Carrot Man: A Case of Excessive Beta-Carotene Ingestion
Carrot Man: A Case of Excessive Beta-Carotene Ingestion
Carrot Man: A Case of Excessive Beta-Carotene Ingestion
a mass. The CT results indicated normal findings not affected, as in jaundice (an indicator of he-
with the exception of, ‘‘stool. . . throughout the patic disease).
entire colon. . . raising the concern for constipa- In addition to discoloration of the skin, Mr. C. had
tion.’’ The laboratory studies, including albumin an elevation in liver enzymes. On rare occasion, ele-
and protein, were normal except for an elevation in vated levels of beta-carotene have been associated
two liver enzymes: alanine aminotransferase (ALT; with changes in the livers of humans.8 These types
98 U/L; normal range 24–63 U/L) and lactate de- of changes have also been empirically documented
hydrogenase (LDH; 260 U/L; normal range 100– in animal studies.9,10
190 U/L). Despite the conversion of beta-carotene to vita-
During a follow-up appointment approximately min A, excessive ingestion of beta-carotene is not
2 weeks later, the patient disclosed eating 6–7 typically associated with vitamin A toxicity. How-
pounds of carrots per week for a period of months. ever, this patient may have also had some mild
Due to his skin discoloration and the elevation in vitamin A toxicity due to high exposure over a
liver enzymes without other contributory etiologies lengthy period of time. A single 7½ inch carrot has
(e.g., hepatic disease), the patient was diagnosed 8,666 IU of vitamin A, which is nearly twice the
with hypercarotinemia, possible hypervitaminosis daily value or recommended daily allowance. More
A, and constipation. The patient was advised to than three carrots per day is likely to saturate the
curtail his excessive ingestion of carrots. One body’s ability to store vitamin A. While acute toxic-
month after the initial evaluation, follow-up liver ity is unlikely (i.e., a single dose of more than
enzyme studies were normal. 660,000 IU), mild chronic toxicity (10 times the
daily values) may have been present. Signs and
symptoms of chronic vitamin A toxicity include dry
skin, nausea, headache, fatigue, irritability, hepato-
Discussion megaly, and alopecia. In some cases, hepatotoxicity
may lead to cirrhosis. Symptoms possibly related to
The use of carrots to aid in dieting efforts has been vitamin A toxicity in this patient were abdominal
previously recognized and documented by clini- discomfort (possibly also due to constipation) and
cians in the field of eating disorders.5,6 For exam- mild liver enzyme elevation.
ple, in an Italian study, the prevalence of caroteno-
derma (i.e., yellow-orange discoloration of the skin
due to beta carotene) was 21% in a consecutive
sample of 24 patients with eating disorders.7 How- Conclusion
ever, the prevalence rate in the US is far lower and
the presented case is somewhat unusual in that the Dieters remain creative in their attempts to lose
subject was a middle-aged previously obese male weight. In this case, the excessive ingestion of
who also evidenced an associated rare elevation in carrots was the elected dieting method. While
liver enzymes. hypercarotinemia has been referred to as a marker
Beta-carotene is a constituent of carrots as well for disordered eating,11 it may also occur in routine
as other fruits and vegetables (e.g., squash, canta- dieters. To our awareness, this behavior and symp-
loupe, pumpkin, sweet potatoes). It is the most tomatic manifestation has not been reported in a
common carotenoid in the normal human diet. noneating-disordered individual. Clinicians need
Beta-carotene is also called ‘‘provitamin A’’ because to be aware of the possible excessive ingestion of
it consists of two molecules of vitamin A, which carrots, particularly in the presence of localized
become hydrolyzed and released during excursion yellow-orange skin changes in the nasolabial folds,
through the gastrointestinal tract. There is no rec- palms of the hands, and soles of the feet.
ommended daily allowance for beta-carotene.
Excessive ingestion of beta-carotene may cause
an orange-yellow discoloration of the skin (partic-
ularly in the stratum corneum), sweat, and
sebum. The discoloration is most noted in areas
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