1722-Texto Del Artículo-3066-1-10-20200426
1722-Texto Del Artículo-3066-1-10-20200426
1722-Texto Del Artículo-3066-1-10-20200426
and Methods: Cross-sectional, comparative and experimental study. The
Affiliations: microorganism Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 was inoculated onto solid
Práctica Privada,Perú. culture medium of Müeller-Hinton supplemented with blood, then the plates
Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. were inoculated with five pediatric toothpastes: Oral B Stages, Colgate Smiles,
Trujillo, Perú. Aquafresh My Little Teeth, Dentito and Denture Kids. Samples were incubated
at 37°C for 48 hours. Subsequently the inhibition halos were measured; the
Corresponding author: María V. Espinoza. experiment was repeated 20 times for each sample. Statistical analysis was
Avda. América Sur 3145, Trujillo #13008, performed with ANOVA complemented with Tukey's test. Results: Oral B
Perú. Phone:56-9 4387 1082. E-mail: Stages yielded a mean inhibitory halo of 23.2mm, Colgate Smiles an average
of 21.7mm, Aquafresh My Little Teeth of 13.6mm, Dentito of 18.5mm, and
Receipt : 04/08/2019 Revised : 07/23/2019
Denture Kids a mean of 23.0mm. When performing the ANOVA test, it
Acceptance : 09/03/2019 was found that there was a significant difference in the inhibitory action of
pediatric toothpastes (p<0.005) and when using Tukey's multiple comparison
test, Oral B and Denture Kids presented similar inhibitory action. Conclusion:
All toothpastes presented inhibitory action against Streptococcus mutans ATCC
suffer from caries.1 According to the ministries of health against Streptococcus mutans of pediatric toothpastes
of Latin American countries, the prevalence of caries is available in the Peruvian market. As this microorganism
high in countries such as Brazil with 80%, 2 Colombia with is related to the presence of dental caries, being able
52.2%, 3 Chile with 70.4%, 4 and Argentina with 87.4%.5 to identify the components of toothpastes and their
According to an epidemiological study conducted by the properties that can help children deal with dental caries.
Peruvian Ministry of Health (MINSA) from 2012 to 2014, The aim of the present study is to determine the in vitro
the prevalence of caries in children under 12 years of efficacy of five pediatric toothpastes in the inhibition of
age was 85.6%. 6
Caries at early ages is a significant aggravating
factor in the oral health of children, since they will be
of Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175.
constant supervision of parents or guardians. 8 There is the School of Human Medicine at Universidad Nacional
sometimes difficulty because parents are not aware of de Trujillo - La Libertad, Perú. All biosafety and laboratory
correct brushing techniques and which toothpastes or standards were met. Five pediatric toothpastes available
mouthwashes are suitable for their children.9 in the Peruvian market were used: Aquafresh My Little
The main risk factors for caries are the high prevalence Teeth15, Colgate Smiles,16 Dentito,17 Denture Kids,18 and
of Streptococcus mutans and lactobacilli in the oral Oral B Stages.19 They were placed in a sterile tuberculin
cavity, teeth with weaken enamel susceptible to an syringe (Figure 1) in order to be inoculated in the form
acidic medium and with poor mineralization capacity, a of discs onto the plates where strains of Streptococcus
cariogenic diet based on sugar consumption, and poor mutans ATCC 25275 had been previously inoculated.
oral hygiene associated with cognitive, economic and The strain of Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 was
(Figure 2). Finally, each plate was labeled with the name of incubating the plates, the inhibition halos generated
of the corresponding toothpaste and the repeat number. by each pediatric toothpaste were measured (Figure 3).
Plates were incubated in a micro anaerobic environment A 0.01mm precision digital Vernier caliper was used to
at a temperature of 37°C for 48 hours. After 48 hours obtain the diameter of the halos.
A: Aquafresh, My Little Teeth B: Colgate Smiles. C: Dentito. D: Denture Kids. E: Oral B Stages.
Figure 2. Repeat plates of the five pediatric toothpastes.
Repeat plates of toothpastes: A: Aquafresh, My Little Teeth B: Colgate Smiles. C: Dentito. D: Denture Kids. E: Oral B Stages.
1 3 5
2 4 6
1: Halos of inhibition of control plate Denture (C1: Distilled water, C2: chlorhexidine). 2: Halos of inhibition of Aquafresh My Little Teeth. 3:
Halos of inhibition of Colgate Smiles. 4: Halos of inhibition of Dentito. 5: Halos of inhibition of Denture Kids. 6: Halos of inhibition Oral B Stages.
The inhibition halos of Oral B Stages were the largest, comparison test was performed, in this case, the Tukey's
with an average of 23.2mm (Table 1). The negative HSD test (Table 3).
control (distilled water) resulted in no inhibition halo, It showed 94.1% similarity in the inhibitory action of
while the positive control (chlorhexidine) resulted in a Oral B Stages and Denture Kids.
Table 1. Measures of inhibition halos for Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 of the five pediatric toothpastes.
Tukey's HSDa
Type of toothpaste N Subset for alpha = 0.05
1 2 3 4
Aquafresh My Little Teeth 20 13.554
Dentito 20 18.508
Colgate Smiles 20 21.726
Denture Kids 20 22.986
Oral B Stages 20 23.231
p-value 1.000 1.000 1.000 .941
The means for the groups are displayed in the homogeneous subsets. a: It uses the sample size of the harmonic mean=20.000.
DISCUSSION. ficant inhibitory action in this experiment. It is the
Dental caries in children is a serious and a recurrent only toothpaste that contains xylitol (10%), an artificial
oral health problem. This condition begins at very early sweetener used in toothpastes as a bactericidal agent
ages of life and has a tendency to become a chronic against Streptococcus mutans25 strains. It also has methyl
problem even in adulthood. 20 This disease is associated and propyl paraben that is used as preservatives for their
with early colonization with cariogenic microorganisms bacteriostatic properties against Gram positive bacteria
such as Streptococcus mutans.3 and as an antifungal agent. 26
One of the oral hygiene measures to control these Xylitol is a substance of natural origin that prevents
microorganisms is the use of toothpaste, as it contains the appearance of caries, helps to decrease the amount
antimicrobial agents such as fluoride and others. 21 The of bacterial plaque, and improves halitosis and the
present study found that Aquafresh My Little Teeth quality of oral soft tissues. In addition this toothpaste
is the toothpaste with the lowest inhibitory effect, contains calcium lactate which, when combined with
possibly because it does not contain extra antimicrobial xylitol, provides calcium to the developing teeth.18
substances such as xylitol, containing only fluoride in the Finally, Oral B Stages toothpaste showed the greatest
form of sodium fluoride. inhibitory action. This may be due this toothpaste
The addition of xylitol in fluoridated dentifrices is containing other components such as benzyl alcohol,
currently being promoted for the prevention and control which is an antimicrobial preservative effective against
of dental caries, and its use is supported by the American Gram positive bacteria and some fungi. 27
Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. 22 It also contains thymol, which is a flavoring substance
The Peruvian toothpaste Dentito has a slightly derived from thyme, which has antimicrobial and
higher inhibitory power compared to Aquafresh My fungicidal properties and is used in some dental rinses
Little Teeth. This may be because it contains sodium and toothpastes. 28 Streptococcus mutans is a facultative
benzoate, which is a salt used as a preservative that has anaerobic microorganism and its virulence is related to
antiseptic, antifungal and bacteriostatic properties. 23 its ability to metabolize large amounts of sugars.
Colgate toothpaste presented a greater inhibitory action It also produces lactic acid and lives in an acidic
than the previous two, maybe due to the inclusion of environment conditioned by it. It has a high capacity of
cinnamaldehyde and eugenol, which are used to give adherence to enamel walls due to the synthesis of glucans
this toothpaste the smell and taste of cinnamon and and fructans from glucosyltransferase. Streptococcus
cloves. This result is consistent with the study by Erazo mutans has a spherical, ovoid round shape (cocci), grows
et al.,24 who found that these aromatic substances are in chains or in pairs, and does not present mobility nor
able to inhibit Streptococcus mutans Denture Kids is a form spores. 29
toothpaste with an increased presence and use in the It should be noted that the statistical analysis found
market in recent years. that Denture Kids has an inhibitory action 94.1% similar
This toothpaste generated the second most signi- to Oral B Stages. They are the only toothpastes that
In Peru, most in vitro studies related to the inhibition Dr. Elva Mejía Delgado of the Microbiology Laboratory,
of Streptococcus mutans are carried out with homemade School of Medicine of Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
toothpastes, which are not yet commercialized, so it – Perú, for the processing of samples.
becomes relevant to study the products available in
the market. A common question by parents is “Which
toothpaste is the best?”, and the answer must be based
on scientific evidence. For many parents it probably does
not matter which brands are used for oral hygiene, as all
they perceive all toothpastes to be good as long as the
brushing technique and the frequency of the brushing
are adequate.
However, it is known that tooth decay is a multifactorial
The in vitro antimicrobial inhibitory action that
pediatric toothpastes have against Streptococcus mutans
ATCC 25175 has been demonstrated. Oral B Stages,
Colgate Smiles and Denture Kids are the toothpastes
that inhibited this microorganism most effectively.
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