1) Mr. SENTHILNATHAN, S/o. Subramanian, residing at No. 216E, Uthukuli Main Road,
Karumarampalayam, Mannarai, Tiruppur, 641607. (Aadhaar No. 3527 9669 6009)
(PAN. AIJPS4587L) (Mob. 9487865566),
2) Mr. SENTHIL KUMAR , S/o. Muthusamy, residing at 46E, Uthukuli Main Road,
Karumarampalayam, Mannarai, Tiruppur, 641607. (Aadhaar No. 9209 4796 0210)
(PAN BIXPS6494J) (Mob. 9442145314)
13. The partners of the firm are not empowered to change the
constitution of the firm in any manner. That, no partner can induct any
new member in the firm without prior approval in writing. In case of
retirement of partner at his will, he should give 3 months’ notice to the
other partner(s) as his intention to do so with prior written approval
and then only retirement can take place. Upon the death of any partner,
one of the legal representatives of the deceased partner shall become
the partner of the firm.
14. The duration of the firm shall be for continuous period subject to
terms of partners.
15. In case the partners decide to alter, change, amend or modify any
clauses of this deed of partnership there are free to do so a fresh deed.
16. The firm shall be registered under the Indian Partnership Act.
17. That all provisions of the Partnership Act, 1932 are applicable in
dealing with the matters of partnership firm which are not specifically
mentioned in the partnership deed.
18. Arbitration: Whenever there by any difference of opinion or any
dispute between the partners the partners shall refer the same to an
arbitration of one person. The decision of the arbitration so nominated
shall be final and binding on all partners, such arbitration proceedings
shall be governed by Indian Arbitration Act, which is in force.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the partners above mentioned have set their hands
in token of execution of partnership deed after careful consideration,
taking legal aid, consulting well-wishers, read over the contents of the deed
and understanding the same with their free will and gave consent on the
10th day of the July 2022 first above written.
Witness : 1) 2)