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Research Article
A Meta-Analytic Study
Stanley Colcombe and Arthur F. Kramer
Beckman Institute and Department of Psychology, University of Illinois, Urbana

Abstract—A meta-analytic study was conducted to examine the hypothe- other studies have failed to observe such a relationship. This is the
sis that aerobic fitness training enhances the cognitive vitality of healthy question that we addressed in the present study through the application of
but sedentary older adults. Eighteen intervention studies published be- meta-analytic techniques to longitudinal studies of fitness effects on
tween 1966 and 2001 were entered into the analysis. Several theoretically the cognition of older adults.
and practically important results were obtained. Most important, fitness Research using animal models provides reasonable grounds to ex-
training was found to have robust but selective benefits for cognition, with pect aerobic exercise to have a positive impact on human cognitive
the largest fitness-induced benefits occurring for executive-control pro- function through a variety of cellular and molecular mechanisms. For
cesses. The magnitude of fitness effects on cognition was also moderated example, Black, Isaacs, Anderson, Alcantara, and Greenough (1990)
by a number of programmatic and methodological factors, including the found increases in capillary density in the cerebellum when rats exer-
length of the fitness-training intervention, the type of the intervention, the cised on a running wheel. Other researchers found that increased aero-
duration of training sessions, and the gender of the study participants. bic fitness, engendered by running, enhanced cortical high-affinity
The results are discussed in terms of recent neuroscientific and psycholog- choline uptake and increased dopamine receptor density in the brains
ical data that indicate cognitive and neural plasticity is maintained of old rats (Fordyce & Farrar, 1991), increased brain-derived neurotrophin
throughout the life span. factor (BDNF) gene expression in rats (Neeper, Gomez, Choi, & Cotman,
1995), and increased the number of new cells in the hippocampus of
mice (van Praag, Kempermann, & Gage, 1999). It is reasonable to
The study of the relationship between physical fitness, and more
speculate that these cellular, molecular, and neurochemical changes
specifically aerobic fitness, and cognition dates back several decades
observed in rats and mice in response to exercise interventions may
to the pioneering research of Spirduso and her colleagues. For exam-
underlie the improvements in perceptual, cognitive, and motor pro-
ple, in a classic study, Spirduso and Clifford (1978) compared young
cesses in adult humans.
and old racquet sportsmen, runners, and sedentary individuals on sim-
Despite these impressive results with animals, the fitness interven-
ple, choice, and movement time tasks. The older athletes’ performance
tions with humans, as we have indicated, have produced less reliable
on these tasks was substantially better than the older sedentary adults’,
effects on performance in a variety of perceptual, cognitive, and motor
and indeed was similar to the performance of the young sedentary
tasks. Clearly, some of the ambiguity in the results obtained in the human
adults. Smaller fitness benefits were observed for young adults. Simi-
studies could be the result of methodological factors. For example,
lar results, that is, better performance by older high-fit than older low-
studies have employed widely varying age groups. Studies have also
fit individuals, have been found in a large number of cross-sectional
differed with respect to the nature, intensity, and length of the aerobic
studies (see Dustman, Emmerson, & Shearer, 1994, and Etnier et al.,
fitness manipulations; the type of fitness measures employed; the gen-
1997, for reviews of this literature).
eral health and fitness level of the participants at the beginning of the
The cross-sectional nature of these studies, however, complicates
study; subjects’ gender; the tasks used to measure aspects of cogni-
their interpretation. Thus, the positive effects of fitness on perceptual,
tion; and the nature of the control groups.
cognitive, and motor processes may reflect a predisposition of the ex-
However, studies of the influence of fitness training on cognition
ercisers toward fast and accurate responding rather than a benefit of
have differed not only with regard to these methodological concerns,
aerobic fitness achieved through exercise. A number of researchers
but also with regard to the theoretical framework in which they have
have at least partially circumvented the problem of self-selection by
been conducted. Differences in theoretical framework, in turn, influ-
employing longitudinal exercise interventions. However, the data ob-
ence the tasks selected to index fitness effects. Many researchers have
tained from longitudinal studies have been equivocal (Dustman et al.,
taken an atheoretical approach, selecting cognitive tasks with little or
1994). Clearly, there have been some notable successes in that aerobi-
no theoretical justification. Other researchers have, either explicitly or
cally trained individuals have outperformed nonaerobic control subjects
implicitly, assumed that fitness effects would be most likely to be ob-
on a variety of cognitive tasks (e.g., Dustman et al., 1984; Hawkins,
served in tasks such as simple reaction time or finger tapping, which
Kramer, & Capaldi, 1992; Rikli & Edwards, 1991). However, other inter-
presumably tap low-level central nervous system function uncontami-
vention studies have failed to observe such benefits to performance
nated by subject strategies or high-level cognition (Dustman et al.,
(e.g., Blumenthal et al., 1991; Hill, Storandt, & Malley, 1993). Thus,
1984; Spirduso & Clifford, 1978). Hereafter, we refer to this proposal
an important unanswered question concerns why some studies find
as the speed hypothesis. Other researchers have suggested that fitness
improvements in performance with enhanced aerobic fitness while
effects might be most readily observed for visuospatial tasks (Shay &
Roth, 1992; Stones & Kozma, 1989), because visuospatial processes
have been demonstrated to be more susceptible to aging than verbal
Address correspondence to Arthur F. Kramer, Beckman Institute, 405 N. skills. Hereafter, we refer to this hypothesis as the visuospatial hy-
Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801; e-mail: akramer@s.psych.uiuc.edu. pothesis. Chodzko-Zajko and his colleagues (Chodzko-Zajko, 1991;

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Fitness and Cognition

Chodzko-Zajko & Moore, 1994) have suggested tasks that require METHOD
controlled, effortful processing should be more sensitive to fitness dif-
ferences among older adults than tasks that can be executed via auto- Literature Search
matic processing. This controlled-processing hypothesis is based on
earlier research by Schneider and Shiffrin (1977), who proposed a the- Our search efforts were primarily focused within the Current Con-
ory of skill acquisition in which task components or skills transition tents, Education Research in Completion (ERIC), MedLine, PsychInfo,
from controlled, effortful processing to automatic processing with and PsychLit on-line databases. Periodic searches of these databases were
consistent practice. Finally, we (Kramer, Hahn, et al., 1999; see also conducted between October 2000 and July 2001 using combinations of
Hall, Smith, & Keele, 2001) have argued that improvements in fitness the following keywords: age, ageing, age differences, older, elderly, exer-
would be reflected in enhancements in executive-control processes cise, fitness, cardiovascular, aerobic exercise, cognitive, cognition, and
such as coordination, inhibition, scheduling, planning, and working longitudinal. Additionally, we manually searched book chapters and peer-
memory (Shallice, 1994). These tasks stand in contrast to controlled reviewed articles on the topic to locate potentially relevant studies. The
tasks in that they do not become automatic over time, and require con- on-line and manual searches yielded 167 articles, which were then re-
stant mediation by a central executor. Executive-control processes and viewed to assess their appropriateness for this study. Articles were excluded
the brain areas that support them have been shown to be dispropor- if (a) the design was cross-sectional, (b) participants were not randomly
tionately sensitive to aging (West, 1996). Hereafter, we refer to this assigned, (c) the exercise program was unsupervised, (d) the exercise pro-
hypothesis as the executive-control hypothesis. gram did not include an aerobic fitness component, or (e) participants’ av-
Although it is clear that these four hypotheses are at best crude ap- erage age was below 55. The remaining 18 articles yielded 197 effect
proximations of theoretical accounts of fitness effects on human cog- sizes for further analyses. (These articles are included in our reference list
nition, and that tasks and task components can only rarely be neatly here, marked with asterisks.)
and orthogonally decomposed into the processing components as-
sumed in these hypotheses, we believe that these hypotheses provide
at least a reasonable starting point in an attempt to make some sense of Effect-Size Calculation
a literature that has often produced confusing and seemingly unreli-
able results. That is, even these incomplete and underspecified hypotheses Primary analyses were conducted through the Comprehensive
offer the promise of providing some structure to and understanding of Meta-Analysis software package (BioStat, Englewood, New Jersey),
the database of studies that have investigated whether, and under using Hedges’s (1982) formula for calculating effect size: g !
what conditions, improvements in aerobic fitness result in enhanced (MPost " MPre)/SDP , where MPre is the preintervention mean task perfor-
cognition. mance, MPost is the postintervention mean, and SDP is the pooled standard
deviation. All effect sizes were weighted by Hedges’s sample-size cor-
rection: c * g, where c ! 1 " 3/(4m – 9), and m ! 2N " 2. Effect
sizes were coded such that positive numbers always reflected improve-
RESEARCH AIMS AND HYPOTHESES ments in performance, and negative numbers reflected deterioration in
In the present study, we quantitatively examined, in a meta-analysis, performance.
these four theoretical hypotheses as well as some methodological fac-
tors that may influence the extent to which enhancements in aerobic
fitness result in improvements in cognition (Rosenthal, 1998). Meta- Coding of Outcomes
analysis is a particularly appropriate technique for this purpose because it Theoretical variables
enables one to summarize the relationship between two variables
across different studies—in the present case, the effect of fitness inter- Of primary interest in this study was the effect of exercise on cognitive
ventions on cognition. However, in addition to yielding an overall effect processes identified by the four theoretical positions (speed, visuospatial,
size, as well as effect sizes for each study, the meta-analytic procedure controlled processing, and executive control). Therefore, each task (or
enables one to determine whether one or more moderator variables condition within a task) was categorized as to whether each of the four
(e.g., theoretical distinctions or methodological factors) influenced the theoretical positions would predict that the task would be differentially
outcome of the studies. sensitive to improvements in aerobic fitness. A task was coded as 1 for a
In several ways, we extended previous qualitative and quantitative given theoretical position if it should show differential improvement ac-
analyses of the literature on the fitness-cognition relationship (Dust- cording to that position, and given a 0 otherwise.
man et al., 1994; Etnier et al., 1997). First, we examined the theoreti- Effect sizes were coded as belonging to the speed category if the
cal proposals that have been made with regard to the processes task represented a measure of low-level neurological functioning, such
expected to benefit most from enhancements in aerobic fitness. Sec- as simple reaction time (e.g., the speed with which one can make a
ond, we focused specifically on randomized fitness intervention trials manual response to a flash of light) or finger-tapping speed. Likewise,
that included control groups and on fitness training that extended from effect sizes were coded under the visuospatial category if the task
several months to several years. Third, we included studies conducted tapped the participants’ ability to transform or remember visual and
from 1966 to 2001 in our analyses. Finally, we focused on older spatial information (e.g., viewing three line drawings and then repli-
adults, from 55 to 80 years of age. Identifying the interventions that cating them from memory as in the Benton Visual Retention Task). Ef-
have shown promise in enhancing the cognitive vitality of this large fects coded to represent controlled processes were from tasks that
and growing segment of the population is particularly important given require, at least initially, some cognitive control (e.g., pressing one key
the demonstrated decline in a number of aspects of cognition across when presented with the letter C, but pressing a different key for the
the adult life span. letter M, as in a choice reaction time task), but do not have those char-

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Stanley Colcombe and Arthur F. Kramer

acteristics exemplified by tasks in the executive category. Tasks in the tions (4) did not allow a careful examination of each subgroup, so the
executive category were those related to the planning, inhibition, and clinical group was far from a homogeneous category. However, a pre-
scheduling of mental procedures. For example, this category would in- liminary evaluation of the effect of exercise on the cognitive function-
clude the Erickson flanker task, which requires participants to respond ing of these populations may prove useful.
to a central cue (much as in a choice reaction time task), but simulta-
neously suppress a set of conflicting or irrelevant cues presented next Characteristics of training interventions
to the target stimulus item.
Tasks in each of these categories ostensibly could be affected to some The training interventions involved a wide range of activities from
degree by components of tasks in other categories. And although tradi- walking to dancing and circuit training, but were quite easily divided
tionally many authors have argued that the four hypotheses are discrete into two groups: those that emphasized cardiovascular fitness in isola-
theoretical positions, it might be more appropriate to view them as identi- tion (aerobic) and those that combined cardiovascular fitness training
fying partially discrete, but not mutually exclusive, pathways by which with strength training (combination). The studies were also coded
physical exercise might mediate cognitive functioning. As we have al- with respect to the duration of the training session (short, 15–30 min;
ready suggested, a subcomponent of the flanker task (coded as an execu- moderate, 31–45 min; and long, 46–60 min) and the length of the ex-
tive task) is much like the choice reaction time task (coded as a controlled ercise intervention (short, 1–3 months; medium, 4–6 months; and
process). Likewise, simple manual reaction time (coded as a speed mea- long, 6# months). Finally, each study was coded with respect to the
sure) is surely a subcomponent of the choice reaction time task (coded as relative amount of cardiovascular improvement shown in the partici-
a controlled process). Given the difficulty of cleanly dividing most tasks pants, based on either estimated or actual VO2 peak or max scores
according to the theoretical variables of interest, each cognitive task was (unreported; moderate, 5–11%; and large, 12–25%).
coded with respect to each theoretical variable independently, and we al-
lowed multiple category membership.1 Coding was independently per- Analysis
formed by two researchers familiar with a broad range of task types;
interrater reliability was .96. Each study reported multiple effect sizes, often spanning all four theo-
retical variables. All possible effect sizes were entered into the analysis of
the effects of exercise on cognition generally, as well as analyses of the
Participants’ characteristics theoretical and moderator variables (Rosenthal & Rubin, 1986).
The effects were also coded with respect to the average age of par- The first analysis conducted assessed the effects of exercise on cogni-
ticipants at the beginning of each intervention: young-old (55–65), tive performance generally, and included effect sizes derived from both
middle-old (66–70), and old-old (71#). Additionally, although most experimental and control groups. Subsequent analysis of the effects of the
studies did not report effects separately for males and females, we theoretical and moderator variables was conducted separately for control
were able to assess the potential moderating effect of sex by evaluat- and exercise groups (see Bangert-Drowns, 1986).
ing the relative proportion of males and females in each study. There-
fore, effects were also coded by the proportion of males and females:
high male ($50% male) and high female (%50% female).2 RESULTS
Additionally, the target populations in the studies were most often
community-dwelling, “normal” older adults, but a limited number of
studies targeted clinical populations of one kind or another, ranging Test of Heterogeneity
from depressed persons (Kharti et al., 2001) to geriatric mental pa-
tients (Palleschi, Vetta, De Gennaro, & Idone, 1994) and individuals Effect sizes were found to range from "0.9 to #6.4, and showed suf-
with cardiopulmonary obstructive disorders (Emery, Schein, Hauck, & ficient heterogeneity, Q(100) ! 1,028, p & .00001, to justify further ex-
MacIntyre, 1998). Effect sizes drawn from studies in which the target amination.
population was in some way representative of a particular clinical
population were coded as clinical, and others were coded as nonclini-
cal. The relatively small number of studies examining clinical popula- Effects of Exercise
Point estimates for effect size on all cognitive tasks were 0.164
(SE ! 0.028, n ! 96, p & .05) for control groups and 0.478 (SE !
0.029, n ! 101, p & .01) for exercisers, suggesting that both groups
1. Another option when coding the tasks would be to use a subtractive ap- improved between Times 1 and 2. However, the control groups’ im-
proach, in which, when possible, the more complex executive or controlled pro-
provement was about 1/8 a standard deviation, whereas the exercise
cesses would be estimated by subtracting presumably lower-order processes (e.g.,
speed) from the higher-order ones. In this manner, we could presumably have re-
groups’ improvement was nearly 1/2 a standard deviation, on average.
duced the contamination of basic speed of processing within controlled and execu- Both values are significantly different from zero, and from each other
tive processes. However, the logic of “pure insertion” required under such an (see Table 1).
approach is somewhat suspect, and, moreover, the extant data would not allow
such a procedure to be uniformly applied to all studies or tasks. As a result, we Exercisers
opted for the more conservative, but uniform procedure described here.
2. Dividing the effects in this manner yielded 42 in the mostly male group, Theoretical variables
and 53 in the mostly female group. Although a finer-grained examination of
these effects would be desirable (e.g., '25%, 26–50%, 51–75%, 76–100%), An examination of the estimates for each task-process category revealed
the available data were not amenable to such analyses. that exercise had the greatest effect on executive processes (g ! 0.68,

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Fitness and Cognition

Participants’ characteristics
Table 1. Results for significant moderating variables
The meta-analysis revealed that when the participant population
Moderator variable Effect size SE n p was more than half female, the group as a whole showed greater bene-
fit than if the population was at least half male. Additionally, partici-
pants in the mid-old category seemed to benefit most from exercise.
Control 0.164 0.028 96 *
Exercise 0.4781 0.029 101 * Interestingly, clinical and nonclinical populations showed similar
improvements with exercise (g ! 0.47 for clinical, g ! 0.48 for non-
Exercisers clinical), suggesting that exercise interventions can be equally effica-
Training characteristics cious for clinical and nonclinical populations.
Training type
Combined 0.592 0.049 49 *
Cardiovascular only 0.41 0.037 52 *
Program duration Control Participants
Short (1–3 mo) 0.5222 0.067 38 * There were no reliable effects of theoretical variables on effect size
Medium (4–6 mo) 0.269 0.047 36 * for control participants, nor were there many reliable effects of the
Long (6# mo) 0.6741,2 0.048 27 * moderator variables. However, one finding is worth noting. In the con-
Session duration
trol group, performance of the young-old (g ! 0.108, SE ! 0.053, n ! 23,
Short (15–30 min) 0.176 0.089 11
Moderate (31–45 min) 0.6141,3 0.052 24 * p & .05) and middle-old (g ! 0.258, SE ! 0.045, n ! 48, p & .05)
Long (46–60 min) 0.4661 0.041 53 * increased much more than performance of the old-old (g ! 0.076, SE !
Participants’ characteristics 0.058, n ! 25, n.s.).
High female (%50% female) 0.6042 0.036 67 *
High male ($50% male) 0.150 0.055 27 *
Young-old (55–65) 0.298 0.044 31 * We investigated two main hypotheses in this meta-analytic study.
Mid-old (66–70) 0.6931,3 0.056 37 * First, we examined whether aerobic fitness training can have a robust and
Old-old (71–80) 0.5491 0.058 33 * beneficial influence on the cognition of sedentary older adults. The animal
Note. All listed categorical effects were, as a group, reliably different literature that has addressed this issue (e.g., Black et al., 1990; Neeper et
from zero. A superscript 1, 2, or 3 indicates that the effect size was al., 1995) suggests an affirmative answer, but a perusal of the literature on
statistically greater (after Bonferroni correction) than the effect size for human aerobic training appears more equivocal. The answer provided by
the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd item, respectively, listed in that category (e.g., a
“1,3” superscript means that the value in that cell was statistically
the present analysis is an unequivocal yes. Fitness training increased per-
greater than the 1st and 3rd listed items in that category). Asterisks formance 0.5 SD on average, regardless of the type of cognitive task, the
indicate which categories were significantly different from zero. training method, or participants’ characteristics.
Although the present analysis establishes the efficacy of fitness train-
ing as a means to enhance the cognitive vitality of older adults, the exami-
SE ! 0.052, n ! 37, p & .05); this effect was significantly greater nation of the moderator variables also begins to establish important
than the effect of exercise on any other type of cognitive process. boundary conditions on the relationship between fitness training and cog-
However, as is evident in Figure 1, exercisers also improved reliably nition, as well as to generate prescriptions for additional research.
more than control subjects on controlled (g ! 0.461, SE ! 0.035, Perhaps most important, the analysis suggests that robust but process-
n ! 74, p & .05), spatial (g ! 0.426, SE ! 0.062, n ! 23, p & .05), specific benefits accrue with fitness training. As we previously hypothe-
and speed tasks (g ! 0.274, SE ! 0.050, n ! 32, p & .05). Given the sized (Kramer, Hahn, et al., 1999; see also Hall et al., 2001), executive-
high degree of overlap among the executive, controlled, and spatial control processes showed the largest benefit of improved fitness.
task categorizations, an exploratory analysis was conducted on spatial However, controlled processes (Schneider & Shiffrin, 1977), which at
and controlled tasks, holding out executive tasks. Controlled tasks in least partially overlap with executive processes, and visuospatial pro-
isolation still showed a reliable nonzero effect size (g ! 0.17, SE ! cesses also showed reliable benefits from fitness training. All of these
0.048, n ! 31, p & .01), but spatial tasks did not (g ! 0.203, SE ! 0.111, processes have shown large age-related performance decrements in pre-
n ! 6, n.s.). However, the nonsignificant results in the spatial tasks may re- vious studies and also appear to benefit from intellectual training (e.g.,
sult largely from a lack of power and should be interpreted with caution. Kramer, Larish, Weber, & Bardell, 1999; Schaie & Willis, 1986). The
present results, along with the extant animal literature, suggest that fit-
Training characteristics ness training can also enhance cognitive vitality of older adults.
An interesting question for future research concerns the manner in
Interestingly, participants in combined strength and aerobic train- which these performance changes are supported by changes in pat-
ing regimens improved to a reliably greater degree than those in aero- terns of brain activation, as inferred from positron emission tomogra-
bic training alone (0.59 vs. 0.41, SE ! 0.043, n ! 101, p & .05). Also, phy, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and optical imag-
participation in relatively brief training programs provided at least as ing. Clearly, changes in cognitive performance must be mediated by
much benefit as moderate training, but not quite as much as long-term changes in neural activation. However, it is unclear precisely what role
training programs. Finally, short bouts of exercise (&30 min) had very cardiovascular fitness might play in instantiating these changes. A
little impact on cognitive function; the effect at this training duration number of studies of aging, cognition, and brain function have found
was not significantly different from zero (see Table 1). evidence for dedifferentiation, that is, less specificity among older

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Stanley Colcombe and Arthur F. Kramer

Fig. 1. Effect sizes for the different process-task types reflecting the four theoretical hypotheses concerning the process-based specificity of the
benefits of fitness training. Parenthetical notations on the x-axis indicate the number of effect sizes contributing to the point estimates for each
task type in the exercise (E) and nonexercise (C) groups. Error bars show standard errors.

adults than younger adults in the regions of brain that are recruited to tive and fitness levels. Similarly, the neuroprotective role of estrogen
carry out a variety of cognitive tasks (Cabeza, 2001). One suggested (Garcia-Segura, Cardona-Gomez, Chowen, & Azcoitia, 2000) and es-
explanation for this finding is that older adults recruit additional corti- trogen replacement therapy is an important topic for further research,
cal areas to compensate for losses in neural efficiency. Another view in light of the fact that the fitness-related cognitive benefits were larger
characterizes dedifferentiation as a simple marker of cognitive de- for women than for men. Also, the results reported here suggest that
cline. Some evidence in support of the compensatory hypothesis has even clinical populations of older adults can benefit cognitively from
been provided by studies that have examined the relationship between physical exercise. Unfortunately, the relatively small number of pub-
performance and brain activation. For example, Rympa and D’Esposito lished clinical studies prevents closer examination of the moderating
(2000) found, in an event-related fMRI study, that higher levels of ac- effects of individual physical or cognitive maladies on the efficacy of
tivation of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex were associated with faster the training programs. Further research into this issue is clearly impor-
working memory retrieval for older adults. tant and much needed. The findings regarding the moderating effects
Longitudinal assessments of cardiovascular changes and neurocog- of the type of fitness training, program duration, and training-session
nitive functioning would allow one to test the role that dedifferentia- duration indicate that these factors should be systematically examined
tion plays in normal aging more directly. Such assessments would in future intervention studies.
enable researchers to determine whether improvements in cognitive
function that result from enhanced cardiovascular fitness would lead Acknowledgments—This research was supported by grants from the Na-
older adults to become more dissimilar from younger adults in their tional Institute on Aging (AG14966 and AG18008) and the Institute for the
patterns of brain activation (i.e., increased dedifferentiation). Alterna- Study of Aging. We would like to thank Steve Keele and an anonymous re-
tively, cardiovascular improvements might “turn back the clock,” bio- viewer for their helpful suggestions on our manuscript.
logically speaking, and lead to patterns of neural activation that are
more similar to the pattern of young adults.
The finding of significant effects for programmatic and demo-
graphic moderators also provides important information concerning
potential boundary conditions on the fitness-cognition relationship,
and suggests additional questions for further research. For example, it Bangert-Drowns, R.L. (1986). Review of developments in meta-analytic method. Psycho-
will be important to determine whether the larger fitness benefit for logical Bulletin, 99, 388–399.
*Barry, A.J., Steinmetz, J.R., Page, H.E., & Rodahl, K. (1966). The effects of physical
older than for younger senior citizens is the result of age differences in conditioning on older individuals: II. Motor performance and cognitive function.
general health or education, or is instead a function of baseline cogni- Journal of Gerontology, 21, 192–199.

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