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Prayer Life

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gether, in other words, faith without works is dead.

Through prayer life the inner man will receive

strength and get right guidance to live a fulfilled life. Without constant prayer the outer man will not
strengthen and will become dissatisfied or frustrated. Prayer life is the right food for inner man’s
strength which guides the outer man. Romans 8:26 says the Holy Spirit helps us our daily problems
when we pray. All the time the inner man must be filled with God’s presence. The problem is many
servants of God never think about prayer life and they give more preference for the outer man (self
satisfaction). The outer man likes self satisfaction, self desires, self pity, self exaltation, self glory and
other things pertaining to earthly desires.. Many called out servants of God build their ministry on their
own desires because of they do not understand the Holy Spirit’s purpose in prayer.

A prayer life will locked up with the Holy Spirit’s help. A prayer life will release from every bondage and
will give boldness to stand for the God’s purpose in your life. Without prayer a man can preach with his
mind and knowledge but the Holy Spirit is not an active participant. Eventually his preaching looses its
effectiveness because it is not God directed. The Apostle Paul wanted to go into Asia to preach the
gospel. But it was through the leading of the Holy Spirit that God forbade him. We are preaching, but is
our preaching effective. It is only effective if we follow the lead of God through prayer and meditation.
God cannot use a man who will not pray in the strong revival that is about to shake the earth. Prayer life
destroys imaginations, self-love, self knowledge and our own methods. Prayer life allows us to function
under God’s plans for our lives. Without prayer we will not understand the move of God’s hand (1Kings
18:44). Prayer will lead us everyday confession before God and clean the heart and prepare us to see
God (Mt.5:8). God can never be wrong in what He does and only seeking Him in prayer are we able to
understand His direction. Few practical prayer considerations Abraham used a wonderful method in his
prayer for city of Sodom. (Ge. 18: 21 – 33) God revealed His purpose for Sodom and immediately
Abraham takes that purpose to speak to God for Sodom because Lot was there. In the word of God
God’s purpose is there. Abraham approached God closely through the purpose of God. The purpose of
God is the key to plead for the wicked City. After long discussion between God and Abraham, God sent
His men to Sodom to save Lot and his family. Finally Abraham saved his cousin and God considered
Abraham’s prayer. In Numbers 16th Chapter 44 to 50 says, Moses and Aaron prayed for rebellious
people of God. Moses ordered Aaron to go and stand between living and dead (Num. 16: 48). Why
Moses did not go stand between living and dead and why he order to Aaron? It was through prayer that
the right person was sent. The exercise of the Prayer life.. The nature of religious prayer is different from
exercises in Spiritual prayer life. It is not prayer by memory that touches God, but prayer from the
heart expressing your daily experiences to a God who knows and will respond when you commune with
Him. To know the vision of the God through prayer life. The vision of the Lord is created by the Lord’s

The man cannot measure the Lord’s vision because it is higher than man’s imaginations and thoughts (Is.
55:8). The foundation of the vision of God is the Word of God, which is the reason we can see the fruit of
the spirit in vision. Through that vision only God’s manifestation will come upon the ministry. We can
find His power and work in the vision. God does not do anything without His children, he works with His
children. After the resurrection of Christ Jesus our Lord, the works have been carried out through His
disciples and His obedient children. If we follow His thoughts we can see the fulfilment of His plans in
our lives because the Son did nothing of Himself but only He did what He saw the Father doing (John 5:
19). Now a days God has chosen you to be His vessel. Prayer life will give fellowship with the Lord and
the fellowship will give the close relation with the Lord and the relationship will give love and the love
will give the dedication and the dedication will give life for one another. A prayerful person became a
vessel of God and through him God will manifest His power and accomplishes His work. If a believer
exercising his prayer life God’s power and work will be expressed. If the child of God failed to exercise
his prayer life, God will be limited. . Prayer life operates the things. Before explain this chapter I
want to tell you a small story. One day the whole family travelling other side of the river by boat. When
the Father was driving the boat his five years old son came and asked Father, Father I will drive the boat
and he took the steering of the boat and started driving. But the boat is not going smoothly. So he asked
his Father, Father why our boat is not going smoothly and why am I not driving perfectly? Then father
said to him, my son your strength is limited, you need physical growth in your body only then can you
drive the boat like your father. This is the meaning of life without Prayer. We cannot do anything for
God. If you want to fulfil your vision you need prayer life. Your Prayer life will lead you into the discipline
of the Holy Spirit. Your prayer life will open the way to God in your business or ministry. Many believers
and Men of God put their mind in other things not in Prayer. One day Jesus went upon a mountain side
and called to Him those He wanted, and they came to Him and He selected twelve of them to be His
regular companions to go out to preach and cast out demons (Mark 3:13,14). There is a law in God’s
calling, those who are called out by Jesus they must be with Him first then they may go reach and cast
out demons.

But these days very sad thing is those who are called by God, completely forget the law of their calling --
they must be with Him. The exercising of the Prayer life will help to fulfil the law of the calling of the
Lord and remaining in His prescence. Many men of God got the calling in their life but we cannot see
the law of the calling of the Lord, which is the reason we are not seeing fruit of the calling in their lives.
God believed and called them for the Kingdom of the God’s work on this earth. If a person wants to fulfil
the God’s expectations in his life, he needs prayer life and prayer life only gives strength to fulfil God’s
expectations in his life. Many believers or Men of God having many opinions and their own principles
and they will apply their principles and opinions in the vision of God what they had from God. They are
depending upon their principles and Opinions for fulfilling the vision of God. That is the reason we are
not seeing the right fruit in right season because our principles and opinions and righteousness deeds
are filthy rags (Is.64: 6). They are many principles and opinions in the calling of God, if you want to reach
those things, only way to be with Him that means exercising the Prayer life. The prayer life will break all
the hindrances in the Ministry and in the family. The presence of God will give the preference of God
and the preference of God will give a perfect work and the perfect work will give the pleasant of God
and the finally pleasant of God will give peace of God. What a wonderful things are in prayer life. If you
want all these things, this is the right time to kneel down and start your prayer life and your prayer life
will take you to the destiny of your vision. Many preachers are preaching with anointing but we are not
seeing practical life what they are preaching. Some people are having burden for soul winning but we
are not seeing many souls released from the fire of the hell. Why? Because they doesn’t have Prayer life.
Only prayer life will release the practical preaching life and release the burden for souls. Through the
Grace of God we may receive lot of experiences and blessings and prosperity but only through the
prayer life we will manifest the power of God among the Nations. Prayer life will work like a vacuum
cleaner in all our heart and mind and body. These days we are seeing many denominations. But in a
prayerful life it God that will dominate and not the denomination. The Prayer life will lead us to the
CrossWe are not qualified people for God’s work simply because we were born in Christian family or by
knowing Moses law or regular church attendance or good principles. But through confessing sins we
will be led by the Holy Spirit to Salvation and the infilling of the Holy Spirit. We are able then to pray
with the Spirit. Our vision of Golgotha’s Cross becomes ever clearer as we contemplate the wonders of
God’s mysteries through prayer. The Cross will help us to deny our self and lead us after Jesus. That is
the reason Jesus said “If any man come after me let him deny himself, and take up his cross and fallow
me (Mt. 16:24).

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