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G5 Writingact2

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Activity 2: Writing the Methodology

(SURNAME, First Name MI.)
• CARREON, Alexandrea P.
• CORTEZ, Calvin Content
• LIMPIN, Ivionna Blythe R.
• SANCHEZ, Franz Jacob C.
• Performance

Year and Section Group Code
12 STEM 3 12STEM3_G5
Name of Teacher
Date Performed Date Submitted
Mr. Christian Dave A. De Leon

Working Title
Automatic Seed Bot: A Solar Powered Seed Bot as an Alternative for Manual
Labor Planting

PART A: Constructing the Research Design

Directions: Identify the features of your study which made you use the research design. Use
the table below as your guide.
Type of Research Design Descriptive-Developmental
Why is this the suited Descriptive-Developmental will be utilized in this study. With
design based on the related literatures researched that focuses on how it can
literatures? support our research on how can the help of solar powered
seed bot can be used as an alternative for manual labor
How will this design be Descriptive-Developmental design will be evident because
evident in data collection using the related literatures, we will be able to develop and
and analysis methods? describe existing data. With this, we will able to develop an
output after conducting this research.

PART B: Research Locale, Sampling, and Participants

Directions: Complete the table below
Where are you planning to This study will be carried out at De La Salle Araneta University.
conduct your study? Using this robot may assist laypeople in having a better and
simpler planting process. The university also has a strong
focus on agriculture, which is appropriate for this topic because
it complements agricultural practices.
What/Who are your target By using a robot that has access to all the tools that laypeople
subjects? Why are they the would typically need, such as the device used to plant a seed
one suited for your study? at the right distance for it to grow, this study hopes to give
laypeople a better and simpler technique for planting seeds.
The robot mentioned above might help them. This project uses
a solar-powered bot to serve such folks by focusing on the

CDADeLeon (2021) Worksheets for Research Writing Workshops

most basic seed planting as an example. Therefore, laypeople
would benefit from the research the most.
How will select your We must first examine a seed's physical characteristics in
research subjects? order to distinguish between those that are beneficial and
those that should be disposed of appropriately before deciding
which seed is the simplest and easiest to use. All fully grown
seeds contain an embryo and, in the majority of plant species,
a store of nutritional reserves, both of which are enclosed in
the seed coat. We will keep fresh, mature, healthy, and well-
dried seeds in storage to preserve the seed.

PART C: Writing the Methodology

Directions: Draft the methods using the table below.
Objectives and
Instrumentation Data Collection Data Analysis
Research Questions
1. Planning the Using Hand-drawn Experimenting with Analyzing the
blueprint of sketches and different materials to provided date from
prototype recreating it into a get comparable data literatures and the
Automatic seed blueprint software experiment to
bot and the making it possible to be make a conclusion
materials best created and assessing on what material is
suited for the the materials necessary best suited
robot's purpose to build the prototype

2. Integrate solar Utilization of Arduino Testing the prototype Further research

panels to power platform and Solar for its average about various
the prototype bot Panels in building an performance programming
and the use of Automatic Seed Bot methods to
programming to Prototype improve the
control the solar possible outcome
powered farming
3. Validate the Automatic Seed Bot Observation and Evaluating The
efficacy of the Prototype making a comparison Capabilities and
solar powered between the manual Effectiveness of
seed bot and automated way of Solar Seed Bot
prototype and planting Prototype
evaluate its
effectiveness as
an alternative for
manual labor

PART D: Data Collection and Analysis

Directions: Identify the major phase of your study, which will serve as the sub-procedures of
your methodology.
Phase of the Study Brief Description

CDADeLeon (2021) Worksheets for Research Writing Workshops

1. Blueprint of Automated Seed Bot Before proceeding with the construction,
blueprint of the prototype is needed and will be
used as a guide in the construction of the
The researchers will collect the supplies
2. Gathering of Materials needed for the the effective completion of the
investigation. There are three types of motors
available: servo, gear, and stepper. The motor
must have sufficient torque and be responsive
enough to react to changes in direction in
accordance with the algorithm. Solar panels
are also needed for this study, Governments
have been advocating efforts to boost
renewable energy sources, particularly solar
energy, as solar-powered irrigation technology
has grown in popularity around the world.
3. Application & Programming of The programming tool that will be employed for
Sensors this study is the Arduino IDE. The Arduino
programming language is based on
Processing, a very basic hardware
programming language that is related to the C
language and may be used to program studies
with data more effectively and easily.
4. Integration of Solar Panels The application of solar panels will be utilized
to power the automatic seed bot prototype
5. Construction of Automatic Seed Bot Using all the acquired equipments, tools, and
Prototype materials that will be used, the researchers will
finalize the prototype automatic seed bot.
6. Observation and Data Collection After the construction of the prototype, the
researchers will start observing and collecting

PART E: Possible Ethical Concerns

Directions: Identify the possible ethical issues during your data collection and provide a
possible way on how you will address it.
Possible Ethical Concerns How will you address it?
1. Reusability used seeds in the process of collecting data will
not go to waste since it will be re used until the
machine is fit for planting.
2. Care for the environment The plastics and other materials we are using
for the prototype of robot may be harmful, so
we plan to use recyclable materials in building
our robot prototype.
3. Accuracy and caution Trial by trial we will improve the accuracy of the
bot’s distances and its effectiveness in planting
and designing the robot to be used in multiple
terrains such as wet, dry, and muddy surfaces.

CDADeLeon (2021) Worksheets for Research Writing Workshops

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