black Box

Linguistics is the scientific study of language. But the linguist, or language scientist, has a problem. How can
he study something he can't get at?

In the mind of every speaker is what might be called a mysterious little black box. And it powers the
machinery of language. But the linguist can't open that box without destroying the mechanism inside. So he
can't directly examine how language works.

However, what the linguist can do is observe the effects of that mechanism on the organs—such as the
larynx and the tongue—that produce the sounds of language. And he can study those sounds—how they're
made, how they fit together, what the different sound patterns mean, and so on. That's what linguistics is
mostly about.

Linguists also study how language influences people and affects society. That's called sociolinguistics.
Another branch of linguistics is psycholinguistics. It deals with how language is learned and how it can be
taught. Computational linguistics deals with computers and language.

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Additional references about language

Ashton, Christina. Words Can Tell: a Book About Our Language (Messner, 1989).

Espy, W.R. A Children's Almanac of Words at Play (Crown, 1983).

Hofsinde, Robert. Indian Sign Language (Morrow, 1956).

Holmes, Keith. Student Guide to Language Skills, rev. ed. (Educational Service, 1983).

Kohl, Herbert. A Book of Puzzlements (Schocken, 1986).

Sarnoff, Jane. Words?! A Book About the Origins of Everyday Words and Phrases (Macmillan, 1981).

Schwartz, Alvin. The Cat's Elbow and Other Secret Languages (Farrar, 1982).

Scott, Joseph and Scott, Lenore. Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Everyone (Harper, 1990).

Showers, Paul. How You Talk (Harper, 1967).

Barnard, Ellsworth. English for Everybody (Dinosaur, 1979).

Bernstein, Theodore. The Careful Writer (Atheneum, 1965).

Bernstein, Theodore. Miss Thistlebottom's Hobgoblins (Simon & Schuster, 1984).

Chicago Manual of Style, The (Univ. of Chicago Press, 1982).

Chomsky, Noam. Reflections on Language (Pantheon, 1975).

Comrie, Bernard. The World's Major Languages (Oxford, 1990).

Cripwell, Kenneth. Language (Greenhaven, 1980).

Diamond, Harriet and Dutwin, Phyllis. Grammar in Plain English, 2nd ed. (Barron, 1989).

Ferguson, C.A. and Heath, S.B. Language in the USA (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1981).

Follett, Wilson. Modern American Usage (Warner, 1974).

Fowler, H.W. A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, 2nd rev. ed. (Oxford, 1987).

Hayakawa, S.I. Language in Thought and Action, 5th ed. (Harcourt, 1989).

Howard, Philip. Words Fail Me (Oxford, 1981).

Katzner, Kenneth. Languages of the World (Routledge Chapman and Hall, 1990).

McCrum, Robert and others. The Story of English (Viking Press, 1987).

Merriam-Webster. Webster's Word Histories (Merriam-Webster, 1989).

Morris, William and Morris, Mary. Harper Dictionary of Contemporary Usage (Harper, 1985).

Newman, Edwin. A Civil Tongue (Warner, 1983).

Partridge, Eric. A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English, 8th ed. (Macmillan, 1985).

Pei, Mario. The Story of Language (NAL, 1984).

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Roth, Audrey and Camacho, Oliver. Words People Use (Scott, Foresman, 1972).

Safire, William. What's the Good Word? (Avon, 1983).

Sears, Peter. Secret Writing: Keys to the Mysteries of Reading and Writing (Teachers and Writers
Collaborative, 1986).

Shaw, Harry. Dictionary of Problem Words and Expressions, rev. ed. (McGraw, 1987).

Simon, Paul. The Tongue-Tied American (Continuum, 1988).

Sternberg, Patricia. Speak to Me: How to Put Confidence in your Conversation (Lothrop, 1984).

Success with Words(Reader's Digest, 1983).

Sullivan, M.B. A Show of Hands: Say It in Sign Language (Lippincott, 1985).

Wayman, Joe. Breaking Language Barriers (Good Apple, 1985).

Cooper, Lee. Fun with German (Little, 1972).

De Francis, John. Beginning Chinese, 2nd rev. ed. (Yale Univ. Press, 1976).

Feelings, Muriel. Jambo Means Hello: Swahili Alphabet Book (Dial, 1981).

Lemaitre, Joseph. French: How to Speak and Write It (Dover, 1962).

Maeda, Jun. Let's Study Japanese (C.E. Tuttle, 1965).

Pei, Mario. New Italian Self-Taught (Harper, 1982).

(See also bibliographies for Ciphers and Codes; Communication; Phonics.)

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