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Biological Psychology

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Biological psychology is defined as “the branch 3000 B.C.

of psychology that studies the biological
- Egyptians discard the brain during the
foundations of behavior, emotions, and mental
mummification process; however,
processes.” (Pickett, 2000).
published case studies indicate accurate
Biological psychologists try to answer four types observations of neural disorders.
of questions about any given behavior.
400 B.C.−200 A.D.
- Physiological: How does it relate to the
- Hippocrates declares that the brain is the
physiology of the brain and other
source of intellect.
- Galen makes accurate observations from
- Ontogenetic: How does it develop
dissection; however, believed that fluids
within the individual?
transmitted messages.
- Evolutionary: How did the capacity for
the behavior evolve? 1600–1800
- Functional: Why did the capacity for
this behavior evolve? (That is, what - René Descartes suggests mind-body
function does it serve?) dualism; hydraulic transmission.
- Anton van Leeuwenhoek invents the
Researchers in biological psychology draw light microscope.
techniques and theories from psychology, - Galvani and du Bois-Reymond discover
biology, physiology, biochemistry, that electricity transmits messages in the
neurosciences, and related fields to identify the nervous system.
relationships between the nervous system's
activity and observable behavior. 1800–1900

Biological explanations of behavior do not - Bell and Magendie determine that

necessarily assume that the individual neurons communicate in one direction
understands the purpose or function of the and that sensation and movement are
behavior. controlled by separate pathways.
- Gall and Spurzheim demonstrate that
Philosophers and scientists continue to address phrenology is inaccurate, but the notion
the mind-brain or mind-body relationship. of localization of function in the nervous
system is accurate.
Dualism, the view that the mind exists
- Paul Broca discovers localization of
separately from the brain, is opposed by the
speech production.
principle that only matter and energy can affect
- Fritsch and Hitzig identify the
other matter and energy.
localization of motor function in the
Nearly all philosophers and scientists who have cerebral cortex.
addressed the mind-brain problem favor some
version of monism, the belief that the universe
consists of only one kind of substance. - Ramón y Cajal declares that the nervous
system is composed of separate cells.
No one has found a way to answer the “hard
- John Hughlings Jackson explains brain
problem” of why brain activity is related to
functions as a hierarchy, with more
mental experience at all. However, later chapters
complicated functions carried out by
discuss studies of what types of brain activity
higher levels of the brain.
are necessary for consciousness.
- Otto Loewi demonstrates chemical murderers function compared with the brains of
signaling at the synapse. typical people.
- Charles Sherrington coins the term
“synapse,” wins Nobel Prize in 1932.
(CT) - An imaging technology in which
- Sir John Eccles, Andrew Huxley, and
computers are used to enhance X-ray
Alan Hodgkin share the 1963 Nobel
Prize for their work in advancing our
understanding of the way neurons
TOMOGRAPHY (PET) - An imaging
technique that provides information
- Bernard Katz receives the 1970 Nobel
regarding the localization of brain
Prize for his work on chemical
transmission at the synapse.
- Society for Neuroscience counts more
(MRI) - An imaging technique that
than 38,000 members in 2007.
provides very high-resolution structural
RESEARCH METHOD IN BIOLOGICAL - VOXEL - Short for “volume pixel”. A
PSYCHOLOGY pixel is the smallest distinguishable
square part of a two-dimensional image.
HISTOLOGY refers to the study of microscopic
A voxel is the smallest distinguishable
structures and tissues. Histological methods
box-shaped part of a three-dimensional
provide means for observing the structure,
organization, and connections of individual
technology using a series of MRI
- MICROTOME - A device used to make images taken 1 to seconds apart in order
very thin slices of tissue for histology. to assess the activity of the brain.
RECORDING – methods that allow researchers
developed by Camillo Golgi used to
to record the electrical and magnetic output from
observe single neurons.
the brain continue to be useful.
- NISSL STAIN - A stain used to view
populations of cell bodies. - ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM (EEG)
- MYELIN STAIN - A stain is used to - A technology for studying the activity
trace neural pathways. of the brain through recordings from
- HORSERADISH PEROXIDASE - A electrodes placed on the scalp.
stain used to trace axon pathways from Note: German psychiatrist Hans Berger
their terminals to points of origin. made the first EEG recording. Berger
observed that his recordings varied with
AUTOPSY - The word autopsy means “to view
wakefulness, sleep, anesthesia, and
for oneself.” Researchers have frequently relied
on observations made during an autopsy, or
- EVOKED POTENTIAL - An alteration
examination of the body following death.
in the EEG recording produced in
IMAGING - New imaging techniques provide response to the application of a
significant advantages over the autopsy. With particular stimulus.
current imaging technologies, we can watch the Note: The analysis of evoked potentials
living brain as it engages in processes such as allows researchers to map the brain’s
reading or emotional response. We can identify EEG response to environmental stimuli.
differences in the ways the brains of serial
- MAGNETOENCEPHALOGRAPHY naturally occurring lesions that result from
(MEG) - A technology for recording the injury
magnetic output of the brain.
or disease, gaining a great deal of information
Note: (a) To record the tiny magnetic
about the function of the brain.
fields generated by the brain, a series of
supercooled sensors known as The lesion is pathological or traumatic damage
superconducting quantum interference to tissue.
devices (SQUIDs) are arrayed around
the participant’s head. (b) This sequence Note: To investigate the function of a particular
illustrates the process of using MEG to part of the brain, radio frequency current is
record a participant’s response to a tone. passed through the tips of insulated electrodes
that have been surgically implanted. The
BRAIN STIMULATION - One of the important resulting changes in behavior are correlated with
questions raised in biological psychology relates the lesions produced.
to the localization of functions within the brain
and nervous system. Interpretation of the results - ABLATION – Deliberate lesions are
of stimulation research must be done with great performed in a number of ways. In some
caution. Because brain structures are richly studies, large areas of brain tissue are
connected with other areas of the brain, surgically removed and it’s called
stimulating one area will also affect other areas ablation.
to which it is connected. BIOCHEMICAL METHOD - allow for the
- REPEATED TRANSCRANIAL artificial stimulation of the nervous system with
MAGNETIC STIMULATION (rTMS) - chemicals as well as the assessment of the
A technique for stimulating the cortex at biochemical environment in an area of particular
regular intervals by applying a magnetic interest within the nervous system.
pulse through a wire coil encased in - MICRODIALYSIS - A technique for
plastic and placed on the scalp. assessing the chemical composition of a
Note: In this procedure, small magnetic very small area of the brain.
pulses are delivered to the brain through - MICRODIALYSIS - allows researchers
a wand held above the scalp. The to identify which neurochemicals are
magnetism temporarily changes the active in a precise location, as well as
activity of small areas of cortex lying the approximate quantity of these
below the wand. This technique shows chemicals.
promise for research as well as for the
treatment of depression and GENETIC METHOD - Many researchers strive
hallucination. to identify the relative contributions of
hereditary and environmental variables on a
LESION - A lesion is an injury to neural tissue particular behavior. There are a number of ways
and can be either naturally occurring or to approach this type of question. None of these
deliberately produced. As was the case with approaches is completely satisfying, but each
stimulation, the primary purpose of lesion has resulted in dramatically furthering our
analysis is to assess the probable function of an knowledge of the role of heredity in behavior.
area. The behavior observed prior to the lesion
can be compared with behavior occurring after - TWIN STUDIES
the lesion, with changes attributed to the area o Twin Studies One approach to the
that was damaged. Neuropsychologists evaluate question of heredity versus environment
is to compare the variable of interest by
using identical (monozygotic) and
fraternal (dizygotic) twins. - STUDIES OF GENETICALLY-
o Comparisons between the two types of MODIFIED ANIMALS
twins, therefore, provide a sense of the o By using this method, researchers can
extent of genetic influence on a trait of assess the roles of particular genes and
interest. the proteins they encode.
o Some psychological disorders, such as o Opiates, such as morphine and heroin,
bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, are activate receptors for naturally occurring
significantly influenced by heredity. substances known as endorphins.
o Others, such as major depressive o We can therefore conclude that certain
disorder, show some evidence of genetic aspects of an animal's normal reaction to
vulnerability but are also heavily morphine are dependent on the existence
influenced by environmental variables. of opiate receptors. Without these
o This indicates that some heritability for receptors, pain reduction, addiction, and
depression does occur but that withdrawal do not occur.
environmental variables play a more
significant role than in the case of - KNOCKOUT GENES - Genes that take
bipolar disorder. the place of normal genes but that fail to
produce the specific protein produced by
- ADOPTION STUDIES the normal genes.
o Another approach to quantifying the - STEM CELL - An undifferentiated cell
influences of heredity and environment that can divide and differentiate into
is to compare the similarities of an other types of cells. Growing
adopted individual to his or her replacement tissue for repairing
biological and adoptive parents. damaged organs, including the brain and
o Similarities to the biological parents spinal cord
suggest a role for heredity, whereas
similarities to the adoptive parents
suggest a role for the environment.
o Adoption studies have been used to
assess the relative contributions of
heredity and environment to such
characteristics as intelligence and
o In contrast, if you planted seeds under
more variable conditions, the resulting
plants would reflect the contributions of
both genetic and environmental factors.
o Like the ideal conditions for our plants,
genetic influences may be magnified by
the similar environments provided by
adoptive parents.

- HERITABILITY - The amount of

variability of a trait in a population that
is due to genetics.

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