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16by1MUX Day3

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#evolvestreak Day 3: Learning Verilog Modelling

Learnt Verilog Modelling (Behavioral and Structural models) using the 16to1 MUX example.
Experimented to see how it will get synthesized. In all the cases, the tool synthesized to the
ultimate structural design. (low level implementation)

1. Pure Behavioral Modelling of 16to1 MUX

module mux16to1( in, sel, out );

input [15:0] in;
input [3:0] sel;
output out;

assign out = in[sel];


Testbench: (common) to all designs

module muxtest;
reg [15:0] A;
reg [3:0] S;
wire F;

mux16to1 M (.in(A), .sel(S), .out(F));

initial begin
$monitor($time, " A = %h, S = %h, F = %b",A,S,F);
#5 A = 16'h3f0a; S = 4'h0;
#5 S = 4'h1;
#5 S = 4'h6;
#5 S = 4'hc;
#5 $finish;


RTL representation of the above code.

Post synthesis schematic is same as expected.

2. Behavioral Modelling of 4:1 MUX, Implementing 16to1 MUX from 4:1 MUX using structural

Behavioral Modelling of 4:1 MUX (below code).

module mux4to1( in, sel, out );

input [3:0] in;
input [1:0] sel;
output out;

assign out = in[sel];


Structural model of 16to1 MUX as shown in figure.

module mux16to1 (in, sel, out);
input [15:0] in;
input [3:0] sel;
output out;
wire [3:0] t;

mux4to1 M0 (in[3:0], sel[1:0], t[0]);

mux4to1 M1 (in[7:4], sel[1:0], t[1]);
mux4to1 M2 (in[11:8], sel[1:0],t[2]);
mux4to1 M3 (in[15:12], sel[1:0],t[3]);
mux4to1 M4 (t,sel[3:2], out);

RTL representation of the above code:

3. Fully structural implementation of 16to1 MUX.

2:1 MUX in structural:

module mux2to1( in, sel, out );

input [1:0] in;
input sel;
output out;
wire t1, t2, t3;

assign t1 = ~sel;
assign t2 = in[0] & t1;
assign t3 = in[1] & sel;
assign out = t2 | t3;

module mux4to1(in, sel, out);
input [3:0] in;
input [1:0] sel;
output out;
wire [1:0] t;

mux2to1 M0 (in[1:0], sel[0], t[0]);

mux2to1 M1 (in[3:2], sel[0], t[1]);
mux2to1 M2 (t, sel[1], out);
Fig: Post - Synthesis done in Vivado. Similar to structural design in all cases. (ultimate aim).

Simulation waveform of 16:1 MUX.

0 A = xxxx, S = x, F = x
5 A = 3f0a, S = 0, F = 0
10 A = 3f0a, S = 1, F = 1
15 A = 3f0a, S = 6, F = 0
20 A = 3f0a, S = c, F = 1
NPTEL Video on Hardware Modelling using Verilog by Indranil Sengupta sir.

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