Study Guide
Study Guide
Study Guide
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Study unit 1: The environment and why it should
concern us 2
1.1 Introduction: Environmental concerns 3
1.2 Justification for studying legal rules relating to the protection of the
environment 5
1.3 The meaning of the term ‘‘environment’’ 6
1.4 Why do we protect the environment? 12
1.5 Classification of environmental problems 16
1.6 How to protect the environment: Legal norms and standards to manage and
protect the environment 18
1.7 The inherent link of environmental law with equity, transformation, redress
and justice 21
1.8 Concluding remarks 23
LCP4805/1/2018–2022 iii
3.7 Distinctive principles guiding and supporting international environmental law 64
3.8 Relevant treaties and the challenges or problems they seek to address and
solve 65
3.9 The National Environmental Management Act and international law 65
3.10 Overview of the historical landmarks in the development of international
environmental law 67
3.11 Climate change 67
3.12 Concluding remarks 81
6.3 Important terms 152
6.4 Environmental authorisations 157
6.5 Environmental impact assessment 165
6.6 Further provisions in Chapter 5 175
6.7 Concluding remarks 175
Addendum 178
Welcome to the Environmental Law module. We hope you will find it informative and thought-
Environmental law is infused with notions of equity, transformation, redress and justice. These
notions play a critical role in current environmental management in South Africa and will play a
critical role in future environmental management. While these notions will be unpacked later on
(namely, in study unit 1), it is important to recognise these notions from the outset of the
Environmental Law is an elective module and we hope that you have registered for this course
because of a genuine interest in the conservation, protection and management of the
environment and not because the module fits best into your examination timetable. Students
often complain that the course is difficult, dense and boring and fails to deal with particular
topics that interest them. For example, quite a number of students complain that they need to
know more about the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 and how it
relates to mining-related matters and the environment. Although we touch upon this Act in this
module, the emphasis is on the management and conservation of the environment as provided
for in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (through the recognition of an
environmental right in s 24, among other things) and in the National Environmental
Management Act 107 of 1998.
Please take the time to read through this preface before you embark on any work in the study
What we are trying to do in this module is to give you sufficient knowledge of environmental law
to enable you to achieve the following outcomes:
Outcomes Assessment criteria
Analyse the role of environmental law . Legal problems and issues relating to
in current South African law and environmental law are identified in real or
everyday life. simulated fact scenarios.
. Daily occurrences regarding environmental law
are interpreted and analysed.
. Areas in need of legal development or reform are
recognised within a regional and global context
to cope with modern-day challenges and
Apply the principles of environmental . Practical problems from case law and everyday
law in practical situations and solve examples are solved using appropriate research
multi-dimensional legal problems methods and applying the principles and rules
associated with environmental law. regarding environmental law.
. Responsible and expert advice on an
appropriate course of action is given in respect
of issues relating to environmental law.
. The knowledge and skills that students have
acquired in other areas of the law –
administrative law, in particular – are integrated
in discussing, analysing and applying the
principles regarding environmental law.
. Substantiated legal responses are provided,
based on the acquired knowledge base.
Having described the outcomes and assessment criteria in academic language, what does all
this mean in plain language?
We want to provide you with sufficient knowledge of environmental law to enable you to take the
following steps:
. Recognise a situation in everyday life, whether in a work context or in a broader practical
context, that involves environmental law.
. Analyse the situation to identify its essential elements.
. Situate these elements within the broader context of environmental law.
. Identify which rules/concepts (principles) of environmental law apply to the situation.
. Finally, and most importantly, apply these rules/concepts (principles) to explain, and
hopefully resolve, the situation.
Within the strictly legal context – that is, not based on the political context or your own
subjective opinion – you will also be in a position to substantiate your solution with reference to
authoritative sources.
In short, our aim is to provide you with sufficient knowledge of environmental law in order to
enable you to function effectively and to make a difference in the world, environmentally
speaking. Hopefully, we will also engender in you a real interest in the subject, inspiring you to
pursue it (either formally or informally) for the rest of your life.
– Environmental Law is a LAW course. Environmental law is law, just as much as mercantile
law or criminal law is law. Just as you would not (we sincerely hope) attempt to prosecute
fraud or murder or rape without a detailed knowledge of the elements of the crime, or to
charge a company director with a violation of the Companies Act without having its
provisions at your fingertips, so too it is necessary for you to know the rules and theory of
environmental law. Moreover, you need to get to grips with these rules (principles) during
your studies, since you will definitely not learn about them once you have completed your
studies and are practising as a lawyer. Just because environmental law is in the news quite
often such as in TV news reports about pending court cases by aggrieved environmentalists
regarding imminent developments in ecologically sensitive areas, it is not less weighty than
any other law subject. The rules and theory of environmental law, like all law, need to be
studied and ‘‘internalised’’; they definitely cannot simply be absorbed, as if by osmosis.
– Environmental Law is presented as a semester module. However, as a public law subject,
the module has close links with other compulsory public law modules offered in this
department, namely, Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Fundamental Rights,
Interpretation of Statutes and, in particular, Principles of Public International Law.
– Although Environmental Law is presented as a semester module, you should not
underestimate the course content. The amount of work involved is the same as in any
other law module. This also has implications for the standard of work we expect from you
and that we are legally required to prescribe.
a. Our emphasis is definitely on application and understanding. While you must have the
factual ‘‘law’’ knowledge, you need to do something with this knowledge, namely
(i) identify and describe what the applicable law is in a given factual situation, real or
(ii) apply the law to the facts presented
(iii) reach a definite conclusion, based on your discussion/explanation
b. We expect you to take responsibility for your studies. If you choose to enrol for 10
modules per semester (as some people insist on doing), this is your decision. Likewise,
the fact that you are working and juggling family life and your studies is simply a fact of
life (albeit an unpleasant one). While we sympathise and are happy to support you where
we can, these factors can’t (and won’t) affect the standard of work we expect from you.
– Lastly, as we move into the second decade of the 21st century, life is becoming increasingly
‘‘electronic’’. Consequently, you are in the very fortunate position of having myUnisa at your
fingertips (literally). Please make use of this facility. It is ideal for setting up discussion
groups and will minimise that feeling of isolation that is an inevitable part of distance
education. We hope you will find our blended learning approach informative and
meaningful. Please take time to read through our welcoming message before you start
accessing the online tools.
As you will see, this study guide is divided into three themes:
Theme I, entitled ‘‘The rise of environmental concerns globally and in South Africa and South
African environmental law’’, consists of three study units.
Theme II, entitled ‘‘The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 and environmental
law’’, consists of two study units. Since it contains an analysis of the National
Environmental Management Act (NEMA), it is an important theme in the module.
Theme III, entitled ‘‘The management of the environment (the implementation and
administration of environmental law)’’, consists of two study units.
Right at the start of each study unit you will find an ‘‘overview’’ in a table. In the overview we
summarise the contents of the study unit, as indicated below.
The outcomes tell you what you are supposed to be able to do after working your way through a
particular study unit. You will find the outcomes right below the overview of each unit. The
outcomes are indicated as follows:
The purpose of this study guide is, firstly, to provide you with a sound understanding of the rules
and theory of environmental law. As we have indicated above, we do not advocate parrot-type
learning. However, we do emphasise the need for a proper understanding of the concepts of
environmental law. This means that you will have to internalise certain rules/concepts; in other
words, you have to learn them and make them your own.
Secondly, once you have mastered these concepts and are able to explain what they entail, you
will be required to apply them to actual problems encountered in everyday life. These
applications will take the form of activities in which you will be asked to apply the concepts you
have learned to the problems. It is essential that you complete these activities in order to
understand and master the principles explained. Thirdly, the activities have been set to help you
to practise the skill of always explaining the principles you have learned and of applying them to
a particular situation. After all, as a potential ‘‘environmentalist’’ and/or ‘‘environmental lawyer’’,
you must always substantiate your statements by referring to the Constitution, legislation,
common law, case law and other sources, such as the opinions of experts in the field of
environmental law.
You must do these exercises. Sit down and answer them in writing, but don’t submit them for
marking/correction. After all, we provide feedback on them (‘‘Comments on activities’’) in the
particular study unit should not be studied in isolation, but always in relation to either preceding
study units or following study units. The activities and feedback are included to help you to
assess your progress in mastering a particular aspect of environmental law (or to grasp the
rules of environmental law in general).
Should you find that you repeatedly answer the activities incorrectly, contact us for help in good
time – NOT the day before the examination!
PLEASE NOTE: In a number of the activities, you are referred to a particular newspaper
article taken from the Business Day, 11 August 2011. The heading of the
particular article reads ‘‘Wild Coast community to fight toll road’’ and
you will find it reproduced below.
The process of making notes and completing the activities has become known as keeping a
learning journal. The following guidelines for keeping a learning journal have been adapted by
Dr Paul Prinsloo of Unisa’s DCLD (Directorate of Curriculum and Learning Development) from
the web pages of Carleton University’s Law Faculty in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Should you be
interested in looking at the web pages yourself, they are available at the following web address:
Why keep a learning journal?
If a learning journal is kept with frequent and fairly regular entries over months or years, it
provides a growing picture of your understanding of (Environmental Law) theory and practice,
your professional aspirations, and the ways in which your learning is unfolding. For some, it can
be a tool for analysing and solving problems; for others, it is a source of new ideas and
questions to be explored. Recording concerns and questions allows you to come back to them
and address them with new insights and perspectives. In essence, then, a learning journal
helps you think about, evaluate and bring together your learning throughout your learning
Each entry should include the date, a brief description of the situation or learning event, a
reflective comment about your learning, assumptions, insights, feelings and questions and,
when possible, a brief description of follow-up action, resources or other ‘‘to do’’ information.
A learning journal is personal and will reflect the personality of the learner. Be creative. Be
honest. Be thorough. Challenge yourself.
Although a learning journal is very personal, it may also provide you with evidence of your
thought processes and problems should you wish to contact the lecturer (at the Department of
Public, Constitutional and International Law) or speak to a colleague or a peer.
Organise and write your observations, questions and comments without worrying about using
just the right word or worrying about whether your spelling and grammar are correct.
By the end of the semester, we will need to determine whether we have succeeded in our aim,
namely, to enable you to achieve the outcomes we have set for this course.
Unfortunately, this can only really be done through assessment in one form or another. Details
of the compulsory assignments and the examination are provided in Tutorial Letter 101. In short,
it is essential that you submit the assignments to secure admission to the exam. It is also
important that you take the assignments seriously and submit the best answers possible.
These introductory remarks are sufficient; now it is time to get down to some work. Please let us
know if anything in this study guide is unclear, ambiguous or just student-unfriendly. This will
help us to sort out any problems and thereby improve the quality of the guide (see Tutorial Letter
101 for contact numbers, addresses, etc).
We wish you well in your studies and hope you enjoy this course.
CBD: (United Nations) Convention on Biological Diversity
CBDRRC: Common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities
CFCs: Chlorofluorocarbons
CITES: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
CONNEPP: Consultative National Environmental Policy Process
COP: Conference of Parties
DFA: Development Facilitation Act
ECA: Environment Conservation Act
EIA: Environmental Impact Assessment
EMI: Environmental management inspector
EAP: Environmental assessment practitioner
EU: European Union
EWT: Endangered Wildlife Trust
FAO: Food and Agriculture Organisation (of the UN)
FCCC: Framework Convention on Climate Change
GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
ICJ: International Court of Justice
IUCN: International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
IUPN: International Union for the Protection of Nature
IEL: International Environmental Law
IEM: Integrated environmental management
LUPO: Land Use Planning Ordinance 15 of 1985 (C)
MEC: Member of the Executive Council
MLRA: Marine Living Resources Act
MPRDA: Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act
NCOP: National Council of Provinces
NEMA: National Environmental Management Act
NEMPA: National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act
NEMBA: National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act
NEMAQA: National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act
NEMICMA: National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act
NEMWA: National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008
NFA: National Forests Act
NGO: Non-governmental organisation
NHRA: National Heritage Resources Act
NWA: National Water Act
PAIA: Promotion of Access to Information Act
PAJA: Promotion of Administrative Justice Act
PSC: Public Service Commission
RDP: Reconstruction and Development Plan
SANBI: South African National Biodiversity Institute
SANP: South African National Parks
S&EIR: Scoping and environmental impact reporting
SEMAs: Specific environmental management Acts
UN: United Nations
UNCCUR: United Nations Conference on the Conservation and Utilisation of Resources
UNEP: United Nations Environmental Programme
UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
WCED: World Commission on Environment and Development
WSSD: World Summit on Sustainable Development
WTO: World Trade Organization
WWF: World Wide Fund for Nature
The environment and why it should concern us
It has been said that the protection of the environment is a big, if not the biggest,
contemporary issue facing humanity. Environmental concerns are varied and multifaceted.
For this reason, the study of the legal rules pertaining to the protection of the environment –
environmental law – is important. The necessity to protect the environment raises the
question as to the meaning of the term ‘‘environment". It is possible to examine the term
‘‘environment’’ from both an expansive/wide and a restricted/narrow perspective. A more
realistic demarcation of the term is nonetheless found in South African framework
legislation, the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 (NEMA). However, to
answer the question about the meaning of the term is, in the final instance, a political/policy
question that evokes different opinions. Answers to the question of why we have to protect
the environment primarily have an ethical foundation. Three such ethical approaches are
distinguished and discussed in this unit – the anthropocentric approach, the biocentric/
ecocentric approach and the ethic of sustainable development. The present-day
environmental concerns have been touched upon in the introduction; the problems arising
from environmental damage are explored in this study unit, which then concludes with an
account of the instruments/tools used to protect the environment.
Environmental problems may roughly be divided into four categories according to the
different approaches required for their effective solution. These categories are: degradable
wastes; persistent wastes; reversible biological and geophysical impacts; and irreversible
biological and geophysical impacts.
& briefly explain what is meant by the principle ‘‘sustainable development’’
& briefly explain what you understand by ‘‘environmental management’’
& explain how the notions of equity, transformation, redress and justice are linked
within environmental law
1. ‘‘The death of birth – the problem: Man is recklessly wiping out life on
earth’’ (the destruction of biodiversity)
2. ‘‘Feeling the heat – the problem: Greenhouse gases could create a
climactic calamity’’ (global warming, or to use the more acceptable term
today, ‘‘climate change’’)
3. ‘‘A stinking mess – the problem: Throwaway societies befoul their land
and seas’’ (waste on land and at sea)
4. ‘‘Too many mouths – the problem: Many people are running out of food
and space’’ (overpopulation)
At present (the second decade into the 21st century), threats to the
environment have not diminished. Dramatic headlines underscore this
reality: ‘‘Save the rain forests!’’; ‘‘Illegal fishing with driftnets depletes our
oceans’’; ‘‘Why a sardine sandwich is better than a tuna roll’’; ‘‘Oil spill
destroyed rare marine life: the deepwater [drilling for oil] dilemmas’’; ‘‘We
choke on industrial air pollution!’’; and ‘‘We drown in rivers of waste!’’
fertile land, the adverse effects of climate change are already evident, natural
disasters are more frequent and more devastating and developing countries
more vulnerable, and air, water and marine pollution continue to rob millions
of a decent life.
Consider this:
How has environmental deterioration or damage affected
Activity 1
. you as an individual
. your community as a whole?
. South Africa?
. the world?
1.2 Justification for studying legal rules relating
to the protection of the environment
Have you ever wondered why it is so important to protect the environment?
The authors Bell and McGillivray put forward five ‘‘points of justification’’ that
could (and should) justify the study of the subject of environmental law
environmental law is the principal tool with which to manage the
environment. To a certain extent, this certainty ‘‘merely reflects the
regrouping or re-categorization of matters that have always been there’’
(ibid). An example would be the use of ‘‘nuisance control’’, well-known in
private law, in combating noise pollution.
Comments on activity 2 – feedback
Under the term ‘‘environment’’, you could have included the natural environment –
water (rivers, ground water, wetlands and oceans), air, soil, forests, mountains,
animals and plants/flora and fauna – and the spatial environment – cities, towns,
villages and rural areas.
In listing the environmental problems that may affect you, your community or the
entire planet, you must have realised that determining whether the environment is
polluted or requires protection depends largely on what we perceive as the
‘‘environment’’. Moreover, in an effort to determine the meaning and the scope of the
term ‘‘environment’’, you have probably concluded by now that the word
‘‘environment’’ can mean different things to different people and professions. To
complicate matters even further, the question as to what exactly constitutes the
environment can be examined from different perspectives.
‘‘the aggregate of surrounding objects, conditions and influences that
influence the life and habits of man or any other organism or collection of
In this definition we again find a reference to the interrelationship between
human beings and their surroundings. In this sense, ‘‘environment’’ is a
relative term in that it should be considered in relation or in proportion to
something else (Compact Oxford English dictionary 2005).
In its most extensive interpretation, ‘‘environment’’ means the following:
. natural environment – in the strict sense, the natural world in a pure state,
but more generally referring to renewable (air, water, animals) and non-
renewable (soil) natural resources
. spatial environment – man-made and natural areas (i.e. suburbs/
neighbourhoods, villages, towns, cities, countries) and specific natural
landscapes (mountains, wetlands, rivers, seashores)
. social (sociological) environment – comprising other people (family,
group/community, society)
view would include all conditions and influences affecting the life and habits
of man. This surely would include socio-economic conditions and influences
(par 37).
Viewed from this wide perspective, ‘‘environment’’ would then include almost
everything that may positively or negatively influence our human existence or
our quality of life. There is obviously a weakness to such a wide perspective on
‘‘environment’’. Drawing the boundaries as to what constitutes ‘‘environment’’
so wide that virtually every topic imaginable is seen as creating an
environmental issue undermines any effort to delineate the scope of
environmental law. Similarly, since the law regulates a person’s relationship
to this wide ‘‘environment’’, all law would (and could) be considered
environmental law. Consequently, the development of environmental law as
a distinct field of law would be pointless. According to Bell and McGillivray
(2006:5), the danger is that instead of a separate and independent subject/
discipline known as ‘‘environmental law’’, the subject ‘‘becomes ‘The
Environment and the Law’ ’’.
Next, in a brief paragraph or two, explain the drawbacks/
shortcomings (if any) you can detect in each of the
approaches to the concept.
the surroundings within which humans exist and that are made up of –
From the wording of this definition, it has been inferred that ‘‘environment’’
includes ‘‘our natural surroundings and those economic entities and social
structures that determine to a large degree both our being and our well-being
in the world’’ (Van der Linde & Basson 2010 CLOSA 50–11).
There are still many arguments for and against specific interpretations of the
term ‘‘environment’’. Nevertheless, there is general agreement that at its core,
the term ‘‘environment’’ refers to the earth’s natural resources, both
renewable and non-renewable. These resources are the object of current
conservation and pollution-control efforts (through national legislation and
other methods), and it is with regard to these natural resources that attempts
are being made to reconcile human development with conservation.
Environmental law is also political in the wide sense in that it involves the
making of ‘‘policy decisions about the best way to achieve certain objectives’’
(Bell & McGillivray 2006:13). Therefore, what is regarded as environmental law
or environmental conservation and management may differ from time to time
and from one country to another.
The parameters of the term are obviously evolving and it would therefore be
unwise to attempt to formulate a fixed definition of the term. Although
sufficient clarity exists regarding its essential core, the term must to some
extent be regarded as open-ended and still developing.
Later in the guide (when we examine the content of the environmental right) we
will see that the uncertainty concerning the parameters of the term
‘‘environment’’ has also had an influence on the content and the
interpretation of the environmental right embodied in section 24 of the
Up until now we have been examining the variable content of the term
‘‘environment’’. Next we must examine the need to protect the environment.
This leads to the following questions:
You will see that answers to these questions may be more easily provided than
implemented. One of the reasons for this difficulty is that the protection of the
environment generally involves the weighing up of conflicting ethical interests.
Put differently, since the protection of the environment is founded on various
ethical views, the justification of such protection will vary.
1.4 Why do we protect the environment?
1.4.1 General
The environmentalists would be up in arms about the possible and real impact the
building of the toll road would have on the environment. They would remind us of the
soil erosion, the possible water pollution, the potential threats to endangered animal
and plant species in the area of the proposed road, the air pollution resulting from
excessive dust, and so on. (You can add your own thoughts on other dangers
confronting the environment.)
For the high numbers of unemployed people in those areas, the building of the road
and other accompanying activities would offer exciting possibilities of employment
and improvement in their quality of life (think of some other possibilities the building
of a new road would provide and add these to the list – a clinic, perhaps?).
Having read the scenario as depicted in the earlier newspaper article, you
would undoubtedly have realised that there are conflicting interests involved.
More significantly, the interests appeal to our sense of what is right and decent
– our ethical convictions, in short. So how do we balance or weigh up these
conflicting ethical interests?
It is in this context that the philosophical basis of the question as to why we
ought to protect the environment arises. It can therefore be said that the
question relates to our ethical convictions or behaviour, such as whether a
certain action is good, acceptable (right), decent/proper or moral.
There are several ethical foundations for the protection of the environment,
and they all provide a basis on which the individual can decide whether a
course of action, which requires human beings to change/modify their
environment, is acceptable. However, bear in mind that
1.4.2 Anthropocentrism
Please refer to your e-reserve for Glazewski J ‘‘A philosophical and ethical
basis for environmental law?’’ in Environmental law in South Africa (2013:7–9).
. the idea of limitations, which are imposed by technology and society on
the ability of the environment to meet such needs (‘‘the limits to
development are not absolute but are imposed by present states of
technology and social organisation and by their impacts upon
environmental resources and upon the biosphere’s ability to absorb the
effect of human activities’’)
In simple and general terms, it relates to meeting the basic needs of all
(‘‘development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs’’, as defined by the
WCED in the report mentioned above (Sustainable development: A guide to
our common future 1987)), and extending to all the opportunity to satisfy their
aspirations for a better life. It also implies acceptance of consumption
standards that are within the bounds of ecological possibility and to which all
can aspire.
Read the decision (it is part of your prescribed study
material) and make notes/summarise the judgment under
the following headings:
HINT: Remember that the complexity of the terms ‘‘environment’’ and ‘‘sustainable
development’’ and the interaction between humans and their environment will
considerably influence your answers. The function of the law is, after all, to
create harmony in society, regulating the activities of human beings within the
environment (e.g. how they should manage their activities in respect of the
Note, further, that since the Fuel Retailers decision will feature in this guide again
and the ‘‘sustainable development’’ principle will be discussed in greater detail later
in this guide, these questions have been set mainly to encourage you to read the
prescribed decision. A further purpose of the questions is to assist you in gaining a
clear understanding of (a) a principle that is fundamental to South African
environmental law with reference to an influential Constitutional Court decision
and (b) how the court has applied the principle to a particular situation.
and deforestation). Before considering ways and means of solving
environmental problems, we believe it is a good idea to identify the
environmental problems confronting us.
The problems are serious because social and political indifference leads to
vast areas of the earth being degraded to an extent that damage is now also
taking place in unstable, fragmented areas, which do not allow for the reversal
of actions. These problems emphasise the need for human actions to be in
harmony with natural processes.
fragile ecosystems. Nowadays, possible changes in the world’s climate and
weather resulting from certain actions, as well as the exploitation of some of
the earth’s resources to the point of extinction, require urgent attention.
What should we do to protect the environment?
Environmental law provides the norms and standards for solving and/or
preventing environmental problems and ideally should also provide a sound
basis for environmental policy, planning and management. The state
departments responsible for the administration of environmental affairs have
a vast network of administrative control measures at their disposal, which may
be incorporated into the legal framework or may operate on a purely
administrative basis.
From a legal point of view, different strategies should be adopted to deal with
the different categories of environmental problems. For example, every
person’s right to an environment that is not detrimental to his or her health or
well-being is protected under section 24(a) of the Constitution. Therefore,
when air pollution is posing a risk to your health, you may approach the court
to protect your right to a clean and healthy environment.
Other fundamental rights that play an important role in the protection of the
environment include the right to just administrative action (s 33)
(‘‘administrative justice’’ in the terminology of the interim Constitution);
access to information (s 32); access to the courts (s 34); the right to health
care, food, water and social security (s 27); the right to property (s 25); the
right to dignity (s 10) and life (s 11); and the right to equal protection of the law
(s 9).
The scope, nature and application of the rights should be considered in the
context of the limitation of rights (s 36) and the interpretation clause (s 39). We
should also not forget the importance of section 38. Through this section (the
locus standi/legal standing provision), the environmental right and the
abovementioned rights that play a role in the protection of the environment
can be enforced. (Later in this guide we will return to this extended standing,
provided for in s 38.).
Section 24(b) of the Constitution makes provision for legislation to protect the
natural environment and to secure ecologically sustainable development –
‘‘reasonable legislative measures’’ must be taken to achieve this purpose. As
a result, a number of Acts were enacted, including the ‘‘umbrella’’ legislation,
the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998; the Marine Living
Resources Act 18 of 1998; the National Water Act 36 of 1998; the National
Forests Act 84 of 1998; the National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999; and a
number of ‘‘specific’’ environmental management Acts, such as the National
Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act 57 of 2003; the National
Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004; the National
Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004; the National
Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act 24 of
2008; and the National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008.
Ensuring that laws that are adopted to protect the environment are complied
with and enforced requires another strategy (possibly the most important) in
dealing with environmental problems. In the case of pollution (degradable
waste, for example), a penalty will apply after the pollutant has been emitted.
The penalty may take the form of a criminal prosecution, a civil remedy (such
as an action for damages), seizure and forfeiture, or effluent taxes. These
penalties may also apply in the case of persistent wastes (e.g. plastics and
nuclear waste (hazardous waste)), although in the case of both of the above
classes, the ultimate purpose of legal sanctions should be the effective
prevention of pollution.
With regard to both the emission of pollutants and the prevention of pollution,
the National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008 is pertinent.
However, if the detection of pollution is doubtful or if effective enforcement/
compliance is not ensured, there is a real threat that the relevant laws may
have a negative result (e.g. people may tend to think that the problem has
been solved once a law has been passed).
in this instance, environmental management. In the first edition of
Environmental management in South Africa (1992:92), Fuggle and Rabie
describe this concept as follows:
... [W]hen management skills and techniques are applied to care for the earth
so as to achieve the goals inherent in the nine principles (required for
building a sustainable society) ... we are dealing with environmental
justice in South Africa’’ in Environmental law (2011:301–302) and your e-
reserve for Glazewski J ‘‘Environmental justice’’ in Environmental law in South
Africa (2013:20–22).
South Africa has an immense challenge to meet the basic human needs of
millions of people while at the same time keeping the country’s environmental
resources intact. While a number of important principles form the basis of
environmental law, it is the principle of ‘‘sustainable development’’ that
arguably has the biggest impact on the management of the environment. The
principle of ‘‘sustainable development’’ was defined by the World Commission
on Environment and Development as ‘‘development which meets the needs of
the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs’’ (WCED Our common future 1987 at 43). This definition
advances two further concepts, namely (Kidd 301)
i. that there is a need to meet the basic needs of humanity (food,
shelter, clothing and employment)
ii. that ‘‘the limits to development are not absolute but are imposed by
present states of technology and social organization and by their impacts
on environmental resources and upon the biosphere’s ability to absorb
the effect of human activities’’ (WCED Our common future 1987).
health care, shelter, human rights, species preservation, and democracy –
using resources sustainably. A central principle of environmental justice
stresses equal access to natural resources and the right to clean air and water,
adequate health care, affordable shelter, and a safe workplace Environ-
mental problems therefore remain inseparable from other social injustices
such as poverty, racism, sexism, unemployment, [and] urban deterioration
(Kidd at 302 uses Richard Hofrichter’s ‘‘Introduction’’ at 4).
Return to the newspaper article reproduced at the beginning of this study guide
and reread it. Return to the Fuel Retailers case and take note of what the court
held about the scope and the nature of sustainable development.
Although nothing is said about ‘‘sustainable development’’ in the article, write
down (taking into consideration what the court said in Fuel Retailers regarding
sustainable development) what you view as major shortcomings/weaknesses in
the Minister’s rejection of the appeals against the construction of the toll road,
opening the way for the construction. Can you identify possible notions of equity,
transformation, redress and justice from both the newspaper article and the Fuel
Retailers case?
R Return to the brief discussion of the inherent link of environmental law with
equity, transformation, redress and justice above. Can you indicate how these
notions are linked within environmental law?
To assist you in answering the question, you should also consult NEMA and the
Constitution, particularly section 24. (To answer this question in detail, you will need
to return to it after you have studied the next study units dealing with the nature of
environmental law and s 24 of the Constitution.)
Since this module deals with environmental law, we will concentrate mainly on
the legal component of environmental management. The National
Environmental Management Act of 1998 is important in this regard. (More
information on environmental management is found in Theme III.)
In the next study unit we will be discussing the nature of environmental law in
South Africa and the sources of South African environmental law.
Environmental law in South Africa
In this study unit we will be investigating the scope, the nature and the sources of
environmental law. One of the sources is international environmental law, which will be
mentioned in this study unit. In view of the importance of this source, however, a full study
unit (study unit 3) is devoted to the topic. Since the subject of environmental law is a
modern one, the sources are mainly legislative in origin (apart from the Constitution of the
Republic of South Africa, 1996). In the discussion of the sources of environmental law, we
explain the distinction between authoritative and persuasive sources. Since Green and
White Papers are an important persuasive source, they will be described and their function
The greater part of the study unit is devoted to a discussion of what Glazewski calls the
‘‘emerging principles of environmental law’’, what they are and their recognition in South
African framework legislation – the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998.
This exploration of the principles that guide environmental law is undertaken under the
heading ‘‘Distinctive principles guiding and supporting environmental law’’.
The study unit concludes with an overview of the history of environmental law to illustrate its
roots and to substantiate its present-day growth in importance and development.
& explain why so many difficulties still exist in determining exactly what constitutes
environmental law
& identify (emerging) principles, norms and concepts unique to environmental law
and provide a brief explanation of the content of each of these principles
& take note of the landmarks in the history of modern environmental law
In this second study unit (part of Theme I), the scope, the nature and the
sources of environmental law, and the distinctive principles that guide and
support environmental law are discussed.
As a point of departure, you need to bear in mind that not every legal rule
relating to the environment constitutes environmental law. Environmental law
presupposes that a particular legal rule is aimed at or employed for the
conservation of the environment. Environmental conservation, in turn, is
concerned with the conservation or preservation of natural resources and the
control or limitation of environmental pollution (or, stated even more
categorically, the prevention of such pollution).
Please refer to your e-reserve for Kidd M ‘‘The scope of environmental law’’in
Environmental law (2011:4).
Although the question has been raised as to exactly what subject matter is
eligible to fall under the heading of environmental management, the general
view is that it encompasses the following three core topics or areas of
From your administrative law studies, you will remember that the public law
relationship is characterised by
Apart from the important administrative law and constitutional law public law
component of environmental law, environmental rules are also found in yet
another public law branch of the law, namely
. criminal law as a result of criminal sanctions for environmental offences/
Then again, environmental law rules are also found in the private law branch
of the law, for example, in
Viewing environmental law from this angle, we may well argue that
environmental law merely consists of a miscellany/assortment of legal rules
encountered in a number of conventional fields of law (that is, in the public,
private and international law systems in branches such as commercial law,
labour law, neighbour law, media law, welfare law, tax law and insurance law)
and is therefore not a distinct subject. However, a counter-argument may be
raised as to why environmental law is indeed a separate field of law. Although
principles found in the traditional branches of law are accommodated in
environmental law, they are united by a common objective or purpose – that of
protecting the environment and serving environmental conservation and
management. In the context of the environment, therefore, they have an
omnibus function.
NOTE: ‘‘Omnibus’’, in the context in which we use the word, means
‘‘dealing with, or providing for many different things or cases’’
(Collins English dictionary: Millennium edition 1999).
Comments on activity 1 – feedback
1. For a proper discussion of this question (an explanatory letter), you need to
make sure that you understand what the term ‘‘scope of a discipline’’ means
and that you are able to explain the concept. Secondly, you need to apply the
term to the set of facts in order to explain how environmental law has a role
to play with regard to the set of facts. You need to follow the same approach
in your explanation of the nature of environmental law in respect of the facts
in the newspaper article.
2. From the discussion of the scope and the nature of environmental law, you
should be able to formulate a definition of environmental law.
Binding/authoritative sources
Persuasive sources
Next we need to have a closer look at these various sources, beginning with
an overview of the binding/authoritative sources of environmental law.
In section 24 (which forms part of the Bill of Rights in Ch 2), the Constitution
makes provision for a fundamental environmental right (s 24(a)) and for
legislation and other measures to protect the natural environment and
sustainable development in general (s 24(b) will be discussed in study unit 4).
Section 38 contains a broadened locus standi requirement. These two
sections, in particular, have a far-reaching effect on the scope, application and
enforcement of environmental law.
Chapter 3 of the Constitution, entitled ‘‘Co-operative Government’’, (ss 40
and 41) also determines the division of environmental affairs between
national, provincial and local government spheres within the context of
cooperative government. (This particular topic will be discussed in study
unit 5.)
3. Legislation
Note, further, that although the Constitution sets the standard for conduct, it
obviously cannot deal with every aspect of interaction between authorities and
individuals – nor with every form of interaction between individuals and their
environment. As a matter of fact, Parliament – the legislature – is often
expressly instructed to adopt legislation to give effect to a constitutional
provision. Legislation, in short, adds flesh to the bones of legal rules,
principles and values expressed in the Constitution. For example, the
Constitution requires that Parliament comply with its constitutional duty to
pass legislation dealing with the protection of the environment ‘‘for the benefit
of present and future generations’’ to make it effective (s 24(b) of the
Note, too, that we also find legislation that contains environmentally specific
legal provisions or rules incidentally.
107 of 1998 (NEMA). The adoption and promulgation of this statute was
undoubtedly the most significant event on the environmental legislation
horizon in a long time.
The purpose of this activity is simply to ease you into the contents of the Act, which –
together with the relevant provisions of the Constitution – forms the backbone of the
study of South African environmental law.
National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act 24
of 2008
National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008
We also find legislation dealing with specific (natural) resources, such as the
National Water Act 36 of 1998 and its ‘‘accompanying’’ Act, the Water
Services Act 108 of 1997, as well as the Lake Areas Development Act 39 of
1975. Further examples are the National Forest Act 84 1998, the National Veld
and Forest Fire Act 101 of 1998, the Marine Living Resources Act 18 of 1998
and the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002.
In this category we find legislation that deals with, for example, specific waste
management or pollution control problems. Examples are the Dumping at Sea
Control Act 73 of 1980 and the Prevention and Combating of Pollution of the
Sea by Oil Act 6 of 1981.
There is also legislation dealing with the protection of South Africa’s wildlife,
namely, the National Parks Act 57 of 1976 (as amended).
In the sphere of South Africa’s agricultural land, we find an Act dating from the
pre-1994 era, the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act 43 of 1983 (as
We also find legislation dealing with substances that are harmful to the
environment, for example the Hazardous Substances Act 15 of 1973.
& National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act 57 of 2003
The Act provides for the protection and conservation of ecologically viable
areas that are representative of South Africa’s biological diversity and its
natural landscapes and seascapes; the establishment of a national register of
all national, provincial and local protected areas; the management of those
areas in accordance with national norms and standards; intergovernmental
cooperation and public consultation in matters concerning protected areas;
and the continued existence, governance and functions of South African
National Parks (SANP) and the SANP Board.
Recognising that while water is a natural resource that belongs to all people,
the discriminatory laws and practices of the past have prevented equal access
to water, and use of water resources;
authority over the nation’s water resources and their use, including the
equitable allocation of water for beneficial use, the redistribution of water,
and international water matters;
Recognising the need for the integrated management of all aspects of water
resources and, where appropriate, the delegation of management functions to
a regional or catchment level so as to enable everyone to participate;
The ways in which water resources must be protected make provision for
several factors, including meeting the needs of present and future generations
and promoting the efficient, sustainable and beneficial use of water in the
public interest.
The Act sets out the procedures for declaring areas to be protected areas and
the management of such areas; it also sets out the implications of such
(1) Mineral and petroleum resources are the common heritage of all the
people of South Africa and the State is the custodian thereof for the
benefit of all South Africans.
(2) As the custodian of the nation’s mineral and petroleum resources, the
State, acting through the Minister, may –
(a) grant, issue, refuse, control, administer and manage any
reconnaissance permission, prospecting right, permission to
remove, mining right, mining permit, retention permit, technical
co-operation permit, reconnaissance permit, exploration right and
production right; and
(b) in consultation with the Minister of Finance, determine and levy,
any fee or consideration payable in terms of any relevant Act of
... control over the utilisation of the natural agricultural resources in order to
promote the conservation of the soil, the water sources and the vegetation ...
This Act does not apply in urban areas or land situated within a mountain
catchment area.
This Act provides for the establishment of municipalities. Within that con-
text, the Act indicates that integrated development planning is a function of
municipal government (s 84) and that environmental issues are relevant.
(c) use its resources, and annually allocate funds in its budget, as
may be appropriate for the purpose of implementing paragraphs
(a) and (b).
Since we now have nine provinces, the potential exists for an overabundance
of environmental legislation to be adopted in each of these provinces. Up till
now, the following new provincial legislation has been adopted (in
alphabetical order according to provinces). This is by no means a complete
1. The Provincial Parks Board Act (Eastern Cape) 12 of 2003 came into
operation on 31 December 2003. This Act provides, inter alia, for the
management of biodiversity in provincial parks.
2. The Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency Act 2 of 2010 commenced
on 1 July 2010. The environmental angle of this Act is found in the
establishment of the Eastern Cape Biodiversity Conservation and
Development Fund and the appointment of environmental management
inspectors, inspectors and compliance officers.
3. KwaZulu-Natal adopted the KwaZulu-Natal Nature Conservation
Management Act 9 of 1997 (not yet in operation). This Act provides for
institutional structures for nature conservation in KwaZulu-Natal and
establishes control and monitoring bodies and mechanisms to achieve
the purpose of the Act.
4. The Limpopo Environmental Management Act 7 of 2003 came into
operation on 1 May 2004. According to the long title of the Act,
environmental management legislation of the province, or any such
legislation assigned to the province, is consolidated or amended by this
Act. The Act deals with a number of matters, inter alia, ‘‘protected areas’’
(s 3); ‘‘the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of
Wild Fauna and Flora’’ (s 9); ‘‘environmental pollution’’ (s 13); and the
officials dealing with all these matters (‘‘environmental compliance
officers’’) (s 14).
5. The Northern Cape Planning and Development Act 7 of 1998 contains
various references to environmental issues in the formulation of plans; it
also stipulates that regulations or guidelines may be made on measures
aimed at protecting the environment, including environmentally
sustainable application procedures (refer to s 79(1)(b)(i)). The Act came
into operation on 1 June 2000.
6. The Northern Cape Nature Conservation Act 9 of 2009 provides for the
sustainable utilisation of wild animals, aquatic biota and plants; the
implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; offences and penalties for contravention
of the Act; the appointment of nature conservators to implement the
provisions of the Act; and, finally, the issuing of permits and other
authorisations. The Act is not yet in operation.
7. In the Western Cape Planning and Development Act 7 of 1999 (not yet in
operation), under ‘‘General Planning and Development Principles’’,
certain principles are found, inter alia, Principle 6, entitled ‘‘Principles of
Sustainable Development’’ and Principle 7, entitled ‘‘Principles of
Environmental Protection’’.
Turn back to the newspaper article reprinted at the beginning
of this guide. You have been asked to provide the protestors
Activity 3 with a list of the most appropriate sources to consult to
strengthen their arguments against the proposed toll road.
1. Make a list of the sources the protestors could use.
2. Briefly substantiate your choice of each source.
The Fuel Retailers decision found in your e-reserve illustrates how the
Constitutional Court has contributed to the transformation of environmental
law in South Africa.
5. Common law
The common law (private law) was never directly aimed at environmental
conservation and management, which, in essence, is a public interest matter.
However, by protecting the environmental interests of private individuals, the
common law remains a source (albeit a minor one) of South African
environmental law.
1. Policy documents
Current government policy on various topics (and, of course, environmental
management matters and environmental law) is expressed in the form of
Green Papers and White Papers. The government’s policies on a vast range of
matters are set out in these documents.
A recent important Green Paper on the environment in which the public was
invited to comment on the government’s envisaged policy on and response to
climate change is the National Climate Change Response Green Paper (2010),
published in GN 1083 in Government Gazette No 33801 of 25 November 2010.
In paragraph 1, the purpose of the policy is set out. South Africa is committed
to making a fair contribution to the stabilisation of global greenhouse gas
concentrations in the atmosphere and the protection of the country and its
people from the impacts of unavoidable climate change. It presents the
government’s vision for an effective climate change response and the long-
term transition to a climate-resilient and low- carbon economy and society – a
vision premised on the government’s commitment to sustainable
development and a better life for all.
(i) An example is the White Paper on the Renewable Energy Policy of the
Republic of South Africa N 513/2004, published in Government Gazette
No 26169 of 14 May 2004.
(ii) A key example of the importance of a White Paper as a blueprint of a
government’s policy on various matters (in this instance, environmental
matters) is the (final) White Paper on Environmental Management Policy
for South Africa N/749, published in Government Gazette No 18894 of 15
May 1998 (which was preceded by a Green Paper – a discussion paper).
This White Paper evolved by means of a process of public consultation
and participation known as the Consultative National Environmental
Policy Process – CONNEPP. CONNEPP (which lasted from May 1995 to
May 1998) enabled the various stakeholders from labour, NGOs, civil
society and the government to participate in the formulation of a new
environmental policy for South Africa. The White Paper ‘‘provided the
basis for the NEMA’’ (Glazewski 2005:134).
The White Paper emphasises the concept of ‘‘sustainable development’’.
In Chapter 4, entitled ‘‘Achieving Policy Goals and Objectives’’, the
government outlines its strategic goals and objectives under the
‘‘overarching goal – sustainable development’’ and explains that ‘‘the
intention is to move from a previous situation of unrestrained and
environmentally insensitive development to sustainable development
with the aim of achieving an environmentally sustainable economy in
balance with ecological processes’’ (1998:25). Read within the context of
the provision on sustainable ecological development in section 24(b) of
the Bill of Rights, the White Paper reiterates that sustainable development
requires participation, equity and sustainable use of natural resources,
and that the South African government needs to address in its
environmental policy, inter alia, environmental decision-making that
employs an integrated and macroeconomic perspective.
In this regard, CONNEPP and the subsequent White Paper have aimed at
developing a broad policy and strategic framework to enable sustainable
environmental management in South Africa.
Various principles have been identified to guide environmental policy and
these principles should be considered to achieve the ultimate commit-
ment to sustainable development.
. capacity building and education
. the cradle-to-grave principle (the life cycle principle)
. efficiency
. environmental justice
. equity
. flexibility
. global and international cooperation and responsibility
. good governance
. inclusivity
. integration
. open information
. participation
. the precautionary principle
. the preventive principle
. the ‘‘polluter pays’’ principle
The rest of the White Paper (Chapter 5) deals with the governance of
environmental affairs and covers areas such as
. the constitutional setting and the Bill of Rights
. the essential requirements for effective environmental governance
. the lead agent in environmental affairs
. coordination of functions
. the development of an integrated and comprehensive regulatory system,
regulatory mechanisms and programmes to deliver services
(iii) The White Paper on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of South
Africa’s Biological Diversity (July 1997) gave rise to the National
Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004. The White
Paper gives a comprehensive discussion of the term ‘‘biological
diversity’’. The White Paper also reflects our government’s obligation to
draft policy that brings the legal position on biodiversity in line with both
the Constitution and the Convention.
. species diversity (e.g. the variety and abundance of species within a
geographic area)
. ecosystem diversity (e.g. the variety of ecosystems found within a
certain political or geographical boundary)
mentioned Glazewski’s observation that the development of emerging
‘‘distinctive principles’’ of the subject of environmental law needs to be
nurtured. Kidd phrases the question somewhat differently by asking: ‘‘[T]o
what degree [must] legal principles relate to environmental management to
qualify as environmental law?’’ (2011:5). As an ancillary question, he queries
whether there are indeed any ‘‘distinctive environment law principles’’
Glazewski (2013:20–28) identifies the following principles, norms, emerging
concepts and trends in environmental law:
. sustainable development (both a norm and a principle)
. environmental justice (an emerging concept)
. a human right to a decent environment (a worldwide trend)
. intergenerational equity (a norm)
. the public trust (a doctrine)
. the precautionary principle
. the preventative principle
. the ‘‘polluter pays’’ principle
. common but differentiated responsibility (a principle)
4. Indicate how the concept ‘‘sustainable development’’
has been incorporated into environmental legislation.
5. Explain how the Constitutional Court has supported
the concept of sustainable development in your pre-
scribed court case (Fuel Retailers). (In your explana-
tion you also need to mention the details of the
minority judgment.)
1. HINT: We suggest that you write down the relevant principle you have
identified from section 2(4) next to the relevant principle discussed by
2. Use the preceding comments (and even the preceding question) for
guidance when you tackle this activity.
3. The purpose of this activity is to ‘‘compel’’ you to read the prescribed
decision very carefully AND to summarise what you have read. (Remember
to write down the paragraph number in which you found any reference to the
4. A ‘‘hint’’ on how to approach this question will not be out of place here:
Return to the different statutes under sources discussed above and see what
has been written about ‘‘sustainable development’’ in them.
5. Refer to our observation in 3 above; the same applies to this question.
Please refer to your reader for Kidd M ‘‘A brief overview of the history of
environmental law’’ in Environmental law (2011:12–14) of your reader.
2.5 Concluding remarks
This study unit examined the nature, the scope and the sources of
environmental law and the distinctive principles that guide environmental
law. It also gave a brief overview of the history of environmental law.
In the next study unit (the third and final one in Theme I) we discuss the
importance of international law for the environment and its protection and
management. By way of introduction, the nature and the scope of (general)
international law will be considered before we proceed with a discussion of
international environmental law (IEL).
International environmental law and South
In this third and final study unit of the introductory theme, the importance of international
law for the environment and its protection and management is examined. By way of
introduction, the nature and the scope of (general) international law will be considered.
Included in the discussion is an examination of the sources of international law and an
explanation of the difference between traditional and non-traditional (‘‘soft law’’) sources of
international law. Also under discussion is the recognition and status of (general)
international law in terms of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. The
means of enforcing/complying with (general) international law are mentioned in passing.
Having discussed the sources of international law, we will then examine the nature and
content of international environmental law (IEL). IEL is an example of a ‘‘self-contained
regime (lex specialis )’’.
The study unit also includes a non-exhaustive list of the most important international
environmental treaties (gleaned from an abstract from Dugard’s International law: A South
African perspective (2011)). We also learn from the abstract the content of the selected
treaties in the context of the challenge or problem they seek to address and solve.
We also include a brief reference to the provisions in the National Environmental
Management Act pertaining to ‘‘international obligations and agreements’’.
The study unit continues with a brief overview of the landmarks in the historical
development of IEL (an abstract from Kidd’s Environmental law ). The overview emphasises
the importance of certain principles, the contents of which are still evolving. In the context of
the historical landmarks, we highlight the link between them and their ‘‘recognition’’ in
South African municipal law, referred to in the previous study units.
The study unit concludes with a very specific aspect of international environmental law,
namely, climate change (both at international and local level).
& discuss the recognition and the status of international law in terms of the Con-
stitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996
& explain what is meant by the ‘‘manner of implementing international law in mu-
nicipal law’’ in South Africa and what is required in terms of the Constitution
& discuss the sources of international (environmental) law and explain the differ-
ence between traditional and non-traditional (‘‘soft law’’) sources of international
environmental law
& explain the means of enforcing/complying with international law (briefly explain
the mechanisms and the procedures used for enforcement)
& discuss the nature and the scope of international environmental law
& discuss the provisions of NEMA as regards international environmental agree-
ments in South Africa
& identify the principles unique to international environmental law and note their
presence (i.e. recognise them) in South African municipal law
& mention at least five important international environmental treaties and explain
briefly the challenge or problem they seek to address and solve
& provide a brief overview of the highlights/landmarks in the historical development
of international environmental law
& provide a description of the development of climate change law – both at inter-
national and local level
& identify and explain the principles unique to climate change
Can you think of other examples of environmental
deterioration or damage (environmental ‘‘dangers’’) that
Activity 1 know no geographical boundaries, that is, that extend
beyond the physical borders of a particular state, including
South Africa’s borders? Are these problems increasing?
Write down examples of such environmental dangers. Would
you be able to show examples of the escalation of
environmental problems internationally?
. The ‘‘international arena’’ is important for the development of principles of
environmental law such as sustainable development or the precautionary
principle. These principles often develop ‘‘precisely because their origins
are in agreements that are not legally binding’’.
. Because of the nature of international law, recent developments in the
discipline have focused the attention of environmental lawyers on different
methods of ensuring compliance with environmental law. For example,
rather than reliance on ‘‘negative ‘command and control’ style
enforcement mechanisms’’, attention to procedures and on positive
inducements can be used to ensure compliance.
. ‘‘Perhaps negatively’’, the development of environmental law may be
subject to restrictions that originate in international law. For example,
import restrictions may be deemed incompatible with the rules regulating
international trade.
municipal law, but it still has to recognise and respect individual states with
their ‘‘state governments’’ and national legal systems (known as the
sovereignty of the various states).
If you are familiar with the contents of the International Law module, you will
know that it is possible to distinguish between an outdated and a narrow
definition of general international law on the one hand (the traditional
definition) and a more ‘‘progressive’’ or ‘‘modern’’ one on the other hand.
Traditionally, international law has been defined as a body of rules that govern
and regulate the relations between states, between states and international
organisations (such as the United Nations (UN) and its specialised agencies
and an institution such as the World Bank), and between international
organisations themselves.
3.3 The sources of International Law
(2) This provision shall not prejudice the power of the Court to decide a
case ex aequo et bono [literally: by that which is fair and good], if the
parties agree thereto.
The first three sources are so-called formal sources, while the subsidiary or
secondary sources – ‘‘judicial decisions and the teachings of the most highly
qualified publicists’’ – are indicated as the means through which the formal
sources can be found and/or to which we can turn if the other (formal) sources
have produced no results.
Treaties (conventions)
Treaties are agreements between states and are a vital source of international
law as a result of the increasing need for cooperation across national
boundaries. Treaties can cover almost any topic, for example the creation of
an international organisation; the setting up of trade; the granting of economic
aid; diplomatic relations; and the conservation and management of the
international environment. Treaties also establish a direct means of creating
rights and duties for states.
Article 2(1)(a) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969),
available at convention.html,
defines a ‘‘treaty’’ as:
The authors of the International Law module at Unisa prefer a more extended
definition. According to them (study guide for LCP4801:18), a ‘‘treaty’’ is
The effects of treaties are different in international and municipal law. A treaty
first has to become operative before it can contain binding international law
rules, and for that, it depends on the will of the contracting states. Therefore,
no state is bound by a treaty unless it has given its consent to it (signed or
ratified it [to ‘‘ratify’’ means ‘‘to give formal consent to an agreement, making
it officially valid’’ – Compact English dictionary (2005)]), and the normal
requirement in the case of a multilateral treaty is that a predetermined number
of states should ratify it.
The Constitution has changed the status of international law in our new
constitutional system. (See the discussion below for further details.)
It is therefore obvious that there are two ‘‘legs’’ to customary law; before a
customary rule can be established, both of the following requirements must
be met
(1) general practice
(2) acceptance as law
In short, custom is based on the conviction that such practice is required or
permitted by international law. State custom is the source of the bulk of
traditional international law and was created and respected long before any
treaties existed. The rules on diplomatic immunity and the law of the seas, for
example, existed and were recognised by states long before treaties were
The Constitution has also affected the status of customary international law in
the context of South African law. (See the discussion below for further details.)
Principles of law
These sources are less important international law sources. In general,
principles of law comprise a method for extending rules by inferring broad
principles from more specific rules and by borrowing from municipal law.
Examples of such borrowing from municipal law include the nemo iudex in sua
causa rule (‘‘no-one may be a judge in his/her own cause’’); the principle of
reparation (‘‘the making of amends for a wrong’’, according to the Compact
Oxford English dictionary (2005)); and the principle of a state’s being
responsible for all its agents.
These instruments do not fit neatly into the categories of legal sources
referred to above, but there is a strong expectation that they will command
respect and be adhered to by states, although they are not binding per se. In
other words, they are sources that do not traditionally give rise to enforceable
The main advantage of ‘‘soft law’’ over ‘‘hard law’’ is that it may enable states
to take on obligations that they would not have assumed had they been
required to accede to a treaty, for instance, owing to the obligations being
couched in vaguer terms. Alternatively, the obligations may be formulated in a
more precise and restrictive form than would have been acceptable in a treaty.
Yet another advantage of ‘‘soft law’’ is that it can assist in promoting and
reaching a compromise and thus prevent any deadlock in interstate
deliberations. It is therefore not surprising that ‘‘soft law’’ is increasingly
used in both general international law and the specialised field of international
environmental law.
‘‘Soft law’’ may not be enforced, but it has played an important role in paving
the way for formally binding obligations by establishing acceptable norms of
behaviour and by ‘‘codifying’’, or possibly reflecting, rules of customary law.
Examples include the initiatives of the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP), the Rio Summit Declaration on the Environment and
Development (1992), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) (1992) and more recently the Paris Agreement on Climate
Although international law features in several areas of the Constitution, we will
focus on two areas only, namely
. the Bill of Rights (Ch 2 of the Constitution, ss 7–39)
The interpretation clause in section 39
. General Provisions (Ch 14 of the Constitution, ss 231–243)
International law in sections 231–233
features, the court, tribunal or forum is testing South African law against
international law to determine the meaning of provisions of our South African
law. It is important to remember that, in this instance, the court/tribunal/forum
does not apply international law as such.
NOTE: Section 39(1) does not provide that the courts must apply
international law - only that they must consider it. In other words,
the courts/tribunals/forums apply South African law, but are under
an obligation to consider whether the South African law they apply
is in line with international law on the same point.
The wording of section 233 is extremely wide (it refers to ‘‘any legislation’’). It
applies to ‘‘every’’ court and uses the term ‘‘prefer’’ (meaning that an
interpretation in terms of international law should be selected in preference to
any other, provided it is reasonable). The reference to ‘‘any reasonable
interpretation’’ does not necessarily mean the most or more reasonable
interpretation; rather, it means that such interpretation should be applied in
preference to ‘‘any other interpretation’’ that is not consistent with
international law.
(5) The Republic is bound by international agreements which were
binding on the Republic when this Constitution took effect.
Suffice it to say that sections 231(1)–(3) are relevant for determining whether a
treaty (the reference to ‘‘international agreements’’ in s 231 is to be
understood to mean ‘‘treaty’’ as defined in Article 2(1) of the Vienna
Convention on the Law of Treaties) binds South Africa in the international
arena. Section 231(4) informs us that any treaty that is binding on South Africa
internationally becomes law in South Africa.
Section 232 of the Constitution deals with customary international law and
provides as follows:
Customary international law is law in the Republic unless it is inconsistent
with the Constitution or an Act of Parliament.
NOTE: Once again you are referred to the contents of the module entitled
General Principles of Public International Law or the standard
textbook on international law in South Africa, namely, International
law: A South African perspective (2011) for an accurate reading/
interpretation of this section. For our purposes, suffice it to say
that customary international law is available to and must be
applied by South African municipal natural courts.
A note on the use of terminology:
In international law, we often come across the term ‘‘sanctions’’ in relation
to ‘‘enforcement measures’’ against a state. The term has both a limited
and a more expanded meaning. In the limited sense, the term ‘‘sanctions’’
means specific measures taken jointly by states and/or by an international
organisation against a state. The Compact Oxford English dictionary
(2005) defines this meaning as follows: ‘‘2 (sanctions) measures taken by
a state to try to force another to do or obey something.’’ During the 1970s,
the United Nations adopted a number of enforcement measures
(‘‘sanctions’’) against South Africa because of its racist policies. One of
these sanctions was the prohibition on the sale of arms to South Africa in
terms of UN Security Council Resolution 418.
In the more expanded sense, the term ‘‘sanctions’’ is used in a generic
sense to refer to and describe all the enforcement measures and remedies
available to states and/or international organisations in the event of
another state disobeying a law or rule of international law.
recent years towards the ‘‘fragmentation’’ of international law, which resulted
in the emergence of other ‘‘specialized and relatively autonomous rules or
rule-complexes, legal institutions and spheres of legal practice’’ (Olivier &
Abioye 2008:185, quoting from the Report of the International Law
Commission, Fifty-eighth Session, General Assembly Official Records Sixty-
first Session Supplement 10 (A/61/10) at 404).
. humanitarian law, which deals with the laws of war and the treatment of
combatants and those caught up in conflict
. international human rights law, which deals with the rights of the individual
that transcend the factional interests of a specific state
. international trade law, which deals with trade and related issues between
states and other international law subjects
. international criminal law, which deals with the prosecution at an
international level of those guilty of gross and systematic violations of
fundamental rights (note that this is a mixture of international human rights
and humanitarian law)
. international environmental law, which deals with the protection of the
environment, which transcends the interests of a single state (remember
the first activity in this study unit?)
To what extent does Van der Vyver emphasise state
2. What role does international cooperation play in the
promotion of global environmental management?
Go back to study unit 2, where we discussed the ‘‘distinctive
principles’’ directing environmental law. Draw two columns
Activity 8 on a piece of paper and in the one column, write down the
principles the various authors identified as being relevant to
South Africa. In the second column, write down the principles
Dugard recognises as important for the purpose of
international environmental law. Compare your two columns
and ‘‘link’’ those that are present both internationally and
The purpose of this is activity is to help you come to grips with the large variety of
principles that have been deemed important in the context of the protection/
preservation and management of the environment generally and, more particularly,
in an international environmental law context.
1. The Antarctic Treaty was ratified and incorporated into
South African law. What are the legal implications,
Activity 9 nationally and internationally?
2. The Convention on Biological Diversity was signed by
South Africa and incorporated into our law. What are the
legal implications of this?
3. What does section 25 of NEMA provide regarding
international environmental instruments to which South
Africa is NOT a party? Is there any difference between
accession to an international environmental instrument
and the incorporation of such an instrument? Explain.
4. Refer back to study unit 1 and take note of the
classification of environmental problems. Once again,
two columns, marked A and B, will be the best way of
answering this particular activity. In column A, write
down the types/classes of environmental problems we
encounter at present (incidentally, can you think of any
others?). In column B, write down the treaties/
conventions you regard as examples of international
legal instruments that address these problems
internationally. If you are unable to classify a particular
convention, do you think that particular convention
caters for a newly identified environmental danger? Write
down your thoughts on this matter.
3.10 Overview of the historical landmarks in the
development of international environmental law
3.10.1 General remarks
To conclude this study unit, we provide you with an overview of the historical
landmarks in the development of international environmental law, based on an
abstract from Kidd. Note, however, that the landmarks Kidd indicates are
mentioned in other textbooks too. You will notice that through this ‘‘historical
continuum’’, as Guruswamy (2007:34) calls it, the historical landmarks of IEL
developed into ‘‘a permanent feature of the geo-political landscape of the
international community of nations, and of international civil society’’
(Guruswamy 2007:54).
3.11.1 Background
While it is known that the earth’s climate has always undergone changes (i.e. it
is not static), science indicates that it is changing at an extreme pace in a
relatively short period of time (IPCC, 2014: Climate Change 2014: Synthesis
Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment
Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team,
RK Pachauri and LA Meyer (eds)]. Scientific evidence further suggests that it
is mainly human (anthropocentric) activities that disrupt (change) the climate.
These human activities are connected to the release of greenhouse gases
(GHG) into the atmosphere (Glazewksi and Du Toit International climate
change law 3–3).
Activities that release relative large amounts of GHG include the combustion
and industrial processes of fossil fuels, namely, coal, oil and natural gas.
Examples include the energy sector (coal-fired power stations) and the
transport sector (vehicles, plains, etc). Can you think of other activities that
emit GHG?
. an increase in biodiversity loss (measured as the rate of species
. an increase in the frequency of great floods
. continued loss of tropical rain forests and woodlands
. rising sea levels
. forced relocation (relocation of communities) (Kotzé et al Climate change
law and governance in South Africa – setting the scene 1-10; also refer to
Glazewksi and Du Toit International climate change law 3–3). Action
Do you think something should be done to address the impacts of climate
change? If so, do you think this is an urgent matter? If the world (humans)
continues on its current path of burning fossil fuels (a non-renewable
resource), thereby disrupting the earth’s climate by emitting GHG into the
atmosphere, the likelihood of severe, widespread and irreversible risks to both
people and ecosystems will increase greatly (Kotzé et al refer to the IPCC’s
Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report: Summary for Policymakers).
Kotzé et al again refer to the IPCC’s Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report:
Summary for Policymakers by stating: ‘‘The longer we wait, the more it will cost
and the more complex will be the technological, economic, social, institutional
and legal interventions required to adequately address climate change
Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). It was
endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly. It is an intergovernmental
body with around 195 members (countries) and is open to all member
countries of the UN and the WMO.
The IPCC does not conduct research, but it reviews and assesses the latest
information (scientific, technical and socio-economic) that is produced on
climate change. Governments take part in this review process (thousands of
scientists from different countries) and during regular meetings (known as
plenary sessions), decisions are made on whether or not to accept, adopt and
approve reports on climate change.
Around 197 countries make up the parties to the convention. However, the
convention did not specify who had to do what to combat climate change and
therefore it lacked legally binding and enforceable commitments (Kotzé et al
Climate change law and governance in South Africa – setting the scene 1–10).
At the first meeting of the parties to the convention (Conference of the Parties
in 1995) it was agreed that a protocol needed to be developed whereby more
specific action would be spelled out. An instrument was needed that legally
binds countries to limit their GHG emissions to certain agreed targets. Parties
to the UNFCCC developed and agreed on such an instrument, namely, the
Kyoto Protocol (KP).
71 The Kyoto Protocol (KP)
The KP was adopted in December 1997 but only came into force in 2005 (due
to slow ratification by countries). According to the KP, parties (countries)
agreed to the following:
. Developed countries are legally bound to emission reduction targets (i.e.
they must reduce their GHG emissions).
. Developed countries named in Annex 1 of the KP are expected to reduce
their GHG emissions (by an average of 5,2% below 1990 levels).
. The first commitment period for developed countries would end in 2012.
. The new commitment period would start in 2012 and end in 2020.
. Developing countries are known as non-Annex I countries and are not
required to limit their HGH emissions. This is based on the principle of
‘‘common but differentiated responsibilities’’ (CBDR), which
acknowledges that developed countries are historically the biggest GHG
emitters and they have gained the most benefit from their (GHG emission)
developments. The question was righty asked why developing countries
should slow their development when developed countries caused climate
change in the first place.
. The principle of CBDR is also referred to as ‘‘fairness’’ or ‘‘equity’’. In
essence, it confirms that countries have different responsibilities,
depending on their individual capacities. For the sake of development
and poverty alleviation, developing countries (such as South Africa) were
not required to limit their GHG emissions and could therefore continue with
GHG-based development (Glazewksi International climate change law
. The principle of CBDR requires developed countries to assist developing
countries (which are vulnerable to climate change) by providing financial
assistance (costs of adaptation) and transferring knowledge, technologies
and so on (Glazewksi International climate change law 3–7).
. The 2007 Bali Road Map (a set of forward-looking decisions mainly on
charting the way for a new negotiating process)
. The 2009 Copenhagen Accord (countries pledged emission reduction
targets – all non-binding)
. The 2010 Cancun Agreement (focused on international cooperation on
adaptation measures)
. The 2011 Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (known as the Durban
outcomes), where an agreement was reached on a road map for
implementation. Countries seemed to recognise
– the need for a new global legal agreement that will deal with climate
change beyond 2020
– that developing countries will continue to need support to adapt to
climate change (particularly the poor and vulnerable in developing
. it is the first time that the role of non-party stakeholders has expressly
been acknowledged (these parties include international standard-setting
organisations, multinational companies, non-governmental organisations,
transnational movements and epistemic communities) (Kotzé et al Climate
change law and governance in South Africa – setting the scene 1–4; 1–10)
. under the presidency of Barack Obama, the USA committed to the Paris
Agreement; however; president Donald Trump withdrew the USA from the
. although the US officially withdrew, many public and private institutions
(for example, the mayors of major US cities, Tesla, Pepsi, Coca Cola,
Walmart and Disney) have vowed to stay true (at least in principle) to the
Paris Agreement (Dominic Rushe ‘‘Elon Musk and Disney boss quit
Trump’s business panel over Paris pullout’’ 2 June 2017 The Guardian
disney-boss-quit-trumps-business-panel-over-paris-pullout accessed
Mitigation and adaptation are the main responses to tackle the impacts of
climate change (Kotzé et al Climate change law and governance in South
Africa – setting the scene 1–19). Another important concept is that of climate-
resilient development. But what do these measures mean and where do they
come from?
Article 4(2)(a) of the UNFCCC states that all parties (countries) ‘‘shall adopt
national policies and take corresponding measures on the mitigation of
climate change, by limiting its anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases
and protecting and enhancing its greenhouse gas sinks and reservoirs.’’
Article 4(1)(e) of the UNFCCC commits all parties (countries) to ‘‘co-operate in
preparing for adaptation to the impacts of climate change’’. Adaptation is
defined as
adjustments in ecological, social or economic systems in response to actual
or expected climatic stimuli and their effects or impacts. It refers to changes
in processes, practices and structures to moderate potential damages or
benefit from opportunities associated with climate change (UNFCCC http:// accessed 2017-04-01).
. Assessment of impacts and vulnerability (identifying options to adapt to
climate change by looking at conditions such as availability, benefits,
costs, effectiveness, efficiency and feasibility)
. Planning (planning and prioritising changes where possible)
. Implementation (implementing those changes or plans)
. Monitoring and evaluation (monitoring the effectiveness of changes made
– need to be revised if needed)
Climate-resilient development
It is developing countries that particularly face the challenge of achieving
economic development while simultaneously being resilient to the impacts of
climate change. Put differently, the challenge for developing countries is to
build their economies and their people and at the same time to manage the
change to lower-carbon economies and societies (Kotzé et al Climate change
law and governance in South Africa – setting the scene 1–20).
Self-assessment Introduction
Because of its high reliance on coal-based energy, South Africa is the highest
GHG emitter in Africa and one of the highest GHG emitters (per capita) in the
world (Kidd Environmental law 331–332). The issue of climate change in South
Africa is therefore closely linked to energy production. The extraction,
production and use of energy all contributes to climate change in South
Africa (Glazewksi International climate change law 3–5).
Glazewski refers to a number of specific issues of concern or risks due to the
impacts of climate change to South Africa. They include
More significantly, South Africa ratified the more recent Paris Agreement (a
legally binding instrument) and committed to ultimately reducing its GHG
prevention plans (Kotzé et al Climate change law and governance in South
Africa – setting the scene 1–22).
. The anticipated carbon tax (see the Draft Carbon Tax Bill 2015 and,
particularly, the Draft Carbon Offsets Regulations 20 June 2016) builds on
‘‘existing climate related fiscal measures such as: the levy on electricity
generation, the levy on incandescent light bulbs, emission tax (CO2) on
new vehicles, income tax exemptions for the sale of carbon credits, energy
efficiency tax deduction, and a depreciation allowance for investments in
renewable energy and biofuels’’ (Kotzé et al Climate change law and
governance in South Africa – setting the scene 1–23).
. The National Environmental Management Waste Act (NEMWA), in
conjunction with the National Waste Management Strategy, provides for
the reduction of waste and hence follows a mitigation approach to waste-
related GHG emissions (Kotzé et al Climate change law and governance in
South Africa – setting the scene 1–22).
. The National Water Act (NWA) operates by the mechanism of compulsory
licensing for irrigation (adaptation).
You should now have taken note that South Africa
. does have a formal policy on climate change
. has made previous commitments to address the impacts of climate
change (both adaptation and mitigation)
. ratified the Paris Agreement
. has implemented a number of legislative (and other) measures to address
the challenges of climate change
. does not have ‘‘stand-alone’’ legislation on climate change, but legislation
has been incorporated in the specific environmental management Acts
Thabametsi Power Company (Pty) Limited was a preferred bidder in a
government plan to construct a number of coal-fired power stations (privately
owned) in South Africa (CER ‘‘Winning SA’s first climate change case’’). The
applicant (Earthlife Africa) argued that the environmental authority (in this
case the Department of Environmental Affairs) gave its environmental
authorisation (i.e. permission to build the power station) without considering
any of the potential climate change impacts of the project (CER ‘‘Winning SA’s
first climate change case’’).
In this case the North Gauteng High Court handed down its ruling on
8 March 2017. The court agreed with the applicant (Earthlife Africa) that the
environmental authority did not adequately consider the potential climate
change impacts of the project before issuing the environmental authorisation
(CER ‘‘Winning SA’s first climate change case’’).
The respondents did not appeal the decision. It would be interesting to see
what the outcome will be of similar matters (if brought before a court to be
adjudicated). One can assume similar cases will follow.
Comments on activity 13 – feedback
HINT: Refer to Earthlife Africa Johannesburg v Minister of Environmental Affairs and
others 2017 in the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria
The Constitution of the Republic of South
Africa, 1996 and framework environmental
legislation – the National Environmental
Management Act 107 of 1998 (NEMA)
In this fourth study unit (the first study unit of Theme II) we present you, by way of an
introduction, with a brief overview of the general characteristics of the Constitution and
some remarks on the objective and purpose of the Constitution. In other words, we
investigate and emphasise certain basic elements of the Constitution that have a significant
impact on the nature, implementation and enforcement of environmental law in South
Africa. In essence, this study unit deals with environmental law in its constitutional context.
Next we will examine the content and the scope of the environmental right provided for in
section 24 of the Constitution. (In examining the ‘‘scope’’ of the right, we consider the extent
or the reach of the right.) Our examination takes the form of an analysis of the key phrases
we encounter in section 24. We also consider a number of fundamental rights that are
relevant to or have an impact on the management and protection of the environment. To put
it differently, we will explore other fundamental (human) rights that generally support
environmental management and protection. In this study unit we also examine features of
the Bill of Rights that affect the "use" (application) of fundamental rights. Such features
include the question of legal standing (s 38 of the Constitution); the limitation of rights
provided for in section 36; and interpretation of the Bill of Rights as provided for in
section 39.
In our investigation of section 24 (the environmental right), we will discover that the
Constitution instructs the legislature to adopt ‘‘legislative measures’’ to realise the
environmental right. The legislation adopted in compliance with the constitutional directive
is the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 (NEMA). Although the content
of NEMA is analysed in the next study units, we need to consider two pertinent features of
the Act in this study unit: firstly, we need to explore NEMA as ‘‘framework’’ legislation and
what this concept (‘‘framework legislation’’) means and, secondly, we need to investigate
the content of the ‘‘national environmental principles’’, which section 2 of NEMA sets out to
apply ‘‘throughout the Republic to the actions of all organs of state that may significantly
affect the environment’’.
By the end of this study unit, you should be able to
PLEASE NOTE: It is important that you obtain your own copy of the
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 and
an up-to-date copy of the National Environmental
Management Act 107 of 1998 (NEMA).
PLEASE NOTE FURTHER: The Citation of Constitutional Laws Act 5 of
2005, which came into operation on 27 June 2005,
provides that the Constitution will simply be known as
the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996
and will not be associated with the number 108. All
subsequent amendments to the Constitution will be
indicated and identified as the first, second, et cetera
amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of South
democracy in a more general sense. The Constitution is the supreme law of
our country. What would you say is the effect of the supremacy of the
Constitution? Section 2 defines ‘‘constitutional supremacy’’ as follows.
& The Constitution is the supreme law of our country. Section 2 defines
‘‘constitutional supremacy’’ as follows:
This Constitution is the supreme law of the Republic; law or conduct
inconsistent with it is invalid, and the obligations imposed by it must be
PLEASE NOTE: As you are in the fourth year of your studies, we assume
you have completed the constitutional law module and
that you are therefore familiar with the structure of the
South African government, the distribution of state
powers and authority, and so on. If you are unable to
recall any of these features of constitutional law, we
suggest you return to your Constitutional Law study
guide or any basic textbook on constitutional law to
refresh your memory.
PLEASE NOTE FURTHER: In study unit 5 we examine the content of
Chapter 3 of the Constitution, entitled ‘‘Cooperative
government’’, since cooperative government provisions
in relation to the environment are an important feature of
the National Environmental Management Act 107 of
1998 (NEMA).
The ‘‘Basic values and principles governing public
administration’’, provided for in Chapter 10 of the
Constitution, will be discussed briefly below under
& Chapter 2 of the Constitution contains the Bill of Rights (ss 7–39), in which
the state (and all its organs) undertakes to guarantee and protect
fundamental human rights, such as the right to life, dignity, privacy and
equality. Furthermore, the right to education, employers’ and employees’
rights, the rights of prisoners and detainees, freedom of expression,
association, religion, belief and opinion, and a right to the environment
and a right to just administrative action are among the many rights and
freedoms protected by the state.
& The Bill of Rights is a justiciable bill of rights, which means that the courts
will judge the enforcement of human rights. In this context, the courts will
interpret and define the content of these rights (e.g. the right to the
environment), with the Constitutional Court as the final arbiter where
issues regarding human rights are concerned.
& Fundamental rights are not absolute and therefore do not apply in an
unqualified way. This means that in all situations where these rights are in
question, the competing rights and duties of the various parties involved
have to be weighed up against each other in order to restore legal
balance. Furthermore, the limitation clause in the Bill of Rights provides
that these rights may be limited by laws of general application in situations
where such a limitation would, for example, be reasonable and justifiable
(s 36).
HINT: The Constitution is the supreme law of our country. This means, inter alia,
that the functions and actions performed in the various spheres of
government by other organs of state and public bodies, and which relate
to the environment, must be in line with the provisions of the Constitution.
HINT: Chapter 2 of the Constitution contains the Bill of Rights (ss 7-39), in which
the state (and all its organs) undertakes to guarantee and protect
fundamental human rights, such as a right to the environment.
In the Preamble to the Constitution, the people of South Africa recognise the
injustices of the past and undertake to build a better South Africa for all. All
South Africans, through the adoption of the supreme Constitution, are bound
to tackle, in a spirit of reconciliation and reconstruction, the objectives of the
new democratic order, for example
. to establish a society based on democratic values, social justice and
fundamental human rights
. to lay the foundations for a democratic and open society in which
government is based on the will of the people and every citizen is equally
protected by law
. to improve the quality of life of all citizens and free the potential of each
. to build a united and democratic South Africa that is able to take its rightful
place as a sovereign state in the family of nations
The umbrella term for the objectives of the new democratic order is
‘‘transformation’’. Ngcobo J, in Bato Star Fishing (Pty) v Minister of
Environmental Affairs and Tourism 2004 4 SA 490; 2004 7 BCLR 687 (a
decision dealing with the allocation of fishing quotas in terms of the Marine
Living Resources Act 18 of 1998), stated the following (at par 73):
past’ and makes a commitment to establishing ’a society based on
democratic values, social justice and fundamental rights’. This society is
to be built on the foundation of the values entrenched in the very first
provision of the Constitution.
You may wonder what the purpose and/or function of these values is.
Roederer’s answer is perhaps the most descriptive and understandable
(2005 CLOSA 13–4):
society between the rich and the poor’’ or redressing the unequal distribution of
harm previously caused (Kid at 301–302 and Field at 416, quoting the Johannesburg
Declaration on Sustainable Development 2002).
You now have a broad overview of the basic characteristics, values, norms
and principles of the Constitution and how (and to what extent) they affect
environmental governance.
The discussion below concentrates on the impact of the Bill of Rights on the
environment and its management.
Van der Linde and Basson (2010 CLOSA 50–8) are of the opinion that
considerable benefits are attached to a ‘‘constitutionally entrenched
environmental right’’. They mention three benefits. In the first place, such a
right provides a ‘‘safety net’’ if and when existing laws or policies fail to
address an environmental problem. Secondly, an environmental right can act
as ‘‘a brake’’ on economic programmes that harm the environment. Finally,
the provision of ‘‘procedural environmental rights’’ should promote greater
public participation in the process of ‘‘interpreting and enforcing substantive
environmental rights’’.
The following discussion gives a broad outline of the environmental right and
its development in South Africa.
PLEASE NOTE: Although a distinction is still drawn between civil and
political rights on the one hand and socio-economic
rights on the other (refer to the discussion by Glazewski
in your e-reserve), the idea of categorising rights in
various ‘‘generations’’ – ‘‘first’’, ‘‘second’’ and ‘‘third’’ –
is no longer tenable and rights are now regarded as
‘‘universal, indivisible and interdependent and
interrelated’’. See, for example, paragraph 5 of the
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action adopted
by the World Conference on Human Rights on 25 June
1993 (UN Document A/Conf 157/23 (1993)).
environment. The applicant was an organisation representing the interests of
fuel retailers. The respondents were the various environmental authorities
involved in granting an authorisation to build a petrol filling station, the
Mbombela local municipality (who granted a rezoning application), Lowveld
Motors (Pty) Ltd and the trustees of a trust, who had been granted the
rezoning and authorisation to build the filling station.
The applicant for the review and setting aside of the decision to grant the
authorisation for the construction of the filling station lodged an appeal on the
grounds that the environmental authorities in Mpumalanga had neither
considered the socio-economic impact of constructing the proposed filling
station, nor the cumulative impact it would have on the environment and on all
existing filling stations that were close by. The respondents, in turn, contended
that these issues had been considered by the local authority when it granted
the rezoning application of the property for the purposes of constructing the
proposed filling station.
The Constitutional Court found that the local authority, when considering a
rezoning application, has to consider the need and desirability from a town-
planning perspective. An environmental authority, in turn, considers whether a
town-planning scheme is environmentally justified. An environmental authority
is obliged in terms of the Constitution, the Environment Conservation Act
(ECA) and NEMA to consider socio-economic factors as well as the
cumulative impact of the proposed filling station and existing ones, and the
impact of the proposed filling station on existing ones, whereas the local
authority is not obliged to do so in terms of the Ordinance. In section 24, the
Constitution provides for the integration of environmental protection and
socio-economic development. This means that environmental factors must be
balanced with socio-economic factors, as encapsulated in the concept of
sustainable development. The concept of sustainable development provides
the framework for reconciling socio-economic development and
environmental protection. The court noted (in par 45 and 102) as follows:
This is apparent from section 24(b)(iii) which provides that the environment
will be protected by securing ‘‘ecologically sustainable development and use
of natural resources while promoting justifiable economic and social
development’’. Sustainable development and sustainable use and exploita-
tion of natural resources are at the core of the protection of the environment.
... [T]he role of the courts is especially important in the context of the
protection of the environment and the giving effect to the principle of
sustainable development. The importance of the protection of the environ-
ment cannot be gainsaid. Its protection is vital to the enjoyment of the other
rights contained in the Bill of Rights; indeed, it is vital to life itself. It must
therefore be protected for the benefit of the present and future generations.
This present generation holds the earth in trust for the next generation. This
trusteeship position carries with it the responsibility to look after the
environment. It is the duty of the Court to ensure that this responsibility is
carried out.
The court held that the environmental authorities had not fulfilled their
obligations as required by section 24 of the Constitution, the ECA and NEMA.
As a result, the decision to grant the authorisation was set aside.
Section 36 of the Constitution is the general limitation clause and applies to all
rights in the Bill of Rights. Section 36 will always feature when a court and/or
‘‘another independent and impartial tribunal or forum’’ (refer to s 34 of the
Constitution) has to determine whether a limitation of a right is lawful.
(It is important that you take note, once again, of the values spelled out in
the Constitution and referred to above.)
Other factors that must be taken into account in limiting a right are as follows:
(a) The nature of the right, for example, what is being protected in terms of the
right to a clean and healthy environment and what is the significance of
this right in an open and democratic society?
(b) The importance of the purpose of the limitation, for example, what public
purpose (or rights of others) is protected by the limitation and how
important is this purpose in an open and democratic society based on
fundamental values?
(c) The nature and the extent of the limitation, for example, how serious is the
transgression (contravention) for which the limitation is sought?
(d) The relation between the limitation and its purpose, for example, will the
limitation of the right to a clean and healthy environment further the
purpose of the limitation (for example, economic progress, trade and
employment opportunities) and, if so, how efficiently will it serve the
(e) The use of less restrictive means to achieve the purpose, for example, are
there other ways of achieving the purpose that have a less restrictive
effect on the right?
The requirements set for the limitation of a right in section 36 means that there
must be a balance/proportionality between the limitation of the right and the
purpose for which the right is being limited. In other words, the limitation
clause refers in essence to the ‘‘principle of proportionality’’ as it has been
applied and developed by the Constitutional Court in several cases.
whether there is an even balance between the means used and the ends
envisaged. (Refer to the provision of (d), ‘‘the relation between the limitation
and its purpose’’.)
Section 36 of the Constitution is the general limitation clause and applies to all
rights in the Bill of Rights, including the environmental right. Rights may only be
limited by way of a law of general application and all limitations must be
reasonable and justifiable in an open and democratic society based on human
dignity, equality and freedom. Certain factors must be taken into account in
limiting a right. The requirements set for the limitation of a right in section 36,
means that there must be a balance/proportionality between the limitation of the
right and the purpose for which the right is being limited.
Section 24(b) contains its own internal limitation, in that ‘‘reasonable legislative
and other measures’’ that are passed or taken must be to ‘‘(i) prevent pollution
and ecological degradation; (ii) promote conservation; and (iii) secure
ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources while
promoting justifiable economic and social development.’’
Go back to the newspaper article reproduced at the
beginning of this study guide. Do you think that the limitation
Activity 7 of the right has any role to play in this set of facts?
This is not necessarily a hint, but as an advanced student you will know by now
that it is quite difficult to predict the outcome of a particular case, since each
case has to be evaluated in terms of its own facts and circumstances and on its
own merit. Moreover, it is hugely debatable whether an assignment ‘‘of
promoting justifiable economic and social development’’ should be dealt with
in environmental legislation, and whether an environmental right is the correct
context (framework) in which to include this particular issue. In short, justifiable
limitation in an environmental context is extremely difficult to factor into a
question such as the one regarding the newspaper report.
The actio popularis of Roman law did not form part of our law. In terms of the
actio popularis, every member of the public could bring actions to prevent
public dangers. The actio popularis was action in the public interest. In the
environmental law context, the actio popularis means that every person has an
interest in the proper management and protection of the environment and
every person is able to freely challenge any action threatening the
environment or the validity/legality of any action as regards the
management of the environment.
97 Locus standi in terms of section 38 of the 1996 Constitution
The Constitution has broadened the scope or the range of locus standi of
individuals and groups to seek relief in matters involving fundamental rights,
including the environmental right. In other words, more people who have
"identifiable interests in the outcome" of a case may now approach the court.
Section 38 reads:
Anyone listed in this section has the right to approach a competent court,
alleging that a right in the Bill of Rights has been infringed or threatened,
and the court may grant appropriate relief, including a declaration of rights.
The section then proceeds to identify the persons ‘‘who may approach’’ a
court. They are
(a) anyone acting in their own interest
(b) anyone acting on behalf of another person who cannot act in their own
(c) anyone acting as a member of, or in the interest of, a group or class of
(d) anyone acting in the public interest
(e) an association acting in the interest of its members
PLEASE NOTE: The first four persons refer to ‘‘anyone’’ and the last one
to ‘‘an association’’ representing its members. The
effect of this extension of standing is that individuals or
non-governmental organisations may now approach a
court to bring an action in the public interest. For
example, a group of concerned persons may approach
the court in the public interest to protect the environment
– the above-mentioned actio popularis.
any breach or threatened breach of any provision of this Act, including a
principle contained in Chapter 1, or any other statutory provision concerned
with the protection of the environment or the use of natural resources –
(a) in that person’s or group of person’s own interest,
(b) in the interest of, or on behalf of, a person who is, for practical
reasons, unable to institute such proceedings;
(c) in the interest of or on behalf of a group or class of persons whose
interests are affected;
(d) in the public interest; and
(e) in the interest of protecting the environment.
The effect of the extension of legal standing when environmental matters are
involved is summarised by Glazewski in the following way (2005:123):
Section 32 of NEMA, unlike section 38 of the Constitution – which only grants legal
standing (locus standi) to persons and associations when rights in the Bill or Rights
are threatened – adds to the circumstances in which relief may be sought when the
environment is involved. Section 32(1) allows any person or group of persons to
seek appropriate relief in respect of (i) any breach or threatened breach of any
provision of NEMA, (ii) its section 2 principles (contained in Chapter 1), or (iii)
any violation of any other statutory provision dealing with the protection of the
environment. The only ‘‘limitation’’ is that the person must act in the ‘‘interest of
protecting the environment’’.
Subsection (3) stipulates: ‘‘The Bill of Rights does not deny the existence of
any other rights or freedoms that are recognised or conferred by common law,
customary law or legislation, to the extent that they are consistent with the
that constitutional rights must be generously interpreted, that all statutes must
be interpreted through the prism of the Bill of Rights and that all law-making
authority must be exercised in line with the Constitution.
4.3.1 Introduction
Can you think of other fundamental rights that have an impact on
environmental matters?
Although the environmental right is obviously the most pertinent and relevant
right in the protection and management/administration of the environment,
other rights also have an impact on this activity. In other words, other rights in
the Bill of Rights are directly relevant to the environment and environmental
management (Kidd 2011:26). Van der Linde and Basson (2010 CLOSA 50–41)
have a somewhat narrow view of these rights when they refer to them as rights
‘‘that regularly feature in environmental disputes’’. In their discussion of these
rights, they distinguish between ‘‘substantive rights’’ (at 50–42 and further)
and ‘‘procedural rights’’ (at 50–46 and further). The substantive rights they
discuss are the equality right (s 9); the right to dignity (s 10); the right to life (s
11); the right to property (s 25); and the socio-economic rights as found in
section 26 (the right of access to housing); and the right of access to ‘‘health
care services’’ (s 27(1)(a)), sufficient food and water (s 27(1)(b)) and ‘‘social
security’’ (s 27(1)(c)).
As regards the relationship between the environmental right and the right to
food and water, Van der Linde and Basson write the following (at 50–45):
say the use of natural aquifers to increase production – may have an adverse
effect on sound environmental management. Moreover, the state’s dual
obligations to manage the natural environment and to provide the conditions
for adequate production of food products can come into conflict. At the same
time, the right to access to water may work, hand in glove, with the right to
healthy environment. Access to water implies drinking water free from toxic
contaminants, which will require keeping watercourses and the surrounding
environment free of pollution.
Van der Linde and Basson identify the right of access to information (s 32) and
the right to just administrative action (s 33) as ‘‘procedural rights’’. They
Procedural rights provide a mechanism for gathering information that might
affect those concerned with a potential environmental dispute and in
adopting reaction strategies to check the reasonableness of government
decisions (at 50–46).
These rights serve yet another purpose since they act as control measures
over the discretionary powers of administrators/organs of state. These forms
of administrative control highlight the philosophy of democratic decision-
making in environmental law. The essential aim of environmental planning is,
after all, to ensure that environmental factors are taken into account in
decisions regarding development. The truth, therefore, is that effective
environmental management and protection cannot be achieved without
administrative law provisions, such as procedural fairness and reasonable-
ness, public participation in decision-making and other complementary
mechanisms, such as the IEM (‘‘integrated environmental management’’)
procedures provided for by NEMA and public access to information.
These principles apply to administration in all spheres of government, organs
of state and public enterprises (subs (2)).
Section 33 is a fundamental right enshrined in the Bill of Rights, and the state
and all organs of state must respect, protect, promote and fulfil the rights in
the Bill of Rights (s 2). The Bill of Rights applies to all law and binds the
legislature, the executive, the judiciary and all organs of state (ss 7(2) and 8
(1)). Section 32 (access to information) and section 34 (access to the courts)
also form part of the process to ensure just administrative action.
Administrative action
It is of prime importance to know what constitutes ‘‘administrative action’’. The
main reason for knowing what the concept entails is that the application of the
right to just administrative action (s 33 of the Constitution) depends on
whether ‘‘administrative action’’ has been performed by either an organ of
state or any person exercising public power/performing a public function in
terms of legislation. Put differently, administrative action is the entrance –
literally the doorstep or threshold – requirement for the application of the right
to just administration action.
which adversely affects the rights of any person and which has a direct,
external legal effect, but does not include ... (the exclusions, from (aa)
through to (ii ));
Other definitions in the section (s 1) should be read together with the definition
of ‘‘administrative action’’ since they elaborate on certain key concepts used
in the definition. They are:
. ‘[A]dministrator’ means an organ of state or any natural or juristic person
taking administrative action ...’’.
. ‘[D]ecision’ means any decision of an administrative nature made,
proposed to be made, or required to be made, as the case may be, under
an empowering provision, including a decision relating to –
(a) making, suspending, revoking or refusing to make an order, award or
(b) giving, suspending, revoking or refusing to give a certificate, direction,
approval, consent or permission;
(c) issuing, suspending, revoking or refusing to issue a licence, authority
or other instrument;
(d) imposing a condition or restriction;
(e) making a declaration, demand or requirement;
(f) retaining, or refusing to deliver up, an article; or
(g) doing or refusing to do any other act or thing of an administrative
nature, and a reference to a failure to take a decision must be
construed accordingly;
(a) any department of state or administration in the national, provincial
or local sphere of government; or
(b) any other functionary or institution
i(i) exercising a power or performing a function in terms of the
Constitution or a provincial constitution; or
(ii) exercising a public power or performing a public function in
terms of any legislation, but does not include a court or judicial
This is an overarching principle, indicating to act in terms of the law. This
means that the administrator is required to comply with the prescripts of the
Constitution, other applicable legislation (such as NEMA, the empowering
legislation and PAJA -the ‘‘prescriptive’’ Act) and other sources of law.
Discuss lawfulness and procedural fairness as important
‘‘tools’’ in protecting the environmental right. Would you say
Activity 10 that these procedural requirements (as found in the right to
just administrative action) have strengthened (or supported)
the right to the environment? How?
This usually relates to a decision that involves the exercise of a discretionary
power (e.g. whether the discretion was exercised reasonably). A reasonable
decision is a rational decision, is not taken arbitrarily and does not have an
unreasonable effect. In short, a reasonable decision is one in which we see
proportionality between the means or method used to achieve a particular
result or end.
Written reasons
Furthermore, where rights have been adversely affected by the administrative
action, written reasons must be given for the action – as required by section
33(2) of the Constitution and elaborated upon by section 5 of PAJA. Written
reasons must be given after the decision has been taken.
by administrative action and who has not been given reasons for the
action may, within 90 days after the date on which that person became
aware of the action or might reasonably have been expected to have
become aware of the action, request that the administrator concerned
furnish written reasons for the action.
Reasons must justify the decision and must therefore be appropriate and
adequate. Years ago, Baxter (1984:228) wrote the following about the
importance of giving reasons in administrative decision-making:
In the first place, a duty to give reasons entails a duty to rationalise the
decision. Reasons therefore help to structure the exercise of discretion, and
the necessity of explaining why a decision is reached requires one to address
one’s mind to the decisional referents which ought to be taken into account.
Secondly, furnishing reasons satisfies an important desire on the part of the
affected individual to know why a decision was reached. This is not only
fair: it is also conducive to public confidence in the administrative decision-
making process. Thirdly – and probably a major reason for the reluctance to
give reasons – rational criticism of a decision may only be made when the
reasons for it are known. This subjects the administration to public scrutiny
and it also provides an important basis for appeal or review. Finally, reasons
may serve as a genuine educative purpose, for example where an applicant
has been refused on grounds which he is able to correct for the purpose of
future applications.
Control of administrative action
In performing administrative action, the administrator in the environmental
sphere must act in a lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair manner. In other
words, he or she must act in compliance with his or her constitutional
Can you think of any solution in instances where an official acts unlawfully or
PAJA provides for the judicial review of administrative action in the event that
the administrator does not comply with his or her constitutional obligations. In
section 6, entitled ‘‘Judicial review of administrative action’’, the grounds of
review are set out. The grounds of judicial review of administrative action are
now mainly codified in the Act and cover a wide range of grounds relating to
decision-making and the authority of the decision-maker (the administrator),
the decision itself and the impact of the decision. The grounds of review of
administrative action include, inter alia, unauthorised action (e.g.
unauthorised delegation or bias); failure to comply with mandatory and
material procedures or conditions prescribed by the empowering provision;
procedurally unfair administrative action; unreasonable administrative action,
failure to take a decision; and unlawfulness in general. Note, though, that, as a
rule, the courts are reluctant to interfere in the functioning of the public
administration or the application of public policy because of the operation of
the separation of powers doctrine.
Section 7 of PAJA deals with the procedure for judicial review and the general
rule is that internal (domestic) remedies must be exhausted before the
aggrieved person approaches the court (refer to s 7(2)), but exceptions do
exist (e.g. in the case of a mala fide administrator). The reason for the
exhaustion of internal remedies is that the public administration must be given
the opportunity to correct its own defective (invalid/unlawful) administrative
action. This forms part of day-to-day administration and is usually provided for
in legislation (e.g. s 43 of NEMA, entitled ‘‘Appeals’’).
What can you do if you feel aggrieved by a decision of an
environmental management official?
Activity 12
HINT: Once again, you have to think in terms of the functionaries (the EMIs) and/or
the Minister and the way in which they have to perform their functions/duties
and exercise their powers.
Section 32 of the Constitution contains the right of access to information. It
(1) Everyone has the right of access to –
(a) any information held by the state; and
(b) any information that is held by another person and that is
required for the exercise or protection of any rights.
(2) National legislation must be enacted to give effect to this right, and
may provide for reasonable measures to alleviate the administrative
and financial burden on the state.
Glazewski states that the inclusion of a right of access to information in the Bill
of Rights is ‘‘in conformity with international law trends as well as regional and
national tendencies to foster accountable and participatory government
generally’’ (2005:94). He adds that ‘‘in the environmental context there have
similarly been calls to provide for a right to environmental information
specifically’’. He quotes Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration, which states:
Environmental issues are best handled with the participation of all concerned
citizens, at the relevant level. At the national level, each individual shall
have appropriate access to information concerning the environment that is
held by public authorities, including information on hazardous materials and
activities in their communities, and the opportunity to participate in
decision-making processes. States shall facilitate and encourage public
awareness and participation by making information widely available.
Effective access to judicial and administrative proceedings, including
redress and remedy, shall be provided.
As required by section 32(2), the right of access to information has been given
effect by the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000 (PAIA). In the
long title, the purpose of the Act is set out as follows:
(b) a substance released into the environment, including, but not limited
to, the workplace;
(c) a substance intended for human or animal consumption;
(d) a means of public transport; or
(e) an installation or manufacturing process or substance which is used in
that installation or process.
It is further noticeable that the Act does not refer to ‘‘information’’; instead, it
refers to access to the ‘‘record’’ of bodies. The term ‘‘record’’ is defined as
‘[R]ecord’ of, or in relation to, a public or private body, means any recorded
information –
HINT: It is obvious that you need to study the general discussion of the right of
access to information provided before you attempt to answer these two
13.1 Woody Woodhill, as owner of a factory, will have to disclose the information in
terms of section 32(1)(b) of the Constitution. You will have to show that such
information is required for the exercise or protection of a right, for example
your right to an environment that is not harmful to your health.
13.2 Woody Woodhill, as manager of a state-owned factory, will have to disclose the
information in terms of section 32(1)(a) of the Constitution. In this instance you
do not have to rely on the exercise or protection of a right.
Also take note of the mandatory obligation on public bodies to disclose ‘‘an
imminent and serious public safety or environmental risk’’ in the public interest
(s 46(a)(ii)). Section 70(a)(ii) makes provision for a private body to disclose ‘‘an
imminent and serious public safety or environmental risk’’ in the public interest.
These provisions may also be applicable in both instances.
Everyone has the right to have any dispute that can be resolved by the
application of law decided in a fair public hearing before a court or, where
appropriate, another independent and impartial tribunal or forum.
Bear in mind that it is not only the courts that may hear legal disputes, but also
other independent and impartial tribunals or forums (fora). There are many
administrative bodies involved in exercising administrative control over
environmental disputes or uncertainties. These bodies include
Judicial control of environmental disputes takes place within the judicial
system, which consists of
. the Constitutional Court (s 167)
. the Supreme Court of Appeal (s 168)
. the High Courts (s 169)
. the magistrates’ courts (s 170)
. other courts recognised in terms of an Act of Parliament
PLEASE NOTE: Read the sections on courts and their functions in the
Judicial control will be discussed in more detail in
Theme III, which covers environmental compliance and
provision in the Constitution. In other words, the Constitution requires
enabling legislation. Section 24 of the Constitution requires such enabling
legislation as well. The legislature adopted the necessary legislation in the
form of the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 (NEMA),
which came into force on 29 January 1999 (Proc 8 of 1999).
In the following few paragraphs we will briefly touch on only two features of
NEMA: its character as framework legislation and the principles it contains.
Then, in the following study units, we will analyse the relevant provisions of
NEMA under specific headings, such as ‘‘Cooperative government and the
National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998’’ in study unit 5.
They then proceed to identify and discuss the typical characteristics of such
framework legislation, namely
(a) ‘‘certain generic legal elements’’, which are the distinctive elements of
legislation we are all acquainted with, such as a preamble, a long title,
definitions, institutional arrangements, civil liability, offences and penalties
(2001:4, fn 13)
(b) ‘‘a flexible approach to address changing circumstances’’ – the authors
explain that such ‘‘flexibility’’ is achieved "by means of broad-based policy
principles, which in turn, are supported by separate, sectoral-specific
legal arrangements" (2001:4)
(c) ‘‘dedicated sectoral-specific legal arrangements’’ – they explain that
sectoral-specific legislative arrangements are ‘‘cascaded down from
sectoral-specific policy documents such as White Papers, policy
statements and discussion documents to sectoral-specific legislation
and regulations’’ (2001:4)
(d) ‘‘the inclusion of broad based environmental policy and principles’’
The Preamble to the Act – which sets out the intention for NEMA to operate as
framework legislation – states that it is desirable that the law develop ‘‘a
framework for integrating good environmental management into all
development activities’’.
Van der Linde and Basson (2010 CLOSA ) explain, basing their explanation on
BP Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd v MEC for Agriculture, Conservation, Environment
and Land Affairs 2004 5 SA 124 at 145–149, that NEMA thus ‘‘creates the
basic legal framework for the environmental rights guaranteed in s 24’’.
In terms of section 2(1), all actions of organs of state that may significantly
affect the environment have to be in line with the principles set out in
subsections (2), (3) and (4). Section 2(1) states further that these principles
must: (a) apply alongside all other appropriate and relevant considerations;
(b) serve as the general framework for environmental plans; (c) serve as
guidelines by reference to which any organ of state must exercise any function
when taking a decision in terms of NEMA or any other Act concerning the
protection of the environment; (d) serve as principles by reference to which a
conciliator must act; and (e) ‘‘guide the interpretation, administration and
implementation of this Act, and any other law concerned with the protection or
management of the environment’’.
(iii) that the disturbance of landscapes and sites that constitute the
nation’s cultural heritage is avoided, or where it cannot be
altogether avoided, is minimised and remedied;
(iv) that waste is avoided, or where it cannot be altogether avoided,
minimised and re-used or recycled where possible and otherwise
disposed of in a responsible manner;
(v) that the use and exploitation of non-renewable natural resources
is responsible and equitable, and takes into account the
consequences of the depletion of the resource;
(vi) that the development, use and exploitation of renewable
resources and the ecosystems of which they are part do not
exceed the level beyond which their integrity is jeopardised;
(vii) that a risk-averse and cautious approach is applied, which takes
into account the limits of current knowledge about the
consequences of decisions and actions; and
(viii) that negative impacts on the environment and on people’s
environmental rights be anticipated and prevented, and where
they cannot be altogether prevented, are minimised and
(h) Community wellbeing and empowerment must be promoted
through environmental education, the raising of environmental
awareness, the sharing of knowledge and experience and other
appropriate means.
(i) The social, economic and environmental impacts of activities,
including disadvantages and benefits, must be considered,
assessed and evaluated, and decisions must be appropriate in
the light of such consideration and assessment.
(j) The right of workers to refuse work that is harmful to human
health or the environment and to be informed of dangers must be
respected and protected.
(k) Decisions must be taken in an open and transparent manner, and
access to information must be provided in accordance with the
(l) There must be intergovernmental co-ordination and harmonisa-
tion of policies, legislation and actions relating to the environ-
(m) Actual or potential conflicts of interest between organs of state
should be resolved through conflict resolution procedures.
(n) Global and international responsibilities relating to the environ-
ment must be discharged in the national interest.
(o) The environment is held in public trust for the people, the
beneficial use of environmental resources must serve the public
interest and the environment must be protected as the people’s
common heritage.
(p) The costs of remedying pollution, environmental degradation and
consequent adverse health effects and of preventing, controlling
or minimising further pollution, environmental damage or
adverse health effects must be paid for by those responsible for
harming the environment.
(q) The vital role of women and youth in environmental management
and development must be recognised and their full participation
therein must be promoted.
(r) Sensitive, vulnerable, highly dynamic or stressed ecosystems,
such as coastal shores, estuaries, wetlands, and similar systems
require specific attention in management and planning proce-
dures, especially where they are subject to significant human
resource usage and development pressure.
15.3 Write down the principles that are peculiar to South
Africa in that they reflect the necessity to redress the
country’s undemocratic past.
A FURTHER HINT: Note that some of the ‘‘principles’’ do not fit easily into the
categories of environmental principles you encountered in earlier study units.
The reason for this is that some of the ‘‘principles’’ relate to the administration
of NEMA (that is, in line with the provisions of s 195 of the Constitution, the
principles ‘‘prescribe’’ how officials should act in performing their functions
or executing their powers. In other words, the principles serve as
‘‘guidelines’’ in terms of which any organ of state must exercise any
function or take any decision pertaining to the environment.)
15.2 The polluter pays principle, section 2(4)(p); the precautionary principle,
section 2(4)(a)(vii); the preventive principle, section 2(4)(a)(viii); duty of care
to avoid harm to the environment, section 2(4)(a)((i)–(iv); environmental
justice, section 2(4)(c); life cycle responsibility, section 2(4)(e); and the public
trust doctrine, section 2(4)(o)
15.3 Environmental justice, section 2(4)(c); and equitable access, section 2(4)(d):
‘‘Equitable access to environmental resources, benefits and services to meet
basic human needs and ensure human well-being must be pursued and
special measures may be taken to ensure access thereto by categories of
persons disadvantaged by unfair discrimination.’’
You will also realise how important these provisions are in ensuring that
environmental affairs are administered lawfully and fairly.
In the next study unit we continue with our discussion of the Constitution and
the environment. Our discussion will concentrate on Chapter 3 of the
Constitution, under the heading ‘‘Cooperative government in environmental
management’’, and the provisions of Chapter 3 of NEMA, entitled
‘‘Procedures for co-operative governance’’. In the discussion we will also
examine the division of environmental matters among the three spheres of
government – national, provincial and local.
1. List the general characteristics of the Constitution. (6)
2. What are the objectives and the purpose of the Constitution? (4)
3. Why is an environmental right important? (3)
4. Discuss section 24(a) of the Constitution. (10)
5. Discuss section 24(b) of the Constitution. (20)
6. Which section of the Constitution provides for the limitation of a
fundamental right? (1)
7. Discuss the limitation of the environmental right. (10)
8. Distinguish between locus standi as provided for in section 38 of
the Constitution and locus standi as provided for in section 32 of
NEMA. (6)
9. Set out the provisions of section 39 of the Bill of Rights that deal
with the interpretation of the Bill of Rights. (5)
10. Explain what the constitutional right to just administrative action
entails. (5)
11. Discuss control of administrative action. (10)
12. Why is it important to have access to environmental information? (4)
13. Write a note on the environmental principles contained in section 2
of NEMA. (15)
Cooperative government in environmental
In this study unit we provide a brief exposition of the structure of the state and the division of
powers and functions among the three spheres of government and the various departments
within each sphere. This exposition is necessary to help you understand the complexity
of our government system and how it affects environmental law and the way in which the
environment is managed (environmental management). The structure of the state and the
division of powers and functions affect the management of the environment directly since
environmental matters are not only divided among the three spheres of government, but
are also spread across different departments within each sphere of government.
Constitutional provisions aimed at overcoming the complexity of our system of government
are examined to shed light on how state powers and functions must be exercised to
reconcile differences and overlapping powers and functions. These provisions include
conflict resolution, cooperative government and intergovernmental relations. Lastly, we look
at the provisions of NEMA in this context, that is, its role as framework legislation and its
purpose of providing for cooperative environmental governance.
& discuss the impact of the constitutional structure of the state and the division of
state authority on environmental management
& analyse the obligations in the functioning of the spheres of government, as
entrenched in Chapter 3 of the Constitution
& evaluate if NEMA fulfils its purpose to bring about cooperative environmental
5.1 Introduction
The 1996 Constitution has been in operation since 4 February 1997. To
understand the impact of the new dispensation on environmental law and the
way we manage our environment-related activities by means of an
environmental management system, we have to examine the South African
constitutional order. In study unit 4 you learnt that the Constitution is the
supreme law of our country and has evolved through a democratic process of
negotiation in which most South Africans were represented. It is a value-laden
and value-driven document and all other laws must be interpreted in terms of
the values, spirit and purport of the Constitution and its Bill of Rights. All other
legislation (parliamentary legislation included) is subordinate to the
Constitution and may be declared invalid or null and void by a court of law
(e.g. by the Constitutional Court) if it conflicts with the Constitution.
Furthermore, the Constitution sets out the structure of the state and the
organs of state. The Constitution provides for the organisation of the state,
and determines the powers and the functions of its functionaries and how
these powers and functions must be exercised. The organisation of the state
is of particular relevance to environmental law and environmental
management since it determines how powers and functions aimed at
regulating environmental affairs are distributed among the various spheres
of government and its departments.
NOTE: Since you are in your fourth year of study and have completed the
Constitutional Law module, we assume that you are familiar with
the structure of the South African government, the distribution of
state authority, and so on. We will therefore include only a brief
discussion of the topic to emphasise how this structure affects
environmental law and environmental management.
The Constitution further provides for national, provincial and local spheres of
government. The South African system of government entails the
decentralisation of legislative and executive powers in each sphere of
government. The distribution of state authority among the spheres ensures
the fair allocation of powers and functions to minimise the overconcentration
of state authority in one sphere, forexample the national government. The
topic under discussion deals with cooperative government, which is
applicable to the legislative and executive authority of government.
NOTE: Do not confuse the separation of powers with the constitutional
provision for cooperative government, as provided for in Chapter
3 of the Constitution.
(National Assembly & National (President, Deputy President &
Council of Provinces) Ministers)
In Maccsand v City of Cape Town 2011 6 SA 633 (SCA), the question arose as
to whether exclusive national legislative competences exist and, if so, how
these competences are identified. The court applied the approach followed in
Ex Parte President of the Republic of South Africa: In Re Constitutionality of the
Liquor Bill 2001 1 SA 732 (CC) and found that the regulation of mining is an
exclusive national legislative competence. Some of the factors that were
considered are: (a) mining is not mentioned in either Schedule 4 or 5 and will,
by ‘‘converse inference’’, fall under the residual power of national government
to pass legislation with regard to any matter (s 44(l)(a)(ii)); (b) the Mineral and
Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 (MPRDA) vests its
administration within the national executive sphere of government; and (c)
the ‘‘national character’’ of the MPRDA.
In keeping with this approach, the national legislative authority has exclusive
competence to make laws governing the following environmental matters:
national parks, national botanical gardens and marine resources (excluded in
Schedule 4 (Part A)). Considering that the national government’s role is to
maintain national standards in important policy domains (their national
character) and its residual powers, the national legislative authority has
exclusive competence to make laws governing land, agriculture, certain
environmental matters, fresh water resources and mining.
Schedule 4 deals with functional areas of concurrent (or shared) national and
provincial legislative compet ence (discussed under provincial government
member of the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as an
environmental management inspector by the Minister responsible for
water affairs (s 31 BA). Provision is furthermore made for the designation of
environmental mineral resource inspectors by the Minister responsible
for mineral resources. The Minister responsible for mineral resources may
designate as an environmental mineral resource inspector, any staff member
of the Department of Mineral Resources (s 3 IBB). All these officials are tasked
with monitoring compliance with NEMA, and enforcing NEMA and specific
environmental legislation. You will learn more about environmental
management inspectors in study unit 7.
5.1.3 Provincial government
(Premier & MECs)
The provincial legislature may also assign any of its legislative powers to a
municipal council in that province.
Make a list of functional areas of concurrent national and
provincial legislative competence that deals with
Activity 2 environmental matters. What do you think is the implication of
this for environmental management?
Go back to the previous activity where you learnt that environmental matters are
spread across several national departments. The implication of concurrent national
and provincial legislative competence is that environmental matters are also divided
between the national and provincial spheres of government, which indicates that
these spheres of government must coordinate their functions to ensure alignment of
Section 156 deals with the powers and functions of municipalities, including
executive authority in respect of and the right to administer the local
government matters listed in Part B of Schedules 4 and 5, and any other
matter assigned or delegated to it by national or provincial legislation. A
municipality’s authority to administer local government matters listed in Part B
of Schedules 4 and 5 means that a municipality may make and administer by-
laws in this regard (s 156(2)). National and provincial governments must
assign or delegate to a municipality, by agreement and subject to conditions,
the administration of a matter listed in Part A of Schedules 4 and 5 (strictly
speaking, these are not local matters) if the matter would
. most effectively be administered locally and
. the municipality has the capacity to administer it (subs (4))
In terms of Schedule 4 (Part B), the national and provincial government have
concurrent legislative powers over certain local government matters to the
extent set out in section 155(6)(a) and (7). Similarly, in terms of Part B of
Schedule 5, the provincial legislature has exclusive powers over local
government matters, subject to section 155(6)(a) and (7). In essence, this
means that the provincial governments’ (and in specific cases, also the
national government’s) legislative and executive powers extend only to
monitoring and overseeing the performance of municipalities’ functions in
respect of Schedules 4 and 5 (Part B) matters. Schedule 4 (Part B) matters
include building regulations, air pollution, municipal planning, water and
sanitation services limited to potable water supply systems and domestic
waste-water and sewage disposal systems. Schedule 5 (Part B) matters
include the control of noise pollution, refuse removal, refuse dumps and solid
waste disposal. Local government therefore has legislative competence over
Schedule 4 and 5 (Part B) matters, which include a number of environmental
You have learnt that the Constitution distributes legislative and executive
competence over environmental matters among all three spheres of
government. The distribution of environmental matters among the spheres
of government is referred to as vertical fragmentation. This distribution of
legislative competence among the three spheres of government has certain
consequences for environmental management, such as ‘‘the potential to
cause fragmentation, overlap, duplication and conflict’’ (Craigie et al in
Paterson & Kotze (eds) 2009:68).
Legislative competence of the three spheres of government
Exclusive national Concurrent national Exclusive provincial Local government Local government
competence & provincial compe- competence (national & provincial (provincial government
tence government monitor & monitor & oversee)
5.1.5 Interpretation by the courts of the competences of
the three spheres of government
The above discussion on the exclusive and concurrent competences of the
three spheres of government may have left you confused or uncertain
regarding the ambit, meaning, interpretation and practical application of these
provisions. Don’t despair: as is evident from the following cases, similar
confusion exists not only in the private sector, but also within the various
spheres of government and the departments themselves. We will therefore
discuss a few cases to further illustrate how the courts have interpreted the
competences of the three spheres of government.
responsibiIities on each of the spheres of government in accordance with
what is appropriate to each sphere. This was explained by means of an
example in paragraph 55 of the judgment:
The court held that municipal planning, as contained in Schedule 4 (Part B),
must be read in its commonly understood sense, that is, to include rezoning
and township establishment, and that local government has exclusive
authority over such matters. The court further held that ‘‘urban and rural
development’’ under Part A of Schedule 4 does not confer the same powers
(rezoning and township establishment) to the provincial sphere, as this would
be inconsistent with sections 41, 151 and 155 of the Constitution. The Court
held that ‘‘urban and rural development’’ is not broad enough to include the
powers forming part of ‘‘municipal planning’’. The contested provisions of the
Act were therefore found to be inconsistent with section 156 of the
Constitution, read with Part B of Schedule 4. (We will refer to this case
again in the context of cooperative government, which is a topic we will
discuss later on in this study unit.)
We learnt that national government may make laws where important policy
issues are at stake. In Wary Holdings (Pty) Ltd v Stalwo (Pty) Ltd & Others 2009
1 SA 337 (CC), a dispute arose between the parties, which hinged on the
approval of an application for the subdivision of agricultural land. The
Constitutional Court (par 80) emphasised that where the competences of two
spheres of government overlap, there is no reason why these overlapping
competences cannot coexist (i.e. the approval of subdivision of agricultural
land in the national sphere and the approval of subdivision in the local
sphere). The court, while recognising the enhanced status of municipalities,
pointed out that one sphere operates from a municipal perspective and the
other from a national perspective, each having its own constitutional and
policy considerations. The court noted that land, agriculture, food production
and environmental considerations are important national policy issues best
implemented in the national sphere. Municipalities are, therefore, responsible
for rezoning (determining and amending the use of land) and township
establishment on all land, except agricultural land, within its area of
jurisdiction. Agricultural land is dealt with by national government.
gives municipalities the power to determine and enforce land use in their
areas of jurisdiction. The appellants argued that the power to regulate mining
in the national interest includes the power to determine mining-related land
use rights, effectively excluding LUPO land use planning in respect of mining.
The Supreme Court of Appeal noted that the Constitution not only devolves
governmental powers between the legislative, executive and judicial branches
of government, but also divides legislative and executive powers among the
three spheres of government. The court stated that the Constitution allocates
powers to each sphere (par 12):
The court held that LUPO makes provision for municipalities to regulate land
use in their areas of jurisdiction, subject to oversight by the provincial
government. In setting out the constitutional position of municipalities, the
court referred to section 151, 152(1) and (2), 155(6) and (7) and 156(1) and
agreed with the meaning of ‘‘municipal planning’’ as set out in City of
Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality v Gauteng Development Tribunal. The
court further held that the MPRDA does not provide for determination of land
use issues, nor does it displace LUPO by providing a replacement municipal
planning function. The two pieces of legislation operate alongside each other,
‘‘for as long as the Constitution reserves the administration of municipal
planning functions as an exclusive competence of local government, a
successful applicant for a mining right or a mining permit will also have to
comply with LUPO in the provinces in which it operates’’. This view was
subsequently confirmed in the Constitutional Court in Maccsand (Pty) Ltd v
City of Cape Town & Others 2012 SA 181 (CC).
. Provincial government has the exclusive legislative competence over provincial
planning (Schedule 5 (Part A)).
. Local government has exclusive authority over municipal planning (Schedule 4
(Part B)).
Make a summary of the salient legal points in the cases we discussed above.
Remember that planning entails land use and that land use and land use planning
have an impact on the environment, since most instances of environmental
degradation are connected to how we utilise land, such as for mining, township
development or farming. The fact that planning is divided among all three spheres of
government could lead to conflicting laws and conflicting views on the
implementation of laws by different spheres of government, as is apparent from
the cases discussed.
Environmental affairs are one of the important functional areas that is divided
(or shared) among all three spheres of government and can lead to legislative
and executive conflict between spheres of government. Problems have
already arisen due to the sharing of powers, as illustrated by City of
Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality v Gauteng Development Tribunal;
Louw NO v Swartland Municipality; Wary Holdings (Pty) Ltd v Stalwo (Pty) Ltd &
Others and Maccsand v City of Cape Town. The Constitution contains several
provisions dealing with the resolution of conflict, which we will explore in the
next section of this study unit.
province is action that is prejudicial to the economic, health or security
interests of another province or the country as a whole, or impedes the
implementation of national economic policy.
The division of environmental matters among national, provincial and local
government, each with its own departments, has far-reaching consequences
for environmental management. The division of environmental matters among
the three spheres of government and their various departments may give rise
to duplication of functions and disputes. It also makes it difficult to align
functions and ensure consistency, since each sphere/department functions
independently. The need for cooperation and intergovernmental relations is
obvious in view of our structure of government and the distribution of powers.
The drafters of our Constitution not only provided for the resolution of conflict
between national and provincial legislation, but also for cooperation between
the spheres of government and intergovernmental relations.
The distribution of state powers and functions among the three spheres of
government and the various departments within each sphere necessitates
collaboration to ensure the effective functioning of the state machinery. The
principles of cooperative government, as set out in Chapter 3 of the
Constitution, determine the relationships between the spheres and the
organs of state. There should be close cooperation within the larger state
structure, recognising the distinctiveness, interdependence and interrelated-
ness of the entire state structure. All spheres of government and all organs of
state are bound by the principles of cooperative government and intergovern-
mental relations. Therefore, the essence of this constitutional framework is to
foster close cooperation between the different spheres of government in the
implementation of its policies and programmes in order to provide the people
with a coordinated and comprehensive approach in the delivery of services.
5.3.1 Section 40 of the Constitution
Chapter 3 of the Constitution forms the basis for the development of the
principle of cooperative governance:
... all spheres of government must observe and adhere to the principles in
this Chapter and must conduct their activities within the parameters that the
Chapter provides (s 40(2)).
Section 41(I) determines that all spheres of government and all organs of state
within each sphere must
(a) preserve the peace, the national unity and the indivisibility of the
(b) secure the wellbeing of the people of the Republic
(c) provide effective, transparent, accountable and coherent government for
the Republic as a whole
(d) be loyal to the Constitution, the Republic and its people
(e) respect the constitutional status, institutions, powers and functions of
government in the other spheres
(f) not assume any power or function except those conferred on them in
terms of the Constitution
(g) exercise their powers and perform their functions in a manner that does
not encroach on the geographical, functional or institutional integrity of
government in another sphere
(h) cooperate with one another in mutual trust and good faith by –
The court stated (par 50) that the functional areas as provided for in the
schedules of the Constitution must be interpreted to achieve autonomy and
distinctiveness for the spheres of government. In the preceding discussion of
this case, we learnt that the Constitutional Court found that ‘‘urban and rural
development’’, under Part A of Schedule 4, does not confer the same powers
(rezoning and township establishment) to the provincial sphere, as this would
be inconsistent with sections 41, 151 and 155 of the Constitution. The court
referred to section 41(1)(e)–(g) and reiterated that the spheres of government
must respect the functions of other spheres, refrain from assuming any
functions or powers not conferred on them by the Constitution and refrain from
encroaching on the functional integrity of the other spheres.
Section 41(2) provides for an Act of Parliament that must establish and
provide for structures and institutions to promote and facilitate
intergovernmental relations; and provide for appropriate mechanisms and
procedures to facilitate the settlement of intergovernmental disputes. The
passing of the Inter-governmental Relations Framework Act 13 of 2005 seeks
to give effect to and ensure that the principles set out in Chapter 3 of the
Constitution are implemented. Basically, the Framework Act creates various
structures that, for example, operate interdepartmentally and across the
spheres of government. Provision is made for mechanisms for the settlement
of intergovernmental disputes and to provide for matters connected therewith.
In the preceding discussion you learnt about the structure of the South African
government, the distribution of authority, and cooperative government. You
also learnt that environmental matters are divided ( or shared) among all three
spheres of government and that various departments within each of the
spheres are involved in or exercise functions that may affect the environment.
The provisions for resolving conflict between national and provincial
legislation were also examined. Naturally, environmental matters should be
regulated by the sphere of government that is most competent to deal with
such matters. You learnt that national legislation, which applies uniformly to
the country as a whole, will prevail over provincial legislation if national
legislation, for instance, is necessary for the protection of the environment or
is required for efficacy and uniformity across the nation by providing national
norms and standards and frameworks. NEMA was passed by the national
government to provide such norms, standards and frameworks.
5.4.1 Introduction
NEMA is regarded as the framework legislation for environmental
management in South Africa and has brought environmental management
within the framework of the new constitutional dispensation. The Preamble to
the Act emphasises the new constitutional dispensation, its founding values,
the environmental right and sustainable development. By means of NEMA, the
state endeavours, inter alia, to develop a framework for cooperative
environmental governance as reflected in its purpose.
The meaning of ‘‘cooperative environmental governance’’:
Kotzé (2009:121) defines this concept as
the integration of the different spheres of government and line
functionaries at international, intra-regional and intra-governmental level;
co-operation between individual government officials in each sphere/line
functionary; co-operation between government officials in different
spheres/line functionaries; integration of policy, regulation methods and
tools, service provision and scrutiny; and co-operation with industry and
the public in order to achieve the principles of sustainability.
The drafters of NEMA foresaw that the structure of government (i.e. the three
spheres, each with its own departments, and the distribution of powers
among these spheres and departments) could undermine effective
environmental governance and even lead to conflict. Included in the
national environmental management principles are principles (l) and (m),
which relate directly to the topic under discussion, namely, cooperative
Industry, Water Affairs, Transport, Tourism, Defence, Public Works, and
Public Enterprises.
Every national department listed in Schedule 2 must prepare an
environmental management plan. The national departments listed in
Schedule 2 are considered to exercise functions that involve the
management of the environment. These departments are Environmental
Affairs, Water Affairs, Mineral Resources, Energy, Rural Development and
Land Reform, Health, and Labour.
The provinces and departments must further ensure that these environ-
mental implementation or management plans are consistent. This
provision is in line with the purpose and objects of environmental
implementation plans and environmental management plans, as provided
for in section 12. The purpose and objects of these plans are to
– coordinate and harmonise the environmental policies, plans, pro-
grammes and decisions of the various listed national departments and
of provincial and local spheres of government, which must be done to
minimise the duplication of procedures and functions and to promote
– give effect to the principle of cooperative government in Chapter 3 of
the Constitution
– secure the protection of the environment across the country as a
– prevent unreasonable actions by provinces in respect of the
environment, which actions are prejudicial to the economic or health
interests of other provinces or the country as a whole
– enable the Minister to monitor the achievement, promotion and
protection of a sustainable environment
functioning may have an impact on the environment. In Chapter 4, NEMA
makes provision for fair decision-making and conflict management to address
any possible conflict that may arise.
142 Chapter 5: Provisions that facilitate intergovernmental
South Africa is aiming to achieve an environmental framework that manages
land use. This framework is intended to control the development process to
achieve the best present and future uses of the country’s entire land area,
taking into consideration relevant social, economic and environmental factors.
This comprehensive framework is described as integrated environmental
management (IEM) in Chapter 5 of NEMA. (You will learn more about
integrated environmental management in study unit 6.) A major objective of
IEM is to integrate the various principles of environmental management set
out in Chapter 1 of NEMA (s 2), which include intergovernmental coordination
and harmonisation of policies, legislation and actions relating to the
environment. Several provisions in Chapter 5 can be identified as giving
effect to this principle:
. Section 24(4)(a))(i) stipulates that in every application for an environmental
authorisation, there must be coordination and cooperation between
organs of state in the consideration of assessments, where an activity
falls under the jurisdiction of more than one organ of state.
. Section 24(4)(b) stipulates that every application for an environmental
authorisation must include, where applicable, an investigation and
assessment of the impact of any proposed listed or specified activity on
certain national estates in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act 25
of 1999.
. Section 24K provides for consultation between competent authorities
where authorisation is required in terms of NEMA and in terms of other
legislation in order to coordinate the respective requirements of such
legislation and to avoid duplication.
. Section 24L provides for the alignment of environmental authorisations. A
competent authority empowered under Chapter 5 to issue an
environmental authorisation and any other authority empowered under a
specific environmental management Act may agree to issue an integrated
environmental authorisation.
management inspectors to implement these functions in terms of this Act or a
specific environmental management Act in respect of which powers have
been conferred on the Minister responsible for mineral resources (s31D(4)).
5.5 Concluding remarks and postscript
In this study unit we learnt that the structure of the state and the division of
powers and functions affect the management of the environment directly,
since environmental matters are not only divided among the three spheres of
government, but also spread out across different departments within each
sphere of government. Seeing that each sphere/department functions
independently, the need for conflict resolution, alignment, consistency,
cooperation and intergovernmental relations is obvious. We also learnt
about the range of provisions contained in the Constitution, NEMA and
other legislation aimed at addressing this need. In the next study unit you will
learn more about integrated environmental management.
Since you are on the brink of starting your career in private practice or in the
public sector, it is important for you to utilise and develop this policy and
legislative framework and these structures and mechanisms to ensure an
integrated environmental management system, since the possibility of a
conflict of interests may still arise. Read the following extract from Legalbrief
Environmental dated 21 February 2017:
1. Give a brief outline of the structure of the South African government
and the distribution of authority. (6)
2. Provide a list of environmental matters where the national
legislative authority has exclusive competence to make laws. (3)
3. Identify the national departments listed in Schedules 1 and 2 of NEMA
that are considered to exercise functions that may affect the
environment or that involve the management of the environment. (15)
4. Give an example of exclusive provincial legislative competence. (1)
5. Explain what is meant by horizontal fragmentation in this context and
give an example of horizontal fragmentation. (3)
6. Explain what is meant by vertical fragmentation in this context and
give an example of vertical fragmentation. (3)
7. How did the Constitutional Court interpret ‘‘municipal planning’’ in City
of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality v Gauteng Development
Tribunal? (3)
8. How is conflict between national and provincial legislation dealt with
in terms of section 146 of the Constitution? (5)
9. Which sections in the Constitution provide for cooperative government
and intergovernmental relations? (2)
10. What is the purpose of NEMA? (3)
11. Give an example of an institution that facilitates cooperative
environmental management. (1)
12. List the procedures and mechanisms that facilitate cooperative
environmental governance. (13)
Integrated environmental management
South Africa strives to achieve a comprehensive environmental framework to manage land
use – a framework that controls the development process to achieve the best present and
future uses of its entire land area, taking into consideration relevant social, economic and
environmental factors. This comprehensive framework is described as integrated
environmental management (IEM) in Chapter 5 of NEMA. Before a developer can
commence with certain developments, an environmental authorisation must be obtained.
An authorisation need not be obtained for all developments, but only for certain listed or
specified development activities. A variety of environmental management tools and
procedures are used to determine the impact of a particular development on the
environment. An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is used as a tool to achieve the
general objectives of IEM and to give effect to the national environmental management
principles of NEMA. Environmental impact assessments (EIAs) essentially facilitate
sustainable development planning and decision-making by anticipating and managing
the adverse effects and consequences of proposed developments.
6.1 Towards integrated environmental
management in South Africa
6.1.1 Introduction
Throughout the world there is a growing realisation that land use constitutes
more than merely using land; it is a means to realise a range of human
objectives, including environmental, social and economic objectives.
Previously, no significant connections were made between land use and
environmental regulation; these two areas of law developed independently, for
the most part, and were aimed at addressing different sets of problems. Today
it is accepted that most cases of environmental degradation have a spatial
dimension or a connection with land use. Two issues became evident:
. Firstly, land use and land use planning have environmental, social and
economic impacts.
. Secondly, land use planning was not providing a consistent integrated
approach to social, economic and environmental problems.
The failure to link land use with environmental conservation led to the
unsustainable use of land, which gave rise to calls for a more comprehensive
and integrated approach to land use. For South Africa, the ultimate goal is to
achieve a legislative and policy framework that enables government to
formulate policies, plans and strategies for land use and development that
deal with and resolve the spatial, economic, social and environmental
problems of the country, in other words, a comprehensive framework that
analyses and recommends the best present and future uses of its entire land
area, taking into consideration relevant social, economic and environmental
6.2 What is integrated environmental
IEM is a procedure designed to ensure that the environmental consequences
of developments (or projects) are understood and adequately considered in
the planning process. It provides a guide for the development process and
serves to refine and improve proposed policies, programmes and projects
through a series of procedures that are linked to the development process.
The purpose of Chapter 5 of NEMA – ‘‘Integrated environmental
management’’ – is to promote the application of appropriate environmental
management tools in order to ensure the integrated environmental
management of activities (s 23(1)).
Page back to study unit 4, where the national environmental
management principles are discussed. Refresh your memory
Activity 1 by reading the relevant section in study unit 4. The concept
‘‘sustainable development’’ is discussed in study units 1, 2, 3
and 4. Page back to these study units and make sure that you
understand the nature and the scope of this concept. Then
explain the significance of integrated environmental
management (Chapter 5 of the National Environmental
Management Act of 1998 (NEMA)) in realising the
environmental right.
In study unit 4 you learnt that the national environmental management principles (s 2)
call for, inter alia, development that is socially, environmentally and economically
sustainable; the pursuit of the best practicable environmental option; environmental
justice; and intergovernmental coordination. You also learnt that these principles
must be used as guidelines when any organ of state makes a decision in terms of
NEMA or any statutory provision concerning the protection of the environment, for
example a decision to grant an environmental authorisation. The decision-making
process must be open and transparent, allowing for participation by all interested
and affected people, including the marginalised. IEM must therefore promote the
integration of the principles of environmental management, as set out in section 2,
into the making of all decisions (e.g. to grant or refuse an authorisation for a golf
estate development) that may have a significant effect on the environment.
Director-General Environmental Management, Department of Agriculture,
Conservation and Environment, Mpumalanga Province and Others 2007 10
BCLR 1059 (CC). (These decisions are available in your e-reserves.)
competent authority
environmental assessment practitioner
environmental authorisation
environmental management programme
interested and affected parties
listed activity
public participation process
specified activity
These terms are used throughout Chapter 5 of NEMA and the Environmental
Impact Assessment Regulations 2010. Read the definitions of these terms in
section 1 of NEMA.
A company called Capstone (Pty) Ltd wants to build a housing and golf
estate in Mpumalanga, outside an urban area on a piece of undeveloped
land. The development is proposed in an area of pristine grasslands and
wetlands. The grasslands and wetlands are the habitats of many
endangered species. The proposed construction of the housing and golf
estate will transform an area of 100 hectares. The proposed development
will consist of approximately 50 residential units, an 18-hole golf course, a
driving range, a clubhouse, a conference centre, a lodge, staff
accommodation, sewage treatment works and an irrigation reservoir.
The neighbouring landowners are concerned that the development will
affect the endangered species owing to an increase in traffic, activity,
noise and the general disturbance of the terrain. They are also concerned
that the development will have an impact on the water resources of the
area, because the maintenance of a golf course requires a tremendous
amount of water. These landowners have already experienced a decline in
the water resources, since this will be the third development of this nature
in the area. They have also experienced a decline in water quality as a
result of pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers that seep into the ground
water. As a result, many of the neighbouring landowners have lodged
objections to the proposed development. However, Capstone (Pty) Ltd
claims that the development will benefit the local community because it
will provide a large number of jobs in this poverty-stricken region.
EIA process
Competent authority evaluates
Thus far, we have mentioned a number of people and/or institutions that are
involved in the development process. The following is a brief explanation of
the parties, their roles in the process and the context in which the relevant
terms are used.
(1) Capstone (Pty) Ltd (the applicant) intends to build the housing and golf
estate and must apply for the necessary environmental authorisation. The
application for the environmental authorisation must follow the
procedures outlined in NEMA and the Environmental Impact
Assessment Regulations.
(2) The state (competent authority) makes the decision to grant or refuse
the environmental authorisation. The competent authority must evaluate
the environmental impact of the activity.
(3) The neighbouring landowners (interested and affected parties) object
to the application for authorisation to develop. The neighbours are
involved in the public participation process.
In study unit 4 you learnt that the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act
(PAJA) makes provision for a fair procedure where the rights of the public
are affected by administrative action. The purpose of this procedure is to
remedy the position that prevailed in the past when the general public had
little or no input prior to administrative action being taken that affected
them (the general public). PAJA provides the general public with a right to
be heard on issues of public concern, through a public hearing or notice-
and-comment procedure.
All legislation that provides for public participation, such as the provisions
of NEMA regarding the EIA process, must comply with the provisions of
PAJA. During the EIA process, individuals who are affected by the
proposed action are informed by individual notice, and the general public
is notified through notice on the property concerned, notice in a local/
provincial/national newspaper or notice in the relevant Gazette. The notice
must indicate that an application will be submitted to the competent
authority in terms of the EIA regulations. It must state the nature and the
location of the activity, where further information on the proposed activity
can be obtained and the manner in which representations can be made in
respect of the application.
Further on is an example of an official notice of a public participation
process that alerts people to specific developments so that they can
comment, object or make other inputs.
(4) The environmental assessment practitioner (EAP) is the individual
responsible for planning, managing and coordinating environmental
impact assessments. An EAP plays a central role in the whole
assessment process. Before applying for environmental authorisation
for an activity, an applicant must appoint an EAP at own cost to manage
the application. The public participation process forms part of
environmental impact assessment. Potential interested and affected
parties (the neighbours) are given an opportunity to comment on or
raise issues relevant to the application for authorisation.
The EAP conducting a public participation process must take any
guidelines applicable to public participation into account and must give
notice to all potential interested and affected parties of the application that
is subjected to public participation. This must be done, firstly, by affixing a
notice board at a place conspicuous to the public, at the boundary or on
the fence of the relevant site and, secondly, by giving written notice to:
The person conducting the public participation process must ensure that
information containing all the relevant facts is made available to all potential
interested and affected parties, and that all these parties have a reasonable
opportunity to comment on the application.
The following is an extract from a newspaper report that illustrates the vital role
that an EAP plays and the importance of an accurate and comprehensive EIA:
Consultant guilty of faulty EIA in landmark judgment
Source: Business Day, Friday, 3 December 2010.
The Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2014, as amended, sets
out the appointment of EAPs, the general requirements for EAPs, the
disqualification of EAPs and the determination of the assessment process
applicable to the application (in Regulations 12–15).
In the following sections, these terms, procedures and tools are further
unravelled with reference to the scenario. Remember that all these procedures
and tools are aimed at achieving the objectives of IEM and the environmental
management principles of NEMA, and, ultimately, realising the environmental
In order to give effect to the general objectives of IEM, as set out in Chapter 5
of NEMA, the potential consequences for or impacts on the environment of
listed or specified activities must be considered, investigated and reported on
to the competent authority (s 24(1)). The definition of an environmental
authorisation, as set out above, states that it is the authorisation by a
competent authority of a listed or specified activity in terms of NEMA, and
includes a similar authorisation contemplated in a specific environmental
management Act. Therefore, before a developer like Capstone (Pty) Ltd can
commence with a development that involves a listed or specified activity, an
authorisation (permission) must be obtained from a competent authority.
Section 24C(2A) provides that the Minister responsible for mineral resources
must be identified as the competent authority in terms of subsection (1) if the
listed or specified activity is directly related to prospecting or exploration of a
mineral or petroleum resource; or extraction and primary processing of a
mineral or petroleum resource.
NOTE: The Minister responsible for mineral resources will decide on the
environmental authorisation of mining and related activities. The
decisions in this respect by the Minister responsible for mineral
resources will, however, be subject to NEMA and the Environ-
mental Impact Assessment Regulations 2014. In other words, all
environmental aspects relating to mining are regulated through
NEMA. The Minister of mineral resources will therefore issue
environmental authorisations in terms of NEMA and the Minister
responsible for environmental matters is the appeal authority for
those authorisations.
The Minister or MEC has a duty to publish a notice in the Government Gazette
or the Provincial Gazette containing lists of activities and areas so identified. In
addition, the competent authorities and the date on which the list is to come
into effect have to be indicated.
These activities and areas are now contained in a set of regulations entitled
Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2014, as amended.
All new activities (eg developments and projects that require environmental
authorisation) have to follow the prescriptions of the new NEMA EIA
Regulations. However, all the case law regarding the EIA procedure and
environmental authorisation still deals with the ECA EIA regime, for example
HTF Developers (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism 2006 5
SA 512 (T); Fuel Retailers Association of SA (Pty) Ltd v Director-General
Environmental Management, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and
Environment, Mpumalanga Province and Others 2007 10 BCLR 1059 (CC)
(this decision is reproduced in the e-reserves); and MEC for Agriculture,
Conservation, Environment and Land Affairs v Sasol Oil (Pty) Ltd and Another
2006 5 SA 483 (SCA). Therefore, bear in mind that current case law has been
judged in terms of the ECA EIA regulations, but within the general framework
provisions of NEMA, as prescribed in sections 23–24.
those potential consequences, including the option of not implementing
the activity
. investigation of mitigating measures to keep adverse consequences or
impacts to a minimum
. investigation, assessment and evaluation of the impact of any proposed
listed or specified activity on any national estate referred to in section 3(2)
of the National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999, excluding the national
estate contemplated in section 3(2)(i)(vi) and (vii) of that Act
Example: Assume that the building of the housing and golf estate in the
above scenario will have an impact on a cultural heritage site. The developer,
Capstone (Pty) Ltd, will then also have to follow the procedure in terms of the
National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999. In the context of developments
that threaten heritage resources, the National Heritage Resources Act
provides for a National Heritage Authority and for provincial heritage
resource authorities. These authorities are responsible for protecting and
managing certain categories of heritage resources and they are the authorities
that must make the decision on whether to permit the development or not.
Note that compliance with the procedures laid down in terms of section
24(4) does not absolve a person from complying with any other statutory
requirement to obtain authorisation from any organ of state charged by
law with authorising the activity in question. Section 24L, however,
provides for the alignment of environmental authorisations. For example,
in certain instances, a listed or specified activity regulated by NEMA may
also be regulated in terms of another law or specific environmental
management Act. In such a case, the authority empowered under a
specific environmental management Act to authorise that activity and the
competent authority empowered under NEMA in respect of that activity
may exercise their powers jointly by issuing an integrated environmental
for a decision on an application for environmental authorisation, the Minister,
the Minister responsible for mineral resources or an MEC must require the
submission of an environmental management programme before deciding
an application for an environmental authorisation. The environmental
management programme must contain information on any proposed
management, mitigating, protection or remedial measures that will be
undertaken to address the environmental impacts spanning the planning
phase right through to the rehabilitation of the environment and closure of the
operation. The environmental management programme must also, inter alia,
set out the mechanisms proposed for monitoring compliance with the
environmental management programme and for reporting on the
compliance; and measures regulating responsibilities for any environmental
damage, pollution, pumping and treatment of polluted or extraneous water or
ecological degradation that may occur inside and outside the boundaries of
the operations in question.
All these conditions ensure that the environmental consequences of developments
are understood and adequately considered in the decision-making process. These
conditions also ensure compliance with the general objectives of IEM and the
environmental management principles of NEMA.
(vi) information contained in the application form, reports,
comments, representations and other documents submitted
in terms of this Act to the Minister, Minister responsible for
mineral resources, MEC or competent authority in connec-
tion with the application;
(vii) any comments received from organs of state that have
jurisdiction over any aspect of the activity which is the
subject of the application;
(viii) any guidelines, departmental policies, and environmental
management instruments that have been adopted in the
prescribed manner by the Minister or MEC, with the
concurrence of the Minister, and any other information in
the possession of the competent authority that are relevant to
the application; and
(c) take into account the comments of any organ of state charged with the
administration of any law which relates to the activity in question.
Reread 6.2.1, which sets out the objectives of IEM, and identify the applicable
objectives. On careful reading, you will find that the criteria that must be taken into
account when considering an application for environmental authorisation are all
aimed at achieving the IEM objectives. Remember that an important objective of IEM
is to promote the integration of the principles of environmental management set out
in section 2 of NEMA into the making of all decisions that may have a significant
effect on the environment.
6.4.6 Non-compliance
No person may commence a listed or specified activity without an
environmental authorisation (section 24F). Section 24G spells out the
consequences of unlawful commencement of an activity. The competent
authority concerned may, amongst others, direct the applicant to immediately
cease the activity pending a decision on the application; remedy any adverse
effects of the activity on the environment; or eliminate any source of pollution
or degradation. The person who unlawfully commenced with an activity must
pay an administrative fine, which may not exceed R5 million. In instances
where developments commenced without the necessary authorisation
(unlawful commencement), section 24G allows retrospective authorisation.
The submission of such an application, however, shall not interfere with or
preclude an environmental management inspector or the police service from
investigating any transgression or the National Prosecuting Authority from
instituting a criminal prosecution.
Thus far we have dealt with IEM and environmental authorisations. You now
know that environmental authorisation is one of the environmental
management tools that are used to give effect to the general objectives of IEM
and the national environmental management principles by ensuring that the
potential consequences for or impacts on the environment of listed or
specified activities are considered, investigated and reported on to the
competent authority. Authorisation is therefore required in instances where
certain activities are likely to be detrimental to the environment. Such
environmental authorisations are granted or refused on the basis of
environmental impact assessments.
In South Africa, the EIA is the environmental management tool that is used in
applications for environmental authorisation. The potential consequences for
or impacts on the environment of listed or specified activities must be
considered, investigated, assessed and reported on to the competent
authority and include the participation of interested and affected parties.
A variety of procedures are used to determine the impact of a particular
development on the environment. This results from the fact that different
statutes prescribe different procedures for different situations. The different
statutes are the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 and the
National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999. The legislation that is relevant to
this study unit is the National Environmental Management Act and the
Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2014, as amended, published
in terms of the Act.
assessment, or where it cannot be avoided, ensure mitigation and manage-
ment of impacts to acceptable levels, and to optimise positive environmental
impacts, and for matters pertaining thereto.
The Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2014 provide for the EAP
to determine the assessment process that must be followed (Reg 15). The
regulations make provision for the following assessment processes: a basic
assessment process and a scoping and environmental impact reporting
process (S&EIR).
The proposed development of the housing and golf estate will, for example, require
the building of a reservoir and a lodge and will, as a result of the various proposed
buildings and the golf course, cause the clearance of an area of more than 300
square metres of indigenous vegetation. (Remember the land earmarked for the
development is pristine.) If any of these activities are undertaken in a listed
geographical area in terms of section 24(2)(b) and (c), these activities are referred
to as specified activities (Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations Listing
Notice 3). Capstone (Pty) Ltd must therefore establish whether the area earmarked
for the proposed development falls within a listed geographical area, such as a
sensitive area as identified in an environmental management framework or a critical
biodiversity area as identified in a bioregional plan.
2 Scoping and environmental impact reporting (SEIR)
A scoping and environmental impact reporting process (S&EIR) must be
carried out if the authorisation applied for is in respect of an activity listed in
Government Notice 325 (7 April 2017 – Environmental Impact Assessment
Regulations Listing Notice 2). We included some examples of these activities
at the end of this study unit, which you must study. The activities listed in the
Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations Listing Notice 2 are likely to
have significant impacts that cannot be easily predicted or managed. The
procedure that must be followed is set out in Regulations 21–24 of the
Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2014, as amended.
A scoping report must contain the information that is necessary for a proper
understanding of the nature of issues identified during scoping, indicating all
preferred alternatives, including location alternatives, the scope of the
assessment and the consultation process to be undertaken through the
environmental impact assessment process (Appendix 2, section 2). The
scoping report must include a plan of study for undertaking the environmental
impact assessment process to be undertaken (Appendix 2, section 2(h)).
The proposed development of the housing and golf estate will result in the physical
alteration of undeveloped, vacant or derelict land for residential, retail, commercial,
recreational, industrial or institutional use, where the total area to be transformed is
20 hectares or more and is listed in the Environmental Impact Assessment
Regulations Listing Notice 2 of 2010. This is referred to as a listed activity (an
activity identified in terms of section 24(2) and 24(D)). Capstone (Pty) Ltd must apply
for an environmental authorisation from the competent authority before the
company may commence with the development. The scoping and environmental
impact reporting (S&EIR) process must be carried out as part of the application for
1 An EAP is appointed.
2 A determination is made as to which list contains the proposed activity.
3 If the activity is on any list, some sort of environmental assessment must
be done.
4 If the activity is in Listing Notice 2, then a scoping and environmental
impact assessment report (S&EIR) is required.
5 Where an S&EIR in terms of Listing Notice 2 is required, the applicant
(the EAP who manages the application on behalf of the applicant) must
submit an application to the competent authority.
6 The EAP must conduct a public participation process, giving notice to all
potential interested and affected parties (including any organ of state
that has jurisdiction in respect of any aspect of the activity) of the
application or proposed application.
7 The EAP must open and maintain a register of interested and affected
parties, which must be submitted to the competent authority.
8 After having submitted the application, the EAP must
(i) subject the application to scoping by identifying issues that will be
relevant for consideration; the potential environmental impacts; and
alternatives that are feasible and reasonable
(ii) prepare a scoping report
(iii) give all registered interested and affected parties an opportunity to
comment on the scoping report
specialist reports and an EMP, which must have been subjected to a
public participation process. All comments of interested and affected
parties must be recorded.
In terms of section 24I, the Minister or MEC may appoint an external
specialist reviewer and may recover the costs from the applicant in
instances where the technical knowledge required to review any aspect
of an assessment is not readily available within the competent authority
or where a high level of objectivity is required.
12. The above are considered by the competent authority.
13. A decision is made.
Where the application involves two or more activities as part of the same
development and the scoping and environmental impact reporting
process must be applied in respect of any of the activities, the applicable
environmental authorisation process is the scoping and environmental impact
reporting process (Regulation 15(3)).
pays’’ principle; transparency; access to information; responsibility for the
environmental health and safety consequences of an activity throughout its life
cycle; the environment is held in public trust.
. Integrated environmental management (IEM): This involves integrating the
principles of environmental management with the planning and development
process and identifying, predicting and evaluating the effects that policies,
programmes, proposals or projects may have on the environment by ensuring
thorough consideration of their effects on the environment and public
participation before making a decision; identifying, predicting and evaluating
actual and potential impact on the environment, socio-economic conditions and
cultural heritage; and identifying, predicting and evaluating the risks and
consequences of activities and alternatives and options for mitigation.
. Environmental authorisation: Reread 6.4.2 to 6.4.5 and make a list of the
conditions and criteria that contribute to the achievement of IEM and the
environmental right, namely ongoing management and monitoring of the impacts
of an activity throughout its life cycle; coordination and cooperation between
organs of state; investigation of the potential impacts on the environment;
assessment of the significance of those impacts; public participation;
alternatives to an activity; mitigation measures; reporting gaps in knowledge
and uncertainties, among others.
In brief, the environmental authorisation and the EIA are the environmental
management tools employed to achieve IEM. You will recall that the purpose of
IEM is to promote the application of appropriate environmental management tools to
ensure the integrated environmental management of activities. Section 24 of NEMA
provides, in broad terms, the conditions that must be met and the criteria that must
be taken into account before an application for environmental authorisation is
granted or refused. The basic assessment and S&EIR processes, as provided for in
the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2014, give substance to the Act
by providing greater detail. Indeed, the purpose of the Regulations is to regulate the
procedure and the criteria as contemplated in Chapter 5 of NEMA relating to the
preparation, evaluation, submission, processing and consideration of, and decision
on, applications for environmental authorisations for the commencement of
activities, subjected to environmental impact assessment, to avoid or mitigate
detrimental impacts on the environment and to optimise positive environmental
impacts, and for matters pertaining thereto (Regulation 2).
The following examples can be used to illustrate the contribution of these processes
to the achievement of IEM, the national environmental management principles and
the environmental right:
. a description of the environment that may be affected by the proposed activity
and the manner in which the geographical, physical, biological, social,
economic and cultural aspects of the environment may be affected by the
proposed activity
. details of the public participation process conducted
. a description of any identified alternatives to the proposed activity that are
feasible and reasonable, including the advantages and disadvantages that the
proposed activity or alternatives will have on the environment and on the
community that may be affected by the activity
. a description and assessment of the significance of any environmental impacts,
including cumulative impacts, that may occur as a result of the undertaking of the
activity or identified alternatives or as a result of any construction, erection or
decommissioning associated with the undertaking of the activity
. any environmental management and mitigation measures proposed by the EAP
. an environmental management programme
. a description of any assumptions, uncertainties and gaps in knowledge
. a description of all environmental issues that were identified during the
environmental impact assessment process, an assessment of the significance
of each issue and an indication of the extent to which the issue could be
addressed by the adoption of mitigation measures
. any specialist reports and reports on specialised processes
The basic assessment and S&EIR processes contribute to the achievement of IEM
by facilitating the following IEM objectives: a thorough, open and transparent
process ensuring public participation in decisions that may affect the environment
and ensuring that the effects of activities on the environment receive adequate
consideration before decisions are taken. These processes identify, predict and
evaluate actual and potential impact on the environment, socioeconomic conditions
and cultural heritage. These processes furthermore identify, predict and evaluate the
risks and consequences of activities and alternatives and options for mitigation.
Conditions may also be set subject to which the activity may be undertaken,
for example conditions determining the requirements for the management,
monitoring and reporting of the impacts of the activity on the environment
throughout the life cycle of the activity, as contained in the approved
environmental management programme. Monitoring and managing the
activity throughout its life cycle is an important component of IEM. There
are several sections in NEMA that regulate this component. A few examples
are listed below:
mitigation, protection or remedial measures that will be undertaken to
address the environmental impacts that have been identified throughout
the life cycle of the activity. Such a programme must make provision for
mechanisms for monitoring compliance and reporting on the compliance.
. Section 24P (‘‘Financial provision for remediation of environmental
damage’’), section 24Q (‘‘Monitoring and performance assessment’’)
and section 24R (‘‘Mine closure on environmental authorisation’’).
Reread study unit 4 to refresh your memory of what lawful, reasonable and
procedurally fair action entails. The decision to refuse the authorisation is subject to
the scrutiny of the higher officials/bodies within the department. Capstone (Pty) Ltd
can therefore lodge an appeal against the decision. If the decision by the higher
body is unfavourable, the company is entitled to have its case reviewed by a court. A
competent court may, depending on the facts of the particular case, declare the
decision (action) invalid or unconstitutional, as the case may be.
affect the environment. Chapter 5 on IEM further provides for the various
environmental management tools and procedures that facilitate such
integration and compliance. Chapter 5 makes provision for environmental
authorisations. Anyone who plans to engage in certain listed or specified
activities must apply for the necessary environmental authorisation. A further
environmental management tool that is used in the application is an EIA. An
EIA may take the form of a basic assessment or an S&EIR. The EIA is an
important tool in ensuring IEM. Chapter 5 contains further provisions on
conditions attached to environmental authorisations, criteria that must be
taken into account when considering applications for authorisation,
exemptions and penalties for non-compliance. All these provisions are
aimed at giving effect to IEM and, ultimately, realising the environmental right.
In the next and final study unit, you are introduced to measures that aim to
ensure compliance with and enforcement of environmental law.
1. What is integrated environmental management (IEM)? (5)
2. List the objectives of IEM. (10)
3. Describe the role of the environmental assessment practitioner (EAP). (10)
4. List the minimum conditions of environmental authorisations. (3)
5. List the general conditions of environmental authorisations. (5)
6. List the specific conditions of environmental authorisations. (8)
7. What does an environmental management programme provide for? (8)
8. List the criteria that competent authorities must take into account when
considering applications for an environmental authorisation (s 24O) (15)
9. What are the consequences of unlawful commencement of an activity? (7)
10. Set out the primary purposes of an environmental impact assessment (EIA). (5)
11. When will an EIA be carried out? (4)
12. Describe the basic assessment procedure. (11)
13. Describe the scoping and environmental impact reporting (S&EIR) procedure. (13)
14. Discuss the provisions in NEMA for monitoring an activity throughout its life
cycle. (10)
15. A company called Greenbuild (Pty) Ltd wants to construct a facility for the
desalination of sea water for the town of Sedgefield in the Western Cape. It
plans to produce 200 cubic metres of treated water per day. Advise the
company whether an environmental authorisation is required and, if so, outline
the procedure that must be followed. (12)
16. Capstone (Pty) Ltd (the company in the scenario) approaches you for advice
on its application for authorisation to build the proposed housing and golf
estate. The company requires an outline of the procedure that must be followed. (14)
(Hint: Where the application is for two or more activities as part of the same
development and the S&EIR process must be applied in respect of any of the
activities, the applicable environmental authorisation process is the S&EIR
process (Regulation 15(3).)
17. Mrs Tshabalala is one of the neighbouring landowners in the scenario where Capstone
(Pty) Ltd intends to build the housing and golf estate. She approaches you for advice on
a number of issues.
17.1 She wants advice on the public participation process because she intends to
object to the proposed development, but is uncertain when to raise her
objections. (2)
(Hint: Read the S&EIR procedure and make a list of the different opportunities
that interested and affected parties have to give their input or raise
17.2 Mrs Tshabalala wants to know if the fact that this will be the third development
of this nature in the area will be taken into account during the EIA process. (2)
(Hint: Refer to BP Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd v MEC for Agriculture, Conservation
and Land Affairs and determine if provision is made for the consideration
of cumulative impacts.)
17.3 Mrs Tshabalala also wants to know if the job creation aspect of the proposed
development will be considered during the EIA process and, if so, why, since
she considers the creation of jobs to be irrelevant to the issue of protecting
the environment. (8)
(Hint: Refer to IEM, the national environmental management principles and the
following cases in this respect: BP Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd v MEC for
Agriculture, Conservation and Land Affairs at 151E and Fuel Retailers
Association of Southern Africa v Director-General Environmental Management,
Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment, Mpumalanga
Province and Others , paragraphs 31, 45 and 62. (These two decisions are
available in your e-reserves.)
A basic assessment must be carried out if the authorisation applied for is in respect of an
activity listed in Government Notice 327 of 7 April 2017 (Environmental Impact Assessment
Regulations Listing Notice 1).
The competent authority in respect of the activities listed in this part of the Notice is the
competent authority in the province in which the activity is to be undertaken,
Unless –
(a) it is an application for an activity contemplated in section 24C(2) of the Act, in which case
the competent authority is the Minister or an organ of state with delegated powers in terms
of section 42(1) of the Act; or
(b) the listed or specified activity is or is directly related to –
i. prospecting or exploration of a mineral or petroleum resource; or
ii. extraction and primary processing of a mineral or petroleum resource; in which case the
competent authority is the Minister responsible for mineral resources.
The exception mentioned in (b) above does not apply to the following activities contained in this
Notice: 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 23; 29; 30; 38; 39; 40; 41; 42; 43; 44; and 61.
Activity 3: The development and related operation of facilities or infrastructure for the
slaughter of animals with a –
(i) product throughput of poultry exceeding 50 poultry per day;
(ii) product throughput of reptiles, game and red meat exceeding 6 units per
day; or
(iii) wet weight product throughput of fish, crustaceans and amphibians
exceeding 20 000 kg per annum.
Activity 8: The development and related operation of hatcheries or agri-industrial facilities
outside industrial complexes where the development footprint covers an area of
2000 square metres or more.
Activity 12: The development of –
(i) dams or weirs, where the dam or weir, including infrastructure and water
surface area, exceeds 100 square metres; or
(ii) infrastructure or structures with a physical footprint of 100 square metres or
more; where such development occurs –
(a) within a watercourse;
(b) in front of a development setback; or
(c) if no development setback exists, within 32 metres of a watercourse,
measured from the edge of a watercourse;
excluding –
(aa) the development of infrastructure or structures within existing ports
or harbours that will not increase the development footprint of the
port or harbour;
(bb) where such development activities are related to the development
of a port or harbour, in which case activity 26 in Listing Notice 2 of
2014 applies;
(cc) activities listed in activity 14 in Listing Notice 2 of 2014 or activity
14 in Listing Notice 3 of 2014, in which case that activity applies;
(dd) where such development occurs within an urban area;
(ee) where such development occurs within existing roads, road
reserves or railway line reserves; or
(ff) the development of temporary infrastructure or structures where
such infrastructure or structures will be removed within 6 weeks of
the commencement of development and where indigenous
vegetation will not be cleared.
Activity 14: The development and related operation of facilities or infrastructure, for the
storage, or for the storage and handling, of a dangerous good, where such
storage occurs in containers with a combined capacity of 80 cubic metres or
more but not exceeding 500 cubic metres.
Activity 16: The development and related operation of facilities for the desalination of water
with a design capacity to produce more than 100 cubic metres of treated water
per day.
Activity 20: activity including the operation of that activity which requires a prospecting right
in terms of section 16 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development
Act, 2002 (Act No. 28 of 2002), including –
(a) associated infrastructure, structures and earthworks, directly related to
prospecting of a mineral resource; or
(b) the primary processing of a mineral resource including winning, extraction,
classifying, concentrating, crushing, screening or washing; but excluding
the secondary processing of a mineral resource, including the smelting,
beneficiation, reduction, refining, calcining or gasification of the mineral
resource in which case activity 6 in Listing Notice 2 applies.
Activity 21: Any activity including the operation of that activity which requires a mining
permit in terms of section 27 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources
Development Act, 2002 (Act No. 28 of 2002), including –
(a) associated infrastructure, structures and earthworks, directly related to the
extraction of a mineral resource; or
(b) the primary processing of a mineral resource including winning, extraction,
classifying, concentrating, crushing, screening or washing; but excluding
the secondary processing of a mineral resource, including the smelting,
beneficiation, reduction, refining, calcining or gasification of the mineral
resource in which case activity 6 in Listing Notice 2 applies.
Activity 23: The establishment of cemeteries of 2 500 square metres or more in size.
Activity 27: The clearance of an area of 1 hectares or more, but less than 20 hectares of
indigenous vegetation, except where such clearance of indigenous vegetation
is required for –
(i) the undertaking of a linear activity; or
(ii) maintenance purposes undertaken in accordance with a maintenance
management plan.
Activity 28: Residential, mixed, retail, commercial, industrial or institutional developments
where such land was used for agriculture, game farming, equestrian purposes
or afforestation on or after 01 April 1998 and where such development:
(i) will occur inside an urban area, where the total land to be developed is
bigger than 5 hectares; or
(ii) will occur outside an urban area, where the total land to be developed is
bigger than 1 hectare; excluding where such land has already been
developed for residential, mixed, retail, commercial, industrial or institu-
tional purposes.
Activity 30: Any process or activity identified in terms of section 53(1) of the National
Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 10 of 2004.
A scoping and environmental impact reporting (S&EIR) process must be carried out if the
authorisation applied for is in respect of an activity listed in Government Notice 325 of
7 April 2017 (Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations Listing Notice 2).
The exception mentioned in (b) above does not apply to the following activities contained in this
Notice: 3; 8(i); 13; 26; 27; and 29.
Activity 2: The development and related operation of facilities or infrastructure for the
generation of electricity from a non-renewable resource where the electricity
output is 20 megawatts or more.
Activity 3: The development and related operation of facilities or infrastructure for nuclear
reaction including energy generation, the production, enrichment, processing,
reprocessing, storage or disposal of nuclear fuels, radioactive products and
nuclear waste or radioactive waste.
Activity 4: The development and related operation of facilities or infrastructure, for the
storage, or storage and handling of a dangerous good, where such storage
occurs in containers with a combined capacity of more than 500 cubic metres.
Activity 8: The development of –
(i) airports; or
(ii) runways or aircraft landing strips longer than 1,4 kilometres.
Activity 13: The physical alteration of virgin soil to agriculture, or afforestation for the
purposes of commercial tree, timber or wood production of 100 hectares or
Activity 15: The clearance of an area of 20 hectares or more of indigenous vegetation,
excluding where such clearance of indigenous vegetation is required for –
(i) the undertaking of a linear development activities; or
(ii) maintenance purposes undertaken in accordance with a maintenance
management plan.
Activity 17: Any activity including the operation of that activity which requires a mining right
as contemplated in section 22 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources
Development Act, 28 of 2002, including –
(a) associated infrastructure, structures and earthworks, directly related to the
extraction of a mineral resource; or
(b) the primary processing of a mineral resource including winning, extraction,
classifying, concentrating, crushing, screening or washing;
but excluding the secondary processing of a mineral resource, including the
smelting, beneficiation, reduction, refining, calcining or gasification of the
mineral resource in which case activity 6 in this Notice applies.
Activity 18: Any activity including the operation of that activity which requires an exploration
right as contemplated in section 79 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources
Development Act, 28 of 2002, including –
(a) associated infrastructure, structures and earthworks; or.
(b) the primary processing of a petroleum resource including winning,
extraction, classifying, concentrating or water removal; but excluding the
secondary processing of a petroleum resource, including the beneficiation
or refining of gas, oil or petroleum products in which case activity 5 in this
Notice applies.
Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations Listing Notice 3 includes the following
activities in specific identified geographical areas only: (we include only some
examples contained in the list)
A basic assessment must be carried out if the authorisation applied for is in respect of a listed
activity in specific identified geographical areas as per Government Notice 324 of
7 April 2017 (Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations Listing Notice 3)
The exception mentioned in (b) above does not apply to the following activities contained in this
Notice: 5; 6; 9; 11; 13; 17; 21; 24; 25 and 26.
Activity number and Geographical areas based on environmental attributes
(b) Free State
i. In a protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA,
excluding conservancies;
ii. Outside urban areas:
(aa) National Protected Area Expansion Strategy Focus
(bb) Sensitive areas as identified in an environmental
management framework as contemplated in
Chapter 5 of the Act and as adopted by the
competent authority;
(cc) Sites or areas identified in terms of an international
(dd) Critical biodiversity areas as identified in systematic
biodiversity plans adopted by the competent
authority or in bioregional plans;
(ee) Core areas in biosphere reserves; or
(ff) Areas within 10 kilometres from national parks or
world heritage sites or 5 kilometres from any other
protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA or
from the core area of a biosphere reserve; or
iii. Inside urban areas:
(aa) Areas zoned for use as public open space;
(bb) Areas designated for conservation use in Spatial
D e v e l o p m e n t F ra m e w o r k s a d o p t e d b y t h e
competent authority, or zoned for a conservation
purpose; or
(cc) Areas within urban protected areas.
(c) Gauteng
i. A protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA,
excluding conservancies;
ii. National Protected Area Expansion Strategy Focus
iii. Gauteng Protected Area Expansion Priority Areas;
iv. Sites identified as Critical Biodiversity Areas (CBAs) or
Ecological Support Areas (ESAs) in the Gauteng
Conservation Plan or in bioregional plans;
v. Sites identified within threatened ecosystems listed in
terms of the National Environmental Management Act:
Biodiversity Act (Act No. 10 of 2004);
vi. S e n s i t i v e a r e a s i d e n t i f i e d i n a n e n v i r o n m e n t a l
management framework adopted by the relevant
environmental authority;
vii. Sites or areas identified in terms of an international
viii. Sites managed as protected areas by provincial
authorities, or declared as nature reserves in terms of
the Nature Conservation Ordinance (Ordinance 12 of
1983) or the NEMPAA;
ix. Sites designated as nature reserves in terms of municipal
Spatial Development Frameworks;
x. Sites zoned for conservation use or public open space or
equivalent zoning; or
xi. Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBA).
Activity number and Geographical areas based on environmental attributes
(b) KwaZulu-Natal
i. Tr a n s - f r o n t i e r p r o t e c t e d a r e a s m a n a g e d u n d e r
international conventions;
ii. Community Conservation Areas;
iii. Biodiversit y Stewardship Programme Biodiversity
Agreement areas;
iv. World Heritage Sites;
v. In an estuarine functional zone;
vi. In a protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA,
excluding conservancies;
vii. Sites or areas identified in terms of an international
viii. Critical biodiversity areas as identified in systematic
biodiversity plans adopted by the competent authority
or in bioregional plans;
ix. Core areas in biosphere reserves;
x. Areas designated for conservation use in Spatial
Development Frameworks adopted by the competent
authority, or zoned for a conservation purpose;
xi. Sensitive areas as identified in an environmental
management framework as contemplated in Chapter 5
of the Act and as adopted by the competent authority;
xii. Outside urban areas:
(aa) Areas within 10 kilometres from national parks or
world heritage sites or 5 kilometres from any
terrestrial protected area identified in terms of
NEMPAA or from the core area of a biosphere
reserve; or
(bb) Areas seawards of the development setback line or
within 1 kilometre from the high-water mark of the
sea if no such development setback line is
determined; or
xiii. Inside urban areas:
(aa) Areas zoned for use as public open space;
(bb) Areas seawards of the development setback line or
within 100 metres from the high-water mark of the
sea if no such development setback line is
determined; or
(cc) Within urban protected areas.
(e) Limpopo
i. In a protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA,
excluding conservancies;
ii. Outside urban areas:
(aa) National Protected Area Expansion Strategy Focus
(bb) Sensitive areas as identified in an environmental
management framework as contemplated in
Chapter 5 of the Act and as adopted by the
competent authority;
(cc) Sites or areas identified in terms of an international
Activity number and Geographical areas based on environmental attributes
(dd) Critical biodiversity areas as identified in systematic
biodiversity plans adopted by the competent
authority or in bioregional plans;
(ee) Core areas in biosphere reserves; or
(ff) Areas within 10 kilometres from national parks or
world heritage sites or 5 kilometres from any other
protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA or
from the core area of a biosphere reserve; or
iii. Inside urban areas:
(aa) Areas zoned for use as public open space;
(bb) Areas designated for conservation use in Spatial
D e v e l o p m e n t F ra m e w o r k s a d o p t e d b y t h e
competent authority, or zoned for a conservation
purpose; or
(cc) Areas within urban protected areas.
(f) Mpumalanga
i. In a protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA,
excluding conservancies;
ii. Outside urban areas:
(aa) National Protected Area Expansion Strategy Focus
(bb) Sensitive areas as identified in an environmental
management framework as contemplated in
Chapter 5 of the Act and as adopted by the
competent authority;
(cc) Sites or areas identified in terms of an international
(dd) Critical biodiversity areas as identified in systematic
biodiversity plans adopted by the competent
authority or in bioregional plans;
(ee) Core areas in biosphere reserves; or
(ff) Areas within 10 kilometres from national parks or
world heritage sites or 5 kilometres from any other
protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA or
from the core area of a biosphere reserve, where
such areas comprise indigenous vegetation; or
iii. Inside urban areas:
(aa) Areas zoned for use as public open space; or
(bb) Areas designated for conservation use in Spatial
D e v e l o p m e n t F ra m e w o r k s a d o p t e d b y t h e
competent authority, or zoned for a conservation
Activity number and Geographical areas based on environmental attributes
(aa) National Protected Area Expansion Strategy Focus
(bb) Sensitive areas as identified in an environmental
management framework as contemplated in
Chapter 5 of the Act and as adopted by the
competent authority;
(cc) Sites or areas identified in terms of an international
(dd) Critical biodiversity areas as identified in systematic
biodiversity plans adopted by the competent
authority or in bioregional plans;
(ee) Core areas in biosphere reserves;
(ff) Areas within 10 kilometres from national parks or
world heritage sites or 5 kilometres from any other
protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA or
from the core area of a biosphere reserve; or
(gg) Areas seawards of the development setback line or
within 1 kilometre from the high-water mark of the
sea if no such development setback line is
determined; or
iv. Inside urban areas:
(aa) Areas zoned for use as public open space;
(bb) Areas designated for conservation use in Spatial
D e v e l o p m e n t F ra m e w o r k s a d o p t e d b y t h e
competent authority, or zoned for a conservation
purpose; or
(cc) Areas seawards of the development setback line or
within urban protected areas.
(h) North West
i. World Heritage Sites; core of biosphere reserve; or sites
or areas identified in terms of an international convention;
ii. A protected area including municipal or provincial nature
reserves as contemplated by NEMPAA or other
legislation; or
iii. All Heritage Sites proclaimed in terms of National
Heritage Resources Act, 1999 (Act No. 25 of 1999).
(i) Western Cape
i. A protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA,
excluding conservancies;
ii. In areas containing indigenous vegetation; or
iii. Inside urban areas:
(aa) Areas zoned for use as public open space; or
(bb) Areas designated for conservation use in Spatial
D e v e l o p m e n t F ra m e w o r k s a d o p t e d b y t h e
competent authority, or zoned for a conservation
Activity number and Geographical areas based on environmental attributes
Activity 6: (a) Eastern Cape
(i) Outside urban areas:
The development of resorts,
lodges, hotels, tourism or (aa) A protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA,
excluding conservancies;
hospitality facilities that sleep
(bb) National Protected Area Expansion Strategy Focus
15 people or more
(cc) Sensitive areas as identified in an environmental
management framework as contemplated in
Chapter 5 of the Act and as adopted by the
competent authority;
(dd) Sites or areas identified in terms of an international
(ee) Critical biodiversity areas as identified in systematic
biodiversity plans adopted by the competent
authority or in bioregional plans;
(ff) Core areas in biosphere reserves;
(gg) Areas within 10 kilometres from national parks or
world heritage sites or 5 kilometres from any other
protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA or
from the core area of a biosphere reserve;
(hh) Areas seawards of the development setback line or
within 1 kilometre from the high-water mark of the
sea if no such development setback line is
(ii) Areas on the watercourse side of the development
setback line or within 100 metres from the edge of a
watercourse where no such setback line has been
(jj) An estuarine functional zone, excluding areas falling
behind the development setback line; or
(kk) A watercourse; or
ii. Inside urban areas:
(aa) Areas zoned for use as public open space; or
(bb) Areas designated for conservation use in Spatial
D e v e l o p m e n t F ra m e w o r k s a d o p t e d b y t h e
competent authority or zoned for a conservation
Activity number and descrip- Geographical areas based on environmental attributes
(ee) Critical biodiversity areas as identified in systematic
biodiversity plans adopted by the competent
authority or in bioregional plans;
(ff) Core areas in biosphere reserves;
(gg) Areas within 10 kilometres from national parks or
world heritage sites or 5 kilometres from any other
protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA or
from the core area of a biosphere reserve; or
(hh) Areas within a watercourse or wetland, or within 100
metres of the edge of a watercourse or wetland; or
ii. Inside urban
(aa) Areas zoned for use as public open space; or
(bb) Areas designated for conservation use in Spatial
D e v e l o p m e n t F ra m e w o r k s a d o p t e d b y t h e
competent authority or zoned for a conservation
(c) Gauteng
i. A protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA,
excluding conservancies;
ii. National Protected Area Expansion Strategy Focus
iii. Gauteng Protected Area Expansion Priority Areas;
iv. Sites identified as Critical Biodiversity Areas (CBAs) or
Ecological Support Areas (ESAs) in the Gauteng
Conservation Plan or in bioregional plans;
v. Sites identified within threatened ecosystems listed in
terms of the National Environmental Management Act:
Biodiversity Act (Act No. 10 of 2004);
vi. S e n s i t i v e a r e a s i d e n t i f i e d i n a n e n v i r o n m e n t a l
management framework adopted by the relevant
environmental authority;
vii. Sites or areas identified in terms of an international
viii. Sites identified as high potential agricultural land in terms
of Gauteng Agricultural Potential Atlas;
ix. Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA);
x. Sites managed as protected areas by provincial
authorities, or declared as nature reserves in terms of
the Nature Conservation Ordinance (Ordinance 12 of
1983) or the NEMPAA;
xi. Sites designated as nature reserves in terms of municipal
Spatial Development Frameworks; or
xii. Sites zoned for conservation use or public open space or
equivalent zoning.
(d) KwaZulu-Natal
i. In an estuarine functional zone;
ii. Tr a n s - f r o n t i e r p r o t e c t e d a r e a s m a n a g e d u n d e r
international conventions;
iii. Community Conservation Areas;
Activity number and Geographical areas based on environmental attributes
iv. Biodiversit y Stewardship Programme Biodiversity
Agreement areas;
v. A protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA,
excluding conservancies;
vi. Sites or areas identified in terms of an international
vii. Critical biodiversity areas as identified in systematic
biodiversity plans adopted by the competent authority
or in bioregional plans;
viii. Core areas in biosphere reserves;
ix. World Heritage Sites;
x. Areas designated for conservation use in Spatial
Development Frameworks adopted by the competent
authority or zoned for a conservation purpose;
xi. Sensitive areas as identified in an environmental
management framework as contemplated in Chapter 5
of the Act and as adopted by the competent authority;
xii. Outside urban areas:
(aa) Areas within 10 kilometres from national parks or
world heritage sites or 5 kilometres from any
terrestrial protected area identified in terms of
NEMPAA or from the core area of a biosphere
(bb) Areas seawards of the development setback line or
within 1 kilometre from the high-water mark of the
sea if no such development setback line is
determined; or
(cc) Areas within a watercourse or wetland; or within 100
metres from the edge of a watercourse or wetland;
xiii. Inside urban areas:
(aa) Areas zoned for use as public open space;
(bb) Areas seawards of the development setback line or
within 100m from the high-water mark of the sea if
no such development setback line is determined; or
(cc) Areas within 500 metres from terrestrial protected
areas identified in terms of NEMPAA.
(e) Limpopo
i. Outside urban areas:
(aa) A protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA,
excluding conservancies;
(bb) National Protected Area Expansion Strategy Focus
(cc) Sensitive areas as identified in an environmental
management framework as contemplated in
Chapter 5 of the Act and as adopted by the
competent authority;
(dd) Sites or areas identified in terms of an international
(ee) Critical biodiversity areas as identified in systematic
biodiversity plans adopted by the competent
authority or in bioregional plans;
Activity number and Geographical areas based on environmental attributes
(ff) Core areas in biosphere reserves;
(gg) Areas within 10 kilometres from national parks or
world heritage sites or 5 kilometres from any other
protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA or
from the core area of a biosphere reserve; or
(hh) Areas within a watercourse; or within 100 metres
from the edge of a watercourse; or
ii. Inside urban areas:
(aa) Areas zoned for use as public open space; or
(bb) Areas designated for conservation use in Spatial
Development Frameworks adopted by the
competent authority or zoned for a conservation
(f) Mpumalanga
i. Outside urban areas:
(aa) A protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA,
excluding conservancies;
(bb) National Protected Area Expansion Strategy Focus
(cc) Sensitive areas as identified in an environmental
management framework as contemplated in
Chapter 5 of the Act and as adopted by the
competent authority;
(dd) Sites or areas identified in terms of an international
(ee) Critical biodiversity areas as identified in systematic
biodiversity plans adopted by the competent
authority or in bioregional plans;
(ff) Core areas in biosphere reserves;
(gg) Areas within 10 kilometres from national parks or
world heritage sites or 5 kilometres from any other
protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA or
from the core area of a biosphere reserve, where
such areas comprise indigenous vegetation; or
(hh) Areas within a watercourse or wetland, or within 100
metres of a watercourse or wetland; or
ii. Inside urban areas:
(aa) Areas zoned for use as public open space; or
(bb) Areas designated for conservation use in Spatial
Development Frameworks adopted by the
competent authority or zoned for a conservation
Activity number and Geographical areas based on environmental attributes
(cc) Sensitive areas as identified in an environmental
management framework as contemplated in
Chapter 5 of the Act and as adopted by the
competent authority;
(dd) Sites or areas identified in terms of an international
(ee) Critical biodiversity areas as identified in systematic
biodiversity plans adopted by the competent
authority or in bioregional plans;
(ff) Core areas in biosphere reserves;
(gg) Areas within 10 kilometres from national parks or
world heritage sites or 5 kilometres from any other
protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA or
from the core area of a biosphere reserve;
(hh) Areas seawards of the development setback line or
within 1 kilometre from the high-water mark of the
sea if no such development setback line is
determined; or
(ii) Areas within a watercourse or wetland; or within 100
metres from the edge of a watercourse or wetland; or
iii. Inside urban areas:
(aa) Areas zoned for use as public open space; or
(bb) Areas designated for conservation use in Spatial
D e v e l o p m e n t F ra m e w o r k s a d o p t e d b y t h e
competent authority or zoned for a conservation
Activity number and Geographical areas based on environmental attributes
Activity 12: (a) Eastern Cape
i. W ithin any critically endangered or endangered
The clearance of an area of 300
ecosystem listed in terms of section 52 of the NEMBA
square metres or more of
or prior to the publication of such a list, within an area that
indigenous vegetation except
has been identified as critically endangered in the
where such clearance of
National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment 2004;
indigenous vegetation is
ii. Within critical biodiversity areas identified in bioregional
required for maintenance
purposes undertaken in
iii. Within the littoral active zone or 100 metres inland from
accordance with a maintenance
the high-water mark of the sea, whichever distance is the
management plan
greater, excluding where such removal will occur behind
the development setback line on erven in urban areas;
iv. Outside urban areas, within 100 metres inland from an
estuarine functional zone; or
v. On land, where, at the time of the coming into effect of
this Notice or thereafter such land was zoned open
space, conservation or had an equivalent zoning.
(c) Gauteng
i. W ithin any critically endangered or endangered
ecosystem listed in terms of section 52 of the NEMBA
or prior to the publication of such a list, within an area that
has been identified as critically endangered in the
National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment 2004;
ii. Within Critical Biodiversity Areas or Ecological Support
Areas identified in the Gauteng Conservation Plan or
bioregional plans; or
iii. On land, where, at the time of the coming into effect of
this Notice or thereafter such land was zoned open
space, conservation or had an equivalent zoning.
(d) KwaZulu-Natal
i. Tr a n s - f r o n t i e r p r o t e c t e d a r e a s m a n a g e d u n d e r
international conventions;
Activity number and Geographical areas based on environmental attributes
ii. Community Conservation Areas;
iii. Biodiversit y Stewardship Programme Biodiversity
Agreement areas;
iv. W ithin any critically endangered or endangered
ecosystem listed in terms of section 52 of the NEMBA
or prior to the publication of such a list, within an area that
has been identified as critically endangered in the
National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment 2004;
v. Critical biodiversity areas as identified in systematic
biodiversity plans adopted by the competent authority
or in bioregional plans;
vi. Within the littoral active zone or 100 metres inland from
high-water mark of the sea or an estuarine functional
zone, whichever distance is the greater, excluding where
such removal will occur behind the development setback
line on erven in urban areas;
vii. On land, where, at the time of the coming into effect of
this Notice or thereafter such land was zoned open
space, conservation or had an equivalent zoning;
viii. A protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA,
excluding conservancies;
ix. World Heritage Sites;
x. Sites or areas identified in terms of an international
xi. Areas designated for conservation use in Spatial
Development Frameworks adopted by the competent
authority or zoned for a conservation purpose;
xii. Sensitive areas as identified in an environmental
management framework as contemplated in Chapter 5
of the Act and as adopted by the competent authority; or
xiii. In an estuarine functional zone.
(e) Limpopo
i. W ithin any critically endangered or endangered
ecosystem listed in terms of section 52 of the NEMBA
or prior to the publication of such a list, within an area that
has been identified as critically endangered in the
National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment 2004;
ii. Within critical biodiversity areas identified in bioregional
plans; or
iii. On land, where, at the time of the coming into effect of
this Notice or thereafter such land was zoned open
space, conservation or had an equivalent zoning.
(f) Mpumalanga
i. W ithin any critically endangered or endangered
ecosystem listed in terms of section 52 of the NEMBA
or prior to the publication of such a list, within an area that
has been identified as critically endangered in the
National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment 2004;
ii. Within critical biodiversity areas identified in bioregional
plans; or
iii. On land, where, at the time of the coming into effect of
this Notice or thereafter such land was zoned open
space, conservation or had an equivalent zoning or
proclamation in terms of NEMPAA.
Activity number and Geographical areas based on environmental attributes
(g) Northern Cape
i. W ithin any critically endangered or endangered
ecosystem listed in terms of section 52 of the NEMBA
or prior to the publication of such a list, within an area that
has been identified as critically endangered in the
National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment 2004;
ii. Within critical biodiversity areas identified in bioregional
iii. Within the littoral active zone or 100 metres inland from
high-water mark of the sea or an estuary, whichever
distance is the greater, excluding where such removal will
occur behind the development setback line on erven in
urban areas; or
iv. On land, where, at the time of the coming into effect of
this Notice or thereafter such land was zoned open
space, conservation or had an equivalent zoning.
Activity number and Geographical areas based on environmental attributes
Activity 15: (a) Eastern Cape
i. Outside urban areas, or
The transformation of land ii. Inside urban areas:
bigger than 1 000 square
(aa) Areas zoned for conservation use or equivalent
metres in size, to residential,
zoning, on or after 02 August 2010;
retail, commercial, industrial or
(bb) A protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA,
institutional use, where, such
excluding conservancies; or
land was zoned open space, (cc) Sensitive areas as identified in an environmental
conservation or had an management framework as contemplated in
equivalent zoning, on or after 02 Chapter 5 of the Act as adopted by the competent
August 2010 authority.
(b) Gauteng
i. All areas.
(c) Limpopo
i. Inside urban areas.
(d) Mpumalanga
i. Inside urban areas; or
ii. A protected area identified in terms of NEMPAA,
excluding conservancies.
Measures and institutions to ensure
compliance with and enforcement of
environmental law
In this study unit we elaborate on the measures and mechanisms that are in place to ensure
that relevant ‘‘stakeholders’’ comply with environmental laws. We briefly set out the
enforcement measures provided for in law. This account is essential for gaining an
understanding of the tools (i.e. the measures and mechanisms) that are used to implement
existing environmental laws. In the absence of such tools, environmental management and
protection is unlikely to be effective or meaningful. The most commonly used tools are
criminal measures. Although criminal measures have their strengths, their weaknesses
abound. Other tools that will be explored include administrative measures. In the course of
expounding on administrative measures, particular focus will be placed on the role of
environmental management inspectors (EMIs) in the enforcement of environmental laws. This
examination of the role of the EMIs is essentially an examination of the institution (the
‘‘Environmental Management Inspectorate’’) entrusted with the powers to enforce com-
pliance with environmental laws and what these powers entail. Finally, a few other tools will be
mentioned for the sake of completeness. All these tools are helpful only when they are used
and used effectively. We note, however, that the constraints of, inter alia, insufficient
implementation/enforcement officers and inadequate training make such use limited at
7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 General
In the last six study units we have focused on the theory pertaining to the
management and protection of the environment, as provided for in the
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 and the pertinent provisions
of the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998, and provided you
with some information on the development of international environmental law
(IEL) and its impact on South African environmental law. Now, in this last study
unit, we will be examining the measures and the institutions that have been
created to ensure compliance with and enforcement of environmental law.
In general, once a rule or law has been promulgated, the regulated community
(or part thereof) may comply with the rule or law voluntarily without any action
or persuasion by the regulator. However, it is possible that voluntary
compliance may not be forthcoming, in which case measures may be taken
to persuade or force the regulated community to comply with the rule or law.
The strategies that may be used to achieve compliance on the part of the
regulated community form part of enforcement measures.
mechanisms may differ according to the views of certain authors, there seem
to be three broad categories of enforcement measures or mechanisms,
. command-and-control mechanisms
. incentive-based mechanisms
. voluntary mechanisms
As will be seen below, the greater part of this study unit will be devoted to a
discussion of these command-and-control mechanisms. The reason for this is
that command-and-control mechanisms are the most frequently used
enforcement tool in environmental protection efforts in South Africa.
[they are] sitting in the middle of the continuum between state-centred and
industry-centred regulation [and are] incentive-based instruments. These
instruments frequently seek to encourage compliance with state objectives
and standards through motivation and reward, as opposed to direct
regulation. The philosophy underlying these instruments is that it may be
more efficient and effective to reward positive behaviour as opposed to
sanctioning negative behaviour. Incentive-based instruments are not,
however, always positive in nature and can similarly be used to
discourage – effectively penalise – non-compliance with relevant objectives
and standards. Incentives can also be perverse in nature where they actively
encourage the opposite of the desired state objective or standard. [Footnotes
in extract have been omitted.]
There are many types of incentive-based measures. For our current purposes,
we will mention just three of them:
. market-based incentives (fiscal or economic incentives)
. information-based instruments
. regulatory incentives
Examples of voluntary mechanisms include self-regulation and co-regulation
(‘‘negotiated agreements’’).
7.2 Criminal measures
7.2.1 General
In simple terms, ‘‘criminal measures’’ refer to various measures based on
criminal law that can be undertaken in the interest of compliance and
enforcement. In essence, certain conduct is prohibited and this prohibition is
backed by a threat of punishment in the event of failure to comply with the
prohibition. In most South African legislation, this is the default enforcement
measure. (‘‘Default’’, in this sense, means ‘‘a selected option adopted ...
when no alternative is specified’’ (Compact Oxford English dictionary 2005).)
The criminal measures are sometimes also referred to as ‘‘criminal sanctions’’
or ‘‘the criminal sanction’’.
As you may recall from the Criminal Law subjects you studied earlier in your
studies, the criminal sanction has certain distinct features, which include the
The determination of the right timing for the use of the criminal sanction or
other measures calls for a consideration of the strengths and weaknesses of
the criminal sanction.
NOTE: Since you are in your fourth year of study and have completed the
Criminal Law modules, we assume that you know all about the
elements of South African criminal liability. We will therefore not
include explanations of terms like dolus eventualis or mens rea. If
you are not sure of the meanings of terms like these, please
consult the study materials of your Criminal Law module(s).
The alternatives referred to in Kidd’s excerpt above are actually the other
command-and-control mechanisms (that is, administrative measures and civil
measures), incentive-based mechanisms and voluntary mechanisms. In
essence, the enforcement officials/organs of state must determine whether, in
a particular environmental situation, the criminal sanction should be used in
order to achieve compliance, or whether the other mechanisms would be more
suitable. Kidd’s argument is that, unlike the current state of affairs in which
criminal sanctions are most often used (or at least prescribed) for
environmental compliance and enforcement purposes, consideration should
be given to reserving criminal sanctions for serious cases, as explained above.
. Study 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 and identify the advantages and disadvantages of using
criminal sanctions in the context of environmental matters.
. Based on the foregoing, substantiate your answer.
NOTE: There is not necessarily a right or wrong answer to this kind of question; it all
depends on how you justify/substantiate the approach you choose.
7.3.1 General
Environmental statutes impose various environmentally relevant powers and
duties on administrative bodies, namely national government departments,
provincial government departments, local government authorities, statutory
and other public bodies – essentially organs of state. (Return to study unit 5 in
which we discussed the powers and functions of the national, provincial and
local governments under cooperative governance to refresh your memory of
this particular aspect.)
. directives
. compliance notices
. abatement notices
. suspension and withdrawal of authorisations
7.3.2 Directives
Directives empower an administrative official (an organ of state) to direct a
person (entity) to do or refrain from doing something with a view to securing
compliance with environmental law or achieving environmental protection.
Directives are provided for in several environmental Acts, but for our
purposes, we will discuss the directives provided for in two statutes. These
directives are similar in some respects and different in others. This will
become evident as we discuss the directives provided for under the National
Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 (NEMA) and the National Water
Act 36 of 1998.
Section 28(4) of NEMA provides as follows:
The Director-General of the department responsible for mineral resources or
a provincial head of department may, after having given adequate
opportunity to affected persons to inform him or her of their relevant
interests, direct [our emphasis] any person who is causing, has caused or
may cause significant pollution or degradation of the environment to –
(a) cease any activity, operation or undertaking;
(b) investigate, evaluate and assess the impact of specific activities and
report thereon;
(c) commence taking specific measures before a given date;
(d) diligently continue with those measures; and
(e) complete those measures before a specified reasonable date.
The reasonable measures (in terms of subsection (3)) may include measures
The persons on whom the obligation to take reasonable measures is imposed
include an owner of land or premises, a person in control of land or premises
or a person who has a right to use the land or premises on which or in which
In Bareki v Gencor 2006 1 SA 432 (T), the court held that the effect of section
28 of NEMA is that an owner or possessor of land on whose land an activity or
process causing pollution has been performed without his knowledge and
consent, prima facie incurs an obligation to take reasonable corrective
measures. In this case there is prima facie an absolute liability, which
precludes not merely the element of fault, but also the element of unlawful
conduct. Section 28(1) and (2) of NEMA therefore creates at least a strict
liability and, in some cases, they may even create an absolute liability. As an
example of absolute liability, the court noted that in terms of the latter part of
section 28(1) of NEMA, even where significant pollution or degradation of the
environment is authorised by law or cannot be reasonably avoided or
stopped, the person who causes, has caused or may cause such pollution or
degradation must take reasonable measures to minimise and rectify such
pollution or degradation of the environment. So, conduct which is not unlawful
because it is authorised by law nevertheless gives rise to a duty to take
reasonable measures, meaning that the liability is absolute. The court
observed that there is no monetary limit to such liability and so the liability
is potentially a very heavy one. Furthermore, no statutory defences are created
by NEMA in favour of the person who has caused the pollution (at 439–441).
Please note that in Bareki v Gencor, the court also decided that the provisions
of section 28 of NEMA are not retrospective and, accordingly, the obligation to
take the reasonable measures does not apply where the acts of pollution and
degradation complained of were caused or began prior to 29 January 1999
(the date of commencement of NEMA). However, this aspect of the court’s
decision was overridden by a subsequent amendment to NEMA, which clearly
states that the provisions of section 28 of NEMA are retrospective. Should a
person fail to comply, or comply inadequately, with a directive under
subsection (4), the Director-General, the Director-General of the department
responsible for mineral resources or the provincial head of department may
take reasonable measures to remedy the situation or apply to a competent
court for appropriate relief. Although the appropriate relief is not detailed (or
explained) in section 28 of NEMA, it is arguable that such appropriate relief
may include a mandatory interdict aimed at compelling compliance with the
directive issued by the Director-General or provincial head of department.
. any person who is or was responsible for, or who directly or indirectly
contributed to, the pollution or degradation or the potential pollution or
. the owner of the land at the time when the pollution or degradation or the
potential for pollution or degradation occurred, or that owner’s successor
in title
. the person in control of the land or any person who has or had a right to
use the land at the time when
– the activity or the process is or was performed or undertaken, or
– the situation came about
If more than one person is liable for the costs of undertaking reasonable
remedial measures, the liability must be apportioned among the persons
concerned according to the degree to which each was responsible for the
harm to the environment resulting from their respective failures to take the
measures (s 28(11) of NEMA).
The costs may also be claimed proportionally from any other person who
benefited from the reasonable remedial measures undertaken. Further, the
costs must be reasonable and may include, without being limited to, labour,
administrative and overhead costs (s 28(9) and (10) of NEMA).
The penalties for this offence include a fine not exceeding R10 million or
imprisonment not exceeding 10 years, or both such fine and such
imprisonment (sections 49A and 49B of NEMA).
It is also an offence to
. unlawfully and intentionally or negligently commit any act or omission that
causes, or is likely to cause, significant pollution or degradation of the
. unlawfully and intentionally or negligently commit any act or omission that
detrimentally affects, or is likely to affect, the environment in a significant
The penalties for these offences are similar to the penalties for failure to
comply with a directive.
resources or the provincial head of department and, thereafter, to apply to a
competent court for an order directing the Director-General or the provincial
head of department to issue a directive if the Director-General or provincial
head of department fails to inform such person in writing that he or she has
directed a relevant person to take relevant steps (refer to s 28(12) of NEMA).
PLEASE NOTE: For this kind of question, you are not allowed to simply rewrite/copy
the contents of the relevant paragraphs of this study unit. Not only
would that constitute plagiarism, but you would also fail to
demonstrate your understanding of the study material.
persons must take all reasonable measures to prevent pollution from
occurring, continuing or recurring. These persons include an owner of land,
a person in control of land or a person who occupies or uses the land on which
any activity or process is or was performed or undertaken, or any other
situation exists, which causes, has caused or is likely to cause pollution of a
water resource. The reasonable measures may include measures to
Section 19(3) of the Act determines that where the relevant person fails to
undertake the reasonable measures, a catchment management agency may
issue a directive to such person to
. commence taking specific measures before a given date
. diligently continue with those measures
. complete them before a given date
If a person fails to comply (or complies inadequately) with the directive, the
catchment management agency may take the measures it considers
necessary to remedy the situation. The catchment management agency
may recover all costs incurred as a result of taking the reasonable measures
jointly and severally from the following persons:
If more than one person is liable, the catchment management agency must, at
the request of any of those persons and after giving the others an opportunity
to be heard, apportion the liability, but such apportionment does not relieve
any of them of their joint and several liability for the full amount of the costs
(s 19(8) of the National Water Act).
The catchment management agency may also claim from any other person
who, in the opinion of the catchment management agency, benefited from the
reasonable measures undertaken, to the extent of such benefit (s 19(6) of the
National Water Act).
The court did not agree with the argument – that section 19(1) of the National
Water Act prescribes any territorial restriction – and held as follows (par 33):
The legislature intended by the term ‘reasonable measures’ to lay down a
flexible test dependent on the circumstances of each case. On the facts here it
was in my view a reasonable anti-pollution measure to take steps to prevent
groundwater from the defunct mines reaching the active ones. The
constitutional and statutory anti-pollution objectives would be obstructed if
the measures required of the persons referred to in s 19(1) were limited to
measures on the land mentioned in that subsection. If the choice were
between an interpretation confining preventive measures to one’s own land
and a construction without that limitation it is clear that the latter
interpretation would be consistent with the purpose of the Constitution
and the Act and the former not.
Please note that failure to comply with a directive issued under section 19 of
the National Water Act constitutes an offence. The penalties for this offence
include, on the first conviction, a fine not exceeding R100,000 or
imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years, or both such fine and
such imprisonment and, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, a
fine not exceeding R200,000 or imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten
years, or both such fine and such imprisonment (s 151 of the National Water
Act as read with section 1 of the Adjustment of Fines Act 101 of 1991).
. By making a diligent study of and, you will be able to discover
more similarities and differences between the two directives under
consideration. (One way of answering this question is to draw two columns,
heading them sections 28 and 19, and then tabulating the similarities and
differences between the two directives.)
The most prominent compliance notice system is that provided for under
NEMA. Owing to the significant role that compliance notices are playing in
South Africa these days, they will be discussed in some detail and the
interplay between the work of EMIs and administrative justice/action will be
ment officials known as environmental management inspectors (EMIs). (See
section 31B, 31BA, 31BB and 31C of NEMA, entitled ‘‘Designation of
environmental management inspectors by Minister’’, ‘‘Designation of
environmental management inspectors by Minister responsible for water
affairs’’, ‘‘Designation of environmental mineral resource inspectors by
Minister responsible mineral resources’’ and ‘‘Designation of environmental
management inspectors by MEC’’ respectively.)
Activity 6
The following brief discussion will give you some insight into the work of EMIs,
particularly in cases where they perform administrative action that
necessitates adherence to the right to just administrative action as set out
in section 33 of the Constitution and elaborated upon in PAJA.
Legislation that has already been designated to these inspectors includes
NEMA; the Environment Conservation Act, 73 of 1989; the National Water Act
36 of 1998; the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act 57
of 2003; the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004;
the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004; the
National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act 24
of 2008; the National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008; the
World Heritage Convention Act 49 of 1999; and any regulation or other
subordinate legislation made in terms of any of these Acts.
As organs of state, EMIs act within the public-law relationship and therefore
with state authority. In other words, they act with the authority, powers and
functions vested in them in terms of the law. They are therefore bound by the
Constitution to act within the law and the powers vested in them in terms of
legislation. Persons against whom they act (e.g. individuals, companies,
developers) may be coerced to comply with the law (e.g. through the
suspension of a permit holder’s permit to enforce compliance with permit
prescriptions) but, broadly speaking, they always act in the public interest
(e.g. to protect biodiversity in terms of the national environmental
management system and to ensure effective governance of environmental
The action taken (e.g. to suspend a permit) affects the rights of the permit
holder and must therefore be just administrative action (in other words,
administrative justice must prevail). Administrative justice ensures that
administrative action is lawful and reasonable and that fair procedures were
followed. Where rights have been adversely affected, the administrator (EMI)
must provide written reasons for such action (refer to section 33(2) of the
Constitution and section 5 of PAJA).
An EMI may issue a compliance notice in the prescribed form and following
prescribed procedures, if there are reasonable grounds for believing that a
person has not complied with a provision of the law for which the EMI has
been designated, or with a term or condition of a permit, authorisation or other
instrument issued in terms of that law.
If a person fails to comply with a compliance notice, section 31N provides that
the EMI must report such non-compliance to the Minister/MEC. The Minister/
MEC may
. revoke or vary the relevant permit, authorisation ‘‘or other instrument’’ that
is the subject of the compliance notice
. take any necessary steps and recover the costs of doing so from the
person who failed to comply
It is accepted that the compliance notice – in line with the reality that an EMI
performs administrative action as an organ of state – constitutes an
‘‘administrative action’’ and must therefore comply with the principles of just
administrative action as set out in section 33 of the Constitution and PAJA.
EMIs are administrators (organs of state) and are performing an administra-
tive action when they issue a compliance notice, for example. In this capacity,
EMIs act within the public-law relationship characterised by their state
authority. EMIs form part of the public administration responsible for
environmental affairs. EMIs must act impartially and efficiently and must be
transparent, responsive and accountable in executing administrative action.
Inspectors must ensure that environmental law rules are obeyed, and that
sanctions are properly applied to punish perpetrators. (When exercising their
functions, the inspectors must follow the rules and conduct themselves in
compliance with the prescripts of the Constitution and PAJA to ensure that the
right to just administrative action is upheld.)
Another precondition is that the particular person has to have the necessary
locus standi (legal standing) to approach a court of law. (Refer to study unit 4,
under 4.2.4: ‘‘Who may enforce the environmental right?: The matter of legal
standing [locus standi]’’.)
The grounds of judicial review of administrative action are now mainly codified
in PAJA and cover a wide range of grounds relating to decision-making and
the authority of the decision-maker (the administrator, the EMI in our
discussion), the decision itself and the impact of the decision – section 6 of
PAJA. The grounds of review of administrative action include unauthorised
action (e.g. unauthorised delegation or bias); failure to comply with mandatory
and material procedures or conditions prescribed by the empowering
provision; procedurally unfair administrative action; failure to take a
decision; and unlawfulness generally.
Section 7 of PAJA deals with the ‘‘procedure for judicial review’’ and section 8
relates to the ‘‘remedies in proceedings for judicial review’’ (the orders that a
court makes, should an applicant be successful in the review application).
An aggrieved person has the opportunity to appeal to a higher authority or apply for
judicial review by the courts. General
We will now discuss two examples of abatement notices: one under the
National Forests Act 84 of 1998 and the other under the Health Act 63 of 1977.
In this regard, section 4(8) of the National Forests Act states that where the
breach of a particular standard may be an offence, a forest officer may inform
an owner who is in breach of that standard by written notice of
The period laid down in the notice may be extended by the Minister for good
reason (s 4(1) of the National Forests Act).
If the person on whom the notice is served fails to comply with it, the local
authority may enter the dwelling or premises in question and take all such
steps as may be necessary to remedy the condition, and may recover the cost
of so doing from the person on whom the notice was served or from the owner
or occupier of the dwelling or premises in question.
Failure to comply with any such notice constitutes a criminal offence and the
penalties for this offence include a maximum fine ranging from R10,000 to
R40,000, and a maximum period of imprisonment ranging from 6 months to
2 years, depending on whether the offence is a first, second, third or sub-
sequent conviction (sections 27(2) and 57 of the Health Act).
It is apparent from the discussion above that the abatement notices under
both the National Forests Act and the Health Act are supported by the criminal
sanction, in that failure to comply with any of them constitutes a criminal
offence. In essence, the threat of criminal sanction would ideally encourage
the regulated community to comply with the abatement notices.
7.3.5 Suspension or withdrawal of authorisations General
The term ‘‘authorisation’’, as used in this study unit, refers to all kinds of
permits, licences, approvals, consents, et cetera and includes the
‘‘environmental authorisation’’ issued in terms of section 24 of NEMA. So
‘‘authorisation’’ is used here in a more general sense than the ‘‘environmental
authorisation’’ issued in terms of section 24 of NEMA.
with a condition imposed on the right, licence or permit, the Director-General
may, by written notice to such holder, request the holder to show cause in
writing, within a period of 21 days from the date of the notice, why the right,
licence or permit should not, inter alia, be revoked or cancelled. After expiry of
the 21-day period, the Director-General may refer the matter, together with any
reason provided by the holder in question, to the Minister for the Minister’s
decision. When the matter is referred to the Minister, the Minister may, inter
alia, revoke the right, licence or permit.
Please note that section 28 of the Marine Living Resources Act also caters for
the suspension of the authorisation, but we only dealt with withdrawal here
because an example of suspension is discussed in
Kidd (2002:39) contends that the use of an administrative penalty may violate
constitutional provisions. He suggests that the administrative penalty will
withstand constitutional scrutiny if the infringement is minor and the
administrative penalty small. He further suggests that the right to appeal
may mitigate this shortcoming/flaw.
We will now focus very briefly on civil measures as the last command-and-
control mechanism to be analysed in this study unit.
(In this regard, refer to Loots ‘‘Making environmental law effective’’ (1994) 1
SAJELP 17 at 27.)
7.4.3 Interdict
An interdict is a double-edged sword: it has the potential to compel
administrative bodies and officials to comply with their environmentally
relevant statutory duties. At the same time, it may serve the interests of
administrative bodies and officials in compelling persons to comply with
environmental law generally. (Refer to, for example, Harms in Joubert (ed)
An interdict is nonetheless a very useful tool with regard to the preventive and
precautionary principles of environmental law. It has several advantages:
. An interdict can be obtained within hours if the matter at hand is
sufficiently urgent.
. It is easier to prove the need for an injunction than for a criminal sanction,
since the burden of proof is the preponderance of probabilities and not
proof beyond reasonable doubt.
. The applicant may recover the costs of the application if the application is
successful. However, the interdict does not carry the same stigma that a
criminal sanction carries, especially in the case of serious environmental
1. General
It has been said that the mark of a good lawyer is in knowing where to find the
relevant law. In the current context, this might entail a situation where a client
asks a lawyer to advise him or her on various issues relating to environmental
law. A good lawyer would have an idea of which statutes would be applicable
and would then consult these statutes, determine their relevance and advise
the client accordingly.
In this regard, you may recall from Study Unit 2 that the sources of
environmental law include statutes (legislation). Statutory law in South Africa
is split across the three spheres of government: national, provincial and local.
Hence there is national legislation, provincial legislation and local government
legislation. Owing to the extent of this legislation, it is impossible to discuss all
national, provincial and local legislation relevant to the environment at length.
We will therefore provide only a list of the most important national
environmental legislation, accompanied by a brief reference to the nature of
those Acts we regard as principal environmental legislation.
We need to explain exactly how this way of interlinkage works. Among other
things, section 1 of NEMA states that ‘‘this Act’’ (i.e. NEMA) includes the
‘‘schedules, and regulations and any notice issued under the Act.’’ Therefore,
when we referred to NEMA in our example, we were actually referring to Listing
Notice 2 under NEMA. Under the Environmental Impact Assessment
Regulations of 2014, Listing Notice 2, the following two listed activities
require an environmental authorisation:
Comments on activity 9 – feedback
You have to analyse the various tools that can be used to achieve compliance with
environmental laws and to apply such analysis to the facts set out regarding
Roadworks Limited’s actions. For our purposes, the most relevant tools are the
command-and-control mechanisms, specifically administrative measures and civil
measures. The following administrative measures would be applicable: the directive
under section 28 of NEMA; a compliance notice; an abatement notice under section
27 of the Health Act; and the suspension of an environmental authorisation under
NEMA. An interdict (a civil measure) can also be used. The various administrative
measures and civil remedies may be discussed and analysed and the best then
selected for recommendation to the mayor of Tshwane and the aggrieved people in
the scenario. Criminal sanctions may also be considered, albeit briefly.
3. Concluding remarks
South Africa has a wealth of environmental laws. It is essential for the
regulated community to understand the obligations that arise from these laws
in order to put in place relevant compliance strategies. Lawyers have to be
familiar with these laws so that they are able to provide accurate advice to
their clients or anyone who requests their advice. Although we have referred
you to only a limited number of principal national statutes in South Africa in
this postscript, bear in mind that there are many more environmental laws that
must be complied with. Every time an activity is proposed or undertaken
relating to the environment, an assessment must be made so as to determine
which environmental laws apply.
You have now reached the end of this module. We hope you found the
material interesting and stimulating.
1. Distinguish between ‘‘compliance’’ and ‘‘enforcement’’. (3)
2. List the three broad enforcement measures. (3)
3. Describe incentive-based mechanisms and give three examples of these
mechanisms. (8)
4. Describe voluntary mechanisms and give two examples of these mechanisms. (5)
5. Explain deterrence and retribution in the context of environmental protection. (8)
6. List the strengths and weaknesses of the criminal sanction. (10)
7. List the administrative measures used in environmental protection. (5)
8. Discuss the directive under section 28 of NEMA. (15)
9. Discuss the directive under section 19 of the National Water Act. (15)
10. When can an environmental management inspector issue a compliance notice? (4)
11. What happens if a person fails to comply with a compliance notice? (2)
12. Discuss an abatement notice under section 4 of the National Forests Act. (7)
13. Discuss an abatement notice under section 27 of the Health Act. (7)
14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of administrative measures? (3)
15. What are the advantages of an interdict? (4)
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Rabie MA ‘‘Legal remedies for environmental protection’’ 1972 CILSA 247
Smith S ‘‘Ecologically sustainable development’’ 1995 (31) Willamette Law
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Van der Vyver JD ‘‘The criminalisation and prosecution of environmental
malpractice in international law’’ 1998 23 SAYIL 1
Van der Vyver JD ‘‘State sovereignty and the environment in international law’’
1992 SALJ 472
Winstanley T ‘‘Entrenching environmental protection in the new Constitution’’
1995 SAJELP 85
National Climate Change Response White Paper (2011) (GN 757 in GG No
34695 of 2011-10-19)
Towards Development in South Africa: A discussion paper (1992) The
Environmental Monitoring Group: Western Cape (ISBN 0 620 16749 1)
White Paper on Environmental Management Policy for South Africa (GN 749 in
GG No 18894 of 1998-05-15)
White Paper on Environmental Management Policy (GN 1096 in GG No 18164
of 1997-07-28)
White Paper on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of South Africa’s
Biological Diversity (1997) (in GG 18163 of 1997-07-28)
White Paper on the Policy on a National Environmental Management System
for South Africa (1993), Department of Environment Affairs (ISBN 0-621-
White Paper on the Renewable Energy Policy of the Republic of South Africa
(GN 513 in GG No 26169 of 2004-05-14)
Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision Making
and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (‘‘Aarhus Convention’’)
(1999) 38 ILM 517
Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development adopted at the World
Summit on Sustainable Development (2002)
Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (2015)
Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change, Twenty-first session – Adoption of the Paris Agreement
Inter-governmental Relations Framework Act 13 of 2005
Lake Areas Development Act 39 of 1975
Local Government: Municipal Structures Act 117 of 1998
Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000
Marine Living Resources Act 18 of 1998
Mineral and Petroleum Resources Act 28 of 2002
National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998
National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004
National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004
National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act 24
of 2008
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act 57 of 2003
National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008
National Forests Act 84 of 1998
National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999
National Parks Act 57 of 1976
National Road Traffic Act 93 of 1996
National Veld and Forest Fire Act 101 of 1998
National Water Act 36 of 1998
Performing Animals Protection Act 24 of 1935
Prevention and Combating of Pollution of the Sea by Oil Act 6 of 1981
Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000
The Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013
Water Services Act 108 of 1997
Provincial legislation
Aquafund (Pty) Ltd v Premier of the Western Cape 1997 (7) BCLR 907 (C)
Bareki v Gencor 2006 (1) SA 432 (T)
Bato Star Fishing (Pty) v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism 2004 (4)
SA 490; 2004 (7) BCLR 687
BP Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd v MEC for Agriculture, Conservation, Environment
and Land Affairs 2004 (5) SA 124 (W)
City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality v Gauteng Development
Tribunal 2010 (6) SA 182 (CC)
Dawnlawn Beleggings (Edms) Bpk v Johannesburg Stock Exchange 1983 (3)
SA 344 (W)
Earthlife Africa Johannesburg v Minister of Environmental Affairs and others
2017 in the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria 65662/
Ex Parte President of the Republic of South Africa: In Re Constitutionality of the
Liquor Bill 2001 (1) SA 732 (CC)
Fuel Retailers Association of Southern Africa v Director-General Environmental
Management, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment,
Mpumalanga Province 2007 (10) BCLR 1059 (CC), 2007 6 SA 4 (CC)
Government of South Africa and others v Grootboom 2001 (1) SA 46 (CC)
Harmony Gold Mining Co Ltd v Regional Director, Free State Department of
Water Affairs and Forestry and others [2006] 4 All SA 366 (W)
Harmony Gold Mining Co Ltd v Regional Director, Free State Department of
Water Affairs and Forestry [2006] 5 SA 483 (SCA)
Hichange Investments (Pty) Ltd v Cape Produce Company (Pty) Ltd t/a Pelts
Products 2004 (2) SA 393 (ECD)
HTF Developers (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism 2006
(5) SA 512 (TPD)
In re: Certification of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996 (10)
BCLR 1253 (CC)
King v Dykes 1971 (3) SA 540 (RA)
Louw NO v Swartland Municipality neutral citation 650/10 2011 ZASCA 142
Maccsand v City of Cape Town 2011 6 SA 633 (SCA)
McCarthy v Constantia Property Owners’ Association 1999 (4) SA 847 (C)
MEC for Agriculture, Conservation, Environment and Land Affairs v Sasol Oil
(Pty) Ltd and Another 2006 (5) SA 483 (SCA)
Minister of Health and Welfare v Woodcarb (Pty) Ltd 1996 (3) SA 155 (N)
Minister of Public Works and others v Kyalami Ridge Environmental Association
2001 (7) BCLR 652 (CC)
Van Huyssteen NO v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism 1995 (9)
BCLR 1191 (C)
Wary Holdings (Pty) Ltd v Stalwo (Pty) Ltd & Others 2008 JOL 22099 (CC)
Wildlife Society of Southern Africa & Others v Minister of Environmental Affairs
and Tourism of South Africa 1996 (3) SA 1095 (Tk)
Wood v Ondangwa Tribal Authority 1975 (2) SA 294 (A)