MOD.1 Ad Chem W1
MOD.1 Ad Chem W1
MOD.1 Ad Chem W1
D epartment of E ducation
N a t i o n a l C a pi t a l Re g i o n
Sc h o o l s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e o f La s Pi ñ a s C i t y
. NAME: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________________
GRADE & SECTION ____________________________ Teacher: ___________________
1. Identify the five major branches of chemistry
2. Differentiate the branches of chemistry
3. Categorize the sub- branches of chemistry.
In this lesson, you will learn why chemistry helps you to understand the world
around you. Anyone who has ever watched a toddler explore a new environment
knows that people are born with a natural curiosity about the world: a world of vivid
colors and different texture, of simple and complex objects, of things that move and
things that are permanently fixed. As the toddler grows, he or she learns to name
observable things and, as much as possible, to figure out how they work. The desire to
know more and more about the world grows as well. This desire, a lifelong attribute, is
what compels humans to discover, build, and invent.
Chemistry is one branch of knowledge that grew from human curiosity about
the world. Chemistry is the study of the composition of matter, the stuff that things
that is made of changes that matter undergoes. Traditionally, chemistry has been
divided into five major areas of study.
Chemistry is the study of matter, its properties, how and why substances
combine or separate to form other substances, and how substances interact with
energy. Many people think of chemists as being white-coated scientists mixing strange
liquids in a laboratory but the truth is we are all chemists. Understanding basic
chemistry concepts is important for almost every profession. Chemistry is part of
everything in our lives.
BRANCHES OF CHEMISTRY: Its definition and sub-branches.
The field of chemistry is basically categorized into five major branches; organic,
inorganic, analytical, physical and biochemistry.