Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Lesson 1
1.1. Introduction
Algorithmics is a branch of computer science that deals with the design and analysis of
algorithms and data structures and constitutes the scientific foundation for reasoning
about resources used in computing such as time and space. Its covers both the design
and analysis of efficient algorithms solving concrete problems, and also with
identifying common patterns of problems and associated algorithmic paradigms that
can lead to efficient solutions for classes of problems.
An algorithm is a finite sequence of instructions or steps for solving a problem. An
algorithm must satisfy the following properties:
a)Input: An algorithm requires finite number of inputs.
b) Output: An algorithm must produce at least one output.
c)Uniqueness: Each instruction/step must be clear and unambiguous.
d) Finiteness: An algorithm must terminate after a finite number of steps.
e) Effectiveness: The steps must be doable.
1.2. Lesson outline
This lesson is organized as follows:
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Lesson outline
1.3. Lesson objectives
1.4. Designing algorithms
1.5. Flowchart
1.6. Pseudo code
1.7. Analysis of algorithms
1.8. Asymptotic notations
1.9. Growth rates
1.10.Working with big Oh
1.11.Dominance relations
1.12.Calculating running time of a program
1.13.Types of algorithms
1.14.Revision questions
1.16.Suggested reading
1.3.Lesson objectives:
By the end of this topic, the students will be able to:
i). Understand the definition and properties of an algorithm.
ii). Compare and contrast different tools for developing an algorithms
iii). Use pseudo code and/or flowchart to develop an algorithm iv).
Use asymptotic notations such as big oh.
v). Understand the time and space complexity of an algorithm
vi). Classify algorithms based on design techniques
1.4.Designing an algorithm
The same algorithm may be used in different programs. The same algorithm can be
expressed in different languages, because an algorithm is abstracted from
implementation details.
How to design an algorithm
a) Define the problem to solve.
b) Specify the inputs
c) Specify the outputs.
d) Describe the steps needed to convert or manipulate inputs to produce outputs
e)Test the algorithm: Choose data sets and verify the algorithm works.
Tools for designing algorithms
a) Flowchart
b) Pseudo code
c) Top down chart/Hierarchy charts
d) Decision tables
1.5. Flowchart
This is a schematic representation of an algorithm. It can also be defined as a step by
step solution of a problem using geometric figures connected by flow lines for the
purpose of designing or documenting a program.
Symbol Name Use
Off page connector Used to connect different flows from two pages
Advantages of flowchart
i). Flowcharts are a better way of communicating the logic of the system.
ii). With the help of a flowchart, problem can be analyzed easily. iii).
They serve as good program documentation.
iv). They help in program debugging.
Disadvantages of flowchart
i). For a complex problem, the flowchart becomes complex and clumsy.
ii). If alterations are required, the flowchart may require redrawing completely.
iii). The flow chart symbols cannot be typed and so reproduction of a flowchart
becomes difficult.
Guidelines for drawing a flowchart
i). List all necessary requirements in a logical order. ii).The
flowchart must be neat, clear and easy to follow. iii).The flowchart
is read from left to right and top to bottom. iv).A process symbol
can have only one flow line coming out of it.
v).For a decision symbol, only one flow line can enter it but multiple lines can
leave it to denote possible answers.
vi).Terminal symbols can only have one flow line in conjunction with them.
Example: Using a flowchart design an algorithm to compare two integers and return
the largest.
Declare x and
Enter x and
Display Display
y x
1.6. Pseudo code
It is a representation of an algorithm using natural language statements e.g. structured
English. It describes the entire logic of the algorithm. Pseudo code cannot be compiled
nor executed and does not follow any syntax rules.
Guidelines for developing algorithm using pseudo code:
1. Give a valid name for the pseudo code procedure. 2.
Identify the inputs, processes and outputs
3. Use natural language e.g. English.
4. Present the statements in clear details.
5. The variables must be descriptive.
6. Each activity appears in a single line
7. The steps must be numbered.
8. Use proper indentation for every statement in a block structure.
9. The selection control statements e.g. if-else, always end an if statement with an
end-if. Both the if…else and end-if must be aligned vertically in the same line.
10. If there is more than one condition, use “and”. e.g. if a>0 and a<=40.
11. Use: = or ← operators for assignments.
12. Array elements can be represented by specifying the array name followed by
the index in square brackets e.g. age[i].
13. For looping or iteration control structure, use for and while which must end
with end-for, and end-while respectively.
Advantages of pseudo code
i).Reduced complexity compared to other tools e.g. flowchart
ii).Easy to read and understand than conventional programming language.
iii).Easy to translate to code iv).No
special symbols required
v).Saves time spent during coding, testing and debugging.
Disadvantages of pseudo code
i).Can be ambiguous because it uses natural language. ii).Pseudo
code has few rules and it is hard to standardize.
iii).The pseudo code focuses on details than the bigger picture of the algorithm.
Example: An algorithm to find the largest of numbers entered by user.
2.declare variables a,b,c,x
3.enter value of a,b,c
6. if(c>x)
8.display x