Mahsa Amini Act
Mahsa Amini Act
Mahsa Amini Act
(Original Signature of Member)
H. R. ll
Mr. BANKS introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee
on llllllllllllll
To impose sanctions on the Supreme Leader of Iran and
the President of Iran and their respective offices for
human rights abuses and support for terrorism.
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1 Iran’s judiciary, are chiefly responsible for hearing
2 cases of political offenses, operate in parallel to
3 Iran’s criminal justice system and routinely hold
4 grossly unfair trials without due process, handing
5 down predetermined verdicts and rubberstamping
6 executions for political purpose.
7 (5) The Iranian security and law enforcement
8 forces engage in serious human rights abuse at the
9 behest of the Supreme Leader.
10 (6) Iran’s President, Ebrahim Raisi, sits at the
11 helm of the most sanctioned cabinet in Iranian his-
12 tory which includes internationally sanctioned rights
13 violators. Raisi has supported the recent crackdown
14 on protestors and is rights violator himself, having
15 served on a ‘‘death commission’’ in 1988 that led to
16 the execution of several thousand political prisoners
17 in Iran. He most recently served as the head of
18 Iran’s judiciary, a position appointed by Iran’s cur-
19 rent Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and may likely
20 be a potential candidate to replace Khamenei as
21 Iran’s next Supreme Leader.
22 (7) On September 16th, 2022, 22 year-old
23 woman, Mahsa Amini, died in the detention of the
24 Morality Police after being beaten and detained for
25 allegedly transgressing discriminatory dress codes
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1 for women. This tragic incident triggered wide-
2 spread, pro-women’s rights, pro-democracy protests
3 across all of Iran’s 31 provinces, calling for the end
4 to Iran’s theocratic regime.
5 (8) In the course of the protests, the Iranian
6 security forces’ violent crackdown includes mass ar-
7 rests, well documented beating of protestors, throt-
8 tling of the internet and telecommunications serv-
9 ices, and shooting protestors with live ammunition.
10 Five weeks into the protests, Iranian security forces
11 have reportedly killed hundreds of protestors and
12 other civilians, including women and children, and
13 wounded many more.
14 (9) Iran’s Supreme Leader is the leader of the
15 ‘‘Axis of Resistance’’, which is a network of
16 Tehran’s terror proxy and partner militias material
17 supported by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
18 that targets the United States as well as its allies
19 and partners.
20 (b) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of Con-
21 gress that—
22 (1) the United States shall stand with and sup-
23 port the people of Iran in their demand for funda-
24 mental human rights; and
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1 (2) the United States shall continue to hold the
2 Islamic Republic of Iran, particularly the Supreme
3 Leader and President, accountable for abuses of
4 human rights, corruption, and export of terrorism.
5 (c) IN GENERAL.—
7 than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this
8 Act, the President shall determine whether the sanc-
9 tions listed in paragraph (2) apply with respect to
10 each person and entity described in subsection (d),
11 and impose all applicable such sanctions with respect
12 to each such person and entity.
13 (2) SANCTIONS LISTED.—The sanctions listed
14 in this paragraph are the following:
15 (A) Sanctions described in section 105(c)
16 of the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Account-
17 ability, and Divestment Act of 2010 (22 U.S.C.
18 8514(c)).
19 (B) Sanctions applicable with respect to a
20 person pursuant to Executive Order 13553 (50
21 U.S.C. 1701 note; relating to blocking property
22 of certain persons with respect to serious
23 human rights abuses by the Government of
24 Iran).
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1 (C) Sanctions applicable with respect to a
2 person pursuant to Executive order 13224 (50
3 U.S.C. 1701 note; relating to blocking property
4 and prohibiting transactions with persons who
5 commit, threaten to commit, or support ter-
6 rorism).
7 (D) Sanctions applicable with respect to a
8 person pursuant to Executive Order 13818 (re-
9 lating to blocking the property of persons in-
10 volved in serious human rights abuse or corrup-
11 tion).
12 (E) Penalties and visa bans applicable with
13 respect to a person pursuant to section 7031(c)
14 of the Department of State, Foreign Oper-
15 ations, and Related Programs Appropriations
16 Act, 2021.
17 (d) PERSONS DESCRIBED.—The persons described in
18 this subsection are the following:
19 (1) The Supreme Leader of Iran and any offi-
20 cial in the Office of the Supreme Leader of Iran.
21 (2) The President of Iran and any official in
22 the Office of the President of Iran or the President’s
23 cabinet, including cabinet ministers and executive
24 vice presidents.
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1 (3) Any entity, including foundations and eco-
2 nomic conglomerates, overseen by the Office of the
3 Supreme Leader of Iran which is complicit in financ-
4 ing or resourcing of human rights abuses or support
5 for terrorism.
6 (4) Any official of any entity owned or con-
7 trolled by the Supreme Leader of Iran or the Office
8 of the Supreme Leader of Iran.
9 (5) Any person determined by the Secretary of
10 the Treasury, in consultation with or at the rec-
11 ommendation of the Secretary of State—
12 (A) to be a person appointed by the Su-
13 preme Leader of Iran, the Office of the Su-
14 preme Leader of Iran, the President of Iran, or
15 the Office of the President of Iran to a position
16 as a state official of Iran, or as the head of any
17 entity located in Iran or any entity located out-
18 side of Iran that is owned or controlled by one
19 or more entities in Iran;
20 (B) to have materially assisted, sponsored,
21 or provided financial, material, or technological
22 support for, or goods or services to or in sup-
23 port of any person whose property and interests
24 in property are blocked pursuant to this section;
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1 (C) to be owned or controlled by, or to
2 have acted or purported to act for or on behalf
3 of, directly or indirectly any person whose prop-
4 erty and interests in property are blocked pur-
5 suant to this section; or
6 (D) to be a member of the board of direc-
7 tors or a senior executive officer of any person
8 whose property and interests in property are
9 blocked pursuant to this section.
11 (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 60 days after
12 receiving a request from the chairman and ranking
13 member of one of the appropriate congressional com-
14 mittees with respect to whether a person meets the
15 criteria of a person described in subsection (d)(5),
16 the President shall—
17 (A) determine if the person meets such cri-
18 teria; and
19 (B) submit a classified or unclassified re-
20 port to such chairman and ranking member
21 with respect to such determination that includes
22 a statement of whether or not the President im-
23 posed or intends to impose sanctions with re-
24 spect to the person pursuant to this section.
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