Checked CLED 7 Ptask 1st QTR
Checked CLED 7 Ptask 1st QTR
Checked CLED 7 Ptask 1st QTR
Engaging Scenario
Performance Activity
As grade 7 students, you are tasked to remind other about your faith as Catholic. You are
called to be the living witness of the Catholic faith. Through your creativity and that very critical
thinking ability in our social networking sites, you are facing the challenge of becoming an
evangelizer and influencer. You will create a fliers or brochure about becoming a responsible
adolescent rooted in Christ. Your work will be evaluated based on content, impact, and creativity.
Here’s what you are task to do:
1. Think of your banner statement. This should be something that can draw the attention of the
viewer. Put it in the front page of your brochure/fliers.
2. Discuss responsible adolescent. You use the different task of adolescent in this part. This may
answer the question how could we become a responsible adolescent?
3. After discussing responsible adolescent, give some example of how to live out being
responsible adolescent rooted in Christ.
4. Share something from your own/others’ experience that will be a proof of becoming a
responsible adolescent.
5. Put all these in a bond paper or special paper, you may put some picture and design depends
on your creativity. You may also create your flier digitally.
6. The flier or brochure must be submitted on or before October 10, 2022
2. How would you rate your output for the given task?
3. Who do you think is the best audience/person that should see and know your post? Why?
E. Rubrics
Content 8 6 4 2
Exceptional presentation. Developed presentation Partially presentation that Very basic information
Provides a true concept of that gives a clear concept gives fair concept of and little detail.
responsible adolescents of responsible responsible adolescents
rooted in Christ and has a adolescents rooted in rooted in Christ and has a
very high relation to the Christ and has a very very high relation to the
topic high relation to the topic topic
Impact to the The concept has a big The concept has an The concept has a partial The concept has a little
Reader/Audience impact to the impact to the impact to the impact to the
reader/audience in reader/audience in reader/audience in reader/audience in
connection to the topic connection to the topic. connection to the topic. connection to the topic.
Creativity Highly creative in concept Creative in concept and Partially creative in Poor creativity in
and presentation of presentation of concept and presentation of concept and presentation
responsible adolescents responsible adolescents responsible adolescents of responsible
rooted in Christ to others. rooted in Christ to rooted in Christ to others. adolescents rooted in
others. Christ to others.
Knowing God is not just on the head level or apart from our daily
living. What we know of God must affect the way we live and
pray. Knowing and believing God is not apart from the way we
deal with people and environment and in the way we pray and
celebrate the sacraments.
Moreover, our personal knowledge of God, how good and loving
He is to us, should inspire and move us to let other know Him as
well through our words and actions.
Parent’s Guide:
Dear Parent/Guardian:
We appreciate your big role to influence the learning of our student, from this point forward
may we appeal that you continuously guide them in their learning through;
Encourage a self-reliant and self-paced learning.
Ensure that your child follows a schedule to provide structure unto his or her
Provide conducive learning environment within your means.
Give encouragement and positive reinforcement.
Monitor the progress of their learning on this module.
Observe their visit in different online platforms.
Give them necessary guidance they needed.
Should you have any concerns, feel free to reach out to us.
Please describe your learning experience for this week’s module by shading the circle of the
corresponding emoji.
I Ihave
have some
I have fully
need help
understood in mind
that need
module to be
most of the I am
ready to to better
the module.
concepts to
the next in
presented the
the module.