InputTaxCredit JPSC
InputTaxCredit JPSC
InputTaxCredit JPSC
Under GST
CA Rajesh Saluja
CA Rajesh Saluja
Exempt Disallow
Taxable Supply Allowable ITC
Supply ed ITC
CA Rajesh Saluja
Transfer of business
CA Rajesh Saluja
He shall be liable to pay tax on the stock and capital goods held by
him on the date immediately preceding the day of switchover
CA Rajesh Saluja
Where credit has been taken wrongly, the same shall be recovered
from the registered taxable person in accordance with the
provisions of this Act.
CA Rajesh Saluja
Input Input
Service Recipient Service Recipient
Distributor Distributor
(2) The credit referred to in sub-section (1) shall be utilised only for
payment of self assessed output tax liability as per the return referred
to in sub-section (1).
CA Rajesh Saluja
The recipient shall be eligible to reduce, from his output tax liability,
the amount added under sub-section (5) if the supplier declares the
details of the invoice and/or debit note in his valid return within the
time specified in sub-section (9) of section 34.
CA Rajesh Saluja
Section 167
Provided that the taxable person shall not be allowed to take credit unless the said
amount is admissible as credit under this Act.
CA Rajesh Saluja
Section 168
Provided that the taxable person shall not be allowed to take credit unless the said
amount is admissible as credit under this Act.
*Un-availed amount of CENVAT credit in respect of Capital goods =
Aggregate amount of CENVAT Credit (-) Credit already availed in respect of capital goods
in earlier return
CA Rajesh Saluja
Section 169
A registered taxable person (RTP)
Who was not liable to be registered under the earlier law or
Who was engaged in the manufacture of exempted goods or provision of an exempted
services or
Providing exempted works contract service and availing benefit of abatement under
notification 26/2012 dated 20.06.2012
First stage dealer (FSD) or second stage dealer(SSD) or registered importer
shall be entitled to take, in his electronic credit ledger, credit of eligible duties and taxes in
respect of inputs held in stock and inputs contained in semi-finished or finished goods held in
stock on the appointed day subject to the following conditions:
a. Such inputs and / or goods are used or intended to be used for making taxable
supplies under this Act.
b. Said taxable person passes on the benefit of such credit by way of reduced price to the
c. RTP is eligible for input tax credit on such inputs under this Act.
d. RTP is in possession of invoice and/or other prescribed documents evidencing payment
of duty under the earlier law in respect of such inputs* and
e. Such invoices and /or other prescribed documents were issued not earlier than twelve
months immediately preceding the appointed day.
f. Supplier of services is not eligible for any abatement under the Act.
CA Rajesh Saluja
Section 169
CA Rajesh Saluja
Section 170
CA Rajesh Saluja
Section 171
The said registered taxable person shall furnish a statement, in such manner as may
be prescribed, in respect of credit that has been taken under sub-section (1).
CA Rajesh Saluja
Section 171
The said registered taxable person shall furnish a statement, in such manner as may
be prescribed, in respect of credit that has been taken under sub-section (1).
CA Rajesh Saluja
shall be entitled to take, in his electronic credit ledger, credit of eligible duties in
respect of inputs held in stock and inputs contained in semi-finished or finished
goods held in stock on the appointed date subject to the following conditions:
a. Such inputs and / or goods are used or intended to be used for making
taxable supplies under this Act.
b. RTP is not paying tax under Section 9(i.e. composition levy)
c. RTP is eligible for input tax credit on inputs under this Act.
d. RTP is in possession of invoice and/or other prescribed documents
evidencing payment of duty under the earlier law in respect of such inputs
e. Such invoices and /or other prescribed documents were issued not earlier
than twelve months immediately preceding the appointed day.
CA Rajesh Saluja
Section 190
CA Rajesh Saluja
Section 173
Section 174
It shall be
If such goods are returned deemed to be a
on or after the appointed supply
Tax has been paid on goods day by a Registered
under the earlier law at the Taxable Person
time of removal thereof and
such goods had been
removed not earlier than 6
months prior to the
appointed day (i.e. from The RTP shall be
1.01.2017 to 30.06.2017) If such goods are returned
on or after the appointed eligible for
day by a person other refund under
than a Registered Taxable earlier law
CA Rajesh Saluja
Section 175
Any inputs received in a factory had been removed as such or removed after being
partially processed to a job worker for further processing, testing, repair, reconditioning or any
other purpose in accordance with the provisions of earlier law prior to the appointed day (i.e. on or
before 01.07.2017) and such inputs, after completion of the job work, are returned to the said
factory on or after the appointed day (on or after 01.07.2017)
Section 176
Any semi-finished goods had been removed from the factory to any other premises for
carrying out certain manufacturing processes in accordance with the provisions of earlier
law prior to the appointed day (i.e. on or before 30.06.2017) and such goods after
undergoing manufacturing processes (herein after referred to as "the said goods") are
returned to the said factory on or after the appointed day (on or after 01.07.2017)
Section 177
Any excisable goods manufactured in a factory had been removed without payment of duty for
carrying out tests or any other process (not amounting to manufacture), to any other premises,
whether registered or not, in accordance with the provisions of earlier law prior to the appointed
day and such goods, after undergoing tests or any other process (herein after referred to as the
"said goods") are returned to the said factory on or after the appointed day
Section 195
Goods had been sent on approval basis under the earlier law, not earlier than 6 months prior to the
appointed day (i.e. from 1.01.2017 to 30.06.2017) and such goods had been rejected or not
approved by the buyer and returned to the seller on or after the appointed date