1-4 тест
1-4 тест
1-4 тест
1.Language Levels
2.Differences and similarities in grammars
Language levels
Language (Speech) is divided to certain strata or levels. The linguists distinguish basic
and nonbasic (sometimes they term them differently: primary and secondary) levels.
This distinction depends on whether a level has got its own unit or not. If a level has
its own unit then this level is qualified as basic or primary. If a level doesn't have a
unit of its own then it is a non-basic or secondary level. Thus, the number of levels
entirely depend on how many language (or speech) units in language.
The most wide-spread opinion is that there are five language (speech) units and
respectively there are five language (speech) levels, they are:
1. phonological/phonetical level: phoneme/phone
2. morphological level: morpheme/morph
3. lexicological level: lexeme/lex
4. Syntax - minor: sentence
5. Syntax - major: text
When talking about the levels one has to mention about the distinction between
language and speech because the linguistics differentiates language units and speech
The main distinction between language and speech is in the following:
1) language is abstract and speech is concrete;
2) language is common, general for all the bearers while speech is individual;
3) language is stable, less changeable while speech tends to changes;
4) language is a closed system, its units are limited while speech tend to be openness
and endless.
The lowest level in the hierarchy of levels has two special terms: phonology and
Phonology is the level that deals with language units and
phonetics is the level that deals with speech units.
The lowest level deals with language and speech units which are the smallest and
meaningless. So, the smallest meaningless unit of language is called phoneme; the
smallest meaningless unit of speech is called phone.
If we compare the pronunciation of ‘low’ and ‘battle’, we’ll hear the difference in [l].
The alternants in pronunciation are called allophones (variants, options or
alternants) of one phoneme.
The second level in the hierarchy of strata is called morphological. There's only one
term for both language and speech but the units have different terms: morpheme
for language and morph for speech. This level deals with units that are also smallest
but in this case they are meaningful. So the smallest meaningful unit of language is
called a morpheme and the smallest meaningful unit of speech is called a morph.
The morphs that have different forms, but identical (similar) meanings are united
into one morpheme and called "allomorphs". The morpheme of the past tense has
at least three allomorphs, they are /t/, /d/, /id/. Examples: worked, phoned and
The third level is lexicological which deals with words. Word may be a common term
for language and speech units. Some linguists offer specific terms for language and
speech: lexeme for language and lex for speech. “Lexeme” is a language unit of the
lexicological level which has a nominative function. "Lex" is a speech unit of the
lexicological level which has a nominative function. Both lexeme and lex nominate
something or name things, actions phenomena, quality, quantity and so on, e.g.,
tree, pen, sky, red, worker, friendship, ungentlemanly. An abstract lexeme "table" of
language is used in speech as lex with concrete meaning of "writing table", "dinner
table", "round table", "square table".
Allolexes are lexes that have identical or similar meanings but different forms: start,
commence, begin
The next level is syntax - minor which deals with sentences. The term "Syntax -
minor" is common one for both language and speech levels and their unit "sentence"
is also one common term for language and speech units.
The abstract notion "sentence" of language can have concrete its representation in
speech which is also called "Sentence". Example: "An idea of writing a letter” on the
abstract language level can have its concrete representation in speech: John writes a
letter. A letter is written by John.
Since one and the same idea is expressed in two different forms they are called "allo
- sentences". Some authors call them grammatical synonyms. Thus, sentence is
language and speech units on the syntax - minor level, which has a communicative
In the same way the level syntax - major can be explained. The unit of this level is
text – the highest level of language and speech. "Syntax- major" represents both
language and speech levels due to the absence of separate term as well as "text" is
used homogeneously for both language and speech units.
The language and speech units are interconnected and interdependent. This can
easily be proved by the fact that the units of lower level are used to make up or to
build the units of the next higher level: YOUR EXAMPLE
By 1400 or thereabouts, ‘ne’ was used infrequently and ‘not’ (or ‘nawt’) typically
occurred by itself after the verb.
I seye not the wordes.
We saw nawt the knyghtes.
It was not until several centuries later that English adopted its current practice of
allowing ‘not’ to occur after only certain types of verbs (such as do, have, will, and so
I will not say the words. (versus I will say not the words.)
He did not see the knights. (versus He saw not the knights.)
These changes illustrate the extent to which grammars can be modified over time.
Lecture 2
1.Definition and structure of grammar
2.The lexical and grammatical in language
3. Grammatical categories and grammatical forms
There are two shades of meaning of the word "grammar“: objective grammar and
subjective grammar. When we speak of grammar as part of language it will be
objective grammar. When we speak of a course in grammar or a book in grammar, it
is subjective grammar.
How many grammars can a certain language have? If we mean objective grammar,
the answer will be one. But when we mean courses or books in grammar, the answer
will be many.
Correlation itself can be defined as opposition of meanings of the same order, that is
belonging to the same wider conception, e.g., the present tense can be correlated
only with some other tense, but not with number or degree of comparison. In the
basis of any grammatical correlation lies some wider grammatical conception, e.g.
number, tense, aspect, comparison. This wider conception is a grammatical
The grammatical category is a more or less wide grammatical conception that lies
in the basis of grammatical correlation. Grammatically correlated meanings make
the smallest grammatical system of meanings and forms which is called a
grammatical paradigm. A paradigm is the smallest grammatical system of
correlated meanings and forms based on only one grammatical category.
Therefore, we can define a grammatical category as a system of meanings and forms
based on one paradigm.
The analytical forms. When one grammatical meaning is expressed by more than
one word of which at least one must be purely formal, that grammatical form is an
analytical one, e.g. am writing, was broken, will come, has arrived, don’t like.
Such forms are included into a paradigm along with synthetic forms (likes, liked), e.g.
the grammatical category of aspect: continuous (analytical: was sleeping) – indefinite
(synthetical: sleeps); the degrees of comparison with –er, –est (synthetical- bigger,
the biggest) can go along with “more, the most” (analytical - more important, the
most important).
Lecture 3
1. Analytic and synthetic languages
2. History of parts of speech distinction
3.Parts of speech in modern English
Of course, analytic forms in English are prevailing: alongside with the synthetic forms
of degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs we widely use analytical forms of
comparison; in the verb we have analytical continuous and perfect, as well as
analytic forms of passive voice; even in the indefinite tenses we form the
interrogative and negative forms analytically; all future and future-in-the-past forms
are analytical.
Historically, some European languages (English, French especially) have come over
from synthesis to analysis. There were two reasons of the appearance of analytic
1) inner development of a certain language may demand creation of a new
grammatical category. In this case a language tries to find its inner resources for the
expression of a new meaning and often finds the means among the existing lexical
phrases. This actually occurred with the development of the English continuous and
perfect forms and the auxiliaries of the future tenses or the passive voice and
analytic forms of degrees of comparison.
As is known, modern Perfect Tenses are formed by means of the auxiliary verb to
have followed by the past participle of the notional verb. In Old English the past
participle was not an intrinsic part of the tense but was regarded as an adjective in
apposition to the object governed by the verb have; the participle agreed in case
(accusative) with the object: I have written my letter meant I have my letter written.
It was quite natural that these forms were at first used with transitive verbs; the
corresponding forms of intransitive verbs were generally formed with the verb be. In
such constructions the participle always agreed with the subject. He is come meant
He is in the state of being come. But when the origin of the have-forms had been
forgotten, they were gradually extended to intransitive verbs as well: He has gone;
He has come; He had gone; He had come.
2) the development of the language is also determined by the history of the people
speaking that language. We see that analysis developed mostly in the language
whose people had undergone historic admixtures of nations speaking different
languages. What happens in such a case? Inflections (synthetic elements)
deteriorate, fall off and instead phraseological substitutes develop which take the
place of the old synthetic forms. In English, for instance, the whole system of
substantival cases had deteriorated and now is substituted by prepositional of-
It's interesting to mention that most of the synthetic forms have developed from
analytic ones. Inflections were separate words. What is the reason for that?
Language is one of human activities and it conforms with the universal law of
economy effort. Languages which have no reason to develop new analytic forms not
only retain their synthetic forms, but make new synthetic forms out of analytic ones
as these are more economic, e.g. the suffix –ed of the English verb developed from
the past form of the verb DO (work did - worked). In the Ukrainian reflexive –cя\сь
we usually trace the separate word СЕБЕ –дивитися, вчитись.
The inflectional criterion to establish word classes was brought into play by the
Stoic grammarians. Their major theoretical achievement was distinguishing case
which was the fundamental distinction between nouns and verbs. They drew the
borderline between the group of case inflected pronouns and articles, on the one
hand, and the group of invariant prepositions and conjunctions, on the other hand.
The Stoics made another very important contribution – recognition of the temporal
and aspectual meanings inherent in the tense forms.
A turning point in the history of linguistic classification was the appearance in the
late 2nd century BC of the Greek grammar by Dionysius Thrax. He was a
representative of the Alexandrian school which built further on what was achieved
by the Stoics. Dionysius Thrax suggested organizing words into eight classes.
The Danish representative of classical scientific grammar of the 20th century, Otto
Jespersen, in The Philosophy of Grammar (1924) proposes a dual system: together
with the description of the traditional parts of speech with their morphological
peculiarities and lexical meaning, the linguist analyzes these word classes from the
point of view of their functions in syntactic combinations (word combinations and
sentences). Certain words may be primary, i.e. they may be the core of a word
combination or the subject of a sentence. A word may also be secondary, i.e. it may
modify primary words. Jespersen also distinguishes tertiary words, i.e. words
subordinated to secondary ones.
As a result, Jespersen distinguishes the
following parts of speech:
Emilia Morokhovskaya suggests dividing words (or parts of speech) into lexical and
Lexical parts of speech are linguistic signs that possess denotative ability. They are
names of extralingual objects and phenomena: a door, a state, to create, bright,
directly, etc. Their nominative character enables them to perform various syntactic
functions in a sentence – they may function as a sentence part and represent the
nucleus of the word combination. Functional parts of speech do not denote any
object, concept, quality or action. Function-words are used to mark certain types of
relation between lexical words, word combinations and sentences: the bend in the
road, villages and cities, a village, a city – articles, prepositions, conjunctions,
Parts of speech are groups of words with common properties. They are not classes in
the strict sense of the word, because grouping into parts of speech involves a
number of criteria. These criteria are:
1)the general semantics of a part of speech
2)morphological properties (grammatical categories of a part of speech)
3)syntactic functions in which a given part of speech can be used
4)a degree of specific shape (affixes, word-building)
Parts of speech are grouped into notional and functional. The notional parts of
speech in English are: noun, adjective, pronoun, numeral, verb, adverb. Many
notionals in English are variable, i. e. they may change their nature depending on the
contextual environment and their functional significance: "blue" may be noun (the
blue of the sky), adjective (the blue sky), or verb (to blue smth.).
As to the functional parts of speech they are: conjunctions, prepositions, particles,
exclamations, articles. The present-day English has the article which is missing in
Generally speaking we can say that all nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs are
capable of making direct reference and are the main units which carry the burden of
referential information, and that all other words provide functional information.
Lecture 4
1. Nouns in English:
the category of number, case, gender, the category of definiteness/indefiniteness
2.Numerals in English
The only morphological category of the noun which is almost always marked in
present-day English is that of number. It is mostly realized synthetically, i.e. through
zero and marked inflexions respectively,e.g: child - children, ox - oxen, and baths,
cargos, jubilees, bushes.
Traditionally the category of number is defined as the one that shows whether we
speak of one subject or more than one. But because some single objects are used
only in the plural form (scissors, trousers), a better definition of the category of
number can be suggested. Number shows whether the inner segmentation of a
conception is expressed or not. If such a segmentation is expressed then this
conception can have two numbers. If such a segmentation is not expressed then we
can speak about a noun as having a singular number or plural number.
In the English language there is also the formation of plural number by way of sound
interchange: foot -feet, tooth - teeth, goose - geese; man - men, woman - women;
louse - lice, mouse-mice.
A few simple life nouns have in English one and the same form for singular and plural
(grouse, sheep, deer, swine, plaice). Usually, these nouns also have the zero marked
plural form: carp, pike, trout, deer, salmon. Apart from the genuinely English there
are some borrowed noun inflexions: stimulus - stimuli, curriculum – curricula,
criterion-criteria, basis-bases.
In English we recognize classes of singularia tantum (only singular) and pluralia
tantum (only plural).
The singularia tantum include some semantic groups of mainly common nouns like:
1. Nouns denoting parts of the world: the North, the South, the East, the West,
the North-West.
2. Names of materials: gold, silver, iron, copper, milk, butter, snow, dirt, sand,
water, hay, straw, bread, coffee, sugar, wood, etc.
Some geographical names: Athens, the Netherlands, the Alps, the Urals, the
Carpathians, the Azores, the Bermudas, the Philippines, etc.
Unlike the category of number, the category of case in present-day English has
always been disputable. Some grammarians found in present-day English two cases
(O. Jespersen, V. Yartseva), others found in English four cases (G. Curme, M.
Deutschbein), and still other grammarians were inclined to see in English five, six and
more cases. R. Quirk, S. Greenbaum and co-authors speak of common and genitive
cases (-'s genitive and of-genitive).
Consequently names of living beings usually appear in the possessive case (Plato’s
classification of words);
names of inanimate entities may be used in the possessive case quite rarely
(exceptions are: the names of seasons, distance and price – week's notice, at a mile's
distance, a dollar's worth coffee).
Group possessive.
In English the 's sign may be related to more than one word – to a whole group of
words. E.g. Mary and Ann's room, the man over there's dog. Such practice in English
is called group possessive. The scholars suppose that this possessive case has
undergone the process of syntaxicalization: the 's sign separated form the stem and
modifies word combinations has turned into a syntactic marker.
The names of vessels (boat, ship, steamer, cruiser) and vehicles (coach, car, carriage)
are usually associated with feminine gender. So are the names of hotels and inns.
The names of celestial bodies may be feminine, masculine and neuter. The sun which
is strong and powerful is, naturally, he, whereas the moon, the Paradise and the
Earth are associated with the pronoun she (feminine gender).
The current tendency to avoid gender suffixes (-ess,
-ette, -woman, -man,-lady, -lord) should be emphasized. Such words are replaced by
neologisms with no sex indication: stewardess - flight attendant, cameraman –
videographer, policeman - police officer, chairman- chair.
The category of indefiniteness apart from being indicated in English by the indefinite
article a/an, may also be made explicit by the indefinite pronouns any, some, etc.,
and by the numeral one. E.g: There is some boy, who wants to see you.
Numerals in English
The numeral has at lexico-grammatical meaning expressing quantity (two, ten,
twenty-one,). It may denote a part of an object (one-third) or order of some objects
(the first, the tenth).
The numerals can combine:
a) with nouns (four days);
b) with pronouns (all three);
с) with numerals (two from ten);
d) with adverbs (the two below/ahead);
e) with the infinitive (the first to сотe), etc.
In the sentence the numeral performs the same function as the noun (cardinal
numerals) and the adjective (the ordinal numerals), i.e. it can be:
a subject (Four are present),
an object (I like the second),
an attribute (It is my second trip),
a simple nominal predicate (cthe two there), an adverbial modifier (they marched
three and three).