Prefab Sprout Full Discography
Prefab Sprout Full Discography
Prefab Sprout Full Discography
1. Audio Material
Lions in My Own Garden:(Exit Someone) / Radio Love -- 7"
SRTS82 Candle Records (SRTS 82 CUS 1376 A / SRTS 82 CUS 1376 B): Edition of 1000,
Made in England, July 1982 (plain white sleeve)
SK4/RT141 Kitchenware (SRTS 82 CUS 1376 A SK 4 A1/ SRTS 82 CUS 1376 B SK 4 B1),
April 1983 (predominately black label) also exists in label variant without RT141 marking and
“Distributed bu the cartel & ids/Rough Trade Records)
SK4 Kitchenware (SK 4 A1 timtom/ SK 4 B1 TY), July 1983 (predominately white label)
“She Moves Like God in the Breeze” -- No Hallelujahs, Lions In My Own Garden (Exit
Someone), The Devil Has All The Best Tunes, Walk On - Cassette
“Souled Out” - Hallelujah / Lions In My Own Garden (Exit Someone) / The Devil Has All
The Best Tunes / Walk On / Spinning Belinda / Faron Young / Tin Can Pot / Donna
Summer / Constant Blue (“Domefest” versions only) - Cassette
A mail order item from Kitchenware, very scarce if it exists at all. Possibly a confusion with a
tape of demos.
“Souled Out” -- Cherry Tree (demo) / The Devil (Final Mix Next Single) / Bonny (demo) /
Constant Blue* / Lions In My Garden* * Recorded Live at Soul Cellar Rehearsal --
“Souled Out V2” -- Cherry Tree (demo) / The Devil (Final Mix Next Single) / Bonny
(demo) / Constant Blue* / Lions In My Garden* / Technique * Recorded Live at Soul Cellar
Rehearsal -- Cassette
A mail order item from Kitchenware on a 90 minute minute cassette with Xeroxed insert, very
scarce, contains other tracks by Kitchenware roster and adds Technique to the set of songs from
the other noted version.
Mayking test pressing, dated 9th August 1983 (SK7 A1 MPO/ SK7 B1 MPO). As card sleeve
variant of single below.
SK7 Kitchenware (SK7 A 1/ SK7 B 1), October 1983 - 2 variants (possibly one from double
pack), with one in card sleeve having different mastering (narrower run off area on B side and
with ‘mpo’ in matrix). Other variant has thin paper sleeve.
Lions in My Own Garden (Exit Someone) / Radio Love // The Devil Has All the Best Tunes /
Walk On -- 12"
ARRIVED) , November 1983 (Grey label, no barcode)
SK8 Kitchenware (08 25319 20 2A1 SK008 TY1/SK008 08 25319 20 1B1), February 1990
Made in Holland (barcode 5 016266 700863)
SK9 Kitchenware (A 4006 B1 SK9B Oh No, Smithy SK 9 A1/ A 4006 A1 SK9A Ah! – A
“Weezer”! SK 9 B1), January 1984 (some copies have “promotion copy not for sale” on label)
ES937 Epic Australia (Promo) (MX 203859 ES937-1/MX 203660-B ES937-1) Made in
Australia, Plain Sleeve
SSC5606 Gramophone Record Co. PTY for CBS 1984 (SSC5606-A/SSC5606-B) South Africa
GRC 8655/GRC 8656Timings given as (4.49, 2.33)
Swoon - Don't Sing (3:51) / Cue Fanfare (4:04) / Green Isaac (3:31) / Here on the Eerie
(3:58) / Cruel (4:18) // Couldn't Bear to Be Special (3:47) / I Never Play Basketball Now
(3:38) / Ghost Town Blues (3:19) / Elegance (3:44) / Technique (4:36) / Green Isaac II (1:25)
- LP
KWLP1 Kitchenware New Zealand (KWLP-1 /KWLP-1 B), March 1984, Gatefold Sleeve with
printed note that album is distributed by CBS New Zealand
CBS 25859 (KWLP-1 A2 CBS 25859 A timtom/ KWLP-1 B1 CANDLE STILL RULES CBS
25859 B) Made in Portugal. No Insert. Promo Stamp
460908 1 CBS Nice Price ( 460908 1 KWLP-1 A1 LOOK OUT/KWLP-1 B1 CANDLE STILL
England (Barcode 5 099746 090814) Single sheet inner with nice price catalogue inner sleeve.
FE39872 Epic Canada (AL-39872 1A2HZ / BL-39872 1A-2HZ) Made in Canada. (Barcode
7464 39872-1). Paper lyrics insert in single sleeve
28-3P-737 Epic Japan (28-3P-737 A1 ?CS /28-3P-737 B1) Japan 1986 (Barcode
T498801020871 4) Folded bilingual insert (not gatefold sleeve)
“Swoon” - Don't Sing / Cue Fanfare / Green Isaac / Here on the Eerie / Cruel // Couldn't
Bear to Be Special / I Never Play Basketball Now / Ghost Town Blues / Elegance /
Technique / Green Isaac II - Cassette
KWC1 Kitchenware, March 1984. Black cassette body, blue cassette label, clear case, folding
KWC1 Kitchenware. Black cassette body, yellow/Orange sunburst label, black and clear case,
folding insert
KWC1 Kitchenware. White cassette body, yellow label. “Young gifted and Black” Kitchenware
logo, folding insert
460908-4 CBS (Barcode 5099746 090845) Grey cassette body, screen printed, folding insert.
Black and clear box.
46908-4 CBS Made in Holland (Barcode 5 099746 090846) Black cassette body with red label,
Chrome tape. Single sheet insert without lyrics. Clear Box.
PRT 39872 EPIC Made in US (Barcode 0 7464 39872 4 02) Clear case with grey screen printed
cassette body. Single sheet insert without lyrics
8662 CBC, Himalaya, Taiwan, bilingual insert and folded lyric sheet.Black cassette body, red
label. Black and clear box.
**EPIC – Promo Cassette in green card cover, Chrome tape, clear cassette body white printed
labels. Credited to “Prefab Sprouts”
“Swoon” - Don't Sing / Cue Fanfare / Green Isaac / Here on the Eerie / Cruel / Elegance /
Technique / Green Isaac II// Couldn't Bear to Be Special / I Never Play Basketball Now /
Ghost Town Blues (then “Short Romans – 4 songs) - Cassette
“Swoon” - Don't Sing / Cue Fanfare / Green Isaac / Here on the Eerie / Cruel / Couldn't
Bear to Be Special / I Never Play Basketball Now / Ghost Town Blues / Elegance /
Technique / Green Isaac II - CD
CDCBS 25859 CBS 01-025859-10 DI8P 132, (32 8P-132 11 +++++ [no IFPI]) Made in Japan
1986 (Barcode 5 099702 585927)
460908-2 Columbia 01-460908-10 (Sony Music S01 46090810-0101 31 A3 IFPI: 941B L551)
Made in Austria (Barcode 5 099746 090821)
EPIC EK39872 (E2 1A EK39872 01 IFPI L422 7201 ) Made in US (Barcode 0 7464 39872 2)
“The Nice Price”
EPIC EK39872 (DIDP 073583 2+ ++ ++++ [no IFPI] ) Made in US (Barcode 0 7464 39872 2)
32-8P-132 Epic Japan (DP 2180 2 + ++ ++++++++ or 32 8P 132 11 +++++) 1990 (Barcode
T4988 010 20525 6) Bilingual booklet
ESCA 5313 Epic Japan (DP 2180-2 o oo oooooooo C S R) c1900 (Barcode 4 988010 531324)
Bilingual booklet including Jordan in discography, so assumed date sometime around 1990
EICP1276 Epic Japan (PLDA-753X 1 IFPI L275 457C), Made Sony DADC Japan, October
2009 (Barcode 4 547366 050301). Remastered and in gatefold MiniLP replica format sleeve.
Japanese insert for lyrics.
SICP30402 Sony Japan Blu Spec CD2 – Made in Japan - October 23rd 2013 – (Barcode 4
547366 204476)
(part of) Sony/Legacy 886 97451162, 2009 (“Original Album Classics”, details in specific entry)
(part of) Columbia 468810-2 (“123CD BOX SET”, details in specific entry)
Couldn't Bear to Be Special / Spinning Belinda -- 7"
SK10 Kitchenware(SK.10-A2 timtom cbs / SK.10.B1) March 1984 (Place not stated) 2 label
variants, one with an ‘A’ superimposed over the hole area, one without. First type believed
possibly promo distribution.
SK1012 Kitchenware (SK 1012 A1/ SK 1012 B1), March 1984 (Place not stated)
SK19 Kitchenware (SK 19 A1 ARUN/SK 19 B1), Made in England, October 1984 Phil
Thornally mix of “When Love Breaks Down”. Diana is a different version from the one later
released on “Protest Songs”.
ES 1015 Epic Australia and New Zealand (ES 1015 A/ES 1015 B) (Timings given as 3:40, 2:55).
Generic Epic sleeve, Demonstration Record label on sleeve.
ES1015 Epic Australia (A MX215213 ES1015-1/A MX215214 ES1015-2) Light Blue Picture
ES1015 Epic Australia (A MX215213 ES1015-1/A MX215214 ES1015-2) White label promo,
generic Epic sleeve.
When Love Breaks Down / Diana / The Yearning Loins / Donna Summer -- 12"
When Love Breaks Down (3:40) / The Yearning Loins (3:38) // Diana (2:56) / Donna
Summer (3:10) / Cruel (4:17) 12”
SK21 Kitchenware (SK-21-A1/ SK-21-B1), Made in England March 1985 (light sky blue sleeve,
green label)
SK21 Kitchenware (SK-21-A2 timtom/ SK-21-B1), Made in England October 1985 (reddish
sleeve, blue green label) – thin card and paper sleeve variants
When Love Breaks Down (3:34) / The Yearning Loins (3:39)// Spinning Belinda(2:53) /
He'll Have to Go (3:05)/ Donna Summer(3:09) -- 12"
SK2112 Kitchenware (SK 2112 A1/SK 2112 B1), Made in England March 1985 (light sky blue
sleeve, red label)
SK2112 Kitchenware (SK 2112 A1/SK 2112 B1), Made in England October 1985 (reddish
sleeve, blue green label)
CBS A 6411 CBS (Deposito Legal M-18075-1985) Made in Spain 1985. In pale blue picture
When Love Breaks Down (4:22) / When Love Breaks Down (3:40) / The Yearning Loins
(3:38) – 12”
When Love Breaks Down / The Yearning Loins/ The Devil Has All the Best Tunes / Walk
On – 2x7” in original sleeves shrink wrapped as a double pack
When Love Breaks Down / The Yearning Loins/ Lions in My Own Garden (Exit
Someone)/Radio Love – 2x7” in original sleeves shrink wrapped as a double pack
XPC4005 CBS. Circa June 1985. Track insert. Grey cassette body screen printed. Black and
clear box.
“Steve McQueen” -- Faron Young / Bonny / Appetite / When Love Breaks Down / Goodbye
Lucille #1 / Hallelujah // Moving the River / Horsin’ Around’ / Desire As / Blueberry Pies /
When the Angels – 2xSingle Sided Acetate.
“Steve McQueen” -- Faron Young (3:48)/ Bonny (3:42) / Appetite (3:55) / When Love
Breaks Down (4:05)/ Goodbye Lucille #1 (4:28) / Hallelujah (4:19)// Moving the River
(3:57)/ Horsin’ Around’ (4:37) / Desire As (5:20)/ Blueberry Pies (2:23) / When the Angels
(4:29) - LP
White label test pressing (KWLP 3 A1 FREAKIN’ A/KWLP 3 B1 FREAKIN’ B) (plus white
label test pressing with proof sleeve)
KWLP3 Kitchenware (KWLP 3 A2 FREAKIN’ A/KWLP 3 B2 FREAKIN’ B), June 1985 (also
as “Irish Pressing” on very thin vinyl, so thin that when held up to a light it’s translucent. Source
was Eire, but not clear that it was not manufactured in the UK)
KWLP3 Kitchenware (KWLP 3 A2 FREAKIN’ A/KWLP 3 B2 FREAKIN’ B), June 1985 – CBS
sunburst label with “Record manufactured in Ireland”, other text says “Made in England”) (as
above “Irish Pressing” on very thin vinyl, so thin that when held up to a light it’s translucent).
KWLP3 Kitchenware ( KWLP 3 A3/ KWLP 3 B3) Made in Israel 1985. Single sheet printed
466336-1 CBS. (KWLP 3 A3 466336 1 A3/ KWLP3 B4 466336 1 B4) CBS Catalogue inner
sleeve, “Nice Price”sticker. (Barcode 5 099746 633615) Made in England
ELPS 4489 EPIC Australia (MX 215899 ELP 4489-1/MX 215900 ELP4489-2) (Printed inner
sleeve, Kitchenware labels on disc).
28-3P-623 Epic Japan (28.3P-623A1 1A CS/28.3P-623B1 2A) Bilingual folded insert. 2different
variants of OBI strip, one with “New Artist Showcase” info, i.e. from 1986.
CBS S 26522 (26522-A ? 0/26522-B ?) Deposito Legal M-18077-1985. Made in Spain 1985
(Printed inner sleeve, sunburst label)
MOVLP314 Music on Vinyl (89581 1A MOVLP 314/89581 1B MOVLP 314) 21st November
2011. (Barcode 8 713748 981877) Single sheet insert. Audiophile 180g reissue
Sony Legacy 888751945814 (89581 1A MOVLP 314/89581 1B MOVLP 314)) June 10th 2016.
(Barcode 8 88751 94581 4). Single sheet insert, 180g reissue. Same stamper as MOVLP314
“Steve McQueen” -- Faron Young (3:48) / Bonny (3:42) / Appetite (3:55) / When Love
Breaks Down (4:05) / Goodbye Lucille #1 (4:28) / Hallelujah (4:19) // Moving the River
(3:57) / Horsin’ Around (4:37) / Desire As (5:20) / Blueberry Pies (2:23) / When the Angels
(4:29) - Cassette
KWC3 Kitchenware, June 1985 Fold out photo insert. Black cassette body, green and pink label.
Clear box.
466336-4 CBS (Barcode 5 099746 633646) Fold out photo insert.Grey cassette body, screen
printed. Clear box.
466336-4 CBS Made in Holland (Barcode 5 099746 633646) Fold out photo insert with Nice
Price sticker applied.Black cassette body with red label. Clear box.
466336-4 CBS (Barcode 5 099746 633646) Fold out photo insert. Clear cassette body with red
label. Clear box.Chrome Tape
40-26522 CBS Made in Italy by CBS 1985. Brown cassette body, yellow sunburst label. No
photo insert.Brown and clear box.
40-26522 CBS Made in Holland. Foldout photo insert.Grey cassette body, screen printed. Clear
box. Chrome Tape
EPC4489 Epic, Australia. Made in Australia. CBS Supersound Cassette, screen printed casing.
No photo insert. Black and clear case.
EPC4489 Epic, Probably Australia (references Sydney on case but bought as NZ issue). CBS
Supersound Cassette. White cassette body with yellow paper labels. Clear Case.
40-26522 CBS Made in Spain D.L. M-18075-1985. White cassette body, screen printed. Black
and clear case. No photo insert
“Steve McQueen” -- Faron Young / Bonny / Appetite / When Love Breaks Down / Goodbye
Lucille #1 / Hallelujah / Moving the River / Horsin’ Around / Desire As / Blueberry Pies /
When the Angels - CD
CDCBS26522 CBS (CDCBS 26522, no IFPI) , Made by Nimbus, England 1986 (no barcode on
first issue)
466336-9 Columbia (Manufactured by DADC Austria CDCBS 26522 12 D3 IFPI 946S) Made
in Austria (Barcode 5 099746 633691) Limited edition digipack different sleeve notes
32-8P-134 Epic (32 8P-134 11 +++++ CSR) 20/5/87 Japan (Barcode T4988 010 20545 4)
Bilingual booklet.
ESCA 5314 Epic (DP-2181 2 + ++ ++++++++ SMJ IFPI 453D) Japan (Barcode 4 988910
531423) Bilingual booklet
ESCA 7684 Epic (DP-2181 2 + ++ ++++++++ IFP1 4575) Japan 22nd October 1997 (Barcode 4
988010 768425) Nice Price Label. Bilingual booklet/lyric sheet.
EICP 20017 Epic Japan. Blu Spec CD (Manufactured in Japan), July 2009 (Barcode 4 547366
EICP 1244 Epic Japan (PLA-687X 1 o oo oooooooo IFPI L278 4578), Made Sony DADC Japan.
October 2009 (Barcode 4 547366 048025) Remastered and in MiniLP replica format sleeve.
Japanese insert for lyrics. No replica inner sleeve. A “Disk Union” promo box was provided for
the full set of 6 Japanese MiniLP remasters.
88725402632/11 Sony Music (From “Great British Albums” Box Set) (A0101980223-0101 13
IFPI L553 94K1 Sony DADC) – Made in EU 2012. Card slip sleeve, no barcode on sleeve.
SICP30207 Sony Japan Blu Spec CD2 – Made in Japan – July 24th 2013 – Remastered by
Thomas Dolby (as Legacy edition) (Barcode 4 547366 197747)
(part of) KWCD3-25, (jewel case) (“Legacy Edition”, details in specific entry)
(part of) 478482-2 Columbia (“Prefab Sprout: Steve Mcqueen; From Langley Park to Memphis
Double Gold”, details in specific entry)
(part of) Columbia 468810-2 (“123CD BOX SET”, details in specific entry)
“Steve McQueen – Legacy Edition” -- Faron Young / Bonny / Appetite / When Love Breaks
Down / Goodbye Lucille #1 / Hallelujah / Moving the River / Horsin’ Around / Desire As /
Blueberry Pies / When the Angels // Appetite / Bonny / Desire As / When Love Breaks Down
/ Goodbye Lucille #1/ Moving the River / Faron Young / When the Angels – 2xCD
CD-R Acetate/Listening Copy from Sony Archive dated 31/6/06 (original album only)
“Two Wheels Good” – (Side 1) Faron (3:44) / Bonny (3:43) / Appetite (3:53) / When Love
Breaks Down (Phil Thornally 7” Single Version) (3:44) / Goodbye Lucille #1 (4:28) /
Hallelujah (4:18) // (Side 2) Moving the River (3:55) / Horsin’ Around (4:36) / Desire As
(5:19) / Blueberry Pies (2:25) / When the Angels (4:29) – LP
144868 Epic/AL 40100/BL 40100 (AL - 40100 144- 868 A2 T. T. / BL - 40100 C – 1 – 1 144 –
868 B VII), Brazil. No insert and yellow band around sleeve left and top “New Rock Collection”
Alternate track names Faron, Bonny, Apetite, Quando o amour termina, Adeus Lucille No. 1,
Aleluia, Movendo o rio, Cavalgando por ai, Deseio como, Tortas de Blueberry, Quando os Anjos
“Two Wheels Good” -- Faron (3:44) / Bonny (3:43) / Appetite (3:53) / When Love Breaks
Down (Phil Thornally 7” Single Version) (3:44) / Goodbye Lucille #1 (4:28) / Hallelujah
(4:18) // Moving the River (3:55) / Horsin’ Around (4:36) / Desire As (5:19) / Blueberry Pies
(2:25) / When the Angels (4:29) – Cassette
EPIC 40100 – Promo Cassette in pink card cover, Chrome tape, clear cassette body white rinted
labels. Credited to “Prefab Sprouts”
CBC8561 Himalaya Taiwan. Black and clear box. Black Cassette body, red label. No photo
insert, folded lyric sheet.
FET-40100 Epic Canada. Made in Canada. (Barcode0 61213 40100 04) Chrome tape. No photo
insert. Black and clear box. Black cassette body, black label.
PET-40100 Epic USA.Made in USA. (Barcode 0 7464 40100 4 02). No Photo insert. Clear box.
Clear cassette body, screen printed.
BET-40100 Epic USA. Made in USA. (Barcode 0 7464 40100 4). No Photo insert. Clear box.
Grey cassette body, screen printed.
QEL-S-25114 Octoarts/Epic Philippines No Barcode. Black Cassette body, grey label. Pink
cover, black and clear box.
“Two Wheels Good” -- Faron (3:44) / Bonny (3:43) / Appetite (3:53) / When Love Breaks
Down (Phil Thornally 7” Single Version) (3:44) / Goodbye Lucille #1 (4:28) / Hallelujah
(4:18) / Moving the River (3:55) / Horsin’ Around (4:36) / Desire As (5:19) / Blueberry Pies
(2:25) / When the Angels (4:29) / The Yearning Loins (3:38) / He’ll Have To Go (3:06) /
Faron (Truckin’ Mix) (4:45) – CD
EK40100 Epic USA (DIDP 20382 51A4 Made In USA Digital Audio Disc Corp) Made in USA
(Barcode 0 7464 40100 2) Believed first pressing, different layout of tracks on CD printing
EK40100 Epic USA (DIDP-020382 G3 1A 02 IFPI L423 7292) Made in USA (Barcode 0 7464
40100 2)
US Releases Issued in long box format as well as standard format jewel case
EK-40100 Epic Canada (DIDP 20382 51A2 Made in USA Digital Audio Disc Corp). (Barcode 0
6121340100 02)
White label pressing, (SK 22 A1/ SK 22 B1) Farron Young (sic) handwritten on label,Plain
SK22 Kitchenware (SK 22 A1 timtom/ SK 22 B1 TY), Made in England July 1985. No circular
insert top right on picture sleeve (sometimes has a stick on label). Version from the double pack
has no insert.
SK22 Kitchenware (SK 22 A2 timtom/ SK 22 B1 TY), Made in England. Printed circular insert
top right on picture sleeve with “SK22 Prefab Sprout Faron Young (Edit)).
CBSA 6371 (01-6371-1A-1 A/01-6371-1B-1 A) Made in Holland. Printed circular insert with
Faron Young (edit) / Silhouettes (edit) /When Love Breaks Down / The Yearning Loins
2x7” in original sleeves shrink wrapped as a double pack
SKX22 Kitchenware (SKX-22 A1 timtom/ SKX-22 B1 TY), Made in England July 1985. No
printed title “sticker”
EAS 2236 Epic US Promo ( P(T) XSM-174842-1A / P (T) XSM-17842-2B), Plain black sleeve.
CBS A 6560 CI CBS A 6560-1N / CI CBS A 6560-2N (CIJC 15154-1N-23-9-85 / CIA 6560-8N-
27-9-85) Italy 1985
ES 1075 Epic New Zealand. (ES1075 A/ES1075 B) Made in New Zealand (per note on label).
Picture Sleeve claiming made in Australia)
Appetite(3:55)/The Yearning Loins (3:38) 7”
Appetite (3:55)// Heaven Can Wait (3:26) / (1:56) Oh, The Swiss! -- 12"
SKX23 Kitchenware (SKX 23 A1 timtom/ SKX 23 B1), Made in England August 1985
Appetite / Heaven Can Wait / Cruel / Faron Young (live) -- 2x7" in a gatefold sleeve
Appetite / Heaven Can Wait / Oh, The Swiss!/ Faron Young (Truckin' Mix) / Silhouettes
2x12” in original sleeves shrink wrapped as a double pack
IE4-7131 Epic Canada (IE4-7131-A 1A2HZ/ IE4-7131-B 1A2HZ), Made in Canada 1985,
Generic CBS Sleeve
JC 15154 CBS Italy ( CIJC 15154-1N-23-9-85), Made in Italy September 1985 Plain white
M36951 CBS (Deposito Legal M-36951-1985) (A0) Made in Spain 1985. In plain CBS Sleeve
“Drastic Plastic” - Real Life (Just Around The Corner) (Edit) – 7” 33rpm EP
New Musical Express (cover mounted freebie) (GIV 2 B1 WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW –
THE QUEUE FORMS ON THE RIGHT), 28th September 1985, Plain Cover
When Love Breaks Down / The Yearning Loins/ Appetite / Heaven Can Wait – 2x7” in
original sleeves shrink wrapped as a double pack
When Love Breaks Down // The Yearning Loins / Real Life (Just Around the Corner) -- 12"
When Love Breaks Down / E’Tutto un Attimo (Anna Oxa) – Italian Jukebox 7”
JC 15164 CBS Italy (CIA 4833-1N-31.1.86 MW) Made in Italy January 1986 Plain white sleeve
Stay With Me (Eighth Wonder)/ Living in the Past (Drum Theatre) // When Love Breaks
Down / Living in America (James Brown) – Italian “Only for Dee-Jays” 12”
12 PRM 074 CBS CI 12 PRM 074-2L ( CI 12 PRM 074-2L-23-1-86-B) Promo. Made in Italy
January 1986. Generic CBS Sleeve
When Love Breaks Down (edit) (3:35)/ When Love Breaks Down (LP Version) (3:42) 7”
When Love Breaks Down (edit) (3:42) / The Yearning Loins (3:38) 7”
EAS 2178 Epic XSM 174632 US Promo (P (MP) XSM-174632-1A STERLING / P (MP) XSM-
174632-1B *STERLING). Phil Thornally produced, Plain black sleeve
A 6598 CBS Portugal (SO 22.1.86 CBS.6598.A.1 /22.1.86 CBS.A.6598.B.1) Made in Portugal
1986. Thomas Dolby version.
SK24 Kitchenware (SK-24-A1 timtom/ SK-24-B1 TY) timtom, Made in England January 1986 –
2 variants, card sleeve and paper sleeve.
ES1117 Epic Australia (MX216903 ES1117-1 / MX216904 ES1117-2) Promo. Made in Australia
Johnny Johnny // Wigs / The Guest Who Stayed Forever / Old Spoonface is Back -- 12"
CBS (Deposito Legal M-5188-1986) (A0) Made in Spain 1986. In plain CBS Sleeve
In Concert featuring Prefab Sprout - Moving the River / Cars and Girls / Bonny / Faron
Young / Hallelujah / Lions in My Own Garden (Exit Someone) //Wicked Things / Johnny
Johnny / Tiffanys / When Love Breaks Down / When the Angels / Appetite -- LP
CN4747/S BBC Transcription Services, 1986 12 (FPS 156595/12 FPS 156596). Concert is
Reading University, 16th November 1985
(no catalogue number) Jan 1988. Promo with printed insert. Maxell UD46 cassette
SK35 Kitchenware (SK35 A1 TY1/K35 ADJ 1 TY1) Made in England 1988. In standard picture
sleeve with barcode as commercial release with small text upper right quadrant referencing
Vendetta as B side though not on disk, release date of February 1st on sticker
Cars and Girls (Edit) (4:02) / Cars and Girls (Lp Version) (4:25) – 7”
SK35 Kitchenware (SK35 A1 TY1/ SK35 B1 TY1), Made in England February 1988 (Barcode 5
099765 137873). Small text upper right quadrant.
SK35 Kitchenware (SK35 A1 TY1/ SK35 B1 TY1), Made in England September 1988 (large
text lower right quadrant) (Barcode 5 099765 137873)
CBS 651378 7 (01 651378 1A 1 A/ 01 651378 1B 1 A), Made in Holland 1988 (Barcode 5
099765 137873) Small text upper right quadrant. Timings given as 4:24 and 3:40, Red CBS
CBS 651378 7 (651378-7-A0/ 651378-7-B0), Made in Spain 1988 (No Barcode) Small text
upper right quadrant. Timings given as 4:24 and 3:40, Red CBS label with punchout
CBS 651378 7 (MX250231 651378.1.S1 / MX250232 651378.1.S2) Made in Australia 1988 (no
barcode) Small text upper right quadrant. Gold promo stamp on some copies. Timings given as
4:23 and 3:40.
EPIC IE4-3034 (IE4-3034-A 1A 2H2/IE4-3034-B 1A 2H2) CBS Canada (Timings given as 3:57,
3:40, generic orange CBS sleeve)
651378 7 CBS (6-1-78-7-A0), Made in Spain 1988. In CBS 651378-7 Spanish picture sleeve
(small writing upper right quadrant, includes Vendetta as stated B side though not on disk).
SKX35 Kitchenware, (SKX-35-A1 TY1/ SKX-35-B1) Made in England February 1988 (small
lettering top right quadrant), CBS Promo label on one copy (Barcode 5 099765 137866)
Cars and Girls / Faron Young (Truckin' Mix) / Real Life (Just Around the Corner) /
Vendetta -- CD
CDSK35 Kitchenware 651378-2 CBS (651378-2 2897 741 01 # Made in W. Germany by PDO)
Germany February 1988 (Bar code 5 099765 137828)
CDSK35 Kitchenware 651378-2 CBS (651378-2 2897 741 01 # Made in W. Germany by PDO)
Germany February 1988 (Bar code 5 099765 137897) – cover with “large” Prefab Sprout” logo
CDDSK35 Kitchenware 651378-9 CBS, Made in West Germany February 1988 (Bar code 5
099765 137897) Picture CD
Cars and Girls // Real Life (Just Around the Corner) / Vendetta -- 10"
“From Langley Park to Memphis” - The King of Rock 'n' Roll (4:22) / Cars and Girls
(4:25) / I Remember That (4:13) / Enchanted (3:47) / Nightingales (5:53) // Hey
Manhattan! (4:45) / Knock on Wood (4:16) / The Golden Calf (5:06) / Nancy (Let Your Hair
Down For Me) (4:02) / The Venus of the Soup Kitchen (4:29) -- LP
460124-1 CBS ( 460124-1 1A0 /460124-1 2B 1) Made in Spain (Barcode 5 099746 012410) No
460124-1 CBS ( 460124 1A 1 /460124 2B 1) Made in Spain (No Barcode) lyric insert, yellow
labels marked as promo.
BFE 44208 Epic Canada. (BFE-44208-1 1A 52 /BFE-44208-2 1A52) Made in Canada (Barcode
0 61213 44208). Single sheet insert and clear inner sleeve.
ASF 3199 CBS (ASF 3199-A-2 ADD/ASF 3199-B) Zimbabwe Music Corporation 1988
(Barcode 6 001208 110519) Liner notes on rear of cover.
ASF 3199 CBS (ASF 3199-A/ASF 3199-B) Gallo GRC South Africa 1988 (Barcode 6 001208
110519) Liner notes on rear of cover.
ASF 3199 CBS (ASF 3199-A-2 ADD/ASF 3199-B) Zimbabwe 1988 – (No Barcode) in plain
ZMC white cover with “Sample not for resale” stamped on centre label
“Desde Langley Park a Memphis” – El Rey Del Rock’N Roll/ Autos Y Mujeres/Recuerdo
Eso/ Encantado/ Ruisenores// Hey Manhattan!/ Toco Madera/ El Ternado Dorado/ Nancy
(Dejame Tus Cabellos)/ La Venus De La Sopa Casera – LP
147.275 EPIC (ALS 8995/ALS8996) Made in Argentina 1988. White Epic label.No Insert. Same
songs as UK version, just translated titles.
147.275 EPIC (ALS 8995/ALS8996) Made in Argentina 1988. Black/Blue Epic label.No Insert.
Same songs as UK version, just translated titles.
“From Langley Park to Memphis” - The King of Rock 'n' Roll / Cars and Girls / I
Remember That / Enchanted / Nightingales // Hey Manhattan! / Knock on Wood / The
Golden Calf / Nancy (Let Your Hair Down For Me) / The Venus of the Soup Kitchen --
KWC9 Kitchenware, Made in England March 1988 (Barcode 5 099746 012441). Folding lyric
insert. Black cassette body, black label. Clear box.
460124-4 CBS (Barcode 5 099746 012441). Folding lyric insert. Black cassette body with red
printed label. Clear Box. Chrome tape.
460124 4 CBS. Folding track insert (no lyrics). Made in Greece. White cassette body with blue
screen printing. Cover is different from UK cassette, white bars top and bottom above picture.
BFE 44208 Epic US Promo. No lyric insert. Clear cassette body, white label. Clear box. Chrome
BET 44208 Epic US. Made in US. (Barcode 0 7464 44208 1).Grey screenprinted cassette body,
clear box.
CBS 460124 4 (no barcode). Made in Spain. Light grey screenprinted cassette body. Black and
clear box. DLM 4499-1988. No lyric insert.
Counterfeit KWC9 (no barcode). Single sided card insert, on OK Branded cassette “See Inlay
Card for Details”. Bootleg version sold on market stalls as counterfeit.
“Desde Langley Park a Memphis” – El Rey Del Rock’N Roll/ Autos Y Mujeres/Recuerdo
Eso/ Encantado/ Ruisenores// Hey Manhattan!/ Toco Madera/ El Ternado Dorado/ Nancy
(Dejame Tus Cabellos)/ La Venus De La Sopa Casera – Cassette
247 275 Epic/Columbia Argentina. No lyric insert. Made in Argentina. Light grey cassette
body screenprinted in red. Black cassette box
“From Langley Park to Memphis” - The King of Rock 'n' Roll / Cars and Girls / I
Remember That / Enchanted / Nightingales / Hey Manhattan! / Knock on Wood / The
Golden Calf / Nancy (Let Your Hair Down For Me) / The Venus of the Soup Kitchen -- CD
32-8P-5010 Epic (DP-1873 1 + ++ +++++ CSR) Japan (Barcode 4 988010 216856) Bilingual
ESCA 5316 Epic (DP-1873 1 + ++ +++++ IFPI 4537) Japan. (Barcode 4 988010 531621)
Bilingual booklet/lyrics
ESCA 7685 Epic (DP-1873 1 + ++ ++++++++ IFPI 4575) Japan 22nd October 1997 (Barcode 4
988010 768522) Nice Price Label. Bilingual booklet/lyrics.
EICP 1245 Epic Japan (PLDA-681X 1 o oo oooooooo IFPI L276 455A), Made Sony DADC
Japan, October 2009 (Barcode 4 547366 048032) Remastered and in MiniLP replica format
sleeve. Japanese insert for lyrics. Replica inner sleeve.
EK 44208 Epic US (DIDP-070884 2 ooo ooooo) Made in US 1988 (Barcode 0 7464 – 44208 –
2) – issued in longbox format as well as standard jewel case.
Altaya 46 (01446 MPO 01 no IFPI) Made in Spain, 1997 (no barcode) Sold in magazine
partwork “Estrellas del Rock” Timings given as 4:22, 4:25, 4:14, 3:47, 5:53, 4:45, 4:16, 5:06,
4:02, 4:29, folded insert without lyrics.
SICP30208 Sony Japan Blu Spec CD2 – Made in Japan – July 24th 2013 – (Barcode 4 547366
(part of) 478482-2 Columbia (“Prefab Sprout: Steve Mcqueen; From Langley Park to Memphis
Double Gold”, details in specific entry)
(part of) 88697154392 Sony BMG (“Prefab Sprout X2 From Langley Park To Memphis/Jordan:
The Comeback”, details in specific entry)
(part of) Sony/Legacy 886 97451162, 2009 (“Original Album Classics”, details in specific entry)
ESK 1145 Epic Promo (CBS-ESK-1145 SOI01 Made in USA Shape Optimedia Inc). USA 1988
The King of Rock 'n' Roll (Edit) (3:48)/ Moving the River (3:57) -- 7"
SK37 Kitchenware (SK37 A1 timtom/ SK37 B1 TY1), Made in England April 1988 (Barcode 5
099765 153675) – 2 variants, one with paper sleeve, one with card sleeve.
SKB37 Kitchenware (SK37 A1 timtom/ SK37 B1 TY1), Made in England April 1988 (Barcode 5
099765 153606) “Sproutbox” including 2 badges and 2 postcards
SKQ37 Kitchenware (SK37 A1 timtom/ SK37 B1 TY1), Made in England April 1988 (includes a
fold out trivia game) (Barcode 5 099765 153606)
651536 – 7 CBS (01 651536 1A 1 651536=7-A/01 651536 1B1 651536-7-B ) Made in Spain.
(no Barcode) Red CBS label with centre punchout.
The King of Rock 'n' Roll (4:21) / Moving the River (3:57) // Dandy of the Danube (3:29) /
Tin Can Pot (3:07) – 12”
SKX37 Kitchenware (SKX37 A1 TY1/SKX 37 B1 TY1), Made in England April 1988 (Bar code
5 099765 153668)
SKX37 Also issued in boxed “The Sprouts Rock ‘N’ Roll Trivia Game” as promotional item.
651536-6 CBS (01 651536 1A 1/ 01 561536 3B 1) Made in Holland 1988 (Bar code 5 099765
651536-6 CBS (01 651536 1A 1 651536-6-A/ 01 651536 3B1 651536-6-B) Made in Spain 1988
Deposito Legal M-12253-1988
The King of Rock 'n' Roll / Moving the River / Dandy of the Danube / He'll Have To Go --
CDSK37 Kitchenware 651536 2 CBS (651536-2 2897 918 01 * Made in W. Germany by PDO)
Germany April 1988
651536-9 CBS, (CDCBS-651536 21 Manufactured by DADC Austria) Austria April 1988 (Bar
code 5 099765 153699) 3” CD with adaptor
The King of Rock 'n' Roll (Edit) -- Spanish Single Sided 7” Promo
651536 7 CBS Spain (01 651536 1A 1651536-7-A), Made in Spain, 1988 – Spanish picture
sleeve refers to Moving the River, not present.
SK38 Kitchenware (SK.38 A1 timtom/SK-38-B1 TY1), Made in England July 1988 (Barcode 5
099765 284270)
SKB38 Kitchenware (SK.38 A1 timtom / SK 38 B2), July 1988 (Barcode 5 099765 284201) in
pvc sleeve with foldout poster. Labelled as SKB 38 on disk.
SKGT38 Kitchenware July 1988 Made in England July 1988 (Barcode 5 099765 284287)
CBS 652842 6 (01 652842 1A1/01 562842 1B1) Made in Holland 1988 (Barcode 5 099765
CDSK38 Kitchenware (CD SK 38 124651 03 % Made in U.K. by PDO) UK July 1988 (Bar code
5 099765 284225) Most if not all copies are unplayable due to CD Bronzing.
CBS 652842-7 CBS Spain (652842-7-A0) Made in Spain 1988. Spanish picture sleeve including
reference to Tornado as B Side although not present, and bar code 5099765 284270.
SK39 Kitchenware (SK 39-A1 TY1/ SK 39-B1), Made in England November 1988 (Barcode 5
099765 316476)
653164-7 CBS Spain (653164-7A0), Made in Spain 1988 Deposito Legal M-40161-1988
(Barcode 5 099765 316746) Spanish picture sleeve referencing full version as B side but not
present on disk.
“The Demo Tapes” Nightingales (12" version) (7:26) // Life of Surprises (24 track) / The
King of Rock 'n' Roll (16 track) / Bearpark (4 track) -- 12"
B1 TY1), Made in England November 1988 (Barcode 5 099765 316469)
“The Demo Tapes” Nightingales (edit) (4:02) / Life of Surprises (24 track) / Bearpark (4
track) / Nightingales (full version) -- CD
The Golden Calf (edit) / The Venus of the Soup Kitchen -- 7"
SK41 Kitchenware (SK 41 A1 TY1/ SK 41 B1 TY1), Made in England February 1989 (Barcode
5 099765 469776)
CBS 653139-7 (01 653139 2A1/01 653139 2B1) Made in Holland 1989 (Barcode 5 099765
The Golden Calf (long version) // Bonny (live) / The Venus of the Soup Kitchen -- 12"
SKX41 Kitchenware( SKX 41 A1 I’m very good at editing/ SKX-41-B1), Made in England
February 1989 (Bar code 5 099765 469769)
ARIC 2137 CBS Spain (ARIC-2137-A), Made in Spain1989 Spanish picture sleeve.
The Golden Calf (4:03) / The Golden Calf (Extended Mix) (5:05) – 12”
“4 Track Golden Hits EP” -- The Golden Calf (edit) / Cars and Girls // The King of Rock
'n' Roll (edit) / When Love Breaks Down -- 7"
SKEP41 Kitchenware (SKEP 41 A1/SKEP 41 B1), Made in England February 1989 (Barcode 5
099765 469707) Gatefold sleeve
“Golden Hits Volume 2” -- The Golden Calf (edit) / Faron Young / Goodbye Lucille #1 /
Hey Manhattan -- 7" Gold Vinyl
The Golden Calf (edit) / Bonny (live) / The Venus of the Soup Kitchen / The Golden Calf
(long version)
652971 4 Epic Australia (Barcode 9 399765 297147) Clear box with insert, smoked grey
transparent screen printed cassette body. 12” Single mixes
“Four From Prefab Sprout Protest Songs”- Life of Surprises / Dublin / Wicked Things / 'till
The Cows Come Home - CD
XPCD109 Kitchenware Promo (XPCD109 181161 02 % Made in U.K. by PDO) June 1989.
Possibly at risk due to CD bronzing.
“Protest Songs” - The World Awake / Wicked Things / Horse Chimes / Dublin // Tiffanys /
Diana / Talkin' Scarlet / Till the Cows Come Home / Pearly Gates - Acetate
**Acetate copies of Protest Songs exist from late 1985, with different mixes of some of the
songs (World Awake is the “long version issued as a single B Side, Wicked Games, at least are
different) and minus Life of Surprises. Issued as bootleg “Protest Demos” with the Peel session
and Real Life (Just Around the Corner) from the NME EP tagged on. Cassette recording made in
the CBS studio also exists, presumably taken from the Acetate.
“Protest Songs” - The World Awake / Life of Surprises / Horse Chimes / Wicked Things /
Dublin // Tiffanys / Diana / Talkin' Scarlet / Till the Cows Come Home / Pearly Gates -
Double Sided Acetate
“Protest Songs” - The World Awake (4:24) / Life of Surprises (4:05)/ Horse Chimes (4:21)/
Wicked Things (3:08)/ Dublin (3:40) // Tiffanys (3:49) / Diana (4:09) / Talkin' Scarlet
(4:32) / Till the Cows Come Home (4:12)/ Pearly Gates (5:38) - LP
465118-1 CBS 01-465118-20 (01 465118 20 1A1 / 01 465118 20 1B1) Made in Greece.
(Barcode 5 099746 511814) Single sheet lyric insert.
465118-1 CBS (01 465118 20 1A1 / 01 465118 20 1B1) Made in Holland (Barcode 5 099746
511814) with inner sleeve
NIC 015 ASF 3280 CBS (NIC 015 ASF 3280-A-1/ NIC 015 ASF 3280-B-1) Zimbabwe Music
Corporation 1989 (Barcode 6 001208 184213)
NIC 015 ASF 3280 CBS (NIC 015 ASF 3280-A-1/ NIC 015 ASF 3280-B-1) Zimbabwe 1989
(No Barcode) White ZMC sleeve, “Sample not for resale” stamped on centre label.
** NIC 015 ASF 3280 CBS (NIC 015 ASF 3280-A/ NIC 015 ASF 3280-B) Gallo South Africa
1989 (Barcode 6 001208 184213)
465118-1 CBS Spain (465118-1A0/ 1651118-1B0) Made in Spain Deposito Legal M-17731-
1989 (Barcode 5 099746 511814). Printed insert.
“Protest Songs” - The World Awake / Life of Surprises / Horse Chimes / Wicked Things /
Dublin // Tiffanys / Diana / Talkin' Scarlet / Till the Cows Come Home / Pearly Gates -
KWC4 Kitchenware, June 1989 (Barcode 5 099646 511845). Folding insert. Black cassette body
with black label. Clear box
KWC4/CBS (No barcode). Light grey box and screenprinted cassette body, folded card inlay
without much information.
465118-4 CBS (Barcode 5 099746 511845). Folding insert. Black cassette body. Clear Box.
Chrome tape.
25-8P-5248 Epic Japan, June 1989 Promo. Track listing applied to box. White cassette body with
white label. Clear box.
465118-4 CBS. Made in Spain. Clear box with insert. Grey cassette body.
465118-4 CBS Made in Australia. (Barcode 9 399746 511842). Clear box with folding insert
(full lyrics). Clear cassette body.
Thomsun Original EN3049 – Philippines Bootleg Cassette. Applied labels on Maxell Cassette
CBS Studios Whitfield Street – Pre Release Demo, typed label, couple of variants
“Protest Songs” - The World Awake / Tiffany's / Life of Surprises / Pearly Gates/ Diana /
Horse Chimes / 'Til the Cows Come Home // Wicked Things / Dublin / Talkin' Scarlet /
Nightingales / The King of Rock 'N' Roll / The Golden Calf / Cars and Girls - Cassette
T-294 Talent Records. Bootleg cassette from Middle East, Gamava Group. Generic
Maxell/Gamava cassette in pink case, typed lyric insert.
“Protest Songs” - The World Awake / Life of Surprises / Horse Chimes / Wicked Things /
Dublin / Tiffanys / Diana / Talkin' Scarlet / Till the Cows Come Home / Pearly Gates - CD
ESCA 5315 Epic Japan (DP-3272 1 o oo oooooooo C S R) Made in Japan 1990 (Barcode 4
988010531552) Bilingual lyrics booklet
EICP 1277 Epic Japan (PLDA-754X 1 IFPI L276 4578), Made Sony DADC Japan, October
2009 (Barcode 4 547366050318) Remastered and in MiniLP replica format sleeve. Japanese
insert for lyrics. Replica inner sleeve.
SICP30403 Sony Japan Blu Spec CD2 – Made in Japan - October 23rd 2013 – (Barcode 4
547366 204483)
(part of) Sony/Legacy 886 97451162, 2009 (“Original Album Classics”, details in specific entry)
(part of) Columbia 468810-2 – same pressing as KWCD4 but in 465118-2 jewel case and
marked 468810 2 on CD (“123CD BOX SET”, details in specific entry)
SK47 Kitchenware (SK 47 A2 TY1/ SK 47 B3), Made in England July 1990 (Barcode 5 099765
656141-7 CBS (01 656141 00 1A1 / 01 656141 00 1B1) Made in Holland (Barcode 5 099765
656141-7 CBS (MX 253919 656141 7 1/ MX 253920 565141 7 2) Made in Australia. Generic
CBS sleeve marked “promotion only not for sale)
SKX47 Kitchenware (SKX 47 A1 TY1/ SKX 47 B1 TY1), Made in England July 1990 (Barcode
5 099765 614169)
656141 6 CBS Spain (656141 6A0/656141 6B0) Made in Spain. Deposito Legal 25820-1990
(Barcode 5 099765 614169) Promo Stamp
SKTC47 Kitchenware, July 1990 (Barcode 5 099765 614145). Track insert. Grey cassette body
screen printed. Clear box.
SKCD47 Kitchenware 656141-2 CBS (SKCD47 10123831 01 & Made in U.K. by PDO) July
1990 (Bar code 5 099765 614121) Possibly at risk due to bronzing.
Looking for Atlantis \(extended) (7:19) / Looking for Atlantis (3:54) / Michael (3:01)– 3”
SKQ47 Kitchenware 656141-5 CBS (SKQ47 10126581 02 & Made in U.K. by PDO) UK July
1990 (Bar code 5 099765 614152) Possibly at risk due to bronzing
656141-1 CBS (CDCBS-656141-17-1 3 A1 Mastered by DADC Austria) Austria 1990 (Bar code
5 099765 614114)
Looking for Atlantis / Looking for Atlantis (extended) / Wicked Things / ‘Til The Cows
Come Home / Dublin -- CD
XPC4052 CBS Promo. Printed track insert. On Maxell XL-S-46 cassette with stuck on label (one
side). Black and clear box.
“Jordan: The Comeback” -- Looking for Atlantis (4:00)/ Wild Horses (3:44) / Machine Gun
Ibiza (3:45) / We Let the Stars Go (3:35)/ Carnival 2000 (3:22)/ Jordan: The Comeback
(4:12)/ Jesse James Symphony (2:15)/ Jesse James Bolero (4:09) / Moon Dog (4:08)// All the
World Loves Lovers (3:50)/ All Boys Believe Anything (1:34) / The Ice Maiden (3:19) / Paris
Smith (2:55)/ The Wedding March (2:46) / One of the Broken (3:52) / Michael (3:02) /
Mercy (1:22)/ Scarlet Nights (4:14) / Doo Wop In Harlem (3:44)-- LP
Epic 46132 (AL46132-1A G1 (A) 41 VLADO/46132-1A G (A) VLADO A1) Made in US.
(Barcode 0 7464 46132 1)
467161-1 CBS (01 467161 20 1A1 / 01 467161 20 1B1) Made in Holland ( Barcode 5 099746
“Jordan: The Comeback” -- Looking for Atlantis (4:03)/ Wild Horses (3:44) / Machine Gun
Ibiza (3:43) / We Let the Stars Go (3:40)/ Carnival 2000 (3:23)/ /Jordan: The Comeback
(4:14)/ Jesse James Symphony (2:15)/ Jesse James Bolero (4:11) / Moon Dog (4:07)// All the
World Loves Lovers (3:50)/ All Boys Believe Anything (1:34) / The Ice Maiden (3:20) / Paris
Smith (2:55)/ The Wedding March (2:50) // One of the Broken (3:55) / Michael (3:03) /
Mercy (1:23)/ Scarlet Nights (4:17) / Doo Wop In Harlem (3:44)—Double LP
“Jordan: The Comeback” -- Looking for Atlantis / Wild Horses / Machine Gun Ibiza / We
Let the Stars Go/ Carnival 2000/ Jordan: The Comeback/ Jesse James Symphony / Jesse
James Bolero / Moon Dog // All the World Loves Lovers / All Boys Believe Anything / The
Ice Maiden / Paris Smith / The Wedding March / One of the Broken / Michael / Mercy /
Scarlet Nights / Doo Wop In Harlem -- Cassette
KWC14 Kitchenware August 1990 (Barcode 5 099746 716141) Folding insert. Black cassette
body with black label. Clear box.
467161-4 CBS (Barcode 5 099746 716141). Folding insert. Black cassette body with silver
printed label. Folding lyric insert. Clear box. Chrome tape.
467161-4 CBS Australia (Barcode 9 399746 716148) Folding insert. Clear cassette body. Clear
ET46132 Epic US (Barcode 0 ????? 46132-4) Clear cassette body and box, folding insert
EPIC 46132 US Promo – Clear box, cream insert with track listing, white tape label. Promo
CBS Studios, Whitfield Street. Pre-Release promo, dated 16/07/90 – slight variation in stated
CBS Studios Cassette “acetate” dated 23.7.90, same timings as album
467161-4 CBS Greece (no barcode) Folding insert, Red Spine. Cream cassette body. Black and
perspex Box.
467161-4 CBS Spain (Barcode 50099746 716141) . Grey cassette body. Clear Box. Small Jordan
image on bottom half of blue background on casing.
467 161-4 CBS (No Barcode, probably Italy) . Grey CBS Box. Small Jordan image on top half of
purply blue background on casing.
“The Comeback” (sic) -- Looking for Atlantis / Wild Horses / Machine Gun / We Let the
Stars Go/ The Comeback/ Jesse James Symphony / Jesse James Bolero / Moon // Carnival
2000/All the World Loves Lovers / All Boys Believe Anything / The Ice Maiden / Paris
Smith / The Wedding March / One of the Broken / Michael / Mercy / Doo Wop In Harlem --
EN – 3807 Thomsun Original (Philippines Bootleg). No barcode, black cassette with applied
Thomsun label and white stick on label.
“Jordan: The Comeback” -- Looking for Atlantis / Wild Horses / Machine Gun Ibiza / We
Let the Stars Go/ Carnival 2000/ Jordan: The Comeback/ Jesse James Symphony / Jesse
James Bolero / Moon Dog / All the World Loves Lovers / All Boys Believe Anything / The
Ice Maiden / Paris Smith / The Wedding March / One of the Broken / Michael / Mercy /
Scarlet Nights / Doo Wop In Harlem -- CD
COL467161 2 (Sony DADC S0246716110-0101 83 A01 IFPI L553 94K1) (Barcode 5 099746
716127). White flash bar on rear containing barcode.
EK46132 Epic US (DIDP-072886 2 o oo ooooo no IFPI) Manufactured US 1990 (Barcode 0
7464 46132) – issued in longbox format as well as standard jewel case
EK46132 Epic Canada (EK-46132 MFG BY CINRAM #901012B no IFPI) (Barcode 0 7464
46132 2)
ESCA 5162 Epic Japan (DP-3989 1 o oo oooooooo C S R) Made in Japan (Barcode 4 988010
516222 – hidden under sticker for promo copies) Bilingual booklet
ESCA 7686 Epic Japan (DP-3989 1 o oo oooooooo IFPI 4537 SAMPLE )Nice Price Obi Strip,
Japanese language insert
EICP 1278 Epic Japan (PDLA-755X 1 IFPI L275 457D), Made Sony DADC Japan October
2009 (Barcode 4 547366 050325) Remastered and in MiniLP replica format sleeve. Japanese
insert for lyrics. Replica inner sleeve.
SICP30404 Sony Japan Blu Spec CD2 – Made in Japan - October 23rd 2013 – (Barcode 4
547366 204490)
CDASF 3337 Columbia South Africa ( CDCBS-467161 23 DADC AUSTRIA) Made in RSA
(Barcode 6 001208 338005) Interpak logo on back cover.
(part of) 88697154392 Sony BMG (“Prefab Sprout X2 From Langley Park To Memphis/Jordan:
The Comeback”, details in specific entry)
“Jordan: The Comeback” – Wild Horses / Looking for Atlantis / We Let the Stars Go/
Carnival 2000 / Jordan: The Comeback/ Jesse James Bolero / All the World Loves Lovers /
The Wedding March / Machine Gun Ibiza / Jesse James Symphony / Moon Dog / All Boys
Believe Anything / The Ice Maiden / Paris Smith / One of the Broken -- CD
(part of) Sony/Legacy 886 97451162, 2009 – reordered tracks from standard release with some
omitted (“Original Album Classics”, details in specific entry)
“Jordan: The Highlights” – We Let The Stars Go / Interview / Jordan The Comeback /
Interview / Looking For Atlantis / Interview / All The World Loves Lovers / Interview /
One Of The Broken / Interview / Scarlet Nights -- CD
“Special Four Song Sampler” – All The World Loves Lovers / Carnival 2000 / Wild
Horses / One Of The Broken – CD
ESK 2276 Epic US Promo (DISP-000868 2 ooo ooooo Made in USA Digital Audio Disc Corp)
USA, 1990
SK48 Kitchenware (SK 48 A1 JA/ SK 48 B1), Made in England October 1990 (Barcode 5
099765 636574)
SK48 Kitchenware (SK 48 A1 JA/ SK 48 B1), Made in England. Promo, gatefold sleeve with
reviews and tour dates.
656365-7 CBS (01 656365 00 1A1/ 01 656365 00 1B1) Made in Holland (Barcode 5 099765
We Let the Stars Go / Couldn't Bear to Be Special // Don't Sing / Cruel -- 12"
SKX48 Kitchenware (SKX 48 A1 JA/ SKX 48 B1), Made in England October 1990 (Barcode 5
099765 636567)
SKTC48 Kitchenware, October 1990 (Barcode 5 099765 636543). Track listing insert. Grey
cassette body screen printed. Black and clear box.
We Let the Stars Go / Hey Manhattan (JFK Version)/ Faron Young (extended version) --
Picture CD
SKQ48 Kitchenware 656365-5 CBS (SKQ48 10133681 02 % Made in U.K. by PDO) October
1990 (Barcode 5 099765 636550) Possibly at risk due to bronzing. Picture CD.
ESDA 7058 Epic (Z-1179 1 o oo oooooooo CSR) Japan 1990 (Barcode 4 988010 705817) in
miniature “long box” format, pvc sleeve/
CBS ARIC 2576 (Deposito Legal M-38289-1990) (ARIC-2576-A0) Made in Spain 1990. In
generic CBS Sleeve
“Jordan, the EP” – (THIS SIDE) One of the Broken (3:51) / Jordan: The Comeback
(4:10)// (THAT SIDE) Carnival 2000 (3:21)/ The Ice Maiden (3:20)-- 7"
SK49 Kitchenware (SK 49 A1 TY2/ SK 49 AA1 TY2), Made in England December 1990
(Barcode 5 099765 65978)
“Jordan, the EP” – (THIS SIDE) One of the Broken (3:51) / Jordan: The Comeback
(4:10)// (THAT SIDE) Carnival 2000 (3:21)/ The Ice Maiden (3:20) -- 12"
SKX49 Kitchenware, (SK X49 A1 TY2/ SK X49 AA1 TY2), Made in England December 1990
(Barcode 5 099765 656961)
“Jordan, the EP” – (THIS SIDE) One of the Broken / Jordan: The Comeback // (THAT
SIDE) Carnival 2000 / The Ice Maiden – cassette EP
SKTC49 Kitchenware, December 1990 (Barcode 5 099765 656947). Track insert. Grey tape
body screen printed. Black and clear box.
“Jordan, the EP” -- Carnival 2000 / The Ice Maiden / One of the Broken / Jordan: The
Comeback -- CD
SKQ49 Kitchenware, December 1990 (box set with poster and colour prints, CD is SKCD49)
CBS ARIC 2623 (Deposito Legal M-444-1991) (ARIC-2623-A0) Made in Spain 1990. In
generic CBS Sleeve
“123CD BOX SET” – Don't Sing / Cue Fanfare / Green Isaac / Here on the Erie / Cruel /
Couldn't Bear to Be Special / I Never Play Basketball Now / Ghost Town Blues / Elegance /
Technique / Green Isaac II // Faron Young / Bonny / Appetite / When Love Breaks Down /
Goodbye Lucille #1 / Hallelujah / Moving the River / Horsin’ Around / Desire As /
Blueberry Pies / When the Angels// The World Awake / Life of Surprises / Horse Chimes /
Wicked Things / Dublin / Tiffanys / Diana / Talkin' Scarlet / Till the Cows Come Home /
Pearly Gates -- 3xCD
Columbia 468810-2. 1991. (Barcode 5 099746 881023) Card slip case with CDs in standard
jewel boxes with liner notes. In some cases different pressings from standalone Austrian
pressings, and all CDs have box set number as part of screen print instead of standalone
The Sound of Crying (edit) / The Sound of Crying (full version) -- 7"
SK58 Kitchenware/658059-7 Columbia (31 658059 04 1A1 TY2/31 658059 04 1B1 TY2), Made
in Holland June 1992 (Barcode 5 099765 805970). Appear to be variants issued with large centre
punch out for European use (?)
SK58 White label promo (31 658059 04 1A1 TY2/31 658059 04 1B1 TY2)
The Sound of Crying (edit) / The Sound of Crying (full version) – cassette single
SKTC58 Kitchenware, June 1992. (Barcode 5 099765 805949). Track insert. Grey cassette body
screenprinted. Clear box.
The Sound of Crying (edit) / The Sound of Crying (full version) – cassette
Columbia Promo. Printed insert. Clear cassette body with applied label ("The Hit Factory,
London"). Clear box.
The Sound of Crying (edit) / The Sound of Crying (full version) – CD
Aric 131 CBS Spain (ARIC-131-A0 ARIC-131-A)Made in Spain, 1992 – Spanish picture sleeve
La Canzione Popolare (Ivano Fosssati) / The Sound of Crying (3:48) – Italian Jukebox 7”
JC 15316 1N Columbia Italy (JC 15316-B 18 6 92), Made in Italy 1992 Plain white sleeve
“The Sound of Crying Double Pack Part 1” -- The Sound of Crying (edit) / The Sound of
Crying (full version) / Looking for Atlantis / The Golden Calf -- CD
“The Sound of Crying Double Pack Part 2” -- The Sound of Crying (edit) / Nightingales /
One of the Broken / Faron Young (Truckin' Mix) -- CD (6/92)
“A Life of Surprises – The Best of Prefab Sprout” -- The King of Rock 'n' Roll / When Love
Breaks Down / The Sound of Crying / Faron Young / Carnival 2000 / Goodbye Lucille #1
(Johnny Johnny) / I Remember That / Cruel / Cars and Girls / We Let the Stars Go / Life
of Surprises / Appetite / If You Don't Love Me / Wild Horses / Hey Manhattan! / All the
World Loves Lovers – LP
471886-1 Columbia 01-471886 (01-471886 20 1A1 GREECE THE DARKEST HOUR IS JUST
BEFORE DAWN/ 01-471886 20 1B1 timtom GREECE), 1992 (Barcode 5 099747 188519)
Made by GPI SA Greece. Single sheet lyric insert.
471886-1 Columbia (01-471886 20 1A1 THE DARKEST HOUR IS JUST BEFORE DAWN/
01-471886 20 1B1 timtom) Made in Holland July 1992 (Barcode 5 099747 188519) lyrics on
inner sleeve
“A Life of Surprises – The Best of Prefab Sprout” -- The King of Rock 'n' Roll / When Love
Breaks Down / The Sound of Crying / Faron Young / Carnival 2000 / Goodbye Lucille #1
(Johnny Johnny) / I Remember That / Cruel / Cars and Girls / We Let the Stars Go / Life
of Surprises / Appetite / If You Don't Love Me / Wild Horses / Hey Manhattan! / All the
World Loves Lovers -- Cassette
471886-4 Columbia, July 1992 (Barcode 5 099747 188640). Folding insert. Black cassette body
with black label.
471886-4 Columbia, July 1992 (Barcode 5 099747 188640). Folding insert. Black cassette body
with red label. Possibly Italian
471886-4 Columbia, July 1992 (Barcode 5 099747 188640). Folding insert. Clear cassette body
with red label.
471886-4 CBS/SONY. Spain (Barcode 5 099747 188640). Folding insert. Grey cassette body.
Clear box.
ET52847 EPIC (Barcode 5 7464-52847-4 3). US/Canada. Folding insert, Clear cassette body,
screen printed.
471886-4 Columbia (Barcode 9 399747 188647). Made in Philippines. Clear cassette body with
white stuck-on label.
471886-4 Columbia (Barcode 9 399747 188647). Probably made in Australia. Clear cassette
body, screen printed, folding insert.
“A Life of Surprises – The Best of Prefab Sprout” -- The King of Rock 'n' Roll / When
Love Breaks Down / The Sound of Crying / Faron Young / Carnival 2000 / Goodbye Lucille
#1 (Johnny Johnny) / I Remember That / Cruel / Cars and Girls / We Let the Stars Go /
Life of Surprises / Appetite / If You Don't Love Me / Wild Horses / Hey Manhattan! / All
the World Loves Lovers -- CD
471886-2 Columbia 01-471886-10, (S1447657410-0101 143 A7 Sony Music IFPI L553 94K4)
July 1992 (Barcode 5 099747 188626) Single sided back label
471886-2 Columbia 01-471886-10, (01-471886-10 13 B8 DADC Austria IFPI 944B) July 1992
(Barcode 5 099747 188626) Clear CD inner, double sided back label with motorbike picture
EK52847 Epic US (1A EK52847 03 B P22 (rim) no IFPI ) (Barcode 0 7464 52847 2) 1992
Issued in long box CD format as well as normal CD.
EK52847 Epic US (?) Taiwanese Issue with Obi strip.Barcode (0 74645 28472)
ESCA5576 Epic Japan (DP-5239 1 o oo oooooooo S M J IFPI 4537) July 23rd 1992 (Barcode 4
988010 557621) Black CD inner, single sided back label. Bilingual booklet
CDCOL 3435 K Columbia South Africa (01-471886-10 13 DADC Austria no IFPI ) (Barcode 6
001208 402133)
CDASF 3435 Columbia South Africa (01-471886-10 13 DADC Austria no IFPI ) (Barcode 6
001208 402133)
“A Life of Surprises – The Best of Prefab Sprout” -- The King of Rock 'n' Roll / When Love
Breaks Down / The Sound of Crying / Faron Young / Carnival 2000 / Goodbye Lucille #1
(Johnny Johnny) / I Remember That / Cruel / Cars and Girls / We Let the Stars Go / Life
of Surprises / Appetite / If You Don't Love Me / Wild Horses / Hey Manhattan! / All the
World Loves Lovers – Mini Disc
471886-4 Columbia 01471886-50, Made in Austria July 1992 (Barcode 5 099747 188633)
“Eight Songs From A Life of Surprises – The Best of Prefab Sprout” – The King of
Rock’N’Roll / When Love Breaks Down / The Sound of Crying / I Remember That / Cars
and Girls / We Let the Stars Go / Life of Surprises / Appetite – CD
XPCD194 Kitchenware Promo (XPCD194 10191661 01 % Made in U.K. by PDO) UK. 1992.
Possibly at risk from CD Bronzing.
PROM 002 Sony Denmark – Made in Denmark by Tocano 1992. Promo. Clear cassette
body with white printed label.
If You Don't Love Me / If You Don't Love Me (String Driven Thing) -- 7"
If You Don't Love Me / If You Don't Love Me (String Driven Thing) -- Cassette single
SKTC60 Kitchenware, July 1992 (Barcode 5 099765 825244). Track insert. Grey cassette body
screenprinted. Black and clear box.
If You Don't Love Me / If You Don't Love Me (String Driven Thing) -- CD single
“If You Don’t Love Me Double Pack Part 1” – If You Don't Love Me/ If You Don't Love Me
(String Driven Thing)/ Nero the Zero/ Real Life (Just Around the Corner) -- CD
SKCD60 Kitchenware (SKCD-60 11 A3 DADC AUSTRIA), Austria July 1992 (Barcode 5
099765 825220) in multi CD jewel case
“If You Don't Love Me/ If You Don't Love Me (String Driven Thing)/ Nero the Zero/ Real
Life (Just Around the Corner) -- CD
“If You Don’t Love Me Double Pack Part 2” -- If You Don't Love Me / If You Don't Love
Me (No Strings Attached) / Lions In My Own Garden (Exit Someone) / Hey Manhattan!
(JFK Version) -- CD
“If You Don’t Love Me” -- Extended Mix (6:00) / Deep Field Mix (5:10) // Stateside Swamp
Mix (5:46) / Dubbish Mix (4:54) / 7” Mix (3:45) 12”
“If You Don’t Love Me” –Future Sound of London Meets Stephen Lipson Mix (6:05)/
Twitch Mix(7:03) 12”
EAS 4904 XSS 04904A/XSS 04904A EPIC (XSS4904A-1A VIADO/ XSS4904B-1B) USA
1992 (noBarcode) – Demonstration Not for Resale in White generic sleeve. FSOL v Lipson
Mix AKA “Bouncy Mix”.
“If You Don’t Love Me” – 7” Mix (3:50) / Album Version (3:40) / Another Mix / Bouncy
ESK4940 Epic Promo (DISP 001814 1 ooo ooooo) USA, 1992. In jewel case with insert. Last
two tracks not listed on case (names are from iTunes which recognizes the CD). “Another Mix”
is the 12” extended mix. “Bouncy Mix” is a composite FSOL and vocal mix.
“The Future Sound of Prefab Sprout – If You Don’t Love Me” – Deep Field Mix/Stateside
Swamp Mix
ARIC 162 CBS Spain (ARIC-162-A0 ARIC-162-A), Made in Spain 1992 Generic CBS/Sony
SK62 Kitchenware 31-658415.04 (31 658415 04 1A1/31 658415 04 1B1), Made in Holland
September 1992 (Barcode 5 099765 841572)
SKTC62 Kitchenware, September 1992 (Barcode 5 099765 841541). Track insert. Grey cassette
body screenprinted. Black and clear box.
“All The World Loves Lovers Double Pack Part 1” -- All The World Loves Lovers /
Machine Gun Ibiza / 'Till the Cows Come Home / Enchanted CD Single
“All The World Loves Lovers Double Pack Part 2” -- All The World Loves Lovers / Knock
On Wood / Desire As / Moondog
SKC63 Kitchenware, December 1992 (Bar code 5 099789 881349) in flip top carton with 2
stickers. Track insert. Grey cassette body screenprinted. Black and clear box.
Life of Surprises / If You Don't Love Me (Stateside Mix) / If You Don't Love Me (Deep
Field Mix) / The King of Rock 'n' Roll -- CD
“Prefab Sprout: Steve McQueen; From Langley Park to Memphis Double Gold CD" --
Faron Young (3:47) / Bonny (3:43) / Appetite (3:54) / When Love Breaks Down (4:06) /
Goodbye Lucille #1 (4:26) / Hallelujah (4:18) / Moving the River (3:58) / Horsin’ Around
(4:35) / Desire As (3:20) / Blueberry Pies (2:23) / When the Angels (4:28) // The King of
Rock 'n' Roll (4:22) / Cars and Girls (4:25) / I Remember That (4:14) / Enchanted (3:47) /
Nightingales (5:53) / Hey Manhattan! (4:45) / Knock on Wood (4:16) / The Golden Calf
(5:06) / Nancy (Let Your Hair Down For Me) (4:02) / The Venus of the Soup Kitchen (4:29)
478482-2 Columbia 02-4784820-10, 1995 (Barcode 5 099747 848223) Double CD jewel case
with insert combining standard sleeve notes.
Ti Amo Ancora Di Piu (Riccardo Cocciante) / A Prisoner of The Past (5:02) – Italian
Jukebox 7”
JC 15518 7 Columbia Italy ( 37 01 551800-B), Made in Italy 1997 Plain white sleeve
Columbia (Sony Prefab Sprout DMSP 1339) Promo Germany 1997 Plain paper insert into jewel
A Prisoner of the Past (radio edit) (3:18) / A Prisoner of the Past (album version) (5:10) CD
661 453-1 Columbia (S0166445317-0101 11 A1 Sony Music IFPI L551 949B) Card sleeve
(Barcode 5 099766 445311)
“A Prisoner Of The Past Double Pack Part 1” -- A Prisoner Of The Past (radio edit) / A
Prisoner of the Past (album version) / Just Because I Can / Where The Heart Is -- CD
“A Prisoner Of The Past Double Pack Part 1” -- A Prisoner Of The Past (album version) /
Just Because I Can / The King of Rock 'n' Roll / Cars And Girls – CD
A Prisoner Of The Past (radio edit) / A Prisoner of the Past (album version) / Just Because I
Can / Where The Heart Is / The King of Rock 'n' Roll / Cars and Girls -- CD
664453-2 Columbia (S0166445314-0101 11 A4 Sony Music IFPI L551 94Z2), June 1997
(barcode 5 099766 445328)
A Prisoner of the Past (radio edit) / Where The Heart Is -- Cassette (4/97)
SKC70 Kitchenware, Made in Holland April 1997 (Barcode 5 099766 445045). Wraparound
card box. Clear cassette body screenprinted.
“Andromeda Heights” -- Electric Guitars (3:40) / A Prisoner Of The Past (5:01) / The
Mystery Of Love (4:37) / Life's A Miracle (3:43) / Anne Marie (4:34) / Whoever You Are
(2:47) / Steal Your Thunder (3:41) / Avenue Of Stars (3:59) / Swans (2:34) / The Fifth
Horseman (4:42) / Weightless (3:35) / Andromeda Heights (4:03) -- CD
KWCD30 487297-2 Kitchenware/Columbia Taiwanese Issue with Obi strip. (Barcode 5 099748
(part of) Sony/Legacy 886 97451162, 2009 (“Original Album Classics”, details in specific entry)
XPCD2149 Columbia Promo (S0100214895 0101 25 B3 Sony Music IFPI L555 947A) Made
DADC Austria. 1997
SICP30405 Sony Japan Blu Spec CD2 – Made in Japan - October 23rd 2013 – (Barcode 4
547366 204469)
The Japanese issue of Andromeda Heights added “Just Because I Can” as a bonus track.
ESCA 6678 Epic Japan (PUS-832 1 o oo oooooooo IFPI L274 4537) Made Sony DADC Japan
May 1999 (Barcode 4 988010 667825)
EICP1279 Epic Japan (PLDA-756X 1 IFPI L276 4570), Made Sony DADC Japan, October 2009
(Barcode 4 547366 050295) Remastered and in MiniLP replica format sleeve. Japanese insert for
lyrics. CD style booklet.
“Andromeda Heights” -- Electric Guitars / A Prisoner Of The Past / The Mystery Of Love /
Life's A Miracle / Anne Marie / Whoever You Are // Steal Your Thunder / Avenue Of Stars /
Swans / The Fifth Horseman / Weightless / Andromeda Heights -- Cassette
KWMC30 Kitchenware 01-487927-4, Made in Holland. May 1997 (Barcode 5 099748 729743).
Folded insert. Clear cassette body screen printed.
KWMC30 Kitchenware/Sony Musik Turkiye Clear Cassette body, folding inlay. Made in
Turkey(Barcode 5 099748 729743)
487297-4 CBS Spanish issue. (DLM 6145-1997Clear Cassette body with black label, folding
inlay (Barcode 5 099748 729743)
“Andromeda Heights” -- Electric Guitars / A Prisoner Of The Past / The Mystery Of Love /
Life's A Miracle / Anne Marie / Whoever You Are / Steal Your Thunder / Avenue Of Stars /
Swans / The Fifth Horseman / Weightless / Andromeda Heights – Mini Disc
KWMD30 Kitchenware 01-487297-50, Made in Austria May 1997 (Barcode 5 099748 729781)
Electric Guitars -- CD
“Electric Guitars Double Pack Part 2” -- Electric Guitars / Girl I'm Here / Never Trust a
Spell -- CD
SKC71 Kitchenware, July 1997 (Barcode 5 099766 474946) Wraparound card box. Clear
cassette body screenprinted.
Electric Guitars / Dragons / Girl I'm Here / The End of the Affair / Never Trust a Spell --
Electric Guitars/Dragons – CD
Whitfield Street Mastering Studios Columbia Reference CD-Rs, September 24th 1999. Mastered
by Tony Bridge. Nightingales apparently missing from CD-2.
“38 Carat Collection” -- Lions In My Own Garden / Don't Sing / Couldn't Bear To Be
Special / When Love Breaks Down / Faron Young / Appetite / Johnny Johnny / Cars &
Girls / The King Of Rock 'n' Roll / Hey Manhattan! / The Golden Calf / Looking For
Atlantis / We Let The Stars Go / Carnival 2000 / The Sound Of Crying / If You Don't Love
Me / Life Of Surprises / Prisoner Of The Past / Electric Guitars // Cue Fanfare / Cruel /
Bonny / Movin' The River / Desire As / Horsin' Around / Pearly Gates / 'til The Cows Come
Home / Enchanted / I Remember That / Nightingales / Jordan: The Comeback / All The
World Loves Lovers / Jesse James Bolero / Doo Wop In Harlem / Life's A Miracle / Swans /
Andromeda Heights / Where The Heart Is – 2xCD-R
Whitfield Street Mastering Studios CD-R Promo. With folded inlay. Prisoner of the Past
and Nightingales omitted because of “running time”.
“38 Carat Collection” -- Lions In My Own Garden / Don't Sing / Couldn't Bear To Be
Special / When Love Breaks Down / Faron Young / Appetite / Johnny Johnny / Cars &
Girls / The King Of Rock 'n' Roll / Hey Manhattan! / The Golden Calf / Looking For
Atlantis / We Let The Stars Go / Carnival 2000 / The Sound Of Crying / If You Don't Love
Me / Life Of Surprises / Prisoner Of The Past / Electric Guitars // Cue Fanfare / Cruel /
Bonny / Movin' The River / Desire As / Horsin' Around / Pearly Gates / 'til The Cows Come
Home / Enchanted / I Remember That / Nightingales / Jordan: The Comeback / All The
World Loves Lovers / Jesse James Bolero / Doo Wop In Harlem / Life's A Miracle / Swans /
Andromeda Heights / Where The Heart Is – 2xCD
“38 Carat Collection” -- Lions In My Own Garden / Don't Sing / Couldn't Bear To Be
Special / When Love Breaks Down / Faron Young / Appetite / Johnny Johnny / Cars &
Girls / The King Of Rock 'n' Roll / Hey Manhattan! // The Golden Calf / Looking For
Atlantis / We Let The Stars Go / Carnival 2000 / The Sound Of Crying / If You Don't Love
Me / Life Of Surprises / Prisoner Of The Past / Electric Guitars // Cue Fanfare / Cruel /
Bonny / Movin' The River / Desire As / Horsin' Around / Pearly Gates / 'til The Cows Come
Home / Enchanted // I Remember That / Nightingales / Jordan: The Comeback / All The
World Loves Lovers / Jesse James Bolero / Doo Wop In Harlem / Life's A Miracle / Swans /
Andromeda Heights / Where The Heart Is – 2xCassette
ESCA7817-7818 Epic Japan Promo. Track listing insert only. Tape 1 clear cassette body, yellow
label. Tape 2 clear cassette body, blue label. Clear box.
“38 Carat Collection” -- Lions In My Own Garden / Don't Sing / Couldn't Bear To Be
Special / When Love Breaks Down / Faron Young / Appetite / Johnny Johnny / Cars &
Girls / The King Of Rock 'n' Roll / Hey Manhattan! / The Golden Calf / Looking For
Atlantis / We Let The Stars Go / Carnival 2000 / The Sound Of Crying / If You Don't Love
Me / Life Of Surprises / Prisoner Of The Past / Electric Guitars // Cue Fanfare / Cruel /
Bonny / Movin' The River / Desire As / Horsin' Around / Pearly Gates / 'til The Cows Come
Home / Enchanted / I Remember That / Nightingales / Jordan: The Comeback / All The
World Loves Lovers / Jesse James Bolero / Doo Wop In Harlem / Life's A Miracle / Swans /
Andromeda Heights / Where The Heart Is – 2x Mini Disc
“The Collection” -- Lions In My Own Garden / Don't Sing / Couldn't Bear To Be Special /
When Love Breaks Down / Faron Young / Appetite / Johnny Johnny / Cars & Girls / The
King Of Rock 'n' Roll / Hey Manhattan! / The Golden Calf / Looking For Atlantis / We Let
The Stars Go / Carnival 2000 / The Sound Of Crying / If You Don't Love Me / Life Of
Surprises / Prisoner Of The Past / Electric Guitars // Cue Fanfare / Cruel / Bonny / Movin'
The River / Desire As / Horsin' Around / Pearly Gates / 'til The Cows Come Home /
Enchanted / I Remember That / Nightingales / Jordan: The Comeback / All The World
Loves Lovers / Jesse James Bolero / Doo Wop In Harlem / Life's A Miracle / Swans /
Andromeda Heights / Where The Heart Is – 2xCD
669138-2 Columbia (S0100313490-0101 14 A1 Sony Music IFPI L554 942C), DADC Austria
May 2000 (Bar code 5 099766 913827)
“Prefab Sprout Mixes” -- Cowboy Dreams / Wild Card In The Pack / Blue Roses / Streets
of Laredo / A Troubled Man / Cornfield Ablaze / When You Get To Know Me Better /
LoveWill Find Someone / Farmyard Cat / The Gunman -- CD -R
Liberty CD-R Acetate, January 10th 2001. White insert into jewel case, 10th Planet audio post
production. Differs slightly in mix from released versions. Cowboy dreams missing a section.
“Prefab Sprout Mixes” -- Cowboy Dreams (new) (5:17) / Wild Card In The Pack(3:10) /
Blue Roses (3:11) / Streets of Laredo (new) (4:37)/ A Troubled Man (3:22) / Cornfield
Ablaze (new) (4:48)/ When You Get To Know Me Better (3:07) / LoveWill Find Someone
(3:25) / Farmyard Cat(new) (3:12) / The Gunman(new) (8:42)/ Cowboy Dreams (new,voice
up)/Farmyard Cat (new,voice up) -- CD -R
Liberty CD-R Acetate, January 10th 2001. White insert into jewel case, Differs slightly in mix
from released versions, apparently sent via PR company Doherty and Tomkins. First 10 songs
identical wave form to “Prefab Sprout Mixes” but no damage to “Cowboy Dreams”.
“The Gunman and Other Stories” “5 Track Sampler” - Wild Card In The Pack / When
You Get To Know Me Better / Cornfield Ablaze / I’m A Troubled Man / Cowboy Dreams
Liberty CD-R Promo, 2001. Folded paper insert in clear PVC sleeve
Wild Card In The Pack / Love Will Find Someone For You
PREFAB001 Liberty Promo (PREFAB001 1:1:1 EMI UK IFPI L042 1472) Mediamotion, EMI
Swindon, 2001 in card sleeve
PE01054 EMI-Odeon Promo (TECNODISCO S.A. PE01054 @1$ IFPI L191 3222) Spain, 2001
in card sleeve
“The Gunman and Other Stories” -- Cowboy Dreams / Wild Card In The Pack / I'm A
Troubled Man / The Streets of Laredo-Not Long For This World / Love Will Find Someone
For You / Cornfield Ablaze / When You Get To Know Me Better / The Gunman / Blue Roses
/ Farmyard Cat – CD-R pre-release
EMI CD-R 2001. May have been distributed with French press release.
Also blank card sleeve CD-R pre-release, as released album. EMI Denmark, 2001
“The Gunman and Other Stories” -- Cowboy Dreams / Wild Card In The Pack / I'm A
Troubled Man / The Streets of Laredo-Not Long For This World / Love Will Find Someone
For You / Cornfield Ablaze / When You Get To Know Me Better / The Gunman / Blue Roses
/ Farmyard Cat -- CD
7243 5 32613 2 0 EMI/Liberty, (5326132 1:1:6 EMI UK IFPI 1461) Made Mediamotion EMI
Swindon, UK, June 2001 (Barcode 7 24353 26132)
7243 5 32613 2 0 EMI/Liberty, (EMI UDEN 5326132 @ 2 2-1-7 NL IFPI L047) Made in
Holland (Barcode 7 24353 26132)
7243 5 32613 2 0 EMI/Liberty, (5326132 IMS IFPI 2527) Made in Italy, Uden
or Greece (Barcode 7 24353 26132) (Slightly poorer booklet printing)
PREFAB 002 Liberty (5326132 1:1:1 EMI UK IFPI L042 1479) Promo Mediamotion, EMI
Swindon, 2001. In card sleeve.
7243 53261320 (217 EMI Taiwan). With Obi strip in Chinese. (Barcode 7 24353 26132 0)
7243 5 32613 2 0 EMI/Liberty (D.A.T.A IFPI L311 2661 5326132 A E3) Made in Australia
(Barcode 7 24353 26132)
Wild Card In The Pack (3:40) – CD Single
PE 01101 EMI-Odeon Promo (PE01101 IFPI L192 TECHNODISCO S.A.) Spain Made in the
EU 2001. Card sleeve.
SPROUT001 Liberty UK Promo, (SPROUT001 1:1:1 EMI UK IFPI L042 1432) Mediamotion,
EMI Swindon, 2001. Card Sleeve
7243 879 78 225 EMI/Liberty (EMI UDEN 8797822 @ 1 1-1-1 NL IFPI L047 15D9),
Mediamotion Uden, Holland, October 2001 (Barcode 7 24387 97822 5) Card Sleeve.
“I Trawl The Megahertz” (Paddy McAloon) – I Trawl the Megahertz / Esprit de Corps /
Fall From Grace / We were poor… / Orchid 7 / I’m 49 / Sleeping Rough / Ineffable / …But
We Were Happy – CD
7243 5 83910 2 2 EMI Liberty (2100002129810 5839102 no IFPI), Made in Poland
(Barcode 7 24358 39102)
7243 5 83910 2 2 EMI Liberty (EMI UDEN 5839102 @ 1 1-1-4 NL IFPI L047), Made in
Holland June 2003 (Barcode 7 24358 39102)
7243 583911 21 EMI Taiwanese Issue with OBI strip. (Barcode 7 24358 39112 1). Copy
Liberty CD-R Promo, 2003. Plain paper insert in clear PVC Sleeve.
Liberty CD-R Promo, 2003. Folded copy of album artwork in clear PVC Sleeve
Capitol Records CD-R Promo, 2003. Plain paper insert in clear PVC Sleeve
“When Love Breaks Down” – Cars and Girls / The King of Rock'n'Roll / The Sound of
Crying / Cruel / Electric guitars / Johnny Johnny / Appetite / Couldn't Bear to be Special /
Don't Sing / Hey Manhattan / Faron Young / Andromeda Heights / A Prisoner of the Past /
When Love Breaks Down – CD
519557-2 Sony Nordic Music Matters (55195572000-0101 15 A1 Sony Music IFPI L555 9410)
Scandinavia 2004 (Barcode 5 099751 955726)
“Prefab Sprout Steve McQueen Radio Sampler” – Bonny/When Love Breaks Down/Faron
Young (all acoustic) CD-R
Sony-BMG Promo. March 2007. Single sheet plain insert into clear envelope.
Sony-BMG Promo of Digital Download Single. March 2007. Folded insert to clear envelope.
“Prefab Sprout x2: Swoon; Steve McQueen” – Don't Sing / Cue Fanfare / Green Isaac /
Here on the Erie / Cruel / Couldn't Bear to Be Special / I Never Play Basketball Now /
Ghost Town Blues / Elegance / Technique / Green Isaac II // Faron Young / Bonny / Appetite
/ When Love Breaks Down / Goodbye Lucille #1 / Hallelujah / Moving the River / Horsin’
Around / Desire As / Blueberry Pies / When the Angels -- 2xCD
Sony/BMG 88697162112, 2007 (Barcode 8 6971 62112). Card slip case with CDs in standard
jewel boxes with liner notes.
Sony/BMG 88697154392 Made in the EU, 2007 (Barcode 8 86971 54392). Card slip case with
CDs separated by card insert. No liner notes.
From Langley Park to Memphis: 460124-2 Columbia 02-460124-10 (Sony & BMG Music
Entertainment 52052702/4601242 21 IFPI 0781) Made BMG Sonopress, Germany
“Kings of Rock & Roll” -- The King of Rock 'n' Roll / When Love Breaks Down / Cars and
Girls / The Sound of Crying / The Golden Calf / Carnival 2000 / Appetite / Moving The
River / A Prisoner of the Past / The Yearning Loins / We Let The Stars Go / Nightingales /
Johnny Johnny / Life of Surprises / Nero The Zero / Desire As / Bonny / Couldn't Bear To
Be Special / Wild Horses // Faron Young / Hey Manhattan! / Don't Sing / If You Don't Love
Me / Looking For Atlantis / Electric Guitars / I Remember That / Green Isaac / Here On
The Eerie / Cruel / Swans / I Never Play Basketball Now / Donna Summer / The Ice Maiden
/ The Mystery of Love / Scarlet Nights / Anne Marie – Double CD
MCDLX056 Music Club Deluxe (Disc 1:MDCLX056/A 028985 IFPI 5077; Disk 2:
MDCLX056/B 030202 IFPI 5077) Made in the EU 26/11/2007 (Barcode 5 014797 670563).
Jewel case in card slipcase
“Original Album Classics” -- Don't Sing / Cue Fanfare / Green Isaac / Here on the Erie /
Cruel / Couldn't Bear to Be Special / I Never Play Basketball Now / Ghost Town Blues /
Elegance / Technique / Green Isaac II // The King of Rock 'n' Roll / Cars and Girls / I
Remember That / Enchanted / Nightingales / Hey Manhattan! / Knock on Wood / The
Golden Calf / Nancy (Let Your Hair Down For Me) / The Venus of the Soup Kitchen // The
World Awake / Life of Surprises / Horse Chimes / Wicked Things / Dublin / Tiffanys /
Diana / Talkin' Scarlet / Till the Cows Come Home / Pearly Gates // Wild Horses / Looking
for Atlantis / We Let the Stars Go/ Carnival 2000 / Jordan: The Comeback/ Jesse James
Bolero / All the World Loves Lovers / The Wedding March / Machine Gun Ibiza / Jesse
James Symphony / Moon Dog / All the Boys Believe Anything / The Ice Maiden / Paris
Smith / One of the Broken // Electric Guitars / A Prisoner Of The Past / The Mystery Of
Love / Life's A Miracle / Anne Marie / Whoever You Are / Steal Your Thunder / Avenue Of
Stars / Swans / The Fifth Horseman / Weightless / Andromeda Heights 5xCD
88697451162 Sony, March 2009 Repackage of Swoon, From Langley Park to Memphis, Protest
Songs, and Andromeda Heights, along with an abridged and re-ordered version of Jordan the
Comeback in box set with “MiniLP” format replica card sleeves. (Barcode 8 8697 45116 25)
Swoon: CD1 (A0101063804-0101 15 A00 Sony DADC IFPI L555 94W8) Made by Sony DADC
Austria, 2009
From Langley Park to Memphis: CD2 (A0101063807-0101 15 A00 Sony DADC IFPI L555
94W7 ) Made by Sony DADC Austria, 2009
Protest Songs: CD3 (A0101063809-0101 21 A00 Sony DADC IFPI L551 94W8) Made by Sony
DADC Austria, 2009
Jordan: The Comeback: CD4 (A0101072019-0101 15 A00 Sony DADC IFPI L555 94W6) Made
by Sony DADC Austria, 2009. Incorrect track listing on sleeve
Andromeda Heights: CD5 (A01010063814-0101 21 A01 Sony DADC IFPI L551 94U7) Made
by Sony DADC Austria, 2009.
“Let’s Change the World With Music” – Let There Be Music / Ride / I Love Music / God
Watch Over Me / Music Is A Princess / Earth, The Story So Far / Last Of The Great
Romantics / Falling In Love / Sweet Gospel Music / Meet The New Mozart / Angel Of Love
– CD
Kitchenware CD-R Listening Copy “Rev 2” 20/1/2009 – similar to release version and
promos, “Ride” and “Earth the Story So Far” do not contain an end section extension that
is on later promos but removed on the release.
KWCD41 Kitchenware (13I09 KP0796 88697-56456-2 ++++++++ IFPI LN40 PH02) 2009
(Barcode 8 8697564562)
EICP-1275 Epic Japan (PLDA-762X 1 IFPI L275 456C) 2009 (Barcode 4 547366 050332)
TSQ2493 Tompkins Square (TSQ2493 DIDX-474942 IFPI 7253), US 26th October 2010
(Barcode 8 94807 00249 3) Cardboard gatefold sleeve
88697599862 Sony Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong, 2010 (Barcode 8 86975 64562 6)
70022640754 XIII Bis, Made sin France March 14th 2011 (External barcode 3 700226 409096)
SICP30406 Sony Japan Blu Spec CD2 – Made in Japan - October 23rd 2013 – (Barcode 4
547366 204506)
Sony Music Promo 2009 CD-R. “Ride” and “Earth, The Story So Far” are slightly different from
the Album Release. Folded paper sleeve in clear PVC cover, two cover variants, one as album
release, the other with two heads with globe image superimposed and serial number.
Sony Music Promo 2009 CD-R. Single printed sheet insert in clear PVC envelope, tracks
basically the same as the official release (i.e. “Ride and “Earth, The Story So Far” same edits)
but at about 3/4s volume to official release.
A:larm Music (Denmark) Promo 2009 CD-R – duplicated CD-R in clear PVC envelope with
roughly cut inserts. Danish promo. Tracks basically as official release.
Sony Music Promo (V36F51908040402 IFPI ED63). Release date noted as October 26th.
The Best Jewel Thief in the World (Radio Edit) – CD Single
Icebreaker LLP IBRPRCD13002 CD-R Promo September 2013 – Release October 14th 2013
Go! 70548 CD-R Promo (stated length 3:48, maybe the album version)
Verycords 6022046046 France (CA 6022046046 @ IFPI LO39 10/04/13 10:58:03 AM)
November 2013. (Barcode 3 760220 460462)
SICP 30401Blu Spec Sony Music Japan International Inc (SIOP -30401 1 MASTER IFPI L280
455F) 23rd October 2013 with reduced size version of box set lyrics booklet and Japanese
language booklet (Barcode 4 547366 204513)
SDCI-81522 Sony Music Japan – CD-R Promo October 2013. Printed CD label in plain thin
jewel case
RRECD138 Red River (03/20/14 06:47:57.PM #124181 IFPI LN08 2525622 01 LFPI J101 )
29/4/2014. USA (Barcode 8 19376 06382 9)
Crimson/Red – The Best Jewel Thief in the World/The List of Impossible
Things/Adolescence/Grief Built the Taj Mahal/Devil Came A Calling//Billy/The
Dreamer/The Songs of Danny Galway/The Old Magician/Mysterious – LP + CD
Crimson/Red Box Set – The Best Jewel Thief in the World/The List of Impossible
Things/Adolescence/Grief Built the Taj Mahal/Devil Came A Calling/Billy/The
Dreamer/The Songs of Danny Galway/The Old Magician/Mysterious//Paddy McAloon The
Interview – 2xCD
2. Bootlegs
(To qualify for the list, bootleg must have been “commercially issued” in some form, i.e. not
“home made” and also not including the CD Fanzine series.)
Lyceum London 7-5-84 (truncated)/ Savoy at the Boston 9-2-84 – Diana/I’ll Never Play
Basketball Now/Green Isaac/The Devil Has All the Best Tunes/Couldn’t Bear To Be
Special/Ghost Town Blues/Technique/Hallelujah/Spining Belinda/Cruel/Don’t Sing
(partial)//Diana/I’ll Never Play Basketball Now/Cherry Tree/Couldn’t Bear To Be
Special/Ghost Town Blues/Technique/Hallelujah/Don’t Sing/Lions In My Own Garden
(Exit Someone)/Couldn’t Bear To Be Special/The Devil Has All The Best Tunes
Lyceum, London 7-5-84 – Diana / I Never Play Basketball Now / Green Isaac / The Devil
Has All The Best Tunes / Couldn’t Bear to be Special / Ghost Town Blues / Technique //
Hallelujah / Spinning Belinda / Cruel / Don’t Sing / Lions In My Own Garden (Exit
Someone) -- Cassette
“Live at Cardiff Univ. 1985” Horse Chimes/Moving the River/Cars and Girls/Bonny/Faron
Young/Hallelujah/Lions In My Own Garden (Exit Someone)/Wicked Things/Don’t
Sing/Goodbye Lucille #1/Tiffany’s/When Love Breaks Down/When the Angels/Cruel
(Encore)/Faron Young (Encore)/When Love Breaks Down (Live in Munich 1985)/Lions In
My Own Garden (Exit Someone) (Live in Munich 1985) – CD-R
Circle Music PSCF-1985. Japan 2013 – nicely presented CD-R with well designed inserts.
Recordings sourced from Dimeadozen with EQ (not great) and sold on Yahoo Japan starting in
2013. (Barcode 1 PS 0127489 PSCF 1985).
“BBC Live at Reading Univ. 1985” BBC Intro/Moving the River/Cars and
Girls/Bonny/Faron Young/Hallelujah/Lions In My Own Garden (Exit Someone)/Wicked
Things/Goodbye Lucille #1/Tiffany’s/When Love Breaks Down/When the
Angels/Appetite /Moving the River(Live in Munich 1985)/Goodbye Lucille #1 (Live in
Munich 1985)/Bonny (Live in Munich 1985) – CD-R
Circle Music PSDJ-1985. Japan 2013 – nicely presented CD-R with well designed inserts.
Recordings sourced from Dimeadozen with EQ (not great) and sold on Yahoo Japan starting in
2013. (Barcode 1 PS 0127489 PSDJ 1985).
“Live in Der Alabamahalle, Munchen, 1985” – Intro/Moving the River/Goodbye Lucille#1
[Johnny Johnny]/Tiffanys/Bonny/When Love Breaks Down/Lions In My Own
Garden/When the Angels/Cruel/Faron Young (Trucking Mix) (sic). DVD-R
PAL DVD-R bootleg of the BR broadcast of an edited version of the Alabamahalle concert
2/12/85. Curvy BR logo, good video
NTSC DVD-R bootleg of the BR broadcast of an edited version of the Alabamahalle concert
2/12/85 plus various add ons, official videos, TOTP2 videos and the OGWT version of When
LoveBreaks Down. Square BR logo, little grainy video
Foxberry fbvd-072 – NTSC DVD-R bootleg of the BR broadcast of an edited version of the
Alabamahalle concert 2/12/85 plus the OGWT version of When LoveBreaks Down. Square BR
logo, good video
DVD-R Bootleg of part of the BR broadcast of the edited Alabamahalle concert 2/12/85 – two
songs not credited on sleeve. Square “BR” logo. Good video
Cassette Bootleg. Xeroxed cover, UK (probably Big Al). A lot of high frequency distortion.
++Cassette Bootleg, Zeroxed covers, UK 1990 Tape runs about 8% fast and is very hissy.
“Paddy : The Comeback (Live At Cambridge Corn Exchange Apr 5, 2000)” – I Remember
That / The Sound of Crying / We Let The Stars Go / Jordan: The Come Back / Faron
Young / Life of Surprise / Cars & Girls / Cruel / Hey Manhattan! / Swans / One Of The
Broken / When Love Breaks Down / Goodbye Lucille No.1 (Johnny, Johnny) – CD
Wonder Boy Records – W.B. 036 (WB036 no IFPI), 2001 Silver disk bootleg of BBC Radio 2
Broadcast. (Cambridge April 5th, 2000) (Barcode 1 238561 118741)
“Leeds Town & Country” -- I Remember That / Bonny / The Sound Of Crying / Machine
Gun Ibiza / Andromeda Heights / We Let the Stars Go / Life's a Miracle / If You Don't Love
Me / Jordan: The Comeback / Faron Young / Couldn't Bear to be Special / Dragons /
Appetite / Life of Surprises // Electric Guitars / Cars and Girls / Cruel / I'm a Troubled
Man / Carnival 2000 / Moving the River / Hey Manhattan! (False Start) / Hey Manhattan /
Lions In My Own Garden / Swans / One of the Broken / When Love Breaks Down /
Goodbye Lucille #1 (Johnny Johnny) / Cowboy Dreams / Wichita Lineman / Looking for
Atlantis / Where the Heart is / A Prisoner of the Past -- 2xCD
++TOS 99/10C Temple of Sound, Japan 2000 (Leeds, April 9th, 2000)
Sausalito Juventus, Spain. 2001. Curious CD-R compilation, with a blue zeroxed liner with
“Sound of Crying” artwork affixed. At least twocopies sold on the Spanish Auction site
“If You Don’t Love Me” If You Don’t Love Me (12” version)/Cars and Girls (Peel
Session)/Heaven Can Wait/Diana (1984)/Donna Summer/Hey Manhattan (extended remix)/
Oh! The Swiss/Nightingales (12” Version)/Silhouettes (Full Version)/Real Life (Just Around
The Corner)/Faron Young (Truckin’ Mix)/Let There Be Music (Rob Da Bank
Remix)/Appetite (Helix Eternal Mix)/When the Angels (Live in Munich 1985)/Cruel (Live
in Munich 1985)/Faron Young (Live in Munich 1985)//If You Don’t Love Me (Future Sound
of London Mix)/If You Don’t Love Me (@UR Service Version)/Interview BBC
Newcastle/Interview BBC Radio 6/Interview FM Ireland– 2xCD-R
Circle Music PSRX-1985. Japan 2013 – nicely presented CD-R compilation with well designed
inserts. Recordings sourced from B-Sides, Soundcloud, Dimeadozen and Youtube with EQ (not
great) and sold on Yahoo Japan starting in 2013. (Barcode 1 PS 0127489 PSRX 1985).
RockinCD.COM issues. CD-R copies of material usually sourced from Dimeadozen uploads.
Sometimes have cover art, some have generic covers with descriptive spines. John Peel
Session/Saturday Live Session/Radio 1 In Concert/Paddy the Comeback/Tokyo
Mikesvinyl issues. CD-R MP3 sourced recordings sold from Internet list in half width CD cases
with laser printed artwork Custom inkjet printed CDs.. Cardiff University/Reading
University/Hammersmith Odeon
Misc “Record Fair” Bootlegs: CD-R sourced at various record fairs and based on Internet
downloads, often MP3, Cardiff 1985, Kings College 1984, Reading 1985 in PVC sleeves with
colour inserts and typed track listings.
++Sprouted Songs
++le vieux fusil (Japan) Kitchen Sink records
3. Video Material
“From Langley Park to Hollywood” – Cars and Girls / The King of Rock ‘N’ Roll / Hey
Manhattan / The Golden Calf / When Love Breaks Down / Appetite
49844-2 CBS/CMV Enterprises. 1989 (Barcode 5 099704 984421) VHS hi-fi stereo PAL
ESLU94 Epic/Sony (DN-1-B 56 o oo ooo/ ESLU-94-A 2 o oo ooo). NTSC stereo Laser Disc.
Single sheet Japanese/English lyrics with Japanese bio.
“The Best of Prefab Sprout; A Life of Surprises The Video Collection” – The King of
Rock’N’Roll / The Sound of Crying / Cars and Girls / We Let the Stars Go / The Golden
Calf / Looking For Atlantis / Hey Manhattan! / If You Don’t Love Me / When Love Breaks
Down / Carnival 2000 / Appetite
200731-2 Direction 01-200731-81. 1992 (Barcode 5 099720 073123) VHS hi-fi stereo PAL
200422-2 SMV Enterprises 1992 (Barcode 0 099720 042228) SECAM VHS hi-fi Stereo
14V 49141 SMV Enterprises US 1992 (Barcode 0 4474 49141 3 ISBN 1-56404-141-8) VHS hi-
fi stereo NTSC
ESVU115 Epic/Sony Japan 1992 (Barcode 4 988010 011574) VHS NTSC Stereo. With
bilingual lyrics sheet/discography
ESLU115 Epic/Sony. (DN-1D-B 7 o oo ooo ESLU-115-A 1 o oo ooo) NTSC stereo Laser Disc
**Sound of Crying/If You Don’t Love Me/All the World Loves Lovers –VHS Promo
EMI Records Promo tape. (VPL GB-040-01-0023-01). 20/05/2001. VHS stereo PAL.
“EMI Mailout” – including Prefab Sprout “Cowboy Dreams” EPK – VHS Promo
EMI Promo Tape 21/05/2001 VHS stereo PAL. Interview and Cowboy Dreams video with
additional material.