Topics14 18 CoursewareRequirement SSP031 CTT
Topics14 18 CoursewareRequirement SSP031 CTT
Topics14 18 CoursewareRequirement SSP031 CTT
1. This is your homework for this week. This is done by group.
2. Based on the product idea you created with the help of human-centered design and design thinking methodologies, create the following worksheets:
Worksheet required Instructions Sample worksheets Video Discussion Filename
Each of the member must contribute. One member
might be wearing one hat. In that case, he or she asks Sample 06- Thinking Hats by 06-ThinkingHats-
06-Thinking Hats Worksheet
questions regarding that specific hat and all members THINKING HATS Cheradee Series TEAMNAME
must contribute to provide answers. One worksheet only.
Make sure to fill in all boxes. These statements must be Fast Idea 07-
07-Fast Idea Generator Sample 07- FAST
related to your core idea/product or service. One Generator by FastIdeaGenerator-
worksheet only. Cheradee Series TEAMNAME
This part is already assuming that your target users have
used your prototypes. You can go back to your old
08-Experience Map Sample 08- Experience Map by 08-ExperienceMap-
respondents or choose new respondents. Get at least 3
Worksheet EXPERIENCE MAP Cheradee Series TEAMNAME
feedbacks from different people but place it in one
worksheet only separated into paragraphs.
Make sure to fill in all boxes in the worksheet. These
Sample 09- Improvement 09-
09-Improvement Triggers statements should relate to your chosen
IMPROVEMENT Triggers by ImprovementTriggers-
Worksheet idea/product/service according to the categories or areas
placed in the template. One worksheet only.
Create at least one (1) hypothesis of your assumed Sample 10- Prototype Testing 10-
10-Prototype Testing Plan
outcome or objective for your product. Then fill in the PROTOTYPE Plan by Cheradee PrototypeTestingPlan-
other columns basing on that hypothesis. TESTING PLAN Series TEAMNAME
3. Just use the worksheet templates provided by DIY Toolkit and customize if you want. However, what I require is only the worksheet. I uploaded
a sample in word file for easy editing but you can always improve.
4. Upload separately the different worksheets in Google Form. File should be in pdf so as not to destroy your outputs.
5. Submit or upload on or before 11:59PM Sunday, October 9, 2022 via Google Form:
Additional instruction:
• Rate your members using this IGS (Individual Grading System). Your contributions will be graded accordingly by your team members. This is done per
weekly courseware. Here’s the IGS template. Check the video guide here to know how. Leaders, please take charge.
• Filename for the IGS is CTT-SECTION-WEEK7-IGS-TEAMNAME. One (1) IGS for this group weekly requirements only (5 assignments = 1 IGS).