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N a t i o n a l C a pi t a l Re g i o n
Sc h o o l s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e o f La s Pi ñ a s C i t y
. NAME: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________________
GRADE & SECTION ____________________________ Teacher: ___________________

Las Piñas City National Science High School

Grade 9
First Quarter
Week 1


Describe chemistry and identify the branches.

1. Identify the five major branches of chemistry
2. Differentiate the branches of chemistry
3. Categorize the sub- branches of chemistry.


In this lesson, you will learn why chemistry helps you to understand the world
around you. Anyone who has ever watched a toddler explore a new environment
knows that people are born with a natural curiosity about the world: a world of vivid
colors and different texture, of simple and complex objects, of things that move and
things that are permanently fixed. As the toddler grows, he or she learns to name
observable things and, as much as possible, to figure out how they work. The desire to
know more and more about the world grows as well. This desire, a lifelong attribute, is
what compels humans to discover, build, and invent.
Chemistry is one branch of knowledge that grew from human curiosity about
the world. Chemistry is the study of the composition of matter, the stuff that things
that is made of changes that matter undergoes. Traditionally, chemistry has been
divided into five major areas of study.
Chemistry is the study of matter, its properties, how and why substances
combine or separate to form other substances, and how substances interact with
energy. Many people think of chemists as being white-coated scientists mixing strange
liquids in a laboratory but the truth is we are all chemists. Understanding basic
chemistry concepts is important for almost every profession. Chemistry is part of
everything in our lives.

BRANCHES OF CHEMISTRY: Its definition and sub-branches.
The field of chemistry is basically categorized into five major branches; organic,
inorganic, analytical, physical and biochemistry.

 Organic chemistry involves the study of structure, properties and preparation

of chemical compounds that consist primarily of carbon and hydrogen
compound. Organic chemistry overlaps with many areas including, medicinal,
organometallic, polymer, physical organic and stereochemistry.
 Inorganic Chemistry is the study of the properties and behavior of inorganic
compounds. It covers all compounds except organic. Inorganic chemists study
things such as crystals, minerals, metals, catalysts, and most elements in the
periodic table. Branches of chemistry include; Bioinorganic, geochemistry,
nuclear chemistry, organometallic and solid- state chemistry.
 Analytical Chemistry involves the quantitative determination of the chemical
components of substance. Examples of areas are the following; forensic,
environmental and bio analytical.
 Physical Chemistry is the study of the effect of chemical structure on the
physical properties of a substance. Physical chemists typically study the rate of
a chemical reaction, the interaction of molecules with radiation, and the
calculation of structures and properties. Sub–branches of physical chemistry
include; photochemistry, surface chemistry, chemical kinetics, quantum and
 Biochemistry is the study of chemical reactions that take place in living things.
It tries to explain them in chemical terms. Biochemical research includes
cancer and stem cell biology, infectious diseases, cell membrane and structural
biology. It spans molecular biology, genetics. Biochemical, pharmacology,
clinical biochemistry, and agricultural biochemistry. Thus, although
there are five main branches of chemistry, there are many sub-branches.

There is a huge overlap between Chemistry and Biology, Medicine, Physics,

Geology and many other disciplines. Chemistry is really a central science.

1. There are many branches of chemistry or chemistry disciplines.

2. The five main branches are considered to be organic chemistry, inorganic
chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry and biochemistry.
3. Organic chemistry study the carbon and its compound.
4. Inorganic chemistry is the study of compounds not covered by organic
5. Analytical chemistry is the study of chemistry of matter that involves
6. Physical chemistry is the branch of chemistry that applies physics in chemistry.
7. Biochemistry the study of living things and its chemical processes

Advanced Chemistry G9 Q1W1D1 Prepared by: Dureza D. Dancal

8. There are other ways chemistry can be divided into categories. There is also
overlap between disciplines; biochemistry and organic chemistry in particular,
share a lot in common.

Chemistry is everywhere in your daily life. Chemistry is central to modern

science and to almost all human activities. Nowadays, many chemists work in groups
with other scientists. All the wonderful people and things that fill the world around us
contain chemistry in one way or another! You made from chemicals everyday- when
you breathe, drink glass of water, wash your hair, take your medicine etc. That’s why
chemistry is called a central science.

Advanced Chemistry G9 Q1W1D1 Prepared by: Dureza D. Dancal

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